
=== jonathan__ is now known as jjesse
seeleRiddell: if youre considering fixing the stretched logout menu graphic, other plasma themes might be of help.  e.g. glassified is using a graphic and it isn't scaled in a funny way02:23
NCommanderHey Riddell03:00
NCommanderScottK, I thought you said not to bother03:21
ScottKNCommander: ^^03:22
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaScottK: If you have some time could you sponsor a fix for bug 283438?03:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283438 in kdenetwork "Kopete (KDE 4.1.2) crashes on KDE logout" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28343803:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: I'm still trying to bend kdebase-workspace to my will.  Maybe after that.03:35
ScottKOK well got past the CMake foolishness.  Now it's just a question of waiting for it to build.03:55
ScottKJontheEchidna: Thoughts about http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2008/11/msg00103.html ?03:57
ScottKI applied the upstream patch in our 4.1.3 packages.03:57
ScottKNCommander: Did you say you had a kdenetworking fix?03:59
* NCommander looks at kdenetwork03:59
JontheEchidnaeew, that libs issue looks nasty03:59
NCommanderoh yeah04:00
NCommanderadd libsm-dev as a build-dep I believe clears it04:00
NCommanderI don't think I actually test built it to see if it fully works though since someone said don't bother04:00
JontheEchidnargreening tested that yesterday04:01
JontheEchidnaand Riddell added the dep to the Qt packages yesterday too04:01
JontheEchidnaso irt to the libsm-dev issue I think we're all good04:03
ScottKI guess I'll retry the builds then.04:10
rgreeningHey ScottK04:10
rgreeningwhats kikin tonight04:11
ScottKAny ideas on http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2008/11/msg00103.html04:12
JontheEchidnaI don't think I have the technical know-how about the cache system to be of much help I'm afraid04:12
rgreeninghmm... dunno...04:15
* JontheEchidna heads off to get ready for bed04:16
* Riddell twists brain around dh_sameversiondeps10:52
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
* smarter wonders what is causing bug #28526511:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285265 in kdegames "KPatience dies with ASSERT: "!pixmap().isNull()"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28526511:19
ScottKRiddell: Would you please accept the kdenetwork in intrepid-backports11:24
RiddellScottK: what's new?11:26
ScottKRiddell: Fixes a kopete crash.11:27
smarterare we going to put 4.1.4 in -updates?11:28
Riddellwe need to talk to slangasek and pitti about that11:28
RiddellScottK: accepted11:28
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.11:28
ScottKRiddell: Conveniently we have the precended of
ScottKprecedent ...11:29
smarterbecause the kanagram crash annma complained about is still there without the change to the packaging of kdeedu 4.1.3 no?11:29
Riddelle-mail sent, let's see what they say11:41
ScottKFYI, http://www.undefinedfire.com/kde/please-check-for-duplicates/ are all but one Kubuntu submissions (the other is Debian).12:01
* ScottK snoozes12:02
apachelogger_kde bug 17460412:10
ubottuKDE bug 174604 in general "Kwin crashes at kde startup : signal 11" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17460412:10
apachelogger_kde bug 17474712:11
ubottuKDE bug 174747 in general "KWin SIGABRT on logout" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17474712:11
apachelogger_kde bug 17476512:11
ubottuKDE bug 174765 in general "kwin crashes on kde startup" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17476512:11
apachelogger_ScottK: nothing out of the ordinary, however it might be that some X package (if there is any at all) in backports is exposing these issues12:13
apachelogger_smarter, Riddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kubuntu-icons-mono/trunk12:21
rgreeningRiddell ScottK: yeah that kopete crash is ANNOYING. Every logout... it crashes.12:57
JontheEchidnargreening: did the fix work?12:58
rgreeningapachelogger, Riddell: when I install wine, all the programs show up in lost and found. any suggestions on a fix? Would it be wine or KDE to make changes in?12:59
rgreeningJontheEchidna: haven't done any update to see yet12:59
JontheEchidnaI was gonna try it last night, but I couldn't start a new session because I ****ed up xorg.conf13:00
apachelogger_rgreening: KDE13:02
apachelogger_rgreening: I think the kde4-applications.menu is still crap, even though I made it less crap13:03
apachelogger_should be fixed in KDE trunk already13:03
JontheEchidnayea, last time I checked trunk it was working13:03
JontheEchidnaapachelogger_: I think kdebase-workspace needs some conflicts for pre-merge versions13:04
rgreeningapachelogger_: Wine installs a new directory (Wine) along with sub-folders, which nevewr seem to get used. Consequently, KDE doesn't know anything (or claims not to) about wine-Programs-Accessories dir tree and the desktop files then get linked to Lost and Found. Any suggestion I what I can do to fix that? It worked in KDE 3.5.13:06
ScottKapachelogger_: My thought is maybe people are too quick to go upstream with bugs and we need to give them clearer instructions somehow.  Deluging upstream with useless backtraces isn't a great help.13:08
* JontheEchidna hates it when he can't read the backlog because the computer got turned off :(13:09
* ScottK hands JontheEchidna irclogs.ubuntu.com13:16
JontheEchidnahmm, now why didnt' I think of that?13:16
* ScottK imagines it's unlikely any sarcastic remark he makes would improve on JontheEchidna's internal dialogue already in progress.13:17
* JontheEchidna is still half asleep to be honest13:17
JontheEchidnaha, seems I didnt' miss much last night after all13:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: I uploaded kdenetwork, kdepimlibs, and kdebase-workspace.  Thanks.13:18
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome13:18
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: very much so13:22
apachelogger_rgreening: check the kde4-applications.menu file :P13:23
