
Ahmucksadly, i may be moving from kubuntu to ubuntu00:00
tacosarecoolHey ahmuch00:01
tacosarecoolYou have a stickam account?00:01
zir-rtAhmuck: why?00:01
tacosarecoolOr whoever00:01
Ahmuckmenu system00:01
tacosarecoolBecause is anyone else getting the glitch00:01
tacosarecoolOn stickam00:01
Ahmuckand now it takes a G of ram to do the same thing00:01
tacosarecoolLike you can't make a video on it I could on another site00:02
Ahmuckwhat is stickam ?00:02
tacosarecoolIt is a webcam site00:02
tacosarecoolIt worked in kde300:02
zir-rtAhmuck: that is straing, but also linux uses all the ram memory to cache and buffer, not only apps.00:03
granadobuenas noches a todos00:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:04
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tacosarecool!page rendering wrong00:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:09
bluecopperquick question00:09
bluecopperhas anyone upgrade to open office 300:10
zir-rtbluecopper: I dont, but I know there is a repo :)00:11
bluecopperi did my upgrade but i cant seem to write to .docx format00:11
bluecopperi can read docx but i cant write to it00:11
zir-rtbluecopper: It can't00:11
zir-rtbluecopper: openoffice.org 3 can only open/read docx archives00:12
zir-rtalso the same with the excels.x archives00:12
bluecopperIn addition to read and write support for the Microsoft Office binary file formats (.doc; .xls, .ppt, etc.), OpenOffice.org 3.0 is now capable of opening files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.). Thus, OpenOffice.org users can interact with users still using Microsoft Office. The various filters for the Microsoft Office file formats also make mixed environments00:12
bluecopperpossible, so that some users stay on Microsoft Office while others use OpenOffice.org.00:12
bluecopperi got that from open office features00:13
bluecopperi was told that version 3 was able to00:14
tacosarecoolAny problems00:15
tacosarecoolWith rendering pages00:15
zir-rtbluecopper: I dont think it can sve them00:15
bluecopperi know someone using OO 3 on a mac and he can create docx files00:15
tacosarecoolsome what of flash00:15
acemoIs it possible to let the popups of getting new messages on msn (kopete) to go away after a certain time?00:16
DarkSmokewhy doesn't gspca build on intrepid00:19
lovrehi all00:21
lovrehow do i change time in kubuntu 8.10? i selected my zone but it is showing time wrong (added 1 hour)00:22
tacosarecoolHow do I get flash 10 in kde4 not to act weird00:22
lovreanyone here?00:23
donehi!  same question here :-)    I have a question about the XF86Forward key and some global default I can't find the setting for.00:24
tacosarecoolAnyone have render problems with flash on linux like you go to a website with flash and it looks weird like on stickam00:25
tacosarecoolone part looks od00:25
donethanks for kubuntu... it's bad ass!00:25
HappySmileManOMG, there is actually a libpr0n source folder in firefox source00:26
bluecopperi have a question about OO300:26
tacosarecoolI have a flash problem sorta it works but some stuff looks weird like one part of stickam00:27
bluecopperi was told that oo3 was able to read and write docx file formats and i know someone using it on mac and then are able to write docx but i did my upgrade this evening from 2.4 to 3 but i'm unable to write to docx00:27
delightdoes somebody know why env-variables defined in /etc/environment ain't interpreted for the root-user ? and how to make root use them ? (su - / sudo -i etc. etc.)00:33
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Guest60662I tried to decrease my ntfs partition and enlarge my ext3 kubuntu partition using qtparted. however, i'm gessing the latter fails because i'm booted into it now.00:35
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delightGuest42150: try the live-cd ;)00:36
acemoIs it possible to let the popups of getting new messages on msn (kopete) to go away after a certain time?00:38
zir-rtHow can I configure the mouse to one single click for gnome programs? Do a need to edit a config file or install a config program?00:40
HappySmileManacemo: In Kopete contact list window you can change notifications00:41
HappySmileManGo to "Incoming message" and uncheck "SHow popup window"00:41
acemo<HappySmileMan> so only popup or no popup possible?00:42
HappySmileManYes I think so, they shoul;d go away by themselves after a few seconds but I think it'd be nicer if they went away quicker00:43
acemoseem to stay for atleast a minute here.. then i clicked away00:43
* andylockran|lapt is back.00:43
dennisterhey channel, need some serious help with sound...i just put my htpc in a new, bigger case, and everything has gone smoothly except for sound...I get none, even though I spend some time in winblows hell and it's working there (not perfectly, cause I don't get system sounds and only get music using 5.1 speakers) but with my kubuntu  get absolutely nothing00:56
dennisterI've purged everything with pulseaudio, but that hasn't helped either...anyone have some time for me?00:57
=== amit is now known as Guest49602
SJr|NbookKubuntu 8.10, Dell M1210 XPS, (nvidia GeForce 7400 Go). I seem to be getting alot of artifacts on the screen with KDE, and it not redrawing properly. I'm using the Nvidia binary driver. Any ideas?00:58
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lovrehow do i autostart a script with as root?00:59
joe-coderwhat will happen if i delete my swap partition?  it's in the way of me enlarging my main ext3 partition01:00
=== pool is now known as Guest8501
Guest8501boa noite a todos01:01
SJr|Nbookjoe-coder nothing really, you might run out of ram01:01
SJr|Nbookerrr memory01:01
SJr|Nbookalot of systems don't need it, it depends.01:01
dennisterplease, someone help me with this sound issue? do I really have to go back to winblows every time I wanna hear some music or watch some news?01:04
DarkSmokewhat sound issue dennister01:05
dennisterDarkSmoke: that I don't get any :-) although it was working with pulseaudio (and b4 that alsa) b4 I changed the pc case01:06
Guest8501como ir para o irc do Kurumin01:06
DarkSmokehow can a pc case effect sound?01:06
dennisterit works in winblows, so it can't be hardware01:06
DarkSmokesound strange01:06
HappySmileManThe PC case was only thing changed?01:06
dennisterDarkSmoke: because changing the case means you physically rebuilt the thing...01:07
demonhunter123i have a linksys lne100tx im trying to install01:07
demonhunter123lspci sees it as a01:07
HappySmileMandennister: Yeha he rebuilt it but it works in Windows so iot's connected right01:07
dennisterHappySmileMan: i also added antoher sata drive and different optical drives, but like i said, it works in winblows01:07
demonhunter12300:08.0 Ethernet controller: ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)01:07
demonhunter123but thats as far as it goes01:07
dennisterthe home theatre case was just too small for this mobo and dual core powerhouse01:08
DarkSmoketried to change back the case and see if it still works?01:08
DarkSmokeif it still works, its the case, if not...01:08
dennisterDarkSmoke: very funny01:08
DarkSmokeits some updat01:09
DarkSmokedennister: do i look funny?01:09
DarkSmoketest and see01:09
DarkSmokeelse, you aint gonna find out01:09
dennistercute...but that would defeat the purpose...right now it's a software issue01:10
dennisterand kubuntu issue01:10
DarkSmokethats whats your brain's tellin ya01:10
DarkSmokejust try the older case and see if it works01:10
demonhunter123anyone have a solution for me01:11
DarkSmokeit shouldn't be difficult to change case... come on01:11
DarkSmokedemonhunter123: whats your prob?01:11
demonhunter123i have a linksys lne100tx im trying to install01:11
demonhunter123lspci sees it as a01:11
demonhunter12300:08.0 Ethernet controller: ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)01:11
demonhunter123but thats as far as it goes01:11
HappySmileManWell if he doesn't want to do that he can aways try reinstall sound drivers and/or kernel01:11
dennisterHappySmileMan: do you have any ideas for me? doing what he suggests would take another 12-24 hours...01:11
HappySmileManBut I doubt that would work since they were working fine01:11
DarkSmokechanging a case takes 12 to 24hrs ?01:12
HappySmileManCould be that adding in hardware did something so now it needs to be set up again, which is why I suggest reinstalling drivers01:12
DarkSmokeman.. i do it in 20mins, test included01:12
dennisterthis is a 'case' of pulseaudio being purged but still leaving traces of itself behind...interfering with alsa01:12
DarkSmokedemonhunter123: linksys is a net router right?01:12
l2trace99anyone running dual monitors with a raedon card on 8.10 ?01:13
demonhunter123linksys also makes 10/100mb pci cards01:13
demonhunter123this is a network pci card01:14
DarkSmokeand you don't have net?01:14
DarkSmoke..internet that is01:14
lovrehow to add application launcher icon to a kde4 panel?01:14
demonhunter123i need dual network cards01:14
HappySmileManlovre: Right click on panel, add widgets, there should be two app launchers there, if you right click on desktop instead of panel it'll e placed in middle of desktop01:14
demonhunter123i need the system to have 2 cards01:14
DarkSmokeso you must be talkin to me from another pc . or insertind data with you're hands reading it back with you're hands01:15
DarkSmokei see01:15
DarkSmokedual networks cards, never tried that, i goes someone else must help ya01:15
lovreHappySmileMan: i dont mean the application launcher like the start button, i mean just like a button that would run Firefox...01:15
HappySmileManOh, the way I did it was drag from menu to desktop, then from desktop to panel01:17
HappySmileManDragging straight to panel never worked01:17
lovreHappySmileMan: ok, thank you01:17
HappySmileManMaybe it was a folderview instead of desktop, one of them worked01:17
lovreHappySmileMan: another thing, KNetworkManager does not recognize my internet connections, so it tells applications i am in offline mode. Can this be fixed?01:18
HappySmileManDunno, I've never had problems with internet here01:18
lovreHappySmileMan: sorry to bother, another one, can i show icons as Details in folder view01:19
HappySmileManNot as far as I know, I think this may be planned for future KDE releases, I think I saw a screenshot on some blog anyway01:19
lovreHappySmileMan: i have many problems with kubuntu 8.10, im frustrated01:20
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
lovreHappySmileMan: do you use wpa_supplicant for wired connections?01:21
HappySmileManMozilla-qt built and runs01:31
HappySmileManVery ugly, but maybe it works with themes?01:31
DarkSmokeHappySmileMan: there is a qt version of mozlla?01:31
HappySmileManDarkSmoke: Not supported (yet) but if you're willing to compile it yourself you can get it01:32
HappySmileManMy themes aren't compatible so I'll have to change that about:config value to test them01:32
=== andre is now known as Guest90995
Guest90995alguem ta usando o mand.200901:33
genesismachinemy setup on my server is borked. Is there a way to install packages with the liveCD and then reboot? My display is messed up, but I think if I can just install an ssh server on there, I can at least ssh in from my laptop and figure out what the heck is going on...01:34
DarkSmokehow do i do it HappySmileMan?01:35
HappySmileManDarkSmoke: It's very ugly and has some rendering issues, and probably heaps more bugs, but if you must there's instructions at https://wiki.mozilla.org/User:Pjohnsen/MozillaQtBuild01:36
HappySmileManI had to add in a couple of lines to the code, but nothing needed to be "changed" per se, just missing a value for an enum and 2 pointer arguments to a function01:36
notriddlegenesismachine: Sure.01:37
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box01:37
DarkSmokeHappySmileMan: aint that how to build it on windowzE?01:38
notriddlegenesismachine: From the liveCD, you simply open the disk in Dolphin (to mount it), open a terminal, and "sudo chroot /media/[name may vary]".01:41
DarkSmokei think i'll give it a try later01:41
DarkSmokeim going to sleep now01:41
DarkSmokenight all01:41
genesismachinethanks notriddle01:43
notriddlegenesismachine: no problem.01:43
notriddleHappySmileMan: Cool to see the progress of firefoqs. Last I saw it, the icons weren't rendered.01:47
HappySmileManThat's after forcing compatibility with my KDE4 theme, default is very ugly01:48
HappySmileManAnd the icons on right side of tabbar don't appear01:48
HappySmileManYou can't paste into URL bar and Ctrl+T doesn't work01:48
* notriddle wonders if there is a better name than firefoqs.01:48
HappySmileManBut it renders webpages01:49
* notriddle thinks firefoqs needs some work...01:49
HappySmileManYes does, but it came a long way from earlier this year01:50
luc_I have added a second monitor through system settings01:50
HappySmileManWhat i don't understand, is why it would be so hard to just put a QLineEdit for addressbar and stuff like that01:50
luc_for a beamer to be added01:50
luc_now after i restarted my screen is not appearing anymore01:51
notriddleThey have to bind between XUL and Qt, HappySmileMan.01:51
cuzntuse oatmean01:51
cuzntuse oatmeal it binds everything up01:51
luc_I need an x xpert01:52
luc_i just get the text for login now and not anymore my splash screen01:53
luc_I hope somebody can help01:53
luc_nobody ?01:55
cuzntbut kde still works?01:55
HappySmileManAlmost certainly something wrong with your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but no ideda how you'd fix it01:56
cuzntluc does the kde still work?01:56
luc_Ikde no01:56
luc_I mean i see an attempt during startup to build a screen01:56
luc_but it is aborted01:57
luc_or something01:57
=== Guest49602 is now known as JediatNight
notriddleluc_: If I understand correctly, X started to load but then errored.01:58
notriddleluc_: Can we see your X log?01:58
vanWhat is the best VNC server for Kubuntu?01:58
luc_seems like it but ( idid not detect an error in verbose)01:58
notriddlevan: #ubuntu-bots, ask BestBot ;)01:58
luc_wel I am working from another computer now with screen01:59
vannotriddle: ?01:59
luc_so whats the place to look for this01:59
notriddleluc_: When X fails to start, does it simply drop you to a prompt or does it give you some diagnostics.01:59
notriddlevan: On #ubuntu-bots, they have a bot running that records people's preferences. The topic says how.02:00
luc_I will try to start it again what's the commandline command02:00
luc_startx ?02:00
notriddleluc_: From that, I gather you can use the CLI. Simply view /var/log/Xorg.0.log with a text editor.02:02
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=== hulp is now known as Tribuck
luc_fatal server error: requested entity allready in use02:03
luc_giving up02:03
luc_that's not me giving up :)02:04
Tribuckthen just solve it !02:04
notriddleluc_: Would you be able to paste the whole, or at least all of the errors, somewhere?02:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:06
luc_well the labtop is in textmode next to me02:06
luc_i am working though a screen02:06
luc_with x running02:07
luc_i did view /var/log/......02:07
luc_its a long fil02:07
notriddleluc_: I understand. Are there any other errors besides the "entity already in use"?02:07
xevixis there a guide for making a kubuntu intrepid bootable usb stick, using linux?02:09
luc_no other errors02:10
notriddlexevix: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/02:10
notriddleluc_: Okay. Sounds like there's two Sections using the same name, for lack of no other explanation. In /etc/X11/xorg.conf, are there two Sections with the same Identifier?02:11
luc_i will have a look but02:11
luc_hoow to get out of vieew mode back to command (sorry modern linux generation using graphic inteface most of the time)02:12
notriddleluc_: Ctrl+Alt+F[1-6] Ctrl+Alt+F7 to return to GUI.02:13
xevixnotriddle, intrepid is 8.1002:14
notriddleluc_: Of course, normally you can just use a terminal emulator (Konsole).02:14
xevixand that's ubuntu02:14
notriddlexevix: I know. It looks like it should work with Intrepid. And the guide seems to be mostly from the CLI, so Kubuntu won't make a difference.02:15
compilerwriterI tried to utilize the help in Kmymoney and it said that it could not open the kdehelpcenter.  What do I need to do to fix this issue.02:15
desendeasihey my friend02:16
desendeasipls help me for ati driver in ubuntu02:16
desendeasimsı ex 610 my video card02:17
desendeasimy nootebook is msı ex61002:17
desendeasimy video card is ati mobility readon hd 240002:17
luc_device 2 is mentioned twice as an identifier02:17
notriddleluc_: Okay. There's the problem.02:17
desendeasiluc_  pls help me02:18
luc_deseneasi i was talking about my own problem02:18
notriddledesendeasi: luc_ is getting help fixing his X.02:18
desendeasiok luc_ thanks02:18
desendeasinotriddle pls help me02:19
desendeasican u help me02:19
luc_let me guess nriddle vim /etc/....02:19
notriddledesendeasi: I'll try, but I've kinda got my hands full. As soon as I'm done.02:19
desendeasiok thanks02:20
notriddleluc_: Yep. Are both "device 2" Sections the same device type (an InputDevice, a Monitor).02:20
desendeasian url halper me for ati graphic card02:20
notriddledesendeasi: Try Menu->System->Hardware Drivers02:20
desendeasiyes i try it02:21
notriddle!ati > desendeasi02:21
ubottudesendeasi, please see my private message02:21
luc_no the first is section device and the second is section screen02:21
luc_hold on i am misreading ... just a se02:22
lovrecan someone paste me their /etc/network/interfaces contents please?02:22
desendeasiok ubottu i see your private message02:22
notriddledesendeasi: ubottu is a robot, who contains lots of information helpers don't want to try to explain over and over again. I asked ubottu to tell you about ATI cards.02:23
lovrecan someone help me with knetworkmanager?02:24
luc_noriddle: sorry i was to enthousiastic it seems no identifier named twice ( rechecking now)02:25
luc_yes no identifier named twice02:26
aioobelovre: what's wrong with it02:26
* notriddle wishes luc_ could paste his Xorg.conf02:26
luc_yeah me to02:27
lovreaioobe: it says im disconnected, but i am connected to internet. This causes some programs to believe there is no connection to internet. Like firefox, pidgin, etc...02:27
notriddleluc_: Perhaps you could simply delete your Xorg.conf and run "sudo dexconf".02:28
notriddlelovre: How did you get connected?02:28
aioobemine does the same some times after coming back from suspend02:28
luc_you are scaring me02:28
courtjestergit came to my attention they should put dates on the adepts when they were realsed02:28
notriddleluc_: Sorry.02:28
lovrenotriddle: im connected to a wired network via wpa_supplicant02:28
luc_lets first copy the present one shall we02:29
notriddleluc_: Why am I scaring you?02:29
courtjestergi recoomend firestarter02:29
notriddleluc_: Sure.02:29
courtjestergfirestarter good firewall02:29
luc_I have i presentation to befinished tomorroiw morning on this very laptop02:29
courtjestergalready block one ip address02:29
luc_it  3:30 here now02:30
notriddlelovre: You ran wpa_supplicant directly? Why didn't KNetworkManager work.02:30
courtjestergi am not sure i can't read army time02:30
notriddleluc_: Ick! Okay, so we can't simply trash xorg.conf...02:30
notriddleluc_: Perhaps you could install elinks and paste to pastebin from there?02:31
luc_no if you help me through commandlines first copy etc maybe.. elinks02:31
luc_wget wwhat ?02:31
notriddleluc_: sudo apt-get install elinks; elinks02:31
courtjestergso got a problem how do i lauch a php file that normally would of been launched from the web in windows02:32
lovrenotriddle: in kubuntu 7.10 i ran wpa_supplicant with the same script as now. KNetworkManager recognised the connection. Now, in 8.10, knetworkmanager says im disconnected. I dont know how to connect with knetworkmanager, since i need some weird authentification02:32
* notriddle doesn't know how to solve lovre's connection. Seems like a problem with the newer NetworkManager.02:33
lovrenotriddle: is there some other software i can use instead?02:33
luc_to bad noriddle no internet02:34
