
zsquarepluscelectro: does it have a partition table at all? usually usb memory is without. but you need to set up a partition table if you're going to use it as hard drive replacement.00:00
evilspawn4mhall119: hmmm ok00:00
jribneuton: apt-cache policy PACKAGE  will tell you the version of a package00:00
z987kjrib, echo returns nothing00:00
evilspawn4mhall119: well i just finished installing all let me check if that worked00:00
TIMREICHHARTcan somebody telling me why im getting this : AvantFAX database is DOWN00:00
jribz987k: pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update'00:00
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:00
mhall119evilspawn4: what do you get when you run "which java" on the command line?00:00
z987kjrib, echo $http_proxy00:00
ardchoilleneuton: apt-cache policy transmission-cli00:00
krijrib: i get permission denied. :(00:00
evilspawn4i just typed in java in the search bar in app>>add/remove programs00:01
neutonunable to locate package00:01
=== name_name_ is now known as name_name
=== kri is now known as kripso
mhall119evilspawn4: that's not what I'm asking for00:01
jribneuton: because you asked about a package that does not exist in the repositories00:01
evilspawn4mhall119: its working now :)00:01
mhall119I'm trying to determine what you've already got installed00:01
ardchoilleneuton: apt-cache search --names-only transmission00:01
electroI'm sure that it worked correctly, I tried doing the same thing on a 2gb sandisk usb flash drive and it worked fine, but it doesn't work with this 4gb Kingston flash drive00:01
=== kripso is now known as kri
mhall119oh, well okay then, you didn't need me00:01
evilspawn4mhall119: i guess i just didnt install the right thing lol00:01
jribkri: change the user agent to match your browser I guess00:02
mhall119maybe, or the install didn't work right00:02
neutoni got it I forgot to seperate the cli with -00:02
mhall119glad it's working00:02
ardchoilleneuton: :)00:02
evilspawn4mheall119: well thanx :) and ty for trying to help :D00:02
moDumassjrib, and detect displays in nvidia xserver detects the disp as a crt 640x48000:02
krijrib: my user agent? wget? the terminal? ...00:02
electroare there known issues with the persistent install option?00:02
jribkri: the user agent wget uses00:02
neutonit says 0.72.dfsg-1 as the installed version00:02
linkmaster03How do I delete monitors from the Screen Resolution setup? None are plugged in and it still shows "Unknown"00:03
z987kjrib:    W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/multiverse/binary-lpia/Packages.gz 404 not found00:03
krijrib: how do i now what user agent it uses00:03
PeskyJis there a way to check memory bus speeds and voltage and things from a terminal?00:03
jribmoDumass: did you try the xorg.conf option I told you about earlier?00:03
jribz987k: *pastebin*00:03
csilkcrimsun, it was a little extreme, but a re-install sorted the pbuilder problem out, at last I can move all packaging work away from my laptop and onto a dual screen desktop :D00:03
jrib!pastebin > z987k00:03
ubottuz987k, please see my private message00:03
crimsuncsilk: good, sorry to hear that it took such an extreme00:03
jribkri: search the man page00:03
GodfatherofEire1Any ideas why Amarok keeps Crashing on start-up?00:03
admin_masu3701how do i open a .chm file?00:04
neutonand it gave me the repo of http://us.archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Packages....is that a current repo?00:04
J2daoshadmin_masu3701: apt-get a chm reader00:04
moDumassjrib, yeh all display options in there still have 1440x900 as an option00:04
electroany suggestions about booting to the flash drive?00:04
martin_Any other suggestions for installing on an empty partition on a Mac (that doesn't have a cd drive)?00:04
moDumassjrib, in xorg.conf i mean00:04
z987kjrib, paste.ubuntu.com/6905200:04
zmityahi all00:05
zmityaI just upgraded my system to intrepid00:05
jribmoDumass: no, earlier I gave you a specific option to try adding to your xorg.conf00:05
J2daoshmartin, install from a flash, install from a network, buy a portable hard drive00:05
TIMREICHHARTcan somebody tell me how would I join 2 servers onto one ip address00:06
martin_J2daosh: I can't usb boot on my macbook air..00:06
admin_masu3701J2daoh: just sudo apt-get install chm reader?00:06
unushello all, i recently installed ubuntu 9.10. with this i found that my laptop speakers are working, but the headphone jack is not. i have tried every single thing i could find online about this, and it seems that my chipset is a problem (sound chipset that is), the chipset is realtek ALC861-VD.... i have tried many things that worked for others and did not work for me... any help please (i also could not get OSS to install to try over ALSA)00:06
moDumassjrib, sorry let me backtrack, im getting about 30 lines of text on screen so i may have missed it00:06
zsquarepluscmartin_: i dont know about mac, but on standard pc you can make a bootable USB disk with the contents of the CD on it. the new ubuntu has even a tool to do taht for you if you can boot the livecd somewhere00:06
amews_ajI downloaded the nvidia-glx-96, but it does not seem to activate. Do I have to do something manually?00:06
zmityai can see that ther is an "effect" what is able to record video of my desktop00:06
J2daoshadmin_masu3701: apt-cache search chm|grep reader00:06
zmityabut it does not work somehow00:06
jribz987k: did you try a mirror?00:06
zmityasi it possible to run it by hand ?00:06
martin_zsquareplusc: thx but cant usb boot sadly..00:06
J2daoshthat will give you chm reader packages, then just apt-get install whatever reader you choose00:06
jribz987k: wait.  That url does not exist for me either...00:07
robacarpwhat is the package name for firefox 3 on gutsy?00:07
martin_I have the Ubuntu .iso and an empty partition staring at me :)00:07
electroI used the built in Create a USB Startup Disk in 8.10 but it says Invalid or damaged partition when I try to boot to it00:07
z987kjrib, yeah same deal00:07
J2daoshmartin: you cant boot anything usb, or you just cant boot a flash drive?00:07
admin_masu3701J2daosh: ok00:07
moDumassjrib, sorry i cant find that, but i can only scrol back as far as 7 mins ago00:07
jribz987k: what is lpia?  Is that your arch?00:07
martin_J2daosh: can't boot from any usb, my mac is too new00:08
admin_masu3701J2daosh: no preference?00:08
J2daoshrobacarp: apt-cache search firefox|grep 300:08
J2daoshmartin, then your kinda SOL00:08
J2daoshnot really, a chm reader is a chm reader00:08
martin_can't I image the partition in some way?00:08
z987kjrib, no clue it looks foreign to me to... this is on a dell netbook so I think they might have something to do with that, but as far as I know it should be i38600:08
gescapewould you upgrade 8.04 to 8.10?00:08
robacarpJ2daosh: I thought about that...but its described as a "development version"00:08
linkmaster03How do I delete monitors from the Screen Resolution setup? None are plugged in and it still shows "Unknown"00:08
shadewin1why doesn't the automatic install of nvidia binary drivers work?00:09
jribmoDumass: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.04/README/appendix-b.html    Option "UseEdidFreqs" "False"00:09
bobbiemCan anyone help me with installing Java for 8.04 LTS. i ran sudo update-alternatives --config java00:09
shadewin1I click the activate button but NOTHING happens00:09
J2daoshlinkmaster03: you have to remove then from the xorg.conf00:09
bobbiemnow i have some choices to pick from!00:09
linkmaster03J2daosh: I looked in there and I couldn't find the extra monitor00:09
jribmoDumass: or some other edid option.  I don't recall exactly00:09
z987kjrib, seems it should be /binary-i386/......00:09
jribz987k: right, so something's wrong there.  What does 'uname -a' return?00:10
zmityaguys where can I find that the desktop video recordes saves ?00:10
bobbiemcan anyone help me with installing java?00:10
csilkbobbiem, sudo apt-get install sun-java600:10
J2daoshwow, its like working a free call center in here right now lol00:10
jribz987k: ah, http://lwn.net/Articles/247003/  Now let's see if we can figure out where the repos are00:11
ardchoillesun-java6-jre in Intrepid00:11
zmityaguys where can I find that the desktop video recorder saves ?00:11
bobbiemcsilk, it says it couldnt find package00:11
z987kjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6905400:11
jribz987k: this one seems to work: http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/intrepid/main/binary-lpia/00:11
J2daoshzmitya: try doing a man on the application00:11
ardchoillebobbiem: for intrepid it's sun-java6-jre00:11
csilkbobbiem,  i meant sun-java6-jre00:12
zmityaJ2daosh: great, but which app ?00:12
csilkbobbiem, If you ever need a package name try  aptitude search NAME00:12
csilkwhere name is part of the package you want00:12
z987kjrib, it does.... what is lpia though?00:12
jribz987k: check out the first link to lwn I gave00:12
icqnumber Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Windows Media RTP depayloader|decoder-application/x-rtp, what package do i miss?00:12
MrDowntempoIs it possible to run an nvidia video card and an ati card at the same time under intrepid ibex?00:12
z987kjrib, the ports.ubunutu link?00:13
ardchoilleMrDowntempo: you have two monitors on the same machine?00:13
harushimoI have a quick question00:13
jribz987k: ah, http://lwn.net/Articles/247003/  Now let's see if we can figure out where the repos are00:13
harushimois there a way to install hardy heron through the command line00:13
J2daoshwhichever one is doing the movie00:13
csilkbobbiem,  did that work?00:14
harushimobecause I can't get into the cd due an fd0 error and the network install doesn't work00:14
ardchoilleharushimo: the alternate cd uses a text-based installer00:14
linkmaster03harushimo: what version of ubuntu do you currently have?00:14
mhall119harushimo: you mean a non-graphical install, or something you can run remotely?00:14
bobbiemcsilk, ok i have a list00:14
bobbiemcsilk, but i dont know what to do now00:14
harushimoI'm running Gutsy Gibbon00:14
MrDowntempoardchoille: Well 300:14
harushimoyes non-graphical00:14
csilkbobbiem, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre will install java for you00:14
=== shadewin1 is now known as shadewind
csilkas previously said00:15
mhall119harushimo: the alternative CD has that00:15
ardchoilleMrDowntempo: ok00:15
harushimothe alternative cd didn't work00:15
harushimoI have it00:15
z987kjrib, would it just be in the ports.ubuntu.com/       ?00:15
harushimoI'll be straight honest. I haven't be able to install Ubuntu since Gutsy Gibbon00:15
jribz987k: should be00:15
mhall119harushimo, I think there is a boot option to skip checking for fd0, but I don't remember it off the top of my head, try googling for it00:15
linkmaster03harushimo: the latest version is 8.10 intrepid ibex, but use: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:16
csilkbobbiem, work?00:16
bobbiemcsilk,  Package sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.00:16
bobbiemThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or00:16
bobbiemis only available from another source00:16
bobbiemE: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate00:16
FloodBot1bobbiem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
harushimohas there been any problems at all with Intrepid Ibex00:16
ardchoillelinkmaster03: that won't upgrade him to intrepid00:16
ardchoilleharushimo: you currently have Gutsy?00:16
linkmaster03ardchoille: i know, he wants hardy00:17
MrDowntempoardchoille: I have one plugged into a radeon, and I have two more plugged into a geforce. I currently am running the binary fglrx driver for the radeon. Installing the nvidia driver forces the radeon driver to be removed.00:17
csilkbobbiem, sudo apt-get update00:17
ardchoillelinkmaster03: that won't upgrade him to hardy either00:17
csilkthen rey again00:17
linkmaster03ardchoille: why not?00:17
harushimoI currently have gutsy00:17
mhall119bobbiem: do you have the multiverse repository enabled?00:17
harushimoI can install that with no problem00:17
MExTuxDoes anybody know what is this??? ---> useradd newuser -s /bin/false00:17
harushimoI can get into the live cd for Hardy Heron or Interpid Ibex00:17
harushimoI mean can't00:17
ardchoillelinkmaster03: because dist-upgrade updates software presently on the system from the softweare sources, it doesn't upgrade to the next release00:17
csilkharushimo, what happends?00:18
mhall119MExTux: it created a new user account00:18
bobbiemmhall119, i am not sure00:18
ardchoille!upgrade | harushimo00:18
ubottuharushimo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:18
IndyGunFreakharushimo: i've ad no probs at all w/ Ibex..... but if you have gutsy, you'll have to go Gutsy---Hardy---Ibex00:18
zsquarepluscMExTux: it adds a new user whose shell is set to false, so he cant log in interactively00:18
linkmaster03ardchoille: i used it to update my release of debian from etch -> lenny..00:18
Cpudan80Can you upgrade directly from Gutsy Gibbon to Ibex ?00:18
ardchoillelinkmaster03: this isn't debian ;)00:18
Cpudan80oh apparently not00:18
linkmaster03ardchoille: :(00:18
harushimowith Hardy Heron, fd0 error. With Intrepid Ibex, it goes to busy box and doesn't load00:18
IndyGunFreak!alternate | harushimo00:18
ubottuharushimo: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:18
icqnumber Missing plugin: gstreamer|0.10|totem|Windows Media RTP depayloader|decoder-application/x-rtp, what package do i miss?00:19
harushimothe Alternate cd doesn't work00:19
harushimoI tried it00:19
harushimoI get the same error00:19
IndyGunFreakharushimo: then i suspect its a user malfunction./00:19
MExTuxWhat does mean the user can't log in interactively??00:19
linkmaster03icqnumber: looks like a proprietary codec00:19
aboSamoorHi, I want a control version system to store my code and its revisions, I don'y know If I can use launchpad for such thing ????00:19
ardchoilleharushimo: or hardware problem00:19
linkmaster03icqnumber: do you have the medibuntu repo enabled?00:19
bobbiemcsilk, ok a list of things came up and it said Reading package lists... Done00:19
scuniziharushimo: do you have a newer motherboard?00:19
IndyGunFreakardchoille: unlikely a hardware problem if he's installing gutsy ok.00:19
icqnumberlinkmaster03, yep00:19
scuniziharushimo: which one.00:19
harushimoI have Abit Fatality board00:19
linkmaster03icqnumber: sudo apt-get install w32codecs00:19
mhall119bobbiem: Go to System->Administration->Software Sources and enable Multiverse00:19
mhall119then run "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"00:20
jrib!ppa > aboSamoor00:20
ubottuaboSamoor, please see my private message00:20
harushimoI bought it last year00:20
tecnicodpcHello 2 all00:20
harushimothe first install on the board was Gutsy Gibbon which had no problem using00:20
icqnumberlinkmaster03, i have it installed but ...no luck00:20
scuniziharushimo: that might be the issue.. I have a geforce 8200 that won't work with Hardy but boots to Ibex.. it's a kernel thing00:20
jribaboSamoor: but if you want something local, just use bzr, git, darcs, or mercurial00:20
zsquarepluscMExTux: he can not open a console, when logging in. he will be thrown out. but a service may be run under that name for example. such dummy users are used for security reasons e.g. when a web server is run00:20
fooHow can I tell what ubuntu version I'm on?00:20
IndyGunFreakscunizi: he's having problems w/ hardy and ibex.... so i'm doubting thats the issue.00:21
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:21
harushimois there a way I can do a kernel upgrade then00:21
JonRobdoes anyone here know if grub will boot a hibernated windows vista partition normally?00:21
rhavenwim trying to make a partition on an external usb partition bootable using unetbootin,00:21
csilkbobbiem, go to application>add/remove programs at the top there is a drop down list, set it to "all available applications" then try and install java00:21
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
rhavenwbut i cant seem to get it to boot00:21
scuniziharushimo: you might wait until 8.10.1 is out and try again.. also read the forums at www.ubuntuforums.org00:21
linkmaster03icqnumber: what is the file you are trying to play and through what video player?00:21
harushimoAll I know both versions of 8 doesn't work on my computer which I don't get00:21
jenga_boyDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 000:21
ardchoilleIndyGunFreak: I had the same problem with the same releases, switching mobo's solved it00:21
mhall119csilk: he needs to enable multiverse first00:21
aboSamoorjrib, I was using google code, it is not projects. Some homeworks and shared work. but it seems that my account in google code is having a bug. Anyway, I am asking if it is legal to use launchpad for such thing ?00:21
scuniziIndyGunFreak: got it00:22
csilkmhall119, that will do it for him mhall11900:22
icqnumberlinkmaster03, http://cluster.quantumart.ru/broadcast/default.aspx?media=rusradio stream totem(gstreamer)00:22
bobbiemmhall119, i have the software source up, where is the multiverse?00:22
harushimowhat do I? just stick Gutsy until the support is stop00:22
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
tecnicodpcCan i install ubuntu on window vista ...  ????00:22
icqnumberlinkmaster03, looks like it works for other people, but not for me00:22
MExTuxI want to create an user to just log in to upload files to my web server using VSFTPD. Do I need to use -s /bin/false when I create it ??00:22
harushimoHow long is Gutsy Gibbon supported til anyways?00:22
jribaboSamoor: ah sorry, you just want to use launchpad's bzr branches, not ppa.  Sure just start a project and use it.  I don't see why not00:22
MrDowntempoAnyone know if its possible to run an nvidia and ati card togethor under ibex?00:23
mhall119bobbiem: fourth check box from the top00:23
IndyGunFreakharushimo: 18mo after oct. 0700:23
rambo3!find silverlight00:23
jribrambo3: google moonlight00:23
zsquarepluscMExTux: yes. for such a purpose this is a good idea. otherwise the same account could be used for remote login on your machine, if you are running sshd for example00:23
aboSamoorjrib, for sure my code is open source. But i used collabnet previously and their policy was not to use the service for personal usage00:24
harushimoIt would be nice to upgrade but it looks like that isn't happening00:24
IndyGunFreakharushimo: i suspect there's some underlying issue thats causing your problem.. i don't think ist the OS or your hardware.00:24
rambo3"not to use the service for personal usage" lol ?00:24
linkmaster03icqnumber: i'm looking at it00:24
jribaboSamoor: I see.  Try #launchpad00:24
harushimoI've been trying to figure out since Hardy came out00:25
LF|Irssihow do i get cron to run a 'backup.sh" script every hour? i chmodded the script +x    heres the cron:  0 * * * * cd /home/linuxfan/backups/mysqlbackup.sh00:25
aboSamoorjrib, thanks for help :)00:25
linkmaster03icqnumber: well it's x-ms-asf, so it should play as long as totem and gstreamer and w32codecs are installed.. hm00:25
harushimoI have no clue00:25
icqnumberlinkmaster03, ok thank you00:25
rhavenwim trying to make a partition on an external usb partition bootable using unetbootin, I downloaded the ibex iso. but i cant seem to get it to boot00:25
icqnumberlinkmaster03, do it works for you00:25
rhavenwany one know why i can find information?00:25
ardchoilleLF|Irssi: http://ardchoille.nfshost.com/Linux/CrontabTutorial00:26
bobbiemmhall119, ok got it checked and updated or whatever it did, now what?00:26
LF|Irssioops the bash script is named mysqlbackup.sh not 'backup.sh'00:26
csilkbobbiem,  now install java00:26
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: you could write "daily" insteaf of the timespec numbers. or place the script in /etc/cron.hourly00:26
csilksudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre00:26
lyk3ndoes anyone have any experience with xubuntu00:26
salmenaraDoes someone have ATI cards in here?00:26
csilksalmenara, I do00:26
harushimoyeah I do00:26
jriblyk3n: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you00:26
linkmaster03icqnumber: no but i'm running vlc plugin00:27
lyk3njrib, thanks.00:27
harushimoi need to get going. be back on later00:27
LF|Irssiits executing just fine zsquareplusc but it gives errors, it works fine if i just execcute the script manually00:27
linkmaster03icqnumber: don't know what to tell you, incredibly sorry00:27
salmenaracsilk / harushimo: Could you configure XV with your card? I recently discovered that is not working anymore00:27
balle_hey how do i get to enable the restricted drivers in 8.10?00:27
icqnumberlinkmaster03, do not you have totem or banshee installed00:27
krijrib: say i have a list of links and i want them all http://sajten.net/babes <- the list i made check a url i want all the pictures that every url inludes00:27
csilksalmenara, what's XV?00:27
salmenaracsilk: Xvideo00:28
csilksalmenara, I didn't have to, why would I?00:28
linkmaster03icqnumber: nope, i replaced them with vlc, too much bloat for me00:28
=== d is now known as Guest34418
DarK_L0rDproblem with compiz after upgrade to 8.10 with a ATI card00:28
balle_hey how do i get to enable the restricted drivers in 8.10?00:28
salmenaracsilk: For wathcing videos in fullscreen00:28
icqnumberlinkmaster03, it works in vlc for me, but not in totem00:28
csilksalmenara, that works for me00:28
IndyGunFreakballe_: system/admin/hardware drivers00:28
jribkri: I gave you the relevant wget switches to use already00:29
balle_IndyGunFreak: non-existant only hardware testing is available00:29
bobbiemcsilk, what icetea-java 7 ?00:29
IndyGunFreakballe_: then you have no restricted drivers to enable.00:29
jenga_boyDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 000:29
DarK_L0rDcan anybody help me with compiz which is not working after 8.10 upgrade?00:30
linkmaster03icqnumber: ohh i didn't know it was music00:30
TheZealotAnyone know how to give input to a python script in the same line as you execute the script? For instance if I want to roll a 6 sided die and use the rolldice.py script to generate the number I want to be able to type #python rolldice.py 600:30
TheZealotany idea?00:30
linkmaster03icqnumber: yes it does work with the vlc plugin for me00:30
csilkbobbiem, I already told you, three time, which java package to install..... sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre00:30
linkmaster03icqnumber: i don't know about totem though00:30
linkmaster03icqnumber: try ubuntuforums.org00:30
jribTheZealot: #python00:30
TheZealotjrib I can't get in thjere00:30
=== name_name_ is now known as name_name
TheZealotjrib I can't get in there not registered00:30
balle_IndyGunFreak: well i know i haven't enabled the one for my graphics card so yes i do00:30
jrib!register | TheZealot00:30
ubottuTheZealot: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode00:30
Cpudan80TheZealot: you just read the command line args in python00:30
linkmaster03TheZealot: i can help00:30
IndyGunFreakballe_: well, clearly you don't,b ecause its not in restricted driver, odds are, there is no restricted driver for your graphics card.. what device do you have?00:31
linkmaster03TheZealot: 'import sys' in your python scripts, and call sys.argv(1) from within the script00:31
MrDowntempoardchoille: I'm tying to run 3 monitors. I don't have a 2nd ati card but I did have an older nvidia card. I installed it and plugged it in but synaptic won't allow me to install the nvidia drivers without first uninstalling the radeon drivers. Did you know a way around that???00:31
Cpudan80TheZealot: import sys -- for arg in sys.argv: print arg00:31
DarK_L0rDcompiz not working after upgrade, any help is appreciated...00:31
Cpudan80TheZealot: argv[0] is the name used to start up the program00:31
icqnumberlinkmaster03, ok thank you for the hint00:32
TheZealotlinkmaster03: cool thanks a lot00:32
kinectionshas anybody here have any experience with installing on an EFI system *without* refit ?00:32
balle_IndyGunfreak: nvidia 8600 go, and yea maybe you're right but there was restricted drivers for it in hardy heron, that is why i found it a tad odd00:32
linkmaster03TheZealot: yup00:32
ZuwerHi, my friend said that you can install Ubuntu with Wubi, just wondering where i get Wubi 8.0400:32
Cpudan80TheZealot: http://diveintopython.org/scripts_and_streams/command_line_arguments.html00:32
Jordan_Ukinections: Intel Mac ?00:32
WebcamWonder!wubi | Zuwer00:32
ubottuZuwer: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:32
TheZealotvery helpful guys I really appreciate it!00:32
kinectionsJordan_U: yes, but not any normal intel mac, so i can't use refit00:32
IndyGunFreakballe_: , well i'm guessing that device shoudl have them in Intrepid..00:32
Cpudan80TheZealot: linkmaster was wrong00:32
jribTheZealot: please ask in #python in the future00:33
Cpudan80TheZealot: argv is a list - you can't do argv(0)00:33
Cpudan80you can do [0]00:33
Jordan_Ukinections: Just hold down option at boot and choose "Windows" ( Apple refuses to acknowledge any OS but Windows and OSX )00:33
DarK_L0rDcompiz not working after 8.10 upgrade...any help plz?00:33
maxxist64bit or 32bit?  other than the lack of 64bit flash,  what other downsides are there to running 64bit?  I am just your everyday desktop user.  is 64bit really that much faster?00:33
Cpudan80maxxist: not faster00:34
jribmaxxist: you can use flash on 64bit00:34
Jordan_UDarK_L0rD: What GPU ?00:34
Cpudan80maxxist: "More pulling power"00:34
balle_IndyGunFreak: yea me too, but even when i try to enable desktop effects it just says it is unable to enable them...00:34
kinectionsJordan_U: not that simple, booting linux on EFI requires an either grub2 or elilo, and getting that is the difficult part00:34
csilkmaxxist, generally you won't see any advantage to running 64 bit with todays software00:34
Cpudan80jrib: ANd it sucks because Adobe is incompetent00:34
IndyGunFreakballe_: well, clearly the nvidia driver isn't installed.00:34
DarK_L0rD@jordan, u mean ubuntu 8.1000:34
maxxistis there a 64bit nvidia driver?00:34
Jordan_Ukinections: If it's an intel mac then it has BIOS emulation00:34
jribCpudan80: wfm though I won't disagree with you on the second part of what you said00:34
jribmaxxist: yes00:34
balle_IndyGunFreak: i agree00:35
bobbiemcsilk, ok it went thru everything it stopped at setting up sun-java6-bin. do i have to do anything else?00:35
Jordan_Ukinections: And elilo wasn't hard to install last time I tried00:35
kinectionsJordan_U: not true, only if it is a mac book pro, mac pro, or whatever, what i'm doing this on is an XServe, it has no bios stuff whatsover00:35
DarK_L0rD@jordan or did i miss u?00:35
csilkbobbiem,  you know have java installed on your system00:35
Jordan_Ukinections: Ahh00:35
Cpudan80jrib: lol00:35
Cpudan80jrib: Is it any better in 8.10 ?00:35
jribmaxxist: there's no sun java plugin though00:35
rhavenwcan anyone help me with this: im trying to make a partition on an external usb partition bootable using unetbootin, I downloaded 8.10 iso. but i cant seem to get it to boot00:35
maxxistjrip is it the open flash for 64bit or is it the real commercial one?  do I need to run a 32 bit library someone00:35
bobbiemcsilk, wow, thank you soooo much!00:35
jribCpudan80: yeah, nsplug restarts itself on crash so you don't have to restart the browser :)00:35
Cpudan80maxxist: It seems that audio/video codecs also need a little extra help on 64 bit00:36
maxxistjrib also how is wine under 64bit??00:36
kinectionsJordan_U: well, I can have it detect a EFI Boot partition that i have blessed, however, it still boots into mac os x, despite the elilo.conf not having that entry, i think it's falling back to the mac partition00:36
Cpudan80jrib: well that's good00:36
jribmaxxist: works fine00:36
Cpudan80maxxist: I used 64 bit for a while, I found it to be too much of a hassle00:36
WebcamWonderjrib, nsplug never restarts itself. I have to restart my browser all the time00:36
jribWebcamWonder: are you in intrepid?00:36
Cpudan80If this is your first venture into linux, I'd stick with 32 bit00:36
WebcamWonderjrib, Nope. Hardy.00:36
jribWebcamWonder: well there you go :)00:36
DarK_L0rDany help with compiz-fusion which is not working after an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 ubuntu?00:36
kinectionsJordan_U: but i'm new at this, ad i'm not good with macs at all, so i don't know how to get it to work, i'm experimenting on a mac tower right now, but i will be moving it over to the xserve once it is working00:36
jribmaxxist: how much ram do you have?00:37
maxxistI think i want to try it out.00:37
maxxistjrib 2GB on a core2duo 2.6600:37
IndyGunFreakmaxxist: i tend to agree with Cpudan80 .. thats good advice..00:37
WebcamWonderjrib, But the flash 10 is *supposed* to be more stable, so the idea of restart is pretty much pointless00:37
Jordan_Ukinections: What happens when you try to install rEFIt? ( I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't work )00:37
jribWebcamWonder: hmm?00:37
Cpudan80maxxist: And what are you going to do on the linux box?00:37
jribmaxxist: not really worth it imo to go 64bit.  But if you want to play, I guess that's ok00:37
maxxistcpudan88 mainly desktop stuff.00:38
Cpudan80maxxist: you will see no recognizable difference then00:38
neil_dI have an error message saying "Error activating XKB configuration....." what can I do about it ?00:38
Cpudan80If you were doing something like crunching a lot of data ... then ...00:38
bobbiemcsilk, i still cant play my games. its still wants me to install java00:38
kinectionsJordan_U: well, refit doesn't do anything, since (to the best of my knowledge) what it does is that it creates a fake MBR and syncs it to the EFI stuff so you can use a legacy boot loader00:38
maxxistmost of the apps i run have 64bit binaries avail.   like deluge for example.00:38
balle_does anybody know how to access the restricted drivers in intrepid?00:38
jribballe_: system -> admin -> hardware00:39
bobbiemcsilk, do i have to restart or anything?00:39
MrDowntempoIs there a way to prevent a package from being uninstalled?00:39
Jordan_Ukinections: No, that is only one ( minor ) feature of rEFIt00:39
DarK_L0rD@ Jordan my GPU is ATI Radeon X1200 series00:39
jribMrDowntempo: what is trying to uninstall it and why?00:39
balle_jrib: there is only hardware testing.....00:39
dn4what computer language is  00000719 000006E8 0000E441 0000B631 0003363E 0003363E 00008865 00008876 000609D1 00060D9700:39
kinectionsJordan_U: well, i'm unsure of what else it does, maybe i'll look into it more, but it did not work on the xserve00:39
jribballe_: there should be "hardware drivers" if you are on intrepid00:39
Cpudan80dn4: hex?00:39
koopargwodim: media format asked00:39
koopargError: only support DVD+RW formating, ignoring.00:39
koopargThis drive or media does not support the 'FORMAT media' command00:39
koopargwodim: Cannot format disk, aborting. any ideas'00:39
FloodBot1kooparg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
balle_jrib: i am on intrepid and there is none sadly...00:40
dn4Cpudan80: I tried a hex convert to ascii00:40
kinectionsJordan_U: i was not the one that experimented with that, however, the person that did do it, has used refit on a whole labs worth of mac pros, so i assume he knew what he was doing00:40
csilkbobbiem, no00:40
jribballe_: try jockey-gtk in a shell.  You're using GNOME?00:40
Jordan_Uballe_: Do you have the "ubuntu-desktop" package installed?00:40
WebcamWonderAny ideas when will nspluginwrapper 1.1.0 be backported to hardy?00:40
csilkbobbiem,  you need the browser java plugin if you wanna play games00:40
bobbiemcsilk, :( i dont know what else to do00:40
balle_jrib: yes GNOME and will try jockey00:40
MrDowntempojrib: Nvidia driver is trying to uninstall fglrx00:40
csilkbobbiem,  you need the browser java plugin if you wanna play games00:40
Cpudan80dn4: those look like memory addresses from a stack trace, you cant convert them to ascii00:40
bobbiemcsilk, so how do i do that?00:40
jribMrDowntempo: right, because I'm guessing the packages conflict.  That's usually for a good reason00:41
remuHey guys, I need some help setting up my bluetooth audio headset.00:41
balle_Jordan_U i am running the GNOME if that's what your asking00:41
MrDowntempojrib: The peeps in #xorg are saying they shouldn't conflict00:41
DarK_L0rDCan somebody help with COMPIZ which is not working after a 8.10 upgrade?00:41
jribMrDowntempo: well you can download the package source and edit the metadata then00:41
Jordan_Uballe_: It's not00:41
jrib!source > MrDowntempo00:41
ubottuMrDowntempo, please see my private message00:41
Cpudan80MrDowntempo: Ubuntu doesnt use Xorg00:42
remuMy system recognizes the bluetooth headset, and it is in my list of devices, however, I am unable to connect or to get it to work properly.00:42
jribCpudan80: eh?00:42
Cpudan80err Intrepid doesn't anyway00:42
csilkbobbiem, you need to stop asking t be spoon fed         sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin          then restart the browser00:42
Cpudan80jrib: DOesnt it use something else now?00:42
jribCpudan80: yes it does...00:42
Cpudan80Maybe it just got rid of the conf file?00:42
maxxistcpudan80 i am sure it uses xorg00:42
Cpudan80must just be the conf file then00:42
Cpudan80yeah... I knew that was wrong when I said it lol00:42
Jordan_Uballe_: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package that depends on all of the packages included in a default Ubuntu install, among them being jockey-gtk00:42
maxxistcpudan80 yeah xorg.conf is auto confiugered now.00:43
jribCpudan80: right, the input devices are done through fdi files now00:43
MrDowntempojrib: Both packages are binary only of course.00:43
Cpudan80yeah thats what I was thinking00:43
jribCpudan80: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/00:43
Cpudan80those fdi files... I hate them00:43
koopargError: only support DVD+RW formating, ignoring. any help?? i cant format a dvd rw00:43
Cpudan80I liked the old way better00:43
balle_Jordan_U: ahh okay then: i am installing the jockey thing now and trying to get it to find the drivers i'm looking for, and thx for the help00:43
maxxistcpudan80 i agree i liked being able to do my own xorg.conf00:43
jribMrDowntempo: I meant to download the source *of the package* (as described in the link ubottu gave you)00:43
Cpudan80well you can write custom FDIs00:43
DarK_L0rDany help with compiz fusion after an upgrade to 8.10. The graphics card is ATI Radeon X1200 series...00:44
FreeaqingmeI'm trying to upgrade my system, but I keep getting this error: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6 for findutils, probably a dependency cycle.. << I find a lot of people with this problem, but none with any useful answer. What could I do to solve this problem?00:44
maxxistcpudan80 and relearn it?  nooooo!!!  hehe00:44
csilkbobbiem, working now?00:44
neil_dI have an error message saying "Error activating XKB configuration....." please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/69062/    what can I do about it ?00:44
ardchoillewhere do I set my monitor vendor, model, vertical, horizontal, etc?00:44
HollywoodJumperwhat is the best software to convert avi files to an easily burnable file type00:44
Freeaqingmeardchoille: /etc/X11/Xorg.conf00:44
ardchoilleI used to be able to do al of this via dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:45
esaci built a custom kernel on intrepid, and now my keyboard and mouse do not work in X. they work in console. any ideas ?00:45
DarK_L0rDcompiz help anyone?00:45
moDumasshey all, nvidia x server settings wont let me change my screen res00:45
ardchoilleFreeaqingme: there's no longer a tool for it for those of us who don't know the proper syntax?00:45
Freeaqingmeardchoille: I dunno. You could just search for them? (either at google, or using apt-get)00:46
icqnumberhttp://cluster.quantumart.ru/broadcast/default.aspx?media=rusradio can some one play this radio stream with totem(gstreamer)?00:46
uman3Hi there. I just updated to 8.10 using the alternate cd and in my main user account the network manager doesnt open up on startup and doesnt open when i ALT+F2 nm-applet... on another user (limited) i have the network manager does open at startup. Any idea how i can fix this? Thanks00:46
christo_mokay look, my sound is messed for flash videos00:46
christo_myoutube, no sound, and its really pissing me off00:46
christo_mi youtube all my music, i dont download it00:46
esac!enter | christo_m00:46
ubottuchristo_m: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:46
jhouse_If I install the normal desktop version, is there a way to get things such as LAMP and virtualization (with minimal effort)?  Or are those things specific to the server?00:46
IndyGunFreakuman3: try adding ti manually to startup applications.00:46
christo_mesac: my bad00:47
DarK_L0rDcompiz help anyone?00:47
Cpudan80jhouse_: Sure00:47
esac!ask | DarK_L0rD00:47
ubottuDarK_L0rD: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:47
Cpudan80!lamp | jhouse_00:47
ubottujhouse_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:47
uman3indygunfreak, how would i do that?00:47
skylar_how do I get default menus after going from server to studio to xubuntu...?  Now I have ubuntu-desktop but the panels and menus are not standard...00:47
neil_djhouse_: you just use snaptic to install the required packages.00:47
christo_mesac: do you actually help it all or just tell the bot to message people about stuff?00:47
Cpudan80jhouse_: follow the HH instructions00:47
Cpudan80jhouse_: Virtualization is also easy, I use Vmware00:47
IndyGunFreakuman3: sys/pref/sessions.. and look at Startup programs, and see if "Network Manager APplet" has a check next to it(if its there at all)00:47
esacchristo_m, why repeat things that the bot knows?00:48
christo_mat * lol00:48
jhouse_Cpudan80: HH instructions?00:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:48
christo_mbah, i did that00:48
Cpudan80jhouse_: Hardy Heron (see the info page for Lamp)00:48
HollywoodJumperjrib do you know how i can convert avi files to a format that i can burn on dvdr?00:48
christo_mi know it's specifically a problem with flash, because my sound works for everything else, but youtube vids dont, imeem etc00:48
DeizThrough NetworkManager, is it possible to have a pppoe and local connection simultaneously?00:48
esacchristo_m, are you using x86_64 ?00:48
jhouse_I tried ubuntu server, but it seems to be too bare bones for me (no X server, can't find my network card, etc)00:49
jribHollywoodJumper: not offhand no00:49
ardchoilleHollywoodJumper: you might try tovid00:49
DarK_L0rDcompiz is not working on a DELL D531 laptop with a ATI RADEON X1200 series. The proprietary driver is in use. After the upgrade it stopped working. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance00:49
neil_dHollywoodJumper: you can burn anything to DVD, what format do you want.00:49
christo_mesac: no00:49
dingupenguindoes firefox freeze up for anyone a lot?00:49
esacchristo_m, did you install flashplugin-nonfree ?00:49
Cpudan80jhouse_: all the lamp stuff can be downloaded into the regular ubuntu00:49
ardchoilledingupenguin: never done that here00:49
jribdingupenguin, christo_m: what version of ubuntu?00:49
HollywoodJumperi tried to use brasero to burn a avi file and it wouldnt let me00:49
christo_mjrib: 8.1000:49
christo_mjrib: it used to work fine before, it's with the upgrade, something broke, so i reinstalled, still broken00:49
HollywoodJumperi need a video format that will play in a dvd player00:50
izzy200198someone please help me im getting busybox on 8.10 install. cannot create root/var/log. this does not happen if i install 8.04 on same machine. anyone?00:50
dingupenguinwat flash should i install00:50
jribchristo_m: interesting.  You should definitely file a bug00:50
legend2440HollywoodJumper: i find devede  to be good also00:50
ardchoilleHollywoodJumper: have you tried tovid ?00:50
skylar_dingupenguin, go to the website and get the .tar.gz00:50
HollywoodJumperi have not tried tovid00:50
jribdingupenguin: your firefox tends to freeze when using flash?00:50
christo_mjrib: googling around has led me to the conclusion that its a flash problem, and that libflashplugin or something should help, but it doesnt exist00:50
ardchoilleHollywoodJumper: apt-cache show tovid00:51
DarK_L0rDcompiz is not working on a DELL D531 laptop with a ATI RADEON X1200 series. The proprietary driver is in use. After the upgrade it stopped working. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance00:51
christo_mjrib: no candidate, theres flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound tho i think00:51
jribdingupenguin: it's a known issue in 8.04.  I would recommend upgrading to 8.1000:51
skylar_How to get default menus?00:51
dingupenguinhow do i upgrade ?00:51
thiebaudedingupenguin:adobe's website has the .deb file for flash 1000:51
izzy200198someone please help me im getting busybox on 8.10 install. cannot create root/var/log. this does not happen if i install 8.04 on same machine. anyone?00:51
HollywoodJumperardchoille sweet i will try it right now00:51
dingupenguini have flash 10 i thinks00:51
neil_dHollywoodJumper: its a good idea on a busy channel to prefix a response with the destinations name so it shows up for them.00:51
jrib!upgrade > dingupenguin00:51
ubottudingupenguin, please see my private message00:51
dn4Cpudan80: what is a stack trace?00:51
christo_mdingupenguin: you have problems wiht flash and sound too?00:51
uman3Is it normal for Gnome remote desktop server to be in the startup programs? does it allow others to connect to my pc via remote desktop or me to connect to others? thanks00:51
jribchristo_m: dingupenguin's browser just freezes on 8.0400:52
HollywoodJumperneil_d ok00:52
Cpudan80dn4: like when a program crashes, it may output a little stack trace of how it got to the point where it died00:52
dingupenguini have sound00:52
neil_dHollywoodJumper: I believe Audacity does a lot of different file type conversions.00:52
christo_mjrib: i hate you man00:52
mynoususing lsmod: via_rhine     26888   0   - does that imply that the rhine module hasnt been loaded?00:52
Cpudan80dn4: example: line 1 of main() calls readInput() line 7 read input died line 1100:52
jribchristo_m: eh?00:52
christo_mjrib: haha help me00:52
HollywoodJumperneil_d ok  cool thanks people00:53
christo_mjrib: i seriously want to throw my poor thinkpad out the window00:53
metbsdcan't get my wireless connection to work, the device is detected in hardware drivers00:53
maxxistanyone have a suggestion for a small and tight email app i can run under xfce??00:53
christo_mmaxxist: pine00:53
neil_dHollywoodJumper: if you are after only audio, mp3 would be a good place to start.00:53
maxxistchristo_m isnt that cli?00:53
DarK_L0rDcompiz is not working on a DELL D531 laptop with a ATI RADEON X1200 series. The proprietary driver is in use. After the upgrade it stopped working. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance00:53
jribmaxxist: mutt and pine are run in cli00:53
eitreachI am trying to get the hang of mpd. I am using it successfully now with Sonata, but I wish to be able to keep playing music while I restart X, and use terminals outside the graphic user interface-  how do I do that?00:53
christo_mmaxxist: oh, i didnt know it had to be graphical00:53
zsquarepluscuman3: there is a "system>preferences>remote desktop" should configure if it is sharing or not00:54
Jordan_U_christo_m: You can use the youtube plugin for totem00:54
maxxistyes please00:54
christo_mJordan_U_: good idea00:54
HollywoodJumperneil_d i am basically trying to burn movies so i can watch them with my dvd player00:54
boumasomeone please help. since i upgraded to ibex, my Places->Desktop (and others but not including "my computer") have been "associated to first vlc, and after i uninstalled vlc, audacious00:54
dn4Cpudan80: hmm thx for the info00:54
jribchristo_m: seriously, check for an existing bug report and file one if one does not exist.  You might try to see if gnash has sound just to trouble shoot00:54
christo_mJordan_U_: wait, totem youtube plugin for firefox u mean00:54
eitreachbouma: Have you tried using devede?00:54
HollywoodJumperneil_d i am just trying to find the best program for  converting avi00:54
neil_dHollywoodJumper: you probabally want to use mplayer of that00:54
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
christo_mjrib: the bug exists, no solutions from what i can tell though00:54
christo_mjrib: just unfortunate ppl00:54
jribchristo_m: link?00:54
christo_mjrib: one second00:55
izzy200198someone please help me im getting busybox on 8.10 install. cannot create root/var/log. this does not happen if i install 8.04 on same machine. anyone?00:55
Jordan_Uchristo_m: No, you can browse youtube videos from within totem, without a web browser00:55
boumaeitreach: what does that do ?00:55
HollywoodJumperaptitude get install tovid00:55
jribchristo_m: have to go, but I'll check it later00:55
maxxistlet me rephrase...   anyone have a suggestion for a small and tight email app with a gui i can run under xfce??00:55
HollywoodJumperneil_d is that a correct command?00:55
christo_mjrib: god dammit00:56
eitreachbouma: It helps you create dvds as you asked.00:56
erUSULmaxxist: claws mail00:56
christo_mJordan_U: really?00:56
Jordan_Uchristo_m: Yes :)00:56
maxxisterusul thank u00:56
boumaeitreach: i ran 'sudo apt-cache search devede', its a dvd proggy.. sorry why do you ask. no i havent run it00:56
erUSULmaxxist: no problem00:56
christo_mJordan_U: if i was homosexual, id say i love you00:56
christo_mJordan_U: thanks00:56
neil_dHollywoodJumper: lots of options - look on the internet for a howto to get the correct options.  'mplayer' is a command line video player/converter.00:56
metbsdmaxxist, no thank for me?00:56
mynouswhat does: Nov  6 02:19:48  kernel: [   33.965227] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods    mean?00:56
Jordan_Uchristo_m: np00:56
metbsdi suggest thunderbird00:56
icqnumberchristo_m, After installing flashplugin-nonfree, sound in Flash will not work. To fix this, install libflashsupport.00:57
erUSULmetbsd: you can safely ignore that message00:57
icqnumberchristo_m, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash00:57
maxxistmetbsd   thanx.  but i dont find thunderbird all that tight...00:57
eitreachboumo: pardon.. I mistook you for someone else.00:57
ardchoillebouma: you don't need sudo for "apt-cache search"00:57
christo_micqnumber: libflashsupport doesnt exist00:58
christo_micqnumber: theres no installation candidate00:58
izzy200198 someone please help me im getting busybox on 8.10 install. cannot create root/var/log. this does not happen if i install 8.04 on same machine. anyone?00:59
emver_how  do I switch  user to www-data, please00:59
uman3Hi there. I just updated to 8.10 using the alternate cd and in my main user account the network manager doesnt open up on startup and doesnt open when i ALT+F2 nm-applet... on another user (limited) i have the network manager does open at startup. Any idea how i can fix this? Thanks. PS: when i try to open the netwrk manager in terminal i get "** (nm-applet:15877): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUse00:59
uman3(nm-applet:15877): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed"00:59
HollywoodJumperneil_d having problems installing tovid00:59
christo_micqnumber: E: Package libflashsupport has no installation candidate01:00
icqnumberchristo_m, it is for hardy01:00
christo_micqnumber: im on intrepid bro01:00
neil_dHollywoodJumper: don't know anything about that app.  what problem are you having ?01:00
ardchoillechristo_m: it's not in the intrepid repos01:00
christo_micqnumber: its not working on intrepid01:00
skylar_I need default panels01:00
HollywoodJumperneil_d i dont want to paste the whole text on this channel01:01
lucashow can i find out whats the /dev/ direction for my dvd?01:01
brandan_does anyone know a disk defragger for ubuntu ? is there one in synaptic?01:01
christo_mbrandan_: lol you dont need to defrag the ext filesystem usually lol01:01
Martinp23lucas: cat /etc/mtab   will show how everything is mounted, may help.01:01
IndyGunFreak!defrag | brandan_01:01
ubottubrandan_: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.01:01
lucasMartinp23, its not mounter01:01
lucasMartinp23, its not mounted01:01
neil_duse htttp://paste.ubuntu.com then use the url it gives you01:01
Gneaoh my... 8.10 seriously rocks. i finally get full screen resolution on this laptop :D01:01
christo_mGnea: do you get sound in flash on firefox dammit?01:02
Gneaused to be stuck at 1280x1024... now it does the full 1400x105001:02
=== csilk_ is now known as csilk
Gneachristo_m: language? :) ahha i'll check01:02
remuHey everyone. I need some help getting my bluetooth headset up and runninh.01:02
brandan_oh so u dont really gotta worry about it?01:02
Gneachristo_m: well, last.fm works just fine, and it's running flash 1001:02
IndyGunFreakbrandan_: pretty much..01:02
christo_mGnea: :|01:02
brandan_cool, i didn't know that01:03
remuI am running Ubuntu 8.10, I can see my headset in my devices. However, I am unable to get it connected and functioning properly. Can someone please help me out with that?01:03
IndyGunFreakbrandan_: if you're dualbooting, it might be necessary to defrag windows... bu Ubuntu/Linux should be fine01:03
lucashow can i find out whats the /dev/ direction for my dvd?01:03
tenseireal quick question, is 8.10 still considered hardy heron?01:03
brandan_Would defragging my windows make ubuntu any faster?01:03
brandan_yea i have dual boot01:03
csilkbrandan_, no01:03
amdpoxtensei, 8.10 is "Intrepid Ibex"01:03
csilkbrandan_, the windows defrag will only touch the disk within the realms of the windows installation01:04
brandan_ooh okay01:04
=== nintendork32 is now known as nintendork|AFK
timreichhartcan somebody tell me how can I get 2 different servers onto one ip address01:04
csilkbrandan_, generally ubuntu doesn't need to be defragged thanks to the etx file syste,01:04
tenseiamdpox, i'm thinking of upgrading, will i be able to use AWN packages made for hardy ?01:04
Gneachristo_m: i just upgraded from hardy - youtube is coming through just fine01:04
uman3Hi there. I just updated to 8.10 using the alternate cd and in my main user account the network manager doesnt open up on startup and doesnt open when i ALT+F2 nm-applet... on another user (limited) i have the network manager does open at startup. Any idea how i can fix this? Thanks. PS: when i try to open the netwrk manager in terminal i get "** (nm-applet:15877): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUse01:04
uman3(08:00:41 PM) uman3: (nm-applet:15877): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed"01:04
ardchoilletensei: awn is in the intrepid repos :)01:04
christo_mGnea: yeh mine doesnt work01:04
timreichhartcan somebody tell me how can I get 2 different servers onto one ip address01:05
christo_mGnea: how do i check if my soundcard is detected properly01:05
Gneachristo_m: did you upgrade or install from the get-go?01:05
christo_mi did both01:05
tenseiardchoille: yes but there are extra's packages...01:05
christo_middnt work in either case01:05
Gneachristo_m: cat /proc/asound/cards01:05
jordo2323Ever since I upgraded to Ibex when I start firefox it maximizes over the gnome panels....anyone know how to fix this?01:05
moDumasshey all, how do i get this screenres fixed, xorg says 1440x900 is enabled (or agailable) but the screenres i can choose is not more than 650x48001:06
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brandan_now, next question..maybe sound silly here, but like in windows, is there a option in ubuntu where i can make it turn off my hard drive when I leave my pc idle for so long?01:06
brandan_while the pc staying running01:06
Gneableh, the smartmedia card reader *STILL* isn't being detected01:06
amdpoxbrandan_, it should spin down the hard disk if there's no activity01:06
GneamoDumass: is that a laptop?01:07
christo_mGnea: hold on heres what i get from mplayer when playing stuff, (sound works btw) http://rafb.net/p/TDl7ci55.html01:07
brandan_but theres no real option to make it shut the hard disk down?01:07
Jordan_Ukinections: Have you tried installing elilo to a cd?01:07
KilmoreHi i'm trying to get Ubuntu working on my inspiron 1100 laptop but after install and restart it never fully loads up, it loads to a point the whole screen is a tanish color, and never goes any further...01:07
warriorforgodtimreichhart: Are you talking about a public or private IP?01:07
jordo2323Ever since I upgraded to Ibex when I start firefox it maximizes over the gnome panels....anyone know how to fix this? Anyone else see this?  When you start firefox the top border actually goes over the top gnome panel....01:07
christo_mGnea: permissions problem with my asound conf?01:08
amdpoxbrandan_, what do you mean by "shut the hard disk down"?01:08
jordo2323You can correct it by f-11 twice, but it's super annoying...01:08
ironfoot_495Hi is there anyone who could help me fix my localhost I was trying to change the index.html to work with phph and now localhost can't be foynd ?01:08
Gneachristo_m: gah, you've got the pulseaudio bug01:08
dingupenguinyea shits freezing way to easy01:08
Gneachristo_m: just turn pulseaudio off :)01:08
christo_mGnea: nooooo01:08
dingupenguinits like windows01:08
christo_mGnea: what do yo usuggest, purging it?01:09
brandan_amdpox: in windows there is options to suspend your system after so many minutes, also to turn the screen off, and turn the hard disk off, and u can continue say "instant messaging" while your hard drive is off, but if say u open a folder with music "MP3" in it, it will turn it on to read it01:09
neil_dI have an error message saying "Error activating XKB configuration....." please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/69062/    what can I do about it ?01:09
amdpoxbrandan_, yes, that's spinning the drive down to save power/noise/heat01:09
brandan_amdpox: i have never heard ubuntu do that..01:09
Gneachristo_m: i just do a sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop && sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove01:09
scunizibrandan_: System>Preferences>Power management01:10
xiamxDo you guys know how to type french accents letters with US-keyboard?01:10
moDumassGnea nope desktop, and i wasnt messing with compiz or installing anything, it just stopped responding and on reboot was 640x48001:10
Kilmoredo I just post my question?01:10
Gneachristo_m: and make sure that your system->preferences->sound is pointing to alsa by default01:10
scuniziKilmore: yes01:10
erUSUL!ask | Kilmore01:10
ubottuKilmore: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:10
KilmoreHi i'm trying to get Ubuntu working on my inspiron 1100 laptop but after install and restart it never fully loads up, it loads to a point the whole screen is a tanish color, and never goes any further...01:10
GneamoDumass: okay. what videocard?01:10
kebomixhello , any one here could help me to hack Wep and WPA wireless netwroks ?01:10
dingupenguingneaa wtf honnestly?01:10
amdpoxkebomix, #aircrack or #aircrack_ng01:10
christo_mGnea: i get this audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.01:10
Gnea!laptop | Kilmore01:10
ubottuKilmore: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org01:10
christo_mGnea: when trying to test audio and i have alsa selected, meaning my alsa fux0red, because OSS works fine01:11
Gneachristo_m: i don't understand why it has to be so difficult. just cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  :)01:11
christo_mGnea: also i still get those msgs in mplayer, perhaps a logout login is necessary01:11
christo_mGnea: that alwyas works..01:11
HollywoodJumperneil_d wher can i get the core tovid dependencies01:11
christo_mbut why does the test give me an error01:11
christo_mit shouldnt01:11
neil_dKilmore: can you log into a console using <ctrl><alt><F1 .. 6> ?01:11
Gneachristo_m: /dev/dsp is just an oss module layer to alsa - it's still using alsa :)01:11
brandan_System > Preferences > Power Management only has options to put the PC to sleep or turn screen off, nothing about the hard disk....01:11
Kilmorelet me try01:12
neil_dHollywoodJumper: how are trying to install tovid ?01:12
amdpoxbrandan_, open a terminal and type "hdparm -I | grep Adv"01:12
HollywoodJumperardchoille tovid says i am missing core tovid dependencies01:12
Gneachristo_m: i don't even have that command01:12
christo_mGnea: The default mixer device is Analog Devices AD1981B(OSS Mixer)01:12
HollywoodJumperneil_d i installe managerd using the synaptiv package01:12
christo_mGnea: its right beside the selection lol01:13
erUSULchristo_m: change that to the alsa device01:13
techIIbecause my wireless card (atheros 5007, could be 5007) isn't supported by a released version of madwifi, i've been compiling it from svn01:13
Gneachristo_m: lol, do you have anything in /proc/asound/cards?01:13
christo_merUSUL: i cant01:13
Kilmoreneil_d : no I dont get anything when pressing that01:13
christo_mGnea: yes01:13
HollywoodJumperneil_d synaptic package manager01:13
Gneachristo_m: then you're using alsa, not oss01:13
ville__Hello guys ! I have installed samba on two computers and I would like to share som folders ! but when I enter the folder that I have shared I cant see the content01:13
christo_mGnea: okay thats not whta my defualt mixer says lol01:13
techIIupgraded to intrepid, recompiled, it worked; some kernel update comes along, it stopped working, it compiles, but the device doesn't show up01:13
Gneachristo_m: that's because it also provides /dev/mixer, which is also OSS-emulated :P01:14
neil_dHollywoodJumper: don't know, it should automattically find them all.01:14
Gneachristo_m: it's being fooled by emulation. get it now? :)01:14
christo_mGnea: i guess, but i bet if i log out and log in sound still wont work in firefox on youtube01:14
Gneachristo_m: you'd need to restart firefox, at the least, to get it to work right01:14
ardchoilleHollywoodJumper: hmm.. sounds like a packaging error01:15
jpg_nyHi I have a question regarding a blinking wifi leds on a dell it keeps blinking, and I'm not able to controll from the trigger in /sys/class/leds/iwl-phy0:[RT]X01:15
Gnealogging out/in shouldn't make a difference01:15
techIIanyone have their (compiled from svn) madwifi drivers stop working (without updating the actual drivers, and after updating them)01:15
brandan_amdpox: so if I type y or Y in that terminal now it will put the drive(s) to stand by or sleep?01:15
jpg_nyanybody facing the same issue ?01:15
amdpoxbrandan_, it should just give you some output01:15
Gneajpg_ny: what's the model #?01:15
neil_dKilmore: ok!  You can get more info on where its stopping, by resetting and editing the grub command before it boots and remove the quite option.01:15
christo_mGnea: no sound still01:16
christo_mGnea: :( might have to uninstall linux lol01:16
Kilmoreneil_d: how do i do that ?  I'm a total noob to any linux systems, i have been on windows for ever01:16
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Gneachristo_m: wuss. ;) okay, pastebin your dmesg command please01:16
jpg_nygnea: not sure though01:16
brandan_it gives info but how can i make it do any of those commands?01:17
gavagaiI tried to install 8.1 on my dell vostro laptop.  both in regular mode and safe video mode it failed  it puts colored garbled lines on the screen and dies.  any idea?  i'm downloading the alternate cd now...01:17
jpg_nygnea: Intel 3945AB01:17
Gneajpg_ny: you don't know what the model # of your dell laptop is?01:17
gavagaiit works in live mode01:17
jpg_nygnea: D62001:17
Gneathank you.01:17
neil_dKilmore: ok, do see the grub boot screen ?01:17
christo_mGnea: http://rafb.net/p/kW9P8w81.html01:17
Kilmorei know where it says loading grub01:17
KolieI used module-assistant to try and fix my sound by updating alsa. On reboot /sbin/modprobe is abnormally terminating and the boot process appears to stop. How can I disable whatever I did, or take alsa out of the modprobe list?01:18
christo_mGnea: also for some reason i have bluetooth? i wasnt even aware of this, i relaly doubt my laptop supports it01:18
techIIanyone know anything about issues with non ubuntu kernel modules in general?01:18
techII(aka devices not showing up)01:18
ozzloyhttp://pastebin.com/d2327d5aa how do i remount as readwrite?01:18
brandan_amdpox: ya it shows info, but how can i make it does those commands it shows?01:18
BillSamJohnsonhey I just got a server with 8.10 desktop installed01:18
roganim trying to install apt-get install hddtemp lmsensors but it says i am not root.. how do i fix this01:18
techII(which previously worked before intrepid)01:19
BillSamJohnsonbut i need some help01:19
ironfoot_495I have a problem with my localhost here is my default aapache2.conf  > http://pastebin.com/m5ba68f701:19
ozzloyhttp://pastebin.com/d2327d5aa wtf?01:19
ville__I have installed samba on two computers, And I have shared 1 folder on each computer , but now i can only enter the folder but I cant see the content01:19
Gneachristo_m: lol! i saw the pan0 come up too, and my dongle isn't even plugged in01:19
jpg_nyBillSamJohnson what is your problem ?01:19
BillSamJohnsonHow do i add a network connection01:19
techIIBillSamJohnson, just state your questions, if someone doesn't get back to you it is probably because they cant think of an immediate answer01:19
ironfoot_495I hope someone can give me a hand with my lost localhost.01:20
DarkKnighthey...my swiftweasel hangs for somtim...and then it comes back to normal state....any idea???01:20
erUSULozzloy: well it seems to be rear write. i quote "... vfat (rw,nosuid ..."01:20
csilkironfoot_495, why don't you tell us what problems you are having?01:20
jpg_nyBillSamJohnson System preference network configuration01:20
ironfoot_495csilk: ok01:20
roganhow do i install something that says im not root01:20
jpg_nyBillSamJohnson : if you want the gui01:20
pd4how do I get new backgrounds?01:20
brandan_sudo  commmand01:20
brandan_in terminal01:20
jpg_nyrogan: you don't want to sudo ?01:20
neil_dKilmore: I am going by memory here, you stop it proceeding by pressing 'esc' (I think) so you can select the different options.  down at the bottom of the screen it gives a few keyboard commands to use. one of those is 'e' for edit, then whole complicated line appears, at the end of this the option 'quiet'.  remove this and hit enter to get grub to boot.01:20
TheYetiQuick question regarding a hp tx2500 tablet pc sound issue01:21
ozzloyerUSUL: then why does the rm command say it's ro?01:21
erUSULozzloy: no idea01:21
christo_mGnea: so what do ureckon01:21
* jpg_ny . o O (wow so many questions here ...)01:22
pw-toxic_can anyone tell me how i can "store" a terminal command with a shortcut... something like this:  mysyn -> synergy 192.168.1....01:22
jpg_nypw-toxic_: create a file save it on your desktop folder01:22
gavagaipw-toxic_, you can put an alias in your .bashrc file.01:23
pw-toxic_gavagai: where is the .bashrc file01:23
gavagaiin your home01:23
gigel2007I need firewall what firewall should I get ?01:23
jpg_nypw-toxic_: in your home folder01:23
roganhttp://pastebin.com/m76b21d03 how do i become root?01:23
pooronet!unban pooronet01:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unban pooronet01:23
gavagaialias mysn='synergy 192.168...'01:23
pw-toxic_how can i list hidden files with ls?01:23
erUSULpw-toxic_: ls -a01:23
ironfoot_495I had just downloaded apache2 and needed to alter the httpd.conf file but there was not a httpd.conf file so I searched and for the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file and changed the configuration values to suit my computer and now I get a error message stating the the localhost can't be found!!!01:23
jpg_nypw-toxic_: ls -a01:23
gavagaiyou're welcome01:24
christo_mGnea: lol,01:24
* jpg_ny . o O (damm I'm not that fast)01:24
gigel2007I need FIREWALL what firewall should I get ?01:24
brandan_good luck all01:24
techIIpw-toxic, ls -a, 'man COMMAND' for 'manual' pages01:24
brandan_peace im out for now01:24
BillSamJohnsonok, under the wired tab, there are three things, Auto eth1, eth1, and eth0  then across from each, it says never01:24
KilmoreNeil_d: ok i did that grub booted, said starting up... then screen went blank and i'm kinda hung there right now but computer is still thinking01:25
ironfoot_495csilk: I changed the configurartion back the way it was but I still don't get the localhost to work?01:25
boumahelp i need help with a bug01:25
roganhttp://pastebin.com/m76b21d03 how do i install this damn file01:25
jpg_nygigel2007: you don't really need to get one01:25
boumasince upgrading to ibex when i open the folder "desktop" it runs a mediaplayer .. i uninstalled vlc and now it runs audacious01:25
gigel2007jpg_ny: really? what if someone is using cain and abel ?01:25
TheYetiAny one with sound driver info for 8.10 on a tx2500 let me know01:25
boumai need to browse my desktop01:25
AnonymousOneWhenever I load Ubuntu, I get the following error: http://pastie.org/30997001:25
tovellarogan: use 'sudo' before the command.01:26
boumawhen i click the button01:26
christo_mgigel2007: firestarter01:26
BillSamJohnsonwhich makes sence, because i order 5 IPs, one is the server, one for KVM-IP, and that leaves the three isee01:26
neil_dKilmore: does the computer boot fine from the CD ?01:26
boumawhere is this configured and how do i change it01:26
Gneachristo_m: i have no idea at this point - probably just blacklist the bluetooth networking module01:26
Gneajpg_ny: hrmmmm01:26
KilmoreNeil_d: screen booted to the tan screen with coursor again, then passed that went black with a coursor that looks like a ball with little dots on it and stopped there01:26
christo_mGnea: lol, i mean for the sound01:26
gigel2007christo_m: what about ufw01:26
tovellarogan: eg. sudo apt-get install hddtemp lmsensors01:26
jpg_nygigel2007: you can use the iptable it comes with your linux01:26
christo_mgigel2007: lol, if you already know of one, why are you asking me01:26
christo_mgigel2007: i think at least one of them is a frontend for iptables anyway01:26
christo_mgigel2007: maybe both01:26
KolieI used module-assistant to try and fix my sound by updating alsa. On reboot /sbin/modprobe is abnormally terminating and the boot process appears to stop. How can I disable whatever I did, or take alsa out of the modprobe list?01:26
BillSamJohnsonso first, i would like to know what does the never mean?01:27
Kilmoreneil_d: it did before i did install01:27
gigel2007christo_m: because I wanted to know others, so do you know if firestarter is better than ufw ?01:27
christo_mgigel2007: what are you trying to do, linux is secure enough01:27
jpg_nygigel2007: ufw is the uncomplicated firewall01:27
gigel2007christo_m: to get them do you just type sudo apt-get install firestarter/ufw ?01:27
ironfoot_495csilk: are you there?01:27
neil_dKilmore: good. does the <ctrl><att><F1> show anything ?01:27
christo_mgigel2007: close unnecessary services, you're good to go, and yes01:27
christo_mGnea: any idea for the sound, by my dmesg btw?01:27
Gneachristo_m: try launching firefox from the commandline and see what error it gives, if any, when you go to youtube01:27
AnonymousOneHello,  could someone look at http://pastie.org/30997001:27
Kilmorectrk att? or ctrl Alt01:28
christo_mGnea: ah ok01:28
AnonymousOneI get this error whenever I start to boot Ubuntu, I can't even drop into root terminal01:28
gigel2007christo_m: if someone in my network has cain and abel he can get my passwords and sites if you don't have a firewall01:28
DarkKnighthey...my swiftweasel hangs for somtim...and then it comes back to normal state....any idea???01:28
ironfoot_495can someone help to fix a broken localhost.01:28
jpg_nygigel2007: well in case you use samba you mean ?01:28
christo_mGnea: is there a way to start it in a more verbose mode01:28
dynstaticIve got my system to auto login, everytime it sees my home wifi, it asks for the keychain password. How can I set it  not to ask?01:28
MTecknologyThis is getting annoying... I still can't figure out how to set colors in the .bashrc file - anybody know how?01:28
christo_mgigel2007: you're dumb, sorry01:28
Gneachristo_m: firefox --help01:28
gigel2007christo_m: huh ?01:28
jpg_nygigel2007: or sniffing the network you mean then your host is not the problem01:29
Gneachristo_m: dude.... uncalled for01:29
christo_mgigel2007: crack hashed passes for UNIX with cain and abel?01:29
gigel2007christo_m: it's not possible ?01:29
BillSamJohnsondoes anyone know what that means?01:29
christo_mgigel2007: they can use jack the ripper, it doesnt matter, if someone wnated to crack your system, a firewall probably wouldn't stop them01:29
csilkironfoot_495, yeah01:29
DarkKnighthey...my swiftweasel hangs for somtim...and then it comes back to normal state....any idea???01:29
arrrghhhi can't find my new drive with ls /dev/disk/by-uuid -alh... i partitioned it with cfdisk, and they don't show up.01:29
Gnea!guidelines | christo_m01:30
ubottuchristo_m: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:30
christo_mgigel2007: anyone that serious won tbe coming after you though, just script kiddies, which will be dumbfounded to see you use a unix system01:30
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Gneachristo_m: please, read that. now.01:30
DarkKnighthey...my swiftweasel hangs for sometime...and then it comes back to normal state....any idea???01:30
gigel2007christo_m: so cain and abel doesn't work if the client has linux running eh ?01:30
dynstaticIve got my system to auto login, everytime it sees my home wifi, it asks for the keychain password. How can I set it  not to ask?01:30
neil_dKilmore: good. does the <ctrl><att><F1> all at the same time.01:30
christo_mgigel2007: i dont remember cain and abel being to crack anything but windows passes, but i may be wrong01:30
jpg_nygigel2007: correct, cain and abel are usefull to crack windows password01:30
christo_mGnea: negative my friend, trying to fix my sound01:31
TiMiDohey guys.01:31
Kilmorei restarted again01:31
=== nintendork32 is now known as Guest6835
gigel2007christo_m: jpg_ny: ok, Thanks guys ! But can you recommend which firewall is better, your opinio of course , ufw or firestarter?01:31
arrrghhhdynstatic, i think you can set the keyring to always authenticate you.  very insecure.01:31
Kilmoreand ctrl alt f1 before it locked up01:31
* jpg_ny . o O (and me trying to fix a constant blinking wifi led)01:31
Gneachristo_m: you can read it while trying to debug firefox.01:31
KilmoreI got the console01:31
neil_dKilmore: try <ctrl><att><F1> all at the same time. does it show anything ?01:31
christo_mGnea: the debugger is weird lol01:31
=== Guest6835 is now known as nintendork32
jpg_nygigel2007: it is not firewall but management interface01:31
Kilmoreneil i did get to the login01:32
Kilmorethe black login01:32
Kilmorei had to do it before the tan screen switched to the black screen with coursor01:32
jpg_nygigel2007: play with ufw there are some nice guide outhere01:32
Kilmorebut i am there now01:32
Gneajpg_ny: are you even connected to an access point?01:32
gigel2007jpg_ny: oh ok thanks and thank you guys !01:32
Socapex_2Khello. I am having trouble with my soundcard. I cannot hear sound in any audio apps! Could somebody help me please. I use an external usb sound card, an edirol ua-5. If I go to preferences>sound and I select my usb card and hit play, it works!01:32
jpg_nyGnea: oh yes working perfectly but keeps blinking like ... an ethernet card01:32
BillSamJohnsonwell how do i determin my MAC address?01:33
techIIfirestarter has a gui iirc... though i've seen a gui that manipulates ufw somewhere...01:33
dynstaticarrrghhh: i have nothing onn this laptop, it's just a eee pc toy to learn on. know how to set it to always? I looked in keychain and passwords01:33
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: do i have to reload my bash file or something like this?01:33
GneaSocapex_2K: could be pulseaudio getting in the way - you should be able to choose alsa instead of default/pulse from that same preferences->sound01:33
Socapex_2KI've tried preferences of progs (exaile, gnome mplayer, rythmbox) but nothing is working01:33
Gneajpg_ny: does it stay blinking the same like that even when it's disconnected?01:33
Socapex_2KGnea: I'll try right now01:33
DarkKnighthey...my swiftweasel hangs for sometime...and then it comes back to normal state....any idea how 2 rectify???01:34
arrrghhhdynstatic, if it's not there i don't know where it would be.  should be in the keyring or authentication settings.01:34
jpg_nyGnea: nope if I down it it stops01:34
sabenhow do I check to see what version of kde i am running01:34
arrrghhhDarkKnight, use firefox3.01:34
myk_robinsonis this forum also for 8.10?01:34
neil_dKilmore: ok, log in, and try the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:34
boumacan anyone help me get this ????? http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=appsinkonquerorpf1.png01:34
jpg_nypw-toxic_: your .bashrc is reload each time you open a terminal01:34
DarkKnightarrrghhh, well even firefox3 happens the same01:34
Socapex_2KGnea: I've change prefs for soundplayback and all to usb audio already01:34
christo_mGnea: i know its flash, i just tried playing from totem, same issue01:35
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: so i reload by reopening the temrinal ;)01:35
christo_mJordan_U: doesnt work man01:35
boumadoes anyone know why when i open a folder it runs a media player instead i dont want !! plz01:35
jpg_nypw-toxic_: yes but I'm sorry what was the problem ?01:35
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: works *happy*01:35
pw-toxic_jpg_ny:  you know synergy? ;)01:35
arrrghhhDarkKnight, fresh install?  fresh profile?  no addons?01:35
jpg_nypw-toxic_: I love synergy !!!!01:35
pw-toxic_jpg_ny:  how do you use it?   desktop - laptop?01:35
jpg_nypw-toxic_: I use it with Open solaris a Windows 200 a windows XP and a Linux01:35
DarkKnightarrrghhh, then if addons arent ther...will i be able 2 see videos01:36
jpg_nypw-toxic_: 4 Desktop01:36
Jordan_Uchristo_m: Works for me on intrepid01:36
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: i finally nearly fully swithced from windows to ubuntu today  .. and im reconfiguring everything ;)01:36
myk_robinsoni am having trouble with Cheese in Ubuntu 8.10, wondering if others are. My camera just shuts off at random. It works fine with Skype, so I can only assume that Cheese is the issue and not my hardware01:36
myk_robinsonany others having problems with Cheese?01:36
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: 4 deksops pcs or 4 monitors?01:36
arrrghhhDarkKnight, why wouldn't you.  firefox can play videos w/o any addons.01:36
Socapex_2KAnybody can help with a usb soundcard issue01:36
No-Neckbouma, right click on a folder and go to Properties and then Open With and make sure it's not set to open with you media player :)01:36
christo_mJordan_U: everything works for everyone on intrepid, not me though01:36
LF|Irssi!yay | pw-toxic_01:36
ubottupw-toxic_: Glad you made it! :-)01:36
timreichhartcan somebody help me how make my 56k modem work on my server01:36
DarkKnightarrrghhh, kk..thanq friend01:36
arrrghhhchristo_m, that's a bold statement.01:36
gigel2007You don't need an ANTIVIRUS for ubuntu(linux) right ?01:36
linnoob007every time I try to install something after installing updates earlier today I get an error relating to system-tools-backends How do I fix it?01:36
arrrghhhgigel2007, correct01:37
Kilmorewill try but its not liking my login now01:37
Socapex_2Kgigel2007: no, not at all01:37
timreichhartcan somebody help me how make my 56k modem work on my server01:37
Jordan_Uchristo_m: What happens when you try to play a video?01:37
gigel2007BEST OS EVER !!01:37
No-Necknormally, no gigel200701:37
christo_mJordan_U: it works..., lol01:37
inktriit's friday night. time to get drunk and have sex with unconscious girls01:37
No-Neckit's not just Ubuntu gigel200701:37
christo_mJordan_U: okay ill reprhase, sound works, its nice, but flash sound does not work at all01:37
gigel2007No-Neck: Linux01:37
Ademanif I run      grep swap /etc/mtab    doesn't that mean that I don't have a swap partition mounted?01:37
christo_mflash video works01:37
christo_minktri: thats called rape01:38
arrrghhhgigel2007, unless you're using a fileserver or mailserver that windows clients connect to.01:38
No-Neckyes gigel2007, but you can still get viruses, just the likelihood is ridiculous compared to that of windows :D01:38
neil_dKilmore: when replying use the nick of the person to its more visible.  nearly missed that one.  So it doesn't like the name/password you gave it during setup ?01:38
=== yahwek is now known as YahWek
Socapex_2KI thought the days of linux not playing audio were gone!01:39
gigel2007HOW can I see more than 8 connections when I click on the system tray for wireless? (I have 13 around me with 200 PWR - checked with airodump)01:39
Ademanergh, i mean if i run grep swap /etc/mtab *and there's no output* does that mean i have no swap partition mounted?01:39
Jordan_Uchristo_m: So the totem video plugin works but you still want sound in flash, or does totem's youtube plugin not work for you?01:39
what_ifI cannot seem to get tor "hidden services" working. Errors with "could not be resolved" other pages work fine...01:39
remuCan someone help me set up my bluetooth headset on intrepid?01:39
Gneachristo_m: what version of flash is on there?01:39
christo_mJordan_U: they both share the same symptoms, video plays perfect, no sound however01:39
admin_masu3701how can i install flash?01:39
jpg_nypw-toxic_: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30652347@N08/2865154451/01:39
christo_mGnea: im sure it's 10..01:39
admin_masu3701youtube dont work01:39
christo_mGnea: how do i check01:39
No-Neckapt-get install flashplugin-non-free01:40
Jordan_Uchristo_m: Are there any apps that play sound?01:40
=== HiToAll is now known as zypper
jpastorefirefox keeps stalling on me after the upgrade...what can I check to figure out why?01:40
No-Neckapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ? O.o01:40
christo_mJordan_U: yes, and they all work01:40
christo_mJordan_U: local vids and mp3s work01:40
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: *need*01:40
gigel2007HOW can I see more than 8 connections when I click on the system tray for wireless? (I have 13 around me with 200 PWR - checked with airodump)01:40
No-Neckadmin_masu3701, did you get that?01:40
jpg_nypw-toxic_: it's pretty cool01:40
=== zypper is now known as HiToAll
Jordan_Uchristo_m: So local vids play in totem with sound but not vids from totem's youtube plugin?01:41
christo_mJordan_U: yes.01:41
KilmoreNeil_d : no iet's not liking it and when entering the username / password it fell behind i would type in my username press enter then type password press enter and it would finally type them in like 6 lines later01:41
deadvirushello, openoffice 3 on Hardy? When?01:41
HollywoodJumperdoes any one here know how to use tovid?01:41
Jordan_Uchristo_m: That's odd01:41
admin_masu3701No-Neck: yea but it says new version is already installed01:41
zetherootrying to install the latest Linux driver on Ubuntu 8.10 I get this error:01:41
zetherooError: ./default_policy.sh does not support version01:41
zetheroodefault:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.27-7-generic; make sure that the version is being01:41
zetheroocorrectly set by --iscurrentdistro01:41
zetherooRemoving temporary directory: fglrx-install.L1645101:41
FloodBot1zetheroo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
No-Neckgigel2007, try another app? wikd for example01:41
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: well i got the following: 22" Eizo (extremly nice picture quality) + 19" fujitsu siemens p19-2  + samsung x20  + one p19-2    ... but its broke ;(01:41
pw-toxic_cant repair it01:41
Gneachristo_m: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flashplugin | awk '{print $3}'01:41
No-Neckrestart firefox/X/your PC admin_masu3701 ?01:42
gigel2007No-Neck: oh ok, I could just use the bssid from airodump to connect manually, but it's weird why clicking on the icon doesn't show them all, airodump says they are not hidden01:42
dynstaticwhat is the difference between add/remove programs and synaptic package manager?01:42
jpg_nypw-toxic_: nice nice the fact that I'm able to switch with multiple OS make my life easier I love synergy01:42
zetheroobtw... I forgot to mention its the ATI driver01:42
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: im kinda new to linux/ubuntu.. and i LOOOVEEE music... i have a x-fi platninum but creative suxx because there are no drivers... do you know a VERY(!!) good sound card + good software for ubuntu?01:42
No-Neckgnome-network-manager is far from perfect gigel2007 I've had my fair share with static networking :|01:42
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: bad luck that i only know synergy since yesterday....01:42
neil_dKilmore: something strange there.  is there text appearing on the screen ?  it shouldn't be doing anything but be asking for a login "<name> login:"01:42
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: i could have needed this for years ;)01:43
h00kpw-toxic_, check out Audacity01:43
Michael___hi i was wondering if there is a base package for ubuntu in the new ibex desktop install?01:43
Gneajpg_ny: hrm, it looks like the LED used to not work at all01:43
Socapex_2Khow can I get to the alsa configuration file? Where is alsa?01:43
steven_how do you get identified???01:43
No-Neckdynstatic, not a lot01:43
christo_mGnea: my bad what was that command01:43
pw-toxic_h00k: thx01:43
steven_how do you get identified???01:43
gigel2007No-Neck: it's in the repositories right? with that name01:43
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: do you use compiz?01:43
lars__hello! can someone tell me, if the ipod nano 4th generation work with ubuntu 8.10?01:43
adaranhow can i change permissions for a single device node with udev? (specifically, a /dev/mapper/foo logical volume_01:43
steven_how do you get identified???01:43
jpg_nypw-toxic_: no I suck at hardware sorry I don't know, and no I don't use compiz just to impress women01:43
admin_masu3701NO-neck: wont work01:43
No-Neckno, I don't think so, you'll have to google it and find the repositories to add gigel200701:43
fattmoleyhow can i tell which version of opengl I'm using?01:43
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
christo_mGnea: you know how to use awk, must be leet01:43
jpg_nyGnea: what do you mean ?01:43
Jordan_U!register | steven_01:43
admin_masu3701no-neck: no sound01:43
ubottusteven_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode01:43
steven_ty very much01:44
KilmoreNeil_d : said ubuntu 8.10 michael-laptop tty201:44
Gneachristo_m: pardon?01:44
Jordan_Usteven_: np01:44
christo_mGnea: what was that command01:44
steven_!register | steven_01:44
KilmoreNeil_d : then said login name01:44
ubottusteven_, please see my private message01:44
timreichhartcan somebody help me how make my 56k modem work on my server01:44
christo_mGnea: to check the flash version01:44
dynstaticNo-Neck: basically they show the same sources in a difference interface?01:44
No-Neckadmin_masu3701, do you get sound in other applications?01:44
Gneachristo_m: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flashplugin | awk '{print $3}'01:44
marcosrorizI have a NVidia GeForce 8700M GT 512MB =D in my notebook and have the proprietary drivers set up correctly. The thing is that, I heard that when using compiz the graphic processing goes primarly to the vga, so for me the best overall perfomance it's go with no effects or compiz?01:44
admin_masu3701no-neck: yes01:44
Jordan_UWhat happens if you go into /tmp and try to play one of the files that starts with "Flash" while a youtube video page is open in the browser?01:44
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: i use this because i love using it ;)01:44
pw-toxic_jpg_ny: but you use multiple desktops?01:44
jpastorefirefox keeps stalling on me after the upgrade to 8.10...what can I check to figure out why?01:44
gigel2007No-Neck: you said I could still get viruses, do you know any better antiviruses than ClamAV or is ClamAV good enough ?01:44
Socapex_2Kplease. Is anybody here audio-versed. Can anybody point me to also conf files. I will try to solve my problem by myself, but I would need basic guide lines.01:45
mulchQuestion: Did 8.10 include support for video card rendering of HD video?01:45
christo_mGnea: wow thats weird
No-Neckdynstatic, yes essentially, synaptic shows a lot more packages though, some stuff a complete newbie wouldn't be installing anyway, I always prefer apt-get anyway01:45
Gneajpg_ny: well, there was a known problem with the D620, among many other laptops, where the wifi LED wouldn't even turn on - they just recently fixed it, at least, mostly heh01:45
jpg_nypw-toxic_: yeah it is addictive, on another Laptop yes Laptop screen plus external monitor on VGA port01:45
steven_!register | axeshredder01:45
ubottuaxeshredder: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode01:45
Gnea!bug 17609001:45
neil_dKilmore: then you type your name hit enter then the password and enter again... what happens ?01:45
Gneachristo_m: mine is
No-Neckgigel2007, clamav should be good enough, I use nothing, I think you would do pretty well to get a virus on your linux system :D01:45
christo_mGnea: this is not good01:45
pw-toxic_i currently use alt+q  for previous viewport and alt+e vor next viewport01:45
Gneachristo_m: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list01:45
christo_mGnea: perhaps purge and reinstall flash, how woudl i do that01:45
jpg_nyGnea: nice but the fix keeps blinking on network activity I guess I tried to echo 0 >> in trigger /sys/class/leds no luck01:46
pw-toxic_or "desk" .. however this is called01:46
No-Neckadmin_masu3701,, are you using ALSA for everything?01:46
gigel2007No-Neck: ya, just asking in case I get paranoid.01:46
Gneajpg_ny: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/17609001:46
admin_masu3701no-neck: yes01:46
christo_mGnea: http://pastebin.com/m23f88f5601:46
jpg_nyGnea: and a constant blinking is a killer on a laptop your eyes are just focus on that01:46
KilmoreNeil_d : no01:46
deadviruswhen will openoffice 3 be on Hardy repos?01:47
Yuretsz_noteHi, I've tried to view Mac4Lin theme on 8.10. But when I've tried to switch back to defult Human theme the Close, Minimize X_[] still remain on the left side of window panel. How to make it to the left sid?01:47
KilmoreNeil_d : nothing happens it doesn't show that i type anything in thn pressin enter gives me nothing01:47
gigel2007What is the command to update a program? sudo apt-get update programname ?01:47
No-NeckI do not know what you problem is admin_masu3701, I would search google for something like 'ubuntu no sound flash'01:47
Kilmorebut after trying again and again and again it eventually magically pops up my username / password01:47
karstenadmin_masu3701: Has anyone suggessted / have you checkd audio mixer levels?01:48
=== subdolus is now known as muffen
jpg_nyGnea: what would be the best thing to report such annoying blinking problem ?01:48
admin_masu3701karsten: yes..all up01:48
=== muffen is now known as subdolus
Yuretsz_notethiebaude: and?01:48
gigel2007What is the command to update a program? sudo apt-get update programname ?01:48
karstenadmin_masu3701: OK.01:48
Gneachristo_m: only difference is that i have line 45 uncommented01:48
christo_mGnea: hm01:48
thiebaudebutton layout01:48
christo_mGnea: diff :P01:48
OpenViruswhere might I find information on encoding formats for dvds?01:49
Cpudan80gigel2007: yes01:49
pw-toxic_does anyone know if the asus soundcards do have good linux drivers?01:49
jpg_nygigel2007: update will update all your programs01:49
pw-toxic_asus xonar01:49
karstenadmin_masu3701: you might want to check the file descriptors that flash is looking at.  Track it down that way.  Any error output?01:49
christo_mGnea: WOW adobe-flasplugin popped up as an upate01:49
karstenadmin_masu3701: strace is another fun tool.01:49
gigel2007jpg_ny: Cpudan80: ty01:49
No-NeckDeVeDe OpenVirus  :D01:49
christo_mGnea: bet that was the fix01:49
IndyGunFreakpw-toxic: i'd say probably not.. probably uses default alsa-drivers(which work fine for me...)01:49
thiebaudeyuretsz_note:hope that worked01:49
MTecknologyif I call rxvt using -bg black it works. I want to figure out how to put that into .bashrc so I don't need to pass that line to it every time... anybody know?01:49
neil_dKilmore: I got no idea what is going on.  maybe you should try a reinstall.  never had it refuse to accept a login.01:50
Yuretsz_notethiebaude: Great! Thanks01:50
gigel2007Cpudan80: what if you have a program installed, and you download the .tar with the new version, if you make install, linux will know how to update it automatically or will it keep both versions ?01:50
thiebaudeyour welcomed01:50
jpinxanyone know of a package like skype, but I just need it for text messages01:50
Kilmoreneil_d : lol ok, i'll mess with it tonight thanks for trying01:50
OpenVirusnice No-Neck do you know if it encodes it to work on xbox 36001:50
jpg_nyjpinx: text message on what cell phone ?01:50
red_what package is the "at" command in ...01:50
christo_mGnea: sound still doesnt work tho :(01:50
red_It's not there on an ubuntu server that I'm using01:50
neil_dKilmore: np01:51
Jordan_Uchristo_m: What happens if you go into /tmp and try to play one of the files that starts with "Flash" while a youtube video page is open in the browser?01:51
=== Vienna is now known as Vienna-Away
LjLred_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ will tell you01:51
gigel2007jpg_ny: what if you have a program installed, and you download the .tar with the new version, if you make install, linux will know how to update it automatically or will it keep both versions ?01:51
neil_dI have an error message saying "Error activating XKB configuration....." please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/69062/    what can I do about it ?01:51
No-NeckOpenVirus, it will encode most video files such as xvid to standard DVD format, I suppose this would be totally supported by an Xbox but I don't have one so I don't know, perhaps it even has more advancec format support? o.O01:51
Doppisanyone get hotmail to work with evolution?01:51
LjLred_: anyway, "at"01:51
Serway hey guys, mediatomb is not being detected by my ps3, can someone help me out?01:52
dynstaticwhat is the best way to install skype? is in it apt-get? or should ii download it from skype.com01:52
DoppisI have tried about everything...01:52
jpinxjpg_ny: any cell phone01:52
jpinxI expect to pay01:52
Gneachristo_m: and you're *sure* it's not using pulse?01:52
jpg_nygigel2007: depends on how you install most likely will install a different version, the idea is to use a packagemanager to manage the package01:52
h00kDoppis: try this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20040801:52
christo_mJordan_U: nothing, no sound in both totem and firefox01:52
OpenVirusNo-Neck,  ok thanks :)01:52
christo_mGnea: how do i make sure01:52
bamballis there skype package in the repo01:52
admin_masu3701isnt just youtube that is not workin?01:52
christo_mGnea: im gonna restart X, one sec01:52
Cpudan80gigel2007: really depends on the program01:52
admin_masu3701cause the page freeze when i try to play videos01:53
=== burner_ is now known as bur[n]er
Cpudan80gigel2007: It is probably best to remove the package and then install the source01:53
dynstaticbamball: i dont see one in add/remove programs with all apps selected01:53
LjLjpinx: i believe Ekiga supports SMS01:53
gigel2007Cpudan80: so uninstall the old one first and then make install the new one right ?01:53
No-Neckapt-get install skype o.O01:53
Doppishook: I have read all through that thread and still no luck :(01:53
Jordan_Uchristo_m: Try running "asoundconf set-pulseaudio" and see if sounds play then ( you may need to stop any programs playing sound for it to start working )01:53
Cpudan80gigel2007: yes01:53
jpinxLjL thanks01:54
jpinxjpg_ny:  thanks01:54
karstenAny suggestions for fixing volume and screen brightness controls for a Lenovo Thinkpad T61 w/ Itrepid?01:54
bamballdoes anyone try using 5100 intel wireless on ubuntu01:54
dynstaticNo-Neck: dont i need a sudo in there? :P01:54
gigel2007Cpudan80: Uninstalling and installing and repeated commands like these is not messy like in Windows leaving files behind is it ? Does Linux know how to delete everything automatically?01:54
karsten!wireless | bamball01:54
ubottubamball: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:54
karstenbamball: Suggest you go through the standard steps, report back with specific issues.01:55
jpg_nygigel2007: yes if you use a package manager01:55
No-Neckunless you are root dynstatic  :)01:55
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/01:55
Cpudan80gigel2007: when you remove a package it will remove all the files (except your configuration files)01:55
Cpudan80gigel2007: be advised that if you install it from the source, there is no easy way to remove it later01:55
dynstaticNo-Neck: arnt we all?01:55
Jordan_Ukarsten: What happens when you try to change the brightness?01:55
Michael___hi i was wondering if there is a base package for ubuntu in the new ibex desktop install?01:55
gigel2007jpg_ny: do you have more documentation on how to use a package manager ?01:55
karstenJordan_U: Nothing.01:56
Cpudan80gigel2007: to remove even your config files -- mark the package for complete removal in synaptic01:56
dynstaticNo-Neck: skype was not found in apt-get01:56
Gneajpg_ny: just to make sure - you're using 8.10, not 8.04.1?01:56
karstenJordan_U: I can echo brightness values into a /proc entry ...01:56
Cpudan80Michael___: ubuntu-desktop01:56
h00kdynstatic: yyou have to make sure the multiverse repository is enabled01:56
jpg_nygigel2007: it lengthy :http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/01:56
karstenJordan_U: /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD0/brightness01:56
No-Neckdynstatic, do you have non-free in your apt/sources.list? Skype is even in the Debian repositories01:56
MTecknologyhrm... maybe ##linux can help01:56
jpg_nyGnea 8.10 upgraded from a 8.0401:57
Jordan_Ukarsten: Have you tried the brightness applet or just function keys?01:57
timreichhartcan somebody help me how make my 56k modem work on my server01:57
karstenJordan_U: And there are some config files under /etc (need to track them down again) which don't seem to have the right values.01:57
karstenJordan_U: Windowmaker. No brightness applet.  Haven't tried it.01:57
karstenJordan_U: Keyboard controls decidedly don't work.01:57
bamballdo operators in this chn get paid?01:57
christo_mGnea: didnt work01:57
karstenbamball: No.01:57
Michael___Cpudan80: thanks, i was wondering if there was even more basic one than that, perhaps not installing all the apps01:57
dynstaticNo-Neck: ahhh non-free? no -01:57
gigel2007I got a KERNEL PANIC with ath9k card with ath9k driver whan I tried to inject. does anyone know how I can inject with ath9k ?01:57
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/01:57
bamballthat's a shame01:57
Gneachristo_m: any output when running ff3 from the cli?01:58
christo_mGnea: none01:58
christo_mGnea: from what i can tell01:58
jpg_nyicqnumber: don't tell anybody but I don't like totem why you want tu use totem ?01:58
Gneachristo_m: and the volume within the youtube player itself is turned up all the way?01:58
No-Neckdynstatic, go to System → Administration → Software Sources → tick multiverse01:58
christo_mGnea: yes lol..01:58
Gneachristo_m: :)01:58
karsten!codecs | icqnumber01:58
ubottuicqnumber: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:58
HollywoodJumperdoes any one her know how to use tovid01:58
gigel2007I got a KERNEL PANIC with ath9k card with ath9k driver whan I tried to inject. does anyone know how I can inject with ath9k ?01:59
karstenHollywoodJumper: Ask a real question.01:59
icqnumberkarsten, i have them installed01:59
karsten!repeat | gigel200701:59
ubottugigel2007: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:59
HollywoodJumperkarsten what is a real question?01:59
Gneajpg_ny: okay, could you please pastebin the output of your dmesg command?01:59
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:59
karstenHollywoodJumper: What do you want to do?  Why can't you do it?  What problems are you having?01:59
Jordan_Ukarsten: AFAIK that would be the job of the Desktop Environment to control. Try asking in #windowmaker / looking at windowmaker docs01:59
gigel2007HollywoodJumper: your question was very broad01:59
HollywoodJumperkarsten ok01:59
No-Neckdynstatic, then make sure to save the settings and then in the terminal 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get install skype' - however this may not be enough skype may need it's own repository to be added01:59
GneaHollywoodJumper: "i'm trying to use tovid, but such-n-such isn't happening, blahblahblah"01:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:00
dynstaticNo-Neck: i dont see multiverse in there02:00
icqnumberjpg_ny, i use banshee and it uses gstreamer as well as totem02:00
dynstaticNo-Neck: im on ibex02:00
HollywoodJumperkarsten i installed tovid AND cannot burn a dvd becauseit says i am missing core dependencies02:00
dynstaticNo-Neck: nevermind, it's there and it's already checked02:01
No-Neckdynstatic, Software restricted by legal or copyright issues (multiverse) - I'm also on 8.1002:01
HollywoodJumperkarsten i have seen a similar problem on forums that was unsolved02:01
jpg_nyGnea: sorry what is past bin ?02:01
Gnea!pastebin | jpg_ny02:01
ubottujpg_ny: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:01
=== cs_student is now known as poseidon
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/02:01
No-Neckdynstatic, in which case you need to add a specific skype repository to /etc/apt/sources.list - google 'skype ubuntu'02:01
karstenHollywoodJumper: I _don't_ use tovid (and I don't know what it is), but you might get more mileage asking the channel.  THose are good questions.02:02
dynstaticNo-Neck: sure it's not skype-non-free?02:02
karstenHollywoodJumper: I've had good luck with k3b, however.02:02
No-Neckwhere did you get that from dynstatic ?02:02
jpg_nyGnea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69074/02:02
HollywoodJumperkarsten is k3b a video burning program?02:02
tvonWhat's the cli program used to udpate init.d/runlevel scripts? I can never remember it...02:02
karstenHollywoodJumper: CD/DVD burning, yes.02:02
tvonupdate-defaults or something...02:02
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed02:03
MExTuxWhat is the difference between file_open_mode and local_umask in the vsftpd.conf file (VSFTPD) ??02:03
Sorcererbob1tvon: chkconfig ?02:03
No-Neckhello pawan02:03
dynstaticNo-Neck: i learned it from watching you?  (i  made it up)02:03
HollywoodJumperkarsten can i burn avi files with it?02:03
tenseiwhen installing manually, your mount point is   /     correct?02:03
karstenHollywoodJumper: Ah.  You want a DVD authoring tool.  That's a little different.  Not sure.02:03
Sorcererbob1oh scripts. Ignore me.02:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wxpython02:03
No-Necklol dynstatic, in which case no, you will need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list with a custom repository02:03
tvonthis is going to drive me nuts02:03
dynstaticNo-Neck: it doesnt work i just tried it02:04
HollywoodJumperdoes anyone know why tovid would require the latest version of wxpython and wha is wxpython02:04
No-Neckdynstatic, search google for 'skype ubuntu' you will find a software source to put into the file I just mentioed02:04
PicklesworthSorry, my system is a bit of ticking time bomb so I'll jump straight in to what is wrong... some weird meta-problem caused my system logs to consume +4 GB of hard drive space (thankfully /home is a different partition from everything else). I have absolutely 0 bytes of free space on root, which of course is a big problem.  In desperation, I deleted /var/log to free it up, but only 200 MB was freed... and that 200 MB got eaten up a02:04
Picklesworthgain in seconds!02:04
jpg_nyGnea: forget it I will try to play with trigger and the echo or something when the wlan0 goes up02:05
dynstaticNo-Neck: no doubt, thanks02:05
PicklesworthThere is nothing that I can find in /var/log except for a tiny ConsoleKit history log. Any guess what else could be eating all my space?02:05
thiebaudehttp://wxpython.org/ :hollywoodjumper02:05
Picklesworth(Or where else the logs are?)02:05
pawanhow to upgrade from terminal02:05
* jpg_ny . o O (DVD authoring tools vobcopy no ?)02:05
pawancant load Gui02:05
MExTuxDoes anybody know what is the difference between file_open_mode and local_umask in the VSFTPD configuration file (vsftpd.conf) ??02:06
PicklesworthOn the bright side, Linux is running impressively well considering it has no free space02:06
HollywoodJumperthiebaude thanks02:06
pawandue to nvidia 5200 card02:06
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed02:06
tvonSorcererbob1: I think chkconfig is what RH & co use, btw02:06
ohdamnallnicsso does LG3D work on ubuntu intrepid?02:07
MeshachHello, I have a Atheros Wireless network card in an Acer Aspire 5520 laptop and I can't get wireless networking working.02:07
Gneajpg_ny: erm, you're using 2.6.27, not 2.6.24, right? cat /proc/version02:07
jpg_nyGnea: correct02:07
Gneajpg_ny: okay - had to ask since it got cut off02:08
ohdamnallnicscan i please get help installing looking glass?02:08
MeshachI set everything up by going to the network manager under the wireless networking tab and then when I click Ok it does nothing.02:08
