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ziroday@schedule Singapore08:49
ubottuSchedule for Asia/Singapore: 11 Nov 02:00: LoCo Council | 12 Nov 00:00: Server Team | 12 Nov 01:00: Kernel Team | 13 Nov 01:00: QA Team | 13 Nov 06:00: Platform Team | 13 Nov 20:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team08:50
juliux@schedule berlin10:55
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 10 Nov 19:00: LoCo Council | 11 Nov 17:00: Server Team | 11 Nov 18:00: Kernel Team | 12 Nov 18:00: QA Team | 12 Nov 23:00: Platform Team | 13 Nov 13:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team10:55
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nuvolarilo morgs, superfly, yusuf_17:36
morgshi nuvolari!17:36
superflyhey nuvolari17:36
yusuf_nuvolari: hi nuvolari17:37
nuvolariwill this meeting need participation from me?17:38
Reenendoes ubuntu need participation from you?  No, but it may be a better OS with you, than it is without you... I guess it's the same for the meeting17:40
morgsI haven't been to a LoCoCouncil meeting before, but there's an agenda, and I will present our application. Not sure if there will be call for comments from the audience, but you're welcome to show your support... :)17:45
* Reenen is also a total n00b when it comes to LoCoCouncil meetings17:46
janc_EEE_900of course, if the audience wants to help you they should have a look at your application first  ;-)17:49
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: LoCo Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 11 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 12 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 12 Nov 22:00: Platform Team | 13 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team
juliux@scheudle berlin17:53
juliux@schedule berlin17:53
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: Current meeting: LoCo Council 11 Nov 17:00: Server Team | 11 Nov 18:00: Kernel Team | 12 Nov 18:00: QA Team | 12 Nov 23:00: Platform Team | 13 Nov 13:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team17:53
juliuxpopey: boredandblogging janc_EEE_900 ping17:54
juliuxRafik: ping17:54
juliuxhighvoltage: ping17:54
highvoltagejuliux: pong17:55
juliuxmorgs: ping17:55
* morgs pongs17:55
juliuxhey highvoltage just checking who is alive for loco council meeting;)17:55
juliuxso i pinged everybody from the agenda;917:55
nuvolariooh sorry, the other pong :P17:55
highvoltagejuliux: heh17:55
morgsnuvolari: hehe17:56
janc_EEE_900I'm alive  :)17:56
juliuxhighvoltage: who is your working?17:56
Rafikjuliux: pong17:56
Rafikhello all17:56
juliuxhi Rafik17:56
boredandbloggingi need a few minutes17:56
nuvolarihey Rafik17:56
boredandbloggingfinishing up a real life meeting17:56
juliuxboredandblogging: ok17:57
highvoltagehey boredwithaverylongnickandblogging17:57
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juliuxpopey: ? janc_EEE_900 ?18:01
janc_EEE_900juliux: yep18:02
juliuxjanc_EEE_900: we are waiting for boredandblogging then we can start18:03
juliuxboredandblogging: ready?18:10
highvoltageluisbg: heh, I thought that you already were the leader of us :)18:13
juliuxbtw who allready has intrepid cds?18:16
highvoltageI think morgs got ours18:16
morgsI would have them, but I have to register with the revenue service as an importer first :(18:16
juliuxi am still waiting because i requested the cds but i am not the "official" team contact18:16
morgsThat takes forms which I have to take to the Customs department, and possibly pay 10% of the shipment value as a deposit18:17
morgsThe CDs are in the country though, it's just a matter of paperwork and time18:17
janc_EEE_900I got my entrepid CDs today18:17
highvoltagemorgs: *sigh*18:18
janc_EEE_900my = of the ubuntu-be team18:18
* superfly just downloads them from the local mirror when he's at work and then distributes them... faster than waiting for them to be shipped18:18
yusuf_that what I call supershipit18:18
highvoltagesuperfly: I think that's why it's so important that we take distribution as a priority in our loco18:18
highvoltageyusuf_: just don't say it too fast, it has the potential to get... ugly18:19
superflyhighvoltage: indeed, hence me sometimes feeling like an Ubuntu factory ;-)18:19
highvoltagesuperfly: heh18:19
morgsMaybe we should add a column to our CD distribution page for people to log how many CDs they have toasted/distributed... might be a nice way to show activity in the locoteam18:20
