
coltonk thx.00:00
kicco /dev/dsp is owned by audio group, should someone be part of it to use audio?00:00
zsquarepluscSnelGids: you could download and burn the iso image and then boot form it? an other way would be booting the iso image in virtualbox or some other virtual machine that supports USB00:00
shadowwulfboot the live CD and you will be able to make install from the live CD00:00
sebsebsebcolton: see my private message00:00
cyluxkicco: Perhaps my main user?00:01
zsquarepluscSnelGids: no, you dont need to install it. booting from the cd runs a live system without touching your harddrive00:01
jocimarhi anyone00:01
SnelGidsszquareplusc , what if i burn it and then copy the burn disk files to a uds stick ?00:01
kiccocylux: i honestly don't know, i'm not part of audio group and i can use it...00:01
snowrichard1431 anyones00:01
SnelGidswill i be able to boot off it ? via notebook ?00:01
john-liujoin #ubuntu-cn00:01
ardchoillesnowrichard: hehe00:01
jocimarmy ubuntu 7.10 recognize my hd sata but ubuntu 8.10 not00:01
zsquarepluscSnelGids: you need to make the stick bootable. that involves a few steps that you have to do manually. but it is possible00:01
cyluxkicco: Damn.00:01
=== j is now known as Guest65881
cyluxHey guys, so I upgraded to intrepid. The problem is, on the GDM login screen, I can hear the drum sound clearly, but within Gnome, no sound works. Any ideas?00:02
pengowhen will dual monitors in linux not suck?00:02
=== timburke|laptop is now known as timburke
carlinhoscan anyone help me with this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547800:02
joebodo!sound | cylux00:02
ubottucylux: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:02
kiccocylux: sorry.. don't give up00:02
Guest65881Why does firefox look all different in ubuntu, (the text, among other things)00:02
jocimarmy mobo is a gigabyte ga945gcm-s2c00:02
matrixhow can i remove smothly IE from UBUNTU 800:02
eleinasking again: does anyone know the name of the X11-dev package that contains Xos.h and friends?00:03
joebodopengo hard to understand why a "desktop" os does not support dual monitors00:03
mindrapeGuest65881: you probably need to get moar fonts00:03
cyluxkicco: I won't00:03
Guest65881mindrape, whats the apt-get for that?00:03
MTrafHi, I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I am using ubuntu 8.10 with all the latest updates. I am trying to get Python and opengl working. I downloaded an example which works on other computers running fedora but when ran on my laptop i get "Segmentation fault"  any help would be appreciated.00:03
evan_where can i find and edit http headers>?00:03
zsquarepluscSnelGids: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ may work too. but i did not try out this one personally00:03
charlesWinferno: Not sure how to  do that but I'll look through the examples.  I can access all the shared directories/files on my windows machines without any problem from my Linux 810 machine. I just can't access the external network drive. It's weird.00:03
matrixhow can i remove smothly IE from UBUNTU 800:03
SnelGidszsquareplusc, what if i do what i said above, plug in my usb disk to my notebook and through my notebook settings i select "boot" and select boot from usb stick00:04
kiccomatrix: do you mean internet exploder?00:04
pengojoebodo: yeah, the poor multiple monitor support is a show stopper for me. i've been running ubuntu for over a year, but it's just too horrible to use with 2 screens.00:04
BrickHauskicco: You might be able to look at your user by going to System>Administration>Users and Groups>Unlock. Highlight your user then click on properties. Check to see if adding to an audio group helps. This is just a guess but might be worth trying..00:04
_grepperOK, here's something very awkward: ever since I plugged my HP 4280 printer onto my ubuntu server it shuts down without even telling me what happened, any hints?00:04
zir-rthi, How can I configure the mouse to one single click for gnome programs (I am using kde)? Do a need to edit a config file or install a config program?00:04
jocimari tried 8.04 but was the same00:04
_grepper(If I remove the printer from the USB, it works)00:04
matrixi can find 100 tutorials how to install but i can not find anything how to remove uninstall IE00:04
charleswinferno: once I make changes to the smb.conf file, do I need to restart samba?00:04
mindrapeGuest65881:  sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts00:05
joebodopengo my big issues are dual monitor, extra mouse buttons, and vpn00:05
Guest65881awesome thanks00:05
SpiffyBalakhello again, how can I get a specific command to run every time I log in?00:05
kiccomatrix: errr... it depends, how did you install it?00:05
zsquarepluscSnelGids: it does the same as if you would boot from the CD. it starts the live system and gives you the opportunity to install ubuntu if you want00:05
pengojoebodo: my mouse remembers its button config from when it's setup in windows fortunately (logitech g9)00:05
Anarchyhas anyone here ever run a python script via crontab??00:06
zsquarepluscjoebodo: mouse button? what issue?00:06
jribAnarchy: someone probably has, yeah00:06
jocimarwhy ubuntu 7.10 install in a gigabyte ga945gcm-s2c hd sata and 8.10 cant00:06
Anarchyim having issues getting it to work00:06
joebodothe extra mouse buttons dont work - been looking at xmouse (i think) to configure it00:06
jribAnarchy: you should give more details00:06
jribjoebodo: do they show up in xev?00:07
_greppercan anyone help me to identify what can be leading to this shutdown?00:07
zsquarepluscAnarchy: yes i have, but maybe #python is more appropriate?00:07
SnelGidszsquareplusc, in referrin to what i said right ??00:07
matrixfirst i did sudo apt-get install wine cabextract binfmt-support then wget  wget http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz00:07
matrixthen tar and install it00:07
joebodothey work in firefox, but not in nautilus etc00:07
Anarchyok im trying to run a python script via crontab so it runs once an hour or so00:07
joebodoyes - they work in ev00:07
jribAnarchy: more details00:07
Anarchyit runs fine on a shell00:07
Anarchybut i ant get crontab to run it00:07
icheishvilii'm not kidding, scrolling any page in firefox makes me have to renice totem to keep my music from skipping00:07
zsquarepluscjoebodo: mine started working with 8.10. befrore they were not working/mapped to mid click. now i use xmodmap to change button order00:08
matrixfirst i did sudo apt-get install wine cabextract binfmt-support then wget  wget http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz00:08
matrixthen tar and install it00:08
jribjoebodo: use imwheel or xbindkeys00:08
carlinhos can anyone help me with this?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97547800:08
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Andreicawill photoshop work with wine?00:08
BrickHausAnarchy: Start by giving full permissions, to see if that isolates the issue.. just a guess to help you along00:08
zsquareplusc!who > Anarchy00:08
ubottuAnarchy, please see my private message00:08
joebodoimwheel - that's it - i installed it but havent taken the time yet to figure it out - it's not very intuitive00:08
evan_is it normal for httpd.conf to be empty?00:08
kiccoAndreica: yes, at least CS200:09
Anarchythis is what the crontab line looks like: * * * * * /patch/to/py/script.py00:09
zsquarepluscevan_: yes00:09
matrixcan you assist me kicco00:09
Andreicabut what abous CS3, will it work?00:09
RhorseAnarchy, if Crontab runs into problems it usu spits out an error message.00:09
kiccoAndreica: dunno00:09
masmotai cant seem to actually change anything through networkmanager (8.10).  the settings wont "hold"00:09
evan_zsquareplusc: can i add addtype en rerwiteEngine  text there?00:09
Dominik1I can not adjust the brightness on my Laptop: Sony Vaio VGN-CR507E00:10
mindrapecarlinhos: lspci and lsmod - does Ubuntu recognize your card and is the driver loaded?00:10
zsquarepluscAnarchy: i think at least one of the * should be a number. and i think you could just write @hourly as shortcut00:10
MTrafDoes anyone know how to fix a segmentation fault error when running a python opengl sript? (on ubuntu 8.10 with python and python-opengl installed)00:10
evan_zsquareplusc: or do i need to create a .htacces?00:10
Andreicaso, i have to download CS2?00:10
matrixcan you assist me kicco00:10
matrixcan you assist me kicco00:10
zsquarepluscevan_: i dont know. i added such stuff to sites-enabled/default00:11
kiccomatrix: doin what?00:11
Anarchywell i had 1 * * * * /path/to/py/script.py00:11
matrixuninstall IE from ubuntu00:11
zir-rthi, How can I configure the mouse to one single click for gnome programs (I am using kde)? Do a need to edit a config file or install a config program?00:11
joebodois xmodmap still relevent in 8.10 - i know some stuff is done through hal00:11
kiccoAndreica: it surely works, don't know about CS300:11
Anarchyi did a chmod 777 on the py script00:11
kiccomatrix: you should be more specific, how did you install it?00:11
Andreicaok, thanks00:11
matrixfirst i did sudo apt-get install wine cabextract binfmt-support then wget  wget http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/downloads/ies4linux-latest.tar.gz00:12
ChousukeAnarchy: 755! (777 is evil)00:12
RhorseAnarchy, use MAILTO= to get messages from Cron00:12
matrixthen tar and install ie00:12
mosnois it just me, or does 8.10 Alternate NOT support rootfs-on-LVM-on-LUKS (the thing Etch supported)?00:12
carlinhosmindrape: i think so, look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69810/00:12
charleswinferno: You mentioned about setting up a share on the sam machine that's not on an external drive, but the external drive I have is a network drive and not connected to a machine. It's connected directly to my router00:12
joebodois xmodmap still relevent for setting mouse buttons in 8.10 - i know some stuff is done through hal00:12
kiccomatrix: i did the same, when uninstalled i simply removed .ies4linux folder in my home, don't know if there's a "better way(tm)"00:13
AnarchyRhorse: will it email me errors00:13
zsquarepluscjoebodo: xmodmap still works. not sure if there are other ways now. but i used it to remap buttons and an old config was messing with my keyboard until i erased it00:13
Anarchykk ill try ty00:13
joebodothx - i read that you have to do some hal config file - but there was very little documentation for it00:13
Andreicabut what about adobe flash? is any possibility to use it under ubuntu?00:13
matrixi go to add remove programs i can not find it there00:13
RhorseUse the user that the Crontab belongs to.00:13
cyluxHey guys, so I upgraded to intrepid. The problem is, on the GDM login screen, I can hear the drum sound clearly, but within Gnome, no sound works. Any ideas?00:13
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:13
RhorseI assume you know where your MAIL dir is.00:14
boris_anybode uses PixelView usb TV card00:14
mindrapecarlinhos - yeah, it's recognizing it.  You just need to follow the instructions here probably http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=211386700:14
Andreicai'm not about player, am about editor00:15
scott_how can i downgrade xorg to the hardy version?00:15
jribscott_: use hardy00:15
joebododoesnt even appear that there's an Xmodmap anymore in 8.1000:15
kiccowtf!!! ubuntu crashes every time gdm is firing up... from a liveCD. what should i try, it's driving me MAD00:15
charleswinferno: I think I've turned off all the security in smb.conf and restarted samba but still not dice. Perhaps I just have to satified with accessing as an ftp connection.00:15
jribjoebodo: there is.  Why do you need it?00:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:15
spiritssightI would liek to know what LVM is? and does it replace ext300:15
scott_jrib: ok how can i completely downgrade after i've already upgraded to ibex?00:16
juankhelp please, I search a chat of xubuntu and please best in spanish00:16
joebodojrib was told to modify that to get the back/forth buttons working on my mouse - no Xmodmap in /etc/X1100:16
charleswinferno: Any other thoughts?00:16
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO00:16
jribjoebodo: did you see what I told you?00:16
carlinhosmindrape: i going to read it. one more question, can i show you my xorg? i have questions about it00:16
spiritssightbut what is it?00:16
jribscott_: reinstall00:16
cyluxHey guys, so I upgraded to intrepid. The problem is, on the GDM login screen, I can hear the drum sound clearly, but within Gnome, no sound works. Any ideas?00:17
mindrapecarlinhos - surely.00:17
joebodojrib dont see it00:17
snip3rdoes any one knw how to install vista on a partition??????00:17
voox_xhas anyone been able to fix the video tearing with intel gm965 cards?00:17
scott_jrib: you mean like from a cd?00:17
jribjoebodo: use imwheel or xbindkeys to bind your mouse keys to an action00:17
IndyGunFreakscott_: yes, you can't downgrade, you'd have to do a clean install of hardy00:17
jribscott_: yes.  Downgrading is not supported, so you need to reinstall if you want to use hardy00:17
carlinhosmindrape: ok, i show you now. i am reading that and i see that it is not for a external vga screen... i think is not the same, isnt?00:17
charleswinferno: Are you still there?00:18
kiccohey! for everybody: if experiencing random hangs and your ram is ok, noapic option did the trick for me00:18
joebodoxrib does that mean i have to configure the mouse for every application in order to get the back / forth buttons working ?00:18
kiccobut i still don't know why00:18
Dominik1please help, I need to be able to adust brightness, however birghtness applet, hardware buttons, xbacklight, all do not work, please hlep00:18
jribjoebodo: no00:18
juankalguien porfavor puede ayudarme a redireccionarme paraun chat de xubuntu en español00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apic00:18
Rhorse!es \ juankl00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es \ juankl00:18
Rhorse!spanish |juank00:19
ubottujuank: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:19
panfisthi, i have no sound in 8.04 from my onboard sound over analog or HDMI. everything looks like it was detected and installed properly00:19
scott_jrib, IndyGunFreak: am i correct in thinking that the only way to get compiz working in ibex with an ati card is to...not use ibex, but downgrade to hardy?00:19
mindrapecarlinhos - so long as you have your monitor plugged into that video card those instructions will apply.00:19
IndyGunFreakscott_: i don't see why you couldn't get compiz to wrk w/ Ibex, but I don't use ATI...00:19
spiritssightmindrape: it does not exist it says, can you explain what LVM is00:19
scott_or rather, reinstall hardy00:19
carlinhosmindrape: here is my xorg. http://paste.ubuntu.com/69813/ . The question is... how do i know that i am using intel drivers? because my xorg is different to other people that i read at forums...00:19
zsquarepluscpanfist: did oyu check the mixer options? sometimes there are switches taht enable these outputs etc00:19
gertrudeBye Bye: KeyboardInterrupt.00:20
mindrapeLogical volume management provides a higher-level view of the disk storage on a computer system than the traditional view of disks and partitions. This gives the system administrator much more flexibility in allocating storage to applications and users.00:20
panfistzsquareplusc i have been messing around with the mixer options all weekend00:20
jribscott_: don't know, don't use ati00:20
juankRhorse... please helpme my enlgish is very low... i like help for xubuntu00:20
joebodoscott_ i have ati + compviz working00:20
neko-so google earth is supposed to be in the medibuntu repositories, which i added a while ago, yet i can't find the packages that are supposed to be available using aptitude.  can anyone think of a reason for hat?00:20
Andreicaon ubuntu 8.04,i had ability to connect my phone(with usb cable)to computer and it worked good.but on ubuntu8.10, it don't works. It is a error in linux, or i must to install anything to make it work?00:20
zsquarepluscpanfist: then i have no good idea either00:21
mindrapecarlinhos - yeah, your xorg is configured to be "generic" so it doesn't know which video card to use and specific settings... I'd dpkg-reconfigure it.00:21
jribneko-: pastebin00:21
Rhorsejuank, pregunta en canale #ubuntu-es!00:21
penguinchix0rheya, I'm looking to build a computer, and I'm wondering which video card to get.  I've heard that ATi cards have good linux support these days, but I'm wondering how new I can go while still getting good support under ubuntu (I want to dual boot for gaming)00:21
neko-jrib: paste the results of aptitude search?00:21
chmacAnyone using Gnotime on Intrepid? It looks like the file format has changed, I can't seem to upgrade...00:21
spiritssightmindrape: So this is a good thing which one do you use for server, encyped or not00:21
jerry_yeah go for the ati one00:21
boris_what is mythtv00:22
jerry_they got pretty good support00:22
jribneko-: sure, whatever lead you to your conclusion00:22
carlinhosmindrape: ok, so what do i have to write at console?00:22
charleswinferno: Thank you for you're help. I'll keep trying. Worst case scenario I guess I can always reinstall 8.04. That works on my other machine. Thanks again.00:22
snip3rcan anyone help me with my help me with the problem i've had with my vista installation?00:22
carlinhosmindrape: dpkg?00:22
mindrapespiritssight:  http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/benefitsoflvmsmall.html   read up... I'm not going to feed it to you...00:22
joebodo!ask | snip3r00:22
ubottusnip3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:22
mindrapesudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:22
damaltorhello everybody. i have the following problem: i have lots of music on an external hdd (like 100 gb). i want to have this disk plugged into my "server" computer wich is on 24/7, because i use a notebook for daily work. i want to listen to the music preferably with amarok. so i mounted the filesystem of the external disk on the server via NFS onto my notebook, wich works quite well. NFS mounting is NOT the problem here. indeed the problem is, ...00:22
scott_juank: ask your question and maybe someone can answer it00:23
damaltor... amarok does loads of I/O on the files it is using, wich noticeably slows my system because everything goes via network. is there a more efficient way to bring amarok to files on another computer in network? or a more efficient, but nevertheless luxourious way (like amarok is =) for listening tu music via network?00:23
charlesGood night every one. Be good to each other.00:23
neko-jrib: done.00:23
kiccoif i give the "noapic" boot parameter while booting from liveCD, will it be there after installation automatically?00:23
jribneko-: share the url :)00:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:23
neko-jrib: oops. :B http://paste.ubuntu.com/69814/00:24
jribneko-: run 'sudo apt-get update' and try again.  If it is still not there pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list*00:24
cyluxHey guys. I am on intrepid and I get sound working on the GDM login screen (I hear the drum) but within Gnome after I log in, my sound doesn't work.00:24
penguinchix0rjerry_: That's great, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an ATi anyway, I was just worried that if I got something really bleeding edge it might not be supported yet :p00:25
lovrehi all00:25
joebodo!sound | cylux00:25
ubottucylux: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:25
snip3rwell i get this when i try to install "windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation" what is wrong or what am i doing wrong?00:25
schmoopdoes anyone know how to  mount an et3 driver from windows.  the catch is that is is a REAL raid array and when i install ifs-driver it sees the drive but wants to format it when i know it is already formated00:25
cyluxHey guys. I am on intrepid and I get sound working on the GDM login screen (I hear the drum) but within Gnome after I log in, my sound doesn't work.00:25
lovrei have a problem with knetworkmanager, it doesnt recognize the connection to the internet, so other applications like firefox and pidgin think im not connected to the internet, even though i am.. How can i fix this?00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about relevant00:25
evan_how do i do this right?? : RewriteBase: only valid in per-directory config files00:26
scott_joebodo: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=canonical_catalyst_811&num=100:26
eventits possible install CS:S and Fifa 09 on linux os system?00:26
goldmetalhow to encrypt file.any.extensions ?00:26
joebodosnip3r if your asking about installing windows, your in the wrong forum00:26
lovrecylux: i had the same problem with kde, fixed it by turning up PCM volume00:26
evan_the error is fixed, but i need to know the right way00:26
cyluxlovre: my alsamixer doesn't function correctly.00:26
schmoopis there any other way to mount ext3 in windowd that is not ifs driver00:26
snip3rwell which one should i go to so that i may get some answers?00:26
zsquarepluscevan_: that probably means that this option is only allowed in .htaccess files00:26
Cpudan80schmoop: You might be able to hit it via a SMB share00:27
zsquarepluscschmoop: there are ext2 drivers out there, that should also be able to read from ext300:27
evan_zsquareplusc: how do i make one?00:27
Cpudan80schmoop: and then map the network share00:27
joebodoscott_ thx for the link00:27
lovrecylux: im not on gnome atm, but i remember a sound settings somewhere, maybe System->Something, and you should switch everything there to Alsa00:27
Cpudan80schmoop: ask ##windows00:27
cyluxlovre: The problem is with pulseaudio, I know it00:27
schmoopi have IFS driver isntalled... but my fear is that since it is raid that it isn't readying it right00:28
lovrecylux: so kill pulseaudio00:28
snip3ris this or is this not the right forum to have my installation questions answered??00:28
scott_joebodo: did you have any initial problems with enabling desktop effects after upgrading?00:28
zsquarepluscevan_: maybe ask in #apache. .htaccess files are just like the other config files, but per folder.00:28
joebodoscott_ no problems - i upgraded, installed the restricted drivers, then enabled the effects - i then had to make one change due to flickering video00:29
penguinchix0ranyone? suggestion for a ubuntu-compatible AND recent ATi card?00:29
scott_joebodo: the restricted drivers... you installed them from the auto-detect gui, right? (jockey-gtk)00:30
neko-jrib: the problem appears to be that i didn't download the keyring to go with the repos when i added it to my sources.  thanks. :)00:30
bonhofferhow do i see my current version (not kernel, but if i am 8.04 or 8.10)00:30
joebodoscott_ that's correct00:30
Shane7xsystem>system monitor>system00:30
Shane7xtoo see version00:31
mindrapepenguinchix0r: there are hardware compatability lists on ubuntu's site (HCL)00:31
usser_bonhoffer, lsb_release -a00:31
bonhofferShane7x, any way to do this from command prompt -- thanks usser_00:31
usser_bonhoffer, that was command prompt00:31
usser_bonhoffer, oh nvm00:31
Shane7xit wasnt actually00:31
penguinchix0rmindrape: thanks00:32
bonhoffero.k. so i have hardy --- how can i upgrade from command prompt00:32
Shane7xsudo apt-get upgrade00:32
Shane7xi think00:32
Shane7xyea thats right00:32
pw-toxichey, if i use my sound up and sound down buttons on my keyboard, this doesnt affect my sound volume anymore    any suggestions?00:32
bonhoffer0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:33
delightdoes somebody know why env-variables defined in /etc/environment ain't interpreted for the root-user ? and how to make root use them ?00:33
Shane7xya bon00:33
bonhofferand i am running hardy00:33
Shane7xyou have hardy right?00:33
Shane7xit wont let you upgrade00:33
scott_joebodo...hmm it tells me to reboot and select the advanced desktop effects setting again, once the driver is installed00:33
Shane7xhardy is really new00:33
neko-is there a functional difference between 'sudo aptitude install' and 'sudo apt-get install'?  an acquaintance told me that it was better to use aptitude rather than apt-get for some reason.00:33
bonhofferDescription:    Ubuntu 8.04.100:33
Shane7xnope neko00:33
bonhofferi would like 8.1000:33
Shane7xi think 8.10 is 64 bit00:33
cyanfluxCan someone help me with this problem I am having with evolution? I'm trying to make a program that runs when a filter is triggered, but (even after I stripped the program down to 'return 0;') evolution keeps saying it returns greater than 0.00:33
Shane7xim not sure00:33
jribneko-: aptitude remembers packages that got installed as a dependency00:33
joebodoscott_ i dont remember if i had to boot or not00:34
noksiousHello why i can't connect on my aMSN, can somebody help me please?00:34
scott_joebodo: but i reboot and it hasn't installed00:34
neko-jrib: cool, thanks.00:34
Shane7xnoksious, try resseting your internet connectoin00:34
Shane7xtake it off of dhcp, and then place it back on00:34
noksiousShane7x, i tried, but still i can't connect.. :|00:34
usser_bonhoffer, you'll have to manually go through your /etc/apt/sources.list and change every occurence of hardy to intrepid00:34
Shane7xor reset your router00:34
Shane7xim assuming your using a router00:34
noksiousdude i tried00:34
noksiousnothing works :|00:34
Shane7xim not sure then00:35
FloodBot2Shane7x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:35
AlanBShepard70Does anyone know if the repos have a folding@home package or if I'll have to compile from source?00:35
scott_joebodo: i click on it again, and it searches again, pretends to install again, and gives me the same message00:35
joebodoscott_ try glxinfo | head -5         ... see if direct rendering is yes00:35
=== goacide is now known as UJustGotAids
en1gmai have an ati rage IIC pci 4mb vcard....what is the max resolution i can do in 32bit00:35
bonhofferusser_, that is the only way or the best way?00:35
SpetsAlanBShepard70 you can try origami00:35
noksiousShane7x, i have reinstalled to :|00:35
noksiouseverything i tried00:35
usser_bonhoffer, on the command line yes00:35
noksiousand didn't works00:35
Dominik1i installed a theme for firefox and now it is not working anymore, can someone please tell me how reinstall firefox00:35
usser_bonhoffer, err the only way i think00:36
damaltorhello everybody. i have the following problem: i have lots of music on an external hdd (like 100 gb). i want to have this disk plugged into my "server" computer wich is on 24/7, because i use a notebook for daily work. i want to listen to the music preferably with amarok. so i mounted the filesystem of the external disk on the server via NFS onto my notebook, wich works quite well. NFS mounting is NOT the problem here. indeed the problem is, ...00:36
Shane7xis it not showing the top bar?00:36
damaltor... amarok does loads of I/O on the files it is using, wich noticeably slows my system because everything goes via network. is there a more efficient way to bring amarok to files on another computer in network? or a more efficient, but nevertheless luxourious way (like amarok is =) for listening tu music via network?00:36
SpetsAlanBShepard70: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/category/folding/00:36
Shane7xand im assuming when you right click it flashes00:36
joebodoDominik1 try firefox -save-mode00:36
Dominik1Shane7x: it is not showing top bar or content00:36
joebodoDominik1 then uninstall your theme00:36
Shane7xexit out of it00:36
Shane7xthen hold alt and press f200:36
Shane7xare you using compiz?00:36
Shane7xor xfce standard00:36
scott_joebodo: it gave me a BadRequest -- probably because i've installed the hardy version of xorg00:36
FloodBot2Shane7x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:36
usser_damaltor, take a look at subsonic it was featured on linux.com recently00:37
en1gma01:0a.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC 215IIC [Mach64 GT IIC] (rev 3a)00:37
damaltorusser_: will do so, thanks00:37
SpetsAlanBSheoard70: I have found it works a bit bad on 8.1000:37
neil_dI am one of the people that have root permission on a computer here, but the 'User Settings' program doesn't allow me to 'unlock' so I can create a new user :(  what can I do to fix this ?00:37
AlanBShepard70Spets: Thanks I'll check out the link and the origami package.00:37
en1gmaanyone know my max resolution00:37
scott_joebodo: i'm gonna reinstall the ibex packages and reboot00:37
bonhofferusser_, o.k. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading says i can go via system admin, but i have no idea how to do that on the netbook remix00:37
penguinchix0rmindrape: www.ubuntuhcl.org?  their list of radeons is rather small :/00:37
en1gmai cant get out of 800*60000:37
joebodoscott_ good luck00:37
Andreicacan anybody suggest me a good  video converter.00:37
compu73rg33kwhere are crontab files stored?00:37
Shane7xgimme a sec00:37
usser_damaltor, http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-to-install-subsonic-ubuntu-hardy.html00:37
Shane7xi got if for you00:37
compu73rg33kI'd like to back my crontab up nightly00:37
schmoopanyone else have any ideas besides fs-driver.org to share ext3 with windows.... i have a 5TB raid drive i want to share between the two00:38
Shane7xis the best00:38
neil_dcompu73rg33k: in /etc/cron.daily00:38
Shane7xAndreica, try mencoder00:38
Andreicathank you:-)00:38
zir-rthi, How can I configure the mouse to one single click for gnome programs (I am using kde)? Do a need to edit a config file or install a config program?00:38
bonhofferdoes anyone know how to get to Start System/Administration/Software Sources  from the netbook remix00:38
joebodobonhoffer what are you trying to do ?00:38
Shane7xfor mencoder00:38
bonhofferjoebodo, upgrade 8.04 to 8.1000:38
bonhofferor start Start System/Administration/Software Sources00:39
usser_bonhoffer, scroll down to upgrade for ubuntu servers thats what u need if u only have command line00:39
ciki just installed ubuntu00:39
joebodobonhoffer i opened a term and did upgrade-manager -d00:39
damaltorusser_: great. thanks a lot00:39
stage3Andreica:  WinFF00:39
Shane7xis this your first time using ubuntu?00:39
bonhofferusser_, i have netbook remix00:39
neil_dcik: good on you.00:39
joebodobonhoffer i opened a term and did update-manager -d00:39
bonhofferjoebodo, o.k. i'll try that00:39
Shane7xa few things you might want to do00:39
Shane7xdo you know how to get to the terminal?00:39
cikthis is cool because i can still access my vista files00:39
joebodobonhoffer - it's update-manager (not upgrade-manager)00:39
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Shane7xewwwww vista00:39
cikyeah shane00:40
neil_dcik: oh juk.00:40
usser_bonhoffer, it will work00:40
bitsbamhey all, just installed the new kernel with update manager, ever since reboot, i cant get wireless to work.00:40
bonhoffercool -- thanks00:40
joebodo!wifi | bitsbam00:40
ubottubitsbam: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:40
Shane7xAnyone know how to get my microphone to be detected by userplane chat clients?00:40
ciki need vista to play multiplayer games online00:40
Shane7xor msn for that matter00:40
usser_cik, aw grow up :)00:40
pur3god damn it00:41
neil_dI am one of the people that have root permission on a computer here, but the 'User Settings' program doesn't allow me to 'unlock' so I can create a new user :(  what can I do to fix this ?00:41
pur3anyone here00:41
Shane7xhavent you heard , ubuntu is the BEST for games.00:41
joebodoaverage age for online games in 35-4000:41
pur3I just gave chmod 777 to some files on my comp through root00:41
pur3now i can't access em with normal user00:41
pur3what do i do00:41
cikShane7x:  why did you ask if i knew where my terminal was????00:41
bonhofferyou guys rock -- thanks -- upgrade is working00:41
kiccopur3 are you kidding?00:41
Shane7xhey usser00:41
pur3no im not..00:41
=== usser_ is now known as usser
Shane7xif i upgrade my xubuntu to 8.10 do i lose my compiz settings?00:42
joebodobonhoffer what computer are you upgrading ?00:42
joebodobonhoffer eee pc ?00:42
pur3please =\00:42
bonhoffereeepc 1000h00:42
usserShane7x, no if your drivers are detected correctly, theres gotta be a reason to upgrade though00:42
joebodobonhoffer i use the eeepc kernel on my 900 and 70100:42
bonhofferis this really dumb -- i have ubuntu eee00:42
Shane7xfor some reason i cant run ubuntu on any of my machines00:43
SOURdieseli installed a third hard drive and ubuntu renamed the second drive i had already mounted00:43
usserbonhoffer, oh btw i think netbook remix doesnt work on 8.10, last time i tried it didnt00:43
SpetsThere isnt a 8.10 eee ubuntu out yet. I know it will break your system00:43
SOURdieselnow what?00:43
bonhofferuname -a produces 2.6.24-21-eeepc00:43
joebodobonhoffer no - but you'll have to replace the kernel with the eee specific one when youre done upgrading00:43
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zir-rthi, How can I configure the mouse to one single click for gnome programs (I am using kde)? Do a need to edit a config file or install a config program?00:43
joebodoSpets lies00:43
IndyGunFreakSpets: i have the normal version of Ibex on my eee 900 no prob.00:43
bonhoffero.k. joebodo any idea on how i do that?00:43
acalbazaanyone have a way to play music with DRM under linux?  my itunes purchases dont play under amarok and now im kinda stuck :)00:44
SOURdieselhow do i rename a drive from say sdc to sdd?00:44
usserSpets, bonhoffer,  actually 8.10 detected everything out of the box on my 701 so theres no need for special eee release anymore00:44
bonhofferi was having trouble with my  wireless -- folks in this room said to upgrade to fix wireless00:44
bitsbamany takers? why would a reboot kill my wireless on my laptop, on install, it found everything just fine, update-manager a month later, reboot, wireless is dead.00:44
Shane7xdo you mean applicatoins barr?00:44
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: they probably told yout hat because youd idn't make clear that you were using an eee00:44
joebodobonhoffer instructions are at www.array.org00:44
SpetsIm talking about the 1000, and i didnt mention anything about fixing it afterwards00:44
joebodobonhoffer very, very easy to follow00:44
bonhofferIndyGunFreak, i did explain eee00:44
SpetsIt will break00:44
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: then you got bad advice00:44
bonhofferjoebodo, o.k. i can do easy . . .00:45
SOURdieselhow do i rename a hard drive?00:45
ivantishow do i change the LOCALE language?00:45
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: what version fo ubuntu did you put on it?.. ubuntu-eee or eee-ubuntu?00:45
joebodospets are you telling people that ubuntu will not work on eee pc ?00:45
IndyGunFreakjoebodo: i dont' think he knows what he's tellng people..00:45
bonhofferIndyGunFreak,  2.6.24-21-eeepc00:45
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unitedpotsmokersgood morning00:46
pangloss!hi | unitedpotsmokers00:46
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:46
SpetsIm telling people upgrading eee ubuntu to 8.10 will break the system on a eee 100000:46
ivantishow do i change the LOCALE language of ubuntu?00:46
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: typically your wireless should work out of the box, what problem were you having?00:46
Fran89what is CPU throttling00:46
Fran89and how can i disable/enable it00:46
bonhoffernot seeing my home network . . . erratic00:46
joebodoarray.org shows eeepc 1000/1000H/1000HD as working00:46
bonhoffernot seeing the wireless -- or able to connect to wireless00:46
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: that is very strange and you have an ee 900?00:47
SpetsWith a modified kernel?00:47
joebodobonhoffer youll probably need to connect wired, update the kernel, then everything should work00:47
compu73rg33kneil_d, I mean where are the crontab configuration files stored at00:47
bonhofferjoebodo, i agree00:47
mofmoghow do i get the window titlebars all black on white? I keep getting this grey color even though the colors are #000000 and #FFFFFF00:47
bonhoffercurrently getting new packages for 8.1000:48
compu73rg33kI know how to make crontabs, but i want to make a cron job to back up my crontab ;)00:48
SpetsOk, that sounds like a plan00:48
bonhofferthen i'll update the kernel00:48
lovre_if i have a script that has sudo commands, and i put it in Autorun folder, will it execute?00:48
Fran89what is CPU throttling00:48
Fran89and how can i disable/enable it00:48
admin_masu3701hello...i installed VLC for videos but it is not working00:49
admin_masu3701what can i use to play dvds00:49
cyanfluxCan someone help me with this problem I am having with evolution?00:49
panglossivantis: System>>Administration>>Language support00:49
compu73rg33kanyone know where the crontab configuration files are stored?00:49
KnomeDEwhere are installed gtk themes located?00:49
bonhofferjoebodo, thanks so much00:49
IndyGunFreakadmin_masu3701: i like vlc.00:49
neil_dcompu73rg33k: the main one is at /etc/crontab00:49
pangloss!ask | cyanflux00:49
ubottucyanflux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:49
kitcheadmin_masu3701: any player really but you might need libdvdcss200:49
joebodobonhoffer no problem - good luck with upgrade00:49
Fran89what is CPU throttling00:49
Fran89and how can i disable/enable it00:49
SpetsCPU throttling is slowing down your processor to cool it00:49
admin_masu3701kitche: i have libdvdcss300:49
pangloss!repeat | Fran8900:50
ubottuFran89: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:50
admin_masu3701kitche: couldnt install 200:50
cyanfluxCan someone help me with this problem I am having with evolution? I'm trying to make a program that runs when a filter is triggered, but (even after I stripped the program down to 'return 0;') evolution keeps saying it returns greater than 0.00:50
compu73rg33kah, but where is the one that i've created using the command "crontab -e -u root"00:50
SpetsYou can enable/disable it in bios00:50
ivantisFran89: i think CPU throttling only works with some CPUs. i know it doesnt work with mine00:50
jribcompu73rg33k: man crontab  :)00:50
SpetsI wouldnt advice disabling it, because the reason it kicks in is your cpu is too hot00:50
Fran89well my CPU is over 50% always00:51
Fran89no processes seems to be causing it00:51
Fran89they told me to verify it00:51
=== qb|cafe is now known as qbmaniac
bitsbamubottu: Hey, before sending me a link to documentation, make it relevent to the release i am using, and the problem i am having.00:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:52
pisecxHi, is it possible to create sever from desktop edition? by server I mean web server, webmin, ftp server, dhcp server and all other staff that can be installed.. maybe some documentation about it?00:52
backslasherI need audio help.  I have a digital audio cable hooked into my motherboard directly to my yamaha.  When I play mplayer there is no sound.  I cant locate anywhere to adjust it, what am i missing00:52
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:52
admin_masu3701anybody know what the problem may be?00:52
Fran89any ideas?00:53
droopsta915im trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop, i get an error. (Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0, what can I do to continue00:53
bitsbamubottu: i know you are a bot, wrote my post so others won't think you are intelligent.00:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:53
compu73rg33kjrib, it says in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ but I can't cd to that dir00:53
compu73rg33kand nothing lists00:53
joebodoubottu > bitsbam00:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bitsbam00:54
jribcompu73rg33k: you can just use 'crontab -l' to show your crontab if you want.  Otherwise you need to use sudo00:54
Shane7xubottu > fail00:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail00:54
Lichig0I'm trying to get Eye Toy to work as a web cam, and I think everything installed fine but the Eye Toy doesn't show up in Device manager. and when I type dmesg I get00:54
Lichig0"[14207.105081] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 3"00:54
compu73rg33kah nautilus as root and the cd into the dir and i see they're there now00:54
=== brownfox is now known as Guest11308
Fran89ubottu > CPU Throttling00:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu throttling00:54
Shane7xubottu > being hetrosexual00:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:54
Lichig0Am I going to get any help here?00:55
compu73rg33kI was trying cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ and then tabbing to list the contents, but nothing listed00:55
compu73rg33ki assume b/c of no read perms00:55
Shane7xwhat do you need00:55
compu73rg33kand then you can't run a sudo cd00:55
pangloss!ask | Lichig000:55
ubottuLichig0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:55
joebodo!ask | Lichig000:55
SOURdieselwhen setting new disklabel for a new drive with gparted, which should i use?  MSDOS, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, s390, sun, loop?00:55
Fran89ill just google it i guess00:56
droopsta915im trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop, i get an error. (Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0, what can I do to continue00:56
Fran89ill see you later :D00:56
Shane7xdid you burn the iso correctly?00:56
tommorrismy Ibex update did not go so well. Now getting Kernel panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) when I boot00:56
SOURdieselwhen setting new disklabel for a new drive with gparted, which should i use?  MSDOS, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, s390, sun, loop?00:56
pangloss!repeat | SOURdiesel00:56
ubottuSOURdiesel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:56
Lichig0How do I get Ubuntu to recognize my Eye Toy?00:56
Shane7xis your friend00:57
jack|assIn Ibex, where's the setting to change the terminal beep to use a wav file?00:57
eydaimonany idea why my "USB stick" is not recognized with usb-create?00:57
Shane7xor try easy cam00:57
FloodBot2Shane7x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
Lichig0I'm aware.00:57
joebodosourdiesel disklabel ? sounds like you can use anything00:57
CarlFKwhat do I apt-get to install a 64bit kernel?  (cpu is AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-6000:57
Shane7xeasy cam00:57
Shane7xis my advice00:57
Shane7xits worth a try00:57
SOURdieselpangloss: thanks.00:57
HiltonTrying to setup an account with no password. I've tried Google but all the instructions I can get are years old and don't seem to work in Ubuntu 8.1000:57
SOURdieseljoebodo: new drive00:57
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in the Text Editor, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this?00:57
tommorrislooks like I've got to recompile my kernel. Fun.00:57
voconohlinuxreally need help i'm on verge of insanity... i need to add myself to vboxusers group, but all options are greyed out in users and groups00:58
CarlFKvoconohlinux: look for the "unlock" button00:58
Hiltonvoconohlinux: Did you click Unlock?00:58
voconohlinuxwhat unlock?00:58
Shane7x lmao00:58
CarlFKvoconohlinux: the one you didn't press :)00:58
voconohlinuxfound it00:59
SoopaHi all, how can I tell which of my disks is mounted where?  i.e. I don't know if /dev/sdc1 is hd0 or what.00:59
DasEiSopa: mount00:59
DasEiSoopa: mount00:59
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in the Text Editor, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this?01:00
SOURdieselwhen setting new disklabel for a new drive with gparted, which should i use?  MSDOS, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, pc98, s390, sun, loop?01:00
SoopaDasEi: this disk isn't mounted, though01:00
HiltonI've removed the 'x' in /etc/passwd as one thing instructed... I've set some sort of nullok option in a pam.d file ... I can't get it to work. I still get asked for the password.01:00
SoopaI'm asking because I can't boot to Vista anymore for some reason01:00
DasEiSoopa: another hint is : sudo fdisk -l  or run gparted01:00
td123does anyone know how to get the r5u870 webcam driver to work/ where can I get one that compiles?01:01
Soopaand my menu.lst says:01:01
SoopatitleWindows Vista/Longhorn (loader)01:01
pangloss!webcam | td12301:01
ubottutd123: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:01
SoopaDasEi: aha, that helped.. thanks :-)01:01
joebodoHilton what are you trying to do exactly ?01:01
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in the Text Editor, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this? (Setting the source type does not work)01:01
DarkKnighthey wen i pressed Alt+f2 and run metacity --replace , then i lost the desktop effects.....now how can i regain the desktop effects01:02
R0b0t1Daremonai: compiz01:02
DasEiSoopa: relize that sth like hd0,0  is like /dev/sda101:02
Shane7xdarknight- type compiz01:02
Shane7xin terminal01:02
DasEihd = sx +1, Soopa01:02
bazhangDarkKnight, alt f2 compiz --replace01:02
SoopaDasEi: aha, thanks01:03
joebodoDarkKnight preferences->appearance->effects01:03
cbk486hello, I was listening to amarok and suddenly the music got quieter a quieter in the middle of the song, until it was completely inaudible, how can I regain the audio?01:03
cbk486I am on01:03
Shane7xjoebodo all he needs to do is type compiz01:03
DarkKnightbazhang....hey thanxxxx01:03
SoopaDasEi: but what does "root(hd2,1)" in grub mean?01:03
pangloss!sound | cbk48601:03
ubottucbk486: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:03
admin_masu3701do anybody know why i have this erro message: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:03
joebodoShane7x i believe it's compiz --replace01:03
DasEisoopa: first count in hd is the drive, second is the partition, whreas hd starts count at 0  and the /dev/sdX  start with X=101:04
DarkKnightbazhang......i dropped off a few hours back....as i fell asleep.....can we get back to the problem i had before01:04
Shane7xno joebodo01:04
Shane7xthats for replacing it completlley01:04
Shane7xto get it running again01:04
Shane7xall he has to do is type compiz01:04
bazhangShane7x, not in terminal, use alt f201:04
pangloss!return | Shane7x01:04
ubottuShane7x: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:04
tommorrisI had an interrupted Ibex upgrade, and now my box won't boot - giving me kernel panic. can anyone guide me through diagnosing and fixing?01:04
scott_joebodo: so the problem wasn't the hardy version... http://paste.ubuntu.com/69821/01:04
bazhangadmin_masu3701, run that command01:05
compu73rg33kis there a cp flag (i looked in man but didn't notice one) to force creation of directories if they don't exist? e.g. cp /home/me/file.txt /path/to/backup/uncreated/dir/file.txt01:05
admin_masu3701bazhang: ok01:05
Shane7xanyone know anything about getting my mic to work on msn/skype01:05
compu73rg33kso that it would create uncreated/dir in /path/to/backup assuming /backup is created but not /uncreated/dir01:05
joebodoscott_ i have no clues...01:05
DarkKnightbazhang...can we get back to the problem i had before???01:05
=== UJustGotAids is now known as maha
Lichig0Nope, easy cam would work because the Eye Toy isn't being recognized.01:06
bazhangDarkKnight, what was it? the bad video?01:06
DasEitommorris:can you boot into recovery mode ?01:06
Shane7xhmm lichig01:06
scott_joebodo: ok :(01:06
HiltonIs there any way to set a blank password for an account, or remove password requirements for a single account?01:06
Shane7xeasy cam will recognize the cam, or should anyways01:06
Lichig0Ubuntu doesn't though.01:06
tommorrisDasEi: I've managed to get it to boot up and give me a shell01:06
Shane7xthats where easy cam comes in lichig01:06
joebodoHilton account for what ?01:06
Lichig0It doesn't show up in the Device Manager.01:06
After_Mathwhere might I find the mount point for a sd card reader? like /dev/?01:07
Shane7xgimme a sec01:07
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in the Text Editor, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this? (Setting the source type does not work)01:07
Hiltonjoebodo: Kids. :)01:07
DasEitommorris:then sudo update /grade it again01:07
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DasEitommorris:busybox or shell ?01:07
panglossR0b0t1: what do you mean they dont display correctly? What text editor?01:07
DarkKnightbazhang...relating to the videos which i view......ya....the probelm is that the colours.....they appear too high....like u increase the contrast of ur T.V.....the way ur tv looks....the same way my videos appear...but its only wen i watch videos......01:07
spolvidI need help configuring GRUB. Is /dev/sda4 going to be the same thing as (hd0,4)?01:07
HiltonI've setup a do-nothing-but-games-or-internet account (with many restrictions in Firefox), but it needs to have no password so all they have to do is click the Kids account.01:07
tommorrisDasEi: the grub menu lists 2.6.27-7 and 2.6.24-19 and -2101:07
d0netshey is xp+ ubuntu any different with 8.10?01:08
methodswhy did all my firefox toolbar buttons disspear after upgrading to new ubuntu ?01:08
joebodoHilton i dont believe that's possible, but you could bypass the login screen completely - it's set in sessions i believe01:08
d0netsjust install xp, then ubuntu?01:08
d0netsand it works?01:08
kiccoHilton: interesting question01:08
bazhangd0nets, yes01:08
R0b0t1pangloss: The default one, labeled "Text Editor" in the applications menu. It doesn't display properly as in it is still stuck as the Obj-C highlighting style.01:08
Shane7xlichig.... i dont know what you should do...01:08
Cluberfirewall on ubuntu, how do i access it?01:08
CmcleanWhat is the difference for .m4a, .flac , .oga , .wav , and .spx??? This is for sound recorder.01:08
d0netsit didnt show up in grub last time we trired01:08
R0b0t1Cluber: The force.01:08
bazhangCluber, iptables01:08
d0netswere going to try again01:08
DasEitommorris:so its hardy and ibex, which one you lost ?01:08
Hiltonjoebodo: It apparently used to be - there are many sets of instructions for doing it - but most are from 2005/2006 and don't seem to work now (or perhaps just don't work in the GUI login screen)01:08
CmcleanWhat is the difference for .m4a, .flac , .oga , .wav , and .spx??? This is for sound recorder.01:08
kiccocan you assign a blank password?01:08
ardchoille!firewall | Cluber01:08
ubottuCluber: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:08
CmcleanWhat is the difference for .m4a, .flac , .oga , .wav , and .spx??? This is for sound recorder.01:08
d0netsare there any issues with ati vid drivers in 8.10?01:08
__mikemI need help. Every time I move my mouse around the top of a window, the window redraws itself incorrectly01:08
panglossR0b0t1: have you closed all windows and then opened the .c file again?01:08
Shane7xubottu > microphone01:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone01:08
tommorrisDasEi: I managed to boot it by choosing 2.6.24-21 - but if I choose 2.6.27-7 or 27-7 recovery, then when I got to login I just Ctrl+Alt+F1 one into shell01:08
R0b0t1pangloss: Yes.01:09
joebodohilton i auto-login, 1 second and i'll check where to set it01:09
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tommorrisDasEi: Ibex won't boot but I can boot into Hardy01:09
DarkKnightbazhang, ubottu...relating to the videos which i view......ya....the probelm is that the colours.....they appear too high....like u increase the contrast of ur T.V.....the way ur tv looks....the same way my videos appear...but its only wen i watch videos......01:09
Shane7xanyone know how to get my mic to work with msn?01:09
Hiltonjoebodo: I don't want autologin.01:09
Guest26592can someone assist me in installing my webcam01:09
bazhangDarkKnight, you have intel integrated video iirc and want to play flv01:09
ardchoille!bot | DarkKnight01:09
ubottuDarkKnight: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:09
panglossR0b0t1: hm. idk, but you could always install eclipse or some other actual dev. tool and it will work01:09
zsquarepluscHilton: as root you can set an users password to the empty string01:09
renecHello. I am curious which desktop envrionment I should get for Ubuntu. I have a computer that can handle any of the, but I would personally like the fastest, most stable, and most secure one. I heard that Xfce might be for me, but also that Xfce may lack or poorly run some GNOME/KDE programs...what would people advise? Thanks!01:09
Hiltonjoebodo: This is a family PC. Everyone has their own account.01:09
zsquarepluscHilton: uisng "passwd"01:09
pangloss!webcam | Guest2659201:09
ubottuGuest26592: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:09
After_Mathwhere might a sd card reader mount point be? /dev/?01:09
Shane7xGuest....... sudo apt-get easycam        in terminal01:09
joebodoHilton oh ok01:10
Shane7xi think01:10
DasEitommorris:can't boot in recovery ibex, then choose drop to root shell ?01:10
bazhangrenec, lxde01:10
Hiltonzsquareplusc: And how would I do that when it's impossible to login as root? :P Or would a 'sudo bash' do the job?01:10
FFForeverhow do i install xmms?01:10
bazhangFFForever, you dont01:10
bazhangFFForever, use audacious01:10
bazhang!xmms | FFForever01:10
ubottuFFForever: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.01:10
zsquarepluscHilton: to get a root shell do "sudo -i" or for single commands "sudo passwd..."01:10
renecbazhang, hmmm...never heard of that. Googling...01:10
pangloss!best | renec01:11
ubotturenec: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:11
spolvidWhen configuring GRUB, would (hd0,4) be the same thing as /dev/sda4?01:11
Lichig0Maybe there is something wrong with my Eye Toy, I couldn't get it to work in Windows with the hack...01:11
pangloss!offtopic | renec01:11
ubotturenec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:11
tommorrisDasEi: if I choose either of the Ibex from the list, I can't get as far as a shell because I get a Kernel panic01:11
Hiltonm'kay. So I can set the empty string that way, then? Excellent... now to figure out how to make GRUB offer Windows XP up for boot.01:11
DasEispolvid: nope01:11
Lichig0I'll test it on my PS201:11
spolvidDasEi: So what should I set it to then?01:11
pangloss!grub | Hilton01:11
ubottuHilton: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:11
zsquarepluscspolvid: i thing grub is one off. it uses zero based numbering while linux partitions start at 101:11
HiltonI've put an entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst as instructed online, but when I try to boot into it I get 'invalid executable' or something like that.01:12
HiltonI'm thinking I put the wrong hdd in...but I don't think so.01:12
DasEispolvid: ,  (hd0,4) would be the same thing as /dev/sda501:12
voconohlinuxalright... network problems... eth0 will not connect plugged directly in switch01:12
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zsquarepluscHilton: usually, wondows is booted by "chainloading" the windows bootloader01:12
bazhangvoconohlinux, what does sudo dhclient eth0 return (do NOT paste here)01:12
DarkKnightbazhang, ardchoille...the problem is not only with flv....but also with avi.....hey i had the movies...just a few days back wen i watched them...they wer alright....but since the problem has started it appears in that way...before it was fine...so its not problem with the videos....maybe some package....i also downloaded yesterday obama's speech from youtube....wen i watch it on the youtube site..it appears fyn....but wen i downloaded nd watched it...01:13
DarkKnight.it..the problem is still ther01:13
spolvidDasEi: So if I want to get to /dev/sda4, the default GRUB root drive should be (hd0,3).01:13
DasEitommorris:you installed both as dualboot with separate partis ?01:13
bazhangDarkKnight, try miro; flv will never look good with any player01:13
DasEispolvid: ,  yup, assuming its only one drive or the right one is chosen01:13
spolvidDasEi: Right?01:13
ardchoilleDarkKnight: please don't do that, it isn't necessary to hilight people every few minutes01:14
spolvidDasEi: Ok, thanks.01:14
tommorrisDasEi: nope, the Grub menu offers me a choice of which kernel I want to boot. If I choose 2.6.27-7 (the default), it panics01:14
DarkKnightardchoille;;; sorry then.....01:14
voconohlinuxbazhang no working leases in persistent database01:14
Hiltonzsquareplusc: There is a "chainloader +1" line... but like I said, I think I set the wrong drive in the 'root' line. I'll look into it when I can get on the computer again.01:14
tommorrisif I choose 24-21 or 24-19, it boots.01:14
bazhangvoconohlinux, is this through a router or straight to the dsl modem01:15
DarkKnightardchoille;;; i deidnt mean to...i thought maybe even u could help me..01:15
DasEitommorris:how did you install ibex after having hardy ?01:15
voconohlinuxthrough a router01:15
voconohlinuxi get dhcp address on wlan001:15
bazhangvoconohlinux, did you boot with ethernet attached01:15
ardchoilleDarkKnight: I don't use sound or video on any of my machines01:15
voconohlinuxno... is that the whole problem01:15
tommorrisDasEi: initialy using the menu in GNOME. somehow X crashed in the middle of it, so I restarted my box, and finished it up using update manager from the shell01:15
bazhangvoconohlinux, and you are already using wireless?01:15
groundupI was just in the middle of a conversation on Skype when I noticed my time was off from back home. I downloaded the NTP update via the clock and all of a sudden my inboard mic stopped working.01:16
bazhangno wonder01:16
DarkKnightardchoille;; not necessary..but if u know how to solve the problem...then u cn.///01:16
droopsta915im trying to install ubuntu on an old laptop, i get an error. (Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0, what can I do to continue01:16
bazhangDarkKnight, get miro01:16
DasEitommorris:so it was a dist-upgrade and no additional install from own ibex cd ?01:16
bazhangDarkKnight, your video card and flv will never make video look very good.01:16
voconohlinuxwhat do i have to do to get wlan0 and eth0 to work at same time01:17
DarkKnightbazhang..yes it ther in the repos...i m downloading it....01:17
joebododroopsta915 fd0 - floppy ? maybe disable floppy in bios01:17
zsquarepluscdroopsta915: unless you're using the floppy try disabling it in the bios01:17
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in the Text Editor, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this? (Setting the source type does not work) pangloss: The default one, labeled "Text Editor" in the applications menu. It doesn't display properly as in it is still stuck as the Obj-C highlighting style.01:17
bazhangDarkKnight, miro is the best you can do if you download flv; please dont repeat every two minutes.01:17
bazhangvoconohlinux, from two different isp's?01:17
tommorrisI've just booted on the .24 option on GRUB - gdb is not accepting any keyboard input, so I Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login at shell. nothing beyond the basics work though01:17
voconohlinuxno, same isp01:18
zsquarepluscR0b0t1: the application is called "gedit" but i cant help you any further on that topic01:18
tommorrisR0b0t1: <flippantAnswer>Use vim!</flippantAnswer>01:18
bazhangvoconohlinux, then you cant01:18
DarkKnightbazhang...but i think.u didnt get wat i said......i said that the videos which i saw a few days back wer alright...but wen i watch the same videos now...the problem makes me unable 2 watch them01:18
R0b0t1tommorris: XD01:18
ubottutommorris: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:18
Eric2using the private file system is there a way to make it not automaticaly mount the "private" partition?01:18
DasEitommorris:so it was a dist-upgrade and no additional install from own ibex, please answer this quest01:18
bazhangDarkKnight, I know the problem; I have given you a solution-->that intel integrated video card is just not that good.01:19
tommorrisDasEi: yeah, just the dist-upgrade01:19
tony_i have an HP laptop. How can I get the onboard ATI video drivers installed?01:19
panglossR0b0t1: open text editor, then View>>Highlight Mode>>sources01:19
R0b0t1pangloss: I've tried it but it never worked :(01:19
zsquarepluscEric2: you're talking about encryptfs? did you run encryptfs-setup-private01:19
joebodotony have you tried system->administration->hardware drivers ?01:19
kiccoufff. grub gives me error 15 after a semi/broken installation... is "reinstall!" the right answer?01:19
R0b0t1pangloss: Even going to none and then back to C doesn't work.01:20
joebodotony_ have you tried system->administration->hardware drivers ?01:20
kiccoevery file has been copied, ubuquity hanged while checking for security upgrades01:20
panfisti am running 8.04 and i have not been able to get sound working. when the computer is booting up i can hear an audible hiss from my speakers like sound is enabled for a short while during the boot process, but then dead silence when GDM starts up, and no amount of messing in system>preferences>sound has any results01:20
bazhangkicco, fix grub01:20
zsquareplusckicco: probably the easiest. but oyu can also boot live cd and reinstall grub on your hard drive01:20
Eric2yes but once i log in there is always the private partition symbol on my desktop01:20
tony_joebodo, it only says wireless in system->administration->hardware drivers!  nothing about video drivers01:20
DasEitommorris:I'm not sure if a chroot from hardy (as they use the same / work then, I think you'll got to use the ibex installer cd and then use this for a repair - update/rebuild initramfs and update/grade from a chroot hell01:20
bazhang!grub | kicco01:20
panglossR0b0t1: does the file end in .cpp   ?01:20
ubottukicco: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:20
R0b0t1pangloss: No, just .c01:20
groundupHow do I figure out what package the clock just installed? Maybe it is some conflict with that package. I would rather manually update my clock and be able to call home.01:20
CheesyWeasel"you need a java-enabled browser" how do i get a firefox java-enabled?01:21
bobbob1016I'm trying to get WoW working with wine.  I managed to get it working fine, but the mouse cursor doesn't show up, anyone have this issue?01:21
tony_kicco, use Super Grub CD01:21
tommorrisDasEi: I feared that would be the problem. The machine is a netbook without a CD drive.01:21
ubottutony_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:21
panglossR0b0t1: idk, why dont you use an IDE like eclipse?01:21
kiccotony_: i know but it's boring :D01:21
R0b0t1CheesyWeasel: icedtea something. May not work exactly as it should in 64bit01:21
zsquarepluscEric2: so its mounted automatically. as mounts usually appear as icon on the desktop01:21
tony_joebodo, ok01:21
DasEitommorris:o o01:21
tony_kicco, lol :)01:21
CheesyWeaselR0b0t1: i don't have 64bit.01:21
R0b0t1pangloss: I do, however, I occasionally find use for the gedit.01:21
R0b0t1CheesyWeasel: Then it will work fine :)01:21
Eric2anyway i can not have it auto mount?01:22
Eric2without not mounting my main drive of course lol :P01:22
CheesyWeaselR0b0t1: great. how much is it gonna slow me down?01:22
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tony_joebodo, i have  ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M.  So what do I pick on  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto?01:22
Dominik1please help I can not change the brightness of my laptop, what can I do?01:23
R0b0t1CheesyWeasel: Oh, not much. Just search in synaptic.01:23
chmacI want to rebind mod4-1/2/3 to different commands, anyone know where they're bound to the display zoom commands?01:23
CheesyWeaselR0b0t1: awesome. thanks.01:23
panglossDominik1: make sure its enables in your bios01:23
DasEitommorris:then I  think you have to try the process again or mention sth like :01:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:24
chrzizI keep getting "Opening password file failed" when I set a shortcut to automaticall enter my login details01:24
derneni have a macbook pro with mac osx 10.4 on it, is it posible to resize the partition without formating it so i can duel boot ubuntu on it?01:24
chrzizConcerning VNC01:24
IdleOneDominik1: use the Fn key with the brightness key01:24
linxehare there any themes in the repository that dont make every widget waste so much space?01:24
CarlFK what kernel .deb do I get with ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso    ?01:24
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
joebodotony_ see http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/X11R6.7.0/doc/radeon.4.html01:24
tony_I have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M.  So do I pick RadeonDriver or restricted fglrx drivers from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto?01:24
R0b0t1dernen: Yes, it is. Use bootcamp and act like you would install windows, but installUbuntu.01:24
dernenR0b0t1: bootcamp is over unless you have leopard01:25
R0b0t1Or you might not even need to use bootcamp if you just open up the disk utility :)01:25
CheesyWeaselR0b0t1: hope this works...01:25
DasEidernen:I'm a noob to macosx, but gparted live cd should do that job01:25
tony_joebodo, too complicated for me. any easier solution?01:25
R0b0t1dernen: Sorry. Might try the disk utility or gparted -- although gparted will keep Mac from recognizing the current partition setup.01:26
linxehDasEi: I really wouldnt advise that on a mac01:26
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After_MathIve unmouted a point, but when I try to format it it tells me that it contains a mounted file system. And force umount is not working01:26
After_Mathanyone help?01:26
=== networking is now known as n8tuser
tony_joebodo, ?01:26
DasEilinxeh: noob as I said, but for resizing only, why not ?01:26
pangloss!hi | naxa01:26
ubottunaxa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:26
tony_I have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M.  Anyone know how I can install drivers for it?01:26
damaltorusser: hi there, subsonic is exactly what i need. but it needs X on the host system, wich i dont have. i just want to stream the music... why does it need x? do you know alternatives?01:27
joebodotony_ the binarydriver howto is about as easy at it can get01:27
Developer08I've a problem with the g++ compiler01:27
Guest23804hey, ive got a box with ubuntu 8.10 on it ( was a beta but still... )   gnome-open with mailto links is active funny... it adds "///" to the email address... is this known about ?01:27
pangloss!ati | tony_01:27
ubottutony_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:27
vanAfter_Math: use df -h01:27
After_Mathvan k thanks01:27
panfisti am running 8.04 and i have not been able to get sound working. when the computer is booting up i can hear an audible hiss from my speakers like sound is enabled for a short while during the boot process, but then dead silence when GDM starts up, and no amount of messing in system>preferences>sound has any results, also when i try to install drivers from the manufacturer i get "cp: cannot create link `/usr/lib64/libasound.so': No s01:27
panfistuch file or directory," can anyone help?01:27
DasEitommorris:have you got another pc ? how was hardy installed initally ?01:27
pangloss!ask | Developer0801:27
ubottuDeveloper08: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:27
tony_joebodo, is mine RadeonDriver or restricted fglrx drivers?01:27
After_Mathvan that shows the card info, how do I completely umount it?01:27
Developer08my g++ compiler says cannot find -lgcc_s01:27
vando you see it mount or not?01:28
Developer08I'm unsing Ubuntu 8.1001:28
tony_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  <-- doesnt have 8.10 support! why?01:28
naxais there a way to automatically modify sent-out headers on the whole system? I have vodafone connect now with modem "huawei e220" and vodafone has data compression enabled via a transparent proxy. i have to modify sent out headers to say "no-cache", but is there a way to do this globally? i could only find a firefox addon for this, what not helps non-firefox programs.01:28
joebodotony_ sorry have to run...01:28
vanAfter_Math: do you see it mount or not01:28
tony_joebodo,  ok01:28
Developer08can anyone help me with the g++ compiler problem?01:28
pangloss!hi jvl80000400001:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi jvl80000400001:28
pangloss!hi | jvl80000400001:28
ubottujvl800004000: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:28
After_Mathvan it says its unmounted but when I try to format it it cant01:28
jvl800004000how are u01:28
tony_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  <-- doesnt have 8.10 support! why?  it only has insructions for 8.04 and lower01:29
vanAfter_Math: use qtparted to format it much easier01:29
usserdamaltor, does it need x???01:29
usserdamaltor, says who?01:29
voconohlinux_omg that was the most painful experience getting virtualbox to run with network01:29
After_Mathvan k01:29
karlmarx20Does anybody know anything about upgrading moin01:29
DasEitony_:which ati ?01:29
voconohlinux_there's no way to run wireless and wired at same time01:29
Developer08http://pastebin.com/m17c82e86 <- that is my problem01:29
tommorristony_: I just installed 8.10 on a machine with an ATI X800XT card, and it autodetects and installs flgrx.01:29
DarkKnightbazhang..iinstalled miro...but the problem still exits01:29
damaltorusser: well, i downloaded the standalone version, installed as described, and on starting it died badly because it wanted to find display resolution01:30
DarkKnightbazhang..iinstalled miro...but the problem still exists01:30
DasEikarlmarx20:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades  or other versions ?  fresh install is always safer01:30
bazhangDarkKnight, then watch flv on youtube; as I told you flv dont look that good.01:30
bazhangvoconohlinux_, from a single computer with a single isp? NO.01:31
DarkKnightbazhang...the problem is not with the video...but some internal system probelm01:31
usserdamaltor, are u using this guide? http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-to-install-subsonic-ubuntu-hardy.html01:31
ludditehi all - i finally got hibernate working on the laptop(had to enable the swap into the kernel) but there are no Progress bars for hibernate/resume. Any ideas?01:31
bazhangDarkKnight, it sounds like a hardware problem then.01:31
DasEitommorris:still reading ?01:31
chmacGot it, I needed to install compizconfig-settigs-manager and then disable Enhanced Desktop Zoom :)01:31
tony_tommorris, it didnt for me01:32
obiwan177this is the support forum for ubuntu?01:32
genesismachinemy setup on my server is borked. Is there a way to install packages with the liveCD and then reboot? My display is messed up, but I think if I can just install an ssh server on there, I can at least ssh in from my laptop and figure out what the heck is going on...01:32
damaltorusser: yes i did, but it didnt work. it only showed a blank page on port 8180. there is one difference: while my host system downst have x, i used firefox from my local pc here with http://ip-to-server:8180 wich showed a blank page.01:32
After_Mathvan cant seem to find where my sd card is mounted, and /dev/sda1 is my filesytems 0_o01:32
obiwan177or channel?01:32
tony_tommorris,  I have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M.  know how I can install drivers for it?tom01:32
karsten!topic | obiwan17701:32
ubottuobiwan177: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:32
genesismachineworst case, I don't need a gui, as it can remain headless after initial setup...01:32
DarkKnightbazhang..nope not hardware...may be with packages....???01:32
obiwan177thanks, im an irc newb01:33
vanAfter_Math: you trying to mount a sd card?01:33
voconohlinux_is it possible to switch from wired to wireless without restarting?01:33
usserdamaltor, try telnet localhost:818001:33
en1gmaif i switch out my ati rage IIC with an nvidia tnt2....what do i need to do when computer comes on01:33
DasEi!ot > obiwan11701:33
damaltorusser: yes, just a sec. just killed tomcat01:33
bazhangDasEi, please dont01:33
After_Mathvan figure out its mount point, like where in /dev/ it is located and trying to format it01:33
panfisti am running 8.04 and i have not been able to get sound working. when the computer is booting up i can hear an audible hiss from my speakers like sound is enabled for a short while during the boot process, but then dead silence when GDM starts up, and no amount of messing in system>preferences>sound has any results, also when i try to install drivers from the manufacturer i get "cp: cannot create link `/usr/lib64/libasound.so': No s01:33
panfistuch file or directory," can anyone help?01:33
karstenvoconohlinux_: wired/wireless what?01:33
en1gmado i need to reconfigure X or is it done automatically01:33
usserdamaltor, when u get a prompt type bunch of nonsense while pressing enter it should spit out some html code01:33
genesismachinevoconohlinux: yes. what's the problem?01:33
bazhangvoconohlinux_, sure01:34
panglossvoconohlinux: click on the network manager applet and click what network you want to use01:34
vanAfter_Math: if it detected by your machine, it should be in /dev/ you can know it with fdisk -l01:34
DasEibazhang: tell about channel ??01:34
voconohlinux_i have to either boot plugged in to wired or boot with wireless on.... there's no in between01:34
bazhangvoconohlinux_, but to have both on a single computer from a single isp no01:34
panfistsudo apt-get install linux-source01:34
panfistwhoops lol01:34
bazhangDasEi, no. that is the offtopic link and he is not offtopic01:34
karsten!sound | panfist01:34
ubottupanfist: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:34
Guest26592can some1 assist me in install my webcam01:34
pangloss!webcam | Guest2659201:35
ubottuGuest26592: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:35
voconohlinux_bazhang... i can't have 2 ip addresses when sitting behind my own router?01:35
bazhang!webcam | Guest2659201:35
bazhangvoconohlinux_, sure you can01:35
karstenpanfist: Among other things:  check your mixer levels.  Either your GUI mixer / audio panel app, or run aumix.01:35
crwebis anyone else having problems with cdrom not staying ejected. I can barely get a disc in and out with ubuntu running?01:35
After_Mathfdisk -l01:35
After_Mathwoops :)01:35
bazhangvoconohlinux_, on two computers01:35
damaltorusser: is it a problem that there are several apache servers running on that computer?01:35
turtle_how do I use the console to test my connection speed/01:35
DasEibazhang : was for info only01:35
aroonionce i have openjdk-6-doc installed on ubuntu hardy... how do i access it?01:36
panfistkarsten i have been messing with mixer settings all weekend. i have tried sending audio over HDMI and analog. i havent been able to successfully install any drivers besides those that were installed during the ubuntu installation01:36
karstenpanfist: You do have sound at startup?01:36
bazhangDasEi, please use the topic command or just say yes to him01:36
voconohlinux_.... this is the source of dispair... how can i run vm's on separate vlan and still get internet access to ubuntu laptop?01:36
usserdamaltor, maybe... if u already have apache theres no need to install tomcat01:36
DasEibazhang : ok01:36
damaltorusser: telnet: could not resolve localhost:8180/telnet: Name or service not known01:37
karstenpanfist: Does your user belong to the 'audio' group?  Can root run sound programs?01:37
usserdamaltor, if u know how to setup virtualhosts in apache it shouldnt be a problem01:37
usserdamaltor, telnet localhost:818001:37
panfistkarsten i am using 8.04 server 64 bit. before the splash screen i see some startup text scrolling by and i can hear an audible hiss during this part of the boot, and then no other sound01:37
tony_I have a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M.  anyone know how I can install drivers for it?01:37
karstenvoconohlinux_: virtual bridging, being the short answer.01:37
usserdamaltor, from the server itself01:37
damaltorusser: thought about that... can you tell me how to put subsonic into a apache-ish environment?01:37
pangloss!ask | meoblast00101:37
ubottumeoblast001: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:37
meoblast001my proftp server only works when im connecting from my house01:37
panfistkarsten i have not tried running any sound programs as root, so far i have just been testing in system>preferences>sound01:37
karstenpanfist: That hiss may not be system sound.01:37
damaltorusser: that was a connection from the server itself01:38
meoblast001even if its on my public IP address.. but not from out of my house01:38
voconohlinux_alright, setting up bridging for virtualbox took close to an hour... how do i set up virtual bridging01:38
panfistkarsten well if my analog cables between speaker and motherboard are not plugged in i dont hear it01:38
karstenpanfist: I generally install 'sox' which includes the 'play' command.  That should be able to play any sound file.01:38
karstenpanfist: Hrm.01:38
bobbob1016I'm trying to get WoW working with wine.  I managed to get it working fine, but the mouse cursor doesn't show up, anyone have this issue?01:38
panglossmeoblast001: is your modem set to port forward?01:38
usserdamaltor, oh my bad telnet localhost 818001:38
usserdamaltor, sorry01:38
bazhangvoconohlinux_, this is for vbox? why did you not mention that earlier?01:38
panfistkarsten how would i add myself to the audio group01:38
damaltorusser: aah ok =)01:38
DasEitony_: for hardy I could help, but not for ibex yet01:38
panglossmeoblast001: does your ftp server use dydns?01:39
meoblast001pangloss: like i said.. even if i use my public ip address.. it still works at my house... just not outside my house01:39
voconohlinux_yes for vbox... i haven't figured out how to bridge connections for vmware player so i went and tried vbox01:39
karstenpanfist: sudo adduser <your user ID> audio01:39
=== Cameron` is now known as Cameron
karstenpanfist: Log off and back in for it to take effect.01:39
voconohlinux_i'd rather be using my vmware appliances, but don't know how to set up networking with ubuntu OS01:39
meoblast001pangloss: if i connect to ftp.mysticgalaxies.com:8081 from my house.. it works... if i connect to ftp.mysticgalaxies.com:8081 from another house.. it wont work.. is it because of a lag or something?01:39
panfistkarsten i am already a member of the audio group, so that's not the issue01:39
meoblast001pangloss: it even gets to the point of asking for the password01:39
bazhangvoconohlinux_, that is a whole different story than just a single computer with two ip addresses01:39
karstenpanfist: Ok.01:40
karstenpanfist: You've read the audio factoid?01:40
panglossmeoblast001: hm wierd01:40
damaltorusser: no html code... just nothing :/01:40
karstenpanfist: Gotta split.01:40
easotokrhi, guy  any help with evolution? I can't make it ask me for the password01:40
panfistkarsten thanks01:40
usserdamaltor, and tomcat is running?01:40
damaltorusser: will double check wait01:40
CheesyWeaseli cant get java to work.01:41
voconohlinux_eh...?!  any help with getting vm's for vmware player to get network access would be appreciated... otherwise i might have to go back to microsoft for virtual pc01:41
coltonHi, how could I run a program in the console if I dont know its name?01:41
CheesyWeaselit wont run this java applet.01:41
Flannelcolton: Find out its name01:41
damaltorusser: yes it is.01:41
Dominik1I can not change brightness, please help. Laptop: Sony Vaio VGN-CR507E, Fn key doesn't work, brightness applet doesn't work, xbacklight doesn't work01:41
panglosscolton: you cant01:41
voconohlinux_or vmware player on xp01:41
Flannelcolton: Do you know what it might be? or what it starts with?01:41
damaltorusser: i have apache managed with ispconfig, so vhosts are no real problems i think.01:41
coltonFor instance "f-spot photo manager" how in the world could I find the name that I would type in?01:41
panglosscolton: google01:42
coltonis it like: "fspotphotoManager" or fspot manager01:42
obiwan177colton: i would try something like "fspot"01:42
Flannelcolton: Or have an icon somewhere for it?  Ah, you can look at the link in the menu, or just try stuff.  tab completion comes in handy here.  (type something, hit tab twice, see what the options are)01:42
usserdamaltor, hang on, are u sure u did everything correctly?01:42
obiwan177flannel: what client are you using?01:42
easotokrhi, guys  any help with evolution? I can't make it ask me for the password i tried reinstalling and everything01:42
Flannelobiwan177: irssi01:42
bazhangcolton, its f-spot01:42
chrzizIs there a way to add a command to a launcher to tell it to run the program as root?01:42
After_Mathwhere can I find a mount point on /dev for a sd card? what command do I use?!!?!?!!01:43
usserdamaltor, do ls /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/01:43
Flannelchrziz: gksu command01:44
DasEiAfter_Math:if its not automounted, you'll have to set a directory, in /media  for example01:44
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode01:44
damaltorusser: well, think so. did step by step what is meant there.01:44
damaltorusser: just did. subsonic.war is in there01:44
bruenig!info python-feedparser01:44
ubottupython-feedparser (source: feedparser): Universal Feed Parser for Python. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1-10ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 111 kB, installed size 1116 kB01:44
After_MathDasEi, yes, It automounts but Im trying to find the location where it shows up01:44
mastrgamrcan someone tell me how to delete a directory, even it it has content in the terminal01:44
After_MathDasEi, like the mount /dev/? /mount/disk01:44
chrzizFlannel: thank you very much01:44
DasEiAfter_Math:mount        in terminal01:44
After_MathDasEi, not sure where to find it in /dev01:44
meoblast001anyone else know what's up with my FTP server?01:44
usserdamaltor, hm i dont know whats going on there01:45
fosco_mastrgamr, rm -rf directory01:45
damaltorusser: me neither... do you know how i put subsonic into a apache subdomain/vhost?01:45
DasEiAfter_Math:found it with mount ?  or have a icon for it ?01:45
mastrgamrthanks fosco01:46
After_MathDasEi, does not show up in mount01:46
After_MathDasEi, have icon on dsktop for it01:46
panfisti'm trying to install sound card drivers and i got the following error: configure: error: this packages requires a curses library01:46
DasEiAfter_Math:right click icon,  tab to the right shoes you01:46
damaltorusser: may i query you?01:46
usserdamaltor, i've never done it. i guess you can extract war file and go from there01:47
usserdamaltor, yea sure01:47
CheesyWeaselwhy does ubuntu say apt-get is running when its not.01:47
easotokrhi, anyone had problems with icons INSIDE applications?01:47
kiccouhm. ubiquity hangs during installation. switching, it answers to ANY command "Input/Output Error"01:48
After_MathDasEi, where it says connection?01:48
catonanoHell, people01:48
After_MathDasEi, mount point is /media/Untitled01:48
catonanoI'd love to ask a question01:48
voconohlinux_if i add vmnet# to this line... will they connect?  bridge_ports eth0 vbox0 vbox1 vbox2 vmnet0 vmnet801:48
Flannel!ask | catonano01:48
ubottucatonano: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:48
OddlotX4Hey guys.  Quick one.  What's the Ubuntu equivalent of SpeedFan?01:48
catonanoOn my Asus laptop I upgraded to Intrepid from Hardy, with the update manager01:49
KingOfDosDoes someone here own a SB Live 1024? And knows "what" device the CD input is?01:49
panfisti saw a forum post about my sound problem that says to run the command "sudo m-a update,preapre" but it says the m-a command is not found. does anyone know what m-a is or does? because it's hard to google for "m-a"01:49
DasEiAfter_Math:so got it,  device see : sudo  fdisk -l01:49
quaggapanfist: module-assistant01:50
panfistquagga thanks01:50
CheesyWeaselthat was weird. apt-get was still running for some reason. i need to switch back to windows. i dont have the time to fix ubuntu all the time.01:50
After_MathDasEi, that only list /dev/sda1 which is my hd filesystem01:50
fosco_panfist, for ncurses lib just execute sudo apt-get install libncurses501:50
KingOfDosI'm trying to create a live stream of my TV card. But so far I cannot find the correct device. Tested /dev/snd/pcm* (yes, all off them!).01:50
KingOfDosThe soundcard is working when i'll use vlc to play a mp3 file01:51
catonanoTHEN I used remastersys to make a live cd out of my Intrepid system. Then I went to a Dell Vostro 1700 laptop with my cd and it worked. But the I tried on the Dell with a freshly downloaded cd from the ubuntu site. That did NOT boot !! Failed to start gdm !; So my question is: so the 2 cds were carring 2 diferent systems ? How is taht possible ?01:51
DasEiAfter_Math:hum?       try lsusb  (controller usually does sd)01:51
panfistfosco_ what's weird is that is already installed...01:51
hal14450any freenode staff around ?01:51
doc|homehello, anyone know if I burn an avi to a dvd under brasero if it will play in a dvd player?01:51
KingOfDosbut still, i just don't know what device i must choose as cd_in (i'd connected my tvcard audio_out to the cd_in).01:51
After_MathDasEi, nope, but I did find it from a forum I believe, its under /dev/mmcblk001:51
ardchoillehal14450: /stats p01:51
fosco_panfist, maybe you need the devel version01:51
hal14450ardchoille, already did that01:52
panfistfosco_ ok im trying that01:52
DasEiAfter_Math:but fdisk should list it (as root)01:52
hal14450i wanted to ask one a question in pm that is active01:52
quaggahal14450: there isn't anyone in #freenode?01:52