JontheEchidna(<= 4.1.3-0)13:23
apachelogger_ksycoca only relies on that .menu file IIRC13:23
apachelogger_so either KDE doesn't use some file which would be necessary to parse the wine menu properly, or the basic one is just doing funny stuff again13:24
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: (<= 4.1.3)13:24
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: -0 equals no revision which makes it pretty much pointless :P13:24
apachelogger_ScottK: the kbugthingy precisely states where to go and what to do13:25
apachelogger_ScottK: if they want distros to pre-handle that stuff they should give us a way to adapt that kbugthingy so it fits our needs13:25
apachelogger_or, which would make even more sense, don't suggest posting incomplete backtraces13:26
apachelogger_it's really not that difficult to read the gdb output and tell the user the aggregated information are insufficient and don't display the backtrace at all13:27
Riddellapachelogger_: those kubuntu-icons-mono could probably just go into upstream?13:27
Riddellrgreening: does wine create .desktop files?13:27
apachelogger_Riddell: technically, would have to talk with danny... though if we include it into upstream deploying a new revision is going to be a greater effort13:28
ScottKapachelogger_ and JontheEchidna: -0 is actually potentially harmful.  4.1.3-0 > 4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 - Screws up backports.13:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did 4.1.3-0 get used somewhere?13:29
apachelogger_ScottK: we won't backport from jaunty though ;-)13:30
ScottKapachelogger_: OK.  I just a want to make sure none of the stuff that went direct to intrepid-backports has that.13:30
ScottKapachelogger_: Generally we should allow for it though.13:30
RiddellScottK: then backports should use 4.1.3-0~intrepid1 surely13:30
apachelogger_that still would be < -013:32
Riddellisn't that the point?  it's a backport13:32
apachelogger_dood, read backlog :P13:32
Riddellgood idea13:32
apachelogger_I need someone to read my bug mails, btw13:33
JontheEchidnaI just browse the bug mail archive page13:33
JontheEchidnano need to flood my inbox13:33
JontheEchidnaI do subscribe to certain bugs though13:34
apachelogger_one filters them :P13:34
apachelogger_JontheEchidna: if you don't subscribe kubuntu-bugs it could take a long time until grave issues get attention13:35
ScottKRiddell: 4.1.3 is sufficient.  No need to stuff a revision on there at all.13:35
ScottKThere's actually a lintian test that whines about -1 revisions for this exact reason.13:36
rgreeningRiddell: yep13:39
rgreeningapachelogger_ thanks. I'll look into it.13:39
apachelogger_ScottK: that test only applies for build-deps13:40
ScottKIt's equally applicable to run time deps too though.13:41
apachelogger_If I don't get my mail handling fixed soon I will have to flood someone with my bug mail flood.13:43
* apachelogger_ looks at JontheEchidna 13:43
ScottKNCommander: Any chance you could look at KDE 4.1.3 in intrepid-backports on powerpc and see about fixing it up a bit?13:47
NCommanderwhat bit is broken?13:47
ScottKNCommander: I can start you with http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19533672/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-powerpc.kdenetwork_4%3A4.1.3-0ubuntu1%7Eintrepid2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:48
ScottKNCommander: I haven't looked further.13:48
NCommanderScottK, same issue we're having w/ lpia13:48
NCommanderbroken dependencies13:48
ScottKNCommander: OK, but powerpc built before, can we work our way out of it?13:49
apachelogger_the question is, why does kdebase-workspace not build13:49
NCommanderThe problem is that libplasma-data doesn't get built in, hence broken dependencies13:51
apachelogger_NCommander: there is no such package, is there?13:52
* apachelogger_ never saw libplasma-data13:52
NCommanderit might be another dat13:53
* NCommander is kinda half alseep13:53
jjessemorning :)13:53
apachelogger_NCommander: and why does that not get built?13:54
* apachelogger_ suspects becuase kdebase-workspace is not built :P13:54
rgreeningapachelogger_: have a look at this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/69986/ Cobbled together missing bits (probably incomplete). Similar would have been done in KDE 3.513:54
apachelogger_the only packages that could prevent others from building is kdebase-workspace13:54
NCommanderapachelogger_, it does, it just doesn't get installed13:54
apachelogger_that sounds like super fun :P13:54
apachelogger_rgreening: looks hackish13:57
rgreeningapachelogger_: looking at kdelibs4 and this <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir> is missing from kdelib5 version of kde4-applications.menu. That will fix it13:58
rgreeningapachelogger_: any reason to not have that line then?13:58
rgreeningworks here.13:58
apachelogger_don't remember13:59
apachelogger_reading the spec right now13:59
rgreeningapachelogger_ without it, all Wine apps get junked to a single top level Lost & Found, which isn't very user friendly. So, unless we find something better, it may be worthwhile to add this in.14:01
apachelogger_rgreening: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-latest.html14:03
apachelogger_I think ksycoca just doesn't recognize/treat the wine applications properly14:04
apachelogger_rgreening: you have /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/wine.menu?14:04
* rgreening looking apachelogger_14:09
rgreeningapachelogger_ ^14:10
rgreeningapachelogger_: without the <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir> line in kde4-applications.menu, I don't see any Wine directories. With it added, I do.14:11
apachelogger_ /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged should be used through defaultmergedirs14:12
rgreeningdoesn't seem to... apachelogger_14:12
apachelogger_something in the internals of ksycoca/kded/kdelibsfancystuff is not using defaultmergedirs properly14:12
apachelogger_rgreening: I suggest you find someone in #kubuntu-devel who knows about that stuff14:12
rgreeningk. will do...14:12
apachelogger_akonadi startup worked14:14
