
goukiIt gave me VERSION: command not found00:00
goukiI should just ignore that, since the file is being created?00:01
RainCTgouki: ah, replace that with the version of the package00:01
RainCTgouki: or declare a VERSION variable00:01
goukiOK, thank you, RainCT.00:01
goukidh_installman debian/file.1 doesn't give any output. Any way I can confirm things worked out?00:10
RainCTgouki: is the manpage called file.1?00:10
goukiRainCT, actually, banihstypos.1 is the name of the file generated by pod2man.00:11
RainCTgouki: then write that name (and it should be .6)00:11
=== asac_ is now known as asac
goukiRainCT, ohh, got it. I changed on --section=6 when convertin to man but had the output file still with .1. Changed now.00:13
murdokI have created a postrm file so that the file that I want is removed after removing the package, however that file is still shown when I do 'dpkg -L package'. Any idea of why is it?00:23
RainCTmurdok: why do you want to remove the file?00:23
murdokit's a conf file under /etc/sysctl.d00:23
murdokthat is only needed by that package (dosemu and wine for example)00:24
RainCTmurdok: ah, right. if there's some other package that does the same you could check how they do it there00:24
murdokwine doesn't remove it unless you purge the package00:25
azeemisn't that how it should be?00:25
murdoki want it to be removed without need of --purge00:26
murdoksome people consider it a security risk00:27
murdokit's bug 21639800:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216398 in dosemu "default mmap_min_addr breaks dosemu" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21639800:28
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Masters of the Universe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Jaunty: OPEN. | grab a merge: http://dad.dunnewind.net http://merges.ubuntu.com http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/ | Next MOTU meeting: Fri, November 14th 12:00 UTC
persiaRainCT, If you're running REVU days on Fridays, please add it to the topic when Friday starts UTC+14 and remove it when Friday ends UTC-13:30 (unless you find more timezones)00:41
RainCTpersia: okay, will do00:42
nhandlerRainCT: Could you also consider sending out a reminder email (similar to what they do for the hug days)? That way, all of the MOTUs will be reminded about the hug day00:46
RainCTnhandler: Yep. I didn't do it last time because I had already mentioned in the discussion about cleaning up REVU /and I didn't remember until REVU Day  had already started :P), but will do for the next ones00:47
nhandlerThanks a lot RainCT. I forgot about the REVU day until early evening (local time). As a result, I couldn't review as many packages as I would have liked00:48
RainCTnhandler: well, you can also REVU packages when it isn't REVU Day :)00:49
RainCTgood night00:50
murdoknight RainCT00:51
goukinhandler, I'm working on the package now. I added Perl because of the reference to manual pages on the PackagingGuide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles#Man%20Pages00:52
goukiAs for the comments, I'll post the output when I remove the header.00:52
goukinhandler, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6941300:54
goukiThat's what happens when I remove the comments (header) from debian/rules. If I don't, the package source files are built correctly. :S00:54
persiagouki, Please paste the result of having removed them.  I suspect you've removed some required blank lines.00:56
goukipersia, that's what I wanted to ask. blank lines matter in debian/rules?00:57
persiagouki, Yep.  debian/rules is a makefile.  See http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/00:58
goukiCan I output the content of vimdiff between the two files?00:59
persiaYou probably just want to use diff for that.01:00
persiaAnyway, the diff probably isn't useful to people other than you.  Anyone looking for a parse error probably wants to see the result file.01:01
goukidiff, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6941501:02
goukiOhh, OK.01:02
goukiSo what can I paste so you guys can help me troubleshoot this?01:02
goukiFound it!! :S01:02
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=== Guest64524 is now known as jrib
goukipersia, I believe it's OK now (lintian clean and builds on pbuilder): http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=banihstypos01:10
goukiIf anyone could take a look at it, I'd really appreciate it.01:10
jmarsdenWhat does it really mean when a PPA upload fails and the email says "Rejected: Cannot build any of the architectures requested: any" ?01:56
* gouki would like to know too02:06
jmarsdengouki: Looks like PPAs do not support Jaunty yet.02:10
goukiOhh, could be that indeed. Thanks for the heads up, jmarsden.02:11
jmarsdenSure, but I can't take the credit -- Hobsee just helped me out on #launchpad :-)02:12
=== _jason is now known as jrib
goukiThanks Hobbsee :P02:22
nhandlerCould someone help me get loadlin to build? Here is the error portion of the pbuilder build log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69444/. And here is pgadjust.c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69445/.02:25
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jmarsdennhandler: loadlin builds for me here under Intrepid... I can do:   d=`date +%s` && mkdir /tmp/$d && cd /tmp/$d && apt-get source loadlin && cd loadlin-1.6c.really1.6c && debuild -us -uc && ls -ltr ..03:56
jmarsdennhandler: Looks like it builds fine to me... are you compiling a changed/newer version than this?03:56
ethana2Ok, the guy who was helping me a few days back doesn't seem to have been online...04:02
ethana2..I'm going to upload my pgp key to launchpad..04:02
ethana2then get this stellarium package ready..04:02
ethana2..and then pbuild it04:02
ethana2I may need some help, I may need an upload sponsorship04:03
jmarsdenethana2: Go for it :-)  I'm not a MOTU, but I'm here, I'll help you out if I can...04:04
ethana2It may take a bit, I deleted all the files I made earlier know that I kind of know what I'm doing..04:04
ethana2to clean things up and whatnot04:04
ethana2I'll mainly need to be reminded of various commands04:04
jmarsdenethana2: Usually better to mv your working directory out of the way, instead of deleting your work... but OK04:05
ethana2Well I had made a complicated mess out of things with my incompetence04:05
jmarsdenethana2: BTW you can use the history command to see what commands you already used... might help.  Combind with grep that can be a good way to remind yourself of comamnds...04:06
goukiethana2, yeah, if I can help I'd also be happy to.04:06
ethana2oh hey, gouki04:08
ethana2heh, Soyuz software.  I am amused04:11
