
* Dave2 stabs backspace for being above enter...00:05
naliothbetter to stab those long fingers, no?00:06
* nalioth runs00:06
* Dave2 has short fingers00:06
Dave2(to go with the short everything else)00:07
* Dave2 tries to sleep ahead of relatively early start00:08
* Myrtti grumbles at linux kernel and UBUNTU RECURSIONS00:25
Myrttidear Linux. I hate you. Your friend, Miia.00:26
Myrttiso now I've got in my hands a laptop which doesn't have working wifi whatsoever.00:34
* Myrtti headwalls00:34
bazhangI want what I want, devil take the facts01:36
ONXfuckballs, nobody's connection dies.01:54
bazhangwonder why he is banned..01:55
FlannelHes forwarded here, thatcan probably be removed01:57
bazhangbet that is holymoo01:57
jribis he forwarded because of his hostname or his wonderfull ident?01:58
Flanneloh wait, not him specifically.01:58
Flannel@bansearch onx01:58
ubottuMatch: *!*fuck*@*!#ubuntu-ops by Automated-Addition in #ubuntu-offtopic on Jun 28 2008 07:30:23 (ID: 4973)01:58
ubottuMatch: *!*fuck*@*!#ubuntu-ops by Automated-Addition in #ubuntu on Apr 18 2008 18:46:25 (ID: 4878)01:58
ubottuMatch: *!*fuck*@*!#ubuntu-ops by Automated-Addition in #ubuntu on Apr 18 2008 18:46:25 (ID: 4844)01:58
bazhangor el_gat0_xd01:58
FlannelSo, can't really be removed, since theyre boilerplate ones01:58
ubottuIn ubottu, dataflow said: well done...this is exactly what i need02:03
naliothhe's caught a k-train02:08
naliothand i don't think it's holycow02:08
ubottuIn #kubuntu, notriddle said: !gpm is a daemon that captures mouse events when the system console is active, and delivers events to applications through a library.03:09
ubottuIn #kubuntu, notriddle said: !kdm is the KDE Display Manager. It manages a collection of X servers on local or remove machines.03:11
ubottuIn #kubuntu, notriddle said: !gdm is the GNOME Display Manager. It manages a collection of X servers on local or remove machines.03:11
ubottuIn ubottu, notriddle said: kubuntu-restricted-extras is <alias> ubuntu-restricted-extras03:20
ubottuIn ubottu, notriddle said: xubuntu-restricted-extras is <alias> ubuntu-restricted-extras03:21
ubottuIn #ubuntu-np, GNuBOi said: ubottu, where is ubuntu release party04:32
Flannelubottu: tell WPPWAH about away05:07
naliothif i have a directory full of images, how can i generate an html page that contains the image and the written link to it?05:26
Flannelwritten link?05:27
naliothi want the image and next to it the absolute line   [image shows up here]  http://mywebsite/images/image.jpg05:29
FlannelAnd then the next ones are below it?05:31
FlannelTheres a few ways you could do it.  <img src="image.jpg"> <a href="image.jpg">image.jpg</a><br>  or <li><img> <a></a></li>05:32
FlannelThe latter is probably the "cleanest"05:32
naliothprobably throw in some <br>s05:32
naliothFlannel: guess i should have made myself more clear05:32
naliothi've got 1700+ images05:32
naliothis there a scripted way to do what i'm asking?05:33
Flannelright, generate a script to get the file list, and plug them in for image.jpg05:33
Flanneluh, find yadda yadda tee -a "html with $i"05:33
Flannelwhatever that mumbo jumbo is05:34
FlannelOr you want to do it in like php?05:34
* nalioth doesn't speak mumbp jumbo05:34
Flannelor some other serverside language (where it generates the list each time?)05:34
naliothdoesn't make a flip to me05:34
Flannelnalioth: Just looking for a simple gallery?  Check out Scry (on sourceforge)05:34
naliothno, not a gallery05:34
naliothi need it in [imgage goes here] absolute-link-to-image05:35
Flannelright.  Eh, Just homebrew something.  Do you not do any serverside languages?05:35
naliothi am doing well to write simple html05:36
FlannelNo, no, nothing wrong with that.  I just would've tried to write it in something you were already familiar with.05:36
jdongfor i in *.jpg; do echo "<a href=$i>$i</a>" >> index.html; done05:36
jdongwill that work?05:36
* nalioth blinks05:37
jdongoh you want the image too.05:37
jdongadd an <img src=$i></img> in there too :)05:37
Flannelwith quotes!05:37
Flannelsrc='$i' href='$i'05:37
jdonginsert <br> where helpful05:37
jdongwow this is really a batteries-not-included script. sorry about that :D05:37
naliothy'all have lost me05:38
Flannelfor i in *.jpg; do echo "<li><img src='$i'> <a href='$i'>$i</a></li>" >> index.html; done05:38