apachelogger_now I just need to get the security board to agree with allowing imap connections :P14:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell, ScottK, apachelogger_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69995/14:22
JontheEchidnaScottK: so launchpad janitor is closing bugs when uploads to -backports are made?14:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.14:23
* ScottK filed a bug about that.14:24
RiddellJontheEchidna: uploading14:26
* JontheEchidna afk for 15 minutes14:27
=== i^d]gXEm is now known as LjL
Riddelltwo Nightrose's! we are blessed14:32
apachelogger_that could be WDP14:33
Nightrosetwo is better tan one right?14:33
apachelogger_depends on the intention of #214:34
Nightroseevil of course14:34
Nightroseyou know good and evil twin and stuff14:34
apachelogger_sounds dangerous14:35
ScottKCould be fun.14:39
apachelogger_ha! hu! he!14:39
apachelogger_Nightrose: I zink I no why ze phonon is not woerking14:40
* rgreening creates #kubuntu-inuendo...14:40
Nightroseapachelogger_: ohhhhhhhh14:40
apachelogger_nah, doesn't make much sense I think14:41
apachelogger_export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/project-neon/lib:$NEONDIR/lib14:41
apachelogger_that should actually prevent wrong libfun14:41
Nightroseok - brb - changing client14:43
apachelogger_oh noes14:43
apachelogger_Nightrose: I forwarded you a mail14:44
apachelogger_I think I found someone to work on the phonon b0rkage ;-)14:44
Nightrosewill have a look14:45
* apachelogger_ pokes JontheEchidna with bug 29622314:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296223 in kdebase-workspace "annoying dialog appears "Monitor setup has changed" kde4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29622314:46
apachelogger_read tha description before closing bugs :P14:46
JontheEchidnamaybe he has a TV tuner card or something14:47
apachelogger_would that cuase such stuff?14:47
apachelogger_I actually think that either that is an issue caused by the implementation shortcomings in 4.1 or some X fancy stuff is buggish14:48
JontheEchidnaperhaps he has his computer hooked up to the TV and when somebody turns it on the dialog pops up14:49
apachelogger_rofl, the chief of our legal department just turned direction 6 times14:51
JontheEchidnakubotu: chat about your mom14:51
kubotuI can't :(14:51
Nightroseapachelogger: ok so I try to get him to fix the phonon b0rkage?14:52
apachelogger_I am too busy conducting a study about the influence of caffeine :P14:53
rgreeninganyone here still have KDE 3.5 (hardy) available to test something?14:57
rgreeningI need ot confirm that DefaultMergeDirs in Hardy w/ KDE 3.5 doesn't work either.14:58
apachelogger_I deleted my hardy vm the other day :P15:00
ScottKIIRC a|wen has it.15:00
apachelogger_Riddell: I mailed Danny about including our icons in the KDE set15:01
lex79ScottK: corrected, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-memusage15:01
rgreeninga|wen: ping15:01
Riddellapachelogger_: great15:01
apachelogger_lex79: I consider "  * Repacked .tar.bz2 to .tar.gz. tarball, no other changes. " bad practise because most KDE apps get deployed as bz2 anyway15:03
ScottKapachelogger_: Repacking the tarball should be documented though.15:03
ScottKWhat's your suggestion?15:03
apachelogger_not mentioning it15:03
Riddellseems useful to mention15:03
apachelogger_lex79: I guess you only did bunzip && gzip?15:03
apachelogger_Riddell: we would have to do it for every KDE package then15:04
lex79yes, yrd15:04
Riddellseems not un-useful to mention :)15:04
lex79bunzip and gzip15:04
apachelogger_Riddell: but unnecessary ;-)15:04
apachelogger_lex79: if you lower the debhelper dependency you have to lower the compat level as well15:04
Riddellspeaking of which, I wonder why our .orig.tar.gz files always end up with a different md5sum than Debian's15:05
apachelogger_debhelper 5 can't run with compat 715:05
ScottKapachelogger_: In a KDE context I can see how it would seem redundant, but in a broader sense not everyone knows that.15:05
ScottKapachelogger_: Good point.  I failed to mention that in my comment.15:05
lex79so, debhelper 5 with compat 5 ?15:05
lex79ah ok... and no repacked?15:06
apachelogger_Riddell: different platforms I guess, also gzip vs. gzip -9 would generate different md5sums I guess15:06
RiddellI always use -9, I expect Debian does too since it's in their policy15:06
apachelogger_lex79: up to you, it is not un-useful but unnecessary15:06
ScottKRiddell: If you reroll the same tarball more than once do you get the same md5sum?15:07
a|wenrgreening: pong15:07
apachelogger_Riddell: then it's due to different platforms I suppose, that is the reason I bunzip/gzip the KDE release tarballs on my server because we always ended up with different md5sums15:08
apachelogger_ScottK: yes IIRC15:08
a|wenrgreening: still have a hardy running on my old laptop ... what do you need tested?15:08
apachelogger_the only sensible explenation I have is x86 vs amd6415:08
RiddellScottK: hmm, no15:09
RiddellI guess the timestamp on the .tar gets updated15:10
apachelogger_that could be15:10
Riddelloh well, at least we're not doing something needlessly different15:10
glade88will kde4.2 support video thumbnails? or is there a workaround on 4.1.3 as well?15:11
lex79apachelogger_: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kradioripper I spoke with Riddel yesterday evening, said that is correct, no legal issue15:11
apachelogger_seeing how trunk got thumbnails I would suppose it also got them for video15:11
ScottKUnless there's a non-zero chance we'll sync I don't think it's significant.  It'd be nice if grab-merge didn't give you the Debian orig.tar.gz though.15:11
apachelogger_lex79: you should package a plasmoid with cdbs ;-)15:12
apachelogger_more fun that is15:12
glade88apachelogger_: so no way to get thumbnails working on the current release?15:12
apachelogger_glade88: nope15:13
glade88apachelogger_: oh.. ohk15:13
apachelogger_lex79: ScottK will not like the debhelper 7 dependency in kradioripper15:13
apachelogger_lex79: the dep on kdelibs5 (>= 4.1.3) is still not necessary15:13