ethana2Ok, I'm getting very confused by the pgp key upload process04:15
goukiethana2, have you generated them (key pair) on your local machine?04:15
goukiHave you uploaded it to a key server? MIT and/or Ubuntu PKS?04:17
ethana2that's what I'm trying to figure out how to do04:17
goukiYou can do that by using this web-interface: http://pgp.mit.edu/04:17
ethana2So...  MIT is like..04:18
ethana2some kind of centralized key repository?04:18
goukiTo make it easier, you can use Applications - Accessories - Password and Encryption Keys and export your public key. Then copy-paste it into MIT PKS.04:18
ethana2the all want ascii-armored something or other, i don't know what they're talking about04:18
goukiYes, MIT has a 'database' for keys.04:18
goukiIt's a very known PKS (Public Key Server).04:19
ethana2..and Canonical can make use of them?04:19
wgrantgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-key yourkeyidhere04:19
goukiUbuntu itself has one.04:19
ethana2ah, wgrant, that was the approach i was trying to figure out04:19
ethana2I'll just do that04:19
goukiYes ... After putting it on MIT the keys will replicate to other PKSs04:19
ethana2ok, sent04:20
ethana2how do i know whether it's a success?04:20
goukiSearch for your name on it.04:21
goukiethana2, http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:1137104:22
ethana2So I guess it's good now..04:22
goukiWell, it's there: http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC5C149B0A666B91304:23
goukiThat's your public key block04:23
goukiThat's what people use when they want to encrypt something and send it your way04:23
goukiDo the instructions on LP make more sense now?04:24
ethana2...they're still confusing04:24
ethana2I think people use this stuff for a lot more than I'm out to do04:24
goukiCan/Should be used for email, for example (besides the digital signatures used on packages).04:24
ethana2I wish Ubuntu was more heavily integrated with launchpad..04:24
ethana2I'd like to be able to enter my launchpad account info during the install process and have it pull my gconf and apt list from canonical servers..04:25
ethana2install my usual packages and settings, maybe a few files04:25
ethana2ok, well, now that that's evidently done04:26
ethana2time to prepare this package04:26
ethana2stellarium (0.10.0) jaunty; urgency=low04:30
ethana2  * New upstream version http://stellarium.org/features_in_0.10.0.php04:30
ethana2 -- Ethan Anderson <ethana2@gmail.com>  Sat, 08 Nov 2008 22:27:19 -060004:30
ethana2Is that valid?04:30
* ethana2 changes 'version' to 'release'04:31
jmarsdenLooks sane to me.  Not sure it really needs the URL in the changelog.  Does your updated package build cleanly and lintian finds no issues?04:32
goukiethana2, file a bug on Launchpad. Similar to an ITP from Debian.04:35
ethana2I haven't built the package this time yet04:35
ethana2gouki: I will, Debian already has a bug filed for this04:36
goukiethana2, you may find this useful too: http://goukihq.org/misc/bookmarks/insipid.cgi?tag=motu04:36
ethana2...I'll also have a package ready04:36
goukiExample of bugs: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=needs-packaging04:36
ethana2Actually, here's some things I wonder about04:37
ethana2Stellarium links against like three libs it doesn't use04:37
ethana2Should I unlink them, or not worry about it?04:37
ethana2Also, can I assume that the default makefile shipped with the source tarball has all the right flags?04:38
goukiWhat do you mean with links against?04:38
jmarsdenethana2: What does the previous package do?04:38
ethana2Like, will it make for binaries that are performant enough?04:38
ethana2jmsarden: what do you mean?04:38
jmarsdenethana2: You are upgrading a previous Ubuntu package for stellarium, right??04:38
ethana2gouki: the compiler says (this thing is linked with libraries whose symbols it doesn't use at all)04:38
goukiethana2, don't assume. Try and install on a VM (for example) and see if it works. This way you'll also be able to find about needed dependencies (from make configure and make output).04:38
ethana2jmarsden: that is correct04:39
ethana2gouki: i know it works, i've installed it04:39
ethana2gouki: what i don't know is if it gives gcc the parameters for highly optimized binaries04:39
jmarsdenethana2: So did the packager of that earlier version do special things wrt those libraries, or not?  Same regarding performance...04:39
ethana2Hmm..  not sue04:39
jmarsdenethana2: I'd suggest getting it working first, then checking performance/removing unnneeded libs etc..04:39
ethana2Well yeah, I've gotten it working04:40
ethana2...so once I build it next time I'll hunt down the unneeded linked libs and take 'em out..04:40
jmarsdenethana2: OK, so package it and upload a working package to your PPA, so others can see and test that package...04:40
ethana2will do04:40
ethana2I don't have a PPA yet, but I'll figure that out also04:40
goukiethana2, or to REVU.04:40
jmarsdengouki: No, REVU is for new packages not updates to existing ones... AFAIK anyway.04:40
goukijmarsden, ohh, OK!04:41
ScottKjmarsden: That's correct.04:41
goukiethana2, PPA still doesn't build packages for Jaunty, so you'd have to wait, I BELIEVE-04:41
ethana2so, REVU then04:42
ethana2but the intrepid version should work fine on jaunty04:42
jmarsdengouki: True, except that you can just create one with jaunty replaced by intrepid in the changelog and it works fine...04:42
goukijmarsden, indeed!! :)04:42
ethana2oh, did i..04:42
ethana2ohhhh, whoops..  i'll change that now04:42
ethana2stellarium (0.10.0) intrepid; urgency=low04:42
goukiYou need to change that version number.04:43
jmarsdenethana2: I'd suggest you test locally with it set for jaunty, and use a jaunty pbuilder.  Then when you know all is well, change that word and make the version 0.10.0~ethana2 and then upload that one to your PPA04:43
goukiIf it was a new package in ubuntu, it would be 0.10.0-0ubuntu1. Since this is an update to an existing package, I don't know how.04:43
ethana2It didn't have 'ubuntu's in the versions, I don't know why not04:44
goukiethana2, I've been taking some notes, that you may find useful: http://goukihq.org/misc/motu/notes/04:44
ethana2ah, thank you04:44
ethana2stellarium (0.10.0~ethana2) jaunty; urgency=low04:46
jmarsdenethana2: Because stellarium was packaged for Debian.  In fact, you might want to just ask Cédric Delfosse if he plans to package 0.10.0 for Debian soon, rather than diverge things bewteen Debian and Ubuntu packages of stellarium?04:47
ethana2perhaps, but I was also wanting to get a bit of packaging experience04:48
ScottKEven better offer him help.04:48
ethana2ah, that sounds good04:48