lovrenotriddle: and, what is the way it makes system "think" it is or is not connected..?02:34
notriddlelovre: Appearently, NetworkManager 0.7 doesn't play as nicely with external interaction (a.k.a. wpa_supplicant) as the older version included in Hardy.02:35
lovrenotriddle: what can i do about it? can i use something else? and why does firefox think im offline even when i quit knetworkmanager?02:36
xevixnotriddle, well, i need a different initrd and whatnot, right?02:36
notriddlelovre: The programs ask NetworkManager whether or not the internet is connected. KNetworkManager is simply a frontend to NetworkManager, which runs in the background and is started with the system.02:37
notriddlexevix: Doesn't the guide say?02:37
xevixnotriddle, nope, it only gives me the download link for the initrd and sysconfig of that particular distro, and version02:38
lovrenotriddle: how do i tell networkmanager that im connected?02:38
xevixi've even found this: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/10/15/ubuntu-810-persistent-flash-drive-install-from-live-cd/02:38
xevixbut not for kubuntu02:38
lovrenotriddle: omg, i think i got it02:39
notriddlexevix: Kubuntu Hardy uses the same initrd as Ubuntu Hardy, so that guide will work.02:39
lovrenotriddle: i just created new "dummy" connection, and it works. I dont know how, it doesnt make sense. It thinks its connected, event though it cannot be due to password not being settup, but its connected via wpa_supplicant so it works somehow..02:40
notriddlelovre: Cool.02:40
lovrenotriddle: another question, i want to run this script that starts wpa_supplicant every time kubuntu starts. How do i do this? Note that inside it there is a sudo command, and i wouldnt want to have to type any additional passwords...02:40
notriddlelovre: Add it to /etc/rc.local.02:41
notriddleluc_: I'm looking at nm-system-settings.02:41
lovrenotriddle: just type the command?02:41
lovrenotriddle: it will run as root?02:41
notriddlelovre: Yep.02:42
lovrenotriddle: ok, i will try, thank you for your time. :D02:42
luc_i am trying to understand conf file02:42
lovrebrb trying this out02:42
notriddlelovre: Are you sure that the dummy connection you set up won't invalidate the real one? rc.local runs before knetworkmanager02:43
luc_noriddle I think I am on to something but it has no relation with the idetifier allready in use error02:44
notriddleluc_: What's the problem?02:44
luc_default screen says 640x480@6002:45
luc_My screen is 1280 x something02:45
luc_could this cause the problem ?02:46
courtjestergwhy after installing the firrefox entention to fix the browser flash bug does it still say firefox isn't a java compatible browser?02:46
notriddleluc_: Okay. Does it list both resolutions? I know that an xorg.conf file may list all of the available resolutions, in case a full-screen application may want to run at a different resolution.02:46
notriddleluc_: Okay. I can't find any information on nm-system-settings... so I'll try to fix it w/o the config file.02:47
lovrerc.local didnt work02:47
notriddlelovre: NetworkManager fouled the connection? rc.local is run before knetworkmanager02:48
lovrenotriddle: is that good or bar02:48
lovrenotriddle: maybe i have to remove "sudo" in front of commands?02:48
notriddlelovre: You don't need to remove the sudo, though it is unnecessary.02:49
luc_it says modeline "640x480@60" 25.2 640 565 752 800 480 490 492 525 -vsync -hsync02:49
luc_gamma 1.002:49
notriddlelovre: After your connection is set up, NetworkManager may simply be bringing it back down again.02:49
notriddleluc_: Okay. It's not listing them all.02:49
lovrenotriddle: when i run it manually it works. I run the script then i connect with netwokmanager, and it works. Maybe it cant find the script in /usr/local/bin since i dont run in as user but as root'02:50
notriddlelovre: Ctrl+Alt+F802:51
lovrenotriddle: says "internet not found". internet is the file name02:52
lovrenotriddle: maybe i should write the commands directly in rc.local02:52
notriddlelovre: Yep.02:52
lovrenotriddle: ok, that should do itr02:52
notriddleluc_: I'm stumped. Anyone else have any ideas?02:53
lovrenotriddle: another problem while im at it, i cant restart or shutdown my computer, it goes blank and i have to restart X server, and from login screen i have to select restart. any idea about this? Imma gonna restart to try internet now, brb02:53
notriddleluc_: I should've asked before, but what type of graphics card are you using?02:54
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:55
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama02:55
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:55
luc_notriddle: hardware wise i don't know in x it says vesa driver02:56
notriddleluc_: Try lspci02:56
quentinHey there! Ca anyone help me to create a .deb installer?02:56
quentinA very simple one.02:56
notriddlelovre: Did it work?02:56
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.02:56
lovrenotriddle: yes it did :D02:56
lovrenotriddle: thank you for your help. any idea about the shutdown/restart problem02:57
mondo_doofusHello, I'm a long time kde 3.5 user and am not immediately seeing how to customize kde 4.x to my liking... I like a pretty unobtrusive thin taskbar at the top that is transparent with everything on it. If this is possible with KDE4, I can't find any howtos to set it up this way?02:57
notriddlelovre: I'd say try to find a log of what happened during the freeze02:57
lovrenotriddle: where can i find this log?02:57
quentinubottu: I know. I need to some help for "creating" a deb installer02:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:58
notriddlemonodo_doofus: Use a different theme.02:58
mondo_doofusubottu: help02:58
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:58
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!02:58
luc_notriddle: when things go wrong they really go wrong battey went dead (restartiing now with power)02:58
quentin... Checkinstall won't help me...02:58
notriddle!search deb02:59
ubottuFound: debconf, debugging, maintainer, ddebs, gdebi, hardware, xmms, libsslbug, standards, distributions02:59
quentinIn fact, I need to know where to store backup files.02:59
notriddlelovre: There are a few. Try /var/log/messages02:59
quentinI'm not making a deb installer for an exesting program. I'm writing a deb installer for a script that replaces some files. And I need to know what is the "good location" to store backup files03:00
lovrenotriddle: theres lots of it, what am i looking for?03:00
notriddlelovre: Any obvious errors. You may want to mark somewhere, try to restart, and look at everything after it.03:01
killermachhow do I get my USB mouse to work on my laptop after I have already logged into kubuntu?03:02
frogonwheelskillermach: generally just plug it in.03:02
luc_notriddle: if i just blank the second monitor part form the x.conf (that where the problems started ?03:03
lovrenotriddle: i see on a forum someone is mentioning "halt" command from vty? what can that do?03:03
notriddlelovre: halt is simply a CLI command to shut down a computer.03:03
killermachfrogonwheels: hmm.. this has not worked for me usually if I reboot with the mouse plugged in or maybe logout plugin mouse restart kdm, then login I have a mouse03:04
frogonwheelskillermach: you aren't using gdm are you?03:04
frogonwheelsI mean.03:05
killermachfrogonwheels: mostly I don't use a mouse I use the glidepoint pad, but ocassionally I like to have a mouse03:05
notriddleluc_: You can try it. After you do, running X and Ctrl->Alt->Backspace if it works is faster than startx and definitely faster than rebooting.03:05
killermachI'm using what kubuntu installs by default03:05
killermachfrogonwheels: looks to be kdm03:06
frogonwheelsthere used to be another program called gdm (I think that was it) which was a layer between mouse driver.. worked for console as well as x03:06
frogonwheels.. you won't be using it.03:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm03:07
frogonwheelskillermach: sounds like your dbus isn't properly working for you.03:07
notriddlefrogonwheels: GDM is not a layer between mouse driver and X.03:07
frogonwheelsno.. gdm is now the gnome display manager03:07
frogonwheelsbut it was called something liekt hat.03:07
notriddlefrogonwheels: You mean gpm. X never used it that much, and it wasn't responsible for the type of hotplugging that a USB mouse involves anyway.03:08
frogonwheelsit wasn't03:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpm03:08
frogonwheelsnot really surprising03:09
lovrenotriddle: halt command shuts down perfectly.....03:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm03:09
notriddle!gpm is a daemon that captures mouse events when the system console is active, and delivers events to applications through a library.03:09
frogonwheelsyeah - anwyay not the problem here.03:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown03:09
frogonwheelsAnybody seen this?  :( :( :(    konqueror: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/lib/libkonq.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZN3KIO3Job9addSubjobEPS0_b03:10
luc_notriddle: Ithank you for your persistence but I really need to stop now 04:14 I can't think straight anymore03:10
nyp4lifequick question.. does a .deb file need to be somewhere specific or can i install from desktop?03:10
frogonwheelsupgraded to intrepid.  things worked - I removed a whole lot of 'obsolete' libraries. now kde4 is broken.03:10
notriddle!kdm is the KDE Display Manager. It manages a collection of X servers on local or remove machines.03:11
luc_I will face the problems tomorrow morning03:11
frogonwheelsI've reinstalled many libraries - run debsums03:11
luc_today morningthat is03:11
notriddle!gdm is the GNOME Display Manager. It manages a collection of X servers on local or remove machines.03:11
lovrenotriddle: can you take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1714220&postcount=9     does it have anything to do with this?03:12
notriddlelovre: Looks like a problem with KDM...03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm03:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:12
rodriguezalguien de puerto rico03:12
* quentin hates complexity. And making a really simple .deb file is a pain in the, well you know where03:13
notriddlelovre: In their case, it didn't work with halt. In your case, it did.03:14
frogonwheelsfrogonwheels: kdm comes up with the background and no login.03:14
frogonwheelstaking to myself again.03:14
* frogonwheels sighs03:14
* notriddle doesn't know how to make debs.03:15
lovrebe right back03:15
bilickiwhat package do I need to be able to play divx, xvid and mp3 files?03:15
notriddlemp4life: You can install it from anywhere.03:15
notriddlebilicki: kubuntu-restricted-extras03:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:16
=== charlie is now known as Guest72661
notriddle!kubuntu-restricted-extras is !ubuntu-restricted-extras03:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:18
notriddle!"kubuntu-restricted-extras" is !ubuntu-restricted-extras03:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:18
quentinbtw, if someone wants to have the gentoo bash profile and gentoo bashrc to enable reverse search in command history with pageUp and pageDown and a lot of improvement for the shell, just ask me.03:20
draik_What is the purpose of the package "prelink"?03:21
quentin(that's what for I'm trying to make a deb installer )03:21
bilickinow, videos work from dragon player, but not from Mplayer03:21
quentinfor ==+ end03:21
bilicki"Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.03:22
mondo_doofusquentin: I might be interested03:22
bilicki(in Mplayer)03:22
mondo_doofusquentin: rather, I AM interested03:23
jcarlin6I put LinuxMCE on my DVD and03:23
jcarlin6i don't know how to install it onto my kubuntu partition03:23
quentinmondo_doofus: :)03:24
jcarlin6PLZ HELP03:24
quentinmondo_doofus I found a simple deb installer. Gonna learn from that03:24
mondo_doofusjcarlin:um, so you tried booting from it? did you check the boot order in your BIOS?03:24
digbilicki: this may help ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2003903:25
jcarlin6Okay... Yes I did but i see there is a way to install the packages with my existing kubuntu OS03:25
jcarlin6But when i mount it it says permission denied\03:25
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: missed that sorry, look at the end of this page http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Installation_Guide03:27
memeemeeecan I mount a separate drive as a directory within my linux filesystem? (ie: /backups/laptop)03:28
Dragnslcrmemeemeee- that's the only way to mount a drive03:29
memeemeeebut do I have to put it in /mnt/ or /media/ ?03:30
jcarlin6that website still doesn't help me with the permission denied problem03:30
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: the CD isn't automounted?03:30
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: look at the output of "mount"03:31
jcarlin6how do i find out03:31
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: what command are you attempting to use to mount it?03:31
Dragnslcrmemeemeee- you can moun a drive to any directory you want03:31
memeemeeeok. and I place that info in fstab?03:32
memeemeeek thanks Dragnslcr03:32
jcarlin6mkdir -pv mnt03:32
jcarlin6then when i just skip all the mounting commands03:33
jcarlin6and type in sudo dpkg -i mnt/mce-installer_2.0.1-1_i386.deb is cannot be found03:33
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: skip mounting commands what? what is the path/mount point of the linuxMCE cd/dvd?03:34
jcarlin6Ubuntu-Studio 8.04.1 i38603:35
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: so if you do "ls -hasl /media/mnt/"03:35
mondo_doofusyou should see the contents of the CD03:35
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: do you see the contents of the cd?03:36
condonDoes anyone know if there is a way to mount windows .ISO's w/ wine?03:36
condonI've tried loading Daemon tools, but it gives me an error and won't isntall.03:36
jcarlin6no its says no such file or directory03:36
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: so I'll ask again, where are you mounting the cd?03:37
mondo_doofusjcarlin6:fyi, usually CDs are automounted to /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom003:38
jcarlin6I don't know i am doing exactly what this website tells me http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Installation_Guide the only difference is that i already had the dvd i made03:38
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: if the dvd isn't automounted, you need to mount it first, once you can ls the files on the DVD, you can find where the .deb is you need to be installing and go from there03:39
condonWhen I try to install Daemon tools in wine, after accepting the terms and clicking accept, I get a popup that says "SPTD setup V1.56 (c) 2004-..." in the title bar and it says "This platform is not supported"03:39
condonis there something to configure in wine?  I've tried it as Vista and XP03:40
jcarlin6were is the .deb usually?03:40
mondo_doofusjcarlin6: I don't have a linuxMCE dvd handy, sorry03:41
condonor does anyone know if I can just mount /home/user/Desktop/file.iso03:43
condonand if wine will just take over from there?03:43
lovrecant fix shutdown problem....03:44
killermachanyone know how to start a USB mouse in kubuntu without reboot?03:49
killermachI can plugin my USB HD and it is found fine, but my mouse does not work the same03:49
ravhello. does anyone know where mysql keeps its files? where in the filesystem is the database?03:52
digis /etc/init.d/kdm restart working for everyone?03:52
digMine stuck at * Checking the battery03:53
frogonwheelsnot for me.03:53
frogonwheels.. well it works but I don't get a login prompt.03:53
* frogonwheels sighs.03:53
mondo_doofusjcarlin6:you getting anywhere?03:53
antonio_rav: in /var/lib/mysql03:54
CyDplasma is crashing when i try to close a widget :( any way to clear them off? after the crash they remain..03:55
CyDi'd file a bug if it were a good idea; error output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/69863/03:55
digwill dpkg-reconfigure kdm help?03:57
bradyanyone know how to disable my synaptics touchpad in 8.10?03:59
CyDhmm dig i'll maybe try that.. or dig through my .kde403:59
mondo_doofusbrady: hammer?04:00
bradyexcuse me?04:01
digCyD: cool04:01
CyDah, plasma-appletsrc straightforward04:01
bradyI guess I dont know what that is04:01
CyD*is straightforward04:01
ernestI have an question04:02
=== john-charles is now known as gkffjcs__
ernestwhere can I find system monitor which is possible to add in system's tray?04:03
gkffjcs__does anyone know what the control character "\x" means?04:03
gkffjcs__It's not on any ascii charts.04:03
lovrei cant get KSensors to work04:04
lovrei installed lm-sensors04:04
lovrehelp, i cant get anything inside KSensors, i installed lm-sensors...?04:06
lovrewhen i type sensors, i get "No sensors found!"04:07
ekontsevoyI have been playing with KDE 4.1 today (Kubuntu 8.10) and I liked it A LOT. One question though: how can I make my fonts "beefy"? I like my fonts to be Mac-style, and on Ubuntu/Gnome I usually configure them to use native font hinter, slight hinting, with subpixel rendering, but on Kubuntu these settings result in the same look as full or medium hinting, i.e. thin Windows-like fonts. What am I doing wrong?04:08
yuriyekontsevoy: you may need to force the DPI to something else. also I'm not sure if any of those settings take effect without restarting X04:12
goldmetalanyone here vnc into gnome? and when so, is graphics emulation acceptable or is it extremely slow and lagging. not taking about video games  here. just openoffice and firefox etc..04:12
ekontsevoyyuriy: yes I've restarted X and yes the rendering changes somewhat, but I've had much beefier fonts in Gnome with identical settings... I've used DPI of 96 on both systems.04:14
ekontsevoyyuriy: but I'll try different DPI, thanks for the tip!04:14
lovreany help with lm-sensors04:15
yuriylovre: haven't played with it in a while (2 years or so) but is there a sensors-detect command or similar?04:15
bukohey guys, got a problem. i can surf the net fine, but i cannot ping anything =/ any ideas?04:23
holymoocan you ping your self?04:23
bukolocalhost, yesh04:23
holymoowow weird04:24
holymooyour firewall blocking ping requests?04:24
holymoothats really the only possibility if you can still surf04:24
bukoshould not, got ping req enabled04:24
mondo_doofusbuko: try temporarily stopping iptables?04:25
holymooyeah right04:25
bukook, will try04:25
quentinI know that's a stupid question but anyways: what's the correct command to add 4 files in a single tar.gz archive04:26
quentinI tried tar -cvjf archive.tar.gz file1 file2 file3 file4 and only file1 is in archive...04:27
quentinso then I tried to use tar -rf archive.tar.gz file2 file3 file4. I'm not getting an error but the archive is not updated...04:28
lovreis it normal for Core2Duo E6420@2.13Ghz to be at temperature of 70°C with nothing big running?04:29
quentinbtw ark tells me  that writing to an existing archive is not supported.04:29
lovreanyone herE=04:31
frogonwheelsthat sounds a bit warm lovre04:31
yuriyquentin: yeah ark is a bit unfinished right now. you can put multiple files in anarchive using tar by having them all match the same pattern (though I'm sure there are more specific ways)04:33
yuriysimplest, if you want all the files in the working directory, tar -czf archive.tar.gz *04:34
quentinyuriy: in fact, my method was ok. It's just that ark is wrecked. Tar -tvf on archive.tar.gz reports all the files...04:34
yuriyoh, ok then04:34
quentinyuriy: should I fill a bug report?04:35
frogonwheelslovre: I went through the whole CPU temp thing with my hyperthreaded CPU.  ended up getting a new case and new CPU fan.04:35
lovrefrogonwheels: yea, now i ran a game, and it went up to 100°C... i think lm-sensors is correct..04:35
frogonwheelslovre: reboot and see what your bios tells you..04:35
lovrefrogonwheels: C2D processors are not supposed to get warm, they are supposed to work @ 40°C in idle mode04:36