hal14450quagga, i didn't join there yet01:53
hal14450heh not a real channel01:53
DasEiAfter_Math:but fdisk should list it (as root),  try look in /etc/mtab01:53
=== damien is now known as DamienGray
ShoviI just updated from 8.04 to 8.10 and now my Ethernet does not work! any ideas?01:54
hal14450Shovi, you'll need to be more verbose than that01:54
hal14450as in what does ifconfig say?01:55
voconohlinux_i could really use the help  all vm's start and say this:  could not open /dev/vmnet8   -- how do i fix this?01:55
hal14450etc etc etc01:55
yoyonedvoconohlinux_: start the vmware service01:55
panfistok i made it to the next step installing my sound card, and now i see that i wants me to close all ALSA apps...how can i be sure i do this01:55
ShoviIdk, i was wondering if it was a common problem, hal1445001:55
dataflowso, did they take flash player off the repos?01:56
dataflowPackage flashplayer-mozilla has no installation candidate01:56
voconohlinux_yoyoned  just installed ubuntu yesterday morning... how do i start vmware service?01:56
Flannel!vmware | voconohlinux_01:56
ubottuvoconohlinux_: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:56
unopdataflow, flashplugin-nonfree01:56
yoyonedvoconohlinux_: have you rebooted since installing vmware?01:56
voconohlinux_yes, over and over01:57
kitchedataflow: well flashplayer-mozilla probably01:57
hal14450Shovi, it pays to be verbose01:57
dataflowthrough synaptic? all it did was let me try and DL the copy from flash.com which said that it couldn't work with my x86 =[01:57
ShoviI just updated from 8.04 to 8.10 and now my Ethernet does not work! anyone have any ideas?01:57
DasEiAfter_Math:also konqueror/dolphin should show device  >places>media>untitled01:57
dataflowbut i've used it before01:57
vanwhat is the best VNC server for ubuntu?01:57
yoyonedvoconohlinux_: do you know how to use a terminal?01:57
voconohlinux_pretty well for a noob01:57
unopvoconohlinux_, does the device exist?01:57
crtoevan: define best?01:57
dataflowim checking apt-get man page to see how to update the list01:57
voconohlinux_if i run ifconfig, no vmnet#'s show up01:58
voconohlinux_so i don't think it exists01:58
unopvoconohlinux_, ls -l /dev/vmnet801:58
vancrtoe: secured and friendly01:58
d_hello, i'm new.  I'm trying to get help with gstreamer01:58
dataflowvoconohlinux_,  lspci?01:58
yoyonedvoconohlinux_:run the following: ls /etc/init.d                                             Look for somthing like vmnet01:58
Flanneldataflow: You shouldn't need to add anything, multiverse should be enabled by default01:58
d_can anyone help me01:58
hal14450oh well you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink01:59
dataflowi'll try it again with synaptic but should i uninstall it first?01:59
Flannel!repositories | dataflow01:59
ubottudataflow: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:59
voconohlinux_i get 'no such file or directory'01:59
chrzizI'm getting a "sn_launcher_context_complete called for an SnLauncherContext that hasn't been initiated" when trying to use the gksudo command, searched around and couldnt find and answer01:59
MTecknologyI followed this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio, tried to run alsamixer and got this http://pastebin.com/m36dacde5, and then tried pulseaudio and got this http://pastebin.com/m52cd3ec ... When I try to run pulseaudio I get this message http://pastebin.com/m246dce74 - anybody have any clue what I'm doing wrong?01:59
tom_wanna have sex01:59
unopvoconohlinux_, sounds like the vmware service hasn't been started01:59
voconohlinux_yoyoned how would i start it?02:00
dataflowi know about those repositories but the flash install said that there was not a flash player that could run on my x86 architecture02:00
Flanneltom_: Please don't02:00
tom_anyone know how to hack a psp02:00
unoptom_, offtopic and not welcome here02:00
bazhangtom_, no.02:00
DasEiAfter_Math:least hwino gives you a complete hw-overview, my sd shows up in fdisk02:00
quaggais there an easy way to channel a .bin into a .deb?02:00
dataflowwhen i did it through synaptic i refreashed the page and all i saw was a place to download flash.tar.gz02:00
tom_soo wat u guys talking about02:00
DasEiAfter_Math:* hwinfo02:00
Flanneltom_: This is a support channel, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:01
ludditethere are no Progress bars for hibernate/resume. Any ideas?02:01
unopquagga, you'd need to build a debian package - see the debian package maintainer's guide.02:01
d_does any know if i can use no xv in gstreamer. but use x11/nv in fullscreen mode?02:01
panfistthe installation of the sound card drivers completed but I still have no sound. the last few lines of output were that /usr/lib64/libsound was missing but it is there..then it ran alsaconf and the test sound never played. i re-ran alsaconf on my own a few times and i still can't get any sound to play02:01
quaggaunop: thanks02:01
tom_every body here has ubuntu lunix on thier computer?02:01
quaggathat's outside the scope of the project so i'll just drop the bin in /usr/local02:02
kitche!flash64 > dataflow02:02
ubottudataflow, please see my private message02:02
uniquei have a problem that i cant solve im ready to bang my head on the wall.... i cannot connect to wep protected hotspots...02:02
uniqueif its unprotected it connects fine02:02
uniqueany ideas02:02
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel
voconohlinux_it's odd... if i run /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl it says no such file or directory... but i'm running vm's, just can't get them connected to network02:03
DefunctProcessanyone kno how to fix no sound issue after upgrade to ibex i see lots of results on google but no fix?02:03
kuroyomaI had no sound with Hardy but New Kernel from Ibex fixed it02:03
=== xfel___ is now known as xfel
Dominik1when I try to open the brightness file in gedit it says error: no such device. what does this mean I just want to edit the file02:03
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
PacktSardinehas anyone used the dell mini netbook with ubuntu?02:04
d_does anyone know how to configure gstreamer to use xv ONLY in fullscreen mode02:04
Eulaliaubuntu keeps freezing for me...I just downloaded it yesterday, and it's failed >10 times :\ And I'm not pusing it to any limits, either :p02:04
marnanelI upgraded to Intrepid and now X doesn't recognise my laptop's keyboard any more.  Did this happen to anyone else?  xorg.conf doesn't look unusual02:04
quaggaPacktSardine: i've seen it briefly with ubuntu; not used it.  I have a Wind.02:05
* marnanel can paste it somewhere if anyone wants02:05
uniquedose anyone know if theres a problem with connecting to wep protected routers?02:05
PacktSardinequagga: am i crazy to think about using it for web dev? i'm thinking about getting one just as a mobile lamp machine to crunch out php and such02:05
bobbob1016I'm trying to get WoW working with wine.  I managed to get it working fine, but the mouse cursor doesn't show up, anyone have this issue?  I read up on it, and it says to click enable hardware mouse, and I don't have that option02:05
d_no there shouldn't be02:05
d_what kind of wireless do you have?02:06
Dark_Incahi guys, i got a problem with installing the ubuntu server, after choosing the option "install ubuntu server", i got a console view full text, and at the end: .... ---[ end trace ...] ---  Somebody knows how to make it work?02:06
rsphow can I remove root-owned files in trashbin02:06
ubottuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:06
d_what type of wireless card do you have?02:06
PacktSardinei don't know if the screen would be too small or not on the dell mini02:06
crtoedon't use it? some people don't have routers that support any other form of encryption02:06
ubottursp: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:06
quaggaPacktSardine: the 10" screen version?02:06
DasEirsp :cd there..02:06
PacktSardine8.9" on the dell mini02:06
PacktSardinethe wind is 10" right?02:06
quaggaPacktSardine: yes, this one is 10"02:07
uniqued_ atheros card02:07
PacktSardinehave you tried any coding on it? i don't want to ruin my eyes, they're already bad enough =P02:07
quaggaPacktSardine: i'd say sit down in front of one if you can and judge for yourself.  i can type up pretty good on this guy but image editing isn't that easy02:07
mastrgamrhow do i change the login screen theme?02:07
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616_
uniquei can connect to unprotected...02:07
d_type iwconfig into a console02:07
d_what does it say02:07
quaggaPacktSardine: well right now i'm ircing on the wind running the ubuntu netbook remix02:08
uniqueiwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  Mode:Monitor  Frequency:2.462 GHz  Tx-Power=27 dBm02:08
unique          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B02:08
unique          Power Management:off02:08
unique          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:002:08
unique          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:002:08
FloodBot2unique: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
unique          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:002:08
dataflowit seems i'm having also a libnotify problem...02:08
d_for bit rate on wireless02:08
mastrgamrhow do i change the login screen theme?02:08
=== Eulalia is now known as RubberbandMan
Dark_Inca after choosing the option "install ubuntu server", i got a console view full text, and at the end: .... ---[ end trace ...] ---, can somebody explain what is going wrong?02:08
=== RubberbandMan is now known as Eulalia
falloreIs Ubuntu capable of playing blu-ray yet?02:08
uniqued did you get that02:08
Eulaliaubuntu keeps freezing for me...I just downloaded it yesterday, and it's failed >10 times :\ And I'm not pusing it to any limits, either :p02:09
PacktSardinequagga:  nice! i'd love to have one just to throw in my backpack and use in between classes.. trying to justify the whole buying another computer thing though02:09
d_what does it say for bit rate02:09
RevEulalia, i got the same problem02:09
RevEulalia, disable compiz02:09
quaggaPacktSardine: heh, i bought another wind today for my mom for christmas02:09
EulaliaRev: How?02:09
meoblast001can someone do me a favor and log into ftp.mysticgalaxies.com:8081 as user guest and password password02:09
RevEulalia, system / preferences / appearance / disable effects02:09
quaggaPacktSardine: waiting on its wifi card to come in so i can replace the card in that one too02:09
uniqueRetry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B02:10
PacktSardinequagga: haha nice. how is it reading irc text? i don't want to be sitting like 3" from the screen all the time02:10
RevEulalia, it never failed on hardy, but on intrepid, it froze 4 times (only the mouse was moving, impossible to kill X, physical reboot) i disbable compiz and its fine now02:10
DasEi Eulalia:also install conky or watch top to see responsible process02:10
PacktSardinequagga: reading irc would probably be a pretty close comparison to code02:10
Revfirst times in 1 year at least that i physically rebooted my comp02:10
voconohlinux_can someone help.. when i installed vmware player, i had to run the .bundle instead of .tar.gz.... it never gave me options to configure network... now i can't run vmware-config.pl02:10
d_is there anything that says 11M or 36M or 54M02:10
Revthe bad old windows times are far away...02:10
uniqueit dont give me a bitrate02:10
quaggaPacktSardine: its alright.  the netbook remix fullscreens everything so its just a fullscren terminal02:10
quaggaPacktSardine: i'd really just sit down with the netbooks and see what you like.  i had an eee 701 before this guy02:11
RevEulalia, you got it?02:11
d_is it under wlan002:11
PacktSardinequagga: how did you like the eee?02:11
DasEi voconohlinux_:could ask in #vmware02:11
joebodo1 love my eee 90002:12
quaggaPacktSardine: the eee was fine.  the 701 was a little too small02:12
d_sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 11M02:12
quaggaPacktSardine: i also prefer the atom to celeron02:12
PacktSardinequagga: i saw one in a coffee shop the other day, it was the first netbook i've seen in person02:12
joebodoeee 701 screen is too small - horizontal scrolling sucks02:12
d_try that command and set your wireless to b mode02:12
PacktSardinequagga: oh yeah, for sure. better battery life probably?02:12
d_worked for me02:12
quaggaPacktSardine: yeah, they're close but the celeron is hotter02:12
ShoviCan someone help me please >> I just installed 8.04 and everything was fine, Ethernet worked... I could download updates etc. Then i updated to 8.10 and now I cannot connect to the Ethernet, it just says you have been disconnected when I try to connect.02:13
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:13
crtoehe said wired...02:13
d_when you try to connect, make sure you select wep 64 bit (not hex)02:13
angeloanyone know why this seems to work, but when I try to access server, it has yellow icon and wont allow me... sudo smbmount // /mnt/win2 /mnt/win2 -o username=angelo,password=sys2000,rw02:13
joebodostill new to the ! commands02:13
falloreIs Ubuntu capable of playing blu-ray yet?02:14
yoyonedvoconohlinux_: sudo /etc/init.d/filename start02:14
ShoviDo I have to reinstall.. Or is there any Fix?02:14
uniqueit only has 40/128 and 12802:14
juttHi, I am new to ubuntu, just installed 8.10 fresh install and everything seems ok for now...I need help with one thing, when i try play a xvid with vlc it plays but it keeps flashing02:14
angeloanyone know why this seems to work, but when I try to access server, it has orange icon with CROSS through it and wont allow me... sudo smbmount // /mnt/win2 /mnt/win2 -o username=angelo,password=sys2000,rw02:14
uniqueand that didnot work02:14
joebodofallore not yet - but theres some progress being made - check ubuntu forums02:14
angelojutt, welcome02:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about service02:14
EulaliaRev: Heh, just as I went to change that, Ubuntu froze again XD02:14
DasEijoebodo: see !brain02:15
uniqueit trys to connect then it asks for a pw agin02:15
joebododasei thx - will do02:15
angelojutt, install your proper video drivers?02:15
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:15
d_it should say 64/128 bit hex02:15
RevEulalia, ouch :/ so you rebooted and now you disabled it?02:15
DasEijoebodo: also you can /query ubottu for private factoids02:15
angelosudo smbmount // /mnt/win2 /mnt/win2 -o username=angelo,password=sys2000,rw   <--- it wont allow me to access server folder.. it has orange icon with CROSS through it! any ideas?02:16
d_Does anyone know how to configure GSTREAMER  ???02:16
juttMy video card driver is ati radeon x1900xtx, I installed video driver using System -> Adminstration -> Hardware Devices02:16
Guest26592my webcam pls02:16
angelojutt, does it flash wiht media player?02:16
RevEulalia, it really does look like my problem here so i think it will be better for you too . i should post something on the ubuntuforums about it02:16
juttyes with all media players02:16
Guest26592it doesnt show on lsusb orlspci02:16
RevEulalia, whats your graphic card? was it fine under hardy heron?02:16
uniquein the network man it says WEP 40/128bit key02:16
EulaliaRev: I wen to System->Preferences->Appearances->Visual Effects->None02:16
jutti searched divx using the add/remove software thing and installed a lot of codecs as well02:17
RevEulalia, THATS IT02:17
angelojutt, change resolution and try again02:17
EulaliaRev: I'm not sure about my graphics card, how do I check?02:17
R0b0t1I just opened an Obj-C file in gedit, and now regular C files do not display properly. How might I fix this? (Setting the source type does not work)It doesn't display properly as in it is still stuck as the Obj-C highlighting style.02:17
uniquethen i have a WEP 128 passphrase02:17
RevEulalia, lshw02:17
angelojutt, prefersences / screen resoltuion02:17
RevEulalia, type in lshw in a terminal02:17
d_try the 40/12802:17
Revapplications / accesories / terminal : lshw02:17
angeloanyone know why this seems to work, but when I try to access server, it has orange icon with CROSS through it and wont allow me... sudo smbmount // /mnt/win2 /mnt/win2 -o username=angelo,password=sys2000,rw02:17
uniqueyhea i did and nothing02:17
d_do you see your network ssid02:18
uniqueit keeps asking for the key02:18
uniqueand theres no option for hex02:18
Marfii've tried to google around, but haven't found anything. whats a good program to convert from .ogv (using recordmydesktop) to .avi?02:18
EulaliaRev, did that02:18
RevEulalia, it should be written in the section called *-display02:19
uniqueis there a way to reinstall the network drivers back to fresh install.....02:19
Guest26592my webcam doesnt show anywhere02:19
Guest26592it doesnt show on lsusb orlspci02:19
d_yeah, are you using restricted drivers???02:19
juttangelo i changed from 1680X1050 to 1024X768 and same thing02:19
RevEulalia, copy/paste the whole outcome there then : http://pastebin.com/02:19
MiescoDoes slapd still have a slapd.conf?02:19
uniquebefore i had to use diffrent drivers to even see networks02:19
Guest26592but i can seeit02:19
EulaliaRev: product: RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10]02:19
RevEulalia, fine, its an ATI then02:19
Guest26592with my two eyes02:19
uniquebut now it seems that the restricted drivers are working02:19
=== jabagawee_ is now known as jabagawee
RevEulalia, i have a X700 there02:19
TurboBeeI'm trying to get my wireless card to work in ubuntu, and it is saying access point not associated02:20
Revcould you please copy/paste all the outcome of the lshw command?02:20
RevEulalia, could you please copy/paste all the outcome of the lshw command?02:20
EulaliaRev, sure02:20
Marfii've tried to google around, but haven't found anything. whats a good program to convert from .ogv (using recordmydesktop) to .avi?02:20
RevEulalia, for your info, lshw means listhardware02:20
EulaliaAh, ok02:20
augiehey guys02:20
RevEulalia, copy paste it there  : http://pastebin.com/02:20
d_remove the checkmark under the network tab. remove the driver under restricted drivers and try to reinstall02:20
d_before doing that02:21
IdleOneMarfi: gprename02:21
d_do you have a button or switch to turn wireless on and off02:21
RevEulalia, then i'll create a thread regarding this issue with your hardware and mine. Just tell me if it appears not to freeze againb02:21
d_on your laptop ?02:21
joebodo!wifi | TurboBee02:21
ubottuTurboBee: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:21
uniquewhen i got to hardware drivers i have 2 sets for my card only one is g02:21
d_or is it a desktop02:21
EulaliaRev, http://pastebin.com/m3cc80f3f02:21
IdleOneMarfi: just installed it myself earlier this evening to convert from MOD to AVI02:21
d_don't use g02:21
d_try to use b02:21
d_b is a little more reliable02:21
MarfiIdleOne, never heard of it, but ill give it a try.02:21
kitche!enter | d_02:22
ubottud_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:22
augieI have recently installed ibex on centrino laptop, the wireless status light keeps blinking and pidgin doesn't work02:22
uniqueyes its a laptop02:22
IdleOneMarfi: ummmm nm that is a file renamer02:22
RevEulalia, your version of intrepid is up to date?02:22
chuyMarfi, try ffmpeg02:22
IdleOneMarfi: I jumped the gun there02:22
d_button or switch02:22
n8tuseraugie-> are you able to access the internet?02:22
augien8tuser, yes, even this xchat, but not pidgin02:22
d_do you see your network when you left click on the network icon?02:23
EulaliaRev, not sure. The laptop is new to me (used), and I just installed ubuntu yesterday :p02:23
augien8tuser, it works on lan02:23
d_click on your network and tell me what pops up?02:23
augien8tuser, but pidgin just doesn't work on wireless, and the status light keeps blinking02:23
n8tuseraugie then perhaps google why pidgin does not work02:23
uniquei have 2 sets of drivers in the restrected drivers when i when to disactivate them they both say still in use02:23
TiMiDoaugie: any errors message?02:24
macvrhi all... i want to reinstall the ubuntu 8.10[my upgrade from 8.04 had a few problems], i have a separate root and home partition... so when i reinstall will my custom programs work? or would i have to reinstall all of them?02:24
augien8tuser, it only doesn't work on wireless, do you know if the driver for centrino chipset works properly?02:24
RevEulalia, ah ok. could you go to system / admin / propriotary hardware drivers02:24
n8tuseraugie-> if the other apps allows you access to the internet then it should not be the issue, do you have a firewall?02:24
uniquei click on my  network it trys to connect then asks for the password02:24
RevEulalia, no its just called Hardware drivers sorry02:24
d_disable both.  restart. and enable only one02:24
Dominik1how can permission be denied if I am sudo02:24
n8tuseraugie-> its not your chipset02:24
augieTiMiDo, n8tuser, no firewall, no error msg it's just that pidgin won't connect02:24
Revtell me if the ATI propretary driver is in use or not02:24
Dominik1i thought sudo = root = god02:24
augieand the status light keeps blinking02:24
TiMiDoaugie: try running pidgin on terminal and see if you get any errors what's so ever.02:24
d_what options can you click on02:24
=== DamienGray is now known as DamienGray|Sleep
uniqueok be back in a little02:24
n8tuseraugie-> you have to setup your pidgin correctly, i dont use pidgin02:24
juttCan anyone help?  When i try to play an xvid, it is playing but i see flashing, my video card is ati radeon x1900xtx, i installed driver using Adminstration -> Hardware Drivers02:25
ardchoilleDominik1: On what? a file?02:25
EulaliaRev: No properietary drivers are in use on this system.02:25
Revok me neither02:25
augieTiMiDo, n8tuser, what I mean is that pidgin will load up but just can't connect02:25
uniqueit says wireless security, key, wep index. authentication02:25
Dominik1ardchoille: i am sudo echo 4 >> file02:25
rwwjutt: I have the exact same problem. I was never able to figure it out :(. Are you using the fglrx driver too?02:25
Revwe should try to restore the effect while using the properiatrary drivers on it02:25
Revthat could be the cause02:25
juttrww yes i am02:25
chuyjutt, play where?02:25
=== d is now known as Guest87699
Revat least, tell me if ever you freeze in the next 15 minutes ok02:26
jutti tried media player, vlc, gnome media player02:26
juttplus a lot more02:26
RevEulalia, (and also, if you dont freeze anymore)02:26
joebodo!ati | jutt02:26
ubottujutt: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:26
EulaliaRev, have time for one more question?02:26
Guest87699i'm new to this stuff02:26
ardchoilleDominik1: the ">>" is a redirect, it won't work because sudo doesn't carry over, you need to use tee02:26
joebodojutt the link has info on flashing video02:26
augieTiMiDo, n8tuser, and I don't have any firewall, it's a recently installed ibex, but I do have a router with nat02:26
d_what version of ubuntu do you have02:26
joebodojutt it's the textured something or other02:26
ardchoilleDominik1: echo 4 | sudo tee -a file02:26
juttthanks joebodo i will check it out02:26
Dominik1ardchoille: tee?02:26
rsvpif I have an external drive, do I need to umount it to detach it from the machine?02:26
joebodojutt i had the same issue02:26
EulaliaRev, my laptop came with a westell wireless card, no cds or anything, and the wireless card won't work in ubuntu02:26
EulaliaIs there a way to fix this that you know of?02:27
=== francesco is now known as Guest80705
chuyjutt, launch gmplayer, and change the video options (codecs), if thats not the problem,  your video driver might be02:27
d_can anyone help me configure TOTEM to use overlay (NV mode) only in full screen mode02:27
easotokrI'm having problem to fix my evolution , please help.. .I can't make it to ask for the pop3 password02:27
Guest87699i just installed 8.04 and allis good on my HP dv9000,got my vga drvers thru forums and also my wireless but my webcam doesnt show any wer02:28
augieTiMiDo, I'm gonna try meebo, a firefox extension, taht's a im client, but it says that the firefox isn't compatible with it02:28
rwwjoebodo: can you point me to which section on BinaryDriverHowto is relevant? I can't seem to find it...02:28
Guest80705I have a problem. I download a lot of pdf files from the internet. Some pdf files are so "heavy" that "document viewer" doesn't work well and all the system slows down. How can I solve the problem?02:28
uniqueim going to try the restart once i doubt it will work02:28
joebodorww 1 sec02:28
chuyeasotokr, check the options for the account, there must be an option to not ask for the password, somewhere in accounts02:28
d_try to do what i said before and enable only one set02:28
=== Guest80705 is now known as francesco__
d_maybe it'll help02:28
francesco__I have a problem. I download a lot of pdf files from the internet. Some pdf files are so "heavy" that "document viewer" doesn't work well and all the system slows down. How can I solve the problem?02:28
uniqueok ill be back in a little thanks alot got to run out02:29
easotokrchuy: I tried everything, even remove and install evolution nothing looks to work02:29
joebodorww i added this line in my xorg.conf to fix the problem: Option "TexturedVideo" "off"02:29
francesco__?join #pdf02:29
n8tuseraugie-> you have to look at your router configs if it allows the protocols pidgin uses02:29
rwwjoebodo: okay, thanks :D02:29
cudaman73I'm having trouble getting a pcf font installed. Is it the same method as installing TTF and other fonts?02:29
joebodorww i had to restart x to make it take effect (control-alt-backspace)02:29
Dominik1ardchoille: thanks alot02:30
chuyeasotokr, let me check02:30
ardchoilleDominik1: you're welcome02:30
Dominik1how can I create a launcher that will run a command in terminal?02:30
rwwjoebodo: (not on my ubuntu computer right now, so I can't check that it works, but hopefully it will :) )02:30
ShoviCan someone help me please >> I just installed 8.04 and everything was fine, Ethernet worked... I could download updates etc. Then i updated to 8.10 and now I cannot connect to the Ethernet, it just says you have been disconnected when I try to connect.02:30
rsvpwhen it is *really* necessary to use umount to physically detach an external drive?  <<< quick 20 points ;)02:30
d_can anyone help with GSTREAMER ???02:31
ubottuTo set up OpenDNS in Ubuntu, see https://www.opendns.com/start?device=ubuntu02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changedns02:31
chuyDominik1, shell script (bash for example)02:31
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.02:31
ardchoilleDominik1: gnome-terminal -e command02:31
joebodorww this is a good link : http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=451204202:31
paranoid_ndroidMy onboard  multimedia cardreader from my laptop doesn't work. any solutions?02:31
woshow do you open a terminal in a folder that your looking at?02:31
rww!fishing | Pnux02:31
ubottuPnux: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:31
francesco__Hello. I have a problem with "document viewer". I use Ubuntu. I download a lot of pdf files from the internet as ebooks. Some pdf files are so heavy that "document viewer" doesn't work well, and the whole system becomes very slow. How can I solve the problem? Thank you.02:31
Sinisteris there something good as frostwire that dont use java java is so slow02:31
Dominik1ardchoille: I do not understand02:31
ardchoilleDominik1: gnome-terminal -e man tar02:32
DVA5912Is there a graphical game maker for ubuntu? Similar to Gamemaker on Windows?02:32
woshow do you open a terminal in a folder that your looking at?02:32
jribwos: install nautilus-open-terminal02:32
francesco__Can anybody help me, please? Hello. I have a problem with "document viewer". I use Ubuntu. I download a lot of pdf files from the internet as ebooks. Some pdf files are so heavy that "document viewer" doesn't work well, and the whole system becomes very slow. How can I solve the problem?02:33
ardchoillewos: install nautilus-open-terminal and then use it via right-click on nautilus02:33
kuroyomaIs there anyway to put a password requirement on a folder02:33
saleelI have flash 10 installed in firefox: it works perfectly. I want to install flash 9 in opera or some other browser. Anyway to do this?02:33
Dominik1archoille: I am trying to execute echo 1 | sudo tee -a brightness in /sys/class/backlight/sony from the desktop in the form of a laucher02:33
jerbearif i'm using the evdev driver for the console (virtual terminals)... how do i tell it what my keyboard layout is?02:33
Dominik1archoille: I tryed to make a laucher and put in echo 1 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness02:34
joebodofrancesco__ try http://vntutor.blogspot.com/2008/01/top-5-pdf-readers-for-ubuntu-linux.html02:34
DVA5912Is there a graphical game maker for ubuntu? Similar to Gamemaker on Windows?02:34
Dominik1archoille: but it didn't work, so I added gnome-terminal -e in front of it, still doesn't run02:34
chuyeasotokr, edit - preferences - mail accounts - edit - receiving email - remember password02:34
francesco__joebodo: Thank you very much. You're a friend! :D02:35
Stormx2DVA5912: You might have some luck running gamemaker under wine02:35
saleelI have flash 10 installed in firefox: it works perfectly. I want to install flash 9 in opera or some other browser. Anyway to do this?02:35
EulaliaRev: I froze again.02:35
ardchoilleDominik1: Not sure how to make a launcher for that. is that something you only need to do one time?02:35
EulaliaRev: The caps and scroll lock leds were flashing02:35
easotokrchuy: I already tried that with no success02:36
DVA5912Stormx2: From what i can tell many other people have try ed this attempt as well, but the fact remains that wine isnt going to support directx witch is required for Game Maker to run.02:36
PeskyJwhat's a good program for monitoring for wireless networks?02:36
kuroyomaIs there anyway to put a password requirement on a folder02:36
Stormx2Dominik1: Couple of problems. Firstly, you'll need to use "gksu" rather than sudo. Secondly I don't think the "command" bit of the launcher dialog is a proper shell. hence, piping won't work02:36
ardchoillekuroyoma: you could just remove read/write permissions for all others except your username and no one can access it anyway02:37
PeskyJkuroyoma: the best way is to use an encrypted file system... go to add/remove and find a program called CryptKeeper, install it02:37
chuyDominik1, create a bash script, it is easy, just a line that is called the shabang, and your command in the second line02:37
Dominik1ardchoille: it is to adjust brightness, I am using sony they don't have brightness adjust support, so I have to do it manually, now I want to make launchers for my GF for brightness 1,4,702:37
chuyDominik1, and then give execute permissions to the file02:37
Stormx2Dominik1, if I were you, I'd make a new file, somewhere in your home folder. On the first line, put "#!/bin/bash" (without the quotes). On the second, put that command (with the sudo/gksu substitution). Save it. Make it executable, then in the "command" bit, locate the file you just saved02:37
PeskyJkuroyoma: then run it and it appears in your system tray as a set of keys icon, then left-click on it and create an encrypted directory, each time you want to mount this directory you will need to enter a password02:38
xxSimxxHi, i have a problem with the compilation (alsa driver) (alc888 realtekhd)02:38
francesco__joebodo: The problem is that I have the same problem with my pdf files in the other partition where I have Windows with Acrobat reader. Could the problem be that the pdf itself is too "heavy"?02:38
xxSimxxi have 2 errors02:38
saleelI have flash 10 installed in firefox: it works perfectly. I want to install flash 9 in opera or some other browser. Anyway to do this?02:38
Stormx2saleel: I doubt it.02:38
chuyeasotokr, if that doesnt work then it is a bug, try removing your user configuration files02:38
Dominik1chuy: can you walk me through on how to create that file02:38
saleelno way to install two versions of flash?02:39
xcercawhats a good chat program for getting on msn and being able to use video and voice ?02:39
LinuxNewbiehey is this thr correct forum to ask Ubuntu Questions02:39
DVA5912Its not a forum but yes02:39
whochismoxcerca: amsn02:39
LinuxNewbieamsn is good02:39
Stormx2LinuxNewbie, yes.02:39
spiderbatdadanyone used airo-wpa airo.c to update the firmware to 5.30.17 of an aironet card02:39
woshow do you find out what your package manager is?02:39
whochismodoes anybody knows how to restore the audio configuration in ubuntu? I tried to install the realtek drivers manually, and now all the sound is broken02:39
gregor_possible to shut down the computer when Transmission finished downloads?02:39
nite_johnboyIf you run "passwd" in Terminal can you change your original password you used when installing Ubuntu ? ?02:39
Stormx2wos, the package manager for ubuntu is apt.02:39
chuyDominik1, Stormx2 already told you whats the first line, 1.-open gedit or another text editor, 2.- put "#!/bin/bash" in the first line (without the quotes), 3.-put your command in the second line02:39
Stormx2nite_johnboy, yes.02:39
DVA5912Well is there any type of game maker for ubuntu?02:40
easotokrchuy: I'll try to see what happened02:40
Stormx2wos: Both work.02:40
joebodofrancesco__ i dont experience the same issue - i use the default pdf viewer in ubuntu without problem (with large files)02:40
panglossDVA5912: Game maker?02:40
whochismothere's any way to automatically reconfigure the audio settings?02:40
ardchoillewos: Those are "clients" but they still use apt under the hood02:40
chuyDominik1, save the file, if you are comfortable with terminal, run chmod +x name_of_file02:40
Stormx2wos: apt-get seems to be used for most simple stuff.02:40
wosStormx2:  how do you find out which one you have?02:40
DVA5912pangloss, for Ubuntu!!!02:40
juttjoebodo can i PM you?  I tried instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but the second instruction is giving me an error02:40
woshow do you find out which one you have?02:40
Stormx2wos: Ubuntu installations have both apt-get and aptitude installed.02:41
LinuxNewbieOk i have some hardware questions I am running windows atm and want to do the switch to linux but i have seen on some good searchs that my laptop has linux issues (Dell Inspirion 1525 none webcam Version)  is there any were i can find hardware support02:41
panglossDVA5912: are you a programmer...?02:41
chuyDominik1, otherwise, right click the file, and look for permissions, and click on execute permissions02:41
thiefnessCan anyone help me to get my realtek ralink usb wireless card to work in intrepid ibex?02:41
DVA5912pangloss, novice02:41
nite_johnboyStormx2: I thought so - could not remember for sure - Thank you...02:41
joebodojutt sure02:41
ardchoillewos: you should have both aptitude and apt-get, but you should stick with one or the other so as not to get confused with commands02:41
PeskyJis gnome really configurable, for example changing the windows UI behaviour etc. - more than what's just in the system->preferences->windows tool?02:41
saleelGuys is there a way to have a separate version of Flash for another browser?02:41
EulaliaRev: I just crashed AGAIN02:42
MTecknologySony Vaio VGZ-FZ240E... any guesses which layout best matches my keyboard? http://pastebin.com/m5c1879cd02:42
Stormx2PeskyJ, yep, but it's more "Hidden" than in KDE, or so the argument goes.02:42
panglossDVA5912: alot of game are written in hard core programming languages.... I dont think you know what you are getting into..02:42
PeskyJsaleel: flash is a plugin so I don't see why not...02:42
TiMiDosaleel: well you could if you have no problems with dependencies.02:42
gregor_possible to shut down the computer when Transmission finished downloads?02:42
PeskyJStormx2: how do I run the tool or maul with it?02:42
Stormx2pangloss, lol at "hard core"02:42
thiefnessCan anyone help me to get my realtek ralink usb wireless card to work in intrepid ibex?02:42
saleelPeskyJ & TiMiDo how would I go about doing this?02:42
Stormx2PeskyJ, I have no idea what you just said02:42
Stormx2!repeat | thiefness02:42
ubottuthiefness: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:42
chuyPeskyJ, System - Preferences - Appearance02:42
Dominik1chuy: I did it, but it did not work :(, no error message, nothing, just not the desired result02:42
n8tusergregor_-> yes its possible, even before it finishes02:42
DVA5912pangloss, probably not. But since it needs to be a big game it might as well be written in code. Got any good IDE in mind?02:42
RevEulalia, yeah i saw it02:43
Revthen im sorry i have no idea02:43
thiefnessit wasn't that quickly, chill out02:43
chuyDominik1, are you comfortable with console?02:43
panglossStormx2: eclipse02:43
Revpost on a forum02:43
Stormx2pangloss, what about eclipse?02:43
Dominik1chuy: the file won't execute because in order to use sudo it needs a password02:43
RevEulalia, i gotta go to the mass, good luck with your problem, ye02:43
PeskyJchuy: I've been through all the preferences... I want more behaviour changes than are presented in those tools, how do I get to the "hidden ones" ?02:43
EulaliaM'kay. Thanks Rev.02:43
panglossStormx2: its an IDE...02:43
Stormx2pangloss, I know.02:43
Stormx2pangloss, what's your point?02:43
panglossStormx2: he asked if I knew any IDE's02:43
LinuxNewbiewas my question too long ???02:43
PeskyJStormx2: how do I find these hidden features is what I meant02:43
gregor_possible to shut down the computer when Transmission finished downloads?02:44
Stormx2PeskyJ: No idea.02:44
saleelPeskyJ: gconf-editor?02:44
chuyDominik1, don't use sudo then, use gksudo instead, sudo works only if you are in a terminal, gksudo launches a dialog that asks you for the password02:44
ardchoillePeskyJ: run "gconf-editor" and go to apps/metacity , there are some "hidden" tweaks there02:44
Stormx2Dominik1: I went through with you TWICE that you need to substitute sudo for gksu.02:44
Dominik1Stormx2: I made the substitution but it will not work02:45
chuyDominik1, gksudo is the same as gksu02:45
PeskyJsaleel: ardchoille: aha, thanks :) I'm new to X so don't know about such commands :)02:45
Stormx2Dominik1, please pastebin the contents of the file.02:45
thiefnesshow do i determine which driver I require for my wireless card? and i will do more searching on my own, i guess02:45
ardchoillePeskyJ: :)02:45
bazhang!hcl | LinuxNewbie02:45
ubottuLinuxNewbie: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:45
pangloss!webcam | LinuxNewbie02:45
ubottuLinuxNewbie: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:45
scott_i need some help installing sound on my gateway laptop using 8.1002:45
saleelHow can I install flash 9 for opera, but not for firefox02:45
scott_intel cound card02:45
rsvpgregor_ just keep the machine on for the sake of others...02:46
chuythiefness, usb, pcmcia, pci?02:46
Ward1983i had to do sudo addgroup mythtv kmem , how do i remove the group again?02:46
Stormx2saleel: I'd start a forum thread, that sounds like quite an ordeal.02:46
chuythiefness, run lsusb02:46
chuythiefness, yes02:46
saleelStormx2: damn02:46
DVA5912pangloss, yeah i guess im ready to do code. Whats a good language to use?02:46
n8tuserWard1983-> look in /etc/group  and remove memberships02:46
panglossDVA5912: python02:46
panglossDVA5912: fidn some tutorials at python.org02:47
Stormx2pangloss, python for game creation? I'd have gone with C or C++ maybe.02:47
Dominik1Stormx2: it says Gtk-WARNING **: unable to loacate theme engine in module_ath: "ubuntulooks"02:47
chupacabraok i think sudo does more harm than good02:47
|Zippo|somebody knows how to solve rsync's problem on intrepid?02:47
panglossStormx2: you really think this kid is going to go through with it?02:47
Stormx2Dominik1: That can be ignored.02:47
Stormx2pangloss, I guess not.02:47
rsvpC is pre-mature optimization < relative to py02:47
chupacabrausers essentially have root02:47
chuyStormx2, pangloss what kind of game creation?02:47
PeskyJardchoille: looks like there's some good stuff in there - why it can't be accessible from the GUI with an "advanced" button or something I don't know02:48
Dominik1Stormx2: but thats all it does when I run the file from the terminal, it puts that out and then does nothing, I can't even type in new commands02:48
|Zippo|chupacabra: do you speak portuguese?02:48
Stormx2chuy, Dominik1 wants something graphical like Game Maker for ubuntu.02:48
saleelIs uppose blender doesnt count right02:48
Stormx2Dominik1, for the second time, can you pastebin the contents of the file you created.02:48
Dominik1Stormx2: sorry got lost02:48
Stormx2I'm ratty tonight. Can't sleep.02:49
chuyStormx2, meeh, Im almost against drag n drop applications02:49
ardchoillePeskyJ: me either. You might want to make an entry for gconf-editor in your gnome menu, easier to access that way02:49
Stormx2chupacabra, the default user has root, yeah. new users you create don't necesserily have the rights to use sudo.02:49
xxSimxxHey, where i can find the terminal history?02:49
Dominik1Stormx2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69840/02:49
scott_00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)02:49
scott_00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 03)02:49
PeskyJardchoille: good idea :)02:49
Stormx2xxSimxx: the "history" app, or ~/.bash_history02:49
scott_need help getting the audio too work on laptop02:50
vbman11so does anyone here have a GPEN200N from iogear02:50
shadowkillhi everyone02:50
pangloss!hi | shadowkill02:50
ubottushadowkill: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:50
RoosterJuicehow do you use apt-get and get install all the dependency packages too?02:50
=== francesco is now known as Guest855
vbman11so does anyone here have a GPEN200N from iogear02:50
rsvp!hi | rsvp02:50
ubottursvp, please see my private message02:50
chuyDominik1, you can prepend gksudo to the second line if you need it02:50
vbman11so does anyone here have a GPEN200N from iogear02:51
panglossRoosterJuice: apt-get will install depends for you02:51
Dominik1chuy: prepend?02:51
shadowkillI love IRC... the multiuser vim02:51
Stormx2Dominik1: Maybe gksu is stopping the pipe working properly or something.02:51
panglossRoosterJuice: sudo apt-get install <package-name>02:51
rsvphow is ubottu programmed as a bot?02:51
Dominik1Stormx2: can I code the password into the file?02:51
chupacabrafuck sudo02:51
Stormx2!ohmy | chupacabra02:51
ubottuchupacabra: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:51
pangloss!language | chupacabra02:51
augie_hey guys02:51
pangloss!hi | augie02:52
ubottuaugie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:52
chupacabraim having to fix all kinds of krap behind sudo02:52
rsvpis pangloss a bot also?02:52
Stormx2chupacabra, so enable root and stop whining.02:52
Stormx2rsvp, pangloss is not a bot afaik :)02:52
panglossrsvp: neg02:52
augie_what email client should I use, I'm quite the noob, and I've only ever used thunderbird on windows02:52
chuyDominik1, prepend is the opposite of append02:52
UmmonDoes anyone use Amarok for gapless playback?  About 95% of my files require gapless and they are not ogg or flac encoded.  I saw a tip to turn on the cross-fader to 400ms but that does not help02:52
vbman11so does anyone here have a GPEN200N from iogear02:52
sebsebsebaugie_:  that's fine you can use Thundebird in Linux02:52
chupacabraim helping installs over irc02:52
shadowkill@augie Thunderbird is just fine under Linux too02:52
Dominik1chuy: sorry for english, so I write gksudo echo 1 | tee ....02:52
chuyDominik, instead of echo blabla| gksu blabla, you do gksu echo blabla | blabla02:52
Stormx2augie_, thunderbird works perfect on linux too! Otherwise I might suggest evolution02:52
rsvpyou guys type so fast like a bot02:53
augie_ok thx02:53
chuyDominik1, yes02:53
Dominik1chuy, Stormx2: still no suces though02:53
DVA5912Anyone know if i can edit the Python Logo to add "Made With" to the top left corner of the png and be ok?02:53
xxSimxxit says the file is doesn't exist02:53
shadowkillnp augie!02:53
sebsebsebaugie_:  sudo apt-get install thunderbird02:53
Stormx2Dominik1, replace the last line with gksu "echo 1 | tee -a /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness"02:53
Stormx2Save the script, try again.02:53
chupacabraill just be sudo and the luser can be just that.  call me when you have a problem02:53
panglossxxSimxx: its there, in your home folder02:53
shadowkillanyone got a G4 PPC macmini?  I'm having a small issue02:54
panglossxxSimxx:        .bash_history02:54
augie_ok thanks guys02:54
chuy!ask > shadowkill02:54
ubottushadowkill, please see my private message02:54
panglossxxSimxx: dont forget the period in from02:54
Dominik1Stormx2: no success, the adminstrator window attempts to start, I see this in the window list, but terminates before the dialogue comes up02:54
Stormx2That usually means it doesn't need a password, as you've entered one in the last 15 mins.02:54
shadowkillthanx chuy!  I've got the wireless and it's not playing nice.  Looks like the firmware isn't loading but I've got the same fw on other machines02:55
Stormx2Dominik1, the command doesn't work? Your brightness doesn't go up?02:55
Stormx2Or whatever it is you're trying to do...02:55
shadowkillthe difference is that I'm running 7.0402:55
Dominik1Stormx2: the command does not execute, no, brightness does not change : (02:55
Marfiwhats a good video converter for ubuntu? ffmpeg isn't playing nicely with ogv for me02:55
Stormx2Dominik1: New idea!02:55
chuyshadowkill, what does playing nice mean?02:55
ubottu'Nice' is a property of a process that determines how willing it is to give CPU time to other processes.  A higher value makes it more likely to give away time.  A negative value makes it less likely. Values are from -19 to 19, with 0 being the default.  For more information, type 'man nice' at a terminal.02:56
Humbuckergood night02:56
Humbuckerand stay linux !02:56
Sinisterwhat else is there02:56
Stormx2Dominik1, one moment.02:56
Sinisteranything as nice as frostwire thats not java ?02:56
PeskyJardchoille: I managed to switch off raise on click, which is what I was looking for :)02:56
Dominik1Stormx2: the command won't execute when I paste it into the terminal either, however if I replace the gsku with ... | sudo tee and then give the pass it works flawlessly02:56
ljsoftnetis there a system monitor for the graphics card?02:56
shadowkillwhen I look in network manager says it's joining my network.  but it's not.  when I look at dmesg it says "missing fw"02:57
xxSimxxCan you give me an exemple of "period"02:57
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:57
Stormx2Dominik1, replace the 2nd line with "echo 1 >> /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness"02:57
panglossxxSimxx:    .02:57
shadowkillI've loaded the fw as per some forum posts I found on Google but no luck so far02:57
Dominik1Stormx2: that will append not overwrite02:57
TronicI need to patch ALSA driver source. What would be the easiest way to do this (i.e. without having to compile my own kernel)?02:57
Stormx2Dominik1, then in the launcher, change the command to gksu /path/to/your/script02:57
Stormx2Dominik1, yep.02:57
easotokranhyone knows how edit keyring???02:57
mkquistMarfi: avidemux?02:57
Dominik1Stormx2: we want overwrite dont we?02:57
gertrudeHello. I'm a nice bot. Try ?help02:58
Marfimkquist, ill try it, ty02:58
Stormx2Dominik1, your original command used tee -a, the -a flag appends.02:58
xxSimxxcommand not found :D02:58
shadowkillis there a nice FAQ for this channel so I don't seem like such a noob?02:58
nemnochlmao @ sim02:58
panglossxxSimxx: the file you are looking for is    .bash_history   in your home folder.....02:58
Stormx2shadowkill: /topic02:58
ardchoillePeskyJ: Nice little config app, eh? :)02:59
Stormx2shadowkill: You're doing fine though, don't worry :)02:59
panglossxxSimxx: copy and paste this into terminal       less ~/.bash_history02:59
juttjoebodo thanks for your help...no more screen flickering/flashing for me02:59
nemnochman i can't wait til I get to work on my MSN bot project at work again...02:59
shadowkillok thanks storm02:59
kyle205easotokr: System > Preferences > Encryption and Keyrings02:59
Stormx2nemnoch: I've been down that route ^^02:59
ljsoftnetis there a system monitor for the graphics card?03:00
kyle205easotokr: Then stay on the tab it opens into03:00
PeskyJardchoille: yeah.. the exact behaviour I waaant isn't possible.. which is that even dragging windows by their title bar doesn't raise them03:00
kyle205easotokr: no problem03:00
=== Kabaka[A] is now known as Kabaka
nemnochstormx2:  yeah it's fun...03:00
Dominik1Stormx2: no luck : (, I have laucher that points to my shell now and it didn't change birghtness03:00
|Zippo|what the software to create encrypted directories on Intrepid?03:00
chuyMarfi, ffmpeg2theora03:00
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume03:00
pangloss!truecrypt | |Zippo|03:01
ubottu|Zippo|: please see above03:01
Stormx2Dominik1: Gah! what command did you enter into the launcher?03:01
jpablanchesir/madam is it important to update your ubuntu why?03:01
chuyMarfi, This package provides a command-line tool to encode/recode various video formats (basically everything that ffmpeg can read) into Theora03:01
nemnochstormx2:  i have been working on it the evil .NET and let me tell you asynchronous connection are a pain in the ass to deal with in .NET03:01
Dominik1Stormx2: gsku Brightness_1.sh03:01
Stormx2Dominik1, is Brightness_1.sh in your PATH?03:01
panglossjpablanche: better hardware support (sometimes), new programs and features03:01
shadowkillyes it's very important to keep you system up to date.  Viruses and worms aren't just a Windows thing! ;)03:01
Stormx2shadowkill: Mostly a windows thing :P03:02
Dominik1Stormx2: both laucher and shell on desktop03:02
jpablancheokay thank you people03:02
joebodosecurity also...03:02
Stormx2Dominik1: Use a full path to your shell script. gksu /home/you/Desktop/Brightness_1.sh03:02
jpablanchei have 224 updates right now maybe i have to update mine03:02
thiefnessoh well it seems that i need to install 8.04 instead of 8.10 to use my wireless card, how unfortunate, i really like 8.10 :(03:02
Dominik1Stormx2: I even replaced the path with file:///home/lisa/Desktop/Brightness_1.sh no luck03:02
Stormx2Try without the file:// prefix.03:03
PeskyJwow, this is so cool... I can zoom right in by holding the super-key and scrolling the mouse-wheel!! fantastic!03:03
Stormx2PeskyJ, :)03:03
shadowkillI'll sum up my question in one line-- G4 PPC running 7.04 doesn't seem to want to use the fw that I've DL'ed and I know it's the BCM43xx fw.  I've followed the advice in the forums no luck so far.03:03
kurohow do i create a byte byte copy from one partition to another on the same HD03:03
joebodopeskyj nice - just tried that03:03
Marfichuy, i tried ffmpeg2theora, but it wouldn't out avi03:03
shadowkillkuro: use dd03:03
chuykuro, dd03:03
nemnochcan anyone give me a quick run down of GIMP vs Adobe CS?03:03
udunnoi removed network-manager and then couldn't access the net now. i'm now using a live cd to get online. how do i rescue my ubuntu?03:03
panglossshadowkill: have you tried to blacklist ndiswrapper?03:03
nemnochor are they pretty much the same?03:03
PeskyJI also noticed earlier that playing videos update the thumbnails in the alt-tab switcher... awesome!03:04
chuyMarfi, im just outing an ogv right now without problem03:04
panglossnemnoch: GIMP = Free, adobe + $$$03:04
Stormx2kuro, it wouldn't be byte-for-byte, but cp -av is very good at copying all stuff.03:04
shadowkillpangloss: nope I haven't03:04
mastrgamradobe = free is u know how03:04
nemnochadobe = cracked ;)03:04
jpablancheim using pidgin where can i find the logs what directory?03:04
gertrudeHello. I'm a nice bot. Try ?help03:04
kurochuy, shadowkill:  what options would you suggest03:04
chuyMarfi, ffmpeg2theora Piazza_San_Marco.ogv -o output.avi          , I have yet to check if it works correctly03:04
shadowkillkuro: just use dd from the command line03:04
Flannelnemnoch: You mean photoshop, and there's a lot of comparisons on the net, I don't see any that appear comprehensive though.03:04
Stormx2jpablanche, read the pidgin FAQ, it's on their website.03:04
ljsoftnetis there a system monitor for the graphics card?03:04
superjermis anyone in here familiar with the ubuntu 8.04 upgrade to 8.10 and network manager messing up a wired internet connection?03:05
nemnochflannel:  my friend told me they are pretty much the same...03:05
joebodoljsoftnet i believe lmsensors might give you some info03:05
panglossshadowkill: try editing your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:05
Marfichuy, thank ya, im a little slow tonight. =)03:05
chuykuro, check the manual, otherwise you just use if and of03:05
PeskyJljsoftnet: that would be cool... on mine (using th eproprietary nvidia drivers) the best you can do is check the GPU temperature... as far as I've found anyway03:05
alesanhey how do I enable the fact that I can paste a URL in firefox anywhere in the window and have that URL loaded?03:05
panglossshadowkill: add on the bottom,   blacklist ndiswrapper03:05
shadowkillpangloss: hmmm, ok.. I'll go give that a try03:05
kurochuy:  thanks03:06
alesaneverytime I upgrade ubuntu I always have to fix this annoying setting03:06
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, how do i do it?03:06
Marfichuy, and that works. ty!  =)03:06
pangloss!hi | carbon_monoxide03:06
ubottucarbon_monoxide: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:06
OntologOpenOffice 3.0!03:07
OntologWhere is it?03:07
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
Stormx2Ontolog, not in 8.10!03:07
panglossOntolog: www.openoffice.org03:07
OntologYou know I love Ubuntu except for one thing, getting new versions of packages takes way too long.03:07
carbon_monoxideHi pangloss03:07
FlannelOntolog: Not in Intrepid, It's in Jaunty, and will be in intrepid backports soon enough.03:07
chuyMarfi, I just ran file on the file and it says its an OGG Theora video file, you should use -f option to specify the format03:07
PeskyJljsoftnet: in system->preferences->main menu - you can add something called "control centre" to the "system" menu...03:07
nemnochdoes anyone know how to capture wireless packets for aircrack?03:07
OntologFlannel: You're saying with my existing Ubuntu I can never upgrade to 3.0?03:07
thiefnessis there a way to get the intrepid ibex theme on 8.04? :(03:07
shadowkillpangloss: rebooting now...03:07
panglossshadowkill: word03:08
Marfichuy, ffmpeg2theora file.ogv -o file.avi works fine for me03:08
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:08
PeskyJljsoftnet: do that then run control centre, it's like th epreferences menu but it has an nvidia thingy too where you can check out graphics card info03:08
FlannelOntolog: Only though backports.  The "officially" supported repositories, (intrepid, intrepid-security, intrepid-updates) no.03:08
alesanFlannel, do you know where I can find the "presentation" email of "jaunty"?03:08
nemnochi went and got the wireless drivers that allow injection.03:08
shadowkillnemnoch: use ethereal and then replay the packets against03:08
xxSimxxIts possible to find a log with all compilation error?03:08
=== burningdown is now known as Datanetworks2008
nemnochthanks shadow03:08
m1dn1ghtHi - can someone tell me how to configure firefox so I can open .rar files direct from the browser?  i.e  not having to save, go to directory03:09
DVA5912jez and i though php was simple python aint got nothing on it03:09
noksiousHello i run linux ubuntu 7.10 when i try to ./configure my eggdrop i have this error ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69845/ ) can somebody help me please?03:09
kuroI use 'dd if=/ of=/media/disk' and get 'dd: opening `/media/disk': Is a directory' and then it stops03:09
brettleyhey is anyone good with the modifying the Live CD?03:09
panglossm1dn1ght: when you click on the file, click "open with" not "save as"03:10
Flannelalesan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2008-September/000481.html03:10
OntologFlannel: How do I get Jaunty?03:10
noksiousi think i don't have tcl how to install that tcl ?03:10
FlannelOntolog: Jaunty will be released in April03:10
rsvpwhat's better than xterm?03:10
rsvpfor CLI?03:10
Ontologholy crap03:10
joebodoOntolog http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=607984703:10
OntologFlannel: should I switch back to Gentoo? :(03:11
superjermis anyone in here familiar with the ubuntu 8.04 upgrade to 8.10 and network manager messing up a wired internet connection? Network was working perfectly fine until i did the upgrade03:11
noksiousHello i run linux ubuntu 7.10 when i try to ./configure my eggdrop i have this error ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69845/ ) can somebody help me please?03:11
xorlimrsvp: Gnome terminal or Konsole.03:11
pangloss!repeat | noksious03:11
ubottunoksious: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:11
m1dn1ghtpangloss: Yeah - that's what I would generally do.  I highlight "Open with archive manager (default)" but get the error message: archive.rar could not be opened because the associated helper application does not exist etc.03:11
FlannelOntolog: Again, 3.0 will be in backports, and I believe there's actually a PPA of it at the moment as well.03:11
rsvpxorlim thanks03:11
ljsoftnetPeskJ, i don't see anything use in there03:12
FlannelOntolog: 3.0 was released far too late (and at the time, was still somewhat unstable) for its inclusion in Intrepid.03:12
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, i don't see anything use in there03:12
carbon_monoxideis bcm4312(rev01) working on hardy?03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm431203:12
OntologFlannel: how do I get Intrepid?03:12
pangloss!wireless | carbon_monoxide03:13
ubottucarbon_monoxide: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:13
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:13
FlannelOntolog: Intrepid is Ubuntu 8.10, you download it and install fresh, or upgrade to it from 8.0403:13
IkynnHey guys - WinXP user, running Ubuntu 8.10 in Virtual PC 2007, and I'm wondering where there's a good noob FAQ on compiling (using the "make" command) files/folders, etc.03:13
LordCAnyone have any experience with xorg? My HDTV is overscanning.  The screen is off to the right, so I miss half of the display. I managed to get it fixed in Hardy but Intrepid broke it. Basically last time I got my HDMI connection to use resolution 1280x768 but now I can't override the default 1280x72003:13
carbon_monoxidepangloss: i can't find bcm4312 in "drivers" page03:13
panglosscarbon_monoxide: your driver is bcm43xx03:13
=== __hase is now known as _hase
* Narcissus gives joebodo a taxi03:13
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:13
* cosmo__ gives joebodo :joebodo!n=joebodo@c-67-191-190-9.hsd1.ga.comcast.net PRIVMSG #ubuntu :-!make, and - what can you make of them?03:13
* Narcissus gives cosmo__ Lenin's Collected Works03:13
Ikynnthanks joe03:14
techman224-linuxHey how do I install the mysql libaries?03:14
LeonSquallI'd like to know is ubuntu suitable for gaming also? Not only for office use03:14
FlannelLeonSquall: It is.03:14
PeskyJljsoftnet: I have "Nvidia X Server Settings" - perhaps yu don't have it, you need to use the update manager to updated to the latest "proprietary" nvidia driver, I imagine it's the driver that adds this entry so perhaps your driver doesn't have that feature03:14
pangloss!lamp | techman224-linux03:14
ubottutechman224-linux: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:14
techman224-linuxPangloss: On the Desktop version03:15
noksiousHello i run linux ubuntu 7.10 when i try to ./configure my eggdrop i have this error ( http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/69845/ ) can somebody help me please dudes help me :| :(03:15
LeonSquallreally? can you ppl tell me what games are supported?03:15
carbon_monoxidethanks pangloss!03:15
Flannel!games | LeonSquall03:15
ubottuLeonSquall: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:15
joebodoLeonSquall i dont have good luck with wine and some games03:15
superjermnoksious: from that it seems you need to install tcl03:15
noksioussuperjerm, yes i know but what tcl :| which one ?03:15
panglosstechman224-linux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing%20MYSQL%20with%20PHP%20503:15
_haseI am  wondering if anyone here would be able to help me get the drivers for my video card installed, I've been researching on the ubuntu forums and it looks like for the card I have, [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] there is a way to get direct rendering but all of the packages the tutorials say to download seem to be missing from synaptic03:15
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, i already have "Nvidia X Server Settings" i browse on it, where do i monitor the graphics card?03:16
m1dn1ghtnoksious: have you tried "sudo apt-get install tcl"03:16
pangloss!hi | lain_wired03:16
ubottulain_wired: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:16
jtismewhat is the screencast player in ubuntu03:16
lain_wiredI'm currently on Ubuntu, and I want to setup a DamnSmallLinux USB stick. I'm not sure if there's some formatting required.03:16
joebodo_hase what video card ?03:17
Flannellain_wired: You'd probably have the most luck checking the DSL instructions on putting it on a USB stick03:17
LordCI never get a response to this problem over IRC or in forums. I've spent hours/days searching the web, and trying different stuff. I really don't know what else to try right  now03:17
LeonSqualljust the thing i needed! tnx again ppl03:17
PeskyJljsoftnet: Under GPU0 there is "Thermal Monitor" - that's as much as you can do with this driver03:17
superjermnoksious i have an eggdrop running, and it appears i have tclsh8.4 installed03:17
jpablanchecan i play online games in ubuntu?03:17
m1dn1ghtlain_wired: pendrivelinux.com has tutorials for loads of distro thumbdrives, including dsl03:17
_haseI am using the ProSavage8 KM266/KL266 joebodo03:17
superjermnoksious i would assume you can go ahead and look for that with apt, and hopefully that will fix your issue03:17
joebodo_hase sorry - i overlooked that :)03:17
noksiousok thx03:17
LordC!games jpablanche03:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:17
Flannel!games | jpablanche03:18
ubottujpablanche: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php03:18
Flanneljpablanche: And you can also play flash, etc games.03:18
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager03:18
jpablancheyes could anyony here use cedega?03:18
rsvpwhat's the diff between hda1 and hda5 on /dev ????03:18
superjermwell thats isn't really a help for me03:18
m1dn1ghtrsvp: different partitions on the same hd03:18
ubottugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.03:18
Flannelrsvp: one is the first partition (and a primary partition) the other (hda5) is a logical partition03:18
panglossrsvp: hda1 is root, hda5 is logical03:18
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde403:18
lain_wiredm1dn1ght, i checked there, it's only got install stuff for windows. :(03:18
m1dn1ghtlain_wired: really?  Let me check quickly for a tutorial.  I know I followed one03:19
noksioussuperjerm, danke dude :) :* :D03:19
rsvpthanks all :: if I do a smartctl , do I perform that on both hda1 and hda5 ?03:19
lain_wiredm1dn1ght, kay03:20
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, there's no "Thermal Monitor"03:20
Flannelrsvp: Thats on the physical drives themselves (sda)03:20
PeskyJljsoftnet: I guess your nvidia driver doesn't have that feature then03:20
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, ah ok, thanks03:20
PeskyJljsoftnet: this is something that could only be done in the graphics card driver, soyou could pester nvidia for that feature in their linux drivers if you  like :)03:21
easotokrfinally I solved!!! sorry but I'm happy03:21
augie_hey guys, there's this compiz effect that enables you to change the opacity of any window on the fly by scrolling while holding alt03:21
augie_does anyone know what it's called?03:21
augie_the names in sscm is not very suggestive03:21
panglossaugie_: /join #compiz03:22
rsvpso that means something like "smartctl -i /dev/sda"  (thanks Flannel for your help yesterday)03:22
easotokrsomeone lost menubar icons into file-roller???03:22
ljsoftnetPeskyJ, i don't understand what your saying?03:22
Flannelrsvp: Yeah, exactly like that03:22
Flannelrsvp: well, with whatever smartctl parameters youre passing03:22
saleelis it just me or does the synaptic search suck on ibex?03:23
PeskyJljsoftnet: since nvidia are the people who write the driver, you can only request that feature from nvidia03:23
rsvpcool... so sda will end up checking both hda1 and hda5, right?03:23
ljsoftnetPeskyJ: ah ok03:23
panglossrsvp: try it out =)03:23
m1dn1ghtlain_wired: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_a_USB_Flash_Drive03:23
m1dn1ghtlain_wired: linux instructions on that page03:23
lianimatorhow do I access shared folders on a vista machine through samba? smb:/// does not show anything.03:24
=== Datanetworks2008 is now known as Datanetworks
m1dn1ghtlain_wired: easiest method if you have a spare cd is to boot a dsl live cd and install using DSL's own thumbdrive installer03:24
lain_wiredOh. Hahah, well that sounds simpler.03:24
joebodolianimator i have to do smb://192.168.0.xxx/Share (where Share is the name of the shared folder)03:25
rsvphere's a factoid I found yesterday from wikipedia:  smartctl is only 30% reliable in predicting hard drive failure < interesting,03:25
superjermanyone know how to get ubuntu 8.10 connected via lan, im having problems after upgrading from 8.0403:25
superjermconnected to wired network off router*03:25
=== Datanetworks is now known as DN2008
threexkhello.  Why are there software updates named "command-not-found" and "command-not-found-data", with no description?03:25
panglossthreexk: lol, what?03:26
threexkpangloss: that's what I see in Update Manager, among 12 other valid-looking updates03:26
thiefnessssWhy am I getting this error when trying to install my nvidia driver? sh: Can't open NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.80-pkg1.run03:26
threexkpangloss: they have no description03:26
rsvp... and the google farm does not rely entirely on SMART parameters for failure diagnosis.03:26
panglossthreexk: hm, what repo?03:27
threexkpangloss: "This package will install handler for command_not_found that lookups programs not currently installed but available from the repositories"03:27
m1dn1ghtlianimator: I use Places > Connect to server and do pretty much the same as joebodo suggested, except in there you can select "add bookmark" so you won't have to keep typing in the ip address03:27
Shane7xCan someone help me ?03:27
lianimatorjoebodo: m1dn1ght: thanks. I got it03:28
pangloss!ask | Shane7x03:28
ubottuShane7x: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:28
m1dn1ghtShane7x:  Ask the question, don't ask to ask.03:28
m1dn1ghtlianimator: No worries03:28
easotokrlooking for help with icons into applications03:28
Shane7xCan someone help me figure out why my mic wont work on xubuntu , in msn, or userplane chat?03:28
joebodo!help | easotkr03:28
ubottueasotkr: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:28
saleelhow to intall 2 versions of flash plugin for 2 different browsers?03:28
matthias__ziroday:  hi got some time03:28
m1dn1ghteasotokr: what exactly do you mean?03:29
threexkpangloss: I am using "main" and "restricted"03:29
lianimatoris there way to see what folders are shared? or I need to know their name exactly?03:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:29
threexkpangloss: I am not using "multiverse" or "universe"03:29
shadowwulfAMD64 dual core on ubuntu 8.10 ... i have no log on screen ... but live CD works ... suggestions ?03:29
panglossthreexk: then I really wouldn't worry about doing it03:29
shadowwulfno log on screen after install03:29
saleelthreexk: check you /etc/apt/surces.list03:30
threexkapparently command_not_found is a legit module:03:30
joebodolianimator youll probably need to configure samba - the ip address / share name is the quick and dirty method03:30
m1dn1ghtlianimator: I don't have a windows machine to check on, but I *think* knowing the name of the folder makes life easier as on my gf's home network I couldn't just browse the network.03:30
threexker, package03:30
lianimatorjoebodo: the clean way would be to configure samba?03:31
lianimatorm1dn1ght: before, I was able to browse the folders under places->network03:31
hosstestAnyone have thoughts on DreamLinux?03:31
matthias__anybody knows really good how to install broadcom driveres and troubleshooting them03:31
shadowwulfAMD64 dual core on ubuntu 8.10 ... i have no log on screen after install... but live CD works ... suggestions ?03:31
lianimatorjoebodo, m1dn1ght. it's okay. I've bookmarks all the folders now03:32
xxSimxxHi i have 2 compilation error with my alsa driver (alc888 Realtek)03:32
pangloss!topic | hosstest03:32
ubottuhosstest: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:32
hosstest!spam | pangloss03:32
ubottupangloss: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...03:32
pangloss!offtopic this isnt for talking about dreamlinux | hosstest03:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:33
pangloss!offtopic | hosstest03:33
ubottuhosstest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:33
TeslaDaveHi all, tried upgraded fresh install to 8.10 ran into a problem with system telling me to enable a "Tomnu" or something like that memory hole in my bios, anyone familiar with this?03:33
matthias__i have installed 8.10 and as well package ndiswrapper and ndiskgt somewthing and will install the driver but 1 some doubts03:34
matthias__how can i know if i have the correct driver for my card ...03:35
musikgoatmatthias__: does it work?03:35
shadowwulfAMD64 dual core on ubuntu 8.10 ... i have no log on screen ... but live CD works ... suggestions ?03:35
sebsebsebmatthias__:   yep if  your crappy wireless thing has no native driver,  your only hope is ndiswrapper03:35
musikgoatmatthias__: cause then i would say its an ok driver ;-)03:36
musikgoatshadowwulf: what do you see when you boot?03:36
TeslaDaveshaowwolf i believe i have a simmiliar problem, my system asks for something with enabling a memory hole03:36
_haseI'm still trying to find a solution to my savage video card problem, I found a website with dri images but I don't know which one to go with or which linux header to install03:36
matthias__musikgoat:  ndiswrapper is the only one to rely on03:36
shadowwulfgoes thru the whole boot and when it gets to the log in screen it just stops with a scrambled screen03:36
musikgoatmatthias__: sebsebseb is right03:37
matthias__musikgoat:  darn i think it will fail then ...03:37
sebsebsebmatthias__:   what wireless thing are you trying to get working exactly?03:37
shadowwulfhalf of the screen has the desktop and half of the screen says a double ubuntu03:37
matthias__sebsebseb:  bcm43xx03:38
sebsebsebmatthias__:   I mean is that built into your lap top?03:38
pooronet_format STDOUT for limit stdout at 5 lines ?03:38
matthias__sebsebseb:  yes03:38
sebsebsebmatthias__:   so you can't just change it for something else?03:38
matthias__sebsebseb:  worked in hardy but seems to fail in version ...03:38
musikgoatshadowwulf: do you get the login screen before the desktop? is that fine?03:38
phrostbiteDoes anybody know of a cd burning program that can also convert the mp3 before burning to wav so it can be played in any cd player03:39
shadowwulfno i did not03:39
brettleydoes anyone know how to change the apearance of an ubuntu like cd?03:39
shadowwulfit never makes it to the log in screen03:39
brianhermanphrostbite: can you rephrase the question03:39
brianhermanphrostbite: i dont understand03:39
sebsebsebmatthias__:   ok well Intrepid Ibex hardly has anything that is worth the upgrade really for many Hardy users.  also Hardy is LTS so 3 years of supopurt.  where as ibex only 1 year and a half.03:39
shadowwulfbut i did install 8.04 and upgraded with the same result03:39
sebsebsebmatthias__:   and their is nothing wrong with downgrading from Intrepid Ibex to Hardy Heron03:39
sebsebsebmatthias__: especially if your wireless will work their03:40
m1dn1ghtphrostbite:  I'm pretty sure k3b can do that03:40
pooronet_format STDOUT = ??? for limit out at 5 lines please....03:40
phrostbiteWell most programs when you burn an audio cd it burns it as a audio mp3 cd. Well the stereo in my car can't play mp3, so is there one that can make it so you can play it there.03:40
sebsebsebmatthias__:   also if you want  Intrepid Ibex as well,   once you got hardy on there, but your wireless to work with Intrepid I have an idea03:40
jimdbyou mean it burns it as a data cd.03:41
m1dn1ghtphrostbite: Yeah, I think if you drag mp3s into an audio cd project in k3b that does the trick, but it's been a while since I did that so I might be wrong03:41
Lachlancan somebody tell me the root password for a 7.10 live cd03:41
matthias__sebsebseb:  i will be here for a while but i have some poblems with high cpu usage in hardy when seeing movies ..., go on ...03:41
FlannelLachlan: there is no root password, the root account is locked.03:41
pooronet_Lachlan: no root password on live03:41
augie_hey guys, the first time I ran ibex after I installed it there's a notice that says that my battery is old or broken and now I'm noticing that ubuntu uses up battery much faster than xp03:41
matthias__sebsebseb: continue03:41
augie_is it a problem with the battery applet?03:41
Lachlanso on the live i can only use sudo?03:41
FlannelLachlan: On real installs only use sudo as well.  Ubuntu doesn't use the root login03:42
sebsebsebmatthias__: does your computer have Windows on it as well?03:42
matthias__sebsebseb:  nop, i do not like windows03:42
dreamnidLachlan: Yeah, but you can do "sudo -s" if you want something similar to su03:42
pooronet_Lachlan: sudo -s03:42
shadowwulfmusikgoat: suggestions ?03:43
musikgoatshadowwulf: hit ctrl+alt+f2 to see if you can get a functional command line, login03:43
anakronHi all03:43
matthias__sebsebseb:  but i have  the OS, you mean run as virtual ...03:43
sebsebsebmatthias__: well my suggestion was to put  Hardy back on,  and then put  Ibex in a virtual machine,  and then your vm will use hardy for wireless03:43
musikgoatshadowwulf: what kind of video card?03:43
shadowwulfnvidia 880003:43
sebsebsebmatthias__: also you can try some other distros from Live CD and they  may run better on your computer03:43
IkynnIs there a good reference for intrepid where I can compare commands done in the GUI with their counterparts listed in command for the terminal?03:43
matthias__sebsebseb:  ok03:44
n8tuserIkynn-> what are you trying to compare?03:44
shadowwulfno go on the ctrl alt f2 ... looks like it froze up03:44
midwestwardi have a pretty strange problem. i need to transfer about 13gb of files from one machine to another. but, the network is set up so that i need to ssh into a third machine from my laptop to access the files. i cannot transfer the files to the third machine. is there a clever way to scp these files to my laptop?03:44
sebsebsebmatthias__:   Fedora Core,  OpenSuse,  uhmmmmmmm  Elive I guess as well :D   Mandriva     so on those are good distros to try03:44
matthias__sebsebseb:  will fight for a while and see if i can get it running afterall i have made an clean install today03:44
IkynnWell - I can just click, double-click, etc on icons - but I want to know what commands I'm using by clicking, so I can switch to using a command line03:45
Flannelshadowwulf: Do the capslock/numlock/scrolllock lights change on your keyboard?03:45
n8tusermidwestward-> move the hd over? then copy internally?03:45
shadowwulfno they do not ... not at this time03:45
giacomo_chow do i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10... is it just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?03:45
Flannelshadowwulf: alright, try restarting this way (its safer than a hard power down): hold alt-sysrq, then slowly push r e i s u b03:45
shadowwulflooks like i will have to reset to get it work reboot03:45
midwestwardn8tuser: that is a good idea. but i can't put the hdd in my laptop03:45
Flannel!upgrade | giacomo_c03:45
ubottugiacomo_c: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:45
matthias__sebsebseb:  thanks anyway, but i am looking for people to fight for ubuntu not turn them down, but i understand ..., i wanna fight a bit before thinking of changing distro ...03:46
n8tusermidwestward-> there are those usb adapters...but its up to you03:46
pvl1can i get that scroll with the middle mouse button so that when u press it, arrows come up, and you move your mouse into the direction that you would like scroll?03:46
shadowwulfrebooted ... at the menu choices03:46
seaofteaAny one know how to setup file associations in firefox?  For example I want nzb files to open with pan e.g. "pan --nzb file.nzb -o /downloads?03:46
linuxpoetanyone here have a dell 1535 that has been able to get sound recording working03:46
midwestwardn8tuser: i'm pretty sure they don't want me opening up this box.03:47
Flannelmatthias__: There's nothing wrong with sticking with 8.04, it'll be supported into 2011.03:47
midwestwardis there anyway to scp through a third machine?03:47
m1dn1ghtgiacomo_c: can be done in the update manager pretty easily too.  I have a little button in hardy's update manager at the top saying "New Distribution Release 8.10 available"03:47
linuxpoetmidwestward: you mean in one action?03:47
musikgoatshadowwulf: can you get into hardy recovery?03:47
thiefnessHow do you change the computer name ?03:48
linuxpoetmidwestward: e.g; ssh foo@bar "scp foo@baz:gotttle.tar.gz ."03:48
Flannel!hostname | thiefness03:48
sebsebsebmatthias__:  see my PM03:48
shadowwulfyes i can go either inot normal boot or (recovery mode)03:48
linuxpoetnever trieed it03:48
ubottuthiefness: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab03:48
Ikynnn8tuser: Well, I can manipulate files by clicking, double-clicking, etc - but I want to know the command line commands for what I'm doing with the mouse, and all I'd like is a chart that compares the two03:48
=== meoblast001 is now known as meoblast_pwns_pp
sebsebsebFlannel: yeah, but  he also had an issue with hardy03:48
shadowwulfsitting at the menu with the choice of normal boot or recovery mode03:49
=== meoblast_pwns_pp is now known as meoblast001
KumoNeed some help with video playback03:49
midwestwardlinuxpoet: would that not move the files onto the third machine?03:49
cinexin my grub.lst the uuid listed as the root parition doesn't match the uuid in /dev/disks/by-uuid even thought i haven't changed anything.03:49
cinexis this normal ?03:49
n8tuserIkynn-> you can find out the command line behind an icon most of the time,  right click on the icon03:49
cinexi have reinstalled grub though03:49
chuy!ask > Kumo03:49
ubottuKumo, please see my private message03:49
cinexignore me03:50
cinexim full of crap03:50
melgoHey people, how do I disable networkmanager/nmapplet? I don't see it under System -> Administration -> Services. I'm basically using GnomePPP/wvdial to manage my dial-up connection much better than what nm-applet offers.03:50
KumoDVD's won't playback in Movie Player, VLC, or Dragonplayer.  Why?03:50
musikgoatshadowwulf: can you get into recovery mode?03:50
shadowwulfi am booting now into it03:50
Ikynnn8tuser: I kind of figured that out already - but I'm brand-new to Linux in general, and it's more of an exercise of learning the syntax at the same time - perhaps a good tutorial for Linux syntax as it applies in Intrepid?03:50
FluffyLuffydownload codecs03:51
shadowwulfit dropped me into a recovery menu03:51
m1dn1ghtKumo: google "enable dvd playback ubuntu" - lots of guides03:51
thiefnessohhhh gross, theres an nvidia subliminal message splash screen that shows before the GDM login, how do i disable that?03:51
KumoI was under the impression that those players had the codecs for DVD03:51
dtomHi, I;m trying to install virtualbox on a server running ubuntu 8.04 server x64. It's complaining that it cant find the kernel headers for my kernel: and I cant seem to find them in aptitude. Is there some other place I can find them?03:51
n8tuserIkynn-> most command have man pages, so  man  dpkg    for example03:51
m1dn1ghtKumo: need certain packages/libraries that don't come with ubuntu for licensing reasons03:51
n8tuserIkynn-> man as in manual03:52
chuy!dvd > Kumo03:52
ubottuKumo, please see my private message03:52
xxSimxxAny can help me with my driver installation (Realtek HD alc888)?03:52
n8tuserIkynn-> try also  man man03:52
Ikynnn8tuser: Ok, thanks! I'll play around with the man command a bit03:52
IkynnI could make a dirty joke, but I'll resist just this once :-P03:52
n8tuserIkynn-> you're welcome, i hope you enjoy it03:52
jimdbkumo:  really there are no commercial dvd codecs available for ANY OS free of charge.  Under windows you have to pay for a dvd playback program and that comes with a codec.  A basic install of windows will not provide you with the abiity to play back dvds.03:54
shadowwulfi am at the recovery menu with 4 choices ...03:54
musikgoatshadowwulf: sorry, root03:54
shadowwulfi am in root03:54
spolvidHow do I find my kernel image?03:55
spolvidI'm trying to configure GRUB.03:55
Ikynnn8tuser: How do I exit out of a manual page, in the terminal?03:55
n8tuserIkynn-> q for quit03:56
m1dn1ghtikonia: press q03:56
m1dn1ghtikonia: sorry - not for you.  pressed tab too soon :P03:56
Ikynndid I mention I'm brand-new?03:56
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages03:56
m1dn1ghtIkynn: beats being old an cynical03:56
musikgoatshadowwulf: type glxinfo | grep "direct"03:56
Ikynnwell I'm working on that too :-P03:57
musikgoatshadowwulf: does it give you a yes?03:57
n8tuserIkynn-> if you want to see most of the commands available, press tab twice in a terminal ..should be a few thousand to be listed03:57
shadowwulfit gives me a unable to open display03:57
IkynnWell I guess I have my reading cut out for me for the next decade...03:57
shadowwulferror: unable to open display03:57
FlannelIkynn: not really.  You'll pick it up fast.  https://help.ubuntu.com is a pretty good resource for common tasks03:58
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jimdbspolvid: in a terminal type uname -r03:58
shadowwulfIkynn: well at least you wojnt worry about windows changng the OS on you so you have relearn it03:58
jimdbspolvid: then under /boot you should find the images and the grub folder.03:58
DVA5912I have multiple users on this pc is there anyway to broadcast a system wide message that users will get when they login?03:59
shadowwulfmusikgoat: ???04:01
thiefnesswhy is it that after I installed my nvidia driver and restarted the driver loaded and ran fine, but now that I restart again, the driver did not load, but instead my computer started with vesa04:01
IkynnOk, so I'm trying to compile a program on my desktop that has a makefile.in file in the folder. How do I execute that in the command line?04:01
Flannel!compile | Ikynn04:01
ubottuIkynn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:01
techqbertSo is it safe to mount a ntfs-3g partition if I've installed Ubuntu by Wubi?04:01
FlannelIkynn: What are you trying to compile?04:01
FlannelIkynn: Whats wrong with the one in the repositories?04:02
m1dn1ghtIkynn: why not just sudo apt-get install kismet?04:02
Flannel!synaptic | Ikynn04:02
ubottuIkynn: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:02
m1dn1ghtIkynn: or are you some kind of masochist who enjoys compiling? :)04:02
n8tuserDVA5912-> you can add it in /etc/issue04:02
IkynnI'm just following directions from the Kismet site04:02
spolvidHow can I find my kernel for configuring GRUB?04:03
FlannelIkynn: Ah, you'll be better off just using the one in the repositories04:03
Ikynnin all honesty I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's all in a Virtual PC, so if I screw up, no matter04:03
thiefnesshow come I can't type anything into the bssids field in my wireless network configuration?04:03
Flannelspolvid: What rae you trying to accomplish?04:03
n8tuserspolvid-> first do a uname -r04:03
m1dn1ghtIkynn: just download the package and skip over the section about compiling - save yourself the headache04:03
musikgoatshadowwulf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:03
n8tuserspolvid-> then look for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:03
Ikynnwhich one of the links is the one regarding the package, again?04:04
m1dn1ghtIkynn: sudo apt-get install kismet?04:04
Ikynnrgr, will try04:04
FlannelIkynn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:04
spolvidn8tuser: Where should I be looking?04:04
musikgoatshadowwulf: i would make sure your nvidia drivers are installed, !nvidia, but i've got to go04:04
Flannelspolvid: What are you trying to do with them?04:04
yclianever since I have upgraded to 8.10, my nm-applet icon is no longer shown in the taskbar.. and running it doesn't popup either.04:04
musikgoatshadowwulf: gl04:04
IkynnThanks guys - this chan rocks my socks off!04:04
n8tuserspolvid-> then look for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst file04:04
yclianhow can I report / fix thid?04:04
spolvidFlannel: Just to get GRUB to boot Ubuntu. RIght now it just sits there.04:04
shadowwulfthankx musikgoat04:04
Dominik1wow setting up linux is hard04:05
Flannelspolvid: Ah.  hit 'e' at the grub menu and you can edit the entries right there (greatly reduces shotgun debugging time)04:05