ScottKethana2: If you want to get some experience there are currently 82 open bugs in Ubuntu tagged 'bitesize'.  Have a look at some of those and try to tackle one.04:50
ethana2Well what I'm always running into04:51
ScottKI'm not sure I agree all of them actually are bitesize, but it's a good place to look.04:51
ethana2is apps where I can only get source code04:51
ethana2and I'm sick of not knowing how on earth to install them cleanly04:51
ethana2evidently checkinstall is the Wrong Way to do it04:51
ScottKGenerally yes.04:51
ethana2That's kind of what I'm going after at this point04:51
ScottKOK.  Well learning about packaging and the right way to do it via working on fixing bugs is one way to get there.04:52
ScottKThe problem with packaging new stuff is you really need to know about all aspects of packaging to do it well.04:52
goukiIf anyone could give this another review I would appreciate it. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=banihstypos04:54
* ethana2 has contacted cedric04:55
ethana2Ok, I've got the source in what I think is buildable shape..04:58
* ethana2 looks at gouki's notes04:59
ethana2....not seeing it04:59
ethana2  205  debuild -sa -S05:00
ethana2that's handy05:00
ethana2.....one more privacy concern05:00
goukinxvl, waiting for your comments about http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=banihstypos05:03
nxvlgouki: nice quote!05:03
goukiThat quote is everywhere now! LOL05:03
nxvlgouki: yeah, i'm at the airport right now i will check it in the plane05:03
ethana2ohhh, it /does/ need commas05:04
nxvlemgent: hi!05:11
ScottKemgent: You know your post to planet is going to be controversial, right?05:12
nxvlScottK: i was thinking on the same05:12
ethana2E: stellarium_0.10.0_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file jaunty05:12
nxvlit will start a lot of problems05:12
ScottKethana2: You can ignore that05:12
ethana2ScottK: thanks05:12
ScottKethana2: Lintian hasn't been updated to know about jaunty yet.05:13
ethana2what planet post are we talking about?05:13
ethana2ScottK: ah05:13
nxvlethana2: that's normal, you are using the intrepid version of lintian, which doesn't know about jaunty still05:13
nelleryyea that's probably not something that should be on planet...05:13
ScottKnxvl: Actually the Jaunty version doesn't either.05:13
nxvlyay for dev-tools05:13
ScottKWell last I heard the change in the Lintian VCS repo, just not uploaded yet.05:14
ScottKI did backport lintian 2.0 to hardy/intrepid though for people that want it.05:14
* jdong removes planet.u.c from his RSS feeds05:14
* nxvl HUGS ScottK for that05:15
emgentScottK: ?05:15
emgentit`s a stupid-funny joke :)05:15
ScottKAlso debootstrap, devscripts (for dch), and pbuilder05:15
nxvlemgent: some poeple will complain about your post saying "anal sex"05:15
* jdong thinks the nature of the content is inappropriate for the planet05:16
nxvlemgent: that's how community works05:16
ScottKemgent: It is, but there are also places in the world where people could get in real trouble just for reading such a thing.05:16
nxvlemgent: see, there is the first complain ^^05:16
nxvlor underage people reading planet05:16
emgentokkay for skip it, i will obscure it.05:16
nxvllike the (SOME_US) LoCo having problem with the police because a mom got scared05:17
jdongfor me this is the last straw in a series of bad-taste, off-topic, illegal, and/or unsafe content posted to the planet. and I am personally through with it05:17
ethana2I also think it's inappropriate05:17
ScottKemgent: I appreciate you doing that.05:17
ethana2I don't personally object too much, but I think it falls in that category05:17
ScottKjdong: He's agreed to deal with it when asked.  I think that's reasonable.05:17
nxvli ROLF reading it05:17
jdongScottK: yeah, for this instance it is reasonable.05:18
ethana2If he needs a replacement I can say something about lawyers and antiviruses05:18
jdongI don't think it'll stop the "here you can torrent the latest iSight firmware blob stolen from OS X" links though.05:18
ethana2jdong: that sounds helpful05:18
* ScottK didn't see that one.05:18
ethana2you paid for it if you have one05:18
ethana2Is it the only way to use mac webcams that you've bought?05:19
jdongethana2: no, you can... grab it from your OS X DVD or OS X partition05:19
nxvlwell, ilegal software copies are the worst enemy of free software05:19
ScottKHere's one that's funny, but totally inappropriate for planet: http://xkcd.com/463/05:19
ethana2same thing though...05:19
emgentdone, anyway i dont have nothing against anal sex with people with the same gender.. it was only funny quote :)05:19
jdongethana2: how is that the same thing at all?05:19
ethana2same data05:19
nxvlbecause people doesn't care about how much they need to pay for their software so they just don't look for alternatives05:19
nxvlxkcd is awesome05:20
* nxvl buyed a hoody05:20
jdongemgent: thanks for doing so -- I know there's a lot of readers of Planet who are pretty young and probably shouldn't be seeing content like that05:20
jdongI really appreciate it05:20
ethana2jdong: I don't want to be penalized for wiping my OSX install and snapping the DVD in half05:20
NCommanderwow, wait05:20
NCommanderanal sex?05:20
ethana2If I own the hardware, I have a right to do what it takes to use it under what OS I will05:20
NCommanderwhat happened to family safe?05:20
ethana2NCommander, don't worry it's being resolved05:21
jdongethana2: so that suddenly makes it okay to illegally distribute and obtain the firmware?05:21
ethana2ubuntu should handle it for the user05:21
ethana2like broadcom05:21
jdongethana2: agreed, that would be ideal05:21
ethana2....but I don't think Apple can be expected to be reasonable05:21
ethana2so you do what you must05:21
jdongethana2: but an acceptable workaround in the meantime is *NOT* for posting mediafire links to the firmware05:21
jdongthat is illegal and it's unfortunate to see the community's blogosphere condoning such activity05:22
nxvlgouki: i just got one lintian warning: binary without manpage which IIRC you are already solving, right?05:22
ethana2jdong: illegal and wrong seem like they cannot be the same thing here05:22
goukinxvl, it is solved, I believe.05:22
ethana2unless you ripped an iSight /out/ of a mac and slapped it into something else05:23
goukiI created the man page for it, just not sure it's being correctly installed.05:23
jdongethana2: it doesn't matter whether or not you *OWN* an iSight, it is not legal to distribute its firmware. period.05:23
nxvlalso i'm finding something quite odd, there is nothing inside *bin/*05:23
ethana2jdong: if you live in sweden?05:23
ethana2oh wait, copyright, not patent05:23
nxvlScottK: is that ok for a binary to go to /usr/games instead of any bin/ ?05:23