sj400Is anybody else having terrible problems with the whole DKMS/nVIDIA thing?04:36
yuriyquentin: file one against ark if you can reproduce the behavior04:36
lovrefrogonwheels: looked in bios, says 80°C !!!04:36
frogonwheelslovre: strange - would have thought it would have crapped out by then.04:36
sj400Well, at least, I think it's the nvidia drivers.  It could just be the new KDE stuff, though.04:36
frogonwheelslovre: all those modern cpus have self-regulation - they tend to deliberately slow down and finally stop when they get to hot.04:36
quentinyuriy: It's possible to reproduce it. But I know nothing about how to report correctly.04:37
lovrefrogonwheels: what am i supposed to do? Can i return it to my vendor and ask for another processor? I didnt do anything to it, never overclocked or anything....04:37
yuriyquentin: ah that I can help with04:37
frogonwheelslovre: I'd suspect your case.04:37
lovrefrogonwheels: so i cant do anything04:38
frogonwheelslovre:  What kind of case do you have?  I was pretty naive about cases till a couple of years ago.04:38
yuriyquentin: go here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug04:38
quentinyuriy: ok04:38
lovrefrogonwheels: case would be where everything is, motherboard, etc?04:39
lovrefrogonwheels: i dont know, regular midi case04:39
frogonwheelslovre: yep.. the bit around the outside.04:39
yuriyquentin: put in a summary, on the next page look through the bugs it shows to see if somebody has filed something similar already. if not, choose the i'd like to report a new bug option04:39
frogonwheelslovre: Look up  antec (I think) and Cooler-Master.04:39
yuriyquentin: for the package put in kdeutils04:39
frogonwheelslovre: they have some value-for-money cases that behave pretty well.04:40
quentinyuriy: ok.04:40
lovrefrogonwheels: it has gotten up to 98°C and i only ran a video04:40
lappenim trying to configure my hdtv, though I cant get it to work with a resolution moren then 1024x768. Using xrandr -q only shows the regular screen 0 , no multiple displays. Any suggestion04:40
yuriyquentin: in the big information box, put the application (ark) the version of the application, of KDE, and of kubuntu that you are using04:40
frogonwheelslovre: yeah - crap case. They shouldn't sell that kind of cpu with crap cases.04:40
yuriyquentin: and detailed instructions of how to reproduce the bug and what goes wrong04:40
frogonwheelslovre: I can't tell you much more - do a bit of google research on cases04:41
lappenor to clarify, should xrandr -q output several displays when connecting my lcd to a dvi output and my hdtv to a hdmi output on the same gfx card04:41
lovrefrogonwheels: ok, thank you04:41
frogonwheelslovre: I totally sympathise - I changed just my CPU fan , and it was better.. but not till I got a good case did it really improve.04:41
lovrefrogonwheels: ok ill see what i can do.. thank you for your time04:45
frogonwheelsnp.  you should also make sure all your fans are actually running!04:46
frogonwheelsoh.. and lovre  -  even if fans are working.. if there's a layer of dust between the fan and the CPU, the CPU won't cool down.04:47
lovrefrogonwheels: you mean in the ribbs of the cooler?04:49
frogonwheelslovre: yeah.. have had that problem a few times.04:49
frogonwheelslovre: got this nice copper -finned heat sink.. and it works great..04:49
frogonwheelslovre: but it's also good for collecting dust.04:49
lovrefrogonwheels: ill try to clean it... What would be best-buy cooler to buy?04:50
frogonwheelslovre: It's been a while.  I'd look at the brands like Antec and Cooler-master.. but if you google those names, you might find other brands along side them just as good.04:51
frogonwheelslovre: ask somebody who deals with hardware on a more regular basis :)04:51
lovrefrogonwheels: ok thanx04:54
lovreim off now04:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpackagekit04:55
reggyhow to find sound setting in kubuntu 8.10, ...thanks04:57
=== ubuntu_ is now known as pipegeek
pipegeekA question: Is there any way to force kwin to turn on desktop effects, even if it thinks you shouldn't?04:59
quentinyuriy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/296168 Could you check if this is correct in terms of needed informations, clarity and all04:59
pipegeekI've been happily running compiz fusion for nearly a year with this card...04:59
LF|IrssiHI is there a good app so i can add customizable keyboard shortcuts for KDE?04:59
pipegeekrunning kubuntu intrepid here, and sorely disappointed :(04:59
EruaranDoes anyone have any status update on using packagekit for Kubuntu ?05:01
quentinor anyone?05:03
yuriyquentin: oh this is KDE3.. since you mentioned an unimplemented message, I assumed it was KDE405:03
yuriyquentin: well, well done on the report, though I doubt that'll be fixed in KDE3 at this point05:04
quentinyuriy: really? I don't feel like running kde4 on my eeepc 1000 :(05:04
reggyhow to enable sound system default ????05:05
quentinyuriy: + kde4 is still extremely unstable for a professionnal usage05:05
=== Caveman__ is now known as Caveman
=== Caveman is now known as Guest5735
=== Guest5735 is now known as Caveman_
quentinI don't understand how dpkg --debug option works05:27
quentinI tried dkpg --debug=10 package.deb05:28
JediatNightis quentin an english name?05:28
JediatNightseems .. french to me05:28
quentinJediatNight: I'm French, but yes. It's an English name too.05:29
quentinJediatNight: Quentin Tarantino05:29
quentinJediatNight: the pronounciation is not the same, thought05:29
JediatNighti always drive by one . 'quentin' road05:30
quentinsomeone for the dkpg debugging option?05:30
quentinmister-tea: trying to understand how the dpkg debug option works05:31
quentinmister-tea: man and help don't help much.05:31
mister-teadid you try the french chanels?05:32
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr05:35
mister-teasorry but thats about all I know05:35
quentinmister-tea .... I'm trying (very hard) to write in English and I find it pretty insulting when I get that kind of remarks...05:36
quentinAnd if you cannot understand what I'm saying, please tell me to restate it.05:37
mister-teasorry no  insult intened05:37
quentinmister-tea: so, why should I try the French channel?05:38
lennyI just installed kubuntu8.10 on an external drive. Then when I was playing with the desktop settings the screen went gray. I reinstalled to fix but it's still gray. Any ideas??05:39
mister-teaI just thought you may have better luck than here thats all05:39
quentinmister-tea: at this time of the day/night, the French channel is almost empty.05:39
mister-teao ok05:39
digtry #ubuntu, it may help.05:39
=== draik is now known as cadaverpimp
lennyanyone had this weird gray desktop? I am wondering if it is something to do with the Nvidia driver?05:41
mister-teaexcuse me for thinking that your native language might help05:41
diglenny: maybe, more detail?05:42
CrellHi all.  I have heard that it is possible to make Konqueror the default file manager in KDE 4 again, rather than Dolphin.  How does one go about doing that?05:42
quentinlenny: Could you type ctrl + alt +f2. Then logon and issue that command: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EE05:42
lennyquentin: what will this do? I have to reboot to do it so want to be prepared05:43
quentinlenny: it will list the errors reported by X in its log file.05:43
lennyis there a command for altering the display driver from command line login?05:43
lennyoh cool05:43
lennyI'm pretty sure it all happened when I clicked on desktop effects05:44
quentinlenny: so then, you have to check if you're using the nv driver or the proprietary one05:45
lennyotherwise, it looked really primo before I killed the display05:45
lennywhich one is buggy?05:45
quentinnv doesn't not support compositing05:45
lennyso go prioritry if I want compiz etc running?05:46
mister-teaquentin: you are obviously more advanced than I so I can't help you05:46
quentinlenny: yep05:46
lennysee you in 30 if I fail lol05:46
quentinlenny: k05:46
quentinmister-tea: it's ok. just tell me when I make a mistake so I can correct it.05:49
mister-teaI'm still a realtive noob so my knowledge is limited05:51
mister-teaI just try to help where I can05:51
digis there any proprietary driver for nvidia to download?05:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:52
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
quentindig: yes.05:53
quentindig: apt-get install nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common05:54
quentindig: if you want to install them05:54
mister-teawhoa I'm impressed05:54
quentindig: the best way is to follow the how-to05:54
memeemeeeif I want to back up my entire fs using rsync should I be using the root as the user? how do I set up a root password on the ssh server so that I can have rsync operate as root remotely? I tried running sudo rsync but it gets permission issues05:54
sj400memeemeee: Not knowning completely what you're up to, that sound like overkill (and a big headache for you).05:56
sj400memeemeee: You sure that's what you want to do (even compiled binaries and the like)?05:56
reggy__how to fix widget-systemtray kubuntu 8.1005:56
memeemeeeI wanted to back up my entire hard drive (laptop) through rsync. in case the HD fails that way I could just replace the HD and rsync back to the new one?05:58
sj400memeemeee: Hmm.  Okay.  Not they way I'd do it, but I guess if you've got the time....05:59
sj400memeemeee: So yeah, you'll need to run that as root.05:59
quentinmemeemeee: ssh root@hostname should provide you with a root access to your server. But you need the root password. If you're using *ubuntu, it has been scramble during the installation process. But you can ssh with your normal user account then sudo su and finally change the root password.05:59
quentinmemeemeee: then, having the root password, it should be easy.06:00
mister-teaI'm out06:00
memeemeeeI think I realized that the mountpoint I was using was owned by root. that's why I was getting rsync errors. how do I change the root pw?06:00
memeemeeeyes I know !root06:00
digquentin: 8.10 already provides an easy interface to select proprietary nvidia drivers06:02
quentindig: cool :)06:04
digquentin: /etc/init.d/kdm restart works for you?06:04
quentindig: never tried this. And I cannot test it right now.06:06
=== linux_ is now known as sheLlLiNuX
digquentin: no problem06:07
quentindig: I can test it on my laptop if you need06:07
quentindig: no, doesn't work.06:09
ectospasmI'm having a brain fart, how do I install g++ in [K]Ubuntu?  aptitude search g++ is not working06:09
quentindig: but u can log as root06:10
quentinand re-launch kdm06:10
digquentin: so you can still login, but just cannot restart kdm?06:10
quentindig: yep06:10
quentindig: ctrl+alt+F206:11
quentinthen root06:11
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:13
digquentin: what is tty1, tty2, etc...06:13
digquentin: never mind06:15
quentindig: that's a virtual terminal TTY : Text TeletYpe06:15
quentindig: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tty_(Unix)06:16
digquentin: ctrl+alt+F2, root, pass, kdm ---> not working06:17
quentindig: when does it fail?06:18
digquentin: but instead of doing kdm, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart works. Interesting06:20
=== EvilDaemon is now known as maxbaldwin
memeemeeequentin, would my scheme work in case of HD failure?06:26
quentinmemeemeee: I don't know. If you copy the entire hard-drive to another one. It should work if you exchange the drives.06:29
memeemeeeok another question for anyone used to CLI can I pipe the output of a program that's already running to a log file?06:30
quentinmemeemeee: I mean, if you replace the original one by the backup and assuming that the datas are the same: I would say yes.06:30
memeemeeeright quentin, so if I had a broken HD and replaced it with a new one, i could rsync the data back from the backup and it would be a perfect match?06:31
dwidmannmemeemeee: use  blahblahblahblahblah > newlogfile06:31
dwidmannmemeemeee: I'd use something like partimage to make your backup, if it needs to be an exact match of the entire disk.06:32
quentinmemeemeee: The best way to know is to try it. Rsync to a backup HDD and test it.06:33
memeemeeebut dwidmann how do I get the output from a program thats already running? I tried ^Z and then fg > logfile but it just logged the original command06:33
dwidmannmemeemeee: logging regular information or debug/error information?06:34
dwidmannmemeemeee: > is for stdout ... I think &> is for stderr06:35
=== mitch is now known as corinth
quentindwidmann memeemeee : dd may be the solution for the backup06:35
frogonwheels2> is stderror06:35
dwidmannquentin: yeah, dd is another good option, I've been known to use it06:36
dwidmannfrogonwheels: hmm, knew it was something like that ...06:36
memeemeeedwidmann, is there a way to pipe stdout to file after the original command has been executed? without starting over with command > log ? also, is there a way to get it to show both stdout and log it?06:36
frogonwheelsoh #$)(*&#$() #$  why the f* is quanta my default web browser.06:36
corinthI installed KDE 4.1 over Ubuntu, just one issue. Both the KDE and the GNOME network manager start up. How do I alter start up programs for KDE 4.1?06:36
* frogonwheels pulls himself together.06:36
quentinWhat I would do: cron + dd  + scp to get a backup on a regular basis.06:37
dwidmannfrogonwheels: That's silly06:37
frogonwheelsdwidmann: yeah - currently my whole system is screwed.06:37
dwidmannfrogonwheels: so it's deeper than just that?06:38
frogonwheelsoooh yeah.06:38
frogonwheelscurrently I have to login with gdm and gnome session06:38
dwidmannfrogonwheels: That's no fun.06:38
frogonwheelsupgraded to KDE4.1  (foool)06:38
* quentin screwed by a .deb file................................06:38
dwidmannfrogonwheels: yeah, you might want to make sure that upgrade finished, completely.06:38
frogonwheelsI'm currently attempting to reinstall every single package.06:39
frogonwheelsluckily my local mirror is in my ISP's 'free' area -and It doesn't count to my downloads.06:39
dwidmannfrogonwheels: also try to "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and make sure nothing has been held back.06:39
frogonwheelsI mean.. I got that installed06:40
corinthNo one knows how to change start up programs in KDE 4?06:40
frogonwheelsI had it working (sorta), then I went and uninstalled all the obsolete packages.. and kapow06:40
frogonwheelscorinth: it's in the control pannel somewhere.06:41
dwidmanncorinth: well, autostarting applications can be started mainly by putting a script in ~/.kde/Autostart ... but if it isn't there, try quitting the application and see if it asks if you want it to start next time, and say no.06:41
frogonwheelscorinth: it'll either be set to load up the session it saved when you logged out -06:41
frogonwheelscorinth: which doesn't help if you crash.06:41
dwidmanncorinth: another good way to do it is to disable session management so nothing lives between sessions, and set up what you need to autostart via ~/.kde/Autostart06:41
corinthdwidmann: Where do I do that?06:42
dwidmanncorinth: systemsettings06:42
dwidmanncorinth: advanced -> session manager06:42
frogonwheelsdwidmann:  ~$ konqueror06:42
frogonwheelskonqueror: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/lib/libkonq.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZN3KIO3Job9addSubjobEPS0_b06:43
corinthThanks, I'll try it out with a restart. Be back in a few.06:43
dwidmannfrogonwheels: looks like I may have a hit on a bug report for that06:44
frogonwheelsyeah - but it's fairly old06:44
dwidmannnope, that ones old :\06:44
memeemeeeis rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* the same as emptying the trash?06:45
dwidmannfrogonwheels: try killing x, running sudo ldconfig, and logging back in.06:46
frogonwheelsdwidmann: rebooted a few times.. but I'll try ldconfiging.06:47
digjust a question, does server edition normally come with GUI?06:47
dwidmanndig: no06:47
* frogonwheels shakes his head.07:00
frogonwheelsno good.07:00
kkathmanheya dwidmann  :)07:05
toby_If I click on "display" in system settings, my screen goes black and I have to ctrl-alt-backspace. Is there another method by which I can enable the energystar powersaving on my monitor?07:05
dwidmannfrogonwheels: no? darn, hmm, wonder if kbuildsycoca4 would do anything07:11
frogonwheelsmaybe there's a symlink or  a dangling file somewher :(07:14
frogonwheels'Start to backup everything and reinstall'  mode07:15
frogonwheels.. coming up.07:15
dwidmannfrogonwheels: what version of kde4 do you have installed anyway?07:17
frogonwheels 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu4    dwidmann07:19
dwidmannfrogonwheels: maybe the backup/reinstall isn't such a bad idea, but first, if you haven't already, you should try creating a new user, logging into it, and trying, just to rule out configuration issues.07:21
frogonwheelsI mean I tried and it didn't work.07:24
heret1cwhy aren't the program entries in the K-menu sorted alphabetically?07:39
dignot sure, usability issue perhaps?07:40
heret1cdig: i.e. "it's not a bug, it's a feature"?07:42
heret1cby that yardstick, KDE4 has a raft of features. 8)07:43
heret1c!k menu sort07:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k menu sort07:44
marek_hi what shoud i loa to use sata dvd drive? modprobe ... ?07:45
digheret1c: may hlep ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=508720907:50
heret1cdig: no joy. I troied using the  menu editor, but it wwere "upfating system settings" forever, over and over.07:54
mahihow do I get firefox to appear in my adept in the latest kubuntu?07:56
frogonwheelsit's not called iceweasle now is it? (like in debian)07:56
frogonwheelsin debian, due to it's licence policy, they call firefox 'iceweasle'07:57
frogonwheelsit's probably not that though.07:57
mahiwill try07:58
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=== gan-xiaofei is now known as Cody
mahiHow do I turn on compiz on latest kubuntu08:08
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wizkoderhy everybody08:35
tikladohow am i going to install packages in tar format?08:39
wizkoderwhat packages?08:42
tikladotoesonline. i got it from sourceforge08:42
tikladoit is in tar.gz,08:43
tikladoi can open it using ark but i don't know how am i going to install it08:44
tikladohow am i going to install packages in tar.gz format in kubuntu?08:50
RuslanPopovjust read about magic triple: ./configure && make && sudo make install OR read INSTALL file inside archive08:53
crondeanyone saw that crappy benchmark at phoronix?08:54
crondei never thought that someone can be such stupid as person who did benchmark08:54
corinthIs there a fix/workaround for the messy background bug in KDE 4.1 yet? I know it stretches back before 4.1 as well.08:59
luc_I need an x xpert here I have got a big problem after I installed a second monitor09:12
luc_i don't get a graphical interface anymore09:13
luc_I have a presentation to finish today09:13
frogonwheelsluc_: take the second monitor away?09:13
luc_donee it allready09:13
luc_doesn't help09:14
luc_error in log says something like identiefier allrady in use09:14
frogonwheelsluc_: oh... erm.. copy your xorg.conf away and ..09:14
frogonwheelsoh ok.  pastebin your xorg.conf  (/etc/X11) and the error message09:14
luc_i am from the new linux generation with little commandline expertertise09:15
luc_sorry i can't use pastebin09:15
luc_i am working from another machine09:15
=== lorenzo is now known as calamaro-2357
frogonwheelsluc_: you ssh in to your machine?09:16
luc_beacsuse the other is still in text mode (no chatsession an no inernet on the laptop)09:16
luc_Ok ssh09:17
frogonwheelsluc_: This other machine, what flavour is it?09:17
frogonwheels(what Operating System)09:17
luc_the problem machine is a labtop kubuntu 8.0409:17
frogonwheels.. and the other one?09:18
luc_i am chatting from a similar installation on a pc09:18
frogonwheelsexcellent.  can you ssh into your laptop?09:18
luc_what client to use for this ( i normally work with win scp out of a virtual machine)09:19
frogonwheelsrun konsole and type  ssh <machinename>09:20
