
sevenseekerHello, I need advice on how to organize 'projects' for my company.  (open source contributions)00:44
sevenseekerThere will be several projects under one umbrella and several teams.  How should I best organize this?00:45
lifelesssevenseeker: assuming these projects are yours, make several projects, ask for a project group to be created, and create several teams00:49
sevenseekerlifeless: well that was painless, thank you for the information00:50
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann-imac
jelmerIs there a particular reason why launchpad doesn't mirror ftp:// URLs?03:38
lifelessfor bzr you mean?03:38
lifelessfile a bug03:38
lifelessno particular reason it shouldn't03:38
jelmer"Launchpad has not been able to mirror this branch. The last attempt was 1 minute ago. (Launchpad does not mirror ftp:// URLs.) Launchpad will try again in 11 hours. If you have fixed the problem, please ask Launchpad to try again."03:39
jelmerWill do, thanks03:39
jelmerI like how it says it's going to retry in 11 hours.. perhaps it hopes it will have ftp:// support by then ? ;-)03:41
lifelesswell it accepted the url, so its not blascklisted03:42
lifelessits likely just a firewall hole that needs punched for the new machine03:42
lifelessspm: ^03:42
spmlifeless: is a firewall issue03:42
lifelessspm: if the old machine had it open, it should be a no-brainer to open for the new ? :>03:43
spmerrr - no. :-) Different network.03:43
spmfwiw, this came out in the migration. it was determined we had approx 2-5? ftp:// (attempted) mirrors - none of which ever worked. So the 'ftp' access was left... broken I suppose.03:45
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-zzz
Aron_is there any launchpad admin ?07:41
Aron_bac: are you here?07:42
Aron_still on Sunday?07:43
Aron_gmb: are you here?07:48
Aron_mars: and are you here?I need your help07:50
Aron_no reply ....07:53
intellectronicaAron_: what's up?07:55
Aron_I need an admin to approve my pot file and delete the wrong series07:55
intellectronicaAron_: i'm afraid it will be another couple of hours until someone can deal with this (the relevant people are just waking up). could you file questions for this? i'll make sure someone looks at them asap07:57
intellectronicaAron_: oh, excellent. won't be long, then07:59
Aron_I write them in Answer yesterday08:00
intellectronicayes, i can see that08:00
intellectronicaunfortunately for you, most of the people who can help you are in europe or the us, so they are only starting the week now or in the next few hours08:01
intellectronicaAron_: so, you're working on enlightenment?08:02
intellectronicai was just chatting with someone about it the other day. haven't followed the project much in the last few years08:02
intellectronicadoes it still look gorgeous? are there stable releases now?08:03
intellectronicaAron_: also, why a special project for translations? is there no enlightenment project?08:05
intellectronicaand if not, why not create one?08:05
Aron_I just maintain the translations08:07
Aron_intellectronica: what's more ,we just use svn before08:08
Aron_intellectronica: there is too much work for me and to tell the truth ,only a few people knows how to do translations for enlightenment08:08
intellectronicaAron_: right, but what i mean is, why not set up a project for enlightenment, pull the sources from svn, register the bug tracker, etc, so that the project has a more complete representation on launchpad?08:10
Aron_intellectronica: there is one created by someone seems not in the e project08:11
Aron_and I cannot import the svn because he imported first,but I have checked that he failed08:11
intellectronicaAron_: oh, which project is it?08:12
Aron_wait a minute,find for you08:12
Aron_intellectronica: https://launchpad.net/e1708:13
intellectronicaAron_: cool, so, why don't you use that project for translations?08:14
Aron_I cannot contact the project owner08:14
Aron_and he seems not a person who is in e project :08:15
intellectronicaAron_: should be quite easy, given that he's a launchpad developer :)08:15
intellectronicaAron_: his nick is rockstar08:15
intellectronicaAron_: and i'm sure he's be thrilled to collaborate if you write to him08:16