janc_EEE_900we burned & gave away 60 or 70 CD-Rs at the computer sales fair a week ago  :)18:20
highvoltageI wondered whether we were going to have any freaks from our loco joining tonight :)18:21
highvoltagehey D-Arb18:21
janc_EEE_900(and got > 80 euro in gifts)18:22
nuvolarilo D-Arb18:22
D-Arbloco freak reporting for duty18:22
boredandbloggingsorry, I'm back18:23
* nelydajo is also reporting for loco duty18:24
* cocooncrash too18:24
* yusuf_ too18:24
* superfly raises his hand18:24
* nuvolari o/18:25
boredandbloggingwe are having CD issues?18:25
highvoltagesomeone please hit the opening gong?18:25
boredandbloggingjanc_EEE_900: ping18:25
boredandbloggingjuliux: ping18:25
* nuvolari hits the gong *GONG*18:25
juliuxboredandblogging: i am not getting cds because i am not the team contact;)18:25
juliuxboredandblogging: no joke18:26
highvoltageboredandblogging: ubuntu-za is having import-issues, morgs could elaborate on that18:26
janc_EEE_900boredandblogging: pong18:26
morgsboredandblogging: I've received one package too many, now I have to register as an importer with a customs code...18:26
boredandbloggingso we have enough people for the council today?18:26
juliuxboredandblogging: can you run the meeting?18:26
boredandblogginglet me pull up the agenda18:26
* juliux is watching some pg_recovery jobs on his other screen18:26
boredandbloggingapologize for being late, hate when real life gets in the way of Ubuntu!18:27
juliuxboredandblogging: +118:27
nuvolariyar. and noobs that do not want to try ubuntu :/18:27
boredandblogginglets do ubuntu-za and then team reports18:27
* nuvolari was one too :P18:28
janc_EEE_900and ubuntu-ro ?18:28
juliuxboredandblogging: i will ubntu-ro remove from the agenda tehy are allready approved at the last meeting see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda/2008100718:28
boredandbloggingright, romania was last meeting18:29
boredandbloggingmorgs: have you held the release parties for Intrepid already?18:30
morgsboredandblogging: yeah, on November 118:30
boredandbloggingbah, yes18:30
boredandbloggingI should click on the links to see myself18:30
morgsWe had two events, both held at school labs that run Ubuntu/Edubuntu - "tuxLabs"18:30
highvoltagewe pushed for 4, but I think we'll get there next time18:31
boredandblogginghow did the leadership change go? what was the process?18:32
morgscraigaa was one of the co-founders, but hardly did anything the past couple of years18:32
juliuxwhat are your plans for the future?18:32
highvoltageboredandblogging: it was a smooth and simple process. craigaa willingly gave up his leadership position18:32
morgsI hinted several times, and eventually called him outright about his involvement and he agreed to step down18:33
morgshighvoltage was a natural candidate to step in18:33
highvoltageboredandblogging: our loco team was originally registered by people who didn't even run ubuntu, that didn't do much to grow the team initially18:33
highvoltageboredandblogging: as a result, or loco team was basically dead for the 1st year.18:34
morgsyeah, ChanServ was the most faithful member of #ubuntu-za18:35
highvoltageboredandblogging: since morgs joined he injected a lot of enthusiasm, and then I got interested in it again. since about a year ago interest in our loco team has improved greatly18:35
morgsjuliux: We have some people working towards MOTU, and plan to run a packaging jam or two to get more people involved in packaging. Through this, and other means, we want to encourage more people to work towards Ubuntu membership as well.18:35
highvoltagestefanlsd applied for UUC about 2 weeks ago18:36
morgsWe have a community project called Zabuntu, that initially seemed to be a derivative "local" distro, but we decided to make it about packaging and distributing local content18:36
boredandbloggingwas the LoCo approval a reason to push for the leadership change?18:36
janc_EEE_900to me it looks all god, including their intention to try to get their local packages "upstream"18:36
highvoltageboredandblogging: the leadership change happned before we (or at least I) knew about the loco approval18:37
morgsboredandblogging: yes, it was18:37
highvoltagemorgs: ah, I honestly didn't know that18:37
morgshighvoltage: It did prompt me to push craigaa, and it prompted him to step down because he didn't want to take on making it happen.18:37