rgreeninga|wen: do you have wine installed? or can you?15:14
RiddellI'm going to give up trying to understand dh_sameversiondeps and just accept that it seems to do the right thing15:14
apachelogger_lex79: ${shlibs:Depends} is going to take care of this15:14
a|wenrgreening: it's installed15:14
ScottKI don't mind a debhelper 7 dependency if it's actually required.  In this case it wasn't.15:14
rgreeninga|wen: ok, now, edit the following file : /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications.menu15:14
ScottKAnyone have any idea how to convince dpkg-shlibdeps to emit the actual symbols it's using to figure out the dependency?15:15
rgreeninga|wen: remove the MergeDir line and see if youe Wine menu stuff disappears15:15
apachelogger_ScottK: as invoked by debhelper?15:15
rgreeninga|wen: supposedly, the DefaultMergeDirs entry in that file is supposed to cover the MergeDir entry. It doesn't (at least in KDE 4)15:16
apachelogger_rgreening: it is likely that 4.1 doesn't support it properly because 3.5 didn't and they didn't finish the standard compatibility by the time 4.1 got released15:16
ScottKapachelogger_: Yes.15:16
apachelogger_ScottK: export DH_VERBOSE=1 doesn't do the trick?15:17
rgreeningapachelogger_: yeah, and apparantly the dev working on it buggered off.15:17
ScottKapachelogger_: I didn't actually try that.15:17
* ScottK tries.15:17
rgreeningso, apachelogger_, we need to make it work, and using MergeDir in applications.menu in kded is the only way currently to do so.15:18
apachelogger_ScottK: IIRC dpkg-shlibdeps expects a -v so dh_verbose should make debhelper invoke it with the -v argument15:18
apachelogger_oterwise I would consider this a debheper bug ;-)15:18
a|wenrgreening: it's still there when logging in after changing it ... should i check with a new user instead?15:18
ScottKWell I invoked dpkg-shlibdebs with -v and that didn't emit enough detail.15:18
rgreeninga|wen: is this under KDE3.5?15:19
a|wenrgreening: yes15:19
apachelogger_ScottK: maybe it does with dh_verbose, otherwise I think you will have to hack something up15:19
* ScottK throws up his hands and whines upstream.15:19
apachelogger_rgreening: it does work in trunk, so the most appropriate solution would be backporting the necessary change(s)15:19
ScottKOK.  I'll try it.15:19
rgreeningapachelogger_: it works? ok, so I guess we need to look at figuring out the diffs.15:20
apachelogger_rgreening: that is why I suggested you talk to someone who knows more than the parts which are possibly causing the issues ;-)15:20
rgreeningapachelogger_: and the dev is dead15:21
apachelogger_I kinda doubt that only one knows how that stuff is handled15:21
a|wenrgreening: in kde3.5 it still exists after removing the MergeDir line ... even with a new user15:22
rgreeninga|wen: hmm... that's bizarre.15:22
apachelogger_lex79: both looking good from what I can tell right now, I will give them a more precise review once I am home, you might want to get an advocation from ScottK meanwhile15:23
apachelogger_lex79: and the next package has to be without cdbs or I won't review it :P15:23
rgreeningok, I guess I need a Hardy VM to test myself.15:23
rgreeningthe code hasn't changed from 3.5 to 4.115:23
lex79ahahah ok apachelogger_ tanks15:23
apachelogger_rgreening: what code precisely?15:24
lex79*thanks :D15:24
* apachelogger_ is wondering how Nightrose always manges to make apachelogger appear like a person who actual does work15:25
* Nightrose demands cookies15:25
apachelogger_kubotu: yo bot, do we haz cookies?15:26
kubotu'afternoon apachelogger_ :)15:26
ScottKlex79: Did you upload one with the compat level fixed?15:26
apachelogger_Nightrose: don't have cookies @ work15:26
Nightrose:( too bad15:26
rgreeningapachelogger_: vfolder_menu.cpp15:27
rgreeningapachelogger_: in fact, it hasn't changed in 4.2 either15:27
lex79ScottK: no...I will do it15:27
lex79ten minutes :)15:27
apachelogger_rgreening: is that handling the parsing and menu creation?15:27
ScottKWould someone please fix libplasma in Jaunty so I can testbuild stuff?15:27
rgreeningapachelogger_: from what I see, I believe so.15:28
apachelogger_ScottK: we should just upload 4.2 packages15:28
apachelogger_rgreening: that would appear weird15:28
apachelogger_rgreening: maybe one of the patches breaks it15:28
rgreeningapachelogger_: yeah. I'm stumped15:28
rgreening11_kde4_applications_menu.diff <- maybe apachelogger_15:29
ScottKapachelogger_: I think we should get the merges working or at least building first so we know we're starting with good packaging, but yes we should do that soon.15:29
apachelogger_rgreening: maybe, unlikely though15:29
apachelogger_rgreening: just try without that patch15:29
rgreening-     VFolderMenu::SubMenu *kdeMenu = g_vfolder->parseMenu("applications.menu", true);15:30
rgreening+     VFolderMenu::SubMenu *kdeMenu = g_vfolder->parseMenu("kde4-applications.menu", true);15:30
rgreening^^^ apachelogger_: that may do it.15:30
apachelogger_rgreening: if that was causing the problems the whole parsing wouldn't work15:30
rgreeningapplications.menu is the merged stuff.15:30
apachelogger_applications.menu is gnome15:30
lex79ScottK: in changelog, I have to remove "Repacked .tar.bz2 to tar.gz ....etc" ?15:30
lex79not necessary?15:30
apachelogger_applications-merged/* is the merge stuff15:30
apachelogger_lex79: you don't have to, you can15:31
apachelogger_rgreening: IIRC I added a fix to the applications.menu, if the line you pasted would cause the problems that patch I added wouldn't work either15:32
apachelogger_rgreening: the only thing I can imagine is that the applications.menu => kde4-applications.menu patch is incomplete15:32
rgreeningapachelogger_: could be15:33
apachelogger_otherwise it is more than likely that not only that file you were talking about it is responsible for the menu generation15:33
ScottKlex79: Riddell and I suggest you leave it.  apachelogger_ suggests you remove it.  I'd prefer it left, but won't block on it not being there.15:33
lex79I just removed it in this package :)15:35