Aron_and rockstar seems a launchpad admin08:16
Aron_look at this08:16
intellectronicaAron_: the people on that list are not all admins. every launchpad developer does community help shifts08:17
Aron_you means I'd better contact him?08:21
Aron_rockstar: are you on now?08:23
Aron_intellectronica: did you see what I said?08:23
intellectronicaAron_: he won't be around for some time, i think, but send him an email, and i'll also mention it to him when he comes online08:24
Aron_OK,I would send it in a while08:26
Aron_intellectronica: a big thanks to you\08:26
intellectronicaAron_: my pleasure08:27
Aron_intellectronica: I am just busy now,I will write the mail in an hour,:)08:32
intellectronicaAron_: i think you have a few more hours before rockstar will be around. take your time ;)08:33
Aron_that's good08:34
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: adeuring
Aron_intellectronica: the email have been sent out08:53
Aron_intellectronica: back09:32
intellectronicaAron_: ?09:33
Aron_I just left a minute ago09:34
HobbseeCan someone either a) add the jaunty ppas, or b) announce to launchpad-users that jaunty ppas are not open yet please?  This is the second time the question has been raised in a couple of days10:14
* wgrant wants the clicky-clicky checkboxes.10:14
Hobbseewhich clicky clicky checkboxes?10:14
=== Ursinha-zzz is now known as Ursinha
Aronintellectronica: did you see him?12:03
intellectronicaAron: who, rockstar? no, not yet12:03
Aronintellectronica: oh12:04
intellectronicaAron: look at his profile. there's a map ;)12:04
Aronintellectronica: ok12:05
Aronintellectronica: it seems still a long time to wait for his waking up...12:09
intellectronicayes, probably ~4h12:09
Aronit will be 0:00 of tomorrow in 4h here12:10
intellectronicaHobbsee: so when it's other people's sleep you're not so concerned, eh? :D12:19
Hobbseeintellectronica: no, it's just that he's been asking repeatedly all weekend too.12:19
Hobbseealthough i guess it is technically UK working week now12:20
intellectronicait is uk working week. not all of us are in the uk, though12:21
intellectronicaanyway, it's now technically lunch time in the uk, so...12:21
Aronsorry for asking so repeatly12:22
UrsinhaHobbsee, maybe he's asking because he needs help :)12:26
UrsinhaAron, the code people that could help are in the US and australia/new zealand12:26
AronUrsinha: I know that during these two days but thank you all the same :)12:27
UrsinhaAron, so you can wait a few or many hours, but they'll definitely be here12:27
UrsinhaAron, but these days were weekend ;)12:27
HobbseeUrsinha: yes, i'm sure he does...12:27
AronI know...12:28
AronBut only during weekends I can do these things.12:28
UrsinhaAron, sorry 'bout that12:28
HobbseeAh, yes.  Speaking of weekend questions, did anyone look at the timeouts that happened over the weekend?12:34
HobbseeI documented them here, and what they were from, but don't know if anything happened.12:34
Hobbseeadeuring, oh community liason guy, could you tell me please?12:34
adeuringHobbsee: hadn't had yet the time to look at the questions12:36
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Hobbseeadeuring: oh, so should I file a question?12:51
adeuringHobbsee: please do12:51
Hobbseewhere's the question link again?12:51
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:51
Hobbseeadeuring: there you go.  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/5089312:55
adeuringHobbsee: thanks12:55
Hobbseeadeuring: you're welcome.  I hope it gets fixed.12:55
intellectronicaadeuring, Hobbsee: i think bugs are better suited for reports about oopses13:00
* intellectronica now really goes lunching13:00
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Hobbseeoh, wow.13:09
HobbseeYou can easily switch a question to a project, or a distribution now13:09
* Hobbsee wonders when that happened, and when bugs will grow that feature13:11
Hobbseeintellectronica: in some ways.13:12
UrsinhaHobbsee, I'd be better to file a bug indeed13:15
NCommanderI keep getting lpia builds that fail to upload :-/13:16
wgrantNCommander: Which builds?13:16
NCommanderxfce4-terminal, and xfce-mcs-manager13:17
NCommanderThe later cleared itself automatically13:17