jdongethana2: software licensing doesn't apply in Sweden?05:23
ethana2jdong: I corrected my 'thinko'05:24
goukinxvl, I was told, by a lintian warning, that it should go to bin/ :S05:24
nxvloh yes, /usr/games is in the path05:24
ScottKIf it's a game, it has to go there.05:24
nxvlis ok05:24
goukinxvl, about the man page, well, the page is there, and I added what I believe is the correct way of installing it to debian/rules.05:24
ethana2I didn't know Apple could prevent other OS'es from running on their hardware, it's like a game console or something05:24
ethana2that's unfortunate05:24
ethana2...although most people using ubuntu on a mac will probably be dual booting05:25
nxvlgouki: also i will change "Initial release" for "Initial Packaging"05:25
* ethana2 gets back to his .dsc stuff05:25
nxvlor something like that05:25
nxvlor packaged for ubuntu05:25
goukiYou will change it?05:26
ethana2W: stellarium source: changelog-should-mention-nmu05:26
ethana2W: stellarium source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 0.10.005:26
nxvli use to use "Initial packaging for $(Debian/Ubuntu)"05:26
jdongethana2: FWIW this problem will soon be moot -- the new iSights in latest-gen Apple hardware persistently remember their last-loaded firmware05:26
nxvlgouki: no i won't touch it05:26
jdongethana2: i.e. you just have to boot into OS X once and the firmware sticks05:26
ethana2jdong: ah05:26
goukinxvl, oh OK. I'll change it then.05:26
nxvlgouki: also you can get rid of the firsts lines on rules05:27
goukinxvl, I'm more worried about the manual page ... :S Can you check rules to see if that is the correct way of installing?05:27
ethana2Those are the errors and warnings lintian gives me at this point05:27
nxvlgouki: the comment saying "This file is originaly, blah blah blah"05:27
nxvli think i have and old version05:27
goukinxvl, that's not in there anymore:05:27
nxvlyes i have05:28
goukihehe. yeah, yo do :)05:28
emgentuhm my @ubuntu.com mail alias seems broken..05:28
emgentsomeone can confirm it too ?05:28
goukiI receive an email a couple of minutes ago ...05:28
nxvlmine is working05:28
nxvlbut i'm a Canonical guy so it doesn't applies05:28
goukiIs it possible to delete a file from an upload? I accidentally included a non-needed file. In REVU, I mean.05:29
emgentScottK: your alias work ?05:29
nxvlgouki: just upload it again05:29
ScottKemgent: You mean Ubuntu mail address?05:29
goukinxvl, is there a way to download everything from an upload? I don't have the files on my HDD.05:30
ScottKemgent: No idea.  I don't use it.05:30
nxvli need to catch my flight in a bit05:30
nxvli hate airports05:30
ScottKgouki: Copy the link to the .dsc file and then dget -x path-to-file.dsc05:31
goukiScottK, thank you.05:31
nxvllast cigar before my flight05:32
goukinxvl, you can smoke on that airport?05:32
goukiWhere are you?05:32
nxvlat the smokers bar05:32
nxvlin the peruvian airport05:33
goukiScottK, that didn't download the folder. Any work around?05:33
goukinxvl, sweet. Here in Portugal you can't smoke inside any building.05:33
nxvli always pay the expesive cokes for having a cigar before my flights05:33
nxvlyeah, here too05:33
nxvlactually in any part of the world05:33
nxvlbut there are always smoke bars or stuff with the right infrastructure05:34
nxvlthe funniest i've ever seen was in the Barahas airport in madrid05:34
ScottKgouki: If you got the .dsc, .diff.gz, and orig.tar.gz then dpkg-source -x filename.dsc05:34
nxvlthose are funny05:34
nxvlgouki: you can use dget -x for it to unpack everything automagically05:34
nxvli've it on my rc file05:34
goukiIndeed! :S I forgot about that (read it on PackagingGuide).05:35
goukiThank you.05:35
nxvlthat's the magical line05:35
nxvlinside ~/.devscripts05:36
goukiSo you recommend removing *Initial release (LP: #) and replace it with *Initial Ubuntu package (LP: #) ?05:36
nxvlInitial packaging for ubuntu05:37
nxvlbut yes05:37
nxvlthat's the idea05:37
nxvlk i will check that in Boston05:37
nxvlmy flight is already boarding05:37
goukinxvl, lucky you!! :)05:37
goukiHave a good flight!05:37
nxvlread you later!05:37
ethana2...anyone care to help me knock out these lintian errors?   http://pastebin.com/d5fde89fa05:38
goukiethana2, use paste.ubuntu.com - It's easier on the eyes :)05:39
goukiThe first one can be ignored, as a more recent version of lintian is jaunty-aware.05:40
goukiDo you have the package somewhere?05:40
ethana2What do you mean?05:40
ethana2source tarball?05:41
goukiCan we browse the files somewhere?05:41
ethana2I don't quite get you....05:41
ethana2the files are very easy to locate on stellarium.org05:41
ethana2..and I did an apt-get source for the current ubuntu version05:41
ethana2and copied the /debian/ stuff over05:41
ethana2..and then started modifying it05:42
goukiThat's what I believe is required. The debian/ files.05:42
goukiIt would be good if it could go to REVU. Didn't know only new packages could go there.05:42
goukiMaybe ScottK or persia have a workaround.05:42
ethana2Well it's not up to par yet05:43
ethana2until nothing throws any errors05:43
ethana2from lintian to pbuilder05:43
ScottKgouki: Generally it's for new packages, but if someone wants to review it and you've got no where else to put it, REVU is fine.  Just leave a comment saying people doing new package reviews should ignore it.05:44
goukiethana2, there! :) Thank you ScottK.05:44
goukiIs there any other places to upload packages, besides PPA and REVU?05:44
goukiCould be useful to have a unofficial place for this kind of thing.05:45
ScottKI generally just put them on my web site.  Copy .dsc, .diff.gz, and .orig.tar.gz to a folder on the web server and give people a link to the .dsc.05:45
ethana2I'd rather not bother uploading until lintian is good with it, if possible05:46
ethana2more changes to coordinate05:46
goukiWould something like I mentioned have any interest to users? I would be happy to try and come up with something.05:46
ethana2gouki: sure05:46
ethana2collaborative packaging05:46
goukiWhat do you think ScottK?05:47
goukiethana2, stellarium is pretty fun :)05:48
ScottKI think occasional use of REVU is fine for such things.  I've never felt the need myself as I just copy/paste to my web site.05:48
ethana2Did the errors I pasted require someone else to have direct access to the files?05:49
goukiethana2, no. For me, at least, I would have a better idea of what the errors mean, by looking at the actual files.05:49
ethana2I can point you to them05:50
goukiFor experienced people, I don't believe it's crucial :)05:50
ethana2and   apt-get source stellarium05:50
ethana2I can make a .tgz of my modified /debian and give it to you via irc file transfer05:50