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FluxDI have a question. Ubuntu is developed from Debian unstable. When does the freeze for import from debian occur?04:05
spolvidOk, I'll try that.04:06
shadowwulfanybody else that pick up where musikgoat left off ?04:06
FlannelFluxD: Its not quite developed straight from it, although early in the development process there is a lot of importing.  But see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule  (December 25, Debian Import Freeze)04:07
IkynnThe first user I create in Ubuntu is not the root account, right?04:07
FlannelIkynn: correct.  You don't use the root account in Ubuntu04:07
m1dn1ghtIkynn: correct04:07
FluxDFlannel, what about Intrepid?04:08
lain_wiredI was here just before, and just in case anyone wonders, I got DSL to work. It's really remarkable.04:08
IkynnWhat if I have a program that needs root access?04:08
FlannelFluxD: Intrepid is already released.  But, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule04:08
m1dn1ghtIkynn, Just use sudo for anything requiring root access, or "sudo su" for a persistent root prompt04:08
thiefnesswhy is it that after I installed my nvidia driver and restarted the driver loaded and ran fine, but now that I restart again, the driver did not load, but instead my computer started with vesa04:08
Flannelm1dn1ght, Ikynn: sudo -i is better04:08
m1dn1ghtikonia: yeah - what flannel said04:09
FlannelBut, you'll find you don'tneed a root shell often, if at all.04:09
lain_wiredAlso, a tip if you don't want to add "sudo" to every command during a terminal sessiom: use "sudo -i"04:09
m1dn1ghtIkynn, : yeah - what flannel said04:09
FluxDFlannel, so DebianImportFreeze means after that no packages from debian unstable is copied over?04:09
shadowwulfcan anybody help me on a logon screen scarmble ?04:09
m1dn1ghtIkynn: also - if you want to manipulate files as root using the gui you can "sudo nautilus"04:09
FlannelFluxD: There are always exceptions, but as a rule, correct.  Also, there are still updates, etc, after that.04:09
thiefnessshadowwulf:  how ironic that you scrambled the letters of 'scramble'04:10
Flannelm1dn1ght, Ikynn: for graphical programs you should always use gksu instead of sudo (or kdesu if youre in Kubuntu)04:10
FluxDFlannel, I thought only security updates were copied not feature updates?04:10
shadowwulfyeah, i have been told i do that alot04:10
m1dn1ghtIkynn: again - what he said04:10
thiefnesswhy does my computer always start with vesa?04:10
angeloFluxD, wrong04:10
lovrei need help, cant get lm-sensors to work. Says no sensors found when i type "sensors"04:10
FlannelFluxD: bugfixes and security updates, but thats hard and fast only after release, beforehand theres a bit more leeway.  A better place to ask these things would be in #ubuntu-motu, where the MOTU live.04:10
angelohow can I check RAM on my laptop?04:11
goldmetalanyone here vnc into ubuntu? and when so, is graphics emulation acceptable or is it extremely slow and lagging. not taking about video games  here. just openoffice and firefox etc..04:11
angeloany way to see how much RAM I have using Ubuntu?04:11
thiefnessangelo: free04:12
thiefnessangelo: is the command04:12
orcihi can I use my ubuntu box as bluetooth speaker of a cell phone?04:12
lovreany help with lm-sensors?04:12
m1dn1ghtgoldmetal: I'm no expert, but over local network it's pretty good.  Over internet for me it was quite laggy04:12
goldmetalm1dn1ght, ok. sounds good to me. running buntu on vmware console is slow and lagginh04:13
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nebajothCan you upgrade to Ubuntu from an existing Debian (Lenny) install by replacing the sources.list and running apt upgrade?04:13
goldmetalnebajoth, sounds dangerous04:14
nebajothindeed it does04:14
Flannelnebajoth: No (well, technically maybe, but you'll spend an awful lot of time fixing individual issues)04:14
goldmetalnebajoth, be cool if can04:14
m1dn1ghtnebajoth, that sounds about as dirty as it comes04:14
nickrudnebajoth, if you're very knowledgeable, it's doable but there's gonna be a lot of manual massaging04:14
TeslaDaveI having problems with Ibex saying i need to enable a "memory hole" capability in my bios, any thought?04:14
nebajothits a pretty bare lenny install04:14
angelothiefness, thanks04:14
nebajothI'm wondering how many issues it would end up being04:14
nebajothits a server04:14
nickrudnebajoth, it'd be much faster to backup configs and data and reinstall04:15
goldmetalnebajoth, may i ask why you want to do this, good sir?04:15
PauloRicardoPeople, how I can found gweather-applet-2 source-code ?04:15
KengineI am running Vista and Ubuntu on Dual-bootup, I am thinking of giving more hard drive space to Ubuntu and less to Vista now, is it possible to increase ext3 and still keep Vista and the dual-bootup intact04:15
nickrudPauloRicardo, make sure the sources are enabled in system->admin->sources, then apt-get source <packagename>04:16
m1dn1ghtKengine: Pretty sure you can shrink/resize partitions using gparted and live cd04:16
C0nn0RYeah, you can give gparted a try with resizing the partitions.04:16
C0nn0RJust don't format anything and your good.04:16
nebajothgoldmetal: there is no ubuntu installer for the NSLU204:16
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nebajothgoldmetal: but there is one for Debian04:17
nebajothgoldmetal: I have Debian on there now, figuring it was the most acceptable option04:17
nebajothgoldmetal: but I want Ubuntu, dammit04:17
Kenginem1dn1ght: so I can do it from within Ubuntu ? or do I need to reboot it using liveCD04:17
PauloRicardonickrud: Hmm, I will do this. Thanks so much guy. :)04:17
m1dn1ghtKengine: Can't do it while the hard drive is mounted - which it is if you're running Ubuntu from it04:17
nickrudPauloRicardo, the package name is gnome-applets by the way04:17
PauloRicardonickrud: Thanks again for the tip. :)04:18
cprohi i am not able to use network-manager i am using 8.1004:18
m1dn1ghtalt: hello04:18
nebajoththis might be academic04:18
nebajothdoes ubuntu even support ARM?04:18
nickrudnebajoth, no04:19
Kenginecpro: install madwifi hehe04:19
_786soulWhats the easiest way to get ubuntu booting from an SD card? It already has anothe rlinux Distro on it, will it work to use grub to dual boot from the card?04:19
nebajothnvm then :D04:19
goldmetalNSLU2 (Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives)  nebajoth <--- that?04:19
crzedmonkanyone in here using irssi?04:19
crzedmonkI have questions04:19
Flannel!anyone | crzedmonk04:19
nickrudnebajoth, you could do the groundwork for the port, you know ;)04:19
ubottucrzedmonk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:19
nebajothgoldmetal, yes04:20
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anyoneok, I'm here, ask away, all04:20
goldmetalnebajoth, and ... compiling the source did not help?04:21
nebajothnickrud, you want me to port Ubuntu to ARM?04:21
crzedmonkI just switched to linux from windows.  I found I like irssi I am trying to get it up and running in a screen and I need to know where I can find a tutorial on scripting it to auto join when I connect04:21
crzedmonkI just switched to linux from windows.  I found I like irssi I am trying to get it up and running in a screen and I need to know where I can find a tutorial on scripting it to auto join when I connect04:21
nebajothgoldmetal, compiling the source of what?04:21
crzedmonkI just switched to linux from windows.  I found I like irssi I am trying to get it up and running in a screen and I need to know where I can find a tutorial on scripting it to auto join when I connect04:21
nickrudnebajoth, if you've got a few man years of time, why not?04:21
whochismodoes anybody know how to make ubuntu redetect the soundcard (i tried to install a realtek driver and i lost my soundcard configuration)04:21
Flannelcrzedmonk: You don't .... well, first, don't repeat.04:21
nebajothcrzedmonk, try weechat04:21
goldmetalnebajoth, compile NSLU2 yourself on ubuntu04:21
Flannelcrzedmonk: You don't need to script it to autoconnect, just configure it.04:21
anyonewhochismo, anybody is away right,now, but maybe I can help?04:21
orcihi can I use my ubuntu box as bluetooth speaker for a cell phone?04:21
melgoHey people, how do I disable networkmanager/nmapplet? I don't see it under System -> Administration -> Services. I'm basically using GnomePPP/wvdial to manage my dial-up connection much better than what nm-applet offers.04:21
crzedmonkI where is the configuring tutorial then?04:22
nebajothgoldmetal, what do you mean "compile NSLU2"?04:22
|JD|hi, im getting some errors when i try to run opera on ubntu 8.0404:22
GodfatherofEireAny ideas why OpenOffice.org Impress is installed under synaptic, but it doesnt show up under anything04:22
crzedmonkthe one on  the site did not help04:22
nebajothits hardware04:22
Kenginem1dn1ght: can I increase the space for ext3 from windows using Partition Magic(windows software)04:22
whochismoanyone: maybe you can, I just want to know if there's any possible way to make ubuntu redetect and reconfigure the soundcard04:22
|JD|The Opera binary is not located at "usr/lib/opera/9.62/opera"| Please modify the wrapper script at "/home/maverick/lib/opera/9.62/opera".04:22
|JD|can anyone help me04:22
cprokengine i have installed madwifi but how to use it04:22
anyone|JD|, I'm busy right now.04:22
nebajoth|JD|, I'll help04:22
|JD|please do04:23
Flannelcrzedmonk: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi  is a good article on irssi and screen, see also http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/17/my-new-irc-client-irssi-ubuntu-606-610/04:23
lu31415problems getting ati radeon 2400pro driver to work in intrepid, anyone?04:23
nickrud|JD|, I'd enable the ubuntu partner repo and the apt-get it, rather than use one you got from the opera site.04:23
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goldmetalnebajoth, http://www.nslu2-linux.org/  source code is in here somewhere04:23
nebajoththat's various kinds of firmware04:23
crzedmonkI just switched to linux from windows.  I found I like irssi I am trying to get it up and running in a screen and I need to know where I can find a tutorial on scripting it to auto join when I connect04:23
kurocpro: did this just start after an update or right after the upgrade or did this just start04:23
nebajothI have a kind that lets me boot into debian04:23
crzedmonkI just switched to linux from windows.  I found I like irssi I am trying to get it up and running in a screen and I need to know where I can find a tutorial on scripting it to auto join when I connect04:23
|JD|tried that, Nicke04:23
m1dn1ghtKengine: I've no idea I'm afraid - never bothered with windows partitioning software.  I'm 99% sure gparted can do it no problem though04:23
Flannelcrzedmonk: http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi  is a good article on irssi and screen, see also http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/17/my-new-irc-client-irssi-ubuntu-606-610/04:23
|JD|nickrud: *04:23
|JD|but same error04:23
nickrudcrzedmonk, do not repeat, please. This place scrolls fast enough04:24
anyonewhochismo, man alsactl04:24
_786soulWho here has an opinion on the Alfa 500mW usb adapter? Work well with ubuntu?04:24
crzedmonkflannel: that is what I needed thank you very much04:24
whochismolet's see...04:24
crzedmonkanother question I am looking to connect to my home box at work which is windows so I should be running irssi in screen correct?04:24
Kenginem1dn1ght: yes but this tutorial says I need the VIsta DVD too, I bought my Lenovo online from IBM, there were no Vista DVD http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-gparted-to-resize-your-windows-vista-partition/04:24
cprokuro i didnt get u i have just installed madwifi and my internet is working fine but i am not able to swith or connect to other network and it is happening after upgrade04:24
whochismoanyone: i t hink the problem is that ubuntu no longer recognises my soundcard04:25
nickrud|JD| hm, it sounds like opera is still trying to run from your home dir, so you're not actually using the one installed by ubuntu. Did you edit a file in /usr/bin?04:25
|JD|not me04:25
whochismoanyone: aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found...04:25
|JD|but a script i ran did04:25
|JD|it came with the opera package04:25
|JD|and i allowed to modify some files..04:26
Flannel!enter | |JD|04:26
ubottu|JD|: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:26
anyonewhochismo, try going back to the default config with alsactl: it's found in /var/lib/alsa/asound.state or some such04:26
nickrud|JD|, I'd delete the downloaded opera from my home dir, then sudo apt-get install --reinstall opera . That should rebuild your /usr/bin properly04:26
lu31415ati radeon 2400 driver in intrepid, need help, anyone?...04:26
whochismoi'll try04:26
G1Every now and then, my Elbuntu (Ubuntu using Enlightenment DR17) hits a wall and crashes, defaulting to a wall of code made up of the repetitive message here: http://pastebin.com/m7f4e1260 Is this something that is easily solved, or am I going to have to file a bug with Enlightenment?04:26
mysteryhello Everyone04:26
anyonewhochismo, or try with a clean boot, before loading any programs that might grab hold of the sound driver.04:27
mysteryDoes anyone know how to resize partitions04:27
_786souluse gparted or the built in ubuntu partition mangaer04:27
anyonemystery, gparted or qtparted04:27
whochismoanyone: i don't have this file anymore (i had in the past)04:27
KumoI installed the codec and libdvdcss2.  No DVD playback.04:27
mysteryok great04:27
telexiconhello, whats the standard solution for stopping accidental clicks on a touchpad while typing?04:28
mysteryI have gparted can someone help me enlarge my windows partition?04:28
KumoStill giving me the same shit about encrypted DVDs04:28
m1dn1ghtKengine: Ah - I see.   Does your windows installation give you the option of creating a recovery disk?  A lot of pc's that come without vista discs will have that option04:28
anyonewhochismo, try find / -name asound.state04:28
Kumotele: disable click tapping04:28
PeskyJtelexicon: disable the 'click' ability of the touchpad, so it only cats as a movement device04:28
telexiconno i like click tapping04:29
nickrudtelexicon, install gsynaptics and you'll have a touchpad control under system->prefs04:29
KumoThen you deal with it04:29
telexiconisnt there something that disables it for like, 1 second after you type?04:29
telexiconi thought there was04:29
* Kumo just wants to watch movies.04:29
telexiconKumo, whats wrong?04:29
Kenginem1dn1ght: yes it does, its too shaky, they gave me this laptop with crappy Vista basic, I am waiting for all the functions to work in my Ubuntu then I can remove VIsta altogether, until then I need both O/S04:29
KumoCan't play DVDs04:29
anyonewhochismo, all it does is load equalizer settings from alsamixer.  You can do the same this from the latter if you know how.04:30
telexiconKumo, but other videos work?04:30
whochismoanyone: Idon't have that file anymore04:30
CMD_L1N3how do you uninstall a .package file04:30
telexiconKumo, yeah, theres an issue with DVDs04:30
FlannelCMD_L1N3: How did you install it?  since that's not an Ubuntu package format.04:30
telexiconKumo, DVDs are encrypted, and its against the law to decrypt them using open source software or something04:30
PeskyJKumo: you could try ripping the DVD then watching the ripped files :)04:30
CMD_L1N3i just double clicked04:30
Flannel!dvd | Kumo04:30
CMD_L1N3and ran04:30
anyonewhochismo, have you played with alsamixer?04:30
ubottuKumo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:30
KumoThat's kind of retarded.04:30
mystery I have gparted can someone help me enlarge my windows partition?04:30
matthias__Hi everybody ...04:30
FlannelCMD_L1N3: You mean a deb file then?04:30
hiltonOff topic, but does anyone know if the Windows and Linux version of Firefox and Thunderbird use different file formats despite identical names?04:31
telexiconKumo, yeah, blame the DMCA04:31
m1dn1ghtKengine: I'm just suprised resizing partition would break vista installation.  I mean - you resized it when you first installed Ubuntu, right?04:31
CMD_L1N3Flannel: no because i tried to do dpkg -r04:31
whochismoanyone: no, i cannot open alsamixer as it doesn't detect any soundcard...04:31
telexiconKumo, open source dvd playing software (that involves decryption of CSS) is considered a circumvention device and breaks the law (in the US)04:31
Flannelhilton: #ubuntu-offtopic (and actually, #firefox and #thunderbird on mozillas IRC would be the best place to ask)04:31
telexiconKumo, may i msg you?04:31
anyone!sound | whochismo04:31
ubottuwhochismo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:31
matthias__Flannel:  i got the wireless to work okey, my fight worked and i am on wireless and still going strong ...04:31
matthias__sebsebseb:  i got the wireless working , my fight gave me an victory ......., no looking back ....04:32
Kenginem1dn1ght: yeah of course, I still have 30 gigs left though, so no hurry, but I think before once I tried to resize it and the entire system crashed, so I quit Ubuntu and became a CentOS user for about a year, now for this new hardware I came back to Ubuntu again04:32
whochismoanyone: i if i double click on the volume control, it says that i do not have any soundcards installed04:32
sebsebsebmatthias__:   ok cool how you do that?04:32
augiehey guys, where's .vimrc?04:32
whochismoand yes, i already tried those websites... with no success...04:32
shadowwulfwhat is the command i have to type to download nvidia drivers in a terminal04:32
Flannelaugie: ~/.vimrc04:33
nickrudaugie, in your home directory: you may have to make it04:33
Kumomsg away04:33
whochismothere is not a way to "repair" an ubuntu instalation?04:33
matthias__sebsebseb: the wireless dependent on ssb and not ndiswrapper ...my wireless driver04:33
CMD_L1N3Flannel: package remove packname <<this is the command04:33
anyonewhochismo, have you tried a clean reboot after noticing this problem?04:33
whochismoanyone: yes, of course04:33
ditch64hello, i have a problem, i resized the swap partition and the computer would not reboot, i tried like 6 times and it didnt work the 7th time it booted......04:33
sebsebsebmatthias__:   ssb???????04:33
augieFlannel, nickrud ic, thx I was just confused that it's not there04:33
matthias__sebsebseb:  yes04:33
Kenginem1dn1ght: CentOS 5.0 is rock solid btw04:34
sebsebsebmatthias__:   I don't even know what that is04:34
whochismoanyone: basically my problem is that i followed these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87860804:34
m1dn1ghtKengine: Can't understand how resizing during initial ubuntu install would leave vista intact, but a post-install resize would break it.  I'm afraid I don't have a solution :(04:34
nickrudwhochismo, lots of ways. check for loaded modules first:   lsmod | grep snd , you should see a handful of modules regarding sound04:34
m1dn1ghtKengine: Yeah - centos is pretty much as stable as they come :)04:34
anyonewhochismo, what distro?04:35
whochismoubuntu 8.1004:35
KumoSo I buy the DVD, but to play it on my laptop, I have to pay again for a decoder?04:35
whochismoand no, if i doa lsmod | grep snd, there'snobody there04:35
thiefnessHow do I find out which driver I want for my wireless card? I know it's a ralink, I installed the rt2860sta driver, but I can't seem to connect04:35
shadowwulfcan somebody tell me the apt-get to download nvidia drivers ?04:35
telexiconshadowwulf, what card do you have?04:35
telexiconKumo, may i?04:35
mkquistditch64: and so now it works?04:35
KengineKumo: not in Linux04:35
shadowwulfnvidia 8800 GTS04:36
m1dn1ghtKumo: It's definitely possible to enable DVD playback for free in ubuntu.  I did it myself tonight.04:36
whochismonickrud: i don't have any module loaded regarding sound04:36
CarlFKmouse isn't working (vm issues).  what is the hot key to open a terminal?04:36
mkquistKumo: no04:36
ditch64mkquist: yes, but i have a feeling its going to die or something is going to go wrong next time i boot04:36
ardchoilleInstalling nvidia drivers the recommended way leaves my tty's blank, is there a fix for this yet?04:36
matthias__sebsebseb:  yes, i have in lshw - c network module stated module=ssb and not ndiswrapper as it suppose to be ...04:36
shadowwulftelexicon: trying to get the logon screen to come up ... but it screws up04:36
nebajoththiefness: google the motherboard you have, find the wifi chipset in the tech specs, and google for the ubuntu driver that supports that chipset and see if you're on the list of supported wifi cards04:36
ditch64mkquist: almost like it learned and fixed itself...?04:36
nickrudwhochismo, hm, compiling kernel modules can be problematic, and hard to troubleshoot. Did the install complete successfully?04:37
Kenginem1dn1ght: these new laptop comes with hybrid graphics and 8 gig ram support, I hope Ubuntu's next version catches up to support these04:37
telexiconshadowwulf, could you pastebin the result of, dpkg -l | grep nvidia04:37
thiefnessnebajoth: thanks, ill try that, sounds difficult =x04:37
matthias__sebsebseb:  module=ndiswrapper and not in current distro have module=ssb, that was my sollution ...04:37
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nebajoththiefness: it gets easier over time.  wifi is a weak spot for linux still.04:37
matthias__sebsebseb:  fight i won :)04:37
mkquistCarlFK: alt/f204:37
whochismonickrud: i only tried to install the realktec drivers, and yes, it seemed to complete successfully, but without finding any appropiate driver for my computer04:37
nebajoththiefness: it doesn't take long if you know what to look for, either04:37
sebsebsebmatthias__:   yep and now what you going to do?04:37
matthias__sebsebseb:  an work around made for hardy ...04:38
telexiconshadowwulf, you tried the restricted drivers manager and it didnt work?04:38
thiefnessnebajoth: i've been working on this for like 2-2.5 hours so far ;P04:38
sebsebsebmatthias__:  what?04:38
anyonewhochismo, isn't that cutting edge? Why don't you revert to stable, if it's that important to you?04:38
nickrudwhochismo, I have no experience with that sound chip, so I'd be stabbing in the dark trying to troubleshoot remotely. I'd suggest posting to that thread for help.04:38
shadowwulfi cant get into ubuntu .. the screen frezzes just before logon04:38
matthias__sebsebseb:  yes that was an work around from the hardy time ....04:38
matthias__sebsebseb:  still working for my wireless card ...04:38
telexiconshadowwulf, ok04:39
whochismoanyone: nickrud: Sound worked perfectly until a few hours. I just tried to upgrade the drivers in order to make my internal microphone work...04:39
telexiconshadowwulf, when it does that, could you press ctrl+alt+f1 tell me what it does?04:39
matthias__sebsebseb:  well spread the word, the fix is was for hardy and still is an fix in ithis distro 204:39
ditch64mkquist: ?04:39
nickrudwhochismo, oh, you had working sound at one time, with the default install? Prior to running that script?04:39
sebsebsebmatthias__:    yeah sure you can tell people in detail about that some where04:40
whochismonickrud: yes, exactly04:40
anyonewhochismo, ah, so it's borked.04:40
whochismoi just would like to revert those changes...04:40
shadowwulfii nvidia-kernel-common 20051028+1ubuntu8 NVIDIA binary kernal module common files04:40
anyonewhochismo, good luck.04:40
matthias__sebsebseb:  okey, well i will be around to help ...04:40
telexiconshadowwulf, ok, is this on 8.10?04:40
kuroI used dd to copy my working partition to another on the same HD, How do i add it to grub?04:41
* lu31415 wonders if there will ever be an end to her radeon 2400 woes...04:41
shadowwulftelexicon: 8.0404:41
nickrudwhochismo, sudo apt-get install --reinstall  linux-image-$(uname -r) should get you back your sound then04:41
sebsebsebmatthias__:   yeah that's what I am doing here, but there hasn't really been anyone here for me to help tonight as such04:41
matthias__sebsebseb:  have any ide why totem player consumes cpu power when watching movies ?04:41
Revdoes someone know how to extract a file from firefox's cache?04:41
nickrudwhochismo, you'll need to reboot after running that04:41
anyonewhochismo, I avoid doctors, car mechanics, and upgrades.04:41
matthias__sebsebseb:  okey, well i made it ...04:41
whochismonickrud: i already rebooted04:41
nickrudwhochismo, did you run the reinstall command above?04:42
sebsebsebmatthias__:  to be honest totem sucks arse,  and I still wonder why it is the default for Ubuntu  in a way.   also  Intrepid Ibex has a much better banshee version then Hardy does04:42
telexiconshadowwulf, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new04:42
derpnoonerwhat's banshee04:42
whochismoanyone: i like upgrades... don't know why...04:42
sebsebsebderpnooner: are you on Intrepid Ibex?04:42
shadowwulftelexicon: i have tried ubuntu 8.04 which works fine and have tried 8.10 which screwed up .. tried installing 8.04 and upgrading with the same result ... the line i gave you is from ultimate edition 1.9 thats running on ubuntu 8.0404:42
hosstestdoes anyone know if you can boot to an executable from Grub, say Ghost or Acronis?04:42
matthias__sebsebseb:  what player do you use ...04:42
derpnoonerknow, still using hardy04:42
anyonewhochismo, are you an adrenaline junkie or somethin?04:42
derpnoonerno *04:42
nickrudderpnooner, apt-cache search banshee (a music program)04:43
turtle_hey all04:43
sebsebsebderpnooner: hummmmmm there is a way to add a ppa for the intrepid ibex banshee version in hardy,  but I would have to find link04:43
turtle_im trying to install a game with wine04:43
sebsebsebderpnooner: how old is yoru computer?04:43
whochismoanyone: maybe.... or just wasting my time with the computer when i have free time..04:43
turtle_and the menu is sooo big that I cant complete the installation!04:43
kuroI used dd to copy my working partition to another on the same HD, How do i add it to grub?04:43
nickrudwhochismo, run the reinstall command I gave you above, then reboot04:44
matthias__anyone are having wireless issues with broadcom wireless hw04:44
lu31415hey, is there a portuguese language-specific ubuntu channel?04:44
jj_galvezis there a specific irc for multimedia ? I'm having trouble with dvd play back04:44
sebsebsebmatthias__:   I quite like VLC for movies, however  the newer version of Banshee is really good the one that is in Ibex,  and so I will use that for movies most of the time,  and  it's so much better then Rythombox which I used before when Banshee sucked04:44
Flannel!pt | lu3141504:44
ubottulu31415: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:44
derpnooneri'm running an older hp laptop04:44
cprocan any body please tell  hi how to connect to internet in 8.1004:44
derpnooner1.4 celeron04:44
nickrudwhochismo, and you'll probably need to remove any changes to alsa-base you made04:44
matthias__sebsebseb:  thanks for the tip ...04:44
derpnooner1 gb ram04:44
derpnoonercrappy intel graphics04:44
whochismonickrud: i'm running the command right now, sorry, i missed that line04:45
sebsebsebderpnooner: have you tried the Intrepid Ibex Live CD on it?04:45
derpnoonerand broadcomm wireless04:45
anyonewhochismo, yes. You should be out smelling the flowers or inside reading a good book. You know you should. 8 )04:45
telexiconshadowwulf, after you do that and install, and restart.. does it do anything?04:45
hosstestAnyone know of a good imaging software to use?04:45
hosstestdisk imaging04:45
nickrudwhochismo, get a better irc client, it'll highlight lines written to you ;)04:45
derpnoonerwhat benefits would i get in the latest release04:45
whochismoanyone: well, i read good books also...04:45
sebsebsebderpnooner:  not that much to be honest, but may as well upgrade if your computer will handle it nicely04:46
easotokrany guess where I can find assigned directories?04:46
whochismonickrud: i use pidgin, it highlight the lines.. it's just me, that I never pay enough attention04:46
shadowwulftelexicon: seems i have no internet conection on this machine04:46
turtle_anyone: help with a wine problem, 2 days old04:46
K_Dallashosstest, not sure exactly what you need but what about dd or ddrescue?04:46
whochismowell, i'm going to rebook04:46
whochismobe right back04:46
derpnooneri'll get the iso and try it out04:46
rsvpsmartctl fans, I got this message: "Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in off-line" -- but no results >> so where is the test output?  [attn: esp Flannel, thanks]04:46
whochismo(and thanks)04:46
telexiconshadowwulf, ah yeah, youre on the console04:46
derpnoonerwhich kernel does it run?04:46
anyoneWell, I hope they're mostly dead authors, death seems to be the primary requiremnt of good writing. Pity...04:46
telexiconshadowwulf, here one sec04:46
nickrudwhochismo, heh. That's why I also have a chime set for lines with my nick, I'm inattentive a lot also04:46
mrpocketswith dual monitors04:46
telexiconshadowwulf, can you pastebin the contents of /etc/network/interfaces please04:47
mrpocketsand i do cube rotate04:47
sebsebsebderpnooner:  the version of Banshee that comes in hardy sucks, but there is a way to add the Ibex version, and with that version Banshee is great for video and music04:47
telexiconshadowwulf, or um04:47
sebsebsebderpnooner: however VLC is also great for video04:47
Flannelrsvp: the output one... I believe its -a, but check the manpage04:47
telexiconshadowwulf, one sec04:47
mrpocketshow do i make the cube show up as one cube cenetered between two monitors, instead of one cube reflected as two cubes on each monitor?04:47
derpnooneri have a question for anyone who might know.  I use TOTEM, and when I move the window the video stays in one place until i release the window04:47
nickrudanyone, it's not that death is required, it's just that most authors are dead. Bigger source of good books04:47
sebsebsebderpnooner: totem sucks big time compared to vlc and banshee04:47
derpnoonerI want the video to move with the window04:47
sebsebsebderpnooner: also there is stuff like kabbodle and what not kde  video players that are good04:48
derpnooneri'm installing banshee right now04:48
usserderpnooner, its a bug in intel drivers04:48
sebsebsebderpnooner: sure, but you will get the old crappy hardy version not the good ibex one04:48
sebsebsebderpnooner: unless you add the ppa for the ibex repo or upgrade to hardy04:48
sebsebsebI mean ibex04:48
usserderpnooner, theres no way to fix it without sacrificing feautres04:48
derpnooneryeah, i kinda figured that04:48
nickrudsebsebseb, is the banshee in ibex that much better?04:48
rsvpFlannel, could you please kindly comment on http://bit.ly/riki :: anything you notice?04:49
usserderpnooner, you can try to switch to x11 video output instead of xvideo04:49
sebsebsebnickrud: yep seems so04:49
derpnoonerI get crappy fullscreen if I disable NV04:49
anyonealso, that we don't bother with bad dead authors. Big difference...04:49
nickrudhm, time to try it again then04:49
derpnoonerblocky and computer chokes on own feces when I do that04:49
easotokrany guess where I can find assigned directories?04:49
derpnoonerI want a best of both worlds scenario04:49
nickrudeasotokr, what do you mean by assigned?04:49
augieneed vim help: error is here, http://pastebin.ca/1250085, my .vimrc is here:http://pastebin.ca/125008704:49
derpnoonerNV for fullscreen, x11 for windowed04:50
Flannelrsvp: did ou see re: -a?  or -A, I can't remember which04:50
derpnooneris that possible04:50
telexiconshadowwulf, http://slexy.org/view/s2QatDKS8K make sure those 2 lines are in /etc/network/interfaces and uncomment them (remove the intial #) if they are04:50
telexiconshadowwulf, if they arent in there, add them04:50
rsvpchecking... brb04:50
IkynnSo - I've run sudo apt-get install kismet, it went through and installed, now where do I find the executable file to run it?04:50
augienothing fancy in the .vimrc should be easy04:50
nickrudaugie, start by installing vim-full , and trying it again04:50
easotokrnickrud: I just discovered an application changed the route to my icons from /usr/share/icons to ~home/.local/share/icons04:50
shadowwulftelexicon: will do .. working .....04:50
augienickrud, will do04:50
Sinisterhow do set   delay  i have  to  hold down 10 sec a key04:50
Flannelnickrud, augie: just vim, not vim-full, unless you want gvim04:50
lu31415can you change from a gnome installation to a kde one without having to reinstall from scratch?04:50
easotokrnickrud: I want to reverse that but I can't uninstall the application04:51
telexiconshadowwulf, after you do that, run, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:51
nickrudFlannel, did that change? just vim didn't have syntax in hardy04:51
Flannelaugie: I believe those errors are caused by EOL issues04:51
telexiconshadowwulf, then you should have an internet connection and be able to apt-get04:51
augieFlannel, I have vim (vim-common in synaptics??) and gvim (vim-gnome)04:51
hosstestanyone know how to set up automatic Software Updates and Installations?04:51
Flannelnickrud: "vim" is the full vim package (since vim-tiny is the crappy one thats installed), vim-full includes gvim, which most people don't want04:51
rsvpyes, Flannel, smartctl -a >> Prints all SMART information about the disk04:51
augieFlannel, will check it out, because I did copy it from windows04:51
Flannelrsvp: Right, including the results of the tests04:52
anyone!cron | hosstest04:52
ubottuhosstest: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:52
nickrudeasotokr, that's a gnome change, fundamental to the desktop.04:52
nickrudeasotokr, or, that's my working hypothesis these days04:52
hosstestanyone: Thanks.04:52
rsvpok, will report back...04:52
anyonehosstest, or kcron, for the pretty interface.04:53
easotokrsure, I was without icons on compiz, evolution and other programs for three days until I found that change, copied icon dir to .local al viola, all worked04:53
easotokrI have icons again04:53
shadowwulftelexicon: downloading04:53
telexiconshadowwulf, awesome04:54
Sinisterhow do set   delay  i have  to  hold down 10 sec a key04:54
nickrudeasotokr, try creating a link between the dirs, so both are accessed by either path04:54
shadowwulftelexicon: done04:54
telexiconshadowwulf, ok try restarting04:54
easotokrthat was my second thought04:54
easotokri'll do it04:54
sebsebsebderpnooner:  if your not just going ot upgrade to Ibex ok, but don't use the hardy version of Banshee use the Ibex version in your hardy instead http://ppa.launchpad.net/banshee-team/ubuntu04:55
rand0maboHi people... Would anyone by chance know why, for some reason, my highspeed cable internet is quite a bit slower in ubuntu than when in windows?04:55
nickrudFlannel, by the way, thanks for the info about vim. I'm a bit inattentive at the moment ;)04:55
derpnoonercool, thanks for the advice04:55
shadowwulftelexicon: same thing04:56
lianimatoris there a webpage development software for Ubuntu like Kompozer without requiring the klibs?04:56
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telexiconshadowwulf, do you have a way to pastebin files on this box?04:56
shadowwulfthis is the machine right next to it04:56
seaofteaMan ubuntu is great, but it still needs to be a little more user friendly.  I wish I could take all of the good bits and pieces of Vista,Mac, Ubuntu and combine them into one super OS.04:56
telexiconshadowwulf, do you have ssh setup?04:56
Cpudan80lianimator: NVU04:56
telexiconshadowwulf, can you scp some files from the box so you can pastebin them?04:56
rand0maboseaoftea, some day. :P04:56
shadowwulfi dont think its installed04:56
telexiconshadowwulf, ok um04:57
telexiconshadowwulf, go to the console again, ctrl-alt-f104:57
shadowwulfwant me to install ssh ?04:57
FlannelCpudan80, lianimator: Kompozer is Nvu (Kompozer is still alive, Nvu is dead), and Neither are KDE04:57
sebsebseblianimator:  mozilla seamonkey I guess04:57
telexiconshadowwulf, run, tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:57
telexiconshadowwulf, can you tell me if any lines have ERROR or similar in them?04:57
Cpudan80Flannel: oh I didnt know04:57
nickrudseaoftea, if you'd been around 5 or 6 releases ago, you would be agog at how much user-friendliness has improved. The line on the graph is marching steadily upward ;)04:57
augieFlannel, nickrud thx04:57
jj_galvezcan anyone help me with scrambled DVD playback04:57
sebsebseblianimator:    Kompozer was based on NVU  and well they both are based on Mozilla Seamonkey's  compossor  so yeah04:58
sebsebseblianimator: or the former Mozilla Suite's to be exact,  but yes  Seamonkey  in answer to your question04:58
augieis there any way to disable the drums sound when ubuntu starts?04:58
augieit's really annoying04:58
LF|IrssiIs there a good app for adding extra customizable keyboard shortcuts for KDE4?04:58
telexiconaugie, System -> Preferences -> Sound04:58
sebsebsebaugie:  yep  and you could change the sound04:58
shadowwulftelexicon: no such file ?04:58
FlannelLF|Irssi: You might try #kubuntu04:58
seaofteanickrud: no, I know!  I tried installing ubuntu/debian/slackware/fedora and 8.10 is the first time I've kept linux as my main OS.04:58
telexiconshadowwulf, ok, change into the /var/log dir04:59
kuroI used dd to copy my working partition to another on the same HD, How do i add it to grub?04:59
telexiconshadowwulf, cd /var/log; ls; and see if there are any files like that?04:59
aegisaugie: you could use Arch... it doesn't have that sound...04:59
telexiconshadowwulf, Xorg.0.log or Xorg.20.log etc04:59
sebsebsebaegis:  lol  ArchLinux would probably be to complacted for him04:59
shadowwulftelexicon: typed it in wrong04:59
ShoviI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my Asus G1S, the ethernet does not work now.  The ethernet has worked in all past versions i've tryed... can someone help me configure or maybe roll back???05:00
teratomaactually to change the startup sound i think he wants sudo /usr/sbin/gdmsetup05:00
aegissebsebseb: :) I was joking...05:00
seaofteaShovi: What's your device?05:00
shadowwulftelexicon: what am i looking for in that log ?05:00
sebsebsebaegies:  I gathered that05:00
augietelexicon, sebsebseb I thought I disabled everything, but now I just unchecked 'play alerts and sound effects' completely05:00
aegissebsebseb: glad you caught that though05:00
augieaegis, what's Arch?05:00
telexiconshadowwulf, at the end of the file05:01
telexiconshadowwulf, look for anything liek 'ERROR'05:01
sebsebsebaugie:  ArchLinux a  hardcore geeks Linux distro that involves a lot of commands05:01
telexiconmeh i need to stop using so many lines lol05:01
sebsebsebaugie:  well not as hardcore as Slackware Linux, but still05:01
lianimatorsebsebseb: so, if I don't want to download the klibs.. I can use seamonkey?05:01
lianimatorwhat is the most developed?05:01
lianimatore.g. most features and ease of use05:02
augiesebsebseb, maybe not anytime soon05:02
pipegeekanyone know of a way to force desktop effects on in kubuntu?05:02
aegisaugie: it's a Linux distro that you build from the ground up...   it doesn't have anything you don't specifically put into it...  I run it w/ gnome so it doesn't look much different than Ubuntu...05:02
Flannellianimator: Kompozer isn't a KDE program05:02
sebsebsebliaminator:  kompozer   however bluefish I think it's called not installed that yet heh,  is meant to be good to05:02
buffalocyberhi all friend05:02
aegisaugie: www.archlinux.org if you want to know more... but stick with Ubuntu...05:02
lianimatorFlannel: oh, when I downloaded kompozer, it was going to take 110+ MB05:02
buffalocyberi have some problem05:02
shadowwulftelexicon: nope ... nothing ... looks like it saw the card ...05:03
telexiconshadowwulf, nothing at the end? no errors?05:03
wartalkeri enable the water effect, but how to start it05:03
shadowwulftelexicon: no errors05:03
buffalocyberPlease help me05:03
sebsebsebaegis: you use arch?05:03
augieaegis, yeah.. but thx05:03
buffalocyber> , ,<05:03
whochismonickrud: it worked, i can listen to music right now05:03
Shoviseaoftea, its Gigabit LAN, Realtek drivers work for XP... im unable to find the exact spec05:03
Flannellianimator: That seems extremely odd.  Are you sure you have the right repo for it?05:03
telexiconshadowwulf, do you know which driver its using? vesa, nv, nvidia?05:03
aegissebs: yup...05:03
shadowwulfi would assume nv05:04
seaofteaThe only complaint I have about ubuntu now is the lack of software, Kubuntu has a lot more applications it seems like.  I tried kubuntu but it crashed and crashed.  I just wish there was more portability between kde and gnome apps.05:04
sebsebsebaegis:  ,but help with noobubuntu as well I see05:04
rsvpwell, along with the smartctl attributes a lot of the types read 'pre-fail' or 'old age' :: ummmm, is this worrisome for a hard drive only 10 months old???05:04
shadowwulftelexicon: is there a way to tell ?05:04
lianimatorwhen I installed nvu, it was using 25+MB05:04
Shoviseaoftea, on XP i have the Realtek PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet05:04
nickrudwhochismo, yw05:04
lianimatorbut it says it's download kompozer as well..05:04
ardchoilleseaoftea: you can use kde apps in gnome and vice-versa05:04
buffalocyberi want software download manager support mms potocal. please help me05:04
telexiconshadowwulf, um05:04
nickrudseanw, you can run any kde app inside gnome05:04
sebsebsebaegis:  yeah still not done arch in a vm after all this time05:04
nickrudseaoftea, , you can run any kde app inside gnome05:04
lianimatorboth nvu and kompozer installed kdelibs05:04
seaofteaU sure?05:04
telexiconshadowwulf, in the Xorg.0.log mine says "II) RADEON: Driver for ATI Radeon chipsets:", so perhaps yours will say something similar but with the driver05:05
augieso I have this weird problem with my wireless status light (laptop) blinking05:05
ardchoilleseaoftea: yes, I've been doing it for years05:05
nickrudseaoftea, absolutely05:05
aegissebsebseb: Yes...  I run ubuntu as well...  I love ubuntu.  I have it on all the computers for my family...  I also run a few servers with it... and my gf's computer...05:05
sebsebsebaegis: in fact I got close on my old computer, before  my hardware failed  bad enough that I coudn't use it anymore05:05
augieso far I don't think it affects anything05:05
seaofteaokay then05:05
lianimatorI installed nvu but kompozer was installed instead05:05
rsvpFlannel what do you think?05:05
nickrudseaoftea, this ain't windows, linux is cosmopolitan05:05
sebsebsebaegis: indeed  Ubuntu is a  great one to recommend for new users, also the whole idelogy behind it is nice,  you know the one I mean circle of friends one?   I mean seen old dapper cd covers05:05
aegissebs: I just run one copy of Arch though on my laptop...  (which also has Ubuntu 8.10 in grub)05:05
seaofteaShovi:  Give me 1 sec to look at it05:06
jj_galvezcan anyone help me with scrambled DVD playback05:06
Flannelrsvp: Pastebin the output, and I'll take a look05:06
aegissebsebseb: Yup... Definitely agree...05:06
sebsebsebaegis: at both things?05:06
=== AwayNick is now known as WPPWAH
Shoviseaoftea, Ok thanks, I have the exact driver in XP if it helps(It not the official driver but it works--Asus g1s was made for vista)05:06
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paul68does  anyone know a good and complete tutorial or howto to get IPtables running as router and gateway05:07
sebsebsebaegis:  sadly my family are locked into XP, even though Ubuntu is an option on the family computer,  my little brother who is 7 will start using it again though,  when I put more games on it for him05:07
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aegissebsebseb: Yes...  I agree with the applicability of Ubuntu for new users (as well as experienced)... It's better than any I've seen for new users actually...  And I do remember the CD cover with the circle of friends...  :)05:07
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therealnanotubehey. how can i find out what agpmode my video card is running in (as in, 1x, 2x, 4x)? nothing's showing up in either dmesg or xorg.0.log. but maybe i'm not looking for the right things?05:08
shadowwulftelexicon: i see (NV) ... but i also see (EE) failed to initialize GLX extension ( Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found )05:08
sebsebsebaegis: yep the whole  Ubuntu Linux for human beings thing,   and  that picture is like saying we are all people,  regardless, of age, gender, and race05:08
IkynnThanks to all those that helped me out tonight - I'm jumping off this learning curve for the night!05:08
telexiconshadowwulf, ok it appears you're using the NV driver05:09
shadowwulftelexicon: ok05:09
telexiconshadowwulf, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there a line that says: Driver     "nv"05:09
rsvpFlannel so here it is http://dpaste.com/89710/05:10
kurohow do you configure pidgin to work with irc chat05:10
pogztimzhello.. y cant i install auth-client-config on Dapper 6.06 Client?05:10
seaofteashovi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=538448  <-- did you try these steps05:11
aegisshadow: I always had trouble with the "nv" driver... I recommend installing the updated drivers directly from Nvidia or waiting for EnvyNG to update (if it hasn't) for 8.10...05:11
telexiconshadowwulf, if its there, change the line to read, Driver "nvidia"05:11
paul68does  anyone know a good and complete tutorial or howto to get IPtables running as router and gateway05:11
glaksmonoanyone knows what it means by "Missing critical pre-requisite05:11
glaksmono-- missing system commands05:11
glaksmonowhat it means by "missing system commands"..??05:11
aegisshadowwulf: Are you going to be using compiz?05:11
Shoviseaoftea, thanks i will check that out05:11
mindrapepaul68 - if you made even a half-hearted attempt at googling you would have had the answer before having to re-ask.05:11
dearciaHi, i don't speak english well. How I can install ubuntu? I'm trying from Mexico sever05:12
shadowwulftelexicon: seems it says UseFBDev ... and yes i want to use compiz05:12
pogztimzhello.. y cant i install auth-client-config on Dapper 6.06 Client?05:12
Nyquist333Hi all, has anyone noticed that SATA drives are slow under ubuntu? Using hdparm -tT /dev/sda, I get a read speed of 69MB/s. And copying files is really slow.05:12
crdlbglaksmono: does it say which system commands are missing? also, what is 'it'?05:12
aegisdearcia: can you burn a CD?05:12
glaksmonocrdlb, no.. it just says like this:05:12
mrpocketsthen why DONt you05:12
glaksmonoMissing critical pre-requisite05:12
glaksmono-- missing system commands05:12
telexiconshadowwulf, could you pastebin what the Section "Device" says? for "video"05:12
paul68mindrape: I have been googling for a week now and I can't find a complete tutorial that covers my needs just get the basics explained but nothing more then that05:12
therealnanotubepaul68: try this: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialIptablesNetworkGateway.html05:13
glaksmonocrdlb: I'm trying to install Intel C++ Compiler05:13
aegisdearcia: Go here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:13
paul68therealnanotube: thanks05:13
telexiconshadowwulf, actually one sec05:13
pogztimzsomeone here faimiliar with OpenLDAP?05:13
telexiconshadowwulf, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:13
chattterAtUbunt1installed java jdk and can compile and all.  Anyone know where I can find the javadoc? (the html listing of classes, not the application)05:13
aegisdearcia: Select a location in the drop down box that is close to you and click "Begin Download"05:13
crdlbglaksmono: well, that's useless. there must be a log; they can't be that dumb05:13
benhupgrade from hardy to intrepid was FAR from smoott05:13
benhstill fixing crap left & right05:14
dearciaOk, I'm doing that05:14
glaksmonocrdlb, hmm..05:14
crdlbglaksmono: btw, what's wrong with g++? :)05:14
aegisbenh: agreed05:14
shadowwulftelexicon: ok in there05:14
benhfirefox lost its menu entry05:14
telexiconshadowwulf, go through the steps, select the 'nvidia' driver05:14
glaksmonocrdlb, i need to use this compiler to compile something that requires it05:14
benhand the main launcher its icon05:14
Clarkson123hey guys there's a 0day exploit out for VLC 0.9.6 , would this affect Ubuntu users too or could a hacker just mess up your home directory05:14
benheven after killing all my prefs05:14
benhnetwork manager is fubared05:14
benhfor some strange reason05:14
jj_galvezwhenever I eject a dvd the drive opens and closes.  This doesn't happen under windows or before Ibex, an thoughts?05:15
benhvarious other stuff left and right aren't working05:15
Flannelrsvp: So, that table that has "Pre-Fail" and "Old Age" in it, that column is the type of information (type of failure-ish thing) that thatparticular row is.05:15
pogztimzhello.. y cant i install auth-client-config on Dapper 6.06 Client?05:15
shadowwulftelexicon:  didnt ask me anything about a video driver05:15
aegisbenh: Mine wasn't nearly that bad...05:15
telexiconshadowwulf, done already?05:15
Flannelpogztimz: Because that package isnt in dapper.05:15
pogztimzcan some1 pls tell me how can i download auth-client-config on a dapper distro05:15
shadowwulftelexicon:  keyboard and that was it05:15
benhaegis: well, mine was OK at home on my amd6405:15
telexiconshadowwulf, ok is there a line in xorg.conf that says, Driver "something" ?05:15
rsvpso it that meant to be predictive?05:15
benhaegis: but my thinkpad is still in shock05:15
w33d5looking for a command to search through /media/folder and copy every *.jpg to /media/folder2  that will also increment the file name for dup filenames.... any suggestions?05:15
benhlet's reboot and see if network-mangler copes better05:16
mindrapeClarkson123 - you are safe.  All it could do is jackup files you have perms for.  Don't run it as root (sudo) and you are safe.05:16
dearciaAppears a list05:16
pogztimzFlannel> oh its u again.. tnk God.. how can i get it then?05:16
aegisbenh: Do you mount your /home dir on a separate partition?05:16
shadowwulftelexicon:  nope just a driver that doesnt seem to be in05:16
aegisbenh: You might just want to fresh install if you do05:16
augiewhat's a good download manager?05:16
Flannelpogztimz: Have you considered upgrading to Hardy?  (If I remember correctly, you're already considering it)  Once you upgrade, you'll have it.05:16
Shoviseaoftea, thanks.. thats the model i have ill give it a try05:16
shadowwulftelexicon:  Identifer "confiugred video device"05:16
rsvpFlannel, rephrasing: would those types be worrisome to you?05:16
lcortezwhats up aegis05:16
pogztimzi cant.. some of my machines jsut cant upgdr to hardy05:17
Flannelrsvp: Yeah, the numbers in those columns are what you need to know about.  You can probably find really good documentation on reading that output on the internet.  I am not a good reference source on SMART itself.05:17
therealnanotubehey. how can i find out what agpmode my video card is running in (as in, 1x, 2x, 4x)? nothing's showing up in either dmesg or xorg.0.log. but maybe i'm not looking for the right things?05:17
shadowwulftelexicon:  Option "useFbDev" "true"05:17
Flannelrsvp: No, no, those types are standard.05:17
aegislcor: hey lcortez... not much... how are you?05:17
telexiconshadowwulf, ok, delete that line05:17
tj83Hello all.. I have a permissions question for someone who can help me out. I reasonably understand how to use chown and chmod, I have a text file that I created with gedit, i have set the permissions on this file as owned by root  with permissions set to 700, I have created a desktop launcher targeted to this file as gksu gedit /location/filename , so, when i use this launcher for the first time it requires a password to open it, or save ch05:17
tj83anges naturally. but it does not ask everytime. how do i overcome this?05:17
telexiconshadowwulf, replace it with, Driver "nvidia"05:17
Flannelrsvp: Everyone has that, its static, its an attribute of those data type things, nothing to do with an individual drive05:17
n8tusertherealnanotube-> see if its mentioned in   xdpyinfo05:17
Flannelrsvp: Its like saying "i is an integer", integer is just the type of information.05:17
lcortezaegis, u know who this is?05:18
shadowwulftelexicon:  rebooting05:18
Flanneltj83: sudo caches the password for a time, you can either reduce (or eliminate) that time, or use sudo -k05:18
buffalocyberPlease help me05:18
glaksmonois there ubuntu developers channel?05:18
rsvpFlannel, gotcha === THANKS so much for being great help, and so generous with your time and consideration!05:18
Flannelglaksmono: #ubuntu-devel05:19
buffalocyberi want download manager support mms potocal05:19
tj83Flannel, TY, i will try -k as i dont want this to be system wide.05:19
clouder`grrFlannel: where can you reduce or extend the time?05:19
=== adam is now known as Guest85523
Flannelclouder`grr: in sudoers05:19
glaksmonothanks Flannel05:19
clouder`grrFlannel: thanks05:19
dearciaaegis: I have a list and I don't know what to do next05:19
Flannelclouder`grr: (sudo visudo)05:19
therealnanotuben8tuser: don't see anything about it there...05:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:19
Acediphey guys. I want to add limewire to my repository list05:19
Flannel!frostwire | Acedip05:19
ubottuAcedip: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:19
shadowwulftelexicon:  ok blank screen ... but i was able to log in05:20
aegislcortez: Nope...  Should I?05:20
telexiconshadowwulf, but nothing on the screen?05:20
aegisdearcia: A list of what?05:20
shadowwulftelexicon:  no nothing on the screen05:20
telexiconshadowwulf, :-/05:20
dearciaubi.exe, foother.html, etc05:20
shadowwulftelexicon:  least i know it didnt freeze up05:20
meyou-can the ubuntu installer shrink an NTFS partition to make room for ubuntu dualboot?05:21
lcortezmaybe, you might have given me a server recently05:21
rsvpfor the fellow that needed IRC setup for PIDGIN, voila http://short.to/80z05:21
clouder`grrFlannel: I don't see anything in the comments about time in sudo visudo05:21
prince_jammysmeyou-: yes05:21
seaofteameyou-: yes05:21
benhmostly fixed now05:21
meyou-cool beans05:21
benhwould be interesting to know why it insists on starting the kde network manager applet in gnome sessions tho05:21
Flannelclouder`grr: No, its got a default value, man sudoers mentions it, (And theres lots of documentation online), but sudo visudo is how you (more safely) edit sudoers05:22
air0dayI have a problem installing samba that has spiraled out of control.  I messed up smb.conf so i tried reinstalling it, which gave me some error about init scripts so I deleted /etc/init.d/samba but reinstalling doesn't restore it so now even though I can uninstall/reinstall samba, the file never comes back.  How do I get a fresh clean samba on my machine?05:22
seaofteameyou-: Actually the live cd comes with a great partitioning tool05:22
=== y0m3r0 is now known as piolavski
meyou-also, dualbooting ubuntu64 and xp32 should be fine right?05:22
clouder`grrFlannel: ahh ok, thanks again, just wondering.  Pretty happy myself with sudo timing05:22
seaofteameyou-: You can quad boot if you wanted too05:22
Flannelair0day: You need to purge ("completely remove" in synaptic) the packages that those files were in.  To figure out which packages those are, dpkg -S /path/to/file, will tell you (its likely a -common file or somethng)05:22
aegisbenh: something is really screwed up if that is happening...  consider a fresh install.05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrome05:23
tj83Flannel, i added the -k option in my launcher line as gksu -k gedit filename.. but it does not ask for password every time.05:23
shadowwulftelexicon:  so what now ?05:23
rsvpchrome is the google browser05:23
telexiconshadowwulf, i dont know05:23
seaofteameyou-: I actually did that for a while /w Ubuntu 64-bit, Mac OSX, Vista 64 and XP 3205:23
telexiconshadowwulf, im annoyed with the nvidia driver05:23
telexiconshadowwulf, this is 8.04 correct?05:23
shadowwulfyes 8.0405:24
[biabia]what file in ubuntu is similar to /etc/inittab in fedora where you can designate which run level is default05:24
Flanneltj83: No, no, "sudo -k" will reset the timestamp (I'm actually not sure how this works with gksu).  See the gksu manpage to see if it supports the -k option, if not, try making your launcher do this instead: sudo -k; gksu whatever05:24
benhaegis: that's too painful for works, maybe later, I'll fix things up for now05:24
tj83Flannel, ok, will try that.05:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about goodnight05:24
Acedipubottu: well neither frostwire is in repository05:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:25
air0dayflannel: okay, i did a complete remove on samba and then installed it again, but it's still not there05:25
rsvpthat's ok ubottu ==== see ya all , thanks so much again!05:25
Flannelair0day: Which package did you completely remove?05:25
air0dayoh wait05:25
air0daygot it05:25
air0daythanks :)05:25
seaofteaWhat that 'feature' called when your finger gets to the edge of your touch pad but the mouse keeps moving?05:25
seaofteaBecause I really want to turn that off05:26
lcortezhaving trouble installing a printer. does anyone have a solution to install a canon MP470?05:26
telexiconshadowwulf, do you see any error lines in /var/log/Xorg.0.log now?05:26
Acedipubottu: i mean its not there in the package list05:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:26
seaoftealcortez: if you find out, let me know05:26
cprohi i need to conned to different essid but my network-admin is not working can any boddy tell me how to connect to internet i am using 8.1005:26
thethirdmooseHelp! My GRUB is totally screwed up and I can't boot. I can't even fix GRUB like I usually do with find /boot/grub/stage105:26
shadowwulftelexicon:  checking05:26
mindrapetouchpad scroll region05:26
lcortezur having the same issue05:27
thethirdmoosePlease help me fix GRUB05:27
seaofteaI have the same printer05:27
mindrapecpro - sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid YOURSSID05:27
mindrapecpro - sudo dhclient wlan005:27
AussieGuyI wonder if it would it be possible to set up a bunch of servers all of them having changing IP addresses. then have the servers report their ip addresses to a master server, which runs a private DNS server that manages domain names for them05:27
mindrapecpro - if you have a WEP key then you will need to use iwconfig to set that as well.. man iwconfig05:27
lcortezseaoftea: are you having the same trouble?05:28
therealnanotubehey. how can i find out what agpmode my video card is running in (as in, 1x, 2x, 4x)? nothing's showing up in either dmesg or xorg.0.log. but maybe i'm not looking for the right things?05:28
seaofteaI haven't try actually lol, I just figured I'll run into it if you are05:28
mindrapeAussieGuy: obvious slowpoke is obvious... dynamic dns.05:28
thethirdmooseHelp my fix GRUB, please, I can't boot onto my hard drive.05:29
Acedipubottu: well ok that i can download the .deb file from the website but how to add that in the repository05:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:29
lcortezseaoftea: it recognizes the printer, but there's no driver for it05:29
AussieGuytrue, but dyndns is visible to everyone....Im thinking of one that is private05:29
AussieGuyit would probably use bind and a few scripts05:29
shadowwulftelexicon:  no errors ... but it now ID's the card05:29
After_Mathhow can I change a "Read-only file system"?05:29
telexiconshadowwulf, hmm05:30
Shoviseaoftea, Hi, that didnt work... but on the first time I start up ubuntu it says You are connected to the wired network... cept it dosnt work05:30
AussieGuylike one to scp over the IP in a file, then another to read the Ip from that file and update its DNS record05:30
mindrapeAfter_Math: change the /etc/fstab entry for it05:30
[biabia]please where is inittab file in ubuntu05:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus05:30
After_Mathmindrape, not sure exactly how but I will look at taht file05:30
nebajoth[biabia], look at Upstart05:30
rshakinhey ppl05:30
cinexi want to move my / to a diff parition. What am i supposed to do with /proc ?05:31
telexiconshadowwulf, aha05:31
shadowwulftelexicon:  aha ?05:31
rshakini have to say i am very impressed with new version...05:31
[biabia]nebajoth, thankie05:31
telexiconshadowwulf, edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst, theres a line like # defoptions=quiet splash05:31
dearciaaegis: My nearest server is UNAM in Mexico05:31
shadowwulftelexicon:  ok05:31
cpromindrape iwconfig is not working05:31
mindrapecpro - sudo iwconfig         what does it say?05:32
cpromindrape its not changing my current essid05:32
telexiconshadowwulf, change that to, # defoptions=quiet -- then run sudo update-grub05:32
mindrapecpro - sudo ifconfig        what is the list of network adapters available?  maybe you dont have wlan005:32
After_Mathmindrape, the SD Card doesnt even show up in fstab05:32
cpromindrape i did sudo but it says nothing but my essid always remains the same05:32
[biabia]nebajoth, i dont see Upstart anywhere05:32
w33d5does anyone how i can change this ?   to find *.jpg from /media/folder1 and copy to /media/folder2    find /media/folder1 -type f -name *.jpg | xargs cp ??? /media/folder205:33
mindrapeAfter_Math - umount it then man mount and set all the parameters you want next time you mount.05:33
nebajoth[biabia], read the link I sent you05:33
yuri_im want to create a command that looks like this $ wait 45 mins && poweroff   how do i dovthe time bit?05:33
After_Mathmindrape, k,  I can do that, the only problem I would man mounting is knowing what to mount in /dev. I am still unable to locate its location, although I think it might be /dev/mccblk005:33
prince_jammysw33d5: find /media/folder1 -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec cp {} /media/folder2 \;05:34
mindrapew33d5: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/05:34
shadowwulftelexicon:  done05:34
XFCEntralyuri_: try "at"05:34
XFCEntral$ man at05:34
telexiconshadowwulf, try rebooting again05:34
w33d52 part question -- how can i do this through ssh where it will continue to run after i close the ssh session?05:35
w33d5that was the second par05:35
bravo7_Question is there a way to uninstall / have a clean ubuntu 8.10 b/c i want have a fresh install ubuntu05:35
=== Moshu` is now known as MoshutZu
mindrapew33d5 - screen05:35
mindrapeyou can detach and reattach to it after logging out/in05:36
ag90bravo7_ you could always backup your home folder and format05:36
cpromindrape i have eth1 i tried everything u told me05:36
w33d5if the session closes will it continue to run?05:36
mindrapecpro - well then its not recognizing your wireless card if all you have is eth1 probably...05:36
FezzlerAnyone recommend a 3D game other than Open Arena?  Kids like OA. but it's a little too much05:36
mindrapecpro - lspci, lsmod, dmesg... do you see your card in any of those?05:36
bravo7_ag90 is there another way?05:36
cpromindrape but my internet is working05:37
ag90um.. not really .. u need a fresh install .. thats the only way05:37
ShoviCan someone help me? MY wired network does not work since installing 8.10, It has worked on all older versions... Can I possibly roll back my driver or something?? It says Im using the r8169 Driver in lunux, in windows i use the r816805:37
mindrapecpro - are you plugged in through ethernet?05:37
acp_hi how do I open a Nautilus?05:37
mindrapeacp_ from a commandline  nautilus &  :)05:37
acp_mindframe-, thanks05:38
cpromindrape no i am using wireless05:38
shadowwulftelexicon:  still blank screen ... but i saw a bunch it ran through05:38
mindrapecpro - sudo iwconfig... it is blank?05:38
shadowwulftelexicon:  its doing a check disk05:38
telexiconshadowwulf, ah ok05:38
cpromindrape ya05:38
cpromindrape ya its blank05:39
ambush276hey guys i need some help05:39
ag90Shovi .. do a lsmod | grep r816905:39
yuri_XFCEntral: im having trouble with the at command... can you help me a bit further?05:39
mindrapecpro - well I have no idea then.  Technically that is impossible as far as I'm concerned.05:39
dearciaAnyone from Mexico?05:39
ambush276i just installed Ubuntu , i did the apt-get install g++ i did apt-get install eclipse, and i did apt-get install subversion05:39
ag90if it shows something .. then ur using that driver.. so you need to remove that module and frce it to use a different id05:39
ambush276im running Ubuntu server edition05:39
XFCEntralyuri_: absolutely! you said you need this command executed in 45 minutes, right?05:39
cpromindrape ya i know its really sounding impossible05:39
ambush276how do i use eclipse with the comand prompt?? and use subversion with the command prompt?05:40
shadowwulftelexicon:  still a blank screen05:40
ambush276anyone have a guide or can help me through this???05:40
yuri_XFCEntral: yes05:40
cpromindrape but i am working on my wireless and i am not able to switch to another network05:40
telexiconshadowwulf, ok i dont know05:40
chupacabradarn cant find the roach clip05:40
telexiconshadowwulf, is this a new install? 64bit?05:40
osmosishow do I use my desktop as a "bluetooth headset" to stream audio over bluetooth from my phone ?05:40
yuri_XFCEntral: doesnt matter if its in 45 mins or at a specific time05:40
shadowwulftelexicon:  32 bit 8.0405:40
ambush276ok ill repeat... I need help with figuring out how to use Eclipse in ubuntu server edition with subversion??? anyone help me?05:40
telexiconshadowwulf, try 8.10?05:40
shadowwulftelexicon:  64 bit and 32 bit 8.10 did the same thing05:41
chupacabraubuntu is for lusers05:41
telexiconshadowwulf, ok, i dont know05:41
linuxgeekeryI just installed Ubuntu on a macbook pro - everything is fine except the trackpad isn't working05:41
shadowwulftelexicon:  i dropped i dropped back to 8.04 to see what was going on05:41
XFCEntralyuri_: should this be a one-time-only execution, or would you like this command to execute regularly, on a schedule?05:41
shadowwulftelexicon:  but thanks for your help anyway05:41
ambush276ok ill repeat... I need help with figuring out how to use Eclipse in ubuntu server edition with subversion??? anyone help me?05:41
yuri_XFCEntral: one time05:41
chupacabraubuntu is for lusers05:41
chupacabraubuntu is for lusers05:42
chupacabraubuntu is for lusers05:42
FloodBot2chupacabra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
eydaimonhow can I explore network using samba?05:42
byonixhi, anyone knows the upsides and downsides of 8.10 to 8.04?05:42
mindrapebyonix - one is LTS and one isnt.  Go read the website.  They have all the details.05:42
linuxgeekeryactually even an external USB mouse works, just not the laptop's trackpad.  any suggestions?05:42
ag90byonix: 8.10 uses a newer kernel, a newer version of gnome. etc. While 8.04 is a long term release. I say if 8.10 is working perfectly for you, go with it05:43
ambush276ok ill repeat... I need help with figuring out how to use Eclipse in ubuntu server edition with subversion??? anyone help me?05:43
ambush276ok ill repeat... I need help with figuring out how to use Eclipse in ubuntu server edition with subversion??? anyone help me?05:43
byonixmindrape, i use the LTS, i just wonder which is better?05:43
aegisdearcia: Are you downloading it?05:43
Flannelambush276: Eclipse is a GUI app, so you'll have to install a gUI05:43
mindrapebyonix - define "better". What criteria do you have setup to determine, in a consistent way, what is "Better"?05:44
therealnanotubeheh heh... floodbot is cool. :)05:44
ambush276can i install a GUI w/ the serve edition05:44
linuxgeekeryambush276: yes05:44
dearciaaegis: I did waht you told me, I click in download and it appears a list and I don't know wath to do05:44
ambush276how.. guides?05:44
Flannelambush276: Yes.  The different editions are only different default package selections.  What are you using this computer for, anyway?05:44
yell0whi guys, does anyone know how to fix this error Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll. i am trying to play a real media file .rpm05:45
yell0whi guys, does anyone know how to fix this error Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll. i am trying to play a real media file .rpm with mplayer*, running hardy05:45
mosbayacan visual foxpro run in ubuntu?05:45
mindrapemosbaya - www.winehq.org look in their compatability listing05:46
mosbayamindrape.. thanks05:46
byonixmindrape,i'll have to say more hardware friendly, in 8.04, my embedded microdia webcam, and modems undetected, do you know ho to resolve it?05:46
mindrapebyonix - check hardware compatability lists and google the specific vendor and model numbers.  Linux isn't going to support all hardware.  Write to the hardware manufacturers and tell them to release open source drivers.05:47
M0badderany one knows abt ubuntu firewalls ???!!!!05:47
mindrapeM0badder: ask a specific question, get a specific answer.05:47
mindrapeM0badder: yes we knows abt ubuntu firewalls #@$!@!!!05:47
mosbayahow install odbc mysql in wine05:47
M0badderi need to manage my bandwidth05:47
Flannelmosbaya: Why would you insstall mysql in wine, when you can do it natively?05:48
mindrapemosbaya - you want to use an ODBC mysql driver?  For what?05:48
ambush276just running a basic server.05:48
ambush276like im using it to run a game server.05:48
M0badderhow ???05:48
ambush276Fannel: yea , for a game server, something that can handle a lot on the processor05:49
M0badderwhat is the best firewall can do managment for my bandwidth ???05:49
mindrapem0badder - google bandwidth shaping iptables05:49
ambush276Flannel: yea , for a game server, something that can handle a lot on the processor05:49
yuri_XFCEntral: any luck?05:49
ambush276so i need something that is light.. but at the same time i guess i need a GUI for Eclipse..05:49
Flannelambush276: You might be better off installing the desktop version to begin with, then just adding the server stuff ontop of that05:49
M0badderlet me check it05:49
aegisdearcia: highlight the server near you... the click the green Download box05:50
ambush276can i install the Desktop w/ LAMP?05:50
mosbayai have visual foxpro program with sql databases, how run it with wine05:50
aegissave that file... and then burn it to a CD or DVD.05:50
XFCEntralyuri_: now im having trouble with the syntax myself haha an example is "at now + 3 hours<backup," to run a command called backup in three hours05:50
ambush276Flannel: can i install teh Desktop w/ LAMP05:50
aegisit's an iso file, so you must burn the image to a CD05:50
dearciaaegis: my nearest server is in Mexico, UNAM05:50
mindrapeambush276 - it sounds like you are planning on developing directly on the server w eclipse. This is ill-advised.  Servers should be configured to run only the specific daemons necessary.  Installing GUIs, IDEs, etc is going to violate segregation of duties requirements and blah blah blah05:50
aegisdearcia: that fine... select it05:50
aegisdearcia: that's fine... select it05:51
ditch64hello, i have a problem, i resized the swap partition and the computer would not reboot, i tried like 6 times and it didnt work the 7th time it booted......05:51
ambush276ok mindrape .. so should i make a virtual Machine on another server for the otehr stuff?05:51
ditch64it even said that it predicted a failure05:51
Flannelambush276: Yes.05:51
aegisditch64: what size?   my system never even uses the swap part05:51
ambush276ok sounds good.!05:51
zendoafter last updates forefox start peistemt;i om off ;line ,pfr05:51
Flannelambush276: You can install everything the server has on a "desktop" system05:51
XFCEntralyuri_: solved it05:51
yuri_XFCEntral: ?05:51
dearciaaegis: I click and send me a list. I am new using linux, so I don't know waht to do next05:52
ditch64aegis: i used the auto install and it made the swap like 40 gigs and after learning about linux i resized it to 2 gigs today05:52
XFCEntralyuri_: make sure you enter it this way-- at now+ 1 minute</usr/bin/clamtk05:52
aegisditch64: i doubt you'll ever need a 2 gig swap part..  just fyi...05:52
ShoviMy wired internet has not worked ever since I installed 8.10... It has worked on previous versions of ubuntu.... It currently says the driver is r8169... Can I roll back the driver... any ideas?05:52
shadowwulfcan somebody tell me the right setting i need for vga= for 1280x1024 for the logon screen05:52
ditch64aegis: but now it works and now i fear that i may have a problem larger then i think05:53
macoaegis: if you have one gig of memory, 2gig of swap is recommended if you intend to hibernate05:53
aegisditch64: it sounds like your FAT was messed with...05:53
yuri_XFCEntral: so to poweroff it would be at now+ 1 hour</bin/poweroff ?05:53
ditch64aegis: i have 2 gigs of memory and i hibernate every time i turn off the computer05:53
aegismaco: Good point!  Mine won't hibernate so I don't worry about that...05:53
Flannelyuri_: sudo shutdown -h +6005:54
JoeDaMacSo, trying to boot into Ubuntu on my mac mini, dvi out to my hd tv. Not getting any video, probably would get an 'out of range' message were it a pc monitor05:54
ditch64aegis: but thats not the issue right now, i need to make sure everything is ok, and that i do not need to restore any of the file system before i reboot05:54
aegisditch64: yes, in light of that, disregard what I said.05:54
JoeDaMachow would I go about changing resolutions, not being able to see anything?05:54
madaraalexbobp: Please stop using the internet, you're ruining my experience.05:54
aegisditch64: Do you have gparted installed?05:54
alexbobplol @ madara05:54
XFCEntralyuri_: so your command may be like this: at now+ 1 minute</sbin/reboot i believe05:54
ditch64aegis: yes05:54
mkquist_is there an alsa channel?05:55
gluonmanI downloaded a series of rar archives from rapidshare (part1 through part6). When I try to open and extract the archives, parts 2 through 6 all open part1. If I delete part1, the rest of the archives are empty. Does anyone know why this is?05:55
macomkquist_: there's #alsa05:55
aegisditch64: You could use gparted to take a look if the partitions were okay...05:55
gaintsurahey all, I seemed to have managed to turn mouse 1 from normal click to move, and I can't seem to get it back, anyone have any ideas?05:55
FlannelXFCEntral, yuri_: for shutting down (and therefore rebooting), shutdown handles times itself, both relative and absolute.05:55
deftonetried to put Ubuntu on USB and it won't start at boot.....anything i'm missing??05:55
yuri_Flannel: hey thanks05:55
mkquist_maco: ty05:55
ditch64aegis: i did not know that, give me a second and ill report back05:55
paul68therealnanotube: are you familliar with iptables? if so can I pm you?05:55
gaintsuraI have no idea how it changed either, I was trying to change opacity key bindings in compiz when it happened05:55
mindrapedeftone - does your motherboard support booting off a USB device?05:55
mrpocketsusing nVidia settings manager dor dual monitors05:55
macomkquist_: do you need ubuntu audio help?05:55
deftonemindrape: it sure does.....05:55
yuri_XFCEntral: the shutdown command has a timer. See what Flannel wrote05:56
XFCEntralFlannel: good point! like shutdown -r now, for example?05:56
mrpocketsis there a way to have separate wallpapers for each monitor?05:56
mkquist_maco: a little05:56
mindrapedeftone - did you select USB as one of the devices to boot from in the boot order prior to your HD?05:56
deftonebut all i get is the blinking cursor05:56
ditch64aegis: how do i use gparted to figure out if its ok?05:56
macomkquist_: there's an unofficial #ubuntu-audio-help05:56
ag90Hey does anyone know if the network manager in intrepid supports static IP addresses ?05:56
M0baddermosbaya:do you have a link step by step using iptables form installing it to confg.???05:56
macoag90: it does05:56
mkquist_maco: well ty again05:56
mrpocketsag90, why wouldn't it05:56
deftoneYa my mobo supports it and i also hit f10 to choose which device i wanna boot.05:56
dearciaaegis: Thanks, the problem is the UNAM sever. I am downloading from Argentina. Thanks a lot05:56
ag90good. Thanks. I had some problems on hardy with it05:56
ambush276ok i will try vmware05:56
ambush276with Ubuntu desktop05:57
aegisdearcia: Doh... that would do it...  I'm glad it's working for you...05:57
ambush276and then..05:57
ambush276we will see how it goes..05:57
FloodBot2ambush276: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:57
deftoneI did the Windows installation using netbootin05:57
aegisditch64: Let me load up gparted...  I don't have it installed on this box05:57
shadowwulfcan anybody help me get video from a nvidia 8800 .... i have flase colors on the screen when i added vga=795 ... trying to fix that05:57
FlannelXFCEntral: indeed, or +60 (1 hour from now) or 19:40 (at 7:40 pm)05:57
PeddyHow do I compile an executable from a .c file?05:57
XFCEntralFlannel: thank you05:57
mindrapegcc -o this this.c05:57
ditch64aegis: ok thank you05:57
FlannelXFCEntral: see man shutdown for all the details, etc.05:57
deftonemindrape: any ideas? I think i need to set up something with the mbr05:57
mindrapedeftone - well your MBR is only going to get called up if you boot from the HD.05:58
mindrapedeftone - if it boots to a blinking cursor I dunno... go look in the forums for the USB distro you are attempting.05:58
mrpocketsif i like the way one icon package makes FF look05:59
Peddythanks mindrape05:59
mrpocketsbut like everythign about the other icon pack05:59
M0badderdo any one know abt iptables ???05:59
gaintsurayar wtf05:59
JoeDaMacRunning on a Mac Mini, DVI out to my HD TV. problem: booting off the cd for the first time, not getting any video. Resolution is out of range, I imagine. Any ideas?05:59
aegisditch64: You can force a check of your drives by rebooting your computer with 'sudo shutdown -r -F now05:59
Flannelditch64: or force it at next reboot with `sudo /forcefsck`05:59
ditch64well im scared its no going to boot next time06:00
aegisFlannel: Yeah, that's a little more elegant...  good point...06:00
TheebHello, I upgraded my Ubuntu to 8.10, but now it doesn't recognize my video card, I have ATI radeon 980006:00
smokewonHey what is "http-alt"? i got this service listening on port 8000, what is it?06:00
paul68does anyone know a good tutorial for shorewall firewall?06:01
ksakjashow do i tell specific program to use a specific card? lets say bittorrent. how do i tell it to go through rausb0 instead of eth0?06:01
ShoviMy wired internet has not worked ever since I installed 8.10... It has worked on previous versions of ubuntu.... It currently says the driver is r8169... Can I roll back the driver... any ideas?  Should I just go back go 8.04??06:01
smokewonis it normal to have a http caching service running on my desktop machine (listening on port 8000)06:02
coltonfiles from text files from cd, and I want to modify them, but they won't let me (they if a lock sign on them). how do I fix this?06:02
colton(*I uploaded files and Ubuntu won't let me modify them, how do I fix this?06:03
=== shane_ is now known as ShaneAu
ag90Theeb: That can be fixed multiple ways. Here are some instructions : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide06:03
Mariner_colton: if the file is on the cd is read only, if not run chmod +w filename06:03
ConexionHey all, I'm looking to install Ubuntu on my main computer.... But I want to make sure I'm taking full advantage of my hardware... Would standard Ubuntu be fine? I was told one time about Ubuntu Mint but I'm not sure what the difference is...06:03
therealnanotubepaul68: well, it's really been a while since i've done anything more complicated than a basic filter with iptables. so i don't think i'd be of much use. but there's no harm in trying. :)06:04
Theebag90, thanks!06:04
paul68therealnanotube: can I pm you?06:04
therealnanotubeConexion: difference between mint and plain ubuntu is that mint includes the "restricted" codecs by default (but they can be installed on plain ubuntu as well). other than that, just try the livecds of the two, and see the difference yourself.06:04
coltonk thx06:05
therealnanotubepaul68: sure why not. but as i said, no guarantees of me actually being able to help. :)06:05
acp_Conexion: try first the live cd then see what working and whats need to be tweak or hack06:05
ConexionAh, k.... Is there any way to install ubuntu so that you can just log in as Admin, or do you have to adjust that afterwards?06:05
acp_Conexion: try wubi06:06
FlannelConexion: You don't want to log in as admin06:06
Mariner_Conexion: why do you want to log in as admin?06:06
ConexionWubi? Also, I prefer not having to Unlock and sudo everything while I'm doing things06:07
tux9778hi whats a good mp3 player for ver 8.4?06:07
Mariner_tux9778: vlc06:07
tux9778ok thanks mariner_06:07
tux9778anything else06:07
Mariner_tux9778:  np :)06:07
Conexion<3 VLC... Light weight and great06:08
the-erm1Anyone know off the top of their head how to change global hot keys in gnome?06:08
tux9778ok can u listen to shoutcast with vlc?06:08
Conexionthe-erm1: System Preferences Keyboard Shortcuts06:09
ConexionSystem> Preferences> Keyboard shortcuts*06:09
the-erm1Conexion: Yes that'll change them, but how do you set what you want to do.06:09
the-erm1Like a program.06:09
ConexionLike a macro?06:09
emo 8-)06:10
the-erm1Like getting FN-Play to run a scrip that will start/play/pause a media player06:10
the-erm1For a lap to.06:10
Flannel!mediakeys | the-erm106:10
ubottuthe-erm1: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts06:10
the-erm1s/lap to/laptop06:10
Mariner_13tux9778: i have not tried shoutcasts on vlc06:10
tux9778ok mariner thanks06:11
the-erm1I've been playing around with xev, and stuff just isn't showing up like it should.06:11
ectospasmhow do I install g++?  I can't seem to search for it with aptitude, and it doesn't appear to be part of the pre-installed gcc set06:11
mrpocketswhat do you do06:12
Flannelectospasm: install build-essential06:12
tux9778mariner_13 witch program do i use to access another vnc computer?06:12
mrpocketsif you try to add an icon package, and it says it doesn't contain a valad icon file?06:12
M0badderwhen i reboot my server it freez06:13
dotblankHave any of you gotten ldap authentication to work?06:13
Mariner_13tux9778: u must have the vnc installed on your computer also..06:13
badfish69is there a quick way to go from rtf to pdf? preferably command line?06:13
TurboBeeI would like to say good job to ubuntu for making a rock solid operating system06:13
Mariner_13tux9778: like tightvnc06:13
TurboBeemy laptop is up and running again because of your out of the box support for wireless cards :)06:13
tux9778i have my other linux box using remote desktop06:14
dotblankI was very pleased with Ibex being able to suspend/resume/hibernate and even control the brightness of my laptop06:14
tux9778just want to connect to it from this one06:14
badfish69oo has it built in06:14
dotblankwell you may be able to print the rtf to a pdf06:15
M0badderanyhelp ???06:15
dotblankdefine freezes06:15
M0badderjust see the unbuntu logo06:16
Mariner_13tux9778: install one you like form sudo apt-cache search vnc06:16
gaintsurahas anyone had any super bad experiences upgrading from hardy to intrepid?06:16
tux9778ok ty06:16
seaofteaUmm where did xorg.conf go?  There is nothing in mine06:16
seaofteaI'm using 8.1006:16
M0badderand do nothing i have to unplug it from the elec.06:16
dotblankthe next time you boot up can you remove the splash and quiet settings from grub06:17
tux9778seaoftea im runing 7.10 and 8.406:17
dotblankdo the keyboards capslock and numlock flash?06:17
dotblankthats a kernel panic06:17
M0badderhow should i fix it ????06:17
dotblankis this a fresh install or has it worked before06:18
M0badderi'm still in the testing period06:18
dotblankhave you ever gotten it to boot?06:18
ag90_Hey I am using Intrepid. Kernel 2.6.27 has built-in support for my WiFi card - RTL8187B. The support is a bit unstable. I want to move back to the old driver but it won't compile in 2.6.27. I think downgrading the kernel is an option. Any suggestions ?06:18
M0badderfrom the 1st i install it06:19
M0badderand this problem06:19
M0badderi tried to solve it form the hardware06:19
M0badderby puting the power in the bios06:19
M0badderto run again06:19
M0badderbut nothing happen06:19
Flannel!enter | M0badder06:20
ubottuM0badder: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:20
dotblankhow old is the server your putting it on?06:20
M0badderno it's new06:20
dotblankhave you tried loading default bios settings?06:20
M0badderi will try06:21
=== BaD-CrC is now known as BaD_CrC
M0badderit's a new dell desktop computer i installed ubuntu server for testing the conf. before i install it on the real server06:22
M0badderbut 1st you told me it's kernel problem06:22
dotblankIs the hardware the same on both06:22
FlannelM0badder: Try the alternate CD instead of the server CD06:22
dotblankwell it may be that acpi might be causeing a kernel panic06:22
seaofteadamn you hal, OPEN THE POD BAY DOORS!!!!06:23
Flannelseaoftea: eh?06:23
M0badderplz define acpi06:23
dotblankIm afraid i cannot do that, dave06:23
Irreducibilis1338 people :O06:24
dotblankACPI is  a extension of the bios that allows the OS to control power and device states.. like standby or sleep06:24
M0badderso your advice is to load defult bios06:25
dotblankbut most often I find that kernel panics are do to filesystem errors06:25
Sinisteriv been using this gtk-gnutella it puts ok after every every thing like.mp3.OK how can i get it rid of that ?06:25
dotblankresseting the bios may fix it but it is a shot in the dark06:25
M0badderthx dotblank, another thing do u know what is the best firewall should i install ???06:26