luc_don't know the best ssh client for windows09:20
luc_soirry linux09:20
luc_checking in synaptic for ssh client09:21
frogonwheelsluc_: did you try typing ssh09:21
frogonwheels.. in a konsole...09:21
frogonwheelsI know .. CLI is a scary place09:21
frogonwheels.. but you can do it.09:21
luc_no will do now09:23
luc_yes should work from console09:23
frogonwheelsok -  where are you at now?09:24
luc_frogonwheels: i need to restart the laptop09:25
frogonwheelsluc_: .. because?09:26
frogonwheelsah.. actually just had a thought.09:26
frogonwheelscan you get to the laptop console .. you might have a backup of prev config.09:26
luc_because I got stuck in a view file from yesterday night for the same problem09:26
luc_and couldn't gt out09:26
frogonwheelspress  ctrl+alt+F209:27
luc_I did din't work somehow09:27
luc_during startup I see no errors on x but a few attempts to build a screen09:28
frogonwheelsok.. login at the console09:29
frogonwheelscd /etc/X1109:29
luc_it does not respond to the hostname09:29
frogonwheelsls xorg.*09:29
frogonwheelsluc_: login at the console of your laptop..09:30
frogonwheels(what is it showing on your laptop at the moment?09:30
ubuntu_how do i install grub when i have installed windowsxp again?09:31
luc_xorgg.con xorg.conf1  ....2 xorg.conf.failsafe  xorg.conf.failsafe.bak09:32
frogonwheelsluc_: ok ..    mv xorg.conf  xorg.conf.broken09:32
frogonwheelsluc_:     cp xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf09:33
frogonwheelssee how you go09:33
frogonwheelsluc_: oh.. you might have to prepend those with 'sudo'09:33
frogonwheelsluc_:  and  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart09:33
frogonwheels.. you back in linuxland?09:35
frogonwheelsubuntu_ ^^09:35
frogonwheelsubuntu_ .. I mean you've booted from a rescue disk or something?09:36
luc_frogonwheels: I praie you for your help and the devlopes of xorg that they standard have a copy of the conf file09:37
luc_praise i meant09:37
frogonwheelsluc_: np at all.. I presume it worked then!09:37
ubuntu_frogonwheels: yeah, i am running the live-cd now to recover from NTLDR09:37
scomar ubuntu_: have a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:37
ubuntu_ok thanks09:38
ubuntu_scomar: does not work, it gives me an V09:40
ubuntu_Error 15: File not found09:40
wizkodermount /dev/deinelinuxplatte /irgendwohinmount -o bind /dev /irgendwohin/devchroot /irgendwohin /bin/bashgrub-install --no-floppy /dev/deineplatte09:42
wizkoderbut you have to bind more dir's09:42
wizkoderat least dev and proc I think09:43
wizkoderand sys09:43
mahiman this new kubuntu is not fun09:44
frogonwheelsmahi: :|09:45
frogonwheelsmahi: is anybody having fun yet?09:46
mahiI'm trying hard!09:46
mahiit's just been a long day of getting it and running09:47
wizkodersame here. switched back to 3.509:47
wizkodereverything working here ^^09:47
frogonwheelsmahi: Yeah .. I just upgraded and it screwed me up09:47
mahiaha, the truth is revealed by the frog09:47
frogonwheels.. sideways too.09:48
mozzyi cant get my head around two monitors on kde4 - using 3.5 for important stuff - kde4 seems to work better in suse 11.1 beta09:48
frogonwheelsmy lovely kubuntu box.. and I'm using gdm and gtk login.. 'cause kde don't work.09:48
frogonwheelsgg have dinner. ttfn09:49
mozzystill not any where near perfect09:49
mahihow do you get compiz to kick in? I mean whats the point of linux if it doesn't look amazingly better?09:50
mahisorry I have been having a drink09:50
mahikubuntu finally drove me to it09:51
wizkoderset desktop effects to user. and install the compiz settings package09:52
vltHello. How can I remove a single entry from .kde/share/apps/klipper/history2.lst? (KDE 3.5)09:53
ytaggscould someone please help me...i have some ntfs partitions, and i want them to automount at startup..how do I do that?09:57
IcyPolecathiya, have just installed Intrepid and now my fan continually spins up and down. The CPU temp is ok, 44.5 degrees C and the GPU temp is also fine. The only change made was to install v177 of the Nvidia Drivers... any ideas?09:57
ytaggswich fan the one on the cpu?09:58
IcyPolecatDunno - it's a laptop so difficult to tell without opening it up09:58
SiDiHello people09:59
ytaggsmmm well u installed the nvidia drivers...maybe because of the effects the gpu its working harder09:59
SiDiI'd like to ask something to the people who are often on this channel : did you have, since 8.10 was released, an higher than usual number of people reporting their PC doesn't boot after an upgrade or a fresh install, and stays stuck in "Checking battery state [OK] - " ?09:59
IcyPolecatytaggs: possibly but was running hardy with the older Nvidia driver and never once heard the fan spin up. PLus the temp and clock speed reported by nvidia-settings are low10:00
ytaggsu  r right10:00
IcyPolecatytaggs: by the way, to mount the NTFS partitions at boot you need to add them to your /etc/fstab file10:00
wizkoderupgrade NEVER worked with ubuntu :-((( use it since 6.0410:01
Bauldricki used to be able to open a .jar file by clicking it. I no longer can, how to set that up again in 8.10?10:01
wizkoderAlways makes the system unbootable .-(((( No bit better the the remons guys....10:01
IcyPolecatytaggs: something like /dev/hda2       /mnt/windows    ntfs    umask=0222      0       010:02
SiDiBauldrick, jar files are related to Java right ?10:02
SiDiBauldrick, it seems the JVM is not installed by default in Ubuntu 8.10 (yeh i know it's not clever)10:02
ytaggsthey are mounted but i want them to automount at startup10:02
ytaggswhay should i add to fstab??10:03
IcyPolecatytaggs: becuase that will save you haveing to manually mount them10:03
SiDiBauldrick, "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" (proprietary one though)10:03
BauldrickSiDi: cheers10:04
BauldrickSiDi: already newest version10:04
ytaggswhat should i add to fstab in order to let the system automount them at startup?10:04
IcyPolecatytaggs: sorry mate - thought that was a Why .. not a What. Which device is your ntfs partition?10:04
SiDiBauldrick, weird then :/10:05
SiDiBauldrick, you might have another JVM installed (the free one), but this one doesn't seem to work10:05
SiDiGive me a sec to look at the doc :)10:05
ytaggshow do i know??10:05
IcyPolecatytaggs: can you mount it via Dolphin?10:07
BauldrickSiDi: in settings I seem to have reference to openjdk 6 policy tool and sun java 6 policy tool10:07
ytaggsit is mounted10:07
IcyPolecatok so the driver is installed - in which case pull up a terminal and CAREFULLY run sudo fdisk -l10:07
IcyPolecatthat's an L for Lima at the end10:07
SiDiBauldrick, you got openjdk-6-jre installed ?10:08
ytaggsdev/sdb5 and dev/sdb610:09
ytaggsthese two10:09
BauldrickSiDi: yeah appears so10:09
SiDiBauldrick, i would recommand that you apt-get purge it and install the other one :) the openjdk one was just not working on my pc with 8.1010:10
SiDiand the sun one does seem to work10:10
IcyPolecatytaggs: ok now run sudo ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ and take note (copy) the UUIDs for sdb5 and sdb610:10
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:11
ytaggswhats the UUIDs??10:12
ActionParsnip1ytaggs: in what sense?10:13
ytaggsi dont know what u ra talking about10:13
IcyPolecatytaggs: sorry the long strings in the left that look like 54707b22-05b5-452f-bbab-8b543161b59910:13
ytaggsalready done10:14
IcyPolecatright, then you'll need to make 2 directories under /media so sudo mkdir /media/ntfs110:15
IcyPolecatand sudo mkdir /media/ntfs210:15
ytaggsbut there are already directories there because these partitions are mounted10:15
IcyPolecatok - so skip that step10:15
ytaggsthe problem is i want to automount them i dont want to do that each time i enter kubuntu10:15
IcyPolecatnow you need to sudo vi /etc/fstab10:16
IcyPolecatand add lines to the end to mount the ntfs partitions:10:16
IcyPolecatUUID=f3b68506-1c62-4c2d-b5be-14bc6c405227 /meda/ntfs1    ntfs    umask=0222      0       010:16
IcyPolecatwhere UUID is your UUID for each partition and /media/ntfs1 is the directory you want them mounted to ... nearly there10:17
ytaggsok thank u i will try10:18
IcyPolecatfinally unmount the partitions from dolphin and then run sudo mount -av to mount them from the fstab. If this works then they should auto mount whenever you switch on your machine10:18
SiDintfs-3g, not ntfs, imo10:20
andylockranhey guys10:20
IcyPolecatytaggs: SiDi is probably right :-) Don't actually use NTFS10:21
petter_new arrival :-)10:24
andylockranpetter_: moi ?10:24
SiDi/dev/sda1/media/Windows ntfs-3g rw,auto,user,exec 00     is the line i use for my NTFS partition10:25
SiDiIt works well and allows read+write on the partition10:25
ytaggsok thank u just one question10:26
ytaggsone of the mount point its called windows hd10:26
ytaggshow do i write it on fstab?10:27
ytaggs"windows hd" or windows%hd??10:27
manishmy yahoo account in zimbra desktop is showing offline. how do i make it online10:27
SiDi"windows hd" or windows\ hd10:27
SiDi   a\ b is the same than "a b"10:27
manishis it possible to share internet through wifi in kubutu intrepid10:27
ytaggsyeah but a blank space??10:28
petter_andylockran: you?10:29
andylockranyeah.. I'm trialing KDE for the intrepid release, having been on gnome for the last 3 years.10:29
andylockranI _was_ just going to be using it on my laptop.. but first thing in work today I moved across on the work desktop too.10:30
andylockranLooks better on the bigger screen though I must say 2 x 19", rather than 1 x 15" laptop.10:30
petter_welcome to KDE then10:32
petter_kubuntu 8.10 rocks10:32
ActionParsnip1petter_: works better with fluxbox ;)10:33
petter_ActionParsnip1: interesting10:35
andylockranpetter_: yeah, I'm pretty pleased thus far.10:37
andylockranHowever, the twitter widget crashes - and I've love to file a bug report10:37
andylockranis there an apport bug reported for KDE ?10:37
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:38
SiDipetter_, out of 3 users that use Kubuntu on #ubuntu-fr's channel, 3 were stuck on boot on 2 last days :P kubuntu 8.10 rocks \o/10:38
petter_andylockran: I used to be a faithful slackware user back in the day, but went over to debian a few years ago10:38
* andylockran started with a slackware deriv.. College Linux10:39
andylockranback in 04.10:39
* ActionParsnip1 started with mandrake 710:39
ActionParsnip1hence my love of kde10:41
petter_andylockran: slackware is robust but took quite a lot of configuring10:41
andylockranyeah.. College Linux was pretty awesome for 2004.. loads of useful apps for my uni course.10:42
andylockran(non CS related)10:42
=== rjgsl is now known as gsliu
gsliuwhere are you all?10:44
andylockrancomputer science10:44
* andylockran did a Psychology degree10:44
ActionParsnip1gsliu: in bed?10:44
ActionParsnip1andylockran: oic10:44
andylockranthe "Now Playing" widget.. should it pick up what amaroK is currently playing?10:45
andylockranand what's the point of the plasma dashboard :)10:46
ActionParsnip1andylockran: no idea, its useless to me, some folks thrive on widgets10:46
* andylockran is a thriver10:47
* ActionParsnip1 pretty much uses yakuake only for nearly everything10:48
cuzntits eye candy too10:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yakuake10:48
ActionParsnip1!info yakuake10:48
ubottuyakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 206 kB, installed size 1292 kB10:48
cuzntthats uber geek stuff10:49
ActionParsnip1not really, i just use cli more than slow guis10:50
gsliuanyone ?10:51
ActionParsnip1!info wower10:51
ubottuPackage wower does not exist in intrepid10:51
ActionParsnip1gsliu: what is wower?10:52
gsliuworld of warcraft10:52
gsliuonline game10:52
ActionParsnip1gsliu: yeah ive seen it doing the rounds10:53
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:53
ActionParsnip1gsliu: http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS4169902864.html10:53
gsliui think wine is better than cedega10:54
bazhangcheck #winehq for wine games gsliu10:54
ActionParsnip1gsliu: its built on wine with some more features from what ive seen10:56
ActionParsnip1plus cedea is paid for software10:56
ActionParsnip1WoW gets a platinum rating though so should run flawlwssly10:56
ActionParsnip1gsliu: make sure yor gfx drivers are installed and configured then off you go10:57
gsliui want to know if i can use directx on ubuntu ?10:58
gsliuit seems directx it's not available for both wine and cedega10:58
OxDeadC0dewine and cedega do a lot of dx9 reimplimentation10:59
ActionParsnip1gsliu: thats a windows library, wine handles those calls and turns them into linux calls11:01
ActionParsnip1gsliu: you dont need to actually install directx if you have wine11:01
andylockranguys, that new BBC feed in totem.. is there a KDE equiv?11:14
ActionParsnip1andylockran: just open the feed in your desired player11:16
andylockranActionParsnip1: it's some kind of plugin, rather than a feed11:17
ActionParsnip1andylockran: got a link?11:18
andylockranActionParsnip1: if you open totem, it's in a drop down in the top right.11:19
andylockranother than that.. there's an article on BBC Backstage about it.11:19
ackehey. how do i execute ktorrent on the commandline?11:19
ackewhats the default display number? like ktorrent --display X whats X?11:20
DarkSmokeandylockran:  lol. open up konsole and type ktorrent11:21
DarkSmokei mean11:21
ackeDarkSmoke: that doesnt work. it complains about not know what display to run on11:22
DarkSmokeacke:  lol. open up konsole and type ktorrent11:22
DarkSmokeacke: you're doin it with sudo ?11:22
andylockranor alt=F211:22
ackeandylockran: remote ssh11:22
ActionParsnip1andylockran: you could fin dout where that links to11:22
ackeheehe. ktorrent --display :0 seems to work11:23
romozdar, jak to de?11:25
ackewould this work as a cronjob?11:25
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.11:26
acke00 03 * * * user ktorrent --display :011:26
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fernando_alguien me puede ayudar??11:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:40
bazhangfernando_, type /j #ubuntu-es11:46
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:58
bazhangneed some help setting up dual screen :)11:59
Dr_WillisOh? what video card?12:00
bazhangintel 965, (not mine) carlinhos in #ubuntu :)12:01
Dr_WillisNo idea on intel.12:01
bazhangok thanks Dr_Willis :)12:01
bazhangif you dont know then it is a lost case12:01
Dr_WillisI dont own a single machine withintel video12:02
Dr_Willisdont think i ever have.. well not in the last 7+ years at least12:02
Bauldricki seem to have kanackered java on my system completely now, what should i be using ?12:06
Bauldricktyping java gives : program 'java' can be found in the following packages12:07
Dr_WillisI alwyas install the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package it grabs java and flash and fonts and other bits12:08
Dr_Willissounds like java either isent installed.. or not in your path12:08
Bauldrickif i removed kubuntu-restricted or --reinstalled would that bring everything else with it?12:09
Dr_Willissince its a meta-package proberly not.. could try reinstalling it i guess12:09
OngavezirHallelujja testevrek12:10
Bauldricki need openjdk-6-jre-headless ?12:12
mschiffMy    I have a german installation of kubuntu 8.10 and my kontact is half german and half english.. any hints somebody?12:15
Bauldrickdoes anybody also have trouble when deleting off of an SD card, returns to login screen?12:17
andylockrannope... just done it now too.12:19
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  you mean to say you delete a file from a sd card with the kde file manager,, and X crashes back to KDM?12:23
blenderman345Hey all, Kubuntu help please?12:25
BauldrickDr_Willis: yes, not everytime, but fairly frequently12:25
blenderman345I need to make  zip file or tar.gz file with a folder in it.12:26
blenderman345a zip file12:26
blenderman345or tar/gz12:26
RurouniJonesright click on folder and select "compress"12:26
RurouniJonesthen choose thet ype12:27
blenderman345there is no "compress" on Kubuntu12:27
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blenderman345I don't see any compress12:27
mschiffblenderman345: under actions?12:28
bazhangblenderman345, what are you trying to do12:29
blenderman345it says actions> 1. Create Slideshow, 2. Terminal create or something12:29
blenderman345I'm trying to create a zip, or tar.gz12:29
bazhangthen create one12:30
bazhangblenderman345, you can use cli?12:31
bazhangthe terminal12:31
RurouniJonesblenderman345: you on KDE 3.5 or KDE4?12:31
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:31
bazhangblenderman345, read above12:31
blenderman345I'm using Kubuntu 8.1012:31
blenderman345I don't need to open it actually, I just need to create it.12:32
RurouniJonesAh, maybe a KDE4 thing then. I am on 8.0412:32
blenderman345Get to 8.10.12:32
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RurouniJonesHell no12:32
blenderman345well then anyone on 8.1012:33
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:33
RurouniJonesYou might want to ask in there12:33
Guest48193me is in 8.1012:33
blenderman345Uh. help?12:33
blenderman345ok, I need to create a zip pr .gz12:33
blenderman345to zip up a folder to stick on graphicall.org, (Blender build)12:34
Guest48193you have try with ark?12:34
blenderman345to create?12:34
blenderman345I can open with12:34
blenderman345but not make it12:34
siswahelp me12:35
Guest48193only a moment12:35
blenderman345ok I gtg now,bye12:35
siswahelp me pls12:35
siswaany body can help   me_12:36
siswaohhh no12:36
Bauldricksiswa: do you need a doctor?12:36
Guest48193siswa what do you want?12:36
RurouniJones!ask |  siswa12:36
ubottusiswa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:36
RurouniJonesAssumine you aren't a troll of course12:36
Guest48193(guys....how i can change my nick? XD)12:37
siswaok taanks12:37
RurouniJones/nick Blah12:38
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RurouniJonesSounds like the name of a bond girl12:38
noaXesshi all12:38
noaXessis it normal that kpdf can't see pdf-form fields?12:38
White_Pelicanwhat is XD?12:39
Novalgina2Fastwhy don't you use okular?12:39
RurouniJonesnoaXess: Yes12:39
RurouniJoneskpdf support for pdf-form fields is...well, isn't12:39
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Novalgina2Fastbut siswa and his question? XD12:40
Novalgina2Fastah yeah now i remember why i am here XD12:40
bentob0xis it possible to update to 4.1.3 on hardy?12:40
Novalgina2Fasti don't think so12:40
Novalgina2Fastbut i don't know12:41
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Dr_Willisi dont think so either.. there may be some PPA repos...12:41
White_PelicanI don't think so either12:41
noaXessok.. will use okular12:41
tictricI don't think at all12:41
Dr_Willisfoxit is a nice pdf viewer also. :) not in the repos however12:41
Novalgina2Fastwhen i do sudo apt-get update this mess appear12:41
White_Pelicanit's my understanding tht kubuntu harsdy was never going to be lts12:41
bentob0xLTS is for KDE 3.5.X only I believe12:42
bentob0xKDE 4 is 'cutting edge'12:42
White_Pelicanbleeding edge is more like it :)12:42
bentob0xcanonical couldn't provide rock-solid LTS on KDE 412:42
JontheEchidnaKDE isn't LTS at all in Hardy12:42
bentob0xah ok12:42
Novalgina2Fasterror GPG: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release.....NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278312:42
bentob0xsee how they treat us :(12:42
White_PelicanI hear ya, bentob0x12:43
White_PelicanI think it will backfire on them12:43
Bauldrickdoes ark support .jar files?12:43
White_PelicanI come in here several times a day and hear about nothing but problems12:44
RurouniJonesBauldrick: Yes as far as I remember12:44
Novalgina2Fast(this is official kubuntu support XD what you want to hear?^^)12:44
White_Pelicanwhat does XD mean?12:45
Novalgina2FastXD is like a face X is the eyes and D the mouth12:45
Novalgina2Fastimagine it^^12:45
Novalgina2Fast^^=eyes tooo...happy eyes12:45
Novalgina2Fastsoo someone can help me?:-P12:46
Novalgina2Fasterror GPG: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release.....NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783(with sudo apt-get update)12:46