goukiUse REVU, so others can have a look at it. I want to see in order to learn, as I'm not the best person to be fixing errors :)05:51
goukiI'm the one complaining about them :P05:51
* ethana2 doesn't know how to use REVU yet05:51
goukiethana2, easy. Install dput. Add your GPG keys to Launchpad.05:52
goukiThen configure dput, by using this note, for example: http://goukihq.org/misc/motu/notes/dput.txt05:52
goukiThen just dput revu file_ending_with_changes.changes05:53
ScottKActually revu should be in the dput.cf already.05:53
goukiScottK, ohh, didn't know that. Cool.05:53
goukiThen, just dput revu file.changes ethana205:54
* ethana2 reads05:54
* ScottK heads to bed.05:54
ScottKGood night everyone.05:54
ethana2good night, don't explode05:55
ethana2gouki: That .changes file doesn't look very helpful..05:56
ScottKOK.  One more http://xkcd.com/293/05:57
ethana2aaand I'm confused again05:57
ethana2dput revu stellarium_0.10.dsc06:01
ethana2Should I do that?06:01
* ethana2 scratches head06:01
RAOFAt least, I'm pretty sure that'll give you an error. dput works on .changes files.  Do you have one?06:01
ethana2does it use the changes file to grab other files?06:02
RAOFThe changes file has (a) links to all the files and (b) nice hashes of all the files.06:03
ethana2neighbors secure wifi in 3...  2....06:05
* ethana2 shakes fist at 34 MB file06:05
RAOFSo, my buildbox went up in smoke on Thursday, and that was my screen+irssi+general webspace+whatever box.  Anyone have any recommendations as to virtual server host thingies?06:05
goukiRAOF, thingies being providers of VPS?06:07
jmarsdenRAOF: I've used http://johncompanies.com/ for a few years, and like them...06:07
wgrantRAOF: Lots of Ubuntu people use Linode.06:07
goukiI'm quite happy with Slicehost.06:07
* RAOF looks up all of those.06:10
StevenKLinode rocks06:16
StevenKRAOF: ^06:17
RAOFStevenK: I have heard good things about it, yes.06:17
* wgrant would have a Linode too if it weren't for the whole 17 and no credit card thing.06:20
* ethana2 should stop assuming everyone else is older than him06:21
wgrantWe've got people younger than me.06:21
NCommanderwgrant, your only 17?06:21
wgrantNCommander: Yes...06:22
* jmarsden will continue to assume that most people on IRC are *younger* than him... :-)06:22
NCommanderjmarsden, how old are you?06:22
jmarsdenNCommander: late 40s06:22
jmarsdenI have a kid older than wgrant :-)06:23
wgrantI'm sure somebody here can beat that.06:23
ethana2I have a mom older than you06:23
ethana2..does that...   count?06:23
jmarsdenethana2: I dount it :-)  I'll not start on the "I used punched cards on a mainframe in college" stuff...06:24
ethana2my grandma used to do that also06:24
ethana2keypunch op06:25
ethana2I've driven between Omaha, NE and Anchorage, AK 3 times06:25
ethana2...and when I find all those pics I took, I should put them on flickr under the CC-BY-SA06:26
ethana2Well, fact of the matter is that Shuttleworth has us all beat06:26
* elkbuntu raises an eyebrow.06:27
* wgrant removes elkbuntu's eyebrows.06:27
* elkbuntu steals wgrant's tickets to UDS.06:28
elkbuntueyebrows kthxbai.06:28
wgrantelkbuntu: Damn. OK, you can have them back.06:29
* elkbuntu returns wgrant's tickets to UDS.06:29
elkbuntuA pleasure doing business, as always!06:29
wgrantOf course, of course.06:29
* NCommander looks forward to see who he will be roommating with06:33
* StevenK already knows who he is roomie-ing with06:37
ethana2oh hey, it uploaded to revu06:38
ethana2...how do i find it?06:38
ethana2RAOF: dput revu stellarium_0.10.0_source.changes    was successful.  How do I find where it put the files?06:42
RAOFIt should now appear on revu06:42
ethana2...what page should it appear on?06:45
ethana2http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ doesn't show it, but I'm probably looking in the wrong spot06:45
RAOFYou've got a GPG key associated with on launchpad.net associated with the email address that you uploaded with?06:47
ethana2well, I didn't upload with an email address06:48
ethana2I just.. uploaded it06:48
ethana2When my machine tries to put addresses for me in things, it says ethan@home06:48
ethana2..which is my user on this machine06:48
RAOFBut you've got an email address in the changelog, and it'll have signed the packages with that key.06:48
ethana2and useless06:48
ethana2oh, yes06:48
ethana2i believe i got that right06:48
ethana2yes, it is correct06:49
RAOFI'm not sure, then.  REVU has been undergoing some changes, and it's been /some time/ since I last uploaded there :)06:50
ethana2gyarr, is there any 8.10 install on earth where the gnome core apps gnome-sound-recorder and cheese are functioning at all?06:53
ethana2I haven't seen one06:53
* ethana2 grabs lcpci from his mom's 1525n06:53
RAOFethana2: Mine, for example.06:57
ethana2Dell can't ship 8.10 until it's functional on their Ubuntu line of machines..06:58
ethana2I'm going to try to analyze the lspci I just grabbed......06:58
ethana2gahh, i needed lsusb, not lspci07:02
ethana2webcam is usb07:03
ethana2meh, both bugs confirmed on both the 1525n and the 1420n07:03
karoogaMorning. Anyone have links to packaging libraries?07:17
NCommanderkarooga, what library are you trying to package07:19
karoogaNCommander: it's called libastro. It's embedded in another app I'm trying to package.  ScottK suggested that I package them separately.07:20
NCommanderPackaging libraries is a PITA, not something I recommend doing  if you don't have prior packaging experience07:20
karoogaNCommander: PITA?07:21
karoogaah... :-)07:21
NCommanderpain in the a**07:21
karoogaNCommander: I'm here to learn and don't give up easily.07:22
jmarsdenkarooga: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/LibraryPackaging07:23
karoogaNCommander: are you saying that I shouldn't bother de-embedding the lib?07:23
NCommanderno, I'm not saying that07:23
NCommanderI'm just saying be prepared for pain ;-)07:23
karoogajmarsden: thanks.07:27
jmarsdenkarooga: No problem.  I found it in the collection of bookmarks I made a few months ago when I was new here... (so I'm *still* new here, I suppose).  Generally, if a Google search doesn't turn up whan you need, for Ubuntu development info, searching wiki.ubuntu.com often works.07:29
karoogajmarsden: thanks.  Yeah, google wasn't particularly useful.  Will bear in mine the wiki.07:30
karoogajmarsden: what are you packaging?07:30
jmarsdenI just fixed a minor bug in koverartist, now looking around at other "easy" bugs on LP I can tackle...07:31
jmarsdenMaybe about to try LP #2890607:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28906 in firehol "The rcS.d script for firehol starts before NFS and NIS" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2890607:31