jpg_nyGnea: I'm a script dude not use to configure my term for 100000 lines :-)02:08
esaci built a custom kernel on intrepid, and now my keyboard and mouse do not work in X. they work in console. any ideas ?02:08
tvonesac: maybe you left out some HID goodies?02:09
ohdamnallnicsi try to install via terimnal and deb files, both give me an installation error saying it failed02:09
esactvon, i check those, but let me check again02:09
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed02:09
tvonesac: I'd suggest doing 'make oldconfig' (or whatever the 'configure this kernel source like the running kernel' command is02:09
ronnieis somebody know how can i check my hardware on ubuntu 8.0402:09
pawanhow to upgrade to 8.10 from terminal02:09
esactvon, but then id lose all of my changes :(02:09
jpg_nyronnie: lscpi02:09
bamballronnie: lshw02:09
esactvon, i did do that before i made changes tho02:09
MeshachNevermind it's pretty hectic here I will post in forums.02:09
=== pooronet_ is now known as pooronet
tvonesac: yeah...  ah02:09
Gneajpg_ny: lol, thought you were a human! ;) the pastebinit command (same name as the package) could probably get it all up there, just for future reference. :)02:09
tvonesac: honestly I haven't built a kernel in a few years so I'm not the best source of advice anyway02:10
jpg_nyGnea: ahhhh02:10
puntohi.. is ubuntu experimental more or less unstable than debian experimental?02:10
esacor possibly more02:10
tvonpunto: I'd guess it's more stable than debian experimental02:10
thiebaudeicqnumber:it says yourr missing an gstreamer plugin02:10
jpg_nypunto: here it will be less02:10
* tvon shrugs02:11
esactvon, but really it is just that .. a guess. it all depends on your system02:11
Gneajpg_ny: wondering if there's a newer firmware that takes care of that...02:11
ronniejpg_ny,bamball i had tried that but i need ram information and it didnt have such information02:11
puntotvon: so it's like debian unstable or testing?02:11
jpg_nyGnea: good idea, I will try this way02:11
tvonesac: yeah, but deb exp isn't really aiming to be stable, ubuntu is02:11
jpg_nyronnie: top ?02:11
icqnumberthiebaude, and which one?02:11
thiebaudeicqnumber:gstreamer 0.1002:12
xiamxgnome doesn't mount automaticly usb flash , any solution?02:12
thiebaudesee if synaptic has it02:12
ronniejpg_ny: not volume of ram, i wonder it is ddr or ddr202:12
jpg_nyronnie: ahh no sorry te model of your ram use dmesg02:12
ronniejpg_ny: ok thanks02:12
tvonpunto: you can try both I guess... I'd vote for ubuntu though, experimental is more likely to break due to package updates02:12
rhavenwhi, can I use the usb creator in 8.10 on a usb external harddrive?02:12
neil_dHollywoodJumper: didn't notice the message. are you still interested in what is wrong02:13
rabeHIBERNATION PROBLEM is the hibernation and suspend problem a general thing with every notebook or is it possible to solve this?02:13
HollywoodJumperneil_d yes i am still trying to figure out how to burn my avi files to dvdr02:13
xiamxquestion, does linux free useless file form swap automaticly?02:13
ubottuxiamx: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:14
icqnumberthiebaude, what package do you mean, i have many gstreams packages installed02:14
neil_dHollywoodJumper: when you ran the 'apt-get' did you prefix it with sudo ?02:14
thiebaudelet me check,icqnumber02:14
HollywoodJumperthe only way i can do stuff in terminal is with sudo02:15
icqnumberthiebaude, mine packges?02:15
jpg_nythiebaude: that not that easy anymore02:15
bamballswap space are freed just like ram i think02:15
rabeHIBERNATION PROBLEM is the hibernation and suspend problem a general thing with every notebook or is it possible to solve this?02:15
jpg_nybamball: no not really02:15
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:16
* tvon tips his hat02:16
timreichhartcan somebody help me configure Agere Systems LT WinModem on my server 8.0402:16
* jpg_ny . o O (swap anyone: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/swap.html )02:16
bamballjpg: why not02:17
icqnumberthiebaude, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69076/02:17
jpg_nybamball: because of the anonymous mapping02:17
esacwhat is the new support in X where you dont need an xorg.conf ? i think when i compile my new kernel, and reboot into X, it has no mouse and keyboard because there are none defined in xorg.conf. knowing this i can see if i turned off something in kernel that supports the new functionality02:17
jpg_nybamball: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/swap.html02:17
bamballjpg: having a read.. heh02:18
neil_dHollywoodJumper: double check that there is no other package managers running apt-get, synaptic etc.02:18
jpg_nybamball: well in two words to make the ram faster some unused memory will go into swapp02:19
HollywoodJumperneil_d ok02:19
timreichhartcan somebody help me configure Agere Systems LT WinModem on my server 8.0402:19
karstenesac: There should be a minimal xorg.conf.  xorg now sorts out stuff pretty well itself, most of the time.02:19
rhavenwhi, in 8.10 can i Make a usb startup disk using a usb external harddrive?02:19
jpg_nybamball: it is called dirty page or something02:19
bamballjpg: yeah agree..02:19
pw-toxic_i just have installed ubuntu on my raid1 using the intreprenid version.. but now if i want to open a raid1 NTFS partition in the files browser, i cant do it02:20
Xer0zOMG HAI UBUNTUz!02:20
pw-toxic_there are 2 partitions for each raid1 partition..02:20
pw-toxic_how can i use my ntfs raid1 partitions in ubuntu?02:20
bamballjpg: I think I know what swapping is for, but i dunno the low lv details02:20
thiebaudeicqnumber:i cant figure it out, sry02:20
cllaudyunautilus crashes and i'm forced to restart my computer02:21
bamballjpg: as in how the tlb handle the page.. and how the tlb can be swapped as well....02:21
TommyHello, what is a distro live cd that is under 300mb and allows me to read and write on windows nfts drive?02:21
=== j is now known as Guest75489
icqnumberthiebaude, ok thank you for the try02:21
TommyHello, what is a distro live cd that is under 300mb and allows me to read and write on windows nfts drive?02:21
cllaudyuhow can i empty my trash bin?02:21
Sorcererbob1Tommy: damn small linux?02:21
Xer0Tommy: DSL02:22
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed02:22
Guest75489do you know where i could download ubuntu 8.10?02:22
jpg_nybamball: i don't doubt, but I know that swapp on linux evolved in something different that I don't have space on my ram I will use swapp02:22
=== Gartheepan is now known as G_X
rabeHIBERNATION PROBLEM is the hibernation and suspend problem a general thing with every notebook or is it possible to solve this?02:23
Guest75489hey guys02:23
G_Xcan the new usb creator could be used on an external harddrive?02:23
cllaudyui hva locked files in trash how can i delete them?02:23
gravyface_anyone familiar with lm-sensors and/or fancontrol?02:23
puntowhat's the name of the next ubuntu version?02:23
olskolirchey guys what is a good mp3 player like xmms used to be anyone know?02:23
jpg_nyGuest75489: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download02:23
bamballjpg: i think swap is like using your harddisk as an extension to your address space02:23
cllaudyucan anyone of you all tell me how to delete locked files from trash ?02:24
jpg_nybamball: very correct something to do with the vfs02:24
neil_dHollywoodJumper: how did it go.02:25
jpg_nycllaudyu: delete your trash not ure about what is a locked file though02:25
bamballjpg: any benefit to run swap over nfs tho? say i have a p3 with 256mb ram, and a remote box with 8gb ram02:25
XpistosI hope to god someone can help me cause I am ready tho erase everything and go to windows!!02:25
karstenolskolirc: amarok or rythmbox are the iTunes-like ones for Linux.02:25
ironfoot_495hello everyone I have a localhost that is down and I can't seem to figure out how to fix it? I have looked through a lot of googled stuff but nothing seems to be helping me get it back on track?02:25
karstenolskolirc: xmms still exists.02:25
h00k!language | G_X02:25
ubottuG_X: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:25
jpg_nybamball: wow I wouldn't do that but it could probably works02:25
cllaudyujpg_ny is a file that is giving me a error acces denied when i trie to delete it02:26
olskolircim on hardy heron karsten02:26
ironfoot_495Can someone be kind enough to give some help?02:26
karstenironfoot_495: Describe the symptoms.  "Down" how?  Does it boot?  Does it not get net?02:26
karstenironfoot_495: ... and be patient.02:26
G_XNO ONE KNOWS????02:26
cllaudyucan i delete a file beeing root?02:26
jpg_nycllaudyu: go in your .trash sudo rm the-name-of-the-file (there us probably a more elegant way to do it but that will works)02:26
karstencllaudyu: sudo rm <file>02:26
ironfoot_495karsten: yes I boot up02:27
FalstafSome of my programs don't display well -- I get small lines on the screen like it out of sync or something.02:27
Swiananyone used 8.10 to create a USB startup disk?02:27
SwianI made one but it won't boot off it02:27
rebuilti created a startup disk02:27
bamballjpg: works as in performance gain?02:27
rhavenwG_x and Swain, i have the same problem02:27
karsten!repeat > G_X02:27
ubottuG_X, please see my private message02:27
rebuiltyou have to select boot from usb disk in the bios02:27
ironfoot_495but it comes back with -> requested URL / was not found on this server.02:27
rhavenwi did02:27
SwianI have a puppy linux stick that works fine02:27
SwianI know how to BOOT off it02:28
kikagageFalstaf: have you tried your font settings under system->Preferences-> Apperance window under the Font tab?02:28
rhavenwrebuilt i can boot from a flash drive02:28
Swianit doesn't work02:28
karstenironfoot_495: "it comes back with" where, how, doing what?02:28
rhavenwbut not a usb hard drive02:28
karstenironfoot_495: Do you mean you're not able to reach some web sites?02:28
NeT_DeMoNcan someone look overthis and make sure it's correct? http://ex0dus.pastebin.com/d11ccdee302:28
jpg_nybamball: as you have a low amount of memory, if you start to ask too much of the box swapp will be used then .. performance will go through the nfs02:28
XpistosI have three systems A windows box (my wife) my laptop (hardy desktop) and my file server (hardy server) earlier I could not get the two desktops to see the server. I added another system to the mix (a faux server) then all of a sudden everything came on line. I got rid of the faux server and I couild see my shares on the files server. Reboot my ubuntu laptop and now it can't see the windows box and the server????? What?02:28
XpistosI am hoping someone can help me cause I wasted like 5 hours on this02:29
jeeves_Mosshow do I recursivly move everything on one dir to another?02:29
esaccp -R02:29
karstenXpistos: Sounds like Samba weirdness.  You're talking about file/print share?02:29
karstenjeeves_Moss: mv <source> <dest>02:29
Xpistoskarsten: File sharing02:29
ironfoot_495karsten: The localhost is not seeing anything I've tried to fix the default configuration but some where I screwed up !!!02:29
jeeves_Mosskarsten, I tried that, and I get "unable to remove target: Is a directory"02:29
karstenironfoot_495: What specific applications or commands are you running?02:29
jpg_nyXpistos: Windows shares, I understand your pain, may I suggest a FTP solution ? would it work for you ?02:29
bamballjpg: yeah.. but typical page size is 4kb, network runs 100mbit/s, think end up faster swapping to local drive....02:30
rhavenwrebult: im guessing there is something special that needs to be done for a usb harddrive, that is different from a usb flash drive?02:30
ironfoot_495karsten: It's the apache202:30
SwianI use FTP on my windows box to transfer files02:30
karstenjeeves_Moss: alternately:  cp -R <source> <dest>, or rsync, or any number of other tools.  Delete source when you're done.02:30
YlandeFaranI seem to have problems with g++ in ubuntu. I get compile error when I try to use "std::sort", "error: 'sort' is not a member of 'std'"   I have done "apt-get install build-essential" and "apt-get install g++", so I don't really understand what I'm missing on my system right now.02:30
jeeves_Mosskarsten, thanks02:31
karstenironfoot_495: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html02:31
* werdnus seeks suggestions for a Java IDE02:31
YlandeFaranWhat do I need to get in addition to what I allready have?02:31
Xpistosjpg_ny: I would perfer stay away from the ftp because it adds files to my desktop02:31
karstenironfoot_495: You're not providing me enough useful information to figure out what your problem is.02:31
jpg_nybamball: network 100mbit/s that/s slow you will have an output of 10mbs then you have to write on the hard disk it is feasable though but I have seen it only on a scsi san02:31
karstenXpistos: /join #samba ask there.02:31
djhashhey.. there is a process of STAT Ssl and i cant kill it with kill, or killall  as the username running it or as sudo02:31
ironfoot_495karsten: ok  here it is !02:32
kikagageAnyone have the wingman rumble pad here?02:32
rockenroladjhash: kill -9 ?02:32
karstendjhash: what's the status of the processes?  Have you tried kill -9 ?02:32
ephloduris there a group for wireless02:32
karstenephlodur: ??02:32
jpg_nyok bye02:33
djhashthat did it... thanks rockenrola, karsten02:33
pw-toxic_i want to use a ftp server for the local network02:33
pw-toxic_how can i set one up?02:33
ephloduris there a group for ubuntu wireless issue02:33
lupine_85humm, using 8.10 /  kubuntu 4.1, fglrx / radeon3650, I get unacceptable flickering of videos02:33
karstenpw-toxic_: wu-ftpd.  Install that.  Mind ftp should die.  So don't do that.02:33
lupine_85(regardless of the vo that I set)02:33
lupine_85any workaround?02:33
Xpistoskarsten: I am there as well trying to get this madening issue worked oiut02:34
* karsten has plenty of rope for people to hang themselves with.02:34
* Xpistos could really use some of that rope02:34
* lupine_85 had figured that turning on sync to vblank and using gl2 would have done the trick, but it hasn't...02:35
* karsten cuts off a few yards for Xpistos 02:35
Swianjust tried a new USB stick with 8.10 to make a bootable USB flash drive, again, no dice02:35
snezXpistos, my name is Xristos02:35
Xpistossnez: Howdy02:35
Xpistossnez: or Yasou!02:35
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:36
karstenXpistos: I'm not super-current or skilled w/ samba, but there are some pretty straightforward troubleshooting methods.  Also a set of excellent docs if I can track them down.02:36
ironfoot_495karsten: I installed the apache2 and I was trying to get /var/www moved to a Directory I created in my home Directory and I changed values in ->/etc/apache2/sites-available/default file when I rebooted and I typed localhost in the browser It said the the localhost could not be found.02:36
Xpistoskarsten: I'd bear your children if you could give me any direction that ultimately solves this maddness02:36
karstenironfoot_495: So you're trying to browse "http://localhost/" from the same host?02:36
fooI do do-release-upgrade... and it says no new release candidates. I'm on 8.04 ... isn't 8.10 the latest stable?02:36
karstenXpistos: What's your phone number ;-)02:36
Dante123hi all, I have one PC with 8.04 and another one that I just installed 8.10 on.  However, the 8.10 pc keeps get the same IP address as the other computer.  How can I fix this?02:37
ironfoot_495karsten: yes02:37
karstenironfoot_495: What do you see at ?02:37
ironfoot_495karsten: wait one02:37
dr_williskarsten,  theres also the 'using samba' books  in the samba-doc package.02:37
XpistosThere is no place like
Dante123page load error02:37
lupine_85turning off the desktop effects fixes the flickering02:37
turtle_i need serious help with my compiz02:37
karstendr_willis: I think that's what I'm trying to think of.  John Terpstra wrote that?02:37
turtle_i cant get the sphere to work02:38
* lupine_85 hands turtle_ a hammer02:38
ironfoot_495karsten: same error02:38
dr_williskarsten,  its by the Oreaily guys.. theres 3 other books in tha tpackage as well..  They are a little out of date in ways.. but the fundamentals still apply02:38
karstenironfoot_495: OK.  Can you ping localhost?02:38
karstendr_willis: One of those is available in docbook and was installable under Deiban, not sure about Ubuntu.02:38
slestakanyone have their pulseaudio stop working today?02:38
uman3Hi. I just updated from 8.04 to 8.10 using the alternate install cd and now vmware workstation wont run. this had happened before, i think after applying a kernel update but i was able to fix it (last time) by reconfiguring it with sudo /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl . However this does not work anymore and i get an error         :02:38
uman3/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:1781: error: too many arguments to function ‘smp_call_function’02:38
uman3make[2]: *** [/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o] Error 102:38
uman3make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config4/vmmon-only] Error 202:38
uman3make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic'02:38
FloodBot1uman3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
uman3make: *** [vmmon.ko] Error 202:38
ironfoot_495karsten: yes02:39
h00k!pastebein | uman302:39
dr_williskarsten,  I think these are all in Html. I havent skimmed them lately :)02:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebein02:39
slestakno updates that i remember in last 24, but no sound today02:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rope02:39
* Xpistos is even more frustated cause his fat ass broke the rope when he kicked the chair out from under himself02:39
Chrisiefoo: : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading will tell you how to set 8.04 so the upgrade becomes available02:40
ironfoot_495karsten: yes I can ping the localhost.02:40
boumaNo-Neck: thanks heaps even if your not here anymore02:41
=== root is now known as Guest89591
* Xpistos apologizes for his poor behavior!02:41
poseidonWhats this about speeding up ubuntu by disabling atime?02:42
pw-toxic_karsten: is there a gui for wu-ftpd?02:42
portablejimI get the following log error in apt-cacher. http://paste2.org/p/98451 . Anybody know what is wrong and now to fix it??02:42
turtle_got working02:42
turtle_thannks for the hammer02:42
boumacan anyone help me get this http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=appsinkonquerorpf1.png02:42
NeT_DeMoNIf I have Ubuntu and Vista on my hard drive and I want Vista to autoboot would I just change 'default 0' to 'default +1' if Vista has  chainloader +1 while editing menu.lst?02:42
boumai wish i know what this app was called so i could apt-get is :( http://img440.imageshack.us/my.php?image=appsinkonquerorpf1.png02:43
zsquarepluscposeidon: it already uses relatime, that speeds things up, less writes, and has not as much disadvantages as noatime02:43
bobbiemcsilk, sorry to bother you again, but when i click on my games it doesnt tell me that i need java any more but it wanted load up my game. it says "applet game death. what does that mean?02:43
dr_willisbouma,  thats just tghe filesize view in konqueror.02:43
dr_willisbouma,  that may not be in kde4 any more.02:43
csilkbobbiem,  link to game please02:44
zsquarepluscNeT_DeMoN: default just takes a menu number entry. so default 1 should do02:44
fooChrisie: ok. thanks. 8.10 is stable, right?02:44
ironfoot_495karsten: are you there?02:44
NeT_DeMoNzsquareplusc: alright thanks02:44
Dante123Hi all, major network troubles since I installed 8.10 on a second wired computer.  Both my main 8.04 and the 8.10 end up with the same IP address.  How can I fix this?02:44
n8tuserDante123-> are you using dhcp?02:45
Chrisiefoo: yup, 8.10 is stable02:45
csilkbobbiem,  link to game please02:45
wackyquestion: I first noticed the problem when I went to the previous release, however I just went to 8.10 and the problem still exists.. When I try and view an avi file with mplayer.. it loads the first frame and then freezes only showing the frame.. if I fastforward I Can get to a new frame but it just sits at the fram and doesnt play the file.. any ideas? I have tried gstreamer-properties with no luck as well as the mplayer config options regarding video ouput02:45
Dante123Yes, I have a modem/router (in one unit) that is supposed to assign dhcp for the other computers (but the main computer has a static ip)02:45
bobbiemcsilk,  i click on the game i want and a new window comes up with the game loading, it  shows the advertisement but with not finish loading the game02:46
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:46
Dante123however, the second computer with 8.10 is getting assigned the same ip as the main one...and then the fun begins02:46
csilkbobbiem, LINK PLEASE02:46
n8tuser!who | Dante12302:46
ubottuDante123: please see above02:46
ville__lol this wlan card sucks only 11mb :S02:47
turtle_I love ubuntu, gonna get RHCT for it02:47
Dante123n8tuser Yes, I have a modem/router (in one unit) that is supposed to assign dhcp for the other computers (but the main computer has a static ip)02:47
n8tuserDante123-> please read carefully, you need to prefix a nick02:47
Dante123n8tuser ok02:47
echinoshow to get ubuntu to fix my sources.list? Working with a gutsy system atm02:47
n8tuserDante123-> lets back a lil, describe your network layout02:47
bobbiemcsilk, www.pogo.com02:47
csilkbobbiem, I'm playing poppit on pogo.com as we speak02:48
csilkworks just fine02:48
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joljamubuntu is freezing on me when I surf internet especially youtube02:48
joljamcan anyone help me02:48
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bobbiemugh, well its not working for me.02:48
Dante123I have my main computer with ip address of  Two other computers on network have dynamic router assigned ips02:48
ville__Hello guys!! I'm trying to download files from my wired computer which is 100mb ethernet! I"m only getting a speed of 245kb/s on wlan02:48
Dante123n8tuser I have my main computer with ip address of  Two other computers on network have dynamic router assigned ips02:49
ville__Hello guys!! I'm trying to download files from my wired computer which is 100mb ethernet! I"m only getting a speed of 245kb/s on wlan is this normal?02:49
Dante123n8tuser somehow one of the machines is being assigned the same ip as my main machine...and hence the system goes wonky when both are on02:49
lupine_85ville__: depends entirely on EM characteristics of the local environment02:50
lupine_85certainly possible02:50
Dante123n8tuser I manually set the second pc as say and that worked.....the computers can see each other on network.  But all internet is lost on the second computer02:50
joljamcan anyone help me02:50
n8tuserDante123-> your router that acts as dhcp, what is the ip range it doles out?  also what is the exact ip address of your main computer?02:50
ville__lupine_85: you mean like walls and stuff?02:50
jfeltDante - default gateway :-)02:51
boumadr_willis: how can i get it ???02:51
remuHey guys, I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid. I wanted to run Windows XP through a virtual machine, and also possibly test out some other distros. My quextion is, what is the best way to do this on Intrepid?02:51
Dante123n8tuser for main computer02:51
boumadr_willis: its awesome02:51
ville__lupine_85: ok..cuz this is a real pain in the ass :P02:51
zsquarepluscDante123: you did not play with mac address changes? ;-) anyway make sure your computers also have a different name, and that you dont have static ip entries you dont want in /etc/network/interfaces02:51
Dante123n8tuser will check on range...hang on02:51
n8tuserDante123-> the other two are connect to another lan port of same router?02:51
ville__lupine_85: cant even stream movies from my wired computer02:51
boumadr_willis: i have sudo apt-get install konqeror02:51
lupine_85ville__: then get a cable and attach the two with that... :D02:51
Dante123n8tuser how can i check names again of computer....02:51
boumadr_willis: but its not avail02:51
qpdbremu: VirtualBox =)02:51
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boumadr_willis: ive seen it on a friends redhat machine02:51
lupine_85or invest in better antennae or something similar02:52
remuqpdb, sudo apt-get install virtualbox (on intrepid this will work?)02:52
Dante123n8tuser yes02:52
Dante123n8tuser all plugged into same router02:52
Dante123n8tuser which is a modem, and wireless router in one unit02:52
qpdbremu, yes, the package name is virtualbox-ose .. but maybe you prefer the new 2.0 version.. (not in repo)02:52
ville__lupine_85: yeah well I think I shuld get a better wlan card this is only 11mbps :D02:52
Dante123n8tuser dsm modem + wireless router02:52
n8tuserDante123-> okay, now what is the exact ip address for the 2nd and the third?02:52
lupine_85it's a start, certainly02:53
bobbiem_csilk, what does applet game death mean?02:53
lupine_85'though if signal strength is poor, it won't help much02:53
joljamnonone helped me02:53
slestakremu: you may want to go to virtualbox.org an and get puel version if you want rdp server and usb support02:53
csilkbobbiem, no idea, try google02:53
frank_banyone knows where can I change the colour for glchess' board (chess game that comes with gnome-games) in the source code?02:53
csilkbobbiem, what game?02:53
joljamI am having problems with youtube in ubuntu 8.0402:53
joljamit freezes02:53
bobbiem_csilk, sweet tooth02:54
lupine_85frank_b: glColor*02:54
ville__joljam:is it a flash problem?02:54
csilkbobbiem,  sweet tooth 2?02:54
frank_blupine_85, ah. thank you. do you know in which file is that parameter?02:54
Dante123n8tuser right now the second is the same at the first (but I disabled networking on the first) so that I could be here working on the second.  The ip address is
lupine_85frank_b: it's the function call that sets the colour of vertices in OpenGL. grep for it02:54
joljami do not know02:54
lupine_85won't do much good if it's using textures, mind02:55
joljami do not think its a flash problem ville02:55
n8tuserDante123-> and that is dhcp assigned? the  to the 2nd pc ?02:55
platiusremu; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-virtualbox-16-in-ubuntu-804hardy-heron-including-usb-support.html  these insrtuctions work for intriped also02:55
frank_blupine_85, oh, ok. I'll try using the command grep and see what can I do then. thanks02:55
joljamit does run for some time without any problems02:55
ville__joljam: could you explain the problem in more details02:55
d-bhi there im having a problem using ssh keys with an ubuntu lts 8.04 computer i can't seem to connect to it using ssh keys... it was recently reinstalled (it worked before that)02:56
n8tuserDante123-> can you not assign lets say on the main computer?02:56
joljamI get onto youtube ,, while watching the video .. the screen freezes and the mouse does not work anymore02:56
joljamI have no other way than restart02:56
zsquarepluscd-b: error message?02:56
d-boh wait i'm in it was a problem with pasting the key.02:56
eXcAliBuRwhat is the brand name of a server that can offer 10TB storage and at least 128GB ram, at least 4 processors quad core ??02:57
lupine_85eXcAliBuR: HotIron 400002:57
turtle_lupine, how are ya02:57
zsquarepluscjoljam: i have no details, but there seem to be audio problem wit the older flash plugin and puse audio. maybe that causes the freezes. there is a bug on launchpad.net about that02:57
lupine_85feeling caustic :p02:58
evilspawn4hey guys can you help me? my sound wont work02:58
platiusremu; except the part about getting usb to work doesn't work for version 2.04 virtual box02:58
turtle_im taking the RHCT pre exam02:58
Dante123n8tuser should I set the range to go from to something like ?????02:58
lianimatorI can no longer play youtube videos from /tmp. sometimes it says cannot find suitable decoder. other times it says VLC does not support the audio or video format "undf".02:58
turtle_ls -F?02:58
turtle_what is this?02:58
joljamis there any work around zsquareplusc02:58
lianimator"Unfortunately, there's no way you can fix this"02:58
n8tuserDante123-> what ever range would suit your needs..can you answer my other querries?02:58
zsquarepluscjoljam: you need to search for the bug report. i dont have that prblem here02:58
turtle_not ready yet, i can tell02:59
turtle_what tyoew of files are in /etc?02:59
StargazerFirefox looks all screwy, any ideas ? http://adam.pcriot.com/images/Firefox-image.png03:00
Dante123n8tuser I sometimes use the main machine as a game server....so I do not want to have to redo port forwarding.  I want it to be all others to be something else03:00
kudiin theory if i use a ubuntu live cd and make an xorg.conf using "dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg" which always works for me, and then i copy the xorg.conf into where it goes in arch, will my xorg finnaly be working if i download the neccesary drivers03:00
n8tuserDante123-> what is the range doled out?03:00
Dante123n8tuser the third pc is and works fine03:01
evilspawn4can someone help me? im haveing a problem with my sound and i dont know how to fix it03:01
Dante123n8tuser currently 1.150 to 1.20003:01
n8tuserkudi should work03:01
zsquareplusckudi: yes, copying the file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf of your hard drive might help. backup your old one, just in case..03:01
Jordan_Ukudi: At this point a default Xorg.conf is almost if not exactly the same as simply not having an xorg.conf at all03:01
n8tuserDante123-> and the mask? why not make the range from 135 to 200 ?03:02
khaotikim having trouble trying to use terminal server client to connect to my vista desktop03:02
kudiwho just said something tome i exited out by mistake03:02
Dante123n8tuser mask is
zsquareplusckudi: yes, copying the file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf of your hard drive might help. backup your old one, just in case..03:02
n8tuserkudi should work03:02
karstenWhat's the new thing that's like beagle/spotlight but is named differently?03:02
Dante123n8tuser okay I can do that....1.135 to 1.20003:02
kudiwell the old one doesnt work at all so ill be fine with anything03:02
n8tuserDante123-> then let the 2nd host re-acquire an ip address03:03
Jordan_Ukarsten: tracker03:03
Dante123I have to restart for changes to take affect.03:03
turtle_Red Hat Enterprise Linux Essentials Pre-assessment Questionnaire03:03
karstengnome-do was what Mark Pilgrim mentions here:  http://diveintomark.org/archives/2008/10/28/essentials-200803:03
karstenJordan_U: Thanks.03:03
karstenironfoot_495: sorry, distracted.03:03
n8tuserDante123-> nope no need to restart03:03
Dante123n8tuser I would log out or disconnect network thinking it would get a new ip and it gets the 1.153 everytime unless I manually set it for something else...but then internet doesnt work03:04
* lupine_85 notes that these certifications aren't very useful03:04
StargazerFirefox looks all screwy, the links aren't showing as well as some text. any ideas ? an example: http://adam.pcriot.com/images/Firefox-image.png03:04
n8tuserDante123-> clear the  contents of the lease file on the 2nd host03:04
Dante123n8tuser my router says it needs a restart in order to work03:04
lupine_85most DHCP servers will cache leases03:04
Dante123n8tuser how do I clear the contents03:04
bobbiem_n8tuser, could you help me? i was having problems with getting java to work, so i could play my games on pogo. well  it doesnt tell me that i need java, but it doesnt load all the way03:04
zsquarepluscStargazer: did you try to start in safe mode, to rule out buggy extensions?03:04
karstenpw-toxic_: WRT wu-ftpd gui:  it's a server.  There are many FTP clients, including GUI clients.  Most of the file browsers (konqueror, nautilus) support ftp, as do most web browsers.03:05
Jordan_Ukarsten: np03:05
n8tuserDante123-> in /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.eth0.leases  assuming the 2nd also uses ubuntu03:05
n8tuserbobbiem-> what is pogo?03:05
StargazerZsquareplusc, how do i start it in safe mdoe ?03:05
itsoni have a fresh installed ubuntu, i want to shut down the X server so i can install the Nvidia drivers, but i dont know how to shut down the X server? i forgot the file i had to edit to tell ubuntu to give me console login insted of gui login. somebody help plz03:05
lupine_85itson: /etc/init.d/?dm stop03:06
n8tuseritson-> you have to go to single user mode03:06
timecistitson: it can't be done03:06
* lupine_85 lols03:06
Jordan_Uitson: Why don't you just use System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?03:06
zsquarepluscStargazer: if you start from command line, there is a switch. try "firefox -h" to find out03:06
rockenrolaHi, I am making a script in python to follow changes on a webpage. I have done that part, now I just want to present the information. I figured a small pop up would be the best way, but Zenity does seem to do what I want. any ideias?03:06
bobbiem_n8tuser, its a game site. www.pogo.com03:06
pw-toxic_karsten: i know - i was looking for a server.. im using fire ftp as client03:06
lupine_85drop S???dm from /etc/rc2.d to prevent X from starting at boot-time03:06
zsquarepluscStargazer: "firefox -safe-mode"03:06
n8tuserbobbiem_-> type this    java -version  and what is the response?03:07
itsonbecause /sys > admin > hadrware drivers says everything is up to date, ( i just setup ubuntu linux in Parallels on my mac03:07
egofluxhas anyone had any problems with transkode on amarok?03:07
Jordan_Uitson: You don't install video drivers for your real GPU on a virtual machine03:07
Mountain_MoverI have an intel quadcore 64bit system running 8gigs of ram which Ubuntu should i download and install that has compiz-fusion as well03:07
bobbiem_n8tuser, java version "1.6.0_07"03:08
bobbiem_Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)03:08
bobbiem_Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing)03:08
itsonJordan_U, how can i get higer rez on my virtual machine? because the options wont let me go pass 1024x768 ( or something like that ) i have a REALLY big monitor and GeForce 8800 GT03:08
pw-toxic_karsten: well i just see that the only thing i have to do is creating user in ubuntu  ;)03:08
bamballmt_mover: how much did it cost u?03:08
karstenpw-toxic_: There are virtually no, and I would say, there are absolutely no, servers in Linux with GUIs.03:08
Mountain_Moverbamball ?03:09
pw-toxic_karsten: can you tell me if a mount is persistent? i mean...if i type mount ...  ...   does this still work after reboot?03:09
karstenpw-toxic_: Ther are some GUI management tools and such which may provide a GUI fornt-end, but that's a differnet kettle of fish.03:09
bamballthe machine03:09
Dante1231n8tuser now I have 1.152 as the ip03:09
n8tuserDante123-> is it working now?03:09
Mountain_Moverbamball I bought it when it was a little more expensive but I built this system under 100003:09
pw-toxic_karsten: why is this a different kettle of fish? ;)03:09
lupine_85pw-toxic_: /etc/fstab03:09
pw-toxic_lupine_85: whast this?03:09
bamball1000 is US right03:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:10
bamballsorri i am not in US03:10
lupine_85pw-toxic_: where you put persistent mounts03:10
outbackwifiis there a channel for 8.04 still?03:10
bamball8gb ram03:10
Mountain_Moverwhich ubuntu can I get installed under virtual pc 2007?03:10
bamballdid u get 4x 2gb chip03:10
* lupine_85 -> bed03:10
Mountain_Moverram is dirt cheap right now03:10
soreauMountain_Mover: Wrong03:10
karstenpw-toxic_: If the mount is in /etc/fstab and has the option 'auto', yes, it will persist.  If it isn't, or you manually invoked th emount, you'll have to re-mount on reboot.03:10
soreauMountain_Mover: Compiz wont work in a virtual machine03:10
bamballnot 4gb modules03:10
pw-toxic_ah gedit fstab ;)03:10
Dante1231n8tuser yes, but the change in range did not work for some reason.  The range is 1.150 to 1.20003:10
=== basso_ is now known as basso-sleep
karstenpw-toxic_: The front-ends are usually developed independently of the server dev effort itself.03:10
StargazerZsquareplusc: http://paste.stirk.org/4220403:11
pw-toxic_karsten: yes i hope so...03:11
Dante1231n8tuser but this time the two computers have a different ip at least03:11
pw-toxic_karsten: the ms-sql server also works without a gui...03:11
n8tuserDante123-> you have to reset your modem/router?03:11
Mountain_Moversoreau even if I can up the ram as much as I want?03:11
pw-toxic_karsten: and filezilla ftp server also does03:11
ferfactori have this problem any idea??03:11
pw-toxic_karsten: thats nothing linux/ubuntu specific03:11
Mountain_Moveror is it the generic video drivers that is the show stopper03:11
soreauMountain_Mover: Plan on installing linux to a partition if you want to get compiz running03:11
karstenpw-toxic_: filezilla does or doesn't have a GUI?03:11
Dante1231n8tuser I did....and I reconnected with a new ip (1.152) but the range did not change....I will try again03:12
Mountain_Moverok nevertheless, which ubuntu do I want03:12
karstenpw-toxic_: There's not a lot in app/server space that is Ubuntu-specific.  Most packages are pulled from upstream.03:12
lianimatorcan someone please confirm with me, if you canNOT play the flash file from /tmp when youtube video is loading?03:12
pw-toxic_karsten: filezilla does have a gui if you want to have one, but you dont need one03:12
soreauMountain_Mover: the video drivers don't support texture from pixmap (in a virtual machine) which is indeed a show stopper03:12
Mountain_Moverfor a quadcore intel based03:12
karstenpw-toxic_: ... ubuntu is the package management and configuration.03:12
zsquarepluscStargazer: hm. so the display is still crippled? maybe some installation problem then. and did you try the #firefox channel?03:12
karstenpw-toxic_: OK03:12
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
Dante1231n8tuser thanks for help so far.  I will try to fix later.....kids and wife get mad when i reset router03:12
soreau! install03:12
pw-toxic_karsten: what do i have to type into fstab?  the same like mount  without "mount" ?03:12
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:12
n8tuserbobbiem_-> can you put in pastebin the contents of /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  dir ?03:12
StargazerZsquareplusc, i didn't know there was such a channel.03:12
karstenpw-toxic_: What are you trying to do?03:13
pw-toxic_i just dont know what to do with <type> <options> <dump> and <pass> ;)03:13
n8tuserDante123-> no worries, at least you got your pc working03:13
Mountain_MoverIm looking at intrepid ibex is that the wrong distro?03:13
zirodayMountain_Mover: you can use either the 32bit or the 64bit cd03:13
pw-toxic_i want to mount my 1TB NTFS disc into my ftp home folder ;)03:13
Mountain_Moverok but the 64bit says AMD64 was just curious03:13
pw-toxic_so that i can access it via ftp03:13
mattb0001In ubuntu 8.04 can you  create a launcher that executes two commands?03:13
jeeves_Mosshow do I get an install of server to auto mount a USB drive?03:13
evilspawn4hey guys can i get some help with ubuntu? i just installed it like 2 days ago and after i installed Wine my sound wont work03:13
bamballziroday: isn't the 32bit version with PAE disabled03:13
zsquarepluscStargazer: there is even a #ubuntu-mozillateam, maybe they care about this too?03:13
bamballby default03:13
zirodayMountain_Mover: both are fine, however you may have some issues with the 64bit and some applications03:14
karstenpw-toxic_: <partition> <mountpoint> ntfs-3g <options> 0 003:14
n8tusermattb0001-> why dont you try it?03:14
zirodaybamball: eh?03:14
mattb0001In ubuntu 8.04 can you create a launcher that executes two commands? here what I have: sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start && /etc/init.d/ssh start03:14
mattb0001it won't work03:14
karstenpw-toxic_: I don't know all the ntfs-3g options, there are some you may want to look at.03:14
jeeves_Mossanyone?  auto mount on a USB drive?03:14
karsten!sound > evilspawn403:14
ubottuevilspawn4, please see my private message03:14
zirodaymattb0001: replace the && with a ;03:14
Ronin101101is anyone else having problems with evolution in 8.10 ???03:14
Mountain_Moverhardy versus intrepid?03:14
pw-toxic_karsten: where do you know the "ntfs-3g" thing?03:14
bamballziroday: i think PAE is disable on 32bit kernel by default.. so can only address 4gb?03:14
zirodaybamball: yes thats correct03:14
bamballhe should go for 64bit if he has 8gb ram03:15
karstenpw-toxic_: ntfs-3g is the new NTFS driver.  *MUCH* better than earlier versions.  Full read-write support.  I may break all your toys though.03:15
bobbiem_n8tuser,  it says its a directory03:15
bobbiem_n8tuser, i am not sure what pastebin is03:15
bamballunless want to recompile the kernel03:15
karstenpw-toxic_: Microsoft doesn't document NTFS, so implementation is a guess.03:15
zirodayMountain_Mover: hardy is more stable whilst intrepid has newer stuff. You should be aware that 32bit can only handle up tp 3GB of RAM03:15
n8tuser!pastebin | bobbiem_03:15
ubottubobbiem_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:15
kindofabuzzsomething is wrong with my Synaptic. I can search through command line just fine for packages but not with Synaptic.03:15
pw-toxic_#filezbomber into home03:15
pw-toxic_/dev/sda1/home/pw-toxic/filez ntfs-3g 0 003:15
pw-toxic_so i add this into fstab03:15
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Mountain_Moverhow easy is it to get Ubuntu to communicate with windows based file system I want to use the ubuntu as a file server a good idea or no?03:15
zirodayMountain_Mover: you can use samba to do that, it is reasonably easy03:16
karstenpw-toxic_: 'auto' or 'noauto' as a minimum for options (before '0 0').03:16
ziroday!samba | Mountain_Mover03:16
ubottuMountain_Mover: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209803:16
Mountain_Moverzibri im glad samba has come a long way03:16
Mountain_Moverdoes samba use fat32 or does it use ntfs?03:16
bamballsamba is network file system protocol03:16
zirodayMountain_Mover: it uses the linux filesystem, you will probably want ext303:17
Jordan_Uitson: http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/05/29/how-to-increase-the-screen-resolutions-available-to-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-while-running-in-parallels-desktop/ Might be helpfull03:17
mattb0001Nope it won't work03:17
zsquarepluscMountain_Mover: it is a network protocol implementation, that has nothing to do with disk formats03:17
[nr]ManjyomeThunStop downloading Ubuntu! It's based off of Lunix! A dangerous hacking program written by Linyos Torovoltos! He wrote it for the soviets before Russia lost the cold war! It's based off of a program written by Microsoft for the US Government.03:17
mattb0001what should I be using to start proftpd and ssh server?03:17
bobbiem_n8tuser, i dont understand.. what do i do?03:17
* karsten finally tracks down "Samba-3 by Example" too late for Xpistos03:17
Mountain_Moverok so I can store any kind of file on Ubuntu and still access it from other OS's03:17
khaotikhow do i use terminal server client to connect to my desktop???03:17
n8tuserbobbiem_-> can you put in pastebin the contents of /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  dir ?03:18
pw-toxic_/dev/sda1/home/pw-toxic/filez ntfs-3g auto0 003:18
pw-toxic_karsten:  so this is correct?03:18
zirodayMountain_Mover: correct, that is what samba allows you to do03:18
pw-toxic_karsten: how can i test if this is correct03:18
zsquarepluscMountain_Mover: maybe karsten 's link above is good for oyu too :-)03:18
zirodaykhaotik: you need to enable vnc03:18
karstenpw-toxic_: Try to mount it.  Either it will work or it won't.03:18
n8tuserbobbiem_-> ls -la /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  then put in pastebin03:18
kindofabuzzahh found out there is a bug in synaptic in Intrepid..found a fix03:18
bamballI thot samba only allows access windows shares?03:18
Mountain_Movershould I use hardy or intrepid ibex?03:18
khaotikunder add remove? or can i do that from terminal?03:18
kindofabuzzhardy =)03:18
pw-toxic_karsten: i want to try the code i have just written03:19
bamballdon't u need to run nfs server for sharing ext303:19
zirodaybamball: no, linux, mac os x and windows can all access samba shares03:19
pw-toxic_karsten: the mount i have typed into the terminal worked..03:19
teratomahow do i set which xorg driver i am using ?03:19
Mountain_Moverziroday using ext3 then?03:19
timreichhartcan anybody help me to confg my modem on my server 8.04 i am using Agere Systems LT WinModem03:19
turtle_is rehl free?03:19
zirodaykhaotik: no, go to System > Preferences > Remote Desktop03:19
zirodayMountain_Mover: yep03:19
karstenpw-toxic_: Cool.03:19
Mountain_Moverziroday documentation still the same for samba in that you have to read 50 pages?03:20
karstenpw-toxic_: I'm outta here.  Gotta  be social.03:20
songwindI need some help with keyboard config, post 8.10 upgrade.03:20
anonidentanyone familiar with setting up an ati radeon graphics card?03:20
zirodayMountain_Mover: not so much, you should look at those links I gave you before03:20
zirodayanonident: which card?03:20
Mountain_Moverok will do03:20
timreichhartcan anybody help me to confg my modem on my server 8.04 i am using Agere Systems LT WinModem03:21
anonidentati radeon 345003:21
songwindI can't figure out where the actual config is being stored.  It knows to use dvorak, but didn't keep my setting to have standard Qwerty available by hotkey.03:21
soreauMountain_Mover: Just grab a live cd here, burn it, and boot live to test it out: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/03:21
anonidentworks 50/5003:21
bamballit seems open-sshd has been removed from the synaptic package explorer...??03:21
bobbiem_n8tuser, ok i did it, and put it in pastebin, no whwar?03:21
pw-toxic_karsten: have fun and thx03:21
zirodayanonident: are you using hardy or intrepid?03:21
anonidenthalf the time it sends my computer to a black screen03:21
Mountain_Moverdo I want the server install then?03:21
anonident8.4 I think03:21
n8tuserbobbiem_-> whats the link so i can see it too03:21
Mountain_Moverto use samba?03:21
Jordan_Ubamball: It's always been called openssh-server03:22
zirodayMountain_Mover: either will work fine. but if the computer is just going to be a server then perhaps the server install is best03:22
bamballJordan_U : oops03:22
zirodayanonident: okay, there are no drivers currently for your card in hardy, you can use envyng to get them however03:22
Mountain_Moverit appears the server doesnt install graphic stuff :( oh well... i'll figure it out03:22
bobbiem_ n8tuser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69086/03:22
Mountain_MoverI dont need apache, php, mysql and all that03:22
anonidentwhat is envyng?03:23
bamballJordan_U: it's really gone.03:23
zirodayMountain_Mover: you can remove the afterwards, or you can use the minimal install iso03:23
anonidentare there drivers for my card in a different release?03:23
bamballJordan_U: not appearing on my 8.10 default install03:23
anonidentand thanks for your help ziro, I really appreciate it03:23
Mountain_MoverI am going to go for the desktop03:23
zirodayanonident: its a package in the repos which get drivers from ati.com. If you upgrade to intrepid the drivers are already there for you03:23
bamballJordan_U: apt-get worked tho03:24
Mountain_Movertest it on virtual pc first then make my way to installing it on the file server03:24
Jordan_Ubamball: It's only installed by default in ubuntu server03:24
anonidentcan I upgrade through update manager?03:24
n8tuserbobbiem_-> its seems the plugin is in the correct spot03:24
zirodayanonident: yes03:24
egofluxamarok is auto-renaming some songs03:24
egofluxit's wierd03:24
anonidentits not showing up when I run it03:24
bamballJordan_U: shouldn't it appear in the synaptic ? "ssh" was the keyword i used03:24
ferfactormy webcam in cheese is very slowly, but i check the properties un gstreamer and i checjked and there is really normal i don't identify why is the problem y use the console to check any problem but the console is clear03:25
ziroday!upgrade | anonident03:25
ubottuanonident: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:25
Jordan_Ubamball: It should, don't know why it didn't for you03:25
bobbiem_n8tuser, hmmm  what does "applet game death"?03:25
leohartxhow do i access an windows shared resource ?03:25
egofluxhas anyone encountered that problem? it keeps renaming the song to VA - Outro03:26
bamballJordan_U: mine was a fresh install of 8.10 x6403:26
zirodayleohartx: you can use the file manager03:26
zsquarepluscleohartx: places->network menu?03:26
n8tuserbobbiem_-> i dont know...whats the url you want to visit?03:26
bamballJordan_U: this morning03:26
egofluxit's all the songs from the same cd03:26
khaotikso does the machine i am trying to connect to have to be connected to a server i take it?03:26
leohartxzsquareplusc, nothing appear03:26
bobbiem_n8tuser, http://www.pogo.com/games/poppit03:27
anonidentnot showing the upgrade to 8.10 by default is a mistake in my opinion03:27
zsquarepluscleohartx: windoze network is somtimes slow (if you dont have a wins server). so you might need to try serveral times (refresh). i assume you want to acces an other networked computer?03:28
n8tuserbobbiem_-> it works for me03:28
Jordan_Uanonident: Some users don't want to upgrade every 6 months, and I often set up machines for other people with an LTS version so they can go years without a major upgrade that they probably don't want / nee03:28
leohartxzsquareplusc, i managed it, thankyou03:29
bobbiem_n8tuser, yes that is what someone else told me, it works for them. i keep getting applet game death03:29
zsquarepluscleohartx: did it show up now, or did you find an other way?03:29
ferfactorany program to control webcam?03:29
Jordan_Uferfactor: Control in what way?03:29
itsonplease someone help me with virtual machine running ubuntu. I cant seem to increase its rez, ( running Parallels Desktop on my mac ) i have Geforce 8800 card.03:30
ferfactorJordan_U, like cheese03:30
Jordan_Uferfactor: You can use your webcam with cheese or ekiga03:30
ferfactorJordan_U, my webcam with cheese is really slow...03:30
leohartxzsquareplusc, i used "connect to server"03:30
zsquarepluscleohartx: ah .-)03:30
anonidentyeah, but it seems like you should give them the choice03:30
anonidentI assume most people would just do the update03:30
anonidenttakes a few mins and you get all the latest features03:31
n8tuserbobbiem_-> you seem to be missing lots of plugins in your  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/03:31
zirodayanonident: you can vote, or create the idea on brainstorm.ubuntu.com03:31
ferfactorJordan_U, any idea her??? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69088/03:31
anonidentwell I'll probably be back after I finish this03:31
anonidentthere are a few other problems I have had03:31
anonidentthanks for your help ziro and everyone else03:31
bobbiem_n8tuser, so what do i have to do. I dont mean to be a pain, but i am trying!03:32
n8tuserbobbiem_-> what exact url you used and what did you click next ?03:33
bladewhats up everyone i'm a noob to linux and get some quick help with my AA1 sound driver03:33
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
HiToAllanybody ever used dante?03:34
Jordan_UI built a patched version of mplayer from the latest Ubuntu source package and now update-manager constantly tries to update it to the *same* version from the repos, I want new updates to install but not the same package version ( without the patch )03:34
timreichhartcan anybody help me to confg my modem on my server 8.04 i am using Agere Systems LT WinModem03:34
lpanebrjoin #zf-tool03:34
ferfactorboys and girls any idea here??? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69088/03:35
csilkferfactor, mines does exactly the same, looks like default behaviour to me03:35
bladene 1 know how to rebuild a alsa driver for the AA103:36
ferfactorcsilk, in #ubuntu-es a guy has the same problem :S jejejeje03:36
bobbiem_n8tuser, i am not sure what you mean?03:36
csilkferfactor, I was talking about your paste03:36
ferfactorcsilk, yep me too... myabe is something that many guys as....03:36
n8tuserbobbiem_-> what url are you visiting and what do you click next?03:37
csilkferfactor, as far as I can see it doesn't cause any problems having those missing plugins03:37
SimplySethNE 1 have a quad core proc ?03:37
bobbiem_n8tuser, http://www.pogo.com/games/whomp03:37
ferfactorcsilk, well, but when i i'm trying to use cheese my webcam works very slowly03:37
csilkferfactor, ahh rite, I haven't tried my webcam on intrepid yet so I guess I have that error to come ;)03:38
bobbiem_n8tuser, then i just click on play now03:38
ferfactorcsilk, maybe is time to check your webcam and verify if the problem is general03:38
n8tuserbobbiem_-> and you get what after?03:39
csilkferfactor, at some point over the next week I'll do that03:39
bladethnxs 4 the no help peeps03:39
csilkthat's alrite blade03:40
ferfactorcsilk, i hope have news about your webcam03:40
zilunl can understand Chinese03:40
bobbiem_n8tuser, click play now, a new window comes up, i see the ads then nothing, its says applet game death03:40
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:40
cHiOsdamn yirabbit gimme some of that thing you are smoking03:40
dbproguyhow do I like extend my desktop, in ubuntu?03:41
guoshuqii am here, shijiazhuang03:41
songwindHad to connect to the work VPN for a minute.03:41
dbproguyI tried going to System > Preferences > Screen Resolution, but everything I tried didn't seem to work.03:42
songwindSo, my question was:  Where is the keyboard config setting stored in 8.10, so I can add extra keyboard layouts for use in GDM?03:42
csilkseriously, google is your friend03:42
n8tuserbobbiem_-> viist this and see if the animation is working    http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml03:43
* nickrud wonders how long it took himself to get decent google-fu skills03:43
zsquareplusc3 months 3 days and 4 hours and 18 minutes and 47 seconds ;-)03:44
ghangI need some help to set up my sound03:45
dbproguyNever mind, I found some stuff03:45
bobbiem_n8tuser, yes the animation is working03:45
n8tuserbobbiem_-> that tells you your java install is functional03:45
ghangI am using dell laptop(ubuntu studio) , I duno which one is my sound card , in the sound preferences I duno chose intel 82801db-***** or chose alsa03:46
_cbWhat is the best way to insure I can recover programs and settings if my hard drive crashes?03:46
n8tuserbobbiem_-> and whats the version do you have per that web site?03:46
bobbiem_n8tuser, it says i am using an old version of JRE. there is a update java 6 update 703:47
ziroday!sound | ghang03:47
ubottughang: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:47
csilkbobbiem_, you should be running the latest jre if you followed my instructions earlier03:47
computer_how do i make my background transparent for my file navigator?03:47
burkesbythebayrunning 8.10 and its detectimg my 4gb usb key but when i go to access it i get an error cant mount volume03:48
n8tuserbobbiem_-> you are difinitely missing plugins  in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins03:48
csilksudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin         < bobbiem_03:48
=== christiekoehler| is now known as christiekoehler
bobbiem_n8tuser, this says i have java 603:49
Don_Paulieoneanyway to apt-get dist-upgrade from Ubuntu Desktop to Ubuntu Server edition?03:49
csilkDon_Miguel,  no03:49
csilkDon_Paulieone, ^03:49
itsonwhat tool can i use to setup xconf.org again?03:49
wezckhola buenas noches03:49
zirodayitson: err, just edit the text file?03:49
ironmedicdoes anyone know how i can play itunes mp3's off my ipod on linux?  none of my music players will play them back because they are protected03:50
nickrudcomputer_, the guys in #compiz-fusion have the best skills with setting up obscure compiz options, like selective opacity]03:50
Don_Paulieonecsilk: thank you for your feedback.  Ubuntu rocks!03:50
itsonyeah, i guess i could do that.. but .. i might mess something up..03:50
zsquarepluscitson: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:50
itsonthanks zsquareplusc03:50
teratomayou cant play protected mp3s in linx03:50
nickruddrm isn't supported in linux, no03:51
bobbiem_csilk, i did what you said and everything is at its newest03:51
csilkbobbiem_,  run the command iI jsut posted03:51
csilk*I just posted03:51
_cbWhat is the best way to insure I can recover programs and settings if my hard drive crashes?03:51
ziroday_cb: make a backup03:51
egofluxis it ok to have gcc3 and 4 installed at once?03:51
egoflux well 3.3 and 4.103:51
csilkIf everything is at it's newest version then try the fix I posted a link to earlier03:51
zsquareplusc_cb: backup files. i.e. copy /etc/* /home/* to an other disk. maybe /var/* too03:52
nickrud_cb, !clone will save your package selection, and if you back up /home/<username> you will have all your data and personal settings03:52
nickrud!clone > _cb03:52
ubottu_cb, please see my private message03:52
zsquareplusc!backup > _cb03:53
ubottu_cb, please see my private message03:53
_cbWhat folders do I backup for programs and settings (not data which I assume is /home03:53
nickrudegoflux, yes, you can even use sudo update-alternatives --config gcc to set the default iirc03:53
Mountain_Moveris virtualbox another plugin?03:53
nickrudMountain_Mover, not a plugin, an application03:53
csilkegoflux,  That's a very niche question, I don't know exactly how GCC installs so I personally I cant give you an answer. I'd try hitting up google if I were you03:53
_cbUbottu am using xchat and new at it. How do I see your private message?03:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:53
zsquareplusc_cb: it should have opened a new tab03:54
nickrud_cb, you should have another window in the list to the left03:54
zsquareplusc_cb: ubottu is just a bot. talk to us instead :-)03:54
nickrudor tab, I use tabs myself03:54
cllaudyuis ubuntu safe from viruses and hack attacks?03:54
n8tuserbobbiem_-> your plugins dir should be something like   http://paste.ubuntu.com/69089/03:54
csilk"hack attacks"03:54
nickrudcllaudyu, mostly03:54
Mountain_Moveroh so virtualbox is a music app?03:54
csilkn8tuser, I'm sorry but that's just plain wrong03:54
ziroday!virus | cllaudyu03:54
ubottucllaudyu: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:54
nickrudMountain_Mover, no, it's a way to run an os inside another. For example, I sometimes boot up vista inside of ubuntu to test web pages03:55
n8tusercsilk-> what is plain wrong with it?03:55
csilkn8tuser, my plugins folder has 4 files and I have no problems what so ever. You obviously consume more media than I but in no way is your plugins folder the "norm"03:55
Mountain_Movercool so its the same as virtual pc for win03:55
n8tusercsilk-> it may not be a norm, but certainly not plain wrong!03:55
Mountain_Moverbut its for linux instead03:55
zirodayMountain_Mover: thats correct03:56
nickrudMountain_Mover, for windows and sun as well03:56
tcaanyone here a grub pro? the auto grub config didnt work for me (trying to boot windows on a diff hdd) and ive tried every config that makes sense with no luck03:56
csilkn8tuser, > http://paste.ubuntu.com/69090/03:56
Jordan_UI built a patched version of mplayer from the latest Ubuntu source package and now update-manager constantly tries to update it to the *same* version from the repos, I want new updates to install but not the same package version ( without the patch )03:57
csilkn8tuser,  By "plain wrong" I meant you telling him that "your plugins dir should be something like". Is plain wrong03:57
egofluxdamn it...i keep getting this error when i do ./configure for transkode: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check03:57
egofluxbut i already have gcc and g++03:57
csilkHe only has the java plugin because the only type of media he has viewed that requires a plugin, perfectly normal03:57
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:57
n8tusercsilk-> i dont know, but something like is not same as exactly the same to me03:57
csilk*is java03:58
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate03:58
n8tuseri think that site requires flashplugin.so03:58
nickrudtca you probably need to map the drives back and forth: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/DOS_002fWindows.html03:58
csilkn8tuser,  not sure if I agree, anyway, not the point, I gave him a workaround to the issue but he didn't even look at it, it seems to take him a long time to reply to anything03:59
tcaive tried nickrud03:59
novatoalguien me puede ayudar04:00
n8tuser!es | novato04:00
ubottunovato: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:00
nickrudtca, ah, well that's worked for me, but I don't have mixed sata and pata drives. If that's your case, I'm not familiar with how it's done. You might try #grub04:00
novatocomo le ago04:00
tcaya i do04:00
helpmehi everyone04:00
novatocomo me paso en español04:00
egofluxnovato: /join #ubuntu-es04:01
nickrudtca, try asking in the #grub channel, /j #grub (I hope I'm not insulting you with this command ;)04:01
tcayou are :(04:01
_cbAny easy way to import outlook pst to evolution?04:02
tritium_cb: I believe so, with outport04:02
_cboutport exports contact, calendar & task. :) Want to import mail folders :(04:04
najibhi, i have a little problem with keyboard while press for symbol such as ´ ¨ | and maybe else..it was slow and need repeated/twice hit before the symbol come out..any idea?04:05
gavagaiI am trying to install the nvidia drivers through Administration/Hardware Drivers.  But it never activates.  it says it is downloading and that's it.  rebooting does nothing.  is it not downloading?04:05
egofluxso, any ideas?04:05
dbproguyWell i'm back soon.04:05
csilkgavagai, sudo apt-get update then try again04:06
csilkgavagai, also it can take a minute or so to start04:06
dbproguyIn this tutorial, I don't quite understand it, and I'm quite new to Ubuntu, so forgive me.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1773624 at Step 4, I don't understand what I'm supposed to be adding.04:06
nickrud_cb, I had to do that once. I ended up using a remote imap store to dump the email to, then import into evolution. A pain, and slow, but it got the job done04:06
Mountain_MoverI suppose since I am installing ubuntu via virtual pc I can use daemon tools to load the iso04:07
egofluxgod...all the shit i've installed to get ONE app working04:07
tritium!language | egoflux04:07
ubottuegoflux: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:07
_cbbummer. Thus far outlook to evolution is the only dissapointment in Ubuntu. Pretty impressed on day 3.04:07
Mountain_Moveregoflux hince linux04:07
unushello, I am working on getting a ATI TV Wonder 600 working on my recent install of ubuntu, thus far I have managed to get video using tvtime. But, there is no sound (as is a known issue with this card), when i ran "sox -r 48000 -w -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t alsa default" as many sites have said to do, sox tells me the ossdsp is not a reconized file type... what can i do to get around this?04:08
Mountain_Moverits like building a shed instead of buying one04:08
Mountain_Moveryou can sit back and look at it04:08
egofluxlets see if it works this time04:08
tritium_cb: evolution is the same on any distribution.  Further, outlook using proprietary formats is a Microsoft shortcoming, not one with evolution.04:08
nickrud_cb, invest the money to have a remote email store in imap. Then you won't ever have to worry about moving mail from one client to another. The best $10 a month I spend04:08
csilkgavagai, did it work?04:08
Don_Paulieonegmail does imap these days, pretty reliable04:09
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
nickrudyeah, gmail is ok but I like having access to procmail and the like. I'm old and set in my ways04:09
Horatioanyone know how to check to see if a variable is an integer using an If statement?04:09
Horatioin python04:09
_cbNot looking at Ubuntu for myself but looking at Ubuntu to see if it is ready for mass distribution and possibly to recommend it where I work at.04:09
RHorsenickrud:  I use gmail with procmail. Works good04:10
Horatio_cb: it's definitely ready for mass distribution... ubuntu is extremely solid04:10
egofluxcrap...just to get to another stump04:10
helpmehello, i am using ubuntu 8.04 with ltsp 5. my problem is with old client it say ACPI: DMI BIOS year==0, assuming ACPI-capable machine. anyone can help?04:10
nickrudRHorse, gmail as an imap store, so I can use the web client or any email client I want on the same data? No procmail that way04:10
tritiumegoflux: I've already asked you to watch the language.04:10
egofluxtritium: crap is a bad word?04:10
egofluxelementary kids use that word...04:11
nickrudegoflux, think disney g rated, and you'll never go wrong04:11
tritiumegoflux: please, keep it family-friendly.04:11
RHorsenickrud:  right. I'm using pop.04:11
egofluxdisney g-rated...04:11
egofluxi guess g-string is out of the question...04:11
tritiumegoflux: you were asked nicely04:12
_cbhoratio, almost. Don't know why Flash is not part of the default install and I had to do a sudo aptitude install libflashsupport to overcome a sound problem.04:12
nickrud_cb, the default install is intended to be totally free software with the exception of fundamental functionality like video drivers for cards that have no usable open source version. Plus, disk space04:13
najibhi, i have a little problem with keyboard while press for symbol such as ´ ¨ | and maybe else..it was slow and need repeated hit, twice hit, or need to hit any other button before the symbol come out..it is happen all the time and at all places..GUI and CLI..any idea?04:13
=== christiekoehler is now known as christiekoehler|
GuinnesssDoes anyone know which package I must install to let amarok play m4a music? Rhythmbox is playing it fine.04:14
_cbBut if you are going to give non-technical people PC's with Ubuntu you would have to give them flash, don't you think?04:14
ConexionDoes anybody here have experience with Ubuntu eee?04:14
mindframe_why are my folders being launched in GQVIEW?04:15
mindframe_when i open anything under places it opens in gqview04:15
nickrud_cb, my windows machine didn't come with flash either04:15
nickrudmindframe_, there's a default open, a sec while I find it (obscure)04:15
mindframe_im curious why it changed when i upgrade to intrepid04:16
_cbTrue :) but windows just does the flash download. Does not require sudo aptitude install libflashsupport :(04:16
mindframe_too many problems in the intrepid upgrade04:16
mindframe_my performance has taken a pretty large hit04:16
ConexionI'm in Ubuntu eee, but I can't seem to connect to the internet wirelessly04:16
ConexionWired and Point to Point connections are showing up04:16
nickrudmindframe_, right click a folder, select properties->open with tab04:16
_cbHas anyone here uses nomachine?04:16
helpmedoes anyone know where to ask about ltsp ubuntu?04:17
rbdcan anyone recommend a cheap and simple dual DVI video card that works out of the box on linux (ubuntu 8.10) and can push 2 24 inch monitors (1920x1200 each)?04:17
helpme_cb: me using it04:17
modpauperConexion: Don't know if it helps, but I'm running Ibex on an Aspire One with the latest downloaded Madwifi release04:17
nickruddoesn't #edubuntu use ltsp a lot?04:17
GuinnesssThat's true windows doesnt come with lots of stuff, I just think you should be asked at installation if you want to install the nonfree-extras package.04:17
_cbhelpme have you used Citrix too?04:17
modpauperConexion: Otherwise, I couldn't use wifi on the Aspire One's card04:17
helpmebut i am already install ltsp in ubuntu 8.0404:17
helpme_cb: no citrix only windows xp and ubuntu 8.0404:18
Conexionmopauper: I'll check it out :)04:18
nickrudhelpme, try asking for help in #edubuntu, a better chance to find someone who's using it04:18
tsopMy ubuntu is messed up, heh, it doesn't recognize my keyboard anymore... nor eth004:18
modpauperConexion: Good luck!04:18
ConexionThanks :)04:18
_cbhelpme in nomach are all applications published to all clients or can I, for example. publish Gimp to some client, Open Office to others, and both to others?04:19
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helpmei am not the expert, but i using modif on dekstop only, each client printer setting and it's worked04:21
waanWhat directory are screensavers located in?04:22
remotewhen i'm using a java application from firefox the sound is locked so other applications cannot use it04:22
remoteis there something i can configure differently so that the sound device cannot be "locked" like this?04:23
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Chrisieremote: you might try launching Firefox with 'padsp firefox' (without the ') if you're using Pulse Audio04:24
Reformer81Just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10.  Everything seems good except that now my shortcuts in the Places menu don't work.  I select them and absolutely nothing happens.  Anyone else have this issue too?04:25
JROCK2004I am having some issues with ssh tunneling thru ubuntu 8.10. It works on my windows computer but not my linux. I have the same setup as my windows machine but if I try to rdp in or go to the website it fails04:25
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klaxianwhen i try to start mysql, i get a permission denied error, but i'm sure permissions are correct.  any ideas?04:25
klaxiani don't think its a mysql problem04:25
JROCK2004does anyone here do ssh tunneling?04:26
smokewonhey there im getting some very very strange updates via sudo apt-get update... here: http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotlv9.png04:26
smokewonnotice "The following packages will be upgraded: command-not-found command-not-found-data"04:26
smokewonwhy is it doing that?04:26
roukounhi all04:26
klaxiansmokewon: those are valid packages :)04:26
joljamI am still having problems with ubuntu04:27
smokewoncommand-not-found is a valid package?04:27
joljamits hanging and slowing up....04:27
joljamI am getting frustrated04:27
joljamcan someone help me04:27
Don_Paulieonesmokewon: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/admin/command-not-found04:27
egofluxcan i install an app from source with synaptic or apt-get or do i have to manually do it from a terminal?04:28
klaxiansmokewon: yes04:28
smokewonoh ok lol04:28
egofluxi need to add an option04:28
ChrisieGoodnight all.04:28
smokewoni thought it was an error04:28
khaotikcould anyone help me understand and get terminal server client working?04:29
[TiZ]Hi there. Is there any way to get it so that if an application crashes, a message box appears to tell me what happened? Gridwars just quit for no reason, and I can't find any logs where the error might be. And I don't want to run gridwars from the terminal from now on.04:30
waankhaotik: What problem are you having?04:30
[TiZ]It would be useful for future application crashes too.04:30
khaotikdont kno. i just cant get it working after everything i have read04:30
khaotikalways says unable to connect04:31
waankhaotik: what are you trying to connect to?04:31
roukouni have a serious problem when im trying to launch vmware... it gives me the following output http://pastebin.com/f4eaf28a1 :: Any help appreciated!04:31
khaotikmy desktop running vista04:31
egofluxis there an app to convert from m4a to mp3?04:32
waankhaotik: Is remote desktop enabled?04:32
waanso it works from other windows desktops?04:32
egofluxi know how to do it individually, but i have 1600+ songs i need to convert and they are all in subfolders04:33
khaotiki even turned the firewall off for a second and still  unable to connect04:33
joljamcould anyone help me find why my system is slowing down04:33
waanrdp is always an exception in windows firewall04:33
[TiZ]Hi there. Is there any way to get it so that if an application crashes, a message box appears to tell me what happened? Gridwars just quit for no reason, and I can't find any logs where the error might be. And I don't want to run gridwars from the terminal from now on. It would be useful for future application crashes too.04:33
joljamplease tell me what to type in the command line04:33
burkesbythebayI'm running 8.10 and when a plug a thumd drive in it shows up in computer but when you try and access it i get a message saying its not mounted04:33
khaotiki have tried with rdpv5 and vnc04:33
modpauperjoljam: htop04:33
waanread my question ^04:34
legendsohaiis there anybody know how can i fix nvidia driver not running on ubuntu 8.1004:34
modpauperjoljam: or just top :)04:34
harryinoferiosomeone help please.. i accidentally deleted my default user admin04:34
harryinoferioi've created a new one however i cant get into my files.. cause i locked them04:34
waanharryinoferio: you deleted root?04:34
modpauperjoljam: That's the command: top.  So, in terminal, type 'top' or download 'htop' which is a nicer interphace to the same tools.04:34
roukouni have a serious problem when im trying to launch vmware... it gives me the following output http://pastebin.com/f4eaf28a1 :: Any help appreciated!04:35
harryinoferiowaan: not really but the other root.04:35
joljamosrry i was ignorant04:35
harryinoferiowaan: there are 2 roots right after installation?04:35
modpauperjoljam: You can also use the command 'free -m' to see how your memory is holding up.04:35
waanharryinoferio: no, root and your user04:35
harryinoferiowaan: just my user04:35
waanharryinoferio: then use adduser to add it back04:35
harryinoferiowaan: whenever i do that home kidbuntu is my default before.. it says "home folder already exists" or user already exists04:36
qkalli'm trying to set up a 3g usb modem on hardy... i can't figure it out...04:36
waanharryinoferio: how did you delete your account?04:37
zirodayqkall: what modem is it?04:37
harryinoferioopened" systems--->users----> users and groups04:37
modpauperroukoun: have you read http://eitchpress.eitchnet.ch/?p=13 and tried the suggestion?04:37
harryinoferiois there a way that i can accesss it by doing a chmod04:38
joljammodpauper here is the result of free -m04:38
joljam             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached04:38
joljamMem:           740        729         10          0         12        27104:38
joljam-/+ buffers/cache:        445        29404:38
joljamSwap:         2164         38       212604:38
FloodBot1joljam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
harryinoferiowaan i got a new admin now but the files are restricted.. i just want to have it again04:38
waanharryinoferio: sorry i'm confused now, you need to start from the begining04:38
burkesbythebayget a message cant mount location when trying to access it04:38
roukounmodpauper: no i didnt.... but ill do it now! thanks :)04:38
modpauperroukoun: Good luck! :)04:39
qkallziroday: huawei e22004:39
waanharryinoferio: if your user account is gone, log in as root and re-add it. Otherwise it's wasn't deleted04:39
harryinoferiowaan: i did the adduser "user" on recovery console. and this is is that i'm using now04:39
zirodayqkall: okay, the easiest way to get that setup is install the new network manager which comes by default in intrepid04:39
joljamburkesbythebay there is a solution04:39
waanharryinoferio: why are you in a recovery console?04:40
qkalli'm using ubuntu light... so i don't know if that will break it... i'm game to try it... lol04:40
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harryinoferiowaan: all of my users are messed up.. heres what i did. i have my default user admin before04:40
zirodayqkall: you can also add the network manager ppa04:40
qkallziroday: thanks googling now04:40
zirodayqkall: https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive04:41
mhoy06Does anyone know how to make my workspace switcher have more than 2?04:41
harryinoferiowaan i created a new one... on the second user i created i deleted the default first one. and i changed the home folder of the new one to my default one so i couldnt log in by gdm.04:41
waanmhenley: yep, add the workspace switcher to the panel, then properties will let you change that04:41
harryinoferiowaan: thats why i went over to the recovery console and created this new account..04:42
Reformer81Just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10.  Everything seems good except that now my shortcuts in the Places menu don't work.  I select them and absolutely nothing happens.  Anyone else have this issue too?04:42
waanharryinoferio: you've totally lost me lol04:42
zirodayReformer81: one sec and I'll get you a link04:42
mhoy06Thanks for the help on the workspace switcher04:42
waanharryinoferio: maybe re-install?04:42
joljammadpauper http://paste.ubuntu.com/69095/plain/04:42
zirodayReformer81: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/10/intrepid-update-faq.html see point 1204:42
Reformer81ziroday: thanks04:43
modpauperjoljam: That's saying how much memory you have, how much is used, and how much is cached.  The free memory is free + cached.  The problem may be related to CPU use.  Try using top.  Read about it more at http://lifehacker.com/399468/top-10-command-line-tools and the man page (type 'man top' in a terminal)04:43
harryinoferiowaan: reinstall would result to a totally reformating again right?04:43
qkallziroday: thanks upgrading and rebooting04:43
modpauperjoljam: Top will let you see the processes running on your machine, and how much memory/CPU they're using.  Using it, you can identify processes that are taking up a lot of resources.  If you can't figure out what a process is by its name, try googling the name of the process.04:44
* gaintsura w00ts modpauper for a lifehacker link04:44
burkesbythebayjoljam:  And the solution is04:44
jamesbrinkdoes anyone know how i can upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 using the reg cd? this computer will have no access to internet and i grabbed the wrong cd, i guess i needed the alternate isntall cd04:45
ceterusHi, How do I get around /dev/dsp1 not existing. This is needed to get sound from a USB device working and I have no idea as to why it is not present. Any help?04:45
zirodayjamesbrink: you need the alternate cd, you can't do it with the desktop cd04:45
modpaupergaintsura: Gotta love lifehacker04:46
gaintsurastill hacking my life though, its not perfect.. yet =D04:46
helpmeanybody using etherboot?04:46
roukounmodpauper: tnx a lot! it worked :)04:48
egofluxhow do i compile an app with apt-get or synaptic??? i need to add some options04:49
modpauperroukoun: Glad to hear it. :)  Happy virtualization.04:49
zirodayegoflux: you don't compile apps with apt-get04:49
maxxisthey folks04:49
egofluxziroday: i know...but is there a way to add an option like the ones u add when compiling04:50
zirodayegoflux: not that I know of04:50
modpauperegoflux: You can use apt-get source to download the source, then make it, I believe.  You could also rebuild the new package as a custom .deb.04:51
coolhi need  help with video  card intel945g04:51
zirodaycool: whats wrong with it?04:52
egofluxmodpauper: so i'd put; apt-get source app?04:52
maxxisti seem to be having some serious network speed issues with intrepid.  i have tried multiple repos now,  they start out going a fair speed but after a few moments they seem to throttle down to like 2400bps   on two seperate machines.   and fresh installs of intrepid.  network manager keeps borking my netmask and other manually entered values too.  am i stoopid?04:52
cooli have  a game and   it 3d and  dont look good04:52
modpauperegoflux: Yeah.  You may need to run it as sudo.04:52
egofluxmodpauper: yeah, but once it downloads, where do i go to make add the line?04:53
murlidharhas anybody used a casper script here ?04:53
har02052Could I get some help getting my sound to work correctly?04:54
murlidhar!ask | har0205204:54
ubottuhar02052: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:54
cooli went to game  page   it says  may not  work with any thing be for intle 945g04:54
modpauperegoflux: You'll need to unzip and untar the file, cd into the directory, and probably run the autoconfigure script to build a Makefile with the right switches.  I think './configure --help' should display a list of switches.04:54
gavagaiMy fonts in Firefox don't look that great.  Is there a way to make them nicer?04:55
ceterusHi, How do I get around /dev/dsp1 not existing. This is needed to get sound from a USB device working and I have no idea as to why it is not present. Any help?04:55
=== guest9681 is now known as ubunaut
nite_johnboyi have four desktops can i have a different wallpaper on each ? ?04:55
egofluxmodpauper: yeah, but is the sourced saved to the directory i'm in?04:55
coolhow 1to pi ur video car  setting  and how  2 go  there???04:55
murlidhargavagai: google it please .there are a lot of articles covered on it04:56
har02052I have a hp dv4t, I just installed ubuntu 8.10.  As soon as ubuntu goes to the log in screen, the drum-roll starts but the very first note just repeats continuously.04:56
ubunaut!font | gavagai04:56
ubottugavagai: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:56
egofluxlol, har02052 that's how it's supposed to sound04:56
modpauperegoflux: You'll get a .tar.gz file.  I think apt-get source will also extract the file for you, into a subdirectory of the current directory.04:56
har02052no, like five minutes later04:56
har02052still repeating04:57
khaotikok. i got it to work vnc but the screen is glitchy as all hell04:57
pw-toxic_how can i check if my ftp server is running?04:58
pw-toxic_i cant connect to it from another pc... but i dont know why04:58
zirodaypw-toxic: you can try sudo /etc/init.d/<ftpservername> status04:58
cooli  look it  up cant find any thing  to see were  my setting  and  how 2 pick i video card setting04:59
modpaupergaintsura: lol *delayed response*04:59
ubunautpw-toxic_, you can try connecting from the same machine, just use as the IP04:59
murlidharhar02052: try /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:59
coolwhat can i do?05:00
gavagaiubunaut, thanks05:01
murlidharif it doen't then try /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart05:01
centaur5Does anybody know if they changed the syntax for the Kickstart preseed files in Intrepid?05:02
pw-toxic_ubunaut: i cant connect to it... i dont know why it doesnt work05:02
PeddyEver since upgrading to Intrepid, my bluetooth obex and bluetooth in general isn't working. Is this a known issue, or can someone please help me?05:02
GnuBoihow to display vlc video in same window in 0.9.505:02
pw-toxic_some hours before everything worked05:02
har02052It says that it restarted alsa, but as soon as it did, the sound started back up again.05:02
pw-toxic_if i do /etc/init.d/wu-ftpd status "nothing" happens05:02
pw-toxic_no output i mean05:02
murlidharhar02052: if it doen't then try /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart05:02
ubunautpw-toxic_, probably a issue with the server config, what ftp server are you using?05:02
pw-toxic_.... 3rd try: wu-ftpd05:03
ronhalfdanranybody know how to diagnose and fix file browser/nautlius problems?05:03
har02052that didn't do anything05:03
jennahi all. i will purchase a notebook today. i am not aware of current components anymore. which cpu, ram, graphiccard is standard now?05:03
qkallziroday: it reconizes the card all well but i can't get it to connect05:03
murlidharronhalfdanr: please be specific05:03
pw-toxic_jenna: the one with high numbers (concerning the price)05:03
zirodayqkall: make sure you have the right settings05:04
pw-toxic_jenna: what do you need you rlaptop for?05:04
ronhalfdanrboth nautlius and the file browser freeze on home, ron and root folder.....one core goes to 100% usage05:04
ubunautpw-toxic_, how did you get it set up before?05:04
murlidharronhalfdanr: if this is what you mean " nautilus --help "05:04
qkallziroday: i'm unsure what are the right settings... i don't even know what to google to find out... :-[05:04
pw-toxic_ubunaut: i just used apt-get install wu-ftpd and then  wu-ftpd ;)05:04
GuinnesssJenna, Dell are offering some PC's and notebooks that come loaded with linux. Support such companies.05:04
yowshianyone know of a complete command reference. i have a teenager getting a linux comp and i akm the only tech support on the house05:05
pw-toxic_ubunaut: what are valid users for an ftp server to connect?05:05
pw-toxic_i used the login of this pc here05:05
qkallyowshi: i have a wallpaper with all of that kind of stuf05:05
yowshiqkall hmmm can i have it?05:05
ronhalfdanrnot what I mean murlidhar05:05
har02052I used sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop and the sound stopped, obviously.05:06
dfgasthis encrypted folder is a crock of s***. its just a hidden folder, its not encrypted05:06
qkallyowshi: let me just find it05:06
murlidharhar02052: now start it05:06
ubunaut!language | dfgas05:06
ubottudfgas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:06
=== yowshi is now known as Yowshi
pw-toxic_ubunaut: any suggestions?05:06
Guinnesssdfgas: log out and log in as a different user...you'll see its encrypted05:06
ubunautdfgas, do you mean the "Private" directory? it is encrypted, it may appear accessible because you are logged in05:06
ronhalfdanrhave done clean reinstalls, have upgraded to 8.1 and done yet another clean install.......no joy, no answers on the forums, nothing in any docs05:06
Guinnesssdfgas: It's only encrypted while you are logged out.05:07
ubunautpw-toxic_, user setup depends on the ftp server, what error do you get when trying to connect?05:07
dfgasroot can access it just fine05:07
usserdfgas, yes it is05:07
har02052as soon as it is restarted, the repeating sound starts up again05:08
Guinnesssdfgas, yes root can access it while your user is logged in.05:08
usserdfgas, mount your harddrive from live cd and try to access it05:08
qkallYowshi: did you get it?05:08
murlidharronhalfdanr: it needs to debugged which i won't know how to do it . someone else might help you . just be please patient .:)05:08
qkallziroday: can you point me in the right direction... like what to google?05:08
murlidharronhalfdanr: actually i don't use nautilus . so i won't know much about it05:08
Guinnesssdfgas...the purpose of it is to secure information if your computer where stolen or something...05:09
Yowshiqkall: doesnt have the chmod command ;)05:09
cllaudyuhelp!! all of  my programs crash often05:09
moDumasswhich docs do i need to see to find out which one is setting my only screen res options to 640x480 or 320Xwhatever05:09
murlidharronhalfdanr: in the meantime . if you having trouble you could use pcmanfm as the alternative .05:09
pw-toxic_ubunaut: unable to make a connections. please try again.05:09
Guinnesssdfgas, not secure your info against root.05:09
ronhalfdanrmurlidhar: , I'v e been attempting to get help the last week............I need to get work done and if it isn;t fixed otnight tomorrow I switch back to XP because I can actually get to my files to configure apps then use them to work05:09
murlidhar!info pcmanfm05:09
ubottupcmanfm (source: pcmanfm): an extremely fast and lightweight file manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-3 (intrepid), package size 331 kB, installed size 1280 kB05:09
har02052audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument05:09
har02052if I go into sound props and test the sound05:09
Yowshiqkall: this is good though thanks. dont kow if i will need more involved commands05:10
ubunautpw-toxic_, maybe check to see that the server process is running05:10
murlidharhar02052: try it05:10
zirodayqkall: sorry was away, am really not sure. Best thing to do is ask your service provider or google your service providers name and linux05:10
Yowshiqkall: oh it does have chmod heh05:10
qkallYowshi: yeah i wish i found this like a year or so ago...05:10
pw-toxic_ubunaut: well no its not... but why?05:11
Yowshiqkall: this will certainly be a help05:11
pw-toxic_if i type "wu-ftpd"  there is no answer.. and this should mean it works05:11
newnamehey ziro05:11
qkallziroday: maybe if i knew what i was looking for exactly.. like the login name? vpn?05:11
zirodaynewname: hello?05:11
cllaudyudoes a server for romania exist?05:11
har02052I get this error: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument05:11
cllaudyuchannel for romania!05:12
har02052and then I have to force quit the sound preferences menu to get out05:12
zirodayqkall: you are right clicking and going to edit connections > mobile broadband right?05:12
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro05:12
murlidhar!ro | cllaudyu05:12
ubottucllaudyu: please see above05:12
qkallziroday: yeah it reconizes everythign.. it just doesn't connect... no errors no nothing.. just doesn't work05:13
moDumassmost recent post says to use ENVY to change my screen res, but ive also been told in the past to steer clear of envy05:13
moDumassbut im stuck in 640x480 land and it blows05:13
elpargocllaudyu, you mean IRC channel? if it exists it should be #ubuntu-XX, where XX is your country code.05:13
binarymutantif I put a file in /usr/bin why does dmenu not show it or how can I add programs to dmenu?05:14
murlidharmoDumass: tried xrandr ?05:14
zirodayqkall: err did you make sure your username and password was correct, for that matter all the settings were correct when right clicking?05:14
thethirdmoose_In Intrepid, I can't get the fast-user-switch applet to show up. I upgraded from Hardy and it doesn't show up in the add-to-panel menu05:14
moDumassmarlidhar, xrande is new to me, i ran it last night but i didnt know what to look for or how to change it..05:14
pw-toxic_ubunaut: do you know another ftp server i could use?05:15
elpargocllaudyu, if not look for it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:15
cllaudyuelpargo: yes i found that out... but i thought there was a server05:15
qkallziroday: honestly i don't know where to find that.. and i'm weary of calling att since they think i have a prepaid phone... heh.05:15
elpargocllaudyu, server? why will you want a server for a single channel05:15
murlidharmoDumass: it just show you the resolution it support to your ccard05:15
moDumassmarlidhar, but im keen to give it a whirl, il google it05:15
zirodayqkall: well if you have att they're a pretty big telco, do you want me to try google around for you?05:15
murlidharmoDumass: please use murl then press TAB to autocomplete my name :p05:16
qkallziroday: if i knew what to google i'd do it.. i just don't know what to google...05:16
moDumassmurlidhar,  ok05:16
moDumassmurlidhar, is there any way to increase the number of available res`s that its allowing05:16
zirodayqkall: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-us or #ubuntu-us-<yourstate> as they will most likely know what settings are needed by the local telco05:17
murlidharmoDumass: afaik no .05:17
moDumassmurlidhar, this was a surprise ubuntu mashup, no changes, jsut decided to stop showing 1440x90005:17
qkallziroday: i went there first they tend to not respond... but i05:17
murlidharmoDumass: what is the resolution your monitor can support to05:17
qkallpeep them again05:17
murlidharmoDumass: one sec05:18
zirodayqkall: sorry thats all I've got05:18
moDumassim wikipediaing it05:18
DaveCavegood evening fellas05:18
DaveCavehow goes the world of ubuntu users 2night05:18
qkallziroday: no don05:18
ybphi all - i'm having a problem with the ati binary driver and dual-screens05:18
qkallt worry you've helped alot05:18
maxxistDoes anyone else get tons of i/o errors on sr0 when booting from any of the ubuntu installs discs?  I got that problem from two separate systems tonight.05:19
murlidharmoDumass: i forgot the command . do you use gnome ? then try using the display properties05:19
maxxisti should mention they were 8.1005:19
ybpbasically, it works except that the smaller monitor has space that is cut off on the side05:20
ybpyou can see this space, but only when zoomed out in expo, or in the pager which shows the extra space05:20
DaveCaveanyone know how to install multible copies of Wine for multiboxing games? i attempted my own way, to no avail05:20
pw-toxic_ubunaut: proftp works05:20
moDumassmurlidhar, im in gnome, and display properties only shows 640x and 320x xorg.conf still has the 1440x in it05:20
zirodayDaveCave: you mean similar to how crossover has their "bottles"?05:20
kazim59How to play .rmvb files? There is no video. :(05:21
DaveCaveziroday: define these "bottles" i refuse to pay for crossover05:21
murlidharmoDumass: maybe the driver has changed . look for another driver from it .05:21
zirodaykazim59: do you have the real player codecs installed?05:21
moDumassan updated nvidia driver?05:21
kazim59ziroday: yes. Installed all codecs from mplayer website. drvc.so is supposedly the realvid codec.05:21
zirodayDaveCave: ah, they're basically different version of windows, as some programs run better on different versions05:21
ziroday!codecs | kazim5905:21
ubottukazim59: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:21
moDumassmurlidhar, il update the driver ans see if that makes a change05:21
pegal_linuxi need a barcode generator program with use gtk lib05:22
murlidharmoDumass: k05:22
pegal_linuxwhat is program name ?05:22
DaveCaveziroday: i dont need different versions of the OS, i just need multible Wine "windows" open for playing 2 games at once, i was running 2 WOW's in the same Wine, and spanning across 2 screens, kinda works, but not the best05:22
seclm193Anyone know anything about a network manager patch?05:22
DaveCavei want to actually run Wine Twice05:22
murlidharpegal_linux: google it please . i am not sure .05:22
kazim59ziroday: the problem is surprising, because mplayer says "no such file /usr/lib/codecs/drvc.so"... while the file exists there with good permissions.05:23
zirodayDaveCave: ah, well no clue about that. Tried asking in #winehq?05:23
cdeppenwhy would I get an "Unable to connect" error trying to connect to a Terminal Server Gateway using the Terminal Server Client in Ubuntu?05:23
pegal_linuxmurlidhar, i have so tired gooling for search this topic05:23
zirodaykazim59: you tried using vlc?05:23
pegal_linuxnot found solution05:23
pegal_linuxi just get kde base program, kbarcode05:24
* cllaudyu am revenit!05:24
kazim59ziroday: yes, fails to play video05:24
tediumpegal_linux, have you tried looking on freshmeat.net  ?05:24
murlidharpegal_linux: you could use it05:24
After_MathIs there a channel where I could find information on how to encode ripped dvds to dvd format05:24
DaveCavehow do i connect to #winehq?05:25
tediumAfter_Math, google is good i'd check out k9copy05:25
DaveCavesaid no such channel05:25
thomas_I dont know what the heck Im doing except maybe trashing a perfectly used computer!!!05:25
tediumDaveCave, /join #winehq05:26
frybyeHi - how do I change an entry in the appl. menu so that the specific appl. will be started with a customized start command??05:26
DaveCaveohhh its caps sensitive lol wow im smart05:27
frybyeright-clicking on the menu-entry for the appl. does not seem to give me this option?05:27
tediumDaveCave, huh weird that it is case sensitive..05:27
frybyeok - sorry folks - just found it "edit menus" .. c u05:28
faryshtaHurray I got compiz on XFCE.05:28
faryshtaNow there is nothing I can miss from Gnome jejeje.05:28
esacok, im sort of going to be screwed if i reboot right now. i was cleaning up from a custom kernel i made and typo'd and deleted all kernels including the currently running kernel, and initrd. anybody know how i can get those back easily ?05:29
faryshtawhy everybody got quiet so suddenly?05:29
faryshtaesac, try synaptic.05:30
unopesac, sudo aptitude install linux-image linux-image-$(uname -r)05:30
esacwell except that it is already installed. so i guess ill have to remove it first05:31
unopesac, why remove it at all?05:31
faryshtaI think you will install linux-firmware05:31
unopthat's not necessary05:32
qstnnSince I have upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 my laptop doesn't shutdown, I get no error messages the GUI just gets stuck at the part where the progress bar empties as the computer shuts down. I have to manually power it off. If I press ctrl-alt-f1, I get the login prompt but my keypresses are not registered in that 'stuck' state. If i then, press ctrl-alt-f7 I don't see any message with 'warning' or 'error' next to it.05:32
esacunop: installing linux-image works, but linux-image-`uname -r` reports that it is already installed05:33
rrittenhouseI am using an Acer Aspire One with an Atheros chipset under Ubuntu Ibex 32bit. Network mangaer is telling me (i think) that I have a bad password to my wireless.05:33
esacunop: either way, it is not recreating the kernel image in /boot05:33
FloodBot1faryshta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
faryshtaand that is the all kernel.05:33
kazim59ziroday: it worked... how surprising!05:33
zacharyhas anyone noticed that with frequency scaling set to "ondemand" there is considerable lag in stepping up the CPU during high loads.  Is there a way to adjust sensitivity?05:33
zirodaykazim59: great!05:33
mindframecan someone help me figure out why my windows are drawing so slowly after upgrading to intrepid?05:34
unopfaryshta, use a pastebin if you want to paste multiple lines05:34
rrittenhouseIf I hit show password it has random junk in there and not my wpa personal password, is this right or am i getting a confliction with seahorse05:34
faryshtaI didn't copy paste. I am reading my synaptic right now unop, FloodBot105:34
pegal_linuxthank's, i found barcode generator with gtk lib05:34
unopesac,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow linux-image linux-image-$(uname -r)05:34
unopfaryshta, well, whatever you did caused multiple lines to be posted into the room - try and not do that05:35
esacunop: oh, i just did sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-`uname -r` .. seeing if that works now05:35
esacyep worked great :)05:35
faryshtaunop, I was naming the packages which make the kernel in order to help esac,05:35
esacideaviet89: ?05:35
maxxistwell.  I really like the new nvidia x config app with ubuntu.  twinview was stoopid easy to setup.  yeay nvidia.05:36
unopfaryshta, ok, that's understood - but don't paste that info into the room - use a private message or a pastebin instead.05:36
faryshtaI didn't paste it, I was reading it and writting it.05:37
tediummaxxist, you can still use it: sudo aptitude install nvidia-settings05:37
unopohh god05:37
zirodaymindframe: are you using compiz and what graphics card?05:37
burkesbythebayrunning 8.10 and usb memory sticks are not mounting also when i put CD in they no longer pick up as well.  Think its related to a bad fstab file.  Can anybody help http://paste.ubuntu.com/69103/05:37
unop!enter | faryshta05:37
ubottufaryshta: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:37
moDumassmurlidhar, it seems im not running nvidia x server05:37
maxxisttedium use what?  its all working now05:37
faryshtaI was baned again? why?05:38
tediummaxxist, oh I thought you missed the app05:38
moDumassmurlidhar, it says to start it then restart x, which i did but it still says im not running it05:38
murlidharunop: could you help moDumass ?05:38
maxxisttedium nope just expressing how happy i was.  hehe05:38
unopfaryshta, because you were flooding quite unnecessarily05:38
murlidharmoDumass: please explain your problem tu unop05:38
tediumunop, I always found it interesting how the bot will private message the people those messages and yet everyone decides to do it publically so as to admonish the person and also make us read it as well..05:39
BrokenPeacehello all dose anyone know about an xvod decoder for ubuntu?05:39
moDumassunop, hi, my desktop froze last night, mouse still moving but nothing clickable or reactive, so i restarted and now my only option is 640x48005:40
zirodayBrokenPeace: what do you want to do?05:40
moDumassunop, xorg.conf still has 1440x90005:40
maxxistquestion about ubuntu-restricted-extras on 64bit.  it seems to be installing lots of 32bit stuff too.  does this mean I should have no problem running 32bit apps too??05:40
BrokenPeacethere's a movie that says I need the driver to view it05:40
moDumassunop, i was given the option to reconfigure my display at start up and i selected generic 1440x900 lcd, but it still only lets me choose 640x48005:41
ziroday!codecs | BrokenPeace05:41
ubottuBrokenPeace: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:41
unopmoDumass, i take it you are have nvidia hardware?  did it ever work properly?05:41
=== DouglasK_ is now known as DouglasK
moDumassunop, it did, for the past 4 years05:41
burkesbythebaycan any one help05:41
ronhalfdanrfile browser freezes................any help?05:41
unopmoDumass, ok, what changed? what did you do just prior to this happening?05:41
zirodayronhalfdanr: have you tried other file browsers?05:41
moDumassonop, the strange thing is i still have compiz fusion running05:41
ronhalfdanrlike what ones ziroday?05:41
zirodayronhalfdanr: roxfiler, pcmanfm, thunar05:42
moDumassunop, i was surfing the net, no system update, just pressed stumble and realised i couldnt click the button05:42
n8tusermoDumass-> what does xdpyinfo  tells you   for screen#0  ?05:42
murlidharronhalfdanr: pcmanfm is pretty good05:42
ronhalfdanrdo those replace the default one in ubuntu ziroday?05:42
zirodayronhalfdanr: yes they can05:42
ronhalfdanrlet me try one05:42
zirodayronhalfdanr: also can you navigate and view the folders with cd and ls05:42
zirodayronhalfdanr: yes they are in the repos05:43
moDumassonop, im pastebinning it05:43
ronhalfdanrhuh ziroday? cd?05:43
zirodayronhalfdanr: open up a terminal, type cd <directoryname> press enter and type in ls05:43