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Dr_WillisNovalgina2Fast:  you did follow the directions at medibuntu and added teh gpg keys?12:47
BauldrickRurouniJones: sorry, but ark should open .jar file as if I'd typed java -jar in terminal?12:47
Novalgina2Fastno...but i don't know how to do this12:48
Dr_Willisthe commands are rigth there at the meduibuntu web site.. under the repo tab12:48
RurouniJonesI have no idea since I don't know what that command does12:48
Novalgina2Fastok now i search in wiki ubuntu12:48
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:48
Novalgina2Fastthk a lot dr_willis^^12:48
Novalgina2Fastok now work12:50
Novalgina2Fastsomeone want to do conversation?12:53
Novalgina2Fastno Konversation!12:53
Novalgina2Fastok i stop now12:53
RurouniJones!offtopic | Novalgina2Fast12:54
ubottuNovalgina2Fast: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:54
White_Pelicanif I want kde 4.1.3 in Hardy would I have to compile the whole thing myself?12:56
Dr_WillisWhite_Pelican:  or look at the PPA repos and someone may be workingon them12:56
JontheEchidnayou would have to compile it yourself12:56
White_Pelicanppa repos?12:56
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.12:56
Dr_Willisdont expect much support  in here  if you use them. :P12:57
White_Pelicanunderstood, Dr_Willis12:58
White_Pelicanwhere are the ppa repos?12:59
Dr_Willisread the url the bot gave above?12:59
White_Pelicanyes I did12:59
Dr_Williseachperson has their own personal repo you add.12:59
White_Pelicanjust gives general rules12:59
Dr_Willisso bubba  will hjave his own.. and barbie will have her own.. each get added  indivitually12:59
Dr_WillisInstalling software from a PPA .......13:00
White_PelicanI think I would rather just build it13:01
White_Pelicanwhich packages would I have to build and what about dependenceis?13:01
Dr_WillisNo idea13:01
bentob0xwhat is so different between 8.10 and 8.04 for the KDE4 updates not to be released on both platforms?13:01
White_Pelicana decision to abandon kde 313:02
Dr_Willisgetting them working for  8.04 would take time away from the devs working on the 8.10 I imagine is the Biggest issue.13:02
Dr_Willisa lot of kubuntu dev decisions seem to be because of the lack of manpower.13:02
Bauldrickstupid question, but.. I can't open my .jar file in dolphin (ark opens it but as a zip file) - use to work13:02
JontheEchidnabentob0x: the packages install to an entirely different location in Hardy so that KDE3 and 4 can be installed at the same time13:03
bentob0xah, interesting13:03
bentob0xbut I thought that KDE by default had a new folder for kde4?13:03
bentob0xand I thought that kde3 and kde4 could be both installed together?13:04
bentob0xif not it's a bad architectural decision ...13:04
White_PelicanJontheEchidna, do you know what I have to download to compile all of kde 4.1.3 on my own?13:04
JontheEchidnabentob0x: we had to patch KDE to have that behavior13:05
JontheEchidnaWhite_Pelican: not exactly, no13:06
JontheEchidnaif you want to build KDE yourself you should build trunk anyway13:07
Dr_WillisI imagine 4.1.3 will be out soon enough....13:07
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White_Pelicanis there anyone here who does? I's love to take advantage of the bug fixes13:07
bentob0xI just asked the devel mailing list if there will be 8.04 updates at all13:08
robin0800Dr_Willis: 4.1.3 is out but only available on backports13:08
Dr_Williswe finally got backports! :)13:08
Dr_Willislast i looked wasent much in there.. heh.. that was 3 weeks ago13:08
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:09
robin0800Dr_Willis: read the november kubuntu  annoucments13:09
White_Pelicanactuallyi went to the kde page on 4.1.3 and they give a list of the source necessary to build it13:10
White_Pelicanand links to said sources13:10
White_Pelicanwill prolly take me 2 days13:10
robin0800White_Pelican: I think its easier to download 4.1.2 and then update much quicker!13:12
White_PelicanI already have 4.1.2 but I have hardy13:12
White_PelicanI use kde 3 in my desktop and just use the kde 4 programs13:13
White_Pelicanbecause I have an old legacy nvidia card, I can't upgrade to Intrepid13:13
White_Pelicanfor now that is13:13
Dr_Willisi see kde 4.1.3 in the  package maanger after i enabled backports. :)13:14
BluesKajWhite_Pelican:  the newer nvidia and ati cards have poor 8.10 support as well. :(13:14
JontheEchidnaWhite_Pelican: they have legacy drivers for intrepid now13:14
JontheEchidnaat least for the 96 series drivers13:15
JontheEchidna71 series drivers still don't work13:15
BluesKajunless the new updates contain new drivers13:15
robin0800White_Pelican: for info there are not many changes between 4.1.2 and 4.1.313:16
White_Pelicanok good to know13:16
White_PelicanI will wait till 4.213:16
Dr_Willisservice pack 1 :)13:16
bentob0xI just hate those show stoppers13:17
bentob0xlike nvidia13:17
Dr_Willismy 8800gtsxxx is working well.. had a slight issue with the laptops nvidia card.. but its working now13:17
bentob0xit's just sooo beautiful to install Ubuntu for instance and having not to worry about drivers13:17
bentob0xexcept for nvidia and other proprietary drivers13:18
bentob0x"ooh, ooh, we're scared of reverse-engeneering our hardware"13:18
White_PelicanI bought this card thinking it would not be an issue13:18
White_Pelicanboy was I wrong13:18
Dr_Willisproberly wont be an issue in a few weeks/months/kernel updates :)13:19
bentob0xand I'd love to see DirectX being open-sourced13:19
bentob0xbut that's MS shooting themselves in the foot13:19
* Dr_Willis would love to see DirectX shot in the foot.13:19
BluesKajwifes new HP pc with onboard nvidia handles the Intrepid 8.10 live cd terribly ..all kinds of jittery artifacts at thenative monitor res13:20
Dr_WillisYea. the 8.10 dident get my laptops res right either..  it used the vesa driver.. not the nv driver. i had to manually edit the xorg.conf and restart X on it13:21
Dr_WillisI do have that 'usb-startup-disk'  installed now on this thumbdrive.. and its using the nvidia driver. :)13:21
White_Pelicannvidia is stupid, to attach themselves to only one OS, and a bad one at that13:22
Dr_Willisnvidia supports OS-X also! :)13:22
BluesKajit has to do with profit13:22
Dr_Willishas to do with manpower also.13:22
BluesKajmy ati card is 3yrs old now , dunno if that's considered legacy or not. I'm not about to buy a new card unless I know it's suppotred13:24
bentob0xwhat's the status on those ATI open-source drivers btw?13:24
Dr_WillisIts often best with linux to not buy the 'latest' :) but   the last generation.13:25
bentob0xsee, they dare to open-source their code, which might make me want to change my video card13:25
Dr_Willisbentob0x:  last i heard.. ati had issues also..13:25
Dr_Willisbut i dont have any ati other then my old x200m in the laptop13:25
bentob0xI know they're still working on it13:25
BluesKajyes Dr_Willis, both ati and nvidia have probs13:25
Dr_Willis'still working on it' for a long time. :)13:25
Dr_Willislets all go get Matrox!@13:25
Dr_WillisYou never hear about problems with those..13:26
RurouniJonesInfo on the OSS ATI driver13:26
RurouniJonesRight, orf to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R (God I love wine)13:26
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BluesKajediting the xorg file in 8.10 just results in a non startup text scrn13:35
dr_willis'editing xorg.conf' Fail! :)13:38
* dr_willis has to stop going to those web sites13:38
BluesKajdr_willis: have you checked the xorg.conf on 8.10 ? ..It's very limited and minimal ..heavy dependence on HAL13:40
dr_willisBluesKaj,  yes it does.. but that dident stop me from using my old nvidia xorg.conf :) or the nvidia-settings tool13:40
dr_willis I had to do a bit of tweaking on the 'usb-setup-disk' usb thumb drive it gernated also to get it to use the nvidia drivers also.13:41
koljahi alll, Q: where to find "System Services" on kubuntu 8.10 ?13:41
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BluesKajkolja: system settings/advanced/system services13:45
wizkoderWhat does HAL do? Yesterday I saw the xorg.conf which is close to empty ^^13:45
BluesKaj!HAL | wizkoder13:45
ubottuwizkoder: For an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer13:45
jonathan__I've a question!13:50
jonathan__all my filemanagers like dolphin or konqueror are VERY slow on thumbnail generation! I don't need qualitativ thumbnails, only a minimal preview of my images. But i don#t find any way to tell konqueror to generate only low quality thumbnails...13:51
koljaBluesKaj: any reason why i cannot see it ?13:51
BluesKajkolja:  it's on the advanced tab13:52
jonathan__hm, i think your watching stargate atlantis? :D13:53
koljaBluesKaj: which is its icon ?13:53
ilham_jonathan__: How if use smaller size. is there any different?13:55
BluesKajkolja:  you on Intrepid ?13:55
koljayep 8.1013:56
koljais there a site used here to past images?13:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past13:57
Leander256i suggest imageshack.us13:58
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BluesKajkolja:  click on the kmenu ,system settings, advanced tab , Service manager14:00
koljaBluesKaj: sorry it's in italian : http://img357.imageshack.us/my.php?image=systemsettingsxu8.jpg14:02
MaxZdai have a question. the "now playing" widget in kde4 doesn't show anything from amarok2. is there a workaround or should i install something?14:03
koljaBluesKaj: "Service Manager" it's about KDE Services and not System Services isn't it?14:03
BluesKajkolja:  it's load on demand and startup services , so that should be what you're looking for14:05
kolja(thnx Leander256)14:05
koljaBluesKaj: (IMHO) i'm not agree with you.. anyway i'll keep searching14:07
* ptl 14:08
BluesKajkolja:  what are you looking for ?14:09
* dr_willis has no idea..14:10
BluesKajmaybe system monitor will help14:10
BluesKajdr_willis: can you suggest a fast sources server? The .ca server are restricted to 35kb/sec , it seems14:12
koljaBluesKaj: a GUI where enable/disable system services (rc level)14:12
koljalike httpd / mysql etc..14:12
dr_willisBluesKaj,  i just use the us ones.. so cant tell ya of any faster14:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sysv14:13
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:13
dr_willisTheres some Sysv tools in th repos also. for manageing those.14:13
dr_willisand some command line tool. but i forget its naem,14:14
ptlwhere one can get up-to-date info on KDE and DBUS?14:14
dr_willisdbus homepage :) -->   http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus  perhaps..14:15
ptlI know14:18
ptlI've seen those pages14:18
ptlthey say nothing about KDE dbus commands14:18
dr_willisperhaps ask in #kde then.14:19
ptlwill do14:20
koljaQ : anyone got problems shearing folders?14:21
dr_willisI use samba to make shares all the time14:22
jobewhats the root password on the livecd? leaving it blank doesnt work. in case youre wondering, im reinstalling grub bootloader and its asking for it...14:23
wizkoderI have perfekt access to all the net drives of my company :-)  (I am th eonly linux user so far ^^)14:23
koljadr_willis: did you try kde gui for shearing folders ? (dolphin, right click on a folder, properties, share tab)14:24
mh_Is it possible to remove kde4 and install kde3 on 8.10?14:25
wizkoderI have access to the exchange server and even can access the SAP. So no problems here anymore :-)))14:25
dr_williskolja,  i dont need to. :) i set up the homes to be shared. - that feature has worked for me in the past with gnome..14:25
dr_williskolja,  some times you need tomanually install the samba server first for that to work14:25
wizkoderjobe: you need to change ito the installed linux14:26
koljayes, thnx dr_willis14:26
dr_willisjobe,  hmm.. its blank here I thought..  i just do a sudo -s to get a root shell.14:26
jobeok thanks14:27
wizkoderthis is what you have to do (posted it earlier already :-) ):14:27
wizkodermount /dev/deinelinuxplatte /irgendwohinmount -o bind /dev /irgendwohin/devmount -o bind /sys /irgendwohin/sysmount -o bind /proc /irgendwohin/procchroot /irgendwohin /bin/bashgrub-install --no-floppy /dev/deineplatte14:27
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nighty_what do i need to share my internet connection with nat?14:31
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nighty_i want to give my laptop an internetconnection14:31
wesleyis the iphone supported under Kubuntu14:35
andylockranwesley: in terms of what?14:37
andylockranmusic management = no (unless phone unlocked)14:37
wesleyto put music files on it14:39
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wizkoderwesley: Its always best to check before buying if hardware is working ^^14:44
wesleyits a phone14:45
wesleyi hope i can put music on it14:46
wizkoderso use it for phoning ^^ (sorry could't resist)14:46
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wesleyi hope i can put my music on it, but i go see for iphone support14:49
rocmei have a problem with kopete since i installed kubuntu 8.1014:49
rocmeif there is an open conservation window and someone writes sth to me in this window, knotify crashs14:49
rocmehere is a screenshot: http://rocme.wgchaos.info/knotify.crashed.jpeg14:50
wesleyi will open some bugs for ubuntu for iphone14:50
p_mashoI'm a bit confused how to upgrade to 4.1.3? I've cheked the "Unsuported updates" but dont see 4.1.3?14:50
rocmeI pasted the full error msg here: http://rocme.wgchaos.info/knotify4.kcrash14:51
rocmeI dont't understand whats wrong with it :(((14:51
* p_masho wonders how I've using 4.1.2 but the "kubuntu-kde4-desktop" package is not installed !14:52
wesleydoesn´t kmobile support the iphone14:53
rocmeanyone any suggestions? i don't know what to do :(14:55
DaSkreechp_masho: You installed it yourself?14:56
p_mashothis machine has gone from ubuntu to kde3 to kde 4..14:57
DaSkreechp_masho: Update and run sudo update-apt-xapian-index then you should be able to upgrade14:57
vitcomo configuro hp 4250 en kubuntu14:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:59
p_mashoDaSkreech: update-apt-xapian-index is not installed?14:59
vitn printer14:59
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DaSkreechp_masho: Umm ok try just going to changes and hitting upgrade then15:00
p_mashohere's the sources http://rafb.net/p/ZzzBQ992.html15:00
vithelp. i need install mi hp 4250n printer in kubuntu15:00
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p_masho4.1.3 dont appear anywhere?15:03
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ZhopapaaA chem Kubuntu otlichaetsa ot komara?15:04
sokolZhopapaa: vsem :)15:05
genii!ru | Zhopapaa15:05
ubottuZhopapaa: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:05
martijni have just installed kubuntu intrepid, but xorg does not want to load x.15:16
s0undt3chdam, luks encripted devices are not recognized again :\15:16
s0undt3chrunning intrepid here15:16
martijnanyone can help?15:16
s0undt3chI have to mount them buy hand15:16
wesleyapple supports illegall use off Windows!! by don´t giving linux users itunes15:21
martijncan anyone help me?  i already did an dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:21
mirceahi, i have the "qtcurve style not remembered" problem, is there a fix for it?15:22
courtjesterggood morning15:23
courtjestergnoticed when i first stat up aand clicked on my k on the left hand side when it brought up it was glitched like a tv screen gone baad and went back to normal anbody knows how to fix tthis little problem i already used envy for my graphics  card driver15:25
courtjestergtalk to me15:26
courtjestergi know 340 ppl are reading me15:26
courtjestergi wonder if i bought the box what would be on it hm15:27
martijncourtjesterg: it looks like all are gone, they do not awnser my question either15:27
courtjestergme wonders if it can be downloaded15:27
courtjestergthe linux box was put to together and sold in stores for people who don't have the interent connection and have everything they need right there in the box15:28
wesleySend a mail to my provider15:34
wesleyThey don´t say you the Iphone does not work under Linux15:36
* kniolet_ wonders if they will even know wwhat linux is...15:38
* wesley I wonder that to, just image i have to pay them 32,50 for something that will not work on ubuntu15:41
wesleyno wonder that so much people dual-boot15:43
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bdoganyone having problems with icons in kde 4?15:45
andylockranscrollbars me .15:46
bdogmy icons become white blanks after awhile15:46
kkathmanbdog have  you tried turning effects off and see if that clears it up?15:48
bdognot yet/15:48
kkathmanbdog  system settings -> Desktop  turn off "Enable desktop effects" and see if that clears it up15:49
kkathmanEnable Desktop Effects is the major cause of many artifacts15:49
wizkoderBring the iphone back and get a freerunner :-)16:01
bdognow my boot is hanging at "checking battery state"16:05
bdogit's not on a battery16:05
legodudeanyone know how to change the name of a printer?16:10
legodudebdog: you sure it is hanging?16:10
legodudetry switching to another console16:10
legodudemight just be X not working16:10
trappistanybody got a howto to switch to compiz on intrepid instead of using kde4.1's builtin effects?16:12
mirceahi, i have the "qtcurve style not remembered" problem, is there a fix for it?16:12
wesleywizkoder, i know something better just install Windows for free16:12
wizkodergood idea :-)16:13
wesleyJust making dual-boot16:13
wesleyAnd playing games without problems16:13
p_mashocan anyone help please, going crazy. I cant seem to upgrade to 4.1.3, have 4.1.2 installed. Ive followed http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 and http://sayakb.blogspot.com/search/label/KDE413Testing.  Some items appear as "upgradable" but cant seem to be able to upgrade them .. here the sources.list http://rafb.net/p/cDuTl427.html.16:13
p_mashodesperatley after the fix for dolphin !16:14
wizkoderwesley: is there a reason for u to use linux anysway?16:14
* genii sips16:14
skullzeekjoin #ubuntu-ru16:15
skullzeeksorry )16:15
wesleywizkoder, only because its free, and i like kde but more then that not really i can work with linux,windows abd mac16:16
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mrvwhen will kde 4.5 be released? approximatelly16:18
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geniimrv: At the rate of releases sometime after about 2 decades16:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:23
liari have a resolution of 1024x600 on my netbook and most of the windows are to big for my desktop(i cant find ok, abort and so on) is there any solution?16:25
bdogi wanna go back to 8.0416:26
mircealiar: if you hold down the "alt" key you can drag the window from anywhere in the window, not just the title bar16:27
mirceabdog: i had the same reaction16:27
bdogi'm scared to reboot now16:27
LjLliar: you could also set up a virtual desktop that's larger than the actual resolution16:27
liarmircea: not if desktop effects are turned on16:27
LjLas to how that's done in kde 4, ahum16:27
mircealiar: for me it works with desktop effects turned on16:28
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wizkoderI still use 8.04. No problems here :-) Just tried 8.10 on my laptop, but the system is damn slow there.16:29
DaSkreechp_masho: Still no love?16:30
* p_masho ;-(16:30
DaSkreechCourtJesterG: need better drivers16:31
liari can move it over the left, right and bottom border but not over the top16:31
wizkoderliar: right. same here16:32
DaSkreechtrappist: compiz --replace16:32
p_mashohow do I enable "intrepid backports"16:33
DaSkreechgenii: mrv left after 30 seconds16:33
trappistDaSkreech: yeah it was shockingly easy this time around :)  just disabled kde's effects, installed compiz and friends, and I'm using fusion-icon with a symlink to it in .kde/Autostart16:33
geniiDaSkreech: Yes, I see now :)16:33
DaSkreechliar: I have desktop effects turned on and alt+drag works fine16:33
OxDeadC0detrappist I have fusion-icon loading from autostart configuration panel, and in session manager compiz selected instead of kwin16:34