NCommandershould I simply retry?13:17
wgrantThat's not good.13:17
wgrantA retry will probably fix it... but that's a very odd trace.13:18
NCommanderWhat trace?13:18
wgrantYour upload was unimportant.13:18
wgrantOr maybe there just wasn't an upload.13:18
NCommanderThat's the message I got on the previous xfce-mcs-terminal13:18
wgrantNo Soyuz people around now, of course.13:19
* NCommander just got his debhelper7 hardy-backports accepted email13:19
NCommanderwgrant, it uploaded by itself now13:20
wgrantUrsinha: You might want to poke a Soyuz person about those issues...13:20
Ursinhabigjools, ^13:20
bigjoolsjust going to lunch, will check it later13:21
wgrantAh, his away message tricked me.13:21
HobbseeUrsinha: bugs get handled relatively quickly now?13:22
UrsinhaHobbsee, we do our best13:23
Hobbseeat least, given a first response?13:23
Ursinhaif directed to launchpad, I guess so13:23
Ursinhawe're trying to keep the queue 013:23
HobbseeUrsinha: right, because this one is probably directed at soyuz, so I thought sending it thru the answer tracker for launchpad might have made it get looked at quicker13:24
UrsinhaHobbsee, not really13:24
bigjoolsok I looked already13:24
Ursinhabugs have higher priority, imo13:24
bigjoolsI see a versioning problem13:24
bigjoolsthe log is a bit borked for sure, but there's already a higher version uploaded13:25
bigjoolsah no I am blind13:25
wgrantNo there isn't....13:25
* bigjools really needs food!13:25
wgrantI missed the .3 at first.13:26
* bigjools -> gone for a but13:26
wgrantPfft, no eating.13:26
kikohappy typo day13:26
Ursinhahey kiko13:26
kikomorning Ursinha13:27
kikowhat's new in the western world?13:27
Ursinhaa few bugs, the usual :)13:27
Ursinhawhere are you now?13:27
Hobbseebugs, questoins, and discovering new features on the answer tracker!13:27
wgrantkiko: Where have you been lately? Just London?13:27
kikoI went to the beach this weekend, but the week before I was in London13:28
Ursinhaquite a different weather13:28
Hobbseebigjools: hmmm, should https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/289803 be effective on edge?13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289803 in soyuz "Distroseries +queue page should redirect after a POST" [High,Fix committed]13:29
* Hobbsee wonders if she was hitting that timeout, or another timeout13:30
kikoHobbsee, always time to try again :)13:31
Hobbseekiko: hmm?13:31
kikoyou have an OOPS handy will make the guesswork easier13:32
UrsinhaHobbsee, I13:33
wgrantAre those the OOPSes in the answery/questiony thing?13:33
Hobbseekiko: i mentioned the question link with all the oopses in it earlier, perhaps it was before you were here.  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/5089313:33
UrsinhaHobbsee, I'll turn that question into a bug13:33
* wgrant has turned many a bug into a question, but not tried the other way.13:33
Ursinhawgrant, there is the "Create bug report" option on the side portlet13:36
Ursinhahave you tried it before?13:36
Hobbseeit looks pretty simple to do, which is a big help13:38
joumetalhow does launchpad manage tags? for example https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=edgyeft doesn't make sense to me.13:41
Hobbseejoumetal: i don't think they do - it seems to be a free-for-all13:42
Hobbseei'm not sure anyone can delete tags, either13:42
wgrantWe have an unfortunate number of tags defined in Ubuntu.13:42
kikoHobbsee, anybody can delete a tag: just stop using it, it's gone13:42
wgrantHobbsee: They seem to vanish from most listings when they have no open bugs referencing them.13:42
kikothey vanish altogether when no bugs stop referencing them -- tags are not a hard piece of data on their own13:43
wgrantkiko: Do they give users the warning if somebody tries to use an unused tag again?13:43
kikowell no bugs reference them, sorry13:43
wgrantAh, good.13:43
Hobbseeoh, do they?  Is that new?13:43
wgrantI think we just have lots of bugs.13:43
wgrantAnd some of them are closed.13:43
kikono, they have always been that way13:43
wgrantSo they're hidden from the counts, but still reference things.13:43
kikothose oopses are very interesting13:43