unopmoDumass, you might want to review your /var/log/Xorg.0.log too - it is usually an indicator to misconfiguration, unsupported options, etc05:44
moDumassonop, http://pastebin.com/da04500205:44
ronhalfdanryeah I can do that ziroday but it isn't a long term option05:44
legend2440ronhalfdanr: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease05:44
zirodayronhalfdanr: was just checking something, have you looked at alternatve file managers?05:44
murlidharronhalfdanr: the default fine manager can be replaced by update-alternatives command05:45
ronhalfdanrjust looking now ziroday, first I'v eheard of them05:45
murlidharam not sure how can it exactly be done though .  anyone ?05:45
ronhalfdanrpcmanfm orpcmanfm-nohal?05:45
zirodayronhalfdanr: the normal one05:45
ronhalfdanrok, sec05:45
moDumassunop,  http://pastebin.com/da045002 yeh that log is 1900 lines and i dont really know what im lookin for05:46
moDumassunop,  thanks for helping btw05:46
moDumassunop,  my machine just started beeping crazily, had to close term05:47
unopmoDumass, errors in the log file usually begin with something like  (EE) - so searching for this term will take you to them05:47
ronhalfdanrpcmanfm works.................05:47
moDumassand also dont have compiz fusion anymore05:47
ronhalfdanrthanks ziroday05:48
Omeilhi my sourcelist got saved over by mistake and its blank can someone show me a good completed source list?05:48
Omeilso i can copy across plz05:48
zirodayronhalfdanr: no problem, however it is very odd that nautilus does that. If you want I can try troubleshoot it further with you05:48
esacOmeil, hardy, intrepid ?05:48
maxxistOMG!!!!!  64bit is perfect with the restricted-extras installed!!!  so happy05:48
moDumassunop,  coiuld not enabl;e desktop effects05:48
Omeilesac, Hardy05:48
ronhalfdanrthat would be cool ziroday, let me fetch a fresh coke first05:48
zirodayOmeil: you can create a new one with System > Administration > Software Sources05:49
unopmoDumass, keep searching, there could be more than one05:49
zirodayronhalfdanr: no promises though :)05:49
moDumassunop, yeh im running throgh the doc now05:50
DaveCaveanyone tell me why my music player is skipping my songs all of a sudden?05:50
DaveCaveusing VLC, and also standard movie player does it 205:50
zirodayDaveCave: because they're corrupted?05:51
DaveCaveziroday: they play fine over the network05:51
ronhalfdanrno worries ziroday, but would like to figure it out05:51
Omeilanyone know how to install the packages that are required for a PXE server, keep getting E: Package netkit-inetd has no installation candidate05:51
legend2440ronhalfdanr: http://prash-babu.blogspot.com/2008/03/nautilus-freezes-while-browsing-through.html05:52
zirodayronhalfdanr: can you open a terminal and type in nautilus and then navigate to the folders which freezes it05:52
zirodayDaveCave: well there goes my idea :)05:52
moDumassunop, there are no (EE)`s other than the ones describing what (EE) means05:52
rokrasomeone knows how to get a device connected  via a console cable connected to a converter USB/COM?05:52
zirodayronhalfdanr: does anything get outputted in the terminal?05:53
unopmoDumass, ok, how about warnings then?  they begin with (WW)05:53
ronhalfdanrziroday: nautilus freezes as soon as I try to open those folders (root, ron, home)05:53
ronhalfdanrthat's through terminal or alt-f2 or the button on the toolbar of the desktop05:53
zirodayronhalfdanr: okay, but you opened nautilus through the terminal right?05:54
xorlimI have problems with encryption.05:54
ronhalfdanryes ziroday05:54
zirodayronhalfdanr: okay, and when you navigated to those folders and nautilus freezes up is anything outputed to the terminal?05:54
ronhalfdanrno ziroday05:54
xorlimmy Private folder does not show on my desktop anymore, it's supposed to be encrypted. I am not sure if it is anymore. It does show normally in my Home folder (directory) though.05:54
zirodayronhalfdanr: hmm okay05:54
xorlimshould I re-install encryption?05:54
ronhalfdanrsystem montior does show one core goes to 100% usage and the process related to it is xorg05:55
zirodayronhalfdanr: try running nautilus --check05:55
shredder12Hey people, i am having a lot of issues after upgrading to intrepid..i am unable to work on the new kernel i got after upgrading...i still have to work on the old one  2.6.24-19 the problem with the new one is that there is no ethernet interface...so i am unable to connect to internet..this  is what happened when i was using hardy and updated to the new kernel..2.6.24-21....that's why i am...05:55
shredder12...still using 2.6.24-19..Help please..05:55
ronhalfdanrtype nautlius --check?05:55
zirodayronhalfdanr: in the terminal, correct05:55
ronhalfdanrbash: nautlius: command not found05:56
Ahadielronhalfdanr, nautilus05:56
zirodayronhalfdanr: woops, nautilus not nautlus05:56
moDumassunop, yeh there are a few warnings05:56
grizlo42is there a way to clear all personal settings?05:56
moDumassunop, gimme a sec05:56
zirodaygrizlo42: create a new user?05:56
ronhalfdanrlol spelledtypo............LOL05:56
grizlo42like i know u can clear gnome w/ "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .metacity05:57
ronhalfdanrok, it checked a bunhc of stuff and made a list05:57
grizlo42ziroday: but i want to get rid of settings and keep all the files and stuff05:57
zirodayronhalfdanr: no errors though>05:57
ronhalfdanrdoesn't show any errors ziroday05:58
zirodaygrizlo42: well the best way would to create a new user and copy all the files across as deleting all the files starting with . is dangerous05:58
zirodayronhalfdanr: hmm thats really odd. Fresh install of intrepid?05:58
shredder12Hey people, i am having a lot of issues after upgrading to intrepid..i am unable to work on the new kernel i got after upgrading...i still have to work on the old one 2.6.24-19 the problem with the new one is that there is no ethernet interface...so i am unable to connect to internet..this  is what happened when i was using hardy and updated to the new kernel..2.6.24-21....that's why i...05:58
shredder12...am...stilll using 2.6.24-19 to keep things working..05:58
shredder12Some body help please..05:58
moDumassunop, http://pastebin.com/d4f86eedb  neiother have anything to do with display though i dont think05:59
grizlo42ziroday: could i create a new user and copy the files in its home drive over onto mine, having it replace everything?05:59
=== aron is now known as Aron
ronhalfdanrhas been like this through 3 fresh installs of 8.04 hardy but worse, then upgraded to 8.1 and I can at least force quit but still freezes, even did a fresh install today05:59
zirodaygrizlo42: yep05:59
grizlo42ziroday: thanks05:59
zirodayronhalfdanr: well I have no clue, but that is really really odd05:59
Jakob_the_liarcan someone help me with firefox, i have it using mplayer plugin to open media and it doesnt05:59
zirodaygrizlo42: then you can delete your old user05:59
Jakob_the_liarand it doesnt even ask me to save pdfs05:59
Jakob_the_liarand i cant install any add ons for some reason06:00
unopmoDumass, ok, you're right, nothing significant here - do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?06:00
ronhalfdanryes it is ziroday, really odd that is.............and two other people on the forum have the same problem, it's not tied to CPU as one is intel dual core and the other two are AMD dual core..............what's really odd is CPU usage on one core goes to 100%06:00
grizlo42ziroday: no i mean copy the config files from the new user over the old user's06:01
RinTinTiggergood mornin06:01
cliff_hi everyone. I installed torcs (a racing game) and have wrong graphics there. Can anyone help me fix it?06:01
ceap80hi i'm having problems with resume from suspend, i followed the guidelines from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend06:01
zirodaygrizlo42: err thats still not really recommended, it will possibly work but you might run into a whole bunch of issues on the other hand06:01
zirodayronhalfdanr: that is really strange, I have no idea sorry and for a workaround just use pcmanfm or thunar06:01
Curtiswhere can i get a good 24 inch monitor?06:01
ceap80and the last line that resemble what is on the wiki is: acpi ACPI0003:00: hash matches06:02
grizlo42so there is no way to reset it all correctly?06:02
psicobrahi all is any one able to help with my sound card i am trying to get it to output 5.106:02
zirodayCurtis: we don't recommend stuff like that here, ask in ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic06:02
RinTinTiggerCurtis qry06:02
cliff_ hi everyone. I installed torcs (a racing game) and have wrong graphics there. Can anyone help me fix it?06:02
ronhalfdanrfor now I will ziroday, any idea how to report the bug?06:02
ceap80how can i match this line to a device???06:02
ziroday!bug | ronhalfdanr you can report it here06:02
ubotturonhalfdanr you can report it here: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:02
qstnnSince I have upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 my laptop doesn't shutdown, I get no error messages the GUI just gets stuck at the part where the progress bar empties as the computer shuts down. I have to manually power it off. If I press ctrl-alt-f1, I get the login prompt but my keypresses are not registered in that 'stuck' state. If i then, press ctrl-alt-f7 I don't see any message with 'warning' or 'error' next to it.06:03
RinTinTiggerwhere can i download "Winston" ?06:03
cliff_ hi everyone. I installed torcs (a racing game) and have wrong graphics there. Can anyone help me fix it?06:03
zirodayRinTinTigger: what does winston do?06:03
legend2440ronhalfdanr: if you are on intrepid do you have a switcher applet on right side of top panel?06:04
RinTinTiggerziroday its a tax calculating program06:04
RinTinTiggerthink its german06:04
zirodayRinTinTigger: take a look at the program called taxbird, it appears to be what you want06:05
shredder12qstnn..when the GUI stucks..trying leaving it as it is for a few minutes...and see what happens actually something similar happened to my system a few days ago after the upgrade bu it managed to shutdown after a while..06:05
RinTinTiggerziroday Taxbird doesnt have enough functions, its only for pre-tax calculation06:05
ziroday!info taxbird | RinTinTigger06:05
ubotturintintigger: taxbird (source: taxbird): The first free Elster client (German Tax Declarations). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-2build1 (intrepid), package size 85 kB, installed size 832 kB06:05
RinTinTiggerI KNOW taxkbird06:05
RinTinTiggerbut its not suitable for me06:06
qstnnshredder12: It just sits there starring at me. And its not the in-love look. Its the not-interested look that I am so used to.06:06
zirodayRinTinTigger: do you have a website for it?06:06
dick-richardsonis there a way to make a permanent change to the guest account?06:06
RinTinTiggerziroday i am googlin it rite now :D06:06
RinTinTiggerZiroday, i got a .deb for it06:07
zirodayRinTinTigger: link?06:07
Jakob_the_liardude why is firefox 3 so gay?06:07
AntiochI have a restoration partition on my laptop and I'd like to figure out what type of partition it is (that is to say, I'd like to find the ID number type). How can I do this?06:07
Jakob_the_liarit wont let me go to my homepage06:07
Jakob_the_liarit has some firefox google page06:08
cliff_ hi everyone. I installed torcs (a racing game) and have wrong graphics there. Can anyone help me fix it?06:08
Jakob_the_liarand i cant log into igoogle06:08
RinTinTiggerziroday : http://www.felfri.de/winston/download/06:08
shredder12qstnn..lols..well then it could a different problem..i m sorry dude..i don't have any clue about your problem..but even i a having a lot of issues after upgrading to intrepid..mainly GUI related...06:08
r_a_fJakob_the_liar: why? lost pass?06:08
zirodayRinTinTigger: great :)06:08
Jakob_the_liarim signed in06:08
Jakob_the_liarbut it goes to some firefox/google page06:08
Jakob_the_liarinstead of mine06:09
ziroday!enter | Jakob_the_liar06:09
ubottuJakob_the_liar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:09
Jakob_the_liarand all my toolbar bookmarks dont show up06:09
Jakob_the_liarnone of my bookmarks are there actually06:09
RinTinTiggerziroday that programm should be placed into the repositories06:09
dick-richardsoni need a shortcut on the desktop for the guest account...how do I do it?06:09
zirodayRinTinTigger: you can place a need packaging request at launchpad.net/ubuntu06:10
r_a_fJakob_the_liar: press iGoogle link - above page06:10
RinTinTiggerziroday yea....that would be the first time i dont report a bug, but have something good for the community :D06:11
Jakob_the_liarthere isnt one06:11
celticsanyone who uses 64 bit ubuntu?06:12
Jakob_the_liarit doesnt even give the right url in the url box06:12
Jakob_the_liarit gives my homepage06:12
Jakob_the_liarwtf is firefoxs problem06:12
r_a_fJakob_the_liar: just put cursor in forehox google box in ceter page and press enter06:13
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
Jakob_the_liari get that06:13
zirodayJakob_the_liar: have you set your homepage?06:13
corinthI just installed Intrepid 64-bit on my laptop. I used ndisgtk to install the proper wireless driver (the included one didn't work). The NetworkManager applet now recognizes my card, and I can see my wifi connection. When I try to connect, it doesn't let me connect. It tries to connect for a minute, then disconnects. Help?06:13
Jakob_the_liarit sends me here http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/8753/ffgj9.jpg06:14
Jakob_the_liarbut says im at google.com06:14
FloodBot1Jakob_the_liar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
ceap80i'm having problems with resume from suspend, need to know how to map "[    1.752464] acpi ACPI0003:00: hash matches" to a device (I think is my wireless card)06:14
r_a_fJakob_the_liar:ok - just press Enter06:14
zirodayJakob_the_liar: well try setting your homepage again, obviously it didn't stick06:14
r_a_fand you see iGoogle Link06:14
Jakob_the_liaryes it did06:15
zirodayJakob_the_liar: and make sure you go to google.com, not the firefox google page06:15
r_a_fright top corner06:15
Jakob_the_liari've set it three times06:15
Jakob_the_liaryes r_a_f  i know where the link is06:15
Jakob_the_liarits not there06:15
mib_d6iub2im trying to install libc6 and the following error accors:  libc6 depends on findutils (>= 4.4.0-2ubuntu2); however:   Version of findutils on system is 4.2.32-1ubuntu2.06:15
psicobradoes any one know if i buy a soundcard with a spdif out is that an optical connection?06:15
zirodaymib_d6iub2: are you installing libc6 from the repos?06:16
Lady_F^any one can help me get irc proxy06:16
Lady_F^hi kcm448206:16
mib_d6iub2thats the command : dpkg -i libc6_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu6_i386.deb06:16
Lady_F^i need proxy06:16
zirodaymib_d6iub2: you shouldn't be installing package from externel sources, why are you doing that?06:17
zirodayLady_F^: take a look at bip06:17
ziroday!info bip > Lady_F^06:17
ubottulady_f^, please see my private message06:17
Lady_F^im using windows06:17
mib_d6iub2i need it to run aircrack-ng with AGN496506:18
zirodayLady_F^: this isn't a windows support room. ask in ##windows06:18
RinTinTiggerLady_F^ that should be the problem :D06:18
chilltimeyow peops just had a nice night06:19
chilltimegonna roll a spliff06:20
RinTinTiggermy night was just horrible -.-06:20
zirodaychilltime: do you have a question?, if you wanna chat you can do so in #ubuntu-offtopic06:20
corinthI just installed Intrepid 64-bit on my laptop. I used ndisgtk to install the proper wireless driver (the included one didn't work). The NetworkManager applet now recognizes my card, and I can see my wifi connection. When I try to connect, it doesn't let me connect. It tries to connect for a minute, then disconnects. Help?06:22
zirodaycorinth: what wireless card?06:23
Jakob_the_liari need a script to remind me every monday06:23
ElGeehi, i'm on ubuntu 8.04 (so it has gnome 2.22.3) and at the moment no plans of moving to 8.10. but still want to use evolution mail 2.24.1 is it safe to compile and install it from source?06:24
jootI have just installed 8.10 I am getting a black screen after log on. Any one help with this please??06:24
GodfatherofEire1Any ideas why Rhythmbox might be able to transfer files to but not from a Creative ZEN?06:25
new3if I have an ubuntu inside a virtual machine,is it desirable to install the virtual kernel and use that instead ?06:25
jootzcat[1]: you at the keys zcat?06:25
zirodaynew3: if you want speed increases then yes, you should use JeOS which is designed as a virtual appliance06:26
new3ziroday: cool thanks06:26
zcat[1]john, I assume?06:26
DigitalFizare there known issues with pulseaudio in 8.10?06:26
zirodayDigitalFiz: why, whats wrong?06:26
jootzcat[1]: Please have a look at my query re 8.1006:27
DigitalFizi have to keep restarting the pulseaudio deamon06:27
corinthziroday, atheros 5007 or something like that06:27
corinthmaybe ar500706:27
zirodaycorinth: did you dry the atheros driver?06:27
DigitalFizbefore 8.10 i had no issues06:27
zcat[1]joot: hmmmm.. this is why I decided to stay with 8.04 for a while ;)06:27
corinthThe included one? Yeah, doesn't pick anything up.06:27
zirodayDigitalFiz: why do you have to restart it?06:27
ronhalfdanrbug reported ziroday, thanks for the help!06:27
zirodaycorinth: nope, theres another one in the backports, one sec06:27
DigitalFizziroday, programs cant connect to it06:27
zcat[1]joot: I assume the same amchine was ok with hardy?06:28
jootzcat[1]: So it is a known problem??06:28
jootzcat[1]: yes and installed several puppy as a trial before 8.10 mess06:28
ziroday!sound | DigitalFiz did you try the things in here?06:28
ubottuDigitalFiz did you try the things in here?: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:28
zcat[1]joot: not particularly .. just that ubuntu releases usually have a few hairs and I decided I might wait a bit. I just downloaded 8.10 today and was going to hev a play with it soon06:28
DigitalFizziroday, sound stops working and when i do tests from system -> preferences -> sound it says it cant connect06:28
zcat[1]joot: what video card does the machine have?06:29
zirodaycorinth: read http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#Atheros%20ath5k%20wireless%20driver%20not%20enabled%20by%20default06:29
zirodayDigitalFiz: are you a member of the pulseaudio groups?06:29
jootzcat[1]: yummmy intel shared memory06:30
DigitalFizziroday, nope :(06:30
GodfatherofEire1Couple of quick questions, 1) could I get some help with transferring files from my creative ZEN (transferring to works fine), and 2) is there any fix for the boot splash under 8.10 yet?06:30
zcat[1]joot: hmmmm.. so it's probably trying to start compiz already. You say black screen only after you log in?06:30
zirodayDigitalFiz: well could you add yourself and logout and in :)06:30
corinthziroday, I'll try that, thanks. Get back to you soon.06:30
droopsta915whats a good virus protecter for ubuntu?06:31
zirodaycorinth: make sure you remove the ndiswrapper drivers first and do a restart06:31
ziroday!virus | droopsta91506:31
ubottudroopsta915: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2106:31
corinthJust did that.06:31
DigitalFizziroday, oh i thought you ment like the mailing list group or something hehe06:31
zirodayDigitalFiz: read the groups section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio06:31
jootzcat[1]: yes get the login signe then intro music then black screen with a little hd activety then freeze06:31
droopsta915how do I get my firewall working?06:31
i8860054_how can I start a program that goes into full screen automatically into a windowed version?06:31
zirodaydroopsta915: as in how to configure it?06:32
zirodaydroopsta915: well you don't really need one but if you insist06:32
jootzcat[1]: is there a no 3d boot option??06:32
droopsta915i know i dont get virus, but i want to be secure in every way.06:32
zcat[1]joot: unfortunately I have no idea ... I'd guess it has something to do with compiz and someone here might know what to do about it06:33
droopsta915ziroday: u dont protect your systen at all?06:33
zirodaydroopsta915: type in man ufw to learn how to configure it, you might also want to look at !firewall06:33
jootzcat[1]: OK I will wait a while and repeat the q...06:33
zirodaydroopsta915: I have no firewall or antivirus if thats what you mean06:33
droopsta915ok, i wont use it eather06:34
nat2610to install ubuntu on a recent intel pc, should I chosse amd64 or intel 32  ?06:34
zcat[1]nat2610: try amd64, if it tells you it's not then i386 will work06:35
zcat[1]most recent machines are 64 tho06:35
i8860054_how can I start a program that goes into full screen automatically into a windowed version?06:36
zcat[1]I think they call it ia64 now.. and isn't the only one with a 64 bit chip any more06:36
zcat[1]i8860054_: depends on the program, generally there will be a config option to run in a window06:37
sparrow-jackwhats the benefits in linux using 64 bit for programming?06:37
sparrow-jackif i use 64bit, then use virtual box should it run XP w/o problems?06:37
zcat[1]sparrow-jack: bragging rights. I don't think gcc optimises that well for it so there's not that much of a performance difference. You can address more ram and stuff though06:38
maxxistsparrow-jack  I am using 64bit ubuntu and virtualbox with windoze under it. np06:38
zcat[1]sparrow-jack: same here, no issues at all06:38
GodfatherofEire1Couple of quick questions, 1) could I get some help with transferring files from my creative ZEN (transferring to works fine), and 2) is there any fix for the boot splash under 8.10 yet?06:38
corinthziroday, Is it the 5xxx Atheros one?06:39
maxxistsparrow-jack  I suggest if you install 64 bit ubuntu.  install ubuntu-restricted-extras.  it will install 32 bit libraries as well.  this might be very beneficial if you are programming.  I am not a programmer though,  just a guess.06:39
sparrow-jackso if ur rig only limits 2GIG of RAM, 64bit wont be any, like... advantage?06:39
maxxistsparrow-jack i am told no advantage.  but i find it runs a little faster.06:40
nemnochdoes anyone know of any good alternatives to WINE?06:40
zirodaycorinth: sorry?06:40
=== Neurologic is now known as Neuron
Flannelnemnoch: Why do you need an alternative?06:40
dighi, where can I ask questions about games/consoles?06:41
=== Neuron is now known as NeuroSyn
maxxistnemnoch crossover.  but its built on wine06:41
nemnochtrying to get some windows programs to run in 8.0406:41
corinthNevermind ziroday, it says "This driver is activated but not currently in use"06:41
nemnochhmmm...I will check crossover out...I just fear that some of the same problems will occur...06:41
zirodaycorinth: after installing the package?06:41
zcat[1]nemnoch: You missed free-crossover-day ..06:41
maxxistnemnoch which apps you having problems with06:42
zirodaynemnoch: you can virtualise windows for non graphic intensive apps06:42
Flannelnemnoch: which problem is that?06:42
corinthziroday, After installing and rebooting. Before the install, that driver wasn't here.06:42
nemnochI just started using Ubuntu about 3 days go :P06:42
nemnochI am pretty vmware-savy06:42
zirodaycorinth: so, you have the driver now but it still doesn't work?06:42
maxxistnemnoch vmware is good.  but i am in loves with virtualbox lately.06:43
Noxilent1cusanyone in here own a macbook pro & run ubuntu on it?06:43
nemnochflannel:  trying to use GURPS GCA4 and the files punt out streams of errors...06:43
spolvidCan anyone help me get Ubuntu installed on a Mac Mini? I'm having problem after problem over here...06:43
corinthziroday, Yeah, it says that it's activated, but not currently in use.06:43
=== nicholas_ is now known as Tetracomm
maxxistNoxilentlcus  I am running ubuntu under virtualbox for osx...06:43
DaveCavehow do i get my VLC to play music while im playing WOW? cause i changed to the OSS or w/e codec in wine and it still not workin06:43
zirodaycorinth: bah, what card again?06:44
Noxilent1cusi see i have a native partition for it maxxist i like the speed better and I don't feel like buying Leopard and I don't own a dual layer dvd burner to priate it06:44
Flannelnemnoch: Have you tried simply resolving the errors? Have you checked winehq's compatability DB?  (also, #winehq can help a bunch)06:44
maxxistNoxilentlcus  hehe external HD?    you can pirate it that way too.06:44
IndyGunFreakspolvid: is it an intel mac?06:44
helpymy ubuntu intrepid won't save audio settings06:44
helpyany help ?06:45
spolvidIndyGunFreak: Yeah.06:45
maxxistNoxilentlcus  or you can use an old ipod to install leopard.06:45
helpyi have a session in 15 minutes and my mic won't work06:45
Noxilent1cusdon't have one maxxist and don't want to spend the money but thanks for the offer06:45
nemnochyeah i was on the wine compatability DB yesterday...I will have to sift through it some more...06:45
corinthziroday, atheros 500006:45
zirodaycorinth: one sec06:45
=== Noxilent1cus is now known as Noxilenticus
IndyGunFreakspolvid: well, whats it doing...06:45
IndyGunFreakcorinth: have you tried madwifi?06:45
zirodaycorinth: can you pastebin lspci please06:45
maxxistNoxilentlcus  i tried a couple of times to run ubuntu on my mbp  but i didnt like the way the trackpad felt.  and two finger clicks didnt work.06:45
NoxilenticusHave you had any problems with the network manager in vitual box for your ubuntu distro maxxist ?06:46
corinthIndyGunFreak, No, how do I enable that?06:46
nemnochflannel:  thanks for the info i will check it out.06:46
mindframeziroday, you still here?  sorry for delayed response.  compiz is disabled(it wont even let me enable it), nvidia 8600 GTS06:46
corinthziroday, Nope, I can't. The laptop doesn't have internet, I'm on my desktop.06:46
Noxilenticusyeah the trackpad doesn't work so hot on different OS's for the macbook pro06:46
zirodaymindframe: have you installed the graphics drivers?06:46
maxxistNoxilentlcus no but i did have problems with it on my normal x86 machines.  network manager is borked me thinks.06:46
IndyGunFreakcorinth: can you not hook it up via ethernet cable for 10min?06:46
raevolis there any reason why i would have multiple gnome-keyring-daemon processes running right after logging in? or is that a session garf?06:47
spolvidIndyGunFreak:  Right now my main problems are that the installer can't see my external drives if I go into a live session for some reason, so in order to install, I need to start it up from the splash screen, and once it does install, it dies when it tries to install GRUB.06:47
zirodaycorinth: okay, can you just look for the line that has atheros in it and give us the model number please06:47
Noxilenticusfor 8.10 it is most definatly, but 8.04 i don't know i can't set my wirless IP address statically06:47
NoxilenticusI can only connect to my WPA network if it is in roaming mode06:47
IndyGunFreakspolvid: well, yeah, thats what its supposed to do.06:47
corinthIndyGunFreak, Nope. I don't have access to the router. One sec, ziroday.06:47
mindframeziroday, this is 64bit ubuntu and im using two 1680x1050 monitors in xinerama06:47
spolvidIndyGunFreak: So what can I do?06:47
mindframesurely my video card can handle this configuration?06:47
zirodaymindframe: ah, can you just try one monitor and see if compiz works?06:47
IndyGunFreakspolvid: are you trying to install to an external drive?06:48
NeuroSynI have a silly question, I'm looking at gnome-look.org, and I'm wondering, what exactly are the items under "Appearance Preferences" ? GDM themes? Colour Schemes? what?06:48
spolvidIndyGunFreak: Yeah.06:48
mindframeziroday, err i have no desire to use compiz honestly06:48
maxxistI found network manager in 8.10 was giving new numbers to my static IP information,  and breaking my network.  after i got a few updates done to the machine it seemed to work better.06:48
corinthziroday, AR242x06:48
mindframebut ill check06:48
raevolis there any reason why i would have multiple gnome-keyring-daemon processes running right after logging in? or is that a session garf?06:48
IndyGunFreakspolvid: well, thats kinda silly, but it will require internet access.06:48
zirodaymindframe: I know from my own experience with an 8800GTS that dual monitors at 1680x1050 and 1920x1080 can cause massive graphical slowdowns06:48
GodfatherofEire1Neurosyn: Metacity themes, and GTK Themes06:48
zirodaycorinth: minute please06:48
spolvidIndyGunFreak: OK....06:48
IndyGunFreakcorinth: there's a lot of threads on ubuntuforums to get that device working, i have it and it works fine...06:48
helpyis anyone listening ?06:48
NeuroSynGodfatherofEire1, Great, thanks =)06:49
helpyi am very tense06:49
Noxilenticusi'm waiting for them to completely fix it maxxist we have 802.1x @ our school for wireless and it doesn't download the certificate correctly or anything it's in bad shape atm06:49
maxxistNoxilenticus i cant imagine how fun wpa is to work with in network manager right now.06:49
Flannelhelpy: Yep.06:49
mindframeahh wow i guess thats my prob ziroday ... i was just looking at newegg for new gfx card06:49
helpysession starts in 10 minutes and my audio playback won't work06:49
zirodaymindframe: does it happen with only one monitor?06:49
mindframeziroday, it didnt seem nearly this slow in hardy though.,.. maybe im imagining06:49
mindframelet me check06:49
Noxilenticusi can't do like anything natively o n this laptop with wireless in ubuntu maxxist the drivers just suck06:50
maxxistNoxilenticus i can honestly say however ubuntu runs great under virtualbox on osx.06:50
zirodaycorinth: well the drivers in the package should definitly support your card, does it appear in ifconfig -a?06:50
GodfatherofEire1helpy, have you checked the sound capture device preferences?06:50
maxxistNoxilenticus osx networking is just a week bit more polished.06:50
Noxilenticusi can't put it in permiscuous mode to do airodumps maxxist or anything06:50
GodfatherofEire1*sound playback06:50
raevolis there any reason why i would have multiple gnome-keyring-daemon processes running right after logging in? or is that a session garf?06:50
helpywhat is there to check ?06:50
helpysound works perfect in audacity. my mic works06:50
IndyGunFreakziroday: actually, no they don't...06:50
helpybut online it doesnt.06:50
maxxistNoxilenticus which apps you using for doing that?06:51
helpyi can't use skype or online conferencing06:51
sparrow-jackhelpy, u should prepair a day before the session day. sorry mic problem have to be trial an error configurations, try your lack in setting ifferent configs..06:51
zirodayIndyGunFreak: where do you see that?06:51
corinthziroday, No, I don't see it there.06:51
GodfatherofEire1helpy: whether it's using ALSA, OSS, Pulseaudio, etc06:51
spolvidIndyGunFreak: So then what?06:51
Noxilenticusyeah i do have a tiger partition on this machine but I hate compiling packages and fink or w/e package manager for the mac didn't compile some packages I needed for OSx maxxist06:51
zirodaycorinth: do you see ath5k or something similar in lsmod?06:51
IndyGunFreakspolvid: install like a normal person?.. i told you, you're goin about this in a foolish way06:51
raevoltrying rebooting06:51
helpyhow do i check that ?06:51
Noxilenticusfor doing what maxxist ?06:51
helpyi think its alsa06:51
Noxilenticusaircrack-ng maxxist ?06:51
GodfatherofEire1helpy: System -> preferences -> sound, check what device its using, and test it.06:52
spolvidIndyGunFreak:  I've tried installing like a normal person, GRUB doesn't install and it fails.06:52
=== nemnoch is now known as nemnoch-away
maxxistNoxilenticus  you should do what i do if money is a problem.  go buy an external hd.  use it for installing leopard.  return it a couple days later for your money back.  wipe it of course.06:52
helpyHDA Intel ALsa mixer06:52
IndyGunFreakspolvid: no, you're trying to install to an external hard drive, thats why you're getting grub failures, install to an internal drive and dual boot, "like a normal person"06:52
maxxistNoxilenticus yeah for air cracking...06:52
corinthziroday, Nope. Think that has something to do with it being "activated but not currently in use"?06:52
Noxilenticusyeah i just used aircrack-ng maxxist06:53
spolvidIndyGunFreak: My internal drive doesn't have enough room though.06:53
zirodaycorinth: I am not sure quite what that means, sorry06:53
IndyGunFreakspolvid: well, thus the issue...06:53
maxxistNoxilenticus is that a mac app?06:53
jootI have just installed 8.10 I am getting a black screen after log on. Any one help with this please??06:53
spolvidIndyGunFreak: So is there nothing I can do it get it installed?06:53
Noxilenticusno it's one of the package sweets in the 8.04 repository maxxist includes a few programs like airodump, airmon-ng, etc maxxist06:54
IndyGunFreakspolvid: i'm sure there is, but its a pain  in the ass, not to mention slow... (because of the usb bottleneck)..06:54
Josesordohello all, Im recently installed ubunt 8.04 (hardy)...and need help to install the driver of my ATI Radeon HD 2600 pls PM ME06:54
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maxxistNoxilenticus ahh nice.  which mbp you working with?  I have santa-rosa.06:54
IndyGunFreakcorinth: are you still here?06:54
=== some_person is now known as somprs
helpydo i change capture sound to OSS, ALSA?06:54
helpyits currently on linux architecture system06:55
GodfatherofEire1The menus there should show you which one you're using06:55
corinthIndyGunFreak, Yup. Did I miss a suggustion?06:55
spolvidIndyGunFreak: This is a Firewire drive, not USB, if that makes any difference.06:55
IndyGunFreakcorinth: no, i'm trying to find something.06:55
Noxilenticusnot sure exactly maxxist i bought this on ebay it's the 2.16ghz older model06:55
IndyGunFreakspolvid: i don't know, you seem to have all the answers... so google it06:55
corinthIndyGunFreak, Ah, thanks for all the help. :-)06:55
Josesordohello all, Im recently installed ubunt 8.04 (hardy)...and need help to install the driver of my ATI Radeon HD 2600 pls PM ME06:55
IndyGunFreakcorinth: i know how to nstall the device(its actually quite easy), problem is doing it w/o internet access06:55
somprsis there any way I can reinstall ubuntu using a usb drive06:55
maxxistNoxilenticus lol i got the one with the buggered nvidia 8600m chip.  i should send it in soon.06:55
GodfatherofEire1helpy, go to the sound preferences, make sure NOTHING is muted, no matter how insignifcant.06:55
mindframeziroday, yeah its significantly faster w/out the 2nd monitor... anything i can do to improve the performance?06:56
mindframebesides buying a new video card?06:56
Noxilenticusi see i have a radeon x1600 or something in mine maxxist it's got a 256mb video card in it i use it for gaming too i have a windows partition on it06:56
mindframeziroday, is video memory the issue or what?06:56
midododoanybody knows how to operate mindstorms on ubuntu?06:56
spolvidIndyGunFreak: Well, there was a website that had instructions on how to do it, but it said to start a shell when the installer failed, which I can't do unless I go into the CD live session, which again, I can't do because my external drives don't show up.06:56
corinthWell, I can always boot to windows to download something if I need to, IndyGunFreak .06:56
helpyNOTHING is muted. its just that it won't save it06:57
Noxilenticusdo you use a package manger in leopard maxxist ?06:57
mindframeziroday, well i take that back, switching windows is still nowhere near snappy as it should be06:57
helpywhen i close the window and reopen its back to mute06:57
IndyGunFreakcorinth: that won't work unfortunately(well it might, but it would be a serious pain in the..)06:57
Josesordohello all, Im recently installed ubunt 8.04 (hardy)...and need help to install the driver of my ATI Radeon HD 2600 pls PM ME06:57
Flannelmidododo: There's a few packages in the repos for it.06:57
maxxistNoxilenticus nice.  right now i wish i upgraded sooner.  except I love the LED backlight on the screen.  its sick bright.  but i am really worried about the nvidia problems.06:57
mindframeziroday, noticeable delay when drawing the new window06:57
corinthIndyGunFreak, Alright, tell me how to do it, then. I'll see if I can get to an ethernet cable sometime soon.06:57
midododocan you please say what is it?06:57
maxxistNoxilenticus mac-ports.   but never got it working well.  nothing seems to build right for me.  you?06:57
IndyGunFreakcorinth:..Post #3    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96765406:58
Noxilenticusi was using fink maxxist but i don't like the support for it in tiger06:58
Flannelmidododo: There's brickos, and nqc, the former is alternative firmware, the latter is a programming language for controlling it.  If you search for "lego" in synaptic, you'll get a bunch of hits.06:58
Flannel!synaptic | midododo06:59
ubottumidododo: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:59
zirodaymindframe: you can try add the line Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
zirodayIndyGunFreak: I have already asked him to do that :)06:59
mindframeziroday, seems that compiz is making things much faster, due to acceleration i guess.  how can i get compiz to work w/ dual monitors?06:59
maxxistNoxilenticus macports was supposed to be the best.  but i gots no luck with it.  I cant imagine any package management system working as good as apt anymore.06:59
Ganandorfhi guys a copied over some music from a friend and renamed some of the folders now when i try to copy them to my psp card i keep getting a error invalid filename06:59
midododothanks guys06:59
IndyGunFreakziroday: problem is, he doens't have internet access on the laptop....06:59
IndyGunFreakso... he can't install any of that.. thats what i was explaining to him06:59
Josesordosomeone can send me a link that explain good How to install very well the driver of ATI Radeon HD 2600??07:00
Noxilenticusyeah i use aptitude to manage all my packages and i loves it maxxist i've never had a problem with it07:00
maxxistGanandorf  check permissions...07:00
zirodayIndyGunFreak: sorry, he had told me he had done that :)07:00
mindframewhere do i throw that line ziroday ?07:00
IndyGunFreakziroday: if he done that and its not working, then he's likely using 64bit07:00
mindframeerr what section07:00
Noxilenticusbrb under leopard I only have two gigs of ram in this machine, not quite enough to be an elite VM user07:00
maxxistNoxilenticus would love apt to be ported to mac.07:00
zirodaymindframe: erm in the Section "Device" area07:00
corinthziroday, IndyGunFreak, I already installed the linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic package. It's on the CD.07:01
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i tried that and nothing07:01
IndyGunFreakcorinth: are you using 64bit?07:01
Ademanif grep swap /etc/mtab  doesn't output anything, but swapon -s *does* however reports the priority as -1 (and usage as 0) does that mean ubuntu isn't using my swap?07:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:01
NeuroSynI have another probably silly question, is there a program...or something, to edit the icons on gnome? I'm looking around at icon themes on gnome-look.org, unfortunately, I don't know how to install them?07:01
Josesordosomeone can send me a link that explain good How to install very well the driver of ATI Radeon HD 2600??07:01
maxxistganondorf they wont play on the psp or the computer you used to copy them?07:01
zirodaycorinth: IndyGunFreak: correct, thats the way you were meant to do it :)07:01
mindframeziroday, so compiz wont work with nvidia xinerama?07:01
corinthThat's when the second driver showed up in the hardware drivers. The "Support for 5xxx series of Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards" one. The one that's activated but not in use. Yes, 64 bit07:01
zirodaymindframe: mmm, I know compiz will have issues07:02
maxxistNoxilenticus lol  thats all i got is 2gb.07:02
IndyGunFreakcorinth: then you should learn to read instructions clearly, i doubt thats gonna work w/ 64bit...07:02
ziroday!pm > Josesordo07:02
ubottuJosesordo, please see my private message07:02
IndyGunFreakcorinth: did you disable the driver that it told you to?07:02
Ganandorfmaxxist:  the files are playing on the computer but since i renamed the folder containing them i can't copy it across to a flash or the psp card07:02
outbackwifiNeuroSyn: use system->preferences->appearance to add the icons if you are on hardy07:02
maxxistNoxilenticus i run xubuntu under virtualbox.  i dont think i would have a problem with full gnome though.07:03
corinthIndyGunFreak, Yup.07:03
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i get copy error invalid filename07:03
corinthThink it'll work better with the 32 bit version? I can install it instead, I'm still vanilla.07:03
IndyGunFreakcorinth: well, i've done that on 3 different PCs(2 are mine), w/o issue at all and 32bit.07:03
zirodaycorinth: it might do :)07:03
bzaksIs it possible to have a Linksys Router providing internet access, without running its internal DHCP server? I'd like to run a DHCP3-Server on a computer on my network (combined with Bind)07:04
corinthAlright guys, I'll try that.07:04
maxxistganondorf i cant see how renaming a folder would do that. unless the destination doesnt support how many letters you renamed it to??????07:04
NeuroSynoutbackwifi, I see what you're talking about, I'm using Ibex, is there a way to add icons to that menu there?07:04
JosesordoHow to install driver for ATI RAdeon HD 2600 in ubuntu 8.04??07:04
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i get this There was an error creating the folder "John_Legend-Evolver-(Deluxe_Edition)-2008 " details invalid filename07:04
outbackwifibzaks: yes, connect the dhcp server to the lan port instead of the internet port of the router07:04
outbackwifiNeuroSyn: dont know, havent got ibex  yet07:04
=== Doc8404 is now known as DocUSN-USMC
jootI have just installed 8.10 I am getting a black screen after log on. Any one help with this please??07:05
NeuroSynoutbackwifi, oh well, thanks anyway07:05
bzaksoutbackwifi: so then if I run the DHCP Server, will I still have the protection of NAT provided by the Router?07:05
maxxistganondorf try renaming the file to a smaller filename.  maybe the psp doesnt support such large file names07:05
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i shortened the name and i tried with another folder i moved it across and it copied and when i renamed it after and tried again it would not07:05
tprooff a fresh install, i'm getting errors on my sr0 device which it says is a dvd rom, but /dev/scd0 is mounted and works w/out problems?  are sr0 and scd0 different? (i only have 1 dvd drive)07:05
outbackwifibzaks: no, the nat will be done by your dsl/cable modem07:05
GodfatherofEire1Any ideas as to why files have problems going from my ZEN to my laptop, but not the other way around?07:05
maxxistganondorf how are you copying the files?  over usb with the psp plugged in?07:06
spolvidIndyGunFreak: How much space should I give a Ubuntu partition?07:06
skenhello ubu guys07:06
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: the zen being a music player?07:06
legend2440Josesordo: open system>Administration>hardware drivers  is there a box there to enable the ati drivers?07:06
outbackwifi!hi | sken07:06
ubottusken: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:06
Ganandorfmaxxist:  no through my pro duo port in my printer07:06
GodfatherofEire1You'd be right outbackwifi07:06
skendoes anybody know anything about this error avc nal size 0 in mplayer07:07
IndyGunFreakspolvid: it depends on what all you plan to do with it... i would think at least 10gigs so you can install some things, etc.07:07
bzaksoutbackwifi: So the dhcp server is just like any other computer on the network. The modem usually gives the router an IP, now where does that IP go?07:07
maxxistganondorf can try other files copying to the card?  like a small txt file or something...07:07
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: what are you using to send files to the zen; ive found amarok & rhythmbox work great07:07
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i tired with another folder moved it it copied, renamed it and it would not copy07:07
IndyGunFreakspolvid: i would make sure you have a backup befoer you do any partitioning, etc.07:07
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spolvidIndyGunFreak: I know.07:08
Ganandorfmaxxist:  other files are copying but once they get renamed or their name is edited in any way i get a error07:08
outbackwifibzaks: it doesnt matter cos the router will now act as an ap (access point) which dont need ip addresses for anything other than maintenance07:08
Josesordolegend2440: yes, is downloading a xorg file07:08
kostjajust installed 8.10 64 bit and my network(wireless) does freeze all ten minute07:08
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi, using rhythmbox, but it just refuses to transfer files from the zen, but has no problems transferring it to the zen07:08
kostjai have installed 8.10 64 bit and my network connection does freeze all ca. 5 minute07:08
maxxistganondorf  what is the purpose of renaming the files?  maybe rename them before copying them over????07:09
skendoes anybody know anything about this error avc nal size 0 in mplayer?07:09
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: what might those errors be?07:09
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maxxistkostja i had lots of problems earlier today with a new install of 8.10 and my network.07:09
Ganandorfsome of the artist are wrong for whats contained inside the folder and thats the prob once i rename them before copying i can't get them to copy07:09
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi: it just doesnt transfer07:09
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi I set it to transfer, it begins the process, but nothin goes to my computer07:10
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: does the zen show up as a usb storage device in /media ?07:10
maxxistkostja i was able to finally get it to do a kernel update and it seemed to fix the network problems.07:10
bzaksoutbackwifi: yes, but who is getting that external IP that the router usually gets? If the modem is plugged in a lan port, won't it try to give every computer on the net an address?07:10
Ganandorfmaxxist:  what could be the prob07:11
kostjamaxxist, thanks, how can get this update now, i have to work:(07:11
redfishthe router would still get it07:11
maxxistganondorf i think its your method.  i am guessin at thispoint07:11
outbackwifibzaks: oh i see, you mean  that the modem is in bridged mode?07:11
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi, doesnt show up under media07:11
Ganandorfmaxxist:  i am using drag and drop i tried copy and paste nothing07:12
maxxistganondorf manually one at a time?07:12
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: can you pastebin the last few lines of your dmesg after you plugin your zen?07:12
Ganandorfmaxxist:  yep07:12
maxxistkostja i was able to let it sit for a long time and it finally was able to download the update...07:12
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: type dmesg in a terminal07:12
bzaksoutbackwifi: Well, I'm not sure what mode its in, but the router has 2 IPs, an external IP and an internal IP. The external is what the world sees, and the internal is what all of my computers see. The external IP is set via my ISP through the modem. Right now, the internal is set up through the dhcp server in the modem.07:13
outbackwifibzaks: in that case, you have two options; 1) configure the modem as a router (if its capable) 2) disable dhcp server on modem and let the router be as it was07:13
bzaksoutbackwifi: I'm not sure I can do that, I'm pretty sure that Comcast has their modems locked down pretty tight07:14
outbackwifibzaks: if the modem has 2 ips, then it is a router too; so connect the lan side of the modem to one of the lan ports of your wireless router and disable dhcp on that07:14
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69120/07:14
maxxistganondorf can u try using the mem stick in the psp and plug the psp in to do the file management?  possibly something wrong with the way your printer is handling the files????07:14
outbackwifibzaks: all the machines on the lan side will now gett their ips from the modem instead of the wireless router07:15
sao3hi all07:15
kostjamaxxist, where can i find this update?07:15
maxxistkostja are you using static IPS?07:15
Ganandorfmaxxist:  hmm don't have a usb cord for it i guess i will have to get it from my friend again and not change the name07:15
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: the device hadnt settled down. can you paste some more please?07:15
maxxistganondorf  sorry bro.  i dont know what else it could be at this point.07:16
bzaksscrew it, I'll just do it the way I think should work.07:16
redfishbzaks, your modem is not giving the router the internal address.07:16
kostjano a have i router for my laptop07:16
maxxistkostja is your network dhcp or static?07:16
redfishjust disable the DHCP server in the Linksys router07:16
skendoes anybody know anything about this error avc nal size 0 in mplayer07:17
bzaksredfish: but do I connect the modem to the internet port still and let the router be referenced as the main gateway through dhcp?07:17
redfishplug the modem to the WAN port of the router, you computers to the LAN port, and your DHCP server to a LAN port07:17
|neon|i'm having a strange problem, i can change my desktop settings and everything works fine, but once i reboot the settings are lost everytime, i tried session manager but not luck,  any suggestions?07:18
maxxistkostja i was just wondering.  cause i run static ip's on my network.  thought it might be a problem.  I found the network manager in 8.10 to be a little bit broken.  it was changing numbers i had manually entered and saved.  after i would go back in they were completely different.07:18
redfishwhy not use the Linksys' built in DHCP server?07:18
Socapex_2KHello, Just for record. I've just upgraded to 8.10. Before I was having trouble with sound. I couldn't hear anything. Now everything is fine (at least on initial test of rythm box). My edirol ua-5 is working on OSS.07:18
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69121/07:18
bzaksredfish: Because I want to set up a name server as well as run PXEBoot stuff.07:18
Socapex_2Klove it :)07:18
redfishSocapex_2K, 8.10 works great here too ;-)07:19
kostjaagain a network freeze, dhcp07:19
redfishbzaks: oic07:19
Socapex_2Krock on ubuntu, hehe07:19
kostjai will try to change to static ip or complete without networkmanager07:20
Bruceehow do i find out what is it on ubuntu server?07:20
jootI have just installed 8.10 I am getting a black screen after log on. Any one help with this please?? The only thing that works is terminal emulator.07:20
maxxistkostja i was using 64bit also when having these problems.  you can download .debs manually for the newer kernel..  but its not fun.. hehe07:20
maxxistjoot do you have multiple monitors?07:20
kostjamaxxist where can i find this debs?07:20
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: hmm your zen isnt detected and there are a whole bunch of i/o errors on sr007:20
maxxistkostja at ubuntu site.  you can find the updates there...07:21
Socapex_2Kjoot: do you have ati card?07:21
jootmaxxist: No but I have an intel shred memory which may be part of the prob07:21
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi, Well rythmbox recognizes it, as do most other processes, I just cant transfer files off it.07:21
kostjamaxxist, thank you so mauch, i hope it will solve my problem07:21
maxxistjoot hmm.  should not be.  intel is well supported.07:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcp307:22
GodfatherofEire1I can transfer files onto it without incident though outbackwifi07:22
maxxistkostja hope so too man07:22
jootSocapex_2K; Intel shared07:22
ubottudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP07:22
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: normally when you try to send from the device to the pc, these devices look for some kind of a handshake from a client program07:22
jootMaxxist: seems OK till logon then just locks up with a black screen07:23
NeuroSynIs there a way to remove a partition from the gnome-mount thing? So that it doesn't show up in places, and what not?07:23
kostjamaxxist, which version of kernel is it?07:23
Socapex_2Kjoot: Can't help, sorry :)07:23
jootMaxxist: Did the install twice just in case of a residual problem07:24
=== Drew_ is now known as subrand0m
Omeildoes anyone know how to use dhcp3-server i have followed tuts but i keep getting these lines: * Stopping DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail] then straight after * Starting DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail]07:24
jootSocapex_2K: thanks any way :)07:24
GodfatherofEire1So, outbackwifi, sny ideas on what to do so that I can transfer files from my ZEN?07:24
Socapex_2KNeuroSyn: Can you explain a little bit better. In details07:24
maxxistkostja i think it ends with a 707:24
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: have you tried using mtpfs?07:24
maxxistkostja i think its 2.6.27-707:24
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: apparently its an MTP device so wont show up as usb mass storage.07:25
Socapex_2KNeuroSyn: What do you want to achieve. Specifically07:25
kostja2.6.27-7-generic <- this i my version07:25
maxxistkostja i think its 2.6.27-7 make sure you get 64bit07:25
Bruceeis there a command to find out what time is it on a server?07:25
GodfatherofEire1ziroday, the last time I did that I had more errors than my old windows computer07:25
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: you need to use Kzenexplorer07:25
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: this might help --> http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=21619107:25
maxxistjoot you say you have cli?07:25
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi: thats just it: that's the one program that doesnt recognize it07:25
NeuroSynSocapex_2K, well, if I look under my places menu, there's a partition showing that it will ask me to mount if I click on it, I hope to achieve the partition NOT being listed on places, and elsewhere.07:25
nicholaspaulQ: Synaptic says 'Unable to lock the list directory' when i try to Reload ... there is no other app open. I did edit sources.list with Gedit but restored the backed up version...how can i fix it?07:26
ttmrichterAnybody out there using an sis900 for ethernet?  And if so, did the latest kernel update bork it for you too?07:26
redfishOmeil: did you try this one: http://www.howtoforge.com/dhcp_server_linux_debian_sarge07:26
jootMaxxist:  Cli??07:26
maxxistkostja are you able to do the updates through synaptic?  i know your net shuts down on you.  but does it come back up on its own?07:26
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: have you also seen this -> http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/07:26
maxxistjoot sorry command line07:26
NeuroSynSocapex_2K, does that make sense?07:27
jootMaxxist:  Sorry   yes!!07:27
Socapex_2KNeuroSyn: hmmm, let me see a bit. I thought this was about grub, so I might not be of too much help.07:27
bzaksomeil: did you edit the /etc/default/dhcp3-server ?07:27
bzaksomeil: you need to set a default interface07:27
Socapex_2KNeuroSyn: just a min07:27
maxxistjoot second please.07:27
NeuroSynSocapex_2K, sure =) thanks for trying either way07:27
MythrilHow do I go about playing RealMedia files in Intrepid?07:28
jootMaxxist:  No hurry07:28
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi libmtp is installed07:28
bzaksmythril: look into mediubuntu07:28
outbackwifiMythril: download the realplayer 11 deb07:28
GodfatherofEire1As are the -dev files for it07:28
Mythriloutbackwifi: 64bit07:28
Mythriloutbackwifi: the deb they have is for i386 distro07:28
nicholaspaulCan someone help me with my Synaptic problem?07:28
skendoes anybody know anything about this error avc nal size 0 in mplayer?07:29
Omeilbzaks, i edited /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf07:29
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: try all the progs here --> http://libmtp.sourceforge.net/downstream.php07:29
kostjamaxxist yes07:29
outbackwifiMythril: what about the helix player?07:29
bzaksomeil: but did you edit /etc/default/dhcp3-server ? its another file07:29
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: I believe you have tried gnomad2?07:29
Omeilbzaks, nope07:29
|neon|i'm having a strange problem, i can change my desktop settings and everything works fine, but once i reboot the settings are lost everytime, i tried session manager but not luck,  any suggestions?07:29
frybyenicholaspaul: what the prob exactly...?07:29
maxxistjoot can you do a "sudo apt-get upgrade"   and let it do updates.  maybe it will grab a new driver or kernel first...07:29
nicholaspaulQ: Synaptic says 'Unable to lock the list directory' when i try to Reload ... there is no other app open. I did edit sources.list with Gedit but restored the backed up version...how can i fix it?07:29
nicholaspaulfrybye: ^07:30
bzaksomeil: Check it out. You need to set a interface for DHCP3-server to run on07:30
redfishnicholaspaul: are you using apt-get with synaptics open?07:30
GodfatherofEire1Ziroday, yep, tried that, kze, amarok, banshee, and rhythmbox, all had at least one problem with it07:30
maxxistkostja sweet try it out.  you might get lucky and grab the files you need to fix it...07:30
nicholaspaulredfish: nope. nothing else open.07:30
frybyenicholaspaul: I dont have a clue - sombody will though... ;)07:30
nicholaspaulfrybye: thanks :)07:30
maxxistkostja its way easier than hunting down a kernel to manually install..07:30
name_name_uh my gdm fails to start T_T07:30
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: unfortunatly mtp and its apps are notoriously buggy, what exactly are you trying to do?07:30
Omeilbzaks, i added eth0 between the semi colons07:30
GodfatherofEire1ziroday, just tryin to get some of the music on my zen onto the laptop07:31
nicholaspaulredfish: i did have a failed apt-get that I CTRL-Z'd ... i'm thinking it has locked something07:31
Socapex_2KNeuroSyn:  I'll have to give this to someone else. I remember using the option, but I can't remember what :) Sorry, hope somebody can help. I'll keep looking a bit still07:31
bzaksomeil: between the semi colons? they're quote marks in that file.07:31
outbackwifinicholaspaul: what happens when you type sudo apt-get update with synaptics closed?07:31
jootMaxxist:   already tried that and it comes back with errors sugesting to update when I update it comes back with errors also07:31
zirodaynicholaspaul: do you have update manager or some other package management application open at the same time?07:31
Omeilbzaks, ah yeah quote marks i mean lol07:31
bzaksOmeil: restart dhcp3-server07:31
Omeilbzaks, still same error msg tho :(07:31
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: well I know that gnomad2 can do that07:31
maxxistjoot any specific errors you can mention?07:31
reverendnathanOh hay guys, problem. Something is hemorraging space. I never have any room, and can't restart because I end up with so little free space xorg doesn't start. Is there perhaps an immediate diagnosis or a visualization of my hard drive I can obtain?07:31
NeuroSynSocapex_2K, thanks =)07:31
bzaksomeil: what's /var/log/syslog say?07:31
nicholaspaulziroday: no07:32
maxxistjoot which intel chipset is it?07:32
jootMaxxist:   BADSIG < KEYNUMBER.07:32
Flannelreverendnathan: check for huge logfiles in /var/log/07:32
name_name_gdm fails to start T_T07:32
bzaksrev-nathan: what's df -k say?07:32
outbackwifireverendnathan: du -h should give you a clue07:32
GodfatherofEire1Ziroday, you have a point, it works fine for taking stuff off, just not for putting it on there07:32
NeuroSynDoes anyone know how to remove a partition from showing up in the Places menu?07:32
maxxistjoot wow.  never seen that error07:32
GodfatherofEire1Then its a pain07:32
maxxistjoot sec i google.07:32
GodfatherofEire1Wait a sec07:32
nicholaspauloutbackwifi: i get the same error, unable to lock07:33
jootMaxxist:   micro atx do you want the number07:33
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: I know, I use banshee for the other way around07:33
GodfatherofEire1Ziroday, now I remember why I dont use that07:33
dddhi, I have have huawei E 169 grps/g3 modem.   It works instantly in ubuntu 8.10 ;  But how to make it work in 8.04 ?07:33
GodfatherofEire1It closes when transfering off for me07:33
nicholaspauloutbackwifi: i get the same error, unable to lock the list directory (sorry about that )07:33
GodfatherofEire1No idea why07:33
maxxistjoot new board?07:33
redfishnicholaspaul: dunno, maybe apt-get is frozen?07:33
Bruceehow do i know what time is it on my ubuntu server?07:33
outbackwifinicholaspaul: whats the output of this command ps -fe| grep apt  (pastebin it please)07:33
nicholaspaulredfish: yea i think so07:33
zirodayddd: you can try install the new network manager from thier ppa07:33
Mythriloutbackwifi: the helix player claims that the server I am connecting to doesn't respect the protocol (which is odd because mplayer will play the video, just not the audio)07:33
redfishnicholaspaul: you rebooted?07:33
kostjamaxxist, sorry i can't find 64 bit kernel07:33
zirodaynicholaspaul: try restarting07:33
nicholaspaulredfish: i logged out and in again07:33
outbackwifiMythril: lol  ")07:33
nicholaspauloutbackwifi: 1 sec07:34
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: you tried copying of one at a time, its buggy :)07:34
jootMaxxist:  NO it is old with ddr 400mhz ram and 2.4 celeron07:34
sysdocI've got vmware-server installed and have seen a few tutorials that have instructions on how to load XP from it's partition. Has anyone here successfully accomplished this?07:34
dddziroday: how to do this?07:34
outbackwifiBrucee: type date in a terminal07:34
zirodayddd: one sec07:34
Socapex_2K8.10 Rocks! woohoo, African herbsman07:34
redfishnicholaspaul: try "sudo pkill apt"07:34
name_name_hey #ubuntu is when I try to run gdm it doesn't start.07:34
name_name_says faile07:34
dddziroday:  also, I have no network on 8.04 (but I can boot 8.10 on same box -  and i.e. download by hand some .deb files)07:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:34
kelliis there any way to lock the penal on the screan allthe time?07:34
GodfatherofEire1ziroday, yeah, there were entire blocks of files that would cause it to shut down07:34
maxxistkostja i know your net is shutting down but can you try synaptic for the update?  you may get lucky and it might grab those files before it shuts down on you.07:34
=== name_name_ is now known as name_name
zirodayddd: you need to add this repo to your /etc/apt/soruces.list07:35
GodfatherofEire1Ziroday, it just became impractical pretty quick07:35
nicholaspauloutbackwifi: oh, i'm just restarting...07:35
maxxistjoot  which version did you install on it?07:35
outbackwifinicholaspaul: oh ok07:35
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: libmtp is a buggy mess07:35
Omeilbzaks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69128/07:35
GodfatherofEire1ziroday, ha, yeah, i know07:35
outbackwifiGodfatherofEire1: anything with a Microsoft tag is buggy07:35
GodfatherofEire1outbackwifi: agreed07:36
bzaksWhat do you think Omeil?07:36
jootMaxxist:  386 arch 8.10 release07:36
reverendnathanbzaks: /dev/sda1            100790004  95618800     51292 100% /07:36
zirodayGodfatherofEire1: well thats all I can recommend, sorry, you might want to mail the libmtp authors and see if the project is still even near alive07:36
maxxistjoot desktop or alternate?07:36
bzaksrev-nathan: what about du -h ?07:36
reverendnathanFlannel: Nothing over 385kb07:36
corinthIndyGunFreak, ziroday, works great. Thanks. :)07:36
Omeilbzaks, have to declare subnet in the conf?07:36
GodfatherofEire1ziroday, I'll manage to figure out somethin07:36
dddziroday: can you paste me the name of the repo or the line to add?07:36
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: nah, nothin exceeding 300mb at lease.07:36
zirodaycorinth: 32bit and the intrepid backports module?07:36
computer_how come when i click Applications the menu opens while open i try to lower the volume but does not work. why do i have to minimize the menu in order to for the volume to work?07:37
jootMaxxist:  desktop the one with the live option.07:37
tompanyone gotten vmware server 2 to run under hardy?07:37
maxxistjoot when you booted the live cd did you get a desktop?07:37
Flannelreverendnathan: How about df -h07:37
IndyGunFreakcorinth: good to hear... i figured it would work fine w/ 32bit.07:37
bzaksOmeil: correct. You also need to kill the other DHCP server.07:37
outbackwifireverendnathan: and df -h shows 100% on root partition?07:37
corinthziroday, Yup.07:37
zirodayddd: certaintly, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ubuntu hardy main07:37
zirodaycorinth: awesome!07:37
GodfatherofEire1ziroday Amarok worked in 8.04, but this is 8.10, so worst comes to worst, I put it on those comps, and use rsync to transfer07:37
maxxistjoot no errors on install?07:37
dddhow to download package  foo   from  a repo  to a .deb file so I can take it to a no-network system?07:38
jootMaxxist:  No desktop on live so I went for the install instead07:38
computer_why can't i hear the other video player's volume while i have a youtube video at the same time?07:38
zirodayddd: can you attach a ethernet cable briefly?07:38
jootMaxxist:  I saw no errors I watched the install07:38
kostjamaxxist, okay, generic is a 64 bit kernel for me07:38
dddziroday: no :/07:38
amdpoxddd, there's an apt command to save the deb, lemme have a look07:39
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: yes07:39
zirodayddd: err, well then you will have to download all the files listed on https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive and install them07:39
dddor,     ziroday:   can I take an 8.10 install CD and use it to upgrade   my 8.04  to 8.10  without using network?07:39
zirodayddd: is the cd an alternate cd or a desktop cd?07:39
reverendnathanFlannel: /dev/sda1              97G   92G   50M 100% /07:39
nicholaspauloutbackwifi ziroday There, a restart  fixed it ! Cheers!07:39
jootMaxxist:  The same problem occurs with the live option gets to welcome then dies07:40
maxxistjoot try out this from command line.    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org07:40
amph3t4m1n3hi all, i just installed an ftp server on my server with a new ftp user who's home is the domain i want it to be able to access, login works, but i get permission denied on file transfers.. somone care to steer me in the right direction pls?07:41
Flannelreverendnathan: That takes talent.  And nothing in / is abnormally large?07:41
maxxistjoot then if no error do a reboot07:41
jootMaxxist: OK I need to change to a different machine the 8.10 is not online07:41
maxxistjoot you know the command for reboot is restart right...07:42
redfishnicholaspaul: coulda typed sudo pkill apt07:42
redfishnicholaspaul: guess you already restarted when i sent that msg07:42
dddziroday: I can download either.  which to get?07:43
xavieranWhen I log in to ubuntu I get this error message, and the login fails: mkdtemp failed: permission denied07:43
zirodayddd: you need the alternate cd if you want to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10 using a cd07:43
nicholaspaulredfish: yea i had! Thanks! I'll try to remember for next time.07:43
dddziroday: ^ this one?07:45
zirodayddd: thats fine07:45
dddthat CD is all that I need to upgrade  a non-network  box with 8.04 desktop amd64  to  8.10   right?07:45
zirodayddd: correct07:45
dddwhat do I do when I have the cd?07:45
ziroday!upgrade | ddd07:46
ubottuddd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:46
legend2440xavieran: http://mihirknows.blogspot.com/2008/06/mkdtemp-private-socket-dir-permission.html07:46
napsy_Hello. Is it normal that that the amd64 version of ubuntu consumes more RAM then i386 version?07:46
xavieranthank you Lenny_07:46
reverendnathanFlannel: Right. I'm having real trouble finding this out since I moved ALL of my media to my other HDD, so this would have to be from some program. Clearing history in my internet didn't do squat, so I assume it's not FF. Anything else notorious for eating up free space?07:46
computer_how do i set my sound settings back to its original state?07:46
xavieran*legend2440 (Xchat's autocompletion...) :D07:46
skendoes anybody know anything about this error avc nal size 0 in mplayer07:47
legend2440xavieran: yes thats what i figured07:47
outbackwifireverendnathan: go to /var/log/messages and do a du -h inside this directory; pastebin the output of that07:47
zirodaysken: the people in #mplayer are experts07:47
chandraneelnrcan aybody here help me out with ubuntu 8.10 (Network connection)07:48
zirodayreverendnathan: do you have beagle installed?07:48
raheemchandraneelnr: please be be more specific07:48
reverendnathanziroday: Only archiving thing I have is SimplifyMedia07:49
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: OK hold on07:49
zirodayreverendnathan: ah okay, beagle is notorious for making huge indexing files, there goes my idea :)07:49
outbackwifi!anyone | chandraneelnr07:49
ubottuchandraneelnr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:49
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: not a directory. /var/log totals 5.5Mb07:50
outbackwifireverendnathan: are you on ubuntu?07:50
dddif on one box I have 8.04 and 8.10 installent,      but no network,  is there some clever way to upgrade the 8.04 using files from 8.10 ?07:51
maxxistddd need network for that07:52
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: kubuntu 8.x07:52
maxxistat least a direct network connection between the two computers07:52
razanyone know how to make hybrid suspend the default on lid close? i can't find the starting point in the acpi scripts, where does it actually call the suspend command?07:52
chandraneelnrwell i have a dial-up modem. i have used scanmodem and configured the modem. But when i do sudo wvdial, it shows 'not a valid phone usrname and password'. Although the usrname etc. work well in windows and 8.04 but cannot do it in 8.1007:52
IndyGunFreakddd: if you have the alternate install CD, i believe you can upgrade from it.07:53
outbackwifireverendnathan: yours is the first ubuntu that didnt have the /var/log/ as a directory :)07:53
jootMaxxist: Yes for restart.. error /usr/bin/dpkg reconfigure xserver_org not installed... If I apt get install I get message that latest version is intalled07:53
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: /var/log is there, /var/log/messages/ is not one.07:54
maxxistjoot your install is borked.  you need to reinstall.07:54
maxxistjoot might i suggest downloading the install disc again.07:55
chandraneelnrin 8.04 there is an option for network configuration where one is supposed to enter details such as target number, username, password but no such option exits in 8.1007:55
outbackwifireverendnathan: oh ok my bad (didnt realize that i had asked you to cd to /var/log/messages)07:55
maxxistjoot  i always suggest the alternate install disc.07:55
outbackwifireverendnathan: can you cd to /var/log and then run du -h . inside it pls07:55
maxxistjoot its a little less pretty of an installer but it works well07:55
blameHow come ubuntu hasn't upgraded ekiga to 3.0 when ubuntu was upgraded to 8.10?07:55
jootMaxxist: OK I think I will completely format the thing to get rid of any cruft. I do not have the alternate disc07:56
Flannelblame: Because 3.0 wasn't stable when 8.10 was released07:56
maxxistjoot you can download from ubuntu site.07:56
reverendnathanoutbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69131/07:56
blameFlannel: any way to get ekiga 3 now?07:56
chandraneelnrpeople will anybody answer my query?????07:56
maxxistjoot i think your original disc is bad.  you said you tried to install twice with it?07:56
jootMaxxist: Alright I will do that I am not too worried about a pretty install screen as long as the end result is good07:57
Flannelblame: There may be a backport from jaunty available.  You could file a backport request.07:57
Flannel!backport | blame07:57
ubottublame: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging07:57
maxxistjoot its still got a simple installer.  pretty much guided.  just doesnt have a desktop.  very easy to follow though.07:58
maxxistjoot but it will install a desktop for you bro07:58
jootMaxxist: Yes but I also have a rc version and that is not going in either07:58
maxxistjoot yeah stick to stable man07:59
kostja_maxxist , i update has been made, but it's the same behavior07:59
chandraneelnrModem query. Will anybody answer it???07:59
maxxistkostja_ is your whole network going down or just the ubuntu box?07:59
jootCool I will go and d/l thanks for your help :))07:59
maxxistjoot np.  hope it works out08:00
jootMaxxist: Will let you know08:00
outbackwifireverendnathan: the logs look cool; how much disk space do you totally have?08:00
kostja_no, just my laptop, my phone is over ip and i have tested it, it works without problems08:00
maxxistjoot i be here08:00
NillerzHi! How do I turn of xfce so I can run Fluxbox?08:00
maxxistkostja_ k that rules that out.08:00
jootMaxxist: Later then :)08:01
zirodayNillerz: you can pick fluxbox at the login screen08:01
NillerzI don't see any of those options at the login screen08:01
zirodayNillerz: did you install fluxbox?08:01
NillerzI see shut-down, restart, and saved sessions08:01
Nillerzyes I did install fluxbox08:01
maxxistkostja_ you are using dhcp or auto right?  what kind of network card are you using?08:01
zirodayNillerz: err it should be called session or something like that, one sec08:02
outbackwifireverendnathan: one area where you can immediately salvage some disk space is in your /usr/share/doc08:02
firestormIs there a channel for jaunty yet?08:03
outbackwifireverendnathan: just delete everything inside that directory as none of us reads the documentation (we come to #ubuntu straight)08:03
zirodayNillerz: go to the bottom left and go to sessions08:03
Flannelfirestorm: #ubuntu+1 will be it, and its likely still closed.08:03
Nillerzsessions you say? Okay, be right back then08:03
egofluxamarok is renaming some songs and no matter what i do it just keeps doing it08:04
kostja_maxxist, santa rose plattform, intel08:04
egofluxanyone seen this?08:04
IvoryZionmount: Key has expired <-- Getting this when mounting a CIFS file system on a Windows Vista machine... ? I'm running 8.1008:04
WIGGMPkHello, im looking for a nice GUI app for converting audio files to different formats.. mainly ogg to mp3. Any thoughts???08:05
|adam|Does 8.10 have better power management support, specifically, laptops?08:05
omegasixI have a question regarding FireStarter and some strange traffic i'm getting from my ISP.  Can some one help me or direct me to a place where I can get help. I suck at anything networking related :P08:05
FlannelWIGGMPk: transcoding lossy to lossy is a bad idea.08:05
egofluxWIGGMPk: soundkonverter08:05
Nillerzoh hello this is fluxboxy08:05
zirodayWIGGMPk: there is a package called soundconverter, should do what you need08:05
maxxistkostja_  you on a laptop?08:05
NillerzI'm sorry I should have figured that out, I don't think I messd with enough things08:05
ziroday!info soundconverter > WIGGMPk08:05
ubottuwiggmpk, please see my private message08:05
WIGGMPkFlannel: lossy? I dont follow08:05
firestormFlannel: cheers08:06
WIGGMPkegoflux: ziroday: thanks both of you08:06
FlannelWIGGMPk: mp3 and ogg are both lossy audio compression schemes (which means they throw data out to accomplish the compression).  Converting from one lossy format to another means you get information thrown out from encoding 1, and more information thrown out from encoding 2.  So your sound quality is much worse than if you ripped directly to encoding 2 (or went from a lossless codec, like FLAC, straight to encoding 2)08:07
kostja_maxxist ASUS A8SC08:08
maxxistkostja_ brb08:08
WIGGMPkFlannel: wow, I had no idea about that Flannel, thanks.. what if you only have an audio file that is already in a lossy form? what is the best way to proceed (if you need it to be in another format, say one that is more universally accepted?)08:09
chandraneelnrwell i have a dial-up modem. i have used scanmodem and configured the modem. But when i do sudo wvdial, it shows 'not a valid phone usrname and password'. Although the usrname etc. work well in windows and 8.04 but cannot do it in 8.10   In 8.04 there is an option for network configuration where one is supposed to enter details such as target number, username, password but no such option exits in 8.1008:09
kostja_maxxist ?08:09
=== diskin is now known as diskin|away
|adam|anyone running 8.10 on quad-screen with 2 video cards (NV)?08:10
FlannelWIGGMPk: Unfortunately theres no alternative if you need it in format B and only have it in format A.  In the future, if you're "archiving", rip to FLAC, which is lossless, and will allow you to encode in the format-of-the-month without any quality loss.08:10
|neon|i'm having a strange problem, i can change my desktop settings and everything works fine, but once i reboot the settings are lost everytime, i tried session manager but not luck,  any suggestions?08:10
timreichharthey guys im getting this error can somebody help make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/build SUBDIRS=/home/tim/agrsm modules08:11
timreichhartmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.08:11
timreichhartmake: *** [module] Error 208:11
timreichharttim@server2:~/agrsm$ sudo make install08:11
timreichhartmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/build M="/home/tim/agrsm" modules_install08:11
FloodBot1timreichhart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
timreichhartmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.08:11
maxxistkostja_ are you using wireless?08:11
chandraneelnr1well i have a dial-up modem. i have used scanmodem and configured the modem. But when i do sudo wvdial, it shows 'not a valid phone usrname and password'. Although the usrname etc. work well in windows and 8.04 but cannot do it in 8.10   In 8.04 there is an option for network configuration where one is supposed to enter details such as target number, username, password but no such option exits in 8.1008:11
WIGGMPkFlannel: sound has never been my strong point, and I really appreciate the education. Is there anything extra required for ubuntu to process FLAC or is this supported by default?08:11
timreichhartim getting this error when trying up to install the driver for agere 56k modem make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.08:12
kostja_yes, at the moment i'm testing with ethernet wired calble08:12
outbackwifitimreichhart: you need to have the kernel sources installed08:12
timreichharthow do i do that outback?08:13
outbackwifi!compile | timreichhart08:13
ubottutimreichhart: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:13
maxxistkostja_  i found this site.  http://www.linlap.com/wiki/Asus+A8SC08:13
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages08:13
timreichhartsee i dont have the desktop i got the server edition and im doing this from putty08:14
olabasheri am searching someone to test my multimedia software , exepecially photo slider08:15
DaveCaveanyone know how to change the buffer rate for my sound card with 8.04?08:15
DaveCavemy music is skipping08:15
kostja_maxxist all is worked with 8.04, without problems08:15
xingkongsorry i don't know08:16
Aron_I wonder how to use ppa service on launchpad08:16
olabasher!chat  | olabasher08:16
ubottuolabasher, please see my private message08:16
kostja_maxxist with cable it seems to work08:16
zirodayAron_: as in how to create your own ppa or how to add a ppa?08:16
maxxistkostja_  i dunno what to tell ya man.  i was having problems with network earlier too with 8.10 x86-64.08:16
timreichhartwelll can somebody help08:16
olabasherkostja_: is there a chat channel?08:16
h4mx0rI keep getting this nfs error "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting" any ideas why?08:17
maxxistkostja_  that site shows how to install the wireless driver through repos.08:17
Aron_ziroday: I have creat a branch on the web page08:17
olabasher!offtopic | olabasher08:17
ubottuolabasher, please see my private message08:17
kostja_maxxist i will try it out moment08:17
zirodayh4mx0r: you need to edit your /etc/exports to allow your ip address08:17
Aron_ziroday: but I don't know how to upload my files08:17
timreichhartcan somebody tell me how to update the kernel08:17
zirodayAron_: so you have created a file for the build service?08:17
outbackwifih4mx0r: that means your server isnt configured properly; check its exports file08:17
maxxisttimreichhart synaptic will do it for you if there is a newer one available08:18
zirodayh4mx0r: you can also use * to allow all ip addresses but that might not be secure08:18
Aron_ziroday: I have the .dsc .orig.tar.gz .diff.gz files08:18
zirodayAron_: okay, one sed08:18
timreichhartwhat is the command because im doing this on putty08:18
outbackwifitimecist: use aptitude if you are on a  text terminal08:18
anantkI'm having a error while installing 8.10 which says that some file is not correct and my cd is corrupted.I've checked the md5 before burning and also did a media check from the cd.08:18
DaveCaveno one knows how to adjust the sound card buffer in Gnome?08:19
h4mx0rziroday outbackwifi: I want to enable all addresses on 192.168.1. etc  with a submask how do I say that in /etc/exports ?08:19
zirodayAron_: please read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA08:19
Aron_ziroday: already read that,but I am still fuzzy08:19
outbackwifih4mx0r: use a wildcard (
olabasherkostja_: nothing i have found a off topic channel08:19
olabasherkostja_: trank u08:19
zirodayAron_: okay, what are you unsure about. The best place to ask really is #launchpad08:20
Aron_ziroday: can we continue here, or change to #launchpad?08:20
h4mx0routbackwifi: are you sure? I just went to shared folders option and put in and it doesn't work perhaps I should do for the netmask?08:20
DaremonaiAfter updating to the latest ubuntu, torrentflux-b4rt shows speeds as 0.00 kb/sec and progress bar is always at 0% even though it's downloading, anyone know how to fix that, or why it's like that?08:21
zirodayAron_: asking the people in launchpad where your fuzzy about ppa's would be better08:21
h4mx0routbackwifi: I would like to keep track of which folders I'm sharing and with which permissions there08:21
wershow do i change the settings for the keybind for changing the brightness of the screen?08:21
Aron_ziroday: thx08:21
h4mx0rwers: is it a laptop? try checking for laptop mode script and browsing through it for brightness options it probably uses the same method for when you pull the power cable08:22
outbackwifih4mx0r: this is what someone says  IP networks — Allows the matching of hosts based on their IP addresses within a larger network. For example, allows the first 16 IP addresses, from to, to access the exported file system, but not and higher.08:22
wersh4mx0r, where is that laptop mode script?08:22
outbackwifiwers: on my laptop its inside /etc/acpi08:23
h4mx0rwers: its a service thing sort of, I think they still use it in 8.10 try googling for ubuntu laptop mode brightness and you should find the relevant commands to adjust your shortcut buttons08:23
kostja_maxxist, over cable all does work08:23
MHz128After mounting an ISO DVD image, how do I play the movie?08:24
outbackwifiMHz128: use vlc/totem08:24
wersfor some reason, the brightness keybind doesnt work properlyanymore. whenever i press the keybind for adjusting it up or down, it doesnt work all the time and the OSD doesnt appear anymore08:24
Aron_ziroday: I have to say nobody replies me on #launchpad08:24
zirodayAron_: just wait08:25
Aron_ziroday: OK08:25
maxxistkostja_  thats a good start then...08:25
timreichhartok I did have this Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-server but how would I get it to get back at that image file08:28
ForsakenSoulhey guys what can I use to open files from a video cam ?08:28
zirodayForsakenSoul: what do they end in?08:28
ForsakenSouljust a moment08:29
IndyGunFreakmost of them are .mov's...08:29
ay^timecist: by telling grub to use it08:30
ay^er timreichhart08:30
Insomnia1ityHi! I'm experiencing an odd issue on Ubuntu 8.04 - my laptop keyboard has stopped working. It works fine in the BIOS, GRUB and Windows, but no longer works in Ubuntu :(08:32
Sharp_eyeshi all08:33
nicholaspaulQ: When I go to Reload packages in Synaptic, I get TONS that fail - they all end with Translation en_CA . Is that something to do with being in Canada?08:33
Sharp_eyesis ther any body who know that how to give permission to a sharing folder08:33
zirodaynicholaspaul: probably, what is the exact error?08:33
zirodaySharp_eyes: which protocol?08:34
Galgagood 2 c so many users in this channel :)08:34
IndyGunFreaknicholaspaul: probably a repository that is either closed or down, you can try switching to american servers..08:34
nicholaspaulziroday: just 'Failed'.08:34
Sharp_eyesziroday: local area network08:34
zirodaySharp_eyes: okay, how are you sharing the files?08:34
nicholaspaulIndyGunFreak: I've tried loads of servers, inc. US08:34
Sharp_eyesi hve 1 foleder and i hve shared but08:35
IndyGunFreaknicholaspaul: then there is another underlying issue..08:35
zirodaynicholaspaul: I sometimes see that issue here with en_SG, try a mirror that is like ca.archive.ubuntu.com08:35
economyxhey can anyone address a problem with skype and pulseaudio?08:35
Sharp_eyesbut the other computer trying to paste files and folder in it..08:35
Sharp_eyeserror is showing that access denied08:35
ForsakenSoulziroday:  mod, moi and pgi ...08:35
ForsakenSouldunno which exacly08:35
nicholaspaulziroday:  its just in the Status column, while its updating packages. All it says is Failed.08:36
zirodayForsakenSoul: never heard of those, one sec08:36
zirodaynicholaspaul: try sudo apt-get update on the command line08:36
ForsakenSoulziroday:  mod ... works with totem08:36
zirodayForsakenSoul: and you want all of them to play?08:36
ForsakenSoul..no no08:36
nicholaspaulziroday:  i get an error.. er.. cant remember what, sorry, but something like 'somethings down, prob your network' but i'm connected just fine08:37
ForsakenSoulit was my bad ... it didn't quite do it right the first try08:37
ForsakenSoulziroday: sorry for you time08:37
ForsakenSouland thanks08:37
StrangeThingSharp_eyes, did u setup an samba user? command: sudo smbpasswd -a [username]08:37
zirodayForsakenSoul: haha, no problem :)08:37
zirodaySharp_eyes: _how_ did you share the folder?08:37
Sharp_eyeswait im doing this08:37
nicholaspaulziroday:  and my other Ubuntu computer is fine...08:37
Sharp_eyesright click on folder and share it08:38
zirodaynicholaspaul: that really is odd08:38
zirodaySharp_eyes: okay, the protocol you were using is samba08:38
Sharp_eyesStrangeThing: what is new smb pass08:38
ziroday!samba | Sharp_eyes here are some links to help you08:38
ubottuSharp_eyes here are some links to help you: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209808:38
StrangeThingSharp_eyes, ehm, whatever u like ;)08:39
zirodaynicholaspaul: do you have any custom repos?08:39
ForsakenSoulziroday is there by any chance any software for modifying videos08:39
ForsakenSoullike effects etc ?08:39
zirodayForsakenSoul: umm, try kino08:39
zirodayForsakenSoul: however not sure if it supports .mod you will probably have to convert it to something else08:40
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
ForsakenSoulziroday:  that's not the problem08:41
ForsakenSoulI'm just fed up of using buggy windows ...08:41
ForsakenSoulso as long as I can modify videos on linux I'm happy08:41
zirodayForsakenSoul: you can try kino08:41
nicholaspaulziroday:  nope. all standard.08:41
zirodayForsakenSoul: however it may not be able to open the .mod file08:42
zirodaynicholaspaul: hmm try doing sudo apt-get clean08:42
nicholaspaulziroday: ookay08:42
ForsakenSoulziroday: as I said ... that's not a problem I'll convert them08:42
zirodaynicholaspaul: and then sudo apt-get update08:42
_MattBis it possible to install hardy from a usb key?08:44
Insomnia1ityHi! I'm experiencing an odd issue on Ubuntu 8.04 - my laptop keyboard has stopped working. It works fine in the BIOS, GRUB and Windows, but no longer works in Ubuntu :(08:44
ziroday_MattB: yes08:44
_MattBi put the iso on a stick and used syslinux to boot it, but now it complains it can't find the cd drive08:45
=== guillaume_ is now known as toddoon
ziroday_MattB: did you follow the instructions in !install?08:45
_MattBziroday, no, is that on the iso?08:46
ziroday!install | _MattB it tells you how to do it here08:46
ubottu_MattB it tells you how to do it here: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:46
k0d3r /msg NickServ identify08:47
ElijahDuBarryVTmay I have viruses on my hard drive, may I catch them.08:51
ziroday!virus | ElijahDuBarryVT08:51
ubottuElijahDuBarryVT: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:51
zirodayElijahDuBarryVT: linux has very, very, very few viruses. It is extremely unlikely that you have one08:52
tsopMy laptop keyboard stopped working, I can't seem to do anything about it.. I tried rebooting it works fine at the KDM screen but after doesn't work at all.08:52
VinnonetAny one know how to enable visualbell and beeping working at the same time, instead one or the other?08:52
lolocan someone tell me how to un tar.gz all files in a folder?08:53
outbackwifitsop: can you get to a terminal by ctl+alt+f1 and log in?08:54
zirodaylolo: tar -xzvf <file>08:54
ElijahDuBarryVTI mena windows viruses :)08:54
jim_plolo: select them all and right click extract08:54
outbackwifilolo: tar zxvf08:54
ElijahDuBarryVTI mean windows viruses :)08:54
zirodayElijahDuBarryVT: you can use Clam AV to get rid of them08:54
jim_pElijahDuBarryVT: u need an antivirus to scan just in case?08:54
chilli0hello all i need some help with getting hotmail set up with evolution i get the message: You must pay to get WebDEV access anyone know a way around it?08:54
outbackwifichilli0: you dont want to pay?08:55
chilli0nop outbackwifi08:55
zirodaychilli0: AFAIK there is absolutely no way around it08:55
outbackwifichilli0: dont use hotmail :) or use the webmail08:55
Flannelchilli0: Check the repos, there's a few scrapers.  search for "hotmail"08:56
chilli0ziroday there is some people got it working08:56
tsopoutbackwifi: i was just able to do it08:56
chilli0k thanks Flannel08:56
outbackwifitsop: that means your keyboard is ok08:56
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tsopoutbackwifi: well no, the way I did it was i started a new session and did a console login08:56
tsopoutbackwifi: at the kdm window it works fine, but within KDE it stops working.08:56
CHVNXEvolution and GoDaddy stmp out are not working for me, but I got it working with Thunderbird.08:57
CHVNXTry that08:57
monsoon_kingi am unable to install ubuntu 8.10...live cd boots soooo slow in a 1 GB RAM PC08:57
PupenoAny recommendations on simple monitor tools for Ubuntu? I have a couple of servers and I'd like to be notified when something bad happens, like Apache dieing or the server loosing connectivity. Anything that won't take me eons to configure?08:57
outbackwifiPupeno: nagios08:57
jim_pmonsoon_king: other hardware? did the .iso pass the md5sum test? did you burn in low speed?08:58
zirodayWhat is the difference between apt-cache search and aptitude search? As apt-cache search always seems to turn up more packages08:58
outbackwifi!info nagios08:58
ubottuPackage nagios does not exist in intrepid08:58
mikebeechammorning...does anyone know of a fix for the green webcam screen in 'Cheese'?08:58
lolocan someone pls tell me how to un tar.gz a list of files from one folder and put the extracted files in another folder?08:58
Pupeno!info nagios208:58
ubottuPackage nagios2 does not exist in intrepid08:58
CHVNXDoes anyone know if I can install more tan one distro through Wubi?  For example, if I want Ubuntu and Mint and OpenSUSE on one machine, can Wubi do it? *linux noob*08:59
zirodayPupeno: outbackwifi there are no packages for nagios in the repos08:59
chilli0i ran a program an my moust doesn move now08:59
monsoon_kingjim_p,  amd athlon XP,2.0 ghz...8.04 works like wonder.... i tried in virtual box too...its very slow08:59
PupenoDo you know any howto specific for Ubuntu about Nagios? I've been looking for one and I couldn't find it, otherwise I'd just go for generic stuff.08:59
outbackwifilolo: cd /other/folder; sudo tar zxvf file.tar.gz /path/to/tarfile08:59
Pupenoziroday: aptitude search nagios shows me several packages in my ubuntu box.08:59
jim_pPupeno: try nagios309:00
Shreedharyou all should log on to -http://boobs.com/thumbs/phpThumb.php?w=130&h=88&zc=1&f=jpg&src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.boobs.com%2Ftube%2Fvids%2F75%2FIw3t8DjkeLV.jpg09:00
FlannelCHVNX: Should work, yes.  You may have to manually edit your boot.ini, but the OS installs would be independant and all that09:00
zirodayPupeno: woops, my bad09:00
jim_pmonsoon_king: does it pass md5sum?09:00
lolo<outbackwifi> i want to un tar.gz more the one file???09:00
outbackwifiShreedhar: and you should get a kick on your backside09:00
Pupenojim_p: that seems not to be packaged yet.09:00
Sharp_eyes_do any body knows that how to configure network setting09:00
CHVNXMost excellent Flannel.  Thanks, that's all I needed to knoiw.09:00
jim_pPupeno: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/nagios309:00
chilli0i ran a program an my moust doesn work anyone know how to fix that? i installed gotmail then ran it09:01
nikolamHi , should I use .torrent file found on File mirrors, to seed Ubuntu DVD`s?09:01
nikolamI already have DVDs images, I just want to seed09:01
monsoon_kingjim_p,  i dint try that...how do u do that09:01
Pupenojim_p: I'm on Hardy for now, I'll upgrade my desktop but not sure if I'll upgrade my servers.09:01
chilli0brb gonna relog see it it workes then09:01
outbackwifilolo: if you mean you have many tar files, then just use the wild card tar zxvf *.tar.gz09:01
hateballIs there a replacement for Syndaemon in Intrepid? I'd like to disable the touchpad while typing09:02
jim_pmonsoon_king: md5sum nameof.iso       and compare it to what the server has09:02
CHVNXDoes anyone know if there is a stable port of Tomboy Notes for Windows yet?  One that i dont have to compile?09:02
jim_pPupeno: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/nagios209:02
outbackwifihateball: i used a nifty script attached to a spare key on my laptop to do that09:02
hateballoutbackwifi♂ I was looking for a less hackish approach :D09:03
outbackwifihateball: i could pastebin  and you could adapt it to suit your taste09:03
hateballoutbackwifi♂ Sure, that'd be nice as a workaround09:03
Pupenojim_p: yes, I've seen the packages for nagios2 for hardy.09:03
Pupenoto update or not to update, that is the question.09:03
metbsdi need help with wubi, i got kubuntu desktop 8.10 iso with wubi.exe, but it still dl iso09:04
metbsdhow do i make it to use the iso i dled09:04
nikolamPupeno, What you use now?09:05
jim_pPupeno: do not uppdate, and since its a server, go to debian. http://packages.debian.org/lenny/nagios309:05
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itachibuntui have a problem with my wifi09:06
nikolammetbsd, You want to write it on cd/dvd and install or you want just to browse .iso ? What you ar eusing now?09:06
outbackwifihateball: this is the toggle script -> http://pastebin.com/f5815d69 and this is the notify script -> http://pastebin.com/f7949cd409:06
nikolamitachibuntu, I have a problem with a wife. I don`t have one :)09:07
metbsdi want wubi to use it to install kubuntu09:07
hateballoutbackwifi♂ Cheers, I'll have a look09:07
outbackwifi!hi | liang ayu09:08
ubottuliang ayu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:08
linnoob007how do I get my laptops mem stick pro duo reader working? lspci lists mine as 06:03.3 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments PCI7420/7620 Combo CardBus, 1394a-2000 OHCI and SD/MS-Pro Controller ANy ideas on how I can mount my memory sticks?09:09
itachibuntuwho want to help me?09:09
ay^itachibuntu: I do!09:09
outbackwifilinnoob007: my mem stick pro just automounts09:09
somati have a bit problem with my compiz using nvidia, some one can help me ?09:09
nikolamitachibuntu, take a look at the lspci output to see what wifi card do you have09:09
ay^somat: I can!09:09
linnoob007outbackwifi: I wish mine did too09:10
itachibuntunot problem09:10
damkorwho should I talk to to get a program added to the official repositories? (it's not my own program)09:10
outbackwifilinnoob007: the last few lines of dmesg as soon as you plug in your stick should give a clue09:10
damkorshall I use launchpad to file a bug report and then wait for it?09:10
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linnoob007outbackwifi: Thanks I see what that tells me09:11
umangmeHow do I install udev 124-10 when Synaptic is showing udev 124-8 as the latest. Apparently the CD drive coming back in problem was solved in udev 124-10 and released. Thanks09:11
itachibuntubut i not automatically connect to internet09:11
nikolammetbsd, Wubi install: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#wubi09:11
itachibuntuPeddy Says, you can update your ubuntu to interpid09:12
muditi am looking forward to install Flex SDK on hardy, i dont know how to do it !09:12
mikebeechammorning...does anyone know of a fix for the green webcam screen in 'Cheese'?09:12
_DraxIm having random freezes with 8.10, kernel panics! I tried googling around and found that it had to do with intel wifi thingie but I dont run any wifi cards etc. Is there any fix for this??09:12
damkorumangme: I got everything updated to the last version, I don't think you can get it yet. I'm guessing the best you can do is to file a bug report asking for a the new version of udev to be packaged and added to the repositories09:12
outbackwifimikebeecham: you must have turned on some option there09:13
jim_p_Drax: blacklist the module09:13
_DraxWhat, I dont even think the module is running? Is it by default even though you dont have a wifi card??09:13
damkor_Drax: lsmod09:13
mikebeechamhey outbackwifi...no, it seems to be an issue since 8.10 mate09:13
mikebeechambeen reading up for a day now!09:13
peter07I have problem with partition size. System thinks that no space left on /dev/sda2 (for example df -h commands shows 100% usage) but on this partition is 5BG free space (baobab analyse result), help09:14
linnoob007outbackwifi: dmesg shows that it knows I've inserted a card and that's it. It doesn't mount and it doesn't show up when doing fdisk -l09:14
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umangmedamkor: Thanks! I'll do that if no direct response is made to the main Bug Report. Thanks again!09:14
_DraxNope the module is not loaded09:14
muditi am looking forward to install Flex SDK on hardy, i don't know where to begin, can anyone help with this ?09:14
_DraxWhy am I having kernel panics with 8.10 then!09:15
JonnyAny slapd experts in the house?09:15
itachibuntui want update ubuntu from hardy to intrepid09:15
_Draxitachibuntu, try do-release-upgrade09:15
itachibuntubut it is verrry slooooow09:15
_Draxbuy a faster computer? :P09:15
damkoritachibuntu: have yo tried update-manager -d?09:15
PhantomasHey! Some days ago i upgraded to Intrepid Ibex... but i have a couple of problems Totem hasn't sound and rhythmbox can't play the tracks.. any advices please?09:15
itachibuntuit good09:15
damkoritachibuntu: it ought to take like 3 or 4 hours09:16
_DraxSo noone knows about 8.10 freezing / kernel panicing??09:16
itachibuntubut after updated, my system doesn't boot09:16
damkor_Drax: nope, my system hangs but I can still log in through ssh, so I'm guessing it's a different error09:16
itachibuntukernel panic men!09:17
jim_p_Drax: can you please ehow us the page you seen that wireless module is responsible for the freeze?09:17
itachibuntuok, do you want to help me???????????????????09:17
_Draxjim_p : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29104409:18
paul68!patience |itachibuntu:09:18
ubottuitachibuntu:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:18
jim_pitachibuntu: name some harsdware you have09:18
__FaNtAsMa__do you speak italian?09:18
Flannel!it | __FaNtAsMa__09:18
ubottu__FaNtAsMa__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:18
somatay^ : how to start ro solve my problem ?09:18
JonnyAny slapd experts in the house? I'm having some weird issues with TLS certificiates09:18
itachibuntujim_p: Atheros09:18
ay^somat: what is your problem?09:18
werdnusthe game09:19
_DraxIf its the new 2.6.27-7 kernel, can I switch back to 8.04 kernel??09:19
lilkoisuru_Ubiquity crashes on me when I try to install Intrepid.09:19
ay^_Drax: yes you should be able to tell grub to use this09:19
paul68!madwifi |itachibuntu09:19
ubottuitachibuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:19
JonnyYou can boot into an older kernel fom the grub menu _Drax :)09:19
metbsdstupid wubi why would it make grub menu to be chinese09:19
somatafter i was start compiz it says : Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.09:19
outbackwifi_Drax: yes just copy the required files into /boot and make a new entry into menu.lst and select that kernel when you boot09:20
itachibuntumy computer is fines09:20
ay^somat: oh I don't think I can help with that09:20
paul68outbackwifi: should a reconfig grub be helpfull?09:20