rgreeningapachelogger_: as it stands, I think that MergeDir works and is included int eh spec and since DefaultMergedDirs doesn't appear working at this point, we should add in MergeDir for the time being.15:35
apachelogger_~facts about apachelogger15:37
kubotu[5/13] apachelogger has a batman pyjama. [6/13] "...and apachelogger hates workarounds". [7/13] apachelogger loves to pimp his hookers15:37
apachelogger_rgreening: that would solve the issue for wine, and only that15:38
apachelogger_no crossover, no cedega, no other 3rd parties15:38
jjesse~facts jjesse15:40
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help facts'15:40
jjesse~facts about jjesse15:40
kubotuI know nothing about jjesse15:40
rgreeningapachelogger_: umm.. no, <MergeDir>applications-merged</MergeDir> has nothing to do with wine specifically15:41
rgreening-1 apachelogger_ :)15:41
apachelogger_that is a good point indeed15:42
apachelogger_anywho, it doesn't inherit properly15:42
apachelogger_at least I wouldn't assume it does15:42
rgreeningsomething greater than nothing in this case15:42
apachelogger_still no more than a workaround15:42
rgreeningwhich we used for KDE 3.5 anyway15:42
rgreeningbr0ken < working15:43
apachelogger_rgreening: don't ever use our 3.5 packaging as reference15:43
apachelogger_take a look at the amount of patches in kdelibs and kdebase15:43
rgreeningin this case, unless someone can get it working, it should go in 4.1.3 packaging/update15:44
rgreeningbut I digress now.15:44
JontheEchidnaRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70034/15:44
ScottKHeya mok0.15:44
mok0Is 4.2 planned for jj?15:45
ScottKmok0 is a KDE using MOTU who's interested in helping with getting stuff packaged up for KDE 4.2 in Jaunty.15:45
apachelogger_rgreening: talk to upstream!!!! :P15:45
lex79ScottK: I reuploaded http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-memusage15:45
ScottKmok0: One of our unofficial release goals is to get all the plasmoids packaged we can.  So one thing you can do is keep an eye out for those on REVU and prioritize them for comments.15:45
ScottKlex79: I'll look.15:45
mok0ScottK: That sounds very doable15:46
* apachelogger_ notes to poke mok0 when we start 4.2 work15:47
mok0apachelogger: thx15:47
ScottKmok0: RIght now we are just finishing merging in the Debian KDE 4.1 packaging improvements and we'll push to 4.2 snapshots pretty soon.15:47
lex79apachelogger_ http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Adjustable+Clock?content=9282515:47
apachelogger_~karma clocks15:47
kubotukarma for clocks: 215:47
kubotukarma for JontheEchidna: 215:47
lex79plasmoid-adjustableclock ?15:47
apachelogger_now that is lame15:48
lex79or plasmoid-adjustable-clock15:48
JontheEchidna~karma clocks15:48
kubotukarma for clocks: 315:48
lex79uhm IoI15:48
JontheEchidnaoh, so that's how karma works15:48
apachelogger_lex79: former15:48
* ScottK thinks we have enough clocks.15:48
ScottKlex79: Advocated.15:49
apachelogger_lex79: upstream calls it adjustableclock-0.2.tar.bz2 no reason to differ from that15:49
apachelogger_ScottK: one can never have enough clocks ;-)15:49
lex79ScottK: thx15:49
ScottKmok0: You might have a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-memusage15:49
mok0ScottK: just looking at it15:49
ScottKlex79: Take a note of the comment though and discuss with upstream.15:49
lex79ScottK: I will talk about it with upstream15:50
apachelogger_oh dear15:55
apachelogger_I am so going to miss my train15:55
mok0ScottK: got memusage plasmoid installed now. What is your point about fontsize? Seems pretty ok to me16:25
mok0ScottK: the default colors are pretty horrible16:27
lex79mok0: this plasmoid is very ugly :)16:27
mok0lex79: well, with colors adjusted it can become much nicer16:28
lex79ya ya16:28
mok0lex79: I was worried about my monitor catching fire when it first came up16:29
lex79ehehe :) install plasmoid-cpuload, it same16:30
mok0sizzle burn pop16:31
mok0We should have a recommended color palette16:31
mok0lex79: argg cpuload doesn't let you change the color scheme16:32
ScottKmok0: On my display the words are chopped off because the font is bigger than the space for the letters.16:33
rgreeningRiddell: can I diff kdegraphics 4.1.3 intrepid for the purposes of the debian merge (or do I still need ot do against 4.1.2 in Jaunty)?16:33
Riddellrgreening: using 4.1.3 is fine16:33
mok0ScottK: I see. My problem was that I had to change the size of the window, otherwise that pie-diagram looked squashed16:33
rgreeningok, looks like a lot of changes in debians 4.1.3 for kdegraphics...16:34
ScottKlex79: One of the things that attracts people to KDE4 is it's beauty (Current Gnome looks very tired in comparison, IMO) and so we need to give upstream feedback on the asthetics of their projects.16:34
ScottKmok0: I tried that.  The fonts did a perfect job of scaling with changing the window size (-:16:34
ScottKErr :-(16:35
* DaSkreech grants Nightrose Kookies. hope they suffice16:35
mok0ScottK: Isn't there a standard Kubuntu color pallette?16:35
mok0ScottK: When people use #ff0000 etc. it looks terrible.16:36
Nightrosevery kind of you DaSkreech ;-)16:36
* Nightrose munches the cookies16:36
mok0ScottK: The standard kde color scheme is more subdued16:36
Nightrosesorry Kookies16:36
DaSkreechapachelogger: Isn't Nightrose a card carrying groupie?16:37
Nightrosei am16:38
rgreeningRiddell: actually, in this case it doesn't matter... lol. when I upload this one, can you make special attention to it? lot's of the dev files have changed names, and I am worried about that and impact on other packages (possibly).16:40
rgreeningRiddell: i.e. libkipi5-dev.install instead of libkipi-dev.install16:40
Riddellrgreening: oh hmm16:43
RiddellI wonder if we can kill the KDE 3 kipi in jaunty16:43
RiddellI expect we can16:43
Riddellrgreening: so go with the names debian is using for kipi, kdcraw and whatever the other one is16:44
Riddelland add Conflict: for the old name we used in inrepid16:44
DaSkreechRiddell: kipi plugins?16:45
RiddellDaSkreech: yes16:45
Riddellintrepid has two versions of them16:45
DaSkreechWell kipi code sprint jsut ran. SHould be a good indication once it settles as to how viable it is for KDE416:45