HobbseeLast time I checked, i thought i saw lots of tags with 0 bugs there.13:44
kikobigjools, did you see them?13:44
Hobbseekiko: what are they?13:44
wgrantHobbsee: IIRC there was a bug that meant if they were referenced by closed bugs, they would show up there with a 0 count. I think that might have been fixed.13:44
Hobbseewgrant: ahhh.  That might have been what I saw13:44
kikoa single query13:44
kikoyeah, it's a 'feature' of the bug listing that closed bugs won't show up by default even when you think they might (as in a tags search)13:45
joumetalthat is why i am asking. edgyeft has 1 invalid bug and 1 fixreleased. still it's showing 1 bug in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs13:45
wgrantA hypermassive single query?13:45
wgrantjoumetal: Ah, you've found a bug.13:47
wgrantDuplicates aren't excluded from that count.13:47
wgrantBug #57435 is that one bug.13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 57435 in ubiquity "[Edgy Eft]Manual partitioning not possible at installation (dup-of: 58500)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5743513:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 58500 in ubiquity "The resize operation is impossible" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5850013:47
joumetalwgrant: would it be easy to fix?13:49
wgrantjoumetal: I presume so, but I'm no Launchpad dev. You could file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+filebug.13:49
* joumetal starts writing it13:51
Aronrockstar: all you here?13:54
Aronseems not yet13:55
Ursinhahey Hobbsee, bug 29632313:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296323 in launchpad "Distro +queue timing out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29632313:58
Ursinhafeel free to add comments, please13:59
wgrantUrsinha: Hobbsee went to bed a while ago, I'm afraid.13:59
Ursinhaoh, ok :)13:59
joumetalit was bug 5916014:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59160 in malone "Tags box and search results differ in their bug counts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5916014:08
wgrantAh, indeed.14:09
joumetalany launchpad dev here willing to subscribe?14:11
kikoI'm not sure why that bug happens, but launchpad devs are already subscribed to that bug14:15
zookoHm..  Is there a delay between doing a bzr push and seeing the result on https://code.launchpad.net/~zooko/pyopenssl/buildbinaries ?14:16
Ursinhazooko, a few minutes, I guess14:19
zookoYep, there it is.14:26
zookoNext question: can I erase a branch entirely?  I accidentally created one under the wrong name.14:26
beunozooko, yeap, just go to the branch and click on the red icon next to the title14:27
ftapleeeeease, open the ppa gates to jaunty.. ppas are now an important part of my workflow :P14:37
joumetalhow about marking it triaged. it might be easy to fix it for person knowing that part of code well.14:37
cprovfta: the decision belongs to the archive-admins at this point, so #ubuntu-devel might be a better place to discuss it.14:38
bigjoolsUrsinha: I think the timeouts are because of the DB issue14:44
SteveAflacoste: ping14:50
flacostehi SteveA!14:50
bigjoolsNCommander: did you retry your builds?15:05
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Andre_GondimUrsinha, podes dá uma palavra?15:15
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, diga15:15
Andre_GondimUrsinha, eu sou péssimo para procurar bugs, tu pode ver se há um bug para mim?15:16
Ursinhadiga, deixa ver se consigo ajudar15:16
Andre_GondimUrsinha, no rosetta na lista de pacote às vezes aparece como não traduzida duas strings ou uma só, mas só que isso são coisas automáticas preenchidas pelo próprios rosetta, então o lance é para ter zero, vou pegar um link para te mostrar15:17
Ursinhajisus, não entendi nada :)15:17
Andre_GondimUrsinha, olha só https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/adept/+pots/adept-installer/pt_BR/+translate?show=untranslated15:18
Andre_GondimUrsinha, isso é preenchido automaticamente, então não deveria aparecer como não traduzido, o pacote era para aparecer como 100% traduzido, entendeu?15:19
Andre_GondimUrsinha, entendeu?15:23
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, só um minutenho :)15:23