boredandbloggingmorgs: thats good, part of the reason we do these is to make sure LoCo get help18:38
highvoltagemorgs: in that case, I've very glad that our team review came up18:38
morgshighvoltage: :)18:38
juliuxi have everything i need for vote;)18:39
boredandbloggingit looks like ubuntu-za is getting motivated and headed for good things18:39
boredandblogging+1 from me18:39
janc_EEE_900+1 from me too18:39
juliuxespecialy because highvoltage is now in charge;)18:39
highvoltageboredandblogging: our current status might seem very modest, but considering where we were roughly 18 months ago, we've made a complete turnaround and we went from a dysfunctional loco to one with lots of enthusiastic members and lots of hope18:40
highvoltageboredandblogging: and thanks for your support, too18:40
boredandbloggingexcellent, good luck with your future projects18:40
highvoltagethank you, we'll keep you up to date with our progress18:40
boredandbloggingthere should be some other teams up for review18:40
boredandblogginglooks like they are being lazy18:41
boredandbloggingand not submitting applications18:41
boredandbloggingwe will have to remedy that18:41
juliuxboredandblogging: i think you have to send out some mails again;)18:41
boredandbloggingI'll try to contact some of them this week18:41
boredandbloggingjuliux: yeah18:41
boredandbloggingRafik: are you here?18:41
* juliux knows one team that is missing today18:41
Rafikboredandblogging: hello18:41
boredandbloggingRafik: you had some things you wanted to discuss?18:42
Rafikboredandblogging: yes. It's all about the ubuntu community. We want it to be a big, worldwide and unified community.18:43
boredandbloggingof course :-)18:43
RafikSo, I've two little ideas to contribute on maintaining the community through the loco project18:44
Rafikthe first is about Team Reports18:44
Rafikwe would love to see more of them18:44
RafikI prepared some details on : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda/talk18:45
Rafikany questions ? :-)18:45
boredandbloggingdholbach sends out reminders about Team Reports18:45
boredandbloggingI've talked to him about it18:45
boredandbloggingTeam Reports get published in the UWN18:45
boredandbloggingand I'd like to publish them on Fridge and Planet18:45
boredandbloggingthat could push more LoCos to publicize their activities to the wider community18:46
janc_EEE_900Rafik: I think more team reports would be great (even if we haven't been doing it well as ubuntu-be...)18:46
juliuxi think we are working on a good way for team reports, every team now has to write a approval page one a year so there is some documentation18:46
juliuxi personal think a monthly report is too much18:47
Rafikjuliux: i think it's not enough to do that yearly18:47
boredandbloggingit should be easy, LoCos shouldn't have to spend more than 5 minutes on it18:47
boredandbloggingor maybe the Georgia LoCo doesn't do enough :-P18:48
Rafikboredandblogging: that's also the reason. nobody want to submit an empty report, that will activate the work18:49
janc_EEE_900one issue is to find a volunteer who makes sure that it actually gets done monthly   ;-)18:49
janc_EEE_900and some months we actually don't have much activity18:49
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: easy, start a topic (forum, mailing list, ..)18:49
Rafika topic per month to write the Team Report18:50
Rafikit can't be hard and it -as boredandblogging said- don't take more than 5 mins18:50
RafikThink about all the advantages for better team reporting18:51
highvoltagereporting twitter^widenti.ca style18:51
Rafikexchanging ideas, better involvement, better knowledge of the community18:51
Rafikthis should be a "must" for approved locos at least18:52
boredandbloggingit is a requirement, but the question is how we encourage LoCos to do it18:52
Rafika mail from you, loco council, if the loco don't submit its report ?18:53
boredandbloggingdaniel emails the loco contact list every month18:54
janc_EEE_900what if a locoteam really had no loco-activity in a certain month?18:55
Rafikboredandblogging: yes. but what can better than an "official reminder" :)18:55
janc_EEE_900I  mean, e.g. during summer vacation18:55
boredandbloggingjanc_EEE_900: think its ok if teams don't have anything to report18:56
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: it will not so strict and if it occur, it will have a positive effect18:56
