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CarlFKwhat kernel .deb do I get with ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso    ?01:29
crimsunthe one corresponding to linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic 2.6.27-7.1401:31
CarlFKyeah, but I can't figure out what the name is... expecting something like linux-image-x64 or -amd6401:33
CarlFKthis worked:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~smb/bug254668/linux-image-2.6.27-3-generic_2.6.27-3.3smb5_amd64.deb - I am looking for the released version 01:35
CarlFKdoes apt-cache search filter that out if I am booted into a 32 bit kernel?01:38
CarlFKthanks btw - downloading now01:38
crimsunwell, the binary package name is identical, but aptitude download would retrieve the version for your $arch, so it wouldn't quite do what you likely intend01:40
CarlFKI don't see it here either:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.14_amd64&searchon=names&suite=intrepid&section=all01:40
CarlFK"packages that names contain linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.14_amd64 in suite(s) intrepid, all sections, and all architectures.       Sorry, your search gave no results"01:40
crimsunnah, you'd search on the binary package name01:41
crimsunand 7.14 has been superceded by 7.1601:41
CarlFKthanks again.   I was going batty 01:42
crimsunhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/linux will give you the rundown for intrepid01:42
CarlFKdpkg -i linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_amd64.deb =  package architecture (amd64) does not match system (i386)01:47
CarlFKbut I did this before...01:47
CarlFKat least I thought i did01:48
crimsunwhat are you attempting to accomplish?01:49
CarlFKrun qemu-system-x86_64, install u-s-x64, and test a few things01:53
CarlFKI was running qemu-system-x86_64 on my 32, and it looked like the install would take over 10 hours 01:54
CarlFK$ uname -a; Linux dv67 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Tue Nov 4 19:33:06 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:38
CarlFKhowever, it replaced the 32bit ver of /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic *grumble*02:40
NCommanderWho's our local grub expert06:04
CarlFKI have fought with grub often...06:10
CarlFKi often win by dumb luck 06:11
NCommanderCarlFK, I'm hoping I can get someone to work with me to close a long standing grub bug06:12
NCommanderBug #333906:12
NCommanderBot is broken06:12
CarlFKUbuntu grub should be deluxe...06:13
NCommanderI already found the patch in SuSE06:14
NCommanderAnd I'm testing our grub with it06:14
NCommanderI found this bug after I set up my mom with dual boot Ubuntu06:14
NCommander(I single boot so I didn't know we didn't have a graphical loader)06:15
CarlFKthere was mention of making it optional.  I would start with it being a package that can be installed 06:17
NCommanderIt would mean a new grub package06:18
NCommanderWho's the Ubuntu grub guy?06:19
NCommander(the packaging says the kernel team is the official maintainer ...)06:19
CarlFKthat sounds like replacing grub 06:19
CarlFKthat sounds like replacing the current grub package 06:20
NCommanderwell, its a code patch that adds the command gfxmenu06:20
CarlFKmy though is let the installer install the normal grub package, and have a 2nd one that can be added later, 06:20
CarlFKthe only thing I know about this is from reading #333906:21
NCommanderWell, the way it works is the patch from SuSE adds a gfxmenu command06:21
CarlFKbut I will be surprised if it replaced the current grub right out the dooor 06:21
CarlFKmake a grub-gfx package that replaces the current grub with the patched one.  and maybe hacks the menu.lst with something to make it pretty 06:26
CarlFKhmm... "replace grub" isn't clear 06:27
NCommanderI don't get the reasoning, don't we want this the default for Ubuntu? (scary text bootloader == bad)06:27
NCommanderHaving no theme is as easy as not having one installed06:27
CarlFKColin wants stability over pretty 06:27
* NCommander would note that SuSE and Fedora use the same patch and have for consider time06:28
NCommanderI think Debian might now too06:28
CarlFKyou are welcome to argue with him :)06:29
CarlFKbut I would bet it gets implemented quicker if it was first an easy add on06:30
NCommanderBut its not an add-on, it litterially would replace the installed grub06:30
CarlFKany idea where grub-installer gets the bytes that is grub to drop onto the boot loader?06:31
NCommanderthe stage1 and stage2 files06:31
CarlFKwhat I am calling an add on would replace wherever those bytes are, just like installing an app 06:31
NCommandertesting new grub06:34