ag90I have a problem. The new kernel in intrepid has support for my wifi card ( rtl8187b ) but the support is buggy and keeps going off every now and then. I need to downgrade to the old driver but it won't compile on this kernel. One option is to downgrade the kernel and then switch back to the old driver. Anyone have other suggestions to fix this problem ?06:26
dotblankwell IP tables seems pretty good but im no firewall expert06:27
clouder`grrM0badder:  I use firestarter, but it's just a front for iptables06:27
clouder`grrM0badder: the rules you put in place make it the best firewall06:27
M0badderi'm new in linx ubuntu and i wanna know step by step how to install iptables firewall06:28
clouder`grrM0badder: iptables is your firewall, use firestarter to put restrictions in place as iptables is usually blank by default06:29
wolfwalkerMy Pidgin just stopped being able to connect to yahoo server.  I tried Kopete, Sim, even fired up Xubuntu on another computer to test its Pidgin, no luck.06:29
wolfwalkerReal Yahoo IM (on windoze) is all that will connect to Yahoo.06:29
M0badderah thx clouder06:29
wolfwalkerDid something change over at yahoo and is there something I should change?06:29
ag90I have a problem. The new kernel in intrepid has support for my wifi card ( rtl8187b ) but the support is buggy and keeps going off every now and then. I need to downgrade to the old driver but it won't compile on this kernel. One option is to downgrade the kernel and then switch back to the old driver. Anyone have other suggestions to fix this problem ?06:29
dotblankhave you tried compiling the latest driver for the wifi card06:30
ag90I tried06:30
dotblankand why did it fail?06:30
ag90It gave me some compilation errors06:30
dotblankand what errors?06:31
ag90something about not being able to find something. The jadams drivers are patched to work on 2.6.24 but the drivers are there in 2.6.27 by default with some modifications.06:31
ag90And those modifications make it really buggy. Data transfer just stops randomly06:31
turtle_i need some quick help with wine06:31
turtle_private chat for wine help plzzzzzzzzzzz06:31
Flannelturtle_: Try #winehq06:31
turtle_k one sec06:32
turtle_can u helpme?06:32
Flannelturtle_: Also, you're encouraged in almost all channels to keep it inside the channel.06:32
Flannelturtle_: as opposed to in a query06:32
bullgard4Firefox > Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > (Library) > All Bookmarks > Bookmarks menu > »a particular bookmark« > More shows Name, Location, Tags, Keyword and Description. What is the function of 'Keyword' (in contrast to 'Tags'?06:32
TurboBeehow do i get widescreen support on my ubuntu laptop?  my current resolution is 1024x768 using openchrome06:32
Mariner_13how do i get the text i mark with the mouse in terminal to automaticly go to clip-bord, and by right click it pastes ?06:33
dotblankAnybody have luck with ubuntu authenticating with ldap?06:33
Mariner_13this is default in putty ex..06:33
TurboBeeMariner_13, try right and left click at the same time?06:33
Slart07:33 < dotblank> Anybody have luck with ubuntu authenticating with ldap?06:33
Slart07:33 < Mariner_13> this is default in putty ex..06:33
clouder`grrMariner_13: in gnome-terminal just select the text and use middle click to paste06:33
Slartoops.. you got my trying all kinds of clicking here.. =)06:34
TurboBeeyeah or middle click :p06:34
mindrapeI just do up up down down left right left right b a start06:34
Mariner_13copy / past - tanx dudes.. that worked great :-)06:35
updatesquestion: can i provide IP addresses on a different subnet? ex. dhcp server is in ... and client is in
dotblankDHCP doesn't run on the IP level06:35
dotblankits at ethernet06:35
yell0wis there a way to pipe a url to wget ?06:35
whatlahthere are 1333 users in this channle ? why can't i see them i'm using xchat genome06:35
jkessleri just installed 8.10 where do I go to get compiz going?06:35
jkessleris it installed by default?06:36
mindrapewhatlah - type /names #ubuntu06:36
joshuxwhatlah, or use xchat06:36
ditch64ok i dont remember who i was talking to before, if you remember me would you speak up please06:36
mindrapeditch64 - you were probably talking to yourself.  A few of us were ---typing--- to you before06:36
Mariner_13jkessler: Ctrl + U06:36
ag90jkessler: It is installed by default. Right click the desktop and go to Visual Effects section and choose your desired setting. And you may install the package compizconfig-settings-manager to configure it more.06:36
canthonyis it possible to SAVE to DOCX format in OO3 or OO2.406:37
ditch64mindrape: haha i dont remember that06:37
ditch64well anyway, i did fsck aaaaaand lotts errors06:37
whatlahisnt there a user panel in this genome xchat ?06:37
Slartditch64: try typing "/lastlog ditch64" it should give you your chat history06:37
dotblankHas anyone gotten LDAP to work in ubuntu06:37
Mariner_13yell0w: do you mean getting a webpage with wget?06:37
therealnanotubehey. how can i find out what agpmode my video card is running in (as in, 1x, 2x, 4x)? nothing's showing up in either dmesg or xorg.0.log. but maybe i'm not looking for the right things?06:37
ag90canthony: No there isn't06:37
ditch64randomly it will let me it will boot the computer up, other times it just says it has too many errors and ya06:37
whatlahThere isn't any user panel in gnemo xchat ?06:38
ditch64mindrape: do you know much about filesystem repair?06:38
whatlahi meant chatter panel wehre u can see the chatter available in this cahnnel06:38
mindrapeditch64 - I've fsck'd a few times....06:38
mindrapetherealnanotube: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-51799.html06:38
canthonyag90, are you aware or any timeline for this??  i have several clients that require this do to companies requiring it... as the entire corporation has switched to '07 office.  i was under the impression that OO3 would support but i can only OPEN DOCX06:39
ditch64mindrape: haha06:39
mindrapecanthony: looking... hold06:39
whatlahok i found it06:39
ag90canthony: I am sorry I don't have any information on their development operations. But as far as I know you can only open docx, not save.06:39
ditch64Flannel: you alive?06:40
whatlahok now why when my ubuntu connceted to internet there's no internet connection icon showing the active connection ?06:40
mindrapecanthony: http://www.mail-archive.com/users@openoffice.org/msg81529.html06:40
ag90whatlah: try Alt + f2 and enter "nm-applet" .. maybe the network manager applet has been killed somehow06:40
dotblankI ahte the new network manager06:41
Slartcanthony: have you checked this out? http://thedailyblahblah.wordpress.com/2007/07/20/odf-docx-in-openoffice/06:41
therealnanotubemindrape: thanks for the link, but that doesn't appear to help in figuring out what the current agp speed is, though?06:41
dotblankdo you have an agp card06:41
ag90dotblank: You could probably switch to wifi rader or something similar06:41
canthonythose links seem to be from 2007?  but i will check it out06:42
dotblankwell i did switch so its no longer a problem but its just annoying06:42
dotblankwow I mean tdo you have an nvidia card?06:42
ditch64lastlog did not work btw06:43
mindrapecanthony: when I File -> Save As in Open Office you can choose the file extention type... scroll way down and I see .docx... looks to be native.06:43
yell0wMariner_13: i'm finding some files, cat them to get the url, then i want to pipe them to wget06:43
Slartcanthony: also see this link, http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=8835506:43
dotblankyou could try cating them into an enviromental variable and then using them as an argument06:43
bullgard4Firefox 3.0.3 > Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > (Library) > All Bookmarks > Bookmarks menu > »a particular bookmark« > More shows Name, Location, Tags, Keyword and Description. What is the function of 'Keyword' (in contrast to 'Tags'?06:44
canthonymindrape, yeah i am running OO3 from a PPA that seems to be from the official team, but DOCX is not a native option06:44
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:44
yell0wdotblank: like how06:44
ag90bullgard4: Thats probably there to maintain backward compatibility and for your own reference I guess.06:44
yell0wdotblank: cat >> $n | wget $n ?06:44
ditch64ok, so i need to repair my filesystem but i do not have acces to a CD with ubuntu on it, but i do have access to a flashdrive with ubuntu on it, not one i can boot from though, how can i go about doing this?06:45
dotblankh/o working it out06:45
mrpocketshow do i disable the drives from appearing on my desktop?06:45
bullgard4ag90: I guess your answer is incorrect as there is a field 'Description' for my own reference.06:45
aaronhi everyone I have a question about my installtion of ubuntu06:46
mrpocketspop in a flash drive, it auto mounts it, which is good, but then it sticks a shortcut on the desktop06:46
Mariner_13yell0w: what about writing to file, and get wget to read from the file?06:46
memeemeeeis rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* the same as emptying the trash?06:46
gluonmanI downloaded archives from rapidshare. It came in 6 parts, but after downloading them, I tried to decompress them, but every single archive opened part1. Is that a problem with Archive Manager? Or is it just that the files rapidshare gave me were weird?06:46
mindrapehi aaron, once you ask a question about your installation of ubuntu we will provide a response.  In the future you can just ask the question instead of informing us you are about to.  Although we do appreciate the headsup.06:46
Saga_Hello everybody.  Another linux distros have rc-status file.  Does Ubuntu haev one?06:46
yell0wMariner_13: uhm it will be a bad formatted file06:46
zakidineok dans ntfs-config06:47
ag90memeemeee: I don't think so. As some files in the trash, on a different partition are stored in a ".Trash-<username or user id here>" directory at the top level of that partition06:47
yell0wMariner_13: find / -iname text -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> file ? then what ?06:47
zakidineclick here to set a mount number06:47
zakidineje fais quoi ?06:47
zakidinejai Sda1 et Sda506:47
bullgard4ag90: You did not say what compatibility to what subject is maintained. Unless you define the subject of backward compatibility, your statement is worthless to me.06:48
mindrapezakidine: try #ubuntu-fr06:48
memeemeeeok ag90 thanks06:48
aaronI set up a separate partition for ubuntu on my harddrive but what I noticed was for my windows side I only left 300 megs of space on that partition...is that bad ^^?06:48
zakidineok thanks06:48
Mariner_13yell0w: if you get the output then, cant u just use   ' | wget  ' at the end?06:48
canthonymindrape, by chance are you using the debs from OO.org or are you jacked into a PPA?  from what i understand OO3 is not even in the official repos?  has it entered as a backport yet?06:48
mindrapecanthony - I'm on 8.1006:48
Mariner_13yell0w: skip file..06:49
canthonymindrape, how did you install oo3 though06:49
yell0wMariner_13: the url is inside the file, so i'm cat'ing it06:49
Saga_Where is rc-status file located in Ubuntu?06:49
mindrapeoh... heh, I'm on 2.4... my bad.06:49
yell0wMariner_13: skip file ?06:49
ag90bullgard4: I told you what I thought was right. I think the decision of keeping it there was the firefox developers'. I believe the backward compatibility is to make sure that the new bookmarking system is compatible tot he old bookmark system for imports.06:49
ditch64what program is like alcohol 120 but for linux? or can i mount it in terminal? and run it like its a CD i need to make an ISO run like its a CD but it really be on a flashdrive06:49
AkariChanno more +1?06:49
Mariner_13yell0w: find / -iname text -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> file | wget06:49
yell0wditch64: acetoneiso06:50
locainexhi. im using ubuntu 8.04 x64 and flash suddenly stopped working for me. anyone got any ideas? ive tried purging it and reinstalling, and i just installed flash 10, which worked for about 1 minute, before it suddenly reverted to not working06:50
ditch64yell0w: thank you06:50
AkariChanlocainex: firefox?06:50
locainexyeah firefox06:50
AkariChantry recompiling instead of using apt-get06:50
yell0wMariner_13: erhh i tried that06:50
locainexfirefox or flash AkariChan06:50
AkariChani had the same problem06:51
AkariChangrab the tar.gz06:51
yell0wMariner_13: problem is, wget doesn't take it, lol06:51
AkariChanand install it from there06:51
locainexwell installing flash 10 i did a manual install.06:51
yell0wMariner_13: wget doesn't take stdout as input06:51
elbermungsterhey guys, I installed Intrepid RC a few weeks back, and when the final came out, I did an update, but the theme didn't change.  how come?06:51
ag90ditch64: You can do it from the terminal too. "sudo mkdir /media/iso && sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /media/iso"06:51
a1242I just did a clean install, but kept my /home partition. How do I add my old users into the new system. If I try to use system-> administration -> users and groups it yells at me because the directory already exists06:52
yell0wMariner_13: that's while i asked, how to pipe something to wget06:52
locainexand it did work for about a minute, but then it stopped again06:52
elbermungsterI still have the RC's theme06:52
Saga_Where in the Ubuntu system can I find rc-status file?  A "list" that will be run upon the boot.06:52
elbermungstercan someone help me out?06:52
mindrapeyell0w: try something like this.................. for i in `find / -iname text -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> file; do chage $i; done;06:53
locainex /etc/rc*06:53
mindrapeerr... do wget $i06:53
locainexhmm i know a devin that was in md...06:53
mindrapeyell0w: for i in `find / -iname text -print0 | xargs -0 cat >> file`; do wget $i; done;06:53
locainexbut maybe he is in va now..06:53
elbermungsterand when I open Wine or Totem, My screen flashes. this never happened in Hardy. can someone please help?06:53
devinwell oddly enough im from md06:54
a1242how do I add an already existing user ( clean install... but kept /home )06:54
canthonymindrape, how did you install oo306:54
mindrapecanthony - pull the .deb.tar.gz from openoffice.org and tar -zxvf the .tar.gz then   dpkg -i it06:54
joebodoelbermungster continually flashes ?06:54
locainexdevin, west gate? cos if you are, this would indeed be a small world...06:54
canthonymindrape, ok i just wanted to know where you got it06:54
elbermungsterno, after it opens up, it stops.06:55
bullgard4ag90: Ok. Thank you for explaining.06:55
ag90elbermungster: Just to be sure, run gstreamer-properties and make it use the "X Windows System (No Xv)" plugin under the video tab06:55
ardchoilleInstalling nvidia drivers the recommended way leaves my tty's blank, is there a fix for this yet?06:55
ag90elbermungster: That just might fix it06:55
joebodoelbermungster video card type ?06:55
devinlocainex i did alil growing up in catonsville md im currently in hagerstown md06:55
Mariner_13yell0w: i have to think a bit on it..06:56
a1242how do I add a user?06:56
mindrapeman adduser06:56
ardchoillethank you mindrape06:56
a1242mindrape what if the user's home directory already exists?06:56
mindrapea1242 - man adduser and you can define the existing dir and the perms will get updated.06:56
Saga_locainex, It's not what I'm looking for -- I want to know their status too -- Are they running? [started], etc.06:57
mindrapeif not then man chown06:57
yell0wmindrape: doesn't work06:57
elbermungsterhmmm, an Intel 915GM cipset06:57
elbermungsterthe screen flashes with wine too06:57
ag90elbermungster, you have to configure it to use X11. You can do that for totem from gstreamer-properties06:58
devinanyhow, having an issue. when i open up Nautilus it opens uo VLC anyone know how to fix this?06:58
Saga_locainex: http://linuxreviews.org/man/rc-status/ <--06:58
dotblank<yell0w> i got it06:59
whatlahwhy my player can't player mp3 it was ok just a while ago ?06:59
Theebis it supposed to show 8.04 kernal in the booting screen for 8.10?06:59
dotblank wget "$(cat file_name)"06:59
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whatlahif i'm playing a youtube video i can't listen to a mp3 at a same time ?07:00
locainexnod Saga_ check out bum, boot-up manager might be what you want07:00
elbermungsterokay, that fixes Totem.07:01
elbermungsterbut what about Wine?07:01
nibsa1242need help adding user... it complains directory already exists07:01
locainexremove the directory nibsa1242?07:02
locainexthis a new user?07:02
locainexor just add the user and link the /home dir later07:02
streenis there a place in the GUI in 8.10 to change your hostname?07:02
nibsa1242locainex: no, its from my old install... just did a clean install but kept the /home partition07:02
smokewonHey is there a deb package for the aurora gtk engine? i tried to compile it but it says that it cant find GTK (im using Ubuntu 8.10, not kubuntu)07:03
locainexnibsa1242: you picked a new username and want to reassociate it with an old home dir?07:03
nibsa1242locainex: no, I have about 4 users on this machine... they all have directories in /home and need user accounts so they can log in07:04
mindrapeliufangjin: you really shouldn't IRC as root...07:04
mindrapesmokewon - google is your best bet there... search for           ubuntu aurora gtk engine deb download07:05
nibsa1242locainex: but the admin->users and groups gets annoyed because their home directories already exist07:05
mindrapehey igor_07:05
locainexthought there was something for that in the installer now nibsa1242 :/ but maybe it doesnt work right07:06
igor_speek rasha07:06
mindrapeigor_ - #ubuntu-ru07:06
locainexwell nibsa1242 you tried to manually create the users on the commandline, without giving them a home dir07:07
streenzhow do I change the password for my shares over a LAN?  I'm using samba thru the right click-- Properties -- Share tab07:07
locainexyou can add that in later in the gui07:07
locainexeasiest way i can think of to fix it07:07
nibsa1242locainex: I just installed and it didn't ask me anything or set them up properly... I installed from live cd... perhaps alternate had options. I normally do alternate, seems to be more configurable.07:07
locainexor work around it07:07
locainexyeah ive done a few installs and its only asked to import a fraction of those times07:07
aaronhow do I navigate to different folders in terminal?07:07
nibsa1242locainex: no I'll try that, I've never created a user that way before, so I was afraid to do that.07:07
locainextheres good steps on the forums nibsa124207:08
nibsa1242locainex: alright... thanks I'll go look07:08
zakidinehey everybody people on ubuntu-fr sleeps07:08
locainexjust google ubuntu useradd erm.. i think ubuntu prefers some other command have a look around07:08
zakidineand i need help now...07:08
zakidineim on ubuntu 8.04 lts07:08
zakidinei have nvidia 4000 mx07:08
zakidinebut i dont know how to install it07:09
ardchoille!nvidia | zakidine07:09
zakidinei saw on the nvidia website that i have to tape a command > sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run07:09
ubottuzakidine: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:09
pshmis anybody know how to work with cacti07:09
zakidinebut where ?07:09
Saga_locainex, thanks, bum did the job.07:09
locainexcool Saga_ :)07:10
vnixI installed my Grub Loader with windows partition and now I want to reformat my Windows. What should I do to preserve my Grub Loader?07:10
nibsa1242vnix put windows on a different hard disk07:11
dotblankdd if=/dev/(your block device) of=mbr.img bs=512 count=107:12
vnixI try once where I install Grub with my Linux partition and I reformat my Windows. After finish everything, it just boot into windows without Grub loader07:13
locainexvnix: also a good idea just in case to keep a backup of your /boot/grub on a thumbdrive or something.. can always fix it with a live cd07:13
locainexoh you need to fix the mbr in that case07:13
vooxhow can I replace my current video driver with i810?07:13
locainexalways when possible install windows first :P its such a princess...07:13
mindrapeget the driver and modprobe drivername07:13
dotblankWhat I would do is backup grub mbr install windows then in the boot.ini file add an entry for the grubmbr image and make that default that way the nt loader finds grub07:14
vooxwell, if i do that will it auto use that driver everytime?07:14
locainexnn ubuntu07:14
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HarkinsI've just upgraded to Intrepid and my down key is sending PointerButton3, according to 'xev'. This seems really random -- any suggestions for fixing it?07:17
aaronHow do I install flash player for fire fox?07:19
DIFH-iceroot!flash | aaron07:19
ubottuaaron: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:19
lesthat should probably be updated07:20
lesnot much recent about dapper07:20
djhedgeswhy does a new user's prompt only have a $?07:20
psypher246hey all. could someone quick explain to me the encrypted private directory in intrepid. i have done all the setup and can access it and safely encrypt files, but i want to know, it is suppose to automatically mount on startup or do i have to dbl click that link inside the folder everytime, i have seen some howto's mention you can store your .ssh files in there, will that work if it doesn't automount. thanks07:20
serialtuxare there any known issues with Seagate drives.  My comp locks up sometimes when I access my 500GB Seagate drive SATA.07:21
mindrapedjhedges: what would you like it to have?07:21
serialtuxI am using 8.04 as well07:21
Mariner_13djhedges: probably because 'sh' is the default shell07:21
djhedgesMariner_13: that was it thx07:22
Mariner_13djhedges: np07:22
Mariner_13djhedges: you probably want 'bash' i guess ?07:23
djhedgesMariner_13: yea why does it default to sh?07:23
russell__Wow linux/ubuntu >> windows07:23
russell__Now I don't have to pirate apps anymore: Go OSS07:24
Sorcererbobwelcome to the club :D07:24
* les pirates ubuntu07:24
russell__linux is really powerful07:24
mindraperussell__: yes, it powers my entire left arm.07:24
djhedgesrussell__: you have no idea07:24
Mariner_13djhedges: because its the default setting..07:25
russell__if it were not for the crappy perforamce I got from vista I never would have tried linux07:25
djhedgesMariner_13: why does ubuntu use that?  when you create a user during install it's bash07:25
fengso do I07:25
russell__ubuntu: boots faster, shuts down faster,has better desktop,free etc.....07:26
russell__all colleges/schools should switch07:26
mindraperussell__: write a letter to your congressman.07:27
russell__Obama has our back he's the OSS - elect07:27
ditch64is there a way that i can restore the filesystem while booted?07:27
Mariner_13djhedges: that i dont think is ubundo only,  its the make user thats uses sh as default..07:27
Mariner_13djhedges: you can set bash as shell for user when making new user07:28
djhedgesMariner_13: useradd -D -s /bin/bash07:28
russell__Now, back to "The Precious"07:28
aaronoh yeah when I installed ubuntu I made a partition for it on my harddrive but my windows partion only has 300 megs free of space is that dangerous ^^?07:28
Mariner_13djhedges: -s 'shell' yes..07:29
MakuseruDoes anyone know how to make subtitles appear in a .mkv my default, instead of having to chnage that they are displayed after opening it in a video player?07:29
serialtuxaaron--- nope it's not dangerous because you'll never want to you use windows again07:30
djhedgesMariner_13: the -D will set the defaults so the next time I can just create a user with useradd -m username07:30
aaronhaha perhaps...but seriously I meant for system stability I do want to use it for gaming.07:30
Mariner_13Makuseru: same name on subtitle file? vlc automaticly then adds the subtitle..07:30
updatesquestion: how to undelete folder in ext3 please?07:30
mrpocketscan you upgrade to openoffice 3 with 8.04?07:30
MakuseruMariner_13: its not a subtitle file, the subs are built into the MKV07:31
seuaniuaaron: in reality, you'll need more space for your windows install, since the next program that you install in windows will be capable of filling it up07:31
serialtuxaaron: if you are really worried about it you can install gparted and give windows some more space.  You might need to boot with a live CD to do it though.07:31
aaronI see...I made a bad mistake so gparted will allow me to resize the partition without deleteing either OS?07:32
Mariner_13djhedges: try that, if not you must use '-s'07:32
Mariner_13Makuseru: then i dont know07:32
serialtuxaaron: yes.  But you might need to boot with a live CD first.  That's because you can't change a partition while it is mounted.07:33
aaronIn use you mean right?07:33
misteralexanderI have to re-install Linux, but I don't want to loose my programs, updates & preferences. Is there a way to take a "Snapshot" of my system that I can restore after I've formatted & re-installed?07:34
lesmisteralexander: programs and updates not really.  for preferences backing up your home directory will work.07:35
serialtuxmisteralexander: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508707:35
serialtuxyou can make a backup using that method07:36
misteralexanderles: yeah, I've got my $Home directory on a different hard drive, so i'm not worried about my documents or photos, it just the updates, the programs, the way I have my taskbar set up, the way I have WINE configured.  It's just a pain re-doing it all, I was just wanting a way to save that stuff.  If not, it's cool . . . that's just how it goes.07:37
kuroyomaI made a copy on my ubuntu 8.10 partition to another partition on the same HD useing the dd command.  How do i now add that new copy to my grub07:37
psypher246hey all. could someone quick explain to me the encrypted private directory in intrepid. i have done all the setup and can access it and safely encrypt files, but i want to know, it is suppose to automatically mount on startup or do i have to dbl click that link inside the folder everytime, i have seen some howto's mention you can store your .ssh files in there, will that work if it doesn't automount. thanks07:37
Flannelmisteralexander: regarding your personal configuration, that's all in your homedir,07:37
Flannel!cloning | misteralexander07:37
ubottumisteralexander: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate07:37
aaronhey are you guys familiar with .rmvb files?07:37
mindrapeaaron - nope07:37
Flannelmisteralexander: You should backup /etc/ if you've made any changes to stuff in there07:37
aarondang...well how about real player?07:38
mindrapeaaron - google             rmvb files07:38
mindrapeaaron - http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/07:38
aaronthanks mindrape ^^07:38
gluonmanI'm have a quandary concerning .rar archives. I have a series of archives that I downloaded from rapidshare (part1 through part6). I assumed unpacking all of them would contribute to a completed file. Instead, part1 is a completed file and part2 through part6 all open and read from part1.rar when I click on them. Does anyone know why this is?07:43
compu73rg33kwhat's the package for extra compiz options/07:44
marek_hi what shoud i loa to use sata dvd drive? modprobe ... ?07:45
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lesgluonman: parts2-6 are just chunks of part1.  rar archives are commonly split into multiple files. so whatever file you have was decompressed using all the parts.07:45
gluonmanles, so when I decompressed part1, it decompressed all of them and I no longer need the others?07:46
yell0whey guys, you know when you do right click on a file, properties, then open with , then choose default program to open that file ? well, how to do that in terminal  ?07:46
lesgluonman: correct07:46
gluonmanles, thank you.07:46
gluonmancompu73rg33k, you can get the extra compiz plugins from gits.07:47
gluonmancompu73rg33k, you can go to gitweb and find them.07:47
lescompu73rg33k: if you're looking for the ui for more options, apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:48
faryshtaHi, Hardy Heron and Intrepid don't recognize my CD/DVD.07:48
faryshtaWhat can it be?07:48
compu73rg33kthanks les07:48
glaksmonoI'm trying to compile C++ code and i got .o07:48
glaksmonoi forgot, how do you execute it?07:48
glaksmonoafter yo compile it, and then how do you execute it?07:48
faryshtaWhat is the driver for cd/dvd?07:49
gluonmancompu73rg33k, yes, compizconfig-settings-manager is needed to change the features. But also, you should make sure you have the latest version of compiz, in which case you can add deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/compiz/ubuntu intrepid main (or if you aren't using intrepid you can replace that with your version of Ubuntu) to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. Then sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade07:51
gluonmancompu73rg33k, and if you want to install extra plugins not already included, I can help you with that as well.07:51
compu73rg33kNah i'm just looking to rekey some desktop things like the windows switcher and stuff. What is the configuration file's path though, I'd like to back up my config07:52
faryshtasomeone knows how to recognize my cd drive?07:52
platiusyell0w; http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/05/31/changing-default-applications/   you might find it here07:53
Sorcererbobask its name07:53
Mariner_13glaksmono: make it exec and ./filename ?07:53
Sorcererbobmkdir /mnt/cdrom; mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom07:53
glaksmonoMariner_13, hmm...07:54
glaksmonoMariner_13, there's filename.o07:54
glaksmonobut i can't execute ./filename07:54
glaksmonofor some reason07:54
glaksmonoMariner_13, any ideas?07:55
hateballglaksmono♂ have you chmod +x <file> ?07:56
Mariner_13glaksmono: have you done ' chmod +x filename' ?07:56
faryshtathanks Sorcererbob but didn't worked :(07:58
heinrichi have 8.04 wit compiz. ok? how add extra effect 8.10 in 8.04?07:58
heinrichi wont cilinder07:58
faryshtaappears "/dev/cdrom not exist07:58
glaksmonohateball, Mariner_13 look at this08:00
glaksmonoit's weird..08:00
chrys#join audacious08:01
cowbellzive got a problem with mounting a partition08:01
glaksmonobtw, I've installed the libstdc++508:02
cowbellzi get this message "invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume"08:02
arooniproblem:  i can't play a DVD that i inserted;; i tried with vlc, mplayer, and totem....... what do i do now?08:02
psypher246hey all. could someone quick explain to me the encrypted private directory in intrepid. i have done all the setup and can access it and safely encrypt files, but i want to know, it is suppose to automatically mount on startup or do i have to dbl click that link inside the folder everytime, i have seen some howto's mention you can store your .ssh files in there, will that work if it doesn't automount. thanks08:03
Mariner_13glaksmono: is there not supposed to be an file ending for the fim_all08:04
glaksmonoMariner_13, I'm not sure.. that thing comes up when I compiled it using the make08:04
glaksmonoand i'm assuming that would be the executable08:05
glaksmonocuz when i do ls -l08:05
glaksmonothat one is the one with the unique permission08:05
glaksmonoi'm not sure though.. hmm..08:05
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canthonypsypher246, i think its a pam module that unlocks that folder.  i have never had to type in the password i set for it..08:06
paranoid_ndroidMy onboard  multimedia cardreader from my laptop doesn't work. any solutions?08:06
psypher246canthony: i don't have to type a passsword, i want to know if it should be auto mounted and unencrypted on boot or do I HAVE to dbl clikc that file?08:07
psypher246when you log in can you see you files immediatly or do you have to dbl click the shortcut inside the provate dir?08:08
acp_hi any idea how I can fix this error W: GPG error: http://apt.wicd.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FEC820F4B8C0755A W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems, I already run apt-get update problem still there08:08
canthonypsypher246, what file are you talking about?  one of the enctypted files in the directory?  mine does not have any kind of shorcut08:08
Mariner_13glaksmono: in windows the compiled c++ file gets .exe extention08:08
acp_I have use this before and its working fine08:08
ronhalfdanranybody know about virtual machines?08:08
arpitI have a laptop with internet connection. I want to share that internet connection with my friend who has come to visit me using wifi. Is is possible.if yes how. please tell the way with minimum downloads as the internet is not really fast08:09
psypher246there is a shortcut file, i would have to reboot to tell you exactly waht is says, but i have to dbl click it to mount the private dir and access my files, so u don't have to do that,08:09
streenAnyone know where the thing is in kubuntu for "Networking" ? (I want to change the hostname without using the commandline)  Ive been told its System --- Administration-- Networking but I dont have that option available08:09
psypher246ronhalfdanr: what u wanna know?08:09
arpitRohalfdanr: what do u want to know about VM08:09
acp_is there a public key I need to download?08:09
glaksmonoMariner_13, umm.. yeah.. but i'm on ubuntu, not sure lol...08:10
ronhalfdanrI need to know where to find a simple how to for something other than virtualbox08:10
kuroacp_:  did you add anything to the third party repository08:10
glaksmonoMariner_13, it has makefile so that's why i'm using linux for it08:10
glaksmonoand i ended up liking ubuntu haha08:10
kane77hi, Iwhen I installed intrepid I merged two partitions to become /home (I merged previous /home and other partition) but something went wrong.. I still have the data there from old /home and the total size is correct but the used spaceis not correct (it is much higher).. What can I do?08:10
Mariner_13glaksmono: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15489708:10
Mariner_13glaksmono: i use ubunu and windows..08:11
glaksmonoMariner_13, I use both as well haha08:11
psypher246ronhalfdanr: vmware dude, it;s the best, and PLENTy info found through googlwe08:11
psypher246try howtoforge08:11
Mariner_13glaksmono: i do some perl scripting mostly.. not som much c++,08:11
jbu311hi all, how do I uninstall/remove all files of a program from my system when there's no installation script, and I didn't install it with apt-get?08:11
psypher246so anyone else know about the encrypted private dri?08:11
jbu311uninstallation script*08:11
glaksmonoMariner_13, idk perl..08:11
ronhalfdanrI tried wading through VMware's stuff..............too much and poorly indexed08:12
computerwhy cant i resize the vlc window?!08:12
psypher246ronhalfdanr: what do you mean badly indexed?08:12
psypher246to docs?08:12
psypher246the docs?08:12
djhedgesjbu311: sometimes you can make uninstall08:12
acp_kuro: I just add deb http://apt.wicd.net hardy extras in my source.list long time ago so I could install wicd but last week I just update wicd update was successful but I now got this error08:12
ronhalfdanrI mean poorly indexed, you know indexed, like a book08:12
jbu311djhedges, there has to be a make file to do that, right?08:12
psypher246ronhalfdanr: vmware is very easy,much easier to virtualbox especially when you setting up different types of netowing. start installing it as per howtoforge and just play with it, really not hard08:13
nibsa1242how do I add the network manager applet to the gnome tool bar? (and force it to stay there at startup)08:13
psypher246try get a vmware book like vmware for dummies of whatever08:14
canthonywe have like 5 XEN boxes at work08:14
ronhalfdanrthanks psypher246, I actually don;t want any networking once I get the windows and apps activated08:14
KartagisPackage ttf-thryomanes is not available, but is referred to by another package. <--- how do i find that?08:14
psypher246canthony: so you just installe the ecryptfas stuff and evety time you loging your files are already unencrypted??08:14
ronhalfdanras long as the virtual machine can get to files on my data drives and run 2 apps I'm good08:15
psypher246ronhalfdanr: very selfexplanatiory, you creat a new vm, give it the resources you want stick in the windows cd, boot up istall, install the vmware tools from the vmware menu nad you ready to go08:15
Mariner_13glaksmono: did the webpage tip help? im installing g++ from sudo now08:15
rwwKartagis: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com, and say which package you were trying to install08:15
canthonypsypher246, i guess, i just put a file in there to test as i havnt actually used it yet.  i might need to reboot i suppose.  i thought i set it up with a different passwrd than my login though..08:15
kuroacp_:The only way you can recieve that error is if you accidentally removed the default keys or the wicd.net key or if it didn't have it.08:15
nibsa1242how do I add the network manager applet to the gnome tool bar? (and force it to stay there at startup)08:16
canthonypsypher246, i just tried to logout/login and it was still unencryped08:16
psypher246canthony: no passwords involved, folder jjst ins't mounted, you have to manully mount it, just want to know if this is by default\08:16
ronhalfdanrand which vmware product do I want psypher246?08:16
psypher246go for vmware server08:16
Kartagisrww, http://pastebin.com/f733ec859 and ttf-thryomanes08:17
psypher246totally free, just needs registration08:17
acp_kuro: sorry I dont remmeber getting a key for this, how could I verify it?08:17
glaksmonoMariner_13, umm.. not really, I'm not using g++ for installation, i'm using intel C++ compiler08:17
glaksmonoMariner_13, and it's part of the makefile08:17
Mariner_13glaksmono: hmm..08:17
Mariner_13glaksmono: try compiling it with g++ ?08:17
psypher246try vmware server 2, it's very new and all web app based. but still does the same thing, iotherwsie try vmware 1.708:17
canthonypsypher246, according to `mount` my directory is mounted, and i have never had to mount it manually08:17
glaksmonoMariner_13, I see this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/19818108:17
acp_kuro: would this fix if I reintall it?08:17
nibsa1242how do I add the network manager applet to the gnome panel? (and force it to stay there at startup)08:18
psypher246canthony: ok will log a forum request, thansk08:18
glaksmonothis one as well, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78758 but i still don't know cuz i've libstdc++5 installed already08:18
glaksmonoas well as the newer one08:18
psypher246canthony: do you have it in your fstab?08:18
Mariner_13glaksmono: try reinstalling ibstdc++5 ?08:18
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kuroacp_:System->Administration->Software Sources  Then go to the Authentication tab and see if there is a key matching your extra.08:19
canthonypsypher246, no not in fstab.  it is possible i used the same pass for my user as i did for the login.  it could be using a pam module to mount it.  although that doesnt explain why you dont have to enter a password08:19
=== [baddog] is now known as [baddog][bbs]
rwwKartagis: as in, you were specifically trying to install ttf-thyromanes, not some other package that depends on it?08:20
glaksmonoMariner_13, I have libstdc++5 installed08:20
rwwKartagis: If so, your problem is that that package was removed from Ubuntu after gutsy, because it was a universe package and was removed from Debian per http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=40771108:21
Mariner_13glaksmono: i successfully made a ccp file compiled it with g++ and got an  *.out fil, it works fine after chmod +f filename  ./filename08:21
kuroacp_You could also go to the site you recieved the deb... address and follow the instructions for installing the key and see if that makes it go away08:22
Howard_IRChi Anyone using eclipse 3.4 /w ubuntu 8.10? I had a problem, when import a java project and Ctrl-shift-T to pop up the open type dlg, then I type some char in the input box I got error.08:22
acp_kuro, I only see 2 Archive Automatic Signing key and CD image automatic signing key08:22
rwwKartagis: According to that bug report, you could try ttf-dejavu (note that the bug report spells the package name incorrectly) instead08:22
glaksmonochmod +f ??08:22
vooxcan someone help me install the intel drivers from here http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html?08:22
glaksmonochmod +x right?08:22
F-3000_testSweet, Pidgin's easy way to get here. :)08:23
kuroacp_:Then i would suggest going back to the site you recieved the deb url and see if they have instructions for adding the eky08:24
Kartagisrww, what should I do for typing in IPA? I'd been trying to get ttf-thryomanes for that. and I have ttf-dejavu installed08:24
glaksmonoMariner_13, I successfully do that as well using g++08:24
glaksmonoMariner_13, yes, as i said, using intel C++ compiler08:24
glaksmonoit's a little bit tricky haha08:24
F-3000_testI got a neat question for people. How I enable the hd-led on the front page? It flashes correctly when the PC's booted, but when grub kicks in, it stops working at all.08:24
F-3000_testCorrection: Front panel.08:25
rwwKartagis: I think Deja Vu has the IPA symbols. Lemmie go check.08:25
lianimatorI keep getting segmentation fault in kompozer...... what the.!!08:26
zirodayF-3000_test: most of them are triggered by hard drive activity08:26
acp_kuro,: thanks I found it and and fix08:26
Mariner_13glaksmono: try reinstall libstdc++5?08:26
kuroacp_: cool08:26
F-3000_testziroday: I know. That's why it's rather needed to determine has the PC crashed or is it just loading extra long. :S08:26
glaksmonoMariner_13, i did08:26
zirodayF-3000_test: what exactly is wrong?08:27
imhi all08:27
imanybody can help about ATi drivers08:27
zirodayF-3000_test: and where is the computer frozen at, how long have you waited?08:27
zirodayim: certaintly, what card?08:27
imati radeon 910008:28
LynoureHow can one set print margins in Evolution?08:28
zirodayim: which version of ubuntu?08:28
glaksmonoHmm.. let's see08:28
rwwKartagis: mmm, the latest version of Deja Vu Sans definitely has them. Not sure about the version in hardy, but it probably does.08:28
glaksmonoMariner_13, hold up08:28
F-3000_testziroday: The led stops working totally at some point along the boot, quite early (around grub kicking in).08:28
acp_one more question how do I update the version I'm using wicd 1.5.3 but on there latest release its 1.5.4?08:28
zirodayim: one sec08:28
Kartagisrww, how do I use them?08:28
imziroday: ty08:28
zirodayF-3000_test: okay, and why is that an issue?08:28
Kartagisrww, I read I could use IPA with SCIM08:28
* mandilo lapar!!108:29
* mandilo hungry,, food please08:29
* mandilo :D08:29
ardchoilleI just discovered glipper in the repos :)08:29
glaksmonosame thing08:29
glaksmonoMariner_13, glaksmono@glaksmono-laptop:~/Desktop/GPU-Project/fp-array$ ./fim_all08:29
glaksmono./fim_all: error while loading shared libraries: libiomp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:29
F-3000_testziroday: Because it's useful indicator what's going on, generally. Besides, easiest way to break your HD is to press reset while it's working.08:30
acp_can I specify a package update using apt-get ? like for example I want to update wicd only?08:30
LordvedaPeace to all08:30
zirodayim: have you looked in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers08:30
zirodayF-3000_test: no idea, sorry08:30
rwwKartagis: not sure, to be honest. I don't have much experience with SCIM. The SCIM IRC channel is #scim on this server, though; maybe ask there :)08:30
zirodayim: did anything turn up?08:30
imand when i try to do sth my x crash08:30
Lynoureor, alternatively: is there any way to set print margin in Evolution?08:30
F-3000_testziroday: Really? Any idea at all? Crap...08:31
Mariner_13glaksmono: can it be some env variables that arnt correct? have you rebootet after reinstall of libstdc++508:31
LordvedaPlease provide me with a Link to spin down my Notebook HD speed when I go to battery usage.08:31
imziroday turn-up?08:31
glaksmonoMariner_13, not yet reboot08:31
zirodayim: your card is no longer supported by ati's fglrx. You should be using the open source ati driver08:31
glaksmonoMariner_13, I'll try that in a sec hmm.. may be working08:31
Mariner_13glaksmono: long shot, but try..08:32
F-3000_testziroday: I'll try detaching one cd-burner. Wanna know the result later?08:32
rwwLynoure: File > Page Setup > Paper Size: [Manage Custom Sizes].08:32
imbut i cant play game:S08:32
glaksmonoMariner_13, but it says after installation that "change has taken effect"08:32
zirodayF-3000_test: sure08:32
glaksmonoMariner_13, but it says after installation that "changes has taken effect"08:32
glaksmonosomething liek that08:32
glaksmonoso i thoguht that we don't need to restart08:32
FloodBot2glaksmono: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
glaksmonoFloodBot1, my bad08:32
imziroday i cant play warcraft it says unable to initialize...08:32
zirodayim: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver the open source driver should have full 3d support.08:32
zirodayim: um, that is most probably a wine issue, not an graphics card one08:33
Mariner_13glaksmono: then is should work..08:33
imziroday can u help me abput wine?08:33
zirodayim: did you disable compiz (desktop effects) before starting?08:33
glaksmonoMariner_13, exactly.. but it doesn't.. :(..08:33
imziroday befor the game start?08:33
zirodayim: yes08:33
imziroday no let me try08:34
Lynourerww: the paper size is correct, but the margins come out about 5mm wide, not wide enough for punching08:34
zirodayim: you will also want to read http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=312608:34
imziroday and can u tell me how can i reinstall opensource graphic card?08:34
rwwLynoure: the "Manage Custom Sizes" panel has both paper size and margins options08:34
glaksmonobtw, Mariner_13 it says the type file of the fim_all is executable (application/x-executable)08:34
zirodayim: um, well you can reinstall the package xserver-xorg-driver-ati08:35
imziroday i read it for one week:)08:35
Lynourerww: thanks08:35
zirodayim: you may also want to ask in #winehq08:35
Mariner_13glaksmono: do you find any help here: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Program-Library-HOWTO/shared-libraries.html08:36
F-3000_testziroday: Result was rather clear... The led didn't work *at all* now.08:36
zirodayF-3000_test: sounds like a hardware, not a software issue :)08:37
Mariner_13glaksmono: can i get the ccp file and try to compile it?08:38
F-3000_testziroday: Yep. But sometimes hardware-issues can be controlled with software-solutions. :P08:38
glaksmonoMariner_13, sure.. it would take too long though if you haven't setup the intel C++ compiler08:38
Mariner_13glaksmono: i have g++ installed08:39
glaksmonoMariner_13, I'm sending you the file08:39
glaksmonoMariner_13, it won't work using G++08:39
glaksmonoyou have to use intel c++ compiler08:39
Mariner_13glaksmono: why cant i compile a .cpp file wit g++?08:41
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glaksmonoMariner_13, umm.. not sure08:42
glaksmonoMariner_13, i just use the makefile08:42
glaksmonoMariner_13, i don't compile them one by one08:42
milligan_Is it possibly to chown mysql databases to system users, so the db is included in quota calculation ?08:42
glaksmonoso.. and the makefile uses icpc command08:42
glaksmonowhich is specific to the intel compiler08:42
omucuvacahello...where can i add <sudo alsa force-reload> so that it starts every time i enter gnome?08:42
omucuvacamaybe without prompting for a password too08:43
omucuvacai'm using ubuntu studio, btw08:43
rwwomucuvaca: System > Preferences > Sessions (that's the Ubuntu name for it, anyway)08:43
rwwomucuvaca: though you'll probably want to change the "sudo" to "gksudo"08:43
Mariner_13glaksmono: ok.. you try installing another c++ compiler?08:43
glaksmonoMariner_13, I did08:44
glaksmonoMariner_13, I've installed it properly08:44
omucuvacathanx rww ...will i be prompted for my sudo password?08:44
omucuvacaafter i added it in sessions08:45
[eXception]hi my ubuntu wont detect my second monitor08:45
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ziroday[eXception]: what graphics card?08:45
Mariner_13glaksmono: something is not right since it dosent work, but im out of ideas08:45
[eXception]ziroday: nvidia  go 740008:45
rwwomucuvaca: mmm, probably. I think there's a way of saving your password somehow, but I don't know how to do it.08:45
ziroday[eXception]: which drivers are you using?08:45
[eXception]ziroday: downloaded with the system/ hardware option08:46
ziroday[eXception]: the open source, or the closed source ones?08:46
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ziroday[eXception]: okay those are the closed source (nvidia) one08:46
[eXception]yes ziroday08:46
ziroday[eXception]: thats a known bug, have you tried using the nvidia-settings app?08:47
omucuvacaor maybe there is a way to grant alsa more user permissions, and stop using gksudo every time i want to change sound settings08:47
[eXception]ziroday: where is that?08:47
ziroday[eXception]: you need to install the nvidia-settings package08:47
KingOfDoshow can I select the proper ALSA input from VLC?08:49
tim__bDoes anyone else have problems with audacity since intrepid? i bought a new machine, twice the power of my old one, but with intrepid audacity works awfully slow (it's much faster on my hardy machine with half the cpu power)08:50
scienteshow do i change the amout of scroling per click on my mouse wheel?08:51
Violetbasshave a problem with totem! it plays the radio with little breaks! now on 8.10 - but 8.04 works fine!08:53
ziroday[eXception]: that work for you?08:53
hot_wheelzhi guys :-)08:56
chmacI'm running shred on a drive. The random number generation takes most of the time. Any suggestions on how to speed that up?08:56
rww!hi | hot_wheelz08:56
ubottuhot_wheelz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:56
chmacWould less random data be sufficient for shred's purposes? I'm only overwriting twice, not the suggested 25 times.08:56
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:57
kjelleHello. I have Ubuntu Hardy server 8.04, running kernel 2.6.18-028stab057.2. I cannot find linux-headers in apt-cache, as i need them to make a fuse module. How do i fix this?08:57
zirodaykjelle: I believe thats not a normal kernel, where did you get it from?08:58
hot_wheelzjust a quick one...can anyone confirm that Broadcom wifi drivers work OOTB in 8.1008:59
jootchmac: I was recently told that modern hard drives are much harder to recover data from but I really cant help you with your question08:59
zirodaykjelle: furthermore the kernel version should be at .24, that is not an ubuntu kernel08:59
kjelleziroday: I have bought a VPS server from some folks, "owning" this virtual machine and having a hostname on it. I think bad things will happen if i throw inn 8.6.24-18 or something and reboot :p08:59
chmacjoot: Yeah, one wipe is probably enough, but it's a small drive, so I figured I'd give it 2 just for the hell of it! :)08:59
kjelle*2.6.24-18 i mean08:59
zirodayhot_wheelz: they probably won't08:59
zirodaykjelle: well then you need to talk to the people who own your vps about where on earth they got their kernel on and where the headers are for it09:00
jootchmac: try running a data recovery program and see what happens :-))09:01
kjelleziroday: gotcha, sending aggressive mail to support  :)09:01
hot_wheelzziroday dam :-(09:01
zirodaykjelle: :)09:01
chmacjoot: lol, the disk was already encrypted, so I don't think data recovery will turn up much! :)09:01
chmacjoot: I just want to give it a quick "wipe" before giving it away09:01
zirodayhot_wheelz: err you will probably need to install the b43-fwcutter pacakge09:01
chmacI'm looking into frandom, seems to be suitable for my needs09:01
jootchmac: Are you giving it to Linus Lol09:02
zirodaykjelle: it could very well turn out to be thier custom kernel which they have optimized for thier vps.09:02
mfonisohow do I join the ubuntu-translators group on launchpad?09:02
chmacjoot: lol, not even sure I'm actually giving it away yet, just want to feel safe that's "clean" :)09:02
zirodaychmac: you can just format the drives with 0 and that should be enough09:02
hot_wheelzziroday  even if it was done in 8.04?09:02
chmacziroday: Yeah, that's definitely an option, given that it was already an encrypted drive :)09:02
zirodayhot_wheelz: oh for hardy its a different package. One sec09:03
jootchmac: My guess is that it will be ok!09:03
[eXception]wow thats ool09:03
[eXception]thx ziroday09:03
hot_wheelzziroday ok waiting09:03
[eXception]usb-ubuntu 8.10 is really cool.... gonnay buy a 16gb usb flash and then I can have my PS always with me :))09:04
paranoid_ndroidMy onboard multimedia cardreader from my laptop doesn't work. any solutions?09:04
zirodayhot_wheelz: I believe the bcm43xx-fwcutter should be the package you want09:05
nachi_hey. i got some command that i want to run that i made like "backupdatabase" and i did a script in there, how can i premit this script to run from anywhere (/bin/) but only if user is identified by sudo ?09:05
paranoid_ndroid ENE Technology Inc ENE PCI Memory Stick Card Reader Controller (rev 01)09:05
paranoid_ndroidit's this one09:06
hot_wheelzziroday i thought that was the same one used in 8.04?09:07
zirodayhot_wheelz: eh?09:07
tobiassjostenDoes anyone else have problem with 8.10 freezing up completely for no apparent reason?09:07
hot_wheelzziroday i thought that was the same one i used in 8.0409:07
zirodayparanoid_ndroid: which version of ubuntu are you running?09:07
Flannelnonno: /usr/local/sbin09:08
joottobiassjosten: yes I did but I do not know why09:08
zirodayhot_wheelz: in 8.04 the package is called bcm43xx-fwcutter, in 8.10 its called b43-fwcutter09:08
spolvidHow can I get GRUB to recognize my keyboard?09:08
tobiassjostenjoot: Did you fix it?09:09
hot_wheelzah ok got it thx09:09
joottobiassjosten: yes went bask to 8.0409:09
rwwspolvid: do you have a USB keyboard? If so, you might need to enable a setting in your BIOS, probably named "legacy USB support" or something similar09:09
Flannelnonno: /usr/local/* is the place for you to put stuff that isn't under package management, and then sbin is the place for super user executables.09:09
spolvidrww: I'm using a Mac, so I don't believe I have a BIOS.09:09
drogspolvid, It's probably not grub, but your bios that is not detecting the keyboard.09:09
wartalkeri update yesterday, my network does not work, i am 8.10, help?09:10
drogwartalker, wired or wireless?09:10
rwwspolvid: You use a Mac? I have no idea, then...09:10
joebodono bios = no boot09:11
drogall computers have bioses09:11
rwwjoebodo, drog: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Firmware_Interface09:11
drogwartalker, can you try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" for me and see what pops up09:11
paranoid_ndroidziroday, 8.1009:11
Flanneldrog: Not quite09:11
cricidociao a tutti09:11
wartalkerdrog:ifconfig does not list eth009:11
drogwartalker, paste the output in the ubuntu pastebin09:11
jwtoddhey all. i've got an nv 8800 video card and a samsung t220 capable of 1680x1050, yet i can't as of yet get ubuntu to go beyond 1280x1024. any ideas?09:11
rww!it | cricido09:11
ubottucricido: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:11
Flannelspolvid: You should have a BIOS compatability doohickey09:12
wartalkerdrog:i am ib vista09:12
Flannelspolvid: But also, you can use an EFI bootloader09:12
cricidoragazzi una domanda come configuro un ip sulla scheda di rete ethernet09:12
Flannel!dualboot | spolvid09:12
ubottuspolvid: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:12
cricidonon è net config09:12
wartalkerdrog:i am in vista09:12
Flannelcricido: /join #ubuntu-it09:12
drogwartalker, does the wired connection appear in the network config applet?09:12
bullgard4In what file does Firefox 3.0.3 store its bookmarks?09:12
Flannelbullgard4: its in an sql database09:13
zirodayparanoid_ndroid: hmm according to http://hardware4linux.info/component/14451/ your reader should work OOTB on kernels .24 and above09:13
AdvoWorkyou know when viewing folders in the file system,at the moment mine by default always show View as Icons, can i make it always auto to View as List?09:13
joebodobullgard4 you can export them into an html file09:13
wartalkerdrog: only has wireless09:13
zirodayAdvoWork: look in View09:13
spolvidFlannel: I have an EFI bootloader.09:13
bullgard4Flannel: Excellent! And in which one?09:14
rwwbullgard4: ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profileID>/bookmarkbackups/. If you just need a copy of them, open Firefox and do Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import and Backup09:14
drogwartalker, have you checked your /etc/network/interfaces file for eth0?09:14
zirodayAdvoWork: woops I mean Edit > Preferences09:14
hot_wheelzziroday 1 more question if that's ok?09:14
drogwartalker, and checked lsmod and lspci to see if the card is detected on boot and if it has a driver running?09:14
jwtoddhey all. i've got an nv 8800 video card and a samsung t220 capable of 1680x1050, yet i can't as of yet get ubuntu to go beyond 1280x1024. any ideas?09:14
spolvidFlannel: Is there a way I can get it to load Ubuntu directly without going through GRUB?09:14
zirodayhot_wheelz: of course it is, but ask the whole channel not me :)09:14
rwwbullgard4: I think they might be elsewhere in your profile folder too, including the places file and bookmarks.html09:14
zirodayjwtodd: installed the nvidia drivers?09:14
wartalkerdrog:interfaces only lo09:15
jwtoddyeah ... just installed ...09:15
zirodayjwtodd: tried the nvidia-settings app09:15
hot_wheelznp :-)09:15
drogwartalker, check if the device is detected on lspci|grep network or something like that and check if there is a driver loaded for it lsmod09:15
Flannelspolvid: Read the link, and it should cover using rEFIt, or at least link to it (it'll also explain hwo to get the BIOS compat going)09:16
wartalkerdrog: thanks09:16
zirodayjwtodd: um, you shouldn't install the drivers like that :)09:16
jwtoddziroday: did that and only saw up to 1280x1024 available09:16
ziroday!nvidia | jwtodd remove those drivers and install them according to these instructions09:16
Flannelbullgard4: No idea.  One of the ones in your firefox folder.  I think all of that data is stored in the same one (because awesomebar searches in all of them)09:16
ubottujwtodd remove those drivers and install them according to these instructions: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:16
drogwartalker, you can google the appropriate driver and add it to /etc/modules09:16
jwtoddheh ... what's the preferred way?09:16
drogwartalker, based on the lspci device information09:17
acp_hi any one experience 'Spawning session..' when you start a gust os in virtual box? may host os is hardy and I have use this before first time to encounter this09:17
mikaelhmArghh, I really need help now, my Super/win-key suddenly stopped working, I noticed, that when i run xev, and pressing super-key it registers a FocusIn FocusOut, instead of KeyPressed, KeyReleased, I googled it, but found no awnser working for me...09:17
jwtoddk ziroday ... i'll give it a go. thx. silly question ... how best to remove a driver?09:17
DigitalFizanyone know how to add a protocal handler to firefox?09:17
rwwFlannel, bullgard4: I think the file Flannel's talking about is places.sqlite in your profile directory09:17
zirodayjwtodd: um I believe there were uninstall script with that package you installed09:18
jwtoddyeah ... bet so. thx much.09:18
paranoid_ndroidziroday, I've tried it with a sony mm card09:18
jwtoddi've been on a mac for awhile now ... just getting back to my x64 ubuntu box. thx again!09:18
zirodayparanoid_ndroid: sorry, beyond that link I know nothing else09:19
paranoid_ndroidthank you09:19
AdvoWorkziroday, ahh thankyou09:19
liufangjinevery one.......09:20
tobiassjostenHave anyone else experienced any problem with 8.10 freezing up? It has twice for me now, both times without even allowing me to get to a TTYL.09:20
freeagygreat job ... 8.10 much stabil and faster, for me ...09:20
acp_how do I deactive old kernel in hardy?09:20
rwwfreeagy: I'll second that :)09:20
tobiassjostenI like the minor changes I've seen so far, discounting it freezing up my entire box of course. :P09:21
ardchoilleI think the Ubuntu devs have once again done an excellent job09:21
glaksmonoardchoille, +109:22
* glaksmono would love to contribute09:22
lianimatorcan I move my vbox machine to a separate partition?09:22
lianimatorand dual boot?09:22
freeagysometimes, when the DVD writer works and finish the write, the PC take a reset. the DVD disk no erorrs! is this a hardwer problem?09:24
ardchoille!contribute | glaksmono09:24
ubottuglaksmono: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate09:24
glaksmonoardchoille, i know that haha.. i would like to do development09:25
ardchoilleglaksmono: Me too, and I've tried, but I don't think I'm smart enough to code09:25
glaksmonoardchoille, like to work with codes09:25
glaksmonoardchoille, i'm not that smart too.. :).. what do you do?09:25
rwwI keep planning to get involved with MOTU stuff, but keep putting it off :(09:25
glaksmonoardchoille, but I just believe that I could be useful to get everyone a FREE OS09:26
bullgard4rww:  How can I backup the present state of my Firefox bookmarks? Doing a major reorganization of my bookmarks, I am afraid that I have lost a folder with many important bookmarks. There exists a folder /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/<profileID.default>/bookmarksbackups/bookmarks-2008-11-07.json though. How can I read this file?09:26
=== kiosk is now known as naruto
glaksmonoFREE and easy to use obviously..09:26
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
rwwbullgard4: 1. back up your profile folder somewhere safe. 2. Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import and Backup > Restore > 2008-11-0709:27
glaksmonoUbuntu is nice in the sense that it gives the user choice proprietary vs OS software09:27
glaksmonobut i think it needs more connections with software developers.. hmm.. is there a guy that specificially go over companies?09:27
Acediphey guys how do i add fluxbox to my GDM, using ubuntu intrepid09:28
rwwbullgard4: doing a bookmarks restore will reset your bookmarks back to the way they were at that restore point. Old stuff gets restored, but new stuff gets lost.09:28
bullgard4rww: My 'profile folder' is /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/<profile-ID.default>/ ?09:29
rwwbullgard4: btw, Firefox has their own IRC channel, and might be a little more knowledgable about this sort of thing. server: irc.mozilla.org, channel: #firefox09:29
rwwbullgard4: yeah09:29
zirodayAcedip: if you install the fluxbox packages it should do it automatically09:30
Acedipziroday: but it did not happen09:31
ardchoilleziroday: Is that fixed now?09:31
ardchoilleIt wasn't working that way in Edgy and Feisty09:31
zirodayardchoille: sorry whats fixed?09:31
AlgyzHi, I would like to add user (administrator) to the specified home directory, with the specified id. Gnome is telling, that directory already exists. Any other ways to do this?09:32
zirodayAcedip: erm it shoulda, gimme a sec09:32
zirodayAcedip: take a look at http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Howto_add_fluxbox_to_gdm09:32
ardchoilleAcedip: iirc, you have to add fluxbox to /usr/share/xsessions09:33
ardchoilleAcedip: add fluxbox to /usr/share/xsessions not /etc/gdm/Sessions09:34
rwwAlgyz: Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking. Would you mind rephrasing your question? If you'd prefer to ask in Lithuanian, you could also join #ubuntu-lt.09:35
ardchoilleThat's the way we've had to do it in previous releases09:35
Acedipardchoille: its there with the entry /usr/share/xsession/fluxbox.desktop09:35
KingOfDosDoes someone here knows something about VLC with ALSA sound input for captureing?09:35
frithhello, i am looking for a tool to benchmark cpu and memory performance09:35
ardchoilleAcedip: it's there? I guess they've fixed it then09:35
Algyzrww:  maybe something wrong with syntaxis http://pastebin.com/m4e049bbf09:36
mjgi have having trouble getting compiz to work after upgrading to 8.1009:36
VERSIONi have error in panel and in nautius the error in line:3, any help plz ?09:36
spowneywhen editing terminal config file I came across misc.inherit.geometry=false anyone want to explain this option to me plz09:36
mjgwhere should i start to look to find a solution?09:36
Acedipziroday: i've seen that link but there is no place as /etc/gdm/session/ instead there is /etc/gdm/Xsession and so is that there where i add that file09:36
ardchoille!compiz | mjg09:37
ubottumjg: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:37
VERSIONHow i fix that ?09:37
gammyAlgyz: for starters the login should be last, not first.09:37
hot_wheelzwhat Kernel version does 8.10ship with is it
mjgardchoille, sorry?09:37
Acedipardchoille: yeah but that step isn't enough i guess, is it ??09:37
gammyAlgyz: you could juse use adduser you know..09:37
ardchoilleAcedip: aparently not09:37
ardchoillemjg: you were asking about compiz?09:38
gammyAlgyz: Also I don't think -m takes an argument.09:38
Acedipardchoille: so ???09:38
mjgardchoille, yes, but i'm not sure what your response meant ;)09:38
VERSIONI will get i09:38
ardchoillemjg: my response triggered the bot to send you some info about your query09:38
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mjgardchoille, ah!  thnx09:39
ardchoilleAcedip: I'm not sure anymore, it seems a lot of things have changed since Feisty09:39
VERSIONhot_wheelz: the er
ardchoilleAcedip: have you tried restarting gdm and see if it picks up a fluxbox entry?09:40
spowneyanyone kno what the option inherit geometry means?09:40
Acedipardchoille: ya certainly i have, but it does not !!09:40
Acedipardchoille: well, we restart GDM by ctrl+alt+backspace , right ??09:41
hot_wheelz<VERSION> so is standard for 8.10 right09:42
ardchoilleAcedip: no, that's not the correct way to restart gdm. you09:42
hot_wheelz<VERSION> so is standard for 8.10 right09:42
KingOfDosdoes somebody know anything about vlc here?09:42
VERSIONI don't know but i think u ask me about k i hae to fix the panel09:42
hot_wheelzsorry for the repeat09:42
sbingnerctrl-alt-backspace seems to work well :D why not use a sledgehammer when you have it? ;)09:42
ardchoilleAcedip: you need to log out of your desktop, go to ctrl+alt+f1, log in, and do: sudo /etc/init.d/restart09:43
z4w3pwhat's the best tool for cpu scaling & monitor?09:43
OhmuAll, I'm not getting audio for my mp3s.  Yesterday I got youtube vids sounding with libflashsupport, but crimsun in #alsa says this is old, and pulseaudio.   How can I sort my audio out?09:43
KingOfDosi cannot select the right "input" from ALSA :(09:43
KingOfDos(right, as in "correct")09:43
ardchoillesbingner: because that's a "dirty" way of doing it, nothing gets saved if something needs to be saved09:43
z4w3phye guys.. anyone know what's the best tool for cpu scaling & monitor?09:43
sbingnerardchoille, hence the sledgehammer part09:43
Ohmucan someone help me differentiate pulseaudio and ALSA? Are they alternatives?09:43
Acedipardchoille: brb after doing that09:44
sbingnerreally tho I'd just log out then use ctrl-alt-bksp tho... long as you're logged out it's really not much different09:44
ardchoilleAcedip: wait09:44
Acedipardchoille: hmm ??09:44
ardchoilleAcedip: typo, it's: sudo/etc/init.d/gdm restart09:44
[eXception]how do I list all networked computers with ip adresses?09:44
phrostbiteDoes anybody know of a good site where I can learn more about irc?09:45
VERSIONplz any help about fixing the panel ?09:45
Charitwophrostbite: http://www.irchelp.org/09:45
Acedipardchoille: ya i knew that, thought will reply after coming back :D09:45
bullgard4rww: I have created a backup file of my present bookmarks. There exists a folder /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/<profileID.default>/bookmarksbackups/bookmarks-2008-11-07.json. How can I read the contents of this file?09:47
juntuHey guys, i found this really interesting article on upcoming Fedora 10.Check out at:http://ujjwollamichhane.blogspot.com/2008/11/fedora-10-cambridge-next-generation.html | thought this is ubuntu irc | u guys can check features of fedora which is far more cuitting edge than interpid iblex09:47
sinanwhen i run "dmesg", what's the number between square brackets at the begining?09:47
z4w3pguys, which one is better?09:48
z4w3pcpudyn - CPU dynamic frequency control for processors with scaling09:48
z4w3pcpufreqd - fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling09:48
z4w3pemifreq-applet - CPU Frequency Scaling applet09:48
FloodBot2z4w3p: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
ditch64how can i install just the filesysted using live cd?09:50
south_koreaneed some idea for realize dabaseConnection pool with Java09:50
floatinganyone using u-lite ?09:50
south_koreanever heard of it09:50
south_koreaanyknow knows about java connectionPool ?09:51
ikoniasouth_korea: in what respect09:51
south_koreaikonia, hi09:51
ikoniasouth_korea: saying "anyone" is pointless as if they didn't see the question, "anyone" doesn't tell them the question, if they don't know the answer "anyone" won't make them know09:52
ikoniasouth_korea: what's the issue09:52
ditch64i messed with the partition size after i installed ubuntu, i forgot to back up despite all the warnings... i know, and now it boots only when im running on battery because it skips the systemcheck09:52
south_koreaikonia, thanks well a good structure about connectionPool09:52
south_koreaikonia, i mean about logic flow09:52
ikoniasouth_korea this isn othing to do with ubuntu, if you go to java.sun.com there aer docs on how java + connection polling work09:53
south_koreaikonia, ok :) thanks ~09:53
south_koreaikonia, have nice chat ~ :) bye ~09:53
ditch64ikonia, do you know how to install the filesystem with the live cd? without doing a full install?09:54
ditch64i dont wanna lose stuff09:54
ikoniaditch64 what do you mean install the file system ?09:54
ditch64like, im getting all these buffer I/O errors and bascially i need to reinstall the whole system09:55
Acedipardchoille: man, it dint work09:55
ikoniaditch64 then you have to lose everything09:55
Acedipardchoille: fluxbox dint turn up09:55
ditch64ikonia: ...... way to solve the problem09:55
ikoniaditch64 thats the fact09:55
ardchoilleAcedip: So much has changed, I don't know how to get it to appear now.09:56
ditch64sorry, but that was just blunt, no i know you can reinstall JUST the filesystem09:56
ikoniaditch64: if you wish to re-install a file system - you will lose everything on that file system09:56
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:56
ikoniaditch64: no you can't09:56
ikoniaditch64: if you install the file system everything on that existing file system will be deleted09:56
ditch64if you can back it up and restore it then im sure theres an alternative method09:56
ikoniaditch64: no there is not09:56
* rww accidentally the whole file system09:56
ikoniaditch64: if you can back it up - yes, back it up, put a new file system on, and then restore it09:56
ditch64well how about replacing the bad files?09:57
ikoniabad files ?09:57
ikoniawhat do you mean09:57
Acedipardchoille: what say lets try ctrl+alt+f2 and then xstart /usr/bin/fluxbox09:57
ditch64mhmm, well i messed up something, in a fsck it identifies the problems09:57
ditch64now i need to fix those problems lol09:57
ikoniaditch64: what is the exact error you get09:57
ikoniaditch64: why is that funny ?09:58
ditch64i get a bunch of buffer I/O errors09:58
ikoniaditch64: what is the exact error you get - from what exact command09:58
ardchoilleAcedip: you might get a "Display already in use" error09:58
ditch64give me a second09:58
ardchoilleAcedip: the desktop is typically tty709:58
d0lphin_n0elsomeone knows something to i can control the bass and the treablle in "rythmic box player" ?09:58
IboongHello! I have a bug with compiz, when i zoom in with <Super>+Mouse_Wheel the whole system hangs up :( Who knows what is it?09:59
ikoniaIboong search launchpad to see if it is a known/logged bug09:59
ditch64ikonia: i lost the paper that has the errors on it :-/09:59
MrPrisehello. I have a laptop with Intel 965GM graphics chipset and my system freezes09:59
MrPriseusing intrepix ibed10:00
ikoniaditch64 then we can'thelp10:00
Iboongikonia, ok10:00
drogikonia, that was the most depressing thing to alt tab to10:00
ikoniadrog ?10:00
drog"ditch64 then we can'thelp" ...I cried a little10:01
ditch64meh, the only reason i dont wanna lose everything is because i got compiz fusion to work perfectly after a loooong annoying procedure10:01
sinanwhen i run "dmesg", what's the number between square brackets at the begining?10:01
ikoniaditch64 without information we can't help10:01
rwwsinan, seconds since system start, I think10:01
ditch64ikonia: kk10:01
Acedipso that means no can help me around this problem !!!!!!!10:04
madsjwhich package contains the visual effects for when switching between workspaces (the arrows) in gnome ?10:04
Acedipardchoille: man i dint even get the link here, what are they trying to say http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=GDM10:04
Peteinhi. i setup my network settings via the NetworkManagerApplet. when i reboot my system my network settings change state to auto.what can i do for that?10:04
Kartagishow can i activate IPA input with SCIM? I have the option10:05
IcyPolecathiya, any ideas why my fan is now constanstly spun up after installing the latest, packaged NVidia drivers under Intrepid?10:06
Abracadabr4Hi /all10:06
spy6hi there10:07
KingOfDoscan i somehow create a new audio device/mount at the /dev? so i can hack arround alsa?10:08
spy6is there a way to get automatically subscribed on launchpad to his debian packages which are included into ubuntu?10:08
Peteinhi. i setup my network settings via the NetworkManagerApplet. when i reboot my system my network settings change state to auto.what can i do for that?10:08
KingOfDosit seems that VLC is poorly supporting ALSA. and i must use VLC for what i want. so can i create a pseudo-driver/loopback-driver that will mount all the aux_in at /dev/dsp to /dev/dsp_aux_in ?10:09
Acedipso that means no can help me around this fluxbox log in problem !!!!!!!10:09
KingOfDosAcedip: i'll guess that here is just not the right person at this moment ;)10:10
kiccohello there, ubiquity crashes when almost done, if i try to install grub manually with grub-install it spits "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"10:10
Abracadabr4Where can I get (or who can tell me) the info on the differences about the Ubuntu Distribs ...... Ubuntu, Kubuntu, nUbuntu, etc....10:10
ikoniaAcedip putting !!!!!!!!! doesn't get you any better help10:10
ikoniaAcedip: state your problem clearly and someone may help10:10
msandbuhi guys! is there a media player that can stream from youtube?(besides totem)10:11
ikoniaAbracadabr4: it's the desktops ubuntu = gnome, kubuntu = kde xubuntu =xfce you can see the info on http://www.ubuntu.com10:11
Acedipikonia: how do i add fluxbox to GDM10:11
kiccomsandbu: miro10:11
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:11
ikoniaAcedip thats normally controlled by the sessions file for gdm, I've never done it on ubuntu, however I'd look at the gdm session file10:11
Abracadabr4ikonia, are all the Ubuntu flavours listed and explained on the official site ?10:11
ikoniaAbracadabr4 yes10:12
msandbukicco: ty10:12
Acedipardchoille: plz chk that link out10:12
Abracadabr4ikonia, ok thank you :)10:12
ActionParsnip1Acedip: if you installed from repo it should already in there10:12
ikoniaAcedip if you install fluxbox from the repo does it not add it for you automaticlly10:12
ActionParsnip1Acedip: just chane your session type to fluxbox10:12
Abracadabr4ActionParsnip1, hello10:12
ActionParsnip1Abracadabr4: howdy10:12
AcedipActionParsnip1: it not that like that ANYMORE, these guys seems to have changed it 8-)10:13
ikoniaAcedip what guys ?10:13
ditch64ikonia: have you ever heard of testdisk?10:13
ActionParsnip1Acedip: oh, strange10:13
Acedipikonia: the fluxbox guys, who else10:13
ikoniaditch64 nope10:13
ikoniaAcedip how do they have anything to do with it ?10:13
ditch64ikonia: k nvm10:13
__doc__hi, can I run a 64bit linux kernel in a virtual machine on a 32bit kernel using kvm (or virtualbox etc.) ?10:13
kiccouh, i forgot to mention: when booting grub gives error 15 (file not found or st like that)10:13
ikonia__doc__ you can't10:14
ikonia__doc__ the host OS must be 64bit10:14
ActionParsnip1Acedip: http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docs/en/faq.php#gdm10:14
__doc__ikonia: ic, thx10:14
ditch64running fsck on a mounted drive is bad isnt it?10:14
ikoniaditch64: very10:14
ditch64this is so annoying10:15
AcedipActionParsnip1: ya..but could you plz explain the /etc/gdm/session directory they'are talking about, its not there10:15
ActionParsnip1Acedip: If the /etc/gdm directory doesn't exist, it may be /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/fluxbox on your computer.10:15
ikoniaAcedip what version of ubuntu are you using10:16
ActionParsnip1Acedip: do you have /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions ?10:16
Acedipikonia: 8.1010:16
AcedipActionParsnip1: no its not there10:17
Acedipinstead, /etc/X11/xsessions10:17
Acedipand that a file10:17
ActionParsnip1Acedip: how did you install fluxbox?10:18
IcyPolecathiya, any ideas why my fan is now constanstly spun up after installing the latest, packaged NVidia drivers under Intrepid?10:18
AcedipActionParsnip1: apt-get10:19
ActionParsnip1Acedip: very weird10:19
AcedipActionParsnip1: apt-get install fluxbox fluxconf10:19
ditch64well, im starting to burn all my music onto DVDs then lol10:20
ActionParsnip1Acedip: and if you log off and click on the session types you have there is no fluxbox there?10:20
kiccoquestion: ubiquity crashes when almost done, when trying to install grub manually it spits out "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"10:20
SlartIcyPolecat: might be a driver issue.. you can use nvclock to reset the fans to autospeed "nvclock -f -F auto" or something like that10:21
ActionParsnip1Acedip: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/pics/gdm/gdm-login.jpg10:21
ActionParsnip1kicco: is boot mounted? is it a true directoryor are you using it as a mount point?10:22
AcedipActionParsnip1: i dont see any session types, when i restart GDM , it just gets into default  mode10:22
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mjgmy previous install of ubuntu (currently have 8.10) let me display a much larger resolution10:22
mjgbut i cannot seem to achieve the same results10:22
mjganyone know where i could start fiddling to get it back?10:22
ActionParsnip1Acedip: you have a little button someplace to change from gnome to failsafe, previous, or fluxbox10:22
Deiseltonguys im running a newly upgraded 8.10 intrepid systemfrom 8.04 hardy10:23
IcyPolecatSlart: thanks but all I get is Error: Your card doesn't support fanspeed adjustments!10:23
macvrhi all... does gsynaptics work in UBUNTU 8.10?10:23
SlartIcyPolecat: oh.. what card is it?10:23
Deiseltonfor some reason now when i do upgrades it hangs up on post installation trigger man-db for a while10:23
ikoniamacvr what is gsynaptics10:23
IcyPolecatSlart: nVidia Geforce 8400M GS10:23
Deiseltonany ideas why?10:23
ActionParsnip1Acedip: can you use something like google image search to give me an example of what the gdm looks like ( i use kde )10:23
AcedipActionParsnip1: no i dont have, i restart GDM with /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:24
macvrikonia: the tweaks for the touchpad functions10:24
AcedipActionParsnip1: ya sure10:24
ikoniamacvr I see no reason for it not to work if it was available in 8.04 and available in 8.1010:24
SlartIcyPolecat: hmm.. I thought all modern cards supported fanspeed sdjustment.. have you checked the nvidia forums?10:24
Deiseltonguys im running a newly upgraded 8.10 intrepid systemfrom 8.04 hardy10:24
kiccoActionParsnip1:  boot partition is not mounted (tested with mounted also), /boot is a true directory and is not being used as a mountpoint10:24
Deiseltonfor some reason now when i do upgrades it hangs up on post installation trigger man-db for a while10:24
Deiseltonany ideas why?10:24
ditch64ikonia: how do i get to the "recover a broken system" part of the install disc10:24
ActionParsnip1kicco: ok that makes things easier10:25
Q_ContinuumAnyone know of a bug with 8.04 where new apps can't be launched and Gnome locks up after awhile, requiring a reboot?10:25
IcyPolecatSlart: not yet - have googled but at the moment am not even sure which fan is spinning up - anyway to tell?10:25
ikoniaditch64 I didn't know there was one on ubuntu, only a root shell10:25
SlartIcyPolecat: open up the box and listen closely?10:25
shane_Anyoine here know about fixing mic problems ?10:26
IcyPolecatSlart: ... erm yeah - it's a laptop so don't really want to open it up. Isn't there a CLI app to monitor fan speeds (assuming they're reported)?10:26
ActionParsnip1Acedip: is it like this?10:26
ActionParsnip1Acedip: http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs32/i/2008/221/e/f/Willwill__s_Intrepid_GDM_by_DanRabbit.jpg10:26
ActionParsnip1!ask | shane_10:26
ubottushane_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:26
macvrikonia: its doesnt work for me!... i dont know how to set the xorg for it to work... could u have a look at my xorg.conf>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/69945/10:26
SlartIcyPolecat: you could try lm-sensors.. there might be other software that does that too10:26
AcedipActionParsnip1: ya very true10:27
ikoniamacvr I've never used it so I wouldn't know10:27
macvrikonia: ok...10:27
irinihi everyone10:27
ActionParsnip1Acedip: ok, bottom left of the central box, says SESSION, click it on yours when you've logged out. You can then select fluxbox10:27
irinii got probs :D10:27
shane_me too10:28
shane_whats yours?10:28
iriniu know the game ET?10:28
ikoniairini ET?10:28
macvrhi all... does gsynaptics work in UBUNTU 8.10? could someone check what wrong with my xorg.conf file...>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/69945/10:28
SlartEnemy Territory?10:28
AcedipActionParsnip1: wil be brb10:28
iriniEnemy territory10:28
ActionParsnip1irini: i have, wassup?10:28
shane_irini: ahh10:28
shane_What about it?10:28
irinii start10:28
FloodBot2irini: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:28
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:28
irinii start it10:28
chilli0hello all i need help ; how do i make shut down scripts?10:28
ikoniamacvr: I don't see any reference to gsynaptics in your xorg.conf10:28
iriniscreen is messing up10:28
IcyPolecatSlart: ok - will have a look... doesn't seem to have a man entry though10:28
Slartirini: keep it all on one line, please10:28
bazhangirini, dont use the enter key so much10:29
ActionParsnip1irini: oh i thought you meant on the atari2600, ET, the extra terrestrial10:29
ikonia!enter | irini10:29
ubottuirini: please see above10:29
shane_Try installing microfsoft fonts10:29
chilli0hello all i need help ; how do i make shut down scripts?10:29
ikoniachilli0: use one of the existing ones as a template10:29
ikoniachilli0: you'll find applicatiosn need specific options to shutdown10:29
shane_Irini: try installing microsoft fonts10:29
iriniwhere i download microsoft fonts10:29
SlartIcyPolecat: search in synaptic for sensors, it might be lm_sensors or lm-sensors or perhaps just sensors..10:29
chilli0ikonia:  i wanna run that i have made10:29
ActionParsnip1!fonts | irini10:29
ubottuirini: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:29
scienteshow can i make the wheel scroolll scroll faster?10:29
irinigo 210:30
iriniman i am dutch10:30
ikoniachilli0 ok so write the shutdown script then, if made the software you must know how to start/stop it10:30
shane_Irini: just use what the bot says, ok?10:30
IcyPolecatSlart: got it installed ok - just trying to work out how to use it :)10:30
kiccoActionParsnip1:  i did it! cfdisk-ed partition layout, formatted and a fresh reinstall without touching partitions worked. kinda weird10:30
macvrikonia: this was the xorg that i was using in ubuntu 8.04... i thought that the section synaptics was the section for gsynaptics , since i need to add the >>Option"SHMConfig""on" here ...10:30
SlartIcyPolecat: there is a setup script you have to run the first time..10:30
ActionParsnip1chilli0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84422610:30
SlartIcyPolecat: it identifies the sensors and creates a config10:31
shane_ubottu > microphone10:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone10:31
chilli0ikonia:  i made a python file that logs how much i have dowloaded from /proc/net/dev10:31
IcyPolecatSlart: yeah found it.10:31
selinuxiumI am about to install the 64bit variant on my laptop. I have not used 64 bit before... Are there any pitfalls/gotchas I should know about?10:31
ActionParsnip1kicco: very, but if its good, dont knock it :)10:31
ikoniachilli0 ok ???10:31
shane_Can someone help me figure out why my microphone isnt being picked up by msn or skype?10:31
irinilinux msn?10:31
ActionParsnip1selinuxium: web plugins are weird as they are only 32bit10:31
ikoniashane_: msn isn't on linux, what are you using ?10:31
Slartselinuxium: nah.. flash uses a workaround.. apart from that it should be fine10:31
iriniwhere i get10:31
chilli0ActionParsnip1:  mine isnt  shell script10:31
rmajIm on 8.10 amd I can not play streams (Cool streams) in Amarok.   missing  codecs ??   how to install more sound codecds10:31