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: it will encourage the loco to do more and more18:56
boredandbloggingthink we would like teams to report things if they are doing something18:56
boredandbloggingto share with the rest of the communiyt18:56
Rafikboredandblogging: we don't want to have sub-communities (taking independence from the community)18:57
janc_EEE_900reports with "we did nothing because nobody was at home" is a bit useless  ;-)18:58
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: no matter :p18:58
boredandbloggingwe had talked about publicizing the works of the LoCo Council a bit more...18:58
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: I would push my loco. I don't want to send an empty report18:59
boredandbloggingmaybe we can also list some things from various LoCo Team Reports as well18:59
boredandblogginglets try that for a couple of months19:01
boredandbloggingand see how it goes19:01
Rafikjuliux: for yearly reports, it will be much easier as you have them READY.19:01
highvoltageI wish inter-loco-team communication could be better though19:01
Rafikhighvoltage: that's the point19:01
highvoltagethere's some cool things happening in some lugs that others don't always know about19:01
highvoltageI check the websites of the other loco teams often to keep up with what's new and interesting19:02
Rafikhighvoltage: thanks, you are expressing what I have in mind :)19:02
juliuxRafik: i can only say that is a lot of work if you do them monthly19:02
highvoltagejuliux: well it should take long, for example, a report could simply be:19:03
highvoltage* we distributed 50 ubuntu discs19:03
highvoltage* we had ubuntu cake19:03
Rafik+ some links19:03
highvoltagejuliux: so it shouldn't be too much effort, right?19:03
Rafikboredandblogging: I also talked with dholbach about creating a team to help locos with team reports and to collect them.19:04
Rafika team to ensure a better communication between locos19:04
boredandblogginga separate team?19:04
Rafika team working under the LoCo Council governance19:05
janc_EEE_900hello popey19:05
popeyi had no clue there was a meeting, sorry19:05
juliuxhighvoltage: where is the use for the rest if it is only that short?19:05
Rafikhi popey19:05
janc_EEE_900juliux: people who see something interresting can ask for more info19:06
janc_EEE_900or the fridge people can ask if they see something interresting19:06
Rafikjuliux: links are also useful (photos, materials, preparation, ..)19:07
boredandbloggingi know the fridge is always looking for interesting things to post19:07
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: +1, very useful also for the UWN19:07
juliuxi am not sure fo the advantage about that19:07
highvoltagejuliux: rest of it?19:08
Rafikboredandblogging: I would love to see more news in the fridge, more infos..19:08
highvoltagejuliux: aah, well, links are useful of course if someone wants more information. links to wiki pages and blog entries usually work well19:08
juliuxi have no problems doing team reports but i am not seeing the advantage atm19:08
highvoltageRafik: quite honestly the fridge sucks.19:09
juliuxhighvoltage: most of the stuff will be not in english19:09
boredandbloggingRafik: anyone can submit material to the Fridge now19:09
boredandblogginghighvoltage: its mostly dead nowadays19:09
Rafikboredandblogging: if they know about its existence or they take it in consideration19:09
highvoltageboredandblogging: and it's too formal too now. it used to be fun and interesting19:09
highvoltageboredandblogging: I miss stories like these: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/30019:10
highvoltage(just one link I happen to know)19:10
boredandblogginghighvoltage: its a lack of contributors19:11
janc_EEE_900I guess it needs a team of fresh & eager reporters   ;-)19:11
boredandbloggingjanc_EEE_900: definitely19:11
janc_EEE_900who go out to find the news19:11
janc_EEE_900instead of waiting for it to come19:11
Rafikboredandblogging: most of loco members don't look outside the loco because they don't know the community.. for them community = the loco.. we must find solutions to this. one of them : let them know about what is happening in the world19:12
janc_EEE_900that means people who don't already have 10 other responsibilities19:12
boredandbloggingjanc_EEE_900: yeah, if you join the LP fridge team now, you can log into the fridge19:12