jim_p_Drax: then its an ubuntu bug. sens a bug report to the devs09:20
Chiliredon the subjest of grub,w hy doesn't the boot default line make any difference?09:20
outbackwifipaul68: maybe; never used that; ive always done things the cli way :)09:21
somatok, any one else ?09:21
ay^Chilired: on mine it does09:21
wild_guyhi gays09:21
rfxcaseywhat is the best way to set up a home network09:21
outbackwifi!hi gays09:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi gays09:21
lilkoisuru_Ubiquity crashes on me when I try to install Intrepid. I am trying the alternate install cd, but it seems to be just sitting there on the CD-ROM detection step.09:21
adiseshelp i'm a first time ubuntu user and i'm having problems with the network manager..i Installed 8.10 and the first boot everything worked great it detected my wi-fi network and I setup pppoe but after i restarted the network manager vanished09:21
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ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:21
rfxcaseyhow can I share files between two ubuntu machines09:22
itachibuntuay^, do you want to help me?09:22
wild_guyim a freebsd user!09:22
binskipy2uanyone know why i installed 7.10, 8.04, 8.10 on this 64bit computer and now NO CD or DVD will mount09:22
outbackwifirfxcasey: use nfs or sshfs09:22
binskipy2uits a clean instal of 8.10?09:22
ay^itachibuntu: I sure would like to, but I don't know your problem either09:22
binskipy2ui know the cd/dvd rom work09:22
binskipy2uany ideas?09:22
binskipy2ufstab says "user" in the list09:22
Chilireday^, doesn't on mine...I know I can reorder the entries but..I am right in thinking it reads /boot/menu.ist directly from /boot it doesn't need to be commited09:22
adisesfull format clean install09:22
rfxcaseyoutbackwifi, how do I set it up09:22
outbackwifi!nfs | rfxcasey09:22
ubotturfxcasey: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.09:22
itachibuntuay^ i want my wifi connect automatically09:23
binskipy2uanyone know why cds/dvds wont mount or even be seen suddenly?09:23
binskipy2uwhen  they all worked before09:23
rfxcaseyobottu how about sshfs09:23
itachibuntuok, that is my problem09:23
nikolambinskipy2u, you are saying taht you want to install over network? You don`t have cd on machine etc.. ?09:23
mudithi i want to install flex sdk on Ubuntu Hardy, has anyone done it before ?09:23
adisescan anyone help me? its a hp dv9222tx has the intel 3495 wifi card09:23
peter07can somebody help me with bad partition size?09:23
outbackwifi!sshfs | rfxcasey09:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sshfs09:23
lilkoisuru_Ubiquity crashes on me when I try to install Intrepid. I am trying the alternate install cd, but it seems to be just sitting there on the CD-ROM detection step.09:24
binskipy2uno, i already installed09:24
jim_padises: tell me09:24
adisesi even tried some kill switch fix09:24
ay^Chilired: what? You say /boot/grub/menu.lst is obsolete?09:24
binskipy2uflawless install09:24
binskipy2ueverythign i want works09:24
binskipy2ubut i cant read any cds or dvds09:24
adisesthat i found on the forums09:24
rfxcaseyoutbackwifi, how do I set up sshfs09:24
binskipy2uthey have data on them09:24
metbsdi still can't boot wubi09:24
outbackwifirfxcasey: like this --> http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/09:24
adisesjim_p:..i Installed 8.10 and the first boot everything worked great it detected my wi-fi network and I setup pppoe but after i restarted the network manager vanished09:24
binskipy2uanyone have any ideas?????????????09:24
Chilireday^, no I just forgot the /grub bit09:24
binskipy2uwhy dvds dand cds wont read anymore???09:24
lilkoisuru_Ubiquity crashes on me when I try to install Intrepid. I am trying the alternate install cd, but it seems to be just sitting there on the CD-ROM detection step.09:25
ay^itachibuntu: and you cant have it autoconnect? For me that works automagically09:25
nikolambinskipy2u, normal, disks, you were reading before?09:25
adisesjim_p: i have a feeling its a problem between ifupdown and network manager09:25
outbackwifibinskipy2u: did you try mounting from terminal using sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom09:25
ay^Chilired: Does changes in menu.lst have affect on the boot?09:25
outbackwifililkoisuru_: whats ubiquity?09:25
jim_padises: blame network manager for it. remove it and install wicd. http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php tell me if you need help09:25
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: The graphical installer for Ubuntu.09:25
outbackwifibinskipy2u: and did you get an error?09:25
zetheroowhere can I download the Intrepid Repos from?09:25
stingerHello all, long time ago when I installed ubuntu i think i installed the server version and then put a flat KDE on-top thus i don't have things like ubuntu administrator and synaptic is there a way i can install theses things ? for one i would like to install synaptic what repository do i need to add ?09:25
outbackwifililkoisuru_: ah,09:26
adisesjim_p: ok thanks will try that and get back to u09:26
binskipy2uno error09:26
binskipy2uit just worked09:26
Chilireday^, I have only change the line that selects default line to boot09:26
binskipy2uwhen i sudo'd mounted it09:26
agitdd99anyone experienced blank screen when entering gdm after installing on machine with ATI-card?please give me ultimate guide of solution?09:26
nikolambinskipy2u, look what you have in /etc/fstab09:26
jim_padises: i may be gone in like half an hour ok?09:26
binskipy2udo i have to do that EVERY TIME NOW???09:26
outbackwifistinger: sudo apt-get install synpatic09:26
binskipy2ujust to read ad vd cd?09:26
ay^Chilired: and what does that line say now?09:26
stingeroutbackwifi, its not found09:26
stingeroutbackwifi, I think i am missing the source list for it09:26
outbackwifibinskipy2u: so why are you saying that you cant mount ?09:26
outbackwifi!info synaptic09:27
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.62.1ubuntu10 (intrepid), package size 1268 kB, installed size 5852 kB09:27
adisesjim_p: ok not a problem thanks anyways09:27
binskipy2uwell ive aleways just put in a cd dvd09:27
outbackwifistinger: sudo apt-get update ; then try installing09:27
nikolamcheck permissions of /media directory where is cd-dvd mounted after mount09:27
binskipy2uand it seen it09:27
binskipy2uand opened up nattilus09:27
Chilireday^,in windows I will have to check later, but instead f default 0 it is now 509:27
binskipy2uand i ddi what i wanted to do09:27
binskipy2unow suddenly i have to issue a command to mount a cd and dvd?09:27
outbackwifibinskipy2u: so your problem definition is incorrect; automount is not working09:27
binskipy2unever had to in the past 3 ubuntu distros09:27
nikolambinskipy2u, and set permissions with sudo chmod ugo+rw on that dir in /media09:27
stingeroutbackwifi, Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:28
stingerThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:28
stingeris only available from another source09:28
bullgard4Where can I find a description of the Sound Preferences dialog?09:28
stingerI have done a full update09:28
lilkoisuru_Why is the alternate install disc showing up all horribly glitchy?!09:28
ay^Chilired: wierd.. and if you change anything else, that DOES change? say a title or something?09:28
nikolambinskipy2u, 8.10 is problematic in many ways for me too, per instance, floppy does not work by default etc..09:28
stingerI am running ubuntu 7.1009:28
muditi have a compiler that i run from windows command line09:28
outbackwifistinger: did you do a apt-get update?09:28
stingeroutbackwifi, i use aptitude09:29
muditcan i make it run from hardy ?09:29
metbsdwhat does ubiquity do anyway09:29
stingeroutbackwifi, but yeah i have update a apt-get update09:29
metbsdit halts there09:29
nikolamstinger, 7.10 is ok, 8.04 also. i am staying with 8.04 for a long time since many 8.10 issues09:29
muditanyone ?09:29
lilkoisuru_Okay. Is there ANY OTHER WAY to install Ubuntu other than alternate install or ubiquity, anyone?09:29
Chilireday^, that was my next step, I am just collecting all my account data so I can set things up in ubuntu. just wanted to check if there was something known going on09:29
Flannellilkoisuru_: What about the alternate install fails for you?09:29
outbackwifililkoisuru_: update distribution09:29
metbsdstill ubiquity???09:29
ay^Chilired: ah no not that I know of.09:30
metbsdis it normal? still ubiquitying09:30
hot_wheelzhi guys :-)09:30
lilkoisuru_Two major problems. ONE... the display is glitchy, so I can't see anything unless I alt+sysrq+R, E, I. Then it just sits there accomplishing nothing on the CD-ROM detecting phase.... doin gNOTHING..09:30
jim_padises: are you still there? if you are on 8.10 you have to change the "hardy" word on the repo line to "intrepid"09:30
outbackwifimudit: you can use wine or check if there is a linux port of your compiler09:30
outbackwifimudit: but what compiler is it?09:30
tlnewbe's q: i installed wbar deb package,but it didnt show up.anybody knows the reason?09:31
outbackwifililkoisuru_: did you do a media check?09:31
Chilireday^, its probably pilot error then, I will change the titling stuff and see if that change takes...perhaps my grub is looking elsewhere09:31
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: I have no os on this hard disk. This is a clean install./09:31
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: Yes.09:31
hot_wheelzI have a couple quick questions..I was hoping u guys may be able to help me answer them...maybe09:31
muditoutbackwifi: it is flex compiler09:31
werdnus!ask | hot_wheelz09:31
ubottuhot_wheelz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:31
outbackwifimudit: flex as in lexical analyzer?09:31
outbackwifi!info flex09:31
ay^Chilired: yeah I was thinking of that too, perhaps it's installed in the MBR as well or something09:31
ubottuflex (source: flex): A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.35-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 236 kB, installed size 972 kB09:31
metbsdwhat is ubiquity!!!09:31
Flannelmetbsd: the graphical installer the Desktop CD uses.09:32
metbsdwhy is it installing things without notice me09:32
hot_wheelzok sure09:32
lilkoisuru_outbakwifi: Finally, after a while, the dialog showing it's detecting the CD-ROM diappears, and nothing is left on the screen.09:32
hot_wheelzQ1 Do u know if the Brother DCP-330C has been added to the supported printer list or not?09:32
lilkoisuru_outbakwifi: Just blue on grey.09:32
muditoutbackwifi: flex as in flash, Rich Internet Applications09:32
outbackwifililkoisuru_: do a ctl+alt+f4 and you might see some error messages09:33
hot_wheelzQ2 In regards to mobile broadband does the that built in Network Manager does it now have the ability to act as a connection client meaning there is no need for somthing like VMC (Vodafone Mobile Connect) as a client? anymore is this correct?09:33
outbackwifimudit: ah adobe flex?09:33
muditoutbackwifi: yes09:33
lilkoisuru_outbakwifi: Lots of output09:33
outbackwifimudit: this should help ->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94772809:33
outbackwifililkoisuru_: does any of it look like errors?09:34
outbackwifihot_wheelz: Q2 -> yes09:34
lilkoisuru_Unable to set title for console setup-deb.... there's also a lot of-- WHOA! Suddenlt stuff it wroking.09:35
outbackwifihot_wheelz: Q1 -> open up system-administration-printers and check the drivers list09:35
timreichhartcan somebody tell me where I can download this at /lib/modules/*KERNELVERSION*/build/ because I dont have it installed onto my server09:35
zetheroowhere can I download the ubuntu repos from?09:35
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: It aslo says syslogd was quitting... and a loe of BLURB09:35
outbackwifitimreichhart: iinstall kernel sources09:36
LoveGuruis there anyone who familiar with " sql-ledger " can somoeone help me with that, or any helpfull tutorial for sql-ledger. Thanks in Advance.09:36
hot_wheelzoutbackwifuso no need for VMC then09:36
outbackwifihot_wheelz: that would be a yes09:36
outbackwifililkoisuru_: are you sure that the mediacheck went of ok?09:36
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: It said the CD-ROM was fine.09:36
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: It seems to take forever and a day to detect hardware.09:37
outbackwifililkoisuru_: whats the hardware config? did you check if it was on the hcl?09:37
outbackwifi!hcl | lilkoisuru_09:37
ubottulilkoisuru_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:37
outbackwifililkoisuru_: also did you check whether you're using the right version of ubuntu like 64-bit for amd64 etc?09:38
lilkoisuru_ouytbackwifi: No need. I've had this intalled on this system before with all hardware working out-of-the-box. I DID remove all my hard disks and install a new 500 GiB, though.09:38
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: Would the installers not like what channel they're installing from/to?09:39
outbackwifililkoisuru_: channel??09:39
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: SATA channel09:39
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outbackwifililkoisuru_: id have to say that shouldnt be a problem tho09:39
metbsdomg!! ubiquity halts my system,,!! cannot install!09:41
binskipy2usomeone please help me, NOTHING auto mounts anymore.. i even installed autofs , ive NEVER had these problems before09:41
binskipy2uits ubuntu 8.1009:41
binskipy2uclean install09:42
binskipy2ujust finished it an hour ago09:42
binskipy2uNOTHING mounts at all09:42
FloodBot1binskipy2u: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: Okay, now this is REALLY ticking me off. It failed to detect my networking hardware...09:42
binskipy2umy cd/dvd/ and thumb drives no longer mount or show up at all09:42
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: The LiveCD was able to get that working right off the bat, so I know it's not an issue of support.09:43
LoveGuruis there anyone who familiar with " sql-ledger " can somoeone help me with that, or any helpfull tutorial for sql-ledger. Thanks in Advance.09:43
outbackwifi!patience | binskipy2u09:44
ubottubinskipy2u: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:44
binskipy2uim just asking09:44
costelwho can provide me with free webhosting for my website?09:44
outbackwifiLoveGuru: did you try the sql-ledger website?09:44
binskipy2uwhy would a new install not atuomount cds/dvds/thumbdrives when it did before09:44
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: Maybe I should just give up and install Hardy Heron. I'm pretty sure that would actually work. >.<09:45
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed09:46
outbackwifililkoisuru_: sure; ive not upgraded yet09:46
binskipy2uscrew thi9s shit, back to windows09:46
* outbackwifi wonders what the fuss was all about09:47
LoveGuruoutbackwifi No i dont,09:47
Frekuprobally hardware problem09:47
outbackwifiLoveGuru: you dont what?09:48
pronoyhey my nautilus crashes every time any application is running....it hangs up and restarts09:48
LoveGuruoutbackwifi sorry wrong typed.09:49
ardchoilleUsing Intrepid, I have a digiatl camera, is there a place I can set that camera up for use with Intrepid?09:49
ardchoilleOr can I just plug it in and have it work?09:49
LoveGuruoutbackwifi> LoveGuru: did you try the sql-ledger website?09:49
DRebellionardchoille, I would assume your camera simply acts as a usb storage device when plugged in, in which case you can just plug it in and browse like any other filesystem.09:49
=== Henkules is now known as henk_away
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi Well, it finally reached the partitioner.09:49
pronoycan anyone help me ?09:50
ardchoilleDRebellion: yes, it acts as a usb device, so I'm good. Thanks09:50
johntramphey my monitor is quite flickery, is there anything i can do about it?09:50
ardchoillethis tabbed ui feature in Nautilus is quite nice09:52
adiseswicd worked perfectly network manager is too bugged09:52
geevhow can i format my flashdisk using terminal command09:52
vooxI installed ubuntu server, xorg, slim, than fluxbox. When I get to the login screen I can't move my mouse or type anything. What could be the problem?09:52
kane77hi, I have slight problem with compiz.. sometimes the windows' toolbar gets blank (http://img89.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdn0.png the window with the game and the upper terminal window..) does anyone know what to do to fix it?09:52
lilkoisuru_Okay... it is installing, Lets hope it follows through09:52
outbackwifigeev: using fdisk09:53
outbackwifililkoisuru_: what did you do? give it a thump?09:53
Chiliredanyone use hellanzb here?09:53
LoveGuruoutbackwifi did u see my msg09:53
geevoutbackwifi: with which option09:53
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: Just waited.... VERY patiently.09:53
zetherooanyone know where I can download the ubuntu repos from?09:54
lilkoisuru_outbackwifi: It's not done installing yet, so I'm not counting my chickens.09:54
metbsdstupid ubiquity09:54
Rimfrosthi everyone. i have just downloaded Ubuntu 8.10 but the startup from live cd goes slow... very slow why is that? it comes a black screen for a serval minutes before the desktop shows up09:54
arthurprobably a graphocs driver issue09:55
pronoyhey can anyone help me wid the nautilus problem09:55
Chiliredwhats the problem pronoy09:55
outbackwifigeev: a) sudo fdisk /dev/sdb1 (assuming thats the flash disk partition) b) press d to delete existing partition c) press n for new d) select type e) w to write f) mkfs /dev/sdb1 (if its ext3)09:55
ardchoilleRimfrost: is that an older computer? Keep in mind the livecd can be slow, but it's much faster once it's installed to the hdd09:55
lilkoisuru_rimfrost: It *is* running off a CD, after all. It's a lot of data to run off.09:56
pronoyChilired: it crashes every time i run an application like totem09:56
Chiliredplaying xvid?09:56
pronoychilired: it hangs up and then it has to be forcequit09:56
pronoychilired: divx09:56
geevoutbackwifi: thank am going to perform this now09:56
Rimfrostyeah but the same problem is when it is installed too, long wait time until the installer runs and when it is installed also it is a black screen for like 5-10 mins or more.09:57
rfxcaseywhat is the best why to arrange my directories09:57
Chiliredpronoy, does the divx actually continue to play or does it crash out too09:57
vooxI installed ubuntu server, xorg, slim, than fluxbox. When I get to the login screen I can't move my mouse or type anything. What could be the problem?09:57
Oprtzhow to turn OFFwebcam2.0 in ubuntu , i use Ekiga and i close it but the camera light is STILL ON,09:57
rfxcaseyI need some help with some questions09:57
Rimfrostmy computer is:   amd64 athlon, nvidia 8600 GT 1 GB ram nforce 4 motherboard09:57
pronoychilired: it continues to play...fine....only nautilus crashes09:58
rfxcaseydo most of you log in as admin or do you use a regular user account09:58
Chiliredpronoy I have no idea, Ironically mine was doing the opposite, the totem crashed but nautilus was fine, turned out to be my video driver09:58
metbsdubiquity dies when it copies files at 16%. what to do?09:59
pronoychilired: i earlier disabled and then reenabled draw desktop from the gconf-editor09:59
outbackwifirfxcasey: normal account; we use sudo, gksu or gksudo to perform administrative tasks09:59
outbackwifimetbsd: did you do a media check on your cd?09:59
indistylocan any one Tell me how to recover the GRUB ??10:00
pronoychilired any way to use the default settings for gconf-editor???????10:00
ardchoillerfxcasey: you can't log in as root because the root account is locked, always use sudo from your normal account.10:00
arthurpackages problems libpoppler_glib3 dependancy10:00
Oprtzhow to turn OFFwebcam2.0 in ubuntu , i use Ekiga and i close it but the camera light is STILL ON,10:00
rfxcaseyshould I outbackwifi can I move all my normal files in my home directory to seperate them from the hidden files10:00
rfxcaseyardchoille, I have mine unlocked10:00
outbackwifiindistylo: use livecd to boot; mount your harddisk boot partition and use grub-install to re-install grub10:01
indistylocan any one Tell me how to recover the GRUB ??10:01
ardchoillerfxcasey: that is unsupported and unsafe10:01
outbackwifirfxcasey: yes, ensure that wherever you move has the permissions for your normal user10:01
Flannel!grub | indistylo, first link10:01
ubottuindistylo, first link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:01
ardchoillerfxcasey: you can lock it up again10:01
outbackwifi!root | rfxcasey10:01
ubotturfxcasey: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:01
indistylooutbackwifi : ok ..Frnd i tried it already /// Can u suggest me step by step procedure10:01
indistyloi was Unsucessful to Install GRUB10:02
lilkoisuru_rfxcasey: At the risk of sounding like I'm flamin gyou.... using root is a stupid thing to do. Especially if one were to, say, log in as root as their normal user.10:02
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ardchoillerfxcasey: one of the things about that is that everyone knows you have a root account and they can sit here all day and try to brute force it, but you can't do that if root is locked.10:03
outbackwifiindistylo: read this --> http://www.andrejciho.com/linux/repairing-grub/10:03
metbsdubiquity keeps dying!!10:05
npnuxı input console lspci10:05
npnuxTW6802 multimedia video card10:05
npnuxhave this my dvr card10:06
rfxcaseyI log in as root sometimes because then I can use the gui to perform tasks that I don't know how to do otherwise10:06
tronyxdoes anyone know where i might look with regard to correcting the color quality on my laptop screen?  I am using ATI drivers from envy on a Toshiba satellite a215 connected to a 19" LCD LG, or is it just the quality of the laptop display itself? (please no toshiba laptop commends >.<)10:06
tarelerulzDo any of you know  how to fix adobe flash player so it don't run up the cpu ?10:06
npnuxhow ı work this dvr card10:06
npnuxpls help me10:06
npnuxTW6802 multimedia video card10:06
rfxcaseyit's not like I have anyone showing me what to do all the time10:07
bullgard4Where can I find a comprehensive description of the Sound Preferences dialog?10:07
lilkoisuru_rfxcasey: Use gksudo10:07
rfxcaseyI'm pretty new at this especially the command prompt10:07
rfxcaseylilkoisuru_, what will that do10:08
BaldricHi all, can anyone help me fix a broken Xsession10:08
Nathan-willemsHow can i connect to the internet with my BT Home Hub and a realtek network card?10:08
zirodaybullgard4: what do you mean by description?10:08
lilkoisuru_rfxcasey: It is like sudo, it allows you to run graphical prgrams as root. The syntax would be gksudo (command)10:08
ardchoillerfxcasey: one of the things about that is that everyone knows you have a root account and they can sit here all day and try to brute force it, but you can't do that if root is locked.10:09
bullgard4ziroday: Don't you know what a 'program description' is? Some call it program manual.10:09
lilkoisuru_!gksudo | casey10:09
ubottucasey: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:09
zirodaybullgard4: you mean how to use it?10:09
zirodaybullgard4: I would think its reasonably self explanatory, did you click on the help button in the bottom left10:10
lilkoisuru_Huh. Every time I type something on this machine here... it beeps. D:10:11
lilkoisuru_Only on xchat. I'm restarting it10:12
rfxcaseyso are you all saying I should disable local administrator login10:12
BaldricHi all, can anyone help me fix a broken Xsession?10:12
ardchoillerfxcasey: yes, that's the default behavior.10:12
zirodayrfxcasey: yes, you should not have the root account enabled10:12
rfxcaseywhat about my permissions what should I have it set at\10:13
diskinlilkoisuru_, you are in "insert" mode10:13
ardchoillerfxcasey: I have been using Linux since 2001 and Ubuntu since 2005. I've never had to log into root since then, sudo can do anything you need.10:13
Flannelrfxcasey: `sudo passwd -l` and then use `gksu nautilus` if you *really* need a root file browser (and be extremely careful, and close it as soon as your done)10:13
diskinlilkoisuru_, press ins key once again10:13
lilkoisuru_sudo and gksudo elevate you to root levels for one command.10:13
rfxcaseywell it would be nice to see how others have there file structures set up10:14
itsonwhen i run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" i get something like "xserver-xorg postinst waring: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.200xxxxxx... " please please help me with this, ive been at this for like 3 hrs10:14
zirodayitson: what are you trying to do?10:14
ardchoillerfxcasey: I don't change anything outside of my home dir unless I use an admin tool (sudo/gksudo) to do it.10:15
itsonziroday i have a fresh install of ubuntu on virtual machine ( im on mac running Parallels Desktop ) and im tryiing to get higher resolution10:15
rfxcaseyardchoille, well what about within your home dir10:15
BaldricCan someone tell me what i have to do to fix this error from .xsession-errors....   /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...10:15
BaldricSetting IM through im-switch for locale=en_GB.10:15
BaldricStart IM through /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/all_ALL linked to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/default.10:15
BaldricUnable to create /home/me/.dbus/session-bus10:15
BaldricCouldn't exec /usr/bin/pulse-session: No such file or directory10:15
FloodBot1Baldric: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:15
rfxcaseythere are a lot of hidden files10:15
lilkoisuru_I've reached the cleaning up phase.... seems to be sitting there again. Well, waiting patiently worked before...10:16
ardchoillerfxcasey: that is your turf, so to speak, you can do anything there and you usually don't need root privs10:16
zirodayitson: okay, and what goes wrong when running the command dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:16
rfxcaseyardchoille, so can I move all my hidden files to a folder called hidden files and it won't mess anything up10:16
itsonziroday nothing comes up, just one line saying "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in blabla10:17
arthurhelp with udates10:17
ardchoillerfxcasey: no, that will indeed cause problems.. leave the hidden files where they are, it's ot hurting anything10:17
bullgard4ziroday: The help button in the bottom left describes an old (outdated) version of the program and it is far too sketchy.10:17
sharperguyAnyone have any suggestions as to why apt might still be trying to connect to and old proxy which has been removed using the gnome proxy tool10:17
rfxcaseyardchoille, it just looks so cluttered10:17
ardchoillerfxcasey: it does, but you can make nautilus not show hidden files10:17
zirodaybullgard4: well then perhaps you should add and fix up the help file10:17
ardchoillerfxcasey: in nautilus, ctrl+h10:18
rfxcaseyardchoille, yea so do I have to do this everytime I want to see them10:18
zirodayitson: okay, and it doesn't save your new /etc/X11/xorg.conf?10:18
ardchoillerfxcasey: it's a toggle, yes10:18
bullgard4ziroday: What help file should I add?10:18
Sertsehi, a q about the usb creator in ibex, it works with other...isos?10:18
Sertseit sounded ambiqious10:18
itsonziroday , i think there is something wrong because when i delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:18
itsonand then i run that command10:18
FlannelSertse: I don't believe so, no.10:18
zirodaybullgard4: you should change the help file to reflect its current look10:18
itsonthen it just generates a new xorg.conf file10:19
Sertseok. So no unetbootin replacement10:19
itsonit doesnt give me any option to change any settings10:19
rfxcaseyardchoille, so what about groups how do they work10:19
fooHm, anyone in here interested in writing articles for pay? Looking for these categories: Linux servers, Linux on the Desktop, Multimedia and Linux, Linux Applications, Distro Reviews, Linux Security, Linux Programming, Misc Linux Articles, and Linux Installation articles. Not sure how to go about finding the right people, but I assist with a forum who is lookin' for some articles. Nothing demanding... feel free to PM me for more info. Thanks!10:19
zirodayitson: hmm, what settings are you trying to change?10:19
rfxcaseyardchoille, that is a bad question I am sorry10:19
itsoni think i have to select something like vesa or something10:19
ardchoillerfxcasey: no, you're trying to learn so please don't hesitate to ask things :)10:20
pronoychilired: got any ideas regarding the nautilus crashing ?10:20
ardchoillerfxcasey: You should read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:20
rfxcaseyardchoille, I am what about permissions, if I am the sole user here do I have to allow group access to my files10:20
zirodayitson: okay, you can change that in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf by going to the Section "Device" and changing Driver "whatever" to Driver "vesa"10:20
bullgard4ziroday: To change the present help file to what in order that it reflects the current state of the program?10:20
itsonziroday but still, i have no mode or modes or whatever in there10:21
ardchoillerfxcasey: if you are sole user, you don't have to allow any other users or groups access to your files. But, if you are sole user, then there's no need to worry about someone else reading your files anyway10:21
lilkoisuru_Yay! the alternate install worked eventually! n.n10:21
bs12eis "sudo apt-get autoremove" same as the temp cleaner in windows?10:21
zirodaybullgard4: you said that the help file was out of date, I am saying make it up to date10:21
zirodaybs12e: no10:21
sichey gang.  i had 8.04 dual booting with vista.  from inside 8.04 i did an upgrade to 8.10.  now when i boot, vista is missing from my boot loader.   how can i re-add it?10:21
pronoysic: you will have to reload grub i think10:21
rfxcaseyardchoille, well wouldn't it make security a little tighter?10:21
zirodayitson: that is correct, it generates a minimal xorg.conf, you are free to add those lines in if you want10:21
ardchoillerfxcasey: how can anyone else get into the computer to read them?10:22
rfxcaseyardchoille, I mean I have a wireless access point10:22
Sertsehmm, the usb creator recognizes debian though?10:22
bs12eziroday: so how do i remove all the junk that i had installed and uninstalled from ubuntu (8.10 btw)10:22
rfxcaseyardchoille, I am also on the net10:22
sicpronoy: i'm pretty new to ubuntu.  how do i go about that?10:22
ardchoillerfxcasey: Oh, I know nothing about wireless, sorry10:22
ardchoille!wireless | rfxcasey10:22
ubotturfxcasey: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:22
zirodaybs12e: if you apt-get remove then its been uninstalled...10:22
pronoysic: wait...i'll give you the link10:22
sicpronoy: thanks10:23
itsonziroday when i try to change screen resolution though the GUI window in gnome, i have multiple options but those options dont show up in xorg.conf10:23
itsonis that normal?10:23
rfxcaseyardchoille, you don't need to know wireless just that it's another open avenue10:23
zirodayitson: that is normal10:23
ardchoillerfxcasey: no need to worry about the net, the default install doesn't have anything that allows connections from the net to your computer. This is why the installed firewall rules are blank.10:23
bullgard4ziroday: It is not me who wrote the program and I do not know the intentions of the author of the program and the means which he used to accomplish his goal. So I am the wrong person to which you direct your suggestion.10:23
LordCrchi, is there a way to adjust the paging behaviour? i find that my machine becomes completely unusable if i stress memory (unlike my windows box, which "just" becomes very sluggish) I'd rather have it swap out the offending program more aggressively rather than dumping everything else to disk10:23
rfxcaseyardchoille, I don't understand10:23
pronoyitson: that is just the virtual resolution options...do any of them work if you switch over to them ?10:23
zirodaybullgard4: well you can always contact the gnome authors and offer your help in completing the help files, I am sure they would be most grateful10:24
rfxcaseyardchoille, ok I know what you mean10:24
freeatlastI have (4) desktops enabled - Is there a way to have a different desktop background on each one ? ?10:24
rfxcaseyardchoille, I had to think about it10:24
itsonyes pronoy they work, but they are all lower then 1026x6xx something10:24
ardchoillerfxcasey: on my machine, after the intstall, there is nothing "listening" for connections to my machine. so if someone tried to connect they are ignored.10:24
zirodayfreeatlast: pretty sure you can't10:24
rfxcaseyardchoille, I am trying to set up sshfs on my network10:24
itsoni have a huge HD display monitor on geforce 880010:24
jimcooncatHardy netbooting driving me crazy, DHCP works fine for starting the installation, but when it runs the second time, it times out -- most of the time. Does this sound familiar to anyone?10:25
ardchoillerfxcasey: if you're worried, you can always setup the firewall. there is a nice gui to help with that, it's called:  firestarter10:25
bullgard4ziroday: Your statement is wrong: I cannot always contact the GNOME authors.10:25
zirodayitson: but that is very much due to you using ubuntu _inside_ parallels10:25
pronoyitson: so do you want to increase the resolution ?10:25
rfxcaseyardchoille, I have dansguardian, firehol and tinyproxy going10:25
zirodaybullgard4: why not? They have mailing lists and such, offer up your help there10:25
ardchoillerfxcasey: heh, that's better than what I have :)10:25
itsonyes pronoy i do. ( i dont understand what u mean ziroday )10:25
rfxcaseyardchoille, I can get online so I know that port is open but I don't know that much else about it10:26
ardchoillerfxcasey: and I'm a security freak :)10:26
freeatlastziroday, Thanks - I know about compiz but do not want to go there - like my desktop stable - no big deal - thought I would ask. Thanks10:26
zirodayitson: you are running ubuntu inside a parellel's virtualization software correct?10:26
pronoyitson: did you try the xrandr command in the cli10:26
bullgard4ziroday: I have made several approaches in the past in this direction, and they failed.10:26
Baldrichow do i fix broken gnome xsession anyone? failsafe xsession works, but i have to keep changing session @ login how do i fix this ?10:26
vltHello. Where can I find still working repository URLs for Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy?10:26
itsonyes i am ziroday10:26
pronoysic: my internet is a bit slow...you'll have to hang on for a second10:27
rfxcaseyardchoille, well I wanted to block certain sites, it was a bit of a pain to set up and I don't know that much about those 3 programs and even if I need them all10:27
itsonno i did not try xrandr command in the cli ( im not sure what that means )10:27
zirodayitson: right, and the reason you can't get the full resolution you need is probably due to the graphics driver inside the vm10:27
ardchoillerfxcasey: dansguardian is good for that10:27
rfxcaseyardchoille, well what is tinyproxy10:27
pronoyitson: issue man xrandr command in cli and pastebin the output10:27
zirodayvlt: you won't be able to, edgy is end of life already10:27
mOrO^getting rid of a non functiong icon in the "Places" area.10:27
pronoyitson: just the xrandr sorry10:27
sicno problem.   I know my boot location for vista, couldnt i just add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst10:28
ardchoillerfxcasey: I don't know. But, just because you can connect _to_ a site doesn't mean that site can successfully connect back to you without your approval10:28
pronoysic: its worth a shot..but i guess it'll be safer if you just restore grub10:29
rfxcaseyardchoille,  I only have on thing to say. I love wikipedia10:29
rfxcaseyardchoille, anyways10:29
ardchoillerfxcasey: Indeed :)10:29
vltziroday: Yes, but if I find a copy of the repo as it was I should be able to install old packages, shouldn't I?10:29
rfxcaseyardchoille, so how is your security set up10:29
itsonziroday but it works really well on my windows XP virtual box.10:29
vltIs there any archive URL I could use?10:29
sici've got to reboot. i'll be back in 2 minutes10:29
mOrO^Im trying to get rid of a non functioning icon in the "Places" area? ? ?10:29
itsonsorry pronoy working with really low resolution really hard to get around to putting stuff up on pastebin10:30
ardchoillerfxcasey: I allow no connections to my machine, I also use rkhunter and chkrootkit to scan for rootkits daily, I also do not allow email attachments or html email.. my system is pretty locked down.10:30
rfxcaseyardchoille, See my problem really is I come from a strong Windows background and know just enough about linux to be dangerous10:30
rfxcaseyardchoille, what about scriptblocker for you web browser10:31
ardchoillerfxcasey: Time to unlearn and relearn. But you're with one of the best Linux distros available, so just stick in this channel and learn from what others are doing.. that's what I do.10:31
ardchoillerfxcasey: I use noscript and adblock in my firefox10:31
pronoyitson: ok....uh check this out...i am sure it'll help....all you need to know is how to edit the xorg.log....oh did you install nvidia-settings package btw ?10:31
MadsyI want to make an image of the whole physical harddrive with dd. The problem is, the machine is running Windows XP. Any suggestions how I could pull this off?10:32
hot_wheelzis anyone using Optus Wireless Broadband and the E960 modem?10:32
MadsyPerhaps boot with a live CD and tell dd to dump the image on a network drive?10:32
rfxcaseyardchoille, what is rkhunter10:32
ardchoille!rkhunter | rfxcasey10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rkhunter10:32
ardchoille!inforkhunter | rfxcasey10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inforkhunter10:32
jimcooncatHardy netbooting driving me crazy, DHCP works fine for starting the installation, but when it runs the second time, it times out -- most of the time. Does this sound familiar to anyone?10:32
ardchoillerfxcasey: hold on10:33
itsonpronoy i did not install nvidia-settings package. ( i dont think i have to running in virtual machine )10:33
ardchoillerfxcasey: open a terminal and type: apt-cache show rkhunter10:33
ardchoillerfxcasey: That will give you some info about it, you can do that with others too: apt-cache show <package name>10:33
carlinhoscan anyone help me with my xorg and with this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:33
* delcoyote hi10:34
pronoyitson: you are running linux in a virtual machine ?10:34
tidyboy0558Hey... I'm a noob.. I'd like to delete multiple files in multiple subdirectories.. Anyone who knows a way to do it kind of quick ?10:34
rfxcaseyardchoille, what is MD510:35
Frekumaybe use a filemanager10:35
itsonyes pronoy i am running linux inside virtual machine, ( im on mac running Parallels Desktop )10:35
ardchoillerfxcasey: man md5sum10:35
rfxcaseyardchoille, I have heard it mentioned but don't know anything about it10:35
rfxcaseyardchoille, ok hold on10:35
Madsytidyboy0558: rm with the -rf parameters. Make *sure* you use a relative path, or else your whole system might go to kingdom come.10:35
sicponoroy: manually adding into menu.lst solved my problem.  thanks10:36
Madsytidyboy0558: That will delete a directory and all its subdirectories.10:36
AussieGuyhi, ive got a c program telling me the sha1 for a certain file is 3UXJINW6U57KWZVCJ7M62HSSFPJJXZ5Z . openssl and sha1 utitlitys say the sha1 is dd2e9436dea77eab66a24fd9ed1e522bd29be7b9 ..... anybody know the difference?10:36
rfxcaseyardchoille, refresh my memory what are checksums the amount of bits in a file kept as a reference to see if the file size changed10:37
amdpoxAussieGuy, one's in hex, one's in... something else10:37
pronoysic: cool...i just finished looking up the problem...and guess what solution is to manually add into menu.lst10:37
pronoysic: :D10:37
amdpoxrfxcasey, a checksum is a bit of data generated from the contents of an entire file10:37
itsoni really want to know why when i type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg it doesnt bring up the thiing to configure.. it just generatates a really basic xorg.conf and quits, doesnt ask me to edit anything like screen rez or driver or whatever.10:37
AussieGuyso itd need to be converted from whatever it is10:37
amdpoxif the file changes, the checksum changes10:37
vlttidyboy0558: You can run `find` to select the files you want to delete.10:37
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:37
ardchoillerfxcasey:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum10:37
pronoyitson: ok..so the only option is to add modelines into the xorg.conf and to do that you need to do man xorg.conf10:38
qpdbi have a problem using firefox with java-plugin.. every time a website that requires java is loaded, firefox gets grey and doesnt do anything anymore, is there any solution? =)10:38
psypointerwith which tool can i configure my networking on a server installation?10:38
pronoyitson: it'll help you how to edit the file10:38
psypointeri dont want to edit all files manually..10:38
rfxcaseyardchoille, yeah that is basically what I said10:38
amdpoxnot quite10:38
rfxcaseyardchoille, would that be considered metadata10:39
qpdbpsypointer, network config is not too much =) maybe search for webmin, but i can't recommend this tool10:39
ardchoillerfxcasey: I'm not sure10:39
psypointerqpdb: well, i thought that i can reopen the settings dialog which was shown at the setup..10:39
itsonpronoy, i have some experience with xorg.conf but everything is so confusing because i cant input the right values for monitor and for video card and stuff because linux is running under virtual machine.10:39
rfxcaseyardchoille, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metadata10:39
vlttidyboy0558: There's an option "-exec" for `find`. To remove all files ending in .bak older than one week you could run `find ./some_directory -type f -mtime +7 -name "*.bak" -exec rm {} +`, for example.10:40
rfxcaseyardchoille, I guess it would be10:40
pronoyitson: well i edited my xorg.conf to get to 1440 * 900 from 800* 600 but i run only ubuntu...so i guess i am a little short on experience here10:40
qpdbpsypointer, mhh try "dpkg-reconfigure <packageYouWantToReconfigure>" (donno the pkg name)10:40
amdpoxtidyboy0558, vlt, even better there's an option -delete10:40
psypointerqpdb: hm nope..10:41
vltamdpox: Thanks, didn't know that ;-)10:41
ZalpinecHi, I have installed a 64bit version of Ubuntu, I'm trying to install Skype, but there is no 64 bit version, what to do ?10:42
pronoysic: just in case for the future http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2411310:42
rfxcaseyardchoille, For example, metadata would document data about data elements or attributes, (name, size, data type, etc)10:42
_DraxSo noone knows about 8.10 freezing / kernel panicing??10:42
ardchoillerfxcasey: yep10:42
rfxcaseyardchoille, that was from wiki10:42
tidyboy0558Thanx guys.. Here's my case.. I have a music-folder, and it's messed up with subdirs any strange files.. I'd like to delete only the .mxm and .riff-files, and keep all of my .mp3-files..10:42
vltHello. Where can I find old but still working repository URLs for Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy?10:42
rfxcaseyardchoille, anyways is that checksum attached to the individual file or is it kept in a database of sorts10:43
vlttidyboy0558: That's the best case to use `find` for ;-)10:43
rfxcaseyardchoille, I would guess the file itself10:43
rfxcaseyardchoille, maybe like a header10:43
cliff_hi everyone. How can i install glib 1.2 or better on my Intrepid system? what is the package??10:43
BaldricCan anyone tell me how to fix a borked Xsession?10:43
ardchoillerfxcasey: to answer one of your previous questions, you have a folder in your home named .gconf and gnome uses that for config files. If you move it gnome may yell or start with an empty config and your settings will be gone10:43
rfxcaseyardchoille, but don't let me get side tracked I have a couple more questions if you have the time10:44
itsonreally really want to know why when i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg that it just generates a xorg.conf and doesnt come up with giving me any options to choose from like drivers and rez settings.10:44
cliff_hi everyone. How can i install glib 1.2 or better on my Intrepid system? what is the package??10:44
sicI've got one more question.  i noticed in firefox when i hit a flash page, i have to click a "play" icon where the flash image is in order to start it.  is there any way to make this automatic?10:44
ardchoillerfxcasey: no, a checksum is calculated by the user, using md5sum or sha1sum, and returned, it's not attached to the file10:44
ardchoillerfxcasey: I'm here for a while, I like to help10:45
cliff_hi everyone. How can i install glib 1.2 or better on my Intrepid system? what is the package??10:45
amdpoxitson, try without the -phigh10:45
rfxcaseyardchoille, well do you have to do an initial checksum scan of your files to generate a database then10:45
kskrillahey can anyone help me out im on my buddies computer hes using a sony vio with ubunto 8.10 and it perodically freezes/crashes any suggestions?10:45
bamballafter i install xfce, the login screen also changed to xubuntu login.. is there anywhere to restore the normal ubuntu login screen?10:46
ardchoillerfxcasey: the only time I checksum a file is when I download an iso, otherwise I don't mess with anything. rkhunter, otoh, does checksumming as part of its checks10:46
Baldrickskrilla: try switching off powersaving in the bios10:46
Flannelbamball: login screen setup, and you can configure it10:46
kskrillakk ill give it a go tm10:46
bamballthanks flannel10:46
rfxcaseyardchoille, how do you do that10:46
pronoybamball: the login screen or boot screen ?10:47
itsonamdpox i did that, and it works, BUT it gives up after it configures the keyboard settings..10:47
ardchoillerfxcasey: checksum a file?  md5sum /path/file10:47
rfxcaseyardchoille, what do you check it against?10:47
kskrillathe thing is when he ran 8.04 he had no issues after he uppgraded to the beta of 8.10 via apt-get and then went thru all the updates to get to the present it just started doing this last week10:48
bamballthe login screen10:48
amdpoxrfxcasey, a file in the same place with same name with .md5 suffixed10:48
ardchoillerfxcasey: when you download an iso, the webpage usually has a checksum to check it against or a file of checksums to check10:48
rfxcaseyardchoille, ok that is kinda what I though but wasn't sure10:48
arthurneed help with package updates10:49
ardchoillearthur: please be more specific10:49
_DraxIf you upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 with do-release-upgrade is it possible to go back to 8.04 without having to "format/install again 8.04 all over again"10:49
arthurlibpoppler _glib3 on hardy8.0410:49
pronoybamball: then i guess the login screen tab in your administrator is the way10:49
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bamballyeah got it thankz pronoy10:50
ardchoillearthur: you can update your system with: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get safe-upgrade10:50
vltAny idea where to look for old but still working repository URLs for Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy?10:51
rfxcaseyardchoille, so if I download a program dpkg where is the best directory to put the files10:52
rfxcaseyardchoille, for instance if I download the teamspeak package and unzip it where would I put it usr?10:53
ardchoillerfxcasey: first of all it's best to stay with the repos, always check the repos for an app before you download an app, use the repo version over any other things you download. If you download a package that isn't in the repos, put it where you want10:53
ardchoillerfxcasey: But, if you manually download a package and install it, the package manager won't do any version managing10:53
mariuspIs anyone using wmii 2.5 as in the ibex repos? I could use a little help in getting a proper wmiirc file. Thanks10:54
rfxcaseyardchoille, well were do all those repo programs end up?10:54
Sorcererbob1rfxcasey: the place you put the .deb usually isn't the place it installs to. So put it in your home folder10:54
ardi_kkhello can some one tel me the way to configure web cam on hardy?10:55
ardchoillerfxcasey: the stuff the package manager installs is placed in /var/cache/apt/archive and you can clean that out if you need: sudo apt-get clean10:55
Skiessi!info libqt4-dev10:55
rfxcaseyardchoille, what do you mean by clean it out?10:55
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 5571 kB, installed size 26988 kB10:55
ardi_kki need to know how i can associate my web cam with vlc to capture video10:56
rfxcaseyardchoille, so after this man rkhunter how do I get my terminal back to normal?10:57
ardchoillerfxcasey: the packages that are downloaded by the package manager are kept in /var/cache/apt/archive, you need to manually clean it out if needed. I think synaptic can clean it out for you but I don't use synaptic10:57
kskrillaso anyone else have any ideas on why 8.04 worked fine but when i updraded to 8.10 they system periodically crashes/freezes, imusing a sony vio10:57
ardchoillerfxcasey: type q10:57
rfxcaseyardchoille, ah, you are cool10:58
rfxcaseyardchoille, I have been wondering how you do that10:58
ardchoillerfxcasey: you can usually type "man tar" or "man cp" (without quotes) in firefox and it'll show you a man page about an app10:59
Chiliredman man11:00
rfxcaseyardchoille, why would you need to "clean out" apt11:00
pronoykskrilla: be more specific11:00
rfxcaseyardchoille, or not apt but um whatever11:00
ardchoillerfxcasey: over time all those packages can take up disk space11:00
ardchoillerfxcasey: open a terminal and run: ls /var/cache/apt/archive11:01
rfxcaseyardchoille, oh I see so the packages (like zips lets say) are stored there and then the programs are installed from the packages?11:01
ardchoillerfxcasey: right11:01
pronoyardi_kk: what webcam are you using ?11:01
rfxcaseyardchoille, wow didn't really think about that11:02
kskrillaim have g of ram, im on my friends computer ill be chillin out bs'in on the comp and without warning the system will crash heck it even roze on the screensave a couple times and the only way it seems as if i can get out is by a restart, when he had hardy it worked great but with intrepid it freezes up from time to time11:02
ardchoillerfxcasey: you can even burn those to a cd for use later on a machine that doesn't have net access11:02
Flannel!aptoncd | rfxcasey11:02
ubotturfxcasey: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers11:02
ardchoilleFlannel: Thanks, I was trying to remember that11:02
rfxcaseyardchoille, even so I could back them up my server and make things fasters I suppose11:03
MrBougoHello... I can connect to my wireless network with a DHCP-assigned IP without problem, but when I set it up as manual it does not want to connect11:03
vltI found it: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted11:03
MrBougoI'm 100% sure I set up the right settings in there...11:03
Flannelvlt: You're aware edgy is EOL, right?11:04
Sorcererbob1MrBougo: some routers are touchy and won't give access unless they've given the IP11:04
MrBougoI'm trying to set that in the network manager by the way11:04
psycosei'm trying to add a pdf printer on ubuntu 8.10, i've install cups-pdf package but it doon't work .. i'm looking for up to date documentation ... any tips ?11:04
vltFlannel: Yes, sure. I just need to install a package on an old (but working) Edgy install.11:05
MrBougoSorcererbob1, I could get a static IP on the same router, same machine, under windows xp11:05
rfxcaseyardchoille, ls: cannot access /var/cache/apt/archive: No such file or directory11:05
leohartxhow do i install AWN 0.3.1 ?11:05
ardchoillerfxcasey: /var/cache/apt/archives  sorry for the typo11:05
rfxcaseyardchoille, so what does that do?11:06
jimcooncatfrom command line, how to check status of daemons listed in /etc/init.d?11:06
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rfxcaseyardchoille, where are you located? It is like 6 am here11:06
ardchoillerfxcasey: what does ls do? It lists all files in a directory11:06
icqnumberpeople, what packages do i miss? http://paste.ubuntu.com/69072/, i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs installed11:06
rfxcaseyardchoille, no I mean why would I look in that dir11:07
inktriwhy do people use text editors like vi/emacs?11:07
inktriit's painful11:07
Flanneljimcooncat: in 8.10, sudo service --status-all11:07
ardchoillerfxcasey: to see how much is being help there, just an example of how the package manager stores things11:07
jimcooncatFlannel: thanks, but using gutsy (I think)11:08
bamballvi is fast11:08
inktrifaster than gedit?11:08
aboSamoorI want to convert all the eps files in a folder to pdf, I used the following command a2ping, how can I do that ?11:08
ardchoilleinktri: some of us like cli-based editors :)11:08
rfxcaseyardchoille, oh well I ran apt-get clean first so I guess it emptied it out, does that sound right?11:08
leohartxhow do i install AWN 0.3.1 ?11:08
MrBougoI've seen solutions involving editing some file for my hardware11:08
Flannelinktri: Certainly more powerful, and generally faster, yes.11:08
ardchoillerfxcasey: yes, it's emptied out. I do that once a week11:08
MrBougobut the problem is that I need this static IP on that specific network11:08
rfxcaseyardchoille, what time is it where you are if you don't mind my asking11:08
MrBougoI use other networks too, with different IPs11:08
aboSamoorleohartx, you have to add the ppa for the trunk Branch11:09
jimcooncatmaybe with ps? how to check for running daemons11:09
ardchoillerfxcasey: 03:09:06 PST 200811:09
psycosei'm trying to add a pdf printer on ubuntu 8.10, i've install cups-pdf package but it doon't work .. i'm looking for up to date documentation ... any tips ?11:09
rfxcaseyardchoille, 3 am11:09
Flanneljimcooncat: I believe that'd be: /etc/init.d/* status11:09
rfxcaseyardchoille, do you work at night or something?11:09
leohartxaboSamoor, how ?11:09
ardchoillerfxcasey: may I pm you?11:09
rfxcaseyardchoille, of course11:10
inktriwhat are the text editors that come default with ubuntu?11:10
rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?11:11
jimcooncatFlannel: I found it, ps -e. Also found why I was pulling my hair out with netboot -- my tftpd isn't running!11:11
leohartxaboSamoor, ?11:11
aboSamoorleohartx, wait searching ...11:12
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name_nameja1: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/uisp/ and http://www.lancos.com/prog.html are other programing tools11:13
name_namewrong channel11:13
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rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?11:14
aboSamoorleohartx, https://launchpad.net/~awn-testing/+archive11:15
inktrihey guys how can i make my nano editor have colors?11:15
inktriand how can i make dash colorful?11:15
leohartxaboSamoor, thank you for infomation11:18
rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?11:19
Guest3815how can I disable the locking up of the default keyring? I dont want to type in my passwort for connecting to wifi on every single boot. can anybody help me?11:19
swhI'm building a system for a friend of mine; is there a Yahoo IM client that can play those insipid embedded .swfs?11:20
tarelerulzswh, if you can find a good yahoo client that does all the cool stuff windows version does  im me .  gyach does alot of yahoos feature.  Kopete does web cams and pidgin does the text action and and send files to windows users11:22
DeizJrI'm building a system for a friend of mine; is there a Yahoo IM client that can play those insipid embedded .swfs?11:22
carlinhoscan anyone help me with my xorg and with this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:23
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umangmeHi! This may seem like a trivial problem, but I'm not able to get my head around it. I am the admin, and want to be able to edit one particular file often, which I am not the owner of. So I add the owner of the file and myself to a group and make the group own the file. Then I do a chmod 774. But the file is still coming as read-only on OpenOffice. What do I do?11:24
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refriedbeans19wow, i've never seen this room so quiet before =\11:27
amdpoxshhh, I'm pretending to play IdleRPG11:27
j2daoshi need to reconfigure my wifi. i have an atheros but it isn't working11:27
j2daoshi did an apt-get install ath5k11:27
kelvin911anyone know how to display CPU temp?11:28
rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?11:28
eermkelvin911: packet sensors11:28
j2daoshand checked files for blacklisted atheros drivers, installed madwifi, but i cant figure out how to change the driver to try with the new madwifi driver11:28
kelvin911eerm: ?11:28
DIFH-iceroot!anyone | umangme11:29
ubottuumangme: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:29
j2daosh!wireless > j2daosh11:29
ubottuj2daosh, please see my private message11:29
carlinhoscan anyone help me with my xorg and with this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:29
kelvin911eerm: how to display cpu temp in a panel?11:29
umangmeHi! This may seem like a trivial problem, but I'm not able to get my head around it. I am the admin, and want to be able to edit one particular file often, which I am not the owner of. So I add the owner of the file and myself to a group and make the group own the file. Then I do a chmod 774. But the file is still coming as read-only on OpenOffice. What do I do?11:29
amdpoxkelvin911, which DE? GNOME?11:29
Guest3815how can I disable the locking up of the default keyring? I dont want to type in my passwort for connecting to wifi on every single boot. can anybody help me?11:30
qpdbkelvin911, apt-get install sensors-applet11:30
eermumangme:chown it to the user u want11:30
bamballthis room is quiet because all ubuntu issues have been resolved11:31
umangmeeerm: OK. I'll say it more specifically.11:31
umangmeeerm: XYZ owns a file. I want to edit it as well. So XYZ and me are put in one group. The group owns that file. chmod 774. It is still read-only for me, but not for XYZ.11:32
qpdbbamball, i really dont think so ;)11:32
amdpoxumangme, are you sure you're in  the group?11:32
bamballjust kidding man11:32
umangmeamdpox: Yes, I've checked.11:32
bamballmaybe that day will come ;)11:32
dmizerin hardy, how the heck are you supposed to change the display driver?11:33
dmizerdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is useless.11:33
riodmizer: you might edit the xorg.conf11:33
eermdmizer:displayconfig-gtk or manually11:33
angelohow can I play DVD movies pls?11:34
Juhazumangme, log out. adding yourself to a group doesn't apply until after a login.11:34
GeorgeAI'm using torrentflux-b4rt on the new ubuntu 8.10, did the new wget change something with the way it outputs stats? because the loading bar isn't changing and the download rates are 0% all the time11:34
dmizereerm displayconfig-gtk does nothing.11:34
xukunhi all. I netinstalled ubuntu 8.10 basic I did "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" and sudo depmod -a and also "sudo aticonfig --initial -f" restarted the system but there is no fglrx loading11:34
angelo!dvd movies11:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd movies11:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:34
umangmeJuhaz: OK. I'll try that. Do I need to restart or just logging out will do>11:34
Juhazno need to restart11:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:35
kelvin911The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:11:35
kelvin911  unrar-free linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic linux-headers-2.6.24-1611:35
eermdmizer:did you install it and(after backing up xorg.conf) ran it ?11:35
kelvin911should i remove them?11:35
umangmeJuhaz: OK.11:35
dmizereerm: i tried installing it ... nothing was installed.11:36
dmizereerm: what is the actual package name?11:36
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Ayabaraanyone using vmware server 2? I have added a security exception for the web interface, but it keeps asking me for a certificate I don't have11:37
bonkemanI'm completely new to Linux and have just installed Ubuntu. I want to access the Linux drive from Windows using "fs-driver". The disk gets mounted but I can't access it. Windows wants to format it! The "mountdiag" tool says I need to reformat the file system, giving the mkfs.ext3 utility the -I 128 switch. HOW am I supposed to format the drive that Ubuntu is installed on?11:38
Gingdont do it?11:38
xukunsudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko11:38
xukuninsmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory11:38
dmizereerm: actually, apparently i have the package installed, but it errors with "could not open display" when i try to run it.11:38
DasEi bonkeman:you want to access ubuntu -drive from windows ?11:38
_Draxxukun 2.6.27-7-server/  maybe?11:39
amdpoxbonkeman, is the drive ext3 (ubuntu default)?11:39
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amdpoxalso, make sure it was safely unmounted from ubuntu, do a clean shutdown of ubuntu11:39
bonkemanDasEi: yes11:39
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kelvin911i installed apt-get install sensors-applet, now what?11:39
user1I upgraded 8.04 -> 8.1011:39
xukun_Drax, I don't have that11:39
GeorgeAwhy can't i do man 3 printf?11:39
amdpoxE2IFS on windows tells me to format when Ubuntu doesn''t tie off the journal properly11:39
bonkemanamdpox: yes, i think so :)11:40
amdpoxkelvin911, right click on your panel and add the applet11:40
user1and it is an epic fail: most programs got removed.  I was upgrading by hand since the upgrade installer from alternate cd is broken11:40
DasEi bonkeman:there is an utility you got to install in windows, one mom, looking it up11:40
kelvin911what applet is that?i cant find it11:40
blahblehdasEi: yeah, it's fs-driver, that's what i used... but that's what he's using... :-S11:40
bonkemanYup, fs-driver11:41
kelvin911i found it11:41
kelvin911hardware moniter?11:41
amdpoxsounds right11:41
blahblehbonkerman: fs-driver worked for me just fine; the reboot-ubuntu-safely seems like a good approach at this time. also, restarting windows helped for me (you will almost certainly need to restart after installing fs-driver)11:42
rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?11:42
kelvin911i cant believe my cpu is 40 degrees now11:42
kelvin911i need to clean the fan11:42
francispereiracould someone please help me set up nvidia drivers on my laptop . The Hardware Manager shows nvidia drivers but then i click  activate and put in my password, nothing happens !!11:43
kelvin911last time i was in windows maybe month ago my cpu was about 31 degrees11:43
DasEi bonkeman: its ext2ifs, see :http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html11:43
blahblehkelvin911: my cpu  is 56 degrees atm, was 82 degrees yesterday... they can take a lot =P11:43
bonkemanfs-driver says that the file system has an unequal size to 128 bytes. Should be 25611:43
docdrumHi, is it possible to install Ubuntu on an existing encrypted LVM?11:43
metbsdit's summer11:43
kelvin911how do i know the cpu reading is accurate?11:43
amdpoxkelvin911, you don't11:43
dmizerhow do i get displayconfig-gtk to run?11:44
tarelerulzIs  mtp support broken in Ubuntu 8.04 ? for portable media player11:44
AussieGuywhats a good utility that will give me the sha1 for a file, in base32?11:45
DasEidmizer: call it from terminal; backup done ?11:45
blahblehdmizer: alt-f2, then type "gksudo displayconfig-gtk", then enter, is one way. really, though, the screen resolution thing in the system menu should be enough11:45
dmizerDasEi blahbleh: i get an error which says "could not open display" when i try to run it from the terminal11:46
blahblehdmizer: can you run anything from the terminal? try xeyes11:46
Lau_of_DKQuestion: I need to run a script which takes user input just before GDM starts - Where do I put this? ( Ive tried /etc/rc3.d/S29script, and also to add it to /etc/rc3.d/S30gdm = no go, GDM just fires up anyway )11:46
DasEidmizer : gksu dispalyconfig-gtk doesn't work from terminal ?11:46
blahblehAussieGuy: YAY AUSSIE WHOOO! also, if you're at one with the command line, try installing sleuthkit (in the repositories). then, at the commandline, type "sha1 putfilenamehere"11:47
jribLau_of_DK: what does this script do?  How do you plan on entering input?11:47
AussieGuythat gives me the sha1 in hex format, not base3211:47
Lau_of_DKecho "question" ; read answer @ jrib11:48
jeeves_Mosshow do I get a directory tree (like the left hand side of the windows explorer) on Ubuntu?11:48
dmizerDasEi i have no display working at all. i need to reconfigure my display. i used to be able to perform this action by running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but that is no longer functional. i have no idea how to select the proper video card for my computer now. (not nvidia)11:48
j2daoshok, i have read the wifi docs, but they aren't helping. Who has an atheros card that can help me11:48
jribLau_of_DK: yeah I understand how to get input in a shell script, but that's not what I asked11:48
Lau_of_DKjrib, I plan on entering it on the keyboard11:48
jribLau_of_DK: what does this script do?11:49
Lau_of_DKIt choose between to versions of xorg.conf, one for home, one for work11:49
Lau_of_DK@ jrib11:49
jeeves_Mossanyone?  tree view in my file explorer?11:49
francispereiraanyone , nvidia drivers on ubuntu 8.1011:50
DasEidmizer:paste your xorg.conf: sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:50
sinanin the context of linux, what is a "descriptor"? as in, file descriptor, network layer descriptor .. etc11:50
jribLau_of_DK: the easy solution I see is to not start gdm automatically, login to a tty, then run xwork or xhome that starts X with the correct xorg.conf.  However, are you sure you need to do it this way?  hotplug should let automatically detect what you have connected?  What is it that you need to setup 2 xorg.conf for?11:50
rabejeeves_Moss click on place on the top of the place list11:50
rabethen choose tree11:51
dmizerDasEi: xorg.conf has no display information in it at all.11:51
jeeves_Mossrabe, where is it?11:51
DasEidmizer: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:51
raberight under the foreward and backward buttons11:51
DasEidmizer: url from last cmd ?11:51
Lau_of_DKjrib, I need the script because something is not working automatically. But I guess I can use some of what your saying. If I remove S30gdm then instead put in my own S30script and from the last line of that "exec gdm", then that would give the right result?11:52
jeeves_Mossrabe, I'm moving a bunch of single files out of directories, so I need to be able to see a tree view so I can just click the next dir after I'm done moving the main file11:52
bakaratok, i just hooked up a HDMI screen, but for some reason the resolution is crap and the desktop seems to renter partly outside the borders of the screen11:52
bamballdoes 8.10 work on PS3? anyone tried?11:52
jribLau_of_DK: something like that might work. You should at least file bugs if it's not working automatically so it does in the future11:53
rabedo you see a table on the left of the main window?11:53
j2daoshneed some help with atheros, whos gonna help out?11:53
dmizerDasEi http://pastebin.con/f25969a4b11:53
Lau_of_DKjrib, I havea brand new Lenovo laptop, theres several things not working. Though Ubuntu as the only distro I found had correct drivers for both network-cards11:53
sskroederHi all ... I have a problem after upgrading to Ibex - Is there a specific Ibex support channel or should I just ask here ?11:54
jribsskroeder: here11:54
bamballlau: I have a new toshiba notebook.. everything worked so far11:54
bakaratbtw, how can i "force" my monitor into a  higher resolution?11:54
sskroederjrib: ?11:55
Lau_of_DKbamball, congratsz, sounds nice, shows some of Ubuntus power :)11:55
jribsskroeder: you should just ask here11:55
bamballlau: what doesn't work for u?11:55
bakarati know it can handle 1080p (or i? forgot which one), but ubuntu only shows up to 720x48011:55
jrib!x | bakarat11:55
ubottubakarat: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:55
DasEidmizer: sudo apt-get install hwinfo11:56
bakaratjrib: having a look but..seeing as my resolution is gone to crap and i have overscan problems, pretty hard to read :D11:56
name_nameI have all the drives I want mounted11:56
DasEidmizer: hwinfo | pastebinit11:56
name_namehow do I add them to fstab?11:56
Lau_of_DKTrouble with the monitor autodetected another display and also the ACPI module in boot says "Not yet supported lenovo detected"11:56
jribname_name: what filesystem?11:56
DasEidmizer: pastebinit /var/log/xorg.0.log11:56
sskroederok ... My problem is that my delete key has stopped working. I've tried to reconfigure - and set the keyboard to use Generic/evdev-managed keyboard .... But when i press delete, nothing happens....11:57
bamballoh.. i tend to feel lenovo notebook are a bit overpriced11:57
name_name4 of them, I have the all mounted and working in /media/ I did that manually11:57
mc__not the R series11:57
jribname_name: what filesystem?11:57
sskroederIt seems to be an X issue - in a normal non-X shell, the delete key works fine....11:57
bamballnow even more so when things dun work with Ubuntu11:57
rabewhy i gparted not able to resize any partition???11:57
name_namejrib: 4 of them, I have the all mounted and working in /media/ I did that manually11:57
jribname_name: ntfs, vfat, or ext?11:57
j2daoshanyone know how to get an atheros recognized? i have read the docs but i haven't found a solution so far11:58
jribrabe: are they mounted?11:58
DasEidmizer: two urls^^ ?11:58
name_namejrib: vfat and fuseblk11:58
blahblehrabe: unmount them. or, use livecd, ideally, if there is any chance the harddrive might be in use.11:58
dmizerDasEi: i'm on two computers it takes time, sorry http://pastebin.com/f6413babb11:58
jrib!vfat > name_name11:58
ubottuname_name, please see my private message11:58
jrib!fstab > name_name11:59
jribname_name: I don't know what filesystem fuseblk is, but those should tell you what you need11:59
rabeah yeah!11:59
jribname_name: if they're ntfs, you can just use ntfs-config11:59
rabecan i change the ubuntu partition in use too or do i have to create a boot system?11:59
bakaratjrib: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 720 x 480, maximum 720 x 48011:59
bakaratdefault connected 720x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm11:59
dmizerDasEi: hwinfo | pastebinit just gave me an arguments list12:00
blahblehto whoever asked about ubuntu 8.10 on PS3, it looks like probably not...: http://psubuntu.com/wiki/UbuntuVersions12:00
bakaratjrib: so xrandr --output ?12:00
name_nameit's a bulk vfat as far as I know12:00
bamballblahbleh: that was me12:00
DasEidmizer: hwinfo > hw.txt && pastebinit hw.txt && rm hw.txt12:00
DasEidmizer: sudo hwinfo > hw.txt && pastebinit hw.txt && rm hw.txt12:00
Lau_of_DKbamball, I didnt pay for it, its a company laptop. But its worth every nickel, its got 2x2Ghz cores and 3Gb Ram and a nice Webcam that shoots good pictures in 1680x1050, so no complaints, its all good12:01
bamballbut i thot 8.10 is now supported for ppc12:01
rabehow can i easily create an image of my whole system partition (e. g. with dd) to an external drive?12:01
jribbakarat: right, that page should give you some workarounds you can try12:02
dmizerDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f206900z512:02
bamballah my bad12:02
amdpoxDasEi, "sudo hwinfo | pastebinit" is a bit easier ;)12:02
bamballonly the beta version is supported on PPC12:02
mtozses_I plug in my usb device, it appears at file manager, but I can't see inside it12:02
rabehow can i easily create an image of my whole system partition (e. g. with dd) to an external drive?12:03
blahblehrabe: sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/where/to/save/image12:03
DasEiamdpox:     see above, know that :-*12:03
dmizerDasEi sorry - http://pastebin.com/f206900a512:03
blahblehwhere /dev/sda is the drive to copy12:03
blahblehrabe: or, if you only want one partition: sudo dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/path/to/where/to/save/image (for example)12:03
rabethanks and how to recreate the system from this image if it is broken?12:03
_DraxAnyone had any freezing / kernel panic issues with 8.10 ???12:04
blahblehrabe: sudo dd if=/path/to/where/to/save/image of=/dev/sda212:04
rabewhow that seems to be easy!12:04
blahblehrabe: also, give the backup a decent name so you know what it's actually backed up. i've had heaps of raw disk copies from that, but no idea what they were12:05
blahblehrabe: actually, gimme a sec, that may not be right!12:05
amdpoxif you're copying from /dev/sda, you want to write to there too, not the partition, no?12:05
bullgard4What does 'gdk' stand for in libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8?12:05
blahbleh"sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1k conv=sync,noerror of=/path/to/image" from http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/saw27/notes/backup-hard-disk-partitions.html12:06
jribbullgard4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDK12:06
rabeok i'll try...12:06
blahblehrabe: actually... that's kinda inefficient, sorry!12:06
EnselicAfter upgrading to 8.10 I can't make Ubuntu find my wireless network; iwlist scan  doesn't list it. I can find and connect to it fine on my Mac OS X box. I run Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965. Anyone get any clues?12:06
rabeand how can i create a simple usb command bootup system?12:07
blahblehrabe: to comrpess, as the example they give: "sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1k conv=sync,noerror | gzip -c > /path/to/image"12:07
bullgard4jrib: Thank you.12:07
blahblehrabe: depends what you want. if you want something you can boot and run ubuntu, go sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1k conv=sync,noerror of=/path/to/image12:08
rabei need to change the ubuntu partition size...12:08
sskroederHi  - I'm having trouble with my keyboard -- the DELETE key isn't working in X ...12:09
sskroederI've captured the output from xev when pressing the HOME and DELETE keys - you can see it here : http://pastebin.com/m56acd89712:09
sskroederCan any tell me how to get the DELETE key working again...12:09
blahblehsorry, that was meant to be "depends what you want. if you want something you can boot and run ubuntu, go http://www.pendrivelinux.com/"12:09
erryhi can u help me i think the sound is not as loud as it should be ( i have ti at max) but wwhen i had windows it was louder at windows12:09
rabeok thanks a lot12:09
blahblehrabe: to change partition size, easiest way is a livecd. failing that, i would say use a pendrivelinux.com guide12:09
rabeok i'll try...12:09
amdpoxerry, open a terminal and type alsamixer12:10
erryit says 100<>10012:10
erryi dont think it can go any louder12:10
Tom_Davisperhaps the PCM is turned down?12:10
BaldricAfter upgrading to 8.10 pulseaudio borked X even after it was removed and reinstalled, any help anyone ? Borked Xsession pulseaudio throws a tantrum ?12:10
amdpoxare there many channels there? make sure they're all at max12:10
DasEidmizer: it a laptop with lcd screen ?12:10
dmizerDasEi: yes12:11
Tom_Daviserry, look for the one that says PCM12:11
erry View: [Playback] Capture  All12:11
erryand that changes with tab12:11
Tom_Davisone sec pulling alsamixer up12:11
jimcooncati'm having a lot of problems with inetd messing with my tftp server. can I remove inetd without screwing something else up?12:12
mtozses_I plug in my usb device, it appears at file manager, but I can't see inside it12:12
blahblehTom_Davis: would he be better to use gnome-volume-control, just by clicking the speaker at bottom-left of screen (if i recall correctly)? not to criticise your help, but just as a GUI alternative...12:13
Tom_Daviserry: did you type alsamixer in a terminal?12:13
erryyes i did tom.12:13
zamboni_jimcooncat, youcan disable i12:13
Tom_Davisand across the bottom it says master, masterm headphon 3dcontr 3dcontr 3dcontr PCM and line?12:13
DasEidmizer: drivers section xorg : http://pastebin.com/m4e76a43512:14
BaldricAfter upgrading to 8.10 pulseaudio borked X even after it was removed and reinstalled, any help anyone ? Borked Xsession pulseaudio throws a tantrum ?   X errors are http://pastebin.com/d7ff0854c12:14
dmizerDasEi: thank you, i will try that now.12:14
DasEidmizer: bachuop old one first, need help for that ?12:15
Tom_Davisblahbleh: alsamixer should do the trick12:15
dmizerDasEi: nope, thank you.12:15
erryTom_Davis, help12:15
Tom_Davistrying to12:15
erryhalp lol12:15
errytake ur time12:15
dietreBaldric, if /usr/bin/pulse-session is missing, are you sure, that the package pulseaudio is installed?12:15
Tom_Daviswhen you typed alsamixer in terminal did it pop something like AlsaMixer v1.0.15?12:16
erry──────[AlsaMixer v1.0.17 (Press Escape to quit)]────12:16
errywant screeny?12:16
blahblehtom: sure would work fine, i just shiver when new ubuntu users have to use the terminal =P. (but it's still good to learn)12:16
Tom_Davisok across the bottom right cursor over to where it says PCM12:16
erryit doesnt say PCM12:16
Tom_Davisthe right arrow key12:16
errydo u want a screenshot12:16
_DraxAnyone had any freezing / kernel panic issues with 8.10 ???12:17
Tom_Davisyeah, please12:17
DasEidmizer:and then th e screen section : http://pastebin.com/m7ecac0e312:17
dmizerDasEi: working on it now, have to hand type this ... lol12:17
DasEidmizer: poor gui, when done, gotta restart x12:17
dmizerDasEi: that much i know ;) been at this a while actually. just used to being able to fix it with a simple dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:18
ilhdeskgnome print help. my print button grey out.12:18
mtozses_can I get help?12:18
ilhdeskHelp me please12:19
ubottumtozses: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:19
Tom_Davisoh I see12:19
dietreilhdesk, what print button?12:19
Tom_Davispulseaudio is all new to me12:19
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mudithow do i find  java home ?12:20
Tom_Davisbut gimme a min with google-fu12:20
muditwht command ?12:20
amdpoxerry, try "alsamixer -c 0"12:20
Obongo08DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 012:20
user1my system totally screwed itself up  while upgrading 8.04 -> 8.10   (from file12:20
user1how to fix12:20
mudithow do i find path to a package ?12:20
blahbleherry: okay, so the sound in the actual music app or whatever if maxxed? if so, a test could be: "yes > /dev/dsp" WITH your fingers ready to hold control and press C repeatedly. if that isn't ear-piercingly loud, nothing can help...12:21
jribmudit: what does that mean?  What are you trying to find exactly?12:21
blahbleherry: (just had a realisation that may not play, but if it does, it should be loud. just to test max loudness)12:21
rabemy mixxx does not work any more - i think the skin is broken because every time i try to change it it simply closes imediately could anyone help me please?12:21
muditi trying to find my java home12:21
erryok i found PCM now12:21
errya lot louder12:21
errythanks everyone!12:21
bakaratum, can i just install a new version of xrandr and expect it to work?12:21
Tom_Davisquite welcome12:21
muditthe path to java home jrib12:22
EatShroomsDoes anybody here know how to use Tor proxy?12:22
jribmudit: what java package did you install?   dpkg -L PACKAGE    tells you the files a package installed12:22
mtozses_I plug in my usb device, it appears at file manager, but it doesn't somehow automount12:22
ilhdeskdietre: gnome print dialog, there is print button, but grey out12:22
DasEidmizer: when finished, to forget to save xorg, then : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    (logs you off)!)12:23
blahblehrabe: if you don't mind losing all your mixx settings, do "mv ~/.mixx ~/.mixx.bak", or simply rename .mixx to .mixx.bak in the home directory12:23
amdpoxilhdesk, have you configured any printers?12:23
DasEidon't* forget, dmizer12:23
rabecould you give me the commands?12:23
dmizerDasEi ... no worries. thanks. should be there soon.12:23
ay^lovely, my daughter just poured a cup of coffee on my laptop12:23
ilhdeskamdpox: yes I search on ubuntu forum, but still fail12:23
rabei already tried to reinstall......12:23
user__stupid b00n12:24
user__DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 012:24
blahbleha) run "mv ~/.mixx ~/.mixx.bak" at the command line.12:24
blahblehb) rename the folder .mixx in the home directory to ,mixx.bak12:24
ay^is there some tool to check if hardware is functioning other than those I "see"?12:24
blahblehay^: which particular hardware do you want to check? or do you want general health status (temperature and such?)12:25
DasEiay^: hwinfo gives you a complete list, /var/log/syslog tells you about errors12:25
ay^blahbleh: I want it all :)12:25
ay^DasEi: oh great12:25
DasEiay^: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && sudo hwinfo12:26
ilhdeskamdpox: I could print from ooo, acrobat, but failed from gnome apps, such evince, gthumb12:26
ay^DasEi: way ahead of ya ;P12:26
dietreilhdesk, what if you select one of the printers in the list above? ;)12:26
name_namesup #ubuntu I got all these volumes mounted manually http://pastebin.com/m6f74588b  how do I get them to auto mount on system start up?12:27
ay^funny thing is that the only thing I can see thats malfunctioning is a led for the battery charger, that turned purple instaed of off/blue12:27
DasEiay^: for monitoring see conky, gkrellm, or lmsensors12:27
geevi find i have 4 partition on my flashdisk which to remove and which to leave i have no idear i was running fdisk command your help please12:27
ilhdeskdietre: print to file is ok, but to actual printer is failed. print button is un-pushable. but print from ooo or acrobat is fine.12:27
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DasEigeev: what's your aim ?12:27
ay^now that I think of it, bluetooth is flashing as well12:28
amdpoxname_name, add entries to  /etc/fstab12:28
ay^and more worriely hdd-led is crazy12:28
Jbpbhello everyone12:28
geevDasEi: to format flashdisk using fdisk command12:28
name_nameamdpox: put paste them in?12:28
kayfarikall hi12:28
name_nameamdpox: *just paste them in the bottom and save?12:29
DasEigeev: no data  on it, format it to one parti ?12:29
jribay^: you've probably done this already, but you should backup data to be safe12:29
amdpoxname_name, no, you need to use the fstab syntax12:29
dmizerDasEi ... i thank you from the very bottom of my heart.12:29
geevDasEi: i have already created a backup and it has data on it12:29
amdpox!fstab | name_name12:29
ubottuname_name: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:29
DasEidmizer: nice to hear12:29
name_nameamdpox: that page explains the sytanx?12:30
amdpoxshould do12:30
dmizerDasEi: thanks again. i'm done for now.12:30
kayfarikamdpox hi12:30
dietreilhdesk, how did you get that dialog?12:30
ay^jrib: actually no, I just booted it back up right now after trying to dry it12:30
ay^jrib: also, I haven't got any backup medium :((12:30
DasEigeev: use gparted to kill the old partis and create a new one12:30
ay^hdd-led died12:31
CharelBHi , i run Compiz on my ubuntu ... how can i run there Emerald themes ... ?12:31
geevDasEi: is gparted a command?12:31
DasEiay ^: what about make it dry first ? put over the top, put on a heating12:32
DasEigeev : yes, thaen a gui comes up12:32
ay^DasEi: ah I did that, this happened some few hours ago12:32
tarelerulzHow much space does Ubuntu really need?  I am have banshee not work my mtp device and I thought install Ubuntu 8.10 . I have Ubuntu 8.04 and 7.10 too.  Could I fit it and not cut into one of the others12:32
ay^DasEi: but perhaps more drying is to be done12:33
DasEigeev : in gparted now ?12:33
didahi all, i installed ISPConfig-
dr_willistarelerulz,  why do you need so many different disrtos installed zat once?12:33
didaanyone know where the service is?12:33
geevDasEi: there is no such command in my computer12:33
phanterhi there12:34
DasEigeev: running hardy or ibex ?12:34
blahblehgeev: does it say "to install type sudo apt-get install gparted"?12:34
phanterI really need some help. I want to install ubuntu alternate from usb. I manage to put the install cd on the usb disk and boot it, but _every_ time it fails because it "cannot find the cd-rom drive". Is it possible to install it and how?12:34
dr_willisphat how did you put it on the usb key?12:34
dr_willisphanter,  how did you put it on the usb key?12:34
dr_willisoops :)12:34
DasEigeev: open a terminl, type : sudo apt-get install gparted12:34
geevDasEi: hardy12:34
DasEigeev: open a terminl, type : sudo apt-get install gparted12:35
|MUSE|how can I check if my pc is x86-64-bit architecture or just 64-bit?12:35
Tom_Davisis it amd or intel?12:35
`r0othow i can fix desktop panle ?12:35
ziroday|MUSE|: what CPU does it have?12:35
DasEigeev: after : gparted              aksks for your pw,opens a gui12:35
Tom_Davisboth of them are x86-6412:35
|MUSE|intel core 2 duo12:36
Tom_Davisbased on the 80x86 architecture12:36
ziroday|MUSE|: thats 64bit12:36
|MUSE|It is just 64, not x84-64?12:36
geevDasEi: ok if i found any fail i will contact you12:36
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kayfarikTom_Davis hi and you from where?12:36
tarelerulzdr_willis,  7.10 is the only one that works with my mtp device and hook up to the tv though s-video . Ubuntu 8.04 has some program work on it better and are new .  I have Vista two . I just thought I might try  Ubuntu 8.10 and see if I could get mtp device working and tv connection with s-video by install it .12:36
ziroday|MUSE|: your cpu can run both x86 and x86-6412:37
phanterdr_willis: used a script that is normally used to put a ubuntu installer on a usb key (found it at the eeebuntu website), and I also tried unetbootin12:37
DasEigeeev:make sure to choose the right drive (left upper corner of gparted)12:37
DasEigeeev:right click on a party > delete, also new one, then applyx button in top bar12:38
dr_willisphanter,  i had unetbootin work fine for me on alternative installer. Theres also the usbinstaller tool in the ubuntu menus. Not sure if thats useable from a live cd or not.12:38
|MUSE|ziroday: ok, I have this cpu and on the pc I have installed a 32bit OS and I have several packages that I can choose from to install. I need to pick one > http://trolltech.com/developer/eclipse-integration < which?12:38
phanterI wonder if the alternate/debian installer is hardcoded to ask for a cd-rom or that it can take arguments that not make it check for the cd-rom12:38
ziroday|MUSE|: gimme a sec12:38
|MUSE|ok sure12:38
phanterdr_willis: the point is that unetbootin works for all live cd's (and thus installers), but not for the alternate version12:39
jpastoreso after upgrading to 8.10 I lost of the file associations for apps I installed through crossover. where do I go to fix that? for example vsd no longer opens visio.12:39
dr_willisphanter,  the unetbootin method worked fine for me for the alternative cd.12:39
ziroday|MUSE|: which version of gcc do you have installed?12:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:39
dr_willisphanter,  the only reasibn i know this.. is because i accidently used the alt-cd image  when i made my thumbdrive  the otehr day.12:39
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TheCanHi - any ubuntuforums.org admins here? I need to have something changed in a thread i started, but it is not editable12:39
|MUSE|ziroday: how can I check?12:39
phanterdr_willis: and you managed to install using that usb?12:40
jribTheCan: #ubuntuforums12:40
dr_willisphanter,  yes.12:40
`r0otany help plz ?12:40
phanteroke... then I will go and try again :)12:40
jrib`r0ot: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you12:40
`r0othow i can fix desktop panle ?12:40
|MUSE|ziroday: 4.212:40
jrib`r0ot: what's wrong with it?12:40
ziroday|MUSE|: you will need to install the package gcc-4.3 (if you haven't already)12:40
TheCanjrib, i was there but didnt looks like its related to the forums - but thanks i am trying once again12:40
dr_willisphanter,  i specifically was using the 64bit alt- installer , and unetbootin. in a usb key that i have had dozens of obher 'bootable' linux disrtos on befor..12:40
mudithow to remove a package ?12:41
ziroday|MUSE|: okay thats fine, you want this http://dist.trolltech.com/developer/download/qt-eclipse-integration-linux.x86-1.4.3.tar.gz12:41
tarelerulzWould a live cd of Ubuntu 8.10 work to see if I could get s-video and mtp device working ?  is that sort of thing in live cd ? if so do they have one for it12:41
|MUSE|ziroday: ok thanks a span.. :)12:41
phanterdr_willis: I will need the 32bit version, but that should not really matter I guess12:41
jrib!apt > mudit12:41
ubottumudit, please see my private message12:41
jpastorehow do I restore file associations with crossover apps post upgrade?12:41
`r0oti have error msg and it\s not start showing only desktop image12:41
dr_willisphanter,  yep. I decided to finally test 64bit.. No issues with it so far. :)12:41
jrib`r0ot: share the error message on paste.ubuntu.com12:41
knoppixals je de nieuwst ubuntu installeert, wat gebeurt er dan met je home dir?12:42
DasEimudit: sudo apt-get remove <package>  , maybe --purge to kill config-data, too12:42
`r0othow i can re-install the package12:42
phanterdr_willis: well, my eeepc does not swallow the last 32bits ;-), must admit that my x64 debian install runs very smooth on my 634 bit machine12:42
`r0othow i can re-install the panle package12:42
jrib`r0ot: doubtful that would fix anything12:42
dr_willisreinstalling stuff is 'windows' thinking....  and reinstalling stuff will NOT reset users settings.12:43
geevDasEi: i have opened gparted and i have selected the device i wanted but options to deleate the partition are faint12:43
aslanhello, I have been trying to get evolution to work with mail-notification and there is a bug with the latest version.12:43
geevDasEi: i mean they are not active12:43
user1on 8.10 I can not install  svk !  wtf?!?!          Depends: libfile-temp-perl (> 0.17)12:43
`r0otjrib: I don't anderstand12:43
aslanAll I have to do is change one line in evolution-data-server, so I downloaded the source using apt-get source12:43
jrib!pastebin | `r0ot12:43
ubottu`r0ot: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:43
muditDasEi: i installed a windows command like compiler with checkinstall, and i think it is not installed properly12:43
aslanand modified the .c file12:43
jrib`r0ot: show us your error on pastebin12:43
DasEigeev: did you unmount the drive first ?12:44
muditand I dont know what package it is12:44
aslanbut I am not sure how to rebuild the deb from the source and install it correctly?12:44
jrib!source > aslan12:44
ubottuaslan, please see my private message12:44
Welshmanthanks for Ibex12:44
user1how to install svk?   in damn 8.10 it is not installable now12:44
geevDasEi: no i didnt12:44
okidogiHi, I tried to change my movable device's permissions with "sudo chmod 666 movable/*.cpp" but it seems not work. What's wrong with this?12:44
jribuser1: pastebin what happens when you try to install it (include your command)12:44
aslanjrib: thank you for the link12:44
aslandoes it tell me how to modify files and rebuild the deb?12:45
jribokidogi: what filesystem ?12:45
jribaslan: yes12:45
aslanjrib: perfect I will try that thanks12:45
jribaslan: well, it tells you how to rebuild a deb, you just modify it before you do that step :)12:45
muditany ideas ?12:45
user1jrib: this what I pasted in syptatic12:45
DasEimudit: sudo apt-get remove  --purge  <package>  , hopefully it was realized by apt12:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:45
aslanjrib: hehe thanks :)12:45
DasEigeev: works now ?12:45
okidogijrib: movalbe device is ntfs,12:45
knoppixals je de nieuwst ubuntu installeert, wat gebeurt er dan met je home dir?12:45
ziroday!nl | knoppix12:45
ubottuknoppix: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:45
jribokidogi: ntfs does not use linux permissions12:45
Guest49516I've no sound when I play flash videos12:46
Guest49516any ideas where to start?12:47
jribGuest49516: what ubuntu version?12:47
okidogijrib: oh, i see.12:47
zirodayGuest48487: hardy or intrepid?12:47
Guest49516jrib, HH12:47
zirodayjrib: bah12:47
jribGuest49516: known bug in hardy, upgrade to intrepid12:47
muditDasEi: I don't know the name of the package, all I know is that it is installed in /usr/lib/flex/bin/mxmlc12:47
zirodayGuest49516: or you can install the libflashsupport package and see if that works12:47
DasEimudit: cd there, look it up with ls12:48
user1jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69198/12:48
Guest49516hehe, have to do a whole system upgrade to listen to a tune12:48
DasEigeev: works now ?12:48
okidogijrib: Is there some file system exist in Windows and also support permissions under linux?12:48
jrib!ext3 | okidogi12:48
ubottuokidogi: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org12:48
=== DaHoIv_ is now known as DaHoIv
geevDasEi: still the some12:48
zirodayGuest49516: did you try install the package I recommended?12:49
DasEigeev: sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:49
Guest49516doing it now ziroday12:49
DasEigeev: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit                                    ,url ?12:49
okidogijrib: ext3 is supported under Windows?12:49
tarelerulzIs there a torrent for Ubuntu 8.10 ?12:49
blahblehziroday: have you installed libflashsupport? i don't know if it was me messing with pulseaudio or me using a libflashsupport package, but now my flash sound uses OSS rather than ALSA. not a problem for me, but wondering whether it could be a libflashsupport thing (if so, eep.)12:49
zirodaytarelerulz: yes. do you want me to get it for you12:50
Q_ContinuumAnyone have any experience with the 8.04 'Gnome locks up randomly, requiring reboot' issue?12:50
DasEitarelerulz: yep12:50
DasEitarelerulz: look yourself at mininova.org12:50
Guest49516cheers ziroday , that worked ;)12:50
zirodayblahbleh: its a package that contains a workaround to the flash pulseaudio bug but can cause pulseaudio instability and was introduced to late in the hardy cycle to be properly tested to be included by default12:50
blahblehtarelerulz: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt12:50
jribokidogi: with a driver you install, yes12:51
muditDaeEi:i can't open the folder !12:51
tarelerulzI just thought there might be an official torrent for it.  Plus I did not know if the torrent you found where as up to date as what Ubuntu might have .  sorry I should have looked ,but that stuff is not as easy to find on Ubuntu's site as you might think12:51
DasEimudit: try as root from terminal12:51
blahblehziroday: hence my concern; just thinking that if the bug hasn't been resolved, i wouldn't want to give other people pulseaudio instability. because that *hurts* =P12:51
geevDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69201/12:52
jrib!torrents | tarelerulz12:52
ubottutarelerulz: Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).12:52
okidogijrib: thx jrib~12:52
TheCanwhat is the kernel ubuntu 8.10 ships with? the initial 2.6.27? or does it include the current 2.6.27-7 ?12:52
jribuser1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/svk/+bug/28279312:52
muditDasEi: I did, all i get is this >> asdoc  bin  frameworks  lib12:52
zirodayblahbleh: the bug was resolved for intrepid, in hardy the libflashsupport package is a workaround. If it causes instability or doesn't work you can remove it :)12:52
muditi can't get in these folders12:52
DasEimudit: look in bin12:52
muditDasEi: bin is locked12:53
muditi can't get it12:53
DasEigeev: so your flash is the 130mb sdb ?12:53
tarelerulzDasE thanks for the help and blahbleh for the link . jrib you too.  Keep Ubuntu great.12:54
riddleboxhas anyone installed 8.10 on a eeepc?12:54
Welshmanmudit TRY SSH AS ROOT12:54
DasEimudit: sudo -s , then cd bin, then ls12:54
askandI am using a wireless mouse from Deltaco and when my processor is under heavy load, for example when starting firefox, my mouse becomes unusable. It barely movesbut will work fine again after everything has settled down.. Any ideas on how to solve this?12:54
Welshmansorry for the caps12:54
geevDasEi: yes it is12:54
DasEigeev: mount |pastebin                     ; url ?12:54
Welshmanhey does a ubuntu server have root access?  :)12:55
ilhdeskubuntu print help please12:55
zirodayWelshman: nope12:55
kanhiya78how to install packages in other computer without using internet12:56
Welshmanilhdesk whats your printer for starters12:56
kanhiya78how to install packages in other computer without using internet12:56
dr_willis!aptoncd | kanhiya7812:56
ubottukanhiya78: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers12:56
Welshmanziroday really, man thats doesnt seem right12:56
kanhiya78please help me installing it12:56
muditDasEi: i see is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/69203/12:56
zirodayWelshman: *shrug*12:56
ilhdeskwelshman: problem is gnome-print button un-pushable (grey out). print from open office is no problem12:56
geevDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f18be134012:57
novato001hola alguien me puede ayudar12:57
kanhiya78how to install aptget12:57
Welshmanilhdesk should not be a big problem to solve12:57
kanhiya78sorry aptoncd12:57
dr_williskanhiya78,  install aptoncd on the machine that does have network connection, and use the tool.12:57
user1_jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69198/12:58
DasEigeev: close gparted,           sudo umount /dev/sdb1  ,then gparted again12:58
Welshmankanhiya78 lo apt-get install apt-get :)12:58
kanhiya78yes this machine has internet connection12:58
ilhdeskwelshman: how to solve this print problem?12:58
jribuser1_: did you see my bug link?12:59
Welshmanilhdesk what exactly are you trying to do, usually things like that its just settings12:59
jrib!es | novato00112:59
ubottunovato001: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:59
m11after fresh install of 8.10 32bit SIS PCI fast ethernet card gets error "intterupt:19 / base address: 0xcc00" any tips how to fix this card would be appriciated12:59
zirodayIf I install kubuntu-desktop and decide I don't like it. Can I just remove it and it will uninstall all the kde apps and artwork that it came with?12:59
kanhiya78this command did not work12:59
dr_willisziroday,  not really. :)12:59
DasEimudit: that looks like your install, if it was no apt-package, maybe simply delete it and (after looking in ) the other folders /subfolders12:59
user1_jrib: no12:59
dr_willisziroday,  you can remove them.. but it can be an annoyance12:59
jribziroday: should work ok if you use aptitude to install.  I don't know how good autoremove is now12:59
Welshmankanhiya78 sorry man I was joking13:00
jribuser1: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/svk/+bug/28279313:00
nijmhey guys, has anybody got a samba share set up so you can mount it as smbfs as user? I can't mount my samba share as a normal user even though I have the user option enabled13:00
Welshmanyou should already have apt-get silly13:00
ilhdeskwelshman: when i tried print from gnome apps such evince, gthumb, gedit, print button is grey out13:00
kanhiya78i am seroius13:00
ubottunijm, please see my private message13:00
Welshmanilhdesk make sure the correct driver is installed for starters13:01
zirodayjrib: dr_willis all right, thanks a lot!13:01
DasEigeev: right click on (the only one party) > format to ext3 works now ?13:02
Welshmanilhdesk then look in each programs settings for printing options etc13:02
denthi. Upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 seems to have broken my wired network connectivity :-(13:02
dentspecifically: the network manager applet doesn't show the wired network as an option13:02
ilhdeskwelshman: Yes driver is ok, print from openoffice is no problem. print from kde apps such gwenvies also no problem.13:02
dent(ifup eth0 works as it should)13:02
dr_williskanhiya78,  it pays to be a bit more verbose and concise in what you are saying in here.   theres a lot of traffic.13:03
Welshmanilhdesk ok now it must be just a gnome print config thing, open it up and take a look13:03
nijmDasEi: thanks for pointing me to that doc but I can already read/write to a share as a user, I just can't mount it as a user13:03
geevDasEi: yes the options was active and i have created with ext313:03
user1_how to install all packages needed to install  foo ?13:03
user1_dpkg -i foo.deb  does not install dependencies. howto13:03
jribuser1_: gdebi13:04
StoneheartGood Morning From burlington Iowa13:04
EatShroomsTamaki_Kousaka ?13:04
DasEigeev: press apply button in top of gparted to finish it13:04
MnemonicPunkuser1_: You should use apt if you can, it installs all dependancies it can get. =)13:04
WelshmanStoneheart mid afternoon France here13:04
ilhdeskwelshman: where program. is it gnome-cups-manager13:04
blip-hi, is there an lightweight openbox and fluxbox spinoff for ubuntu ?13:04
jribblip-: fluxbuntu13:04
user1_MnemonicPunk:  I can not13:04
zirodayblip-: fluxbuntu?13:04
=== Q_Continuum is now known as Q_Contoxicated
user1_MnemonicPunk:   bugys fucked up svk  package so I install the deb by hand13:04
geevDasEi: ok it has finished13:04
Welshmanilhdesk take a look in the admin or prefs area for starters13:04
phanterfluxbuntu us really outdated as far as I know13:05
