
=== asac_ is now known as asac
PeakerSometimes when I press caps-lock, the keyboard input hangs for seconds, then comes back. Then, sometimes after it happens, the caps-lock led reverses roles (on=off, off=on)01:10
PeakerI now have to type with it on, to be lower-case..01:11
jmarsdenPeaker: See LP #26799901:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267999 in linux "Some times Caps Lock works inverted" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26799901:14
Peakeradded comment..01:19
Peakerthe keyboard layout changer also ceased to work since I installed the Intrepid01:19
PeakerIf I remove/re-add the language layout, it works again, until next login01:19
PeakerSeems like lots of keyboard-related things broke for me when I installed intrepid01:20
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dholbachgood morning07:30
thekorngood morning07:35
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IboongHello! I have a bug with compiz, when i zoom in with <Super>+Mouse_Wheel the whole system hangs up :(09:57
BUGabundo_work1can some dev or QA create a LP tag for small_screens?12:15
BUGabundo_work1done https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=small-screen12:18
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ara_hello people!15:25
ara_today is an Ubuntu Testing Day!15:25
ara_details: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2008111015:25
=== andre____ is now known as andre__
lytefyreim trying to update 804 to 810 and i get the same bug as 156070 (apt-cacher bug with proxy). I dont run apt-cacher but am behind a proxy and unable to upgrade.16:01
xteejxlytefure: Have you checked "affects me too" in the bug report?16:09
lytefyreNo i wasnt sure if this was really a bug or something messed up on my machine. will add to bug report. just wondering if anyone else has seen this problem.16:12
=== elmargol_ is now known as elmargol
jvm_hi. i use a cordless logitech keyboard and updated to 8.10 yesterday, keeping my xorg.conf and all other settings. then my keyboard started acting strange; every 20 minutes or so, not being related to any specific action, the mapping seems to change, and instead of the letters on my keyboard, i get special chars and stuff. if i open the keyboard dialog, it still shows that i am using a logitech keyboard, but if i change the keyboard model to18:06
jvm_another logitech keyboard, everything works fine again. i thought my system was all messed up yesterday, and made a second install, using the same home directory. the problem occured there as well. then i created a guest account and tried there, still the same. in addition, key repeat delay seems to be different for different keys. (i use a very low key repeat delay, usually, and it takes considerably longer for the "left" key to repeat than18:06
jvm_for the "right" key.) i am not sure if there could be any other cause of this problem, or how to identify the cause. can anyone give me some hints?18:06
jmarsdenjvm_: Have you tried fresh batteries in the keyboard??  Just in case ...19:06
xteejxHey guys, can someone have a quick look at bug 294295 for me please? Am I right in assuming it is an X problem, or _could_ it be the kernel?21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294295 in xorg "I can not install Ubuntu 8.10: OUT of RANGE" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29429521:03
xteejxI'd appreciate a more experienced pair of eyes for this one :)21:03
jmarsdenxteejx: Loosk to me like an X issue -- something is setting the video to a mode his monitor can't handle...21:06
jmarsdenxteejx: Since the version of xorg is 8.10 is new, it may well have new bugs, so the original reporter's last comment seems unhelpful.21:07
xteejxjmarsden: Thought so, will try and push for the logs then. Doesn't help when he's a bit ignorant to a more experienced mind lol21:08
xteejxThats why I asked here, in case I might have been wrong :)21:08
xteejxjmarsden: By the way thank youuu :)21:11
jmarsdenxteejx: No problem.21:12
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angusthefuzzwhat controls the associations for the gnome run application dialog?22:35
angusthefuzzis it the individual program or the run application dialog itself?22:36
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