boredandbloggingand write whatever you want19:12
boredandbloggingbut back to the initial topic19:13
boredandblogginghow about we publicize the loco team reports once a month19:14
boredandbloggingon the planet/fridge/uwn19:14
boredandbloggingand see what happens?19:14
Rafikboredandblogging: every thing is already there : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports19:15
Rafikwe just need to push a button to activate the thing19:15
boredandbloggingright, so when the November one is done, we'll publish it everywhere19:17
Rafiksome locos are really taking care of team reports, some other should receive some "recommendations" from you19:17
boredandbloggingRafik: lets see if public visibility helps first19:18
Rafikboredandblogging: okay :)19:19
boredandbloggingthe less "official" push, the better19:19
boredandbloggingRafik: anything else?19:19
Rafikitem 2 ?19:19
janc_EEE_900boredandblogging: +1 on that, people don't like being pushed  :-)19:19
janc_EEE_900Rafik: I don't think item 2 is realistic19:20
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: why ? it's just a channel switch19:20
janc_EEE_900Rafik: there are > 50 approved locoteams & only 1 #ubuntu-meeting19:22
boredandbloggingdon't think loco members should have to join a different channel for meetings19:22
juliuxshouldn't be #ubuntu-meeting a english speaking channel?19:23
janc_EEE_900well, some locoteams have their own -meeting channels already19:23
Rafikjuliux: I don't think so19:23
janc_EEE_900and some locoteams have weekly meetings19:23
janc_EEE_900if all locoteams would have to use #ubuntu-meeting, that would turn into a scheduling nightmare19:24
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: the we could make other channels ^^19:25
janc_EEE_900resulting in meetings on hours that are bad to get many participants19:25
Rafikmuch meetings = active community19:25
janc_EEE_900there are probably 10 or 20 or more locoteams in some timezones...19:26
Rafikjanc_EEE_900: my loco will take 1h30 every month. not too much19:27
janc_EEE_900Rafik: but what if somebody already took the best slot for your loco members?19:27
Rafikthen we will do it on our loco channel19:28
RafikAll my concerns are about the community integrity, if it's the right word. splitting the community into small entities can't be good. I think we really need find ways to keep some contact between the regular loco member and the worldwide community. we need to find ways to involve him in ubuntu itself, not only in the loco.19:30
boredandbloggingthats understandable19:30
Rafikit's also very important for the Ubuntu reputation19:31
boredandbloggingbut having every meeting in this channel is too much19:31
janc_EEE_900locoteams can help with that, by helping loco-members getting involved19:31
janc_EEE_900... involved in the worldwide community I mean19:32
boredandblogginganything else we want to talk about?19:32
juliuxboredandblogging: december meeting?19:33
boredandbloggingjuliux: you mean scheduling it now?19:34
juliuxboredandblogging: yes19:34
boredandbloggingany suggetsions19:34
juliux8. december?19:35
janc_EEE_900*not* on December 24th...  ;-)19:35
juliuxjanc_EEE_900: agreed;)19:36
boredandbloggingis 8th during UDS?19:36
RafikUDS : Monday 8th - Friday 12th December 200819:38
juliuxi think it is after uds19:38
juliuxboredandblogging: so better one after uds?19:41
boredandbloggingyes, think so19:42
* Rafik have to go19:42
RafikThank you all19:42
boredandbloggingpopey, juliux, janc_EEE_900 how about 15 dec?19:42
juliuxboredandblogging: ok 15. december19:42
boredandbloggingpopey, juliux, janc_EEE_900 ok, same time as today 15 dec19:43
janc_EEE_900that should be okay, I think19:43
juliuxboredandblogging: i prefer one hour later19:44
juliuxbut i am also fine with same time as today19:44
boredandbloggingok, next meeting 15 dec, 19:00 UTC19:45
juliuxcu you19:46
boredandbloggingwe are done19:47
boredandbloggingthanks everyone!19:47
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 11 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 12 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 12 Nov 22:00: Platform Team | 13 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 13 Nov 13:00: Desktop Team
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luisbghighvoltage: LOL22:43
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