StoneheartI am New to ubuntu, but not computers as a whole Really need help13:05
zirodayphanter: fluxbox is still being actively developed13:05
DasEigeev: nice to hear, to access it from a win-machine, use http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html13:05
KoFishcould i get a tip for a free jabber server?13:05
StoneheartHave a major task at hand13:05
WelshmanStoneheart whats up13:05
phanterreally? i thought they where still working with the 7.10 packages13:06
MnemonicPunkuser1_: Then you should just try installing it, note all the packages it wants and install them beforehand. Most of them should be in apt I guess, even if the package you want to install is not.13:06
StoneheartFirst am using 8.4 desktop13:06
StoneheartEverything seems to be running13:06
user1_MnemonicPunk:  I do not want to by hand enter like 15 dependents :/13:06
jrib!enter | Stoneheart13:06
ubottuStoneheart: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:06
ilhdeskwelshman: print test page was no problem in system-config-printer13:06
platiusphanter; mint has a new release with fluxbox13:06
jribuser1_: I told you how already13:06
WelshmanStoneheart make sure the monitor is on :)13:06
StoneheartBut am not able to see the other computers in my system13:06
MnemonicPunkuser1_: Can't you just copypaste them? xD Like "I'm missing $packages!" copypaste the packages to "apt-get install $packages"?13:07
WelshmanStoneheart I suppose if you just installed bunt then you need to do your network next13:07
Stoneheartsamba is installed13:07
userbnu tfjhtd13:07
dr4k3ver irc.got2think.org13:07
jribuserbn: do you have an ubuntu support question?13:08
StoneheartI am working on it13:08
user1_MnemonicPunk:   I can but this is retarded13:08
Welshmanjrib yes he has a keyboard problem :)13:08
Stoneheartit lets me open the network window but I see no computers13:08
phantercool, i did not know mint made a fluxbox version... I think actually that I will check that out soon!13:09
Welshmanmint does not like my vid card13:09
geevDasEi: so am suppore to move with this softwere any place with windows were i need to use my flash disk?13:09
MnemonicPunkuser1_: Well, yes it is. xD But I can't think of a more automated way right now and at least it will get the things you want working. :D13:10
platiusphanter; I have mintflux running in virtualbox on intrepid, pretty nice13:10
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:10
Frogzoois the upgrade to 8.10 hassle free?13:10
blip-hi,  what is the reason people view ubuntu users as noobs do you think ?13:10
user1_Frogzoo:  some things are still a bit broken13:10
Welshmanis there a networking bunt channel for stoneheart?13:10
|neon|i am having a strange problem, i can changed my desktop settings and everything looks ok, once i reboot my settings are lost everytime, i tried using session manager but no luck any ideas on how can i get the settings to stay after reboot13:10
=== kostas1 is now known as ntinos_
Frogzoouser1_: much thx13:11
DasEigeev: your decision, could also format it to fat or ntfs, but hten you don't have the linux features, journalling     /e2fsck for it13:11
user1_Frogzoo: but it seems quite nice overall13:11
StoneheartWelshman I have read that this is a issue, but have seen no fix info13:11
Frogzoouser1_: will give it a couple weeks just in case13:11
Welshmanworks perfect for me13:11
Welshmanjust like suse did before13:12
Welshmanno suse is nothing but problems13:12
Welshmanits amazing how pc's like a particular distro13:12
Stoneheartyes for sure it seems to depend on the hardware configs13:13
ilhdeskwelshman: any idea? print test page was no problem13:13
jribMnemonicPunk, user1_: gdebi is the way to install a .deb with dependency resolution...13:13
Welshmanmy new pc was made for bunt I think13:13
DasEinijm: I'll be off soon, but you can either allow a user to mount or see : http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/source/hardy/libpam-mount13:13
Welshmanmy previous hated it13:13
Stoneheartso far this one likes it13:14
Welshmanjust need to sort your network stuff now13:14
chatmanDoes anyone know how to edit .vob videoclips?13:14
StoneheartI am running 3 seperate opsys on it from 3 seperate drives13:14
Stoneheartyes sir13:14
Stoneheartstill working it13:14
MnemonicPunkjrib: Alright, thanks for pointing that out.13:15
Stoneheartjust need that break13:15
MnemonicPunkjrib: Btw, you here a little longer?13:15
Welshmanchatman try looking in software with the word vob13:15
Welshmanaudacity comes to mind13:15
jribMnemonicPunk: leaving as soon as I finish my breakfast, so a few minutes13:15
MnemonicPunkjrib: I'll have to make a 8.10 install for a friend in a few minutes and his PC is known to screw up anything in unexpexted ways. ^^13:15
StoneheartI would love to find some really good at this I have about 60 computers in a school to convert and a server to setup13:16
MnemonicPunkOkay. ^^13:16
|neon|i am having a strange problem, i can changed my desktop settings and everything looks ok, once i reboot my settings are lost everytime, i tried using session manager but no luck any ideas on how can i get the settings to stay after reboot13:16
WelshmanStoneheart you like difficult problems by the sounds13:16
emorrishi, I'm using Intrepid. How would I go about listing all packages using backports? Thanks.13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clonig13:16
StoneheartNo I love a challenge and will get it done over time13:17
MnemonicPunkStoneheart: What do you want to do? Mass-install Ubuntu?13:17
WelshmanStoneheart buntu offers professional help as well13:17
Welshman60 pcs is cool13:17
StoneheartYes but this school is poor.13:17
StoneheartSo I am learning quickly13:18
Welshmannot sure what bunt charge to get you up and running13:18
Welshmanpossible one off support request aetc I bet13:18
name_nameI gots: /dev/sdd1 /media/LOCAL_DISK vfat auto,users,rw,relatime 0 0 in my fstab13:18
StoneheartMicrosoft wants about 50000usd to get them upgraded13:18
name_namebut it's only right to root13:18
MechdaveStoneheart, why don't you do a server install and then do a network install to each pc13:18
name_nameit say rw13:18
name_namewhat wrong there?13:18
WelshmanStoneheart well I doubt it will be like that amount13:18
Welshmanschools prolly get reductions as well13:19
StoneheartWith ubuntu it will be free13:19
Stoneheartthat is with the reductions13:19
MechdaveStoneheart, Or maybe do a kickstart config so you can install many machines the same13:19
Welshmanone support will incure a charge though13:19
Welshmanone off13:19
MnemonicPunkOur school got pretty cheap volume licenses for Win XP pro and Win2k3 server. Still, Ubuntu would be way cheaper. :D13:20
geevDasEi: Thank you for your support and i decided to format it to fat32 since i will work to computer with winds, i lean many things though this exercise13:20
Welshmanof course, thats the whole point of Ubuntu13:20
DasEigeev: you're welcome, nice to hear13:20
StoneheartYes problem is the hardware it older p4 1.8 512 ram 20 gig hd's13:20
Stoneheartmost are p3 with 256 ram 20 gig hd's13:20
Welshmanthis is linux not windows13:20
DasEigeev: make sure to safely remove /unmount it to avoid problems13:21
MnemonicPunkStoneheart: As long as they have netboot, you can easily install *buntu on them all. o.o13:21
werdnushow can I make gnome-terminal not use alt-<x> to switch to tab <x>?13:21
StoneheartI am going to be learning big time over the next few months13:21
MechdaveStoneheart, personally I would get the alternative ubuntu install, burn off about 10 disks and do a OEM install on 10 machines at a time13:22
Stoneheartthat is what I was planning13:23
WelshmanStoneheart last thing you want to do is mess up13:23
fatbrainis it just me, or is the http://start.ubuntu.com/8.10/ page just aweful?!13:23
MechdaveStoneheart, it will be the simplest way to go about it.13:24
WelshmanI would make a plan and put it to your boss13:24
geevDasEi: i appreciate you advice my computer was i prob 2 times due to that when i wasnt able to unmout flash but now days i take care13:24
StoneheartMechdave my problem is net working.   I need to make sure I can still use some windows prog thru wine.13:24
Welshmaninvolving some pro support to get the change done13:24
petersaintsGuys... I currently have 4GB of RAM... I'm unsure wether I should keep 32-bit and have access to only 3GB or just go 64-bit and have access to the full 4GB? How is Flash currently working on Intrepid through nspluginwrapper?13:24
MechdaveStoneheart, what programs do you need to use?13:24
MnemonicPunkStoneheart: Wine is good but not reliable, check the Win apps you want to use with the appDB first.13:24
StoneheartNot sure Some educational stuff not offered on the bunt side yet.  This school is pre-k thru high school13:25
geevDasEi: i have another prob hear if you have more time let check if it can be corrected13:25
Welshmanonly apps linux cant handle would be flash editors etc13:25
DasEigeev: so ?13:26
Welshmannp with office stuff13:26
CuBe0wLhi all! is python installed by default in itrepid ?13:26
MechdaveStoneheart, maybe do 1 computer and install wine and then experiment with your software first, and also check with the appDB too13:26
kayfarikall hi13:27
WelshmanStoneheart sounds like you have a good job :)13:27
chuk_mhey guys,does anyone know when /etc/environment is beeing read - when the changes take effect13:27
Welshmanget it all over to bunt and save a lot of cash and you be in the good books :)13:27
geevDasEi: when i want to download update some link says hit or failed on synaptic package manager13:28
MnemonicPunklol ubottu knows about the bofh and pfy :D13:28
Welshmangeev check where you are getting updates from and try a different source13:29
DIFH-iceroothas the new ubuntu no /etc/apt/sources.list ? i am helping a friend who is using 8.10 but he says there is no such file (live cd)13:29
Insomnia1ityHi! What kernel modules run laptop keyboards/touchpads?13:29
DasEigeev: sudo apt-get update13:29
geevDasEi: can i do something so will no more failure or hit or isnt a problem to me13:29
MnemonicPunkDIFH-iceroot: There should be one. o.O13:29
DIFH-icerootMnemonicPunk: hm, ok13:29
Welshmanwhole of freck police force have gone Ubuntu :)13:30
fakbillhi, can someone tell me how I should apply the patch from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/259808/comments/48 ?13:30
echinosMy update-manager is.. kinda hung13:30
MnemonicPunkDIFH-iceroot: Maybe the disc has errors or something else went wrong during boot?13:30
DasEigeev: does the last cmd give errors ?13:30
jms32Hello. Are some analogs of evers (on windows) to look temperatur of CPU and analogic?13:30
DIFH-icerootMnemonicPunk: no, its a normal live-system13:30
=== Stoneheart is now known as stoneheart
fakbillit applies on a git version of X so I cannot patch the sources I get from apt-get source (there are older)13:31
echinosLast action was "Stopping Bluetooth Services"13:31
MnemonicPunkDIFH-iceroot: I know that my 8.10 had one. So it's strange that yours doesn't.13:31
Welshmancat  /proc/cpuinfo gives a lot of info, not sure about temp though13:31
dentInsomnia1ity: I guess they're often treated like mice (not all of course). To see the modules available in vanilla kernel, doenload kernel source, unpack, do "make manuconfig" and have a look.13:31
DIFH-icerootMnemonicPunk: but this is a live system not a normal install13:31
dentInsomnia1ity: ehm, damned typos: make menuconfig, of course13:32
echinosDIFH-iceroot: there would be a sources.list with the CD listed as a source13:32
Platerdo you not have sensors-applet ?13:32
geevDasEi: the some error ignore and fail do you need a paste-bin for it?13:32
reverHi I just install Ubuntu 8.10 on my computer. I have a Nvidia 7800 GS with 512MB memory. I have the Nvidia 177.80 driver loaded and working. However, I am having drawing issues with Metacity and AWN.13:32
DIFH-icerootechinos: ok, so normaly there is one13:32
jms32Plater, you talking to me?13:32
WelshmanPlater there probably is13:32
echinosDIFH-iceroot: yep13:32
DasEigeev: yes13:32
Insomnia1itydent: hmm.13:32
DIFH-icerootechinos: ok thx13:32
Welshmanused one before in gnome a while ago13:32
Insomnia1itydent: my problem is that my laptop keyboard/touchpad have stopped working in both livecd and install13:32
_cbI have this tracker tool installed as part of Ubuntu. What does it do? How do I use it?13:32
dentInsomnia1ity: hmm... try to investigate kernel log13:33
Insomnia1itydent: I figured that rmmodding and modprobing the keyboard module might help13:33
Insomnia1itydent: yeah, am reading dmesg now13:33
c0re_Insomnia1ity,  use keyboard.13:33
WelshmanPlater amd do some linux software13:33
c0re_oh both13:33
geevDasEi: look this http://paste.ubuntu.com/69213/13:33
dentInsomnia1ity: similar think happened to me years ago; the thing was that there was a specific module added and my touchpad got treated "specially", thus breaking what was working before :-/13:33
halobey me, I am root.13:33
Insomnia1ityc0re_: lol13:34
Platersomeone asked about temp sensors, on ubunutu you can can get that applet13:34
Insomnia1itydent: hmmm13:34
Platerfor a windows system, there are a few free products that do similar things, but they are not as good, in my opinion13:34
DasEigeev: that's ok,          let me see : sudo apt-get install pastebin13:34
WelshmanPlater search the software repos13:35
SnowFlameI have a problem: after a wrong cmd (apt-get --purge autoremove mono*) now I have no audio. and I don't know how to fix it. Ideas?13:35
DasEigeev: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list                 ,url ?13:35
Plateri have it and its working, was suggesting for other people13:35
dentbtw. anybody else having fights about wired networks with the network manager applet in ibex, or is it only me? :)13:35
phanterwhen installing from the alternate cd you can choose for encrypted LVM. That is great, but can I then still add a separate /home partition or can I only go with the standard settings?13:35
DasEiphanter: can separate13:36
geevDasEi:  i wanted to pastebin through in that way but am not good enough with linux command13:37
kayfarikDasEi hi13:37
kayfarikgeev hi13:37
kayfarikmagical hi13:38
DasEigeev: sudo apt-get install pastebin13:38
DasEigeev: pastebin   /etc/apt/sources.list13:38
crainossI think as a database sqlite and make it work in gambas2 ?????????13:38
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
crainossI think as a database sqlite and make it work in gambas2 ?????????13:38
crainossI think as a database sqlite and make it work in gambas2 ?????????13:38
FloodBot3crainoss: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
DasEigeev: url  from terminal ?13:38
Insomnia1itydent: any idea which modules? what make of laptop was it?13:39
geevDasEi: every time i need to istall this because i have installed before do you remember?13:39
dentInsomnia1ity: don't remember the module, but it was >3 yrs ago on a prehistoric noname gericom/clevo laptop :)13:39
DasEigeev: install pastebin once13:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about umask13:40
sohohello, somebody here who can help me with an apparmor-problem?13:40
mariushi, is there a way to add the guest acsess out of 8.10 to gdm?13:40
dentInsomnia1ity: if you "make menuconfig" with recent kernel, you can see what touchpad drivers are available13:40
DasEigeev: you can use pastebin to post files or outputs from cmd's13:40
Dabblehisa webpigeon here?13:40
Insomnia1itydent: will try that, thanks13:40
dentInsomnia1ity: on a side note, I still am using the laptop occasionaly :)13:41
robert__problems installing rpm package on ubuntu 8.1013:41
sohohello, somebody here who can help me with an apparmor-problem?13:41
crainossI have a database with shrimp and sqlite but not as joining them to run the database13:41
robert__i used alien to convert the rpm package, but there's nothing to install13:42
Insomnia1itydent: same issue on gentoo livecd :O13:42
Insomnia1ityits got to be a hardware issue, but only on Linux13:42
emorrishi, I'm using Intrepid. How would I go about listing all packages using backports? Thanks.13:42
dentInsomnia1ity: I remember I forced the touchpad to be treated like ps2 mouse somehow13:42
dentI can try to dig it up13:42
c0re_anyone here who is using dial up?13:43
Insomnia1itydent: dmesg indicates it already is a PS/2 mouse13:43
zirodayrobert__: did you read the stuff about alien being dangerous and unsupported?13:43
zirodayemorris: you can see them at packages.ubuntu.com13:43
geevDasEi: check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/69216/13:44
robert__yea, this new install of 8.10 also told me in terminal to use alien to open rpm packages13:44
emorrisziroday: ah, sorry, I meant all the ones which I have installed13:44
zirodayemorris: ah right, not sure about that. Sorry13:44
zirodayrobert__: which package are you trying to install13:44
robert__the 2.5 version of vmware player13:44
=== dian is now known as priyang
robert__workstation is the rpm13:45
robert__player is a tar.gz13:45
DasEigeev: looks all fine, no probs13:45
robert__either way, i'm lost13:45
legend2440emorris: open synaptic and press Origin it shows the repos used13:45
zirodayrobert__: use the tar.gz. file13:45
geevDasEi: so no need to correct anything there is it?13:46
priyanghow are you13:46
robert__alright, so the package is pixops-2.0.tar.gz and is in /home/robert/Documents13:46
DasEigeev: looks all fine, no probs13:46
robert__where do i go from there13:46
zirodayrobert__: I thought you said you were installing vmware player?13:46
irfanhow to use ffmpeg13:46
emorrislegend2440: this doesn't work because security, updates and backports all have the same origin13:47
irfanpleas tell me instantly13:47
robert__yea, for whatever reason, that's what gets downloaded when i go to vmware's site and click download for vmware player13:47
user1irfan: I dunno13:47
=== priyang is now known as mr
zirodayrobert__: erm okay, extract the tar.gz13:47
irfanyes dunno13:48
crainossI have a database with shrimp and sqlite but not as joining them to run the database13:48
irfanpleas tell me how can i convert my video file13:48
zirodayirfan: you can ask in #ffmpeg, what video file are you trying to convert from and to?13:48
irfanok i tell you13:49
geevDasEi: another issue is that one day i was updating my sys and it was failled to complete to download due to slow link i have may be this was the course and is there a way so that i can just download the update withuot installing so that after complete download i can run installation?13:49
zirodayirfan: that would help :)13:49
robert__ahh hell. nevermind.  i downloaded the wrong thing... no wonder. thanks ziroday13:49
zirodayrobert__: that would help :)13:49
irfanziroday: i want to convert ogg to mp4 or wmv13:49
zirodayirfan: err ogg video?13:50
robert__if it was easier to install packages on ubuntu, this thing could easily grab market share13:50
Jakob_the_liarwhat package do i need to get sound recorder to be able to save in mp313:50
zirodayrobert__: erm you can use canonicals partner repository to get it13:50
name_nameyeah #ubuntu I have external storage mounted from fstab with umask set to 000 but I still don't have write permissions as normal user, what's wrong?13:50
ziroday!codecs | Jakob_the_liar13:50
ubottuJakob_the_liar: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:50
irfanziroday: i have not find where is ffmpeg but a have installed it13:51
zirodayirfan: okay, is the ogg file a video or an audio file?13:51
DasEigeev:its done so by default, first all packages load down, then one after the other gets installed13:51
irfanziroday: video13:51
can-o-wormscan someone tell me how to get evolution not to open up if it is already running?13:51
jeeves_Mossis there a way to go through a few thousand videos files and have VLC repair them?13:52
zirodayirfan: ffmpeg is run at the command line and can be quite difficult to understand, It might be easier to use avidemux which is a graphical tool13:52
jeeves_Mossziroday: is there a way to go through a few thousand videos files and have VLC repair them?13:52
can-o-wormsjeeves_Moss: mencoder and a script is what you need13:52
zirodayjeeves_Moss: no clue, thats why I didn't respond. Be patient :)13:52
irfanziroday: where i can find it13:53
zirodayirfan: its in the repositories. You can install it through Add/Remove programs or Synaptic or apt-get13:53
jeeves_Mosscan-o-worms, hummm, VLC complains a LOT, but it dosen't look like there is too much wrong with the files13:53
irfanziroday: i have already installed it13:54
zirodayirfan: great! then you can use it13:54
can-o-wormsdoesn't anyone use evolution?13:54
jeeves_Mosscan-o-worms, I do.  what did you need?13:54
geevDasEi: i mean because i have very slow connection that i believe some time i may fail to download it will install only downloaded package and leave undownloadedand to my connection it may take sometime 4 hrs to get updates13:54
can-o-wormsjeeves_Moss: well, i want to know how to stop it starting when it is already running13:55
emorriscan-o-worms: pidof evolution || evolution13:55
irfanziroday: But i have not find it into sound/video file13:55
DasEigeev:where are you located ?13:55
jeeves_Mosscan-o-worms, so, it's allready running and you just want to kill it?13:55
zirodayirfan: you can start it at the command line by typing in "avidemux"13:55
Sorcererbobhas anyone here set up Jinzora before? (Sorry, I can't find anywhere else to ask - the jinzora channel is dead)13:55
geevDasEi: tanzania east Africa13:56
irfanziroday: where i find "avidemux"13:56
zirodayirfan: open a terminal and type in avidemux13:56
irfanziroday:but i already try it13:57
zirodayirfan: and what did it say?13:57
irfanziroday:it say not install13:57
zirodayirfan: then you need to install it13:57
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:58
zirodaySorcererbob: I can try help out, besides not ever have used jinzora before. Whats wrong?13:58
irfanziroday: But i have installed it13:58
zirodayirfan: it appears you have not. Type in sudo apt-get install avidemux13:58
jenka_What is the best dock for ubuntu and where can I install it?13:59
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:59
ziroday!best | jenka_13:59
ubottujenka_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:59
irfanziroday: ok13:59
zirodayjenka_: you can take a look at avant-window-navigator. You can install it from the repositories13:59
dr_willisjenka_,  check google. i saw a review of 'best docks' the other day - of course i feel most all of them are rather bla.13:59
can-o-wormsemorris: that works in a term, but not with the launcher14:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock14:00
emorriscan-o-worms: you could put it in a bash script in /usr/local/bin ;-)14:00
irfanziroday: it says could not open lock file14:00
Chilibluecan't remember who was helping me, but my grub issue was Pilot Error...numbering starts with 0 not 1..I'll have to remember that14:00
zirodayirfan: are you running another package manager anywhere? Synaptic, update manager?14:01
can-o-wormsemorris: there's an idea, thanks14:01
can-o-wormsemorris: it has always been my big pet hate with evolution14:01
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe14:02
irfanziroday: what are you saying14:02
c0re_can anyone tell me where is downloaded .deb by apt-get ?14:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:02
zirodayirfan: you are running another package manager somewhere14:02
ziroday!msgthebot | _cb14:02
ubottu_cb: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:02
zirodayc0re_: its not saved anywhere afaik14:02
zirodayc0re_: why?14:03
xompcan someone help me with a 56k modem issue? I had the modem working in Hardy but after the upgrade it's no longer working.14:03
irfanziroday: Now what i can do to convert videos?14:03
dr_willisc0re_,  /var/cache/apt or   somewhere like thatis the cache of installed deb but they may not be all there.14:03
zirodayirfan: you can install avidemux like I have suggested14:03
kayfarikziroday hi14:03
dr_williswow 636 mb of archives for me in /var/cache/apt/archives(636.369 Mb)14:03
zirodaykayfarik: Hi!14:04
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:04
irfanziroday: thanks for my help GOD bye14:04
c0re_thanks dr_willis14:04
et3after I upgraded to Ibex, I lost my window borders.  Even when I'm just using metacity14:04
zirodayirfan: bye?14:04
et3any suggestions?14:04
kayfarik ziroday you  from where?14:04
zirodayirfan: what is your native langauge, we seem to be misunderstanding each other14:04
Welshmanet3 uninstall all the compiz stuff-reboot and install again14:05
Jakob_the_liarwhat package do i need to get sound recorder to be able to save in mp314:05
et3et3: alright14:05
zirodaykayfarik: erm why does this matter? #ubuntu-offtopic for random chat14:05
irfanziroday: i am urdu and you?14:05
DasEiis there a tool to find the fastest mirror around ?14:05
zirodayJakob_the_liar: did you see the link I gave you earlier?14:05
Welshmanet3 should sort it ligically14:05
Jakob_the_liarit didnt help14:05
zirodayirfan: so you are from pakistan?14:05
irfanziroday: yes and about you14:06
c0re_anyone can help me with dial up?14:06
Welshmanjakop thanks you just reminded me what a good film that was14:06
DasEigeev: ftp://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/  is an afrian ftp-server, that might be faster14:06
Welshmanoff to mininova14:06
incandenzathe new vlc version in Intrepid produces tearing in all my video playback.  (intel GMA950 laptop graphics).  old one was fine.  any ideas?  thanks14:06
Pe1o!dialup | c0re_14:06
ubottuc0re_: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up14:06
emorris!anyone | c0re_14:06
ubottuc0re_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:06
j2daoshhow can i disable the freakin caps lock key on my keyboard? :)14:06
zirodayirfan: try ask in #ubuntu-pk14:06
irfanziroday: give me your email adderess14:06
et3Welshman: I'll let you know if this works14:07
Jakob_the_liarhow do you get audacity to play while firefox is open14:07
zirodayirfan: umm, no thank you14:07
Jakob_the_liardone i have to start something over in inti.d14:07
irfanziroday: why14:07
Pe1oJakob_the_liar, open audacity while ff does not use any sound14:07
zirodayirfan: because its personal14:07
Welshmanetc it should do, but sort the driver fist14:07
herstoj2daosh: i removed the key from my keyboard...14:07
matthias_Nhi my wireless network is  not enabled or i am not able to see other wireless aps, i am in ubuntu 8.10, any help14:07
Welshmanits xorg 7.4 you know not 7.314:07
c0re_pelo, emorris  ok listen i wanna be connected to the internet via dialup on boot14:07
geevDasEi: thank for your good news so can i set it somewhere because i dont know how the system get the updates14:07
irfanziroday: your are a male or femail14:07
j2daoshyeah.... im looking for a simpler way since the aspire 1 keybaord doesn't look very forgiving14:08
zirodayirfan: how does this matter?14:08
j2daoshthere is supposed to be some area i can map it as something else... where is that at?14:08
emorrisc0re_: right, what's your current way of starting your dial-up14:08
irfanziroday: why you do not give me your id14:08
Pe1oc0re_, first you'll have to setup your dialup , use the instructions ubottu gave you , then you add the dialup launch line to the /etc/rc.local  file14:08
AhtenusHow do I turn of gnome and only start terminal?14:08
DasEigeev:it would be the /etc/apt/sources.list        file, you can edit it with gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list, this file tells apt from where to load updates14:09
Welshmaninit 314:09
j2daoshAhtenus: init 3?14:09
j2daoshor init 5 i think14:09
c0re_emorris,  pppd call gp14:09
Pe1oAhtenus, I'M sure you can fine something about that in the forum , search for  boot command line or boot console mode ,  www.ubuntuforums.org14:09
Welshmanpurist is init 3 :)14:09
sharperguyHow come my up left/right keys are correct in the vtty but in gnome it gives me some weird keybindings with up as "print screen"?14:09
zirodaymatthias_N: what wireless card do you have?14:10
irfanziroday: ok as you want now i am going for prayer ok bye14:10
Ahtenusj2daosh: ok14:10
et3_Welshman: I used ctrl-alt-backspace and logged back in.  Nothing changed.14:10
emilienAhtenus,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then + ctrl + F1 - f814:10
matthias_Nziroday:  a broadcom card14:10
ModestUserHi all! I am looking for the package lists for ubuntu CD vs. DVD.14:10
Welshmanits a reboot command14:10
can-o-wormsemorris: thanks for that. . . all fixed now14:10
irfanziroday: see you again14:10
Welshmansudo init 3 I guess14:10
et3_Welshman: I'll give it a shot14:10
emilienAhtenus,  To start gnome sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start14:10
Welshmandebian man here at the moment14:10
zirodaymatthias_N: exact model? Also are you running hardy or intrepid?14:11
emorrissharperguy: this happened to me. open a terminal and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow the instructions. mostly the defaults will do. then log off and on again14:11
matthias_Nziroday:  8.10 upgraded today ...14:11
emorriscan-o-worms: np14:11
sharperguyemorris, thanks, ill try that (first response in about a week i've been asking related questions)14:11
zirodaymatthias_N: great, and exact model? Also have you tried System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?14:11
Pe1oModestUser, I can tell you that the dvd contains the complete universe and restricted repositories,   or is it univers and multiverse , can't remember14:11
tarelerulzI am trying to download the newest version of Ubuntu and I am using utorrent via wine and I am use my ntfs partition and I get this error access denied ? how can I get that fixed14:11
emilienAhtenus,  or you could sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove and stop gdm starting ( login manger ) and will log you into terminal , startx to start gnome14:12
DasEigeev: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/08/how-to-get-fastest-ubuntu-apt-get-repository-server-with-synaptic.html14:12
Pe1otarelerulz, your ntfs partition is probably just read only , you'll need to mount it with fuse ,  sudo apt-get get install ntfs-config  then run it14:12
emorrissharperguy: this will remove any custom configfiguration you have made, unfortunately. It will, however, back up your old xorg.conf and tell you where it puts it.14:13
matthias_Nziroday:  let me try to find out what model it is, i am  an laptop dell with wireless card for wireless n as well, the hardware drivers are in state green but maybe just not activated, i guess, but hold on let me chenck what wireless card i can have ...14:13
zirodaymatthias_N: if pastebin the command lspci I can tell you :)14:13
DasEigeev: the above link is easy to follow, no need to edit sources.list, then, could help you14:13
matthias_Nziroday:  thanks ...14:14
jwhere could i download ubuntu 8.10???????????14:14
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ModestUserPe1o: thanks14:14
Guest9354tell me14:14
Pe1oj www.ubuntu.com14:14
ziroday!downlaod | Guest935414:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about downlaod14:14
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=== Jonathand is now known as jonathanD
Guest9354but it is not a full package!14:14
ziroday!download | Guest935414:14
ubottuGuest9354: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:14
et3Welshman: still nothing14:14
tarelerulzPe1o , I have ntfs-3g install I have been using ntfs for storing my music for months and this just come up .14:14
Pe1oGuest9354,  what do you mean , not a full package ?14:15
jadams_has anyone here used the divx player for mac os X?14:15
geevDasEi: thanks let me follow the instruction14:15
SimoneBI'm trying to install the JMF classes on Ubuntu, but I get some errors and I've seen many of them with those errors. Anybody has a solution?14:15
jadams_it's ubuntu related.  divx on mac os x has a feature where after you leave the window's focus it will fade out all of the chrome14:15
jadams_so you're left with a floating video14:15
matthias_Nziroday:  this url i guess but now i am drowning you with info ...http://pastebin.com/d5ad0c8f614:15
Pe1otarelerulz, then I don'T know , that was my only guess, just dl it to your ext3 partiton, or download it via ftp and save it to the ntfs partition14:16
jadams_does anyone know of such a video player for linux?14:16
thanhfedoraHi all, how to enable acceleated graphics in Ubuntu v8.04? My computer is HP dv2310us, NVIDIA Geforce Go 615014:16
xomp!enter jadams_14:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter jadams_14:16
Pe1ojadams_, ask again in one line14:16
matthias_Nthanhfedora:  check if enabled in hardware drivers to start with ..14:16
jadams_does anyone know of a video player for linux that will allow an easy 'floating video' function?  Divx player on mac os x is an example.14:17
jadams_Pe1o, sorry, it's early.  Thanks for the wakeup slap14:17
zirodaymatthias_N: you have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4328, can you verify the b43-fwcutter package is installed14:17
IrishmanlukeSo for some reason I can only connect to my local CUPS server only directly after I boot14:17
Pe1ojadams_, not sure what you mean by floating video14:17
et3all of my window borders are gone.  can someone help me?  (compiz uninstalled)14:17
matthias_Nziroday:  but i have the old driver for the wireless card installed as i wan see14:17
jadams_Pe1o, think a 'picture in picture' function14:17
jadams_Pe1o, I found one way to 'cheat' my way to it.  I can fullscreen a vlc cideo, then use the compiz 'shelf' function to scale it down14:18
Pe1oet3, using compiz ? ask in #compiz,  you probably just need to reactivate the decorator14:18
matthias_Nziroday:  how do i do that14:18
jadams_then alt+click to drag it where I want14:18
SimoneBet3: try to start metacity manually in a terminal, open a terminal and type "metacity"14:18
zirodaymatthias_N: one sec14:18
Pe1ojadams_, I'm gonna guess  mplayer,  try asking in #mplayer14:18
et3SimoneB: alright14:18
sharperguyemorris, Can't exactly say that helped... gdm is now in dvorak and it didn't help the problem while logged into gnome14:18
jadams_Pe1o, thanks14:18
dr_willisI just set my media player to always be 'ontop' :)14:18
IrishmanlukeI need to make it so that I can always connect to the print server14:18
Ahtenusemilien: ok got the first part about sudo update-rc.d.... but stop gdm starting doesn't work...14:18
thanhfedoraHi all, how to enable acceleated graphics in Ubuntu v8.04? My computer is HP dv2310us, NVIDIA Geforce Go 615014:19
m0nikerhello all14:19
zirodaymatthias_N: can you sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter14:19
tidyboy0558Hello, everyone. I use 'find . -name *.mxm' to locate some files.. How can I delete them i the same operation ?14:19
et3SimoneB: still no borders14:19
emorrissharperguy: ok, well you can move the backed up xorg.conf over the existing xorg.conf14:19
Pe1othanhfedora, start by installing the restricted driver , menu > sys> admin > restricted drivers ,  should be accelerated by default14:19
IrishmanlukeAfterwards when I try to connect to CUPS it says httpConnectionEncrypt failed in the printer GUI14:19
sharperguyemorris, ok, i'll start with that14:19
ribatejomorning all14:20
DeizAnyone have issues with Openoffice's titlebar flickering when you hover over the close/minimize/maximize buttons?14:20
matthias_Nziroday:  yes i found it in synaptic package manager named b43-fwcutter14:20
Pe1otidyboy0558,  sudo rm | grep find .....  or something similar14:20
zirodaymatthias_N: great is it installed?14:20
mtozses_so, anybody can help me or not?14:20
emorrissharperguy: the keyboard layout will be dvorak if you chose it in that command14:20
easotokrhi, anyone had problems with icon into applications?14:20
knoppixhow many knees are stretched atm?14:20
matthias_Nyes the square is green ...14:20
matthias_Nziroday:  yes the square is green .---14:20
Pe1omtozses_, restate your question, in one line, this is a busy channel we miss ppl , or sometimes we just don'T know14:21
ribatejohaving issue with gnome remote desktop14:21
xompDeiz, seems everything in linux likes to flicker for no apparent reason :)14:21
JoppuHelp: Does anyone have a working usplash custom splash screen?14:21
zirodaymatthias_N: okay, can you pastebin lsmod please14:21
sharperguyemorris, I don't believe I did14:21
mtozses_Pe1o, I plug in my usb device, it appears at file manager, but it doesn't somehow automount14:21
matthias_Nziroday:  ok14:21
tidyboy0558Pelo, thx, I'll give it a try..14:21
Deizxomp: Heh. In this case it's just the titlebar. It'll turn white if you stop in a specific spot, rendering it unreadable.14:21
emorrissharperguy: fair enough14:21
Pe1omtozses_, what file system is it ?14:21
xompDeiz, maybe theme related? Or perhaps compiz?14:21
DeizProbably the latter.14:21
Pe1omtozses_, actualy , what kind  of device is it14:21
DeizOddly, it only happens with OOorg.14:22
easotokri changed theme, and compiz has no icones either14:22
Pe1o!caps | knoppix14:22
ubottuknoppix: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:22
* werdnus SHOUTS14:22
mtozses_Pe1o, it even doesn't create the directory under /media, reiserfs and usb flash disk14:22
knoppixPela yes but you ignor me14:22
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zirodaymatthias_N: I have to run, read this forum post to see if it solves your issue http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=959451 and ask the channel if you have anymore questions14:22
Deizxomp: It actually only springs up after installing the Nvidia binary.14:22
Pe1omtozses_, do you see it in places ? click on it14:22
ribatejoerror: getaddrinfo service not known14:22
DeizBut it's happened on the same system for me, across three (GNOME based) distros.14:22
ribatejohosts has localhost boxname14:23
ribatejothat's all I could find in google14:23
tarelerulzIs the iso for install Ubuntu and live cd too ?  I am trying to get Ubuntu 8.1014:23
emorristarelerulz: yes, as long as you get the desktop cd rather than the alternate14:23
Pe1otarelerulz, there are 3 iso , one is the dvd , one is the live cd and one the alternate isntall cd,   you can install ubuntu from all of them ,  the live cd also has an installer14:24
nickrudtarelerulz, images.ubuntu.com/8.10 , the desktop cd is the live/install one, alternate is the non-live superconfigurable one14:24
* Pe1o waves to nickrud 14:24
mtozses_Pe1o, I see it under Places, I click on it and nothing happens14:24
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
* nickrud waves back, happily14:24
Pe1omtozses_, what file system is it ?  ext3 , ext2,  ntfs, fat32 ?14:24
mtozses_Pe1o, mount doesn't show it14:24
mtozses_Pe1o, reiserfs14:24
legend2440tidyboy0558: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-how-to-find-and-remove-files/14:24
Pe1omtozses_,  open a terminal , type  lsusb , do you see it there14:25
Jakob_the_liardoes anyone know what package i need for sound recorder to be able to save as mp3?14:25
mtozses_oh, the usb disk? fat3214:25
geevdasei i tried to follow the procedure when i was it was finding the best server it reported that " no suitable download server was found" check your internet connection14:25
mtozses_Pe1o, lsusb shows me14:25
tarelerulzsound a bit funny ,but I am  stoked to see nautilus have tabbing .  about time14:25
geevDasEi: i gues one thing may be it was not able to ping the servers from my connection14:26
easotokrhi, looking so someone who has smae problem as me to see if he can help me.. please14:27
Pe1omtozses_, type sudo blkid , note /dev/***  addy for it , then  sudo umount /dev/*** , to unmount it ,  we'll try to remount it manualy ,   sudo mkdir /media/usb  && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/***  /media/usb -rw14:27
nickrudJakob_the_liar, you should need gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and liblame014:27
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: tabbing in nautilus is just pointless for us spatial users though :p14:27
cordoranyone know where is guestadditions.iso for vbox?14:27
easotokrcordor: look at sun download site14:27
Dillizaris there a way to put .swp as a background?14:28
Paddy_EIREcordor: there should be an option in vbox14:28
easotokri downloaded mine from there14:28
mtozses_Pe1o, /dev/sdc1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="KINGSTON" UUID="5E6E-127A" TYPE="vfat"14:28
Paddy_EIREcordor: check under tools14:28
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it?14:29
Pe1omtozses_, then  sudo umount /dev/sdc1 , to unmount it ,  we'll try to remount it manualy ,   sudo mkdir /media/usb  && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/scd1  /media/usb -rw14:29
Paddy_EIREJakob_the_liar: great movie by the way :)14:29
mnemonic76]I broke my networking (hardy) whilst trying to setup a WinXP guest machine on Virtualbox... is there a way to reset my networking to a 'default' or stock?14:29
Johan-UbuntuNewbim new on linux and i have a problem..14:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:29
Pe1oJohan-UbuntuNewb, just ask your question14:29
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE:  if It use it as well as Konqueor .  It had that great filter feature view .  File size view was great with it too.14:29
Johan-UbuntuNewbi cant get my wifi towork on my laptop14:29
tidyboy0558legend2440, thx :)14:29
nickrudcordor, there's an option on the os window to 'add guest addtions; then mount the cd (a virtual one) and it'll be in /media/cdrom014:30
easotokrtheme configuration files, I can finde them14:30
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: yeah konqueror is sexy but I like my minimal spatial browser14:30
otwinhow long does it take gparted to move an 100gb ext3 partition? minutes or hours? i wonder if it hangs here...14:30
mhummelI'm new to ubuntu.  I upgraded from previous LTS to 8.10 and now have crash, sound, and graphics problems.  I'm thinking about going back to Hearty Heron since everything worked.  As a beginner, is this best, or should I try to troubleshoot?14:30
mtozses_Pe1o, I have no problems with that. but isn't id supposed to automount?14:30
DillizarJohan-UbuntuNewb: the problem some times may be just turning on the wifi :)14:30
NeaaiIf anyone is familiar with infobot, for some reason it takes ignores the "flags" option for the designated users which are allowed to add/update the factoids and have the proper flags for that. The default is an empty flags entry and that's what's aplied even to the designated users' flags, making them unable to manipulate factoids. Any ideas what I'm missing?14:30
emorrisJohan-UbuntuNewb: have you checked in System>Adminisration>Restricted Drivers to see if one is available?14:30
Paddy_EIREotwin: it will take a good while14:30
Paddy_EIREotwin: perhaps an hour or so14:30
Paddy_EIREotwin: it also gives the appearance that it is hung14:31
Johan-UbuntuNewbit is available.. an i think i got it rigght but i cant serch for networks14:31
Pe1omtozses_, it is , but is doesn't for some reason, so we'll try to mount it manualy and figure out the problem , I'm actualy guessing that the usb flash drive is borked , you might need to format it,  does it work in other computers ?14:31
Pe1o!wifi | Johan-UbuntuNewb14:31
ubottuJohan-UbuntuNewb: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:31
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it?14:31
Pe1oJohan-UbuntuNewb,  as you can see this is a busy channel , try and keep your questions/answers to one line , it helps14:31
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Dillizaris there a way to put .swp as a background?14:32
emorrisJohan-UbuntuNewb: ok, so you checked the box, allowed it to install the firmware (if applicable) then rebooted?14:32
mnemonic76]Can anyone tell me what I need to do to re-install the network in Hardy? I think I broke it by trying to bridge the Virtualbox guest machine.14:32
mtozses_Pe1o, yes it works in other computers14:32
tarelerulzPaddy_Eire,  If nautilus could some of the stuff Konqueror  as well.  If it just was better web browser and  system wide search worked I would use it all the time.14:32
Pe1omtozses_,  ok so try and mount it manualy then14:32
mtozses_Pe1o, I did14:32
Pe1omtozses_, and ?14:33
mtozses_Pe1o, it mounted fine14:33
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: nautilus is supposed to be minimal and clean.. dont bog it down with unneeded "features/bloat" I would happily switch over to kde if I needed those things... leave nautilus alone ;(14:33
emorrisJohan-UbuntuNewb: and nothing's listed when you click on the network manager icon?14:33
otwinPaddy_EIRE: ok, then i'll let it do its work - thx14:33
Paddy_EIREotwin: cool14:34
Johan-UbuntuNewbshit.. i have bin workin all night to get it right and my router is turned wifi off.. now it works.. feel like a moron..14:34
Pe1omtozses_, ok so something else is not working ,  that's as far as I can take you ,  try searching the forum for usb automount ,  or some such ,  or ask here again ,  stating that it mounts manualy just not automaticaly14:34
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: gnome is gnome kde is kde14:34
dr_willisJohan-UbuntuNewb,  :) been there  done that... well not lately... when i was young...14:34
* Pe1o is astounded at Paddy_EIRE 's helpfullness 14:35
Paddy_EIREPe1o: hey you :(14:35
Pe1otarelerulz, they are different desktops14:35
dr_willis'the zen of linuz'14:35
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it?14:35
NielsEI want to install ubuntu and kubuntu on 1 partition, is this advisable, or will I get problems with conflicting knetworkmananger, the one from gnome, etc?14:35
Pe1olooks lke the whole gang is here14:35
maverick340my ubuntu seems to be broken :(14:36
Paddy_EIREPe1o: there is nothing that really beats helping people.. I frequent here at unusual hours just14:36
maverick340could someone please have a look at this error14:36
dr_willisNielsE,  you can have kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop both installed,. no need for 2 'installs'14:36
maverick340dpkg doesnt work, firefox doesnt open14:36
rlji'm experiencing some weird behavior w.r.t. my laptop's volume keys. after the upgrade in intrepid, they both "stick" on pressing them (a VT switch back and forth "fixes" it). using xev, i've verified that they produce tons of keypress and keyrelease events which just keep on coming. using showkey in a terminal VT, i've verified that those two keys only produce scancodes on keypress and not on key release, whereas most keys pr14:36
dr_willisNielsE,  You may have some cluttered menus with both desktops items.. but other then that.. ive not had many issues from havin both..14:36
emorrisJohan-UbuntuNewb: Dillizar must be a psychic14:36
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Paddy_EIREmaverick340: could you give the specific error you are getting?14:36
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE, they are bother linux gui .  innovation is great for us all.  Political different should not get in the way of getting better.  Take KDE porting it app building frame work to windows and with it goes some of the apps.14:36
Pe1oNielsE,  jsut install ubuntu , then  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , that will give you both desktop on one os,  you can select which you want from the loging screen14:36
NielsEdr_willis: yeah, but last time I tried with gutsy,  it became a total mess, I could not get on the internet with kde because of knetworkmanager14:37
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, have a look at http://pastebin.com/m1a8ba03614:37
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: yeah good point14:37
rljwhen booting the old hardy kernel though, i see that the scancode/keycode behavior was identical there and still gnome and/or X managed to treat the keys right14:37
dentHow can I select what locales get isntalled? I tried "dpkg-reconfigure locales", but that just regenerates some.14:37
maverick340i get this when i eun apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade14:37
NielsEPelo, dr_willis: oh well, I'm just going to try14:37
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x4)14:37
cordornickrud: thanks. it didn't have the iso and fail to download. somehow i managed to download the file manually.14:37
Pe1odent, what do you mean by locals ?14:37
rlji'm experiencing identical behavior to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29187814:37
maverick340also a crash report notification pops up but doesnt open14:37
rlji've understood that hotkey-setup is involved in binding the scancodes to keycodes for various "internet keyboards", but that's as far as i've gotten. any tips on where to keep digging for clues?14:38
dentPe1o: locales; localizations... like german, czech, whatever languages14:38
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE:  I can't wait until I here someone windows person use some app that was on kde/linux first and be like that is cool.  I would say I know been using it for years.14:38
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: ok.. do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a" in a terminal then perform another normal update when it is done14:38
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: hehe14:39
maverick340Paddy_EIRE,  did that14:39
Pe1omaverick340, menu > system > admin > software sources,  chose server, let ubuntu find the faster server for you , that should help14:39
maverick340did not help14:39
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: what was the output of that command?14:39
dentOn pure debian, dpkg-reconfigure locales brings up a dialog where I can choose what I want, not in ubuntu though :-(14:39
maverick340Pelo, yeah its checked to find the fastest server14:39
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, one second14:39
Pe1odent,  you can pick one from the instalation and then install others afterwards from the system > prefs > language support menu14:39
maverick340no output14:39
dentPe1o: aha... the GUI way :) thanks14:39
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: hmm...14:39
Pe1omaverick340, some repos on that servers might be down temporaraly , be patient14:40
maverick340Pelo, its not about the update actually14:40
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: do sudo apt-get update to see if it still gives that error..14:40
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE:  VLC is one thing I have seen my windows friends started using and telling how cool it is.   Not some codec pack like megacodec pack .14:40
* Pe1o like the GUI way 14:40
maverick340i had some bad  power cuts14:40
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: yeah it really solved a lot of headaches14:40
Pe1omaverick340, try reinstalling apt ? possibly , using your install cd as a repo14:40
ed__hi guys ...i need help14:40
dentPe1o: I didn't even try the menus, I'm a console freak... so I'm only learning to use GUIs :)14:40
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x5)14:41
maverick340so the PC shut down unexpectedly a few times. after that i had a filesytem corruption , i fixed that by rescue mode14:41
maverick340lost some data too14:41
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: what Pe1o said14:41
Paddy_EIREI would try that14:41
=== jens is now known as Guest45052
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, how do i reinstall apt ?14:41
helpymy intrepid has strange probem14:41
Guest45052hello, is there anybody who knows how I  can read annotations on pdf's with evince?14:41
ed__i am installing age of conan on ubuntu using wine and its asking me to insert cd2 but when i try to edject the cd it says cannot unmount.. any idea how to do this?14:41
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE:  Just good software getting to all windows and mac bothers. Make it about the software not os .14:41
helpyit won't save configurations for audio. it plays songs and audacity captures the voice from mic but my skype, and online conferencing won't let me speak14:42
helpycan anyone help me ?14:42
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, update works fine, its not able to install the update after receiving them14:42
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: yeah but the GNU/Linux OS is the main delight14:42
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: hmm14:42
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: have you mucked about with your sources.list?14:42
Pe1odent, you mght want to check the repos sudo apt-cache search for languaes or localisation metapackages but I don'T think there are any14:42
helpyit won't save configurations for audio. it plays songs and audacity captures the voice from mic but my skype, and online conferencing won't let me speak14:43
matthias_Nhi where ca n i find ubuntu 8.10 driver for wireless broadcom 43xx14:43
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: may I see it on pastebin a moment please?14:43
saykouhow to update emacs tru terminal ? whats the command line  ... lol14:43
maverick340one second14:43
dr_willised__,   i often copy ALL the data files from all the cd's to a single directory. then run wine installername.exe from that directory.. No cd changing needed14:43
dentPe1o: I already used the GUI and it seem to works, so I'm fine with that; thank :)14:43
maverick340oh btw my skype too doesnt work :-(14:43
tarelerulzPaddy_EIRE:  I mean your talking to guy that reads config and can't stop smiling .   I love the idea behind it.   This laptop don't have anything ,but Linux working now. Not looked back14:43
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x6)14:43
ed__oh so there is no other way? force open cd perhaps?14:44
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: :D14:44
helpyit won't save configurations for audio. it plays songs and audacity captures the voice from mic but my skype, and online conferencing won't let me speak14:44
Paddy_EIREtarelerulz: sorry to sound like a nag :P but use the offtopic :D14:44
dr_willised__,  thjat wont work. the cd is locked because its mounted an dbeing accessed.. this is a common issue with WINE.14:44
xomphelpy, don't spam, wait until your question leaves your buffer before spamming the question again. Do like I do, I'm at my 6th time repeating my question, learn patience.14:44
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, http://pastebin.com/m5e7a061814:44
borregosomebody knows how to configure EVOLUTION if I want to work with HOTMAIL using IMAP protocol14:45
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: we will sort one thing at a time so we will leave skype for now :P14:45
Pe1oed__, I haven't seen all your questions but if you just need to force the cd out of the drive,  stick a paper clip in the little hole just below the cd tray14:45
easotokrI'm looking for configuration files for gnome, gtk and ubuntu, i tried to find by myself without success14:45
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, sure thing !14:45
borregosomebody knows how to configure EVOLUTION if I want to work with HOTMAIL using IMAP protocol14:45
helpyxomp i am here for 3rd day14:45
Pe1oeasotokr, gconf-editor ,   what are you trying to config excatly ?14:45
tarelerulzMy media player use mtp and can't get my system to see it at all.   Is there anything I can do about that14:45
helpyits really getting too much. sound problem is all over forums. what kind of pathetic upgrade was that ?14:46
ed__Pe1o i was just installing a game and its asking for CD 2 but when i try to open it it tells me that it cannot be unmounted14:46
xomphelpy, I know it sucks, but you got to stick it out. Nobody will help a spammer.14:46
helpynobody test this issue ?14:46
ardchoilleborrego: iirc, that requires you to pay hotmail for a subscription for access14:46
Pe1oborrego, do a search in the forum for   hotmail evolution ,  www.ubuntuforums.org , there is a howto on it14:46
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x7)14:46
easotokrPelo: I missed the menubar icons, looks like link is missing14:46
helpyspammer? i have an issue not an advertisement14:46
Pe1oed__, using wine ?  try asking in #winehq , this is a known issue14:46
xomphelpy, don't act coy, you know what I mean.14:47
helpyyea thanks.14:47
ed__yes i am using wine14:47
Some_uxHi, I need to make some modifications to the source code of the xl2tp package for Hardy. As I understand it, to do this, I need to download the source code from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/net/xl2tpd untar the the .orig file, then apply the .diff file. Problem is, I don't know how to do that.14:47
ed__ok thanx14:47
easotokrPelo: freak enough for me, Iḿ newbie and trying to have a "nice" linux" for my kids14:48
legend2440tarelerulz: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/03/09/ubuntu-804-hardy-heron-brings-better-mtp-support/14:48
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: ok so add your live cd as a software source in Software Sources then use Synaptic to reinstall "apt" to see if that resolves much14:48
maverick340no liveCD14:49
maverick340upgraded from 8.0414:49
maverick340actually i have the 8.04 beta. upgraded since then14:49
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: well it would be wise to have one14:49
Paddy_EIREat least14:49
maverick340okay i can download one14:49
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x8)14:49
NeaaiIf anyone is familiar with infobot, for some reason it takes ignores the "flags" option for the designated users which are allowed to add/update the factoids and have the proper flags for that. The default is an empty flags entry and that's what's aplied even to the designated users' flags, making them unable to manipulate factoids. Any ideas what I'm missing?14:49
Pe1oeasotokr, just so I have this straight,  you are missing one of the taskbars is that it ?14:49
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: it will make life much easier :)14:49
maverick340okay ill try that , thanks14:49
Some_uxWill dpkg-source -x xl2tpd_1.1.12.dfsg.1-3.dsc do the trick ? Assuming i have the source files i downloaded from http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/net/xl2tpd ?14:50
maverick340servers are fast enough or would i be better of using bit torrent ?14:50
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: wait14:50
easotokrPelo: no, icon into menu bar for evolution, file-roller, and so on.14:50
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: try this first "sudo aptitude -f install"14:50
Pe1oeasotokr, ahh14:51
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: hopefully you did not include the quotes with that command :)14:51
maverick3400 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 21 to remove and 26 not upgraded.Need to get 10.3MB/10.4MB of archives. After unpacking 17.3MB will be freed.14:51
maverick340oh no :)14:51
=== name_name__ is now known as name_name
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: :D14:51
Paddy_EIREnice one14:51
maverick340should i go ahead ?14:51
Pe1oeasotokr, right click the pannel ( they are called pannel in gnome) , select add launcher , you cna figure out the rest14:51
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: big time yes14:51
robert__alright, i have ubuntu 8.10 64 bit... i cannot install rpm packages14:51
easotokrPelo: when I run, for example, gconf-editor as you told me, I have the message Icon <<whatever> is not in theme, but when you look at theme folder all is there14:51
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x9)14:51
maverick340hope it works14:52
Neaairobert__: I'd guess you need the alien package for that14:52
robert__i thought alien wasn't safe14:52
Pe1oeasotokr, you can find other icons in /usr/share/icons ...14:52
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: do not forget to run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove" after that has finished14:52
easotokrsure, I can all of them there, but applications can't find them14:53
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: just to keep your upgraded system clean and healthy14:53
maverick340oh okay14:53
Neaairobert__: You either install .deb, either convert something else to .deb, either install from source.14:53
Pe1oeasotokr, fix your irc or put a space after my nick , if you write it Pelo: it does not highlight for me , makes it hard to keep up14:53
marek_hi i have e serious problem with vluetooth stereo headset14:53
marek_can you help me?14:53
Paddy_EIREPe1o: hehe... I forgot about aptitude :P14:53
Pe1owhy the f is my nick Pe1o again ,  what the heck is going on14:54
Paddy_EIREPe1o: I like that ubuntu can use both OOTB14:54
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, crap!14:54
maverick340again same error14:54
Pe1oPaddy_EIRE, what are you talking about ?14:54
maverick340dpkg halted due to too many errors(1)14:54
Paddy_EIREPe1o: apt/aptitude14:54
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: ok... hmm14:55
tarelerulzlegend2440,  thanks for the mtp help. I was thinking I need to install Ubuntu 8.10 to have crack.  I had no idea why 7.10 it works .14:55
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: ok try "sudo apt-get install -f"14:55
Some_uxMy scenario is a faulty Hardy package which needs some minor adjustments and recompilation. My first problem is reconstructing the source code. will dpkg-source -x *.dsc also apply the the .diff file or do i need to do that manually afterwords ?14:56
maverick3400 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 26 not upgraded.14:56
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: after that has completed successfully do "sudo dpkg --configure --pending"14:56
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:56
easotokrPelo I didn't see your message before14:56
maverick340ran it , no output14:57
=== francesco is now known as Guest11584
AyabaraAnyone running vmware server 2 and using firefox for the web interface? I have problems with the certificate14:57
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: that is a good thing :)14:57
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: do "sudo apt-get --purge clean"14:57
maverick340aah :-)14:57
maverick340again, no output14:57
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: good14:57
xompI installed Ibex (via upgrade) on a friends PC who has a 56k (IIRC Conexant) modem. Ever since the upgrade she's been unable to connect to the internet. I had her hit the "Scan Modem" button in GnomePPP and it said "No modem found" How can I help her fix it? (x10)14:58
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: ok now do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove"14:58
borregosomebody knows how to configure EVOLUTION if I want to work with HOTMAIL using IMAP protocol14:58
Lytlehow can i get java for firefox on linux???14:58
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest17656
Paddy_EIRE!java | Lytle14:58
ubottuLytle: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:58
Lytlek 1 min going 2 lnk14:59
NekroJakubWhoaaa, there's a lot of people in here.14:59
maverick340where can i download the ubuntu interpid torrent from ?14:59
noelferreirahow can i make a test to both my CPU L1 and L2 cache memory?14:59
robert__anyone know of a fix for flash on 8.10?14:59
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: 1 sec14:59
jrib!torrents | maverick34015:00
ubottumaverick340: Intrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:00
Lytlewhat is udo???15:00
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, sorry returned the same error again15:00
jribrobert__: how is it broken exactly?15:00
NekroJakubLytle: sudo?15:00
=== Pe1o is now known as Pelo
robert__i've installed it, but not working in firefox15:00
jribrobert__: what does "not working" mean exactly?15:00
billybigriggermorning all15:00
robert__i'm on 64 bit, but i thought they had fixed this15:00
Lytleno it says the program udo is currently not installed15:01
bzaksIn DHCP3-server, I set the default gateway using option routers, however I couldn't get internet access til I set a route... did I do something wrong?15:01
jrib!who | robert__15:01
robert__pages with flash come up grey....?15:01
ubotturobert__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:01
Pelogood to be me again15:01
jribrobert__: pastebin the contents of the page you get when you visit "about:plugins" in your browser15:01
Some_uxActually my scenario is slightly more complex. I have no internet connection on the said machine, and i need to recompile one of the packages (xl2tp) will dpkg-source -x xl2tpd_1.1.12.dfsg.1-3.dsc also apply the the xl2tpd_1.1.12.dfsg.1-3.diff.gz file ? Or do i need to manually untar it and dpatch apply-all ?15:01
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: do you need 32 bit or 6415:02
ed__i have a blackberry 8800 and i need to run a software similar to roxio media manager on ubuntu.... any idea?15:02
maverick34032bit, got it15:02
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent15:02
jribSome_ux: did you read the man page?15:02
xompis there a program for linux that would allow me to bring out the vocals of a mp3 more so than the music? Like some filter or something?15:03
Lytlesorry that link doesnt help me, he commands it tells me to give dont seem to work right15:03
maverick340i think vuze could be a problem. Because when the PC shut off, vuze torrents got corrupted and when i ran fsck i forgot to tell it not to change filesystem15:03
maverick340i lost some data15:03
jribSome_ux: it should apply it if it's in the .dsc afaik15:03
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: hmm... sounds to me like you should backup what you can and reinstall mate :(15:03
Peloxomp, youcan try with audacity maybe15:04
maverick340now i am unable to remove vuze also :'(15:04
xompPelo, ok thanks, I'll give it a try.15:04
maverick340yeah i am on it ,will down from http then15:04
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, by reinstall do you mean format the filesystem ?15:04
maverick340and install fresh ?15:04
Peloxomp, but I'M not sure mp3 have seperate tracks for voice and music and such , maybe you also want to ask in #audacity15:04
NekroJakubIt's cool that every distro has it's IRC chat and all, but what if I'm torn between three of them? >_<15:04
robert__jrib  MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled15:05
robert__application/x-ogg Ogg multimedia file ogg Yes15:05
robert__application/ogg Ogg multimedia file ogg Yes15:05
robert__audio/ogg Ogg Audio oga Yes15:05
robert__audio/x-ogg Ogg Audio ogg Yes15:05
FloodBot3robert__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
robert__video/ogg Ogg Video ogv Yes15:05
bzaksIn DHCP3-server, I set the default gateway using "option routers" however I couldn't get internet access til I set a route... did I do something wrong?15:05
robert__application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3 NullSoft video nsv Yes15:05
jribrobert__: read what ubottu told you please15:06
vdrfannia little question15:07
vdrfanniwhere can i upload a deb package that i created15:07
vrsyshi a little question too :D15:07
jribvdrfanni: for what purpose?15:07
DeadPandahey, is there a DKMS .deb of any of the recent uvcvideo svn's available?15:07
DeadPandaI'm trying to avoid learning to build DKMS packages ;)15:08
Pelovdrfanni, www.get-deb.net maybe15:08
scotlfsHey guys, I got a support problem...hehe...I am an old linux user who's been away from linux for a few years. Decided to get back into linux a few weeks before Ibex came out, so I waited for ibex....Ibex Desktop CD doesn't boot into gdm or x, drops me to ramfs console...more...15:08
DeadPanda(new MSI Wind.. webcam's the only thing left)15:08
vrsyshow to use resolution 1680x1050 ? i cant use15:08
jribscotlfs: did you run "check the cd for defects" from the CD's boot menu?15:08
vdrfannijrib, i created a debian package of bcwipe15:08
scotlfsI said ok its the cd, and loaded Heron, worked fine, but when I upgraded it, it ALSO dropped me to down to console after rebooting15:08
scotlfsjrib, see last15:08
PeloDeadPanda, webcam might be a problem  gspca is broken in 2.6.27-715:08
mtozses_how do i know from the command line what version of ubuntu i am using?15:08
ardchoillemtozses_: lsb_release -a15:09
Some_uxjrib: Reading the man page now15:09
askandCan someone please help me make my wacomboard work in Ubuntu Intrepid! :(15:09
Pelomtozses_,  uname -r will tell you which kernel15:09
jribSome_ux: ok (but I told you it should do what you said)15:09
scotlfsI mean when I upgraded heron to ibex via update manager15:09
DeadPandaPelo: I just built the uvcvideo svn and replaced the module by hand -- it works a treat :) For future proofing it though, I really should make a DKMS package (maybe stick it on a PPA)15:09
jrib!version | mtozses_15:09
ubottumtozses_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »15:09
Some_uxjrib: cool, thanks15:09
PeloDeadPanda, you are talking out of my range of expetise15:09
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: yes a clean install not an upgrade15:09
scotlfsthis is one busy room..........is there a less populated channel to get support from ?15:10
vdrfanniPelo, the server www.get-dev.net does not exist :(15:10
aarHi, when I copy a Wingdings special character onto my clipboard (Kubuntu Hardy 8.04) and then paste it onto OOWriter it is displayed ok, but when I copy new elements and then open the clipboard list to retrieve that Wingdings character from the list, it is displayed as a ü (i.e. incorrectly). Any clues as to why?15:10
maverick340Paddy_EIRE,  okay , ty mate15:10
Pelovdrfanni, hold on15:10
maverick340ETA is 1hr so ill be back later on15:10
Paddy_EIREmaverick340: sure ... get back to me when you can :)15:10
DeadPandaPelo: that'd involve remembering my NickServ password ;)15:10
jribscotlfs: dropped you down to what console?  Regular tty that you can login to?15:10
vdrfanniPelo, ok...15:10
maverick340will do :-)15:10
scotlfsregular tty yes15:10
Pelovdrfanni, http://www.getdeb.net/15:10
jrib!who | scotlfs15:10
DeadPandaPelo: thanks, though!15:10
ubottuscotlfs: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:10
scotlfsI am running on the ubutnu heron cd right now so I had a web browser :)15:10
jribscotlfs: so it's just an X problem at this point?15:11
Peloole_, fail15:11
vdrfanniPelo, thx15:11
ole_ole testing to oz6oh15:11
Some_uxjrib: The dsc file mentions the *.diff.gz file in the Files section.15:11
orangeyhey all!15:12
scotlfsjrib: I am not sure what the problem is...Heron works fine, Ibex not....I can tell you I am using nvidia, and I believe I read somewhere there was a problem with the drivers, but I can't remember where I read that or which version it applied it15:12
oz6ohoz6oh testing to ole15:12
orangeyI'm having a problem with my pulseaudio in that it always remembers one specific program (Xine) as being muted15:12
jribSome_ux: should work then.  Try it and see if the diff got applied :)15:12
orangeyso I always have to go to the volume manager to specifically raise the volume of that one program.15:12
PeloDeadPanda, there is also a contribute section on the ubuntu.com site, might want to look into that15:12
orangeywhat gives?15:12
Paddy_EIREPelo: any tips on removing disgusting gunk and dust from a clients computer I have here :S15:12
Paddy_EIREPelo: its nasty15:12
orangeyI'm using the stock hardy pulseaudio15:12
PeloPaddy_EIRE, household vaccum15:12
jribscotlfs: you can login right?  Just not with gdm?15:12
Paddy_EIREPelo: good thinking15:12
PeloPaddy_EIRE, with that round brush15:12
DeadPandaPelo: yeah, I'm on there now, the DKMS packaging guide on the wiki's largely indecipherable to me15:12
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Paddy_EIREPelo: yeah lol... that sounds like the job :)15:13
scotlfsjrib: correct, tty logon yes, gdm doesn't start....the ubuntu startup logo runs fun, but then dropped to a console logon at a normal tty15:13
oz6ohsomeone know the difference between cheese in ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 ?15:13
aarHi, when I copy a Wingdings special character onto my clipboard (Kubuntu Hardy 8.04) and then paste it onto OOWriter it is displayed ok, but when I copy new elements and then open the clipboard list to retrieve that Wingdings character from the list, it is displayed as a ü (i.e. incorrectly). Any clues as to why?15:13
Guest34029is there a ubuntu eee channel here somewhere?15:14
Daisuke_Idochange the font in oo writer to wingdings?15:14
jribscotlfs: ok.  This will be easier to debug if you login on the install and use a text based irc client like irssi or weechat so that we can debug.  Are you comfortable doing that?15:14
Guest34029is there a ubuntu eee channel here somewhere?15:14
oz6ohi can't use cheese in my ubuntu 8.1015:14
scotlfsjrib: and heron seems to run fine, its just ibex CD and upgrading to Ibex from heron that seems startx (or whatever the equivilent is these days), it not working whether due to device drivers or what not15:14
legend2440Guest34029: #ubuntu-eeepc15:14
Guest34029thanks legend244015:15
scotlfsjrib: I yes I am comfortable doing that, but I need to learn my way around ubuntu...its been quite some time since I used linux....I am however a past contributor to linux and linux from scratch and gnome during the 1.2 and 1.4 days15:15
aarDaisuke_Ido, yes, that would fix it, but why does the first clipbpoard entry remember the font, whilst the subsequent entries don't?15:15
jribscotlfs: k, well once you get back in here on the install we can nudge you along :)15:16
Raval1need help, Lamp wont start up since upgrade to 8.1015:17
TmPOrGIrChi atutti15:17
* ntinos_ is away: im going away from keyboard15:17
LykkefeenI have just upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 but it will only work in low graphics mode. Im using ATI Mobility 9700 graphics card. I think it happends because I forgot to remove the restricted drivers before upgrading. Is there any way to resolve it?15:17
Raval1any ideas why?15:17
jrib!away > ntinos_15:17
ubottuntinos_, please see my private message15:17
TmPOrGIrCpadeubntu 8.1015:17
TmPOrGIrCis good?15:17
PeloLykkefeen, try instgalling the restericted driver from  the admin menu first15:18
PeloLykkefeen, if that doesn'T do it , I think you have instruciosn here to remove old driver15:18
Cyber_AkumaHey guys, I instaled Ubuntu 8.10 and for the first time in a year my WiFi hardware finally worked under it. But after I updated 8.10 it again no longer works, it claimes the WEP key is invalid15:18
Pelo!ati | Lykkefeen15:18
ubottuLykkefeen: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:18
NekroJakubWill AmaroK work fine on Ubuntu? Won't it look out of place on GNOME like GNOME apps looked on KDE? I really love that program...15:18
lucaxTmPOrGIrC> what are you talking about?15:18
Cyber_AkumaI have a Toshiba Satellite A215-S7413 Laptop, it's wifi hardware is listed as a Realtek RTL8187B. However, it appears to internally be wired through the USB bus instead of the PCI bus since Vista's device manager has "USB 2.0" at the end of the device's name.15:19
Cyber_AkumaAny ideas?15:19
maxbaldwinCyber_Akuma: Delete the connection in the network manager, and reconnect it15:19
Cyber_Akumatried that15:19
emilienNekroJakub,  yes its right at home on gnome as well15:19
maxbaldwinyou probably just need to redo the wireless key15:19
LykkefeenPelo: There is no restricted drivers listed at the admin panel section "Hardware Drivers" :( I will try the other suluion then :)15:19
PeloCyber_Akuma, i'd look that up in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org15:19
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: I know that laptop15:19
PeloLykkefeen, not sure if it is in ibex but try installing envyng-gtk15:19
Cyber_AkumaI tried re-typing in the key and even deleting the connection and re-creating it, bit it still fails on checking the wep key15:19
Cyber_AkumaPaddy_EIRE: yeah, I got it on blakc friday15:20
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: give me a moment15:20
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: are you in ubuntu at the moment?15:20
legend2440Lykkefeen: i used these instructions to get fglrx working with Radeon 9600  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#The_open_source_drivers15:20
Peloole_, we see you , stop testing15:20
Cyber_Akumathe laptop is though15:21
oz6ohsomebody here working with cheese?15:21
Cyber_Akumaim on a seperate pc15:21
NekroJakubemilien: Thanks. I'm really thinking of getting Ubuntu rather than Kubuntu this time around because of KDE4...15:21
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: It would be much easier to troubleshoot from your lappy but we will make do15:21
Pelooz6oh, only when cooking, but you might like to know that the webcam drivers are currently broken15:21
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: can you do "lspci" and "lsusb" and pastebin the output of both15:21
FFForeverhow come after i upgrade my kernel it now says FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found. =(15:22
unitedpotsmokersbetter u use gyache15:22
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: one sec15:22
oz6ohpelo you mean stinky cheese hi hi15:22
oz6ohno i mean cheese in ubuntu15:22
liblehello, does the 8.10 wubi support software raid?15:22
FFForeveri have no wifi without ndiswrapper please help15:22
=== henk_away is now known as henk_online
Pelooz6oh,  the webcam drivers are currently broken so if cheese does not find your webcam that is why15:23
emorrishow come i still get backports updates through update manager even though I pinned it to 400?15:23
Paco_Pacohello, i just installed Ubuntu via Wubi, when i start Ubuntu; it says no root file specified, i clicked OK, time after time nothing appeared to be happening, so i rebooted again, to ask for help here, so can someone assist me please?15:23
jribemorris: you did it wrong? :)  Did you apt-get update?  pastebin your /etc/apt/preferences15:23
oz6ohpelo ok but it works ok in ubuntu 8.04 but not in 8.1015:23
oz6ohpelo i use a creative web only with usb15:24
Paddy_EIRECyber_Akuma: grrr. sorry I telephoned my mate to get him to throw his toshiba up to me... he's not local at the moment... although we can continue anyway15:24
Paco_PacoIt said no root file specified... please PLEASE please i am patient but i have been waiting for 3 days i am desparate i really want to test out Ubuntu but it's not werking15:24
Pelooz6oh, ... the webcam drivers are broken in the 2.6.27-7 kernel which is the kernel used by 8.10 , they were fine in 8.0415:24
xukunit's possible to start the ATI Catalyst Control Center from console?15:24
Paco_Pacocan some one please help  me15:24
maxbaldwinPaco_Paco: I'd try burning an Ubuntu cd and redinstalling15:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:24
Cyber_Akumaone sec15:24
emorrisjrib: I did, and http://www.pastebin.ca/124879615:25
Paddy_EIREPaco_Paco: we know mate we have all been there and patience is a virtue... 3 days is nothing :)15:25
Paco_Pacomaxbaldwin i want to do it with wubi15:25
oz6ohpelo yes and therefore i only use 8.04  thanks15:25
Guest_323hello people15:25
oz6ohpelo  oz6oh is my amateurcall in denmark15:25
Guest_323anyone know of any guides for installing wine for a super n00b15:25
xukunanybody please?15:25
Paco_Pacohello, i just installed Ubuntu via Wubi, when i start Ubuntu; it says no root file specified, i clicked OK, time after time nothing appeared to be happening, so i rebooted again, to ask for help here, so can someone assist me please?15:25
Paddy_EIRE!wine | Guest_32315:25
Cyber_Akumawhats a good irc client for ubuntu that has a gui?15:25
ubottuGuest_323: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help15:25
legend2440xukun:   try   in terminal    amdcccle15:25
oz6ohpelo my name is ole15:26
Guest_323without internet access15:26
emorrisGuest_323: sudo apt-get install wine15:26
Guest_323on ubuntu.15:26
maxbaldwinPaco_Paco: I have no experience with wubi. Try using google and search for it.15:26
Paddy_EIREemorris: he would be better with that guide15:26
xukunlegend2440, thanks m815:26
aguitelanyone know how lock icons inthe desktop?15:26
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: stick with the guide15:26
C0p3rn1cI'm having trouble passing dirs to my linux32 executed executable(export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/bin/DBDesignerFork/Linuxlib"), can anybody help?15:26
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine15:26
emorrisGuest_323: how do you propose to download stuff without an internet connection?15:27
blip- hi all, i've never dealt with multiple distros on the same machine... currently i have windows + ubuntu 8.04 dualboot managed by grub... i made space for a second linux distro... if i install that it will over-write the grub of my first ubuntu distro and it becomes the system boot manager right ?   Is there any danger in having that ?15:27
oz6ohall with wine i get many troubles15:27
emorrisPaddy_EIRE: same difference15:27
scotlfsjrib: am I in the right spot? I had to learn how to use apt-get15:27
scotlfsI am an old rpm guy15:27
Paddy_EIREblip-: no other distros are nice to other *nix's :)15:27
Paddy_EIREemorris: ah I see no net connectiong15:28
Peloblip-,  make a copy of your /boot/grub/menu.lst file just in case,  yes your grub will be overwritten but your new distro should pickup on ubuntu and add it to the list as well15:28
Guest_323emorris: ive downloaded wine on my win xp, and saved it on a usb... i dont know what to do next, im a noob15:28
bob_强制终端没有响应的程序 用  kill 后面的参数是什么呢?15:28
mtozses_is it a service that allows automounting a usb device?15:28
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: that wont work well15:28
Cyber_AkumaI don't know what IRC client to download through synaptic package manager for ubuntu, which one is a good one with a GUI? Can anybody recommend one?15:28
mtozses_!cn | bob_15:28
ubottubob_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:28
scuniziblip-: put it in a VM instead.. then you won't have to worry about additional partitions.15:28
jribscotlfs: yep, you're here15:28
blip-thanks Pelo and Paddy_EIRE, i'll make that backup first then15:28
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: there will be no way your ubuntu installation would be able to resolve dependencies15:28
jribemorris: does your pin work correctly with apt-get on the command line?15:29
Paddy_EIREblip-: cool15:29
mtozses_Cyber_Akuma, xchat is good15:29
blip-thanks.  take care15:29
oz6ohpelo where are you living? i live 19 km west copenhagen15:29
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: so... you cant install wine15:29
bob_mtozses_,sorry i make a mistake15:29
Pelooz6oh,  in canada , but this realy isn't that kind of channel15:29
scotlfsjrib: ok I have another terminal setup....but please bare with me, I might need to take off for a minute or two at a time because my wife is at the doctor and I have three children15:29
Cyber_AkumaK, xchat it is then15:29
emorrisGuest_323: it's very difficult. you would have to download wine from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/wine, but also eveything it depends on, and everything that those dependancies depend on15:30
luigicome faccio a vedere l'uuid di un HD da aggiungere in FSTAB?15:30
scotlfsjrib: and this isn't a gui based client so I can't just scroll up indefinately15:30
Guest_323thanks anyway...15:30
mtozses_is it a service that allows automounting a usb device?15:30
PeloCyber_Akuma, xchat vanilla, not xchat-gnome15:30
jribscotlfs: try to start gdm with 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'.  That fails correct?15:30
oz6ohpelo ok i have a good friend in agathe des months15:30
henk_onlinehi all, does somebody know where i can set the proxy settings for update manager ?15:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:30
aguitelanyone know how lock icons inthe desktop?15:30
Cyber_AkumaDosent ubuntu use KDE?15:30
jribscotlfs: /join #ubuntu-classroom15:30
Cyber_AkumaSo I can't use the gnome version right?15:30
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: it is possible but it would be a serious headache15:30
Paddy_EIREGuest_323: I would not recommend it15:30
NekroJakubCyber_Akuma: ubuntu=GNOME, kubuntu=KDE15:30
emorrisjrib: no idea, i don't want to upgrade incase it doesn't. Or will upgrade always ask me?15:31
Lykkefeenlegend2440: About the guide, where did you add "Driver     "fglrx""? Before or after "Identifier"Configured Video Device""?15:31
scotlfsjrib: Warning, gdm already started15:31
Guest_323does wired ethernet work without dell drivers?15:31
oz6ohpelo the right name is st agathe des monts15:31
scotlfsjrib: or already running, something similar.15:31
Bupsssguys a quick question.... if i use metacity, can i use emerald as well? or it works only with compiz?15:31
emorrisGuest_323: more than likely15:31
scotlfsjrib: appears I don't have gpm installed so I can't copy and paste15:31
jribscotlfs: hmm, ctrl-alt-f7 displays what now?15:31
NekroJakubWhat distro is better with Compiz-Fusion, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?15:31
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:31
oz6ohpelo yes the world is a litle one today15:31
Cyber_Akuma-Ubuntemporarely connected with an etnerhet connection, through im running on battery now15:32
scotlfsjrib: never mind I just apt-got gpm15:32
C0p3rn1cis there anyone in here that got DBDesignerFork to work?(it can't find mysqlclient.so while I have installed it)15:32
jribemorris: pass -s to apt-get15:32
emorrisNekroJakub: compiz-fusion is not a distro, and the other two are the same distro but with different window managers15:32
Cyber_Akuma-Ubunpaddy: im ready15:32
legend2440Lykkefeen: mine looks like this   http://paste.ubuntu.com/69237/15:32
oz6ohpelo my best language is german but as you se i also write a little englich15:32
kc8pxymebe this is a weird question, but how does ubuntu know what icon a mount should have? i mount an iso loopback, and i get a cd, i mount a squash loopback, it shows a drive.  how does it know the difference?15:32
qt-xhy all15:32
scotlfsjrib: give a blank black screen with a cursor in the upper left corner15:33
NekroJakubemorris: I know! I'm asking which one would work better with it, because I was using Compiz-Fusion albo KDE4 and... Well, I got the impression it was just too much15:33
emorrisjrib: no, same problem15:33
jribscotlfs: alright.  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop   Then try starting it again15:33
Some_uxOK, the second part of my problem is how to apply the modified source code. Should I re-Package the modified package then install the modified package ? Or can i simply ./configure, make, make install and clean install ?15:33
oz6ohpelo i think the place is good in winhtermonths15:33
waseemhi im trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller to install the drivers for my xbox 360 controller, but I get error 2 when trying to compile.15:33
jribemorris: "same problem"? what problem?  It ignores your pin?15:33
=== Cyber_Akuma-Ubun is now known as Cyber_Akuma-Xnix
Cyber_Akuma-Xnixthats better...15:33
emorrisNekroJakub: woops, read your question wrong. I haven't used KDE+compiz, but I've heard it isn't as good as with GNOME15:34
oz6ohpelo are you using 8.04 or 8.10 ?15:34
emorrisjrib: sorry, yes15:34
scotlfsjrib: I need to go AFK for about 10 minutes. Thanks for helping me, I'll announce my return and hopefully you'll still be here15:34
Pelooz6oh, 8.1015:34
jribemorris: apt-cache policy whatever-package  on pastebin please15:34
kc8pxyoz6oh:  ich glaube mein Deustch ist mehr shlect als dein English :)15:34
NekroJakubemorris: That's a point for Ubuntu then, I love my Compiz. I'm still torn between GNOME and KDE though, heh, and considering OpenSUSE... Damnit.15:35
oz6ohpelo ok but chees is not working with this15:35
Lykkefeenlegend2440: This is my file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69238/ the thing is not detected at all :S15:35
oz6ohpelo i mean cheese hi hi15:35
=== noobuntu is now known as noobuntu2
Pelooz6oh, you mean cheese does not open at all or cheese can'T find the webcam ?15:35
emorrisNekroJakub: i find GNOME less bloated15:35
howdyallhelp!!  the upgrade to 8.10 wont work with my motherboard, it fails to boot my Marvel Raid controller.... but 8.04 worked fine with it.  Is there a way to put the 8.04 kernel back on?  would I have to add the gutsy back to my apt.sources?  Would putting an older kernel even work?  Thanks in advance...15:36
NeaaiIs anyone familiar with infobot For some reason it ignores the "flags" option for the designated users which are listed to add/update the factoids and have the proper flags for that (flag t). The default is an empty flags entry and that's what's aplied even to the designated users' flags, making them unable to manipulate factoids. Any ideas what I'm missing?15:36
oz6ohpelo thats my problem but i think it will come with a new kernel15:36
jrib!ot | execute15:36
ubottuexecute: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:36
executeyeah, yeah, I know, sorry15:36
Cyber_Akuma-Xnixcan anyone help me with my wifi problem?15:37
legend2440Lykkefeen: add  Driver      "fglrx"  after identifier.  when you get done with instruction you need to reboot15:37
Pelohowdyall, if you upgraded you should still be able to boot the 8.04 from the grub menu,  just boot that , and then edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to make that kernel the default boot when you start the computer15:37
NekroJakubemorris: I got the same impression from using it for a bit... It seems more functional overall.15:37
oz6ohpelo try http://olehasselbalch.homepage.dk15:37
emorrisjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69240/15:37
legend2440Lykkefeen: add  Driver      "fglrx"  after identifier.  when you get done with all instructions you need to reboot15:37
et3_I've adapted.15:37
et3_I can live without window border15:37
waseemhi im trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller to install the drivers for my xbox 360 controller, but I get error 2 when trying to compile.15:37
et3_or window title bars15:37
jribemorris: it's pinned.  How exactly did you try to use apt-get that you determined it was ignoring it?15:37
howdyallwell ??someone??? talked me into a clean install of 8.10.....doh...double doh15:38
Pelo!OT | oz6oh15:38
ubottuoz6oh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:38
emorrisjrib: sudo apt-get -s upgrade15:38
Lykkefeenlegend2440: It gives me some segment error when I have added it and done sudo aticonfig --initial -f15:39
howdyallso now I just have the 8.10 install....sorry for the confusion on that...this whole journey started with an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10..15:39
emorrisjrib: if I had the right end of the stick, it shouldn't try and upgrade things with a pin lower than 50015:39
jribemorris: ah, interestingly enough it does say Candidate: 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid2.  Maybe this is because of your locally installed package15:40
howdyallcan I still get a 8.04 kernel?15:40
vikkuhi all can we have prstat in Ubuntu ?15:41
emorrisjrib: eh? I don't have a locally installed package for that. (unless upgrading from hardy counts)15:41
Almindorhow do you setup gateway manually? (I'm stuck at console/tty)15:41
jribemorris: you do, look at your apt-cache policy kdelibs515:41
AlmindorI know about dns and basic ip settings but can't remember where gateway is set15:42
legend2440Lykkefeen: did it make any changes to xorg.conf after running aticonfig --initial -f?15:42
jribemorris: I mean, it's probably the earlier version of what was in intrepid-backports of course15:42
=== sysdoc_afk is now known as sysdoc
jrib!away > sysdoc15:42
ubottusysdoc, please see my private message15:42
jribemorris: take a look at how apt_preferences describes its decision process for upgrades15:42
Lykkefeenlegend2440: no it didn't :(15:42
jribemorris: sorry, 'man apt_preferences'15:42
howdyallhere is my motherboard....ubuntu 8.10's kernel doesnt like the second set of SATA connectors...the one with the red connector.  The BIOS says its using the Mavel Raid blah blah.......I wonder why the new kernel is having trouble with it when it was working in the 8.04 kernel....weird15:43
sysdocjrib,  lol15:43
howdyallsorry ... forgot the link15:43
IRCmonkubuntu devs,bring back xmms15:44
vikkuhi all can we have prstat in Ubuntu ?15:44
legend2440Lykkefeen: try   aticonfig  --initial=check  does it find a fglrx section?15:44
jrib!xmms > IRCmonk15:44
ubottuIRCmonk, please see my private message15:44
waseemhi, can someone please help me get my xbox 360 controller working with ubuntu?15:44
odracir34my bluetooth dont work he give no device in the screem, do somebody have the samen problem15:44
howdyallhowdy ian___15:44
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | waseem15:45
ubottuwaseem: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:45
NekroJakubHm, I think I'm going to try GNOME now, so Ubuntu it is. KDE4 is too widgety...15:45
ian__my sound quit with the latest update for 8.1015:45
ian__i386 8.1015:45
Pelolater folks15:45
vikkuhi all can we have prstat in Ubuntu ?15:45
waseemhi im trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller to install the drivers for my xbox 360 controller, but I get error 2 when trying to compile.15:45
emorrisjrib: ok, i see. basically, after upgrading to intrepid, i updated the backports in sources.list but not preferences, so i think I may have had some updates happened before I realised today. I think the ultimate solution is downgrading all these packages by forcing them in synaptic, but my main problem is i have no idea how i would list everything currently using a backports package.15:45
jribemorris: you can use aptitude search (see the manual online for advanced search terms, poke me if you are stuck)15:46
emorrisjrib: I already tried aptitude search '~i ~Ointrepid-backports' but nothing came up15:47
FreeFullAfter I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, programs using OpenGL started crashing (in particular mupen64 and mupen64+)15:47
cs_studentisn't there a program to allow your comp to help SETI while it's idling?15:47
ian__anyone here have a guess on why sound quit with an intel sound device, after getting i386-8.10 updated lately?15:47
qt-xi have a problem writing a cd [an ubuntu 8.10 server ... iso with ubuntu 8.10  ]  it burn the cd or dvd it dose not give any error but the cd is not good. When i try to read the cd it give some error it dose not mount automatic and at dmesg i get some error like and this problem is only in ubuntu and is only from a mount or so.15:47
Cyber_AkumaSeems that Paddy_EIRE left, can anybody else help me with my WiFi problem?15:47
FreeFullDidn't happen in the previous (x)Ubuntu version15:48
chownedCyber_Akuma state your problem again?15:48
FreeFullCan anyone help?15:48
Some_uxUpgrade is a risky operation at best, a pipe dream in most cases. A full installation will probably save you more time and anguish15:48
Cyber_Akuma[9:18am] <Cyber_Akuma> Hey guys, I instaled Ubuntu 8.10 and for the first time in a year my WiFi hardware finally worked under it. But after I updated 8.10 it again no longer works, it claimes the WEP key is invalid15:48
Cyber_Akuma[9:19am] <Cyber_Akuma> I have a Toshiba Satellite A215-S7413 Laptop, it's wifi hardware is listed as a Realtek RTL8187B. However, it appears to internally be wired through the USB bus instead of the PCI bus since Vista's device manager has "USB 2.0" at the end of the device's name.15:48
kc8pxy!anyone | FreeFull15:49
ubottuFreeFull: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:49
jribemorris: you want ~A not ~O15:49
error404notfoundHow can I install Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop on a machine without CDROM Drive?15:49
Paco_Pacohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=627579 <-- that's my problem basically, but there is no fix there15:49
FreeFullkc8pxy: I stated my question above all these answers15:49
FreeFullI'll repeat it.15:49
FreeFullAfter I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, programs using OpenGL started crashing (in particular mupen64 and mupen64+)15:49
NekroJakuberrror404notfound: You can use a USB Memory Stick15:49
kc8pxyFreeFull:  my bad,  i just saw the anyone.15:49
NekroJakubhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation without a CD15:50
qt-xthe erorr at dmesg is [12729.870932] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE,SUGGEST_OK15:50
qt-x[12729.870950] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]15:50
qt-x[12729.870959] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: L-EC uncorrectable error15:50
qt-x[12729.870969] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 130508815:50
qt-x[12729.870978] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 16313615:50
FloodBot3qt-x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
ian__I'm having sound issues.  As in no sound even cating the white noise doesn't produce results15:50
* JulianC93 waves at JamieS9315:50
JamieS93Join ##JamieS93 !15:50
emorrisjrib: awesome, thanks. so i should be ok to just force the old package back?15:50
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:50
kc8pxyian__:  mutes mixer?15:51
jribemorris: you can try I guess15:51
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma ope terminal on the gnome desktop and type lshw, this will give an list of all your harddware, now you can see if the wireless is indedd an usb device.. it should be listed some where15:51
FreeFullWhen Mupen64 or Mupen64+ crash, they give this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69243/15:51
philippe_Hello. Is it possible in ubuntu to automatically "split screen in half" horizontally/vertically for two disered windows?15:51
ian__mixer is not muted, I checked that.  I also ensured that both the sound card, and the speakers work independant of ubuntu15:51
kc8pxyian__: nothing using the dsp?15:52
jribemorris: my attempt (untested): apt-get install $(for package in $(aptitude -F '%p' search '~Aintrepid-backports~i'); do echo -n ${package}'/intrepid ' ; done)15:52
ian__nothing, the start sound doesnt start15:52
kc8pxyian__:  i knwo somew things like to take ownership of it, and not share.15:52
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma , did th eupdates have new kernel or drivers?15:52
ian__how do I see if dsp initialized15:52
=== SkywaIker is now known as Skywalker
vanbergea little off topic - but can somebody tell me... under the GPL, am i free to take somebody's source code, modify and/or enhance it, and then redistribute that new code again?  (as long as it's under gpl)15:52
=== Skywalker is now known as SkywaIker
FreeFullvanberge: yes15:53
ian__Vanberge yes15:53
kc8pxyian__:  works in this box, but not with ubuntu?15:53
vanbergeFreeFull, ian__  ok...  i thought so.  i read about it and read the official license but i don't speak "lawyer"15:53
lucaxpidgin 2.5.2 for hardy... possible?15:53
unimatrix9vanberge , but release as gpl again ..15:53
Cyber_Akumaunimatrix9: I dont know15:53
ian__my sound works on this machine, but not under ubuntu atm, it used to15:53
vanbergeunimatrix9, yeah i plan do.  since it will be unencrypted php i don't really have a choice.  :-)15:53
CharelBI want to try to Develop Flash Applications... so are there any Flash & Action Script IDE's for linux ... except Wine+AdobeFlash ?15:54
droopsta915how can i change the name of the os when dual booting, i know there is a file that i can change the name.15:54
Cyber_AkumaI dindt loko to be honest, just hit update all15:54
FreeFullCharelB: No good ones.15:54
Paddy_EIRECharelB: please dont15:54
lucaxdroopsta915, /boot/grub/menu.lst15:54
Cyber_Akumadroopsta915: in /boot/grub there should be af iel called menu.lst15:54
kc8pxydroopsta915:  /boot/grub/menu.lst15:54
lucaxeight_, english only15:54
CharelBPaddy_EIRE, why?15:54
droopsta915Thats the one, thanx15:54
CharelBFreeFull, ah okay :-/15:54
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma, you could try to setup network again manual , instead of roaming ..15:54
Paddy_EIREflash is as good as a virus in my book CharelB... nothing will steer me away from a computer monitor quicker15:54
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:54
leptest1anyone here from Glasgow?15:54
Cyber_AkumaI DID set it up manually15:55
Cyber_AkumaI have a hidden ssid and use atsatic ips15:55
Paddy_EIRECharelB: consider sticking with AJAX15:55
FreeFullAfter I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10, programs using OpenGL started crashing (in particular mupen64 and mupen64+)15:55
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma : does iwconfig give an network connection?15:55
FreeFullWhen Mupen64 or Mupen64+ crash, they give this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69243/15:55
droopsta915would it be menu.lst or menu.lst~15:55
jribscotlfs: I'm going to step out.  You should install the pastebinit package and then pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log, describe your video card, and describe what happens what happened when you tried to start gdm after stopping it.  Good luck15:56
chowneddroopsta915  menu.lst15:56
Cyber_Akumawhat do you mean by network connection?15:56
FreeFulldroopsta915: menu.lst is the file you want to edit, menu.lst~ is the backup15:56
legend2440CharelB: http://osflash.org/linux15:56
Cyber_AkumaI can see other access points if you mean is the wifi hardware working15:56
ian__how do I see if the dsp sound initialized15:56
martin_Is it possible to install Ubuntu through vmware fusion to another partition than the virtual disk that vmware creates?15:56