jdongnalioth: if you run a loop like this in bash, it'll run the echo command once for each *.jpg file you have in the current directory, where $i gets replaced by the filename05:38
jdongand all those get appended into an index.html file05:39
naliothno forkbombs?  :P05:39
FlannelAnd then you just need to prepend and append the proper html goodies05:39
Tm_T$i might need {} around it05:39
jdonglol no forkbombs, this is all safe code :)05:41
jdongFlannel's version will likely work the best05:41
jdongthat should write the labor-intensive repetitive HTML for you.05:41
naliothit only made one line05:42
jdongwhat extension are the files?05:42
jdongyou might need in *.jpg *.JPG05:42
naliothi've gove over 50 .jpg files there05:42
naliothgot, even05:42
nalioththanks, y'all05:42
jdongare they capital JPG or lowercase?05:42
naliothi'll just do 10 at a time for a few days05:43
* nalioth knows the diff tween .jpg and .JPG05:43
naliothbut thanks05:44
jdongsorry it didn't work :)05:45
Myrttinalioth: "flickr"06:35
Myrttithere is no word for expressing the full crispness and the edge of this feeling I feel for xfce4-terminal06:38
Tm_TMyrtti: crippled?07:50
MyrttiTm_T: that would be quite close09:27
MyrttiI was thinking of along the lines of "sticking wood splinters under my nails" as one metaphore09:27
Myrttithis apt-p2p is a nice idea, but I hate that I'm getting a *LOT* of E: Failed to fetch http://localhost:9977/fi.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/java-common/default-jre-headless_1.6-30ubuntu3_amd64.deb: 500 Internal Server Error's10:30
ikoniawhat about him ?11:47
ikoniaI'm going to start removing/banning bullguard4 if he can't get with the program, he's had 1000's of warnings and a few wartning kicks but he still treats it like generic linux help11:48
bazhangsouth_korea does not seem to be able to draw the line between support and chat11:49
ikoniabazhang I know11:49
bazhangbullgard wants to translate the entirety of linux seemingly11:49
bazhangbut that is offtopic in #ubuntu11:49
bullgard4bazhang: Please explain your suggestion.11:50
bazhangbullgard4, you are asking too many offtopic questions in #ubuntu11:51
bazhangbullgard4, it is a very busy channel and I have witnessed you just today arguing with people when you do not get the answer you want.11:51
bazhangbullgard4, that is both offtopic and against the code of conduct for #ubuntu channels11:52
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/11:52
ikoniabullgard4 you know the situation - you know it's ubuntu support only11:52
ikoniabullgard4: you've been asked MANY times to deal with only ubuntu support in #ubuntu, you've been removed from the channel a few times for being offtopic but it's always the same, I see you ask in ##linux you don't get a response so you ask here11:52
ikoniabullgard4: do you understand the topic of the #ubuntu channel clearly ?11:54
bullgard4bazhang: Because I am asking for the meaning of the processor flags you are telling me that I am arguing with people when I do not get the answer I want?  I reject this argument. I have not argued when I have asked for the meaning of processor flags. 11:55
ikoniabullgard4 you know that is offtopic yes/no11:55
ikoniabullgard4: after all the conversations people have had with you about being offtopic - do you think asking for documentation about processor flags is on or offtopic ?11:55
bazhangbullgard4, you said earlier today to someone:"that is of no use to me"11:55
bullgard4bazhang: When speaking about processor flags?11:56
bazhangbullgard4, not only that occasion; on many occasions you have argued with others.11:57
ikoniabullgard4: after all the conversations people have had with you about being offtopic - do you think asking for documentation about processor flags is on or offtopic ?11:57
bazhangbullgard4, but that is a moot point; you are offtopic and continue to be so in #ubuntu .11:57
ikoniabullgard4: do you understand the topic of #ubuntu - I'm asking you publicly and clearly now for the record12:00
ikoniabullgard4: it's importnat you respond please. Do you understand the topic for the #ubuntu channel 12:01
bullgard4ikonia:  Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel. I have asked question that relate to my Ubuntu problems.12:03
ikoniabullgard4 you have asked questions that are on topic in the past, no question, but you ask MANY more offtopic questions12:03