selinuxiumActionParsnip1:  Slart: Cheers :)10:32
irininow i am on this site <ikonia> chilli0 ok so write the shutdown script then, if made the software you must know how to start/stop it10:32
ikoniairini: PLEASE stop using enter top ut things on multiple lines10:32
ActionParsnip1chilli0: write a tiny shel script to execute yours then10:32
Slartirini: one line.. keep that finger off the enter button10:32
mjgcan someone help me manual set my display resolutions in xorg?10:32
mjgi have a laptop with an external monitor10:32
IcyPolecatSlart: not the most helpful app I've ever used - it only reports my CPU temp ... which I can already access through acpi10:32
irinii need the synaptic package manager?10:32
shane_irini: you already have that10:32
ActionParsnip1shane_: is the mic muted, is the soundcard configured ok? does the mic work in other apps10:32
ikoniairini: we don't need ;) :D lol things like that, just try to be exact and state facts on as few lines as possible10:32
ActionParsnip1Acedip: better?10:33
iriniey be easy XD10:33
SlartIcyPolecat: it varies from computer to computer, I can see all my fans, several temperatures etc.. perhaps it doesn't recognize your sensor chips10:33
irinijust downloaded this linux ubuntu10:33
shane_Action: The microphone only plays through the speakers, when I'm not trying to use the mic, however, the mic will not work on aMSN , or userplane chat.10:33
IcyPolecatSlart: possibly10:33
AcedipActionParsnip1: better !! thanks a tonne man..10:33
ActionParsnip1Acedip: we told you it was there, just couldnt see it for looking10:34
AcedipActionParsnip1: its was foolishly easy..10:34
ActionParsnip1Acedip: welcome to fluxbox. its great :D10:34
IcyPolecatSlart: am going to roll back the Nvidia driver and see if that makes a difference. The only reason I install it is to get Cinerama working reliably10:34
ActionParsnip1Acedip: linux is10:34
AcedipActionParsnip1: ya..true :D10:34
kkecan i get icons back for gnome-terminal in 8.10? there's no profile icon setting anymore for some reason, it was nice on 8.0410:34
mbomanI got problems booting 8.10 on my computers, even virtual ones (vmware). Is that a known issue?10:34
irinibut how 2 play et10:34
SlartIcyPolecat: ah.. well, do that and see if it makes things better.. perhaps nvidia will release a new driver eventually10:34
chilli0ikonia: i dont get what your saying10:35
bazhangirini, open up synaptic package manager; install the fonts10:35
IcyPolecatSlart: maybe - not holding my breath!10:35
wartalkermy wired network does not work afther i update, i am i 8.10. my card is Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX, help?10:35
ActionParsnip1irini: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnemyTerritory10:35
SlartIcyPolecat: no... that rarely works with nvidia =)10:35
shane_Seeing as no one can help with my microphone issue, Does anyone know why my disk drives would stop working?10:35
ikoniachilli0 no problem, so if you've made an application/script/whatever you must know how to stop/start it - once you know how to stop start it you can script the stopping and starting into an init script10:35
ActionParsnip1irini: simple websearch, its in the official documentation10:35
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ditch64does anybody know of any good rescue CDs?10:36
chilli0ikonia:  the script runs when i run it its just a python one i want it to auto start when i go to restart the computer10:36
shane_Irini: Just some advice, any websites you find usefull, bookmark, I can gaurantee you will need them again.10:36
ikonia!init > chilli010:36
ubottuchilli0, please see my private message10:36
ActionParsnip1ditch64: live ubuntu cd10:36
bazhangmboman, did you md5 the iso10:36
ditch64ActionParsnip1: how do i access it though?10:37
ikoniachilli0: use the existing scripts as an example10:37
Slartshane_: I assume you don't mean you have a disc crash?10:37
z0rhi all. I have this strange problem with my audio in Intrepid. It works fine for a while, but all of a sudden it just stops working. Any apps that try to use the sound card after that freeze10:37
ditch64ActionParsnip1: where is the option on it10:37
ikoniaditch64: I'm still waiting to find out what you do to cause the error, and what the exact error is10:37
mbomanbazhang: can't remember. Let me do it to make sure10:37
ActionParsnip1ditch64: you boot to the cd you used to install, youo can mount your drves and copy data / do whatever10:37
z0ri'm not sure what i should be searching for on the net. I looked for things about my sound card but nothing in particular showed up10:37
shane_Slart: no, xubuntu just stopped reading my cd, and dvd drives10:37
ikoniaditch64: instead of asking for random things, get the error and what you did to cause the error and we can try to resolve it10:37
z0ris there a known problem with pulseaudio?10:37
Slartshane_: any errors in dmesg, syslog or such?10:38
bazhangmboman, is this hardy or ibex10:38
shane_slart: how do i run dmesg10:38
chilli0ikonia:  when i try to cd to  /etc/rc.local i get this error bash: cd: /etc/rc.local: Not a directory10:38
Slartshane_: dmesg in a terminal =)10:38
irinigive me your msn10:38
irinishane give me your msn10:38
mbomanbazhang: 8.10 is ibex10:38
ikoniachilli0 it's a file10:38
ikoniachilli0: it's not a directory10:38
ditch64ikonia: ok, let me reboot and get the errors10:38
ActionParsnip1shane_: you'll find most advice here is a terminal command10:38
ikoniachilli0: the error even says "not a directory"10:39
shane_ive been using linux a week now10:39
bazhangmboman, why not use virtual box; it is much easier to use and setup10:39
Slartshane_: you can also run dmesg > output.txt and open that file in whatever texteditor you want10:39
irinii 1day XD10:39
shane_seem to have picked it up pretty quickly10:39
irinishane come online :D10:39
bazhangirini, this is not a chat channel10:39
shane_slart: lots of errors towards the bottom10:39
ActionParsnip1Slart: or you can pipe it into less ;)10:40
AdvoWorkwill doing chmod 777 -r /home/myfolder/  give 777 permission to all folders, even folders that havent yet been created?10:40
shane_slart: something about block. wich also pops up when trying to use my cd/dvd drives10:40
Slartshane_: can you pastebin the errors? type !pastebin for more info10:40
mbomanbazhang: because my main desktop is running Windows?10:40
ActionParsnip1AdvoWork: no, only the standing ones10:40
shane_[218890.405928] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 1310:40
shane_[218890.405947] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb110:40
shane_[218890.405963] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 33310:40
shane_[218890.405968] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb110:40
shane_[218890.405974] Buffer I/O error on device sdb1, logical block 33410:40
shane_[218890.405978] lost page write due to I/O error on sdb110:40
FloodBot2shane_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
bazhangmboman, windows has that as well; go to virtual box site and dl it10:40
AdvoWorkActionParsnip1, oh, i need 777 permission on anything within /home/myfolder even if a folder has yet to be created in there?10:41
sinanI am trying to build a very simple kernel module (just to learn about kernel modules). When i compile, it says "linux/config.h: No such file or directory", any idea if that file should exist or not?10:41
iriniwhere i find the synsptic10:41
irinior something10:41
legendsohaiis there anybody know why my terminal will not show appropriate colour of a files or folder which has execution properties or other properties10:41
ikoniasinan depends if you have the header installed, yes it should though if you have the kernel source installed10:41
bazhangirini, system administration10:41
ActionParsnip1AdvoWork: 777 on ~/ isnt secure at all10:41
Slartshane_: don't paste stuff here in the channel.. it will only get you kicked/banned10:41
sinanikonia: what's the easiest way to get the kernel source?10:41
ikoniasinan get the source from the package manager10:42
shane_Irini: go to your applications menu, then to system, then to synaptic package manager10:42
sinanikonia: i think i did :)10:42
Slartshane_: is that the cd-rom/dvd drive?10:42
shane_irini: you will be prompted for your root password10:42
ActionParsnip1AdvoWork: this may help some: http://www.linuxfocus.org/English/January1999/article77.html10:42
irinishane come msn10:42
ikoniasinan then it should exist10:42
julian_hey somebody had the same evolution bug like me? on an email receive event i get notification messages that checking for unwanted mails isnt working10:42
irinii got root10:42
spi343hi all, can i make linux-generic depend on other version ? it says it depends of the latest kernel version,right now it depends of 2.6.27-7 but 2.6.27-8 is avaiable!10:42
irinii got10:42
FloodBot2irini: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
bazhangirini, stop with the enter key10:42
ditch64ikonia: 147.580518 Buffer I/O Error on device sda1 logical block 1212715 - 121272410:42
ikoniairini: STOP using enter after every word, you've been asked multiple times now10:42
Slartirini: ... you will get kicked from this channel if you keep this up10:42
shane_slart: i have no idea10:42
ikoniaditch64 what are you doing to cause that10:42
iriniok ok srry :D shane come msn10:43
sinanikonia: any idea where on the filesystem it should exist? :)10:43
ditch64i resized my swap partition10:43
legendsohaiis there anybody know why my terminal is just showing one colour only for all files or folder which has execution properties or other properties10:43
chilli0so ikonia how do i add something that makes my script work onto the /etc/rc.local?10:43
ActionParsnip1spi343: you could specify the kernel version to install and install all deps on the same command10:43
ikoniaditch64: ok so boot into the ubuntu live cd, and do sudo fsck -n /dev/sda110:43
shane_is there a command to re-mount my cd/dcd drives?10:43
ActionParsnip1shane_: sudo mount -a10:43
ditch64ikonia: ok give me a minute10:43
ikoniachilli0: rc.local gets executed at boot time, so if you put the commands to start it in there, it should run10:44
Slartshane_: ok.. run "cat /etc/mtab" in a terminal.. it will print out a list of all mounted drives.. see where sdb1 is mounted10:44
chilli0whats the shut down one ikonia?10:44
ditch64ikonia: wait it just said10:44
ikoniachilli0 did you write a "stop" function into the python script ?10:44
ikoniachilli0: if not just kill it10:44
ditch64ikonia: Deleted inode 4317199 has zero dtime. FIXED10:44
ikoniaazfira: we normally just say "hi"10:44
ikoniaditch64 it shouldn't have done anything as I said do fsck -n /dev/sda110:44
AdvoWorkActionParsnip1, basically im getting errors like: rsync: chown "/home/Backups/full-20081109.171012.988/shared_blobs/,n/3z" failed: Permission denied (13) so thats why i was going todo the 777 thing?10:45
chilli0ikonia:  i want it to start on shut down. so when i go to shut down it will run my script10:45
ditch64ikonia: k10:45
shane_i messaged you the output10:45
ikoniaditch64 did you do -n ?10:45
shane_its the lower part, that isnt the same as the rest10:45
IcyPolecatSlart: well downgrading to Nvidia 173 seems to have worked ... at the very least the fan has finally stop spinning10:45
ActionParsnip1AdvoWork: sudo may help10:45
ditch64ikonia: i havent even rebooted10:45
ikoniachilli0 then you need to use a start/stop init script setup rather than rc.local10:45
ikoniaditch64 so where did you get that warning /10:45
chilli0i dont get it10:45
ditch64its doing an automated fsck10:46
ikoniachilli0: rc.local is a set of commands executed at start up only10:46
ikoniaditch64 oh, fair enough then, let it run10:46
chilli0yes ok10:46
SlartIcyPolecat: nvidia has had some problems with the fans.. I also had that "fans going max all the time" with one version of the drivers10:46
chilli0so how do i make something run on shut down?10:46
spi343ActionParsnip1, yes but i would like to have linux-generic installed, because of the automatic updates, right now it's not installed because it was removed along with 2.6.27-7 wich is not working for me ( issues with wireless prism 2.5 cars), so what i want it have linux-generc installed but with 2.6.27-810:46
ikoniachilli0 so you can't use that as you want it to start and stop (although you should just make it start, when you shut the machine down the script will be killed)10:46
AdvoWorkActionParsnip1, ie instead of rsyn, do sudo rsync?10:46
Slartshane_: ok, got it.. didn't see anything about sdb1 though.. might be because you don't have a cd in the drive, or?10:46
rwwAdvoWork, yes10:47
ActionParsnip1AdvoWork: try it10:47
irinishane i need help10:47
ditch64Could not start the X server due to some internal error.... blah blah check with your system admin10:47
IcyPolecatSlart: yeah will have to wait now. Very annoying as the new version of the drivers sorted an issue with Plasma performance under KDE as well so really wanted to use the newer version10:47
iriniwhere is shane???10:47
ikoniaditch64 forget that for the moment10:47
shane_I have no cd in the drive, givve me a second10:47
wartalkermy driver b44 for network has problem, help?10:47
ditch64ikonia: k10:47
ActionParsnip1ditch64: boot to recovery root console (esc at grub) and then check dmesg and logs10:47
ikoniaditch64: get your file system fixed and working first10:47
mjgdoes anyone know how i can set my screen resolution higher?  pref->screen resolution is only recognizing my laptop screen, not my external monitor screen10:47
irinilol guys just make a backup and put on cd10:47
ditch64ikonia: meaning do what?10:48
spi343ActionParsnip1, the question is why does ubuntu think that 2.6.27-7 is the latest when 2.6.27-8 is10:48
irinii go toilet10:48
chilli0ikonia:  if i added the file into here would it work /etc/gdm/PostSession10:48
ikoniachilli0 I don't believe so10:48
ActionParsnip1spi343: not sure10:48
ikoniachilli0: just start it, your OS will kill it when you shutdown10:48
ditch64ikonia: this is funny because if im running on battery power it will boot because it skips the FSCK10:48
ikoniaditch64 why is that funny ?10:49
ditch64ikonia: idk it doesnt make sense10:49
chilli0ikonia:  all my script does is copy a number into a file10:49
ikoniaditch64 of course it does10:49
chilli0and i need it to copy it b4 i shut down10:49
histousage: uptime [-V]10:49
histo    -V    display version10:49
sinanWhat are the pathes that gcc looks for include files?10:49
ikoniachilli0: then you need to use start/stop init scripts10:49
spi343ActionParsnip1, oh i see, 2.6.27-8 is on intrepid-proposed, and not in intrepid :(10:49
ditch64ikonia: ok so how do you want me to take at this problem?10:49
histo 05:50:21 up 4 days, 10:13,  3 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.0010:49
ActionParsnip1spi343: im on 2.6.27-7-generic on my intrepid 64bit rig10:49
ikoniachilli0 or just use conky10:49
chilli0ikonia:  what are they?10:49
chilli0ikonia:  im making my own one that adds up10:50
ikoniaditch64 boot from the livecd and do fsck -n /dev/sda1 to get the problem10:50
Slartshane_: hmm.. no change there.. can you pastebin the entire dmesg output?10:50
ikoniachilli0 then read the init factoid ubottu sent you and it will expalin how to add thigns10:50
chilli0so it saves how much i have downloaded then puts into a file10:50
shane_of course10:50
Slartshane_: but pastebin it10:50
spi343ActionParsnip1, so i guess until 2.6.27-8 won't make it in intrepid linux-generic still depends on 2.6.27-710:50
ikoniachilli0: conky does that10:50
spi343ActionParsnip1, what a mess :)10:50
Slartshane_: don't just paste it to me10:50
Slart!paste | shane10:50
ubottushane: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:50
chilli0ikonia:  that didnt make any sence10:50
ikoniachilli0 what didn't10:50
spi343ActionParsnip1, thanks10:50
ActionParsnip1spi343: i think you're gonna have to wait10:51
chilli0what ubot said10:51
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:51
spi343ActionParsnip1, yep10:51
chilli0!init > chilli010:51
ikoniachilli0: ok - do you understand how run levels work ?10:51
ubottuchilli0, please see my private message10:51
ikoniachilli0: ok - so if you look in /etc/init.d you'll see a set of scripts, yes/no ?10:51
=== sean is now known as Guest33303
mbomanbazhang: I seem to have deleted the ISO.. I'll download it again...10:52
chilli091 of them10:52
ikoniachilli0: ok these are your "init" scripts, take a look at one and you'll see how it works (start/stop function etc)10:52
=== Kabaka is now known as Kabaka[A]
ikoniachilli0: now these are linked to run levels (ubuntu boots to runlevel 2)10:52
ikoniachilli0: following so far ?10:52
chilli0what are run levels10:53
ikoniachilli0 if you go into /etc/rc2.d you'll see a script that is linked to an init script in /etc/init.d10:53
ikoniachilli0: system "modes" ubuntu has obsoleted it10:53
ditch64ikonia: hm, while it was booting to the cd i got an error "SMART system failure predicted, on HDxxxxxxxx, save data and replace HD"10:54
Veninhow do i resolve hostnames from IPs on LAN?10:54
ikoniaditch64 hard disk is dead10:54
heihaierPlease help me! http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/1050110:54
ikoniaVenin use dns or /etc/hosts10:54
ActionParsnip1ditch64: hdd is dying, run a full backup of critical data and get a new drive10:54
shane_slart: is there a way i can post all of the output?10:54
ditch64ikonia: well i totally doubt that seeing as how this whole thing started as soon as i resized a partition10:54
ikoniaditch64 that may have caused the failure10:54
shane_ubottu > pastebin10:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:54
ikoniaditch64: hard disk IS dying10:54
gammyheihaier: Why are the comments not in English? That's majorly bad code karma.10:54
ditch64ikonia: damn10:54
ditch64ikonia: thats some shit10:55
Slartshane_: use... the... pastebin...as I've told you three times already10:55
ValentineXheihaier: C language student?10:55
ikoniaditch64: watch your language10:55
ditch64ikonia: srry10:55
heihaierValentineX: yes.10:55
shane_I just now figured out how to do that slart10:55
Veninikonia: i mean.. i wanna type like ping and be able to see computer name10:55
|neon|i been trying to figure out how to make my desktop settings stay after reboot for a while now, basically i can change the desktop settings but upon reboot the settings revert back to default, i tried session manager without any luck, any suggestions?10:55
ikoniaVenin thats reverse dns, use dns or /etc/hosts10:55
ikoniachilli0: is it coming together now in your head ?10:55
Veninikonia: use dns hwo?10:55
chilli0ikonia:  if i made a file that ran my python script10:55
ditch64ikonia: well how can i backup data through live CD? just access the HD and start burning?10:55
chilli0and put it into that file10:56
chilli0would it work?10:56
bainhi people.. can somebody tell me how to get your own project included in universe repository?10:56
ikoniaditch64 exactly, hope it doesn't die10:56
koopsi was thinking on updateing to intrepid ibex, i own an asus eeepc 1000h and wanted to know if everything works out of the box in this version since i have to make a lot of changes on hardy and dont want to go through all that again...??10:56
ikoniachilli0 did you look at the example scripts ?10:56
baini mean will people volunteer to do that?10:56
chilli0there are heaps10:56
chilli0i dont know what one to look at10:56
ikoniachilli0: yes....10:56
ikoniachilli0: pick a random one, a simple service like ntpd i a good example10:56
ditch64ikonia: lol, whoopty i get to spend money......10:56
mgolischkoops: hm i just upgraded and i still use the kernel from array.org10:57
chilli0i dont have ntpd10:57
baini have a ppa uploaded but can't spend time making it "ubuntu sanitized"10:57
ikoniachilli0 pick a random one then, one you know is an easy service if possible10:57
ditch64ikonia: is it possiable to connect this desktop (running ubuntu) to the laptop and save that way?10:57
greymaneHow do you activate a wireless interface on an Ubuntu Server?10:57
wartalkerdriver b44 for network load fail, help?10:57
ikoniaditch64: if you have a network switch/hun, or a cross over cable sure10:58
koopsmgolisch, thanks10:58
ditch64ikonia: sweet10:58
=== ValentineX is now known as OnlyLinuxUbuntu
badstueHi. How can i reset the user's home partition each time the pc reboots ?10:58
FrauHansenHi, I'm trying to convert a rpm to deb using alien. it gives me an error. can someone have a look and tell me whats wrong? http://pastebin.com/d445bb9ed10:58
chilli0ikonia: ill look at reboot10:58
ikoniaFrauHansen what are you trying to covnert10:59
gammyAll hail covnert!10:59
FrauHansenikonia, its a package for a TSM backup client10:59
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: you need sudo to run alien10:59
ditch64ikonia: how would i go abouts locating the other computer through lan?11:00
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, i'm root11:00
ikoniaFrauHansen and there is no "debian/ubuntu" based alternative, as using alien is a bad call in my view11:00
ikoniaditch64 are you going through a switch or cross-over cable11:00
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: oh, ok11:00
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: did you install alien via repos?11:00
ludditehi ActionParsnip11:00
ditch64ikonia: i can do crossover11:00
ActionParsnip1hi luddite11:00
ludditeYou good today11:00
FrauHansenikonia, no debs, since it is IBM and debian is not officially supported11:01
chilli0ikonia: ill look at reboot11:01
chilli0i dont really get it11:01
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, yes sir: apt-get install alien11:01
ikoniaditch64 give them both an ip on the same network and use scp/ftp/whever you want to move teh data11:01
lesshasteI still have this problem where after a firefox crash I can't start firefox again11:02
mgolischkoops: only annoying thing is that everytime i plug in the power cord it opens evolution, no idea why11:02
lesshasteI seem to have to restart the computer to fix it, which can't be right11:02
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: is there not a debian native alternative?11:02
ludditei want my ubuntu to hibernate with a progress bar. Is this possible11:02
lesshasterunning it from the command line gives no output11:02
lesshasteit just doesn't start11:02
raitiscan some bodey tell me the terminal comand to see running programs and processes11:02
koopsmgolisch, hahaha ok... thanks for the info, u have eeepc 1000h right?11:02
ikoniachilli0 ok - so as ubuntu runs at run level 2, it will go into /etc/rc2.d and run the scripts in the order 01,02,03,04 etc etc so if your script is S26chilli0 it will run it 26th with the parameter "start" so you need to make sure your script that "starts" is in /etc/init.d - linked to /etc/rc2.d and has a function in it called "start"11:02
ikoniachilli0: does that make sense11:02
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, unfortunately not. IBM only supports SLES and red hat11:02
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: if theres an RPM is there not source you can compile?11:03
aptuxHow to uninstall ubuntu?11:03
chilli0i gotta go11:03
raitiswhat is the command to see the list on running process?11:03
ikoniaaptux delete the partition11:03
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: you will need to provide those libraries that alien is moaning about11:03
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, no. let's just say i've got to work with these packages :(11:03
aptuxikonia, how to do it?? :)11:03
Slartshane_: ok, seems like sdb1 is your PSP? it does detect two cdrom drives but it doesn't show anything else about them (lines 313-320)11:03
ActionParsnip1ratifers: ps -ef11:03
irinineed help plz11:04
ikoniaaptux install something over it, delete the partition using a partition tool11:04
yarboreaHello I've just set up a fax modem for occasional use and it seem to be working fine in theory but I would like to use some kind of test fax server that sends back a fax replying to your so I know it all works. Does anyone know of such a service11:04
calvinoaptux, man gparted11:04
lesshasteI have run strace on firefox and it stops at this stage I have run strace on firefox and it stops at this stage11:04
irinii restart pc11:04
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, thats what i thought...libraries are tricky...what should i install?11:04
toolanyone working with azureus?11:05
iGamaHy all11:05
badstueHi. I could need some tips for a temp partition11:05
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: webseach for each library it wants in turn with the word "provides" at the start of each search11:05
raitiswhat is the terminal command to see processes and id`s????11:05
badstueHow can i reset the user's home partition each time the pc reboots ?11:05
ActionParsnip1tool: just ask11:05
iGamaraitis, ps -aux11:05
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, you mean those *.so files, just to be shure?11:05
badstueraitis.. what about using "top"11:06
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: yep11:06
yarboreatool I did try it but it seemed so slow compared to almost every other torrent app I left it for Transmission so I have avery linited knowledge.11:06
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, I'll try that. thank you so far11:06
toolwas wondering about seeding11:06
mgolischkoops: yeah have a 1000h11:06
ActionParsnip1iGama: thats the bsd standard, -ef is true standrd. man ps11:06
iGamabadstue, make a backup of the home directory of that user, create a script on boot that will put the copy back11:06
ActionParsnip1tool: what of it11:06
toola lot of sites don't recognize it11:07
toolcan't seem to seed properly11:07
badstueraitis.. yup.. i dont know if you have it installed. but it works fantastic from the console11:07
badstuejust type top11:07
badstueotherwise just install it11:07
Slartbadstue: or try htop.. for that colour goodness =)11:07
ActionParsnip1tool: so you get no upload data?11:07
badstueyea.. thats nice too11:07
raitishow i can kill some procees?11:07
toolit has peers11:07
south_korea** I have installed by "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal", but don't see no "open-terminal" even i right clicked on nautilus :(11:07
ActionParsnip1ratifers: ps -ef | grep -i <part of name>11:08
tooland sometimes the upload is sketchy11:08
raitiskill bla bla bla?11:08
ActionParsnip1ratifers: then: kill <pid (leftmost value)>11:08
toolthe connection says ok11:08
badstueHow can i reset the user's home partition each time the pc reboots ?11:08
irinihow i get new fonts?11:08
FrauHansenActionParsnip1, funny thing: google searching libgpfs.so got me directly to a "hot-to" TSM ubuntu blog entry11:08
iGamabadstue, make a backup of the home directory of that user, create a script on boot that will put the copy back11:08
toolbut confused about either router setup11:08
ActionParsnip1FrauHansen: nice11:08
toolor something in the settings11:08
bazhang!fonts > irini11:08
ubottuirini, please see my private message11:08
south_korean e help please ?11:08
south_korean e help please ?11:08
south_korea** I have installed by "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal", but don't see no "open-terminal" even i right clicked on nautilus :(11:08
FloodBot2south_korea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
raitishmmm i dont remember the commands :D11:08
Slartbadstue: can't you just make a startup script that copies the home folder from somewhere ?11:09
raitisdidnt use ubunto for 3 years :D11:09
iGamasouth_korea, log off and log in again11:09
badstuebut how do i do that ?11:09
raitisjust cant remember :D11:09
toolhit alt f211:09
south_koreaFloodBot2 <= human ?11:09
toolthen type in nautilus11:09
ActionParsnip1ratifers: ps is a NIX standard command11:09
ikoniasouth_korea it's a bot11:09
south_koreaiGama Thank you :) // thank you ikonia :D11:09
ikoniasouth_korea you will probably have to restart gnome to get that extra option11:09
OnlyLinuxUbuntusouth_korea: paste few lines again and again floodbot will say you hello :P11:09
yarboreatool aren't some sites blocking the seeding process at the minute? have you tried using another DNS server like to make sure it's not your isp strnagling your connection?11:09
south_korea:D  bye bye ~11:09
ActionParsnip1tool: i dont personaly use it, i use ktorrent. maybe theres something in config not quite right11:10
yarboreaI meant some isps not some sites11:10
iriniwhere i open synaptic package manager11:10
toolyeah maybe you are right11:10
jstephanhi all, the ltsp-manager in 8.04 does not work, the window opens and stays empty, someone know help?11:10
ikoniairini system-> administration11:10
bazhangirini, it is in system-->administration11:10
tooli'm not in america and don't think my isp is blocking anything11:10
Slartbadstue: !boot will give you some info on how to do the "run at startup" thingy.. but there might be better ways of doing it.. hang on.. let me talk to mr google for a second11:11
ActionParsnip1tool: they can and sometimes do11:11
badstuethank you11:11
tooleven still I'm at a loss as to how to change router settings11:11
yarboreatool it's not always easy to tell - have you read "beating sandvine"11:11
ActionParsnip1tool: DHT can help as well as encryption11:11
toolactually haven't tried it11:11
badstuecan you mail me the tip ? I am going for a break..11:11
Slartbadstue: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-600991.html11:12
toolok,.. i'm trying to think about the right questions i should be asking11:12
yarboreaActionParsnip1 which linux app does encryption. I know utorrent does but I couldn't find a linux app that did it?11:12
toolshould i change something with the router first?11:12
ActionParsnip1yarborea: ktorrent does it nice11:13
yarboreatool I would defintely try an open DNS server11:13
toolencryption is a setting in the software setting11:13
nuancetool: look for your router on the manufacturers site for configuration options.  Usually, you'll have to set it to uPnP and sometimes explicitly open ports.11:13
yarboreaActionParsnip1 thanks11:13
ActionParsnip1yarborea: if you are running gnome you will pull down a tonne of kdelibs with it11:13
toolUPNP is not something azureus likes11:13
ActionParsnip1yarborea: depends on your stance with bloat11:14
scienteshow can i make my server communicate outside the LAN again?11:14
toolso i turned it off to see what would happen11:14
scientesi  installed ebox and it fed everything up so i removed it11:14
toolno change11:14
scientesi have my dns set right11:14
mercutio22Where's the thrash directory located?11:14
Slartbadstue: there is one post by someone called "warbird" with some good links and info.. near the end of the page11:14
ikonia!trash > mercutio2211:14
ubottumercutio22, please see my private message11:14
raitishow to set up FTP server on ubuntu?11:14
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash11:14
toolhow do you set up your dns11:14
ActionParsnip1!trash | mercutio2211:14
ubottumercutio22: please see above11:14
nuanceThen, it may be the ports that have to be opened.  Look in Azereus for the port number, and open that in the router.11:14
toolas an example11:14
ActionParsnip1!ftp | raitis11:14
ubotturaitis: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd11:14
ikoniatool how I setup dns is nothing to do how you do11:14
toolyeah did that11:15
ikoniatool what part do you want to setup11:15
ActionParsnip1!ftpd | raitis11:15
ubotturaitis: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP11:15
yarboreaActionParsnip1 yeah it's odd with KDE apps some like kppp work standlalone with the pppconfig system but other like Kmail which I quite like pull too much to be worth the effort :(11:15
julian_hey somebody had the same evolution bug like me? on an email receive event i get notification messages that checking for unwanted mails isnt working11:15
mercutio22ikonia> thanks11:15
toolI'm confused about the difference between dns, dhs, and static ip11:16
nuancetool, Azereus' site has a wiki entry:  http://azureuswiki.com/index.php/RouterConfiguration11:16
yarboreatool dns is just the domain server11:16
iriniwhere is my synaptic package manager?11:16
yarboreaI would defintely change that to
Slarttool: dhs? never heard of that one before.. what is it?11:16
scienteswhy woundnt my comp be able to communicat outside the lan11:16
ActionParsnip1irini: gksudo synaptic11:16
ikoniatool dns is name->ip mapping - dhcp is getting dynmic (new) ip address whena machine boots, a static ip is when you set an ip for that machine and it never changes11:16
yarboreaI know it doesn't strnagle torrents11:16
amirmananyone else having issues with sound tonight?11:16
bazhangirini, we have told you three times11:16
scientes?? if i set it to dhcp then it works but i need static ip11:16
toolyeah dhcp11:16
ikoniairini: open the system menu, then the applications menu, then you will see it11:17
toolok understand11:17
bazhangirini, it is in system administration11:17
toolis it better to have dhcp or static ip?11:17
=== Max is now known as MaxMala
nuanceYou usually have to purchase a static ip.  Dynamic is the standard.11:17
ikoniatool depends on your setup, but this really isn't anything to do with ubuntu support11:17
yarboreatool some say it's better to have a static IP but it's seems a lot of trouble for very little benefit to me11:18
yarboreaIf I was business it would be different11:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:18
Slarttool: if your computer is connected directly to the internet you'll use dhcp most of the time to get an ip from your internet provider11:18
bazhangplease take random chat to #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
amirmanmy sound stopped working correctly tonight, now instead of playing any sound it only crackles. i tried reloading alsa multiple times to no avail, i have no idea what to do, or what caused it11:18
Akro-BaTneed help guys !11:18
ikoniaAkro-BaT: ask a question then11:19
belendaxwhy in some sites I see lines instead contents? http://tinypic.info/files/7z1f8qe07qzaez5oh6s8.jpg11:19
mercutio22ikonia> I can't delete some folders from the trash because of permission issues11:19
Akro-BaTokay i was absent for some days! i let the PC11:19
ikoniamercutio22 use sudo11:19
Akro-BaTto my little bro to watch his animes...11:19
ikoniaAkro-BaT cut to the question11:19
Akro-BaTso when i came back , i didnt find11:19
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:20
nuanceamirman, in the "System...Preferences...Sound..." menu, select different sources and test.  See if that corrects it.11:20
Akro-BaTdriver of peripherique11:20
ikoniaAkro-BaT what is the actual question11:20
mercutio22ikonia> I don't see the files any files in ~/.local/share/Trash/files$11:20
tool_sometimes some torrents wont connect because the ip address has changed11:20
ikoniamercutio22 look in /root/.local/share/Trash11:20
* kicco !wireless11:20
ikoniatool_ this is nothing to do with ubuntu11:20
amirmannuance, i tired them all, the only thing that makes any sound at all is "automatic" but it just crackles11:20
mercutio22ikonia> yeah, that must be it. Thanks11:20
Akro-BaTthe application that shows you information abour your soundcard Graphic card11:21
ikoniaAkro-BaT lspci11:21
ikoniaAkro-BaT: that will show you make/model11:21
yarboreatool_ this kind of stuff is well covered on the afterdawn site - it's interesting to me but it is off topic here11:21
Akro-BaTi have ubuntu on french, but french guys couldnt help me11:21
nuanceNot insulting intelligence, but when I have problems I re-insert the physical connections and check the wires.11:21
DaveKongwhat is the best Ubuntu theme for minimizing eye strain?11:21
tool_was hoping action was reading it11:21
Akro-BaTikonia:  yes that's it !11:21
ikoniaAkro-BaT: what is the actual question/problem11:21
Akro-BaTi think it was completly uninstalled11:21
ikoniaDaveKong: look on gnome-look.org to find you that works for you11:21
ikoniaAkro-BaT: I don't think it is11:21
amirmannuance, actually OSS makes a loud beeping sound11:21
Akro-BaTand i cant get it back11:22
tool_ok how do i add a irc chat?11:22
ikoniaAkro-BaT what is the problem11:22
amirmannuance, but how can i figure out and fix whatever is wrong with alsa?11:22
tool_channel sorry11:22
south_koreaikonia,  are you an ubuntu user (?) or employee of Ubuntu (?), or just helping people here(?)11:22
Slartmercutio22: "sudo apt-get install trash-cli" then run "list-trash" in a terminal.. you'll get a list of the files in the trash11:22
ikoniasouth_korea not an employee11:22
nuanceamirman, also did you install anything recently.  I've had programs trash out sound configuration.11:22
bazhangsudo apt-get install xchat tool_11:22
Akro-BaTikonia:  that stuff of peripherics driver is uninstalled11:22
Akro-BaTand i cant get it back11:22
ikoniaAkro-BaT what makes you think that11:22
tool_yeah i'm running it11:22
ikoniaAkro-BaT explain the PROBLEM11:22
Akro-BaTcoz i dont find it11:22
tool_but i wanna get to azureus11:22
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
yarboreatool_ just go to #azureus11:23
south_korea** wondering why all this people answering the question only about Ubuntu11:23
amirmannuance, only thing i've been working on tonight is getting my svideo out to the tv working, which required me to uninstall and reinstall a bunch of fglrx stuff a few times, and restore some default config files, is it possible that it's something in xorg.conf?11:23
ikoniasouth_korea because it's ubuntu support11:24
bazhangsouth_korea, this is ubuntu support11:24
mercutio22Slart> thanks11:24
bazhangsouth_korea, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssl11:24
tool_what i mean is how do i add it to the network list11:24
nuanceamirman, one other thing.  Right-click the sound icon on the task bar.  And in volume control and preferences make sure the right channel is selected.11:24
raitiswhat about11:24
FloodBot2raitis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
Akro-BaTikonia:  okay, i' am not able to find that application, and it's because my little brother had the pc in my absence11:24
Akro-BaTi guess he dids it11:24
ikoniaAkro-BaT what are you doing to try to access it11:24
aguitelanyone use scanner EPSON cx5600 under intrepid ?11:25
Akro-BaTikonia:  euh nothin i just dont find it11:25
mercutio22I deleted the root Thrash dir, but the files are still shown in the gui11:25
yarboreatool_ that depends what irc app you use. I use xchat. If you use something else my advice won't work for you.11:25
Akro-BaTdo you have a way to get it ?11:25
ikoniaAkro-BaT how are you looking for it11:25
Akro-BaTand it's not there11:25
ikoniaAkro-BaT it's not in there, it's a non-gui application11:25
amirmannuance, i think the right channel was selected but either way it makes the crackling sound with any playback channel11:26
south_korea** hmm.. im not affordable to support Ubuntu with money things but, if i can, I wanna be a supporter like you guys11:26
tool_<--- using xchat now11:26
Akro-BaTok it' is nowhere11:26
ikoniaAkro-BaT it's in /usr/bin11:26
ikoniaAkro-BaT: open a terminal and type "lspci"11:26
tool_tried opening network list11:26
Akro-BaTdone ? after11:27
tool_then filled in the link11:27
tool_tried connecting but nothing happens11:27
ikoniaAkro-BaT then you've run it, it's there11:27
nuanceamirman, I'm not sure.  Here's a link to troubleshooting:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting11:27
bazhangtool_, what channel are you trying to join11:27
wersX wont start up everytime I boot. for me to start it, I have to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg everytime I want to login. any idea why?11:27
bazhangtool_, type /join #channelname11:27
yarboreatool_ go to network xchat > network list > then Add > use irc.freenode.net as the server and put #azureus in the channel.11:27
Akro-BaTok sorry XD dont know how !11:28
Akro-BaT<= newbie !11:28
tool_does anyone use wikipedia11:28
bazhangtool_, please stop with the offtopic chat11:28
cakeyand uncyclopedia.org11:28
bazhangtool_, #ubuntu-offtopic for that11:28
carmit_levihi ubutuers11:28
amirmannuance, i think i fixed it... i think. what's PCM?11:29
south_koreatool_ let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
nuancePulse audio.11:29
nuanceIt's used now mostly instead of alsa11:29
cakey/server #ubuntu-offtopic11:29
tool_what exactly does this channel cover?11:29
bazhangtool_, read the /topic11:29
ikoniatool_ support of the OS ubuntu11:29
ikoniacakey: no - thats /join not /server11:29
=== DamienGray|Sleep is now known as DamienGray
carlinhoshow can i set my intel drivers in xorg with intrepid??11:30
cakeybest way to find out is to try11:30
Akro-BaT :'( crying11:30
cakeyand cry11:30
ikoniaAkro-BaT what do you want /11:30
cakeya shoulder to cry on11:30
goldmetalwhat is a good html composer on linux?11:30
amirmannuance, i thought it was PC speaker so i didn't mess with it until now, i was under the impression that intrepid was using alsa instead of pulseaudio for some reason. i just turned PCM all the way up and i think it's working again.11:30
bazhangcakey, please stop11:31
goldmetalas in ms font page11:31
Akro-BaTikonia:  lool, behh to have it back in Administration11:31
nuanceglad it's fixed.11:31
ikoniaAkro-BaT it has never been there11:31
Akro-BaTlspci it just shows you info bout your stuff11:31
amirmannaunce, yeah it works, thanks for the help11:31
ikoniaAkro-BaT: lspci is a COMMAND LINE application only11:31
south_koreabluefish compozer @ goldmetal11:31
ikoniaAkro-BaT thats what you asked for the command to show you info about your hardware11:31
nuanceyou're welcome11:31
Akro-BaTikonia:  okay but i do want this wait i'll show you11:31
Polysicshi all11:31
south_koreaand vim @ goldmedal11:31
yarboreagoldmetal I like a mixture of Kompozer (wysiwyg) and Bluefish (code)11:31
yarboreaMany people suggest Vim and Geany but I haven't tried them11:32
Polysicsanyone hasa working ffmpeg isntallation?11:32
yarboreaPolysics I use it yes11:32
Polysicsi need to convert some videos to FLV ala Youtube on a server11:32
simmerzhi. I'm trying to get locales working in a chroot, but dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't do a thing except tell me that the system can't set the locales11:32
carmit_levii want reiser4 filesystem11:32
ikoniaPolysics yup11:32
cakeygedit + firebug <311:32
bazhangPolysics, just install it11:32
Polysicsis the 8.10 version finally compelte?11:32
Veninyeh, Polysics11:32
yarboreaPolysics yes11:32
goldmetalyarborea, is that K apt?11:32
bazhangPolysics, it works fine11:33
Polysicsoh, did they finally fix it? great :-)11:33
goldmetalsouth_korea, i am install blue fish11:33
south_korea:) @ goldmetal11:33
goldmetalill install kompozer too11:33
south_koreai have both11:33
SiDiDoes anyone have a proper and up-to-date (!!) tutorial about how to configure /etc/network/interfaces to connect on a WiFi network using WPA11:34
south_koreawhy do you want html editor @goldmetal (?)11:34
carmit_levican anyone send me "rar" kernel with reiser4 support :-P ?11:34
xstasiSiDi, you have to look into wpa_supplicant, not interfaces11:34
Akro-BaTikonia:  look11:34
werswhere does is the deluge binary located at?11:34
Polysicsdoes anyone know how/if it is possible to reassing a sound channel? my main (actually only) audio output is marked as "side" and i have to go find it every time11:35
goldmetalsouth_korea, write a perl script to create a photo album11:35
ikoniaAkro-BaT thats the restricted driver manager11:35
Akro-BaTthis is the application i did lost11:35
south_koreai have eclipse, netbeans, oracle-xe, kxmleditor installed on my system. // that's cool11:35
ikoniaAkro-BaT: system -> administration -> hardware drivers11:35
Akro-BaTyes !11:35
goldmetalsouth_korea, but i don't remember all the tags. so i need to look it up.11:35
cha3does anybody know how to tar a file so it spans multiple files and not prompt you for each new file it outputs?11:35
aguitelanyone use scanner EPSON cx5600 under intrepid ?11:36
SiDixstasi, so that's still uptodate for intrepid? i've heard people saying it was only for hardy and previous..11:36
Slyhi all11:36
SlyI have a problem11:36
Akro-BaTbut, i just wanna tell you, that this application i dont have it any more on my ubuntu11:36
cha3here is what i have tar -c -M  --tape-length=15360 --file=disk1.tar SYS11:36
Akro-BaTcoz it was uninstalled !11:36
Akro-BaTsomehow dont know11:36
south_koreagoldmetal, if you want just html tags, i suggest www.w3school.com11:37
Slydoes someone of you have some problems when restarting Ubuntu 8.1011:37
xstasiSiDi, no idea... is intrepid out already?11:37
goldmetalsouth_korea, how to preview my html code in bluefish?11:37
SiDixstasi, kinda :)11:37
=== tool_ is now known as toolwork
south_koreagoldmetal, mm.. dont know actually, i haven't use it yet, just installed it11:38
south_koreagoldmetal, but it's good open source tool11:38
goldmetalsouth_korea, wrong site. wrong url?11:38
yarboreagoldmetal you set up a browser11:38
wartphi guys11:38
south_koreagoldmetal, find w3school on google11:38
wartpis there way to have ubuntu 8.10 on usb key11:38
nirudhahi everyone11:39
bazhang!usb | wartp11:39
ubottuwartp: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:39
south_koreagoldmetal, there's earth on top of bluefish, click on, to c your html11:39
carlinhoshow can i set my intel drivers in xorg with intrepid??11:39
yarboreaI use Opera because it has the best standards support but you can add any you want. Many avoid Opera because it uses the closed source Presto engine.11:39
bazhangcarlinhos, check hardware drivers, if they are not there look in synaptic11:40
goldmetalsouth_korea, thx. i have to set name first....11:40
south_koreagoldmetal, :)11:40
Akro-BaTikonia:  so ?11:40
carlinhosbazhang: i know they are already installed, but how can i set them to run?11:40
ikoniaAkro-BaT what version of ubuntu are you using11:40
bazhangcarlinhos, if they are installed then they are active; what card11:41
nirudhaif someone is familiar with using wicd or NM to connect to a WPA Enterprise (AES) network please let me know. thanks!11:41
south_koreame, ubuntu 7.04_x8611:41
ikoniaAkro-BaT so if you go to "system -> administration" you don't see the application "hardware drivers"11:41
Akro-BaTikonia:  sorry for derangement!11:41
ikoniasouth_korea: I wasn't asking you11:41
Akro-BaTi'm new on linux.. and you know :(11:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 nirudha11:41
carlinhosbazhang: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller11:41
Akro-BaTyes i dont see it11:42
Akro-BaTi can make a screenshot for ya11:42
Akro-BaTif you wanna11:42
goldmetalsouth_korea, kompozer and bluefish have port for windows?11:42
ikoniaAkro-BaT yeah, why not11:42
carlinhosbazhang: can i show you my xorg?? is very strange...11:42
Akro-BaTok wait11:42
goldmetalyarborea, ?11:42
south_koreagoldmetal, u mean ms-windows ?11:42
bazhangcarlinhos, what version of ubuntu11:42
carlinhosbazhang: intrepid, 8.1011:42
nirudhathanks <bazhang>, assume this means the NM or WiCD options are out... am I right?11:42
south_koreai dont use ms-windows any more :) so i dont know11:42
carlinhosbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69286/11:42
bazhangcarlinhos, xorg is not much use in ibex11:43
south_koreai luv Ubuntu :D11:43
bazhangnirudha, why not try from cli; it is much easier11:43
bazhang!offtopic | south_korea11:43
ubottusouth_korea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:43
yarboreagoldmetal kompozer does11:43
carlinhosbazhang: and how do i do to configure my 21.6" resolution screen??11:43
badstueI have a new question.. How can i change the default user's permission of the partitions? the default user should only be able to write, execute and read the home part... and nothing more11:43
goldmetalyarborea, cool11:44
badstuemaybe in fstab ?11:44
xopaSorry to interrupt, I've never used this irc before, any chance anyone could point me in the right direction with regarding to shorewall, vmware and forwarding issues or is this the incorrect channel?11:44
nirudha@bazhang: i will. but i do want to try and setup a few machines for users who wouldn't be comfortable with it and while both network managers do great in most conditions AES and enterprise seem to not work.. but thanks for the link!11:45
yarboreaxopa well vmware have their own very active channel11:45
xopaAh fantastic. Thank you muchly yarbora.11:45
bazhangcarlinhos, what card for that11:45
carlinhosbazhang: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller11:46
bazhangcarlinhos, it is hardware drivers and shows enabled and in use?11:46
bullgard4Where is the meaning of the processor flags fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss tm pbe up bts est tm2 explained?11:46
Akro-BaTi dont wanna11:46
nirudhaone more thing. does anyone know how to configure the resolution of a secondary display on intrepid? xorg.conf only shows a virtual screen size which seems to be the combined display. also my secondary screen should be 1280x1024 and my primary 1024x76811:46
Akro-BaTimpr ecran syst11:46
goldmetalyarborea, do you know if kompozer is new enough.... that it's w3c compliant?11:47
badstueor asked in another way.. how is the easiest way to change the permissions of a user.. so the user only have read, write and exec rights for the home pertition ?11:47
bazhangAkro-BaT, what?11:47
ikoniabullgard4: you know this is nothing to do with ubuntu11:47
ikoniabullgard4: STOP askign offtopic help11:47
badstueand thats for the default user11:47
yarboreagoldmetal Well for now. Of course we'll have HTML 5.0 soon and then we'll all be out of date :)11:47
executeI have a screen opened (via putty), with some running programs, is there a way to close my ssh client here and get it to keep running ?11:47
tim__banyone having problems with audacity (1.3.5/1.3.6) on intrepid? i used it on my 1,8GHz machine with hardy and it was "fast", using it with my new 2x2,5GHz machine+intrepid interface (seeking etc) is alot slower then on my old machine.11:47
carlinhosbazhang: that is my problem, how can i know that drivers are enabled and in use??11:47
bazhangcarlinhos, does hardware drivers show it?11:48
bazhangcarlinhos, check preferences screen resolution11:48
goldmetalyarborea, thx11:49
yarboreagoldmetal when I say that I don't know how up to date the windows version is kept11:49
carlinhosbazhang: yes, i have resolution screen, and now?11:49
destreelI can't play movie files11:49
carlinhosbazhang: it shows to me my big screen resolution and my laptop screen resolution11:49
goldmetalyarborea, i am writing a perl script to generate html.  it's for photo album. so i don't have to upload my pics to other peeople's server11:50
bazhangcarlinhos, are you mirroring them?11:50
yarboreadestreel what do you want to play11:50
carlinhosbazhang: no i am not11:50
bazhangdestreel, do you have the codecs installed?11:50
yarboreawhat format ?11:50
bazhangdestreel, ubuntu-restricted-extras11:50
destreelbazhang: I have11:51
destreelalso ubuntu-restricted-extras11:51
yarboreabazhang do we recommend the ones from the medibuntu repository which are more up to date and play more formats - or do we keep the advice OPEN?11:51
paul68execute:  check out this howto http://www.amitu.com/blog/2004/12/screen-howto.html11:52
yarboreadestreel are you trying to stream them from a web page or play them locally?11:52
destreeli'll try the medibuntu repo11:52
goldmetalyarborea, do you know any program that will beautify my html code?11:52
bazhangyarborea, you mean the w32codecs? yeah that is still on offer iirc11:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:53
goldmetalyarborea, make spaces and indenting nicely11:53
yarboreagoldmetal html tidy on windows Bluefish will on Linux11:53
goldmetalyarborea, i am not talking about auto indent.11:53
mikebeechamhas anyone experienced Firefox grinding to a halt when you have 3 or more tabs open?11:53
yarboreaOn windows I use html-kit which has all that stuff in one place11:53
mikebeechamfirefox keeps going grey11:54
bazhangcarlinhos, have you tried the twinview instructions? that is what I guess you are looking for11:54
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings11:54
bazhangcarlinhos, that is for nvidia only it seems11:55
carlinhosbazhang: yes, not for intel11:56
bazhangcarlinhos, I have it setup with a laptop going to a tv no problem, not sure what resolution you are looking for though11:56
yarboreabazhang it's just I still haven't upgraded to Ibex so I don;t know what's available to users of the newest repositories. I really ought to get a move on or any limited knowledge I do have will become outdated :(11:57
carlinhosbazhang: ok, i tell you all my problem so you can know more. see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6140865#post614086511:57
bazhangyarborea, all the stuff from hardy still works in ibex from my experience; have not had to update any of the medibuntu packages i installed from then.11:58
ikoniaAkro-BaT: can you please type in english11:58
Akro-BaTikonia:  yes sorry11:58
ikoniaAkro-BaT: not a problem11:58
Akro-BaTapologyz, im just i dont know how to fix this11:58
ikoniaAkro-BaT I'm still waiting for the screen shot11:59
wartphttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick /quit11:59
yarboreabazhang thanks that makes me more likely to upgrade.11:59
Akro-BaTikonia:  the thing it's when i open system> administration , the screen dont want to be done !11:59
burimis there anyway to interact with ubuntu as root user without using the terminal ?11:59
Akro-BaTdone or taked ..in english .. ( speak only french )12:00
ikoniaAkro-BaT: use the screen shot tool - set it for 10 secodns then open the menu12:00
yarboreaI had a nasty experience lately with another unmentionable OS beginning with V that went badly wrong when I tried to upgrade and I've become a little less intrepid :)12:00
milligan_Is urandom part of a package ?12:02
goldmetalyarborea, vector? or windows server?12:02
Dr_WillisHmm.. there is a /dev/urandom device :)12:02
yarboreagoldmetal Vista12:02
milligan_Dr_Willis, this machine I'm trying to fix is missing /dev/urandom .. is there any way to create it or something ?12:03
yarboreaIt really messed up and I didn't get completely up to date backups12:03
Dr_Willismilligan_:  its weird that  THAT would be missing..12:03
yarboreaLuckily I managed to recover most of my data with Knoppix Live CD12:03
goldmetalyarborea, that name is so foreign to me12:03
raitishow to set permissions with commands in terminal?12:03
freedomis there a way to launch any app hidden or minimized from the terminal?/12:03
ActionParsnip1milligan_: http://sites.inka.de/~W1011/archive/cipe-l/2001-01/msg00062.html12:03
raitisfor folders12:03
Dr_Willismilligan_:  a simple ls -l /dev/urandom shows nothing?12:03
milligan_Dr_Willis, tell me about it. Was an 8.10 server, and an attempt to install ubuntu-desktop has left it broken.12:03
ActionParsnip1milligan_: first result in a websearch12:03
milligan_Dr_Willis, nope. No such device.12:03
SlartDr_Willis, milligan_: isn't urandom a kernel module ?12:04
raitiswhat is the command to set permision for folders?12:04
ActionParsnip1raitis: chmod12:04
DIFH-icerootraitis: chmod12:04
freedomraitis, chmod12:04
Dr_WillisSlart:  if it is.. i cant tell what one it is... looking at lsmod now12:04
raitiswhat is the12:04
raitisfull comand12:04
ActionParsnip1raitis: man chmod12:04
FloodBot2raitis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:04
freedomraitis, main chmod12:05
yarboreaI have to go for now!12:05
bazhangraitis, dont use the enter key12:05
ActionParsnip1raitis: the command will vary on the acces syou want to grant to each group so there is no set command12:05
Akro-BaTikonia:  can not12:05
ikoniaAkro-BaT: why ?12:05
Akro-BaTif u want ? assistance - distance12:05
ikoniaAkro-BaT ?? what12:06
raitisi want to grand full write access to folder12:06
ActionParsnip1raitis: read the man file and all wil become clear12:06
ikoniaAkro-BaT "why can you not take a screen shot"12:06
Akro-BaTi dont know where is't the screenshot tool12:06
ikoniaAkro-BaT: applications -> accessories -> screen shot12:06
mistermehhow do I blacklist modules?12:06
ActionParsnip1raitis: to who?? the owner, the group the owner is a member of or to everybody?12:06
freedomwhat do i need to install on the client box if i want to remove into it with rdesktop12:06
mistermehI wish to blacklist pcspkr12:06
amdpoxmistermeh, add them to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:06
mistermehthank you12:07
raitiswrite permisions to folder for root12:07
cousin_luigiwould you recommend any firewall builder?12:07
ibrahim__hello , I have just installed intrepid. I am using Ati mobility radeon x1400. there is nothing about driver or something in xorg.conf file. How can I reconfigure it with right values. Thanks12:07
carlinhosbazhang: any idea?12:07
ActionParsnip1raitis: root can write anywhere it pleases12:07
bazhangcarlinhos, what res are you looking for on the tv?12:07
carlinhosbazhang: 1680x1050 by VGA12:08
raitisyes but there is something wrong, I cant  copy files into the www folder12:08
ActionParsnip1mistermeh: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1155612:08
azfira_fuck you all12:08
ActionParsnip1raitis: what happens when you try?12:08
azfira_fuck you all12:08
FloodBot2azfira_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:08
mistermehoh, I've done it before in another distro12:08
mistermehjust wonder how it was done with ubuntu12:08
azfira_lonte jalanan12:08
ActionParsnip1mistermeh: same12:08
mistermehthanks; going to sleep now12:09
bazhangcarlinhos, you can get a generic xorg.conf file from ubuntu wiki then edit in those modelines and see if that does it; it seems that Hal is used now to do most of the vid config these days12:09
raitisThe folder "administrator" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.12:09
bazhangcarlinhos, but as intrepid as so new some of us are still learning how to do it12:09
=== aoupi_ is now known as aoupi
ActionParsnip1raitis: and how are you copying the data? what command?12:09
carlinhosbazhang: i understand, i'll check for ubuntu wiki12:10
Akro-BaTikonia:  you'r strong :(12:10
raitisjust copy paste in graphic, but i want to know command do do that12:10
`r0otHello., i have error in line 3 in -panel and i can't go to my desktop and only image..., plz how i fix that ?12:10
ActionParsnip1ratifers: what file manager do you use?12:11
`r0otplease any help i can't use my system :( ?!12:13
=== Moshu` is now known as MoshutZu
carlinhosbazhang: i dont know where to find a xorg file in wiki...12:13
ph8morning all, do you think Intrepid is ready for me to upgrade? (Probably by wipe+reinstall)12:14
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid carlinhos12:14
melamsdoes anyone know why the ftp client that comes with ubuntu keeps failing on me when i try to connect to a server12:14
bazhangph8, try the live cd first12:15
ph8good call12:15
ph8bazhang:  Otherwise no major reported problems?12:15
melamsor can someone help me out please, i really need to connect12:15
jribph8: check the release notes12:15
bazhangph8, certainly some; just need to check if they apply to you12:15
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81012:15
dshuanghello, anyone12:16
`r0otany one can help12:16
`r0otplease :(12:16
jrib`r0ot: ask a question :/12:16
carlinhosbazhang: on information there for intel... :(12:16
`r0otI have error in line 3 in -panel and i can't go to my desktop and only image..., plz how i fix that ?12:16
ph8bazhang:  Is the best image for me to download the one from cdimage.ubuntu.com - or the one from the website do you reckon?12:16
bazhangph8, either one or the torrent will work fine12:16
jrib`r0ot: where/when do you get the error?  What is the *full* error?12:16
dshuangI have a question. Is gnomebaker supporting files larger than 2G?12:17
bazhangcarlinhos, copy the generic xorg.conf and edit with your info12:17
bazhangcarlinhos, best to bookmark that page so when new info is added you can find out first12:17
Akro-BaTikonia:  so ?12:17
`r0otonly error in line:3 and panel will restart and this not work to and c-a-del not work to12:18
Dr_Willisdshuang:  that would depend on the filesystem of the dvd you are burning.. iso vs udf I think.. or other joilet extensions12:18
jrib`r0ot: I need you to answer my questions so I can help you.  The error says exactly "error in line:3" and nothing else?  Again, where/when do yo usee this error?12:18
jrib!who | `r0ot12:18
ubottu`r0ot: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:18
melamsdoes anyone know of a good ftp client for linux12:19
jribmelams: nautilus or gftp12:19
carlinhosbazhang: but that xorg is for nvidia. if i do changes for intel is ok?12:19
Dr_WillisLots of ftp clients out there..12:19
dshuangbut i can not add a large file into the buffer.12:19
Dr_Willisdshuang:  i tend to use k3b its a bit more useable i find.12:20
Mariner_13melams: FileZilla12:20
bazhangcarlinhos, until more info is available yes12:20
carlinhosbazhang: oks, thanks!12:20
`r0otjrib: this error message i got after login and yes only error in line:3. that's all12:20
Mariner_13melams: take a look at this review: http://linuxreviews.org/software/ftp-clients/12:20
melamsthanks again mariner12:21
jrib`r0ot: take a screenshot and show me.  Put it on imageshack.us12:21
`r0otjrib: this in ,y lab and i can't send the file to this pc :(12:22
jrib`r0ot: create a new user account and see if it still happens.  you're error message is pretty vague if that's all it says, so it's not helpful12:22
jribyour, ugh12:22
truszxHi there. I would like to make a complaint about the problem with sound not working after resuming from Suspend. The only way to get it working seems to be a manual alsa force-restart every time. Seems to be a very common problem with no definite fix that I can find. Can anyone help?12:23
`r0othow i can enable the root from command line ?12:23
jrib`r0ot: you don't, there's no need12:23
Mariner_13`r0ot: su - root12:24
jribMariner_13: that won't work on ubuntu by default12:24
bazhangMariner_13, dont suggest that here please12:24
Dr_Willisthe proper way to get a root shell is to use 'sudo -s' I belive12:24
`r0otI don't know how i make the new user from command line :( !12:24
flexus`r0ot, do: sudo passwd root12:24
jrib`r0ot: sudo adduser NEW_USER12:24
Mariner_13jrib: works for me by default..12:24
jrib`r0ot: do not do as flexus says12:24
jribMariner_13: I can guarantee you it doesn't12:25
bazhang!noroot > flexus12:25
flexuswhy not?12:25
ubottuflexus, please see my private message12:25
Mariner_13bazhang: why not, if i must ask?12:25
Dr_Willissu dosetn work at all by default under ubuntu from what ive seen12:25
bazhang!sudo > Mariner_1312:25
ubottuMariner_13, please see my private message12:25
SlartMariner_13: afaik there isn't a root passwd set.. su asks for a root password.. so it doesn't work12:25
=== execute is now known as shesek
shesekI have a screen opened (via putty), with some running programs, is there a way to close my ssh client here and get it to keep running ?12:26
jribshesek: are you running "gnu screen"?  Or did you mean something else by "screen"?_12:26
Akro-BaTok im waiting :d12:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend12:26
=== freedom is now known as riegersn
Slartshesek: I don't think so.. you might be able to setup something with "screen" but you'll have to login again I think12:27
Mariner_13password for root can be set in user admin..12:27
punzadaAnyone know where I can get info about reactivating a touchpad after resuming from suspend?12:27
jribMariner_13: you are missing the point12:27
`r0oti will get my laptop and try that now12:27
SlartMariner_13: but it isn't set by default.. (it isn't recommended either).. so by default su doesn't work12:27
Mariner_13i get it .-)12:28
punzadashesek: 'detach' from the screen session by using ctrl+a d, then you can exit the terminal while you're apps still run12:29
myminihi, do you know about g++-3.4 in ubuntu-8.1012:30
punzada(if you're running gnu-screen that is)12:30
myminiis that removed?12:30
Mariner_13mymini: afaik g++ is not a part of ubuntu 8.1012:31
Slart!info g++-4.312:31
ubottug++-4.3 (source: gcc-4.3): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.2-1ubuntu11 (intrepid), package size 4031 kB, installed size 8900 kB12:31
Mariner_13mymini: run sudo apt-get install g++12:31
myminithere is just g++-4.3 g++-4.212:31
jribmymini: asked about 3.412:31
myminibut some program is not compiled g++-4.x12:32
myminiso sometimes i need g++-3.x12:32
Slartthe docs are still available12:32
Akro-BaTcant get back my  hardware driver application :s12:32
Slartmymini: what happens if you install gcc-3.4-base? you don't get g++ with that?12:33
myminijust only gcc-3.4 is installed12:34
riegersnvncviewer - how can i get proper resolution, the client is 1366x768, but im getting a square desktop when i remote in12:34
Etossuse windows12:34
Slartmymini: hmm.. I have no idea then12:34
lorenzo_hi, i am havin trouble opening realplayer files. I have realplayer11, xine plugin and helix plugin for firefox. Still, realplayer files wont work. CAn anybody help please?12:34
bazhangEtoss, do you have a ubuntu support question?12:34
myminihmm...anyway thanks...;;;12:34
JuJuBeeJust did  fresh install of 8.04 and installed apache2 and php5, but cannot view php files.  Asks  me what do to with them (Download etc...)  What do I change to fix this?12:35
Akazawais there a command or utility I can use to check my hard drive for errors?12:35
SlartAkazawa: fsck12:35
jrib!lamp > JuJuBee12:35
ubottuJuJuBee, please see my private message12:35
jribJuJuBee: follow the troubleshooting section there12:35
cousin_luigihow does networkmanager deal with netfilter?12:35
JuJuBeejrib K thanks.12:35
Mariner_13JuJuBee: u must tell apache.config to read php files..12:35
jribJuJuBee, Mariner_13: if it's installed through the repositories, no configuration files have to be edited manually12:36
Etossbazhang, do you?12:36
JuJuBeeI was looking in apache2.conf and did not find that section.  That is what I thought.  I installed via adept.12:36
Developer08I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 & mingw cross compiler. I like to compile VLC 0.9.6 for windows but my compiler displays me an error: http://pastebin.com/m17c82e8612:37
h3xubuntu up and running~12:37
Mariner_13JuJuBee: look for DirectoryIndex and add index.php12:37
Developer08does anyone know a solution for "cannot find -lgcc_s" problem12:38
Mariner_13JuJuBee: i ment httpd.conf.. sorry..12:38
ActionParsnip1irini: werd up g12:38
riegersnmy keyboard isn't working with vncviewer12:38
punzadaQuestion, how to I enable the guest account? I feel as if it's not enabled as when I go to switch it just brings me back to login to my own username12:38
JuJuBeeMariner_13 : httpd.conf is empty12:39
Akro-BaTneed help!12:39
jribJuJuBee: you don't have to do that...12:39
lorenzo_hi, how do i remove the package for helix DNA plugin?12:39
`r0otjrib: the error is : " the panel has could not register with the bonobo-activation server ( error in line:3 and will exit. it may be automatically restarted. "12:39
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Dr_Willispunzada:  perhaps install gdm-guest-session - gdm extension for guest session12:39
jrib`r0ot: did you get this with a new user?12:39
e-framehi. i found terminal update / upgrades doesn't  include some packages such as kernel upgrade. i have to run the update / upgrade from GUI for that. is it normal ?12:40
`r0otnop but i got error for u12:40
jrib`r0ot: ok, and the new user worked?12:40
`r0oti will try now12:40
jribe-frame: how did you upgrade in the terminal?12:40
punzadai'll give that a shot thanks Dr_Willis12:40
`r0othow i can got command line now ?12:40
e-framepunzada: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade12:41
jrib`r0ot: where are you now?  On a different computer?12:41
punzadait's already installed :(12:41
jribe-frame: use dist-upgrade instead of upgrade12:41
e-framesorry punzada, that was for jrib12:41
punzadano prob :)12:41
jrib`r0ot: ctrl-alt-f112:41
ironfroggy_is there a repo i can add to get lighttpd 1.5 on intrepid?12:41
e-framejrib, it happen for openoffice-core too12:42
shesekpunzada, thanks a lot12:42
badstueWhat is the best partition setting for a normal ubuntu workstation ? Any new guides for that ?12:42
punzadaglad to help.12:42
shesekpunzada, I'm without a mouse for two hours because my computer decided to stop reconizing USBs12:42
shesekand I couldn't restart because I didnt wanna stop that12:43
badstuelike how much the /usr, /var, /boot and so on should have12:43
Picibadstue: How much storage do you have to work with total?12:43
shesekI'm stock using that numpad as a mouse12:43
shesekwell, thanks!12:43
punzadahehe glad to help :)12:43
badstuea 40 gb total12:43
FrauHansenhow do i find out if there is the 32 or the 64 bit version of ubuntu installed?12:43
punzadaI keep trying to google why my user account isn't working and all I get is pages talking about how great the new featuer is in Ibex =X12:43
Pici!tr | DeLiMaNyAk12:43
ubottuDeLiMaNyAk: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:43
DeLiMaNyAkturkce konu015fun12:44
badstuepici: a 40 gb total :)12:44
JuJuBeeOK, read the troubleshooting regarding missing library, installed it restarted apache and still same problem.12:44
levenehow do i sync my mobile phone calendar with my ubuntu desktop machine?12:44
Picibadstue: 10gb for / the rest for /home  Size differently if you plan on hosting web pages out of /var of course.12:44
subdolus_How can I make cron run a script at midnight12:44
SpetsFrauHansen: "uname -a" in terminal12:45
levenesubdolus_: you can edit your crontab12:45
levenesubdolus_: crontab -e12:45
`r0otjrib: it's work withj new user12:45
badstuePici: so i should only have 2 partitions ?12:45
subdolus_levene: but what do i put in it to make it run t midnight12:45
FrauHansenSpets,  2.6.22-14-server #1 SMP Tue Feb 12 03:10:53 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:45
FrauHansenSpets, so what is it? ^12:45
punzadabadstue: 2 for the OS and a swap partition12:45
Picibadstue: For a desktop system, thats all thats really needed.12:46
levenesubdolus_: subdolus_ i don't remember, but man 5 crontab will tell you the file format12:46
IdleOneFrauHansen: lsb_release -a12:46
`r0otjrib: now how i can fix the old one12:46
subdolus_at the moment all i can do is make it run every minute, or houir or whatever12:46
subdolus_not a specific time12:46
Picipunzada: Er, Somehow I forgot swap.  /me slaps forhead12:46
subdolus_does anyone know?12:46
DeLiMaNyAkk0131mse yokm013112:46
PiciDeLiMaNyAk: /join #ubuntu-tr12:46
badstuePici: okay.. and thats a optimal setting ?12:46
riegersncan an application be minimized from the command line ?12:46
badstuePici: okay.. i'll try it out12:46
punzadait's not totally necessary if you don't plan to hibernate, I've ran on a swap file instead of partition for around two years, only with a clean ibex install do i finally use a partition :D12:46
riegersnlike maybe when its launched12:46
levenesubdolus_: run man 5 crontab, and scroll down to the examples12:46
Picibadstue: Take a 1.5x ram out for swap, or if you have a large amount of ram, do equal to ram.12:46
Sorcererbobriegersn, when you run it, throw && at the end12:46
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
levenesubdolus_: it's pretty clear from that, better than I can explain here12:47
subdolus_i dont need an explanation12:47
FrauHansenIdleOne, this only says 7.10 gutsy ubuntu ...nothing about the architecture12:47
levenesubdolus_:        5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&112:47
subdolus_i jsut need to know what to put in it.. like where to put the stars12:47
levenesubdolus_: runs a job five minutes pas midnight every day12:47
h3xwhat is my root pass? cant remember entering any passwords whike installin system12:47
Sorcererbobsorry riegersn: only one &12:47
PiciFreshPrince: x86_64 = 64 bit12:47
levenesubdolus_: change the five to a 012:47
`r0otjrib: ?12:47
=== KeldS is now known as Kvik-arbejde
PiciFreshPrince: sorry, mis-tab12:47
PiciFrauHansen: x86_64 = 64 bit12:47
FreshPrincenp :)12:47
IdleOneFrauHansen: x86_64 GNU/Linux12:47
subdolus_levene: lolwut?12:47
riegersnSorcererbob, thanks!12:47
badstuePici: yup.. So to sum up.. I just need 2 partitions under the installer and a swap ? dont i need to add the other like /usr /var and so on ? or will they be automatically added ?12:48
levenesubdolus_: read the man page, it explains everything12:48
IdleOneFrauHansen: x86_32 is 32 bit12:48
levenesubdolus_: you clearly do need an explanation :)12:48
FrauHansenPici, IdleOne, thank you guys12:48
Picibadstue: Anything that falls under / (root) will be part of that partition unless you specify, as you are for /home12:48
leveneanyone figured out how to sync a mobile phone calendar?12:48
badstuePici: thank you :) i'll do it right away12:48
subdolus_levene: no, i mean what is it12:49
subdolus_5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&112:49
jrib`r0ot: you need to figure out what configuration files are messing up the old one.  Try renaming ~/.gconf/ and ~/.gnome2/ for starters12:49
levenesubdolus_: what do you not understand?12:49
subdolus_or 0 5 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&112:49
JuJuBeejrib : read the troubleshooting and went so far as to purge / install apache2 and php5 again.  Still same problem12:49
levenesubdolus_: put that line in your crontab, changing the 5 to 012:49
cdaviswould someone suggest something better than sugarcrm for our crm needs. We are a small wireless ISP so we try to make tickets and dispatch out of our CRM system12:49
subdolus_or 0 0 * * *       $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&112:49
levenesubdolus_: and changing the last bit (from $HOME/...) to the command you want to run12:49
levenesubdolus_: the second one12:49
jribJuJuBee: you cleared your browser's cache?12:49
awkhmm, is there a GUI ssh client for ubuntu ?12:50
jribawk: to copy files?12:50
awknaaa, just add all my clients to a list12:50
subdolus_levene: the script i want to run is just a wget script.. i dont want it piped anywhere, so why do i need whtever is after the ">>"12:50
awknot using a scp12:50
levenesubdolus_: you don't, just adapt it to your needs12:50
awkI want something like putty does to store clients inside... rather than ssh -....12:50
levenesubdolus_: on the other hand, i think you will get emailed (via your local mail system, if it exists) the command output unless you redirect it somewhere12:51
jribawk: I like just using ~/.ssh/config though I know it's not what you asked for.  I put settings there, then I just ssh foo<tab>  and it uses all my settings (username, etc)12:51
JuJuBeejrib : my bad.  That did it.12:51
subdolus_0 0 * * *       /usr/bin/download.sh12:51
subdolus_will that work, levene ?12:51
levenesubdolus_: i guess so. suck it and see12:51
mfonisohow do I join the ubuntu-translation group?12:51
awkjrib you right, I can, add keys too I suppose.. thanks.12:52
lillemanWhat is the dd process in the newest install of Ubuntu? It's eating lots (several %) of my system resources...12:52
Dr_Willislilleman:  you mean the      0:00 /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg12:53
riegersnSorcererbob, its not launching minimized, still opens on the screen. any ideas?12:53
lillemanwhat is it?12:53
Dr_Willislooks like its logging/copying  somthing from one place to another..12:53
lillemanbut constantly, always?12:53
lillemanWasnt there in the last version...12:54
Dr_WillisIts looks lik eits just a pipe from one  location to another..    it dont seem to be taking up any cpu here12:54
gammylilleman: I don't know about that stuff but that should be idle most of the time. it uses blocking functions so it shouldn't actuall *do* anything most of the time unless the source is actually being modified.12:55
physadairhi! i would like to ask a question. is there any hotkey equal to backspace? (ex: ctrl+h == delete)12:55
Dr_Willis0% cpu 0% Ram here12:55
yangohas anyone here installed the OOo 3.0 community edition? It's kind of hard12:55
Dr_Willisphysadair:  yes there is.. but i forget what. :)12:55
lillemanhm. It takes up resources for me. Constant load of ~0.22 when machine is completley idle12:55
gammylilleman: does "tail -f /var/run/klogd/kmsg" roll lots of text or is it not changing?12:56
lillemanAt a normal file transfer via SSH it takes up as much CPU as the sshd process12:56
jribphysadair: are you sure ctrl-h doesn't do what you want?12:56
awkhmm, anyone have any benchmarks of ubuntu (any version) vs any windows version at that time, would like a say  comparfrom new ubuntu vs xp or vista?12:56
lillemangammy: no12:56
Swiananyone gotten mono 2.0 running on 8.04 or 8.10?12:56
gammylilleman: no what?12:56
lillemannot changing12:56
physadairjrib, yes, ctrl+h can work. just want to be lazier.12:57
gammylilleman: Ok. Then that shouldn't be taking any cputime at all.12:57
JuJuBeejrib : now an update to mysql-server failed and I cannot run any mysql_connect commands from php files.  How do I force mysql to stop so I can reinstall/update?12:57
lillemangammy: 31808 root      20   0  1940  544  448 S  1.3  0.1   0:29.21 dd12:57
lilleman1.3% CPU12:57
jribphysadair: what do you mean by hotkey equal to backspace then?  Isn't that ctrl-h?12:57
lillemanwhen doing absolutley nothing12:57
gammylilleman: Obviously it's doing something if it's taking cputime :P12:58
jriblilleman: maybe bug 29256012:58
lillemanhaha, true that :)12:58
lillemanjrib: aah, -checking-12:58
jriblilleman: googling the "dd ..." command turns up a few hits, probably a good idea to go through them12:58
physadairjrib, the hotkey ctrl-h in my pc can only delete letters after the consor.12:59
lillemanjrib: Did that. But ok... gonna shut down the log system and see if it helps12:59
jribphysadair: ah, goes back here.  You're in a default terminal and shell setup on ubuntu?12:59
seronislilleman have you checked to see if  (i think)  /var/messages   is getting lots of hits ?13:00
gammy /var/log/messages13:00
seronisty gammy13:00
lillemanseronis: checking, thanks13:00
physadairjrib, no. i use screen, the backspace can not work in screen.13:01
lillemanholy moly13:01
seronislilleman: when i was using 8.04 i was getting almost continuous hits about a power management issue13:01
jribphysadair: works outside of screen?13:01
lilleman./var/log/messages is totally spammed with log messages13:01
seronislilleman: im new to ubuntu,  but already found out that  -that-  file will get nailed with anything out of the ordinary by ubuntu's standards13:02
riptidehi, i need to know if ubuntu auto ships the bcm43xx firmware13:02
=== Dominic_ is now known as rumesto
seronisanytime i use a custom key on my compaq keyboard, lots of power saving things,  cpu fan messages13:02
seronisthey all show up there13:02
lillemanseronis: alright. Thanks. However, I'm not doing anthing, and it seems _all_ that is happening, good or bad, is reported there13:03
=== herbie is now known as herbba
physadairjrib, of course i can work without screen, but multi-terminal is more convenient.13:03
lillemanIt's saying a LOT of these lines: Nov 10 13:51:05 edge kernel: =54722 DPT=22 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=013:04
jribphysadair: I'm asking so we can debug13:04
Dabbuhow can i connect my nokia phone....?13:04
Picililleman: Those are network related. Probably nothing to worry about.13:04
physadairjrib, thank you.13:05
lillemanPici: Good :) But I need to have it stop logging it, because its taking valuable system resources. And a 3 day old server got 338k big /var/log/messages :S13:05
seronisPici: personally if its nothing to worry about id rather them not even be created.   anyway to curb how aggressive logs are ?13:05
lillemanseronis: Thanks for asking what I actually  needed to know :)13:06
erUSULlilleman: well you should fix the root couse (a kernel or configuration bug) and not the symptons (the flooded logs)13:06
JuJuBeejrib : getting Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/knichel/public_html/ait_10/index.php on line 1313:06
JuJuBeejrib : I can connect to the mysql db via cli just fine.13:06
lillemanerUSUL: Well... this is the very basic install of Ubuntu 8.10. And I do not have time to do that. So then I will just reinstall with 8.04 instead13:07
jribJuJuBee: installed php5-mysql ?13:07
Picililleman, seronis: Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that, sorry.13:07
Kartagishi. i am looking to load mod_log_config but it's not under a2enmod. someone at #apache said you might know the name13:07
JuJuBeeAssumed installing apache2 and php5 would do that... Let me check13:07
Dabbu how can i connect my nokia phone....?13:07
erUSUL!lamp | JuJuBee13:08
ubottuJuJuBee: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:08
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P13:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about donload13:08
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:08
FloodBot2ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:08
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).13:08
erUSUL!fishing | frojnd13:08
Kartagis!fishing | frojnd13:09
erUSULfrojnd: please use /msg ubottu topic13:09
lightanybody there?13:09
Kartagis!anyone | light13:09
ubottulight: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:09
jribphysadair: so are you on a default setup?  gnome-terminal, bash, screen with no modifications?13:09
seronisspeaking of  'messages'  mine is.                                   [337075.569007] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [f7411f18] 'on'13:10
Kartagishi. i am looking to load mod_log_config but it's not under a2enmod. someone at #apache said you might know the name13:10
physadairjrib, yes.13:10
seronismy cpu fan DOES come on roughly as often as it does with XP so i doubt its referring to that13:11
seronisubuntu just getting pissed that i dont have extra fans purchased and plugged in ?13:11
erUSUL!help | Vero213:11
ubottuVero2: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:11
erUSUL!es > Vero213:11
ubottuVero2, please see my private message13:11
heinrichwhat is jaunty?13:12
simmerzI've installed ubuntu intrepid via cdebootstrap, and it's complaining of not having any locales. however, when I try to reconfigure locales, it does absolutely nothing13:12
erUSULVero2: it needs to be triggered by someone that know the factoids but you get the idea ;)13:12
Piciheinrich: Jaunty is the next release of Ubuntu.13:12
Pici!haunty | heinrich13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about haunty13:12
seronisheinrich: it means spirited or bouncy13:12
Vero2erUSUL, sin embargo me contestó en español13:12
Pici!jaunty | heinrich13:12
ubottuheinrich: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA13:12
seronisjackalopes bounce like a kangaroo..13:12
KDB9000Need help with a broken package. I can't remove, install, update, or do anything with packages. Compiz-gnome failed to update when I did an update and now it is reported as broken, but I can't find a way to fix it. I have tried just about everything.13:13
riptidejackalopes arent even real lol13:13
pranithfsck ubuntu13:13
seronislies !13:13
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck13:13
Picipranith: Please watch the language, thats not needed here.13:13
riptidepranith: are you from India?13:13
scientesso i need to use the server kernel to host xen vms?13:14
Vero2Good morning everybody13:14
riptidemorning vero213:14
Vero2I just came here to see how ubottu works :-P13:15
Vero2I am from ubuntu-es13:15
physadairjrib, i think i know the problem. the file i am editing is read-only, so it prevents me to edit.13:15
riptidespanish people suck13:15
Vero2ah, thanks13:16
badstuePici: Is it important how the primary and logical settings are set ? Like should i set the / as primary and the rest as logical ?13:16
Vero2riptide you are very kind13:16
Picibadstue: I've never changed those settings on my installs, but I think it would make sense to at least make / primary.13:16
awkhmm, anyone know a way to import say your whole pst from outlook to unix err ubuntu ?13:16
Vero2riptide if you come to our channel nobody will tell you such thing13:17
Kartagisi am looking to load mod_log_config but it's not under a2enmod. someone at #apache said you might know the name13:17
SOURdieseldoes a storage drive HAVE to have an unallocated space?13:17
Dr_Willisbadstue:  i tend to use all primaries if i can.13:17
PiciVero2: Hes gone.13:17
norbert79awk: Ever tried Evolution? I did not, but maybe Evolution is capable doing so13:17
Vero2Pici ok thanks13:17
janaus1anyone have lvm on raid working with intrepid?13:17
ValentineXhow to download more wallpapers inside of ubuntu?13:18
awknorbert79 let me google that thanks13:18
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Dr_WillisValentineX:  gnome-look.org, or try that gnome-art tool - it gets them from there13:18
norbert79awk: Just a hunch, not guaranteed that it will work13:18
norbert79awk: But worth trying13:18
Vero2well bye13:18
badstuePici, Dr_Willis: okay.. well. I'll try again. Last install returned me a CD-read error.. zzz13:18
ValentineXDr_Willis: do installing themes slows down my ubuntu speed?13:19
Dr_WillisValentineX:  installing walllpaper slowing down the system?   Err... not unless you got a C64 :)13:19
badstuePici: Btw, what will the root password be ?13:19
chadeldridgeIs there some reason that update-manager does not show the list of changes for package updates?13:19
badstueon a default installed ubuntu box13:19
Pici!root | badstue13:19
ubottubadstue: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:19
ValentineXDr_Willis: thank you :)13:20
badstuePici: hmm.. so there is no root password. But isnt that unsafe ?13:20