OxDeadC0deboth in kmenu/system settings/advanced16:34
DaSkreechp_masho: Open adept then go to edit software sources  on the updats tab check unsupported updates16:34
liarDaSkreech: yes it works but i cant move the window over the top border of the screen16:35
p_mashoDaSkreech: done that16:35
trappistOxDeadC0de: I think I like the sound of that16:35
DaSkreechliar: You mean that you can't push the window off the top edge ?16:35
mircealiar: are you using compiz?16:36
DaSkreechp_masho: You refreshed the list?16:36
DaSkreechmircea: Good question :)16:36
liarmircea: yes16:36
DaSkreechp_masho: when you go to changes do you see an edit ?16:36
trappistOxDeadC0de: by session manager you mean window manager, right?16:36
DaSkreechp_masho: bah I mean do you see an upgrade button?16:36
mircealiar: are you using kde?16:37
OxDeadC0detrappist no: go kemnu/system settings/advanced - there's a session manager button there16:37
p_mashoyep theres onthere called "Full Upgrade".. it does nothing16:37
OxDeadC0detrappist in it i can select the window manager tho so maybe you're right16:37
liarmircea: yes16:37
Scott_Dude25Hmm Kubuntu isnt booting correctly on my system16:37
trappistOxDeadC0de: ok yeah that's what I meant - do you have compiz run at "startup" or "pre kde startup"?16:37
Scott_Dude25After the loading screen and the loading bar it goes to the black screen with an X cursor16:38
liarDaSkreech: i think :S16:38
OxDeadC0detrappist neither, in session manger/window manager I have it set to compiz - which runs it before startup but after pre-startup16:38
DaSkreechp_masho: What happens when you press it16:39
Scott_Dude25Does anyone know why Kubuntu wont boot16:39
DaSkreechp_masho: ok can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list for me?16:39
Scott_Dude25Ive tried installing it with the 64 bit cd and Wubi16:39
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:39
DaSkreechScott_Dude25: Try restrting KDM ?16:39
trappistOxDeadC0de: ah, I'm using fusion-icon, which I have set upas an autostart script16:39
Scott_Dude25DaSkreech: It's not even booting is the problem16:40
liarmircea: kde416:40
Scott_Dude25Im trying to install it on an empty hard drive in my computer16:40
DaSkreechScott_Dude25: How far does the not booting get to?16:40
Scott_Dude25But the livecd wont even boot16:40
Scott_Dude25It goes past the loading bar and then goes to a black screen with an X cursor16:40
DaSkreechScott_Dude25: Oh. Umm can you press alt+ctrl+F1 and get a terminal ?16:42
Scott_Dude25Hm not sure Ill have to reboot this computer to try16:43
Scott_Dude25Whats the command to restart KDE16:43
bdogis there a way i can disable the ubuntu nvidia driver from installing when I update16:44
DaSkreechScott_Dude25: from the command line?16:44
geniiScott_Dude25: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm  restart16:44
Scott_Dude25Ok thanks16:45
geniiOr kdm-kde4      depends16:45
DaSkreechIf you are on hardy it's kdm-kde416:45
mircealiar: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Plugins/Move16:47
mircealiar: Contrain Y prevents windows from being moved off the top of the screen.16:47
mircealiar: you can configure it to let you move the window off the top of the screen16:48
liarmircea: where do i configure it?16:51
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:51
thomas_was ist16:53
thomas_mein pc hat was16:54
bdogwhat is this plasma and why does it signal 11 all the time?16:54
genii!de | thomas_16:54
ubottuthomas_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:54
DaSkreechbdog: your desktop workspace16:55
thomas_was ist los16:55
baneHow do You setup Your internet connection16:55
DaSkreechp_masho: If you close adept you can try in konsole sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:55
baneIs there better way than pon dsl-provider?16:55
geniithomas_: Nur Englisch hier gefällt.16:56
cornyHi @ all16:57
thomas_ich ohr muisk16:57
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:57
liargenii: good german :D16:57
cornykönnte mir jemand schnell mal helfen??16:57
cornyich kann die Oberflächen nicht mehr wechseln16:58
DaSkreechcorny: join #kubuntu-de16:58
Neremori just wanted to say that i want to get the old adept manager back! :D17:01
Neremoris there a way to search for apps with a search string shorter than 3 charackters?17:01
OxDeadC0deneremor in a console: aptitude search my_search_text (like aptitude search nm)17:02
nabshow to kill pidgin processes in ubuntu17:03
OxDeadC0dein a console: killall pidgin17:03
OxDeadC0denabs: what I just said OR: ps -A | grep pidgin - then kill pid17:03
OxDeadC0dekillall is much easier17:04
nabsyeah that worked17:04
geniiliar: I just used Babelfish for it although I do speak a tiny bit17:04
Neremorhm i would like to use a graphical interface for that17:07
m_tadeuhi everyone....what's the state of plasma and xinerama?17:08
OxDeadC0deneremor if you have any experience with any programming language, make one, it'd be extremely easy17:08
DaSkreechNeremor: It'll get better. File bugs17:08
debankurHi all. Is there a way I can use kvkbd to display a keyboard layout other than english ?17:08
debankurI remember I could do that in earlier verions .17:09
DaSkreechNeremor: The authour pulled a lot of stunts to have it compiled for Ibex. so it's a good thing we have it at all17:09
DaSkreechNeremor: you can try run sudo update-apt-xapian-index17:09
Neremori don't say the adeptmanager is bad, but i just say that the old one is better and has much more functions ;)17:11
OxDeadC0deI wonder if it's possible, is there some way I can zip up a folder, then when a specific user logs in create and mount a memory basesd partition, extract the archive to that partition, have the user run, then when they loggout it unmounts that partition, effectively creating a guest session where nothing is saved? (Kind of like ubuntu 8.10 guest sessions.. kind of)17:11
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Pink_Frostneed help!!, Spilled water on my keyboard and now my screen flickers, makes it really hard to use17:12
Pink_Frostwhat to do what to do?17:13
OxDeadC0dePink_Frost I hope you're still under warrenty17:13
debankurPink_Frost : shut down the machine. use a hair dryer to dry it and then use it. it worked for me when I dropped tea on my thinkpad T2417:14
geniiOxDeadC0de: I had a similar setup previously, used a dd image exact size of a full CD for their /home which got mounted when they logged in. So it's verypossible.17:14
DaSkreechPink_Frost: Stop talking to us. Shut off computer. Enjoy nature or friends for two days17:15
OxDeadC0dethanks genii ^^ I'll have to study it some, would be an awesome way to do guest accounts imo ;)17:16
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OxDeadC0deDaSkreech hypocrisy! What are these "Nature" and "freinds" you speak of? :P17:18
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DaSkreechOxDeadC0de: Code from the holodeck17:18
DaSkreechI always used to wonder why they bothered. If they could walk as far as they wanted in the Holodeck why not just replicate the universe inside there and explore the place from home?17:19
geniiOxDeadC0de: If you have a dd image of a smal HD (2Gb for instance) you can also do loopmount and then actually run fdisk on it and so on to partition it how you like for the individual user.17:19
nabshere at shool they have it setup that when you login your home directory is mounted and as soon as you logout it is unmounted and nothing stays on the machine17:19
geniinabs: Likely they are running a terminal server type setup17:20
nabsyeah i think cause they run a scrip to do that17:21
OxDeadC0degenii i was thinking of just making an image of an already setup /home/ folder,then mount that as a memory block device so any changes they make while active (cookies, temp web browser data, etc) is saved in memory only then when they loggout it's gone, so they can't take my precious last couple gb of hd space which I need for making my video game17:21
DaSkreechVideo game17:22
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:22
OxDeadC0demy server alone eats up over 1gb of hard drive space storing physics collission data ^^17:22
geniiOxDeadC0de: So long as you have plenty of ram that can be done17:22
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!17:22
OxDeadC0de2gb physical ram and 4gb swap, should be plenty17:22
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* DaSkreech raises brow17:24
wizkoderbye folks. enjoy your evening17:27
geniiOxDeadC0de: There is fuse-zip also, so you might not need to unzip everything into it.17:29
OxDeadC0degenii I can also make new userspace programs to automate most of it ^^, but I'm going to look into it later, right now I need to be compiling raknet and a few other libraries to get back to making muh game ;)17:30
geniiHave fun :)17:31
preppysob99Hm I was able to get to command line after the screen with the X cursor17:34
preppysob99It says kdm is running17:34
preppysob99How do I go back to the GUI interface17:35
preppysob99Anyone active?17:35
DaSkreechpreppysob99: alt+ctrl+F717:36
geniiJust alt-f7 would be sufficient :)17:36
preppysob99Ok thanks :D17:37
trappistOxDeadC0de: you use compiz?  does your alt-f2 work?17:38
preppysob99Sweet, its working now17:38
DaSkreechgenii: Yeah but for new users the one meme is easier17:39
OxDeadC0detrappist yes and yes17:39
trappistOxDeadC0de: did you have to do anything to make it work?17:39
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OxDeadC0detrappist nope :/17:39
DaSkreechcompiz doesn't trigger krunner for alt+F2 does it?17:39
trappistDaSkreech: probably not by default17:40
OxDeadC0deit does for me17:40
DaSkreechI wonder if plasma overrides that17:40
DaSkreechIf you kill plasma alt+f2 no longer works17:41
trappistah, that makes sense17:41
trappistbut, I got it working by assigning krunner to command0 and setting the keybinding for command0 to alt-f217:42
preppysob99Will Vista detect Kubuntu installed on another harddrive and bring up its boot option screen17:43
preppysob99Or will I need to configure it somehow?17:43
Picipreppysob99: Are you installing Vista after (K)ubuntu?17:44
trappistpreppysob99: I haven't tried, but almost certainly not17:44
trappistit's a *lot* easier to install windows first, then linux17:44
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:44
preppysob99I had Vista installed on a 640GB hd17:45
preppysob99and now Im installing Kubuntu on a 226GB hd17:45
preppysob99And I would rather have some boot loader popup and ask me what I want to boot than have to go to bios everytime i want to change what i boot into17:46
trappistpreppysob99: the kubuntu installer should set up with that.  just don't expect windows to do it if you've already got linux installed17:47
preppysob99I installed linux after windows17:48
DaSkreechShould work then17:48
preppysob99on 2 different drives17:48
preppysob99Thanks for the help :)17:49
DaSkreechtrappist: I forget does it still ask you which drive you want the bootloader on?17:50
trappistDaSkreech: dunno, I haven't dual booted in a *long* time17:50
DaSkreechtrappist: Have you installed?17:50
trappistcan you rephrase the question? :)17:51
DaSkreechWhen installing does the installer still ask you which drive you want the bootloader installed to?17:51
DaSkreechhe would have to have it on the main boot drive I think17:51
trappistthat question I understand, but I don't know the answer17:52
DaSkreechSo that he doesn't have to swap boot order17:52
DaSkreechwith the assumption of preppysob9917:52
DaSkreech being male17:52
trappistbecause I haven't dual booted in like 8 years17:52
DaSkreechnot quite as long but neither have I17:54
DaSkreech as long as you have multiple drives in the machine it should asl17:54
DaSkreechI think17:54
tango_hello all. I just downloaded kubuntu 8.10 and I noticed a funny thing with the livecd: when it starts loading, it reaches a point where it stalls, sits there doing nothing, the progress bar barely begun filling up. then if I ctrl+alt+del it continues loading (very fast), and it works fine17:57
tango_also, on a totally different topic: I've read that ubuntu 8.10 has an option to install to a usb key, does kubuntu 8.10 have it too?17:58
RuslanPopovppl, why kubuntu 8.10 ignores ctrl-shift but uses scrolllock led, I have the following in xorg.conf:17:59
RuslanPopov    Option         "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"17:59
RuslanPopovalt-shift works17:59
bdogcan I disable the "check battery state"18:00
sizeoneКакой командой запустить install.sh ?18:03
sizeoneWhat command to start instal.sh?18:03
sizeoneWhat command to start install.sh?18:04
=== sushil is now known as bibstha
bdogcan I disable the "check battery state"18:06
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DaSkreech!ru | sizeone18:13
ubottusizeone: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:13
geniisizeone: ./install.sh18:13
DaSkreechsizeone: sh install.sh18:14
DaSkreechWishlist. Qt4 Konveersation18:14
DaSkreechwhoops Just wanted to see if he was in this chan :)18:17
Tm_TDaSkreech: awww18:18
* DaSkreech twiddles fingers18:18
* DaSkreech prods Tm_T to join #KDE on jaiku :)18:18
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:21
marunyaI updated my ubuntu 8.04 to kubuntu 8.1018:22
marunyaand KDE 4.1 will be corrupted18:22
DaSkreechMixing of tenses is confuzzling18:22
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ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:23
=== villoni is now known as Copelia
manishi have an internet connection with kubuntu 8.10. i want to share it with my friend using wifi. is it possible. if yes how18:30
LjL!inetsharing | manish18:30
ubottumanish: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:30
LjLmanish: Firestarter is a GTK application, it's possible (but i don't really know) that GuardDog has that functionality on KDE. assuming it's available on 4.18:30
LjLotherwise just follow the CLI instructions18:31
=== roller is now known as czarnista
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manishi am a rookeie so dont understand what is written on the http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:34
manishplease help me18:34
manishcommand my command instruction18:34
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DaSkreechmanish: Sorry? What are you asking?18:36
manishi have connected to the internet using modem (reliance USB data card) and want to share it with my room partner using wifi18:37
manishwhat all do i need to install and how to configure it18:37
dr_willis!ics | manish18:37
ubottumanish: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php18:37
DaSkreechmanish: install firestarter then follow that page18:38
manishi have already seen those pages but dont understand a bit c18:38
dr_willisthat UFW tool may have a option also..18:38
manishi have installed firestarted18:38
manishbut howdo i configire it18:39
dr_willisof course if you want to know whats going on in the background.. that would take some iptables knowledge.. and perhaps a read of the 'ip-masquerading' howto.18:39
dr_willisrun firestarter - it has a gui.. ( i never use it)18:39
dr_willissome of those docs are getting a bit out of date.18:40
manishok u have the fire starter installed but how do i use that to share internet using wifi18:41
dr_willisrun it.. and follow the wizzard from what i am reading on its homepage.18:41
dr_willisfrom what ive heard . geting ICS going with firestarter is just a couple of clicks.. and its done.. (not that i have done it  recently)18:43
debankuranyone knows if kbluetooth4 has been fixed to work with the new  bluez-4.x api18:44
preppysob99I installed Kubuntu, but now its booting to fail18:44
preppysob99failing to boot* lol18:44
DaSkreechpreppysob99: where does it stop?18:45
preppysob99I disconnected my other HDs, and it still wont boot18:45
preppysob99My computer tells me Please insert a valid boot source18:45
preppysob99and press a key18:45
preppysob99Maybe Grub isnt loading?18:46
dr_willissounds like ya may have the wrong hd unhooked..18:46
preppysob99No dr willis18:46
dr_willisor you accidently justled another cable..18:46
dr_willisboot live cd.. see if you can access that hard drive to PROVE it.18:46
preppysob99Because it shows up in the BIOS18:46
preppysob99I am on the live cd right now18:46
preppysob99and I can see the contents of that HD18:46
dr_willisso mount the HD and look at the contents? see a /boot/ ?18:46
preppysob99They are as they should be18:46
dr_willisreinstall the grub boot loader perhaps.18:47
dr_willisand look for any error messages it gives..18:47
preppysob99Do you think maybe GRUB isnt working because my computer uses nvram18:47
dr_willisI dont see what nvram has to do with it..18:47
preppysob99Doesnt the computer check nvram to see what to use to boot18:48
dr_willisCant say taht ive eer noticed.. Most of my PC's i can hit F9 and tell it eaactly what to boot.18:48
dr_willisMost bios's also have bios settings to set the boot order/what to look for.. could be its not looking for that drive to boot from at all.18:49
preppysob99It is18:49
preppysob99I disconnected everything except the cd drives trying to get it to work18:49
preppysob99Right before it gives the message it says Err2Err318:50
preppysob99then it says Please insert a valid boot source and press any key or reboot and select a valid boot source18:50
dr_williswhat is saying that? grub? or the bios/post screen?18:50
preppysob99Not grub18:50
dr_willisI cant recall ever seeing Grub say 'err2/err3'  :)  so not sure what to even look at for that.18:50
dr_willisI would double check the bios/hard drive settings.. other then that.. not sure what to tell you.18:51
preppysob99this sucks18:52
preppysob99Its like grub isnt being recognized18:53
dr_willisyoy are not on some plugin sata card? or raid? or other weirdness?18:53
FoeNyxHello, I have a small problem with my fresh update to 8.10 : all kde application I launch goes wild (100% cpu usage) without displaying on screen. Has someone a lead about this behaviour ?18:53
preppysob99The only weird thing on my computer is I have a ATA drive connected to a PCI-ATA card but it shows up seamlessly to most Operating systems18:54
preppysob99my bios lists it as RAID though instead of a drive18:54
dr_willisYou are trying to boot that ATA drive ?18:55
preppysob99Im trying to boot a normal SATA drive plugged into my mobo18:56
dr_willisi wonder if grub dident get installed to a different hd then what you booted from..18:57
preppysob99It shouldnt have18:57
dr_willisive learned tobe very carefull with mixxed sata/ide drives..18:57
preppysob99When I installed I told the installer to use the whole drive18:58
dr_willishad one box.. if i booted the box from the ide.. the sata '/dev/sd##' letters would shift down18:58
geniidr_willis: I also have a box like that18:58
preppysob99Should I format the drive and try installing again?18:59
dr_willisgenii,  i accidently foramted the wrong hd once.. :P18:59
DaSkreechpreppysob99: Fairly certain the MBR is on the other drive18:59
dr_willisI cheat and install grub to ALL the hard drives.. :)18:59
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:59
geniiMaster Boot Record18:59
dr_willisgrub installs to the MBR.. thats what boots the system18:59
manishI still dont understand what do i need to do to the fire starter please can you explain me command by command18:59
dr_willisGrub is fun to learn about..18:59
preppysob99Oh your right18:59
preppysob99It probably is on the Windows drive18:59
DaSkreechdr_willis: I thought the MBR called Grub19:00
dr_willispreppysob99,  ive had grub be ONLY on the linux drive befor.. and i would tell the pc to boot that hd..  (with my F9 option)19:00
dr_willisgrub is installed to the MBR.. it could then chain load  the MBR's of other hds i guess if properly setup19:00
preppysob99Is there a way for the Windows Boot Manager to boot Kubuntu19:00
geniiNot easily19:00
dr_williswindows boot manager is a pain. :) grub is much more logical. and fun19:00
DaSkreechpreppysob99: Yes. call Microsoft and ask them to send over a programmer rigth away19:01
manishplease i want to share my internet connection with my room partner19:01
genii!ics | manish19:01