jmarsdenAdvice needed: In a postinst script, is there a valid reason for doing:    update-rc.d firehol start 41 S . start 36 0 6 . > /dev/null   or am I looking at a typo/bug where the second "start" should really be "stop" ?07:35
Hobbseegouki: you're welcome :P08:56
HobbseeRAOF: belated agreement. Linode really rocks.08:59
RAOFYasumoto: I'm looking at your Miro merge; are you here?09:17
=== dfiloni is now known as devfil
RainCTIs stuff from task "minimal" always installed or can it be removed?   (ie, should it be in Depends?)11:32
geserRainCT: it's possible to remove ubuntu-minimal and packages it depends on11:35
RainCTgeser: OK, so the only packages which don't need to be depended upon are Essential ones?11:36
wgrantEssential and Build-Essential.11:36
NCommanderRainCT, can I release an update to ubuntu-dev-tools?11:47
NCommanderRainCT, I updated the buildd script to work on resocre again11:47
RainCTNCommander: sure11:47
StevenKNCommander: Can you pastebin the diff?11:50
NCommanderStevenK, for what, buildd?11:50
StevenKNCommander: Yes11:50
StevenKHobbsee: ^11:50
NCommanderStevenK, she already has it11:50
StevenKAh ha :-)11:50
NCommanderhow do you think I fixed it :-)?11:50
NCommanderStevenK, can't wait an hour for me to upload a package?11:51
NCommanderRainCT, any objection if I make the tools jaunty aware?11:51
RainCTNCommander: why would I? :)11:51
Hobbseeit works nicely for me :)11:52
NCommanderRainCT, committed11:54
* NCommander wishes he could rescore :-(11:56
* RainCT whiches that NCommander won't be able to rescore *g*11:57
NCommanderRainCT, why not ;.;?11:58
RainCTNCommander: because you'd give your own uploads the highest priority :P11:59
NCommanderI won't11:59
NCommanderMy uploads already have that11:59
NCommanderlinux-ports takes priority when uploaded ;-)11:59
NCommanderRainCT, uploaded to the archive12:00
RainCTuhm.. what face is ";.;" supposed to be? :P12:00
NCommandercrying anime style12:00
NCommanderStevenK, its uploaded. If you want it for Intrepid, I'll do a backport (although it would need a single source level modification)12:01
StevenKIt was only curious as to the changes12:01
NCommanderlet me get the diff12:01
NCommanderThe name of the variables in the forum changed12:01
NCommanderit really was a oneline change12:02
NCommanderStevenK, http://pastebin.ca/124946012:03
sebnerDktrKranz: \o/12:10
DktrKranzhappy debian day sebner12:10
sebnerDktrKranz: you too12:11
NCommanderhey DktrKranz12:12
DktrKranzmorning NCommander12:12
NCommanderDktrKranz, know any good intrepid/hardy bugs that need work?12:12
DktrKranzthere are many, but I've none handy12:13
NCommanderDktrKranz, oh, can you verify a bug for me?12:17
NCommanderDktrKranz, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/mtd-utils/+bug/29442812:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294428 in mtd-utils "mtd-utils build fail" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:18
DktrKranzah, right. I fought with VMware yesterday, and I lost... but I can test it12:18
* NCommander confirmed in a chroot which I think it good enough but since your SRU ...12:18
DktrKranzdoes it require X to be tested?12:18
* NCommander can get X to work ina chroot just fine ...12:19
* DktrKranz has a virtualization instrument provided by University of Bologna, simply great12:20
NCommanderDktrKranz, I verified the proposed package :-)12:30
DktrKranzmark it in the bug report12:31
NCommandernow what?12:32
DktrKranzI'll do it too12:32
DktrKranzso we can tag it accordingly12:32
DktrKranzNCommander, any ideas on http://hattory.no-ip.info/jaunty/result/collectd_4.4.2-2ubuntu1/collectd_4.4.2-2ubuntu1.buildlog ?12:33
NCommanderDktrKranz, add libupsclient1-dev as a build-dep12:33
DktrKranzalready there12:34
NCommanderwhat does ls -lah /usr/lib/libupsclient.so say on the subject?12:35
* DktrKranz tries12:35
DktrKranzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Nov  9 12:36 /usr/lib/libupsclient.so -> libupsclient.so.1.0.012:36
DktrKranzls: cannot access /usr/lib/libupsclient.so.1.0.0: No such file or directory12:37
DktrKranzwhat the heck...12:37
NCommanderBroken package12:38
NCommanderFile a bug against libupsclient12:38
NCommanderWell, make sure the package is fully installed12:39
NCommanderAre you sure libupsclient1 is installed?12:39
DktrKranzroot@utumno:/# dpkg -L libupsclient112:40
DktrKranzwhy is library there?12:41
NCommanderThat's a legit packaging bug12:43
* DktrKranz checks if Debian is affected too12:44
NCommanderWe have an Ubuntu diff12:44
DktrKranzdebian is affected too12:46
* NCommander sighs12:46
* NCommander files an RC bug12:46
lidbhello, I have set "Email notifications", but I still do not get a email when someone comments my uploads12:46
lidbwhat should I do?12:46
DktrKranzNCommander, stop. look at debian 49159112:48
ubottuDebian bug 491591 in libupsclient1 "libupsclient1: move libupsclient.so.1 from /usr/lib to /lib" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/49159112:48
lidband the merge account always failed with MOD_PYTHON ERROR12:48
NCommanderDktrKranz, bug sent to Debian12:50
NCommandertoo late12:50
NCommandernut (2.2.2-8ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low12:51
NCommanderWhoever did the merge then did it wrong12:51
* NCommander checks Debian12:52
lidbhello, my "Preferred email address" is empty, what should I do?12:55
NCommanderDktrKranz, checking the Debian packaging, still a bug12:57
devfilNCommander, DktrKranz: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=49159112:58
ubottuDebian bug 491591 in libupsclient1 "libupsclient1: move libupsclient.so.1 from /usr/lib to /lib" [Normal,Closed]12:58
* NCommander amends and retitles his bug12:58
RainCTlidb: on REVU?12:59
RainCTok I see12:59
NCommanderdevfil, I think /lib though might be a policy violation13:00
devfilI think the same thing13:01
lidbRainCT, yes13:02
azeemwell, nut is in /bin13:02
NCommanderFHS says its library should go into /lib13:02
NCommander(in that case)13:02
* NCommander actually went and looked it up :-)13:02
lidbRainCT, my account is "lidaobing" on revu13:03
RainCTlidb: "merge accounts" should work now13:03
RainCTah wait13:03
* NCommander tests his fix13:03
RainCTlidb: now merge whould really work :P13:05
RainCTlidb: and it should assign you the e-mail address which you merge (I need to change this some day so that it fetches the e-mail from LP)13:06
lidbRainCT, sounds works, thanks13:08
iulianDktrKranz: Hey, do you work on piuparts merge? Can I take it?13:28
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
DktrKranzNCommander, there are two roads: move symlink to /lib too and adjust rdependencies (collectd) or leave it for compatibility purposes13:33