Ursinhapor favor15:23
bigjoolsUrsinha: shall I repeat some of the pt_br you taught me? :)15:31
Ursinhabigjools, no, please15:33
hyperaircan someone do something about the attachment at the bottom of this page: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969515:35
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/59695/+text)15:35
hyperairsome idiot got pwnd by a virus and/or uploaded a html file attachment =.=15:35
adeuringhyperair: thanks for the heads up! I'll ask an admin to take care of it15:36
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, eu nao entendi a parte de ser automaticamente preenchido pelo rosetta15:37
Andre_GondimUrsinha, tipo, se alguém foi lá e traduziu o rosetta já boto o nome lá, não é preenchido por ninguém, então não deveria aparecer no status como não traduzida15:39
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, hmm15:40
Andre_GondimUrsinha, entendeu?15:41
Ursinhadanilos, hey15:49
Ursinhadanilos, can you give me a hand here, please? :)15:49
danilosUrsinha: just give me a few minutes to retrain my brain to a new language and I'll be ready to go :)15:49
Ursinhadanilos, I won't expect you to talk any portuguese :P15:50
danilosUrsinha: ok then, that saves us those few minutes :)15:51
Ursinhadanilos, seriously, are you busy now?15:51
Ursinhadanilos, Andre_Gondim pointed that in https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/adept/+pots/adept-installer/pt_BR/+translate?show=untranslated the package shows as not completed but it actually is15:53
danilosUrsinha: it's a known bug, it happens with translator credits15:53
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UrsinhaI couldn't find it among lp bugs15:53
Ursinhaone day I'll be a bug ninja such as matsubara15:54
danilosUrsinha: it's being worked on, but because it has performance implications and is not the easiest fix around, it's not high priority atm15:54
Ursinhadanilos, but do you know if there is a filed bug for it?15:54
danilosUrsinha: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/128324 (I'm actually working on it, but the fix involves a bunch of actions)15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 128324 in rosetta "translator-credits remains "untranslated", so the percentage is < 100%" [Medium,In progress]15:55
Ursinhadanilos, ok, great! thanks for that :D15:55
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, ^15:55
Andre_GondimUrsinha, vale a pena comentar já que tá aberto e tá trabalhando]?15:55
Ursinhadanilos, can you please please comment about the fix on bug? It'll prevent some translators to have a heart attack :)15:56
UrsinhaI don't like some people approaches, but anyway :)15:57
danilosUrsinha: sure, I'll post a diplomatic answer there15:58
Ursinhadanilos, thanks for your diplomacy ;)15:59
Andre_GondimUrsinha, desespero heheeh, mas realmente desnecessário16:04
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, pois é :)16:04
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
Andre_GondimUrsinha, mas pelo menos com o último comentário posto agora acho que será evitado comentários adicionais16:06
UrsinhaAndre_Gondim, we all hope so!16:06
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
adeuringal-maisan, cprov, bigjools: could one of you have a lok at this question: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/50883 ?16:48
geserisn't that a FAQ already? I see regularly people having problems with copying packages from one release to an other16:53
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adeuring/topic https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: nobody17:53
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: nobody
tgm4883_laptopIs there a way to remove branches from a projects code section that aren't owned by the project?18:03
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joumetalany launchpad dev willing to look at bug 59160?20:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59160 in malone "Tags box and search results differ in their bug counts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5916020:32
joumetalit's because duplicates are counted.20:34
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