ubottumanish: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:01
manishplease help ... i am using kubuntu and have firestarter installed19:01
dr_willismanish,  from what i saw in that guide.. you just clicked the share stuff.. i dont  have a box handy to walk through it . sorry.19:01
DaSkreechmanish: you are both on the same lan ?19:02
manishi am on a ppoe connection and want to share internet using wifi19:02
dr_willisppoe ---> PC ----- wireless ---->    <----wireless PC2 ?19:03
geniidr_willis: That would be my idea of the topography also19:04
manishDaSkreech: yes19:04
batCiao come faccio in ubuntu a far vedere a Nautilus hd windows19:04
* dr_willis has no idea on PPOE.. :) 19:04
manishyes dr willis19:04
dr_williswireles is working on both machines?   can they ping each other?19:04
manishhow do i try' it19:05
FoeNyxcan somebody help me ? I cannot use any kde applications :[19:05
manishwhat should i ping on machine 219:05
dr_willisgive each a static  ip on the same network range.. or install a dhcp server on pc1.. and the pin g command.19:05
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Define can't use KDE apps19:05
dr_willisthe wireless network needs tobe working.. befor you can share  the internet to the other box. :)19:06
manishhow do i do that19:06
dr_willisNot a clue.. I rarely mess with wirless19:06
FoeNyxDaSkreech> for example I try to launch konsole (or kate or any kde4 application) and the process take 100% cpu, but nothing is displayed on screen19:06
noobstylemount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/OneTouch4 Mini -o force19:06
dr_willisI can get my 2 laptosp working now to my router.. and thats about it.19:06
noobstyleHi guys. I have this External harddrive running NTFS and i have pluged it in on my Kubuntu system. I get a loong error of what to do and it suggests this: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/OneTouch4 Mini -o force19:06
manishi am a new bie please tell me command by command19:06
noobstyleso i try it but i just get a long list of options19:06
DaSkreechmanish: It's a wizard.. press next I would suspect19:07
dr_willismanish,  dont expect a 'command by command'  walk throguh on gettting wirles going.. it may  or may not be simple.. it depends on yoru wireless cards.19:07
DaSkreechSee this is why Command line is so much easier to support than GUIs19:07
DaSkreechWell Is it a wireless Hub?19:07
manishi can get you all the info on what ever you want19:07
dr_willisIt wont matter what you do with firestarter if you cant even get the 2 pc's talking over the wireless network.19:07
DaSkreechIf it is then he can just plug in to the wired uplink19:08
manishplz help19:08
DaSkreechassuming manish is indeed manish :)19:08
DaSkreechIs it a Wireless Hub? or are you broadcasting on a wireless card?19:08
dr_willisDaSkreech,  <dr_willis> ppoe ---> PC1 ----- wireless ---->  Airwaves :)  <----wireless PC219:08
dr_willisI think is what he said earlier.. so he needs to  get the wireless working first..  of course that canbe hard to do with no internet for pc2 to get the drivers19:09
manishi have laptop and i have a ppoe connectio and a wire less card on it and i want to share my internet connection from my ppoe with my friend through wifi19:09
szrhawaii_what if your toggle for the wireless doesnt work19:09
dr_willisnight all.19:09
szrhawaii_how do you guys like the kde 419:10
manishwhat do you mean by it19:10
szrhawaii_is it running ok19:10
DaSkreechmanish: Do you have wireless working ?19:10
FoeNyxDaSkreech> I guess a silence means something like a "no idea" answer ? :p19:10
szrhawaii_no my friends wireless didnt load on because of some reason19:10
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Oh umm what happens when you run them from the command line?19:11
szrhawaii_he doesnt have wireless anymore cause the toggle wont turn on19:11
manishi dont no19:11
szrhawaii_i dont know remember what to put to get to it through command prompt19:11
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FoeNyxDaSkreech> after a while dbus says 'Communication problem with  "konsole" , it probably crashed.  Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" '19:12
szrhawaii_thats what his says19:12
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Probably don't have dbus running19:12
manishplease can you guys can alteast write m: bofore you write comment for me19:12
DaSkreech!wifi | manish read this then19:12
ubottumanish read this then: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:12
szrhawaii_how o you fix that problem19:12
DaSkreechszrhawaii_: Toggle is a hardware shutoff you need to get that flipped on before it can be used19:13
DaSkreechit's like trying to fix the power button on the computer with software when it's stuck in the off position.19:13
szrhawaii_yeah how do i manage that when now it doesnt even want to turn on19:13
FoeNyxDaSkreech> there are some dbus-daemon in the process list, and it's the same symptom if I do 'dbus-launch konsole'19:13
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Do you have qdbus ?19:13
DaSkreechszrhawaii_: pliers and a screwdriver ?19:14
szrhawaii_everything else works fine on his comp just that one thing doesnt work it happened when we switch his os to ubuntu but he had antivirus 2008 trojan on his comp would that have been a problem19:14
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Not sure yet try #kde ?19:14
szrhawaii_so your saying the button is just stuck19:15
FoeNyxDaSkreech> they do not reply either :p19:15
DaSkreechszrhawaii_: I thought thats what you said19:15
FoeNyxDaSkreech> well thank you anyway :)19:15
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szrhawaii_here ill break down the whole scenario19:15
DaSkreechFoeNyx: all apps?19:16
FoeNyxDaSkreech> all kde4 app19:16
DaSkreechFoeNyx: reinstall the kdelibs19:16
FoeNyxDaSkreech> done that twice ^^'19:16
DaSkreechgenii: Any clues?19:16
szrhawaii_the wireless was working fine he had windows xp with a trojan named antivirus 2008 then i went to reboot his system with ubuntu cause once you get that virus it wont let you reboot with windows for some reason19:16
szrhawaii_then when i was restarting it the wireless shut off and i tried to turn it back on before i the disk booted19:17
manishwhat do i click in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:17
szrhawaii_but it wouldnt come on19:17
szrhawaii_and hasnt since then19:17
szrhawaii_ive tried downloading gnome, kde, and even tried putting windows back on his system but the windows os wont take19:18
szrhawaii_then i tried the bios to make sure it was on19:18
szrhawaii_and restore default settings and tried to restart again19:18
szrhawaii_then i tried the software and checked to see if it was picking up the wireless device again nothing19:19
szrhawaii_so here i am stuck and the wireless toggle wont turn on  the wireless and the light doesnt even come on19:19
szrhawaii_so is that a hardware issue19:19
geniiDaSkreech: On which?19:19
DaSkreechgenii: FoeNyx's KDE4 aversion19:20
manishin firestarter the "Enable DCHP for local network" is not enabled19:20
FoeNyxDaSkreech> aversion ^^' ? I would probably love kde4 if I could see how it looks :p19:20
dwidmann_szrhawaii_: I say back up everything that's needed and overwrite the disk with zeros19:20
manishwhat should i do now..?????19:21
geniiDaSkreech: No ideas offhand :)19:21
szrhawaii_i even tried deleting all the formatted drives where nothing was working19:21
szrhawaii_it would load and say nothing19:21
szrhawaii_just a blank screen19:21
geniiDaSkreech: I'm on 3.5.10 btw19:21
szrhawaii_then i rebooted the cd again19:21
szrhawaii_and still didnt work19:21
manishdo i need to download DCHP server..Is it not donwloaded with forestarte19:21
dwidmann_szrhawaii_: that's not the same as overwriting with zeros :)19:22
manishif yes thn how do i donwload it19:22
DaSkreechmanish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking19:22
szrhawaii_how do i do that19:22
DaSkreechmanish: you need dhcpd I think19:22
dwidmann_szrhawaii_: cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda (assuming the hard drive is /dev/sda) would do the trick.19:23
manishDaSkreech: how i do that19:23
DaSkreechmanish: sudo apt-get install dhcpd19:23
dwidmann_szrhawaii_: of course, everything on the drive would be permanently gone.19:23
szrhawaii_thats fine19:23
szrhawaii_how do i get there19:23
szrhawaii_is that through command prompt19:23
geniiDaSkreech: dhcp3-server19:23
DaSkreechmanish: ^^^19:24
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:24
DaSkreechgenii: Shouldn't he at least be using IPV4 not IPV319:24
* DaSkreech ducks19:24
JampiterRight, I have the Kubuntu install disk on a LiveUSB. How can I make it persistant? Can somebody tell me step by step? (And the information Ubottu gives is complicated and I can't find the right thing..)19:24
geniiDaSkreech: Bah :)19:25
manishDaSkreech: it says dhcpd has no installation candidate19:25
DaSkreechmanish: dhcp3-server19:25
geniimanish: sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server19:25
szrhawaii_<dwidmann> is that through command prompt19:25
szrhawaii_not sure how to make a live usb19:26
szrhawaii_but know how to do the cd19:26
JampiterYou can make a CD persistant?19:27
szrhawaii_what are you trying to do jampiter19:27
manishya its installing something19:27
manishwhat do i do after that19:28
JampiterMake my Kubuntu USB stick into a persistant system, with my changes, files, packages on and such which I can install and remove and use it like a normal install system - or close enough19:28
manishginee: what do i do next19:29
szrhawaii_ohhh not sure how to do that19:29
manishenable DHCP still not active19:30
szrhawaii_but i know you can do that on a iso file19:30
JampiterHow would I do that?19:30
szrhawaii_cause i have a rigged version of xp/vista on one cd19:30
szrhawaii_its set up with certain settings19:30
lovrefirefox doesnt show some flash stuff... but shows everything on youtube.19:31
manishHELP ::: how do i share internet connection using wifi19:31
szrhawaii_but doesnt load files19:31
memeemeeeif I want to run a command (say cp) for all files except one what would I type? something like *[not= filename]19:32
manishgenii: its still now showing "enable DHCP still not active" in firestarter19:33
manishwhat do i do now. i have installed dhcp3-server still the last message is "invoke-rc.d: initscript dhcp3-server, action "start" failed."19:34
manishas the last line in command prompt19:34
manishsorry terminal19:34
geniimanish: First tell it what interface to attach to. Do this in file /etc/default/dhcp3-server     a line like: INTERFACES=wlan0               or so19:35
marek_hi i have a problem with xserver, after downloading gnome it doesnt start anything, only login screen is shown (in text mode) what should i do to start login screen automatically?19:37
manishgenii: have done so"by writing wlan0 in the last line between quotes19:37
manishnow what19:38
manishshould i remove the quotes19:38
manishor something19:38
geniimanish: Please pastebin contents of file:  /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf19:39
geniimanish: Just a line like: INTERFACES=wlan0                   no quotes or other strange things19:40
geniiThis is if your wifi is called that of course19:40
OxDeadC0dememeemeee: you still here? got an answer for ya19:42
memeemeeethanks OxDeadC0de19:43
manishso do i remove the quotes between wlan0 in the file19:44
manishwhat do i do next genii19:45
manishi have still not removed the quotes between the file wlan0 in dhcp3-server19:46
manishgenii: u there19:48
Pyles17I had my Intel 3945ABG wireless card working (installed microcode in /lib/firmware) and now, after a day, it won't even show up in lshw -C network19:51
Pyles17and wireless still works in windows xp19:52
manishplease help me share my internet connection connected using a pppoe modem to the internet, with a friend using wifi. i have installed firestarter bu tdont know how to set it up and share the internet19:53
ptlyah yah yah19:59
ptlHow do I enter in text-mode KDE?20:00
geniimanish: Apologies on lag, work required me. Now you have to tell the dhcp server certain things like what range you want to hand out etc. This is in the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file which I asked you earlier to pastebin20:00
Pyles17ptl: do you mean what program to use?20:02
geniiptl: Konsole20:02
ptlPyles17: no, I am just trying to confuse people ;P Sorry20:03
Pyles17ptl: It worked. I'm confused20:04
* genii hands out more coffees20:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:06
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:08
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:13
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estanhm. how do i print preview in konqueror?20:21
DaSkreechmanish: Did you follow the second wifi link ?20:22
preppysob99Ok so i figured out that grub isnt starting20:22
preppysob99Any ideas why not?20:22
DaSkreechpreppysob99: not installed properly?20:23
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:23
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=== gio_ is now known as gio
genii!es | gio20:25
ubottugio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:25
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:26
DaSkreechalso see !br20:27
BorkisDrizzt When I booted my laptop running kubuntu 8.10 earlier today, I noticed that things were going really slow. So when it finished booting I ran top, and it tells me that a process named artsd is eating away the CPU. How do I fix that?20:27
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: kill20:28
PhilRod('k' in top)20:28
Pyles17I had my Intel 3945ABG wireless card working (installed microcode in /lib/firmware) and now, after a day, I can't connect and it won't even show up in lshw -C network20:28
Pyles17any ideas?20:28
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: but arts is from kde 3 - presumably it shouldn't be running at all on 8.1020:28
DaSkreechPhilRod: Amarok20:29
PhilRodDaSkreech: but that can use other output backends, right?20:29
ptlpatola    6648     1  0 Nov09 ?        00:00:43 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 60 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f20:29
* DaSkreech shrugs.20:29
BorkisDrizztwell, but it is20:29
ptlit's running in mine20:29
DaSkreechIf you are loading kde3libs it's likely that yuo will be using sound and artsd will get started20:29
DaSkreechIf for notifications if nothing else20:30
PhilRodPyles17: does lsmod show the module?20:30
BorkisDrizztkilling doesn't work20:31
PhilRodkill -9 ?20:31
BorkisDrizztwhat do you mean?20:32
Pyles17philrod: it shows a lot of things, I don't think the wireless card is one of them20:32
geniiBorkisDrizzt: eg:  sudo kill -9 664820:32
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: "kill -9 <pid>" kills a process with SIGKILL, which is more drastic than SIGTERM (which is what normal "kill" does)20:33
ubuntu_I have installed my kubuntu 8.1 to a USB drive. Now I can20:33
ubuntu_'t boot it20:33
PhilRodPyles17: "lsmod | grep 3945" - anything from that?20:33
ubuntu_Any able to tell me how to restore the boot loader on the USB drive from the live CD I am running off of now20:33
ubuntu_Is it 8.10 the latest, grabbed it yesterday20:34
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:35
snailswould someone be so kind and ask the folks in #remote-exploit why im banned?20:35
DaSkreechsnails: #freenode20:36
Tm_Tmoi Erkki20:36
BorkisDrizztwell, now the process disappears for about five seconds, then it returns with a new PID20:36
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: still using all cpu?20:36
=== kokaiin is now known as kokaiin__
=== kokaiin__ is now known as kokaiin
BorkisDrizztyes, it is20:37
Tm_Tkokaiin: may I ask you to change your nick to less, let's say, provocative?20:37
ubuntu_can I install grub to the / partition on my usb drive so I can just boot from that and not the local disk which is vista??20:37
Tm_Tmoi mikko20:37
DaSkreechubuntu_: As long as your BIOS supports otherBoot20:38
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: hrm, that's strange. One thing you could do would be to try to find the program that's starting artsd20:38
ubuntu_what is wrong with kokaiin?20:38
Tm_Tubuntu_: none20:38
Tm_Thi PhilRod20:39
PhilRodheya Tm_T! how're you?20:39
DaSkreechPhilRod: I would suspect knotify20:39
BorkisDrizztHow do I do that?20:39
ubuntu_daSkreech: it does, I'm just not sure how to set grub the USB partition and not the MBR of the internal drive20:39
PhilRodDaSkreech: yeah, sounds likely20:39
Tm_TPhilRod: fine thanks, waiting a baby (in #kubuntu-offtopic )20:39
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: are you running any kde 3 music apps? (eg amarok). If not, as DaSkreech says, it's probably knotify20:39
DaSkreechubuntu_: Read the documentation. You are looking for a dev device that's not mounted with your internal files on it20:40
BorkisDrizztwell, I am pretty sure amarok isn't running, so a "kill knotify4"?20:41
PhilRodno, knotify4 is the kde 4 one (I guess)20:41
Koordinhi, i want to use the terminal of kate but he recognise me as the root ; how can i leave the 'su mode' ? i've already tried exit or C^ D20:42
PhilRodbut hrm, I'm not sure how to turn off kde 3's knotify from kde 420:42
DaSkreechKoordin: Did you open kate as root?20:42
DaSkreechdcop ?20:42
PhilRodDaSkreech: yeah, I guess - I was hoping to get kcontrol from kde 3 open and set an external player there20:43
DaSkreechno kcontrol20:43
PhilRodwell, systemsettings20:44
BorkisDrizzttop only lists knotify420:44
Koordinyes, i want kate to be openned as root, but i want the terminal which within it not be launched as a root20:44
bullet234Hello. I have a problem with my ubuntu. The sound card Realtek ALC662 is not working properly. When i test it with Preferences > Sound it's making the sound it's not continous ... what should I do. Please help :(20:45
DaSkreechKoordin: su out then20:46
KoordinDaSkreech: Unknown id: out20:47
BorkisDrizztPhilRod: what should I do?20:47
KoordinDaSkreech: i think i'll just have to launch kate not as a root20:47
DaSkreechKoordin: ha ha20:48
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: I'm not sure - let me see if there's a package for kde3 systemsettings20:48
DaSkreechKoordin: Who do you want the terminal to be?20:48
BorkisDrizztmkay, shout if you find something20:49
* DaSkreech finds a purpose in life20:49
Koordin'who' ?20:49
DaSkreechKoordin: You have a user named who ?>20:50
BorkisDrizztyes DaSkreech? :P20:51
Koordini don't.20:51
DaSkreechKoordin: Which user do you want the terminal to be?20:51
KoordinSomeone solved my problem : "su - username"20:51
PhilRodBorkisDrizzt: I can't see anything relevant in adept, sorry20:54
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DaSkreechBorkisDrizzt: I found something!!20:55
DaSkreechKoordin: Yeah that's what I was trying to tell you :)20:55
BorkisDrizztwell, tell me :)20:55
DaSkreechBorkisDrizzt: It doesn't relate to you. But I was just glad I found it!!20:55
[GuS]hi guys... in Kubuntu inprepid, tha app kpat does not work giving me this error: http://pastebin.com/m1aa5568e20:56
Koordinok thanks DaSkreech20:56
BorkisDrizztmkay, guess i'll just reinstall then20:57
Koordinplease could someone tell me what is the difference between "sudo command" and "kdesudo command" and "su ; command ; exit" ?20:58
christian_bad problems after upgrade to 8.10 :-(21:00
ptlare there any good problems?21:01
christian_every time i try to start a game in fullscreen with e.g 800x600 (1280x1024 is my natived desktop res) iit crahse back to login21:01
DaSkreechKoordin: sudo runs the command as if you were root, kdesudo runs a graphical application (KDE I presume) since you should not run a GUI as sudo and su ; command turns into root for all intents and purposes and runs a command you will remain as root after the command finishes21:02
ptlKoordin: sudo is a text-based command (although it also exports X11 authentation information), kdesudo is graphiically and KDE-toolkit-based and for "su" you need the root password (which might not exist in the case of sudo and kdesudo)21:02