CarlFKit would make it easy for the people who want ti now to have it now, and them using it would build support for stability 06:35
* NCommander is trying to figure out the existing grub package06:36
NCommanderCarlFK, back06:42
NCommanderCarlFK, so our grub does have support for graphical bootloader support06:42
NCommanderIt looks like on the last merge we pulled the patch from Debian06:42
NCommanderbut nothing takes advantage of it06:42
CarlFKwell, never mind my idea :)06:43
NCommanderIt just means ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu default settings need to be tweaked to install a splash and then call upgrade-grub06:44
CarlFKor.. if you want to tread lightly, leave the default alone and make an app that tweaks 06:45
CarlFKkinda like nvidia-settings and xorg06:45
NCommanderDid I tell you that this is one of the highest rated and wanted things on brainstorm :-) (I have no problem doing that, but it should be the default once its tested)06:46
CarlFKlooks like you would have to argue with both Colin and Brian Murray - 06:48
CarlFK"       Declined       for       Gutsy       by       Colin Watson     ...        Declined       for       Intrepid       by       Brian Murray     "06:48
CarlFKneat spaces...06:49
NCommanderI don't think they'd object06:49
NCommanderno code changes to grub necessary06:49
NCommandereven update-grub knows how to handle a splash06:49
NCommanderbrb, testing splash screen06:49
NCommanderCarlFK, neat, I have a grub splash that shows the Debian logo06:54
CarlFKheh - you should pull an m$ and show a desktop 06:55
smb_tptseliot, Hi Alberto, tjaalton told me you know of some problems with the 173 nvidia driver. What is the story there?11:47
tseliotsmb_tp: a number of users (which specific hardware configurations which I can't remember) reported that the only driver that works for them in hardy the one in nvidia-glx-new11:48
tseliotI provide newer drivers in the linux-restricted-modules-envy11:48
tseliotso that we don't have to break the one in the linux-restricted-modules11:49
tseliotsmb_tp: did you try envyng to install my drivers?11:49
smb_tptseliot, Is this for Intrepid only? The reason I came to it was, that we have been asked to update lrm for hardy in order to fix some suspend/resume problems.11:50
tseliotsmb_tp: no, the lrm-envy only exist in hardy (in universe/multiverse)11:51
smb_tptseliot, Hm, so it would be possible to use the nvidia drivers from envy which are newer instead of the lrm ones without updating lrm at all...11:52
tseliotsmb_tp: yes, right11:52
smb_tptseliot, Hm, cool. Seems there is much more choice I am  aware of. :-/ Does that simply work by installing envyng in parallel or would it need lrm to be removed? Oh well, I should probably just have a look into the web...11:56
tseliotsmb_tp: the lrm-envy will coexist with the drivers in the lrm. If you remove the lrm-envy you will be able to use the nvidia driver in the lrm again.11:58
tjaaltonsmb_tp: right, I forgot about envy and thought you were aware of it already :)11:58
tseliotif you want to install them and configure the xorg.conf automatically you can use either the textual installer (envyng-core) or the gtk ui (envyng-gtk)11:59
smb_tptseliot, Sounds great. That gives a simple way of getting the newer driver for those in need without breaking those for which the lrm driver works better.12:00
tseliothere you will find the full instructions: http://www.albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A12:00
tseliotyes :-)12:00
smb_tptjaalton, It's one of the things I heard some time and which did not catch. :-[12:00
fransmanhi to all12:03
fransmanis there a Ubuntu 2.6.28 git avail?12:03
aboganifransman: Not yet12:07
fransmanOk so got to wait for some day's12:08
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abliHi! I was told on #ubuntu-installer that this channel might be a better place for my question: I have a machine with an NVidia 8600 video card in a pci-express slot. If the video card is in the slot, hardy or intrepid live CDs don't boot. Apparently they crash due to kernel oops. If the NVidia card is removed, they appear to boot fine. Any idea what might be wrong or how can I debug this? (installing without that videocard and then putting it back would13:55
abli be fine, but if the liveCD can't boot what are the chances that booting from hdd will work?)13:55
JodoogHi :) I know it was planned for 2.6.28 in order to get Lenovo's APS working without need for a patch...but has 2.6.28-rc4 put general disc protection directly into the libata driver already? Thanks a lot :)16:07

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