mok0Hmm, it's 51 degrees celcius in Washington, DC...16:49
mok0according to the weather applet16:49
DaSkreechsame thing :)16:50
DaSkreechplasmoid = plasma applet16:50
DaSkreechas opposed to an Apple applet :)16:50
mok0DaSkreech: Thanks for pointing that out16:50
DaSkreechOr a google gadget or Yahoowidget16:51
DaSkreechAll being applets16:51
mok0DaSkreech: applets, plasmoids, widgets, /me gets confused16:51
lex79I send an email to upstream author of memusage16:51
mok0Still, pretty hot in Washington DC... must be the presidential transition creating all that steam16:52
mok0lex79: cool16:52
mok0Not the weather thingie I am looking for... it only works in the US16:53
nixternalRiddell: I can't remember the fix for gnupg that you told me about when I get the following error when trying to sign a package:16:53
nixternalgpg: problem with the agent - disabling agent use16:54
nixternaldebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting...16:54
DaSkreechmok0: In short applets is always right :)16:54
DaSkreechplasmoids just means it's KDE specific16:54
Riddellnixternal: I don't have a fix except reboot.  unset GPG<tab>  worked16:55
nixternalya, found it grepping my logs...thanks!16:56
nixternalreboot doesn't fix it either16:56
mok0DaSkreech: ... and then we have the Apple Dashboard widgets, and Adobe's air and Googles... wft?16:56
DaSkreechmok0: Isn't Plasma cool :)16:57
mok0DaSkreech: honestly?16:57
DaSkreechmok0: Yeah Plasma can run all of them16:57
mok0DaSkreech: Aha. I was going to answer "No". I am holding back awaiting you to tell me how to use if with Dashborad widgets16:58
DaSkreechmok0: I forget fully if that got into 4.116:58
DaSkreechI think it might have but you have to install them from the command line16:58
DaSkreechAIR the plan is to have them available by KGHNS in 4.216:59
mok0DaSkreech: I see, sounds interesting16:59
mok0DaSkreech: what's the difference between the kplasmoids-* and the plasmoid-* packages?17:01
ScottKmok0: The weather around here has been unseasonable.  Very nice.17:01
ScottKhere = Washington DC area.17:01
mok0ScottK: but 51 degrees C? :-)17:02
rgreeningRiddell: sure thing...17:02
ScottKNot that warm, no.17:02
ScottKmok0: Sounds about right for night time degrees F though.17:02
mok0ScottK: It's a bug in the weather plasmoid. It doesn't convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius17:02
mok0ScottK: It also only works for the US which is a shame17:03
rgreeningRiddell: do we care about libkipi-common then? looks like the icons were pulled out of libkipi and put into common in our old package but are contained in libkipi5.install in debian17:03
Riddellrgreening: scrap it then, add a conflicts: libkipi-common to libkipi517:05
smarterapachelogger: great, did you do some of these icons?17:06
rgreeningRiddell: k17:06
rgreeninglots to do for kdegraphics :)17:06
smarterapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/m4950ced117:06
DaSkreechmok0: That I don't know :)17:07
mok0ScottK: the weather applet ougth to use the ICAO id17:07
ScottKSure thing.17:07
DaSkreechThe weather applet only does F ?17:07
mok0DaSkreech: I think the kdeplasmoids* are collections of plasmoids17:08
DaSkreechFrom playground most likely17:08
mok0DaSkreech: It doesn't convert when you choose Celcius17:08
apacheloggersmarter: funnies17:09
apacheloggersmarter: I am trying to get permission to move them to offical mono anyway17:09
mok0DaSkreech: ah now it worked17:09
smarterapachelogger: would be cool17:09
apacheloggersmarter: it gives us less control though :P17:10
apacheloggerPushed up to revision 7.17:10
* smarter is not overly excited by monochromatic icons control :p17:10
* apachelogger loves the akonadi debugger17:12
apacheloggermakes me feel busy17:12
smarterworks :)17:12
smartercan I fix0r "No cmake_minimum_required command is present." ? :}17:12
apacheloggersmarter: pointless17:13
apacheloggerwhat's to be done?17:13
apacheloggerI am feel all productive with an almost working mail access again ;-=17:14
apacheloggerNightrose: carsten also forked the old release script, see kdeedu main dir17:14
apacheloggermakes me think that thing was not half bad17:14
Nightroseapachelogger: anything i need to do? or just have a look and see if i can use something of it?17:15
apacheloggerit's from the _old_ script17:15
apacheloggerI don't even have to look at it that the new one is better :P17:15
apacheloggerNightrose: just wanted to tell you about the need of a proper place for it17:16
apacheloggerNightrose: IIRC gilles mailed the extragear list some time ago17:16
apacheloggerdunno if that lead to anything17:16
Nightrosenot that i know - but i am not subscribed to that list17:17
* apachelogger asks the google17:17
lex79adjustableclock doesn't build :(17:27
nixternalRiddell: any idea where I can find doko?17:27
nixternallooks like he hasn't been online in like 2 weeks17:30
nixternalI fixed his ant package17:30
apacheloggerlex79: are your plasmoids uploaded yet?17:35
lex79colors are ugly17:36
lex79http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-memusage I send an email to author17:38
ScottKJontheEchidna: If I read your debian/changelog entry for kde4libs, what about people upgrading from the KDE 4.1.3 packages in backports?  Don't those versions need to be conflicted on too?17:39
JontheEchidnaScottK: those would be less than 4.1.3, right?17:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: No.17:42
ScottK4.1.3-0ubuntu1~hardyx is still bigger than 4.1.317:43
JontheEchidnathat's why I wanted to do a <= 4.1.3-0 in the beginnging17:43
ScottKI thought you were asking about for a depends, not a conflicts.17:45
apacheloggerlex79: are you going to upload an improved kradioripper today?17:46
apacheloggerotherwise I am going to do some management stuff17:46
lex79yes, next time... this evening17:47
apacheloggerRiddell: meeting options from wed - sun each 2 pm to 11 pm UTC?17:55
apacheloggernixternal: would you be able to attend a meeting in that daily time frame?17:56
Riddellnot saturday17:56
Riddellapachelogger: as a list of options that fine17:56