ikoniabullgard4: you understand you need to stop asking the offtopic random/generic linux questions ?12:03
ikoniabullgard4: when you've digested that I'd really appriciate a yes/no response, but take you time so you fully understand what I'm asking12:05
bullgard4ikonia: My questions in the channel #ubuntu have been and are related to my usage of the Ubuntu operating system. 12:07
Myrttimeh. I don't like what's going on at -ot at all12:30
bazhangicesword is up to his usual12:30
PiciSo, How was everyone's weekend?12:34
MyrttiI barely got out of bed...12:35
PiciThe most constructive thing I did was put up a Pink Floyd poster.12:36
elkbuntui went to my favourite cafe for pudding.12:38
MyrttiI'm getting bad wibes at -ot12:38
Myrttialso tool_12:39
bazhanghe was a pain in #ubuntu until we got him to join there12:39
bazhangseems not to have changed for the better12:39
ikoniabullgard4: apologies for the slow response, I had to go with a meeting, I'll summerise for you so we can end this, yes you have asked questions about ubuntu, no argument, but you persisantly ask questions that are nothing to do with ubuntu - eg: your request for "where to find documentation about the processor flags and what they mean" - and you have been warned about this many times.12:44
bullgard4ikonia: The kernel is an inherent part of Ubuntu. You cannot think of Ubuntu without the kernel. To divide a line is arbitrary. I may be useful for practical reasons. But to punish Ubuntu people who ask questions about the functioning of the kernel in relation to better usage of Ubuntu adds to frustrating Ubuntu people.12:52
elkbuntubullgard4, we are not here to support the kernel. #ubuntu is for ubuntu-specific stuff. kernel processor flags are not ubuntu-specific.12:58
bullgard4elkbuntu: I agree.12:59
ikoniabullgard4 so your agreeeing your asking off topic questions12:59
elkbuntubullgard4, then why are we having this discussion? what about your questions have been ubuntu-specific?12:59
bullgard4elkbuntu: It is said that a special processor flag indicates if a 32- or a 64- bit version of Ubuntu is to be installed. Why should I not ask for such a flag's meaning?13:01
ikoniabullgard4 those flags are nothing to do with ubuntu13:02
elkbuntumore to the point, if you haven't done a google for, i dont know, 'linux processor flags documentation', then you're probably not going to get far with it anyway. if you're playing kernel hacker, you need to be self-sufficient.13:02
bullgard4I still believe that a certain x86 processor family flag indicates if this processor is suitable for an Ubuntu 64 bit version or not. But I cannot verify this in this moment.13:08
elkbuntuLjjjL, so apparantly my issue with the wifi was that the bios had disabled it (and the camera)13:08
LjjjLelkbuntu: on the eee?13:08
elkbuntuLjjjL, yes.13:08
LjjjLelkbuntu: don't you have eee-control installed?13:09
elkbuntunever heard of this.13:09
elkbuntuLjjjL, is it in default repos?13:10
LjjjLelkbuntu, no it isn't, it's written by someone who hangs around in #eeepc, but it's available as a .deb and IMHO it's pretty well behaved13:10
LjjjLelkbuntu: http://greg.geekmind.org/eee-control/13:11
elkbuntuLjjjL, how does it differ to eee-applet (which i just found in the repos)13:13
elkbuntulooks much the same13:14
LjjjLelkbuntu: well, one thing that certainly differs is that eee-applet isn't available in Hardy, which i use13:14
LjjjLelkbuntu: but aside from that i guess you should ask the author of either13:15
elkbuntui upgraded to intrepid, and i'll take something in universe over non-repo stuff any day13:15
elkbuntui actually reinstalled intrepid, but meh13:15
LjjjLelkbuntu: eee-control's author is "zgreg" on freenode13:16
LjjjLelkbuntu: one nice thing in eee-control (but eee-applet might have the same) is that it switch to and from powersave mode when you plug and unplug mains, much like xandros13:17
LjjjLelkbuntu: i'm actually changing my mind over whether or not to install intrepid about every 10 minutes... ;)13:19
LjjjLi'd ask you how it's faring for you but comparing a 701 with a 901 probably doesn't make too much sense13:20
elkbuntumy only issue is that stupification of the entire quit interface, and the fact that my mother cannot seem to burn a usable disc.13:20
LjjjLalso, Hardy has two things that Intrepid lacks: KDE 3 (which i'm currently not using, but i'd hate to not have its programs available) and firefox-2, as firefox-3.0 is for some reason incredibly slow13:21