DktrKranziulian, I see it has been uploaded again, so check in PTS if versions match, but please go ahead13:36
slytheringeser: are you planning to merge/sync freeguide (You are the last uploader)? Or should I start working on it?13:37
iulianDktrKranz: Yes, 0.33 was uploaded yesterday to Sid. We have 0.31 in Jaunty.13:43
DktrKranziulian, good. it's all yours ;)13:54
iulianDktrKranz: It's done. u-u-s is already subscribed to the bug report.13:54
iulianThanks :)13:54
DktrKranzI processed a bit yesterday, but I'd like to focus on RC bugs today13:55
slytherinIs there a definitive list of RC bugs? I would like to work on java apps/libs.13:56
DktrKranzslytherin, I look at http://bts.turmzimmer.net/details.php?bydist=both&sortby=bugnr&new=7&refresh=1800, but anybody please correct me if it's the wrong one13:58
azeemyou can ask in #debian-release I guess14:01
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=== Guest66702 is now known as santiago-ve
geserslytherin: feel free to do the merge as I'm currently to busy doing merges myself (you can also work on other merges from me)14:18
slytheringeser: ok14:18
ScottKNCommander: Would you please do a backport for ubuntu-dev-tools to hardy/intrepid now that it's been updated to know about Jaunty.14:27
james_wmorning all14:38
RainCThi james_w14:39
james_whey RainCT14:40
* sebner winks james_w 14:41
iulianHello james_w14:41
james_wwho's up for tackling some Debian RC bugs today?14:41
RainCTimpressive response :P15:10
james_wheh :-)15:15
james_wLaney: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=504528 isn't fixed :-)15:16
ubottuDebian bug 504528 in libghc6-configfile-dev "libghc6-configfile-dev: Fails to configure: MissingH-1.0.1 doesn't" [Serious,Open]15:16
DktrKranzRainCT, that's why we fixed them all ;)15:18
iuliandevfil: Hey, about the mapnik merge. libagg-dev was added twice in the Build-Depends field, that's the reason why I removed it.15:37
devfiliulian: then explain it in the changelog15:37
iuliandevfil: I don't understand the second sentence. In the end, the homepage field is also an Ubuntu change.15:38
iuliandevfil: But I can remove it, since it increases the delta between Debian and Ubuntu.15:38
devfiliulian: it was already in the Ubuntu package?15:39
iuliandevfil: No, I added it, but isn't it an Ubuntu change as well?15:39
devfiliulian: yes, but you need to add it as new change15:40
devfil* Merge from debian, remaining ubuntu change:15:40
devfil   - old ubuntu change15:40
devfil* New ubuntu change15:40
devfilthis is usually what we do during a merge15:40
iulianAh-ha, didn't know that, thanks. Will attach a new debdiff in a moment.15:41
iuliandevfil: Done, see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19513117/mapnik_debdiff16:05
* Laney eyes NCommander 16:28
Laneytake it you didn't see my u-d-t branch16:28
=== bureflux is now known as afflux
iulianI'm looking for someone to upload this patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/69228/plain/ for me.16:57
* RainCT grumbles about the Wikipedia survey asking what you nacionality is but not including Catalan in the list.. If I wasn't German also I couldn't participate :P17:09
sebnerRainCT: Catalan = Spain :P :P :P17:14
* RainCT hits sebner with a big, stinking fish17:16
* sebner hides17:16
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
* jdong thinks prevu needs a test suite....18:20
jdongnow to go about doing that...18:20
nellerysiretart: I updated my keepassx bzr branch for a new upstream release18:43
slytherinThe file that is supposed to contain information about patching system is README.source right?19:05
slytherinand what should be the file called if it talks about repackaged source by deleting jar files etc.19:09
ScottKslytherin: If you're repackaging the source, that's supposed to be described in debian/copyright.19:14
slytherinScottK: There is a package where I messed up with file names and Debian developer messed up even more. Instead of having a README.source I added README.Debian. There was already a README.Debian-source which talked about removal of jar files and the Debian developer renamed it to README.source.19:16
slytherinI am hoping that this gets noticed and package gets rejected with right reason.19:17
slytherinRejected form Debian queue I mean.19:17
ScottKREADME.source is about patch systems.19:17
slytherinScottK: Right. But the Debian package has now a README.source that talks about removal and a README.Debian that talks about patch system. So it is wrong order.19:18
ScottKAgreed.  I doubt it'll get rejected out of New for that though.  It could.19:19
ScottKJust file a bug after it gets out.19:19
ScottKREADME.source is in debian-policy 3.8, so it's not optional.19:19
slytherinI had already files a bug about absence of README.source but the Debian developer didn't read my comments fully. I will add another comment on the bug.19:20
dmoernerit's in 4.1419:21
dmoerneroh you mean version not section number19:21
JDahlI am trying to debug a python extension module, and I keep getting this error "ImportError: foo.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4", and from searching on google this looks to be a known problem with python-dbg in Ubuntu.  Has any of you encountered a similar problem?19:31
JDahlI know this is not the Ubuntu support channel,  but I thought you guys probably know more about than the ordinary support channel19:32
ScottKJDahl: What version of Ubuntu are you running?19:35
ScottKJDahl: Would you please pastebin the full traceback?19:36
slytherinAre any archive admins around for a manual sync?19:36
POXJDahl: you tried to import a module for which you don't have -dbg package isntalled, you're welcome, next time ask on #debian-python ;P19:36
ScottKPOX: ;-)19:37
sebnerScottK: so many questions ;D19:37
ScottKslytherin: Unlikely on a weekend.  Just file a sync request.19:38
slytherinScottK: I have. It is acked. I was checking if anybody is available.19:38
ScottKsebner: Next question is remind me what I sponsored of yours so I can check.19:38
JDahlPOX, you're right...19:38
ScottKslytherin: OK.  Patience then I guess.19:38
sebnerScottK: and if I can't remember (I have a bad brain :\) Besides I have to answer your 2nd question first =)19:39
slytherinyes, I need lots of it. Got to go to bed. :-)19:39
sebnerScottK: but from quick thinking I can't really remember even 1 sponsorship19:40
ScottKAnd yet you cc'ed me on your application as a sponsor?19:41
sebnerScottK: no, I CC'ed you because you once told be that you want to comment ;) Besides, you are the only person that asks this questions I think so this is maybe good as well19:41
