
erUSULIs it possible to "whitelist" ubottu so it does not get banned by floodbots ??13:10
PiciYes, but we're not sure if thats a good idea.  If shes spamming for whatever reason, it might be best to curtail it.13:10
erUSULPici: ok; i see thanks ;)13:11
=== i^d]gXEm is now known as LjL
zedhi there !15:44
zedI'm taking care of the LocoBots which log channels for locoteams, and we moved the bots from one machine to another today16:05
zedI was wondering if we could raise the max number of channel each bot can be on (it is 20 currently) ?16:06
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Rafikhi zed16:12
RafikPriceChild, nalioth or tomaw can answer you, as the are freenode staff16:12
zedRafik: ok, thanks16:14
zedand if possible, request also a "cloak host" because the reverse hostname of the new machine is not as beautiful as the old one16:15
zed(and doesn't have ubuntu in it, as the old one)16:15
LjLzed: yes, possible16:16
zedok, great what do i have to do ? :)16:17
naliothidentify yourself to services, for a start  :)16:17
LjLzed: nothing16:17
LjLwell, that would help ues16:17
zedah yes :)16:18
zedi'm not an "official" ubuntu member, i don't think i deserve all these stuffs16:18
zed(if that was the question behind the ns identify)16:18
LjLzed: it was just a matter of confirming your identity (which can be important)16:19
LjLas for the locobots, they're very well-estabilished bots that are useful to the ubuntu irc channels at large so the cloak request is definitely warranted16:19
zedLjL: ok16:19
LjLzed: are they all grouped to the LocoBot account?16:21
zedLjL: affirmative !16:21
juliux /window 2617:32
trucMuche* Vous ĂȘtes invitĂ© sur #sikelo par simon49 (lindbohm.freenode.net)17:46
trucMuchethis chanel not closed ?17:46
trucMuchehoups .. ban chanel ..sorry17:47
Zicit's the third time he's spaming, and second in #ubuntu-fr17:49
[NikO]thanks a lot t17:57
[NikO]same problems, again with simon4920:06
[NikO]coming with his bot, spam #ubuntu-fr for join his channel20:07
[NikO]freenode staff available ?20:09
PiciCan you not ban him?20:09
[NikO]he use dynamic ip20:10
PiciWhat about his nick? or realname?20:10
[NikO]three days now ...20:10
Piciwhois simon4920:10
[NikO]registerer simon4920:10
[NikO]he invite lots of people to join his channel20:10
[NikO]banned from #backtrack-fr #ubuntu-fr ....20:11

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