Dr_Willisbadstue:  no - its even safer...13:20
scientesso i need to use the server kernel to host xen vms?13:20
SOURdieseldoes a storage drive HAVE to have an unallocated space?13:20
tiermanNop, it does not13:20
chadeldridgeDoes anyones update-manager show them the list of changes for updates ?13:21
Picibadstue: The root account password is locked, there is nothing that you could supply to the password prompt that would let you login as it.13:21
badstuePici: how ? So if i want to make a change that needs root access.. i just use the sudo cmd ?13:21
tiermanWhat do you mean?13:21
Picibadstue: Take a look at the url that ubottu posted for more info.13:21
seronischadeldridge: no mine is empty (updated a half hour ago)13:21
badstuePici: yup.. i will13:21
badstuePici: thank you once again :)13:21
chadeldridgeseronis: humm .. i thought it used to show13:21
seronischadeldridge: it DID.  half an hour ago i had 29 entries for updates.  now its empty13:22
seronis2 panels on the update-manager.  top one the list of updates.  bottom one a description.   make sure you dont have the bottom panel collapsed13:24
=== Newb`s is now known as Newb`s|away
mncvnHi. How can I disable an autorun program in Ubuntu???13:27
ghostlinesdoes anyone know an app that can detect the maximum amount of memory that can be installed on a machine?13:27
ghostlinesand other hardware specs13:27
ghostlinesi know hardinfo, it does tell alot13:27
Dr_Willisghostlines:   for windows theres several.. but not sure about Linux.13:28
Dr_WillisI wonder if sisoft ever had linux ports..13:28
mncvnI install a new program in Ubuntu. It allways autorun. How can I disable it???13:29
seronisghostlines: best to just check the motherboards website13:29
Pici!session | mncvn13:30
ubottumncvn: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:30
rinovanhow to get driver canon ip198013:31
ikonia///ak riptide13:32
seronisquestion:  i use Trillian Pro 3.1 for my messenger client via Wine.  After upgrading to 8.10 i noticed that now when i recieve a -new- message window it will always pop up on the current desktop.  is there anyway to prevent this?13:33
mncvnSorry, It allway run and I want disable it. Because I don't want it take more RAM when I don't usually use it.13:33
seronisie:  i have a window opened with conversations in my 'coworkers' group.    if a new conversation starts it wont just appear in the coworkers window. it will make the entire window switch to the current desktop and then open the new conversation in the window13:34
seronisi dont want my windows switching desktops automatically13:34
javajeffcan someone recommend good root and home partition sizes?  I am interested in opinions for a 250gb drive.13:34
norbert79seronis: Use virtual dekstops, that would be a workaround13:34
norbert79seronis: Use winecfg to set that13:35
norbert79seronis: For other Wine related applications I would recommend http://appdb.winehq.org13:35
seronisnorbert79: i have 5 desktops.  i keep my message window opened up on my 2nd desktop while i am doing web browsing on the first.   the window already exists and has 2 tabs opened with different conversations going.13:35
norbert79seronis: Tell the application on stopping taking focus.. You could also use devilspie or gdevilspie13:36
seroniseh?  whats those13:37
norbert79seronis: An application on forcing window actions13:37
norbert79seronis: Like staying always in background13:37
seronisok i'll look into that.  ty13:37
norbert79seronis: You are welcome13:37
=== Guest35428 is now known as Onyx
SorcererbobI am a banana!13:39
dr_willisSorcererbob,  so you are going to 'split' ?13:39
Sorcererbobhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuOvqeABHvQ - its from this13:40
charmesomeone chinese?13:40
Sorcererbobits this group of cartoon ads this dude did. he's heaps weird, but some of them are funny as13:40
PiciSorcererbob: Thats nice, but this is a support channel, not a chat channel.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic13:41
Pici!zh | charme13:41
ubottucharme: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:41
mncvnHello............ someone from viet nam????13:42
rinovanhow to get driver canon ip198013:44
norbert79ghostlines: 'lshw' for your needs. sudo apt-get install lshw if not present13:44
BalachmarCan someone help me get my network going on 8.10?13:45
Ohmu_how do I find out what motherboard I have?13:45
norbert79ghostlines: You are welcome13:45
norbert79Ohmu: lshw would do the trick for you too :)13:45
norbert79Ohmu: sudo apt-get install lshw13:46
ghostlineskilled 2 birds with one stone eh norbert79 :p13:46
erUSULOhmu_: "sudo lshw | less"13:46
norbert79ghostlines: Yeah, sorta, wasn't my goal tough :)13:47
micha674974hi guys13:47
seronisnorbert79: that says currently installed ram.  not max installable13:47
seronis(least thats all it said when i just ran it)13:48
KentonSGood morning. I was directed to this channel by some folks in the #samba channel. Here's my issue: I'm running samba 3.0.26 on Ubuntu 7.10. I have two cifs mounts in fstab to mount shared directories residing on a Windows 2000 machine. Regardless of the order of the commands, the first one fails. Bringing up a terminal window and issuing "mount -a" works. I copied the first mount in fstab, duplicating it as a third cifs mount identical to13:48
norbert79ghostlines: Hmm, that would be in your motherboard's manual...13:48
Veninwhen asked to overwrite a file.. there is no information of whether the file is newer or its size.. why is that?13:48
norbert79ghostlines: You might still find old documentations online13:49
MnemonicPunkGood morning or whatever is appropriate for where you all live. Quick question: How would I replace the sound in a .flv file on Ubuntu?13:49
norbert79ghostlines: I could even find some for some older 486 motherboards13:49
micha674974i just found a left over Edgy maschine here in the office, which ist still productiv and needs to be updated. As egdy is not a on the mirrors any more the update manager fails. Whats the best way to upgrade the maschine? using the source-list, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade? any ideas?13:50
itai-michaelsonHi, can i have both the adobe flash and gnash plugin installed ,with adobe disabled most of the time (only enabled when gnash doesn't work)?13:50
KumoDVD playback not working.  I've installed xine, all the medibuntu repos, libdvdcss2, etc.  Purged ad reinstalled.  Still no playback on any media players.13:50
=== jgoguen1 is now known as jgoguen|class
norbert79Kumo: Use totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer13:50
seronisnorbert79:  n/m    sudo  makes it show all the info.    works perfectly13:50
Stalker72Are there better web browsers in Linux than Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome?13:51
Kumonorbert: tried that.13:51
norbert79seronis: Well done :)13:51
KumoStalker: doubtful.13:51
KentonSStalker: FWIW, I use seamonkey and like it much better than Firefox.13:52
BalachmarHow can I reset the network settings to default?13:52
gammyStalker72: Better? What's better in ANY os?13:52
norbert79seronis: You could also use System/Settings/Hardware Info13:52
Stalker72gammy: Are there web browsers other than Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome which are worth trying?13:52
MnemonicPunkI could even do this easily on Windows, so there should be some way to do it on Ubuntu, shouldn't it?13:53
gammyStalker72: Firefox and Opera are probably the most advanced and stable (graphical) browsers released to date for any operating system.13:53
KumoI understand that the restricted codecs aren't officially supported in Ubuntu, but it shouldn't be this difficult to enable DVD playback.13:53
gammyStalker72: so my answer would be no.13:53
gammyStalker72: unless you'd prefer something more strict like dillo ;)13:54
KumoI used to use Opera, switched to FF.13:54
Stalker72gammy: I'm trying to upload some torrents (legal) to The Pirate Bay but I'm unbable to in Firefox and Opera. Are any other web browsers worth a try in?13:54
cwraigStalker72: swiftfox or opera are my choices13:54
vincent_how do you change your fstab so your webcam works?13:54
beniaminowhen i open firefox in intrepid, it fills the screen so that the title bar is off the screen at the top, and i can only see the menu bar. how can i reduce the size of the window without being able to click on the title bar?13:54
gammyStalker72: I don't think thats a firefox/opera problem. You're probably doing something wrong.13:54
KumoStalker, you might try Epiphany13:55
LjLbeniamino: alt+space13:55
Stalker72gammy: I choose the file, a name, category, and I type in the characters13:55
enzotibbeniamino, press F1113:55
grobda24Stalker ... Konquerer ...KDE13:55
grobda24Stalker72, ^^13:55
seronisnorbert79: 'Hardware Info' is neither in   system/preferences  or   /system/administration   and    sys/prefs/main menu  only allows me to make  'control center' option visible which itself shows nothing not already in  prefs or admin13:56
gammyStalker72: Obviously firefox should work. It's a leading browser. the pirate bay crew uses it themselves.13:56
LjLnow will everyone list a browser until you've listed all browsers on earth? :)13:56
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)13:56
LjLsee also "list every browser" in #ubuntu-bots as that lists more.13:56
norbert79seronis: Maybe I have just have those installed... I always tune on my System after an install...13:56
norbert79seronis: Stick to lshw then13:56
gammyStalker72: Also, both epiphany and konqueror are based on gecko.13:56
Stalker72gammy: What is Gecko?13:56
Stalker72gammy: A JavaScript engine?13:56
LjLgammy: konqueror is not based on Gecko at all. KHTML.13:57
gammyStalker72: Gecko is the rendering engine used in firefox.13:57
LjLgammy: no, an HTML rendering engine.13:57
erUSULgammy: konqueror use khtml/webkit13:57
gammyerUSUL: Ah.13:57
gammyMy bad.13:57
Stalker72How do I get Firefox 3.1 Beta for Ubuntu?13:57
seroniseventually im gonna burn me a cd to tune my system after a fresh install.  but have to learn what exists first =-)13:57
gammyStalker72: You *seriously* need to understand that this is not a browser issue :P.13:57
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??13:58
Stalker72gammy: It's not an Internet speed issue either...13:58
joaopintoseronis, sudo apt-get install hardinfo, that will provide the graphical hw info tat norbert79 mentioned13:58
Canvas i kno i have to use xlib but i am stucked and progressing no where.....13:58
gammyStalker72: I didn't say it was.13:58
norbert79joaopinto: Thank you for the additional info13:58
seronisjoaopinto: ty13:58
joaopintonp :)13:58
Stalker72gammy: I know, but what can it be?13:58
grobda24Stalker72, look for a development repository for FF and add the UR:S using the Synaptic GUI.13:58
itai-michaelsonhow do i install gnash?13:59
yango       Binary "x" is the repetition operator.  In scalar context or if the left operand is not enclosed in parentheses, it returns a string consisting of the left operand repeated the number of times13:59
beniaminoLjL: thanks, works13:59
yango       specified by the right operand.  In list context, if the left operand is enclosed in parentheses or is a list formed by "qw/STRING/", it repeats the list.  If the right operand is zero or nega‐13:59
grobda24Stalker72, URL's*13:59
Stalker72grobda24: thx13:59
gammyStalker72: As I said, you're probably doing something wrong. I don't know what. I have never submitted anything to that tracker.13:59
grobda24Stalker72, np13:59
cwraigStalker72: swiftfox or opera are my choices13:59
KentonSCan no one answer my previous question regarding mounting shares in fstab?13:59
seronisok..  installed it.  looks good.  but the  apt-get  mentioned that   'openssl-blacklist'  is no longer required..  use     apt-get autoremove13:59
gammyStalker72: Also what exactly fails? You never described the error, did you?13:59
joaopintoitai-michaelson, gnash is available from the repositories, just go to the Synaptics package manager14:00
Polysicsbtw, anyone has a MX revolution mouse?14:00
tobiasi just rebooted and ubuntu (8.10) no longer recognizes my external monitor14:00
Stalker72gammy: It says Connection Interrupted.. The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.. etc14:00
jribPolysics: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you14:00
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:00
Polysicsi don't care about most things i don't use, but not having the 3rd button mapped to the wheel click is annoying14:00
tobiasit turns it on, but it doesn't show the resolutions it used to (the one i need, esp.)14:00
gammyStalker72: Alright. Are they having problems on their side?14:00
joelHi everyone14:00
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:00
seronisnot that i have a reason to NOT believe apt-get....  but my gut tells me that removing a blacklist is a  Bad Idea (tm)14:00
itai-michaelsonjoaopinto, do you know if i can install italongside adobe flash?14:00
Stalker72gammy: Nope..14:00
lorenzo_hi, i have problems with realplayer. I cant open streaming audio or video, in firefox or in RealPlayer11. I have xine and helix dna plugins. Can anyone help me please?14:00
jribPolysics: use revoco (google, you'll need to compile), then just run 'revoco click'14:00
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:00
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:01
joelIn Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit, my HP Deskjet 5440 worked fine, but I just installed 8.10 64-bit and it has gone bonkers14:01
joaopintoitai-michaelson, I think they conflict, but I am not sure, I just use adobe's flash14:01
Stalker72gammy: Can it be the router?14:01
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:01
joelIt just prints gibberish14:01
joelAnyone know about this issue?14:01
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visble on the screen??14:01
gammyStalker72: It obviously sounds like a connection problem.14:01
itai-michaelsonjoaopinto, thanks14:01
Canvascan i get a image contents which is not visible on the screen??14:01
enzotib!repeat > Canvas14:01
ubottuCanvas, please see my private message14:01
gammyStalker72: Are you sure you're uploading the right kind of file?14:01
Stalker72gammy: .iso14:02
grizzly_i am trying to get awesome working, i am using guide in their wiki(intrepid) http://tinyurl.com/56upop i dont see xsession in login manager (step 7), how to make it appear there, did all steps in guide, i am sure i havent missed anything14:02
Stalker72gammy: I've tried several14:02
gammyStalker72: Soo..you don't know what you're doing? :)14:02
grizzly_anyone have ideo how to make it work14:02
JuJuBeeI have a laptop with ATI Radeon 9700 Mobility.  Is the only way to get multiple desktops working to download and install the drivers from ATI and then use aticonfig... ?14:02
gammyStalker72: What kind of file are you actually trying to upload then?14:02
Stalker72gammy: Linux distributions14:03
The_Soupwhy Nautilus crashes every tiem i try to enter a folder with more than 10000 files :/?14:03
erUSULJuJuBee: i'm sure you can use the radeon driver to do that too.14:03
SpetsJuJuBee, more than two desktops?14:03
erUSUL!xinerama | JuJuBee14:03
ubottuJuJuBee: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:03
gammyStalker72: you can't uh..submit the actual content. tpb is a tracker. You submit a file containing information about where the content is seeded.14:04
JuJuBeeerUSUL : Dont want a single display.  I had 2 separate desktops with their own settings/kmeu's etc...  Wondered if I could do it without ATI drivers from ATI.14:04
hunteris anybody having perl's documents?14:04
Stalker72gammy: Oooooh... xD14:04
Picihunter: What do you mean?14:04
hunteris anybody having perl's documents?14:04
hunteri want to learn perl14:04
gammyStalker72: Surely there has to be a FAQ or something.14:04
joelCould my problem be with 64-bit Ubuntu?14:04
gammyhunter: google 'practical perl programming'14:05
Stalker72gammy: Yeah..14:05
gammyI have to go, meeting..14:05
Picihunter: Try http://perl.org and #perl14:05
umanHi guys. I used the shutdown -h command in terminal, and my pc is going to turn off soonish, but i dont want it to powerdown anymore. Can anyone tell me how to cancel the shutdown -h command? thanks14:05
zakidine_salut j'arrive pas a aller vers mes partitions ntfs !!14:06
zakidine_meme avec ntfs3g14:06
alienbrainuman: killall -9 shutdown14:06
joaopinto!fr | zakidine_14:06
ubottuzakidine_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:06
Pici!fr | zakidine_14:06
hunteri love u14:06
Stalker72gammy: I found this -> http://maketorrent.en.softonic.com/14:06
omucuvacahello again... :) i am currently watchin the video editing tutorials on www.totallyblended.com ...quick question: cinellera or blender? (as a NLE editor)14:06
zakidine_aie aie , sorry again it's because i'm on the both14:06
Polysicsi am running ubuntu in a wubi install. is there any way to mount the disk it is installed on? i have all my music on that14:08
Mariner_13omucuvaca: i have used bleder some, liked it alot14:09
Polysicsoddly, i see all other disks but not that14:09
scampbellyou can edit video with blender?  I had no idea.14:09
dr_willisPolysics,  check 'sudo fdisk -l' and manually mount the filesystem.. is one way..14:09
PiciBlender has a channel on freenode, #blender , might be more on-topic there :)14:10
omucuvacai heard (from #blender) that it can also be used as a video compositing tool...like after effects :D14:10
Viktorashello boys and girls :)14:10
omucuvacadidn.t tried that yet14:10
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Mariner_13hunter: see private message regarding perl..14:11
alienbrainIs there a way to use the original cdrecord?14:12
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user____is there a ubuntu Eee pc chat room14:12
ikoniauser____: someone suggested #ubuntu-eee14:12
ikoniauser____: never used it myseldf14:12
fogravenHey, I'm waiting for may copy of Ibex to show up, is the a way to do a clean install and not lose my applications/software installed...... with out having to download them again?14:12
joaopintofograven, clean install = remove existing software14:13
joaopintofograven, the other way is just to upgrade using the update-manager14:13
ikoniafograven the software versions are different so you will need to "lose" them at some level anyway14:13
Stalker72gammy: How do I install FF 3.1 Beta? I got the .tar.bz2 file.14:13
budz0r[11875.815870] loop: module loaded is the last thing my kernel log shows before my computer froze last night. i just want to know what happened. can someone help?14:14
ikoniaStalker72 don't14:14
ikoniaStalker72: wait for ubuntu to package it14:14
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ikoniaStalker72: adding different versions can make it hard to maintain14:14
Stalker72ikonia: ok, thx14:14
fogravencan I update from the disc? I have bandwidth restrictions from my ISP14:14
ikoniafograven sure14:14
fogravenOK cool14:15
Picifograven: You can only upgrade from the Alternate CD.14:15
ikoniaPici oh really, I didn't know that14:15
Polysicslol, how many strange thing you discover when using a "real" OS14:15
Polysicsi have a 33Gb partition on my disk i have NO idea what it is14:15
fogravenIs a clean install better though?14:16
elvis123hi, i am having problems with a php include function. Can someonr help or do I have to ask the people at php?14:17
ikoniaelvis123 #php would probably help you better14:17
budz0r[11875.815870] loop: module loaded is the last thing my kernel log shows before my computer froze last night. i just want to know what happened. can someone help?14:17
dmulhollandhey, how can i change the default application that .gif images launch with out of nautilus?14:17
Mariner_13fograven: clean install are always better than upgrades.. but the disadvantage is that you loose all your programs etc..14:17
elvis123thank you14:17
Picielvis123: ##php actually.14:17
elvis123redirect there14:18
ikoniaPici tank you14:18
ikoniathanks you even14:18
joaopintodmulholland, properties, open with14:18
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seroniscan someone explain the difference between a  # and ## channel ?   i've never had to type either when i join a channel..  just the channel name on its own14:18
norbert79That riddles me too14:19
aaronwhat is a good website for Linux news?14:19
ikoniaseronis offical and unofficial is the quick description14:19
SOURdieselif i install 7zip, do i also need to install XArchive Manager?14:19
iceswordseronis, like when you type a #, it will search and redirect if it is a ##14:19
dr_willisSOURdiesel,  z there are command line 7zip tools i belive14:19
dmulhollandthanks joaopinto14:19
norbert79icesword: So ## is an official channel, where # is more a community based one14:19
Picinorbert79: other way around.14:19
norbert79Thx Pici14:19
seronisicesworde..   i dont type either.   every  irc client i use i type     /join name    and i end up in a # or ## channel14:20
SOURdieseldr_willis:  huh?14:20
seronisty norbert7914:20
dr_willisSOURdiesel,  you can use 7zip archives without  any gui tools  -14:20
norbert79seronis: # official, ##unofficial14:20
SOURdieseldr_willis:  ok.  thanks.14:20
iceswordnorbert79, gotcha, what does "other way around" mean14:21
Polysicsis there a graphic interface to fstab somewhere?14:21
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:21
tobiaswhen i login to ubuntu my mouse is stuck on one monitor but all my toolbars/menus etc. are on the other one!  help!14:21
dr_willisPolysics,  i think there is.. but i never use it. :)14:21
Polysicsi wonder what is on this 33Gb partition i just found... i can only see a lost+found directory14:21
norbert79icesword: ehm , when two things match up right the opposite way14:21
dr_willisPolysics,  sudo fdisk -l, and see what filesystem it is.. and mount it manually perhaps14:22
platiusaaron; http://www.google.com/linux and search for news14:22
Polysicsdr_willis, my fstab-fu is rusty :-)14:22
seronisPolysics:  also enable viewing hidden files14:22
aaronplatius, thanks14:22
dr_willisPolysics,  if  it just has lost+found it seems its empty. :)14:22
norbert79icesword: Like if you would say lemons are red and cheeries are yellow... I would tell to you then: The other way around14:22
Polysicsmy question (not to the channel, but in general) is: where did a partition come from?14:22
Polysicsi sure never made it14:23
QuadrescenceRight now I have Xubuntu installed. Is it possible to "change" it to regular gnome-based Ubuntu cleanly without reinstalling? I'm sure the answer is yes. However, the last time I did that changing from Ubuntu->Xubuntu (not this install), not /everything/ changed -- like the boot screen.14:23
Polysicsi shall investigate :-)14:23
norbert79Polysics: Maybe MBR has been modified, and some invalid info is shown, or encrypted14:23
iceswordnorbert79, hehe, gotcha, thanks, me learned another idiom14:23
norbert79icesword: You are welcome14:23
jobewhats the root password on the livecd? leaving it blank doesnt work. in case youre wondering, im reinstalling grub bootloader and its asking for it...14:24
norbert79jobe: There is none... Afaik. Just 'sudo su' and set a password to root using 'passwd'14:24
jobenorbert79: good tip, thanks14:25
EnissayHow to auto start Firestarter on Hardy?(i tried many solutions with no success)14:25
Akazawais there a way to check all files on my hard drive for damage?14:27
joaopintoAkazawa, you can boot into rescue mode and run fsck14:27
jobenorbert79: hmm, now it doesnt ask for password any more, and just gives error exit status one14:27
Akazawahow long should fsck take?14:27
norbert79Akazawa: Few minutes14:27
norbert79Akazawa: depends on the size of your Harddisk14:27
joaopintoAkazawa, and if you believe you have bad blocks, use the badblocks command14:28
Polysicsok, now i officially feel stupid14:28
norbert79Akazawa: and the ammount of dsata stored14:28
Polysicsin a wubi install, the whole disk is mounted under /host14:28
norbert79jobe: What do you try to accomplish?14:28
Polysicsstill doesn't explain the extra partition :-)14:28
AkazawaI did fsck on my ard drive and it said instantly that the system was clean which baffles me because its a 180 gig hard drive14:28
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khaotiki just installed intrepid and my wlan0 is not enabled. my wireless is working but its labeled eth1 and my ethernet is eth0. how can i get it working on wlan0??14:28
norbert79Akazawa: Clean means 'No errors'14:28
Polysicswhat is a good replacement for itunes? i actualyl do use it14:28
joaopintoakaluzhny, fsck does a structure check, not physical/data check14:28
joaopintoops, was for Akazawa14:29
joaopintoAkazawa, for physical data check you will need to run badblocks14:29
Akazawawell how do I check the hard drive for errors then?14:29
jobenorbert79: im getting @selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by bios@ now when trying to boot. I thought reinstal14:29
Akazawahow do I do that14:29
jobe*ling the bootloader would solve it, but i cant do this thanks to this password problem14:29
Dabbuwhen i try to open a zip file i get an error............."Error: /home/xxx/Desktop/obexftp-frontend-0.6.1-bin.zip is not supported archive Errors: 1"14:29
Dabbuany help14:29
joaopintoAkazawa, badblocks device14:29
khaotikis there a way i can get my wireless working as it used to be on 8.04??14:29
heinrichromania ?14:29
Deiseltondamn... i had a question but full reboot fixed the problem... arg :)...14:30
joaopintoDabbu, install the "zip" package14:30
ashton_same wirelessnproblem here14:30
norbert79jobe: Thats just a bit difficult topic for me right now, have limited time for doing support, maybe others can help you14:30
Dabbujoaopinto: that is already installed14:30
Akazawaso "badblocks /dev/sda"14:30
norbert79jobe: Sorry for that14:30
seroniskhaotik: thats not a problem.  its just your wireless is being used with ethernet.   my system is the same way14:30
joaopintoAkazawa, I am not sure if you need to use a disk device, or partition device, like sdaN14:30
jobenorbert79: np, but could you give a yes or no to whether you think that reinstalling bootloader will help?14:30
jobe(if i succeed in doing that)14:30
khaotikhow can i change it so i can use the iwlist command?14:31
seroniskhaotik: if i boot my laptop up with the livecd it also shows its wireless as  eth1 too,  so its not an 'upgrade' issue14:31
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norbert79jobe: Not sure... My Bios used to also not being able supporting sizes above a limit where GRUB could it handle with no issues... YOu might google this topic first, before doing anything14:31
jobenorbert79: ok14:31
khaotiketherape no longer picks up all connections to the router anymore either. it just picks up the connections from my laptop.14:31
werswhat file contains gdm configuration?14:32
Dabbuanyone to help me open a zip file14:32
jribDabbu: double click on it14:33
hateballwers♂ I'm just guessing, but /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ?14:33
peterklsanyone know if the g1 phone works with ubuntu?14:33
khaotikis there a way to revert this so i can use the iwlist scan command?14:33
Dabbujrib: most of zip file opens in same way but not all14:33
Sorcererbobwers, have you tried the good ol' guess with "locate gdm.conf"? :P14:33
jribDabbu: then you need to be more specific...14:33
marfisHi - thankx for your help: I would like to increase no_files to 8192 for all users, soft and hard. I added the two lines to /etc/security/limits.conf and added pam_limits support to various login/ssh and common-sessions... but ulimit -n still shows 1024 as root? Does anyone see what is missing? Thankx a lot for your help...14:33
wersthanks hateball14:33
Polysicswhich video player do you recommend?14:33
SOURdieseldr_willis:  7zip doesn't show up in my applications menu after being installed, should it be there?14:33
jobeanyone: should i use e2fsck or fsck for repairing partitions?14:34
Polysicsi have stuff encoded in basically any codec and his mum14:34
joaopintoSOURdiesel, 7zip is a command line utility, not a graphical app14:34
SOURdieseljoaopinto:  ok.14:34
joaopintojobe, fsck does not repairt partitions, it repairs fileststems14:34
joaopintojobe, for partitions you need to use fdisk/cfdisk/parted14:34
jobejoaopinto: sof or repairing filesystems should i use that or e2fsck14:35
seronisSOURdiesel:  after i installed 7zip  it just becomes available as a supported format via the Archive Manager14:35
khaotikis there a way i can set up etherape to view all computers around me then?14:35
jobejoaopinto: ok14:35
joaopintojobe, you should use fsck14:35
fogravenso how is Ibex?  Better than Heron?14:35
Pythfograven: It's cool.  Some things remain to be worked out, as with any release.  But it's quite promising.14:35
seronisfograven:  merely updating to Ibex and not changing wine itself improved how a lot of things on my system handled14:35
peterklsim loading up ibex 64 bit as we speak14:36
seronisfograven: wireless works more reliable with my generic wireless too14:36
peterklsSeronis: yeah i hear the wireless kinks are worked out14:36
peterklswell most of them.14:36
seronismy wireless card generally required me to do manual dhcp connect,  switch to static and manually enter my IP then switch back to dhcp before i would have internet access14:37
PythThe Ubuntu wiki says that the ubuntu-users mailing list is not for general discussion.  Is there a mailing list with that in mind?  I prefer a mailing list over the forums.14:37
seronisthat was in 7.04 thru 8.04..  8.;10  just worked14:37
marfisHi: I would like to increase no_files to 8192 for all users, soft and hard. I added the two lines to /etc/security/limits.conf and added pam_limits support login/ssh and common-sessions (in /etc/pam)... but ulimit -n still shows 1024 as root - does anyone see what is missing? Thankx a lot for your help...14:37
SOURdieselseronis:  i see.  i tried to extract a rar file and it tells me archive file not supported.14:37
Polysicswhich is the "best" music player around?14:37
seronisSOURdiesel: yeah.  i get the same14:38
=== Xaco is now known as Xaco123
seronisSOURdiesel: but it handles 7z's now14:38
SOURdieselseronis: si can't use rar files.  ok14:38
Xaco123anyone wanna help me out enabling costum effects on compiz?14:38
joaopintomarfis, that after a reboot ?14:38
seronisthere is probably a rar library to install.14:38
joaopinto!rar > SOURdiesel14:39
ubottuSOURdiesel, please see my private message14:39
marfisjoaopinto: yes, no change after the reboot...14:39
seronis!rar > seronis14:39
ubottuseronis, please see my private message14:39
joaopintomarfis, have you tried manually changing the limit with ulimit from a regular user ?14:39
PythI'll be damned.  There doesn't seem to be a general discussion mailing list for Ubuntu.14:39
marfisjoaopinto: manually isn't the point... we need a system wide change on a server...14:39
seroniswoot.   sudo apt-get install unrar-free14:40
joaopintomarfis, if you can set the limit from a regular user, then it is not a matter of limits, but a matter of defaults14:40
seronisty jao14:40
Twinkletoes|WIs there any way to use yppasswd in such a way that it can be run non-interactively?  Eg. by using expect for instance?14:40
marfisjoaopinto: ok, got your point... this means?14:40
tutajoaopinto: brazuca mano?!14:41
marfisjoaopinto: by the way, yes I can set it manually with ulimit for the running session14:41
joaopintomartii, if is just a matter of defaults, you will be able to set it either at the system profile, or at the users profile14:41
jribTwinkletoes|W: yppasswd?14:41
Twinkletoes|Wjrib: Yeah - for NIS password changes14:41
marfisjoaopinto: you mean /etc/profile14:41
jribTwinkletoes|W: ah14:41
joaopintomarfis, or /etc/bash.bashrc14:41
Twinkletoes|Wjrib: I could use 'expect' but I'd rather not if there's a cleaner way14:41
marfisjoaopinto: I'll try that, thanks for that...14:42
marfisjoaopinto: is /etc/profile also working for a root process started at boottime?14:42
seronisone thing i like about ubuntu..  the people in ubuntu channels dont have as large a god complex as those in windows or programming channels14:42
joaopintomarfis, I believe /etc/profile is always sourced, even for boot scripts14:43
jobejoaopinto: is running fsck dangerous? I answer yes to most questions as superblocks etc dont mean much to me14:43
marfisjoaopinto: thx again14:43
joaopintojobe, running it on a mounted system yes, you are expected to run it using recovery mode14:43
zambawhen logging in, ubuntu asks for my password twice.. why's this?14:44
joaopintojobe, boot to recovery and run: fsck -y -A14:44
jobejoaopinto: the system isnt mounted, but im not in recovery mode14:44
joaopintojobe, ah ok14:44
filipeGood afternoon. Anyone here can help me with a problem with the creation of an ad-hoc with ubuntu and xp?14:44
joaopintojobe, fsck is not dangerous, but if your FS is corrupted, you may loose data14:44
jobejoaopinto: hmm, ok14:44
delineatorGreetings all, could someone give me a quick rundown on what makes ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, and edubuntu all different?14:44
joaopintodelineator, the set of packages/graphical windows manager14:45
delineatorso edu also denotes the only difference being the window manager?14:45
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ikonia!away > seronis14:45
Polysicsone alst thing, does anyone know where firefox stores bookmarks?14:45
ubottuseronis, please see my private message14:45
ikonia!away > Selveste1_away14:46
ubottuSelveste1_away, please see my private message14:46
jobejoaopinto: im trying to fix this error message from preventing boot: selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by bios, hence im using fsck, i tried to reinstall bootloader in ibex, but it wont let me exiting with password associated errors14:46
Polysicsthe bookmarks.html file i got from the usual place is 6 months old14:46
Polysicsprobably it's from ff214:46
joaopintojobe, that is a partition issue, not a file system issue, fsck will not help14:46
easwarCan someone help with a non-booting box?14:46
easwarThe box doesn't boot if the HDD is given power14:46
jobejoaopinto: do you think reinstalling the bootloader will fix it?14:47
LarethHello I have a problem getting apache to work with mod_mono. I have installed everything from apt-get and I am trying to run localhost/samples to get the examples installed. I get a 503 instead (Service unavailable)14:47
easwarif not,I can boot into LiveCD,from where I'm posting14:47
ikoniaeaswar: sounds like a hardware error14:47
delineatoredubuntu is just different by its window manager?14:47
taiAnybody out there good with home networks? I want to share a partition over a router. I am relatively new to Linux.14:47
joaopintojobe, don't think so14:47
easwarikonia: as in?14:47
jobejoaopinto: what then?14:47
Pici!edubuntu | delineator14:47
ubottudelineator: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org14:47
joaopintojobe, I am not familiar with your problem do you have your bios disk setup for LBA ?14:47
jobejoaopinto: vista fecked up everything on the whole comp, and then refused to even install I passionatly hate it.14:47
jobejoaopinto: afaik lba is set upn yes14:48
ikoniaeaswar if the box won't boot when the harddrive has power, that sounds like a hardware issue, unless your getting a softare error14:48
easwarikonia: ok,so what's next?14:48
ikoniaeaswar get the hardware fixed14:48
joaopintojobe, I would just delete all the partitions and recreate them14:48
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easwarikonia: Is there no other possibility?14:48
ikoniaeaswar there are tons of possibility but that does sound hardware realted14:49
CarlFKam I missing something - x64 ibex: echo hi foo>x.sh; chmod u+x x.sh; ./x.sh  = malloc: ../bash/dispose_cmd.c:241: assertion botched; free: called with unallocated block argument14:49
jobejoaopinto: but I have several OSs on there14:49
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joaopintojobe, ok :|14:49
easwarikonia: hmm,let's see14:49
easwarikonia: thanks for the help anyway14:49
jobejoaopinto:  testdisk brought back the aprtitions that vista erroneously deleted, but now nothing al al14:49
Polysicsis anyone using ubuntu to serve upnp media?14:50
jobe*at all will boot giving that error with wrong size of cylinder etc14:50
jobejoaopinto: ok well thanks for your help anyway :)14:51
hackeronhey, how do I change a russian localized ubuntu server to an english one? -- I changed the locale in /etc/default/locale - but what do I do next?14:51
joaopintonp, sorry I couldn't help more :\14:51
ehazlettcan anyone give me a link to customize the default gnome session (i.e. don't start the window manager, etc.)?14:52
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ToddEAnyone had luck with the HP Compaq nc6000's Mirco, Inc. OZ711Mx 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus SD memory card reader?  Searching the forums, I'm not hopeful that I'll get it to work.15:00
PeskyJI think I misunderstood the remote desktop thing... I want to be able to connect to my ubuntu computer and run a remote desktop without already having to be logged in on the machine, and in fact someone else might be logged in and using their desktop and I remotely log in and use my desktop at the same time... is that possible?15:00
peterklsanyone running wow on ubuntu with a ati laptop integrated video?15:00
joaopintoPeskyJ, that's possible, but I don't have a link for the procedure right now15:01
seronisPesky,  search google for  'remote login'  instead of  'remote desktop'15:01
seronisremote desktop returns VNC style information15:01
Xaco123anyone know how to force compiz to listen to the compiz settings(don't know what's it's called only got the norwegian name)?15:01
seronis(which is what im actively using -right now)15:02
filipeCan anyone help me with a problem with an ad-hoc network?15:02
ashton_probleme wifi help15:02
KentonSHowdy. I'm running samba 3.0.26 on Ubuntu 7.10. I have two cifs mounts in fstab to mount shared directories residing on a Windows 2000 machine. Regardless of the order of the commands, the first one fails. Bringing up a terminal window and issuing "mount -a" works. I copied the first mount in fstab, duplicating it as a third cifs mount identical to the first. Now both shares are available when I log in. Any ideas why the first mount fails15:03
PeskyJjoaopinto: ok, well at least I know it's possible :)15:05
Netcowboyhello there , I tried tutorials in da forums to get my msn messages thru thunderbird or evolation but I didn't make it :(15:05
joaopintoPeskyJ, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 <- it's a bit old, not sure it will work on a recent release15:06
zer0ohi i run hardy heron, is there a way i can install the last gimp version?15:07
Netcowboyany one can gemme  a hand with  hotmail issue ??15:07
KentonSI'm running samba 3.0.26 on Ubuntu 7.10. I have two cifs mounts in fstab to mount shared directories residing on a Windows 2000 machine. Regardless of the order of the commands, the first one fails. Bringing up a terminal window and issuing "mount -a" works. I copied the first mount in fstab, duplicating it as a third cifs mount identical to the first. Now both shares are available when I log in. Any ideas why the first mount fails?15:08
PeskyJjoaopinto: aha, yes, that looks like the right thing I want :) thanks15:08
PeskyJjoaopinto: I also found this one which looks similar: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/RemoteAccess15:09
joaopintoPeskyJ, be advised that XDMCP is much slower :P15:10
jobeOK, so this is just bizarre: if I try and boot any of my linux OSs normally, they give grub error 18. But, if i put in a broken livecd for another distro, which fails to be detected as a livecd and then boot the installed grub as normal, then the other OSs boot...????????15:10
seronisis RemoteAccess or vncserver xdmcp ?15:10
Netcowboyjoaopinto, sorry but can you help me about hotmail issue n?15:10
seronisjobe:  you merged your 33gig ghost partition didnt you ?15:11
PeskyJjoaopinto: ok thanks for the heads-up15:11
lightit is time to sleep15:11
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jobeseronis: ?15:12
jobeseronis: ghost partition?15:12
seronisi recall reading about grub error 18 in some of the grub install tutorials i read a few weeks ago in reference to hard drive partition sizes15:12
lightwho is seronis?15:12
seronisjobe:  wasnt it you earlier that found a 33gig partition that wasnt expected ?15:12
jobeseronis: no, I was on here about error 18, but no ghost partitions15:12
seronislight   /whois seronis    maybe ?15:12
seronisjobe:  ok got you confused then =-)15:13
lighti am new15:13
lightwant to make friends15:13
jobeseronis: np:) theres more than 1000 peeps in here :) im going to reboot and see if reinstalling my bootloader has fixed my error 18 now, k?15:13
NicEXEtoday I launched Firefox as root (sudo firefox)... I made some changes but I can no longer change any settings if I don't launch firefox as root. What should I do?15:13
seronisNicEXE never run software as root taht doesnt need to be15:14
lightwho can tell me how to put chinese into oprea15:14
seronislong answer..  might have to chmod all your settings15:14
south_koreado you have game sernois ?15:14
lightthankyou very much15:14
v4vijayakumarhi, hibernate is not resetting uptime, is it right behavior? top - 20:43:01 up 4 days, 53 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.98, 3.37, 5.0215:14
NEWKI just incrementally upgrades from 6.06 LTS to 8.10 and now when I try to log on, my mouse and my keyboard won't work, but I know it's Ubuntu's fault because I can still do ctrl+alt+delete to reboot15:14
south_koreahow do i find game stuff in ubuntu ?15:15
NEWKWhat's the deal?15:15
NicEXEI know I shouldn't launch firefox as root but I can't change the past. What should I do now?15:15
seronisv4vijayakumar:  hibernate dups your ram contents to HD then restores it on reload..  so yes uptime would be preserved in that15:15
jribNicEXE: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.mozilla/15:15
fosco__south_korea: use synaptic15:15
south_koreasynaptic, thanks @fosco :)15:15
v4vijayakumarseronis, interesting :)15:16
NEWKI just incrementally upgrades from 6.06 LTS to 8.10 and now when I try to log on, my mouse and my keyboard won't work, but I know it's Ubuntu's fault because I can still do ctrl+alt+delete to reboot15:16
NicEXEjrib: thanx15:16
ikoniaNEWK we just saw you say that15:16
NEWKI know, but busy channels seem to have selective hearing15:16
ikoniaNEWK only to people who keep asking the same question ever 30 seconds15:16
NEWK"nope, his issue isn't intellectualyl stimulating enough for me to help him, I'll help this other guy..."15:17
ikoniaNEWK: nothing like that15:17
ikoniaNEWK: is the keyboard wired ?15:17
NEWK30 seconds? Nah, I waited until I was sure my first question wouldn't get answered15:17
south_koreafosco__, this is cool, i saw this but didn't know how to execute :) thanks15:17
NEWKYes, the keyboard is wired. how would ctrl+alt+delete work if it wasn;t? :P15:17
KentonSNEWK: agreed!15:17
ikonia15:14 < NEWK> I just incrementally15:17
seronisnewk.  if your first question is STILL VISIBLE ON SCREEN its bad idea to ask again15:17
ikonia15:16 < NEWK> I just incrementally15:17
ikoniaM4d3L: 120 seconds15:17
fosco__south_korea: if you like quake like games just sudo apt-get install sauerbraten15:18
ValentineXXsmb.conf how to open this file for edit?15:18
ikoniaNEWK: 120 seconds15:18
seronisdoing so almost gaurentees no one will answer it15:18
jribValentineXX: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf15:18
NEWKOK. You've made your point. I sincerely apologize15:18
south_koreafosco__, :) thanks i'll try15:18
NEWKhow about my problem? :)15:18
ikoniav: use any text editor15:18
ikoniaNEWK: I asked you about your keyboard15:18
M4d3LiKonia ?15:18
ikoniaNEWK: typo15:18
ValentineXXjrib: thanks15:18
NEWKI told you., It is plugged in15:18
south_koreafosco__, how about mame ? i've tried it but couldn't installed it, did'nt work b415:18
ikoniaM4d3L: typo sorry15:18
NEWKAs I said, ctrl+alt+delete wouldn't work otherwise15:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:18
fosco__south_korea: it works great for me15:18
ikoniaNEWK: and the mouse15:18
seronisty.    now did you follow the instructions?  in other worse did you upgrade to 8.04 first and make sure all updates there were installed BEFORE upgrading to 8.1015:18
jon_high9000is ClamAV intended to be used for ubuntu base system (8.10) or is it to be used for ubuntu Server or both?15:19
NEWKTeh mouse too15:19
fosco__just spend some time configuring ROM paths15:19
ikoniaNEWK: is there a mouse pointer on screen, or not15:19
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NEWKI know it's not my hardwares fault, because the BIOS listens to the keyboard when I boot15:19
NEWKthis didn't happen before I upgraded to Ibex15:19
ikoniaNEWK: I didn't saw it was your hardwares fault15:19
jribNEWK: I hadn't even finished typing my reply and you repeated :)  Check bugs.ubuntu.com for a bug and file one if it's not there.  ctrl-alt-f1 will probably let you get to a tty and troubleshoot.  A workaround may be to revert to your old xorg.conf for input devices (grep 'man xorg.conf' for hal for the appropriate serverflag needed in intrepid).  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X may also be relevant15:19
south_koreafosco__, hmm.. i really love mame, and i have many rom files which is zipped.. but dont have emulator15:19
ikoniaNEWK: asnwer the questions15:19
seronisnewk:  did you follow the upgrade procedure15:19
NEWKoh and it's a PS/2 keyboard and mouse. Is that significant15:20
KentonSI asked a question 10 minutes ago, and no one has responded. What is the customary amount of time before I can ask it again?15:20
seronisnewk:  did you upgrade to 8.04 first.  then ensure that all upgrades were installed for 8.04 BEFORE upgrading to 8.10 ?15:20
ValentineXXHow to restart samba?15:20
jribKentonS: 10 or 15 minutes is ok in my book15:20
NEWKyes, I did15:20
NEWKI followed the upgrade instructions to the T15:20
jrib!who | NEWK15:20
ubottuNEWK: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:20
seronisand everthing worked fine in 8.04 ?15:20
fosco__south_korea: sudo apt-get install xmame-sdl kxmame15:21
ikoniaNEWK: is there a mouse cursour on screen thats not moving, or no mouse cursour at all15:21
ikoniayes ?15:21
NEWKI mean yes that it worked fine in 8.0415:21
KentonSjrib: Thanks. I'll give it another go.15:21
NEWKThere is a mouse cursor15:21
NEWKbut it will not move15:21
woshey guys my wifi adapter is showing a bunch of networks and is showing which ones are encrypted and which ones aren't but it doesnt show the signal, and I cant connect to ANY of them. could anyone help me out??15:21
south_koreafosco__, :) ok thanks let me try it first what gonna happen15:21
KentonSI'm running samba 3.0.26 on Ubuntu 7.10. I have two cifs mounts in fstab to mount shared directories residing on a Windows 2000 machine. Regardless of the order of the commands, the first one fails. Bringing up a terminal window and issuing "mount -a" works. I copied the first mount in fstab, duplicating it as a third cifs mount identical to the first. Now both shares are available when I log in. Any ideas why the first mount fails?15:21
ikoniaNEWK: ok is the cursour in the gdm box flashing ?15:21
NEWKcrap! the phone's ringing. :(15:22
NetcowboyGuys any one can tell me bring my hotmail messages to evolotion or Thuder bird ?15:22
ikoniaNEWK: hotmails pop3 service is paid for I believe15:22
jribKentonS: oh, I saw that one :)  no idea.  You check for samba bugs on bugs.ubuntu.com?  Anything in any logs?15:22
Netcowboyhow *15:22
ikoniaNEWK: sorry15:22
woshey guys my wifi adapter is showing a bunch of networks and is showing which ones are encrypted and which ones aren't but it doesnt show the signal, and I cant connect to ANY of them. could anyone help me out??15:22
ikoniaNetcowboy: hotmails pop3 serviceis paid for I believe15:22
seronisnetcowboy:    the instructions for pop access should be on the hotmail website15:22
seronisthey are for gmail =-)15:22
ikoniaNEWK: can you do ctrl+alt+F2 to drop to a console ?15:23
KentonSjrib: I'd love to check a log. I have no idea where to look for the log or which log to look for.15:23
seronisNetcowboy:   but an alternative would be the  'webmail notify'  extention for firefox15:23
ikoniaNEWK: but ctrl+alt+backspace works15:23
NEWKlet me try15:23
Netcowboyikonia, I found some tutorials in ubuntu forums how to get if free but It doesn work for me15:23
woshey guys my wifi adapter is showing a bunch of networks and is showing which ones are encrypted and which ones aren't but it doesnt show the signal, and I cant connect to ANY of them. could anyone help me out??15:23
NEWKNo, it does not15:23
south_koreafosco__, :) holy~ s~ wow~~~~~~ you gave me a great nice wonderful dream :P15:23
seronisNetcowboy: it makes using webmail almost as convienent as a standalone mail client15:23
NEWKctrl+alt+delete reboots it though15:24
ikoniaNEWK: if you hit "caps lock" does the light on your keyboard come on and off15:24
jribNEWK: please address the person you are speaking with15:24
fosco__south_korea: sure :-)15:24
south_koreafosco__, :) i love you muah!!! thanks :P i'm gonna enjoy my life ~15:24
NEWKoh, ok@adress the person I'm speaking to15:24
unitedpotsmokershello, im using intrepid ibex and i always do update everyday , but i saw it has a lot of problem such as applicatin hung when i open ubuntu tweak, cant open a movie files with right click, cant install flashcam for gyache improved and got many error when install it. so i need advice what to do. do i need to use hardy heron back, or install hardy heron and do upgrade to intrepid ibex? pls help15:24
taomasterhello to all- I have a client that deleted both taskbar from the desktop, how would be able to get them back?15:24
=== Plasma is now known as Guest87236
woshey guys my wifi adapter is showing a bunch of networks and is showing which ones are encrypted and which ones aren't but it doesnt show the signal, and I cant connect to ANY of them. could anyone help me out??15:25
NEWKjust so you know, my keyboard and mouse are PS/215:25
NEWKif that's significant15:25
ikoniaNEWK: got it15:25
woscould someone please help me!15:25
jrib!resetpanel | taomaster15:26
ubottutaomaster: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:26
ikoniaNEWK: out of interest when this worked on 8.04 had you changed anything in the xorg.conf or was it a stock install15:26
fosco__taomaster: Alt+F2 then type gnome-panel and intro15:26
wospretty please15:26
bazhangwos, are any of these your wifi hotspots?15:26
KentonSCan anyone tell me where to look for any log file that might let me know about any errors encountered during processing of fstab?15:26
wosyes bazhang15:26
NEWKIt was originally 6.06 LTS then I upgraded to 8.04 LTS and from tehre to Ibex15:26
vhi im having problem with eiphony it doest not open but firefox working help me15:27
ikoniaKentonS /var/log/syslog15:27
bazhangwos, then use the appropriate passphrase to connect to them15:27
KentonSikonia: Thanks!15:27
ikoniaNEWK: but it did work in 8.04 yes/no15:27
wosthere is no passphrase15:27
vhi im having problem with epiphany it doest not open but firefox working help me15:27
wosbazhang: there is no passphrase15:27
NEWKyes, I could log in in 8.0415:27
=== joh_ is now known as joh
NEWKactually, come to think of it...15:27
bazhangwos if they are encrypted then you need the passphrase15:27
NEWKI don't think I ever tried in 8.04....hhhmmmmm15:27
NEWKI never logged out15:28
NEWKNo wait, yes I did15:28
FloodBot1NEWK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:28
wosbazhang: they are not encrypted15:28
NEWKI had to reboot after I upgraded, so false alawrm15:28
jribKentonS: /var/log/kern.log as well15:28
NEWKare you kidding?15:28
ikoniaNEWK: ok so it did work with 8.04,15:28
bazhangwos, then why did you mention many wifi hotspots some are encrypted and some are not15:28
CarlFKhow do I stop X/gdm from starting?  I just want a text login: prompt on boot15:28
ZzeissHi... question: what's the status of an Ubuntu install then auto-upgrade on the new MacBook Unibody?  Works?  Mostly works?15:28
jribCarlFK: system -> adiministration -> services -> graphical login15:29
ZzeissReason is I am lusting after one of the Unibodys but won't buy it unless it can run Linux reasonably well.15:29
ikoniaNEWK: my gut feeling for you here is to 1.) boot into the root console from the boot menu, 2.) test your keyboard there outside of X 3.) if it works move your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/backup.xorg.conf 4.) restart your machine and lets see what state your in15:29
seronisNEWK: floodbot doesnt like people using the enter key as punctuation for some reason.  it would rather you just make massively large paragraphs15:29
NEWKPerhaps I should try a different keyboard and mouse15:29
ZzeissThe forums don't state whether stuff is now in 8.10 or not.15:29
wosbazhang: i was wondering if the fact that it can tell which ones are encrypted but it cant tell what the signal is was of any significance15:29
LarethHello when I try to use Apache to serve mono projects I get a 503 service unavailable error. Can someone help?15:29
CarlFKjrib: any idea what .conf that edits?  or, how can I do that without a mouse?  (what hotkeys hit those menu items)15:29
ValentineXXHelp me with this samba file sharing error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/70030/15:29
kniolet_Zzeiss: not sure, on my normal macbook install ubuntu was a pain in the ass15:29
jribCarlFK: you can use bum or sysv-rc-conf15:30
Zzeisskniolet_: OK... how long ago?15:30
bazhangwos, if it is your hotspot then you should know if it is encrypted or not.15:30
scientescan i have multiple log ins on the same home directory in differnt oses?15:30
ikoniaValentineXX: change the permissions on /media/disk/Programs15:30
bazhangwos, connect to the router and set the encryption if you are not sure15:30
ikoniascientes you can15:30
NEWKI'm gonna try some different keyboards and mouses15:30
wosbazhang: its NOT encrypted15:30
NEWKI'll be back in a bit15:30
ValentineXXikonia: there is written you are not owner you cannot change.. how to?15:31
scientesso i can share via nfs and then mount the same home in a vm ikonia ?15:31
Zzeissscientes: Yes.  The only trick is that they all have to agree as to group and user number per user, else you get hosed on file protection.15:31
bazhangwos, open a terminal and type ifconfig; how many entries are there15:31
kniolet_Zzeiss: well 8.04 was REALLY bad, i installed it on at least 4 macbooks and even after i knew what i had to do, it still took 3+ hours to set up. 8.10 is noticeably better (wireless and sound worked out of the box, for example), but it still took 2 hours to get an exetrenal monitor working15:31
ikoniaValentineXX see who th eowner is and use chmod/chown to change the ownership to yourself15:31
NEWKAnother critical thing to note is that this computer is fairly old. It's from 200115:31
Zzeissscientes: (that's what I do.  I have an Ubuntu Studio install and a FC9 install on the same machine with common user dirs)15:31
ikoniaNEWK: shouldn't cause an issue15:31
NEWKI checked the requirements, though. It can handle Ubuntu15:31
NEWKJust in case15:32
Zzeisskniolet_: OK.  Hmmm...15:32
wosbazhang: there are 315:32
scientesZzeiss, i was going to try out freebsd15:32
bazhangwos, what are they15:32
ValentineXXikonia: what are those? chmod/chown?15:32
Zzeissscientes: it should be worth trying.  :)15:32
ikoniaValentineXX: commands15:32
wosbazhang: eth0 lo and wlan015:32
seronisNEWK: unlike the windows world,  older hardware works increasingly better with linux.  not worse15:33
bazhangwos, in the terminal type sudo dhclient wlan015:33
ikoniaValentineXX: or you can add the line usershare owner only = False to the samba config file as the error tells you15:33
ValentineXXikonia:type full commands please chown: missing operand15:33
Zzeisskniolet_: How long ago (as in what new upgrades to the 8.10 packagekit have happened since then?)15:33
ValentineXXikonia: i did i entered that15:33
ikoniaValentineXX: man chown and mand chmod to learn how to use them15:33
ValentineXXikonia: after entering that should i logout and relogin again to my ubuntu?15:33
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Zzeisskniolet_: and another question: did you boot camp it to dual-boot, or go "whole thing"?15:33
ikoniaValentineXX you've not done anything yet15:33
ValentineXXikonia: i put that line in smb.conf before15:34
ikoniaValentineXX: samba would need restarting for that change to pickup15:34
ValentineXXikonia: how to restart?15:34
ikonia!samba > ValentineXX15:35
ubottuValentineXX, please see my private message15:35
loner__Hi guys, i just upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and i don't have the "burn" effect in compiz anymore, does anyone know how to fix it ?15:35
ikonialoner__ is it no longer listed in ccsm or just not enabled15:36
DeathtechHeya guys, I have an issue where when i reboot my system remotely, and it comes up, for some reason my wireless card doesnt connect unless i log in locally. Is there a way to set it so that it comes up at boot time vs having me to have to login ?15:36
bazhangloner__, check that you have all the compiz plugins installed in synaptic; further help in #compiz-fusion15:36
loner__ikonia what is ccsm ?15:36
ikonia!info ccsm15:36
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in intrepid15:36
DeathtechCompiz Configuration Settings Manager15:37
ikonia!info simple-ccsm15:37
ubottusimple-ccsm (source: simple-ccsm): Simple Compizconfig settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.8-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 596 kB15:37
andycr!info compizconfig-settingsmanager15:37
ubottuPackage compizconfig-settingsmanager does not exist in intrepid15:37
=== ubuntu is now known as mattis
NEWKOK, I'm booting up again with a different keyboard and mouse15:37
DB42how do i see the post installation script a .deb file has ?15:37
n8tuserDeathtech-> on your /etc/network/interfaces   have it up automatically like..     auto wlan015:37
andycrI upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, but there's no option to upgrade to 8.10 in update manager. Anyone know why?15:37
loner__ubottu then the burn effect is not available in intrepid ?15:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:38
ksbalaji_I use hardy and Xchat. I also use vuze. Now what happened to #vuze? Very lonely there/15:38
n8tuserDB42-> do you have the .deb file?15:38
will00is there a list of XF86 mouse key functions available somewhere?15:38
NEWKIt's still not working15:38
NEWKdoes Ibex not support PS/2 or something?15:38
ikoniaNEWK then I suggest you follow the option I gave earlier15:38
NEWKWhich was?15:38
bazhangNEWK, sure it does15:38
DB42n8tuser: ofcourse15:38
bazhangNEWK, I'm using one now15:38
NEWKI'm sorry, I have been busy so I may have missed a message15:38
n8tuserDB42 try to unzip the .deb file15:39
v4vijayakumaris it possible to automatically (script) power down system, couple of minutes after power cut..? I am using UPS15:39
ksbalaji_anyone aware of what has come of #vuze? Not much activity there!15:39
ikoniaNEWK: my gut feeling for you here is to 1.) boot into the root console from the boot menu, 2.) test your keyboard there outside of X 3.) if it works move your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/backup.xorg.conf 4.) restart your machine and lets see what state your in15:39
Deathtechn8tuser: Thanks :)15:39
NEWKikonia: I will try that15:39
DB42n8tuser: i did "dpkg-deb -x <package>"15:39
DB42i dotn see it there15:39
ikonia!offtopic > ksbalaji_15:39
ubottuksbalaji_, please see my private message15:39
south_koreafosco__, are you there ?15:40
n8tuserDB42 perhaps something more like  ar xvf xxx.deb15:40
Ohmu_All, I have a particular website where the pictures are not showing.  It's a recent problem - just the last few days.  But running Internet Exploiter thru VirtualBox, the pictures show.  So it's a client thing.  Any ideas?15:40
south_koreafosco__, where do i put my rom files at (?)15:40
DB42n8tuser: huh ? doesn't work15:40
joaopintoDB42, is it a repository package ?15:40
south_koreafosco__, if you have xmame installed on your system, ~15:40
fosco__south_korea: wherevere you want, but make sure kxmame points there15:40
DB42joaopinto: nop15:40
south_koreafosco__, oh isee.. ok let me try ~ :)15:40
ksbalaji_ikonia, thanks!15:41
joaopintoDB42, ok, so you need to extract the control archive with "ar"15:41
n8tuserDB42 oh, yeah doing a dpkg with extract option is the way to go, i forgot that its not a regular archive15:41
joaopinton8tuser, it is a regular "ar" archive15:41
DB42n8tuser: EXTRACTING doesn't give me the POST INSTALL Script15:41
n8tuserjoaopinto-> is it? i forget things, sowee15:41
AdvoWorkis there any way to edit cups-pdf?15:41
DB42joaopinto: how do i do that ?15:41
n8tuserDB42-> then maybe it does not have a post install script?15:42
DB42i dont seem to have "ar" installed15:42
DB42ahh, could be15:42
wosbazhang: it disconnected me15:42
joaopintoDB42, ar t file.deb15:42
DB42dont have "ar" installed15:42
joaopintoDB42, then install it :)15:42
DeathtechAnyone had an issue upgrading Vuze form the Package Manager repo to the new 4.0 version which is not in the repo yet ?15:42
DB42it's on the iphone15:43
v4vijayakumaris it possible to automatically (script) power down system, couple of minutes after power cut..? I am using UPS..15:43
DB42dont want to install junk on it :)15:43
DB42anyhow i guess it does have a script15:43
joaopintoDB42, ar is a very small utlity15:43
NEWKHhhmmm, when I boot into the root console, my keyboard does work15:43
NEWKanyway, I'm gonna move that file like you said15:43
KentonSI'm having a problem mounting remote shares in fstab. The first mount apparently fails, but there's no related message in /var/log/syslog. Any ideas about where I might look to discover what's going wrong?15:43
NEWKit clearly is the GUI's fault15:43
joaopintoDB42, there is no other way to check it (I think)15:43
wosbazhang: ?15:44
bazhangwos yes15:44
DarkJimmydoes anybody here know if upgrading from hardy heron to intrepid ibex on an acer aspire one will work without problems?15:44
DB42joaopinto: ok, thanks15:44
dragon1I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10.but i am not able to sxettings that i had previously..how do i get them...?15:44
wosbazhang: it disconnected me15:44
bazhangwos what did15:44
wosthe command you gave me15:44
jribdragon1: "sxettings"?15:44
bazhangwos please paste the output in paste.ubuntu.com15:45
dragon1jrib:sorry settings15:45
wosi cant because it disconnects me15:45
jribKentonS: did you check /var/log/kern.log and bugs.ubuntu.com?15:45
wosi have to reboot15:45
unitedpotsmokershello, i want to backup miro files on ubuntu, where is the files locates?15:45
bazhangwos, you have to reboot? that does not make sense15:45
jribdragon1: you are "not able to settings"?  You need to rephrase your question and be more specific15:45
wosill do it anyway, what was the command again?15:45
DarkJimmyany aces aspire one owners with Intrepid ibex running?15:46
DB42just in case, <stew> DB42: "dpkg -e" can be used to extract the control files from a .deb :)15:46
dragon1jrib:i am not able to set themes,nor close window,maximixe ...etc i ha ccsm installed..even that is not working.15:46
KentonSjrib: I didn't check kern.log. I'll do that now. I've been searching ubuntu sites for *weeks* and found nothing.15:46
NEWKOK, I tried that suggestion and my mouse and keyboard still don't work at the logon screen15:47
wosbazhang: what was the command again?'15:47
jribKentonS: not ubuntu sites, specifically the ubuntu bug tracker at bugs.ubuntu.com15:47
bazhangwos to connect to your AP?15:47
ikoniaNEWK: thats ok, - lets step back a little, we know the mouse and keyboard are fine and that the issue is with Xorg15:47
NEWKSo what do I try next?15:47
AdvoWorkin Firefox, if i goto file > Print > options I keep having to remove the header and footers, it wont save the settings. Any ideas please?15:47
wosbazhang: whatever command you last gave me15:47
jribdragon1: do you have window decorations (window title and the minimize, maximize, and close buttons)?15:48
dragon1 jrib:no..15:48
bazhangwos, you need to connect to your router and make sure the essid is not hidden and that there is no mac filtering set.15:48
wosbazhang: ive done that15:48
fosco__dragon1: make sure window decoration plugin is checked in ccsm15:49
wosthere are 2 good networks ive tried to connect to15:49
jribdragon1: well, that's one of your issues.  You are missing window decorations15:49
wosboth of them work in windows15:49
fosco__dragon1: install emerald also15:49
bazhangwos in terminal type iwconfig and paste.ubuntu.com with it15:49
bazhangwos then give us the url15:49
GBGamesI was trying to demonstrate file privileges to someone, and I found the following:15:49
GBGames$ chown root:root rootfile.txt15:49
GBGameschown: changing ownership of `rootfile.txt': Operation not permitted15:49
GBGamesWhy can't i change file ownership?15:49
jribGBGames: use sudo15:50
fosco__GBGames: use sudo15:50
fosco__ops! :)15:50
GBGamesjrib: Why couldn't I change the file ownership without sudo?15:50
thomasiteHello. How do I get Cairo Dock? I'm using 8.10. Thanks!15:50
GBGamesOr root privs?15:50
caribou|I try to connect to myself through telnet but i have this message : telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused15:50
fosco__thomasite: sudo apt-get install cairo-dock15:50
PiciGBGames: sudo chown root:root rootfile.txt15:50
NEWK...hello? :(15:50
jribGBGames: only superuser can chown15:50
ValentineXXHello help me about this from start step by step please http://paste.ubuntu.com/70036/15:51
jribcaribou|: why aren't you using ssh?15:51
ValentineXXNEWK: why sad :)15:51
GBGamesjrib: Since when? Is this an Ubuntu thing, or have I just not done it in so long as a regular user?15:51
bazhangwos am reading15:51
NEWKSomeone else was helping me but he/she is apparently not here anymore15:51
Kudimy ubuntu live cd wont insstall properly, it has a problem with partitioning the discs i think my cd is bad but this is all i can do right now, is there anything i can apt-get real quick to do this manualley15:51
KentonSjrib: I think I found the answer in kern.log. (How the heck would I have even thought to look there? ;-) ) It complains about an unknown option "_netdev". Yet that's a valid mount option. I don't get it.15:52
x1250GBGames, any user can chown, but only root can change owner, since if not, then you wouldn't be able to chown it afterwards to something else.15:52
ValentineXXNEWK: :-s don't worry others will help15:52
caribou|jrib, I'm trying to control an eggdrop15:52
ikoniaNEWK: sorry I had to step away for a second15:52
NEWKOh, sorry15:52
NEWKI sympathize. :P15:52
bazhangwos the command is sudo dhclient wlan0  paste.ubuntu.com with the output of that15:52
ikoniaNEWK: I'm just trying to work out how to take this forward within X15:53
jribcaribou|: ok.  Why aren't you using ssh?  Or are you telnetting to eggdrop directly somehow?15:53
Kudi my ubuntu live cd wont insstall properly, it has a problem with partitioning the discs i think my cd is bad but this is all i can do right now, is there anything i can apt-get real quick to do this manualley15:53
dragonjrib: if i need to restore to my previous version, what do i do..?15:53
ikoniaKudi are you using raid ?15:53
jribdragon: previous version of what?15:53
awakebyjavaI am looking some help with a difficult xubuntu install. Anyone available?15:53
jribawakebyjava: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you15:53
omucuvacais there an open video converter for linux like, let's say canopus procoder? wihtout any editing capabilities15:53
ikoniaawakebyjava: what's the problem15:53
thomasitefosco, and then after that? :D15:53
IdleOneKudi: gparted ( volume has to be unmounted to partition )\15:54
jribValentineXX: the error message is pretty straightforward15:54
awakebyjavaOkay, I am installing xubuntu on an old premio, and using the alternate install disc.15:54
Zzeissawakebyjava: Well, what is it doing that is going wrong?15:54
dragonjrib:previous version..8.04..15:54
awakebyjavathe install cannot detect or mount the cd rom15:54
ValentineXXjrib: so?15:54
jribNEWK: I gave you several suggestions when you first asked your question.  Have you tried them?15:54
Kudiim not using raid15:54
awakebyjavait is booting the install form the disc, but cannot find the cdrom15:54
jribValentineXX: so I'm not sure how I can help you in more detail than what the error message says15:54
NEWKjrib: I think I did15:54
caribou|jrib, yes i don't know i know that i can control my eggdrop through telnet that's it :x15:54
NEWKjrib: I may have missed a few15:55
bazhangwos, you connected successfully15:55
awakebyjavai can find the cdrom with grep, but I dont know how to tell the install where it is15:55
jribNEWK: Check bugs.ubuntu.com for a bug and file one if it's not there.  ctrl-alt-f1 will probably let you get to a tty and troubleshoot.  A workaround may be to revert to your old xorg.conf for input devices (grep 'man xorg.conf' for hal for the appropriate serverflag needed in intrepid).  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X may also be relevant15:55
Zzeissawakebyjava: Hmmm...  Interesting.  Have you tried the option to "verify CDROM"?  You may have a bad burn...15:55
wosto the wifi network?15:55
ValentineXXjrib: how to put that line in smb.conf? tell me command of edit again, i put that line at the end of that document before.15:55
awakebyjavayah, it works just fine15:55
bazhangwos, yes15:55
ikoniaValentineXX: I've told you what to do15:55
Kudido you guys think it will work15:55
jribcaribou|: what exactly are you typing?15:55
SOURdieselmy places menu seems to have reconfigured itself and now doesn't show the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos folders...15:55
woswhen i unplug my ethernet its not connected15:56
ikoniaValentineXX: change the ownership of the directory so you are the owner, use the chmod and chown commands as I said earlier15:56
caribou|jrib, telnet localhost 333315:56
ikoniaNEWK: not forgot about you15:56
awakebyjavaoh, no, in the shell i dont have access to those commands, as i am running from the alternate cd for low ram15:56
ValentineXXikonia: i dont understand them15:56
NEWKjrib: ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing15:56
ikoniaValentineXX: what don't you understand15:56
awakebyjavabut I verified the disc before i begin the install and it works just fine15:56
ValentineXXikonia: those commands and man chown or man chmod15:56
lytefyreim trying to update 804 to 810 and i get the same bug as 156070 (apt-cacher bug with proxy). I dont run apt-cacher but am behind a proxy and unable to upgrade.15:56
ikoniaValentineXX: if you type "man chown" it will give you help with the commands15:57
wosbazhang:  when i unplug my ethernet its not connected15:57
dragonjrib: how to rstore 8.0415:57
awakebyjavathe install stops and shows me the installer main menu15:57
bazhangwos, you know you cant connect via ethernet and wifi to the same connection from a single computer, right?15:57
ValentineXXikonia: yes those details are out of my brain reach15:57
jribcaribou|: pastebin: netstat -napt15:57
ikoniaValentineXX: it shows you an example of how to use it15:57
Kudiall i want to do i burn a disc really..is there anywayi can make the ubuntu live cd that i have boot up in the ram like puppy linux15:57
awakebyjavacannot get through the detect and mount cdrom15:57
ikoniaValentineXX: what do you "think" the command should be ?15:57
jribdragon: you would need to reinstall15:57
ali1234about the nvidia legacy thing. it looks like there is an updated driver in the repos now. am i going to have difficulty installing it with no working display? (because that's what will happen with nv for me)15:57
ValentineXXikonia: i check again.15:58
KentonSjrib: (Or anyone else for that matter ;-) ) is "_netdev" a valid option when mounting remote shares in fstab?15:58
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le
awakebyjavabut in the shell i can find the cd drive with dmesg | grep -i cd-rom15:58
wosbazhang: but i said "when i _unplug_ my ethernet its not connected"15:58
GBGamesx1250: I don't understand what you mean by "any user can chown but only root can change owner". What is chown for other than that?15:58
SOURdieselmy places menu seems to have reconfigured itself and now doesn't show the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos folders...15:58
bazhangwos, so you need to try without your ethernet connected in the first place15:58
wosok im going to try that. ill brb15:59
x1250GBGames, changing group?15:59
|neon|i been trying to get my deskto psettings to stay for a while now, when i changed my settings everything works ok, however when i reboot the settings revert back to default, i tried session manager without any luck , any suggestions thx15:59
GBGamesx1250: Also doesn't let me do that.15:59
wosbazhang: do you mean restart with no ethernet connected?15:59
jribKentonS: don't know anything about cifs, but _netdev doesn't seem to be in the man page15:59
caribou|jrib, http://pastebin.com/d1888ff7016:00
jribGBGames: it has always been the case as long as I can remember that only root/superuser can chown16:00
bazhangwos, you can just restart networking without having to reboot, but yes take out the ethernet (or disable in networkmanager)16:00
woshow do i restart networking16:00
awakebyjavaI was getting some help from someone a while ago, but he had to go and left me hanging.16:00
geniijrib: Any user can chown their own stuff.16:00
jribgenii: really?  how?16:01
geniijrib: If you already own it you can chown it to some other user. But no going back after that of course16:01
GBGamesgenii: That's what I thought, but I can't seem to do so.16:01
KentonSjrib: It's in the mount man page. The fstab man page just says to enter whatever options are appropriate for the type of mount you're doing.16:01
IdleOnecan someone recommend a app for editing/splitting a video file? ( GUI )16:01
jribgenii: try16:01
Omar87How do I configure my Bluetooth?16:02
wosbazhang whats the name of my wireless network is it eth0?16:02
x1250IdleOne, avidemux or cinelerra maybe?16:02
bazhangwos eth0 is ethernet16:02
jribKentonS: ah, don't know then16:02
jribgenii: there are good reasons a user can't chown a file16:02
JodoogHi :) I know it was planned for 2.6.28 in order to get Lenovo's APS working without need for a patch...but has 2.6.28-rc4 put general disc protection directly into the libata driver already? Thanks...16:02
wosbazhang: which one is the wifi?16:02
KentonSOK, jrib. I'll continue snooping around. But at least you've helped me narrow down the search. Thanks a lot!16:03
qdiii can't use iwconfig, ... it's not on my computer and I need it, how can i do16:03
awakebyjavaThe strange thing is that the cd drive is a scsi cd-rom drive, and it is recognized by the installer, but it is like it cannot find it when it looks for it.16:03
geniijrib: Weird, yer right it's not letting me. I'm sure it used to be different.16:03
bazhangwos wlan0 is wireless16:03
IdleOnex1250: thanks16:03
thomasiteHi. How do I uninstall cairo-dock?16:03
Neodemihow do i swap mounted iso files in ubuntu, ive been trying to install a program, but it requires the image to e changed16:03
jribgenii: If I could, then I'd suid an executable, chown it to root and run it :)16:03
Omar87How do I turn on my Bluetooth?16:03
SOURdieselmy places menu seems to have reconfigured itself and now doesn't show the Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos folders...these folders are now in Bookmarks.  what changed?16:03
gizmo__Hi. Does 'rdesktop' use encryption by default or do you have to give it a switch?16:03
Neodemikeeps telling me its busy16:03
geniiProbably something security to prevent regular users from elevating scripts, yeah16:03
ali1234IdleOne: for mpeg2 i use dvbcut16:04
wosbazhang: wlan0 is not listed on my network list from that network manager in the system tray16:04
IdleOneali1234: for avi16:04
thomasiteI tried using "sudo apt-get uninstall cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins" but I get a "Invalid operation uninstall" message.16:04
jribcaribou|: it's an eggdrop issue.  I don't see it listening anywhere16:04
AdvoWorkanyone know of a way I can print to a pdf file from a webpage, and so that I can specify the name of the file to save?16:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.16:04
ali1234IdleOne: avi is much easier to deal with, you have many many choices :)16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb16:05
bazhangwos what are you trying to do? the command is sudo dhclient wlan0 (without ethernet connection)16:05
lytefyreanyone upgrade hardy to intrepid via proxy ?16:05
IdleOneali1234: trying avidemux now16:05
bazhang!usb | Jampiter16:05
ubottuJampiter: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:05
^Onix|DJ^i really need u help16:05
awakebyjavaubotto: yah, I got it to run once, but it wouldn't load all of the gui16:05
x1250AdvoWork, there is a firefox plugin: http://www.pdfdownload.org/16:05
JampiterThanks bazhang :) will that make it run from a USB drive like a normal live distro?16:05
^Onix|DJ^i have one powerpc, mac with ubuntu16:06
^Onix|DJ^but i cant install flash player16:06
zimbresMy keyboard layout is wrong in the graphical terminal( X server terminal) How can i fix this problem?16:06
bazhangJampiter, do you want it to save changes? then check out the persistent link16:06
JampiterThanks :)16:06
JampiterHmm, it needs intrepid16:06
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents - Party in #ubuntu-release-party16:06
JampiterHow do I upgrade from Hardy? </noob>16:07
awakebyjavaAnyone have an idea about my problem?16:07
bazhang!upgrade | Jampiter16:07
ubottuJampiter: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:07
caribou|jrib, oh ok i should see a line with eggdrop "listening" i guess ?16:07
JampiterThanks again :p16:07
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
eydaimoncan someone recommend a decent terminal font? I installed xfonts-terminus but I don't see it show up as an option with gnome terminal16:07
qdiihow do I know the package I need so as to install "iwconfig" ?16:08
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup16:08
GBGameshttp://fixunix.com/linux/258402-chown-operation-not-permitted.html <--- interesting info in the man page that I didn't see in MY man page.16:08
nkesavasHello all, Hey I would like to know if anyone would happen to know of a good program for monitoring unprotected wifi. Actually seeing those who log on to unprotected wifi.16:08
DB42can i d/l a .deb file for which i already have the package installed for ?16:09
gizmo__nkesavas: airsnort or aircrack16:09
jribcaribou|: I don't know anything about eggdrop16:09
nkesavasthanx alot -gizmo16:09
convergewhats a good torrent program with gui?16:09
caribou|jrib, no i meant that you see that it's an eggdrop issue because you've seen from the pastebin that "eggdrop" is not listening !?16:09
jribcaribou|: right16:09
Omar87Can anybody tell me how do I configure Bluetooth in Ubuntu 8.10?16:10
coenssalut il y a des français$16:10
wos1bazhang: it wouldnt connect to the internet16:10
bazhang!fr | coens16:10
ubottucoens: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:10
bazhangwos1, how are you connected now16:10
bazhangwos1, what was the output of sudo dhclient wlan016:11
x1250DB42, aptitude download package_name16:12
DB42dont have aptitude16:12
bazhangwos1, that shows a lease16:12
wos1a lease?16:13
x1250DB42, apt-get using -d option16:13
bazhanga connection16:13
gabohello, i would like to know which package contains localeconf? or how do i reconfigure it, because i have been getting an error like LANG = unset etc..16:13
AdvoWorkx1250, tried that just, it navigates away from the page and takes AGES16:13
DB42x1250: tells me i have it installed and wont re-download it16:13
|neon|i been trying to get my deskto psettings to stay for a while now, when i changed my settings everything works ok, however when i reboot the settings revert back to default, i tried session manager without any luck , any suggestions thx16:13
wos1but i cant connect to the internet16:13
x1250DB42, you want to reinstall?16:13
DB42x1250: no, just download the deb16:13
Omar87Help configuring Bluetooth in 8.10? Please?16:13
DB42x1250: you must give apt-get another option besides -d16:14
bazhangwos1, you have to physically remove the ethernet cable or disable ethernet via networkmanager to get the wifi connection16:14
x1250try using apt-get with -d option, or install aptitude and aptitude download pkg.16:14
wos1bazhang: i already did16:14
x1250DB42, try using apt-get with -d option, or install aptitude and aptitude download pkg.16:14
mindframe-so does xrandr not work for intel gfx chipsets anymore?16:14
gabolocales configure need help, please16:14
DB42x1250: you can't -d alone, and i dont want to isntall aptitude..16:14
bazhangwos1, then there is a problem with your router as the pastebin shows a lease renewal (ie connection)16:15
DB42x1250: this is on an iphone..16:15
wos1bazhang: there is no problem. im connected now with a different computer under windows16:15
jribDB42: does the iphone run ubuntu?16:15
x1250DB42, I guess you're missing the "install" option, that is: apt-get install -d pkg16:15
emilienneed help can't load gui , when i login it goes black and locks me out =(16:16
x1250DB42, -d install, sorry16:16
bazhangwos1, no problem? good news.16:16
DB42x1250: it tells me it's already isntalled and wont d/l it .........l;p\16:16
DB42(as i've said a few times before)16:16
DB42jrib: no, but it runs APT16:16
wos1bazhang: i cant connect under ubuntu16:16
jribDB42: you need to ask in a different channel, not here.  Anyway, pass --reinstall16:16
gaboneed to configure locales, please help16:17
DB42jrib: is there an apt channel ? :)16:17
south_koreahow do i disable automount (?)16:17
bazhangwos1, well the pastebin you showed shows there is a connection16:17
DB42Reinstallation of XXX is not possible, it cannot be downloaded. :(16:17
emilienneed help gonme dies when i login , screen goes black with lines comming down it =(16:17
south_koreai dont want let ubuntu mount devicie automatically16:17
wos1bazhang:  :((16:18
DB42welp, thanks anyhow16:18
Dakyllahow can i install xen for ubuntu 8.10 please ?16:19
bazhangwos1, if you're ubuntu computer is not connected via ethernet then how did you pastebin that output?16:19
emilien_need help when ubuntu starts , gdm starts , i login , and bang screen goes black with white line any help would be much loved16:19
wos1it is connected16:19
wos1i reconnected it16:19
x1250DBO, try sudo apt-get -d install --reinstall pkg16:20
Dakyllai've got this error msg when trying to run my DOMU16:20
Dakyllanetwork-script network-bridge16:20
FloodBot1Dakylla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
emilien_need help gdm starts , i login , and bang screen goes black with white line any help would be much loved16:20
dragonjrib: i managed to get window decorator.... but now if i try visual effects to extra its displayed that desktops effects cannot be enabled..how to enable them..16:20
* DBO looks at x1250 kind of funny16:20
bazhangwos1, you just said that you are now connected via a windows computer (ie the router has no problem)16:20
x1250oh, DB42 went off, sorry DBO :P16:20
wos1bazhang: yes thats correct16:20
chuckmoneyemilien_: sounds like a resolution problem maybe.  are you sure that GNOME isn't trying to run at a resolution higher than your monitor will support?16:21
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emilien_chuckmoney,  no im not sure , however have not touched screen resolution have how ever played with compiz could this be problem ?16:22
wos1bazhang what should i do ?16:23
chuckmoneyemilien_: possibly.  try running a "failsafe gnome" session and see if everything loads okay.  also, if you can get a terminal to load when your screen goes blank, try running "metacity --replace"16:24
Omar87I need help configuring my Bluetooth, please?16:24
Omar87Any help?16:24
chuckmoneyemilien_: if neither of those fixes it, the issue is resolution related.16:24
wos1bazhang: ?16:24
dragonI am not able to change visual effects to extra...its being displayed that desktop effects cant be enabled..how to enable it..?16:24
emilien_chuckmoney, tired fail safe gnome same error , gnome terminal work tho using it now16:24
sudobashhey on AMD Power Monitor it says each core is running at 1Ghz each but it has power saving on... How can I turn Power saver off and run each core at optimal speed? I did it on my pc but this is my girlfriends and its been upgraded to 8.10 from 8.04...16:24
philippeHello. After playing with USB devices (keyboard and mouse..), after restarting, my resolution is not good anymore in Ubuntu 8.10. I can't select it (1280x1024) in the nvidia setting panel, it disapear. Also, I have uninstall and reinstall the nvidia driver with no effect. What can I do? thank you16:25
bazhangwos1, if your router is working, and there is no mac filtering nor hidden essid, and the ethernet is well and truly disconnected from the box (after restarting networking) then that pastebin indicates a successful wifi connection16:25
Omar87Any help in configuring my bluetooth, please?16:25
sudobashI already check Power Management Preferences16:25
cmdrtebokhey i tried to follow the multimedia thread on the forums but after messing it up once at the java eula and trying it again, flash doesnt work. I even tried to install the deb from adobe16:25
