
Tumieboredandblogging: where can i find SpreadUbuntu alpha 0.1 ?11:37
Tumiei found it already11:41
Tumiejohnc4510 or tyche: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue116?action=show&redirect=UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter%2FCurrent#Translation%20Stats%20Hardy11:50
Tumiethe translationsstats are from hardy!11:50
svakshanixternal: hi14:19
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Tumiehttp://www.ubuntublog.nl/?p=60 << whoehoew.. my own t-shirt :D19:11
highvoltagehey tyche19:20
tycheWhat's happening?19:21
highvoltageI signed up for the fridge team in launchpad. I want to help make the fridge suck less and make it fun again.19:21
tycheOh, MY!  Well, there's some administrators that might be interested in you.19:21
boredandbloggingbeuno: ping19:21
highvoltageI'm sure you're familiar with lolcats and loldebian?19:22
highvoltageloldebian is at http://loldebian.wordpress.com/19:22
tycheWell, let's see now.  I think you've just been passed through 2 different levels.  Hee hee19:22
highvoltageearlier this year I contemplated lolbuntu. I played around with the idea a bit at http://www.lolbuntu.org/19:22
beunoboredandblogging, pong19:22
highvoltagewe could perhaps have a lolbuntu that's part of the fridge instead19:22
boredandbloggingbeuno: can you aprove highvoltage for the fridge team?19:23
beunoboredandblogging, sure19:27
highvoltageis there any objections to lolbuntu (funny ones at least) posts to the fridge?19:32
highvoltagecan I make some public noise about it already?19:33
beunohighvoltage, approved19:33
highvoltagebeuno: cool, thanks19:33
boredandbloggingas long as they aren't vulgar19:34
boredandbloggingand follow CoC19:34
highvoltageboredandblogging: *nod*19:34
Tumieomg.. that looks easy :p19:39
Tumiehighvoltage: do you have permission from Ubuntu.com ~ Trademarks for that domain??19:40
highvoltageTumie: nope, I wouldn't need any, would I?19:40
highvoltageTumie: there's no modified ubuntu logos or anything in there19:41
TumieCanonical owns a number of trademarks and these include UBUNTU, KUBUNTU, EDUBUNTU, and XUBUNTU. The trademarks are registered in both word and logo form. Any mark ending with the letters UBUNTU or BUNTU is sufficiently similar to one or more of the trademarks that permission will be needed in order to use it. This policy encompasses all marks, in word and logo form, collectively referred to as “Trademarks”.19:41
TumieRestricted use that requires a trademark license: Use in a domain name or URL.19:41
Tumiei've needed it too,, i get it because i'm just a blog..19:41
Tumiei hope you get it :)19:41
highvoltageTumie: yeah, I didn't use ubuntu there though. you have to remember that 'ubuntu' is also a *very* generic term in some parts of the world19:42
Tumiebut you use "buntu".. that's also a trademark of ubuntu.com :)19:42
Tumieyou need permission19:42
highvoltageno it's not! :)19:42
highvoltageanyway, if they have a problem with it, which I'm sure they won't, then I'll gladly change/remove it19:43
TumieAny mark ending with the letters UBUNTU or BUNTU is sufficiently similar to one or more of the trademarks that permission will be needed in order to use it.19:43
Tumiejust ask for permission..19:43
Tumiea lot of sites, that didn't had permission,, just were gone at a moment..19:44
Tumieif you ask for permission, you will have a change, without asking permission, you don't have any change if they find you19:45
Tumiejust see if you're asking permission, you're problemm now :)19:47

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