howdyalli moved from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 but now there is something with my Marvel raid controller.  When I have drives plugged into it, ubuntu won't even boot, it puts me into a busy box shell.  I have since tried a clean install of ubuntu 8.10, but with no luck...   Can I use a 8.04 kernel with the 8.10 ubuntu?  If so, how do I go about getting that via say synaptic, or apt-get.15:56
martin_I want to install to a psysical partition15:57
FreeFullian__: try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp as a normal user15:57
NekroJakubI have a phylosophical problem... I ran Kubuntu off of a Live CD on my brother's laptop one day and after he rebooted into Windows he says he found a virus in system32 and blames Kubuntu... Now I KNOW Kubuntu/Ubuntu is virus-clean, but how can I prove that to my 13-year old brother?15:57
unimatrix9+Cyber_Akuma , how do you see the networks?15:57
FreeFullian__: If you get an error, you know it's no initialised15:57
unimatrix9gnome desktop , you mean?15:57
CharelBthansk legend244015:57
emorrisjrib: ran it with -s, and looks spot on, thank very much!15:57
Cyber_Akumain the network manager, it lists other access points it sees15:57
ian__no error, yet no sound15:57
FreeFullNekroJakub: scan the cd with an antivirus. Nothing will be found.15:57
leptest1NekroJakub: make him run a virus scan on the disc :D15:58
FreeFullMake sure your brother sees that15:58
legend2440CharelB: this might be better  http://www.williambrownstreet.net/wordpress/?p=7815:58
CharelBokay legend244015:58
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma , then its still on roaming, take a look at System / Administration /Networks15:58
FreeFullian__: you're using Alsa or OSS?15:58
NekroJakubThat's a good idea, thanks.15:58
ian__mixer is listing both15:58
Cyber_AkumaOh that15:58
Cyber_AkumaI had setup a profile for my wifi network15:59
maverick340hey all15:59
FreeFullian__: It probably means you've got Alsa with OSS emulation15:59
Cyber_AkumaBefore, I was able to just select thei profile and it would connect15:59
Cyber_AkumaNow it no longer does, claimes the wep key is wrong15:59
maverick340Paddy_EIRE, hey15:59
eight_malaysia boleh!!15:59
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:59
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma , then try to set it with that manager , and see if it helps solve your problem, if not, you can change it back15:59
spowneyhey guys, anyone know a program that can deal with .vhd files15:59
Cyber_AkumaI tried that15:59
Cyber_Akumadeleted it and re-creted it15:59
ian__HDA Intel / Realteck 1880 OSS15:59
Cyber_Akumasame problem, thinks wep key is invalid15:59
maverick340how do you pipe or dump the directory structure to a text file ?16:00
outbackwifispowney: what files are those?16:00
=== odracir34 is now known as MsiWindCruZer
ian__correction realteck alc880 oss16:00
outbackwifispowney: like VHDL?16:00
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma, you also reset wireless router?16:00
mikebeechamHi guys...does anyone know what causes the Green screen in the Cheese software?16:00
FreeFullmaverick340: try ls -parametershere > file16:00
spowneyoutbackwifi: the file in question is a vista backup file, i used winimage in windows16:00
Cyber_AkumaThe router is working fine, everything else connect to ti wired or wireless16:00
spowneyoutbackwifi: i understand the file type is used in virtual machine situations too16:01
ian__Maverick340:  ls > textfile.txt16:01
dr_willismikebeecham,  the pictures look slightly greenish?16:01
FreeFullian__: ls by itself won't give the full directory structure16:01
outbackwifispowney: if its a raw image, you can mount it on the loop device and inspect16:01
droopsta915to edit the menu.lst do edit this in vi or something?16:01
maverick340thank you16:01
ian__what like the entire directory sturcture of everything?16:01
FreeFulldroopsta915: doesn't matter what you edit it in.16:01
KenSentMeOn startup in Intrepid, my system automaticly connects to the ifupdown (usb0) network connection. I use a regular ethernet connection so i created a new connection in the network manager. But still i have to manually choose that new connection. How can i delete the ipupdown connection or make it use my eth0?16:02
Fran89can anybody tell me why interpid keeps my proccessor at <50% all the time16:02
Fran89can anybody tell me why interpid keeps my proccessor at <50% all the time16:02
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma: may i ask what kind of webkey are you using, is this an hex or ascii?16:02
maverick340and is there way to recursively output the sub dirs also ?16:02
ian__as root from / "ls -l -a * > textfile.txt"16:02
Cyber_Akumathis pc is connected to it wired and my Wii (which is online right now) is connected online through it wirelessly16:02
Cyber_AkumaTo be honest, im not sure how to answer that16:02
outbackwifiFran89: is that good or bad?16:02
Cyber_AkumaThe key generated fro my passphraise appears to be 16bit hex since it goes from 1 to F16:03
YlandeFaranI installed ubuntu on my old computer, I could ssh to it no problem yesterday.16:03
FreeFullmaverick340: man ;s16:03
FreeFullmaverick340: man ls16:03
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma, no problem i was just trying to find the answer for you by asking some questions16:03
YlandeFaranbut today, it takes like 20-30 seconds for the computer to even respond to a ssh-request16:03
mikebeechamdr_willis: nope...there is no webcam image..it's just flat green colour16:03
maverick340FreeFull, thank you16:03
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: how far are they from each other (same LAN, or over internet)16:03
YlandeFaranoutbackwifi: same lan16:04
YlandeFaranor, they are attached to the internets through a switch16:04
YlandeFaranbut I would suspect the signals would go the shortest way through the switch, and not take any long detour.16:04
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: you can debug by giving a -vv to the ssh client command ; it might throsw up some more clue16:04
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: you can debug by giving a -vv to the ssh client command ; it might throw up some more clues16:04
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma, i dont know what the prblem is, you could ask again, to see if someone else knows, i would suggest you hang it on the cable for internet and install wicd network manager and try if that helps16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd16:05
gsteinertim having trouble getting ubuntu to recognise any cd/dvd16:05
unimatrix9hold on16:05
YlandeFaranoutbackwifi: okay, nice16:05
outbackwifigsteinert: the drive or the disk?16:05
gsteinertthe disk, if it is inserted before startup it is recognised and i can use it ormally16:05
YlandeFaranit seems to get stuck after this line: "debug2: key: /home/kc/.ssh/id_dsa ((nil))"16:05
BenalexHello all, I am trying to install ubuntu but partitioner doesn't detect any partitions or discs. Any suggestions?16:05
gsteinertbut if i then remove and reinsert, it wont mount it16:06
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: are you using public key for auth or passphrase?16:06
Cyber_AkumaAlright then, I have another problem, with Xubuntu16:06
outbackwifigsteinert: will it mount manually?16:06
Cyber_AkumaI can't get it to work or install16:06
YlandeFaranDon't know what that is. I have to enter my password to be able to get into the other computer.16:06
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: ok that means you dont use public key16:07
gsteinertoutbackwifi: no i get16:07
gsteinertgary@uboat:~$ mount /dev/scd016:07
gsteinertmount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only16:07
gsteinertmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/scd0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so16:07
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: can you run the command ssh-keygen16:07
ian__alsamixer lists master/pcm/front all maxed out16:07
ian__and still no sound16:07
mcballsHi fellow ubuntu-users, I'm trying to install WoW through wine on Ubuntu 8.10 but I'm having some problems: http://pastebin.com/m56665c9e (Got an integrated intel-card so drivers shouldn't be a problem)16:07
unimatrix9Cyber_Akuma : you cant connect it to a wire?16:08
rfxcaseycan anyone tell me how to display your home folder on the desktop16:08
outbackwifidid you do the dmesg?16:08
ian__ls ~16:08
gsteinertyeah, sec16:08
Cyber_Akumacant connect what16:08
jackaultWhat happened to support for the high performance/dynamic/power saver modes? I use an HP laptop.16:08
outbackwifigsteinert: dont paste here; use pastebin16:08
gsteinert[  224.793800] UDF-fs: No partition found (1)16:08
gsteinert[  224.797073] isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=sr0, iso_blknum=16, block=1616:08
ian__rfxcasey if you want the ls of your home folder then ls ~16:08
jackaultI had those in 8.04 but not 8.1016:08
NekroJakubbread failed...?16:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:09
NekroJakubThat's an awesome error.16:09
outbackwifigsteinert: that seems to indicate that the disk has some read issues16:09
gsteinertbut the disk is fine16:09
outbackwifiNekroJakub: bread could be BlockRead16:09
gsteinerti just used it on startup!16:09
Fran89After i installed intrepid my processors are always over 50% but there is no proccess doing so?16:09
prince_jammysrfxcasey:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77165816:09
NekroJakuboutbackwifi : Nah, I'm pretty sure it's an awesome bread error. Don't ruin my dreams! >_<16:10
outbackwifigsteinert: when it  works normally, check dmesg to see if the same i/o errors turn up16:10
gsteinertokay, back in a minute then16:10
outbackwifiNekroJakub: that would only occur during the Cold War in the USSR :)16:10
legend2440rfxcasey: in terminal type   gconf-editor   browse to   /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible  and put checkmarks next to icons you want visible on desktop16:10
gsteinertFran89: i find that Xorg uses 50% some times16:10
gsteinertFran89: also nepomux (if youre using kubuntu)16:10
Fran89but in hardy even idleing it whent to 0%16:11
Fran89im using ubuntu16:11
outbackwifiFran89: if you turn off compiz, it may go even lower16:11
codyzappyall know where you can submit ideas for "apps" on ubuntu.. i use to know the sitename but i forgot16:11
Fran89i did16:11
Fran89same thing16:11
Benalexyes qt-x16:12
YlandeFaranI'll look around some. ty16:12
prince_jammys!brainstorm > codyzapp16:12
ubottucodyzapp, please see my private message16:12
outbackwifiFran89: what does glxinfo say? hardware acceleration or software?16:12
qt-xyou use live or direct install ?16:12
mcballs Hi fellow ubuntu-users, I'm trying to install WoW through wine on Ubuntu 8.10 but I'm having some problems: http://pastebin.com/m56665c9e (Got an integrated intel-card so drivers shouldn't be a problem, and im not using compiz). I already posted this problem in #Winehq, but they thought i should ask here instead :)16:12
Benalexqt-x It happens on both16:12
codyzappyay thankyou16:12
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: did you do the keygen?16:12
qt-xdose the bios see your disk ?16:13
Benalexqt-x I am already dual booting Windows and debian using grub16:13
Ayabaraanyone know of a tutorial to share a folder in Ubuntu and mount it in Windows (vmware)?16:13
tzdhow do i copy several files or, even better, full directories from a remote ftp server via terminal/konsole please? I've connected via ftp x.x.x.x and trying to figure out a good way. I get into trouble when issuing the "mget" cmd. Any help on this please?16:13
outbackwifi!samba| Ayabara16:14
ubottuAyabara: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209816:14
Fran89i think software16:14
Ayabaraoutbackwifi, ah. thanks16:14
outbackwifiFran89: you need to have hardware acceleration; whats your video card?16:14
fprintfEvery time I resume from suspend, I get notification on my wired connection that I am connected to eth0. This is correct, but is there a way to disable these notifications?16:14
konyecHali mindenkinek16:15
Robert_SteinmetzHello - I'm having a probem with update manager on 8.04 LTS. - libc6 won't update and Seg Faults.16:15
outbackwifitzd: turn on recursive mode and then issue the mget16:15
ryanakcaIs it possible to have an encrypted swap (LUKS preferably) and still have suspend/hibernate working?16:15
tzdoutbackwifi: cheers! will try that16:15
outbackwifiryanakca: whats the rationale behind an encrypted swap?16:16
Fran89OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc16:16
Fran89OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE216:16
rafalalsa does not work.  how to debug?16:16
qt-xBenalex what version of ubuntu ?16:16
Anacranomcan install fresh 8.04, nvidia restricted in use and all is great, upgrade to 8.10, restricted also in use and all i get is low graphics mode and amax of 800x600, i add the sub-section with higher resolutions to the xorg.conf and still nothing, how can it go so wrong from 8.04 to 8.10?16:17
Benalexqt-x Intrepid Ibex16:17
ryanakcaoutbackwifi: if I have an encrypted volume, while the system is still powered on, the keys are floating around in swap. If my computer suddenly powers off (or hibernates, suspends, etc), my keys are there for anybody to take.16:17
Benalexqt-x 8.10 stable16:17
rafalalsa does not work (recording - aplayer shows error) -         Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller    ubuntu 8.10   64bit.  help?16:17
outbackwifiFran89: you need to enable hardware  acceleration16:17
bilillhttp://sex69.internet-caffe.net sEX WEB CAM16:17
Fran89ok how..16:17
outbackwifiryanakca: how would they take it off the swap?16:17
Benalexqt-x Ok.. I guess I found something in Ubuntu forums.. will try it... Thanks for your help16:18
YlandeFaranI suspect one could work through my problem with supplying ssh the information that I'm going to use password auth ?16:18
YlandeFaranThen it wouldn't even try the option, that it fails on?16:18
richardHow can i copy a folder on a cd to my desktop that folder says i have no access cos its root16:18
outbackwifiYlandeFaran: yes, you can disable public key16:18
outbackwifirichard: use sudo cp16:19
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egofluxwhere are kde icons usually located??16:19
ryanakcaoutbackwifi: bootup with a livecd and run ``strings /dev/path-to-swap'' ?16:19
NekroJakubegoflux: In the K menu...16:19
Fran89outbackwifi: ok how..16:20
outbackwifiryanakca: and my laptop does not even  use swap; its got 2 G RAM16:20
Guest4657outbackwifi, /media/cdrom0/Storage is the location and my username is richard  Could u post the command plaese?16:20
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egofluxNekroJakub: ok...but if i'm in gnome?16:20
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ubuntu_hello everybody16:20
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ryanakcaoutbackwifi: ... so... this one doesn't?16:21
martin-de-1983hi is there some possibility to find files with montonous names?16:21
=== Richard__ is now known as richard____
outbackwifiGuest4657: sudo cp /media/cdrom0/Storage/filename /path/to/destination/filename16:21
NekroJakubegoflux: Well I don't think you have any, but I maybe soooo wrong 'cause I don't really use GNOME16:21
tsrkWhen I'm setting up a static IP what's the broadcast address?16:21
ubuntu_Ive just installed Ubuntu on my macbook (single boot) but it wont boot at all anyone have any pointers16:21
outbackwifiryanakca: yes; run free -m to see how much swap you're using16:21
leptest1get a real laptop16:21
mankashdoes anybody know the command for joign the channel with password16:21
egofluxi must have them cause i have kde base installed, plus amarok16:21
ubuntu_macbook are great just osx is gay lol16:22
ryanakcaoutbackwifi: this one doesn't have 2GB ram and thus has to use swap16:22
ubuntu_please help anyone..16:22
Neroshey can anyone help me with my atheros drivers.... i have them installed but the connection is very slow..... and it just hangs partially through downloads16:22
outbackwifiryanakca: not a correct inference but you are entitled to your opinion16:22
bobbyhi i want some software on ubuntu16:23
ryanakcaoutbackwifi: anyways, I don't feel like arguing as to why I do or don't need to encrypt the swap. I see a need, so how do I do it while still being able to suspend/hibernate/resume?16:23
outbackwifiryanakca: sorry dont know that16:23
outbackwifibobby: youve already got a lot16:23
ubuntu2759hi everyone16:24
blip-hi everyone, please help me, i tried to install a 2nd linux distro on my machine and used the builtin liveCD installer tool to resize my /home to make space for a second distro...i then restarted the machine (without reinstalling the 2nd distro)...somehow my partition table became messed up... my system no longer can access the /home partition... i'm booted from liveCD now and i can see all the partitions...but when i try to16:24
sundownubuntu2759: hi!16:24
outbackwifi!hi | ubuntu275916:24
ubottuubuntu2759: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:24
ryanakca!software > bobby16:24
ubuntu2759i need help with my partition settings please!16:24
ubottubobby, please see my private message16:24
KillGutaCould someone recommend me a IRC client for linux?16:24
jannottAre there any good avi to 3gp converters for ubuntu? Please :)16:24
sundownubuntu2759: write to privat16:24
ryanakcaKillGuta: What's your level of expertise? If you're just starting out, X-Chat is nice, if you're quite comfortable with the CLI, irssi is incredible16:25
outbackwifiKillGuta: chatzilla, xchat, bitchx. pidgin16:25
SlimeyPeteKillGuta: irssi, though a lot of people use xchat or pidgin16:25
richard____outbackwifi, 5mins ago i have done chmod 770 /media/cdrom0/Storage; chown richard:admin /media/cdrom0/Storage  and again the same command with  -R  too  . And then tried the same to /media/cdrom0. Have i done something bad that needs to be reverted??16:25
kkojiband_irssi is a good irc client^^16:25
ubuntu2759i need help with my partition settings please!16:25
sundownubuntu2759: write to privat16:25
KillGutathink I am going with irssi:D16:25
bobbyi am all ready  join ubuntu16:25
blip-i booted now from a liveCD.... and i can mount all my HDD's partitions except for /home... does that mean the ext3 file system is corrupt ?  or is it something with the partition table ?16:25
outbackwifirichard____: none of those commands would have had any effect cos the cd-r is a readonly medium :)16:25
koushikI am new to intrepid and I am having trouble with my keyboard detection and compiz. can someone please help ?16:25
legend2440jannott: http://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2007/02/13/convert-avi-to-3gp-using-ffmpeg/16:26
ryanakcaIs it possible to have an encrypted swap (LUKS preferably) and still have suspend/hibernate working?16:26
snowveilAfter upgrading to Intrepid, I am unable to print from either my Canon IP6600 printer nor PDF16:26
richard____outbackwifi, thank u very much, God pays u with a good girlfriend!16:26
outbackwifirichard____: yw16:26
KillGutaOh and how can I put a limit to my download/upload? Globally16:26
snowveilCUPS gives the error message "empty print file" for PDF, and "unable to read xref table" for the Canon16:27
bobbyhow to install a software in ubuntu plz help16:27
outbackwifiKillGuta: using wondershaper you can shape the traffic, but are you thinking quotas?16:27
skorasaurushi, so, i see that a lot of people report their wireless no longer works after upgrading to intrepid... there's quite a few threads on it, but i haven't found a comprehensive one yet.16:27
koushikbobby are you comfortable with a command line ?16:27
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:27
KillGutaoutbackwifi: I only want to shape my traffic :D16:27
nicolowho develop in android_16:27
outbackwifiKillGuta: wondershaper is great for that16:28
koushikbobby did u see ubottu response to skorasaurus (thanks, skorasaurus)16:28
skorasaurusnice name koushik16:28
* skorasaurus is getting into his music.16:28
KillGutawait... can I put an internal limiter in my router from linux?(it doesn't have the QoS thingy, it's a cheap one) :o ?16:29
koushikthanks again, skorasaurus, would u be able to help with my issue: in intrepid (after upgrade from hardy) my keyboard detection is wrong. not all keys are working16:29
outbackwifiKillGuta: no,  on the other hand, if its a linksys wrt54gl, you can replace the firmware with tomato or dd-wrt and do some magic like that :P16:30
spowneyannyone know a way to open up a vista full computer backup in linux, iv googled my head off bout this, and its probably a simple answer16:30
SajutaQuick question: How do I make a device (such as another partition) auto-mount on startup?16:30
ubuntu_Any Linux geniouses around?16:31
outbackwifiSajuta: make an entry into /etc/fstab16:31
NekroJakuboutbackwifi: Replace the firmware with a tomato? And I hear about people having problems with cheese here... And bread errors... Wtf are you people on o_O16:32
outbackwifiubuntu_: no only volunteers here16:32
outbackwifi!language | NekroJakub16:32
ubottuNekroJakub: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:32
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Sajutaoutbackwifi: Thanks!16:32
NekroJakuboutbackwifi: Okay, but still, please answer me >_<16:32
KillGutaAny way to shape your internet consumption with a GUI ? :D16:32
Fran89imma reboot brb16:32
ubuntu_where can i find some linux pros do u reacon?16:33
daedrawhich ubuntu should I choose? name -a \ Linux rpc-sdab20 2.6.27-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Oct 26 10:36:46 UTC 2008 i686 AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology MK-36 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux16:33
outbackwifiubuntu_: corner linux shop or your local linux users group16:33
outbackwifidaedra: amd6416:34
fbcWill uninstalling ubuntu-desktop break my computer or remove the gdm or something like that?16:34
AyabaraI have shared a folder in Ubuntu, but I don't know how I can mount it in my virtuel xp machine.16:34
lucaxii need a program to shirk videos... which one can i use?16:34
NekroJakubfbc: Pretty sure it will, it's a vital package.16:35
fbclucax, ffmpeg16:35
lucaxfbc, gui?16:35
fbcNekroJakub, Well, then how do I update my gimp to the lastest version since I cannot remove the old gimp without removing the ubuntu-desktop package.16:36
fbclucax, commandline16:36
toninoi dont like ubuntu16:36
fbctonino, try kubuntu or xubuntu then.16:36
koushikcompiz wont start ("Checking for nVidia: not present. "), but I have installed restricted hardware drivers for nvidia card (as recommended by hw drivers utility). I am using intrepid.16:36
prince_jammysfbc: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage though. removing it might do nothing16:36
toninono i prefer parsix16:36
toninowith gnome16:36
fbcprince_jammys, might?? hmm, I not sure I want to take that risk is there anyone that knows for sure?16:37
Fran89proccessors are at <50% while idling16:37
Fran89in intrepid16:37
outbackwifispowney: install m$ virtual pc 2007 on wine and do this --> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=60216:37
Fran89no proccess is associated16:38
Fran89is it normal?16:38
Fran89when i had Hardy in idling proccessors were usually at 0%16:39
outbackwifi!anyone | wangboyu16:39
ubottuwangboyu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:39
fbcFran89, I noticed the same thing, so i switched back to hardy16:39
prince_jammysfbc: remove with aptitude and if anything else would be removed, it'll ask you to approve16:39
fbcprince_jammys, thanks...16:39
zined_17:50 -!- Irssi: critical g_io_error_get_from_g_error: assertion `err != NULL' failed16:40
prince_jammysfbc: i don't think it will remove anything16:40
Fran89so its not an issue with the computer then right16:40
mankashdoes anybody know how to join irc channel with password, some channel require password16:40
koushikDoes anyone know how to fix it when compiz wont start ("Checking for nVidia: not present. "), but I have installed restricted hardware drivers for nvidia card (as recommended by hw drivers utility). I am using intrepid.16:41
KillGutaany alternative to wondershaper?16:41
KillGutaI get an "Illegal" "police" something like that error16:41
morpheushow can i build a livecd to rescue my ubuntu linux in case of disaster??16:42
fbcFran89, no, it's an issue with intrepid16:42
daedramorpheus: your ubuntu-livecd will do16:42
tsrkCan I apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?16:42
Guinnesssmorpheus: The installation cd is already a live cd, and can be used in many cases.16:43
morpheusdaedra: without the install tool16:43
daedramorpheus: or there are ways to remaster the iso to your configuration16:43
fbcFran89, There were a number of issues with intrepid and my laptop causing me to switch back.. However, everything worh with just fine with my INTEL desktop with  NVIDIA video card.16:43
Guinnessstsrk: I'm not sure but you could install the server version, it allows installation without gui16:43
Fran89awww that's not nice this is the only version of ubuntu that supports the Wifi card16:43
outbackwifiKillGuta: policy not police :)16:43
KillGutaso any way to fix it?16:44
dddcan ubuntu suport sound?16:44
dddwhen it will be possible in ubuntu to record sound?16:44
tsrkGuinnesss, I'm wondering if I can turn the desktop edition into the server edition16:44
outbackwifiKillGuta: what are you attempting; often a simple command like sudo wondershaper eth0 512 512 works just great16:44
nottha_khow do I get the scripts in /etc/X11/Xsession.d to run when I "startx"? or is there another way I should be invoking X?16:44
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:45
nottha_ki don't want to use a display manager16:45
outbackwifiddd: not only sound, video too; i can do a skype video chat on ubuntu16:45
KillGutaoutbackwifi: Still nothing16:45
GuinnesssI'm very happy with Intrepid, it sorted out the last issues my graphics card had (ATI mobility radeon 9600) and I now use compiz fusion exclusively and have not had a single problem.16:45
dddoutbackwifi: ubuntu 8.10 seems to be crap about recording sound16:45
dddtwo 8.10 boxes, both can not record sound16:45
philippe_Hello. I am looking for a way for seperate in half workspace for two windows. An easy way to resize two windows, horizontally or vertically, for working on both?16:45
outbackwifiKillGuta: it will not give you a output; now type sudo wondershaper eth0 it should show you the queues16:45
awsoonnnm-applet is segfaulitng on load and I need to get the network reconfigured in quick fasion. running 8.1016:46
outbackwifiddd: havent upgraded yet16:46
dddarecord gives input/output error16:46
KillGutawell I got some random stuff shown, don't really know what they mean16:46
madsjwhat's the name of the package that contains man-pages for libc-functions ?16:46
madsjfgets, signal and so forth16:46
Guinnesssmadsj: doesnt it come in same package as libc?16:47
yusuohi my pc keeps crashing for no reason, it doesnt lock up but rather locks the internet out and plays the sound all bitty, any ideas16:47
outbackwifiKillGuta: you need to run a download and test with and without wondershaper rules. thats what will show the difference16:47
KillGutaoutbackwifi: Nope, nothing changed16:47
outbackwifiphilippe_: you could tile them16:47
blip-hi, i can't find partimage in the ubuntu 8.04 repos... do i need an extra repo to add to the sources.list ?16:47
StargazerI just got a few updates but the installing part has been there, blank, for almost half an hour. any ideas ?16:48
madsjGuinnesss: nope16:48
philippe_outbackwifi, how can I do this16:48
prince_jammysmadsj:  manpages-dev16:48
outbackwifiKillGuta: you should really read the wondershaper documentation16:48
madsjprince_jammys: I just installed it, thanks :-)16:48
outbackwifiblip-: use gparted16:48
prince_jammysmadsj: i'm pretty sure that's it16:48
madsjit is!16:48
dddwhy there is no damn alsa-settings in ubuntu ?!16:48
maethim having problems with my sound card, it was working but this friday started to fail, i got intrepid, and a dual boot on windows, in windows sound is working fine... so , i know is something in the linux drivers... please help16:48
shubbari upgraded to 8.10 and lost graphic drivers16:48
maeththe sound card create sounds like crushing a potato chips bag xD16:49
slewis there a way to find out the model name and number of my mobo? if so, how?16:49
bax_kylieHi. I upgraded to 8.10 and now the only video mode that will run is super low resolution. How can I fix this? When it starts it says I have no video device.16:49
shubbarso i tried to run Nvidia drivers again, but it failed16:49
blip-outbackwifi: partimage is for making the clones of a partiton... gparted see's my whole laptop HD as unallocated and i'm not able to mount the /home partition anymore even though the file manager sees it... so i think all my data on /home is lost :(16:49
outbackwifiphilippe_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47016016:49
philippe_thank you :)16:50
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
|neon|i am having a strange problem, i can changed my desktop settings and everything looks ok, once i reboot my settings are lost everytime, i tried using session manager but no luck any ideas on how can i get the settings to stay after reboot16:51
fbcFran89, not shutting down properly,etc,etc,etc16:51
riddleboxcan someone help me get my wireless working using madwifi16:51
KillGutaAny way to limit download speed? -_-16:52
outbackwifiriddlebox: sure16:52
awsoonnnm-applet is crashing on start and I need to reconfigure networking on 8.1016:52
rmni'm well aware that there are risks, but assuming a running system with ubuntu 8.04 latest standard kernel will it be able to recognise additional ram if it was inserted while the system was running?16:52
qcjnhi, i've put portable PuTTy on my usb, & forwarded port 22 to my server. This afternoon i'll have a chance to try it. So from my understanding, i'll just have to put my no-ip adress to connect16:52
shubbaranyone running Nvidia with 8.10?16:52
riddleboxoutbackwifi, I installed madwifi-tools, and went to hardware drivers and it says it is working16:53
outbackwifiriddlebox: ok16:53
mmcjigood morning Ubuntu!16:53
rmnawsoonn, i've got a laptop that's doing that as well.  my workaround was to add a script that kills nm-applet then launches it again.  when launched manually or semi-manually it tends to work16:53
riddleboxbut networks manager and wicd do not see a wireless card or something like that16:53
mmcjiI am installing the latest version of ubutnu server and have a question about the different mail server install options16:54
outbackwifiriddlebox: how good are you at commandline? can you type some commands?16:54
mahadoes anyone know how to get Xvideo working on Dell Inspiron 6400? the video card is ATI mobility 130016:54
outbackwifimmcji: just go with postfix :)16:54
riddleboxoutbackwifi, I am good with cli16:55
mmcjiI am looking for documentation about the install options and a url that explains what they are and what smarthost is.  is this is the same smart host i see when i google this and also look at wikipedia?16:55
forkzCan I uninstall Compiz Fusion without experiencing problems?16:55
mmcjioutbackwifi: hmm16:55
|neon|i am having a strange problem, i can changed my desktop settings and everything looks ok, once i reboot my settings are lost everytime, i tried using session manager but no luck any ideas on how can i get the settings to stay after reboot16:55
blip-where is partimage ?16:55
outbackwifiriddlebox: ok great; iwconfig should tell you if you have a wireless card at all16:55
blip-everyone on google is using it with ubuntu 8.0416:55
villeris it OK if I have my one and only HDD installed as secondary slave?16:55
Fran89so also as many have said here16:55
lucaxi cant record music with gtk-record-my-desktop i want to put in the video what im hearing.... how can i do that??16:55
blip-i'm tried 2 mirrors and it isn't there16:55
outbackwifiviller: yes16:55
awsoonnrmn, I tried that, but it jsut says no connectiosn defined, adn doesn't show up near teh clock.16:55
villeroutbackwifi: only windows complains?16:56
riddleboxoutbackwifi, no wireless extensions16:56
maethk, i did a "alsa force-reload" and this gave me: lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/maeth/.gvfs16:56
maeth      Output information may be incomplete.16:56
leptest1anyone like blues? http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=215629548 listen to "hard time"16:56
outbackwifiviller: dunno too much about windoze16:56
rmnawsoonn, try with sudo16:56
rmnawsoonn, it's ugly, but that's what works for me16:56
outbackwifiriddlebox: there you go;16:56
outbackwifiriddlebox: lsmod | grep madwifi should tell you if your madwifi module is loaded16:57
awsoonnrmn that didn't do anythign for me :(16:57
maethive been searching in google and i see a lot of people with the same problem...16:57
lucaxany ideas hwo to record my desktop with sound?16:58
rmnawsoonn, bummer.  sudo killall nm-applet && sudo nm-applet does nothing useful?16:58
Optimus997Hello All16:58
awsoonnrmn correct16:58
Optimus997whats the command line download command for Ubuntu16:58
=== BlueDevil is now known as BlueDevil|Away
Fran89also any help with my sound16:58
Luks911riddlebox:  lscpic | grep net to see the wifi model, maybe you need to install some driver16:58
outbackwifiOptimus997: wget, ftp, scp16:58
=== garfield-x-syok is now known as ^garfield2^
Optimus997i am unable to use wget16:59
outbackwifiLuks911: lspci surely?16:59
Fran89it sounds like others have decribed here16:59
outbackwifiOptimus997: why?16:59
mahaanyone good at setting up drivers for ati mobility?16:59
rmnawsoonn, check that it actually gets killed first. i think i might have had some issues with that initially.  but i can't do much more than that. i haven't found a proper solution to the problem yet.16:59
Luks911outbackwifi: yes16:59
Optimus997says command not found16:59
rmnawsoonn, ps -e | grep nm-applet16:59
outbackwifiOptimus997: sudo apt-get install wget16:59
affluxOptimus997: install it then:  sudo apt-get install wget16:59
lakis1982how can i uninstall completely opeoffice 3 ?? can u helkp me ?16:59
blip-can anyone confirm they have installed "partimage" from the ubuntu 8.04 repos ?17:00
riddleboxLuks911, http://pastebin.ca/124884117:00
Optimus997Thanks its installing now :-)17:00
outbackwifi!info partimage17:00
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-1 (intrepid), package size 271 kB, installed size 960 kB17:00
awsoonnrmn, deffently killed it17:00
Luks911riddlebox: are you using intrepid?17:00
BrucevdkIs anybody familiar with the rational behind a default umask of 0022 versus 0002?17:00
hellhound_is there any linux tool or software that will work in linux that searches the internet constantly for a set of words or strings?  I used to use a program called coperic agent on windows that could do this17:01
Pitel_laptophow to get rid of pulseaudio? somehow, even when I use ALSA in intrepid, it plays through pulseadio :(17:01
outbackwifiblip-: enable universe17:01
maethanybody? help? :S17:01
KillGutaARGH can't no one give me a solution to my bandwidth limiting problem? :(17:01
riddleboxLuks911, yes17:01
fbcFran89, What sound help do you need? and please put my nick before you type so that I can see you messages easier17:01
awsoonnis there any way to disable network-manger and confige to use DHCP via cli?17:01
awsoonnI'd be happy with that atm17:01
Luks911riddlebox: sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-intrepid17:01
outbackwifiawsoonn: yes, make the entry in /etc/network/interfaces and give a sudo ifup iface17:01
affluxPitel_laptop: not sure, try removing the package libpulse0 (and the packages depending on it)17:02
blip-outbackwifi: oh.  thank you17:02
=== mau is now known as co_bth
leohartxcan i delete files in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ????17:02
kebomixhello , i need any good program in ubuntu Like Mirosoft OneNote , and other tha nbasket17:02
outbackwifileohartx: yes17:02
mohihi. does Intrepid have the driver for broadcom wireless cards for 64bit PCs ?17:02
outbackwifileohartx: a more elegant way is to apt-clean or something17:02
riddleboxLuks911, whats in there that I am missing?17:02
fbcleohartx, doesn't apt-get clean work?17:02
Brucevdkkebomix: what's wrong with Basket?17:03
outbackwififbc: tx :)17:03
Luks911riddlebox: then, System > Administration > Harware driver , and turn on a new one call Support for 5xxx series of17:03
Luks911Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards17:03
qenseHow can you ' yank'  your GMail mails in Evolution?17:03
aniiileohartx: you can type "sudo apt-get clean" to do this17:03
fbcFran89, your supposed to do that before you type a sentence as I do .17:03
Fran89fbc: ok give me a second17:03
Brucevdkgeirha: what's "yank"?17:03
blip-qense: i think you need gcal daemon, you can then recieve/send gmail via imap17:03
leohartxthank every one :), i got it17:03
Luks911riddlebox: the default madwifi don't work with your wifi17:03
fbcFran89, there you go, you got the hang of it17:03
kebomixBrucevdk: i dont like it , not organised good like onenote17:04
blip-qense: actually i think gcal is for google calendar.  you should be able to do it normally via imap17:04
KillGutaAnyone know a method of limiting bandwidth except Wondershaper, Supershaper and Shaper? :( :(17:04
Luks911riddlebox: installing linux-backports you'll get the ath5k module, which work great17:04
Brucevdkkebomix: it's the only OneNote alternative I know of17:04
qenseblip: I can already recieve and send mail, it's just hard to manage the archives properly.17:04
qenseSometimes they're double, sometimes all mails go when I delete one of the double.17:04
riddleboxLuks911, thanks17:04
riddleboxI will reboot now and try again17:04
Luks911riddlebox: :-)17:05
Brucevdkkebomix: tried running OneNote under Wine?17:05
hikenboothello all--does the open-iscsi package provide an alternative iscsi target or initiator or both when compaired with the other two packages availabe17:05
sinanwhat does it mean when i set a folder to +t (that use, i run chmod +t something) ?17:05
bingungajais it possible to set password for our workspace ?17:05
scientescan i turn off the update notifier but stil ahve it do security update, or even all updates in the background???17:05
=== mau is now known as co_resex
mohidoes Intrepid have the driver for broadcom wireless cards for amd64  ?17:06
KillGutaAhhhhhhhh can someone please tell me how to limit my bandwidth?!17:06
KillGutaWondershaper, Supershaper and Shaper don't work17:06
awsoonnyour my heros.... I was being stupid :) Thanks!17:06
blip-KillGuta won't your router do that via QOS17:06
Brucevdksinan: "The most common use of the sticky bit today is on directories, where, when set, items inside the directory can be renamed or deleted only by the item's owner, the directory's owner, or the superuser; " (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit)17:07
KillGutait's a cheap one... doesn't have QoS17:07
awsoonnbefore I go googlin' do you know how to clone a vbox machine by chance?17:07
sinanBrucevdk: thanks17:07
Rotlauswhere can i change the gdm keyboard layout?17:07
leohartxis there anyother way to clean junk files ?17:07
Brucevdkawsoonn: cloning as in.... copying the virtual machine file?17:08
leohartxafter clean those files, will my system performace better ?17:08
strkBroken packages (8.04): http://rafb.net/p/TgTEja89.html17:08
Brucevdkleohartx: no17:09
outbackwifileohartx: unless its an eeepc 701 with 4G SSD17:09
awsoonnbrucevck yes, I hope it is really easy. :)17:09
tiredbones my daughter has a broadcom bcm4401 - B0 100base Tx, is there a driver for this chip?17:10
aniiisdcv junk]17:10
Brucevdkleohartx: cleaning out cache files might at best make apt handle some actions faster, though this highly depends on how apt works. Cleaning your file system doesn't make things go faster (apart from defragmentation, wich using ext3 etc. is quite significantly less of a problem than under Windows), only running programs make your system "slower" in general.17:10
tiredbonesWe are using release 8.1017:10
leohartxbrucevdk, so, there's only 1 method to get rid of junk files is apt-get clean ?17:10
King_Kickasswhen I try to download the package libgnutls13 it sais: Package libgnutls13 has no available version, but exists in the database.17:10
=== Tiven_ is now known as Tiven
Brucevdkleohartx: apt-get clean only cleans out cached Debian packages, depends on whether you regard that as junk. Removing packages with the --auto-remove switched and purging will delete a lot of common files regarded as "junk"17:11
=== tonyespy is now known as awe
Brucevdkleohartx: but this would only make sense if you're anal, since it has limited benifits (especially not making things "go faster")17:12
Appihi guys since a week Ubuntu was not working in a typical way, I found the reason that mouse was not functioning well.. I thank and I apologize to ikonia and other17:12
leohartxBrucevdk, i get it, thankyou17:12
Brucevdkleohartx: np17:12
the_newbiehello, I need some help, how can I send emails in hotmail? Since they updated it, I can only read emails, but I cannot send any :(17:12
Brucevdkthe_newbie: use GMail? ;-) hihi17:13
Appiikonia: mouse was not function, now ubuntu is working good. I apologize you not giving the complete details...17:13
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
leohartxBrucevdk, btw what will happen when i install new distribution with old home folder, can i read/write in my old /home/<username> then ?17:15
the_newbieanyone knows a good program to upload videos to an ipod nano? and any application that helps me convert videos to m4p?17:15
KalElhotmail was the best mail about 5 years ago.17:15
outbackwifithe_newbie: gtkpod, ffmpeg17:15
KalElnaah... make that 1017:15
Brucevdkleohartx: yes, generally as long as the order in which users are added is the same (user id, group id)17:15
p0inteHey guys, i have a problem. When i plug my headphones in sounds keeps going out of the laptop speakers. I'm on a Sony VAIO and i read on the forums that it is a common problem with Intel-based sound chips. None of the solutions posted on the forums helped. Does anybody have another way of fixing this? It's really annoying17:15
leohartxBrucevdk, home folder is mounted by another partition17:15
outbackwifip0inte: yes, i use alsamixer to change that17:16
BrucevdkKillGuta: eh.... hardware router?17:16
outbackwifi!attitude | KillGuta17:16
ubottuKillGuta: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:16
=== awe is now known as awe_
p0inteoutbackwifi: i tried alsa mixer, i tried the alsa configuration script (posted @ forums)17:16
KillGutanow that I've got your attention, what do you mean by hardware router?17:16
KillGutaI don't have QoS on my router17:17
p0intei have the Headphones switch, but it doesn't work17:17
BrucevdkKillGuta: precisely, you don't, buy a real router ;-)17:17
leohartxBrucevdk : ah, i mean a clean install, can i read/write in my old /home/<username> folder ?17:17
Michael___Can I get assistance with another Debian based system, DSL, here?17:17
Brucevdkleohartx: generally yes17:17
outbackwifiKillGuta: or behave17:17
KillGutajust nevermind...17:17
KillGutaThanks for the help17:17
BrucevdkKillGuta: no problem17:17
Brucevdkoutbackwifi: see, that's how you handle a problem ;-)17:17
leohartxBrucevdk: there is  no encryption for user's home ?17:18
outbackwifiBrucevdk: tx :)17:18
Skry^nice handling :)17:18
Brucevdkleohartx: well, there can be, but by default no (new installer includes some options for encrypting a private folder)17:18
* outbackwifi especially after i installed wondershaper and tested and told him how17:18
leohartxBrucevdk: so, what will happen if i create an user with same name to my old /home/<username> ?17:19
Brucevdkleohartx: if you create users in the same order, it will basically "inherit" the rights (so it will be able to read/write to that folder). Take a look at /etc/passwd17:20
jim_phi there guys17:20
mystery_hello everyone17:20
outbackwifi!hi | jim_p mystery_17:20
ubottujim_p mystery_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:20
lucaxhow can i record my desktop?17:20
leohartxBrucevdk: no, i mean in my new install17:20
Commie_Cary!hi | Commie_Cary17:21
ubottuCommie_Cary, please see my private message17:21
jim_pdoes anyone know how can i make dmesg show partially installed packages?17:21
Brucevdkleohartx: names don't really mean much, user ids do: see /etc/passwd: bruce:x:1000:1000:Bruce van der Kooij,,,:/home/bruce:/bin/bash17:21
jim_plet me help17:21
Brucevdkleohartx: I also meant in your new install17:21
mystery_Can someone help me figure out why my cd/dvd burner returns errors and will not burn17:21
bazhang!screencast | lucax17:21
ubottulucax: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:21
jim_pdmesf -l | grep (what?)17:21
leohartxBrucevdk: will it create new home for that user ?17:22
Brucevdkleohartx: no, if you have the previous one mounted as /home it won't17:22
leohartxBrucevdk: or it will user old home folder ?17:22
Michael___How do I specify what device to use with ndiswrapper if I don't know the device's name? (It's a netgear pcmcia card)17:22
Brucevdkleohartx: it will use the old home folder yes17:22
mystery_Can someone help me figure out why my cd/dvd burner returns errors and will not burn?17:22
Brucevdkoutbackwifi: thanks for the WonderShaper, MasterShaper stuff. I've been meaning to look into traffic shaping myself.17:22
leohartxBrucevdk: i mean /home/<username>17:22
ncfi1013how do i log in17:23
outbackwifiMichael___: you specify the windows .inf file17:23
Brucevdkleohartx: I'm tired of repeating myself, so....... my previous answers still apply17:23
outbackwifi!ndiswrapper | Michael___17:23
ubottuMichael___: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:23
ncfi1013how do i log in to register my name17:23
outbackwifiBrucevdk: yw17:23
Michael___I have the .inf and driver, i need to specify what device the card is.17:23
leohartxBrucevdk: i understand it's mechanism. thankyou17:24
=== pmarchwiak is now known as theGrowingNoise
ncfi1013i am having problems updating the driver for my nvidia geforce 6100 what do i do17:24
bingungajai'd install realplayer in my ubuntu 8.10 64bit, but how come there's no sounds, try some trick from google to use asso, but i won't even open the player, anyone please ?17:24
Anacranomncfi1013,  Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>17:25
mystery_Can someone help me figure out why my cd/dvd burner returns errors and will not burn?17:25
outbackwifiMichael___: where? ndiswrapper will create the interface and give it a name for you; you can see it with iwconfig17:25
Michael___I'm not using Ubuntu, I'm using DSL, which is a debian also17:26
outbackwifimystery_: try cleaning its lens17:26
paul68outbackwifi: he uses wich driver broadcom or altharos?17:26
Anacranomncfi1013,  Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>  Examples:      /msg NickServ REGISTER bar foo@bar.com17:26
ghanghi , my mplayer cannt get wma decode , may i know how to get this ?17:27
outbackwifipaul68: havent got a clue17:27
mystery_outbackwifi how should i clean my lense?17:27
outbackwifimystery_: get a cd/dvd lens cleaner17:27
paul68Michael___: what is the driver your wireless lan uses?17:27
Michael___I dont know, how would i find this out?17:27
outbackwifipaul68: he said he's using ndiswrapper17:27
ncfi1013anacranom is that me being registered down below you in the green saying that i have joined ubuntu17:28
outbackwifiMichael___: you said netgear something17:28
ncfi1013im sorry i mean up there17:28
outbackwifiMichael___: did ndiswrapper load properly? the module i mean17:28
paul68outbackwifi: understand but if he is on 8.10 he doesn't need to use ndiswrapper17:28
theGrowingNoiseI am trying to clone a hard drive. Can anyone help me out?17:29
ncfi1013anacranom i have no idea what that menas17:29
outbackwifipaul68: hes on damn small linux17:29
ldiamond_I want to remove firefox (that I installed using apt-get). I tried sudo aptitude purge firefox, it said it would free 99MB, but now Firefox is still there and working. How do I get rid of it?17:29
Anacranomncfi1013,  i suppose so, click the upper server, should have info there (on the left)17:29
BrucevdktheGrowingNoise: do you know about dd?17:29
Michael___Yeah, it wants the device name, i dont know the name, how could i find this?17:29
paul68outbackwifi: at least not for the broadcom drivers since it can be found under the restricted drivers17:29
outbackwifitheGrowingNoise: check out g4u --> http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/17:30
ncfi1013you mean Ubuntu Server17:30
theGrowingNoiseBruce: i haven't used it before17:30
BrucevdktheGrowingNoise: look into dd, what you want has dd written all over it17:30
paul68outbackwifi: dunno anything about small linux didn't know you could have it in small medium or large ;-)17:30
NemesisDhalp, i think the upgrade broke a pulseaudio config file, i don't get audio in flash video anymore17:30
theGrowingNoisewill it work when the target is larger than the original?17:30
outbackwifipaul68: nm17:30
NekroJakubDoes anyone here know the application UNetbootin?17:30
ldiamond_NekroJakub, somewhat17:31
outbackwifitheGrowingNoise: yes i guess it would17:31
bullgard4Where will I find the file /usr/share/gconf/schemas/vinagre.schemas reflected in the configuration editor gconf?17:31
ldiamond_I want to remove firefox (that I installed using apt-get). I tried sudo aptitude purge firefox, it said it would free 99MB, but now Firefox is still there and working. How do I get rid of it?17:31
bingungajais it possible to set password for our workspace ?17:31
BrucevdktheGrowingNoise: I'm not 100% sure, I've never actually cloned a hdd myself17:31
outbackwifildiamond_: rm /var/lib/firefox (not recommended)17:32
NekroJakubldiamond_ : Why does it only propose C:/ (my Windows partition) for installation and not D:/ (my data partition)?17:32
erinlea80what was the question, TheGrowingNoise?17:32
erinlea80Hi all! :)17:32
muditi want to remove reference of a command line compiler i installed, how to do it ?17:32
BrucevdktheGrowingNoise: I'd say yes, because I'd assume dd just writes over the bytes untill it's done17:32
muditi hope it did make some sense17:32
outbackwifimudit: what do you mean by reference?17:32
ldiamond_NekroJakub, unetbootin isnt made to install from your current main internal HDD.17:32
theGrowingNoiseBrucevdk: thanks, i'll give it a try17:32
ldiamond_outbackwifi, whats the recommended way?17:32
outbackwifildiamond_: sudo apt-get  remove firefox17:33
ldiamond_NekroJakub, use a USB stick17:33
ldiamond_outbackwifi, Yes I did that, firefox still works17:33
NekroJakubldiamond_ : Good idea, I love the idea of a USB Live Ubuntu17:33
outbackwifildiamond_: you mean it is still installed or the current working instance is present?17:33
ncfi1013_how do i log in to register my name i got this email telling me i have to send this command in irc: /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER ncfi1013 yauaacdntokr17:34
ldiamond_NekroJakub, back up ur data first, it will format it17:34
muditwell i installed some compiler , now the terminal recognizes the command 'mxmlc'17:34
wylHi, nice to meet u!17:34
ldiamond_outbackwifi, It seems to  still be installed and I can launch new instances.17:34
NekroJakubldiamond_: Already formatted the stick myself17:34
paul68!beer |outbackwifi you seem to need one17:34
outbackwifimudit: type which mxmlc17:34
ubottuoutbackwifi you seem to need one: Beer is always appreciated.17:34
slurpeei installed x-chat.  i opened it and started changing some settings and now it wont appear.  Any time I open the app, I see an hour glass, but nothing appears. I have tried purging xchat & reinstalled, but the same thing happens.  I am not seeing any error logs either.17:34
outbackwifipaul68: tx17:34
ldiamond_NekroJakub, just make sure you dont have useful data on it, because it will be gone.17:34
NekroJakubldiamond_: I know, but thanks.17:35
outbackwifimudit: and rename/remove it17:35
muditoutbackwifi: I got the path17:35
Michael___If I insert a wifi card into a PCMCIA slot on DSL, what would the device be named defaultly?17:35
outbackwifiMichael___: this is a ubuntu support channel17:35
Michael___I know17:35
lianimatoris there anyone subtitle editing program like ksubtile for ubuntu?17:35
Luks911lianimator: gaupol17:36
outbackwifiMichael___: it wil typically be wlan0, ath0, ra0 or even eth1 in some cases depending upon the card; so if you do a sudo iwconfig, it will show which interface has wireless extensions17:37
usserMichael___, if it detects it at all that is ^17:37
outbackwifiusser: yes that too;17:37
usserMichael___, you can always look in dmesg to see what happens when u plug it in if there are any errors and such17:37
Michael___ok thanks17:37
wylAre there any good games?17:38
LordMetroidisn't lc the linecounter?17:38
wylI am newer.17:38
usserLordMetroid, some people would alias lc to wc -l17:38
ldiamond_What is the gnome-core package?17:38
outbackwifiLordMetroid: i know that wc gives you that17:38
ldiamond_Is it a meta package^17:38
TuniX12anyone knows how to speed up ubuntu 8.10?17:38
usserLordMetroid, wc -l counts the lines17:38
LordMetroidthakn you usser and outbackwifi17:38
outbackwifiTuniX12: other than downgrade it to 8,04, no :)17:39
LordMetroidNo I am LordMetroid17:39
TuniX12outbackwifi: 8.04 is faster on the same hardware17:39
Pirate_Hunterhow do i make make my box start in cli instead of gui without removing gdm?17:40
usserTuniX12, ditch gnome and install something more lightweight17:40
outbackwifiTuniX12: exactly17:40
wylLordMetroid, which game do you play in ubuntu?17:40
LordMetroid8.04 is somewhat more sluggish than 6.10 but I can live with it17:40
outbackwifiPirate_Hunter: use update-rc.d to prevent gdm from starting at boot17:40
gravemindhey guys -- right now my log out menu has morphed into a switch user menu, and doesn't have shutdown or restart anymore. Does anyone know how I can get those on the menu too?17:40
LordMetroidwyl: I don't play games in Ubuntu...17:40
legend2440slurpee i would try renaming the hidden file called .xchat or .xchat2 in your home folder and see if that helps. it will recreate the .xchat folder with default settings17:40
LordMetroidwyl: I use my computer for developing games17:41
cbcbHi guys, Was wondering if someone could help with a dbus/gdm/gnome-keyring-daemon problem that I get when logging in on 8.10... extracts from auth.log are thus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69277/ - thanks :-)17:41
Michael___Got it working !!! Thank you very much!17:41
LordMetroidwyl: The one I have Ubuntu installed is my laptop which is 5 years old so I can't play any cool new games on Ubuntu. Playing games I am forced to admit that I do on my stationary which runs windows XP17:42
outbackwifiMichael___: what did you do?17:42
wylOh, thanks. LordMetroid, where are you? I am in BeiJing.17:42
Michael___sudo iwconfig to find the card's name17:42
LordMetroidwyl: Sweden17:42
Pirate_Hunteroutbackwifi: so what do i just edit that file and remove gdm?17:42
ldiamond_Can anyone help me installing firefox (downloaded from the site)? The readme says to look at their site... but I have no browser.17:42
novato001SIN INERNET17:42
FloodBot3novato001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
Myrtti!es | novato00117:42
ubottunovato001: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:42
Fran89fbc: it seems the Alsa audio is faulty or has a bug but the OSS does work so after i changed them stuff ilke muic runs fine, however system sounds or sounds trough internet explorer do not17:43
outbackwifiPirate_Hunter: i would type sudo update-rc.d gdm remove17:43
novato001NO ENTIENDO17:43
Myrtti!caps | novato00117:43
ubottunovato001: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:43
vixeyldiamond_: Maybe you can install it with apt17:43
nickgarvey!br | novato00117:43
ubottunovato001: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:43
AnonymousOnehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=973665 - could someone look @ the last post?17:43
ldiamond_vixey, I did the first time, this version crashes every 2 minutes for no reason.17:43
outbackwifildiamond_: did you download a deb?17:43
ldiamond_outbackwifi, no, an archive containing lots of files17:43
Michael___Apt-get update is giving me 404 errors17:44
nickgarveyMichael___: did you try changing your mirror?17:44
carlinhosanyone can help me with my xorg and this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:44
novato001nose nothing of English and I do not understand anything to them17:44
Fran89 fbc: it seems the Alsa audio is faulty or has a bug but the OSS does work so after i changed them stuff ilke muic runs fine, however system sounds or sounds trough firefox do not17:44
Michael___nickgarvey: how do i do that17:44
Myrttinovato001: please don't shout and use English! this channel is English only.17:44
outbackwifildiamond_: then its prolly a binary; just untar it (like say in /opt) and make a symlink to the binary  in /usr/local/bin17:44
Bodsdais there a way to get python tab completion in vim?17:44
Pirate_Hunteroutbackwifi: that doesnt actually unninstall gdm? and how do i bring it back again i.e. sudo update-rc.d gdm restart?17:44
novato001hoooo  fuck17:45
BleSSdo you know any irc software for gnome? not xchat17:45
ldiamond_novato001, What language do you speak?17:45
nickgarveyMichael___: System > Administration > Software Sources17:45
Bodsda!ohmy | novato00117:45
ubottunovato001: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:45
gravemindHi, the shutdown and restart buttons are missing on my account's logout menu, but another account on this same computer has them. How do I get them back17:45
novato001you exit17:45
nickgarveyMichael___: then change the "Download from" textbox17:45
outbackwifiPirate_Hunter: it only prevents it from starting; you need to say defaults instead of restart :)17:45
brand0conBleSS: pidgin works fine17:45
ldiamond_novato001, What language do you speak?17:45
herbldiamond_: he speaks spanish17:45
ldiamond_oh well17:46
ldiamond_hes gon17:46
carlinhosubottu: can you help me  with my xorg and this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:46
jimmioHello all... Any chance of being able to play the ONE album I bought off iTunes in RhythmBox?17:46
Michael___How would i change the apt-get mirrors from console?17:46
rafalhow to add   model="acer"  to the module  snd-hda-intel        on boot?17:47
Lisa1how do I get Times New Roman on Ubuntu open office?17:47
outbackwifiMichael___: you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list17:47
natalieis there anyone who can help me copy and mount my /home directory to a new partition and then mount it17:47
Pirate_Hunteroutbackwifi: thanx last question i can still start x if i ever need it is screen f7?17:47
AnonymousOneLisa1: it's there default17:47
LjLLisa1: you need to install the microsoft fonts17:47
LjL!fonts | Lisa117:47
ubottuLisa1: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer17:47
brand0concarlinhos: whats wrong with your display settings?17:47
Lisa1how do I install fonts?17:47
LjLAnonymousOne: uhm no it's not, Times New Roman is a proprietary font distributed by Microsoft...17:47
outbackwifiPirate_Hunter: just type startx and it will start an X session17:47
LjLLisa1, i think ubottu just told you a moment ago17:47
bingungajaanyone can tell me what should i do to play rmvb file ? tried realplayer no sound, mplayer, totem, etc, none is working17:47
brand0conxrandr --prop will tell you more info about whats connected.  xrandr --auto usually sets things correctly automatically17:48
AnonymousOneLjL, well, I had it ... maybe I had another repos in my sources.list17:48
LjLAnonymousOne: the Microsoft fonts are available from the standard repos, but they're not installed by default17:48
LjLAnonymousOne: you get them if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:48
Pirate_Hunteroutbackwifi: your a darling thanx for the info17:48
LjLLisa1: anyway short answer, sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts17:48
AnonymousOneI must of, then17:48
mmcjioutbackwifi:  Thanks, install finished.  It did install dovecot too, which is what i was looking for.  Good advice.  Thanks!17:48
carlinhosbran0con: i cant set my 21.6" screen resolution of 1680x1050. I have a laptop with intel graphic card. I set it correctly 1680x1050 in WIndows, but in ubuntu maximun o 1360x76817:48
exti think all flash applications have lost sound, why?17:48
LjLLisa1: one caveat - your Firefox default fonts (and possibly others) will probably change after you install that17:49
bookkrazzysorry noob here17:49
legend2440!separatehome | natalie17:49
ubottunatalie: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome17:49
outbackwifimmcji: Pirate_Hunter: yw17:49
=== sean is now known as sean22190
joshpwhy does network manager only work with tmobile and at&t17:49
carlinhosbrand0con: i cant set my 21.6" screen resolution of 1680x1050. I have a laptop with intel graphic card. I set it correctly 1680x1050 in WIndows, but in ubuntu maximun o 1360x76817:49
joshpi have sprint17:49
gravemindHi, the shutdown and restart buttons are missing on my account's logout menu, but another account on this same computer has them. How do I get them back17:49
brand0concarlinhos: what does xrandr --prop tell you when you have the monitor connected17:49
drone_I've got a weird issue with sound juicer: I want it to output .mp3's but the dropdown menu under preferences doesn't list it. However, it is listed under the edit profiles dialog box. I even checked it off as active and it still doesn't show up. Any ideas?17:49
slurpeeanyone know whats going on with the 8.10 saved sessions? it doesn't seem to be working at allday.17:50
extin firefox, konqueror, etc., no flash applications have sound, why?17:50
NekroJakubgravemind: Try changing your system theme maybe?17:50
brand0concarlinhos: do you see the resolution you want in the list?17:50
Lisa1LjL: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts did not work17:50
extat the same time i can run amarok and get sound?17:50
graveminddrone_: I have no idea to fix it but have you checked that the profile has the correct options?17:50
|Dreams|whe i play videos the video just keeps flashing17:50
gravemindNekroJakub: thanks for the idea! I'll try17:50
AnonymousOneLisa1: what was the error?17:50
|Dreams|using ubuntu intrepid x6417:50
jimmioext: Use PulseAudio17:50
AnonymousOneDidn't find the package?17:50
|Dreams|it does the same with vlc and movie player17:51
Lisa1Package msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:51
Lisa1is only available from another source17:51
drone_yes, I checked it against a few forum posts which give exact profile details for mp3 encoding17:51
=== Neurologic is now known as Guest29179
AnonymousOneapt-cache search msttcorefonts17:51
outbackwifi!info mstrcorefonts17:51
ubottuPackage mstrcorefonts does not exist in intrepid17:51
outbackwifi!info msttrcorefonts17:51
ubottuPackage msttrcorefonts does not exist in intrepid17:51
outbackwifi!info msttcorefonts17:51
ubottumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.5 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB17:51
carlinhosbrand0con: this is what i can see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69279/17:51
drone_it's just weird that it is under the edit profiles list, but I can't bring it up on the drop down in the main preferences box17:51
outbackwifiLisa1: did you enable multiverse repos?17:51
bookkrazzyi have loaded ubuntu on my pc is seems to go ok but when i run it hangs a  pale orenge screen i have a mouse pointer but nothing to point at?17:51
gravemindNekroJakub: no, unfortunately changing system themes doesn't change the logout menu17:51
Lisa1outbackwifi: I don't understand17:51
NekroJakubgravemind: I'm pretty sure everything is customisable, so maybe there's a seperate category for the logout menu17:52
thethrasher /say Hi I would like to share a printer from ubunutu connected to a winows XP machine, how would I go about that?17:52
extjimmio: http://pastebin.com/m21abb87c17:52
outbackwifiLisa1: go to System-Administration-Software  Sources and check the last checkbox that has multiverse written in brackets17:53
|Dreams|can someone help me please when i play a movie the video flashes with every software player i have tried using ubuntu intrepid 6417:53
brand0concarlinhos: well the display size you want isnt there obviously so youll have to modify your xorg.conf accordingly17:53
gravemindNekroJakub: alright, thanks, I'll look for it17:53
brand0concan you pastebin the file?17:53
BleSSbrand0con: thanks! I didn't know that piding irc would so cool17:53
mystery_Can someone help me figure out why my cd/dvd burner returns errors and will not burn?17:53
Lisa1outbackwifi: it is already checked17:53
embrikcan anyone give me the line to write in console to format a harddisk connected to usb?17:54
gravemindeveryone: I'm looking for the preference that customizes the logout menu -- anyone happen to know where it is? (I'm missing the shutdown and restart buttons)17:54
brand0conBleSS:  no problem.  using it right now!  lacks a few plugins but overall its very robust17:54
jimmioext: System>Preferences>Sound... make sure they all say PulseAudio Sound Server... restart.17:54
carlinhosbrand0con: sure, but how!? i have been for a week searching for help to do that... :S Can you help me?17:54
outbackwifiLisa1: you need to do a sudo apt-get update17:54
outbackwifigravemind: is it a eeepc?\17:54
Lisa1outbackwifi: running17:54
thethrasherHi, I would like to share a printer from ubunutu connected to a winows XP machine, how would I go about that?17:54
gravemindoutbackwifi: no it is a desktop17:54
carlinhosbrand0con: ok, i pastebin the xorg file17:55
bfrizzleI have a USB headset and also a normal pair of speakers, I am trying to send all my sound to the headset instead of the speakers.  I set everything to the headset devices in preferences->sound and in the mixer applet. What do I need to configure to make that work?17:55
brand0concarlinhos: very good17:55
gravemindoutbackwifi: it had the buttons until a dialogue asked me if I wanted to update my logout menu with quick user switch17:55
Lisa1outbackwifi: done17:55
outbackwifigravemind: oh ok, there used to be a prob with vanishing icons on a eeepc17:55
extjimmio: restart computer or X17:55
drone_thethrasher: are you saying that the printer is connected to your xp box or ubuntu box?17:55
outbackwifiLisa1: now sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts17:55
embrikwhat do i write to format my usb disk (sdb)17:55
gravemindembrik: I would use gparted17:56
Lisa1outbackwifi: thank you so much17:56
outbackwifiLisa1: did it work?17:56
Lisa1outbackwifi: still doing stuff17:56
gravemindembrik: system>administration>partition manager17:56
thethrasherno one can help?17:56
gravemindembrik: er... partition editor that is17:56
ldiamond_I need help setuping Nvidia drivers. I tried using the hardware manager, but that failed17:57
Deceiverhello all17:57
outbackwifithethrasher: you need to share the printer  using cups, create a class etc and then add the printer in windoze17:57
embrikgravemind, thought to just use fdisk - but if there is a gui ...17:57
Lisa1outbackwifi: it seems like its downloading a bunch of fontname.exe17:57
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows17:57
outbackwifithethrasher: http://localhost:631 should allow you to access cups configuration page17:57
carlinhosbrand0con: here it is. i have questions about my xorg file, i think there are not too many "things" in it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69286/17:57
outbackwifiLisa1: let it do what it wants to :)17:57
Deceiverwhy do I get this "Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.17) but 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 will be installed" when I try to install Wine?17:57
AnonymousOneI've been trying mount -o loop,rw -t ext3 /mnt/win_d/ubuntu/disks/root.disk /vdisk but it 's been read-only17:57
AnonymousOneI can't write to it17:58
AnonymousOneany ideas17:58
bakarati want to reinstall ubuntu, but not on the same partition (cause i don't wanna lose config files and other things i can't even recall atm), would it be "ok" to resize my /home partition, clear 10 gig at the end and use that as / for my next installation?17:58
outbackwifibakarat: yes17:58
embrikgravemind, gparted looks ok :-)17:58
Lisa1outbackwifi: can I get the trashcan on the desktop?17:58
bakaratoutbackwifi: there would be no problem that my current / is at the beginning of the harddisk?17:58
outbackwifibakarat: nope17:59
thethrasherthat info is if i have a printer which i don't17:59
bakaratoutbackwifi: sweet, thx :>17:59
thethrasherthe win xp has the printer17:59
ldiamond_bakarat, It might be just a little slower, but you prolly wont even notice17:59
Deceiverwhy do I get this "Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.17) but 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 will be installed" when I try to install Wine?17:59
outbackwifithethrasher: thats not what you said17:59
thethrasherand the two computers are connected via ethernet cable to a router17:59
bakaratldiamond_: why would that be?17:59
jimmioext: Computer17:59
outbackwifithethrasher: its easier that way, just share the printer in windoze and use samba to connect to the printer18:00
drtrollis there a way to turn off the notification balloons that pop up since intrepid ibex? (e.g. "You are now connected to the wireless network x")?18:00
ldiamond_bakarat, because the edge of the hard drive spinning disk has a higher velocity than the center.18:00
bakaratoutbackwifi: ldiamond_ btw, is there a way to reinstall ubuntu on the same boot partition without losing all my config files and god knows how many scripts etc? (so just reinstall the pieces that are necessary?)18:00
bakaratldiamond_: o18:00
the-rawhere can i see if my network does retransmissions because of a bad link?18:00
legend2440Lisa1: in terminal type   gconf-editor  and browse to  /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible  put checkmark next ot Show Trashcan icon18:00
outbackwifibakarat: thats a distribution upgrade18:00
outbackwifibakarat: i would press alt-f2 to get a run window and type update-manager -d18:01
ldiamond_bakarat, well, if you say you have a different partition for your /home (and your configs are there), then you wouldnt lose it by installing over your /18:01
the-raor in other words - where can i see a overall packet loss statistic?18:01
Deceiverwhy do I get this "Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.17) but 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 will be installed" when I try to install Wine?18:01
bakaratldiamond_: configs in /etc, scripts that i posted in um... /usr/bin is it? :p18:01
outbackwifithe-ra: wireshark18:01
bakaratldiamond_: that kind of stuff18:01
bakaratldiamond_: i also don't know where firefox keeps its profiles, dito for other programs, and i can NOT afford to lose those :p18:02
gammyHrm I recently started getting crackling noise on the left audio channel. I wonder why.18:02
ldiamond_barakat, firefox site has that info18:02
Lisa1outbackwifi: thanks18:02
ldiamond_I need help setuping Nvidia drivers. I tried using the hardware manager, but that failed18:02
rfxcaseyhow do I run something as root18:02
bakaratldiamond_: problem is, everytime i format & reinstall, i forget to back up something, which has caused many a headache in the past :D18:02
tritiumrfxcasey: with sudo18:02
ldiamond_rfxcasey, use sudo prefix18:02
rfxcaseyit's there a hot key18:03
outbackwifibakarat: all your profiles are in your home directory in directories like .firefox .thunderbird etc18:03
malinubuntu french yoo no plees18:03
kittyhawkhello.  I'm not getting any sound after I upgraded to Ibex.  can anyone help?18:03
ldiamond_bakarat, maybe your best bet is to back up ur hard drive to a USB device18:03
outbackwifi!fr | malin18:03
ubottumalin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:03
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209818:03
bakaratldiamond_: hehe, that's what i usually do, still have a 100 gig image of my laptop there before i formatted that :D18:03
gravemindembrik: glad it works :)18:03
rfxcaseyisn't there a hot key for gnome to bring up a run as root dialog18:03
carlinhos anyone can help me with my xorg and this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:04
outbackwifirfxcasey: no hotkey but you could create one and assign it to gksu18:04
Lisa1I am running ubuntu on a laptop and the brightness buttons do not work, also it doesn't recognize the built in webcam, what do I do?18:04
tgpraveenpeople I need to set deluge to start automatically at 6am on my pc. my pc is on. and this I s a one time action only that I need to schedule to do.18:04
outbackwifiLisa1: what laptop would that be?18:04
newtonhow do i restart pulse audio18:04
tgpraveenso could anyone tell me how I can set up a cron job for my requirements?18:04
Winoldo anyone has problem with the 8.10 version ?  I still have Problems when i try to install it18:04
outbackwifitgpraveen: use crontab -e18:04
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:05
kittyhawknewton: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart18:05
tgpraveenexact commd please am a nob18:05
bingungajaanyone can tell me what should i do to play rmvb file ? tried realplayer no sound, mplayer, totem, etc, none is working18:05
tgpraveenubottu: thanks18:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:05
newtonok, pulse audio is glitching for me18:06
the-raoutbackwifi, where in wireshark would that be? i don't want to count packets myself.. -.-18:06
ldiamond_it is for most of us... sadly18:06
_hp_where can i change the key bindings for compiz ?18:06
newtonanyone know the problem where sond does not play?18:06
outbackwifithe-ra: you can create filters for viewing/capturing only the packets you want18:07
newtonhow to fix that?18:07
ldiamond_newton,  what if you do "speaker-test -c 2" in a console?18:07
bakarati love x2x tbh :|18:07
the-raoutbackwifi, fine, but what if i start it now.. would it tell me how many packets had to be retransmitted to the net?18:07
the-raoutbackwifi, like since the time i booted?18:08
newtonldiamond_, no sound is heard18:08
newtonand sound worked before18:08
outbackwifithe-ra: its not that intelligent; what it can do is capture all the packets on the wire; you need to analyze it18:08
captainHey, does anyone know why my Second HD moves locations when I have a memory stick in at boot? Normally it is /media/disk but if the memory card is in it will become media/disk-118:08
newtonthere was a fix for it, but i forgot what it was18:08
the-raoutbackwifi, thanks so far18:09
Deceiverhow do I see my Ubuntu Version?18:09
tritiumDeceiver: lsb_release -a18:09
ldiamond_newton, I fixed my sound, but I dont even remember what I did, sorry18:09
YaroMan86Is there a way to check the health of my DVD-RAM drive?18:09
Deceiverlooks like I have hardy, how do I upgrade to Inteprid? :D18:09
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:09
outbackwifiCaptain: thats because ubuntu is creating those mount points on the fly; you can however change that by creating entries in /etc/fstab18:09
Newb`sCan someone tell me the name of a good ubuntu vocoder?18:10
kittyhawkI'm also having sound trouble.  However, for me speaker-test -c 2 reports "ALSA lib pcm_pulse.c:629:(pulse_prepare) PulseAudio: Unable to create stream: Invalid argument"18:10
outbackwifibakarat: i would press alt-f2 to get a run window and type update-manager -d18:10
outbackwifiDeceiver: i would press alt-f2 to get a run window and type update-manager -d18:10
outbackwifibakarat: sorry18:10
bakaratoutbackwifi: np :p18:10
captainoutbackwifi, cool I am off to google, see what I can come up with18:10
outbackwifiNewb`s: whats a vocoder?18:11
reverHI I just installed 8.10 and I have an X-FI sound card. I know OSS has drivers for this and ALSA was given the datasheets and will eventually have drivers18:12
stage3bingungaja, did you install win32codecs?18:12
reverWhat is my options to get sound now though18:12
gravemindhey guys, some forum user suggested running "apt-get remove xserver-xgl" (worked for him) to get my shutdown and restart buttons back, but I think xserver-xgl might be important. Are there any other ways of getting the buttons back?18:12
_grepperDon't laugh but I just delete sources.list from my Ubuntu 8.10 server. Is there a quick way to get it somewhere online?18:12
outbackwifirever: get a supported sound card18:12
reveroutbackwifi, Wow that was very helpful18:12
YaroMan86Is there a way to check the health of my DVD-RAM drive?18:13
Newb`soutbackwifi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocoder18:13
reveroutbackwifi, you must be a linux genius rival the MAC Genius18:13
outbackwifirever: sorry but thats what you're left with18:13
outbackwifi!attitude | rever18:13
ubotturever: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:13
Deceiverwhat's the difference beetween Kubuntu and Ubuntu?18:13
_grepperKubuntu comes with KDE instead of Gnome18:14
ubuntu_does anyone know efi?18:14
reveroutbackwifi, Well not really  since OSS has drivers and creative does to. So I guess the question was any info getting it working18:14
DeceiverI mean I can run all of the software on both18:14
Deceiveris Kubuntu more optimized and stuff?18:14
outbackwifirever: easiest way to check it is to use oss from the preferences18:15
Lisa1when I try to install a theme it says installation failed (can't move directory over directory18:15
LiverbonesLots of people leaving. Heh.18:15
ardi_kkhello, has any one experienced latency problem with recordmydesktop on ubuntu hardy 8.04.1?  the voice and video does not seam to go together.18:15
grobda24Deceiver, you can run Konquerer on Gnome for example .. but it needs quite a few libraries installing.18:15
matthewI was just having a problem with getting xchat to load after I changed the transparency setting.  It is a known bug in intrepid 8.10.  I found the real solution which works. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat-gnome/+bug/27603618:16
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Deceivergrobda24 so is Kubuntu better in terms of performance?18:16
gravemindeveryone: I'm looking for the preference that customizes the logout menu -- anyone happen to know where it is? (I'm missing the shutdown and restart buttons)18:16
onetbany know anything about Conky?18:17
grobda24Deceiver, I don't know. You'd have to seek out a few benchmarks for that.18:18
jribgravemind: system -> administration -> login window -> loca -> show actions menu I believe18:18
DeceiverWhy should I choose Kubuntu over Ubuntu?18:18
gravemindjrib: yeah, I read about that, but my options are already correctly configured, so I don't know what to do18:18
fumbduckhey guys, i recently upgraded to intrepid and now my mdadm based raid 1 /dev/md0 cant be found. its mounted at / so my system isnt booting :-(18:18
gravemindonetb: it displays system informations18:18
jribDeceiver: doesn't really matter.  They're the same.  One with kde by default, the other with gnome by default.  You can install gnome on kubuntu or kde on ubuntu and try both that way18:18
grobda24Deceiver, Ubuntu / Gnome is a much simpler user interface if you don't use all the extra addons of KDE (good as those are).18:19
jribgravemind: restarted gdm after the changes?18:19
depapewhere can i ask questions about the wireless-kernel project? what is the correct channel?18:19
jribonetb: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you18:19
hddsshi , i have problem with backport gpg !18:19
hddssW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-backports Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>18:19
fumbducki tried using the  live cd in rescue mode and when it got to teh point where it asked for teh root disk i selected md0 and it said it couldnt find it18:19
gravemindjrib: I didn't make changes -- they were correctly set from the beginning. But I can restart gdm if you think it would help18:19
jribgravemind: nope, wouldn't matter18:19
onetbjrib: I know, but i often have issues even breaking into the room at all18:19
depapewhere can i ask questions about the wireless-kernel project? what is the correct channel?18:20
jribonetb: I don't understand what that means18:20
onetbwhen I have conky running on the desktop (not in a separate window), the icons on my desktop flicker intermittently18:20
riddleboxLuks911, still no wireless18:20
Bupsssdoes anybody knows why the webcam works in amsn and not on skype?18:20
jribonetb: did you read the conky faq, I think I may have read about something like that18:20
hddssany help ?18:20
TQuidHi folks. Easy one, I hope: is it still necessary to install from the alternate CD to set up RAID1?18:20
benanzoNetworkManager does not re-scan wireless networks automatically after suspend/resume18:20
Michael___how do i tell apt-get to get program dependicies?18:21
outbackwifiTQuid: yes18:21
tobywukBupsss, try going into skype pref's and setting the webcam you want to use in that18:21
jribMichael___: it does that automatically18:21
TQuidMichael___: it normally does that automatically.18:21
rhavenwhi, is there a way to boot a live cd from an external harddrive?18:21
Michael___not mine18:21
LjLMichael___: you don't need to, it just does it18:21
jribMichael___: pastebin18:21
Bupssstobywuk, i did, but i see white noise18:21
TQuidoutbackwifi: Thanks! is that documented anywhere?18:21
riddleboxoutbackwifi, any other ideas?18:21
benanzoit just shows old networks from where ever I was when I suspended18:21
tobywukBupsss, not sure then soz18:21
outbackwifiriddlebox: what was your prob again?18:21
LjLMichael___: if it doesn't then it's because it can find them, pastebin both the output of it and the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list18:21
Lisa1i just tryed to restart computer to see if that would help, but it didn't, I am trying to install XPLuna.tar.gz and when I try it fails with error: Can not move directory over directory18:21
benanzoI've waited up to 5 minutes for it to refresh, but nothing18:21
Michael___it says: depends: xxx but it is not going to be installed18:22
TQuidLisa1: When you say "install", what command are you giving?18:22
benanzoI have to manually unload/reload the wifi module or restart NetworkManager for it to rescan18:22
arooniwhile running rdiff backup i see:  ListError .dbus [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/chasetoys/.dbus'  (also for ~/.rnd) .... i am running it as a cronjob on a non root user account... should i change that?  or should i not worry about these errors as theres only about 16 of them, and most of them have to do with nagios.18:22
LjLMichael___: then there's a dependency conflict, and saying "xxx" won't help us diagnosing it18:22
onetbjrib: i have not done much research, i just noticed the issue.18:22
outbackwifiTQuid: a correction to that; you can still use livecd and install mdadm. heres how --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846118:22
jribonetb: take a look at the conky faq18:22
ubuntu_anyone know the command to see all partions -hidden and protected as well18:22
TQuidWicked, outbackwifi, thanks.18:23
LjLubuntu_: sudo fdisk -l18:23
ubuntu_nice thx18:23
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Lisa1TQuid: I am dragging it into the apperence manager18:24
ymeHi, could somebody help with ssh external access pls?18:24
outbackwifiLisa1: i would click on install theme and point it to the tar.gz18:24
TQuidAh, I see. Still need alternate to install but you can access raid with the livecd with a package install. Makes sense.18:24
outbackwifiyme: go ahead18:24
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LjLyme: what do you mean exactly?18:24
ubuntu_LjL: That doesnt show me all the partions..?18:24
Lisa1outbackwifi: same error message18:24
ldiamond_How do I see what failed during boot time? (its too quick for me to read). Is there a log somewhere?18:25
LjLubuntu_: i think it should... unless the partition table is garbled perhaps18:25
outbackwifiLisa1: maybe the tarball is corrupt; open it in file-roller and see18:25
outbackwifildiamond_: dmesg|less18:25
TQuidldiamond_: dmesg | less may get . . . heh.18:25
Lisa1outbackwifi: file roller?18:25
storm-zenI have a problem with sound since upgrading from gutsy.  ( It wasn't direct, and ultimately involved wiping out the old OS and installing Intrepid fresh. ) -- but my sound is sometimes almost all static, sometimes crystal clear.  Anyone seen this?18:25
basso_is it possible to put up a PXE server that boots any choosen ISO?18:26
outbackwifiLisa1: thats the gnome archiver; just double click and it will launch it18:26
Lisa1outbackwifi: I was able to extract it right18:26
DeceiverWow Kubuntu looks smoother and cooler :D18:26
ymeoutbackwifi, I want to grant ssh access to a friend of mine to my linux server. I created a user, I open my ssh port, I copied his public key under his ~/.ssh and cat >> into authorized_keys. When he tries to login, he can see my welcome message but then he gets permission denied18:26
TQuidbasso_: in brief, yes.18:26
Lisa1outbackwifi: seems fine18:26
TQuidWait, i think I am lying.18:26
TQuidYou'll have to unspool the ISO into a filesystem.18:26
storm-zenI hate it when that happens, TQuid. ;)18:26
mcphailBupsss: you may need a workaround to run the webcam in skype18:26
TQuidpxeboot relies on nfs, and nfs can't export a loopback-mounted device.18:26
basso_Unspool ISO to filesystem? :O18:26
ldiamond_TQuid, outbackwifi I dont see it.18:26
TQuidI tried it just yesterday.18:26
outbackwifiyme: what shell have you given him? you can check in /etc/passwd18:27
basso_anyone got a tutorial for that? :P18:27
Michael___What are the default Ubuntu apt-get mirrors18:27
embrikmy memory stick and external harddisks won't mount automatically - I have to mount the manually - and the I have to be root - and then I can not write to the mounted disk - what is wrong here?18:27
ymeoutbackwifi, let me check18:27
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rfxcaseyhelp my xserver is messed up18:27
donaldJust installed Belkin Vision wireless router. Question about the MAC address list. If I list only one MAC address are all others excluded? Does it act like security?18:27
TQuidbasso_: yeah, either copy the files off a mounted CD, or do a "mount -oloop blahblah.iso /mnt/place" and copy from there.18:27
outbackwifidonald: yes18:27
donaldGreat. Thanks18:27
TQuidYou *could* pxeboot off a real mounted CD, but that would presumably defeat the purpose.18:28
ymeoutbackwifi, I gave him /bin/bash18:28
LjLMichael___: there are a few. the URLs for all of them are archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com18:28
outbackwifidonald: its an access control list; some routers also have a inversion feature i.e only deny this mac18:28
TQuidbasso_: that make sense yet?18:28
basso_ah okay TQuid, do you know a tutorial for setting up a PXE server? :P18:28
outbackwifiyme: can you ssh in from your machine as that user? ssh user@localhost18:28
tobywuktobywuk: test18:28
TQuidHmm. Not offhand but I bet I could find one. You'll need dhcp, nfs, and tftp-server running.18:28
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donaldThe choices are Allow, Block or Disable.18:29
LjLTQuid: there's also a "pxe" package that should provide a PXE server18:29
jadams_I have a webcam supported by gscpa according to http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/video4linux/gspca.txt (it's 0471:0328Philips SPC 700 NC).  The light is on when I plug it in, and lsusb registers it.  However, it doesn't show up in the dropdown for cheese.  What should I do to troubleshoot?18:29
outbackwifidonald: ok18:29
X3can I make an announcement18:29
TQuidbasso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot18:29
ubuntu_LjL: it is because my partion table is GPT apparently it says i shoud use GNU parted .. is just the parted command in the console or something special>18:29
LjLX3: please don't18:29
gammyjadams_: dmesg would be a good start.18:29
LjLX3: this channel is for support questions and answers, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic might be appropriate18:29
ymeoutbackwifi, I guess I should login as him?18:30
jadams_gammy, http://pastie.org/31023318:30
X3it may benefit UBUNTU as well18:30
TQuidubuntu: gnuparted is a graphical app. The console tool is usually good old fdisk.18:30
xcercaanybody using Open Office 3 on an amd64 in intrepid ?18:30
outbackwifiyme: no just run the ssh command as your currently logged in user18:30
X3these are opensource projects18:30
ymeoutbackwifi, I get permission denied18:30
gammyjadams_: I didn't say *I* wanted it. :|18:30
jadams_gammy, fair :)18:30
jadams_and sorry18:30
ymeoutbackwifi I get Permission denied (publickey)18:30
gammyjadams_: Anyway, that message is pretty clear is it not?18:30
LjLX3: this is nevertheless a support channel, not a channel for announcements. if you want to talk about open source projects, #ubuntu-offtopic will actually most likely find a more attentive audience to that18:31
ubuntu_TQuid: howcome it says WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. then?18:31
outbackwifiyme: you might want to check if you enabled public key authentication in your sshd config18:31
jadams_gammy, well, looks to me like it both says it has a driver for it and says that it doesn't, so no not really.18:31
X3can yo suggest other channels where I may recruit help18:31
TQuidubuntu_: huh, that's a new one on me. I'm afraid I don't know what GUID Partition Tables are. Maybe google that.18:31
bassothx TQuid, now i got something to start on atleast :)18:32
gammyjadams_: The camera has several components. It uses a supported bridge but doesn't use a (yet?) supported sensor.18:32
ubuntu_TQuid: i dont need to i can tell you its the mac version :P18:32
gammyjadams_: Make sure your software is up to date. ov5XX drivers are under a lot of development.18:32
embrikseems my fstab is broken - because my usb devices won't mount automatically - could anyone of you chare your fstab with me?18:33
gammyjadams_: http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/sections/index.php?op=viewarticle&artid=6 might also help.18:33
jadams_gammy, which software?  I'm on a fully-updated intrepid18:33
depapeis there something like a "enable latest untested packages" in ubuntu?18:33
herbyme: you should also check the permissions on the user's .ssh directory.18:33
LjLdepape: yes18:33
ymeoutbackwifi, my file has got PubkeyAuthentication yes18:33
LjL!repositories > depape    (depape, see the private message from ubotu )18:33
gammyjadams_: see 9. Supported devices.18:33
PeskyJI have ubuntu on sda, and windows on sdb, and a data drive on sdc (sdb and sdc were C: and D: in my old windows installation) - how do I set WINE up so that it sees sdb as C: and sdc as D:?18:33
mcphailjadams_: try "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so cheese"18:33
LjLdepape: of course, the latest untested packages (technically called the intrepid-proposed repository) may break your system.18:33
ymeherb, the permissions are 70018:33
scotlfsjrib: are you here mate?18:34
herbyme: owned by the user and not root?18:34
outbackwifiyme: like herb says check if the .ssh folder has the right permissions usually18:34
TQuidbasso: glad to help. Note that page is for net-based installs, but that seems to be what you want if you're trying to boot to an iso.18:34
depapeLjL: hi LjL! thanks for your answer, but as you might remember i need the latest backports18:34
ymeherb, yep18:34
TQuidG'day folks, thanks for the help.18:34
Reformer81So after updating from 8.04 to 8.10, Firefox no longer has window decorations (when running Compiz)... but all other applications do.18:34
jadams_gammy, right, and 0x0471     0x0328 is in the list of supported devices18:34
embrikmy usb devices won't mount - can anyone help?18:34
LjLdepape: -proposed is not backports18:34
LjLdepape: -proposed is just the stuff that will eventually (if found correctly working) go into -updates18:34
jadams_gammy: also, lsmod shows sn9c102 as loaded18:35
gammyjadams_: Please continue reading. "The list above does not imply that all those devices work with this driver.."18:35
depapeLjL: but how can i get the very very very latest version of linux-backports-modules-generic?18:35
LjLdepape: and -updates is mostly bugfixes, rarely contains actual backports of new versions18:35
ram__xorg.conf Device adjustments to 'intel' driver is not working?! Howto change graphic driver/18:35
outbackwifiyme: do a ssh -vv and see if you get any additional clues18:35
buntoowReformer81--> what does gtk-window-decorator  do for you?18:35
ymeoutbackwifi, the .ssh folder is owned by the user and the permissions are drwx18:35
asranielhi. When i install the qt4 debug library. how can i use it? i see that the libqt libs are simlinks to the real libraries. Is there a command to point them all to the correct debug library?18:35
herbyme: you can try to connect with ssh in verbose mode to see if you get any additional information. -v -vv or -vvv18:35
LjLdepape: only by compiling the intrepid version of it.18:35
jadams_gammy, thanks for the help, sorry to rope you in18:35
NekroJakubHow do I boot from USB? (Trying to live a LiveUSB Stick)18:35
outbackwifiyme: as also the authorized_keys file18:35
mcphailjadams_: webcams are rather broken in intrepid18:35
depapeLjL: im only interested in the ath5k driver, but someone said in lunchpad that there is a new version released on 6.11.2008, and my system hasnt found a new one since 5.11.2008...18:35
Walex3NekroJakub: that's a BIOS question...18:36
buntoowNekroJakub--> 1st, you have to set your bios to boot from USB as the 1st priority,18:36
* outbackwifi needs a lunchpad now18:36
gammyjadams_: Webcam stuff is a bitch. The vendors always ship the same looking cameras with multiple hardware inside and never make any information available.18:36
depapeLjL: so i must have missed this "new version" of backports-generic18:36
NekroJakubWalex3: it is connected with Ubuntu, right? Besides, who to ask than liberated Linux geeks. :P18:36
LjLdepape: a new version of the ath5k driver, or of linux-backports?18:36
NekroJakubbuntoow: I did that, it now goes CDROM -> USB-FDD -> Hard Drive18:37
outbackwifiembrik: what does your /etc/fstab say; normally theres an auto in the line for the disk18:37
sharperguyI'm having compatibility issues between opengl graphics (eg: games), possibly sdl, and compiz again since upgrading to intrepid18:37
buntoowNekroJakub--> 1st, you have to set your bios to boot from USB as the 1st priority,   thats not the same as what you just pasted18:37
ymeoutbackwifi, whoops, it appears authorized_keys was owned by me :-)18:37
depapeLjL: of the ath5k driver which comes from linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic (as far was i know)18:37
PeskyJis it not possible to reassign C: in wine?18:37
outbackwifiyme: there you go :)18:37
buntoowPeskyJ--> look in the wine configs?18:37
NekroJakubbuntoow: But I don't have any CD in my drive so it should skip the CD and boot up the stick... Still, well, I'll try.18:37
ymeoutbackwifi, thanks, he can connect now18:38
PeskyJbuntoow, when I click the C:, the location box is greyed out18:38
ymeherb, thanks18:38
LjLdepape, the ath5k driver doesn't "come from" linux-backports... it comes from whoever writes that driver. one thing is a new version of the driver being out, another thing is the Ubuntu packagers actually packaging it18:38
herbyme: you're welcome18:38
outbackwifiyme: you would do well to disable passphrase auth in the config18:38
scotlfsHELP, ok let me start from the beginning since it looks like the person who was helping me earlier is gone. I can install Heron, but Ibex doesn't open an X display, neither gdm nor straight X from RL3. I have nvidia SLI cards I think they are 7900 or something. gdm starts and runs, but no display. X logs show "No Device Found" as last line. I downloaded the latest drivers from nv.com, and compiled them, but I still don't get a display with Ib18:38
buntoowPeskyJ--> did you ever try to look in the wine configs?18:38
PeskyJbinarydigit, I'm running the "Wine configuration" tool, in the "drives" tab.18:39
depapeLjL: okay, but here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules/+bug/275423/comments/13 someone sais a new package just came out, and i didnt find it so far :/18:39
outbackwifiscotlfs: did you add the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?18:39
ymeherb, which option would that be?18:39
PeskyJbuntoow, um, that was meant for you :)18:39
disownHi, I'm looking for a newer version of imagemagick for intrepid. Any suggestions for repos? I have 6.3.7 now, would like 6.3.8 or higher.18:39
LjLdepape: uhm. you were on hardy or intrepid anyway?18:40
depapeLjL: intrepid18:40
ldiamond_Does anyone know how to make wicd detect your wireless even if you boot with WIFI disabled and enable it once in a session?18:40
scotlfsoutbackwifi: yes, I tried all sorts of things, including disabling glx, which helped me take a step closer to getting a gui (i.e. I get the ubuntu progress bar trying to startx), but I finally get dropped into tty anyway18:40
outbackwifiyme: #PasswordAuthentication yes to No18:40
buntoowPeskyJ--> look at  ~/.wine/dosdevices/18:40
outbackwifiscotlfs: can you pastebin your xorg.conf ?18:41
ram__what happened to displayconfig-gtk in Ibex?18:41
ymeoutbackwifi, that's already set to no :-)18:41
outbackwifiyme: great18:41
gravemindhey, ever since I installed the up to date version of numpy I've been getting dependency problems in synaptic. How do I uninstall this "numpy"? I installed it by doing "sudo python setup.py install"18:41
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I gotta tell you its been quite a few eyars since I used linux, so its going to be hard for me to do that in the terminal18:41
buntoowldiamond_--> if wifi is disabled why do you expect the utils to detect such?18:41
LjLdepape: can you confirm it's in main please so i can search for it more easily? "apt-cache policy linux-backports-whateveritscalled" should tell you18:42
scotlfsoutbackwifi: last time I used linux was in the gnome-1.4 days18:42
outbackwifiscotlfs: its actually as easy as cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit18:42
depapeLjL: okay, just wait a moment18:42
LjLdepape: also look at the installed version number18:42
ldiamond_buntoow, I dont expect it to detect it when its disabled, I expect it to detect it once I enable it even if I'm already in ubuntu, and not have to restart.18:42
PeskyJbuntoow, ahh, so I can just change those symlinks to point elsewhere?18:43
scotlfsoutbackwifi: pastbinit > command not found18:43
scotlfsoutbackwifi: is there something I need to apt-get?18:43
outbackwifiscotlfs: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:43
LjLdepape: i might have found it in -proposed, anyway18:43
depapeLjL: is this? (500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Package) the line you mean?18:43
LjLdepape: yes it is. tell me also the installed version18:43
buntoowPeskyJ--> to the correct mapping18:44
depapeLjL: it sais and candidate (same)18:44
PeskyJbuntoow, can I get wine to automount sdb and sdc whenever it starts and map c: and d: to them?18:44
scotlfsoutbackwifi: http://pastebin.com/f25f177dc18:44
buntoowldiamond_--> when you restart or start wicd it should read interfaces file and act accordingly18:44
depapeLjL: version history gives: *** 018:44
PeskyJbuntoow, I'm new to linux desktop environments, so never used xwindows or wine before :)18:45
buntoowPeskyJ--> if you make those symlinks correspond to what you wanted, i say yeah18:45
scotlfsoutbackwifi: and honestly if I can get an x session running, I believe I can figure out the rest18:45
OddlotX4Good question for you guys.  What program can recover data from a formatted NTFS drive?18:45
scotlfsoutbackwifi: mate, I have to go AFK...I am afraid....will you be on for a little while? I am making my kids lunch18:45
LjLdepape: ok, there is 2.6.27-8.17 in -proposed, let me dig it up (i'd rather you install it manually rather than enabling the whole -proposed repository, which is a bit risky)18:45
buntoowPeskyJ--> severe your ties from windows then, why even continue with wine?18:45
ldiamond_buntoow, The problem is that when I boot my laptop with WIFI disabled, then enable it. Even if I restart wicd, it will not detect my (now activated) wifi.18:45
outbackwifiscotlfs: its already 12:15 am where i am at18:45
PeskyJbuntoow, any idea why I can't change that from the GUI configuration tool? I'm a bit scared of messing with stuff that's potentially auto-maintained18:46
buntoowldiamond_--> what do you mean enabled it ?18:46
depapeLjL: thats what i was looking for :> i just dont know how to install :/18:46
outbackwifildiamond_: network-manager does that automatically for me18:46
jpv950j #postgresql18:46
rhavenwdoes anyone know the steps i need to take to boot a the contents of a live cd from an external harddrive?18:46
outbackwifibuntoow: he means  he used the kill switch18:46
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LjLdepape: what is the binary package called exactly? there's a few different flavors18:46
outbackwifirhavenw: thats not making sense18:46
PeskyJbuntoow, the wife still wants to run photoshop and some games18:46
ldiamond_outbackwifi, can you help me setting it up? (I had problems with it in the past so someone made me install wicd18:47