bazhangwos1, if you are trying something different then it is a different story altogether16:26
emilien_chuckmoney, where can i run metacilty replace i can't acces terminal neither ctr-alt-F116:26
wos1bazhang oh the ethernet wasnt disconnected at the time of the command16:26
wos1what was the command again16:26
chuckmoneysudobash: go to a terminal and run "sudo dprk-reconfigure gnome-applets", answer yes, and then add the CPU Frequency Monitor applet to your GNOME panel.  you can then click the applet and it will allow you to choose "performance mode"16:26
IdleOne!flash > sudobash16:26
ubottusudobash, please see my private message16:26
darkvertexOmar87: bluetooth should work without configuration. At least on Hardy16:26
bazhangwos1, well then that would be an issue.16:27
Omar87darkvertex: Somehow it doesn't work with me, it didn't even work with me in Hardy either.16:27
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chuckmoneyemilien_: if you can't get a GNOME terminal working it's irrelevant.  running metacity-replace from a different virtual terminal won't help.  it has to be run from your GNOME session terminal, i.e. tty716:27
woswhat was the command again?16:27
ha6ican some one help me to enable desktop effects...?16:27
bazhangwos which command16:27
sudobashdprk-reconfigure ???16:28
wosthe last command you instructed me to input16:28
chuckmoneysudobash: sorry, that should be dpkg-reconfigure16:28
bazhangha6i, go to appearances visual effects16:28
darkvertexOmar87: what kind of adapter is it? what is the problem exactly?16:28
Omar87darkvertex: The problem seems to be with all sorts of wireless connections actually, not only Bluetooth.16:28
emilien_chuckmoney, i can't get to tty i tried , screen get stuck16:28
bazhangwos, you mean sudo dhclient wlan0 ? why not write it down?16:28
KentonSjrib: After a bunch of "man"ing of various things I discovered that _netdev is only valid with NFS. I couldn't find any information on how to tell fstab to wait 'til the network is up before attempting to do a cifs mount. Bummer!16:28
ha6i bazhang:thats not working. "desktop effects cant be enabled" is displayed...16:29
nibsa1242Opening up a web page in firefox with flash on it ( such as youtube ) kills all sound on my computer how do I fix?16:29
bazhangha6i, then make sure that the correct 3d driver is installed for your card16:29
Omar87darkvertex: Somehow, wireless, in general doesn't work with me. However, when I hit "ifconfig", I find all the wireless drivers.16:29
chuckmoneyemilien_: well, I have to go do some work, but aside from spending some quality time with a rescue cd, sounds like your only option is to either reinstall, or delete your profile folder and start it over from scratch16:29
ha6ibazhang:how do i do that...?16:29
emilien_chuckmoney, damn thanks anyway16:30
bazhangha6i, go to hardware drivers and check that they are enabled and in use16:30
chuckmoneyemilien_: if you run "rm -rf /home/yourname/.*" in any terminal it should remove only the settings folders, so you won't lose your actual documents.  that may help but you'll have to reconfigure all your programs16:30
emilien_chuckmoney, ok thnaks16:31
nibsa1242emilien what is your issues?16:31
darkvertexOmar87: Did you get any ipaddress on the wifi?16:31
sudobashsweet thats awesome16:31
Omar87darkvertex: It happened with me once and once only, that the network icon showed up and telling that it a wireless connection was detected, but never happened again.16:31
Omar87darkvertex: I'm not sure what you're talking about.16:32
dundeli'm trying to add my second domain on dyndns.com, and it needs to be listening on port 82, but i can't use ip:port on dyndns? is there a different way?16:34
x-kent hi, can someone recommend me a simple C environment like old versions of "anjuta IDE" ? I need something without all this "projects" and stuff, just make 1.c file and be able to "compile&run" with 1 key...16:34
erUSULchuckmoney: pretyy dasngerous command there... what about gpg and ssh keys ?? evolution mail ???? all gone16:34
scienteshow would i transition my home aprtition to be encrypted16:34
Omar87Wireless help? Please?16:34
scientesalso, why does ctrl-alt-v not work anymore in gnome-terminal?16:34
darkvertexOmar87: wifi and bluetooth are different altogether. bluetooth doesn't show in ifconfig16:34
Omar87darkvertex: I know.16:35
Omar87darkvertex: Is there a command I could use to turn my Bluetooth on?16:35
chuckmoneyerUSUL: well his situation is pretty serious.  He could try a hunt-and-peck approach by just deleting .gnome or .gtk but at the end of the day he would end up missing some settings and keeping others.  often losing program settings is better than not being sure what is configured and what isn't.16:35
MTecknologyI'm trying to build my system up from a cli install. I'm having a very hard time figuring out how to get the hotkeys working. I grabbed all my hotkey files from a live cd session but I can't figure out how to make them work. Anybody know what I need to do to get it working?16:36
chuckmoneyerUSUL: since he gets a login screen his xorg config is fine, meaning it's his GNOME config.  GNOME config is hard as hell to edit unless you can get at the least a failsafe session16:36
ha6ibazhang: though the drivers are activated i am not able to enable effects....16:37
darkvertexOmar87: as I'm still on hardy, bluetooth doesn't need any command. I use a USB adaptor kind of bluetooth. what's yours?16:37
erUSULchuckmoney: loosing all your mail messages is serious too. and your ssh and gpg keys lost is a pretty serious problem too depending on the use you give to them...16:37
nibsa1242can someone point me to a workaround for flash / pulse audio conflict16:37
chuckmoneyerUSUL: since he can't, simply deleting the config is the best he can do.16:37
wosbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70055/16:37
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Omar87darkvertex: It's buit-in, I'm using a Toshiba Tecra laptop.16:37
chuckmoneyerUSUL: I agree, but unless there's a magical file the guy can remove that will delete all his GNOME resolution settings, he has no choice.16:38
erUSULchuckmoney: i'm not against deleting config files i'm against given a command that also deletes inmportant peoples data like his/her *mail*16:38
bazhangwos, that shows a connection16:38
erUSULchuckmoney: not his/her mail settings but the actual *messages*16:38
darkvertexOmar87: please make sure bluetooth service is activated in System->Admin->Services16:39
chuckmoneyerUSUL: what command would you propose?16:39
amikropHello. How can I convert and FLV to an MP3?16:40
amikropNot using a website's services, but using an Ubuntu program.16:40
erUSULchuckmoney: something more fine grained... or perhaps just telling the user to backup evolution (if he uses it) and/or his ssh/gpg data (and other important data tha may be in ~/.* files)16:40
nibsa1242can someone point me to a workaround for flash / pulse audio conflict16:40
Omar87darkvertex: It's enabled.16:41
chuckmoneyamikrop: not sure, since FLV is a video format and MP3 is an audio format.  maybe you could just use a good old fashioned analog loop and audacity?16:41
AdvoWorkare there no decent pdf creators/writers for ubuntu? All i want is to be able to file > print > mypdf, but give it a name too16:41
amikropchuckmoney: OK. So, an FLV to an MP4?16:41
woscan anyone help me with a wireless internet connection? it shows that its connected but i cant access any web pages. I connect to the network fine on another pc.16:41
JunTaoI'm trying to use patition magic to resize my C: Windows drive so i can create a new partition but it gives me an error.....anyyone can help me why I get this error? Does it have to do with Ubuntu? error 1529: Information mismatch in directory16:41
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Omar87darkvertex: The networks icon, the one that shows the available connections, doesn't show up with me, I wonder why.16:42
chuckmoneyerUSUL: sounds fair.  could we agree that /home/username/.g* would be safe to remove since that would most likely only cover gnome or GTK files?16:42
erUSULchuckmoney: or instead of removing the ~/.* files just moving then to ~/backup/ folder16:42
Omar87aboSamoor: are you Arabian?16:42
darkvertexOmar87: To let your other devices discover the bluetooth in your PC, install and execute gnome-bluetooth. The icon should show then16:42
woscan anyone help me with a wireless internet connection? it shows that its connected but i cant access any web pages. I connect to the network fine on another pc.16:42
chuckmoneyamikrop: much better question :)  I believe you could use ffmpeg to convert that.16:43
erUSULchuckmoney: well yes except for ~/.gnupg/ ...16:43
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darkvertexOmar87: On the other hand, if you only want to transfer files to your cellphone etc, use nautilus send-to command16:43
chuckmoneyamikrop: ffmpeg is a terminal tool but I don't know what the GUI equivelent would be.  but ffmpeg could convert a rabbit into a turtle and then into a greyhound :)16:43
seroniswos:  usb or internal wireless (i've never got usb to work)  and which ubuntu version ?16:44
wosseronis: usb and 8.1016:44
Omar87darkvertex: is there a command to find the nearby devices from the terminal?16:44
amikropchuckmoney: OK, thanks. :-)16:45
darkvertexOmar87: I believe it is hcitool scan16:45
seroniswos: usb is hit or miss on whether it works.  i think we're both just out of luck on that16:45
wosoohhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :((16:45
chuckmoneyerUSUL: well...sounds to me like a hunt-and-peck-for-the-right-file approach is the only option that wouldn't cause much data loss.  on the other hand, my assumption would be that any user who is actively using gnupg (and thus is both more savvy than average and security-conscious) would also be doing somewhat regular backups.16:45
Omar87darkvertex: I just installed gnome-bluetooth, how do I use it?16:46
erUSULchuckmoney: fair enough16:46
seroniswos:  but with 8.04 my internal had issue too..  might try my approach to solve16:46
chuckmoneyerUSUL: certainly just an assumption though16:46
wosseronis: what approach ?16:46
d0htemanyone know why md5 has been removed from sleuthkit16:46
darkvertexOmar87: find it under Applications->Accessories16:46
seroniswos:  manual config.   after it locates your router switch from dhcp to static and manually enter an IP.   let it connect with that IP  (still no internet at this point) then switch back to dhcp16:47
seronisfor me that is the only way 8.04 would work with my highly generic internal wifi16:47
gavagaiIs there a difference between "reformatting your hard drive" and "writing zeros to your entire hard drive"?16:47
chuckmoneyd0htem: nope.  sounds like a mighty strange choice seeing as how prevalent MD5 is.16:47
LjLgavagai: yes.16:47
woswhat ip though?16:47
nibsa1242is anyone w/  ibex able to watch youtube videos with flash-non-free?16:47
geniigavagai: Yes16:47
gavagaiLjL, i thought so, thanks16:47
nibsa1242gavagai: yes, very much so16:47
LjLgavagai: "formatting" means writing a filesystem onto a drive or partition.16:47
d0htemchunkmonkey sucks , now i gotta use md5deep16:47
LjLgavagai: writing zeros means wiping it.16:47
seronischoose the same IP that dhcp gives you for all it matters.. just choose one thats legal16:47
Omar87darkvertex: my cellphone still doesn't detect anything..16:48
gavagaii have a dell laptop with this retarded 'media direct' thing and you have to write zeroes to the drive to get rid of it, otherwise the media direct button can destroy your partition table after reformatting16:48
savage-Is there a way to extract a tgz to disk and have it automatically rename the files that it's extracting by appending some unique identifier to the end (e.g., current time) ?16:48
nibsa1242gavagai: writing 0's is much better for making sure everything is completely off... I once had an odd problem that was only resolved by writing zeros and would not resolve with a simple format16:48
d0htemgavagi i believe ext2 writes to 016:48
darkvertexOmar87: lets do it the other way round. there is a bluez-utils package installed. it has hcitool, rfcomm, sdptool command-line tools that you can use to discover other devices16:49
Omar87darkvertex: When I tried hcitool scan, it said that there was no such device.16:50
admin_masu3701can someone tell me how to install wireless driver for 8.1016:51
admin_masu3701i updated from 8.416:51
LjL!wireless | admin_masu370116:51
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:52
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darkvertexOmar87: if you do sudo lshw can you see your bluetooth listed?16:52
sum-iti am getting a strange problem my xserver doesnt start and gives this error FPE: "/usr/share/fonts/X11/MISC" refcount is 2, should be 1: fixing.16:53
mikethkhi, what is the best alternativ to msn on ubuntu?16:53
sum-iti am getting a strange problem my xserver doesnt start and gives this error FPE: "/usr/share/fonts/X11/MISC" refcount is 2, should be 1: fixing.16:54
Bittarmanmikethk: pidgeon16:54
mikethkBittarman, but can i use my msn account on that?16:54
darkvertexmikethk: pidgin16:54
emilienneed help ubuntu ibex , back screen of death after login16:54
Bittarmanmikethk: you can use about 10 different services with pidgeon, including msn16:54
mikethkdarkvertex, but can i us my msn account on it?16:54
sum-iti am getting a strange problem my xserver doesnt start and gives this error FPE: "/usr/share/fonts/X11/MISC" refcount is 2, should be 1: fixing.16:54
mikethkBittarman, thx.16:55
Omar87Here is the entire output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70067/16:55
nibsa1242emilien: did the live cd work?16:55
Omar87darkvertex: here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70067/16:55
darkvertexmikethk: you can. pidgin support msn as well as other protocols16:55
paul68!patience |sum-it16:55
ubottusum-it: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:55
nibsa1242emilien: or did you do an upgrade in place install?16:55
seronismikethk: personally i recommend using Trillian, better file transfer support IMHO16:55
Bittarmansum-it: polling isn't nice. but it sounds like you have a bad file in /usr/share/fonts/X11/MISC16:55
JuJuBeeI have ATI Radeon 9700 with dual head display.  Anybody know why I cannot set my external monitor (not laptop display) to 1280x1024 ?  The Monitor is capable of 1280x1024.16:55
PeskyJI'm trying to connect to my ubuntu machine using Xming, and I see the login/welcome screen, but when I log in the screen just goes that ubuntu flavour of reddy-beige, does anyone have any ideas what's going wrong?16:56
Omar87darkvertex: I can't seem to find there.16:56
darkvertexOmar87: let me check16:56
sum-itbitterman:  i m sorry for that. so how can i remove this file?16:57
emiliennibsa1242:  when i installed it it did , not tried live cd again as can't burn cd =(16:57
mikethkseronis, oki but i try pidgin out see if its good enogh for me16:57
nibsa1242emilien: how did you install? new install? upgrade in place? clean install-upgrade?16:57
emiliennibsa1242:  did a fresh ibex install about 2 weeks ago16:58
krihi i have updated to the latest build of audacious, but now i installed mplayer and it removed libmp3lame-dev and libmp3lame0, can i undo this installation of mplayer so my audicous gets its plugin that need those codecs?16:58
FinalphaseHello, I need some help =P16:58
nibsa1242emilien: and it worked fine until today?16:59
emiliennibsa1242:  yes was working like a charm16:59
Omar87emilien: do you have a problem in burning cd's?16:59
|MUSE|hey, this is both ubuntu and python related issue that I need help with. My compiz crashes every time I use the help() funtion in a interactive python console. This is what I get: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/90756/16:59
FinalphaseIm trying to install through a USB Flash Drive, used UNetBootIn to prep the flash drive / install the files, but when I boot from it and go install, it loads /casper/something and /casper something then says, invalid compressed format(err=2) / Kernel Panic - Not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)16:59
MTecknologyI'm trying to build my system up from a cli install. I'm having a very hard time figuring out how to get the hotkeys working. I grabbed all my hotkey files from a live cd session but I can't figure out how to make them work. Anybody know what I need to do to get it working?16:59
nibsa1242emilien: install anything / update anything recently?16:59
qowaohey is it a bad idea to connect to some intranet via vpn form a standard ubuntu install, are there firewall issues and stuff? like im easy prey?17:00
emilienOmar87:  no , its been installed for about 2 weeks17:00
FinalphaseI tried booting with noapic / acpi=off and it still didn't help17:00
emiliennibsa1242:  in all honesty can't really rember could have done17:01
andycr|MUSE|: It looks like Python's help() function is -relaunching- compiz, for some reason17:01
Omar87emilien: Same here, but I'm facing a serious problem in burning CD's with Brasero and K3B, here's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/29448017:02
|MUSE|ya, that is exactly what it is doing, but why? And how do I stop it?17:02
Omar87darkvertex: r u still there?17:02
FinalphaseCould anybody throw some help my way =D17:02
nibsa1242emilien: if you have a separate /home partition you could just do another install... just tell the installer the mount point for your /home and don't format your /home . You'll have to manually add users, but that is trivial.17:02
darkvertexOmar87: yes, just wondering about the network DISABLED line there17:02
krii did configure the latest build of audacious yesterday and today  ive got it to run with icecast2 plugin+server... now i installed  mplayer and that intsallation removed both libmp3lame-dev and  liblame0.. can i undo that installation of mplayer?17:02
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IchigoMorinoAnyone know what happened to "System → Administration → Shared Folders" that was in older versions of Ubuntu?17:03
andycrkri: Apt-get remove17:03
leohartxwhy i cant configure my wired connection in network configuration ? every thing turn back to default when i finish configure my "auto eth0", i'm using "sudo pppoeconf" now and it's relative slow (slower than when i use wired connection)17:03
Omar87darkvertex: Oh boy.. how come...?17:04
ubiquitushello, I need to start ubuntu 8.10 desktop only with shell and have the possibility to start Gnome only when I need it, how can I do that?17:04
KEBAHi there17:04
darkvertexOmar87: there is a *network DISABLED line near the end. are you sure you have enabled your network? this is peculiar17:04
Piciubiquitus: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove     will stop gdm from starting when you boot.17:05
KEBAi dont know where, but i think i configurated, that i ever use the Mac4lin-theme... do you know where probally?17:05
leohartxwhy i cant configure my wired connection in network configuration ? every thing turn back to default when i finish configure my "auto eth0", i'm using "sudo pppoeconf" now and it's relative slow (slower than when i use wired connection)17:05
Omar87I think it's the same patch that was released to deal with the e1000e problem temporarily.17:05
kriandycr: yeah, but will libmp3lame-dev and libmp3lame0 get back (and the plugin for audacious)?17:05
NekroJakubHow can I make make my cursor consistent across all applications? I changed it to black but when I cursor over Opera for example it changes to default.17:05
emiliennibsa1242:  if i boot into recovery mood and from root startx gui acctualy starts  even though have dead mouse and keyboard17:05
Omar87darkvertex: Yeah, I saw it.17:05
emiliennibsa1242:  coule be xorg related ? not sure ?17:05
coiaxHi. I'm having some problems with my x-server not starting for other users17:05
Omar87darkvertex: I'm not so sure though...17:05
FinalphaseCould anybody help me: >Im trying to install through a USB Flash Drive, used UNetBootIn to prep the flash drive / install the files, but when I boot from it and go install, it loads /casper/something and /casper something then says, invalid compressed format(err=2) / Kernel Panic - Not syncing VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1)17:06
ubiquitusPici: great suggestion! thank's and if I need to start Gnome? just put xstart command?17:06
paul68Omar87: what version are you on?17:06
hechuhi there, did anybody has experience about create a ubuntu USB startup disk in a 8G flash disk?17:06
nibsa1242emilien: its doubtful something would have changed your xorg file17:06
Piciubiquitus: just: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start17:06
darkvertexOmar87: not sure about what?17:06
Omar87darkvertex: but one thing I'm sure about is that it's very weird..17:06
IchigoMorinoubiquitus: Remove "gdm" from your enabled boot scripts, and then run "/etc/init.d/gdm start" when you want to start it.17:06
ironfoot_495hello everyone I'm having trouble getting my localhost to function correctly. The problem is I try to bring up the local host and I get Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server. I've looked at -> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_userdir.html#userdir but I'm not getting an understanding. Can someone help me to understand why I can't bring up my home page on the localhost?17:06
leohartxwhy i cant configure my wired connection in network configuration ? every thing turn back to default when i finish configure my "auto eth0", i'm using "sudo pppoeconf" now and it's relative slow (slower than when i use wired connection), how do i fix it ?17:06
Omar87darkvertex: I mean I'm not what is it disabled.17:07
ljuwaidahquick question: can install a 64 bit ubuntu on a 32 bit machine?17:07
emiliennibsa1242: realy scatching my head to why this happened17:07
ljuwaidah*can i17:07
nibsa1242emilien: that changes very infrequently... and normally everything that changes it would make a backup17:07
Piciljuwaidah: no17:07
ljuwaidahPici: it won't work?17:07
coiaxOther users can't switch user whilst I'm logged in, because the x-server won't start. Can anyone help?17:07
paul68Omar87: what linux version are you running at this point? 8.10?17:07
Piciljuwaidah: No. If your processor does not support 64 bits, then the OS is not going to install.17:07
axisys_how do I encrypt a folder.. i heard it is built in with ubuntu 8.1017:08
Omar87paul68: Yeah, it's 8.1017:08
NekroJakubHow can I make make my cursor consistent across all applications? I changed it to black but when I cursor over Opera for example it changes to default.17:08
andycrkri: Not sure. You could reinstall them manually17:08
nibsa1242emilien: things happen sometimes, normally its the result of an update or something you personally have changed...17:08
IchigoMorinoAnyone know what happened to "System → Administration → Shared Folders" that was in older versions of Ubuntu? And what is the package name of that graphical utility?17:08
ironfoot_495I want get this fixed so I can continue to apply lamp17:08
paul68Omar87: what is the driver of your wireless broadcom?17:08
ljuwaidahi thought it'll install but will use whatever the processor offers17:08
kriandycr: yeah and then i have to compile audacious and install it again17:08
testolaCant handle a dual layer iso.. how can i burn it. tried nero for linux. Tried brasero.. any tips?17:08
ljuwaidah'cause my friend wants Linux and I have only 64 bit versions :(17:08
Omar87paul68: how can I make sure?17:08
Piciljuwaidah: No... There are distinct installers for either 64 or 32 bit systems.17:08
nibsa1242emilien: there are other reasons for the system to not boot, you should use recovery mode or live cd to examine your logs17:09
leohartxwhy i cant configure my wired connection in network configuration ? every thing turn back to default when i finish configure my "auto eth0", i'm using "sudo pppoeconf" now and it's relative slow (slower than when i use wired connection), how do i fix it ?17:09
fosco_ljuwaidah 64bits software wont run on a 32bits system17:09
Hectorahh i want to know how to hack into networks on mac17:09
paul68Omar87: type lspci in the terminal? and check what name you have under network17:09
ljuwaidahPici: Yeah, i know, but my system is 64 bit so that's the only thing i have, however, i do have 32 bit version of 8.0417:09
Piciljuwaidah: I'm talking about the Ubuntu CDs, Iif youre asking about another distro then I don't know.17:09
ljuwaidahi might give her that tom17:09
ljuwaidahdoes 8.04 have that hardware detector thing?17:10
ljuwaidah'cause i found that pretty useful17:10
PiciHector: This is the Ubuntu support channel, we do not support such things here.17:10
emiliennibsa1242: ok how can i look at logs ?17:10
coiaxAlso, how do you set up encrypted folders for existing users in 8.10?17:10
chadwikleohartx: thats a bug17:10
emiliennibsa1242: im in recovery root terminal17:10
Hectori didnt know17:10
Hectori am only 13 now17:10
darkvertexOOmar87: mine look like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/70071/17:10
FinalphaseCould somebody please help me Just send a private msg17:10
nibsa1242emilien: had one problem one time not booting due to excessively large logs... best thing to do is look at the logs and see if they tell you what is going on17:11
ljuwaidahHector: that explains your question ;)17:11
Omar87paul68: there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70072/17:11
IchigoMorinoAnyone know what happened to "System → Administration → Shared Folders" that was in older versions of Ubuntu? And what is the package name of that graphical utility?17:11
fosco_finalbeta_, /msg nick message17:11
leohartxchadwik: is there any solution ?17:11
darkvertexOmar87: mine look like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/70071/ . Yet, are connecting to the net through your network adapter?17:11
jmarsdenFinalphase: Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html and then ask your question17:12
ljuwaidahI would have given him esr's article :P17:12
Omar87darkvertex: somehow, yes, I'm using my own ethernet card, the one built-in in my laptop. I got no other one actually.17:13
tsedreythey does anyone know anything about booting gOS off a usb?17:13
NeaaiWhen mentioned that 32bit software and 64bit software usually don't cross-run... does this mean that there are 'parallell repositories' containing the same software but compiled for each architecture?17:13
esrljuwaidah: you rang?17:13
jmarsdenljuwaidah: I used to do that, maybe I'm getting kinder as I get older :-)17:13
Finalphasejmarsden: I did, and i'm supplying all the information and I am not spamming either17:13
ljuwaidahesr: Is that you?17:13
barefootty for help, turns out .xsession wasnt +x17:13
emiliennibsa1242: ok thanks which one should i look at ? X.org , User.log ? any thinkings to look out for ?17:13
Omar87darkvertex: unless we're talking about my other pc ofcourse.17:13
chadwikleohartx: theres a few things to try on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/25921417:13
sum-ithow i can make a local repository of my downloaded packages?17:13
nibsa1242emilien: look at all of them, for the most recent entries... something will probably pop out at you17:14
PeskyJmy 8-year old daughter thinks ubuntu is waaay better than windows17:14
ljuwaidahesr: i finally got to talk to you :) I'm a big fan, your article is the reason why i started using linux17:14
darkvertexOmar87: weird. have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup ?17:15
bicyclistpesky: your daughter sure as a very good taste regarding os ;)17:15
ljuwaidahesr: I hope you don't mind this: http://www.ljuwaidah.org/ :D17:15
paul68Omar87: do you see by any chance under system > administration > hardware drivers your card listed?17:15
tsedreytcan anoyone help with a few gOS questions, or is there another chat I should goto?17:15
Paddy_EIREtsedreyt: yeah this is for ubuntu only17:16
tsedreytI figured since it was ubunt based thing, it would be the same17:16
leohartxchadwik: oh, my network manager applet disappeared , where is it ?17:16
chadwikleohartx: try right clicking the panel and choose 'add to panel'17:17
ddfirehello to the ubuntu comunity17:17
esrljuwaidah: I don't mind.  Normally I'm opposed to black bsckgrounds, but you maintaned a high luminance contrast and chose a good scrisp font.17:17
isaacj87 hey guys quick question...I looked on crucial and it says my RAM on my laptop maxs out to 2gb, what happens if I put more? Secondly, I already have 1.25 gb in there...if I max it out to 2gb will I even see/feel the difference?17:17
PeskyJso um.. any Xming users? I can connect to the login screen but then once I log in my desktop never materialises, any ideas?17:17
ddfirewich is better use ubuntu 8.04 server or ubuntu 8.10 server ?17:18
=== FoxBoy is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
fosco_ddelec24, try both and decide17:18
ljuwaidahesr: Thank you :) BTW, what are you up to now? I can't seem to find anything about your latest updates on your website17:18
leohartxchadwik: it disappeared from that list too :(17:18
Omar87darkvertex: Yeah, but this won't work since, my laptop can't detect my cellphone.17:18
nibsa1242isaacj87: you may notice some difference, depending on how you use your machine...17:18
Slartddfire: both will probably do what you'd expect from a linux distro17:18
chadwikleohartx: yikes! try a reboot :)17:18
NekroJakubHow can I make make my cursor consistent across all applications? I changed it to black but when I cursor over Opera for example it changes to default.17:18
esrljuwaidah: Read my blog, then.  Mostly I've been working on Barrle For Wesnoth.17:19
Omar87paul68: No, it clearly states that there are no proprietary drive used on this machine.17:19
ubiquitusPici: I receive this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70079/  help please...17:19
alesanhi, any idea how I can have Ubuntu create the /dev/ttyACM0 device ??17:19
fosco_NekroJakub, restart the X server17:19
isaacj87nibsa1242: Simple web browsing, music playing, maybe an old game here and there.17:19
herathddfire: i'd opt for 8.04 due to the longer support period17:19
ddfireSlart: is for a new installation,  i have experience whit debian, but in this job use ubuntu17:19
NekroJakubfosco_ : How do I do that?17:19
ddfireherath: the support period is just for security updates?17:19
Slartddfire: go with the LTS if you need the stability17:19
fosco_NekroJakub, close session17:20
nibsa1242isaacj87: probably won't notice much of a difference... if you are running a laptop could have some minor positive ( or negative ) influence on battery life17:20
ljuwaidahesr: I'm subscribed to it but I don't know anything about that, I'll check all the posts again :P17:20
herathddfire: yes. only security... but on a server environment you usually don't need new flashier features17:20
rand0mabohey people.. just wondering if there's a way in the gnome panel to have a "window list: listed as icons" instead of buttons like the regular windows taskbar (i know xfce has an icon task-switcher but wondering if it exists for gnome)17:20
emiliennibsa1242:  have whole load of pulseaudio errors  user.log , in Xorg says no  Open ACPi failed , NO APM support in in bios or kenel17:20
NekroJakubfosco_ : You mean log out, log in?17:20
fosco_NekroJakub, yes17:21
* NekroJakub tries that17:21
ddfireherath:  i just need uptodate asterisk (package) i am figthing to make my package but...17:21
leohartxchadwik: i've already rebooted twice :(17:21
BOATanybody know how to fix an LBA47904  error  when i try to burn17:21
chadwikleohartx: 'Network Monitor' is the name of the applet in the 'add to panel' list17:21
nibsa1242emilien: pulseaudio is annoying, but shouldn't prevent you from booting [ I just finished fixing my pusleaudio ... it crashed b/c of flash-plugin-nonfree 9 so I upgraded to 10 ].17:21
ddfireherath: the packages in ubuntu 8.04 is 1.4.17 the current release is 1.4.2217:21
darkvertexOmar87: i'm referring to Devices section, this might apply to your case17:22
Omar87darkvertex: Thanks man.17:22
* NekroJakub succeeds!17:22
Bittarmanhas anyone gotten an X-Fi working with 8.10?17:22
herathddfire: doesn't asterisk provide an .deb repository? i haven't used it so i don't know... if they do, adding it to your update sources will update it to the latest version17:22
nibsa1242emilien: try the kernel logs... you are looking for something like a kernel panic17:22
NekroJakubThank you fosco_17:22
isaacj87nibsa1242: Thanks for the advice. I think I'll save my money. :)17:22
BOATanybody know how to fix an LBA 47904  error  when i try to burn17:23
leohartxchadwik: seem not like that17:23
ljuwaidahesr: One last question: How do _you_ make money for living?17:23
leohartxchadwik: very different from old network manager icon17:23
ddfireherath:  they only provide src...17:23
=== Bruce is now known as Brucee
nibsa1242isaacj87: yeah, don't fix what isn't broken... if you gamed, or compiled, or did heavy graphics/ movie editing it would probably be worth it17:24
leohartxchadwik: how do i make other aute eth0 ? i deleted old one17:24
chadwikleohartx: ahh your right thats not the same one17:24
AkariChanchadwik: delete? u mean u did ifdown?17:24
herathddfire: in that case 8.04 won't be much help17:25
emiliennibsa1242:  yes iv had few of those pesky pule audio probs to =)17:25
AkariChanuse alsa/oss if you have problems with pulse :)17:25
AkariChanchadwik: try dhcpcd-bin eth017:25
ddfireherath: nop i know but my boss want to use 8.04 backport asterisk 1.4.21 from 8.10 to 8.04 is almost imposible for me...17:25
esrljuwaidah: Book royalties.  Consulting gigs.17:26
nibsa1242emilien: pulse likes to conflict with many commonly used programs... I'm learning to work around it, but its annoying17:26
=== eric is now known as Guest94291
PeskyJdoes anyone know a good channel for xming users?17:26
chadwikAkariChan: its leohartx that needs help :)17:26
ljuwaidahFair enough, thanks :)17:26
AkariChanoh my bad ;)17:26
james_help plz!17:26
leohartxAkariChan: do you know how to make other auto eth0 ?17:26
james_Who plays ET?17:26
AkariChanleohartx: how do you mean other? you have more than 1 ethernet cards?17:26
james_Who plays ET?= Enemy territory17:27
leohartxAkariChan: why i cant configure my wired connection in network configuration ? every thing turn back to default when i finish configure my "auto eth0", i'm using "sudo pppoeconf" now and it's relative slow (slower than when i use wired connection), how do i fix it ?17:27
leohartxAkariChan: no, i deleted old one17:27
jmarsdenesr: You appear to have a typo in your /whois info... I'd think s/Eruc/Eric/ might be appropriate?17:27
Flannel!anyone | jmarsden17:27
ubottujmarsden: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:27
emiliennibsa1242:  can't see any errors in kenel log neither sys.log =(17:27
AkariChanleohartx: what kind of connection are you using, DSL? or DHCP through a router?17:27
Flanneler, james_17:27
ddfireany one have experience maiking debs from source?17:28
esrjmarsden: Hm, I thought I fixed that.  Lemme check...17:28
Flanneljames_: Best to ask a real question.  Also, the forums have a lot of good information on running ET (and fixing the various issues with voice stuff, etc), you might check them out.17:28
Guest94291#join ubuntu-fr17:28
jmarsdenFlannel: Did I really start a Q with "Does anyone"??17:28
leohartxAkariChan: DCHP, but i deleted auto eth0, and my wired connection cant save settings17:29
Flanneljmarsden: no, no, that was a bad tab complete17:29
darkvertexOmar87: one last question: if you type hcitool dev in a terminal, do you get a positive reply from your on-board bluetooth?17:29
jmarsdenFlannel: OK... Phew :-)17:29
nibsa1242emilien: I'm sorry there isn't anything to do that I can think of. Best bet is to do a fresh install.17:29
AkariChanleohartx: you can configure dhcpcd to run in rc, that way you can auto get ip17:29
AkariChanand remove pppoeconf17:29
AkariChansudo apt-get purge pppoeconf17:29
leohartxAkariChan: i'm using sudo pppoeconf now, and it's relative slow ( more than when i use wired connection)17:30
ddfirei need help to make a deb package i read the how tos but there are to basics.... someone have any idea?17:30
leohartxAkariChan: do you know the reason ?17:30
AkariChanleohartx: not exactly.17:30
AkariChanleohartx: but do you have to use pppoeconf?17:30
Mattlockthis is probably a stupid and/or dangerous question, but is it possible to make a logical partition into a primary partition? (i only have one primary partition right now)17:31
emiliennibsa1242:  was trying to avoid that at all costs , feel like im in windows =(17:31
reqqitHi, I am installing 8.10 onto a netbook - I have already set ext2 partition to mount to / (6.9 gb)17:31
reqqitthe swap partitition, should the mount be /swap ?17:31
reqqitor something else?17:31
KDB9000I need help removing compiz-gnome from my system. I can't install or remove any other software until compiz-gnome has been removed. So far all my attempts with GUI or text package managers have failed.17:31
nibsa1242emilien: if your /home is its own partition, that would be easy... you can install off the live cd and keep all of your files in your home17:31
leohartxAkariChan: yes, that's way i communicate you now17:31
reqqit/dev/sda2 swap mount point? format ?17:31
Picireqqit: no, the swap partition is not mounted to a mountpoint.  Just setting the type to swap should be enough.17:31
darkvertexOmar87: Something like Devices: hci011:11:11:11:11:11 should be returned to you when you execute hcitool dev17:31
=== rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid
AkariChanKDB9000: try sudo apt-get purge compiz-gnome17:31
fosco_KDB9000, reinstall package first17:31
Piciddfire: Have you looked at the Ubuntu packaging guide?17:32
leohartxAkariChan: do you know how to make a new auto eth0 ?17:32
reqqitok cheers Pici, that worked17:32
jmarsdenreqqit: sap partitions are not filesystems, so they are not mounted.  Do not put anything for the mount point17:32
KDB9000fosco_, it won't let me reinstall the package17:32
nibsa1242emilien: someone else may be able to help you, the problem is triaging it to know what is wrong17:32
AkariChanleohartx: just install dhcpcd, remove pppoeconf, reboot, and if you don't have an ip, run dhcpcd eth0.17:32
reqqitjmarsden, thanks17:32
KDB9000AkariChan, failed17:32
fosco_KDB9000, maybe you'll need to force things17:32
d0uglashi.. i'd like to install apache 1.3.something, ideally with apt, but i'm only seeing apache2 on an apt search. where can i find the .deb or could i change my sources.list?17:32
AkariChanKDB9000: force17:32
rand0mabohey people.. just wondering if there's a way in the gnome panel to have a "window list: listed as icons" instead of buttons like the regular windows taskbar (i know xfce has an icon task-switcher but wondering if it exists for gnome)17:32
Omar87darkvertex: All I get is "Devices:         ".17:32
reqqit8.10 is awesome on the acer aspire ONE btw - really amazing17:33
nibsa1242emilien: I had a bricked install that failed; and was able to fix it by chrooting into the install from the recovery console, but it was complicated and took forever17:33
KDB9000AkariChan, sudo apt-get purge -f compiz-gnome right?17:33
AkariChanreqqit: indeed. it works wonders on my eeepc 901 as well.17:33
emiliennibsa1242:  no it ok il just reinstall had nothing i realy need in /home17:33
AkariChanKDB9000: yes.and what is the result of that?17:33
KDB9000AkariChan, failed17:33
nibsa1242emilien alright good luck17:33
leohartxAkariChan: how do i remove pppoeconf ?17:34
AkariChanKDB9000: what does it say? pm me the rest17:34
AkariChanleohartx: sudo apt-get purge pppoeconf17:34
leohartx AkariChan: or i just have to turn it off ?17:34
AkariChanbut before that, please install dhcpcd17:34
pipiniciao a tutti17:34
darkvertexOmar87: Then maybe you have enable the bluetooth in windows first as suggested by the article. Sorry, couldn't be any more help to you17:34
reqqitAkariChan, nice to know! I hope you don't mind your screen not being as bright as mine ;-) :p17:35
AkariChanreqqit: there is a fix for it, in fact brighter than aspireone17:35
Omar87darkvertex: Windows? What's that? Is it a clothing brand? :D17:35
darkvertexOmar87: :)17:36
eitreachI need some help with pulseaudio. I am trying to use mpd, but pulseaudio is not started before I log into Gnome. How can I make pulseaudio start before that, so I can use mpd in cli without having to start it myself?17:36
leohartxAkariChan: seem like that command will remove pppoeconf, is there another way ? can i just turn it off ?17:36
ziofesterCyaoo a tutti!!17:37
ziofesterciao a tutti17:37
reqqitAkariChan, my netbook screen actually makes my eyes bleed and causes the neighbours dog to stay awake all night howling!17:37
Omar87darkvertex: Bluetooth used to work perfectly with me in the old days when I was using that thing they call "Windows".17:37
AkariChanleohartx: you can do17:37
AkariChanleohartx: ps aux | grep pppoe and find the processid to kill it17:37
Mattlock_this is probably a stupid and/or dangerous question, but is it possible to make a logical partition into a primary partition? (i only have one primary partition right now)17:37
AkariChanreqqit: haha. same thing when i am doing lectures in my clases. people gets annoyed saying that it's brighter than the projector.17:37
Omar87darkvertex: so it should've been enabled already, ya know.. -.-17:38
viniciusanyone from ubuntuforums.org? i can't post a reply anywhere...17:38
Mattlock_oh.. sorry ^^ FreeNode/ubuntu is the same DALnet's ubuntu_server..17:38
Picivinicius: #ubuntuforums17:38
emiliennibsa1242:  might aswell take advantage of reinstall , any way of having an encrypted whole partition? also recomend ext4 ?17:38
viniciusPici, thanks17:38
reqqitAkariChan, I was watching the eclipse and the scientists told me I had to wear eye protection to look at my screen, nevermind the sun.17:39
herathddfire: i use checkinstall to create .deb's. in the final step of compiling, instead of sudo make install you type sudo checkinstall -D. you need to install checkinstall program first17:39
reqqit:p nah I like them both. But the Acer has a O where the EEE has a P. To me, having that extra finger space of keyboard size makes a huge difference in typability.17:39
AkariChanCan anyone recommend a text based browser other than links/lynx/links2?17:39
Omar87darkvertex: one more thing, the Networks icons, where it shows you any detected wired and wireless connections, it doesn't appear at all with me.17:39
PiciAkariChan: w3m ?17:39
jmarsdenAkariChan: w3m17:40
reqqitAkariChan, must run in console?17:40
Omar87darkvertex: I'm not sure why..17:40
AkariChanreqqit: xterm or gnoem-terminal is fine17:40
reqqitAkariChan, oh, I was going to say run firefox without stylesheets or images loading17:40
AkariChanreqqit: indeed. the aspire one is slightly bigger (10") and for fat fingers, it's more comfortable.17:40
leohartxAkariChan: there is no such a pppoe process17:40
fosco_KDB9000,  sudo dpkg --force-all -P compiz-gnome17:40
md22whats the name of a good console bittorrent client17:41
reqqitAkariChan, I will say I think the EEE I saw, white, with japanese characters on the keyboard, looked more like a cyberpunk deck than the acer one, which looks like a pigmy laptop17:41
darkvertexOmar87: I personally haven't upgraded to Ibex since there would be a few issues with my hardware. My experience with Hardy is favourable, so I'm sticking to it, for the moment at least.17:41
Slartmd22: rtorrent is one I think17:41
KDB9000fosco_, failed17:41
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:41
AkariChanreqqit: haha. to each his own taste. I like my form factor a lot.17:41
fosco_KDB9000, wow :-/17:41
darkvertexOmar87: About the network applet, may be you can add it manually through Add-To-Panel?17:41
AkariChanKDB9000: it's really broken now.17:42
reqqitAkariChan, yeah, I like the EEE form factor, that is what I am saying :p17:42
PeskyJmd22: I use rtorrent and love it :)17:42
Omar87darkvertex: 'kay, thanks for everything. :)17:42
FFForeverhow do i install vimtutor?17:42
darkvertexOmar87: right on. C U17:42
KDB9000AkariChan, I have fixed it to were it sin't reported as a broken package but it doesn't help me much after that.17:42
AkariChanreqqit: i was going to pick up the aspireone, but the only thing drawing me back is its battery life and the fact that opening it up is quite a hassle.17:42
reqqitAkariChan, on the A1, I am going to try and put an option 3G gsm stick inside it, take the case off and clip it onto the motherboard, should fit ok. Mine also has 1.5gb ram17:42
Promillehey. some wine gurus who can help me? got no answer at #winehq...17:42
reqqitAkariChan, yeah, it was a real pain :p17:42
xxSimxxHi i have a problem with my audio chipset driver installation17:42
BittarmanI almost bought an Aspire One, then i saw the battery life :p17:43
xxSimxxAny can help me?17:43
jribFFForever: install vim (or vim-gnome).  By default only vim-tiny is installed17:43
Promillehey. some wine gurus who can help me? got no answer at #winehq...17:43
AkariChanreqqit: mine's a 2gb, with touchscreen and a 80gb upgrade i did a while ago. i was going to add the HSPDA but I was too lazy soldering.17:43
reqqitBittarman, what is wrong with it? I think I've been using it for 4 hours no problems :/17:43
reqqittouchscreen? ooh. how did you do that? resistive? or optical?17:43
djbenderis there and acer apire one IRC channel?17:43
Bittarmanreally? thats twice what alot of people seem to get out of them.17:44
reqqitblender segfaults on it tho' :(17:44
reqqitI'll try with 8.10 and blender17:44
reqqitAkariChan, you wouldn't happen to know anything about VRAM on iAKTOS installs would you? ;-)17:44
AkariChanah. evil osx.17:44
AkariChani do, for a bit. but not happy with osx so i didn't learn more :)17:45
reqqitAkariChan, wow, best photobucket page evar17:45
moodedhey all.. anybody knows how i can stop my headset from being recognized as a keyboard (which somehow seems to cause troubles...) .. im a bit clueless about how to tweak "config/hal" stuff...  http://pastebin.com/d5085e27017:45
AkariChanthanks :)17:45
reqqitAkariChan, iphone sdk tho'.... SDK works fine on my hackintosh, but blender says no VRAM, but system reports 256mb17:45
ljuwaidahgtg, later17:45
AkariChanah. it's restrictive. it's been reported the iphone sdk won't work on hackintosh at all.17:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:46
krihi, i have libmp3lame0_3.98.2-0.0_i386.deb and libmp3lame-dev_3.98.2-0.0_i386.deb what do i do now to isntall them to audacious?17:46
AkariChannow that I have virtualbox running along ubuntu, im happy to have seamless mode with winblows vista on my intrepid :)17:47
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Promillehey. some wine gurus who can help me? got no answer at #winehq...17:47
Picikri: Double click on them in Gnome.17:47
tux9778how do you access your network in 8.04?17:47
PiciPromille: Then be patient there.17:47
krii runned 'sudo dpkg -i filename.deb'17:48
PromillePici: sorry.. just very frustated.. ill be patient17:48
Picikri: That works too17:48
moodedtux9778, what exactly do you mean, by "access your network" ?17:48
reqqitAkariChan, :((( damnit (iphone sdk not working) the xcode runs fine, everything else I've tested... still wanted blender to run tho'... I am waiting for my macbook!17:48
kriand after that17:48
krihm what then?17:48
tux9778access my samba shares on another ubuntu box17:48
reqqitAnyone used 15" and 13" macbooks side by side?17:48
Picireqqit: Is this Ubuntu related?17:49
MeddersHi, I've got a problem with my menu bar. I'm not sure why, but the text colour stays white, even when I change to a light theme. Any body know what I could do to fix it?17:49
kriPici: what should i do after this dpkg -i command?17:49
reqqitPici, can I install Ubuntu on a macbook?17:49
oOarthurOoI want to take a screenshot of this page, but it's pretty long. Do I need to take several and stitch them together? I have gimp and gnome-screenshot installed17:49
Picikri: Run audacious?17:49
oOarthurOooh and imagemagick17:49
Picireqqit: You can, but I'm not sure where you're going with your question.17:49
kriPici: dont i have to make? and make install before that?17:49
sum-ithow can i make videos of screenshots17:49
moodedtux9778, i suppose using the standard-fileexplorer->network (menu point), though i havent tried it yet, since i got no windows-machine here atm..17:50
Picikri: No.  .debs are binaries in most cases, theres no need to compile.17:50
fosco_sum-it, gtk-recordmydesktop17:50
oOarthurOosum-it: I used kino. I think gimp has an animation plugin now.17:50
jimmacdonaldHas anyone else had problems with creating a startup thumbdrive from a LiveCD?17:50
geniisum-it: You mean a slideshow from stills, or how to record the motion on your desktop?17:50
Led-HedI'm running the 8.10 LiveCD, and installed OpenSSH-Server,  but I cant connect.  Anyone know what the password is for the LiveCD root account?17:50
nicolas_hi, i've just installed ubuntu 8.10 64 bits but i cant get mi atheros wlan AR242x 802.11abg work, any help?17:50
tux9778it works fine on windows mooded i just want to access my shares on ubuntu 8.0417:51
geniiLed-Hed: It doesn't have one17:51
CluberI'm having a screen resolution problem. I can't go higher than 800x600. What's wrong?17:51
sum-itjust like windows movie maker in windows17:51
kriPici: ok good is there now the icecast2-plugin. BUT then when i try to install mplayer 'sudo apt-get install mplayer' will remove these lovelly _very_ necessary packages libmp3lame-dev~.deb and libmp3lame0-dev~... what to do to install mplayer now?17:51
Led-Hedgenii, so how might I go about logging in to it via SSH?17:51
nicolas_ hi, i've just installed ubuntu 8.10 64 bits but i cant get mi atheros wlan AR242x 802.11abg work, any help?17:51
AkariChankri: you can always try the svn package of mplayer.17:51
kriAkariChan: svn package?17:51
geniiLed-Hed: By "doesn't have one"    means use Enter key or so for the password17:51
AkariChankri: apt-get install subversion17:51
Out_Coldhey guys.. i'm trying to figure out why this command won't produce STDOUT-put 'tar -cC /home/user'17:52
Picikri: Is there a reason that you didn't install them from the repositories?17:52
Guest98680rewrite_module is the same as mod_rewrite?17:52
Led-Hednicolas_, thats gonna get anoying real quick17:52
Cluberhttp://pastebin.com/m267baa40 Output from command, why is the maximum 800x600?17:52
Promillenicolas_: what doesnt work about it?17:52
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kriPici: yes i needed the latest build (2.~0) audacious to get the plugins needed for icecast2 server.17:52
AkariChankri:   svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer17:52
moodedtux9778, so you have a samba-server running ? which i think is necessary to provide shares to other machines ,)17:52
Picikri: mplayer depends on a different version of those packages that are in the repos.17:52
nicolas_it doesnt show me any conection17:52
Led-Hedgenii, ok then what user acount should I connect as, since it doesn't have a root account?17:52
AkariChankri: run them by steps.17:52
tux9778mooded yes17:52
AkariChanonce you retrieved the package, go into the folder, ./configure, make, make install.17:53
moodedtux, k - what is then the exact problem ? why cant your windows-machine list the shares on your ubuntu-machine ? (timeout while connecting ? invalid credentials ? )17:53
kiccohello, i need help with acpi and acer laptop, has andybody ever fought against that?17:54
tux9778mooded what do i use to exactly to see my shares from 8.0417:54
Cluberhttp://pastebin.com/m267baa40 Output from xrandr command, why is the maximum 800x600?17:54
xxSimxxHi, during the installation of my alsa driver i have 2 errors17:54
chadeldridgeDoes anyone know what actual gstreamer codecs are needed to run songbird .. short of installing all 112mb of gstreamer0.10 files ?17:54
tux9778mooded every thing works just wondering witch app or whatever to use to access from linux to linux17:54
kiccoi need to pass acpi=off to kernel otherwise it won't boot, but so my wlan card does not work17:55
geniiLed-Hed: Use "whoami" on the livecd to find out the username it's on as17:55
Cluberis it broadcom?17:55
moodedtux9778, you could use "smbclient" or a simple "mount -t smbfs //remotehost/remoteshare /mnt/smb -o username=<yourusername>" for example..17:55
tux9778ok ill try that mooded17:56
Led-Hedgenii, cant I'm not at the LiveCD box anymore.  Set it up this morning, installed SSHd then went to work.  :(17:56
maximej #infexious17:56
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geniiLed-Hed: The default as I recall is     ubuntu@ubuntu17:57
suspect43hey, does anyone know how to read info manuals in emacs? for example, what is the equivalent of typing "info pidgin" at the shell?17:57
moodedtux9778, and as i said.. the gnome-fileexplorer supports viewing smb-shares too..17:57
jmarsdenLed-Hed: I think the default livecd username may be ubuntu -- worth a try?  ssh ubuntu@
tux9778ok thanks mooded that u were talking about the windows one im sorry17:58
moodedno problem .. i prolly said it in a way easily to misunderstand ;)17:58
cypherusis there anyone here that is familiar with security systems like zoneminder or motion?17:58
CluberCan anyone help me with my screen reso?17:58
ubuntunick tamere17:59
=== ubuntu is now known as tamere
jmarsdensuspect43: M-x info should get you into info mode in emacs17:59
tamerehi guys17:59
AkariChanquestion: what's the best way to back up your system, other than backing up your .debs?18:00
moodedcluber, better tell your problem than asking if anybody is willing to help ;)18:00
Out_ColdAkariChan, make a tar file18:00
suspect43jmarsden: i know. from there, i can access a number of manuals, but not all that are installed (and viewable from info)18:00
krihm maybe cause software sources is set to http://debian-lth.se/debian-multimedia/ lenny main18:00
regebroHiya! I18:00
south_korea** where can i download rom files for mame (?)18:00
dekushrubi'm using ubuntu 8.10 and the restricted wireless driver from the repositories and sometimes i'll get kernel panic from the driver, is there a fix to this18:00
AkariChanout_cold: of the whole system? starting from /?18:00
cypherusI am trying to set up Motion properly and am running into issues.  I am using a network camera and had it running last week, but made some mistakes and started over with 8.1018:01
jvm_hi. i am not sure whether i found a bug or not; can someone support me with a bug report in a query?18:01
Out_Coldhmm.. i'd take important stuff... but do as much as you need18:01
cypherusnow I am getting errors when I try to load the config file18:01
regebroI'm trying out 8.10 on a MacBook, and I'm trying to get the wifi working from the LiveCD. Any hints for doing this?18:01
Picijvm_: Join #ubuntu-bugs and ask :)18:01
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AkariChanquestion: is there an equivalent package similar to "Dreamscene" in windows vista for gnome?18:02
cypherus"could not open configfile /etc/motion/motion.conf: Permission denied"18:02
regebroI've enabled the hardware driver, did a modprobe on the driver, which seemed to work. And... then what?18:02
Pirate_Hunterhi i have screen running on my other comp and i wish to connect to it but screen is still attached would this command still work i.e. screen -r 31619.ttyp2.gigan18:02
jvm_thanks Pici.18:02
kriAkariChan: im sorry bot i noticed my package manager was set to debian i now have restored it back if i 'sudo apt-get install mplayer' now will it remove libmp3lame-dev?18:02
Out_ColdAkariChan, if you are going to start backing up from / you should look into using dd as a device copier18:02
AkariChanOut_Cold: i see, thanks. I'll man dd18:03
AkariChankri: it will.18:03
Enissaywich log can i use to synchronize subtitles?18:03
dekushrubdoes anyone know about the wireless driver in the repositories causing kernel panic?18:04
Cluberplease help18:04
kriok so if i 1. 'sudo apt-get install subversion'? and then 'svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer' it will not?18:04
jmarsdensuspect43: You should add the others to the menu... see   man install-info18:04
moodedAkariChan, not really afaik.. if you just like a nice desktop try the "compiz-fusion" stuff.. i dunno if it supports animated backgrounds though..18:04
AkariChankri: exactly.18:04
kriok i try it18:04
AkariChanbecause it is not based on debian package.18:04
noodlesgcdekushrub what driver is it?18:05
cypherusHere's the full error http://paste.ubuntu.com/70097/18:05
Out_Coldhmm.... i tried a training command.... and now my STDOUT is going nuts lol18:05
south_korea** where can i download rom files for mame (?)18:05
Out_Coldsouth_korea, try searching google18:05
moodedsouth_korea, damn wrong channel to ask18:05
Clubercan anyone see me talking?18:05
moodedcluber.. i even replied to you18:06
scienteswhy does hard drive transferrs heavily effect my processor?18:06
Out_Coldyes Cluber18:06
regebroWifi + LiveCD help? Please?18:06
Cluberdid you lol18:06
bulletrideyes clubber18:06
scientesmakes things skip that are hd-non-intensive18:06
loxs[]hello folks, could you tell me how ubuntu handles windows partitions? As far as I see, there is nothing in /etc/fstab regarding them18:06
kriAkariChan: i instaled subversion but step 2 gets error command not found 'sudo: svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk: command not found18:06
ardi_kkhello, i am getting some veard behaviour with my lenovo thinkpad r 60 battery backup reporting.  i had an old battery which now gives 2 hours 5 minits backup.  so I decided to change it after a year because it has a 1 hour drop.18:06
ardi_kkbut the second battery which is new is also giving same backup report18:06
Cluberhttp://pastebin.com/m267baa40 Output from xrandr command, why is the maximum 800x600?18:06
cypherusI've already edited the .conf file, but am having a problem with permissions...not sure what the problem is now18:06
AkariChan!offtopic | south_korea18:06
ubottusouth_korea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:06
Out_Coldloxs[],  you can get a ntfs reader out of the package repos18:06
xxSimxxAny can help me?....18:07
ardi_kkI know that the new battery can't be that bad and it does give 3 hours 45 minits backup18:07
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moodedxxSimxx, dont ask to ask - just ask :)18:07
ardi_kkis there a proper way to find out proper battery backup time?18:07
jvm_why is it so hard to downgrade a system with apt-get?18:07
xxSimxxi have 2 error during the installation18:07
regebroSomebody must know what is needed to load a Wifi-driver?18:07
scunizi!wireless | regebro18:08
ubotturegebro: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:08
cypherusHere's the full error http://paste.ubuntu.com/70097/18:08
Out_Coldregebro, in my experiences ( which hasn't been to much) the live cd does not always load all the drivers that you can get from a full install and update18:08
jmarsdensuspect43: Looks like you can also hit g inside Emacs info mode and type in (filename)nodename to go straight to a node in a file.18:08
cypherusI've already edited the .conf file, but am having a problem with permissions...not sure what the problem is now18:08
Cluberhttp://pastebin.com/m267baa40 Output from xrandr command, why is the maximum 800x600? I want my screen resolution 1024x768 but it's not an option.18:09
ardi_kkcan some one tell me why my new battery and my old battery give same backup time?  i know that is not the case but that is what ubuntu reports on my laptop.18:09
zax_permisions matter18:09
regebroOut_Cold: Yeah, that's the case, I'm trying to figure out how to load them.18:09
danubquick question, i added a fstab entry to mount my windows share, but trying to access the files by anyone other then root results in a permission denied error. I think there was some umask code i was supposed to use in the fstab entry but i cant remember what thre entry was... anyone know it off the top of their heads?18:09
Out_ColdCluber, have you seen if your video card driver is in use?18:09
akazawaxhi I ran badblocks and the only output after it was done was this: 13421766418:09
CluberHow do i see that?18:09
akazawaxwhat does this mean? is this an error code?18:09
Out_ColdCluber, system>admin>hardware18:09
moodedxxSimxx, no idea.. could be quite a lot --- sry..18:09
Cluber"Hardware Testing" ? ubuntu 8.1018:10
kuroI used dd to copy my ubuntu 8.10 partition to another partition on the same HD but now i don't know how to add the new partition to grub. I copied sda4 to sda3 if that helps18:10
danubis it "umask=0244"?18:10
jonathonhow do i download a file through the terminal sshed into another box.?18:10
xxSimxxok =/18:10
Out_ColdCluber,  is your card in use?18:10
AlabamaHitWhat is a Terminal command to Delete a shortcut .......... the shortcut is a folder.....18:10
akazawaxjonathon, wget18:10
danubjonathon: i think you have to use scp for that... i dont think ssh supports file transfers18:11
moodedxxSimxx, maybe an alsa-channel might be a better place to ask18:11
xxSimxxCan i have an other option to install my sound driver?18:11
CluberHow do i know if it's in use? I am just running "Hardware Drivers" now...18:11
xxSimxxLike in the synaptic paquet?18:11
fosco_AlabamaHit, rm -f shortcut18:11
loxs[]Out_Cold, there is no package named ntfs-reader (or similar)18:11
CluberIt says.18:11
AlabamaHitfosco_, thanks :)18:11
jonathonakazawax,  that worked but it is .tar how i install that?18:11
scuniziAlabamaHit, is the folder in your /home directory?  then rm -Rf shortcut18:11
CluberOut_Cold: "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system."18:11
AlabamaHitscunizi, i have delteed the folder already, its a shortcut im trying to delte.18:12
Out_Coldloxs[], the package is 'ntfs-3g'18:12
loxs[]Out_Cold, thanks18:12
Out_Coldand Cluber sorry bud but if it's not a proprietary driver i dunno how to help18:12
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danubanyone know how to mount a windows network share with appropriate permissions using fstab entry?18:12
danubonly root can run the data on the share which isn't what i want18:13
kpo2008alguien habla español18:13
akazawaxjonathon, what are you downloading to install?18:13
AlabamaHitThanks for the help guys :)18:13
scuniziAlabamaHit, you said the shortcut was a folder or in a folder.. if the folder is gone then where is the shortcut?  Still, if it's in your /home directory someplace then rm -f shortcutname should do it.18:13
IdleOne!es | kpo200818:13
ubottukpo2008: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:13
jonathonakazawax, http://irssi.org/files/irssi-0.8.12.tar.gz18:13
scuniziJonathanD, irssi is in the repos.. just sudo apt-get install irssi and you'll have it.18:14
noodlesgcdanub you may find what you're looking for in the mount man page. just type 'man mount'18:14
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rand0mabohey people, i've installed xfce4-panel in the gnome environment (for the simple reason of the iconbox option) and it seems to work just fine but.. question being - how do I get it to auto-start xfce4-panel when ubuntu starts up so i dont have to open it through terminal?18:14
akazawaxjonathon, are you ssh into a debian based, or an ubuntu machine?18:14
AlabamaHitscunizi, what i had was i use LAMP and i use a shortcut to a folder in the home directory so i can edit the files freely but i mistyped the location and made a shortcut to a folder that really was not there.....and i got it deleted now...i was mistyping the command..18:14
jonathonscunizi,  this is for a debian box not ubuntu.18:14
jonathonakazawax, debian18:14
sum-itwhile installing compiz with dpkg -i dpkg just closes with output "setting compiz .........."and it quits18:14
fosco_rand0mabo, system - preferences - session18:15
noodlesgcrand0mabo add it in system->preferences->sessions18:15
akazawaxjonathon, apt-get install irssi18:15
AlabamaHitis xubuntu debian?18:15
geniijonathon: Same. It also uses the apt-get way18:15
regebroscunizi: Thanks, I can't find anything there that helps me. It tells me how to check that things are loaded, not how to load them.. :)18:15
jonathonakazawax,  i tried that said cant find package18:15
regebroI see the interface in lsmod, but not in ifconfig.18:15
IdleOneAlabamaHit: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce frontend ( based off of debian )18:15
regebroThere must be some step missing there.18:15
scuniziregebro, sorry I don't have any additional info.. haven't been through trying to load an additional driver for wireless.. all mine work out of the box.18:16
regebrook, thanks18:16
moodeddanub, //<machineip>/<sharename> /mnt/mysmbmount smbfs auto,username=yourusername 0 0 ---- this should work..18:16
AlabamaHitcool, thanks for the help guys18:16
scunizijonathon, ah.. still it should be in debian's repos as well.. pretty common program18:16
jonathongenii,  akazawax  and scunizi  i tried the apt-get sayd could not find such file18:16
Xiolarhello all18:17
akazawaxjonathon, try apt-get update to update the repositories18:17
danuboh crap... that might be why... im using cifs instead of smbfs18:17
gerekHello there. Im new to the LINUX, Ive changed something in boot grub menu.lst and I dont know if I did it right. I would like XP to be on the top of the list and ubuntu after Other operating systems. Is this right ? http://pastebin.com/m38a3301a18:17
danubill give that a shot18:17
jmarsdenregebro: Are you trying to discover the modprobe command??18:17
gerekThanx to the one that replays!18:17
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:17
regebrojmarsden: No, I got that far. I modprobed the bcmsomething driver, and it now shows up in lsmod.18:17
jonathonakazawax,  did but same thing.18:17
danubnope, still wont allow it18:17
regebroBut then I'm stuck. ifconfig still doesn't know of it.18:18
noodlesgcgerek it looks good to me18:18
XiolarCan anyone help me finding the GUI for X.org so I can configure my Samsung TV?18:18
jmarsdenregebro: Then that module *is* loaded...18:18
gereknoodlesgc, u sure ?18:18
scunizigerek, looks good but I don't see a reference for xp.. where is it?18:18
regebroYeah, should that be all that is needed? Because the networking doesn't seem to know that it's there.18:18
noodlesgcgerek thats not the entire list is it? You do have an entry for xp above those right?18:18
XiolarIs the GUI X.org built in already or do I need to download it?18:18
moodedXiolar, are you sure that gui-program runs on linux ?18:18
Xiolarits ubuntu18:19
akazawaxjonathon, what version of debian are you using18:19
skenhow can i update these packages? linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic 2.6.27-7.16 linux-image-2.6.27-7-server 2.6.27-7.16 linux-image-2.6.27-7-virtual 2.6.27-7.1618:19
geniijonathon: From #debian channel: <dpkg> irssi: (terminal based IRC client), section net, is optional. Version: 0.8.12-5 (sid), Packaged size: 1052 kB, Installed size: 2764 kB18:19
Xiolarnews say it has got it from v7.1018:19
gerekscunizi http://pastebin.com/m7ad379db18:19
regebroMaybe I can restart the netowrking. Hmmm18:19
gereknoodlesgc, sorry here is the entire list http://pastebin.com/m7ad379db18:19
geniijonathon: You may want to visit there instead of here in #ubuntu if you want Debian-specific support18:19
danubmy fstab entry reads " //machineip/netshare /mount/point smbfs username=user,password=pass,utf8 0 0"18:19
moodedXiolar, i guess we have a huge term-problem here.. ubuntu = os, x.org = windowmanager, gnome = desktopmanager.. in ubuntu 8.10 gnome (and all dependencies) is installed by default and theres no need to download anything.18:20
danubrun anything as a normal user18:20
Out_Coldis there a 'soft' halt for STDOUT-put?18:20
kriok i want to install mplayer without to remove the 'libmp3lame-dev' and 'libmp3lame0..' how do i do that? 'svn checkout svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/mplayer/trunk mplayer' did not work18:20
Xiolarso if I got it correct, its already installed then?18:20
noodlesgcgerek I think its good18:20
XiolarWhere can I find it?18:20
scunizigerek, yep there now.. looks good.. I also leave a copy of the lines in their original location just incase a kernel update changes the upper part of GRUB.. also did you make a backup of the original file?  if not do that.18:20
skenhow can i update these packages? linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic 2.6.27-7.16 linux-image-2.6.27-7-server 2.6.27-7.16 linux-image-2.6.27-7-virtual 2.6.27-7.1618:20
gereknoodlesgc ok Ill try rebppt18:20
AkariChankri: please check PM18:21
noodlesgcsken try sudo apt-get upgrade18:21
moodedXiolar, what program are you using to chat with us right now ?18:21
Picisken: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:21
Picisken: That is, if there are updated packages available in the repositories.18:21
XiolarmIRC but that on my Windows Machine, I got linux on the computer connect to the Samsung TV18:21
Out_Coldhow stable is the 8.10 now?? i tried when it first came out and had nothing but troubles..18:22
kiccohi, wireless on acer aspire, to have my system working i had to pass acpi=off to kernel but with no acpi i can't switch on my wireless card!18:22
moodedOut_Cold, just installed it yesterday.. and its nice so far ;)18:22
fosco_Out_Cold, no problem here18:22
danubwrong way to do it18:22
Out_Coldmaybe time for a upgrade huh18:22
noodlesgcOut_Cold it works for me18:22
schmoopdoes anyone have any ideas other than fs-driver for getting windows to read an ext3 raid6 DRIVE?18:22
moodeddanub: you might try addign uid=<wisheduid>, gid=<wishedaccessgid> to the param line18:22
danubgoogle "acer aspire 1 ubuntu"18:22
Xiolargot 8.04 (Ubuntu)18:22
skenhow can i learn which kernels i have?18:23
Out_Coldit's either i upgrade to 8.10 or downgrade to slackware lol18:23
noodlesgcsken uname -r18:23
skenmy pc as i see is updated18:23
jonathon_akazawax, still wont work18:23
goudkovis there a tool that can report disk io stats and list which files are being read/written?18:23
moodedxiolar, if your linux-installation starts.. do you have high-res graphics or does it look more like command-prompt in windows ?18:23
kiccodanub: tnx alot! i didn't find it.18:23
qpdbI have problems with createing shortcuts via gnome-keybinding-properties: when i try to set the windows key, it appears as "Super L" but i cant combine another key to it (like Super L is no modifier key). Other (default) shortcuts containing the winkey display them as "Mod4". Whats wrong with my winkey?18:24
luca9785hi, what is the package for administration the user on ubuntu? the exact name18:24
danubdidn't find what?18:24
Out_Coldwell... gotta go roll a fatty before i embark on this upgrade18:24
Xiolarthe normal 8.04 installtion18:24
Xiolarfrom the CD18:24
moodedXiolar, if it looks like command-prompt, you fked something up during installation.. otherwise everythings ok and you have also a GUI18:24
noodlesgcgoudkov, lsof for open files and smartctl for stats18:24
luca9785i have the "adduser" package but i need the gui that i find in ubuntu with classic installation18:24
XiolarI do have the GUI18:24
danubhow do i find out what my users guid/uid is?18:24
Xiolarthe only thing I want to fix is my resolution18:24
kiccodanub: that page18:24
moodeddanub: run "id"18:25
danubkicco: but your good to go know right?18:25
Xiolarbecause now its only 640X48018:25
luca9785i must install on lite ubuntu without a complete desktop manager18:25
Out_Coldfeel for ya Xiolar18:25
goudkovnoodlesgc: thanks18:25
moodeddanub, or "id <username>"18:25
geniidanub: Almost certainly 1000:100018:25
luca9785i install only gnome-core and gdm18:25
MexTuxI need help!! I downloaded this theme --> http://ubuntusoftware.info/software/themes/metal-theme.so I have installed it but when the usplash screen appears it is not full screen. I would like to have it full screen. Is it possible??18:25
jonathon_akazawax,  the irrsi will not install may it be by another name?18:25
luca9785but i need a gui for manage users18:25
danubgenii: nope, im 1000:0 :P18:25
kiccodanub: dunno18:26
omucuvacahello...i just moved something to "warkspace right"...how can i go to workspace right? :D18:26
Out_Coldsudo apt-get install irsii18:26
geniidanub: You should not be in the root group18:26
luca9785irsii? ok thanks18:26
moodeddanub, genii is so right ,)18:26
XiolarSo I got Ubuntu booted up right now, logged in and that stuff18:26
noodlesgcI thought it was irssi18:26
scuniziJonathon_ ,  it's irssi NOT irsii or irrsi18:26
luca9785not find...18:26
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eventmasterhello can somebody help me i have ClearChat PC Wireless this headset it doesnot working with skype18:26
Out_Coldi use irsii all the time.. it's irsii18:26
danubyea, but i goot tired of having to type in ter pass everytime i needed to apt-get or do something administrativer18:26
Xiolarhow can I add my 1360X768 resolution?18:26
jonathon_Out_Cold,   lol it would not work before now it does. scunizi  i got it installing18:26
noodlesgcOut_Cold I am chatting using it right now, its irssi18:27
Out_Coldoh yea.. 2 s's 1 i18:27
Out_Coldhad to double check18:27
scuniziJonathon_,  if you've never used irssi before then this might be good reading.. even if you have used it but haven't used screen it's still good. http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi18:28
XiolarX.org Config GUI?18:28
jonathon_Out_Cold,  how do i open the gui of it?18:28
Stalker72I've uploaded a bunch of Linux distributions on The Pirate Bay and I need some help seeding ! :)18:28
Out_Coldirssi is not a gui application18:28
moodedXiolar, i guess you already tried "system->settings->resolution" (or similar) ?18:28
jonathon_scunizi,  thanks.18:28
scuniziJonathon_, just type irssi to get it started.. no gui.. all text based.. in terminal18:28
noodlesgcjonathon_ for a IRC client with a GUI try xchat-gnome18:28
Xiolar@mooded, yes It only shows up with two sh!tty resolutions18:28
moodedXiolar, as im on german enviroment the menues are titled different for me18:28
Out_Coldyou want a GUI irc chat client use xchat or pidgin18:28
jonathon_Out_Cold,  i was looking more for a gui one.18:28
J2daoshok, still not working for me :(18:29
J2daoshi can access the file and run it now18:29
moodedXiolar, what graphics card do you have ?18:29
Xiolarits ok mooded, your english is fine18:29
scunizinoodlesgc, jonathon_, xchat without the -gnome is better and should also be in the repos for Debian18:29
Xiolara Nvidia18:29
krijonathon_: get a terminal up and change the colors to black and type irssi you will learn in in not time18:29
J2daoshbut it wont let me run it because it has an error starting the daemon18:29
Xiolargot the latest drivers18:29
krithe number1 benefit with linux is irssi18:29
goudkovnoodlesgc: that's not it. i need something to show me reading/writing which files makes the io system most busy at the moment.18:29
Xiolarbecause it advised me to download those18:29
J2daoshit works fine as root, cept for those annoying "we STRONGLY suggest you DON'T run as ROOT18:29
moodedXiolar, then please go to "system->system settings->hardware driver" or smth18:29
scuniziXiolar, you might try installed "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings" to help adjust the cards resolution18:30
Stalker72Can someone help me seed my Linux torrents? :)18:30
moodedXiolar, install the nvidia-driver from there.. (177 is the recommended version iirc)18:30
J2daoshanyone run a TS server in linux here?18:30
noodlesgcgoudkov, might not be exactly what you want, but try powertop18:30
Xiolarok @scunizi ill try18:30
jonathon_scunizi,  the xchat is bugged18:30
Xiolarone moment18:30
kriStalker72: help you with the actual seeding or get you going?18:30
goudkovnoodlesgc: thanks. i'll check it out18:30
IdleOne!ot | Stalker7218:30
ubottuStalker72: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:30
kriStalker72: i use transmission but i want to go to libtorrent.18:30
krihave not installed it18:30
Stalker72kri: The actual seeding.. ;)18:30
Out_Coldjonathon_, make sure you use the 'Xchat' and not xchat-gnome18:30
Stalker72ubottu: OK!18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok!18:31
scunizijonathon_ ,, how so?  I've been using it for years.. with every upgrade from ubuntu..18:31
moodedjonathon_, xchat is fine.. only xchat-gnome is a pita18:31
XiolarDownloading and installing now :>18:31
oscnayeralguien habla español18:31
Stalker72kri: http://thepiratebay.org/user/Stalker72/18:31
kriStalker72: can you guide me to a installation of libtorrent i help seed + something. :)18:31
Stalker72kri: PM?18:31
kriStalker72: uuuw, tpb18:31
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Out_Coldgoing to roll a fatty18:31
jonathon_scunizi,  give me a min i will give youa  copy of the bug. and i am trying to get irrsi set up please hang tight for me.18:31
krihttp://thepiratebay.org/user/krille/ <- pro name18:31
scuniziXiolar, you should also enable the hardware drivers mentioned to you before by mooded18:31
AkariChankri: does it work?18:32
Xiolarok installed and working, where to now?18:32
kriAkariChan: its compiling. :)18:32
XiolarI got them working :)18:32
Xiolarthose drivers18:32
Stalker72kri: Do you need help with getting libtorrent?18:32
Xiolarnow iam in a low ress screen :P18:32
scuniziJonathon_, k.. hopefully it's not an old bug..18:32
kriWell i think i can google it and go with some guide (cause i dont want to apt-get it) but it would be pleasent with help, yes.18:32
skenany clue why  i open my window my window flickers18:33
moodedXiolar, if the drivers are indeed working and loaded you should be able to configure your nvidia-card x settings in "system->system settings->nvidia xserver settings" or smth18:33
Stalker72kri: I searched for libtorrent in Synaptic and I got Deluge BitTorrent Client18:33
Stalker72kri: Is it that one?18:33
scuniziXiolar, did you install the restricted drivers mooded mentioned?  if so in terminal type sudo nvidia-settings and the gui will appear for adjustment.18:33
Xiolaryes I did18:33
kriStalker72: no.18:34
Xiolarbut where do I go next?18:34
Xiolariam in the NVIDIA X Server settings18:34
Ximalis there anyone here who might know how to host a tracker server for torrents or what it is called .. the server type or name ?18:34
AkariChanquestion: what's a good tool to record your destkop actions as a video file?18:34
fosco_AkariChan, gtk-recordmydesktop18:35
XiolarI have a GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS Card18:35
masterjamieHi everyone, I'm having trouble trying to pair my bluetooth mouse in Ubuntu 8.10.18:35
AkariChanfosco_: wonderful, thanks.18:35
darrendhi - how do I stop the CPU scaling under AC power?  I don't want it to use on-demand unless I'm on battery.  In gconf-editor (apps/gnome-power-manager/cpufreq I already have policy_ac=performance so no idea why it is scaling)18:35
jonathon_scunizi,  here is the bug and the other bug of when i tried to do the bug fix on it. http://pastebin.com/m7bf2790318:35
scuniziXiolar, go to X server display  config then at the bottom choose advanced and see what it says in "Panning".. change it to what you need and make sure that Resolution is set to auto or the desired resolution.18:36
Xiolarok :D18:36
Xiolarwill try18:36
noodlesgcgoudkov ok, just found this, try atop18:36
geniiXimal: If you have a webserver running the package name is libapache2-mod-bt18:36
Ximalthanks i think..18:36
goudkovnoodlesgc: i'm checking powertop, doesn't seem like what i need, but a great tool. i think i'll be using it when running on battery. i'll check atop. thanks.18:37
glaciushey guys quick question how do i disable my touchpad on my notebook, it can be annoying18:37
Ximalbut genii : will it change my www.server to a tracker server instead ?18:37
skenanother question why when i open a window the window freeze or flicker18:37
ironfoot_495Hello I need some ideas on fixing my localhost. The problem is when I run http://localhost it comes back saying localhost not found. I've looked at a lot of similliar problems but still my localhost does,nt work.18:37
NewbeeI have a problem with the networkmanager in kubuntu 8.10. It doesn't work with static ip adresses. It would be nice if anybody of you could help me.18:37
skenfor a while18:37
moodedXimal, there are plenty of trackers for dl.. i dont remember the name of a really good one anymore ,)) anyways, google for it .. you'll find loads of em18:37
grendal_primehey guys im installing 8.10 on a dell 1100 laptop with intel video card, I get the insatall screen then the install progress indicator, then a black screen.  The system is loaded because i can alt+ctrl through the terminals but the xterms are just black.  is there something special i need to do to get x to read my vid card?18:37
scunizijonathon_  never seen that and don't experience it on my system.. might be unique to his system and install.. he doesn't mention much in the way of particulars about his system and what's installed.18:37
slowlearnerironfoot_495 you need a webserver18:37
geniiXimal: It's just an apache2 plugin to extend the webserver. It won't prevent anything else you already have from running18:38
ironfoot_495slowlearner: I do have apache2?18:38
grendal_primethe laptop was running debian etch before this.18:39
Ximalthanks genii i appreciate it ;)18:39
ironfoot_495slowlearner: is there something I'm missing???18:39
scuniziironfoot_495, you might try typing in instead of local host.. for some reason I have the same issue on my system.. you don't need a web server if it's not needed.. cups is at localhost:631 or it's the server for your printing system.18:39
goat_srvironfoot_495: is it running?  check in terminal command ps -aux18:39
ischlikyanyone know why my sound would be disabled in totem, and music players wont load music anymore? it was working before and alsa seems to be fine18:39
craigtaoWhere have list SCIM-???  IMEngines18:40
ironfoot_495ok using ps -aux18:40
moodedischliky, you installed another soundcard ? (like usb-headset for example?)18:40
XiolarI cant click the damn thing18:40
goat_srvironfoot_495: look for apache instances18:40
slowlearnerironfoot_495 why are you accessing localhost?18:40
XiolarIt keeps flipping around18:40
scuniziironfoot_495, if you have apache installed try
ischlikyno, there have been no hardware changes made(or software that i was aware of)18:40
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Xiolarbecause the screen is too damn small18:41
NewbeeIf there is any problem with my English, I will try to improve my description18:41
craigtaoSCIM IMEngines   where is list  ?18:41
moodedischliky, hmm.. gnome-volume-control still works for the card ?18:41
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akazawaxhi I ran badblocks and the only output after it was done was this: 13421766418:41
akazawaxwhat does this mean? is this an error code?18:42
geniiXimal: np18:42
goodgood moring18:42
goodevery one........18:42
goodLong time no see.18:42
goat_srvakazawax: that is likely the block number of the bad block, but i'm not familiar with that utility18:43
omucuvacahello, i need a way to save terminal commands in a file that will run when i double click it...what extension does it need? something like .bat in windoze18:43
goodHow are you ?18:43
ischlikymooded, it seems so, it look broken at all18:43
grendal_primeanybody have experience with a straight up black screen install with 8.10?18:43
jonathon_how do i join freenode in irssi?18:43
goat_srv!absg | omucuvaca18:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about absg18:43
Frekudont need extension18:43
goodI'm doing great.18:43
RolfCoptromucuvaca: you can call it whatever you want as long as u set it +x18:43
scunizi!bash | omucuvaca18:43
ubottuomucuvaca: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:43
goat_srv!abs | omucuvaca18:43
ubottuomucuvaca: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/18:43
moodedomucuvaca, name the file as you want.. chmod 700 myfile ... and the file should have "'#!/bin/sh" as first line..18:43
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dr_willisomucuvaca,  also start the first line with #!/bin/bash     Or you may get odd results.18:43
dr_willisomucuvaca,  or sh :) either one.. depends on your needs.18:44
omucuvacathanx guys :D18:44
AkariChanquestion: how do i convert an ogv to an avi file?18:44
ironfoot_495goat_srv: Here the command you gave me.http://pastebin.com/m64a15c1318:44
=== naruto is now known as Awang
scuniziAkariChan, maybe avidimux18:44
AkariChanthanks, scunizi18:44
grendal_primeok trying safe graphics mode we shall see how that goes18:44
scuniziAkariChan, np..18:44
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jadamsdoes compiz work out of the box in intrepid on ati hardware?  I know late in the beta it didn't18:45
goodHow are you ?18:45
ironfoot_495scunizi: I type in and still get no results other than not found.18:45
dr_willisAkariChan,  or ffmpeg, or mencoder18:45
goodI'm doing great.18:45
goat_srvironfoot_495: in the same term type ping localhost18:45
moodedischliky, and the sound isnt muted ? also did you check the configuration of the player so that it uses the right card ?18:45
turtle_wine not working for me18:45
masterjamieI'm having trouble regarding BT in 8.10. I've tried to pair my mouse with my PC, but it says "Device paring failed."18:45
goat_srvironfoot_495: ctrl+c will stop that command18:45
jonathon_scunizi,  i got xchat gnome working good in term.18:45
goodWhat's up ?18:45
jonathon_thank you.18:45
scuniziironfoot_495, try putting a colon and 80 at the end.. like..