lex79apachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kradioripper17:56
nixternalapachelogger: what day?17:56
apacheloggernixternal: wed, thu, fri or sun17:57
nixternalI could potentially on a tuesday or thursday17:57
lex79I go away now, write your comment in revu please...bye17:57
nixternalsun yes, wed and fri == no17:57
nixternalpossibly thu17:57
apacheloggerRiddell: is next tuesday also possible?17:57
Riddellapachelogger: it is17:59
smarterThursday(from 7pm utc), Saturday and Sunday possible17:59
apacheloggerok, I'll add that as well17:59
Riddellsmarter: how's kdeedu coming along?17:59
smarterhmm, forgot a bit about that :}18:00
smarterI'll do it tomorrow18:00
smartershame that I can't get a merge tool working for that18:00
smarterit'll be for the next round of merges I guess18:00
apachelogger_Riddell, nixternal, Nightrose, seele, yuriy, Tonio_, JontheEchidna, vorian, claydoh, smarter, ScottK, Arby, ryanakca, everyone else who thinks to have something to discuss: http://doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=tvt9bb3fvtbqda8v18:11
Nightroseaiai sir18:12
smarter"GMT +01:00 (Etc/GMT-1)"18:12
smarteris that -1 or +1?18:12
apachelogger_+1 I would say18:13
apachelogger_smarter: you could select a real timezone I guess :P18:13
ScottKapachelogger_: Can you delete stuff that's submitted?  I messed up.18:13
apachelogger_ScottK: you should be able to edit18:14
apachelogger_NCommander did that once I think18:14
rgreeningapachelogger: Nov 2009?18:16
smarterwhy is there only midnight available for saturday?18:17
DaSkreechThe server will be out drinking18:17
apacheloggerrgreening: that indeed seems quite futurish18:17
apacheloggersmarter: Riddell can't do saturday18:18
NightroseScottK: you can click "edit an entry" in the left sidebar on doodle - not sure if that also lets you delete an entry though18:20
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  By the time I noticed the well disguised link to change an entry, I'd put a second one in, so I just made the first one available always so it wouldn't throw off the totals.18:20
ScottKYeah.  Don't think I can delete it.18:20
apacheloggerScottK: I just did18:20
apacheloggerand renamed the really entry18:20
apacheloggerthe interface is not the best example of good design really18:21
ScottKWhich I just deleted because I thought it was the old one.18:21
* ScottK does again.18:21
* apachelogger gets cookies for Nightrose, ScottK and apachelogger18:21
DaSkreechapachelogger: Good thing you invited seele :)18:21
Nightroseyay Kookies18:21
apacheloggerwe might be kooks but we are eating ze cookies18:22
DaSkreechI get kookies at my work :-P18:22
apacheloggerone kooky work that must be :P18:22
apacheloggerNightrose: do we have a fixed phonon yet?18:22
DaSkreechapachelogger: You don't even get cookies at your workplace :-P18:23
apacheloggerbut coffee18:23
apacheloggerloads and loads of coffee18:23
apacheloggergod thing I only start work at 7:30, the legal crew starts at 7:00 for some unknown reason and got 3 cups by the time I arrive18:24
apachelogger+o somewhere18:24
Tm_Tso what's our cmake situation atm?19:04
Tm_Tfor intrepid I mean, will we rely on some ppa to provide 2.6.2 ?19:04
ScottKRiddell and I were discussing that the other day.19:05
Tm_Tah, and?19:05
ScottKI said I wasn't sure.19:05
Tm_Tbackports ?19:05
ScottKRiddell: I've thought about it and I think a CMAKE backport would be fine.19:05
Tm_Twould be great19:05
Riddelllet's do it then19:06
Riddellany volunteers for a test compile?19:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: I uploaded your kde4libs patch and your kdepim19:06
ScottKTm_T will do it no doubt.19:06
Tm_Tumm, it needs compile tests? as in it's in ppa done many times already?19:06
Tm_Tbut I can do, if you tell me how (:)19:07
Riddellwhich ppa is it in?19:07
Tm_TRiddell: apachelogger has it in neon, http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cmake/19:07
Tm_Tand https://launchpad.net/~pgquiles/+archive/+build/74505119:07
Riddellseems to be in https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-experimental/+archive too19:08
Tm_TRiddell: I thought I mentioned it (:)19:08
RiddellScottK: shall I do the backport then?19:08
Tm_TRiddell: I thank you (:19:08
apacheloggerTm_T: kubuntu-experimental != neon :P19:09
Tm_Tapachelogger: I know19:11
Tm_Tapachelogger: they were separate19:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: kdepim failed, it's a bug in kdesdk-workspace I fixed, we'll retry it in a bit19:25
rgreeningsmarter: how you making out with kdeedu merge19:51
smarterrgreening: [19:00:25] <smarter> hmm, forgot a bit about that :}19:51
smarter[19:00:27] <smarter> I'll do it tomorrow19:51
apacheloggeris it me or is bugs.debian.org not reachable?21:07
NCommanderapachelogger, ack21:07
apacheloggerthat's like bugs.kde.org ... always down when you need it ;-)21:08
* DaSkreech swats bugs.kde.org21:08
* NCommander watches it die21:09
* DaSkreech does Khest Kompressions21:09
apacheloggerwe should start reporting KDE bugs at the gnome BTS and add empty bugs with link to the gnome BTS within the 3 office hours BKO has per day :P21:10
NCommandersparc lost a builder21:11
NCommanderas in litterially lost21:11
Tm_TNCommander: noone knows to which island it went?21:12
DaSkreechcan someone confirm that installing the kcron package installs a whole lot of documentation but no binaries?21:18
DaSkreechSystem settings module21:19
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
glade88has digikam-kde4 been deleted from intrepid? or is 0.10.0 version still available?21:54
apacheloggerit depends on kde 4.2 nowadays21:54
glade88apachelogger: ok. ty21:55
apacheloggerglade88: we are probably going to deploy it via the same repo we will have 4.2-pre-stable packages in21:55
glade88apachelogger: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3099241 -- was asking for this :)21:57
apachelogger"when packages get lost" ;-)21:59
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|ZzZ
Riddelltesters needed for bug 29058922:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290589 in kde4libs "Long dbus command displayed on dialog when trying to mount hard drive via dolphin" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29058922:14