elkbuntuanyway, i'm off to bed13:21
LjjjLelkbuntu: what'd they do to quit?13:21
elkbuntuLjL, integrated the panel quit button thing with pidgin, and put a 60second timer on the quit/restart/whatever_else dialog.13:22
elkbuntuanyway, bed for real.13:23
LjjjL(integrating the quit button with... pidgin?! sounds pretty scary)13:23
ikoniabullgard4 I think this is going nowhere now - the bottom line is 1.) you've been ask multiple times to remain on topic 2.) you've been unable to do this, I'd like you to stop - hence why I'm asking you publicly to think about what you ask is this ubuntu questions (great ask it) if this is a generic linux question (don't ask it) I'm sorry to have to paint it out so black and white but it seems the only way as your not getting it any other way13:27
bullgard4ikonia: In my practice often questions arise that are not so simply to put into one or the other of the two categories. I will try to make a sharper distinction though. 13:32
ikoniabullgard4 your thought on it would really be appriciated as you really seem to struggle more than most to seperate them, I appriciate your effort though 13:33
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you.13:33
ikoniabullgard4: genuinly - thank you13:33
Piciikonia: /me blinks13:43
Piciikonia: #freenode 13:44
* ikonia offers pici eyewash13:44
ikoniaI don't know him ????13:44
PiciProbably best to ignore then.13:44
ikoniaI've never even seen that nick13:44
ikoniadon't recognise the ident13:44
ikoniaI'll ignore it, 13:45
ikoniaPici: well spotted though 13:45
ikonia@bansearch klope13:47
ubottuNo matches found for klope!*@* in any channel13:47
ikonia@bansearch kloppe13:47
ubottuNo matches found for kloppe!*@* in any channel13:47
=== quassel251 is now known as genii
geniiMyrtti: Yes, it's me. Moin14:29
MyrttiLjL: you really need to start inventing more original nicknames14:30
MyrttiLjL: like "&KLSADURTY#¤%/14:30
=== i^d]gXEm is now known as LjL
LjLMyrtti: i don't invent them, muh invents them!14:31
LjLi have bip installed (but i've not yet switched to it)14:32
LjLmuh runs in a crontab, bip starts from init.d14:32
LjLso bip gets the LjL nickname first14:32
Dave2...does your client deliberately try to make nicks which make me start to reach for easykline?14:35
ikonialjl is a troll14:36
LjLDave2: yes, yes i understand. it's not my client, it's the bouncer, and you know what the historical genesis of irc bouncers is about...14:36
LjLit tries LjL but it's taken by bip, then LjL-Temp but it's taken by the client, then a pseudo-random nickname that looks like a k-line ready to be issued14:37
Seeker`hmm, k-lines-r-us?14:46
ikoniahey Seeker` 14:46
Seeker`how be?14:47
ikoniagood, you ?14:48
Seeker`not bad14:49
Seeker`got a job14:49
ikoniacool where and what14:50
Seeker`kings langley, doing architecture / algorithms work for a company that does graphics chips14:50
ikoniathat sounds interesting14:51
Seeker`I hope it is :)14:51
ikoniawhen do you start ?14:51
Seeker`1st december14:54
Seeker`ikonia: thanks15:24
bazhanghave to reboot when trying to connect to wifi hotspot?15:46
bazhangnever heard of that one before15:46
geniibazhang: They likely don't know of dhclient15:47
bazhanggenii, wos' story just does not add up15:48
bazhanghe claims that the AP is his, then mention he does not know if they are encrypted or not15:50
geniibazhang: I haven't been paying too much attention there, lemme check scroll15:51
ikoniabazhang: he is a little suspicious, but I think there is also a language barrier to get across15:52
bazhangikonia, could well be15:52
geniiI think he's actually just more confused than anything15:55
bazhangor miscommunicating15:56
bazhangits the confused one16:00
* Myrtti grunts16:15
geniiToo many ppl do that sudo <gui-app-name-here>16:16
Myrttigenii: I feel old, grumpy, tired and too Ubuntuish.16:21
bazhangI think he is trying to connect via ethernet and wifi at the same time.16:21
bazhangie the neighbor's wifi16:22
geniiProbably, yeah16:22
bazhangwhich can be done16:22
Myrttiwho what where16:22
bazhangwos1 in #ubuntu16:22
bazhangway too many discrepencies in his story by now16:22
ikoniaha ha16:23
bazhangshould tell him about load balancing16:23
bazhangbut that would be wrong 16:23
bazhangie leeching others wifi16:24