aleccan anyone who has experience with vmware tell me a little about how its works?18:47
joshpvmware eats cpu18:47
buntoowPeskyJ--> i dont use gui much, so am not able to tell you why it does not work there,18:47
depapeLjL: can i find this here? http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/intrepid/linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic18:47
outbackwifildiamond_: if you're on ibex, i cant cos i still have hardy18:47
LjLdepape: i'm afraid packages.u.c doesn't list proposed packages18:47
ldiamond_outbackwifi, I see18:47
OddlotX4Does anyone know of a way to recover files from a formatted NTFS drive in Ubuntu?18:47
ldiamond_outbackwifi, I'm on Ibex minimal install18:47
kennnni am having problems with the MBR. when i load grub my windows xp doesnt work, when i restore ntldr then ubuntu doesnt work... they are partioned on the same drive....... PLEASE HELP18:48
rhavenwoutbackwifi: sorry, what i want to do is similar to a liveUSB, but instead of using a flash drive i use an external hard drive18:48
depapeLjL: i dont know how to find out the binary package, sorry18:48
outbackwifildiamond_: didnt the default network manager in ibex work?18:48
LjLdepape: instead, add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list:   deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-proposed main restricted18:48
buntoowldiamond_--> perhaps I need to understand your meaning of activated wifi,  what is your definition of that?18:48
ldiamond_outbackwifi, I had troubles with it18:48
outbackwifirhavenw: thats quite possible i guess if that external drive is usb18:48
LjLdepape: it's the package name that you typed when you did "apt-cache policy"18:48
erle-where does gnome save the passwords?18:48
outbackwifierle-: keyring18:49
rhavenwoutbackwifi: thats what i thought but when i followed the same steps it doesnt work18:49
erle-outbackwifi, i mean, in what files?18:49
depapeLjL: so its linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic18:49
rhavenwoutbackwifi: there are a set of different steps i have to follow i believe18:49
erle-i what to port them from one installation to another18:49
ldiamond_buntoow, My laptop (as mostly all of them) has a switch for wireless. When I boot, the wireless is OFF by default. Once in ubuntu, I press Fn+F11 and this activates the wireless (its a hardware switch).18:49
LjLdepape: ok so 1) add that line, 2) "sudo apt-get update", 3) "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic"18:49
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I am back for a few minutes, did you have a chance to look at the pastebin ?18:49
ram__anyone know how to change graphics card in Intrepid Ibex?18:50
depapeLjL: okay18:50
abbas programs hacker ‎ubuntu18:50
outbackwifiscotlfs: yes; you could also help by pastebining the /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:50
solexiousHow can I check what makef network card I have from the commandline?18:50
abbas programs hacker ‎ubuntu18:50
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I should tell you that X does try to start, I get those three flickers for each attempt18:50
tsrk_Hey, anyone got static IPs working in Intrepid 8.10?  I can make it work for the session, but when I reboot a new auto eth0 entry is made and used without the static IP.18:50
LjLabbas: that makes no sense, try asking a question18:50
Lisa1can somebody tell me wher I can find the folder containing the themese?18:50
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I can do that18:50
buntoowldiamond_--> you definition of activate is not quite correct yet... a hardware requires a driver, both of them working makes it active..just having a hw on does not make it active..you follow me?18:51
outbackwifiscotlfs: if you turned off that auto mode select in xorg.conf it might help18:51
outbackwifisolexious: lspci | grep net18:51
abbasi want thes  programs hacker ‎ubuntu18:51
LjLtsrk_: network-manager handles that, you should set static addressing from the GNOME network settings if you want them to stick, not in /etc/network/interfaces18:51
kennnni am having problems with the MBR. when i load grub my windows xp doesnt work, when i restore ntldr then ubuntu doesnt work... they are partioned on the same drive....... PLEASE HELP18:51
scotlfsoutbackwifi: http://pastebin.com/f7bc7623a18:51
solexiousoutbackwifi, thank you18:51
LjLabbas: still can't understand you18:51
ldiamond_buntoow, This is not the point. I power on my device, and its not detected by ubuntu or wicd. How do I fix that?18:52
* buntoow and n8tuser is one and the same18:52
tsrk_LjL, that's where I'm setting them, and it still has the old settings, but the new ones are added and that's what it's using.18:52
RickZillaIf I find a website with a live audio stream, how do I find the url of that stream so that I can listen to it in Rhythmbox music player?18:52
outbackwifiscotlfs: what card do you have?18:52
maverick340how do i install OpenOffice 3.0 ?18:52
buntoowldiamond_--> that is the point, it requires the combination of hw and sw to make it truly active, not just one of them18:52
maverick340i have the deb.tar.gz18:52
kennnnHELLO anyone18:53
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I believe 2 7900's in SLI, I am not 100% sure..but I can check kern.log18:53
outbackwifiRickZilla: click on view source18:53
ldiamond_buntoow, I know that and I want it to automatically load the drivers when I power it on. I dont want to have to restart.18:53
buntoowldiamond_--> so callin your interface active without both working, is not quite accurate18:53
LjLtsrk_: do you *need* network manager? because if not, and you don't mind just setting stuff in /etc/network/interfaces, you could, you know, remove network-manager18:53
FloodBot3abbas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:53
LjL!arabic | abbas18:53
RickZillaoutbackwifi:  source of...the page?18:53
ubottuabbas: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:53
tsrk_LjL, is the network-manager the thing resetting it?18:53
iPoRnhello there, can you guys help me with a firefox bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/29509918:53
outbackwifiRickZilla: yes18:53
LjLtsrk_: i suspect so18:53
carlinhoscan anyone help me with this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547818:54
RickZillaok, I'll try that....thanks outbackwifi18:54
marcos_j #curico18:54
Lisa1 i can not change the brightness on my laptop, please help, Sony VGn-CR507E18:54
tsrk_LjL, ok, can I set up the settings in the network manager and then remove it in the same session so I don't have to edit files?  Also, what package do I remove?18:54
LjLmarcos_: commands start with /18:54
buntoowldiamond_--> after you turn on the hw, you then reload the driver,  you may have to look into your udev for devices to load driver upon enabling the hw18:54
outbackwifierle-: ~/.gnome2/keyrings18:54
LjLtsrk_: no, if you want to remove n-m, you should set it manually in /etc/network/interfaces18:54
PeskyJhow do you edit what drives are mounted when you log in?18:55
tsrk_LjL, ok, what package do I remove?18:55
buntoowldiamond_--> look around /etc/udev/rules.d  for network related items18:55
outbackwifiPeskyJ: /etc/fstab18:55
Brucevdkoutbackwifi: what's the policy here for linking to just submitted Ubuntu Forum threads?18:55
LjLtsrk_: network-manager18:55
ram__if I install Hardy Heron repositories and then displayconfig-gtk ... will it break the system?18:55
spazzpp2can anyone help me out with songbird and flash?18:55
tsrk_LjL, ok, thanks for the help :D18:55
help_just updated to ubuntu 8.10 and it lost the nvidia drivers so it gose in to shell i try gdm but notthing happens what do i do18:55
outbackwifiBrucevdk: what do you mean? just paste the link18:55
solexiousMy network card doesnt seem to work after startup till I start and stop networking and even then its very slow, it is a Realtek gigabit card RTL-816918:56
RickZillaoutbackwifi:  What kind of url am I looking for?18:56
PeskyJoutbackwifi, I want to use this for wine, so I want them to mount in ~/.wine/dosdrives on a per-user basis18:56
scotlfsoutbackwifi: the kern.log isn't informational, I can tell you I have an XPS 710, with dual graphics cards in SLI...I inly have tty so I can't check the dell website, but I believe they are 7900s or 8600s one or the other, either way the driver is the same for them from NVidia.com18:56
Brucevdkoutbackwifi: it feels like cross posting to me ;-) Which is a nono for a lot of people hah. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6132054 -- Sharing a directory amongst multiple users18:56
buntoowsolexious--> can you paste in pastebin your   /etc/network/interface file?18:56
outbackwifiscotlfs: what does your lspci say?18:56
askandanyone knnows if foxmark have a ircchannel?18:57
kittyhawkI think my kernel is not installed quite right.  I just upgraded to Intrepid.  I noticed that I'm missing a bunch of files in /lib/modules/2.6.25-2-38618:57
scotlfsoutbackwifi: 7900 GS18:57
Out_Coldis limewire 'safer' on nix?18:57
scotlfsoutbackwifi: thanks, I am not a totaly linux idiot but its been a LONG time since I have been in a unix like environment18:57
buntoowkittyhawk--> then try to redo the upgrade? boot from old and use same command perhaps?18:57
vikasapHello all , I am having problems with my display (especially the scroll )18:57
outbackwifiPeskyJ: ok so put a mount command in the users' bashrc18:57
xcercaOut_Cold , i would think so , but it depends on what folders you deside to share...18:57
carlinhoscan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547818:58
outbackwifiscotlfs: does lspci show two cards?18:58
erle-outbackwifi, thx18:58
Out_Coldwell sharing is always a safety issue... but virii are less common?18:58
vikasapIs there is a single command to revert to any default factory settings ?18:58
RickZillaoutbackwifi:  Found the stream, but says I need a decoder...that's probably because they only want you playing the stream from their website?18:58
outbackwifiRickZilla: yes18:58
buntoowscotlfs--> do not be offended when asked for some informations, as we are not privy to the info you currently have, so we have to ask18:58
RickZillaoutbackwifi:  Thanks18:58
kittyhawkbuntoow: I'm not sure I follow.  can you be more specific?18:58
iPoRnhello there, can you guys please help me out, with a firefox problem, that i have?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/29509918:59
buntoowkittyhawk--> boot from old and use same command to upgrade18:59
kane77is anyone able to use bmpx from repositories in intrepid? for me it crashes with error message...18:59
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I believe do, I have two lines that say VGA compatible controller about 6 or 7 lines apart18:59
PeskyJoutbackwifi, well I just did some manual mounting tests, and then when I tried to unmount from the desktop it complained that HAL wasn't managing it (or something like that) Is there some way to configure this HAL program to do it for all users?18:59
scotlfsoutbackwifi: want me to pastebin that as well ?18:59
perlsyntax_how can i make a 700mb find smaller so i can send over the yahoo email?18:59
kittyhawkI upgraded through the update manager.  But I think apt thinks the system is fine.18:59
outbackwifiscotlfs: sure19:00
felixhola, como estan?19:00
help_ just updated to ubuntu 8.10 and it lost the nvidia drivers so it gose in to shell i try gdm but notthing happens what do i do19:00
joshpwhats the coolest things new in ibex19:00
outbackwifiscotlfs: in that case you might need to spawn the x server for each card separately19:00
buntoowperlsyntax_--> chop it into several files19:00
outbackwifi!es | felix19:00
ubottufelix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:00
perlsyntax_how do i do that?19:00
joshphelp_ it disables proprietary drivers after an upgrade19:00
LjLjoshp: i don't know, perhaps they'd know in #ubuntu-offtopic19:00
buntoowperlsyntax_--> i assume you are a perl guru..there are plenty of perl tools to chop up a file into several19:01
perlsyntax_i try to zip it that didn't work19:01
BrucevdkIf anybody here has extensive experience with configuring permissions for shared folders. That means using both POSIX ACLs and traditional UGO permissions I'd appreciate it if one were willing to take a look at this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=331 (the issue is regarding the copying of existing files and having the permissions preserved)19:01
scotlfsoutbackwifi: got any special command to get lspci to pipe to pastebinit?19:01
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:01
scotlfsoutbackwifi: its not liking it19:01
perlsyntax_i give up19:01
buntoowperlsyntax_--> split comes to mind..but google if am wrong19:01
slaphi all! anyone have installed kubuntu 8.10 within vbox 2.0.4? I've a problem with mouse integration. vboxmouse driver doesn't load19:02
slapor xubuntu 8.10. Same problem19:02
depapeLjL: the package did install :> but now i'm getting some "unknown module" errors when i try to load the module, ill see how to solve this; thank you very much!19:02
buntoowBrucevdk--> without looking at the link, copying and retaining permission i believe is  cp -p f1 f2 /destination19:02
outbackwifiscotlfs: lspci > lspci.txt ; cat lspci.txt | pastebinit19:02
scotlfsoutbackwifi: that's what I did, http://pastebin.com/f35f01cc919:03
kittyhawkbuntoow: why would logging in under the old kernel change how update-manager works?19:03
scotlfsoutbackwifi: AFK19:03
carlinhoscan anyone help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547819:03
bruenigoutbackwifi: lspci | pastebinit19:03
ajuonlineHi, when I press the Quit/Power button icon on the side bar. Ubuntu logs off and doesnt give me the menu to shutdown/restart/hibernat19:03
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins19:03
Out_Coldif i want to install a package from the web i use dpkg http:/addy?19:03
outbackwifibruenig: that wont work (try it)19:03
droopsta915how can i play a song using the terminal?19:03
MnemonicPunkOut_Cold: wget URL; sudo dpkg -i *.deb19:04
ClocksworkAny1 here with a Dell XPS m1530 with Ubuntu 8.10?19:04
=== iPoRn is now known as oportista17
Out_Cold-i... thanks MnemonicPunk19:04
csilkajuonline, sounds normal, you click shutdown so it shutsdown, is that somehow not expected behaviour?19:04
solexiousMy network card doesnt seem to work after startup till I start and stop networking and even then its very slow, it is a Realtek gigabit card RTL-8169. Any ideas?19:04
lavacano201014ajuonline: There may be a setting in "Power" or something, but if not, you can shutdown with "sudo shutdown -h" (use -r for restart)19:04
erle-outbackwifi, where does network manager save the wireless profiles?19:04
heret1cClockswork: laptop?19:04
Clocksworkheret1c, Yes19:04
lavacano201014csilk: Usually, he gets the dialog to ask how he wants his session to end, like log off, restart, etc.19:04
bruenigoutbackwifi: should work19:05
lavacano201014csilk: But he hasn't been getting a choice it seems.19:05
MnemonicPunkTechnical question: Is it stupid/dangerous to use init 6 for rebooting?19:05
PeskyJok apparently there's something called the gnome-volume-manager, but I don't see a menu item for it in the admin or preferences menu, does it have a config tool?19:05
outbackwifibruenig: did you try it? didnt work for me :)19:05
bruenigoutbackwifi: nonetheless, pastebinit <lspci.txt19:05
csilklavacano201014, really? I thought that was removed in Intrepid19:05
Clocksworkheret1c: Yes19:05
gravemindcan anyone help me get the shutdown and restart options back in my logout menu?19:05
buntoowkittyhawk--> i dont know about changing the update-manager works by just logging, it just logs or record what transpired19:05
heret1cClockswork: I've an oldish latitude. issue?19:05
lavacano201014csilk: I wouldn't know for two reasons19:05
jordo2323When I open firefox now, it covers the Gnome panels at the top and bottom of the screen. I can hit F-11 to get it correct again, but does anyone know how to fix this?19:05
Clocksworkheret1c: I'm just looking for someone to compare my temperatures with19:06
lavacano201014csilk: 1) I just leave my machine sitting there, and 2) I use AfterStep, so I don't have a shutdown button anyway19:06
ajuonlinecsilk: the red icon for power button on the sidebar. It used to give me a pop-up menu to choose between shutdown.lockscreen/hibernate suspend etc19:06
kittyhawkbuntoow: then I don't think that will help since the  update-manager doesn't think there's anything wrong with my installation19:06
buntoowPeskyJ--> bunch of gnome-* commands can be seen by typing gnome and pressing tab twice19:06
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: I have the same problem sometimes (not always) but no idea what causes it. =( Tell me if you find a solution, please. xD19:06
kittyhawkis there a way to force apt to reinstall a package?19:06
csilklavacano201014, ah rite, I always turn off my machine when I'm not present19:06
MnemonicPunkkittyhawk: apt-get reinstall PACKAGE_NAME19:06
Clocksworkheret1c, GPU~60C , CPUs~4319:06
buntoowkittyhawk--> what i said was, reboot from the old kernel if possible, then re-issue the same update and upgrade command, would that fix it?19:07
jordo2323MnemonicPunk:  Working on it....19:07
droopsta915can i play songs by using the terminal19:07
csilkajuonline, hardy?19:07
Clocksworkdroopsta915, yes19:07
kittyhawkbuntoow: no, because the update and upgrade went through fine.19:07
lavacano201014csilk: I don't like to have to watch it boot up, because if I boot it and switch to my other machine (KVM) for a minute, the display settings get all problematic19:07
outbackwifiscotlfs: you there?19:07
droopsta915how can i play a song using the terminal?19:07
storm-zenAnyone have a current pulseaudio guide for ubuntu intrepid?19:07
kittyhawkbuntoow: the package thinks it's installed properly.19:07
buntoowkittyhawk--> so what went wrong?19:07
PeskyJbuntoow, ok, I don't see anything that looks like HAL or drive manager or volume manager (just the audio volume control)19:07
Clocksworkdroopsta915, install mplayer and then use this command "mplayer *path to mp3*19:07
csilklavacano201014, that sounds like an odd setup19:07
outbackwifiscotlfs: you need to specify the busid since you have two cards19:07
lavacano201014csilk: It's just how my KVM switch works...19:08
buntoowPeskyJ--> its long list...try again maybe to see if you somehow just missed it?19:08
heret1cClockswork: if it's busy, that's normal. if it is idle. it should be around 40, afaik.19:08
lavacano201014Likewise, if I leave it on the Ubuntu box, my XP box doesn't register my mouse19:08
carlinhoscan anyone help me with my resolution problem?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547819:08
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, I don't think it's because of Emerald themes,19:08
kittyhawkbuntoow: I'm not sure.  the machine crashed when it was upgrading, but then I ran a command to fix it (apt-get dist-upgrade -a or something) which I thought did fix it.19:08
Clocksworkheret1c, should the GPU be 40 in idle?19:08
droopsta915Clockswork:if i use music rhythm player would it be "that player"  *the mp3 i want*?19:08
kittyhawkbuntoow: but now I'm just realizing that there's pieces of the kernel missing (sound modules, in particular)19:08
PeskyJbuntoow, only see gnome-mount as a related thing... the man page for that says it's a back-end but doesn't say what the front-end is19:09
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: Not sure, it looks like those bugs that emerald caused when it was new. But I have working window decorations programs when it happens.19:09
Clocksworkdroopsta915, no, If you wanna play music/video via the terminal, use mplayer19:09
=== sean is now known as Guest9977
heret1cClockswork: heh, 3 deg. over body temp shouldn't matter-19:09
droopsta915ok thanks19:09
MahI have a problem with the new intrepid ibex. The webcam gspca show a screen very black.19:09
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: Are you running AWN?19:09
MahThere are somebody with this problem?19:10
Clocksworkheret1c, The GPU cant be 40C in idle :S, its like 41 when I boot up19:10
buntoowkittyhawk--> oh, so yeah maybe try what i suggest, im hoping it would cure it..i honestly suggest to people to do a fresh install instead of upgrade because of lil quirks like this that can make your system unusable19:10
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, I was, but I went back to normal Gnome panels19:10
mmcjiis webmin available for ibex server?  i do not see it with apt-cache search.19:10
lavacano201014Clockswork: But then it's doing something. Booting up.19:10
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: Okay. So we can probably rule that out.19:10
Clocksworklavacano201014, :P well alright u got me there19:10
buntoowPeskyJ--> i forget what you were after now, you want a different dir mapping for each user of wine?19:11
heret1cClockswork: that's its normal working temp, then?19:11
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, the weird thing is that only firefox does this....everything else seems fine19:11
kittyhawkbuntoow: I'm going to try apt-get reinstall linux-image-2.6.25-2-386 and see if that fixes it19:11
Clocksworkheret1c, Well my fans kick in when the GPU reaches 65C and lowers it back to 5019:11
ImBrianIs there a common webpage I can go to to find (new) known bugs.  I'm running version 8.04 and as of this morning, there's a version conflict with Pidgin (a program that I kinda need to do work).19:11
buntoowkittyhawk--> okay, lets us know how it went19:11
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: Yeh. Out of ideas. =(19:11
ldiamond_Does anyone know how to get my wireless drivers and everything loaded automatically when I turn on my wireless on my laptop? Right now, my wireless only works if I turn it on during boot. I have to restart if I forget to enable it.19:11
Clocksworkheret1c, mind you I'm talking about my GPU, my CPU is on stable 4519:12
PeskyJbuntoow, well I'm the only techy user, I wantother users to be able to access the windows drives from ubuntu and run windows programs and have the drives mounted correctly19:12
outbackwifildiamond_: you need to check if your acpi events are being handled properly19:12
rafase282I need help with ubuntu 8.10 and wireless card19:12
rafase282it was not detecting any one19:12
lavacano201014ImBrian: Ubuntu should have a BugZilla, I'm sure...19:12
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:12
lavacano201014Ah ha19:12
ldiamond_outbackwifi, How do I find that out?19:12
rafase282and the button was showing it was off no matter what19:12
mmcjinm, i found it19:12
lavacano201014!bugs | ImBrian19:12
ubottuImBrian: please see above19:12
PeskyJbuntoow, I found that there's something called HAL which manages desktop mounting, but can't find how to configure it19:12
heret1cClockswork: I'm no expert on the issue,  but it sounds normal.19:12
outbackwifildiamond_: look in /etc/acpi/events19:12
buntoowPeskyJ--> with the current set-up its not mapping the drives correctly?19:13
PeskyJbuntoow, well I have to manually mount the drives from the command line first19:13
* lavacano201014 finds food19:13
Clocksworkdroopsta915, Did you get it to work?19:13
Clocksworkheret1c, Allright19:13
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2008-August/051918.html19:13
PeskyJbuntoow, I want to configure it so that it does that automatically for whatever user is logged in19:14
Awsoonn_I would like to share a dir with windows lusers and I should be able to right click and 'share' a folder, but that option doesn't exist. how can I make teh share?19:14
Brucevdkbuntoow: :) I think that's cp -a (but it's irrelevant for my issue anyways :)19:14
Clocksworkdroopsta915, if you wanna play a whole directory of songs, lets say Offspring, and the folder is in my Home/Music folder19:14
buntoowPeskyJ--> you can try lshal to show you what it sees, I forget how kernel passes the info if its hal or sysfs to set those uuids and devices19:14
ldiamond_outbackwifi, thats a folder, it contains lots of files that seem completely unrelated to my issue. How do I know whats the right file?19:14
Clocksworkdroopsta915,  the command would be "mplayer /Music/Offspring/*.mp3"19:14
Brucevdkbuntoow: I just saw I didn't link the thread properly :(19:15
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=83694419:15
buntoowBrucevdk--> it is -p  i just peeked at man  cp19:15
MiladKhajaviHelp> I want to use these comics in my magazine, can I use them? http://tinyurl.com/4rh5gk19:16
outbackwifildiamond_: there should be a script that handles your kill switch; its generally a toggle that loads or unloads the module19:16
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: Maybe we should just wait for it to get fixed. It's not nice but only a minor annoyance (at least for me since I start FF only 2-3 times a day)19:16
heret1cAnyone have problems hotplugging USB devices? (k)ubuntu won't recognise my external dvd burner in a reliable fasion.19:16
ConexionHey everyone, I'm currently running Ubuntu on my Eee PC, and the resolution is quite small. Often times windows such as the appearance windows and others are clipped off at the bottom and I can't access those buttons. How might I shrink the window or access those buttons? (Gnome, Hardy eee)19:16
outbackwifildiamond_: mine is called eeepc-wifi-toggle.sh19:16
Brucevdkbuntoow: ah yes, -a is shorthand for -dpR. But I misread the command you stated: I saw it as -p f1 (f1 as an argument to p)19:16
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, I hear ya, but it sure is ANNOYING!19:16
buntoowheret1c--> look in /etc/udev/rules.d  for the usb rules of your devices19:16
ldiamond_outbackwifi, all the files there are for laptops other than mine. Is there a way to see which one is executed when I press the switch ?19:16
heret1cbuntoow: right...19:17
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: You could make some gconf workaround if you want to. Compiz has a setting that tells it what the resctrictions for window positions are. Edit that so it just can't pop under your top panel. =)19:17
buntoowBrucevdk--> okay, i missed it too, i can only direct help to man pages as i can not remember them myself19:17
ImBrianOkay, so ubottu (a bot) says "please see above" - I've been searching.  How do I search / file bugs?19:17
outbackwifildiamond_: if you do a tail -f /var/log/syslog in a terminal and then press the switch, it should spew some debug messages out19:18
buntoowPeskyJ--> the current settings you have does not provide the current mapping of drives?19:18
ldiamond_outbackwifi, Ill test it out, thx19:19
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, Unless it's an easier fix, I will wait like you :)  Not that I wouldn't attempt it, but that may cause another issue down the road19:19
outbackwifildiamond_: yw19:19
PeskyJbuntoow: does HAL have a config tool?19:19
MnemonicPunkjordo2323: If you want to edit compiz settings, install the ccsm-simple package, then go to System -> Settings -> Appearance -> Visual effects -> Custom19:19
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer19:19
storm-zenhey, I've got a lot of static in my sound.  In fact, it's mostly static.  Why hasn't this worked since Gutsy?19:19
diffredhow to I open a djvu file to read it in ubuntu=19:19
heret1cbuntoow: what am I looking for?19:19
buntoowPeskyJ--> maybe you can man hald   its the haldaemon you wanted to configure19:19
MeshachHey guys, how do I find a driver for my geForce 7000m? I'm running Ubuntu 8.1019:20
MnemonicPunkAlright, Dr. House time. =) Query or HL me if something happens.19:20
ConexionUbuntu Hardy eee - Gnome - How can I access buttons that are on the bottom of a window when my resolution is too small for the window? 19:20
ldiamond_outbackwifi, I have that :Please send acpidump to linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org  How do I get the ACPIDUMP to send it?19:20
buntoowheret1c--> look in /etc/udev/rules.d  for the usb rules of your devices.look in those script one a time to give you some hints19:20
outbackwifiConexion: press alt and click drag the window up19:20
MnemonicPunkConexion: Hold alt and then move the window with left-click drag.19:20
LetsGo67Where can I get a Rock Band type game for Ubuntu?19:20
ConexionIt won't go up o_o19:20
PeskyJbuntoow: outbackwifi: ok, will read up on it, ta :)19:20
heret1cbuntoow:  z60_usbmount.rules .then?19:20
Conexionit just stops when it hits the top19:21
MeshachHey guys, how do I find a driver for my geForce 7000m? I'm running Ubuntu 8.1019:21
outbackwifiConexion: in the eee forums theres a setting to remove the constraint19:21
Conexionalright, awesome :)19:21
buntoowheret1c--> if thats the only usb related script there..maybe, look around..19:21
outbackwifiConexion: yw19:21
diffredhow to open a .djvu file?19:22
mynymlis trying to use an iphone with ubuntu a dead-end adventure?19:22
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outbackwifildiamond_: dunno but could be /var/log/acpid19:22
kittyhawkwhat package do I need to install to get the alsa drivers?19:23
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: they're in the kernel image, usually19:23
buntoowkittyhawk-->  apt-cache  search  alsa19:23
ubuntuhi for all19:23
psotoidHi.  I'm having an issue with XUbuntu 6.06.  When I try to run admin programs (like disks-admin) from the GUI, it doesn't show up.  When I run it from the command line, it works, but I also get this message: sudo: Symbol `clock' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking.  Any ideas as to what is going on?19:24
kittyhawkNTAuthority: should there be files in /lib/modules/[ver]/kernel/sound then?19:24
outbackwifidiffred: whats a djvu file19:24
kittyhawkbecause I just reinstalled linux-image-[ver] and there's nothing there.19:24
MeshachHey guys, how do I find a driver for my geForce 7000m? I'm running Ubuntu 8.1019:24
solexiousMy network card doesnt seem to work after startup till I start and stop networking and even then its very slow, it is a Realtek gigabit card RTL-8169. Any ideas?19:24
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: let's see in my system19:24
mysteryhello everyone19:24
bassoI need help, im going to set up and server for virtualisation, does anyone have experiences with that? :P19:25
outbackwifi!envyng| Meshach19:25
ubottuMeshach: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk19:25
diffredoutbackwifi: oh a format which I needed an special reader in windows, but in linux I have just tried to open it and it has opened perfectly :) no problem solved19:25
ubuntuany girl here for chat?19:25
heret1cbuntoow:  sample. KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="usb", ACTION=="add",    RUN+="/usr/share/usbmount/usbmount add"19:25
outbackwifi!girls | ubuntu19:25
ubottuubuntu: Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/19:25
mysteryCan anyone help me burn a dvd? For some reason I keep getting an unhandled error message19:25
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: yeah, there should be a lot of drivers there...19:25
BHSPitLappyoutbackwifi, don't feed the trolls19:25
RainCTMy webcam works fine with cheese but if I try to use it with VLC it has framerate 0.00 (in the advanced options) and I can't change it. Any idea?19:25
Meshachoutbackwifi: Thanks for the info.19:26
outbackwifiMeshach: yw19:26
kittyhawkNTAuthority: what does dpkg-query -S tell you about them?19:26
buntoowheret1c--> okay, so its there already eh? i forget, what were you looking for again?19:26
outbackwifiBHSPitLappy: k19:26
kittyhawkwhat package are they from?19:26
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: they're in the normal linux-image-XX-generic, and there should be folders 'pci', 'drivers', 'usb' and such19:26
profxavierI have a printer/scanner setup on my Ubuntu box, I have shared the printer with smb, now I installed the scanning software for the printer/scanner, do I need to configure samba for scanning as well?19:26
PeskyJis there a good explanation of the main user/root relationship in ubuntu? I don't really understand why it asks for my password for admin tasks and I don't even know the root password though I can become root with sudo su19:26
outbackwifi!root | PeskyJ19:27
ubottuPeskyJ: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:27
shredder12I need help people,,after upgrade my system works really slow..i still work on old kernel..2.6.24-19 becasue i don't have ethernet interface on 2.6.27-7..Help please..!!19:27
mcphailRainCT: does "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so vlc" help?19:27
kittyhawkNTAuthority: do I need to have the generic and the -386 packages installed?19:27
profxavierPeskyJ, users have sudo access, and one user is root19:27
kittyhawkwhich linux-image packages do I need?19:27
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: they're seperate versions, you normally need only the generic version19:27
buntoowPeskyJ--> perhaps a man of  sudo   would explain a bit19:27
jordo2323MnemonicPunk, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=836508&highlight=firefox+screen&page=219:27
scotlfsoutbackwifi: did you get a chance to look at my pastebin ?19:27
heret1cbuntoow:  to make ubuntu recognise a hotplugged usb dvd writer.19:27
outbackwifiscotlfs: yes, i think ive  found the solution19:28
scotlfsoutbackwifi: great! Is it downgrade to heron ? :)19:28
outbackwifiscotlfs: since you have two cards, you need to put in a busid line in the device  section19:28
scotlfsoutbackwifi: very well, I have never done a dual card setup in linux before, so I don't know what that needs to look like19:29
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: oh, wait, i'm looking at intrepid, hardy has it a little different19:29
outbackwifiscotlfs: to find out the busid you need to run Xorg -scanpci19:29
kittyhawkNTAuthority: I just upgraded to intrepid19:29
psotoidWould someone explain this message to me: "sudo: Symbol `clock' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking"19:29
kittyhawkNTAuthority: although I think that's what screwed this all up in the first place19:29
ubuntuok bye19:29
ubuntuany one can help me ?19:29
ubuntuhow can i get the password for the wireless network19:29
buntoowheret1c--> i dont know the details off hand, let me find a link19:29
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: and you're sure you are running 2.6.27? ;)19:29
profxavierI have a printer/scanner setup on my Ubuntu box, I have shared the printer with smb, now I installed the scanning software for the printer/scanner, do I need to configure samba for scanning as well?19:29
profxavierubuntu, can you be more specific?19:30
kittyhawkNTAuthority: I'm not.  I'm running 2.6.2519:30
Meshachubuntu: Go to your modem configuration.19:30
scotlfsoutbackwifi: -scanpci option no recongized19:30
quentusrexWhat firewalls are installed on 8.04 server?19:30
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: i don't get why that one's in intrepid, it does not seem to have any use, try 2.6.2719:30
paul68!fr |gnu19:30
ubottugnu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:30
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RainCTmcphail: nope :(19:30
kittyhawkok.  let me reboot and see if I get a choice.19:30
jordo2323MnemonicPunk:  If you mark firefox 3.0 for complete removal, then reinstall it, it fixes the issue.  Remember to back up your bookmarks and stuff though...19:31
outbackwifiscotlfs: and the format of that line is like  so --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/69318/19:31
buntoowheret1c--> http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html19:31
_spider_how to shutdown a ubuntu19:31
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: as, obviously, 2.6.25 does not have any sound drivers available, it's probably for legacy19:32
gborgood evening :)19:32
shredder12help please..i have jst upgraded to interpid and i can't use 2.6.27 coz ethernet interface is missing in it..any way to fix this problem..??19:32
outbackwifiscotlfs: or if you scroll down to the busid portion of this page --> http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html19:32
Meshachspider: click the red button in the upper-right corner19:32
RainCT_spider_: system -> power off   ?19:32
outbackwifispiderz: or press the power button19:32
buntoowquentusrex--> iptables  and by default no rulez19:32
joshpdoes multitouch touchpads work with ubuntu19:32
_spider_tnx a lot19:32
paul68!fr |linux_19:32
ubottulinux_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:32
scotlfsoutbackwifi: Can you please repeat the first part, I can't scroll back up because I am switching between ttys and also because I am in tty I can't view webpages very well. Not even sure if this thing has lynx or not19:33
outbackwifijoshp: yes i have a eeepc 1000H with a multitouch and it works fine19:33
_spider_but can not shutdown when i press the red button19:33
joshpcan you scroll with 2 fingers19:33
kittyhawkNTAuthority: I don't seem to have linux-image-2.6.27 installed19:33
kittyhawkNTAuthority: should I?19:33
ntinos_how can i see if i using vesa driver ?19:33
outbackwifiscotlfs: you need to find out the busid of your cards and put one of them in19:33
RainCTjoshp: macbook?19:33
Meshachspider: the red button should drop-down a menu that has some choices, one of them says "Shutdown".19:33
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: install linux-2.6.27, 2.6.25 is only for systems having had run older intrepid alphas, it seems, and does not have sound drivers19:33
outbackwifiscotlfs: to do that you need to run the xorg server with the -scanpci switch19:33
joshpi tried a macbook and want thier touchpad19:33
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: or any other special drivers19:34
dfgasanyone use prism? how do i have multi windows like calendar and gmail19:34
paul68buntoow:   can you help  me out with a iptable question?19:34
kittyhawkNTAuthority: is there some meta-package I should install or something, or just apt-get install linux-2.6.27?19:34
scotlfsoutbackwifi: can I find the busid in the xorg.0.log file you think?19:34
outbackwifiscotlfs: your log shows no devices :)19:34
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: sorry, linux-generic, should install latest generic version, plus possible restricted modules19:34
fosco__ntinos_: grep -i vesa /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:34
_spider_Meshach i think that the red button doesnt work:S19:34
outbackwifiscotlfs: scanpci is the way to go19:35
kittyhawkNTAuthority: so apt-get install linux-generic?  Should I remove anything?19:35
Meshachspider: clcik system>shutdown19:35
heret1c<joshp> try ctrl-esc . then kill mouseemu.19:35
NTAuthoritykittyhawk: removing is not neccesary for this, grub-update will set it as default automatically19:35
kittyhawkNTAuthority: ok, I'll try that.19:35
admin_masu3701hello guys..am trying to install a package but i get this error message: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:35
admin_masu3701E: Unable to lock the download directory19:35
pelegI have added a new keyboard layout in both base.xml and base.lst, but I can't see it in the gnome manager. What should I check?19:36
riddleboxanyone have any ideas on how to get my wireless working on my eeepc?19:36
scotlfsoutbackwifi: I don't seem to have scanpci, and Xorg doesn't recognize -scanpci option...do you know what package scanpci can be found in?19:36
pelegI've used these instructions: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Altering_or_Creating_Keyboard_Maps19:36
fosco__admin_masu3701: close any other package manager (adept, synaptic, update-manager...)19:36
outbackwifiriddlebox: use the kernel at array.org this is optimized for eeepc19:36
MTeckI'm trying to bring a cli system to just enough to have openbox running using xdm login... I installed xdm, xinit, and startx. When I try to use startx I'm getting the error exec: 5: /usr/bin/X11/X: not found - what else do I need to install?19:36
outbackwifiriddlebox: i have two eeepc running ubuntu and that kernel19:36
buntoowpaul68--> ill try to answer what i know, am not a guru with iptables though19:36
NTAuthorityMTeck: xserver-xorg, and xfonts-75dpi to get X to start, at least19:37
kittyhawkNTAuthority: buntoow: thanks for your help.19:37
MTeckNTAuthority: thanks19:37
buntoowkittyhawk--> you're welcome19:37
admin_masu3701fosco__: they all closed19:37
admin_masu3701only synaptic is open19:37
NTAuthorityMTeck: heh, I have hacked a lot with minimal debian systems19:37
outbackwifiscotlfs: can you do a sudo X -scanpci ?19:37
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PeskyJis there a way to leave a windowed application running when you log out so that it will still be there when you log back in?19:37
Winter_71ciao a tutti19:37
fosco__admin_masu3701: ps ax and make sure no other package manager is present19:38
Meshachoutbackwifi: w00t! I got my GeForce 7000m drivers working!19:38
buntoowPeskyJ-->yes  an app called screen19:38
outbackwifiMeshach: im glad you did19:38
Meshachoutbackwifi: Thanks again, and I'll talktoyou later.19:38
NTAuthoritybuntoow: in case it's a command line windowed application, yes19:38
buntoowPeskyJ--> if not that, x11vnc i think allows that to happen19:38
paul68buntoow: well if you look at this script how do I need to adapt it in order to accept ssh from the outside  and take in concideration that all ports under 1024 are closed http://paste.ubuntu.com/68985/19:38
PeskyJbuntoow: you cna use that for windowed apps as well as terminal apps?19:38
ConstantineXVIin bash, how would I go about getting all files created before a certain date?19:39
heret1cbuntoow:  erk, that looks like a day's work. 8)19:39
admin_masu3701fosco__: i closed all and tryed in a terminal19:39
lc0035234hi, my ubuntu thinks my wireless is off, but it on, its always on, there is no switch (inpiron 1520), what to do to connect to the internet ?19:39
admin_masu3701fosco__: same error19:39
NTAuthorityPeskyJ: the X server itself quits when logging off, and X client stop, so you should try Xtightvnc for example to have a seperate x server accesible via vnc19:39
buntoowheret1c--> well, im still learning it myself, not an overnight read19:39
shredder12help please..i have jst upgraded to interpid and i can't use 2.6.27 coz ethernet interface is missing in it..any way to fix this problem..??19:39
outbackwifiscotlfs: i might go off the air anyminute; good luck with the xorg; but thats the way to go19:40
ConstantineXVIer, make that all files in a folder19:40
PeskyJNTAuthority: I changed my user privileges and I wanted to log out and in again to test them without closing all my apps19:40
karolubuntu is sik19:40
buntoowpaul68--> give me time to study it a bigt19:40
MTeckNTAuthority: Now I'm getting an error about xrdb command not found - package doesn't exist19:40
paul68buntoow: sure19:40
NTAuthorityPeskyJ: that's another problem, and the applications would be running in the old environment I suppose then ;)19:40
karolhow hack IP19:40
admin_masu3701E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:40
admin_masu3701E: Unable to lock the download directory19:40
PeskyJNTAuthority: yeah, that's fine19:40
MTeckadmin_masu3701: are you running another package manager?19:41
karolhow hack IP??19:41
NTAuthorityMTeck: that command should not be neccesary to get X itself running, only xserver-xorg and xfonts-75dpi are what I usually need19:41
shredder12i have jst upgraded to interpid and i can't use 2.6.27 coz ethernet interface is missing in it..any way to fix this problem..??19:41
admin_masu3701MTeck: no19:41
admin_masu3701MTeck: everything is close19:41
fosco__admin_masu3701: try sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock19:41
paul68!patience | karol19:41
MTeckNTAuthority: alrighty - what about getting xdm to launch when I login?19:41
ubottukarol: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:41
fosco__but maque suere no other packge manager is present19:41
PeskyJNTAuthority: can signal gnome to restart and it will reconnect to the running apps?19:42
heret1cbuntoow:  it works halfway. using k3b, when inserting a new dvd, the field changes between "insert blank disk" and "disk found" /something like(.19:42
broonsparrowhi. why would 'busybox' be starting when i try and run a live CD?19:42
FloodBot3chouji: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
NTAuthorityMTeck: display managers usually launch on boot from init.d, you would manually startx if you want a terminal logon19:42
buntoowPeskyJ--> you may find x11vnc has capabilities that seems to be what you seek and not available on tightvnc, google for the details19:42
MTeckNTAuthority: I want to login with xdm19:42
Cycomhey, does fglrx still have trouble with video playback with tearing and such on an ATI Radeon X1400, et al?19:42
paul68!it |plus9119:42
MTeckNTAuthority: am I misunderstanding? is gdm not meant for logins?19:42
ubottuplus91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:42
NTAuthorityMTeck: that's normally done, as it creates an initscript19:43
Cycomor did they release a new version?19:43
RickZillaMy son and I are experimenting with some stop-action video.  I'd like to put a bunch of jpeg's together and create a movie file out of it.  Any recommendations for software that can do this?19:43
buntoowheret1c--> you have tuff one there,19:43
MTeckNTAuthority: ya lost me19:43
NTAuthorityMTeck: *dm is for logging on graphically, startx is for testing/starting from a terminal19:43
MTeckNTAuthority: so - I installed xdm... I'll reboot and see if I can login?19:43
admin_masu3701fosco__: it returns : No such file or directory19:43
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nickrudspeaking of gdm, whatever happened to dpkg-reconfigure gdm and choosing my preferred login manager?19:44
NTAuthorityMTeck: you should only need to use /etc/init.d/*dm, or xdm is some strange package19:44
=== ludovicc_ is now known as ludovicc
NTAuthorityMTeck: yep, /etc/init.d/xdm start, as always19:44
fosco__admin_masu3701: so, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock19:44
J-_What can I do if firefox has no window borders? What command do I use to restart the borders? It's been a long time since I've done this.19:45
skenhow can i virtualize ubuntu?19:45
NTAuthorityJ-_: metacity --replace &19:45
skenand put special effects?19:45
heret1cbuntoow:  lshw | grep dvd - only shows the internal dvd reader.19:45
ActionParsnipRickZilla: gimp will make animated gifs for you19:45
NTAuthoritysken: most virtualisation software does not support 3d acceleration19:45
admin_masu3701fosco: that did it19:45
admin_masu3701thank you fosco__19:45
MTeckNTAuthority: it's still freaking out about that command not being found19:45
RickZillaActionParsnip:  Will it create a movie file?  Or is there some other way I can convert a .gif file to a movie file?19:46
NTAuthorityMTeck: seems strange, let's walk through dependencies :)19:46
winfernoRickZilla: Are you trying to make an animated gif?19:46
|neon|i set up my desktop settings and everything looks ok, however when i reboot i loose my settings everytime, i tried session settings without luck, any suggestions thanks19:46
MTeckNTAuthority: just xrdb - idk if it matters really, but I don't like errors19:46
buntoowpaul68 for one, you need to have your sshd server to listen above port 1024 and modify the rules to specify that port to be allowed in19:46
broonsparrowi'm trying to boot to a liveCD - that did work fine, now it's opening BusyBox and has a initramfs prompt...any ideas why?19:47
NTAuthorityMTeck: x11-xserver-utils contains the package, usually some application should have that as dependency if it's needed19:47
RickZillawinferno:  No, a movie file19:47
RickZillaNot sure what kind yet19:47
buntoowheret1c--> does lsusb  shows your usb dvd drive?19:47
storm-zenI've got issues with sound.  Should I download and install the latest alsa drivers?19:47
storm-zenI've had 99% static in my sound since Gutsy.19:47
fosco__stodan: try gtreamer-properties first19:47
winfernoRickZilla: I've used ffmpeg to convert .png files to an h264 video.19:48
ActionParsnipRickZilla: it'd make a gif with animations, you could maybe use avidemux and add them there then make a video19:48
RickZillaActionParsnip and winferno:  Thanks for the advice, I'll look into both of those19:48
Pirate_Hunterjust wondering if it is possible to change resolution or decrease text size when working in cli only or am i stuck with the default look?19:49
winfernoRickZilla: I can dig up the command for ffmpeg if you'd like, it worked great for me.19:49
storm-zenpasuspender madplay mp3file.mp3 still results in very static-like playback.  Yet, this morning it was working fine, until it just became static in the middle of playing an mp3 file.19:49
MTeckNTAuthority: hurray :D - thanks much19:49
RickZillawinferno:  Is that available in synaptic?19:49
MTeckNTAuthority: I'm gonna reboot and see if it comes up right away19:49
storm-zenI think it works again after hibernating, but sometimes hibernating dies too, so that's not a good way to test it.19:49
|neon|i set up my desktop settings and everything looks ok, however when i reboot i loose my settings everytime, i tried session settings without luck, any suggestions thanks19:49
winfernoRickZilla: ffmpeg is.19:50
BillSamJohnsonhello, i have been out for a while and still am having the problem of configuring the internet on ubuntu 8.10 desktop.  Can someone help me19:50
heret1cbuntoow:  yes, apparenly. if it's a smamsunf writemaster listed as "NEC Corp.".19:50
paul68buntoow: ok but where do I modify that?19:50
skeni installed itunes via wine but doesn't appear in menu19:50
jimmioHello all, Rhythmbox isn't recognizing any of the audio on my iPod (but did at first)... what can I do to get it working again?19:50
heret1cbuntoow:  yes, apparenly. if it's a samsung ...19:50
kittyhawkyay!  sound.19:50
winfernoAlthough I think that you may only be able to encode mpeg (not h264) without a recompile, since it's not included by default (as of a few weeks ago).19:51
buntoowheret1c--> yeah okay, why it is fading in and out, i dont know what to tell you19:51
ribatejoerror: getaddrinfo: name or service not known19:51
ribatejoheeelp! ... .. . .    .     .19:52
ribatejoonly found to check my hosts file, which i did19:52
winfernoribatejo: What are you trying to accomplish?19:52
nickrudribatejo, check /etc/resolv.conf as well19:52
ribatejohad localhost dl19:52
ribatejonickrud: grdesktop19:53
nickrudribatejo, ah, then i'll slink back into my corner ;)19:53
heret1cbuntoow:  the "what do you want to do with this disk"-dialogue doesn't appear, either.19:53
versusim using hardy right now and would like to make a pidgin backup but couldnt find a howto yet, does someone know how to do it?19:53
jimmioWhat can I do to get RhythmBox to detect my iPod again?19:53
ribatejou don't use? or is it no-ms-til death?19:54
BillSamJohnsondoes anyone know how to configure the internet on Ubuntu?19:54
nickrudribatejo, only run ms inside virtualbox (except at work, where it's the opposite)19:54
Darkusi lost the notification zone19:54
Darkuson my ubuntu19:54
nickrudDarkus, right click panel, add to panel19:54
ribatejoBillSamJohnson: maybe I can help?19:54
peleghow can I force gnome to reload keyboard layout symbol files?19:54
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Bill, you might have to be more specific.19:55
Darkusi remember that ther is one command19:55
BillSamJohnsonribatejo: ok good, so what how do i do it.19:55
Darkusthat returns gnome19:55
nickrud!restpanels | Darkus19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restpanels19:55
nickrud!restpanel | Darkus19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restpanel19:55
BillSamJohnsonand also to winferno19:55
ribatejofirst you have to tell us what you want to accomplish: wireless, wired, etc and forwhat19:55
Enissa1I can't access to my external HD WD MyBook, i got this message: Cannot mount volume. You are not privileged to mount the volume 'My Book'..... please help19:56
nickrudargh,  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel19:56
nickrudDarkus, ^^19:56
BillSamJohnsonok well it is a server and it is hard wired19:56
Frogging101Can somebody reply to my question https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/50701?19:56
ribatejoEnissa1: sudo mount /dev/...19:56
skenhow can i intall itune via wine?19:56
BillSamJohnsonand i would like to beable to use firefox19:56
Frogging101whoops https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5070119:56
nickrudDarkus, from memory, pretty sure it's complete19:56
Bupssshi... a very big question.... should i upgrade to intrepid?19:56
skencan i use .exe file?19:56
Bupsssif yes... why?19:57
alan__so here is a question...i may have downloaded and installed the ati drivers from ati website...they dont work and now everything is big...how do i get rid of them?19:57
ribatejoBillSamJohnson: open terminal and do ifconfig19:57
blip99Bupsss, no19:57
ribatejoif it does not work do sudo ifconfig19:57
Darkusdon't u think that there is this command?19:57
BillSamJohnsonhow o i open a terminal19:57
Darkusi used it with xfce19:57
step21_hey ... can i force the "make usb startup disk" utility to use a specific partition like /dev/sdb2 instead of /dev/sdb19:57
Darkuswhen i had xubuntu19:57
nickrudBupsss, I'd recommend saving your $HOME, using !clone to save your package install, any changes to /etc , and reinstall19:57
ribatejoyou should see something like eth0 somewhere19:57
winfernoBillSamJohnson: If you have a desktop, it's under 'accessories'19:57
ActionParsnipribatejo: users can run ifconfig, no need for sudo19:58
Darkusand lost the 2 barrs19:58
buntoowpaul68--> here is the guide i use all the time http://www.linuxexposed.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=10719:58
Frogging101can somebody answer my question https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/50701 ?19:58
Darkushein nickrud19:58
nickrudDarkus, xfce would be different19:58
|neon|i set up my desktop settings and everything looks ok, however when i reboot i loose my settings everytime, i tried session settings without luck, any suggestions thanks19:58
Darkusi know19:58
ActionParsnipFrogging101: tried envyng-gtk?19:58
BillSamJohnsonwell, i  have a KVM over IP on it so i can see the desktop19:58
buntoowheret1c--> sorry am out of ideas how to resolve for your issues19:58
ribatejoActionParsnip: maybe i should really let you guys do the graphical tut since I run xfce ;019:58
Darkusbut i think that ther is a command19:58
nickrudDarkus, and since I have zero experience with xfce, I have no rational opinion19:58
dingupenguinwhy should i update tot  he most recent ubu revsion19:58
ActionParsnipribatejo: i run fluxbox19:58
Frogging101what's that?19:59
Darkusnot the same command but another for gnome19:59
nickrudDarkus, the command I gave you would reset the gnome panels to default, including a notification area19:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help19:59
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde419:59
Gneadingupenguin: why should you apply security updates to any OS?19:59
heret1cbuntoow:  don't blame ya. 8)19:59
Frogging101actionparsnip: what is that?19:59
paul68buntoow: thanks I check it out19:59
Darkusrestpanels ?19:59
Bupsssnickrud.... is better doing a clean install than an upgrade?19:59
BillSamJohnsonok i typed ipconfig and it says bash command not....19:59
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox19:59
BillSamJohnsondo i need to be on root20:00
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Hah.. ifconfig, not ipconfig. =)20:00
ActionParsnip!envyng | Frogging10120:00
ubottuFrogging101: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk20:00
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Are you coming from a Windows world?20:00
Enissa1ribatejo: $ sudo mount /media/My\ Book\ II/ ==> mount: can't find /media/My Book II/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab20:00
ribatejoActionParsnip: cool, when I get old with time to learn better openbox, I will use it too..now don't have time to explan to my daughter how to ..20:00
dingupenguinwould it be ae good to let it update while im at work?20:00
Frogging101okay, ill get it20:00
ActionParsnipalan__: you may want to configure your resolution20:00
nickrudBupsss, I've done both, and prefer the reinstall. Prevents any residual configs from the prev release possibly creating subtle bugs in the new20:00
ribatejoEnissa1: you don't use \20:00
winfernoBillSamJohnson: I always do that too. 'if' is for 'interface'.. so does that work?20:01
ribatejouse /20:01
nickrudBupsss, and they take about the same amount of time20:01
ActionParsnipribatejo: once its all setup, you dont need much know how20:01
alan__how do i get rid of ati drivers?20:01
alan__or get default ones to load?20:01
AdamDHhey, the network manager applet has disapered from my toolbar even if I re add the applet it is not there? Any ideas? Trying apt-get remove and apt-get install but no look20:01
NikyoHi all20:01
BillSamJohnsonok,, it has showed some text20:01
ribatejoActionParsnip: problem is find time alone to setup :)20:01
ActionParsnipalan__: how did you install them?20:01
nickrudalan__, you should be able to use admin->hardware drivers to disable20:01
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Question, what is this ethernet connevted to?20:01
versusim using hardy right now and would like to make a pidgin backup but couldnt find a howto yet, does someone know how to do it?20:01
fiXXXerMetHi everyone.  Just added an Intel Pro/1000 GT to my Ubuntu 8.10 server and disabled the onboard NIC through the bios.  lspci shows the device as a 82541PI, but ifconfig doesn't list the device  - there is no eth0.  Any ideas?20:01
ribatejo3 kids and wife and things change20:02
ActionParsnipribatejo: doesnt take too long20:02
Enissa1ribatejo: i push TAB and he add it automatically20:02
Bupsssi'm just scared to lose all the settings20:02
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Like, DSL router, etc?20:02
fr500I did a mediaserver on an 8.10 box I share files with smb20:02
BillSamJohnsonI order 5 IPs with my server: one it the server IP, one is KVM, and the three left are 'usable;20:02
fr500reading from the server is pretty fast20:02
Frogging101ActionParsnip: What do you do with it after you get it?20:02
fr500but writing....it's terrible20:02
fr500any ideas?20:02
rickystyxHello all.20:02
ActionParsnipFrogging101: gksudo envyng-gtk20:02
hubar blackbox and fluxbox, which one is better?20:02
ActionParsnipFrogging101: then read the screen20:03
nickrudversus, just backing up your .purple dir in your home should backup all your pidgin settings20:03
winfernoBillSamJohnson: Oh, so you just need to set the ethernet interface IP to an address you already have?20:03
MTecknologycrap... who was giving me answers earlier?20:03
ActionParsniphubar: neither is better, neith is gnome better or worse. Its all individual20:03
versusthanks nickrud20:03
ribatejoEnissa1: sometimes computer is stupid do sudo mount /media/My/Book/II/20:03
hubarand openbox.20:03
hubarActionParsnip: Metacity is certainly better. :)20:03
BillSamJohnsonwinferno: would it be one of the three usable ones or the one that is th ip of the server20:03
ActionParsniphubar: i love fluxbox, millions would say the same, millions would say openbox was better20:03
NotADJIs there a Liun Comic generator?20:04
Dabblehanyone got a Windows XP Home Edition ISO?20:04
nickrudhubar, between those two? whether or not you've configured either to taste. They are extremely customizable20:04
ActionParsniphubar: better and best are indiviual, so your question is moot20:04
ribatejoI tried more userfrindly tinyme and was great20:04
MTecknologyCan somebody scroll back and see who was helping me last?20:04
Brucevdkhubar: are there really millions using either? :-)20:04
ribatejoDabbleh: r u a lawyer?20:04
BillSamJohnsonwinferno: i am guessing it is one of the three usable ones but not sure20:05
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:05
winfernoBillSamJohnson: I'm a little confused when you say 'one', but I think at this point I think you should identify which interface you're interested. Ethernet is usually eth0 eth1, etc.20:05
LjLMTecknology: ntauthority20:05
Frogging101ActionParsnip: I put that in the terminal, but it didn't say anything on the screen20:05
nickrudMTecknology, he's gone20:05
hubarBrucevdk: I doubt it. But you should be asking ActionParsnip . :)20:05
MTecknologynickrud: couls you please tell me the packages he told me to install? I didn't have my profile setup yet so my logs are gone20:06
MTecknologyhypn0: ^^20:06
ryanakcaIs it possible to have an encrypted swap (LUKS preferably) and still have suspend/hibernate working?20:06
Brucevdkhubar: bah, you're right ;-) Not sure how that happened20:06
ribatejook, guys..thanks for the fun..have to go to wife and family...20:06
depapeis there a release date for 2.6.28 for intrepid?20:06
LjLdepape, "never" is probably a reasonable guess20:07
rickystyxAnyone have trouble connecting to a WPA-PSK TKIP secured wireless network in Ubuntu?  I'm using ndiswrapper with the manufacturer's drivers.20:07
winfernoBillSamJohnson: if you want to know more about the ifconfig command type 'man ifconfig'. Do you have any other values from your ISP for the default gateway, netmask or DHCP server?20:07
fr500meh network is really slow on intrepid for me20:07
fr500can't explain why20:07
ActionParsnipFrogging101: are you running gnome or kde?20:07
LjLdepape: i don't think i've ever seen an actual kernel update as a stable release update20:07
dfgasalright i am using gmail on prism in ubuntu and i can open another window with google calendar, how do i do this?20:07
Frogging101ActionParsnip: i think gnome...20:07
rafase282__how do i find what wireless card do i have?20:08
Frogging101ActionParsnip: I am just using regular ubuntu 8.1020:08
ActionParsnipFrogging101: you should see envyng in your menus20:08
MTecknologynickrud: I know that's a painful and mean request - I don't even have any web browser setup yet20:08
nickrudMTecknology, which request? The guy you were talking to?20:08
rafase282__can anyone help me?20:09
ActionParsnip!ask | rafase282_20:09
ubotturafase282_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:09
MTecknologynickrud: I was hoping you could do it - hypn0 was calling me lazy for not looking myself20:09
rafase282__How do I find what wireless card I have?20:09
MTecknologyrafase282__: lspci20:09
nickrudMTecknology, he's gone, NTauthority20:09
ActionParsniprafase282__: lshw -C network20:10
MTecknologynickrud: I know, I was wondering if you could check and tell me the packages he told me to install20:10
nickrudOf course you're lazy, why else would you be asking questions here ;)20:10
MTecknologynickrud: just a grep you your logs on this channel for MTeck ??20:10
nickrudyou were trying to use xdm?20:10
im_cycodoes anybody have alot of experience with 3 monitor setups?20:10
MTecknologynickrud: I am now20:10
EvolutionXtinctI have the flu guys, and i'm mentally retarded right now. I have a 1TB external connected via USB its already got a NTFS partition on it how do i mount it so i can transfer things onto it20:11
EvolutionXtinctcan someone help me out20:11
MTecknologynickrud: I just want to log the packages I needed to install and I accidently deleted the file I kept when I was restoring my profile20:11
=== rickystyx is now known as rickystyx2
=== rickystyx2 is now known as rickystyx
rafase282__well how do I install the drivers for it?20:12
rafase282__cause it was not working20:12
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nickrud x11-xserver-utils MTecknology20:13
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Guest43142is any one here?20:13
BrucevdkGuest43142: no, we're just pretending to be here20:13
[eXception]hi... smartdimmer is really buggy :/20:13
MTecknologynickrud: there were more20:13
Guest43142im pritty new to linux20:13
ActionParsnipEvolutionXtinct: sudo mkdir /media/terra; sudo apt-get install ntfs-3; sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/<nanme> /media/terra -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00020:14
jribGuest43142: pretend to ask a question, we may pretend to answer it :)20:14
ActionParsnipEvolutionXtinct: you'll need sudo fdisk -l to find out the /dev name20:14
Brucevdkjrib: hah :)20:14
ActionParsnipEvolutionXtinct: as it stands taht command will not work20:14
MTecknologynickrud: I think there were 3 others20:14
lapsomeone can screenshot me the nautilus preferences of "media" in the file manager please ?20:15
[eXception]jrib: what was the shell cmd to install an usb-start-stick20:15
lapa default one20:15
Guest43142is there a help channel?20:15
lapnever been touch20:15
jrib[eXception]: no idea20:15
EvolutionXtinctthnx ActionParsnip20:15
nickrudxserver-xorg and  xfonts-75dpi ? If he mentioned before those, it was before I logged on20:15
jribGuest43142: this is it20:15
rickystyxAnyone else have trouble connecting to a WPA-PSK TKIP secured wireless network in Ubuntu?  I'm using ndiswrapper with the manufacturer's drivers.20:15
im_cyco /away20:15
Guest43142how would i go about patching a wireless card driver20:15
Guest43142it says i need a micro code20:15
Guest43142which i downloaded20:15
jribGuest43142: what does?20:16
ActionParsniprickystyx: if you are using wpa you need to install the wpa supplicant20:16
lapsomeone can screenshot me the nautilus preferences of "media" in the file manager please ?20:16
rickystyxthx parsnip20:16
ActionParsnip!wpa | rickystyx20:16
ubotturickystyx: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:16
Guest43142ok thx20:17
chrisorange2my brother hl-2140 is not printing20:17
lapsomeone can screenshot me the nautilus preferences of "media" in the file manager in intrepid ibex please ?20:17
PeskyJI moved my drives around, how can I reconfigure grub the same way it automatically did when I installed ubuntu?20:17
ghostlineswhat dreamweaver alternatives do you guys use?20:17
EvolutionXtinctActionParsnip ntfs-3 comes up as couldn't find package.....20:18
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-HL-214020:18
broonsparrowhi can someone help me edit my GRUB file.20:18
EvolutionXtincti use apt-get argh20:18
chrisorange2i installed cups driver, but if i want print it does blink the red error led20:18
* EvolutionXtinct feels like a dump truck ran over him20:18
Brucevdkbroonsparrow: what do you want done?20:18
Guest43142hmm this is hard core support20:18
ActionParsnipEvolutionXtinct: try tab completing the package name, type ntfs then press tab on the end of the install line20:18
broonsparrowI've installed 8.10 on a 3rd HD when I boot up i get a error 1720:18
BrucevdkGuest43142: we don't mess around no20:18
storm-zenhow do I shut off everything that has anything to do with sound in Intrepid?20:18
ActionParsnipbroonsparrow: what does error 17 mean?20:18
EvolutionXtinctis what it is :D20:19
Pirate_Hunteris there a way to check if a port is open on my pc or should i say in my router?20:19
kilraecould anyone recommend a newish video card to use with Ubuntu?20:19
broonsparrowhttp://www.dreamincode.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=42705&st=0 from google. a partitation error20:19
lapHELLO ?!?20:19
Guest43142hai 520:19
EvolutionXtinctk its installed20:19
ActionParsnip!caps | lap20:19
ubottulap: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:19
PeskyJcan you re-run the GRUB autoconf that happens when ubuntu is installed?20:19
lapsomeone can screenshot me the nautilus preferences of "media" in the file manager in intrepid ibex please ?20:19
BrucevdkGuest43142: if you just want to talk about Ubuntu check out #ubuntu-offtopic (also see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat)20:19
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, thank you, but it worked for some time20:19
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, sudo apt-get install nmap and then nmap localhost20:19
Brucevdklap: I think it might help if you explained... why you wanted a screenshot20:19
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, or if you dont like commandline, nmapfe is the gui app20:20
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, then after restarting 3or4x he doesnt work anymore20:20
ralphoduh settings20:20
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, but the driver is installed and i tryed other similar drivers (lower models...)20:20
broonsparrowlooking at grub/menu.lst it doesn't have a (root) should it?20:20
ryanakcaIs it possible to have an encrypted swap (LUKS preferably) and still have suspend/hibernate working?20:20
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger, ty20:20
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, nm, its not nmapfe, zenmap is the gui20:20
Out_Coldwhy would you encrypt your swap?20:20
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/28788920:20
broonsparrowwhat should my menu.lst file say?!20:21
Guest43142what is linux ><20:21
ryanakcaOut_Cold: because my home partition is encrypted and I don't want people to get my encryption keys off of my swap when I suspend20:21
jkeyes0lap: http://i36.tinypic.com/dgmauw.jpg20:21
=== FreshPrince_ is now known as FreshPrince
Gnea!linux | Guest4314220:21
ubottuGuest43142: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux20:21
Guest43142i think im going to go check the net for help this is a bit advanced for me20:21
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, thanx, is it hopeless ?20:21
lapjkeyes0: thank : )20:22
PeskyJ~ tasty grub20:22
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, thanx, it worked some time with 8.1020:22
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, :(20:22
Out_ColdGuest43142, it's like windows or mac.. it's it's own operating system20:22
mstirnergot a bit fo a nightmare, changed my username and now user is not in sudoers list, hence lost ability to sudo20:22
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: all im doing is websearching, let me see what i can dig up20:22
ActionParsnip!adduser | mstirner20:23
ubottumstirner: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo20:23
EvolutionXtinctcrap here's the thign guys is the external drive i have is preformatted NTFS20:23
EvolutionXtinctnow ubuntu is saying it doesn't have a valid NTFS signature20:23
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, :)20:23
Guest54907Hi all I need help my ubuntu is playing wit me, I came accross with a problem... all panels are disappeared what to do?20:23
MyrttiGuest54907: press alt-f2, type gnome-panel20:24
lapjkeyes0: is that "intrepid ibex" ?20:24
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger, could you give me the simple command to scan a port range20:24
BrucevdkMyrtti: ALT+F2 is a functionality of gnome-panel :P20:24
jkeyes0lap: yes20:24
PeskyJI moved sdb to sdd and now GRUB won't boot to windows20:24
Guest54907nothing happens20:25
ActionParsnipGuest54907: try a reboot20:25
ActionParsnipPeskyJ: add the line to /boot/grub/menu.lst20:25
Guest54907I  made it several times, and still panels are missing20:25
MyrttiBrucevdk: funny then that I have that in xfce too...20:25
PeskyJActionParsnip: what line?20:25
animefanfiveI have two computers and I don't want to use the other but I would like to find a way to hook it into my current destop so it's resources can be used. (Hard drive space, cpu power, etc) Is there a way I can do this?20:26
mysteryHi everyone20:26
BrucevdkMyrtti: but do you know what program is providing the functionality under XFCE? :-)20:26
mysteryI just burned a data dvd and now i cannot open it to view files. Can someone help20:26
EvolutionXtinctdamn flu ActionParsnip i tried mounting the drive not the partition it was there20:27
* EvolutionXtinct makes a mental note DO NOT WORK ON *NIX WHEN YOU HAVE THE FLU!!!20:27
rafase282__hello, how do i activate my wireless card?20:27
anxiolyticI just upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid (using the update manager). It went fine and I rebooted, but programs are not too responsive. There's a a long pause when I switch tabs in Firefox, and when I close notes in Tomboy there's a pause and it says "Wait or Force quit" - this happens for some other apps too (Pidgin).. not sure what's wrong?20:27
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chrisorange2ActionParsnip, i found out, he prints my documents in gedit !! but not in evince(pdf)20:27
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BrucevdkGuest54907: you can try adding a new user (CTRL + ALT + F1) or removing parts of your GConf configuration (~/.gconf/apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel). The latter will remove all your settings related to gnome-panel20:28
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, if i print in evince or open office -> red error led20:28
storm-zenhow relevant is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller to Intrepid?20:28
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mystery I just burned a data dvd and now i cannot open it to view files. Can someone help20:29
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paul68buntoow: what do you think of this script?20:29
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paul68buntoow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67448/20:30
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, sorry was on the phone20:30
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, whats your ?20:30
mystery I just burned a data dvd and now i cannot open it to view files. Can someone help20:30
anxiolyticZOMG!!!! I just upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid (using the update manager). It went fine and I rebooted, but programs are not too responsive. There's a a long pause when I switch tabs in Firefox, and when I close notes in Tomboy there's a pause and it says "Wait or Force quit" - this happens for some other apps too (Pidgin).. not sure what's wrong?20:31
mib_9macpe@mystery  how you are opening it20:31
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, ahhh problem solved :))))20:31
ActionParsnipmystery: did the burn succeed?20:31
FloridaGuywhats is it with ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10...downloaded and burnt about 6 different iso's from different mirrors not one will install20:31
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: what solved it?20:31
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BrucevdkGuest43142: another panel related directory for GConf is ~/.gconf/apps/panel/20:31
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Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: if i try nmap [port] i get Invalid target host specification: what am i doing wrong i just ned to scan a port range to see if it is open in my router20:31
mysteryyes the burn succeeded. I just want to check if the files are on the dvd. When i put it back in the tray and click on the drive i get a message saying cant mount voulume20:32
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ActionParsnipmystery: check the cd isnt mounted, then remount20:32
DoYouKnowhmmm... hotwire doesn't seem to be being worked on very much. is there anything better nowadays?20:32
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, it was the paper entering option which was in gedit on "default" and in the other applications "manuall paper entry" ....and i had no paper in the manual paper entry :))))20:32
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, just a reg port scan, nmap -v
mysteryOk how can i remount the dvd20:33
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, -v (verbose)20:33
mib_9macpe@mystery try to mount through command line may be u get good error message which is useful20:33
ActionParsniphehe nice20:33
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, but it wonders me that then is blinking the red error led oO20:33
DoYouKnowhotwire = Object shell20:33
turtle_idont work,i just ubuntu20:33
mysteryIm new to ubuntu can u tell me how to remount using the command line20:33
turtle_how can I work for Red Hat20:34
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: no idea dude, brother are weird20:34
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: i mean something like nmap 2300-3300 would it accept that or what is the correct command for it?20:34
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, =)20:34
chrisorange2ActionParsnip,thank you ^20:34
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, man nmap20:34
legend2440anxiolytic: is compiz enabled?20:34
ActionParsnip!mount | mystery20:34
ubottumystery: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:34
ActionParsnipchrisorange2: np man, help where you can20:34
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Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: lol i am, im reading the online documentaion :/20:34
ActionParsnipmystery: if its in fstab, sudo mount -a20:34
billybigriggerpirate -p 2300-330020:35
paul68buntoow: are you still here?20:35
chrisorange2ActionParsnip, =)20:35
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, nmap -p 2300-3300 localhost20:35
matelothi is "sudo bash" just like logging in as "root" ?20:35
CasperOrillianjust starting ubuntu and have no idea what im doing20:35
ActionParsnipmatelot: you can use sudo -i20:35
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, its actually -p2300-330020:35
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, haha should have read the whole thing20:35
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: oh thanx im reading the different cmmands for port scanning but not what i need you beautiful :D20:36
anxiolyticlegend2440: no20:36
matelotok is "sudo -i" just like logging as "root" ?20:36
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, man pages are your friend20:36
ActionParsnipmatelot: it gives you a root terminal, thats it. all apps ran in that terminal are ran as root20:36
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: online guide > man page20:36
turtle_sudo -i is logged me in as root20:36
ActionParsnipmatelot: all other apps are ran as user20:37
CasperOrilliananyone tell me how i install programes from that synaptic manager?20:37
Pirate_Hunterbillybigrigger: at least that is how it is supposed to be20:37
matelotActionParsnip, you mean all other apps OUTSIDE of the shell....20:37
turtle_Casper, just search and click20:37
mysteryIm clicking on the cd icon on places and the message im getting is "cant mount file" I have no idea what to do from here20:37
ActionParsnipCasperOrillian: search for what you want and click to install what you find20:37
CasperOrilliani did that, it installed20:37
CasperOrillianbut i cant find the app after it did20:37
ActionParsnipCasperOrillian: what app?20:37
CasperOrilliansome irc program20:38
billybigriggerPirate_Hunter, which online guide are you looking at? nmapś?20:38
ActionParsnipCasperOrillian: if you know its name you can type it in a terminal or launcher to launch it20:38
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billybigriggerCasperOrillian, look in your Applications>Internet menu if itś and irc client20:38
animefanfiveHow can I share processor power over a network?20:38
CasperOrillianyeah im just doing updates so i will try soon20:38
stove_pipequick question,  is there a way to start up in a particular workspace?  I always start in workspace 1, but i want to start up in workspace 220:39
hateballstove_pipe♂ You can use devilspie for that20:39
mlesniakI have a really *strange* Problem using a macbook: If I plug in the cables to my speakers, the sound is muted, if unpluged I hear sound from the interal ones from the macbook. Under macos everything works fine (Using 8.10)20:39
legend2440anxiolytic: i had similar problem. for me it was a setting in  gconf-editor. so in terminal type   gconf-editor  browse to /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources  is there a checkmark in box called  reduced_resources ??20:39
ActionParsnipanimefanfive: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4388/20:40
MTecknologyWhat package is a hp-print in?20:40
ActionParsnipanimefanfive: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-439669.html20:41
stove_pipehateball: so there is no way to do it through compiz options or anything?20:41
anxiolyticlegend2440: It's not checked. From the description it doesn't sound like an appealing thing to have enabled20:41
hackers93ciao a tutti20:42
animefanfiveActionParsnip: So that means I can't right?20:42
hackers93ho un problema con ubuntu...mi sta facendo impazzire20:42
legend2440anxiolytic: no it really messed things up on mine.20:42
Myrtti!it | hackers9320:42
ubottuhackers93: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:42
ActionParsnipanimefanfive: sure, linux is very configurable. theres a distro specifically for it but its name escapes me20:42
CasperOrilliananyone know any user guides for beginners?20:42
lashihi everyone20:42
lashiI'm having some issues with flashplayer on 8.1020:42
anxiolyticlegend2440: do I gotta restart gnome when I enable it?20:42
lashiit seems that swfdec is installed by default, and even though I install nonfree, it doesn't make it default20:43
chrisorange2CasperOrillian, on english ?20:43
ActionParsnipanimefanfive: one pc is started on the system and takes role as head, then any others connect to it and lend power20:43
anxiolyticFlash player isn't working for me on 8.10 (I'm using Swiftweasel3)20:43
Snoopy_Casper, for ubuntu, or another variation20:43
lashiI can go and manipulate the symlinks directly, but there must be a more controlled way of doing this?20:43
hateballstove_pipe♂ Not as of now, Compiz has no such options no. Also I think it's not possible to use devilspie and Compiz together, but I might be wrong20:43
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legend2440anxiolytic: do not enable it. i was just checking if it was enabled or not. you do not want it enabled20:43
Snoopy_good place to start is http://help.ubuntu.com20:43
ActionParsnipanxiolytic: try installing nspluginwrapper20:43
stove_pipehateball: thanks.20:43
dingupenguinso whats new in 8.1020:43
CasperOrillianill try it20:44
FloridaGuyubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 both have the same problems..the only distro's i cant install....they get half way thru or a little more then erorr...20:44
anxiolyticlegend2440: how come? The wireframes don't look so bad actually20:44
lashianxiolytic, have a look in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins20:44
anubishey guys can anyone tell me where to find xorg.conf?20:44
ActionParsnipanxiolytic: then run: nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so20:44
anxiolyticActionParsnip: I'm using nspluginwrapper 1.1.0 w/ flash 9.. should I reinstall after updating to intrepid?20:44
Snoopy_casper, any particular topic? they're broken down into topics on that page.20:44
lashiyou probably see flashplugin-alternative.so20:44
ActionParsnipanubis: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:44
CasperOrillianjust everything in general20:44
anubisActionParsnip: thx mate20:44
BZWingZeroHow do I set a static IP address for my machine to use for eth1 (Wireless network with encryption)? Added difficulty: must configure thorugh the terminal.20:44
Snoopy_that's a good place to start then20:44
SnarkyTwitHi folks20:44
lashinow that's a symlink that points via another symlink in /etc/alternatives to the swfdec player20:45
Snoopy_there is official documentation there, plus a lot of community documentation that is very informative and accurate20:45
lashithat seems to be the issue anxiolytic20:45
billybigriggerBZWingZero, sudo nano /etc/networking/interfaces20:45
billybigriggerBZWingZero, /etc/network/interfaces20:45
lashiwhen I installed flashplugin-nonfree, it simply extracts libflashplugin.so into /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree20:45
lashibut it doesn't acutlaly make a symlink!!!20:45
PeskyJhow does the system decide which drives are sad, sdb, sdc etc?20:45
SnarkyTwitI LOVE UBUNTU20:46
anxiolyticlashi: what does it show when you do nspluginwrapper -l (that's an Elle)20:46
Snoopy_pesky it goes in order of controller number20:46
dingupenguinanyone have asus p5n-sli?20:46
symonsso my external hdd (ntfs) just randomly unmounted. I'm not really confortable using the mount command but thought there should be a way to "auto mount" the drive again, much like what happens when you initially plug the hdd into the usb port. Anyone know how?20:46
BZWingZeroHow do I set a static IP address for my machine to use for eth1 (Wireless network with encryption)? Added difficulty: must configure thorugh the terminal.20:46
PeskyJSnoopy_: well I just changed the drive on SATA2 to SATA4 and it's still /dev/sdb20:46
Snoopy_pesky: are you using sata drives20:46
chrisorange2can you commend me some usefull tools for informatic student beginners :)20:46
lashianxiolytic, it shows me the nonfree one20:47
billybigriggerBZWingZero, i just told you20:47
BZWingZerosorry, pressed up by accident, disregard20:47
lapsomeone have intrepid ibex here ?20:47
PeskyJSnoopy_: yeah, SATA20:47
Snoopy_you mean you just plugged the cable into a different slot, right?20:47
lashibut anxiolytic, the problem is that there's a symlink to the alternative flashplayer in that directory20:47
ActionParsniplap: most of us20:47
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: I opened that but the only interfaces listed are loopback and eth020:47
lashiand when I go to load the flashplayer, it simply loads the swfdec20:47
SnarkyTwitI do20:47
anxiolyticI'm using nspluginwrapper installed from SVN .. does Intrepid have this version in the repo? This is important because 1.1.0 restarts the flash plugin if it crashes, the older ones just display a gray box until I restart FF20:47
Pirate_Hunteron one of my boxes im logged to f1+f2 but i wish to ssh to it from my main comp and be able to access those screen, how do i go about doing so?20:47
billybigriggerBZWingZero, look at this site for an example....http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/20:47
SnarkyTwitI used bittorent to get it.. very fast20:47
ActionParsnipanxiolytic: yes its in the repos20:47
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billybigriggerBZWingZero, thereś an example of what your interfaces should look like for setting up a static ip addy20:47
PeskyJSnoopy_: yeah, I changed the drive to the SATA4 connector on the mobo20:47
mysteryIm clicking on the cd icon on places and the message im getting is "cant mount file" I have no idea what to do from here20:48
jrib!info flashplugin-nonfree | anxiolytic (yes)20:48
ubottuanxiolytic (yes): flashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:48
MTecknologyI can't figure out what package time-admin is in20:48
ActionParsnip!info nspluginwrapper20:48
ubottunspluginwrapper (source: nspluginwrapper): A wrapper to run Netscape plugins on other architectures. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1.1.0-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 140 kB, installed size 440 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)20:48
jribanxiolytic: ah, sorry.  Wrong package, but yes it's there20:48
Snoopy_pesky: did you already have ubuntu installed on that drive?20:48
billybigriggerBZWingZero, btw that was a 2 sec google20:48
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: so if eth1 isn't listed I can just add a new line for it with the settings I want?20:48
billybigriggerBZWingZero, yes sir20:48
jribanxiolytic: 1.1.2-0ubuntu120:48
anxiolyticok, thanks20:48
PeskyJSnoopy_: no, ubuntu is installed on the drive on SATA1 (sda)20:48
Snoopy_so you have four drives plugged in then? one in SATA1 through 4?20:49
MTecknologyAnybody know what package time-admin is n?20:49
PeskyJSnoopy_: Windows is on SATA3 and I want the data drive to be /dev/sdd so I put it into SATA4 but it still comes up as /dev/sdb and the windows drive as /dev/sdc20:49
Led-HedI just installed 8.04 64bit then did an apt-get upgrade.  It installed kernel 2.6.24-21, now when I login, there are no menu bars. How might I restore the menus?20:49
FinnishHow do I get panel back?20:49
PeskyJSnoopy_: there is nothing on SATA220:50
lashianxiolytic, if I go to help->plugins, it only shows me shockwave flash!!!20:50
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: last question about it, the setup is the same for ubuntu-desktop as it is for ubuntu-server (as shown in the link you sent)?20:50
FinnishOn desktop, I mean, on the bottom20:50
billybigriggerBZWingZero, yes20:50
powertool08can somebody help me with a UUID automount problem? after restart my internal and external drives show up as UUID and won't mount with error feature only available with HAL20:50
anxiolyticlashi: what dirs does nspluginwrapper show the plugin installed in20:51
Snoopy_Pesky: i believe it'll stay that way as long as the current installation of ubuntu is intact. if i'm not mistaken ubuntu stores the id data for that drive and always uses the same sd* ident for it20:51
billybigriggerBZWingZero, its a common config20:51
PeskyJSnoopy_: ahh, I see.. do you know where it stores that so I can edit it?20:51
billybigriggerBZWingZero, not just ubuntu has it, but all debian based distributions20:51
lashianxiolytic, what do you mean what dirs? You mean by doing  a dpkg -l nspluginwrapper20:51
CasperOrilliananyone know how long it would take to install all the updates at once?20:52
brainyronhey, anybody around who's an expert with Xorg configs?20:52
Snoopy_Pesky: give me a sec let me check something out20:52
Led-HedCasperOrillian, depends on your internet connection speed20:52
fiXXXerMetI have a gigabit NIC in my ubuntu 8.10 server, connected via cat5e to a gigabit switch, but it is connecting at 100 and not 1000.  dmesg shows the card as "e1000: eth0: e1000_probe: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection"   Any ideas?20:52
CasperOrillianwell i downloaded em20:52
CasperOrilliani think im jsut installin now20:52
alan__ooohkay..point me to working drivers or walkaround that works for ATI x190020:52
Led-Hedhey fiXXXerMet20:52
fiXXXerMetLed-Hed: yao man20:52
Led-Hedjust installed 8.04 64bit on my new backend20:53
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: Seems easy enough to configure, but what about the wireless network key and the essid? Do I just create a line for them as well in addition to the gateways etc.20:53
chrisorange2should i write "Works with 8.10 on me fine." or "Works with 8.10 fine on me." ?20:53
billybigriggerBZWingZero, yes but your interface is going to be wlan0 wlan1 etc.20:53
dale330ok, i just installed 8.10 on my inspiron 530. compiz worked great, then something happened and all desktop effects died20:53
billybigriggerBZWingZero, not eth0 eth120:53
CasperOrillianis there a way to automatically make command line commands run?20:53
billybigriggerBZWingZero, if you want it static you have to set the essid and all that20:54
lashieven when I go to installed plugins in Firefox, it only shows me shockwave flash20:54
dale330now, in the old days dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg would fix this20:54
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: For some reason with the intel card in the laptop wired is eth0 and wireless is eth120:54
lashiI can fix this in a choppy way by screwing around with symlinks20:54
dale330but it seems the package isn't what it was20:54
billybigriggerBZWingZero, do they both work?20:54
lashibut surely, there must be a cleaner, and more controlled way of doing this???20:54
anxiolyticlashi: when you do nspluginwrapper -l  where does it show the plugin installed?20:54
chrisorange2don't know :(20:54
dale330how do i make xorg autoconfig again now?20:54
DabblehWEWT BABY WEWT20:55
billybigriggerBZWingZero, i havent touch the interfaces config for a long time, network-manager is your friend :P20:55
lashi anxiolytic, it shows me that nonfree is installed20:55
uturhello, is there a color picker applet for the gnome panel?20:55
anxiolyticlashi: installed where?20:55
billybigriggerBZWingZero, but you want commandline configuration eh?20:55
DabblehWIRELESS ftw20:55
compu73rg33kI've set the "close window" keyboard shortcut to ctrl + shift + w, but a few programs instead use ctrl + x which is extremely annoying b/c I can't cut selected text and end up closing the program when I attempt to20:55
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: yep. Currently just using iwconfig to set the essid and key and dhclient to pull the IP from the router. Static would just make administration easier20:55
compu73rg33kthe only two programs I've found are doing this are x-chat and gftp20:55
DabblehWG111 works with Ubuntu 8.1020:55
lashianxiolytic, I've pasted in a dialog20:55
Dabblehafter 5 hourss of moniter light20:56
lashithe point is, nspluginwrapper -l only shows the interaction with the nonfree player and this wrapper20:56
im_cycois anybody experienced in xinerama?20:56
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: For some reason this computer refuses to run a graphic interface, I think the video card is fine. It displays a terminal fine. If I try using windows it will only use CPU rendering instead of the graphics, hence why its terminal only20:56
lashiit doesn't reveal to me anything about why it's not installed as a plugin for firefox20:56
lashithat's the real issue20:56
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BZWingZerobillybigrigger: video card fried not fine.20:56
jriblashi: did you install flashplugin-nonfree from the repositories?20:56
lashijrib, sure did mate20:57
Snoopy_Pesky: the rules for assigning drive identifiers are part of the udev program20:57
lashiI wanted to uninstall swfdec-gnome swfdec-mozilla20:57
billybigriggerBZWingZero, ahh20:57
lashibut it seems that gnome is dependent on this!!!20:57
jriblashi: pastebin: ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/20:57
Snoopy_which is a bit beyond my skill to manipulate.20:57
dale330ok, i just installed 8.10 on my inspiron 530. compiz worked great, then something happened and all desktop effects died? how do i make it autodetect my videocard again since dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is broken now?20:57
Snoopy_there are rules you can set for udev though20:57
im_cycoxinerama? nvidia? anyone using similar setup?20:57
dystopiahi, i am trying to get working my sound card. no matter what i do, i cannot get sound to my speakers. i think i have loaded the wrong driver, i have maudio audiophile 2496, but i loaded snd-ice1312 without arguments20:57
billybigriggerBZWingZero, good example for static wireless interfaces setup...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1204520:57
lashijrib, when I list he directory there, I have flashplayer-alternative20:57
Snoopy_but searching "udev rules" is a good starting point20:57
lashiand I also have nspluginwrapper20:58
Snoopy_i'll keep checking it out though20:58
PeskyJSnoopy_: ok, thanks :)20:58
jriblashi: that doesn't help me help you, please just pastebin the output20:58
Snoopy_sorry i couldn't be of more help20:58
PeskyJSnoopy_:  another thing... any idea how to reconfigure GRUB now that I moved the drives around?20:58
punktalki have a huge problem, anyone can help?20:58
BZWingZerobillybigrigger: excellent. Seems to be exactly what I need.20:58
Snoopy_now grub is a different matter. grub goes by the bios drive order20:59
lashijrib, what's pastebin?20:59
jrib!pastebin | lashi20:59
ubottulashi: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:59
PeskyJSnoopy_: The windows drive is still on SATA3 so I don't understand the previous config which swapped hd0 and hd120:59
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Snoopy_what is ubuntu calling the windows drive? sdc?20:59
dmulhollandhey, i just tried using rhythmbox with last.fm and it doesnt seem to be working. :( does anyone know how to get it to work? It logs in but fails each time it tries to play a song20:59
PeskyJSnoopy_: yes, sdc20:59
=== WarGasm`away is now known as WarGasm
Snoopy_try setting the windows drive as (hd2)21:00
Led-HedfiXXXerMet, try  ethtool eth021:00
Snoopy_unless that's already what it's set as21:00
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punktalkanybody have problems with graphic card drivers and "low graphics mode"?21:00
fiXXXerMetethtool shows that  1000baseT/Full is supported21:00
blip99does anyone know how to get verbose output while making a backup with dd ?   I've read the damn manpage and can't find this feature if it even exists21:00
lashijrib, here 'tis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69337/21:01
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pignuanyone using bazaar 'olive' gui frontend? trouble figuring out how to change file asscosiation( it doesn't open file from it )21:01
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PeskyJSnoopy_: the previous config was root (hd1, 0); savedefault; makeactive; map (hd0) (hd1); map (hd1) (hd0); chainloader+1 so I don't even understand how that worked as windows was on hd221:02
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punktalkaaaaanybody know something about graphics cards? need a little help......21:02
ActionParsnipblip99: man dd21:02
Snoopy_grub starts number drive at hd0, so your first drive is hd0, second is hd1, etc21:02
jriblashi: pastebin the contents of the "about:plugins" page when you enter that into your browser's address bar21:02
PeskyJSnoopy_: exactly... SATA3 == hd221:03
blip99ActionParsnip, for F*** sake everyone keeps telling me that.  I wrote in my post... I have READ the manpage ... 3 times... and can't figure it out still.21:03
Snoopy_however, grub does not use udev to determine it's drive order, it uses the BIOS drive hook routine to determine that21:03
blip99i don't understand why it's so hard to give a 1 second answer if you know it.  i've done my homework before asking21:03
ActionParsnipblip99: i dont think dd can give any output, it copying the device to the other device21:04
dale330yeah, my intel integrated graphics broke today, i'm on the vesa driver now. how do i get it to go back to the intel driver?21:04
dale330the old tools don't work anymore21:04
PeskyJSnoopy_: yeah, it's two separate things. I have SATA1=ubuntu, SATA2=empty, SATA3=Windows, SATA4=ntfs data disc21:04
lashijrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69338/21:04
Led-Hedanyone here know how I can restore the menus on my desktop?  I installed all the updates and rebooted,  menus/panel is gone21:05
Snoopy_try this in your terminal: grub-install --recheck21:05
lashioops jrib, 1 sec, i have to restart my browser21:05
blip99ActionParsnip, ye i found one option called "Status=noxfer" which apparently supress' transfer statistics... even though i don't get any stats with it or without it.  anyway thanks.  sorry those guys at linux channel pissed me off telling me about the manpage when this whole feature doesn't seem to exist.21:05
Snoopy_after that, do: less /boot/grub/device.map21:05
Snoopy_paste the output into irc21:05
jriblashi: locate libswfdecmozilla.so21:06
lashiactually, no jrib that was okay21:06
dale330why was displayconfig-gtk removed from 8.10 and what is its replacement?21:06
sergiuhi, how to change screen resolution in ubuntu 8.04? In monitor resolution settings isn't the higher resoltion then 800x600 ,,21:06
jrib!x | sergiu21:06
ubottusergiu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:06
lashijrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69340/21:07
dale330well how does one fix X now? they removed all the good configuration tools21:07
ActionParsnipsergiu: you'll need to install graphics drivers21:07
dale330i looked at my xorg.conf and it makes no sense now21:07
jribsergiu: maybe system -> preferences -> screen resolution or  grandr?  google for the reason why it was removed as I have no idea21:07
sergiuanyone know, why the totem-xine packge isn't in ubuntu 8.10 .21:07
Guitarplayer001hey guys21:07
jribdale330: maybe system -> preferences -> screen resolution or  grandr?  google for the reason why it was removed as I have no idea21:08
PeskyJSnoopy_: It reckons 0=a, 1=b, 2=c21:08
jribsergiu: it is there21:08
Guitarplayer001non-ubuntu/computer related question here...21:08
sergiu jrib, i am now in screen resolution, trying to to with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:08
Snoopy_ok and windows still won't boot?21:08
mmcjianyone successfully install vmware server 1.0.8 on intrepid server ?21:08
jribsergiu: ok, my grandr message was meant for dale33021:08
jriblashi: dpkg -S /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/libswfdecmozilla.so21:08
ActionParsnipsergiu: if you use cli you'll see it, andy@fileserver:~$ sudo apt-get install totem21:08
ActionParsniptotem                totem-dbg            totem-mozilla        totem-plugins-extra  totem-xine21:08
ActionParsniptotem-common         totem-gstreamer      totem-plugins        totem-totem-xine21:08
ActionParsnipsorry for poor flood21:09
PeskyJSnoopy_: not currently - does the --recheck change anything?21:09
lashijrib: swfdec-mozilla: /usr/lib/swfdec-mozilla/libswfdecmozilla.so21:09
BlackhexHello, I've broken something that in my nautilus preferences on media tab there is no options for photos autorun. What package do I need to reinstall to fix it, please?21:09
Snoopy_recheck re-probes your bios drive order21:09
jriblashi: sudo aptitude purge swfdec-mozilla    and restart your browser21:09
lashijrib, I can't do that21:09
Snoopy_you may have to append "(hd0) afterward21:09
Guitarplayer001one of my friends is a regular on here, I'm kinda worried about him.... CorbinFox been around lately?21:09
lashijrib, gnome depends on swfdec-mozilla21:09