ubottuIn KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:03
Koordinptl: you also need the root password for sudo and kdesudo21:03
KoordinDaSkreech and ptl : of thanks21:03
ptlKoordin: it depends on the sudo configuration, you might need only your own user password21:03
IcyPolecathiya, can anyone recommend a front end or less brain twisting tool for generating iptables chain configurations? Ideally KDE native?21:04
DaSkreechKoordin: It's the only one that makes you root. so You need the root password21:04
ptldefault, it's your password21:04
ptlIcyPolecat: guarddod, maybe?21:04
DaSkreechKoordin: Wait. No you don't need root password for sudo21:04
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).21:04
KoordinDaSkreech and ptl : yes i'm here making a mistake, i'm the only user on my computer so the both passwords should be the same.21:05
* DaSkreech hits uten with a kangaroo21:05
PleXuShi all21:05
IcyPolecatDaSkreech: cheers man.21:05
IcyPolecatptl: thx also!21:05
PleXuSanyone in here who also got kernel panics with latest kernel?21:05
* uten startled by kangaroo but survives thanks to krenew energy drink21:05
Captain_Haddockanyone know what the cron manager in KDE 4.1 is called?21:10
PleXuSanyway my experience stay off the kernel 2.6-27 buggy like hell :)21:10
Captain_HaddockI thought it was kcron, but apparently not, even though such a package exists and is installed21:10
Aluminany suggestions on how I could go about completely nuking Mozilla Thunderbird?  I tried purging the packages "thunderbird", "lightning-extension", and "enigmail" and reinstalling, as well as deleting /usr/lib/thunderbird and ~/.mozilla-thunderbird ... but something's still weird21:10
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm21:11
DaSkreechCaptain_Haddock: kcron21:11
Captain_HaddockDaSkreech: do you have a menu item for it?21:11
* Captain_Haddock doesn't21:11
DaSkreechCaptain_Haddock: alt+f2 -> kcron21:11
Captain_HaddockDaSkreech: from terminal: bash: kcron: command not found21:12
DaSkreechand it's installed ?21:12
Captain_HaddockI had a menu item in 3.5 and also used it successfully21:12
snailsfuck you niggers21:12
Captain_HaddockI've even purged and reinstalled21:12
DaSkreechsudo apt-get install kcron21:12
Captain_Haddock"kcron is already the newest version."21:13
PleXuSdon't use cron gui21:14
PleXuSit sucks21:14
Captain_Haddockit was fine in 3.5 and worked great21:14
PleXuScrontab -e is all you need todo :)21:14
Captain_Haddockone suspicious thing is that when I tried to purge kcron I got "The following packages will be REMOVED  kcron*"21:15
* Captain_Haddock points at suspicious * next to kcron21:15
Captain_Haddockhmm, I get it for anything I try to purge21:16
Captain_Haddockso maybe that's normal :|21:16
DaSkreechCaptain_Haddock: System settings -> advanced -> task manager21:19
Captain_HaddockDaSkreech: aha!21:20
Captain_Haddockcheers dude :)21:20
danijelcheers room !21:21
=== john is now known as Guest21750
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Guest21750I need some help with kubuntu 8.0421:28
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:28
DaSkreechtechinically he didn't say anybody. assuming that Guest21750 is a he21:28
_2DaSkreech  techinically  i didn't say  !anybody |/> Guest21750   either21:29
PleXuSwhats the default kernel for kubuntu 8.10 ?21:29
Guest21750I'm trying to get my modem working i have the 386 restricted kernel installed21:29
PhilRodin kmail in intrepid, when I compose a reply, the message window scrolls incredibly slowly. Has anyone else seen the same thing?21:29
gordackI want a more humanistic version of "linux for humans!" kubuntu 8.1021:29
DaSkreechgordack: huh?21:30
DaSkreechNew wallpaper?21:30
Guest21750I cant get ltmodem to install with $ sudo sh -c "echo ltserial >> /etc/modules"21:30
Guest21750I'm useing this page to go by "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Lucent"21:31
_2Guest21750 that command will only write the name of the "ltserial" module to the /etc/modules file (which should make it auto load on your next boot up)  however you can use    sudo modprobe ltserial      to insert the module now.21:32
Guest21750it fails when i do that21:32
FoeNyxDaSkreech> through an strace, I found a way to solve my problem ^^' uim-qt can prevent kde4 to work :p ( infinite loop in (un)mmaping Compose.dir, several bug filled for debian, and ubuntu)21:32
_2what error ?21:32
Guest21750error inserting21:33
FoeNyxDaSkreech> thanks for the help earlier :)21:33
DaSkreechFoeNyx: what's uim-qt ?21:33
_2Guest21750 full error message please.21:33
DaSkreechpaste bin please21:33
_2should be one line21:33
FoeNyxDaSkreech> uim stands for "universal input method" (used with someother modules like anthy to input japanese or scripts)21:34
DaSkreechskim ?21:34
FoeNyxDaSkreech> similar to skim yes21:34
Guest21750FATAL ERROR INSERTING ltserial (/lib/modules/2.624-21-386/voltatile/ltserial.ko): no such device21:36
_2so the module is not there.   that could be a problem...21:36
_2if you copied and pasted that, the path looks wrong.21:37
DaSkreechFoeNyx: Ah ok do you need it ?21:37
DaSkreechyeah that looks funky21:37
gordackI have been trying to install kubuntu for 2 days. first I triend to install it on my external hdd and it didnt work, in addition I got Mbr errors. Solution for that was not friendly. then I tried to install kubuntu on my inner hard drive. I am using raid 0 setup and I realised that kubuntu doesnt see my raid 0 setup ! thenI found a solution for that and again it wasnt friendly. then I triend to install kubuntu 8.10 with wubi ( install inside windows )21:37
DaSkreech hi preppysob9921:37
gordackand again it doesnt work. I saw the dual boot screen , pressed on kubuntu and again nothing happened. tried safety boot methods none of them worked. Im using kubuntu on my vmware workstation it works perfectly but I really really wanted to see the effects of compiz-fusion and vmware doesnt support opengl so I cant see the effects of it. anyway i think kubuntu installatin is a totall disaster.21:37
Guest21750i did not21:37
=== marcel_ is now known as Guest21057
preppysob99Why wont this menu.lst boot? http://pastebin.com/m4da2bdda21:37
DaSkreechwhat's the current state?21:38
preppysob99boot vista*21:38
dwidmann_preppysob99: try commenting out "make active"21:38
gordackwhich state ? last method that I tried it "wubi". kubuntu installs perfectly but it doesnt boot.21:38
DaSkreechpreppysob99: You are missing a chainloader +121:39
_2Guest21750 find /lib/modules -iname ltserial.ko21:39
dwidmann_and/or savedefault21:39
novikovavhi, can u help me? how to install programs from .bin files21:39
DaSkreechgordack: That's still installed ?21:39
DaSkreechnovikovav: ./name.bon21:39
Guest21750it's volatile sorry21:39
_2Guest21750 find /lib/modules -iname ltserial.ko21:39
DaSkreechgordack: how far does the boot get to?21:39
_2command   ^21:39
novikovavthx, but i know it.....java error21:40
preppysob99everytime i put chainloader +1 I get an error21:40
DaSkreechnovikovav: fix java then21:40
preppysob99can u make the mods and repost them21:40
novikovavhow to fix it?21:40
DaSkreechnovikovav: No Clue I don't know what the error is21:40
gordackI saw the logo of kubuntu, then my screen went black. then ı restarted my computer and pressed "esc" to go to menu I tried all of the ways at there 5 ways except live boot. It was checking my harddrives then it enters in a loop and that loop was about my sata drives21:41
preppysob99DaSkreech: can you make the modifcations and repost them21:41
Guest21750i typed "find /lib/modules -iname ltserial.ko" in a console21:41
_2Guest21750 yes   and ?21:42
DaSkreechgordack: what was the error?21:42
_2Guest21750 i'm assuming it didn't find it   ?21:42
trappistI'm redeploying an app, trying to db:migrate the development db (sqlite3) from scratch, and it whines about "could not find table 'users'" when it's supposed to be creating that table21:43
trappistany ideas why?21:43
gordackI cant really remember. give me 2 min to boot again21:43
Guest21750it had a line21:43
FoeNyxDaSkreech> I use it everyday, but as it still work with gnome I can use a gnome app as workaround for the moment. It was just very hard to find the link between two conflicting element :p21:43
FoeNyxDaSkreech> have a nice day21:43
_2Guest21750  is the path the same as in the error message from the modprobe command?21:43
DaSkreechpreppysob99: http://pastebin.com/m52ae908121:43
trappistoops wrong channel21:44
alexeihi, where is KDict in Ubuntu Intrepid?21:44
_2Guest21750  ok,  the kernel is then telling you that there is no modem which that module supports.21:44
preppysob99Thanks DaSkreech21:45
Guest21750its an agere21:45
dwidmann_alexei: possibly nowhere to be found ... apt-cache search found nothing21:45
_2!winmodem Guest2175021:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:46
_2!winmodem | Guest2175021:46
ubottuGuest21750: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto21:46
_2see if that helps any  ^21:46
Guest21750ok many thanks for trying21:47
_2Guest21750  i see you have already been there.21:48
_2and here too21:48
_2oh well.21:48
DaSkreech!java > novikovav21:48
ubottunovikovav, please see my private message21:48
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
preppysob99DaSkreech: its not booting Vista, its giving me this: Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format21:50
dwidmannpreppysob99: come to think of things, on a different note, I don't think that the section for windows is supposed to be in the debian automagic section or it may decide to disappear next time you do a kernel upgrade.21:50
preppysob99But also I dont want it after Ubuntu21:51
dwidmannpreppysob99: then put it at the top of the file?21:52
preppysob99so can i put it before the automagic section21:52
gordackok the error was : ata 1.00 wc timeout , ata 1.00 failed to identigy I/O error then busybox v1.10.2 opened  and at the last line  (initramfs)21:52
gordackand same for ata2.00 ata 3.00 ata 4.00 and so on21:52
preppysob99but thats not the problem is it dwidmann21:53
DaSkreechgordack: can you tell me the out put of ls /dev/sd* ?21:53
dwidmannpreppysob99: nope, like I said, that's a different problem21:53
preppysob99Should I make it execute winload.exe ?21:54
dwidmannpreppysob99: are you *absolutely* certain that windows vista resides on (hd0,0) and not some other partition?21:54
preppysob99Or should it automatically be loading windows with root (hd0,0)21:55
preppysob99and yes dwidmann21:55
_2or disk  ^21:55
dwidmannpreppysob99: okay, just asking, because if it isn't ... that could easily cause an error 1321:55
preppysob99Does sda mean (hd0,0) ?21:56
preppysob99like /dev/sda21:57
preppysob99and /dev/sdc = (hd3,0)21:57
dwidmannpreppysob99: well, it can21:57
dwidmannpreppysob99: sdc would be hd221:57
_2(hd0) means the first thing that bios tries to boot21:57
_2first hdd that is  ^\21:58
_2if you change the order in bios then (hd0) changes accordingly21:58
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:58
dwidmann_2: or should .... grub gets so confused sometime, almost as confused as me.21:59
_2dwidmann well.   grub is week through it's use of bios to find and read disks.22:00
_2and bloated in that it's mbr is larger than 512 b    which violates posix i think22:00
Gordackok back, I wrote "ls /dev/sd* : No such file or directory22:02
dwidmannwhat might be somewhat more ideal would be if the device.map could take UUIDs ...22:02
ActionParsnip_2: A master boot record (MBR), or partition sector, is the 512-byte boot sector that is the first sector ("LBA Sector 0") of a partitioned data storage device such as a hard disk.22:02
_2ActionParsnip and when grub installs to MBR it writes more than 512 bytes22:03
ActionParsniphow can I see mine?22:03
ActionParsnipand how big22:03
ActionParsnipi thought it wrote very little to MBR but booted the /boot partition on the actual drive space22:04
_2dd if=/dev/hda count=222:04
_2ActionParsnip 512 is "little" compaired to the rest of it's files.  but it writes beyond the MBR and hoses my fs when i try to install grub.    lilo on the other hand installs nicely.22:05
alekzHey, I just compiled the serial monkey rt2500 drivers. Anyone know how I get them to work (permanently, without needing to run a bunch of commands on boot-up)?22:06
_2ActionParsnip yes 1k out  because you wanted to see beyond the normal 51222:06
alekzOh, I'm on Hardy by the way.22:06
ActionParsnip_2: lilo is nice, seems grub is running the show right now with ubuntu using it in most of its varients (unlike other systems which give a choice)22:06
preppysob99Ok now that I fixed the (hds) its getting here: Starting up... <newline> Please wait... Eror: 2122:06
_2ActionParsnip indeed.22:06
ActionParsnipalekz: create a bash script and add it to the startup to automatically run the commands is one soloution22:07
Gordackpreppysob99 did u install kubuntu on external hdd ?22:07
_2!autostart | alekz22:07
ubottualekz: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. In KDE 3.X the package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete KDE 3.X guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html22:07
* SkEmO is away22:08
alekz_2, ActionParsnip: Not exactly what I'm looking for, but thanks.22:08
_2that used to have info about init scripts too...22:08
=== SkEmO is now known as SkEmO|Wech
alekzLooking for a some network configuration thingie to blacklist and autoload a module.22:08
_2alekz i think you are looking for the init script.22:08
_2alekz /etc/rc.local  maybe.22:09
_2alekz if not  then adding the module name to /etc/modules  maybe22:09
alekzNah, that's not it. Some stuff in /etc/modprobe or /etc/network or something if I remember correctly.22:09
preppysob99Gordack: no22:10
* _2 notes that alekz expects #kubuntu to be mind readers, and automaticly know what "(permanently, without needing to run a bunch of commands on boot-up) really means. 22:11
ActionParsnipalekz: adding it to /etc/modules wil make it load at bootup. I'm not sure where you must store it to make it accessible22:11
alekz_2: Though I don't know the module names. Sorry if I'm rude.22:11
estangah. i'm going insane. with intrepid, when i use external monitor, the monitor turns itself off every few seconds.22:11
estananyone had that?22:11
estanit's extremely annoying, i think i might go epilleptic ;)22:12
ActionParsnipestan: drop refresh rate a little22:12
_2alekz if you would tell us the "commands" that you are now having to run,  we might be able to better help you.22:12
bdgrauedmesg | tail22:12
bdgraueah sry, wrong window22:12
alekz_2: I just reinstalled my computer, so it's not even working at the moment. But the driver compiled and installed without errors (seems to have installed to the right directory too)22:13
_2alekz but are you having to issue  "modprobe, ifconfig, iptables, ..."  command to make things work.    see you started with the basic "how can i automate these command/s" question.  but without knowing what kind of command that's a pretty open ended question.22:15
technoHi, can somebody please tell me how to sync my palm with kubuntu 8.10?22:15
Neremori get this error message if i try to launch an windows program using wine... what do i have to install ??22:16
alekzHmmm... thanks _2. I'll look into it a little bit more and come back later. Thank you.22:17
estanActionParsnip: i realized what it was, it was this bug; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/27515222:17
estanfixed it by turning off the RandR mode detection thing in system settings.22:17
Ketrel_I have a problem with kicker in kde 3.5.  Most times when I close a program, the icon remains in kicker until I open a new one.22:20
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:32
rubentu tu tu22:33
* ActionParsnip jumps in fright22:49
* _2 didn't know fright was a place ???22:49
bonobohi, anybody knows where I can find SPSS?22:49
* _2 hides from spelling NAZI22:50
ActionParsnip_2: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=fright&ie=UTF8&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=6.881357,14.941406&latlng=51817550,4699825,3376851383567103422&ei=rroYSeuVKaeY2AK1iIj3Bw&cd=222:50
DaSkreechActionParsnip: Geek Response of the day Award goes to.....22:51
=== jose__ is now known as jose12
_2!find spss22:52
_2not me bonobo   sorry22:55
bonobook, thx _2 :)22:57
_2hmmm freenode is dying,   what network is taking it's place ?23:06
DaSkreech_2: proprietarynode23:16
DaSkreechbonobo: What's SPSS ?23:17
bonoboStatistical Analysis Software23:18
Ketrel_anyone know about my kicker problem?23:20
JontheEchidnaKetrel_: running compiz?23:21
JontheEchidnaiirc there's an issue like that with compiz23:21
DaSkreechbonobo: http://www.derekhildreth.com/blog/spss-alternative-for-linux-ubuntu-tutorial/23:22
Ketrel_JontheEchidna: sometimes, but I havent' had it running for over a month, but it still happens23:23
bonoboDaSkreech: thx, it sounds good23:25
bonoboI'm going to intall it23:25
Ketrel_JontheEchidna: I do have the pager applet in kicker, lemme remove it and see if it fixes it23:28
lorenzohi, how do I add launchers to the panel, such as a firefox launcher? thanks23:29
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=== scorpius_ is now known as scorpmax
ilhamlorenzo: right click from menu23:33
lorenzoilham, what do you mean?23:34
s0undt3chppl adept_manager keeps crashing on me :\23:34
s0undt3chcan't launch it23:34
s0undt3chI'm on intrepid23:35
ilhamlorenzo: Menu -> internet -> firefox (right click - add item to main panel)23:35
dwidmanns0undt3ch: try to start it from a console, see what error message it spits out23:36
lorenzoilham, oh that is cool! thanks a lot23:36
s0undt3chKCrash: Application 'adept_manager' crashing...23:36
s0undt3chKCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.23:36
s0undt3chdwidmann: and that's it23:36
ilhamlorenzo: no problem23:37
lorenzoone more question: when I browse directories all my folder icons are grey and ugly, not the default kde style. how can i fix it?23:38
dwidmanns0undt3ch: humm, try running "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and see if there are any upgrades available ... also, I do recall having a bit of trouble with apt and an incorrect file that was fixed with the "update" part. Wouldn't surprise me if Adept fell prey to that as well.23:38
s0undt3chdwidmann: upgrading as we talk23:38
ilhamlorenzo: try this, menu -> system setting -> appearance -> icons (select your icon)23:39
lorenzoilham, yeah, the default oxygen icon set is selected but if i browse through the folders, the icons are not the same as i see on the desktop for example23:42
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lorenzoilham, in fact, under "all icons" in the advanced tab there are no icons shown...23:43
ilhamlorenzo: try select others icon first.23:43
s0undt3chdwidmann: funny I had intrepid's pinning with extremely low priority, so a bunch of packages were not upgraded, let's see if that's it23:43
dwidmanns0undt3ch: I'm more than willing to bet it could be/could cause trouble23:44
lorenzoilham, yeah i tried crystal svg and human but it wouldnt solve the problem.23:44
jtheuerhi, anyone who also has many repaint errors especially in konsole? (ibex, nvidia, kde, compiz window manager)23:46
s0undt3chdwidmann: well, 726 megs to download?! yes, I bet, I wonder why the upgrade tool didn't complain about that pinning pref23:46
lorenzoilham, ah you know what, the ugly grey icons are the gnome default :) should i get rid of them (and can i, without messing things up?) thanks!23:46
dwidmanns0undt3ch: I ran into issues regarding pinning on my laptop too ... held back xserver-xorg-video-intel (and other things as a result of that) ... took me a while to remember that I had pinned that one to an old version.23:47
ilhamno problem23:47
lorenzoilham, so you think uninstalling the gnome icons will solve the problem?23:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:50
ilhamlorenzo: no need to uninstall, just add other kde icon23:52
lorenzoilham, add other icon? but i already am using the default icon theme, what should I add to that?23:53

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