genii"Just the facts ma'am..... Aaah... I have just a few more questions... sorry to be a bother" <puffs cigar>16:24
bazhangthat was a classic show16:26
Myrttiargh. I've got someone from Bristol that wants to befriend me in Facebook, but I have no idea whatsoever who he is.16:29
bazhangargh Facebook16:30
bazhangthere fixed16:30
Myrttiwhat where16:31
* Seeker` goes to find Myrtti on facebook16:31
ikoniashe has pictures of hamsters16:31
ikoniaI've seen them on jussi's 16:31
Piciguinea pigs?16:32
MyrttiGUINEA PIGS16:32
* ikonia </troll>16:32
* Myrtti slaps ikonia with a biodegradable bag full of wet soggy woodchips16:32
geniiI think jussi01's ones are of a hedgehog16:32
ikoniayeah he does have a cool hedgehog16:32
Myrttigenii, ikonia: http://myrtti.fi/temp/siili-ja-marsut.mp4 yupyup16:33
Piciyip yip yip16:33
Myrtti(I should really encode that with the permission of jussi01, that's his video)16:33
geniiI like the domain. I tried to get genii.ca before but it's gone already16:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:35
Myrttigenii: I'll tell the Jackass of Relationships and Nerdom thanks ;-)16:36
Myrtti(I didn't register that nor pay for the three years myself a year ago)16:37
Myrttiit was a lovely gift though16:37
geniiunfortunately coffeegenii.ca was also taken.(it's a brand of coffee maker)16:39
* Seeker` found Myrtti on facebook16:40
* Myrtti chuckles16:41
bazhangdoes gord have an alternate nick of drog? in -ot16:43
MyrttiI'm surprised I've not really been facebook stalked that much16:43
* ikonia watches pricechild from two holes in a news paper16:43
geniibazhang: I'm pretty sure, yeah16:43
Dave2.wi n3316:43
Myrtti.fa il16:44
Dave2undeed L(16:44
Dave2indeed :(16:44
bazhanggenii, they have very different isp's though16:44
Seeker`bazhang: is he causing a problem?16:44
bazhangSeeker`, drog was a bit earlier (not gord)16:44
bazhangseem to recall someone mirroring his nick a week or so ago16:45
Seeker`what was drog doing?16:45
Seeker`serious trolling? or just being slightly annoying16:46
bazhangsomewhere in the middle16:46
bazhangand the real gord does not seem to do that at all16:47
PriceChildMeh, I never did get the gcf dance for ubuntustudio done.16:47
ikoniaPriceChild gcf ?16:48
Seeker`group contact form16:48
Seeker`at a guess16:48
Tm_TMyrtti: ?17:39
MyrttiTm_T: !17:40
Tm_TI hate when only return from screensaver/lock is restarting Xorg17:40
NafalloTm_T: it often isn't.17:40
NafalloTm_T: drop to a console, login and kill the screensaver.17:41
Tm_TNafallo: 1) no working console were available 2) no separate screensaver process17:41
Nafallothat sounds weird.17:41
Tm_Tlovely isn't it17:42
Nafallono. just weird.17:42
Tm_Tno it's not17:42
Nafallohow can you have a screensaver running without having a screensaver running?17:42
Tm_Tin stable and static desktop it would be weird17:42
Tm_TNafallo: plasma love, my love17:43
Nafallooh. scary stuff.17:43
* Nafallo hugs Ubuntu :)17:43
* Tm_T hugs her Ubuntu mug17:43
geniiBah. When am I ever going to be able to purchase my Kubuntu mug. I've waited ever so long.17:44
* Myrtti hugs her pink Mymble's Daughter mug17:45
mneptokMyrtti: you've read "Kotitonttu" yes?17:56
Myrttithe poem?17:57
mneptokAstrid Lindgren's book17:57
mneptok("The Tomten" in English)17:58
Myrttican't say I have17:59
mneptokyou should. :)17:59
mneptokthat book along with the Moomins was a big thing in our home.17:59
MyrttiD bought http://dy.fi/qmg for himself :-D18:03
ikoniayeah mobile broadband on the train works !18:39
jribirc is sucking up too much time, I'm going to write a bot to replace me 19:09
Myrttisounds like a plan19:10
jrib2 weeks later... writing a bot to replace me is taking up too much time ...19:10
LjLjrib: then write a bot to write a bot to replace you19:13
jribgood idea, tell me in 2 weeks :)19:13
ikoniajrib: just make an auto responded "speak to ljl, he knows how to do that" for every question19:25
ikoniaproblem solved19:25
jribhow can I break my computer?19:26
jribspeak to LjL, he knows how to do that!19:26
geniiDrop it from a height19:29
jussi01Myrtti: you can use that vid no probs anytime - CC by SA19:31
jussi01Hello all19:31
geniijussi01: Heya. Did the core go down for a bit?19:32
jussi01genii: no idea, havent looked19:33
jussi01genii: no, doesnt look like it..19:35
geniijussi01: Because when I logged in today  the username went back to quassel251 or so19:36
jussi01genii: hrm, that is weird19:37