ActionParsnipGuitarplayer001: i think I saw that name a week or so ago21:10
lashiI can do a dpkg --purge and continue using gnome21:10
lashiI know that21:10
jriblashi: "I'm sorry dave, I'm afraid I can't do that".  Are you sure?  I don't have it installed.  Show me the output when you try with aptitude21:10
lashibut surely, there must be a *clean* way to fix thix21:10
Acediphey guys can "at" be used to just run a command at a specific time21:10
Skiessihow does blu-ray work in ubuntu?21:11
PeskyJSnoopy_: right, I'm going to see if it boots, bbl21:11
Guitarplayer001ActionParsnip, okay thanks....21:11
Snoopy_yeah my bad pesky. try this: sudo grub-install --recheck hd021:11
lashijrib, that was the first thing I tried:21:11
lashijrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69341/21:11
Snoopy_ok good luck21:11
jriblashi: ok.  So you have gnome installed instead of ubuntu-desktop?21:11
lashijrib, yep21:12
lashishould I have ubuntu-desktop installed instead?21:12
jetuserso would anyone know offhand how to set up ubuntu for opengl projects?21:12
jetuserpreferrably with c++21:12
Acediphey guys can "at" be used to just run a command at a specific time.??21:12
solexiousMy network card doesnt seem to work after startup till I start and stop networking and even then its very slow, it is a Realtek gigabit card RTL-8169. Any ideas?21:12
ThigUhi all, I am having a setup problem with Intrepid Ibex :( when the setup starts I get the error message: end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector XXXX. I already searched on google and Ubuntu forums and nothing tell me what is the real problem. :/21:12
jriblashi: by default, the gnome package is not installed.  Do you know why you have it installed?21:13
broke254Installation crash after installing Boot-Loader... Maybe Bootsector from hdd defekt? How to repair?21:13
lashijrib, hmm.. maybe I installed it because I'm coming from debian21:13
Acediphey guys can "at" be used to just run a command at a specific time.??21:13
Acediphey guys can "at" be used to just run a command at a specific time.??21:13
Acediphey guys can "at" be used to just run a command at a specific time.??21:13
FloodBot3Acedip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:13
sparrforcedeth is assigning my NIC a random MAC because (i believe, per other mailing list threads) the MAC is stored backwards.  How can I force it to use a particular MAC instead of a random MAC in this case?21:13
Pirate_Hunteron one of my boxes im logged to f1+f2 but i wish to ssh to it from my main comp and be able to access those screen, how do i go about doing so?21:13
jriblashi: but you installed the desktop cd of ubuntu?21:13
lashijrib, i installed desktop cd of ubuntu 7.1021:14
lashiI'ev upgraded twice since then21:14
jribAcedip: what else is "at" good for? :)21:14
lashihoenstly, I can't remember installing gnome, I dont know why I would21:14
symons(8.10) I'm getting random unmounts and the logs are showing "forcibly attempting to lazy unmount /dev/sda1 as enclosing drive was disconnected" Anyone know why?21:14
lashiI did an aptitude remove gnome, but it wants to remoev other things too...21:14
jriblashi: well you don't need it if you have ubuntu-desktop installed.  But if you want to keep it and workaround it, we can try21:14
lashithey look kind of vital21:14
lashijrib, I can fix this flash issue21:15
Acedipjrib: i mean what is the syntax for just running a simple command like this using "at" /usr/bin/rhythmbox -q21:15
lashiI was wondering whether there is a nice, controlled way of fixing this21:15
chrisorange2how can i compile my own compiler21:15
lashibecause, it's kind of ugly for me to go and put symlinks in the right places, right?21:15
broke254(8.10) Installation errors after installing Boot-Loader... Maybe Bootsector from hdd defect? How to repair?21:15
mmcjii can not get vmware server 1.0.8  to build on ubuntu 8.10 server21:15
lashiie., flashplugin-nonfree should detect swf or gnash or whatever installed, and ask the user to select a default plugin or something like that21:16
lashianyway, jrib, I'm happy to remove gnome, I don't need it isntalled21:16
usser__chrisorange2, eh? its not an easy task you know writing compilers21:16
FlimmAnyone know a good single player game?21:16
lashibut, when I do try and remove gnome, it tries to remove some other packages, which look kind of vital21:16
usser__mmcji, why not run 2.021:16
lashiI would have thought that ubuntu-desktop would still have dependencies for those packages...21:16
jriblashi: you're sure ubuntu-desktop is installed?  Can you pastebin what removing gnome wants to do?21:17
lashijrib, yeap, no worries21:17
billybigriggerlap, you alive21:17
billybigriggerlap, accept21:17
chrisorange2user_, no i dont know :) but iam going to,  i am learning formal language / grammatics21:17
jriblashi: well firefox wouldn't pick up swfdec from there.  Can you see what owns /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/libswfdecmozilla.so ?21:17
mmcjiihave tried 2 several times on different platforms. I seems slow and clunky to me...just imo.  perhaps that is what i need to do thou21:17
Pirate_Hunteron one of my boxes im logged to f1+f2 but i wish to ssh to it from my main comp and be able to access those screen, how do i go about doing so?21:17
chrisorange2user_, but its just theoretical21:18
abracadabra_can mail only send mail in my home network?21:18
jribAcedip: what do you intend that to do?21:18
chrisorange2user_, i have no idea how to do in praxis21:18
rconanhaving some trouble running the intrepid install disk on a thinkpad t22, I get the box bouncing back and forth for a while then the progress bar then it just goes black21:18
lashijrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69345/21:18
lashibloody weird21:18
usser__chrisorange2, well you compile a compiler just like any other program... write it say C and use gcc to compile it. the ultimate test for a compiler is to compile itself21:18
* usser__ heh too many compilers21:19
Acedipjrib: just want to pause/quit rhythmbox at a specified time, for the time being :)21:19
chrisorange2user_,aha :)21:19
usser__usser__, a good idea is to start with a parser... also might look into simple languages like brainfsck for which an interpreter is literally one page long21:20
j2daoshhey all21:20
izzy200198im so frustrated21:20
jriblashi: meh, what do you feel is vital?21:20
lashijrib, well, i like gparted... hahaha21:21
sergiuanyone know, is libxine1 capable to play .mp3 ?21:21
j2daoshquestion, i dont want to have to put in my password everytime i need to do something on this machine, what groups do i need to add my username to so i dont have to put in the pass for administrative tasks21:21
jriblashi: just install it again21:21
izzy200198i can install 8.04 with no problems i attempted to install or boot live cd 8.10. i get dropped to a busy box prompt which reads:cp: cannot create /root/var/log: no such file or directory. What kills me is i can install hardy heron no problem at all. if i booted ibex on previous kernal it was fine also. all i can think is that a new bug was introduced in the new kernal upgrade.21:21
j2daoshi thought it was just root, tty, ssh, bin, daemon21:21
j2daoshand sudo21:21
sirjoebob]hello all. I am helping a friend setup an XP/8.10 dual boot and I need to know how to HIDE the XP partition from the Ubuntu install21:21
lashijrib,  you mean remove then install?  yeah, I suppose I can do that21:21
ActionParsnipizzy200198: did you m5 check the cd and also check the cd once burned??21:21
lashibut I mean, it's removing a whole lot of network stuff, gdm themes etc etc21:21
j2daoshbut i still get prompted with the pass21:21
lashibit bizarre don't you think?21:21
jribAcedip: usually you do:  at TIME, press enter, then type your command, then ctrl-d21:22
izzy200198action: nope21:22
j2daoshwait... its there an adm group?21:22
vooxI installed ubuntu server, xorg, slim, then fluxbox. How come when I log in I can't type or move my mouse or anything like that?21:22
ActionParsnipizzy200198: possibly a bad disk then21:22
ActionParsnip!md5 | izzy20019821:22
ubottuizzy200198: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:22
izzy200198oh wait you mean that option on isntall to check disk21:22
izzy200198i did that21:22
Pirate_Hunteris there a gnutela app i.e. limewire, frotwire, bearshare, that works in cli?21:22
izzy200198is there another check i can do?21:22
step21_ah ... i hate the stupid usb installer ... always wants to format my usb drive21:23
=== timburke_ is now known as timburke
step21_is there anyway to force it to install to an existing partition?21:23
jribj2daosh: see the comments in /etc/sudoers21:23
izzy200198i have several burned cd's now21:23
ActionParsnipizzy200198: did you check the iso you downloaded?21:23
step21_(an empty one) or at least only format one partition, not the whole drive21:23
sirjoebob]hello all. I am helping a friend setup an XP/8.10 dual boot and I need to know how to HIDE the XP partition from the Ubuntu install?? I am fairly comfortable with command, etc just need to know what to do21:23
izzy200198how do i check that?21:24
izzy200198it downloaded successfully21:24
ActionParsnipizzy200198: boot whatever system has the iso and check it with md521:24
ActionParsnipizzy200198: doesnt 100% garuntee its consistant21:24
step21_sirfelius: why do you need to hide it? just install windows first, then ubuntu, all set21:24
izzy200198when i boot the menu presents the option "check cd for defects" is that it?21:24
j2daoshdoes modifying the sudoers file require a restart to refresh the permissions?21:24
vesuvaubuntu is great!21:24
step21_that was for sirjoebob21:24
ActionParsnipj2daosh: you have to log off and on21:25
danieligI have a problem with sound juicer after upgrading to intrepid i get: "Could not start Sound Juicer Reason: The plugin necessary for file access was not found. Please consult the documentation for assistance.21:25
sirjoebobstep21_: I want tot hide the Windows partition so that ut cant be accessed under linux at all21:25
j2daoshok, there was another question i was gonna ask but now i cant remember it lool21:25
sirjoebobstep21_: prevent you from messing up the windows files while in ubuntu21:25
danieligany ideas how to get a plugin for file access for sound-juicer (CD-Extractor)21:25
ActionParsnipj2daosh: it'll come to you when you next bump into it21:25
step21_sirjoebob: just don't mount the volume or mount it rad only21:26
Pirate_Hunteris there a gnutela app i.e. limewire, frotwire, bearshare, that works in cli?21:26
guntbertizzy200198: you  really should read what ActionParsnip (and ubottu ) told you about md5!21:26
j2daoshahh, well heres a different one... anyone in here use irssi? if so, how do i block the enter/leaving messages from people?21:26
PolarinaI'm having problems to get sound working on my laptop (8.10, latest updates) - In 7.10, I could add "options snd-hda-intel model=acer" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base but it's not working anymore. I have a Mitac laptop.21:26
SephirothI'm running Ubuntu Heron, how would I access a scheduled tasks GUI window? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto <- I see no Scheduled Tasks tool in the menu.21:26
sirjoebobstep21_: I would like to hide it altogether if possible. Otherwise readonly isnt a bad option21:26
chris4585In intrepid what creates initrd and vmlinuz?21:26
`SOLI'm having some issues disabling bold fonts in xterm, I've tried adding XTerm*boldMode: false to my ~/.Xresources and then merged, but that didn't seem to help. Any suggestions?21:26
jribj2daosh: http://irssi.org/documentation/tips21:26
j2daoshrightie oh then :P21:27
Strykervideo card not working using ubuntu 10 on my toshiba portege 7200 series laptop? Where can I get the drivers? it does work in older ubuntu version21:27
=== zaggy-nl_ is now known as zaggy-nl
Crizeshello, somebody who can help me? I want to connect to a windows machine whit ad hoc? is it impossible?21:27
ActionParsnipSephiroth: its showing you how to populate the cron file to schedule jobs21:27
louiseCrizes, interesting question21:27
broke254Installation fails after installing Boot-Loader... Bad Sector etc. Wehre do i get diagnostic tool for hdd fior ubuntu?21:27
chris4585Stryker, is your video card nvidia? if yes then you're out of luck, and Ubuntu "10" is not out, 8.10 is though21:28
Crizeslouise it is.21:28
step21_sirjoebob: for hiding I think you have to tell grub to hide it when booting linux and to unhide it when booting windows. check with grub tutorials on that. for read only just add ro as an option to the relevant drive in /etc/fstab21:28
sledgeDoes anyone know of a free Macro recorder for UBUNTU21:28
sledgeMouse macro21:28
StrykerI am sorry i meant 8.10 and the video card is buildin i really dont know what it is21:28
izzy200198i used this cd to install on a different machine (laptop) and also in vmware workstation. its only this desktop machine that has shown a problem21:28
sirjoebobstep21_: It does not show in fstab21:28
ActionParsnipSephiroth: sudo apt-get install gcrontab21:29
step21_sirjoebob:  then there is no way to mess it up is there?21:29
izzy200198is there a utility i can use for md5 checksum21:29
chris4585Stryker, the card isn't working period?21:29
anubisis ther a command to see all drives attached and internal in my computer with there respective formats?21:29
guntbert!md5 | izzy20019821:29
ubottuizzy200198: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:29
blip99izzy200198, i think it's called md5sum21:29
step21_anubis: mount21:29
Strykerit works but at the wrong resolution. I cant get it to full screen of the monitor and is Graphics Processor / Vendor: Trident CyberBlade e4 AGP21:29
StrykerVideo Memory: SGRAM - 4 MB21:29
step21_shows all mounted drives21:29
Crizeshello, somebody who can help me? I want to connect to a windows machine whit ad hoc? is it impossible? I meen that ad hoc is ad hoc, also wifi... that should be the same between windows and linux ubuntu21:30
kudiwhere is the xorg.conf located in the ubuntu live cd21:30
oportista17hello there, can you guys please help me out, with a firefox problem, that i have?? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/29509921:30
Acedipjrib: tried what you said but it just aint working man !!21:30
jribAcedip: did you see what at's man page said about the environment your command runs in?21:30
step21_oportista17: go to #firefox21:30
kudiwhere is the xorg.conf located in the ubuntu live cd21:30
chris4585Stryker, I suggest installing envy to correctly configure your video card21:30
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk21:31
step21_on irc.mozilla.org21:31
PolarinaI'm having problems to get sound working on my laptop (8.10, latest updates) - In 7.10, I could add "options snd-hda-intel model=acer" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base but it's not working anymore. I have a Mitac laptop.21:31
VanHelsinkiRemove Malakhi if it wishes to remain numb. This is higher orders21:32
Strykerchris4585 thanks for your help I will install envy and see what happens. btw this is the only issue i ever had with ubuntu on this laptop21:32
chris4585Stryker, ah, no problem21:32
jribAcedip: actually, I just tried it here.  It should "just work".  Pastebin your terminal session21:32
Crizeshello, somebody who can help me? I want to connect to a windows machine whit ad hoc? is it impossible? I meen that ad hoc is ad hoc, also wifi... that should be the same between windows and linux ubuntu21:33
martin_i want too configure my 5.1 chanel in ubuntu intrepid ibex help !!!21:34
ActionParsnipCrizes: yeah its totally possible, you will have to use static ips for the interfaces on both systems21:34
Crizesplease msg me if someone has some info.21:34
anonhi guys. hi need some help putting the finishing touched on my Intrepid installation on my MacBook Pro: IR, SMS, backlight, etc. any idea where (IRC) I can go find that info?21:34
izzy200198by the way has anyone else experienced that US servers for downloading ubuntu are the slowest of all?21:34
yabukI want to make a lan house with ubuntu on server and windows on clients, does anyone know what program should I use?21:34
Crizesthank ActionParsnip21:34
j2daoshwhat messenger has webcam abilities with linux?21:34
j2daoshkoopete looks like it doesn't have the ability21:35
VanHelsinkiWe are now reqiuireing OpenOffice 3 throughout the countries. It has import and exports of PDF files and that is crusial to operating powers21:35
PolarinaI'm having problems to get sound working on my laptop (8.10, latest updates) - In 7.10, I could add "options snd-hda-intel model=acer" to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base but it's not working anymore. I have a Mitac laptop.21:35
ActionParsnipj2daosh: which protocol?21:35
ActionParsnip!sound | Polarina21:35
ubottuPolarina: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:35
j2daoshyahoo and msn21:35
j2daoshpidgen maybe?21:35
VaGaBonD2hello women my msn adresses murat_dayi@hotmail.com21:35
VanHelsinkipidgin ?21:36
j2daoshyeah thatone21:36
VaGaBonD2sorry murat_dayi23@hotmail.com21:36
VanHelsinkiFormerly known as Gaim but sounded gay ?21:36
jribVaGaBonD2: this channel is for ubuntu support only, please take that elsewhere21:36
ActionParsnip!ot | VaGaBonD221:36
j2daoshdoes it support webcam over yahoo/msn messengers?21:36
ubottuVaGaBonD2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:36
VaGaBonD2I am a gigilo21:36
Acedipjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69350/21:36
chvnxI need to format a Win98 PC and install Ubuntu, but I don't have a floppy disk, nor a CD-R, to work with.  How do I format Win98 and install Ubuntu from within Windows98?  Link me to a tutorial, please.21:36
ldiamond_Sweet, I'm finally getting most bugs fixed in my new install!21:36
anonpidgin has no support for voip or video. only client I could find that's fairly universal is skype21:36
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: how does a name sound "gay"?21:36
Dusk_i've upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 and it works perfectly. but i have only one problem. when i'm using ubuntu with battery it shows remaining time and battery status for 15-20 minutes but then it shows like as if it's plugged in AC..so i can't learn my remaining time and battery status. what's this is about??21:37
jribAcedip: ah, try using rhythmbox-client --quit instead    (I used --play-pause, but if you want to quit use that)21:37
angeloI havean HP laptop with onborard ATI video chip. How can I get Ubuntu 8.10 to detect it?21:37
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: Interrsting for a change.. lets try "gaygin" ? .. ?21:37
FlimmAnyone know any good single player games for Ubuntu, preferably with a storyline?21:37
angeloI have an HP laptop with onboard ATI video chip. How can I get Ubuntu 8.10 to detect it?21:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:37
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: Or, gay and gintonic =) .. see what i mean here ?21:38
ldiamond_Now, I need to solve a sound problem. I have a Realtek ALC883 HD audio that detects jacks plugged in, etc. When I boot without my microphone plugged it, I can only use my integrated Mic. How can I make it detect the new mic and react accordingly?21:38
robin0800donald: test faild21:38
anonfor games: check out getdeb.com21:38
chvnxFlimm, what kind of game?  Are you into old RPG games, such as Chrono Trigger or Zelda?  In Ubuntu, go to Add/Remove apps and install ZSNES and then google yourself some roms.  Get Chrono Trigger, it's elite.21:38
Dusk_i've upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 and it works perfectly. but i have only one problem. when i'm using ubuntu with battery it shows remaining time and battery status for 15-20 minutes but then it shows like as if it's plugged in AC..so i can't learn my remaining time and battery status. what's this is about??21:38
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: no idea. I dont see how a name of an app is related to sexuality21:38
sergiuhi, anyone know an replace to gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad? Becuse they are really bad21:39
PeskyJis it a bad idea to map my actual windows drive to C: in wine? will wine start messing with the actual windows registry and things?21:39
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: The popular, multi-protocol instant messaging client Gaim has, due to legal pressure from AOL regarding the trademarked name AIM, changed its name to Pidgin. This marks the second time the developers have changed the project name to appease AOL.21:39
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: you assume then that sexuality has anything to do with caring ?21:39
jribVanHelsinki: please drop the conversation21:39
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: caring?21:39
Flimmchvnx: OK21:39
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: I know that21:39
j2daoshok, i remember the question now :)... when i apt-get install something that is a kde version, but i have booted into the gnome session instead, why don't i see it in my menus?21:39
chvnxI need some help.  I need to format a Win98 PC and install Ubuntu, but I don't have a floppy disk, nor a CD-R, to work with.  How do I format Win98 and install Ubuntu from within Windows98?  Link me to a tutorial, please.21:39
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: "To care".. etcd21:39
j2daoshis it me, or do some things just not install to the menu through apt get21:39
j2daoshIE - compiz21:40
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: im lost21:40
Flimmchvnx: that's not strictly legal though, is it?21:40
fariaHi 2 all21:40
fariai have Q21:40
PolarinaActionParsnip: None of that helped.21:40
jribj2daosh: compiz is a window manager.  irssi is run from a terminal.  no idea what luvcview is21:40
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: Are you in battlemode atm ?21:40
anonnot all apps available in apt-get is avain the Add/Remove. look to synaptic package man for detailed apps21:40
ActionParsnipchvnx: you dont, you boot to the linux cd and install the system. You can tell the installer to blank the drive off (destroys ALL data) and install itself21:40
sergiuhi, anyone know an replace to GStreamer plugins from the "bad" set? Becuse they are really bad21:40
j2daoshluvcview is something taht allows access to the built in webcam on the AAO netbook21:41
Dusk_i've upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 and it works perfectly. but i have only one problem. when i'm using ubuntu with battery it shows remaining time and battery status for 15-20 minutes but then it shows like as if it's plugged in AC..so i can't learn my remaining time and battery status. what's this is about??21:41
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: no, I just hate the use of the word "gay" to mean bad. I find it immature and pathetic21:41
j2daoshok, i got compiz, got the settings manager, but i dont have the manager in any of my menu's... where does it go?21:41
anongerdiu: try either "aptitude reinstall", or do it gui-style from synaptic package man21:41
VanHelsinkiActionParsnip: Do you know another word that describes this phenomenon better ?21:41
guntbert!ot > VanHelsinki21:42
ubottuVanHelsinki, please see my private message21:42
ActionParsnipVanHelsinki: what phenominom, I'll try to suggest21:42
jribActionParsnip: please don't encourage him21:42
Acedipjrib: thanks dude. it worked.but why did we write, i mean when we type "which rhythmbox", we get /usr/bin/rhythmbox.21:42
LukeJMHas anyone else been having range issues with Intrepid and the 8187b chipset?21:42
guntbertj2daosh: I find it in System/preferences21:42
ActionParsnipjrib: just educating. I hate the "gay" slandering. it really riles me21:42
jribActionParsnip: as well as me, but this isn't the right place21:42
Dusk_i've upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 and it works perfectly. but i have only one problem. when i'm using ubuntu with battery it shows remaining time and battery status for 15-20 minutes but then it shows like as if it's plugged in AC..so i can't learn my remaining time and battery status. what's this is about??21:43
j2daoshhmm... i didn't see it in there... ill reinstall it21:43
FlannelActionParsnip: Indeed, and the use of that term pejoratively isn't allowed in this channel.21:43
j2daoshhow do you uninstall something through apt?21:43
j2daoshapt-get uninstall packagename?21:43
Flannelj2daosh: sudo apt-get remove package21:43
j2daoshgotcha, ty21:43
ActionParsnipj2daosh: sudo apt-get --purge remove <app name>21:43
anonapt-get & aptitude are at times synonymous21:43
ActionParsnipj2daosh: --purge removes all configs (not in ~/) for the app as well21:43
Flannelj2daosh: You also may be interested in purge, which removes config files too.  See man apt-get21:44
anonaptitude remove/reinstall package21:44
ActionParsnipj2daosh: if you wanna remove orphaned deps, run sudo apt-get autoremove21:44
Guest61600i have a problem21:44
PeskyJI'm just wondering if I should set up multiple users, or have ubuntu auto-login as Guest or something like that so that my family can use it and I only have to set it all up to be easy/friendly once... is there and guidance on this?21:44
Guest61600my wireless i s een but doesn't pick up21:44
LukeJMI'm having trouble finding anything on this problem in the forums, I'm running intrepid on with the 8187b wireless and it works great, but my range has been significantly reduced... is there a forum post on this somewhere that I am missing?21:45
Dusk_i've upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04 and it works perfectly. but i have only one problem. when i'm using ubuntu with battery it shows remaining time and battery status for 15-20 minutes but then it shows like as if it's plugged in AC..so i can't learn my remaining time and battery status. what's this is about??21:45
ActionParsnipGuest61600: does it show up in ifconfig21:45
anonpesky: u can (should) create logins 4 each & arrign to groups according to access/damage rights21:45
anon8.10 now has "guest" mode21:45
Guest61600just a second21:45
ActionParsnipGuest61600: ok run lspci21:46
PeskyJanon: yeah, I should.. but then I'll have to spend ages messing with the panels and adding icons and launchers for things like photoshop etc. - I'm just wondering if there's an easier way21:46
anondusk: check out battery status under the appropriate /proc21:46
ActionParsnipGuest61600: 1 line will be your device, give us that single line21:46
czajkowskiactually I upgraded to 8.10 and I've discovered on opening up thunderbird emails and on firefox the images appear all static like with lines  all criss crossed but go away once it's fully open. very weird, as this didn't happen in 8.0421:46
Dusk_anon, how?21:46
anonyour default ubuntu login should have *all* nessiasary apps21:47
ActionParsnip!ask  | martin_21:47
ubottumartin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:47
martin_i cant configure my 5.1 speaker theater in alsa or pulse intrepid ibex ago a six second's21:47
Dusk_anon, cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state command??21:48
kudihow do i log in to my archlinux session (on my hd) thru ubuntu21:48
ActionParsnipmartin_: what sound card do you have?21:48
martin_SB audigy Se21:48
chvnxFlimm, what would be illegal about getting rid of Windows98 and installing Ubuntu?  What!?21:48
Flannel!games | Flimm21:49
ubottuFlimm: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php21:49
ActionParsnipmartin_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42509821:49
anonyou can set the default profile of a new user by tweaking your /etc/skel21:49
ldiamond_Now, I need to solve a sound problem. I have a Realtek ALC883 HD audio that detects jacks plugged in, etc. When I boot without my microphone plugged it, I can only use my integrated Mic. How can I make it detect the new mic and react accordingly?21:49
anoni think21:49
downfallat111Here is what I am trying to do but I don't know how.  It may not be possible but I think it is:  I have a laptop with wireless, and I want to bridge a connection to a desktop without wireless via a new (shared) wired connection.21:49
billybigriggerdownfallat111, its possible21:49
downfallat111both are running intrepid21:50
Guest6160003:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)21:50
billybigriggerdownfallat111, just have to set one as the otherś gateway21:50
Guest61600sorry abt the delay21:50
billybigriggerdownfallat111, google for a howto21:50
ActionParsnipGuest61600: ok then id use ndiswrapper with the xp32 or xp64 (depending on your ubuntu architecture)21:50
Guest61600i'm in the office21:50
downfallat111ok, i'll see what i can find21:50
Guest61600will it work21:50
j2daoshanyone know where istanbul saves desktop movies at? or how to stop it without having to kill -9 it?21:51
ActionParsnipGuest61600: sure21:51
busfahrerExcuse me, what is the default IRC client on Ubuntu?21:51
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | Guest6160021:51
Guest61600i dont have the windows driver21:51
ubottuGuest61600: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:51
PeskyJcan you add "Guest" to the Welcome/login screen so guests can log in without a password??21:51
Flimmchvnx: no, I meant downloading roms21:51
ActionParsnipbusfahrer: pidgin I believe21:51
LukeJMI was afraid of this... so the 8187b nightmare continues, eh?  No one knows anything about solving the range issue with that chipset on on 8.10?21:51
K_DallasHi guys! Q: What is the purpose of having acpid & apmd running at the same time? Would it be possible to use just one? The same question for atd and anacron. Thank you21:52
Snoopy_as for acpid and apmd21:52
vesuvaIs there any way to clean up Ubuntu after an installation, there are a few programs I want to remove that are not being displayed in Add/Remove.21:52
ActionParsnipK_Dallas: try turning them off, have a play, see what it does21:52
anonguys. ALOT of this stuff is covered WELL under ubuntuforums. anyone actually bother to google there first b4 posting?21:52
Snoopy_acpi is the successor to apm21:52
gavagaiI have my volume cranked up all the way, but it isn't half as loud as it is in other OSes.  How can I get more volume?21:53
ActionParsnipanon: I ask myself that loads :(21:53
LukeJManon: I've hunted around for a few days, just wondered if I was missing something...21:53
anonjust asking, as it's quicker to get stuff covered via UF than we can type here21:53
vesuvagavagai: that's a good question, I am having the same problem21:53
st3vieK_Dallas, different applications might make use of one or the other. Same goes for atd and anacron I guess21:53
gavagaivesuva, yeah i was thrilled that sound worked on first boot but now i see how quiet it is21:53
K_DallasSnoopy_, I see. So maybe I try what ActionParsnip suggested and see if it cripples the system or not21:53
ActionParsnipanon: all i do is websearch to fin answers21:53
LukeJMI managed to get the wireless working under 8.04, no range issues, worked great, but with the new kernel on 8.10 the card works natively, but the range is reduced quite a bit21:54
K_Dallasst3vie, I see.21:54
Snoopy_worth a try21:54
anongavagai: get extended volume controls & check if master & wave is high21:54
gavagaianon, thanks21:54
ActionParsnipK_Dallas: yu can always boot to live cd to fix what yuo have dnoe21:54
vesuvagavagai: agreed, I had to try real had with FreeBSD to get mine working and then I couldn't in the end21:54
K_DallasSnoopy_, well, why not :) Thank you all21:54
K_DallasActionParsnip, true21:54
j2daoshwhy does ubuntu think i have a dual core processor, even though i only have the single core atom processor?21:54
vesuvaanon: Thanks for the tip!21:54
DamienGrayHow would I format /media/_boot easily without needing to burn a CD or anything21:54
sledgeis there  a different way to get out of an application, other than Alt + Tab21:55
sledgethe program will not allow me to get out ofit21:55
anonof use killall21:55
gavimobilefolks i just installed fedora and its much slower than ubuntu... why?21:55
sledgei don't want to close it tho21:55
K_DallasQ2: I am trying to use cdrecord (both on hardy and ibex) and on hardy it is making me crazy. a simple command of cdrecord dev= -v foo.iso prints tons of warnings and errors and does nothing so i have to kill it21:55
gavagaiWhat are the extended volume controls called?  aptitude search shows nothing.  i search also for 'volume' and i see libgtk2-ex-volumebutton-perl, is that it?21:55
vesuvaanon: PulseAudio volume control?21:55
ActionParsnipj2daosh: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:55
=== dev_ is now known as pignu
guntbertDamienGray: I don't understand what you want to do21:56
j2daoshok, nevermind, i knows the processor correctly, and recognizes it only has a single core, but the system monitor shows 2 cores and both at different %'s21:56
DamienGrayguntbert: I want to format /media/_boot/ for storage. It currently has a half-finished fedora installation on it21:57
vesuvaanon: can you get advanced-volume-control in the package manager?21:57
dick-richardsonWhen I try to burn a cd in gnomebaker, I'm getting an error: "genisoimage: Directories too deep for 'BaseUtils/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/Pod/Text' (7) max is 6."21:57
PeskyJI tried to add 'guest' to the "Users" in Login Window Preferences, but it reported that the guest UID is lower than minimal UID21:57
pignuis there a tool that remembers your workspace, like i got emacs, firefox running and instead of having too open up the applications each time is there a tool that launches them as your last session online were last?21:57
orkunsince i upgraded to latest intrepid ipex(before i ran hardy heron), i had kernel 2.6.24-21-generic running, which uses r8187 module for my rtl8187b wlan card. since the upgrade to kernel 2.6.27(i guess), rtl8187b is being used. with that module connection drops after a minute. what should i do? i am afraid keeping the older kernel will become impossible21:58
pignulast session logged in*21:58
dick-richardsonburning this cd is critical...if someone has a moment I'd appreciate a quick look21:58
ActionParsniporkun: you'll need the r8187 for intrepid21:58
Snoopy_pesky: any luck booting windows?21:58
guntbertDamienGray: normally you find mounted external media under /media, you shouldn't store anything there, type mount in the terminal for more info21:58
PeskyJSnoopy_: I got it to boot but I just manually edited the grub commands at boot-time, no idea why it worked.. in the end I had to root(hd2, 0) and swap hd0 and hd2 with map21:59
futurama140HEY im looking for some video support, could anyone help me figure out how to get my integrated video to work on ubuntu21:59
pignufound the solution thanks ppl21:59
orkunis it automatically compiled? so i can blacklist rtl8187 with newer kernel and load r8187 instead?21:59
Guest61600pls how do i get ndiswrapper21:59
orkunor do i have to manually add r8187?21:59
PeskyJSnoopy_: I'm actually more confused about how grub commands affect its behaviour than when I knew nothing ;)22:00
sledgewhat would my remote_display be called22:00
sledgein unix form22:00
DamienGrayguntbert: is there a tool to let me see and manage all of my disks?22:00
YrreGmi dite pf il canale ubuntu italiano22:00
gavagaivesuva, install alsamixergui and jack up the left hand volume.  that just fixed it for me.22:00
Snoopy_yeah that map is what grub uses, the map is determined at grub install time. that's what the --recheck command is for. reprobes the bios and rewrites the map file22:00
angelohow can I upgrade openoffice to v3?22:00
gavagaiwell it made it a little better anyway22:00
Snoopy_and i know the feeling22:00
angeloSnoopy_, hey dog22:01
st3vieDamienGray, you can try gparted22:01
orkuni just see r8187 is not compiled within newest intrepid kernel. rtl8187 won't work for me. will it work to set up r8187 manually? or will i even have to set up my own kernel to do so?22:01
DamienGrayst3vie: thanks22:01
angelohow can I upgrade openoffice to v3? any takers?22:01
ActionParsnipfuturama140: lspci will show you22:01
st3vieDamienGray, to format the disk, don't forget to unmount it before you can do that. If I got your question correctly22:01
ActionParsnipangelo: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml22:02
LukeJMangelo: openoffice.org has a deb package you can d/l22:02
DamienGrayst3vie: Alright...what should I format it to for music storage?22:02
hubarangelo: http://news.softpedia.com/newsImage/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-2.png22:02
st3vieDamienGray, depends on the way you use it. is it an USB stick, then usually vfat is used22:03
guntbertDamienGray: yes gparted will show you everything, but first have a look at the output of mount22:03
hubarerr yeah what ActionParsnip said :)22:03
st3vieif you want to use it between Linux/Winblows machines, then NTFS is the better choice22:03
Snoopy_anyone ever tried gentoo?22:03
Snoopy_and had any luck with it?22:03
sledgeUsage: xmacrorec [options] remote_display22:03
Bittarmanis there a really cool util that will let me search and replace all the files in a bunch of dirs recursively, and match only certian file extensions?22:03
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: yeah i have a system on it22:04
sledgewhat should go into the remote_display section?22:04
HiToAllhow can i check which ssh deamon i have?22:04
Snoopy_lots of use flags?22:04
=== gavimobile is now known as gavi
DamienGrayst3vie: Okay...done...apparently it was a partition, and the actual disk was /dev/sda2/...How do I move my files onto there?22:04
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: only the safe ones22:04
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: specific for the semperon  6422:04
st3vieDamienGray, after format, you can mount it again, and then just copy files to it22:05
Snoopy_how is the ease of use compared to ubuntu after all the installation and compile is done?22:05
st3vieSnoopy_, yes, I've used Gentoo for about 5 years22:05
DamienGrayst3vie: So I do sudo mount /dev/sda2/?22:05
jribBittarman: you can do that with find and sed22:05
st3vieDamienGray, mount /dev/sda2 /media/<dir to pmount it to>22:06
candive! apparmor22:06
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor22:06
Bittarmanjrib: know a good article outlining its use? (ill google if not)22:06
Snoopy_'cause i tried it and tried compiling gnome and it was missing a lot of the utilities that come with the ubuntu distro of gnome, unless i used a lot of use flags. then i ended up with circular dependencies.22:06
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: i find it better than ubuntu, same apps and same desktop so its the same to me, its just more optomised under the hood22:06
candivethanks bot22:07
st3vieSnoopy_, circular dependencies? wow, never had that problem :)22:07
jribBittarman: not really.  Just the man pages, but they are thick.  poke me if you are stuck, but I'll be gone in about 5 minutes22:07
futurama140can someone help me figure out how to get drivers for my integrated video on a compaq???22:07
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: emerge gnome22:07
Bittarmanjrib: cheers22:07
=== backenfutter is now known as backenfu1ter
Snoopy_yeah i'd have them if i tried all the use flags i wanted at once.22:07
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: it'll install everything gnome needs22:07
=== backenfu1ter is now known as backenfutter
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: use the safe ones for your cpu22:08
RandomCakeHi, I installed Ubuntu as a program from windows, and I uninstalled it (possibly badly), and now I'm stuck with a menu item at the OS selection screen in Vista, I've tried to remove it using EasyBCD but it doen't show as an entry, how can I remove it? :S22:08
Snoopy_only way around it was to emerge gnome, then go  back and add the other use flags that caused the circulars and recompile22:08
Snoopy_and that was a PAIN...22:08
jribBittarman: btw, it's probably a good idea to make a copy of what you are going to edit since you're using these tools for the first time22:08
Bittarmanjrib: one step ahead there, i just tared the target ;)22:08
angelohowI upgrade?  sudo apt-get upgrade?22:08
bastonesHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu on my desktop, the orange bar loaded, all went fine a few moments later I see the Ubuntu background and Install Window but nothing is in the window, nor can I move it around or close it, but I can move the cursor fine? Does it take time to laod for the first time or something?22:08
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: definately, takes sweet sweet time22:08
Snoopy_oh well maybe i'll try again22:09
Snoopy_is gcc 4.3 good yet?22:09
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: no idea22:09
alinaHi. My sytsem is freezing permanently. (every 10-20min). Im on Ubuntu 8.10.22:09
angelohowI upgrade?  sudo apt-get upgrade? or sudo apt-get upgrade-r ?22:09
Snoopy_cause my laptop has a core 2 duo and i need that one i think in order to do the optimised compile22:09
=== sysdoc_ is now known as sysdoc
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:09
ment05hallo, what's going on here?22:09
ActionParsnipSnoopy_: then emerge it in22:09
YrreGmi dite ql canale italia22:09
Snoopy_i'll check it out. it's been a few months now so maybe i'll have better luck22:10
Bittarmanjrib: found exactly what i'm looking for. thanks for the heads up. (http://diginit.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/unix-global-find-and-replace-using-find-grep-and-sed/ if your interested)22:10
futurama140can someone HELP me with a video problem???22:10
ActionParsnipfuturama140: wassup22:10
bastonesok, I've tried install again and I see the Ubuntu background from after the orange loading bar, but no Install window, etc., is this normal?22:10
ratapladaalguem viu por ai uma rata plada22:10
ment05anyone capable to tell me how to make my logitech quickcam deloxe for notebook  working with ubuntu?22:10
ratapladakero é cona22:11
futurama140i cant get my resolution above 640x480 cause i cant find drivers for my compaq integrated video22:11
angelohowI upgrade?  sudo apt-get upgrade? or sudo apt-get upgrade-r ?22:11
ActionParsnip!webcam | ment0522:11
ubottument05: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:11
alinaHi. My sytsem is freezing permanently.(every 10-20min) and i have to restart my pc (STRG+ALT+Back doesnt work).Im on Ubuntu 8.10.22:11
ActionParsnipfuturama140: what is the output of@ lspci | grep -i vga22:11
jribBittarman: their example is kind of silly.  I would just do something like:   find -iname '*.txt' -exec sed -i 's/foo/bar/g'22:11
futurama140uh, just a sec22:11
bastonesHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu on my desktop, the orange bar loaded, all went fine a few moments later I see the Ubuntu background and Install Window but nothing is in the window, nor can I move it around or close it, but I can move the cursor fine? Does it take time to laod for the first time or something?22:12
ment05thank you. i'll look there22:12
=== grut90 is now known as WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
shredder12hey people..i am having some issues with my new kernel 2.6.27-7 should i uninstall it and install the old one 2.6.24-21??22:12
Sindwillerbastones: the orange bar of what exactly?22:12
bastonesas you click 'Install Ubuntu'22:12
ActionParsnipbastones: try disabling acpi at boot22:12
futurama14000:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:12
ment05i'm using 8.10. it works pefectely22:12
bastonesI tried installing again and now the Install window has come up22:12
bastonesafter, 3-5 mins22:13
Sindwillershredder12: we might know better if you described what your issues are22:13
bastonesdoes this usually take time?22:13
Sindwillerbastones: depends - it shoudn't take THAT long though22:13
bastonesor should I disable acpi at boot?22:13
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWcould anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?22:13
Sindwilleryou might try22:13
bastonesill try disabling acpi22:13
burkesbythebayHave just re installed ubuntu trying to use a seperate home partition.  This is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/69364/ is my home directory on a seperate partition22:13
Sindwillerdo that :)22:13
futurama140ActionParsnip:   00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)22:13
shredder12Sindwiller: well i am unable to connect to internet...coz i can't find any eth0 network interface specified when i run ifconfig22:13
bastoneswhats the exact acpi i need to enter?22:13
Pirate_Huntercan someone suggest a good music daemon other than mpd?22:13
ActionParsnipfuturama140: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/intel-82845g-graphics-controller-352262/22:13
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | bastones22:14
ubottubastones: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:14
Sindwillershredder12: which is not a problem of the Kernel maybe but more likely your net configuration file22:14
Sindwillerhowever I forgot which one it is and stuff :/22:14
Sindwillerso many parts and joins22:14
bastonesoh wait, I can move the window now22:14
bastonesmust be loading?22:14
Sindwillerthat sure is annoying22:14
jribBittarman: oops, missed the end before, anyway I'm off now, hope that helps:  I would just do something like:   find -iname '*.txt' -exec sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' '{}' \;22:15
ActionParsnipfuturama140: seems to  use the i810 driver22:15
shredder12Sindwiller Well when i was using hardy earlier and upgraded to 24-21 then i had the same problem..so since then i have been using 24-19..22:15
ActionParsnipfuturama140: which is installed by default22:15
cdavisIs there a really good network documentation project to help make a map and label routers, switches, ports, ips, subnets, etc?22:15
skybinaryhello #ubuntu, what can i be doing wrong attempting to install intrepid on this enspiron 152022:15
Sindwillershredder12: I see22:15
LF|Irssiis there a way to "Select All" on nano? or is there any other command line text editor that can?22:15
ldiamondCan anyone tell me why Firefox keeps randomly crashing?? I even installed the versoin from firefox's site, no change. How can I make sure to remove every config firefox has?22:15
jribLF|Irssi: vim :)22:16
shredder12Sindwiller: I thought it was some bug in the kernel..but whatever it is..has switched to the new kernel..when i upgraded to intrepid..22:16
step21___ldiamond: go to #firefox on irc.mozilla.org22:16
LF|Irssijrib whats the vim command to select all and copy?22:16
jribLF|Irssi: copy to where?22:16
Bittarmanjrib: how do you escape slashes in that syntax? I am updating some paths. e.g. s/path/to/file.../new/path/to/file/g22:16
Sindwillershredder12: *shrugs* that is some weird issue alright... do you mind to post in the Forums? It doesn't look like anybody in here could help you OR anybody even follows the happenings in this channel, so :P22:17
futurama140ActionParsnip: none of that support page makes any sense to me, im completely new to linux OSs, and im trying to learn but i cant do hardly anything with my screen res so low, is this a complicated problem to fix?22:17
AdemanLF|Irssi: you can press V (that's shift + v) and then select the text you want and type "+y22:17
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorot
jribBittarman: use a different delimiter:  s#/some/path#/some/other/path#22:17
downfallat111has anyone had any success in using a linksys usb wireless adapter in 8.10? model number WUSB11 version 2.822:17
LF|Irssijrib well im SSH'ing into my VPS and i need to copy the entire eggdrop.conf to my computer some how22:17
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jribBittarman: but if you want to go insane, you can do \/ to escape a / :)22:17
=== Guest27117 is now known as WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
jribLF|Irssi: you're doing it wrong.  Use scp22:18
AdemanLF|Irssi: what are you using to ssh in? putty?22:18
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWcould anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?could anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?could anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?22:18
LF|Irssiopen-ssh i think22:18
Bittarmanjrib: many thanks.22:18
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWsorry for repeating22:18
seronisyour nic is more offensive than the repeating.   but no worries22:18
riddleboxhow do I make it so I can move stuff above the top of the screen?22:19
AdemanLF|Irssi: so what's your client machine then? just an ubuntu box?22:19
shredder12Sindwiller: newaz..at least you can help me with the sound problem i m having..i am unable to get any sound..when i play a song..22:19
jribriddlebox: alt+drag a window?22:19
LF|Irssijrib care to explain the scp command?22:19
LF|IrssiAdeman: Ubuntu 8.1022:19
andrew_ubuntu 8.10 seems to have been released too hastily - the live cd doesn't even boot on my intel everything machine.  downloading the aternate install image...is it known to be more reliable?22:19
AdemanLF|Irssi: if that's the case you can use places->connect to server      and select the "ssh" server type, and you can use the remote server like a local directory :-)22:20
andrew_(dumps me at busybox prompt with no error messages)22:20
riddleboxjrib, it wont let me go above the top bar with applications and stuff22:20
jribLF|Irssi: scp jrib@ssh.jrib.net:~/foo .    would login to ssh.jrib.net as jrib and copy ~/foo to . locally22:20
LF|Irssiok Ademan thanks ill try that do i need to open any ports, or does the remote server need to open ports?22:20
jribriddlebox: when you alt-click, click at the bottom of a window.  That works for me, but I am using metacity22:20
Sindwillershredder12: hmm... what does 'asoundconf list' spit out?22:20
AdemanLF|Irssi: only the remote server, but if you can ssh in, then the required ports are already open (tcp 22)22:20
seronisWx30:  it just is annoyingly disruptively long.    but id be interested in finding good usb wifi drivers too22:21
Ademanandrew_: that seems to be a common issue on toshiba laptops22:21
riddleboxjrib, I have compiz enabled I wonder if that stops it22:21
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jribriddlebox: maybe22:21
Ademanandrew_: i believe you can check out a couple of files from busybox to figure out what blew up...22:21
LF|Irssiok thanks Ademan and Jrib22:21
andrew_Ademan: this is a desktop with intel D865 chipset, pretty run of the mill22:21
riddleboxjrib it does22:21
shredder12Sindwiller  Intel22:21
jribriddlebox: try asking #compiz-fusion if no one here is familiar with that at the moment22:21
riddleboxnow I know22:21
Ademanandrew_: :-/22:21
andrew_i read the bug about sata drives but even with all drives disconnected it happens22:21
andrew_i'll read more about busybox to see if i can find the error22:22
mohoi need leaerning22:22
Sindwillershredder12: hmm... righto... are you using GNOME or KDE?22:22
mohoany body can give me the links22:22
Swianfor what moho22:22
shredder12Sindwiller: gnome22:22
Ademanandrew_: well usually the issue is actually the livecd "loses" the actual drive that ubuntu is on, the error is something like "cannot find live media" or something like that22:22
mohoi am beginar22:22
shredder12Sindwiller: let me tell you something imp..22:23
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andrew_strange.  my dvd drive is pata22:23
Swianmoho - http://www.ubuntux.org/22:23
andrew_and it boots the 8.04 lifve cd fine (i'm typing from it)22:23
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Ademanandrew_: :-/ that's pretty crappy, i had that with gutsy (feisty live worked fine, gutsy didn't)22:23
rfitgjerogfi cant change my nick22:23
Ademan /nick newnick22:24
Sindwillershredder12: 'sudo asoundconf set-default-card Intel'? I have no idea otherwise22:24
Ademanburkesbythebay: what was your question?22:24
SindwillerI'm using KDE anyway, which uses Phonon22:24
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shredder12Sindwiller: earlier everything was working fine..then i switched to 27-7 and there the sounds weren't working so i changed the settings in Preferences->Sound to some HDA oss instead of ALSA...and when i clicked Test i heard a beep so i thougt that everything was working fine..22:25
guntbertrfitgjerogf: you changed it just 5 times, if I count right :)22:25
fudgeman3000i do /nick fudgeman3000 and it wont change22:25
Sajutafudgeman3000: It's that now.22:25
shredder12Sindwiller: but when i switched back to 24-19 i didn't worked even after changing the settings back to the earlier one..22:25
fudgeman3000it doesnt appear that way on the screeen though22:25
LF|IrssiAdeman: what would be "Places>Connect" on KDE4?22:25
fudgeman3000it appears as WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW322:26
guntbertfudgeman3000: thats just your client, it seems22:26
AdemanLF|Irssi: oh sorry, i figured you were on Gnome, well on konqueror it would have been fish://uname@server22:26
CircsI want to put Ubuntu on my Eee 900A (The newer atom variant) but it only has the 4g flash drive, is that enough space?22:26
AdemanLF|Irssi: but konqueror isn't a file browser in KDE4 is it?22:26
SwianCircs, sure22:26
SwianI have it on a 2gb usb drive22:26
Sindwillershredder12: I have no idea :P sorry :)22:26
fudgeman3000can anyone tell me how to register a nick?22:26
vassallidove trovo l'ultima versine di totem22:27
SindwillerAdeman: it still is - but the default one is Dolphin22:27
shredder12Sindwiller: that's fine..22:27
CircsSwian: Really? Way cool, the distro on there is taking up nearly the whole deal and I hate it.22:27
Sindwillervassalli: Local IRC channel? :P22:27
scotlfsoutbackwifi: hey do you happen to still be here?22:27
fudgeman3000can anyone tell me how to register a nick? ay?22:27
droidsi'm having a problem running steam under wine.22:28
LF|IrssiAdeman: i think it still comes with KDE4, but it also comes with Firefox 3.*22:28
Ademanfudgeman3000: /msg nickserv help22:28
scotlfsAnyone know what happened to "Xorg -scanpci" ?22:28
anubisMeanderingCode: still here?22:28
AdemanSindwiller: do you know how to connect to a ssh server with dolphin then? (or konqueror, i don't really care, I'm just not a KDE guy and LF|Irssi is asking :-) )22:28
SindwillerI have no idea either, sorry :(22:28
Sindwillerssh:/ ?22:28
Ademanluckily i have dolphin installed, one sec LF|Irssi22:29
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LF|IrssiKonquorer works thanks Ademan :)22:30
LF|Irssiyou rock22:30
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AdemanLF|Irssi: no problem :-)  (just for future reference, the same method works in dolphin apparently)22:30
LF|Irssiok :)22:30
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Marcus_123im running 8.10 on my laptop, i was wondering if i could set the screen are or something...my problem is that when i move my mouse all the way to the right to click and drag the scroll bar..the mouse cant click anything and i ave to bring it back a bit...is there soemthing i can do about that?22:31
guntbertwoo, please stop this in this channel22:31
guntbertwos, please stop this in this channel22:31
roak1974is anyone having problems with thte upsdate from today?22:31
Sajutaroak1974: What kind of problem are you having?22:32
PeskyJDo you have to have a real user logged in to start the "Guest session"? I would like to be able to start the guest session from the welcome screen, but it says the UID is too low22:32
rsp1anyone else getting a random freeze sometimes? (might be flash)22:32
sevenseasI have a question, I just installed ubuntu 8.10 today... now after I go to shutdown or restart, my laptop hangs while shutting down and doesnt fully shutdown22:32
sevenseasany suggestions on how I can fix this?22:32
PeskyJrsp1: I had random freezes with 8.10 - it was to do with the wireless card22:33
sevenseasit will not reboot or shutdown, it just hangs after it logs out of x22:33
roak1974it started with madwifi i think i corrected that =now i have lost the min/max and close buttons on windows and it seems if i start terminal that the bottom of the window is not drawing22:33
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Slayerhi, can i delete "range" linie in dhcpd.conf file? i have 8 hosts in my lan and i give them ip by mac adress22:34
roak1974Sajuta, did you see the msg i sent?22:34
Marcus_123is anyone available to help me with this admittedly minor but annoying problem?22:34
KDeskI have read about file systems for flash memories, why is a good that I can use?22:34
goat|lappy!ask | Marcus_12322:34
sevenseasdoes anyone have the problem with ubuntu 8.10 not shutting down or restarting correctly?  mine just hangs22:34
ubottuMarcus_123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:34
Marcus_123sorry.  thanks ubottu22:35
kernandois there a program that can stream songs like not  just an internet radio something where u can search for songs and it will just play them22:35
sevenseaskernando, not really22:35
Marcus_123when i move my mouse all the way to the edge of the screen i cannot click on anything...can someone help22:35
goat|lappykernando: last.fm?22:35
sevenseasbut you can use www.last.fm22:35
Marcus_123kernando  have you tried www.songza.com  ?22:36
sevenseaslast.fm will be your best option22:36
kernandoi remember there was something like listen.fm or something22:36
Marcus_123songza does what you want22:36
goat|lappyMarcus_123: is there a particular point that your mouse stops working?22:36
kernandoalright ill check it out22:37
step21___also grooveshark lite22:37
Marcus_123just on the edge of the screen..at the farthest point22:37
sevenseasbash: fg: no job control22:37
sevenseas 22:37
sevenseasbash: fg: no job control22:37
step21___but their collection is limited22:37
sevenseas 22:37
sevenseaswhat does it mean when I open my terminal and it says... bash: fg no job control22:37
bastonesafter waiting 5-10mins the Install screen is still there, but blank, no text, no Install instructions or anything?22:38
kernandothanks songza is pretty good22:38
Marcus_123i have all my coworkers using songza22:38
icqnumberkernando, this program is called banshee, http://banshee-project.org/22:38
goat|lappyMarcus_123: is there something on the edge of the screen that you wish to click?22:38
bastonesdoes it take time for Ubuntu to start for first time from DVD installations?22:38
coz_hey guys I noticed in  intrepid that the "Repeat KEys" settings are not working ... my key press is way fast   any way around that?22:38
Swianhad the same issue22:39
Swianyou can change the keyboard settings to get it better22:39
coz_Swian, ah cooll to know  I wasnt the only one:)22:39
sevenseaswell I guess im going to have to drop ubuntu and go to another distro once again because it will not shutdown or restart properly22:39
coz_Swian,   ok how to do that  ?22:39
sevenseasand I cant find a fix22:39
Marcus_123goat|lappy:  yes...while in firefox or ather windows id like to click on the scroll bar..so whats happeining now is that i move the mmouse all the way over with a quick finger flick then have to bring it in  alittle...not a huge problem but annoying22:39
PeskyJthis guest login thing is really irritating, can anyone please help me how to let guest log in from the welcome screen?22:40
SwianCoz_ system->prefs-.keyboard22:40
bastonesI am installing ubuntu from DVD and the Install window comes up, I can move my cursor and everything but there's nothing in the Install window, does it take time or something?22:40
coz_Swian,   yep been playing there a while now22:40
Swiancoz_ under general, there are keypress options22:40
Swianturn them OFF22:40
Swianturn of Repeat Keys22:40
coz_Swian,  ah   that is much better :)22:40
pw-toxichi, i have installed ubuntu 8.10 on a 30GB hard drive, but now i recognize my home folder beeing to small...   can i "change" my home folder to a folder or hard drive using the NTFS file system?22:40
kernandoicqnumber can rhythmbox do that aswell? im really gettin used to it22:41
Swiancoz_ yeah, made logging in FUN22:41
coz_Swian,   thanks guY :)22:41
bastonesI am installing ubuntu from DVD and the Install window comes up, I can move my cursor and everything but there's nothing in the Install window, does it take time or something?22:41
hakanhi everyone22:42
guntbertPeskyJ: why don't you create another account for guests?22:42
coz_bastones, might take a litle longer from dvd  but... how long has it been?22:42
eitreachI need to start mpd before I start X automatically. How would I do that?22:42
bastonesnot sure... maybe 15 mins?22:42
bastones10-15 mins the least22:42
coz_bastones, ok thats not right22:42
coz_bastones,   did you check the md5sum of the iso image?22:42
bastonesbut it does time for the window to come up22:42
bastonesmaybe a few mins22:42
bastonestake time*22:43
bastonesdid take time*22:43
bastonesi can move the window and everything22:43
bastonesbut its quite slow in moving it22:43
coz_bastones, how much memory  and whta is the cpu22:43
bastones256MB memory lol22:43
bastonesmaybe it'll take sometime22:43
goat|lappyMarcus_123: i was just looking around for issues the new version of X, maybe that would be related, but I don't see any known issues like that.   sorry22:43
coz_bastones,  yeah with 256 it may take time   so hold off for a bit :)22:44
bastoneswill do :)22:44
Marcus_123thanks goat|lappy..even a push in the right direction of what to google is much appreciated22:44
bastoneshow long roughly would it take do you think coz_ ?22:44
coz_bastones, well if it goes to b20 minutes or longer I would suggest maybe downloading the alternate cd22:44
bastonesthing is coz_ I have had ubuntu on my desktop previously before probably in July and it did take time for it to all startup?22:45
coz_bastones, ok then you already know how  your system reacts installing from a live cd /dvd  so hold off  until you think its been too long22:46
goat|lappyMarcus_123: try something for me,  in terminal, type the following:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak; sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:46
Swianwow bastones what is your hardware setup, ubuntu is the fastest booting os I have22:46
goat|lappyMarcus_123: then in nano change vmmouse to mouse, and ctrl+x to save22:46
bastonesnot sure, but it has 40GB22:46
fiXXXerMet1How can I permanently set the mtu in ubuntu?  I've tried adding "mtu xxxx" to /etc/network/interfaces and then restarting networking, but it doesn't take22:46
Swian40gb hd is not big22:46
fiXXXerMet1Using dhcp, by the way22:46
Swianand its processor ram speed that matter22:47
bastonesyeah, so this is expected right?22:47
Swiandepends on your hardware22:47
assemi'm trying to use dual monitor after installing nvidia drivers, my 2nd display won't enable itself after an x-restart even though i configure it in nvidia-settings.  could something else (like system=>prefs=>screen resolution) be preventing this?22:47
goat|lappyMarcus_123: sorry, just a sec, wrong value22:47
eitreachI need to start mpd before I start X automatically. How would I do that?22:47
SwianI'm running it on a 2.6ghz amd 64 bit processor22:47
Swianwith 2gb ram22:47
mzwohi, intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?22:47
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billybigriggerassem, wrong resolution on 2nd display maybe?22:48
guntbertfiXXXerMet1: I would send it from the dhcp-server, as its network dependent22:48
Armored_AzraelHey, anyone know how to properly install onto a hard drive with bad blocks?22:48
Armored_AzraelI've adapted a working fs to keep working when blocks have died, but never deployed a new fs over bad blocks before.22:49
gam3r111can somone help me22:49
bastonesand just wondering will BELKIN fd57050 work out of the box or will I need NDISwrapper?22:49
assembillybigrigger, nope, shouldn't be.  the display worked fine in that resolution before i installed the nvidia drivers/server22:49
DavidCanariasHi everyone..   I just cannot get amsn to work properly. Can anyone please help me?22:49
gam3r111i am trying to make fire come wen i close a window and i already hav compiz22:50
bastoneswireless adapter22:50
goat|lappyMarcus_123: give me another min22:50
Marcus_123sure thing22:50
assembillybigrigger, i don't think "Save to X configuration file" is working...  my xorg.conf is insanely brief.22:50
mzwohi, intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?22:50
Jmaxhi, dkms is failing to build nvidia 177.80 stating that the kernel target version is unknown22:50
DavidCanariasAny expert that can help me get amsn up and running??22:50
gam3r111i need help22:51
billybigriggerassem, im no xorg guru, but pastebin it, lets have a look22:51
feng14make fire?22:52
FloodBot3gam3r111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
billybigriggergam3r111, chill out22:52
gam3r111I NEED HELP22:52
feng14gam3r111,  do you mean the window closing effect?22:52
gam3r111i know you need compiz22:52
mzwohi, intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?22:53
swc|666rsync question -- i'm trying to migrate a mail server. The old mail server (server A) uses key based auth, where I have an SSH key under my admin user credentials. I'm using the same key on the new server (server B) to connect to the old server and rsync the maildirectories for the various virtual accounts. I get permission denied EVERY time rsync hits /var/mail/virtual/.FILES, although it does get the direcotries -- how do I workaround t22:53
gam3r111i already have it22:53
assembillybigrigger, http://www.pastebin.ca/124908222:53
dalek3I'm having a problem.. I can't create users in ubuntu.. somehow the "unlock" button in users and groups is disabled22:53
gam3r111feng14 any suggestions22:53
bdog_my x server doesn't start after 8.10 upgrade. Can someone help me fix the driver22:53
designermanI have a really old live cd I want to install from just to get a base system together quick, any wayI can do this?22:53
goat|lappyMarcus_123: can you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:53
biomassmzwo: afaik the ati wasn't released since it was incomaptible with xorg that came with intrepid at the time of release22:54
assembillybigrigger, i read somewhere on gnome.org that "Screen Resolution" doesn't work for nvidia binary drivers (yet), and i think that preference is controlling my xorg.conf.  but that's just my hunch.22:54
feng14gam3r111,  in the compiz option animation22:54
gam3r111i know22:54
gam3r111but i have no clue what to do feng1422:54
DavidCanariasCan anyone help me get amsn up and running please22:54
mzwobiomass, meaning? the driver does show up, though, i just can't activate it22:54
bticeGreetings. I'm having problems with my clock. It's set to keep synchronized, and my time zone is set, but the clock stays two hours off.22:55
feng14gam3r111, choose the window closing option22:55
panfistcould anyone please help me find out how to recompile the kernel with a larger page size22:55
biomassmzwo: ah ok.. hmm then I don't know, sorry22:55
gam3r111feng14 then what22:55
mzwobiomass, thanks, anyways :-)22:55
gavagaiIs the regular installation CD any easier than the alternate, or does it just have eye candy?  Again I had problems with the regular cd and had to use alternate.  I am wondering why I should not recommend people try the alternate first and not risk wasting their time with the regular cd.22:55
Marcus_123goat|lappy:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/69376/22:56
eitreachI need to start mpd before I start X automatically. How would I do that?22:56
billybigriggerassem, mine is brief too22:56
mzwoneed help with activating proprietary ati driver, intrepid. much appreciated22:56
feng14gam3r111, could you wait a moment please? I am on windows XP now22:56
IceWindHi, is it possible to define a resolution for the grub menu other than the default one? I'm using a LCD TV and it doesn't support the default resolution.22:56
billybigriggerassem, i have no prolbems with my nvidia, and through hdmi out to my tv i have no problems either22:56
gam3r111feng14 shure are you going on ubuntu22:56
bticegavagai: I've always had good luck with the regular on reasonably new hardware. I had to use the alternate on an old 390E Thinkpad (circa 1999) but on a T43, the regular installer was flawless.22:57
feng14gam3r111, yea22:57
fruit_blmjust a quick question22:57
gam3r111feng14 ok22:57
Jmaxhi, how can i get dkms to work?22:57
billybigriggerassem, but im not going to tv right atm so that could be why my xorg is so small22:57
Jmaxor at least transition to a functional m-a22:57
gavagaibtice, i've had the regular fail on a new desktop and a new laptop.  my experience seems backwards... i never have problems with old hardware22:57
downfallat111has anyone had luck using the linksys wmp54gs pci wireless card and 8.10?22:57
fruit_blmhow can I get my computer's own mac address ?22:57
unopgavagai, the live CD has an advantage of being used without actually installing stuff to the HDDs - so it's a great rescue environment. The disadvantage is that it cannot be used as a repository and might not work on some hardware (new video hardware especially)22:57
kikophave dns silly question22:58
downfallat111fruit_blm: type ifconfig in a terminal22:58
gavagaiunop, ok so no real advantage in terms of the installation.  just the live aspect.22:58
mzwohi, intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?22:58
gavagaibecause in fact the live cd worked on my laptop but would not install on it22:58
bticegavagai: I guess YMMV. All my hardware has been IBM, but the old stuff was underpowered for the normal installer.22:58
fruit_blmdownfallat111: I ignore the first two digits rite (00) and take the next 6 pairs ?22:59
bticegavagi: I guess the short answer is, if it works, go with it.22:59
gavagaii guess in the future unless i need a live distro i'll just always start with the alternate cd.  i don't see any downside22:59
goat|lappyMarcus_123: whats your environment, is this 8.10?22:59
Jmaxwhy doesn't m-a work with ubuntu?22:59
assembillybigrigger, well, i think the problem is the virtual display for the default screen.  i told nvidia-settings to make my hdtv/monitor screen 2.  it didn't change the xorg.conf22:59
downfallat111fruit:blm: no, i think it is all 6 pairs22:59
gavagaithe alt install was great though... everything on my laptop worked automatically.  (well, so far. i haven't notice any prob)23:00
Marcus_123goat|lappy:  yes 8.1023:00
unopgavagai, in terms of installation - the live CD is less customisable - that could be seen as both an advantage and a disadvantage - in most cases, the end result is the same, it's just how you do it that's different23:00
assembillybigrigger, when you double a tv and monitor, do you use twinview? xinerama?23:00
IceWinddoes Lilo allows to define a specific resolution for it's menu?23:00
unopIceWind, sure, http://www.sprint.net.au/~terbut/usefulbox/lilovgatable.htm23:01
gam3r111feng14 r u in ubuntu yet23:01
amews_ajWhen I try to run a .net application after installing winetricks, I just get "Attempted to read or write protected memory" error. Tried native gdiplus.dll, but no change. What to do now?23:01
feng14gam3r111, yes23:02
imhi all23:02
gam3r111feng14 what should i di23:02
kernandohow come in banshee when i click on similar artists or the songs the program jjust shuts down?23:02
IceWindunop isn't that the same as grub? it only affect the boot process but not the menu itself?23:02
robert__i keep getting a 'unable to build the vmmon module' error during installation of vmware, any ideas?23:02
mzwointrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?23:02
assemif i wanted to disable or uninstall "Screen Resolution" under preferences, how might i do it? which package would that be ?23:02
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feng14gam3r111, open the setting manage23:02
imi have problem warcraft 3 with wine can anybody help?23:02
fruit_blmthanks a bunch downfallat11123:03
Jmaxwhy doesn't ubuntu work with m-a or dkms?23:03
gam3r111feng14 ok23:03
Jmaxhow can i get dkms to properly function?23:03
BowtrikHey everyone. :)23:03
feng14gam3r111, do you see the animation option?23:03
gam3r111feng14 yes23:03
unopIceWind, errm, sorry, i wasn't paying attention to the difference - i believe the menu defaults to something sane, not sure you can change that - but you might want to have a check through the lilo documentation.23:04
imi have problem warcraft 3 with wine can anybody help?23:04
mzwoguys, please!23:04
gam3r111feng14 now what23:04
feng14gam3r111, choose it and choose the closing effect23:04
hdzhi i've been running ubuntu on my desktop for months, got ndiswrapper working for my wireless but now i'm setting up ubuntu on my girl's laptop, ive been trying to install make install with ndiswrapper many different versions i can't get none to compile, when i try to get ubuntu to install the ndiswrapper off the real cd i installed it from, it says enter the ubuntu cd and hit enter but it wont take it can anyone help me here23:04
gam3r111feng 14 ok23:04
Johan-UbuntuNewbcan i empty the trashcan in the terminal?23:04
gam3r111feng14 now what23:04
BowtrikOk, I'm not even gonna bother asking my questions. LoL23:04
BowtrikThis place is busy.23:05
unopJohan-UbuntuNewb, rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/*23:05
unop!trash | Johan-UbuntuNewb23:05
ubottuJohan-UbuntuNewb: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash23:05
feng14gam3r111, under the random,there are so many effects?did you see them?23:05
gam3r111feng14 yes23:05
IceWindunop np, thanks anyway! I've been searching for that but i haven't found a way to do it. I now found gfxboot  not sure if that will work.23:05
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:06
jamesxLDoes anyone know how to stop "free the fish"? I have about 30..(I don't feel like rebooting)23:06
mzwostill ;-) intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?23:06
feng14gam3r111, then just choose the fire effect alone23:06
buntoowmzwo--> how are you activating such driver?23:06
gam3r111feng14 ok then what23:06
sbingneranybody know why dmraid would not be able to activate my device?  it just says 'RAID set "isw_raidname_MIRROR" was not activated'23:07
Jmaxhow do i get dkms to work?  it seems to think there's no target kernel version, when i do specify -k23:07
imanybody playin warcraft???23:07
buntoowjamesxL--> kill their respective pid23:07
BowtrikI'm still installing updates... Much less playing Warcraft. XD23:07
jamesxLbuntoow -> what is the process name? I do not see it in my process manager23:07
gam3r111feng14 ????????????????????????????????????23:08
feng14gam3r111, do you mean to close the window only use the fire effect?23:08
panfistcan anyone help me find out how to recompile the kernel in hardy to support a larger page size?23:08
seriousstorm85hi, i have upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10, however after doing the upgrade, my wlan does not seem to be detected. my wlan worked fine in 7.10, 8.04 and i used it to upgrade to 8.1023:08
gam3r111feng14 yes23:08
feng14gam3r111, sorry, i'm poor in English23:08
mzwobuntoow, system=>admin=>hardwaredrivers. driver shows up, but clicking activate doesn't do anything. also, glrxinfo gives weird results23:08
gam3r111feng14 o its ok23:08
goat|lappyMarcus_123: unfortunately my searches are coming up with not much,  you can try googling with such search terms as mouse clicks X don't work at edges don't respond intrepid ubuntu,   or you can try detailing your problem again, any maybe someone here will know whats up23:08
scotlfsjrib: you here mate?23:08
gam3r111feng14 do you know what i should do next23:08
BowtrikWhoops, gotta reboot for the updates. BrB people. Fun to watch people with more problems than I am having. XD Sorry!23:09
feng14gam3r111, yes23:09
gam3r111feng14 ok what23:09
hdzhi i've been running ubuntu on my desktop for months, got ndiswrapper working for my wireless but now i'm setting up ubuntu on my girl's laptop, ive been trying to install make install with ndiswrapper many different versions i can't get none to compile, when i try to get ubuntu to install the ndiswrapper off the real cd i installed it from, it says enter the ubuntu cd and hit enter but it wont take it can anyone help me here23:09
Johan-UbuntuNewbcan i make the "cub" move slower when i change workspace?23:09
buntoowmzwo--> you can find out if it has been loaded  lsmod|grep drivername23:09
feng14gam3r111, sorry, i misunderstand you at first23:09
seriousstorm85hi, i have upgraded my ubuntu to 8.10, however after doing the upgrade, my wlan does not seem to be detected. my wlan worked fine in 7.10, 8.04 and i used it to upgrade to 8.1023:09
gam3r111feng14 its ok just what do i do next?23:10
buntoowseriousstorm85--> which chip does your wifif have?23:10
Marcus_123thanks very much for your efforts goat|lappy ...ill try searching some more and maybe come back if i cant find anything23:10
scotlfsCan someone help me configure my machine to use both displays?23:10
Johan-UbuntuNewbcan i make the "cub" move slower when i change workspace?23:10
socaljohan, look under the rotate cube preferences23:10
feng14gam3r111, in the closing option , see the menu?23:11
gam3r111feng14 yes i do what shuld i do23:11
mzwobuntoow, command doesn't work. sorry greenhorn23:11
feng14gam3r111, delete the three items first23:12
buntoowmzwo--> command does not work? lsmod |grep fordrivernameyouwant   ?23:12
gam3r111feng14 i did that now what23:12
seriousstorm85buntoow--> Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG23:12
feng14gam3r111, create a item now23:13
gam3r111ok what do i put in the box that comes up feng1423:13
buntoowseriousstorm85--> you have the driver loaded?  lsmod|grep iwl23:13
feng14gam3r111, closing effect choose fire23:13
gam3r111ok then what23:13
gavagaiI turned on all the fancy graphics effects in gnome.  is that the same thing as 'compiz23:14
mzwobuntoow, i type  lsmod |grep fglrx just moves m,e to the next prompt, no visible results23:14
crapo_marronHow can i re-mount my already used raid?23:14
feng14gam3r111, window rules all23:14
lucas__hello, i have problems with my media keys of my laptop... they work but they dont do what they are suppposed to do, ive tried configuring from gnome keyboard setup and didnt work23:14
gam3r111feng14 ?????23:14
buntoowmzwo--> all it means then is that there are no such driver with fglrx in its name, so maybe its name differrently23:15
gam3r111feng14 i got ya23:15
seriousstorm85buntoo--> unfortunately i am not on ubuntu as it does not have internet connection so i can't be online right now....and i am not near a wired connction....can u tell me some steps i can use and come back to u on23:15
gam3r111feng14 ok i got it now23:15
feng14gam3r111, the second default23:15
mzwobuntoow, how would i find out the right name?23:15
feng14gam3r111, do you made it?23:15
buntoowmzwo--> find out which video card you have and google for the driver it uses23:15
Andreicais any possibility to run java applets with 64bit Ubuntu 8.10 ?23:16
buntoowseriousstorm85-->   lsmod|grep iwl   should list if the iwl for your intel 39xx is loaded23:16
mzwobuntoow, fglrx should be right...23:16
seriousstorm85buntoow--> incase it isn't loaded....what steps should i take?23:17
buntoowmzwo--> then load it using insmod or modprobe23:17
buntoowseriousstorm85--> same for you, load it using insmod or modprobe23:17
mzwobuntoow, sorry, you lost me. how do i use insmod or modprobe?23:18
buntoowmzwo--> kindly do  man insmod  or man modprobe23:18
Pie-rateI have multiple CD burners (3) of the same model, in CD burning interfaces it just lists them all with the same name. Is there any way I can rename them so I can pick the right one?23:18
bog^hi guys. when i installed ubuntu, i put /boot onto a separate partition. i want to change that now, putting the stuff inside /boot onto the root partition. is there anything i need to do besides mv'ing the stuff over and changing the grub entries?23:18
Andreicais any possibility to run java applets on 64bit Ubuntu 8.10 ?23:18
zer0ohi too much bass when listening to music, how do i set it the lowest level i can?23:18
hdzhi i've been running ubuntu on my desktop for months, got ndiswrapper working for my wireless but now i'm setting up ubuntu on my girl's laptop, ive been trying to install make install with ndiswrapper many different versions i can't get none to compile, when i try to get ubuntu to install the ndiswrapper off the real cd i installed it from, it says enter the ubuntu cd and hit enter but it wont take it can anyone help me here23:19
KDeskI have read about file systems for flash memories, which is a good one that I can use?23:19
seriousstorm85buntoow--> after doing modprobe should it work or do i need to do further steps?23:19
Cann0nhow can i get iphone g3 working with ubuntu?23:20
buntoowbog^--> grub-install to put a copy in the right places,  man grub-install23:20
mzwobuntoow, sorry, man doesn't help much, still don't what to do.23:20
bog^thanks, will try that23:20
buntoowseriousstorm85--> depends, if you are using static or dynamic, if dynamic,  you  sudo dhclient wlan023:20
jribCann0n: you can't sync with it as apple hashes it's library and the hash has not been broken yet for 2.0+ firmware23:21
Melwasulhey, i was wondering if anyone knew how to get 8.06 hardy to boot on a usb? and how much memory it would take? and if this could be done from the live cd..23:21
jribCann0n: its even23:21
dentAndreica: look at icedtea plugin23:21
seriousstorm85buntoow--> its using dhcp23:21
buntoowmzwo--> look in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video   for your video driver, and then follow the instruction in man modprobe23:21
shredder12I am not getting any Not getting any network option in System->administration23:22
scotlfsAnyone here have experience setting up a dual monitor ?23:22
buntoowseriousstorm85--> i gave you the command23:22
goat|lappyMelwasul: unetbootin is your best bet, but i cant answer your other questions23:22
canthonyam i missing something?  cant i save as OOXML .*x with openoffice323:23
biczhow can i set the font in googlearth?23:23
buntoowshredder12--> wireless? what chip?23:23
RhorseYouser, youser, youser! Hi all...23:23
SJr|NbookI'd like to have multi-monitor support like in Windows, on my notebook I Have a 1280x800 and a 1440x900 monitor. Currently twinview with Nvidia, just resizes X to 2720x900 which is unusable. There is a gap of screen that can't be seen. And maximization is to the screen. I'd like maximization to the current screen only. Ideas?23:23
sledgeSet Font Button23:23
buntoowbicz--> doesnt googleearth have instruction on how to config?23:23
shredder12buntoow... i don't think the problem is with the wireless chip..i use ethernet..newaz..i am using dell1395 wireless card..23:24
buntoowshredder12--> so what is the problem? be clear and specific23:24
biczbuntoow: yes but i cant find the section "font"23:24
Melwasulthanks! that should really answer all the questions.23:24
buntoowbicz--> maybe it is a section you need to add? dont they have a sample?23:24
shredder12buntoow...the network option in System->Administration which open the network manager is missing..23:25
biczbuntoow: really don't know dude :|23:25
=== guq is now known as wos
shredder12buntoow..and i m not even getting any manual configuration option when i left click on the network icon in panel..23:25
buntoowshredder12--> maybe it has not been added, go to system->admintration->main menu  and add network-manger23:25
mzwobuntoow, sorry, am confused. too much stuff in said dir, don't know what to look for. sorry for being daft, might need closer tutoring ...23:25
woscould anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?23:26
goat|lappyshredder12: in intrepid, the network settings are in preferences23:26
buntoowshredder12--> what does iwconfig  tells you?23:26
biczbuntoow: i'm on intrepid, i install googlearth from medibuntu's repo23:26
jpv950anyone know a panel applet to temporarily disable mousepad touch clicking?23:26
shredder12goat|lappy..you mean by the name of network configuration..23:26
buntoowmzwo--> that dir i mentioned holds bunch of drivers, pick the one that is suited for your video and load it23:26
goat|lappyshredder12: yes23:27
woscould anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?23:27
buntoowbicz--> you can google for "googlearth how to configure?"23:27
goat|lappywos: inf files are for windows, aren't they?23:27
shredder12buntoow..hey as goat|lappy says..i think then its no problem now..23:27
wartyalquien habla espa;ol__23:27
goat|lappy!es | warty23:27
ubottuwarty: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:27
mzwobuntoow, i hear what you're saying and i understand the concept, but i just don't know which one it would be - nothing with ati or fglrx in the name to be found23:27
=== BlueDevil|Away is now known as BlueDevil
buntoowshredder12--> good am glad, you were just looking in the wrong menu23:28
wosgoat|lappy: yes but im using ndiswrapper23:28
goat|lappywos: sorry :-) my bad23:28
woscould anyone help me find an inf file for the HWUG1 usb wireless adapter?23:28
shredder12well, i m having a weird problem..i am able to run ethernet on 24-19 but when i switch to 27-7 it has no option for ethernet interfaces..23:28
goat|lappywos: have you tried the manufacturers site?23:28
kernandoi have two folders on my desktop that are locked or somethin i cant delete them23:28
wosgoat|lappy:  yes23:28
Andreicathanks, it works23:28
kernandoalso there is 4 fodlers in my recycle bin that i cannot remove23:29
shredder12i mean when i do ifconfig eth0 i says  eth0 error: no such device23:29
goat|lappykernando: alt+f2  then type gksudo nautilus, then navigate to the dir's and delete (including trash)23:29
goat|lappykernando: but be careful, cause you have root priv's23:29
punzadaanyone know a terminal command I can load to spawn the 'screen resolution' window? tv-out has made me lose my gnome bar so i'm trying to disable that output without messing with xorg if i can help it23:30
buntoowmzwo sorry am out of ideas for now, maybe you can google for it?23:31
kernandogoat|lappy the folders on the desktop dont show up and it says it cannot display wats in the trash23:31
goat|lappykernando: on the right, go to filesystem23:31
goat|lappykernando: then go to home -> your name -> desktop23:32
LukeJMdoes anyone know if you can use the ndiswrapper fix for 8.04 on 8.10?23:32
buntoowshredder12--> paste in pastebin your  /etc/network/interfaces  contents  and include  route -n and /etc/resolv.conf23:32
mzwobuntoow, thanks.23:32
LukeJMi mean the ndiswrapper fix for the 8187b wireless chipset23:32
kernandogoat|lappy how to i get to the trash folder?23:33
buntoowLukeJM--> i dont know, but can you try if it solves it?23:33
mzwoanybody apart from buntoow ;-) : intrepid won't let me activate proprietary driver (ati), any idea why?23:33
goat|lappykernando: click on the edit icon next to your path then type ~/.local/share/trash23:33
goat|lappysorry,   /home/(yourname)/.local/share/trash23:34
LukeJMbuntoow -- i'm going to give it a shot... see if it fixes my range issues23:34
DavidCanariasCan anyone please tell me how to install a tar file?23:35
goat|lappykernando: *Trash23:35
shredder12buntoow.. there they are..http://paste.ubuntu.com/69392/23:35
canthonycan i save as docx in OO323:35
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
etoDhaj. In the installer partioner, if I do not set a mount point for a certain partition i get a warning, "this partition will not be used at all." Does this mean the partitioner will format the partition?23:36
goat|lappyDavidCanarias: tar files are packages,  you have to open and remove the contents to install it.  but there are better packages made for ubuntu,  what are you installing?23:36
TimRi need some help why my 56k isnt working for23:36
eitreachI need to start mpd before I start X automatically. How would I do that?23:36
kernandogoat|lappy, thanks alot that worked well but now how do i get rid of the root priveleges just close it?23:36
goat|lappykernando: yup23:36
buntoowshredder12--> can you repaste the link ?23:36
TimRi need some help why my 56k isnt working for23:36
kernandocool thanks that was pissing me off for a long time23:36
assembillybigrigger, hi billy, i think i found my problem23:36
buntoowshredder12--> can you repaste the link  put a space, i can not click on it23:37
goat|lappykernando: it seems some files were owned by root, instead of your user, thats what was stopping you from being able to delete them,  yw23:37
shredder12buntoow:    http://paste.ubuntu.com/69392/23:37
jribeitreach: install mpd through apt23:37
assembillybigrigger, apparently nvidia-settings doesn't gtksu or set to root before running... so even though i changed my options it didn't rewrite to xorg.conf.  also, as root i ran nvidia-xconfig and it populated my xorg.conf with real values.23:37
eitreachjrit: I have.23:38
TimRhere is my link to the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=974860    i need to figure how I can get my 56k to work for fax only23:38
jribeitreach: why do you need to start it before X?23:38
buntoowshredder12--> your eth0 is up right?23:38
shredder12buntoow: ya at the moment i am using 24-19 so i am able to connect using ethernet..23:39
TimRhere is my link to the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=974860    i need to figure how I can get my 56k to work for fax only23:39
=== thunderstrike is now known as thunder[A|Sleep]
PeskyJhrm, I notice that guest sessions have a home directory in a temporary location, does this means guest settings are not preserved?23:39
buntoowshredder12--> what is 24-19 ?23:39
=== thunder[A|Sleep] is now known as thunderstrike[A|
goat|lappy!repeat | TimR23:39
ubottuTimR: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:39
canthonyi can seem to get openoffice to save as docx, or any OOXML format23:39
eitreachjrit: I'm tired of having to close my music players when having to restart X.23:39
shredder12buntoow: kernel 2.6.24-1923:39
shredder12i m sorry for the wrong notation..23:40
=== `Chris_ is now known as `Chris
TimRhere is my link to the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=974860    i need to figure how I can get my 56k to work for fax only23:40
buntoowshredder12--> okay, so what is the issue again? since you have eth0 working23:40
jribeitreach: so not "before X", just when you boot then?23:41
buntoowshredder12--> i have to do something right now, be back in a few23:41
eitreachjrit: Right.23:41
jribeitreach: this happens automatically when you install mpd23:41
eitreachjrit: Apparently not. Whenever I restart X, mpd goes down with it.23:41
CoJaBo-EeeAnyone here ever tried setting up RAID?23:42
linxehCoJaBo-Eee: daily.23:42
shredder12buntoow: earlier when i was using Hardy i got an update for 2.6.24-21 i upgraded my kernel but found that there was no ethernet device when i used the new kernel..so i continued working on 24-19 but when i upgraded my system to intrepid...i faced the same problem with the new kernel..2.6.27-7..that's why i am looking for some solution..??23:42
linxehCoJaBo-Eee: though always with hardware raid23:42
CoJaBo-EeeAny experience with software RAID? Hardware RAID is looking way too expensive.23:43
BowtrikSo is Amarok better than Totem?23:43
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: Yes.  What raid level and hw or sw raid?23:43
BowtrikOr is that based on opinion? XD23:43
Andreicais any application for linux that defragment ram?23:44
linxehCoJaBo-Eee: only with those cheap highpoint cards, and that was almost 10 years ago I'm afraid. I'm sure others have23:44
shredder12Bowtrik: for what purpose..are u using them..23:44
jribeitreach: that's not because mpd is not started before X.  You can check yourself that mpd is running as the mpd user.  The issue is probably related to pulseaudio, that's my guess anyway23:44
PeskyJCoJaBo-Eee: many motherboards support RAID these days23:44
BowtrikJust for mp3's.23:44
canthonyis it possible to save as docx in openoffice 2.4 or 323:44
shredder12Bowtrik: then amarok is the best..23:44
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: raid in Ubuntu is somewhat flaky at the moment.23:44
designermanI have a really old ubuntu live cd that I need to install from, how can I do this?23:45
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: ...at least software raid configured in mirror...23:45
BowtrikShredder12, it does seem like it is much better suited to it. But Totem puts up a nice effort at least.23:45
click170Does anyone know why readline isn't compiled into irb in Hardy?23:45
NekroJakubMan, Ubuntu runs sooo much smoother than Kubuntu23:45
NekroJakubKDE4 is really bloated...23:45
CoJaBo-EeeI'd actually like to get something like RAID 5 working.23:46
shredder12Bowtrik: wait a min..you are talking about Totem Movie player.. isn't??23:46
BowtrikNekroJakub, I have read the same things about that. That Gnome is faster and such.23:46
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: I haven't played with raid 5 so don't know...23:46
BowtrikShredder12, I was talking about whichever Totem player came with my Ubuntu 8.1023:47
zabbadapphow is the awn systray supposed to work? I have added the "awn notification daemon" applet, but nothing appears ... shouldn't i.e. rhythmbox show up if it is running? I have also removed the systray area from the gnome panel since some forums say it could interfere..23:47
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: I just know that raid 1 has issues with boot-up after a swapoout/failure of one of the members.23:48
shredder12Bowtrik: well still for mp3s there is nothing better than amarok..i have used plenty of music players and have found nothing like amarok..23:48
CoJaBo-EeeI need something that can withstand a drive failure, yet still keep most of the space. Looks like RAID 5 is the most popular solution.23:48
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: That's correct.  You want raid5.23:48
ConstantineXVIi've got a noticeable audio delay in flash (~.5s), is there a fix?23:48
Rhorseshredder12, I think quodlibet has it beat, but those with low IQ often complain about confiuration problems23:48
shredder12Bowtrik: it jst provides so much facilities that you can hardly find anything about it to complain23:48
PeskyJcan I return to the "Welcome" screen without logging out?23:48
CoJaBo-EeeIt won't be the boot drive, so booting off it is not a problem.23:49
BowtrikShredder12, I actually just reinstalled 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, and I forget how to get DvD playback. :(23:49
metaAnyone have vpn problem with Ubuntu 8.10. Until i install this version i can't connect to my job (Windows PPTP connection) Thank You!23:49
* canthony wants to save as docx23:49
Sebbohhi.  There was a bug fixed in Firefox recently, no earlier than 3.0.4 I belive.  So I want to run that version today, on my Intrepid machine.  How might I do that?23:49
ConstantineXVIPeskyJ, lock screen, switch user23:49
shredder12Rhorse: well i haven't ever used it..infact i am hearing about it the first time..but i would definitely want to try it now..23:49
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: Then you should have no issues with it.  The installer supports raid configuration and is pretty straight-forward.23:49
buntoowshredder12--> compare the old   /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/ and in the new to see if drivers are missing or not23:50
PeskyJConstantineXVI: ahh yes, thanks :)23:50
=== BlueDevil is now known as BlueDevil|Busy
NekroJakubshredder12: Amarok indeed pwns! *slow reactions ftw*23:50
Rhorseshredder12, the best thing about it is it's library scanning: you can add to your library cumulatively, you don't have to rescan every time.23:51
CoJaBo-EeeCan it handle USB drives for the RAID volumes?23:51
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: Not sure.23:51
NekroJakubRhorse: Are you saying there's something actually better than Amarok? o_O23:52
shredder12buntoow: could you again specify which files do i need to compare..23:52
codyzappwhere can i find the audio (wmamod) for ubuntu.. all my wmv movies dont have sound on vlc :(23:52
TimRhere is my link to the forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=974860    i need to figure how I can get my 56k to work for fax only23:52
RhorseI found amarok a bear to run on 512 mbytes23:52
noobianinstallation question -- got an acer 5315, one of the most Ubuntu-hostile laptops in existence. Tons of hardware issues. Any advice, workarounds, etc?23:52
buntoowshredder12--> the driver you used for your nic card23:53
NekroJakubRhorse: It's a wolf, not a bear! Just kidding. And what did you find instead?23:53
shredder12but which files??23:53
buntoowshredder12--> find out which driver your nic card uses.. sudo lshw -C23:53
linux02how do i find out what video card is running on my computer?23:54
ReilithionShould the VESA X module be loading if it isn't specified explicitly in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?23:54
CoJaBo-EeeI have seen a few guides on USB raid of hard drives and even flash and floppy drives, so it looks like it can be done.23:54
metaAnyone have vpn problem with Ubuntu 8.10. Until i install this version i can't connect to my job (Windows PPTP connection) Thank You!23:55
NergothI don't like racists and niggers23:55
NekroJakubHow can I make Pidgin indicate that someone spoke my name, like underline it or something?23:55
CoJaBo-EeeIts just a matter of how difficult to set up, and how fast it will be I think.23:55
RhorseNekroJakub, quodlibet is perfect (with most of the plugins installed). Fast, light and a fast scanner. Plus you get ex falso thrown in the bargain.23:55
polylol wow23:55
MiescoIs there any good video editing software?23:55
goat|lappy!language | Nergoth23:55
ubottuNergoth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:55
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: I would guess it can but I bet the installer won't support it.23:55
buntoowshredder12--> i forget the command..23:55
shredder12buntoow: i think you mean sudo lshw -C network..isn't??23:55
Nergothit was joke guys, don't be mad :E23:56
NekroJakubRhorse: And what's ex falso?23:56
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: Only one way to know for sure...23:56
polyI have a question.... What does ubuntu or kubuntu offer that SuSE or Slackware don't?23:56
buntoowshredder12--> yah i think that one..23:56
NekroJakubpoly: Wubi!23:56
designermanhow can I install ubuntu of an old live cd?23:56
RhorseNekroJakub, tag editor, bulk file renamer23:56
buntoowpoly--> read their respective home pages please23:56
QRZpoly: The Ubuntu Community!23:56
scotlfsSo I have checked the documentation, along with everything else I have needed help with, and I can't figure out how to configure my sound card23:57
kenoisa brilliant package system poly23:57
madguyit's easier to install than slackware23:57
etoDmadguy: that isn tmy experience thus far =p23:57
kenoisi used to run slackware before, and i'm NEVER going to do that again :)23:57
=== thunderstrike[A| is now known as thunderstrike
NekroJakubRhorse: Do you know how to make Pidgin underline or somehow indicate that someone spoke my nick?23:57
madguynothing against it23:57
polywell I went back to windows a few years back fro school use... Im trying to get back into the scene23:57
keystr0kSince upgrading to Ibex, my wireless works in about 10 second spurts... with 10-20 seconds pauses between. I am on a Thinkpad T400 using instruction here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Install_Ubuntu_8.10_(Intrepid_Ibex)_on_a_Thinkpad_T400#ThinkPad_11b.2Fg_Wireless_LAN_mini_PCI_Express_Adapter_III_.28Atheros_AR5007EG.2FAR2425_Chipset.2923:58
ReilithionHow would I find out what is causing the VESA driver to load?  Alternatively, how would I find out what is causing the VESA driver to fail to detect my display?23:58
CoJaBo-EeeIs there any info on how to tell when a drive fails? That seems to be left out of most of the guides I am finding.23:58
RhorseI use xchat, which does this by default. But if you have firefox, chatzilla does it also. Don't know much about Pidgin23:58
polyxchat rules23:58
=== Moshu` is now known as MoshutZu
keystr0kI second that... xchat is awesome23:58
shredder12buntoow: well here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/69400/23:58
hyphenatedCoJaBo-Eee: SMART (data from the drive) monitoring tools might be helpful23:58
gavagaiirssi finds bit of xchat in its poop23:59
polyI have never used anything else23:59
buntoowCoJaBo-Eee--> when the drive can not be loaded is one23:59
NekroJakubAhh, I guess getting Xchat might be benefitial.23:59
etoDcan someone help me with the probelm that the installer says it cannot mount one of my partitions, an ntfs one23:59
eitreachjrit: If you're still available, you were right. I can start mpc fine, but there's no sound. In /etc/default/pulseaudio I have enabled system-wide - but are there more steps?23:59
Rhorsekeystr0k, I also like that xchat only charges Winduhs users: 29.99 after trial. 8 )23:59
QRZCoJaBo-Eee: Google for, "mdadm" and you will have tons of information on raid maintenance.23:59
ajhtiredwolfHey what is the correct way to add the comand to remove and or add a module in rc.local? I know you would do rmmod *module* but you have to put the location of the module not just the name right?23:59
NekroJakubAnd damnit, I second the brilliant packager whoever said that23:59
NekroJakubA couple of clicks, one search...23:59
keystr0kRhorse, WOW. I didn't know they charged! haha. dang.23:59

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