siretartnellery: uh, you just upgraded the branch. that's not the way I usually work. Rather upgrade the upstream branch first, then merge it in19:45
ScottKsebner: OK.19:45
nellerysiretart: which is the upstream one?19:50
nellerythe trunk?19:50
siretartnellery: use bzr vis or log to identify the latest commit of the upstream branch19:53
siretartnellery: for that particular branch, it is the revid siretart@tauware.de-20081002072609-4dhynib9wtj8wxom19:54
nellerysiretart: I'm a bit lost.. sorry, I don't have very much experience working with bzr20:01
siretartnellery: in your branch, do the following: 'bzr push -rrevid:siretart@tauware.de-20081002072609-4dhynib9wtj8wxom ../upstream'20:01
siretartnellery: then go to ../upstream, and import the new upstream tarball20:02
siretartnellery: then go to the trunk branch, and merge the new updated upstream branch20:02
siretartthere is also a plugin called 'bzr-builddeb' that automates these steps with the command 'merge-upstream'20:02
nellerysiretart: how do I import the new upstream tarball?20:06
siretartnellery: I have this function in my zshrc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69734/ (should also work with bash)20:08
siretart(to be run in '..', the upstream branch must be named 'upstream'20:09
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
nellerysiretart: could this just be done by uploading the .diff.gz, or should the branch be used?20:18
ajmitchgood morning20:19
siretartnellery: sorry?20:20
nellerysiretart: rather than using a branch to upload the new upstream release, could we just do it normally with the .diff.gz20:21
siretartnellery: in theory, we could just avoid using bzr, right. I however really like bzr's 'merge' feature.20:22
nellerysiretart: that's a good point, but I'm terrible with bzr, so perhaps I should just leave this to you?20:23
bmmHi, I get a PPA rejection with: Cannot build any of the architectures requested: any. What am I doing wrong??20:40
goukibmm, you have 'jaunty' on the changelog?20:40
bmmgouki: metalink (0.3.4-0ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low20:41
goukiLaunchpad still doesn't support jaunty, bmm.20:41
bmmgouki: Aaah... thanks :D20:42
bmmgouki: but revu needs it, right? :)20:42
goukiNo problem. I had the same question yesterday.20:42
goukibmm, that I do not know.20:42
siretartnellery: new upstream version uploaded to debian. we can sync it tomorrow from experimental21:10
POXany Pylons fan around? (there are some packages to sync from unstable/experimental if someone has some free time)21:17
POXany Django/TurboGears fan around? (ready to be converted to Pylons ;)21:20
ScottKPOX: Sync from Unstable is automatic right now if there are no Ubuntu changes.21:27
POXyeah, but I uploaded some packages to experimental21:27
ScottKIn that case just file sync requests and I can ack them.21:28
ScottKJust be sure to specify from Experimental and the version/revision.21:28
POXthat's why I asked, I'm too lazy (aka busy) to test it in ubuntu chroot :)21:29
POX(and some people complained about old SQLAlchemy in Ubuntu on #sqlalchemy)21:30
* ajmitch wishes that it'd be feasible to autosync from experimental21:36
* sebner waves to geser 21:37
ajmitchexcept that small thing about it being a mix of real experimental stuff, and stuff meant for unstable21:37
ScottKajmitch: Requestsync now at least has a -d flag you can set to experimental.21:41
ScottKSo asking isn't so hard.21:41
ajmitchScottK: yeah, it does mean we need to be watchign experimental for new upstream versions21:41
ajmitchinstead of dealing with the inevitable post-release complaints21:43
sebnerScottK: my answer is already on the way (but needs aproval since I'm not subscribed). How many questions do you plan to ask me? but be warned I won't tell you what you want to hear, I tell what I really think ;)21:43
ScottKsebner: That's good that you say what you think.21:43
ScottKsebner: Why don't you subscribe while your app is pending.21:44
sebnerScottK: Well I first didn't realize that I'm not subscribed (because I was once) and I though when I'm MOTU I don't need subscription. I usually read that stuff on the web21:44
bmmHi. If anybody is out there and willing to comment, my upload can be found at: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=metalink Thanks! Any and all comments are welcome ;)21:56
=== geser_ is now known as geser
RainCTbmm: I've done a quick review :)22:05
bmmRainCT: just what I need :D I'm trying to get back into the game. Thanks!22:05
goukihttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=banihstypos if anyone has time :) Want to see if everything is alright before moving to other stuff.22:09
goukiAnyone has any idea why tss (terminal screensaver) was dropped for hardy and intrepid?22:22
ajmitchbecause it was removed from debian22:22
ubottuDebian bug 476313 in ftp.debian.org "RM: tss" [Unknown,Closed]22:23
goukiWow! Too bad :S22:24
jmarsdenIs there a "bzr for MOTUs" quickstart page somewhere?  The Wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrContributorHowto assumes you already know bzr itself... looks like it might be time for me to get to grips with bzr.  I already know cvs and svn well.22:33
jmarsdenAnswering my own question: Looks like http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/mini-tutorial/ may be enough to get me started :-)22:36
goobsoftCan someone help me understand the following build error?22:37
goobsoftdpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory22:37
azeemmake: Nothing to be done for `binary-arch'.22:39
StevenKgoobsoft: You don't do anything on amd64, since the binary-arch rule is empty22:39
azeemgoobsoft: it's a Arch: al package22:39
azeemor something22:39
goobsoftYes, the package is written in python.  I have "Architecture: any" in the control file.22:40
copproit's Arch: all22:41
copprogoobsoft: Architecture: any is for a package that will work on any architecture, but needs to be rebuilt for each. Architecture: all has a platform-independent .deb22:42
goobsoftAh, thanks22:43
swegnerI'm trying to build a package using pbuilder, and I'm getting unmet dependencies for packages that should clearly be available.  It's probably a problem with my configuration, although I can't track down exactly what.  Is there a pbuilder guru around that could help?23:18
swegnerNevermind, think I found it-- I update the COMPONENTS in my .pbuilderrc, and forgot to specify --override-config when running "pbuilder --update"23:26
Hobbseeswegner: that'd do it.23:39
radixwhat's the best way to find out what "dh --with" addons are available? I can't seem to find any index of them23:40
radixoh okay, I found the implementation files in the perl library.23:42

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