NCommanderRiddell, stupid question, when do we want to start packaging 4.2?22:17
Riddellthat's a sensible question and yes we probably do22:18
RiddellI wonder if there's a recent snapshot22:18
NCommanderTHere is22:18
NCommanderAlpha 1 comes out in two weeks22:18
NCommanderFinal release is shortly before FF22:18
ScottKMy suggestion was make sure we got our merged done and building and then move on to 4.222:18
NCommanderThe wiki says we do22:19
NCommander^have our merges done22:19
NCommanderWe need to figure out why PPC and lpia are having a pissy fit w/ libplasma however22:19
ScottKAs of earlier today we were still doing cleanups.22:19
Riddellstill a couple to be completed and I gave up on kdebindings :(22:19
NCommanderRiddell, how do you do merges?22:19
NCommander(libplasma-dev is installable IF, and only if kdeworkspace-data is manually installed)22:20
Riddelltake the debian package and add our changes generally22:20
ScottKI think kdebindings should wait until the current Debian package gets out of New.22:20
RiddellScottK: it's in experimental now22:20
ScottKMake NCommander do it since he asked.22:20
Riddellbut I couldn't get the c# stuff to work from their build nor could I work out where the crucial difference is that makes it work22:21
* NCommander screams22:21
RiddellNCommander: libplasma-dev installs for me now22:21
NCommanderon lpia?22:21
Riddelloh, no22:21
Riddellnormal arches :)22:21
* NCommander whacks Riddell 22:23
ScottKNCommander: At least lamont did my PAS change so you don't have to worry about them on hppa.22:23
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
NCommanderyay, we don't care about HPPA :-P22:23
NCommanderRiddell, where is your current merge?22:23
RiddellNCommander: of what?22:24
NCommanderThat way I only have to fix the C# FTBFS, and not actually have to fight the rest of the merge22:24
Riddellthere's no compile failure, it's a runtime issue22:24
Riddelland I don't have anything useful of a merge, it's just a big mess on my filesystem now, best just to take the one from debian experimental if you want to see if you can get it working22:25
NCommanderwhats the runtime error?22:26
ScottKNCommander: You could problably sucker <-<-<-<- convince directhex to help with it.22:26
Riddelllong backtrace about something in smoke22:26
NCommanderScottK, typically the backspace key is ^H ;-)22:26
ScottKCan you tell I live with teenagers.22:27
Riddellah, maybe lex79 can test that bug :)22:28
lex79Riddell: which bug?22:29
Riddelllex79: bug 29058922:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290589 in kde4libs "Long dbus command displayed on dialog when trying to mount hard drive via dolphin" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29058922:29
lex79Riddell: test in intrepid or jaunty? I am in jaunty now22:32
Riddelllex79: oh well, it needs intrepid22:33
lex79:( so sorry, I updated to jaunty yesterday, I will install intrepid tomorrow in a separate partition22:35
ryanakcaapachelogger: *sigh*, it'll only let me take times from 8 to 5... I'm always at school on weekdays, 8-5...22:38
DaSkreechlex79: main computer ?22:39
lex79DaSkreech: ya :)22:40
DaSkreechTad bit jumpy eh? :)22:40
lex79;) it works fine22:40
lex79for now LoL22:41
DaSkreechAh the implications of for now :)22:42
DaSkreechIf Ubuntu didn't mess with the toolchains so much I'd probably do the same22:42
DaSkreechGetting a sweet Upto date KDe 4.2 on day 6 would be sweet :)22:43
DaSkreechRiddell: are you planning on attending Kamp ?22:43
* a|wen tries to find where to mount things in dolphin <-- Riddell guidance please22:43
DaSkreechDon't you just click the icons?22:44
a|wenDaSkreech: but where is the "my media" icons (or whatever they are called)?22:45
a|wendoesn't work to click on /dev/sd?? :)22:45
RiddellDaSkreech: no current plans, it's on the wrong side of the world22:46
Riddella|wen: it should be in the sidebar if hal thinks it should be mountable22:46
rgreeninga|wen: have you looked at the New Device Notifier applet? It shows mountable devices. Also they show up in dolphin in the places panel22:47
a|wenoh ... seems my fat32 restore drive is not classified as mountable22:50
DaSkreechRiddell: Alright22:50
lex79a|wen: your fat32 is not in /etc/fstab?22:52
a|wenlex79: probably it22:53
Riddellwe need disks not in /etc/fstab22:53
a|wenhow do i loose enough rights to get prompted?22:54
ScottKThat was my problem when I tried to verify that one.  Everything just worked.22:54
JontheEchidnais the patch in backports?22:54
RiddellJontheEchidna: which patch?22:55
JontheEchidnathe dbus command for mounting things22:55
Riddellshould be22:55
JontheEchidnadon't seem to work for me22:56
* JontheEchidna updates to make sure22:56
a|wenJontheEchidna: works for me (running backports)22:56
* ScottK uploaded it.22:57
JontheEchidnamaybe I need to reboot or something22:57
Riddella|wen: great, please comment on bug 29058922:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290589 in kde4libs "Long dbus command displayed on dialog when trying to mount hard drive via dolphin" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29058922:58
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
a|wenRiddell: done ... do you need it tested w/o backports enabled?23:06
Riddella|wen: only if it's easy for you to do23:08
a|wenhmm... virtualbox doesn't support using host usb-devices, thought it did23:10
a|weni'll test it tomorrow if i get the time to upgrade my desktop machine :)23:10
DaSkreech<knome> QUESTION: Is apachelogger affiliated with the Apache project?23:48
DaSkreechHA HA HA23:48
DaSkreech(01:58:12 PM) JontheEchidna: I'll be happy to answer further questions in #kubuntu23:50
DaSkreech(01:58:21 PM) JontheEchidna: ...to a degree though :P23:50
DaSkreech That's great :)23:50
* JontheEchidna brings attention to kde rev 88259423:59
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=882594&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 88259423:59

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