jussi01genii: you might have bumped the other one?19:38
geniijussi01: Maybe it disconects on netsplits19:38
jussi01genii: no, because it didnt disconnect for me.19:39
jussi01genii: you didnt ghost the nick at all?19:44
Myrttijussi01: I need to find a decent video editing software then19:46
jussi01!info kdenlive | Myrtti19:51
ubottumyrtti: kdenlive (source: kdenlive): A Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.svn20071228-0.0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 871 kB, installed size 2624 kB19:51
MyrttiSHUT UP19:51
jussi01!info openmovieeditor | Myrtti19:51
ubottumyrtti: openmovieeditor (source: openmovieeditor): a simple non-linear video editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20080102-2.1build1 (intrepid), package size 325 kB, installed size 856 kB19:51
ubottuCinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu19:51
geniijussi01: Apologies on lag, work required me. As far as I know the name did not ghost. 19:58
* genii sips20:13
stdinwatch \3TATUK in #u21:01
ubottuompaul called the ops in #ubuntu (trolling \3TATUK)21:01
stdinjussi01: are you alive?21:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu, kyle said: !whisper flannel o interesting, as for what yous aid about the drivers. my friend is my go to guy about all this and he had to leave but he said they weren't already installed21:48
jdongubottu: tell Seeker` that I think he is really special and cool22:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:16
mneptokubottu: tell me about your childhood.22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about your childhood.22:16
mneptokyou and me both.22:16
mneptoki think the mescaline baby formula was part of the problem22:17
Seeker`ubottu: tell me about everything you know22:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:18
jdongubottu: shhhhh lemme whisper in yo ear...22:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:18
jdong</awful hiphop reference>22:18
Seeker`isn't the "awful" implied in the fact it is hiphop?22:19
mneptokwell, the is Doctor Octagon22:25
mneptokI got cosmophonic, pressed a button, changed my face22:27
mneptokYou recognised, so what? I turned invisible22:27
mneptokMade myself clear, reappeared to you visual22:27
mneptokDisappear again, zapped like a android22:27
mneptokFace the fact, I fly on planets every day22:27
mneptokMy nucleus friend, prepare, I return again22:27
mneptokMy 7XL is not yet invented22:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu, MTecknology said: !intrepid is <reply>Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features:  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents22:41
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents - Party in #ubuntu-release-party22:42
LjLhe's right.22:42
MTecknologyJust noticed the party room is gone22:42
LjLi forgot22:42
LjL!no intrepid is <reply> Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81022:43
ubottuI'll remember that LjL22:43
cxvxbHi, I was a bad boy in #ubuntu about a week ago and used an offensive nick. It won't happen again. Can I be unbanned?23:17
LjLcxvxb, it was hardly just a matter of using a bad nickname, to be fair23:27
cxvxbwell it won't happen again 23:28
cxvxbif you unban me i mean23:28
LjL!etiquette > cxvxb    (cxvxb, see the private message from ubotu )23:29
LjLcxvxb: i'd like you to read the stuff in there, especially the guidelines and coc23:29
cxvxbvery well23:29
cxvxbokay i've had a look23:32
cxvxbLjL, and they are duly noted23:32
cxvxbcan i get out of time out now23:32
cxvxbbe back in a minute im doing package related stuff23:33
LjLcxvxb: chew them for a couple more days, i'm really not comfortable with unbanning someone who, judging from what was said in both #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic, is unlikely to respect any of those guidelines23:33
cxvxbyeah okay23:34
LjLyour promise to avoid doing such things in the future is noted, however i really can't help not finding it enough23:34
cxvxbalright then i will check back. thanks for your time.23:34
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops cxvxb This is "PipFAGGOT"23:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:40
ikoniathe mighty mneptok 23:41
mneptoki am?23:42
mneptoki mean, besides the stench?23:42

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