ironfoot_495goat_srv: ok18:45
goat_srvironfoot_495: whats the result?18:45
goodoh.Nothing special.18:45
regebrois there a way to enable restricted drivers directly on boot with the LiveCD?18:45
jribmasterjamie: check bugs.ubuntu.com?18:45
scuniziJonathon_ you mean you started it in terminal and it opened the gui?18:45
goodHi.long time no see.18:45
moodedischliky, did you try to set it in "system->audio" as your standard-output device ? could you successfully test it there ?18:45
regebroI can't even find a documentation of what paremeters there are for the boot18:46
jribregebro: remaster the live cd?18:46
jonathon_yes scunizi18:46
ischlikymooded, yes it worked say 2 hours ago, but now music players just skip songs instantly, almost like the codec is gone now?18:46
goodSo far so good.18:46
sinanwhat's the difference between "free" and "available" when checking a partition using the system monitor?18:46
goodSo far so gooooooooooooood18:46
slowlearnerironfoot_495 do you have a webserver or something thus the need to access localhost on the browser?18:46
scunizijonathon_... good it should also be located off Applications>Internet18:46
goat_srvslowlearner: yes, he has apache2 running18:46
ReyReyI just used DVDDecrypter through Wine to backup my movie.. now i can't find the files???? where on ubuntu is the "C" drive?18:46
ironfoot_495scunizi: Not Found The requested URL / was not found on this server.18:47
jribReyRey: wine uses ~/.wine/drive_c/18:47
regebrojrib: Which sounds almost as complicated as repartitioning the HD and installing it properly, judging from the docs. :-/18:47
moodedischliky, maybe a permission problem (i cant explain what might have caused it) ..18:47
goat_srvironfoot_495: cat /etc/hosts18:47
goat_srvironfoot_495: paste that output18:47
jribregebro: what are you actually trying to accomplish?18:47
moodedischliky, are you in group "audio" (run : groups <your-username>18:47
regebroI'm trying to get Wifi working with the livecd. There is a restricted driver, and I enable it, but nothing happens.18:47
scuniziironfoot_495, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart18:48
jribregebro: "nothing happens"?  Is the module loaded?  Have you tried just logging out and back in so nm notices?18:48
ischlikymooded, i dont see an audio when i do that18:48
ironfoot_495goat_srv: I get a weird resonse???18:48
regebrojrib: I don't know what more I would need to do, so I wanted to have the restricted driver enabled at boot up, to see if that made a difference.18:48
goat_srvironfoot_495: from cat /etc/hosts ?18:49
regebrojrib: It didn't load, no, but it loaded if I modprobed it.18:49
ischlikymooded, i have adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare  as my return18:49
CCmonsterhey folks. Quick question. I have LAMP installed. How do I share the www folder with people to preview things18:49
moodedischliky, then "sudo vi /etc/group" and add your username behind the line: "audio:x:29"18:49
regebroI haven't tried logging out and in after doing the modprobe. trying now.18:49
automatikis it true that all ports are closed in ubuntu?18:49
moodedischliky, the "29" can vary18:49
goat_srvautomatik: no, thats false18:49
automatikafter initial install?18:49
Out_ColdCCmonster, make sure your firewall allows port 8018:49
moodedischliky, mine looks like: "audio:x:29:pulse,mooded"18:49
automatikhardy 8.0418:49
dr_willisautomatik,  well theres very few services running by default  - so most are not 'open' :)18:49
test__hi jonathon_18:50
moodedischliky, dont forget to save what you typed in with : " :wq" then enter..18:50
CCmonsterOut_Cold, how do I check my firewall for port 80?18:50
automatikhow can i check to see if the ports on my router are open in ubuntu?18:50
moodedischliky, "the -- > : <--  ( i guess its called "colon" is important)18:50
ReyReyjrib: I can't find where wine is in all the folders? and if you put a period infront of the word doesn't that make it dissapear as in you can't see the folder?18:50
jonathon_hello test__18:50
Paddy_EIREautomatik: same as you would on any other system18:50
Out_ColdCCmonster, if you have Firestarter installed that would be a good GUI start18:50
jribReyRey: ctrl-h will make .wine show up in your home directory in nautilus18:51
moodedautomatik, go to the webinterface of your router and look at the settings18:51
shadowwulfquestion, trying to install nvidia driver from envy. when i start it goes into low graphics mode, but when i pick my monitor or something close to it ..i get a out of range error ... any suggestions how to avoid this ?18:51
automatikdid that18:51
ischlikymooded,  atm it says audio:x:29:18:51
dr_willisautomatik,  use some of those portscanner web sites :)18:51
shadowwulfi am trying to run dual screens18:51
moodedischliky, then add your username behind the last colon :)18:51
CCmonsteri just did an apt-get on firestarter18:51
automatikportscanner web sites?18:51
ohubuntuhow do i check the firewall on ubuntu?18:52
CCmonsterwhat do I have to do so I can make that www folder previewable from the net18:52
Out_ColdCCmonster, is it installing?18:52
goat_srvautomatik: for example grc.com18:52
CCmonster yes. its installing18:52
dr_willisohubuntu,  check what part of it? 'sudo iptables --list' shows all current rules18:52
CCmonsterdone. Its installed18:52
Out_Coldnot much.. should be viewable out of the box18:52
ironfoot_495goat_srv: this is the result of ps -aux ping localhost ->http://pastebin.com/d59c1ee4b18:52
Paddy_EIREautomatik: no.. you would use the routers configuration page in a web browser18:52
ischlikymooded, do i need to refresh anything then to make changes apply?18:52
scienteshow could i go about converting my home partition to lvm encrypted?18:52
moodedischliky, no simply save the file.. with ":wq"18:52
dr_willisautomatik most routers are very closed as well.. at least the good ones are. :)18:52
goat_srvironfoot_495: i'm sorry, disregard those commands, and type cat /etc/hosts18:53
scuniziironfoot_495, how did you install apache2?18:53
moodedischliky, then do a "groups yourusername" to check if your in that group nopw18:53
Paddy_EIREautomatik: maybe you should ask more precisely what you want.. as in ask how to access your routers config page18:53
automatikthe router is ok18:53
ironfoot_495slowlearner: I don't know what you mean???18:53
Paddy_EIREautomatik: well why are you asking about port18:53
ReyReyWhere is the "C" drive in ubuntu under WINE?18:53
DjainetteHi, everyone. I'm having some problem with NetworkManager, and it seems I'm not the only one. Anyone have some updates about a fix ?18:53
automatiki only wanted to know if there are any closed ports in the kernel by default18:53
Out_ColdCCmonster, run firestarter and add a rule to allow incoming traffic on port 8018:53
ironfoot_495scunizi: I apt-get18:53
Paddy_EIREReyRey: its a hidden file in your /home dir18:54
ischlikymooded, i am added to groups audio now, however it doesnt seemed to have changed anything18:54
dr_willisautomatik,  'service not running on a port' is not quite the same as a port being 'closed' :)  but by default ubuntu is very 'unopen'18:54
Paddy_EIREReyRey: under .wine18:54
scuniziironfoot_495, are you totally text based or do you have a gui?18:54
ReyReyhow do i access it?18:54
jribReyRey: did you try what I said?18:54
BoomShakacan someone tell me how to make 8.10 stop asking me for the keyring password when i boot up?18:54
ReyReyhow do i access that "C" drive under wine?18:54
CCmonsterit says unknown error occurred18:54
CCmonsterum. weak18:54
Paddy_EIREReyRey: I already told you dont repeat18:54
DjainetteReyRey : in .wine/drice_c18:54
ReyReyjrib yes but nothing came up18:54
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | ReyRey18:54
ubottuReyRey: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:54
shadowwulf trying to install nvidia driver from envy. when i start it goes into low graphics mode, but when i pick my monitor or something close to it ..i get a out of range error ... any suggestions how to avoid this ? i am trying to run dual screens18:55
moodedischliky, hmmm...dammit.. that did the trick for me a while ago ,) anyways... you _should_ be in group audio.. therefore it at least doesnt hurt youre in it now ,)18:55
jribReyRey: type this in a terminal: nautilus ~/.wine/drive_c/18:55
ironfoot_495goat_srv: http://pastebin.com/d4f9f501618:55
ReyReywhen i try that i get an error saying that there is no such location.. for .wine or /.wine18:55
grendal_primeseems to be working but damn ill bet my graphix will suck18:55
DjainetteAnyone have connectivity problem with NetworkManager in ntrepid ?18:55
andresjhey I have two linux computers, how do I configure them so I control both sound cards from one computer? One is Ubuntu with default audio settings, and the other is an old Knoppix with ALSA (although I can run Ubuntu, too, if needed). For example, I am listening to a CD on my computer, I want it to play also on the other computer.18:56
KhisanthApplications -> Wine -> Browse C:\ Drive ...18:56
CCmonsterok so i have LAMP installed.18:56
Out_ColdCCmonster, hows the policy coming?18:56
CCmonsterI have firestarted installed18:56
ischlikymooded, hmm ok well i guess im no worse off then i was, im really confused why it stopped, i can play videos and get video w/o audio, even like flash has vid and no audio18:56
CCmonsterI went through the wizard of Firestarter and NO DICE18:56
jribReyRey: pastebin exactly what you typed and the full output on paste.ubuntu.com and link us18:56
goat_srvironfoot_495: ok, now paste: ifconfig | grep "inet"18:56
CCmonsterIt says unknown error occurred18:56
esrI seem to have lost wireless support on my Thinkpad X61 when I upgraded 8.10.  Is there a troubleshooting guide antwhere?18:56
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Djainetteesr: same problem18:56
jrib!wifi | esr18:56
ubottuesr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:56
Out_ColdCCmonster, you can't open firestarter??18:56
scuniziironfoot_495, try reinstalling but use System>Admin>Synaptic Package manager .. once it's open go to Edit>Mark Package by Name and choose LAMP.  now click apply and it will install apache2, php & mysql  ..18:57
jribesr: be wary of how up-to-date they are regarding intrepid however.  You may also want to check bugs.ubuntu.com18:57
Djainetteesr: seems to be NetworkManager upgrade issue18:57
scuniziironfoot_495, works every time for me.18:57
moodedischliky, yup it sounds really strange.. i guess you already tried rebooting ? ;) not that a bad driver is the cause (for a rare soundcard for example)18:57
ReyReyi tried to browse for the C drive under Wine but nothing happens.. no window pops up or anything..18:57
goat_srvscunizi: i don't think apache is the problem for ironfoot_495, his hosts file is messed up18:57
ironfoot_495scunizi: it will resart I just can't get it to resoond???18:57
esrDjainette: Do you have a suggested fix?18:57
CCmonsterfirestarter is open18:57
jribReyRey: I can't help you if you ignore me18:57
scunizigoat_srv, ah.. ok..18:58
CCmonsterbut it keeps being weird and saying i have an error when i try to actually activate the firewall18:58
CCmonsterthe program loads no problem18:58
Djainetteesr: nope I came here crying too...18:58
ischlikymooded, i have tried rebooting ya, am using it on a dell inspiron 1720, had no problem ever under haron, just recently swapped18:58
Out_Coldso go to the policy tab and click in the top box and add a new rule for incoming on port 8018:58
ReyReyjrib im not ignoring you..if you seen my responses to your suggestions.. i get an error18:58
ardi_kkhello, this is a strange problem with my lenovo r60 running ubuntu 8.04.1 64 bit.  i found that the battery life of my thinkpad has been degrading rapidly which is kind of ubnormal.  initially it used to show me 3 hours 15 minits battery life and now in 6 months it is just 2 hours.  I thought it was a bad battery and got a new one today.  but even the new one exacly shows 2 hours battery backup on full charge.  my question is how is this possible?  and by18:58
ironfoot_495scunizi:  I have a gui.18:58
jribReyRey: I asked you to pastebin something, did you do that?18:58
regebrojrib: No, sorry. my bad. I was modprobing the wrong driver.18:58
regebroI have a driver listed as restricted in the Hardare drivers window. How do I figure out what driver that really is? It's not the one I thought it was.18:58
=== urkki is now known as Finnish
Out_ColdCCmonster, sorry click in the second box and add the rule18:59
LjLardi_kk, the estimate that the power manager shows is just that - an estimate, based on previous usage18:59
LjLardi_kk: instead, do "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info", see if the last full charge differs very much from the nominal charge18:59
=== Guest35006 is now known as Night_1
Djainetteesr: I'm really seriously considering downgrading to hardy and never update NetworkManager18:59
ironfoot_495goat_srv: http://pastebin.com/d7fef18d118:59
esrDjainette: Urk...19:00
shadowwulf trying to install nvidia driver from envy. when i start it goes into low graphics mode, but when i pick my monitor or something close to it ..i get a out of range error ... any suggestions how to avoid this ? i am trying to run dual screens19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tftp19:00
ardi_kkLjL: can you repeat the command please?19:00
scuniziironfoot_495, if your hosts file is messed up it might work.. but I'm not sure.. you can also go to System/Admin/Network.. unlock the new box.. click on the Host tab at the top and add alias=your computer name19:00
=== mattissot is now known as mattis
scuniziironfoot_495, that is if it's not already there...19:00
LjLardi_kk: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info19:00
grendal_primebinarymutant: its what most hackers use to get stuff onto a box that has been compromized19:00
moodedischliky, do you have "audacious" installed ?19:00
goodwhat's up ?19:01
binarymutantgrendal_prime, lol19:01
grendal_primeit is aparently by default installed on all windows boxes19:01
derMedicus@shadowwulf try to install via hardware-driver menu in you System-Menue and configure dual screen with nvidia-settings19:01
jenda_hi guys...can I ask something by pasting the URL to my question on ubuntuforum.org ?19:01
binarymutantanyone know why my pxe boot is timing out?19:01
grendal_primeit needs more time?19:01
ischlikymooded, no i was using banshee, also tried using listen music player and totem/xine  along with flash19:01
unique_i need help with connecting to wep protected routers i can connect to unsecured but when i go to connect to a password network an keeps asking for the password.... any19:01
CCmonsterso i added the ruile19:01
Frekuno dhcp ?19:01
CCmonsterbut it says that the network device is not ready19:01
moodedbinarymutant, prolly because there is no dhcpd / tftp somewhere in your network ? ;)19:01
CCmonsternot sure how to overcome that19:01
co-creatorI have a problem here, I have Ubuntu 8.10, there's no audio output19:01
Djainetteesr: I filed a bug on launchpad, but nobody looked at it19:01
coltonif I wanted to access my computer's files over the internet from a remote location how could I do this?19:02
goat_srvironfoot_495: ok,  do you see the difference in this file: http://pastebin.com/d5cb4db2a19:02
shadowwulfderMedicus: so dont use envyNG then ?19:02
grendal_primecolton: sftp19:02
ardi_kkLjk: the problem is that the laptop goes actually down in 2 hours so even though i might be getting wrong information, the laptop thinks it is right.19:02
grendal_primeif the box is a linux box19:02
goat_srvironfoot_495: type sudo nano /etc/hosts and edit accordingly19:02
esrDjainette: What's the bug URL?19:02
moodedischliky, it _could_ be a problem, with a sound-server that _should_ be used and is not being used.. or a different one is being used..19:02
binarymutantI'm pulling my ip, but it times out on the tftp19:02
ikoniabinarymutant: what are you trying to do ?19:02
J2daoshdoes anyone still use wine anymore?19:02
grendal_primesftp is file transfers via ssh encrypted19:02
binarymutantikonia, pxe boot19:02
jenda_does anyone know the solution to this problem Im having pls ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6145784#post614578419:02
ikoniaJ2daosh: lots of people and #winehq has solid support too19:02
snarksterIm having a weird problem in Open Office. certain keys arent working anymore19:02
snarksterthe down arrow, up arrow, right arrow and the the bottom row of lettered keys.. anyone else having any issues with this? it appears to happen in other apps as well.19:02
Djainetteesr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/28377519:02
ischlikymooded, im going to try restarting again its just so odd it would stop working..19:03
grendal_primeJ2daosh: no i use virtual box with a windows installation and seemless configureation19:03
ischlikymooded, ill be back either way19:03
moodedischliky, so the reason why i was asking if you run audacious is, you can see there easiliy which output-plugin (alsa pulse oss asf...) is being used..19:03
unique_i need help with connecting to wep protected routers i can connect to unsecured but when i go to connect to a password network an keeps asking for the password.... any ideas?19:03
geniisnarkster: Laptop?19:03
snarksteryup laptop19:04
J2daoshonce you install a program in wine, how can you access that afterwards? does i make a icon in your gnome panel?19:04
snarksterit has been working great up till now19:04
dr_willisJ2daosh,  yes.. or use the command line19:04
snarkstergenii yup laptop19:04
ironfoot_495scunizi: I checked and lamp is already been chosen.19:04
CCmonsterit says, "internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting...."19:04
CCmonsterwhat do i do to overcome that19:04
goat_srvironfoot_495: disregard that suggestion19:04
goodNothing special.19:05
=== IRCMonkey__ is now known as IRCMonkey
co-creatorI have a problem here, there's no audio output19:05
jenda_seems that ubuntu has a lot of audio/sound related troubles :)19:06
derMedicusmy audio works now19:06
CCmonsterinstall medibuntu repositories19:06
CCmonsterand add the codecs and such19:06
CCmonsterthat might cure some audio ills19:06
CCmonsterplus get you all the codec/multimedia support you'll need19:06
shane2peruevolution problems!  Has anyone else experienced problems?19:06
jenda_medibuntu ?19:07
ironfoot_495goat_srv: yes I saw the difference and I applied it i'm going to see if it had any effect?19:07
ardi_kkljl thanks for ur help on the battery issue but I can't make out a thing out of the info19:07
HDreadyjust a small question; is kubuntu from kubuntu.org also a LTS version? or only ubuntu? both 8.0419:07
ironfoot_495goat_srv: Still can't find it ???19:07
CCmonsterdoes anyone know how to let people view webpages I have in the var/www/ folder?19:07
CCmonsteri have LAMP installed19:07
ardi_kkit gives all kind of info but not any thing about how many minits it must go on19:07
shane2peruI'm not receiving emails through evolution, this is a recent problem, I think evolution was updated any ideas on where to start?19:07
ischlikymooded, it appears a 3rd restart was a good trick to try, thank you for your help though :)19:08
goat_srvironfoot_495: PM?19:08
Djainetteshane2peru: can your ping your mail server ?19:08
moodedischliky, weeee ,) still strange though.. but no prob..19:08
KoFishDoes anyone else have problem with randomly silent crashes of firefox since upgrading to 8.10?19:08
co-creatoraudio was working fine on my ubuntu until sometime back wen suddenly there was no audio output at all19:08
ardi_kkmy problem is that battery is being reported incorrectly and i get very very veard results on it19:08
moodedischliky, ill just try to think that your membership in group audio has helped after the reboot ;)19:08
co-creatoranyone has any ideas on theat?19:08
joaopintoHDready, kubuntu is community supported project, it will get security updates depending on the community availability19:08
ischlikymooded, ya, it was odd, ill give audacious a try incase i get similar problems again maybe i can figure it out w/o a reboot19:09
shane2peruDjainette: let me double check, I was just on support with my host, and they setup an email client elsewhere and were able to receive all emails and a test one with no prob19:09
jenda_CCmonster: if Apache is running the its simple: http://IP(or hostname)/name_of_html_file :)19:09
Peachzi have installed apache2 and php on my vps for me to be able to host websites, i have also installed the two clients from webmin so that hopefully i can use a cpanel etc..19:09
ironfoot_495goat_srv: what does PM mean???19:09
Peachzi dont know how to access this though? :\19:09
CCmonsterok. that's what i thought19:09
ardi_kklike for example even the new battery shows exactly the same time as my old one as if bios keeps some cunning memory about my previous record19:09
shane2peruDjainette: ping was successfull.19:09
joaopintoPeachz, webmin has problems on ubuntu19:09
Peachzits on debian, i wasn't sure they had a channel though19:10
shane2peruDjainette: I'm thinking something in the upgrade messed up Evolution, not sure what though.19:10
Djainetteshane2peru: that's a start. Does it work from your place with another client ?19:10
ardi_kkljl: could the battery problem be a co insidance that the new one is exactly as bad as my new one?19:10
moodedPeachz, they have ;)19:10
CCmonsterhow do i get my ip in the CLI?19:10
moodedCCmonster, --> ifconfig19:10
joaopintoCCmonster, ifconfig19:10
shane2peruDjainette: good, question, let me run through and setup T-Bird to see if that works.19:10
jenda_CCmonster: sudo ifconfig19:11
moodedjenda, no need for sudo since no modification ,)19:11
Djainetteshane2peru: check the "do not erase from server" option, or else you won't be able to download your mails in evolution later19:11
CCmonsterthen look for inetaddress?19:11
shane2peruDjainette: right, got to install t-bird first.19:11
jenda_mooded: oh yeah that's true :)19:11
moodedCCmonster, yup19:11
moodedCCmonster, probably of your "eth0" device.19:12
CCmonsterok. So i have some files on a windows mount that i want to drop in the www folder19:12
CCmonsterit says i dont have root axx19:12
_cbHow could I do the following?19:12
_cb1.- Give end users the ability to save program and settings (not data) to a bootable CD with a single click19:12
_cb2.- Give end users the ability to restore program and settings (not data) from a bootable cd with a single click.19:12
_cbAm assuming I can script taring appropriate folders. Not sure what to do about Grub or how to script the bootale cd.19:12
moodedCCmonster, if you're behind a router it wont show you your public ip though.19:12
FloodBot1_cb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
_cbAny ideas?19:12
LjLardi_kk: perhaps the laptop is simply taking too much power? not being put in some powersaving / cpu scaling mode? try "powertop"19:12
CCmonsteris there a way to allow me to copy/paste some files into that folder via the GUI19:12
CCmonsteror will i have to do some magic via CLI19:12
shoviwhere does emacs install to??19:12
jribCCmonster: why do you need to do that?19:13
regebroOK, I think I'm giving up... I can't get the LiveCD running on my macbook 4,1, and if I can't get the LiveCD running, I'm not sure I'm going to waste time trying to repartition the HD just to possibly discover the same problem with a real installation. :-/19:13
AnonymousOneI'm trying to install Ubuntu in my partition... using the free space I created19:13
AnonymousOneThere is an image19:13
lakitui'm getting no keyboard support, in GRUB only, & i have USB keyboard support enabled in my BIOS19:13
ardi_kkif some one can confirm my battery problem to be a co insidance then i will at least feel relaxed. i had a rapidly "going down " trend on my linovo thinkpad r60 battery and some times it was kind of good and some times the full charge at 100% is being reported 2 hours when it should be 3 hours.  now when i got my new battery, it shows exactly 2 hours as if some memory is maintained19:13
lakituit happens after a crash, & sticks around for awhile19:13
CCmonsterI made a few web pages i want someone else to be able to preview19:13
regebroGuess I have to choice but to stay with OS X. :-(19:13
CCmonsterjust to be able to preview it off my machine for a quick looksy19:13
jribregebro: os x isn't a live cd :)19:14
CCmonsterit won't let me put any files in the www folder19:14
NekroJakubAmarok 2, yay or nay?19:14
shane2peruDjainette: lol, tbird was all setup from before, I guess I never deleted the configurations from before, at any rate, yes I could see my emails.19:14
esrIn Gutsy gibbon there was a panel applet that gave me a pull-down menu of available wireless connections.  I don't see that in my Ibex taskbar.  Does it still exist?19:14
CCmonsterany help jrib19:14
moodedCCmonster, "sudo su" and copy your files on commandline..19:14
shane2peruand it did get the new ones.19:14
regebrojrib: Yeah, I know...?19:14
CCmonsterok mooded , i thought that was probably the method i would have to resort too19:15
CCmonsterAmarok2 is ok19:15
Djainetteshane2peru: OK now you can blame evolution :)19:15
shane2peruDjainette: and it did get the new ones.19:15
jribregebro: so does the issue exist in an installed ubuntu?19:15
CCmonsteri don't like the UI very much. They messed with a good thing19:15
AnonymousOnehttp://img514.imageshack.us/my.php?image=testxt7.png - will that overwrite my entire hard drive?19:15
shane2peruDjainette: right, I mean, I hadn't really changed anything, and just today it stopped working, which I have done a few updates today, so I had reason to think that anyhow.19:15
jribCCmonster: you should set proper permissions.  Create a group for editing /var/www.  gksudo nautilus  will give you a sudo-enabled nautilus but be careful.  It's a better idea to setup a group to edit /var/www19:15
regebrojrib: Who knows? I'm not gonna install it until I can get it to work.19:16
MTecknologySo... how do I set my gnome background without gui tools?19:16
jribregebro: it works fine on my macbook after a reboot19:16
Djainetteshane2peru: sure, but you never know when a server is down...19:16
CCmonsterjrib. I understand19:16
CCmonsteri just need a quick fix for now. I can do the correct way after.19:16
jribMTecknology: it's set in gconf.  Use gconftool-219:16
regebrojrib: So you enable the hardware dirver and reboot? What version macbook do you have?19:16
moodedAnonymousOne, it looks like19:16
moodedAnonymousOne, id use a normal "installer cd" from ubuntu19:17
MTecknologyjrib: any idea what option I need to set for it?19:17
jribregebro: last version before the new ones19:17
DjainetteK, bye people19:17
jribMTecknology: not offhand, no19:17
AnonymousOnemooded: id ?19:17
regebrojrib: OK, good, me too.19:17
AnonymousOnemooded: oh, I have a normal installer CD ?19:17
moodedAnonymousOne, there you can set partitions better.. (or use option "Manual" in this installer screen..19:17
jribregebro: everything works except mic and webcam.  The webcam you can get to work too though19:17
AnonymousOnemooded: manual says the same thing19:17
regebroBut not the mic? Ok, no big deal.19:18
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:18
jribregebro: haven't looked into the mic to be honest19:18
d0netsi just formatted my ubuntu partition and installed 8.10 in its place19:18
d0netsnow i get error 22 when booting grub19:18
regebrojrib: I have started a os x vs ubuntu thread here to help me decide: http://regebro.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/ubuntu-vs-os-x-the-deathmatch/19:18
d0netsany idears?19:18
moodedAnonymousOne,  i meant by use a normal cd... "boot from it" ;) but just use "manual" and create a partition in the freespace.. should also do the trick ,)19:19
ronhalfdanrany VM gurus?19:19
regebrojrib: Do you know which driver you use for the wireless?19:19
moodedronhalfdanr, surely not a guru.... maybe you tell your problem first ? ;)19:19
jribregebro: no, just whatever hardware drivers popped up19:20
CCmonsterhow do i see my true ip address19:20
CCmonsteri am at a Panera19:20
binarymutanthow do I point my dhcpd.conf to my tftp folder?19:20
jribCCmonster: what do you mean, "true ip address"?19:20
ronhalfdanrmooded: no problem yet, trying to get info before I do anything and make a problem19:20
giacomo_c1so 8.10 killed my gnome... how do i get it to work again?  it just gives me a black screen but still shows the pointer19:20
moodedCCmonster, --> whatismyip.com19:20
regebrojrib: OK.19:20
jonathon_am i only allowed to join one room in irssi?19:20
jribjonathon_: no19:20
KoFishjonathon_: just alt-<#>19:20
geniisnarkster: Perhaps somehow the key combo which activates the laptop numlock mode gets turned on19:21
CCmonsterso i found my ip19:21
moodedronhalfdanr, so what you wanna know ?19:21
CCmonsterbut, if i go to myip/mypage.html19:21
CCmonsteri get nothing19:21
KoFishI take the first mentioned: Your favorite torrent client with torrent creating capabilities19:21
jonathon_KoFish,  hmm didnt work19:21
jribCCmonster: if you are behind panera's router, they probably aren't forwarding port 80 to your machine...19:21
ronhalfdanrok, I read the howto forge on VMware server..............not sure what to make of a few things19:21
CCmonsterhmm. is there a way to get around it?19:21
KoFishjonathon_: after you used /j #<channel name>19:21
ronhalfdanrmooded: first thing, it says to run the virtual machine you have to run it in firefox or any other web browser?19:22
Jakob_the_liarcan someone help me i cant add any extensions to firefox19:22
jribCCmonster: nope19:22
qowaohey i managed to get the Cisco VPN client to work now but i get "Could not attach to driver. Is kernel module loaded?19:22
Jakob_the_liari uninstalled and reinstalled and that didnt help19:22
CCmonsterfacking panera19:22
regebroOh, jrib, one last question: Does your CD also emit some loud klicking noices when you insert or eject CDs? Really scared me first time.19:22
shane2peru!language @ CCmonster19:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:22
regebroI hope it aint broken. :)19:22
giacomo_c1can anyone help me fix an 8.10 upgrade problem that gives me a black screen instead of gnome?\19:22
moodedronhalfdanr, "what" says that ? :)19:22
jonathon_KoFish, so i just alt? or alt name? or alt number?19:22
CCmonsteri just need to let someone remotely preview this page.19:22
shane2peru!language | CCmonster19:22
ubottuCCmonster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:22
Jakob_the_liari get unexpected installation error view log for details -20319:22
ronhalfdanrthe howto forge piece on VMware server19:22
Jakob_the_liarwhere is the log?19:22
KoFishjonathon_: alt number19:22
jribregebro: yeah, makes some strange noises like that19:23
jonathon_KoFish,  thanks19:23
atiszhi where can i find tar source files?19:23
regebrojrib: OK, that's comforting to know. Thanks!19:23
mindrapeCCmonster: if you are internal to the network where the webpage is use its LAN address, not WAN address.  The routers get jacked up on NAT sometimes.19:23
jribatisz: apt-get source tar19:23
jribregebro: no problem19:23
jonathon_KoFish,  did not work sorry19:23
shane2perucan someone help me troubleshoot evolution?  it has mysteriously quit checking my email19:23
moodedronhalfdanr, with a normal vmware you run os-instances... no need for any browser at all.. that's why im asking for the source of your information19:23
jribregebro: oh, btw.  Check the wiki for how to make your touchpad usable19:23
CCmonstermindrape, So is there a way to correct the NAT?19:23
qowaohey i managed to get the Cisco VPN client to work now but i get "Could not attach to driver. Is kernel module loaded?" errors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:23
akazawaxhi I ran badblocks and the only output after it was done was this: 134217664 What does this mean?19:24
mindrapeCCmonster - easiest way is to put the webserver in a DMZ.19:24
Jakob_the_liarcan someone tell me why firefox wont let me install any extensions?19:24
regebrojrib: Yeah, I aw that, but I', not gonna bother unless I can get wifi working first. :)19:24
KoFishjonathon_: read a guide, i'm new at irssi19:24
Jakob_the_liaror where the log is for it?19:24
CCmonsterYea. But i don't control Panera, so I dont have the option of DMZ..19:24
giacomo_c1oh no!  nothing gnome works!  not even gnome-terminal!19:24
masterjamieHi all, I've gone a little further with my BT issue. Instead of failing to pair. It now says "Device setup sucessful." It still doesn't move the pointer, though. Any more ideas?19:24
CCmonsterforget gnome terminal, get Yakuake19:24
giacomo_c1:argh: ubuntu!  how are you going to wave this fance release infront of me then ruin everything!19:25
atiszjrib: it says failed to fetch 404 not found :19:25
jribregebro: of course :)19:25
leeHi I have a strange question. It has to do with the ChekSums ID , is that Autmaticlay vreated when one makes and ISO or how did that come in to play in Linux? How does it insure file integrity? I am asking this because 1 I am curiouse and 2 not sure how to google it for onfo19:25
jribatisz: check your sources.list (I have to go)19:25
HDreadyjoaopinto: that means? that if i dl kubuntu8.04 i will get the same updates? what is better kubuntu or ubuntu? i know thats not a qeustion which should been asked19:25
atiszok tnx bye19:25
giacomo_c1how do i downgrade to the 8.04... that works19:25
unr3a1giacomo_c1, why would you want to?19:26
Jakob_the_liar419 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/
crescoim having really big problems to get my wireless internet to work on ubuntu 8.0419:26
Jakob_the_liarim on gutsy19:26
moodedlee... nope that isnt automatically created..19:26
Jakob_the_liaris that whats causing it?19:26
crescocan someone please help me19:26
giacomo_c1unr3a1: because 8.10 destroyed everything gnome related19:26
moodedlee, maybe google for "md5sum linux"19:26
unr3a1giacomo_c1, I am sorry19:26
leeah ok ty19:26
giacomo_c1unr3a1: i blame this on you, it is your fault!19:26
geniiHDready: One is not really better than the other, it's all subjective to how you like to work or how you prefer your desktop to function. That said you are in the #ubuntu channel where Gnome is usually the favourite19:26
moodedlee, np19:26
RobertTablesIve doing a bit of reading up on the Hardy LTS release and there seems to be a lot of bad press about it(Samba etc), have things ironed themselves out now? or should I go Ibex? Comments anyone?19:27
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  lol.  ofcourse you do :P19:27
atiszcould somebody help me with tar recompiling?19:27
qowaohey i managed to get the Cisco VPN client to work now but i get "Could not attach to driver. Is kernel module loaded?" errors!!!19:27
_albertux_hi what is the diference on libapache2-mod-php5 and libapache2-mod-php5filter ?19:27
HDreadygenii: yes but only i've ubuntu installed and now thinking of installing kubuntu19:27
leeHmmm I also can't seem to get the the PS3 version running on my PS2 lol19:27
geniiRobertTables: Hardy will have updates as long as it is supported, Intrepid is an intermediate release19:28
kriwhen i type a command for example 'sudo dpkg -i audacious-crossfade12345678.deb' and i want any error message to be translate what to i type first?19:28
leeeh I mean PS319:28
MTecknologyjrib: hurray :D19:28
jackdamnhi , does anyone know that problem , that while playing a movie the screen flickers?(playback with xv , x11 driver) same thing if I run a open gl app.  It doesn't make a difference if the fglrx driver is activated or not19:28
MTecknologyjrib: hopefully things will work normally now :)19:28
=== test__ is now known as dd
qowaocan you read this19:28
moodedRobertTables, you want to use the machine to install on mainly  as a server ? goto plain debian.. otherwise, for the desktop im very very content with intrepid 8.1019:28
qowaocan you read what i type19:28
geniiHDready: You can have both installed and then decide for yourself which you like better. Just select which from the login manager after19:28
ronhalfdanrmooded: had to fetch fresh coffee..............lets start with I need to make a virtual machine to run twp big apps under WinXP for one and Under Win98 for the other but if the VM uses a full WinXP install I should be able to use the Win compatibility function to run the 98 app..............does VMware server let me do that?19:28
qowaoor did you mute me or something19:28
qowaoflood test19:28
qowaoflood test19:28
FloodBot1qowao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:28
leeat any rate that is a diofferent beast altogeatehr19:28
giacomo_c1does anyone think running sudo apt-get install gnome would help?19:29
geniiHDready: the package name for installing kubuntu  is  kubuntu-desktop19:29
crescois there any real solution to get atheros wireless to work in 8.0419:29
atiszhow do i make a dirstructure with tar? just having the directories and file names with 0kB? /empty/19:29
erUSULqowao: we can read you but i guess that not many people uses Cisco vpn19:29
RobertTablesgenii, so which would I be better off going for? Intrepid/Hardy - Any major changes?19:29
moodedronhalfdanr, yup it will.. if its simply for testing your also fine with the normal vmware-server..19:29
memeemeeeif I want to run a command (say cp) for all files except one what would I type? i'm thinking some modifier to *19:29
jmarsdenRobertTables: Every release of every distribution has some bugs... use Hardy if you need the long term support, use Intrepid if an 18 month support life is OK for your needs.19:29
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  do you know how it happened?  and what is exactly happening with your gnome?19:29
=== CodeDrunk is now known as CodeDrunk_Work
geniiRobertTables: Hardy is the more prudent choice for the time being19:30
moodedronhalfdanr, for production environments id strongly suggest using "vmware esxi" (free for license)19:30
qowaoerUSUL: i think everybody does if he uses vpn. did you read that?19:30
ronhalfdanrnot testing mooded, long term running twoo Win apps that have to eqivalent in th elinux world19:30
HDreadygenii: nah... i like also the standard programs which come with kubuntu live-cd19:30
giacomo_c1i have no idea unr3a1, it just comes up blank when i try to use my gnome session... black screen with the mouse cursor19:30
qowaoerUSUL: not sure whether im muted19:30
erUSULqowao: no you are not but...19:30
qowaoerUSUL: the flood bot muted me19:30
erUSUL!repeat | qowao19:30
ubottuqowao: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:30
ronhalfdanrmooded: , keep in mind this is a single use instance, not netwoprked apps19:30
geniiHDready: The "kubuntu-desktop" installs everything which the cd install version of Kubuntu installs19:30
leeAAAHH ok  on the check sum thing.19:30
erUSULqowao: 20:29 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-zb %qowao!*@*] by FloodBot119:30
ronhalfdanrsinlge user I mean mooded19:31
jackdamnhi , does anyone know that problem , that while playing a movie the screen flickers?(playback with xv , x11 driver) same thing if I run a open gl app.  It doesn't make a difference if the fglrx driver is activated or not19:31
RobertTablesjmarsden, LTS isnt so important.. just some things I was reading (see: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/six-annoyances-in-hardy-heron-ubuntu/) with regards Samba, which is very important to me, What are the major release changes for Ibex?19:31
qowaook i gnore those msgs in this madness channel erUSUL19:31
vincent__what compiler is used to compile ubuntu kernels?19:31
qowaotoo already19:31
vincent__what compiler is required to compile ubuntu kernels?19:31
moodedronhalfdanr, k.. then vmware-server should just be fine for you.. ;)19:31
qowaotoo many*19:31
HDreadygenii: ah ok.. that means i get every update i can get on ubuntu? except the updates for the programs? dont really get it19:31
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  that's really weird.  did you do an upgrade, or fresh install?19:31
erUSULvincent__: install build-essential19:31
moodedronhalfdanr, it _might_ be a PITA to install it though ,))19:31
The-Compilervincent__: gcc I think, included in build-essential19:31
vincent__erUSUL, already did that19:31
ronhalfdanrok, next question mooded, does VMware server make a menu item I just click on to run?19:31
erUSULvincent__: then you got everything you need19:32
vincent__but something complains that gcc is probably not it19:32
lolleri`ve got problem with booting the newest kernel http://paste.ubuntu.com/70130/19:32
lollerany suggestions?19:32
geniiHDready: If you are using Gnome or KDE does not matter. When you update the system it updates anything you have installed on it, from Kubuntu or Ubuntu or Xubuntu or so on19:32
vincent__[!] Kernel compiler and gcc seem to be different versions.19:32
lakituany ideas why i wouldn't get USB keyboard support in GRUB? it's enabled in the BIOS, & works at the boot screen19:32
qowaoerUSUL: i think everybody does if he uses vpn tho19:32
jmarsdenRobertTables: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810overview19:32
moodedronhalfdanr, nope.. you "boot" a complete windows XP instance for example (and it opens in a window on your ubuntu)19:32
giacomo_c1unr3a1: upgrade... and it was working earlier too!  but i rebooted and now gnome doesn't work... i mean, fluxbox (what im currently using) works fine, but gnome is shot19:32
masterjamieI've gotten further with trying to get BT working in 8.10. It now says "Device setup sucessful.". Despite that, it's not moving the mouse pointer. Any ideas?19:32
krihm anyone know what i do?19:32
ronhalfdanrok mooded, where and how would I start it then?19:32
moodedronhalfdanr, if you want to run windows-progs you could try "wine" (opensource, free) or the commercial pendant crossover-linux, which works really nice19:33
mark4how do i start sshd in ubuntu. i cant find anything that even looks like its related to sshd19:33
unr3a1you could try a fresh install19:33
moodedronhalfdanr, (they gave it away for free a month ago - but was only cause of jubilee)19:33
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  you could try a fresh install.19:33
ronhalfdanrwine does not work for these apps thus the step to VMware19:33
krii get a error messeage but i want the messeage to be in english when i type 'sudo dpkg -i lala-lala.deb' you put $LANG... or something before the dpkg -i... anyone know what to type?19:33
HDreadygenii: sounds good.. so i can use kubuntu without have fear to get no good support :)19:33
ronhalfdanrcrossover also does not work19:33
giacomo_c1unr3a1: i know i could, but if im going to be fresh installing anything, it will be debian because ubuntu has betrayed me one too many times19:33
giacomo_c1i mean, i've been using ubuntu since 5.0419:33
jmarsdenkri: Try LANG=C19:34
erUSULkri: LC_ALL=C19:34
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  well you can't give up now!!19:34
=== azhar27 is now known as azharcs
lolleri`ve got problem with booting the newest kernel http://paste.ubuntu.com/70130/19:34
giacomo_c1unr3a1: hahaha19:34
kri'export LANG=en_US' =19:34
kribut where19:34
=== nick__ is now known as Skky
Skkyanyone running lamp-server?19:35
moodedronhalfdanr, there's a vmware-server-console which allows you starting vmware-instances ..19:35
giacomo_c1hmmm, gnome isn't even selected under synaptic... should it be.  DOES EVERYONE ELSE HAVE GNOME GREEN UNDER SYNAPTIC?!19:35
jmarsdenloller: o you don't, read that message more carefully.  You already have the latest kernel installed just fine.19:35
mark4hello? how do i start an ssh server on my ubuntu installation?19:35
ronhalfdanrok mooded, that's what I needed to know on how to use it once I have it setup19:35
scunizigiacomo_c1, upgades don't always go smoothly on some systems for whatever reason.. that's why I always have a seperate /home partition .. just in case I need to do a fresh install.19:35
moodedronhalfdanr, from there you will see the "window" i was talking about too (in the window is your normal windows desktop)19:35
mark4i cant find anything related to sshd in the menus or in the services thingie or anywhere else for that matter19:35
geniiHDready: You could look at it like that I suppose :)19:35
mark4i cant even find anything avaiable for install OR installed19:36
jmarsdenmark4: sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:36
giacomo_c1scunizi: it's just gnome that failed... everything else seems to work pretty fine19:36
ronhalfdanrnext question mooded, both apps and the WinXP install will need to access the web to activate, any idea what networking to tell VMware server to use when I install it?19:36
scunizigiacomo_c1, k.. no gnome selected here in my system in synaptics19:36
unr3a1giacomo_c1:  well you can't.  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages and reinstall ubuntu fresh19:36
nite_johnboyHi - Will PokerStars.Net - run under Wine ? ?19:36
ronhalfdanrthere's only one more question coming for now19:36
magentaranyone knows a good page on how to setup a webcam with ubuntu? i don't seem to get it to work :(19:36
marek_hi i have a problem with xserver, after downloading gnome it doesnt start anything, only login screen is shown (in text mode) what should i do to start login screen automatically?19:37
HDreadygenii: sounds good.. if not i will find you :P.. thanks so far19:37
geniinite_johnboy: Yes it does, my friend uses it19:37
qowaohey in a standard ubuntu install, could it be somehow insecure to enter another network via VPN? pls help19:37
marek_magentar what model?19:37
maxxistnite_johnboy yes very well19:37
mark4im not even going to ask why my GUI installer didnt show me anything related to sshd :/19:37
unr3a1backup that my-packages to a flash drive or something19:37
moodedronhalfdanr, you can configure it in different ways.. you can tell the instance to use your normal "host" connection (the same ip you use currently) .. or you can configure it completey on its own (virtual network interface)19:37
nite_johnboygenii: Sweet - Thanks much!19:37
unr3a1afk for a min19:37
moodedronhalfdanr, the instances will be able to connect to the web19:38
* unr3a1 has stepped away for a min19:38
ronhalfdanrok, will use normal since it only needs web access to activate stuff on install.19:38
memeemeeeif I want to run a command (say cp) for all files except one what would I type? something like *[not= filename]19:38
magentarmarek_, how to find out? somewhere in /proc i guess19:38
Skkyanyone running lamp-server?19:38
marek_magentar if this is usb camera19:38
andresjhow do i get a capture mixer if my sound card doesn't support it?19:38
marek_try lsusb19:38
moodedSkky, whats the prob ?19:38
magentarit's integrated in my samsung laptop (p210)19:38
unique_i have a problem with network man im on 8.10, there is no option for 64/128-bit it gives me a 40/128-bit witch i cannot connect to my router with any one have any ideas?19:38
lolleri can`t configure vmware http://paste.ubuntu.com/70133/19:38
lollerany suggestions19:38
giacomo_c1unr3a1: what was that?19:39
Skkymooded: i ran sudo tasksel install lamp-server and everything seemed to install fine but I can't find it.  how do I start it up/19:39
nite_johnboymaxxist: Cool - no excuse for my friend to even have to go into Windows again - Cleaned a ton of spyware off his box - & installed Ibex - THanks much...19:39
Prettololler, theres a patch  somewhere19:39
marek_unique_ can you generate another key from router admin?19:39
ronhalfdanrlast question for now mooded...........I read somewhere in the reams of confusing stuff on VMware that having the WinXP install on the boot drive for ubuntu can cause problems...........does that mean I need to tell VMware to use space on one of my data drives for the VM space?19:39
moodedSkky, you have to install and compile a kernel19:39
moodedSkky, sry wrong19:39
jkessleri can't connect to yahoo in pidgin.  it says "Unknown error number 29. Logging into the Yahoo! website may fix this.19:40
moodedloller, you have to install and compile a kernel19:40
magentarmarek_, it says USB2.0 UVC PC Camera19:40
unique_yes but with this problem i cannot connect to any wep protected routers19:40
magentaridVendor Synthek19:40
moodedSkky, lamp means "Linux Apache Mysql + PHP"19:40
maxxistnite_johnboy it has worked well under wine for at least two years.  however i have found resizing the pokert tables doesnt work.  but beyond that it is flawless.19:40
moodedSkky, so "ps aux|grep -i apache" or "ps aux |grep -i http" shows you if your webserver is running at all19:40
moodedSkky, if it is.. connect to "" to see its pages..19:41
moodedSkky, from there on: "happy developing"19:41
qowaohey in a standard ubuntu install, could it be somehow insecure to enter another network via VPN? pls help19:41
unique_i could connect under 8.0419:41
marek_magentar try this one19:41
moodedronhalfdanr, you "install" the vmwareinstance into a file19:41
moodedronhalfdanr, that file can be anywhere you want it to be.. that post you have read was just another bunch of nonsense as it sounds.19:42
goat_srvqowao: to answer your question, the security of entering another network via VPN is the same security as joining that network via LAN (inside the network)19:42
krihm i get this error msg when i try to 'sudo dpkg -i audacious-crossfade_0.3.14-1buld1_i386.deb' http://sajten.net/errormsg what does it mean? what should i do?19:42
scuniziWith a mac keyboard there's no "Alt".. what's the substitute?19:42
qowaogoat_srv: yeah is it ok with a standard intsll?19:42
unique_some one told me to try wicd but i would kinda like to use the default network man if possible19:42
goat_srvqowao: yes19:42
masterjamieI'm still having problems with BT under 8.10. The paring seems to work fine now, but my mouse is not being picked up. I would welcome any ideas. If it helps, I have a belkin BT adapter and a Speed Link mouse.19:42
qowaogoat_srv: why?19:43
ronhalfdanrmooded: I know that much, what I read said it is a bad idea for that filespace to be on the root drive............is that possibly true and should I have VMware use space on one of my other 3 drives?19:43
ambush276hey guys i have a quick question19:43
qowaogoat_srv: its an evil net im planning to enter19:43
qowaogoat_srv: need shields19:43
ambush276im trying to compile something in eclipse and im getting this error http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x19:43
ambush276wrong error19:43
booksbuggyanyone know how to set printer to gray scale?19:43
goat_srvqowao: you are asking if its secure?, you are in a LAN, so you have to trust your LAN members19:43
qowaogoat_srv: dont know what waits for me in this jungle19:43
booksbuggymy printer is hp 96019:43
goat_srvqowao: then setup a firewall19:44
qowaogoat_srv: no i sure dont trust them. question is whether i can trust the ubuntu default install to protect me19:44
Skkymooded: lamp-server does not come installed with phpmyadmin or a mysql administrative tool other than command line mysql?19:44
ronhalfdanrmooded:  yeah well, I keep finding nonsense for various things in the various linux docs, they often contradict each other and they assume people automatically know how and where to do things19:44
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:44
ambush276how do i set the permissions so i can acess that file?19:44
moodedronhalfdanr, i dont think its relevant at all, where those instance-files are on your hard-disks.. i dont see any problems with them laying on your boot-drive.19:44
ambush276this is on the eclipse compiler19:44
goat_srvqowao: I'm sorry, i misunderstood, you should protect your machine with a firewall19:44
qowaogoat_srv: why would i need a firewall. will ubuntu in standard settings just accept anything????19:45
vincent__http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=526931 according to that website you sometimes need an older version of a compiling program19:45
erUSULmemeemeee: find . \! -name pattern -exec command {} \;19:45
ronhalfdanrok, thanks mooded, soon off to d/l VMware and give it a whirl19:45
moodedSkky, dunno the package "lamp-server" but i guess not.19:45
moodedronhalfdanr, np ,)19:45
ambush276it should be an easy fix im jsut not sure wht to do?19:45
goat_srvqowao: if you have any services running (samba file sharing or apache web services or anything) then your services are open for anyone in that LAN to access19:45
qowaoplease help me to make ubuntu bombproof secure19:45
qowaogoat_srv: how could i check whether i do from within?19:46
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:46
crescoyes vincent19:46
goat_srvqowao: look up linux hardening on google19:46
erUSULmemeemeee: find . \! -name pattern -exec command '{}' \;19:46
qowaook goat_srv19:46
vincent__cresco how can we ever help you with so much information19:46
booksbuggycan someone help me with setting up the grayscale printing in my hp 960?19:46
vincent__I'm afraid you'll have to try something yourself there cresco19:46
ambush276this should not be a tough problem.. i dont know anything about permissions19:46
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:46
moodedcresco, and with that nice tone you're talking to us..19:46
unique_dose any one know if theres a fix to the network man i have 40/128 insteds of 64/128-bit19:46
crescowhat information do you need19:46
ronhalfdanrthey really need a "conventions of use" doc where things like ` means root folder and run this command means open terminal then type XYZ are explained in plain english.............would help people migrate from other OS's with less frustration19:47
qowaogoat_srv: i thought linux is secure innately19:47
vincent__why do people use laptops?19:47
crescobecouse laptops are easy to carry with19:47
goat_srvqowao: secure is a very general statement, but it is19:47
moodedronhalfdanr, *interest* is the keyword ;-)19:47
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:47
sobersabrehi guys19:47
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:48
ronhalfdanrvincent__: I use a laptop all the time................as a brain for scannners and not uch else19:48
qowaogoat_srv: so i prolly could enter the evil lan?19:48
sobersabreI want to make a multiseat computer with 1 PCI-E card19:48
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:48
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:48
moodedambush276, stop spamming19:48
booksbuggy!printing booksbuggy19:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:48
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:48
ronhalfdanrmore coffee then vm time19:49
ambush276but i mean this should be an easy fix..19:49
sobersabreis it possible to put 2 nested X servers inside a main X ?19:49
ambush276i just dont know19:49
ambush276wht to do..19:49
ambush276how do i change the permssions19:49
ambush276or log in as admin19:49
ambush276im running ubuntu desktop edition.. and trying to compile that code in Eclipse..19:49
booksbuggy!print booksbuggy19:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:49
moodedambush276, become root = "sudo su"19:49
denhow to configure vpn in ubuntu having problem to connect plz help?19:49
ambush276in desktop edition19:49
qowaohey is UBUNTU in general or in default install SECURE enought to enter evil LANS?19:49
ambush276how do i become sudo su19:49
ambush276do i go to terminal?19:50
FloodBot1ambush276: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
Etiennetje0 halfops, 0 voices, 1567 normal]19:50
moodedambush276, yes.19:50
andresjis ESD enabled by defualt in Ubuntu Intrepid?19:50
ambush276ok so termainl then sudo su19:50
ambush276then im logged in as ADmin..\19:50
ambush276even in desktop?19:50
moodedambush276, it wont make your X run as root thoug19:50
`r0oti have errors in my panel and i need to know how i fix it so, how can i post my error code ?19:50
rohani want apt to print a list of URLs of the packages to be downloaded, so that i can download from a more convenient location. how do i do that?19:50
ambush276wht do u mean?19:50
ubottuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead19:50
andresjoh nice19:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:51
denhow to configure vpn in ubuntu having problem to connect plz help?19:51
`r0otany help plz ?19:51
moodedambush276, if you wanna run gui-apps with root-perms while being logged into your X you have to do something like (terminal: sudo su, then "export DISPLAY=:0.0", then IN YOUR X-SESSION (or as normal user): "xhost + localhost")19:51
denwhen its connected no browsing work? why19:51
ambush276is there anyway to login as admin?19:51
darkvertexr0ot: use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:51
rohanambush276: what exactly do you want to do?19:51
moodedambush276, yes, but i wont tell you19:51
ambush276im just trying to compile this code19:52
ambush276in eclipse19:52
ambush276and im gettin19:52
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:52
ambush276when compiling19:52
shoviWhat is a good text editor to use similar to Notepad ++?19:52
rohanshovi:  gedit is nice19:52
IndyGunFreakshovi: gedit is good, so is mousepad19:52
moodedshovi, i love "scite" (scintilla-based)19:52
erUSULshovi: scite; gedit19:53
* IndyGunFreak ha never used scite19:53
erUSULshovi: scite and notepad++ use both scintilla text controller19:53
moodedgive it a try ,)19:53
goat_srvshovi: if you are on KDE, kate is very good too19:53
shovican gedit have an explorer on the side19:53
shovior scite19:53
erUSULshovi: gedit yes19:53
ambush276so like i guess i need to lgin under ADmin wehn compilng19:53
ambush276but once again not sure .. how?19:54
ambush276can i go to like command prompt and do make?19:54
erUSULambush276: no only the install step needs privileges19:54
moodedshovi, scite cant  --- its just nice (tabbed, syntax-highlighting for plenty of languages, display nice, utf8 support, tab-configuration, even code-completion if you like that.. )19:54
erUSULambush276: yes you can "make" as normal user19:54
jmarsdenambush276: Yes, you can run make from a command prompt.  No need to be root for that.19:54
ambush276i know but through19:54
ambush276eclipse make command?19:55
shoviok, how do you get the explorer for gedit?19:55
aik_re all19:55
erUSULshovi: check the plugins19:55
=== CodeDrunk is now known as CodeDrunk_Work
aik_народ подскажите пожалуйста как влючить framebuffer в убунте19:55
aik_и где настраивается шрифт в консоле?19:55
gavihey folks.. .does anyone know about vhcs?19:55
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:55
jmarsdenambush276: If you are using Eclipse, just run it (as a normal user) and then use its build stuff... just as you would use Eclipse under any other OS.19:55
co-creatorwhat can be the reasons for no audio output?19:56
=== lakitu2 is now known as lakitu
ambush276i know jmarsden that is what i do19:56
ambush276but i get this error when compilinig19:56
ambush276im getting this error.. i know its a permissions thing but im not sure how to change it so i can use this /bin/sh: /usr/local/bin/idlc: Permission denied19:56
darkvertex!ru > aik_19:56
zleapany idea when the canoical shop willget some more stickers in (the set of 40) ?19:56
zleapbeen out of stock for over a week19:56
jmarsdenambush276: What is idlc doing in /usr/local/bin in the first place??  How did you install Eclipse?19:57
ambush276i just downloaded it19:57
ambush276from Web..19:57
moodedambush276, you change perms via "chmod 777 /usr/local/bin/idlc"  (which is very insecure and dumb, but it might fix your problems)19:57
ambush276and extracted.19:57
ambush276ok ill try..19:57
moodedambush276, reading "man chmod" wouldnt do any harm19:57
shovihow do u open the explorer on gedit? plugin enabled19:57
co-creatorwhat can be the reasons for no audio output? (my sound card is fine..i dual boot with another operating system and there's audio there)19:57
jmarsdenambush276: Get rid of all that and install eclipse by doing    sudo apt-get install eclipse19:58
qowaohey how would i check a) whether i offer services and b) whether some firewall is on19:58
mark4ok. im trying to test some software thats trying to connect to my ubuntu machine on a certain port. i need to make sure taht port is open19:58
jmarsdenambush276: so you get the Ubuntu packaged version :-)19:58
qowaohey how would i check a) whether i offer services and b) whether some firewall is on?* typo19:58
erUSULshovi: F9 (lateral panel)19:58
mark4does ubuntu have some sort of firewall installed taht closes ports off /19:58
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ambush276but i need Eclipse IDE19:58
ambush276that is what i got19:58
jmarsdenqowao: netstat -ntlp can help19:58
ambush276ok i think i got it working i get an ew error now..19:58
FloodBot1ambush276: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
goat_srv!iptables | mark4 qowao19:58
ubottumark4 qowao: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:58
qowaoyeaaah thx jmarsden19:58
mark4damn. iptables is worse than sendmail.cnf19:59
ambush276im getting "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sr/idlc/compiler19:59
jmarsdenmark4: Try using ufw to get you started with a simple firewall in Ubuntu19:59
ambush276is this something with Java or wht?19:59
mark4ufw /19:59
spamstylei have a question19:59
spamstylei want19:59
spamstyleto install19:59
jmarsdenambush276: Your Eclipse install is probably messed up?  sudo apt-get install eclipse19:59
spamstyleplay on linux19:59
FloodBot1spamstyle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
ambush276where is it going to install?19:59
qowaotcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      4646/cupsd19:59
qowaowhats that20:00
simNIXHi all - I would like to do a pxe started install of 8.10 - inly if I go to a Ubuntu ftp mirror I only see names, not version numbers - how is 8.10 called ?20:00
mark4all i need to do is open up port 19000 and i need it to be open now and forever more20:00
mark4how do i make that so20:00
bullet234A .. guys. I have a soundcard problem on ubuntu. It's a fresh install, and the sound it's not working.20:00
ambush276ok its installed20:00
Jakob_the_liarhow do i check the version of a package?20:00
ambush276but that eclipse is the SDK version20:00
jmarsdenambush276: where it needs to be.  Then run it from your desktop menus.  Dn't worry abut details you don't need to know about20:00
CodeDrunk_WorksimNIX, Intrepid20:00
ambush276i need the IDE C++ version not SDK20:00
masterjamiesimNIX: Interipid Ibex, I think.20:00
ambush276i downloaded the IDE C++ version20:00
shovierUSUL, how do i browse with it though?20:01
ambush276and the svn is plugged in etcc.20:01
jmarsdenambush276: ? You can use eclipse in pretty much any language.  Are you sure you know what Eclipse is??20:01
spamstylecan anyone help me here?20:01
spamstylei am installing20:01
ambush276but now the permissions are sorted out.. i think there are some dependenices prolebm20:01
spamstyleat the20:01
FloodBot1spamstyle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:01
ambush276cause i get this20:01
ambush276im getting "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sr/idlc/compiler20:01
ambush276when compiling20:01
bullet234A .. guys. I have a soundcard problem on ubuntu. It's a fresh install, and the sound it's not working.20:01
spamstyleif i type20:01
spamstyledoesn't get installed20:01
Pici!enter | spamstyle20:02
ubottuspamstyle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:02
spamstylewith o the same20:02
FloodBot1spamstyle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
Jakob_the_liarfirefox keeps telling me to restart but when i do it still wont let me install add ons20:03
ambush276anyone knw this problem?20:03
ambush276>im getting "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sr/idlc/compiler20:03
moodedambush276, maybe ask ppl in #eclipse20:04
bullet234OMG the sound is awfull20:04
co-creatorwhat can be the reasons for no audio output at all in UBUNTU 8.10?20:04
olof_ /server ir.freenode.net20:05
bullet234co-creator, at least i have some output but it sounds like crap :|20:05
moodedco-creator, plenty.20:05
joebodo!sound | co-creator20:05
ubottuco-creator: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:05
Slartco-creator: low volume settings, using wrong soundcard, weird settings in system, preferences, sound..20:05
sammyis there a config file somewhere that decides which networkmanager application runs? I installed kubuntu, eventually installed ubuntu-desktop and have been running gnome, and now the kde networkmanager runs instead of the gnome network manager, after an intrepid update. I just manually removed as many kde-related packages as I could and figure this would do the trick, but I'm curious :)20:06
biermachtcan anybody help on installing atheros 242 wifi????20:06
joebodo!ask | biermacht20:06
ubottubiermacht: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
mark4jmarsden, ok i figured out ufw but erm.  iptables syntax is liek wosh right over my head. how do i add a rule that will allow all trafic on port xxxxx /20:06
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joebodo!wifi | biermacht20:06
ubottubiermacht: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:06
co-creatorthe volume settings are fine, there's nothing wrong with the soundcard as audio comes on another OS that i dual boot with20:07
shovihas anyone here tryed Notepad++ with ubuntu+wine20:07
jmarsdenmark4: all incoming traffic?    sudo ufw allow tcp/xxxx20:07
co-creatorSlart:the volume settings are fine, there's nothing wrong with the soundcard as audio comes on another OS that i dual boot with20:07
jmarsdenmark4: man ufw has a few simple examples by the way20:07
mark4its telling me 'bad port20:08
Slartco-creator: do you see the soundcard listed in the output from "cat /proc/asound/cards" ?20:08
maverick340my skype doesnt work :(20:08
maverick340rather, my mic doesnt work20:08
chuyshovi, nope, I like linux text editors better that notepad++, i only use notepad++ when on windows20:08
lolleri`ve got problem i have all version of kernel from 14 to 21 but uname says that i`m running on old one 2.6.22-14-generic20:08
mark4ufw allow tcpo/1900020:08
UserChey everyone, been wondering.. is there a way to make a skype call and listen to music or use any other sound device?20:08
joebodomaverick340 make sure you have mic boost on20:08
mark4bad port20:08
chuyshovi, kate is a very good one20:08
nikki__I've seen people using two mintors. Is there a way to use my laptop as a second monitor for my desktop?20:08
maverick340okay, i will try20:08
lollerany suggestion how to boot the newest kernel20:09
shovichuy, is kate diff than gedit?20:09
geniinikki__: No, because it is an output-only kind of deal on the laptop20:09
UserChey everyone, been wondering.. is there a way to make a skype call and listen to music or use any other sound device?20:09
moodedloller, how did you actually get this newest kernel ?20:09
co-creatorSlart:this is what it displays on "cat /proc/asound/cards" 0 [ICH6           ]: ICH4 - Intel ICH6                       Intel ICH6 with AD1981B at irq 2220:10
nikki__genii: Can't I do it through ethernet cable?20:10
noah_What are the steps I need to take to upgrade a 32-bit Ubuntu 8.10 to the 64-bit version? Is it a matter of installing an apt package or is it more complicated?20:10
jmarsdenmark4: Opps I said that backwards...   sudo ufw allow xxxx/tcp20:10
maverick340where do i find the mic boost option ?20:10
co-creatorSlart:how do i identify the sound card?20:10
UserChey everyone, been wondering.. is there a way to make a skype call and listen to music or use any other sound device?20:10
geniinikki__: You could vnc to it or so. But thats not really using it as a second monitor of your desktop20:10
moodednoah_, its quite a bit more.20:11
chuyshovi, it is, the gui is nicer, and the options are better, the things i like from kate is text highlighting, sessions, multiple files, ability to find regex, etc20:11
bullet234How to I upgrade to hardy ?20:11
Pici!upgrade | bullet23420:11
ubottubullet234: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:11
chuynoah_, do a fresh install, all apps you have right now are 32bits20:12
MustafaAhmedI can't control wireless probably.. When I shut it down I can't open it again until I restart my computer20:12
joebodomaverick340 open volume control, select preferences, then check mic boost20:12
bullet234Pici: I have a Realtek audio card ALC662 and it seams it's not working :| I mean the sound is awfull...20:12
mib_iio7qtyais this the place to ask for help about kubuntu too?20:12
joebodomaverick340 you will then have an options tab in the volume control - check the mic boost20:12
bakermdI installed apache2, php5, and mysql :: the issue I have is that i need to connect to the MySQL db from another machine, and the only open port is 80 - iptables is not running... what do I do?20:12
noah_mooded, I was afraid of that. I had bad luck with 64-bit on 7.10 so I want to go with 32-bit on this new machine and then upgrade to 64-bit if that becomes necessary.20:12
moodedUserC, yes.. make your programs use soundservers... dunno if skype can do that .. (as i use a separate soundcard of my headset for skype calls)20:12
aldur1lo all anyone installed 8.10 on a machien with raid drives?20:13
chuymib_iio7qtya, you can ask here, or #kubuntu if it is kde related20:13
moodednoah_, so it did become necessary ? why ?20:13
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mark4jma lol ty ;020:13
maverick340joebodo nope dont see mic boost20:13
Slartco-creator: you're using an onboard soundcard, right?20:13
jmarsdenmark4: No problem20:13
joaopintobakermd, you need to change your mysel configuration, /etc/mysql/my.cnf20:13
UserCmooded: how do i do that?20:13
joebododo you have a mic slider in the volume control ?20:13
nikki__genii: There's a thing called MaxiVista for XP that does this. So... I'm sure X can do it too. :P20:13
bakermdjoaopinto: Thanks20:14
MustafaAhmedI can't control wireless probably.. When I shut it down I can't open it again until I restart my computer20:14
joebodomaverick340 do you have a mic slider in the volume control ?20:14
noah_mooded, It is note necessary yet. I just want to know what my risks are.20:14
chuybakermd, you have to change mysql config file and open mysql port (3306 i think)20:14
cresco this is just pissing me off that i cant connect to wireless networks20:14
co-creatorSlart:i m using an onboard soundcard20:14
PiciMustafaAhmed: Can you please rephrase your question.20:14
moodedUserC, in most cases one can select a sound-output-plugin for programs supporting that..20:14
bullet234I just installed ubuntu from the website. Is it hardy ?20:14
bakermdIt shows port 3306 open if I do a port scan locally, but not remotely20:14
chuybakermd, you need to change an option to be able to use mysql on a remote pc, I dont remember what option but it is in my.cnf file20:14
* unr3a1 is back now20:14
unr3a1what did I miss?20:15
moodedgnome's default soundserver (at least in 8.10) seems to be pulse (you should select that then..)20:15
moodedUserC, gnome's default soundserver (at least in 8.10) seems to be pulse (you should select that then..)20:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ho20:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:15
UserCmooded: never seen something like that in the sound output selection20:15
UserCmooded: i don't have pulse in there20:15
bakermdi see the bind address though - makes sense now - Thanks!!20:15
noah_chuy, I should be able to keep all my data in /home user directories. I wonder if MySQL data in /var will have any issues.20:15
HirluinWhats the channel for getting help at kmplayer?20:15
moodedUserC, so what choices do you have there ?20:15
Slartco-creator: well.. at least you know that alsa knows about your soundcard.. what happens if you run "aplay /dev/urandom" in a terminal? if everything works it will make a hissing sound, quite possible very loud20:15
joebodomaverick340 did you try a test call in skype (skype sound devices) ?20:15
MustafaAhmedPici: I have Intel chipset wireless module. When I start ubuntu it works fine..... but when I switch it off then try to switch on again it doesn't respond. it keeps off. I have to restart my computer20:15
maverick340yes, it says problem with audio capture20:16
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maverick340alsamixr shows me pulseaudio :-/20:16
chuynoah_, yes, you have to do a back up, you can back up the data with phpmyadmin, or mysqladmin for mysql, and back up your /home directory too20:16
joebodomaverick340 did you try changing the sound in device ?20:16
aldur1guys having problems installing on a machine with raid it gives me the three drives as seperate entities instead of one masive 1.5Tb drive20:16
maverick340card PulseAudio , PulseChip20:16
crescois there any distro that automatically supports atheros AR5007eg drivers20:16
PiciMustafaAhmed: Does it show up in network manager after you turn it back on?20:16
moodedaldur1, what raid-controller ?20:16
maverick340yes, i can hear the audio but audio capture doesnt work for any settting20:16
UserCmooded: well i have default.. hdmi, headset and many intel ICH520:16
joaopintomaverick340, have you selected your hw device for the micro on the skype config ?20:17
vegombreii'm cant connect my bluetooth headset to ubuntu guy at wallmart said it would work fine and that he uses it .. my pc has bluetooth .. how do i get it to send sound thru bluetooth ?20:17
aldur1Nvidia I think?20:17
geniiIf nikki__ returns tell him about dmx20:17
aldur1how would I find out in vista20:17
sharperguywhere do I configure my hostname in gnome?20:17
maverick340its not only skype, mic simply wont work20:17
UserCmooded: i needed to find the right intel ICH5 to get skype to work20:17
maverick340even sound recorder20:17
joebodomarerick340 i had to swith it from pulse to my hardware device20:17
aldur1its hard ware as I just reinstalled vista to leave some free space for ubuntu20:17
noah_chuy, ah well, too bad. I was hoping I could just reinstall over the ext3 partition and keep /home and /var untouched.20:17
MustafaAhmedI don't have network manager.. I have this icon in the taskbar... but it removes the wireless connection choice from it20:18
chuynoah_, I think theres an option in the installer to make a partition for /home for this to not happen again.20:18
MustafaAhmedPici:I don't have network manager.. I have this icon in the taskbar... but it removes the wireless connection choice from it20:18
moodedUserC, doesnt sound like skype supports non-exclusive access to your soundcard then.. btw - did you try out "headset" ? ;))20:18
joaopintonoah_, you can keep /home untouched, but not /var20:19
joebodomaverick340 i also change my sound capture to also vmi DMA in the sound preferences20:19
bullet234I tested the sound devices from Preferences and it seams the sound it's not continous for any of the devices. What do i have to do know ?20:19
MustafaAhmedPici: I don't have network manager.. I have this icon in the taskbar... but it removes the wireless connection choice from it20:19
PiciMustafaAhmed: Are you turning off the wireless from the kill-switch or are you hibernating or suspending the laptop?20:19
UserCmooded: yep, it just gives me an audio error if i chose it lol20:19
MustafaAhmedPici: no.. I use the fn key20:19
joaopintoUserC, skype does not support pulseaudio for the capture, you need to specify your mic hw device20:20
moodedUserC, damn ,) well it was worth a try..  sry im out of hints atm20:20
PiciMustafaAhmed: What wireless chipset?20:20
chuysharperguy, hostname command20:20
UserCmooded: lol ok20:20
UserCjoaopinto: don't really know what that means.. need to go though..20:20
joebodomaverick340 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype20:20
vegombreii'm cant connect my bluetooth headset to ubuntu guy at wallmart said it would work fine and that he uses it .. my pc has bluetooth .. how do i get it to send sound thru bluetooth ?20:20
MustafaAhmedIntel pro... I don't know its number... I don't know where can I find the device manager in ubuntu20:21
MustafaAhmedPici: Intel pro... I don't know its number... I don't know where can I find the device manager in ubuntu20:21
noah_joaopinto: OK, so I'll just have to review what I need in /var -- for my application, I think just the MySQL database.20:21
bakermdIs sshd not installed by default?   I tried apt-get install sshd and it does not know what I want...20:21
jmarsdenbakermd: sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:21
bakermdjmarsden: Thanks!!20:22
pyrakhow do i find out if my laptop is i386 or amd6420:22
co-creatorSlart:it says "playing raw data '/dev/urandom' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono" but i can't hear anything20:22
pyrakit's a system76 darter ultra20:22
moodedbakermd, "apt-cache search ssh" would have helped in that case ,)20:22
bullet234Aaa... can i get a little help here ?20:22
jmarsdenpyrak: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:23
darkvertexpyrak: sudo lshw20:23
Slartco-creator: check in system, preferences, sound. Is everything set to alsa? pulseaudio? try changing20:23
ubottuIf with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.20:23
PiciMustafaAhmed: Unforunately, it looks like the bugtracker launchpad.net is down, so I'm unable to look for a bug currently.20:23
joaopintonoah_, to backup the mysql database you should use mysqldump20:23
PiciMustafaAhmed: you can try to do: sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart   instead of rebooting your computer next time.  Or look on Launchpad in a few minutes.20:24
pyrakso it's intel core 2 duo20:24
maverick340okay i think i got it done20:24
joaopintonoah_, and make sure you are not using /var/www for your own contents20:24
pyrakthat's i386 i'm guessing?20:24
vegombreii'm cant connect my bluetooth headset to ubuntu guy at wallmart said it would work fine and that he uses it .. my pc has bluetooth .. how do i get it to send sound thru bluetooth ?20:24
geniipyrak: Core2 is usually 64bit20:24
jmarsdenpyrak: Well, that is an Intel CPU, not an AMD one.  It can run 32bit "i386" code... but can also run 64bit if asked to20:25
pamchisome one had install a mail server in ubuntu server ???20:25
maverick340Sound in : (hw:NVidia,0) ; Sound out:pulse ; Ringing: HDA NVIdia (hw:NVidia,0)20:25
maverick340these are the settings i am using20:25
pyrakjmarsden, so which ubuntu do you recommend installing?20:25
maverick340all trial and error, but the call testing worked fine20:25
pyrakIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz20:25
bullet234I'm starting to hate myself and you as well...20:26
jmarsdenpyrak: on a notebook and you are a beginner?  The i386 (32bit) one will be fine.20:26
ThRixXxHey people20:26
=== haptiK is now known as gonadsAndStrife
moodedpamchi, postfix is one of the best i know20:26
grendal_primewhat do you people use to edit the xorg.config.20:26
darkvertexvegombrei: first, make sure you have started bluetooth service in System->Admin->Services. Then check that it works with hcitool dev20:26
ThRixXxwhen I type: "X 1:& term -display :1 &" it says DISPLAY is not set.  HELP!20:27
Slartgrendal_prime: gedit works for me20:27
grendal_primemine is totally jacked and i wanted to run the dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver but....well it does nothing with the video card?20:27
DJonesgrendal_prime: I use either sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.comf or gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:27
vegombreidarkvertex: checking .. one sec20:27
=== Sted is now known as Idi
moodedThRixXx, "export DISPLAY=:0.1" maybe.. (if that is the actual cause of error) ;)20:28
grendal_primeno no no thats not what i mean...ii use nano for directly editing that, i thought that 8.10 had some hardware detection advantage in it.20:28
ThRixXxmust I type that ?20:28
grendal_primeit is not detecting my 845 intel video card (and i find that rather un-impressive)20:28
memeemeeeis there a way to make a job run in background but still ask for passwords?20:28
joaopintomemeemeee, no20:28
grendal_primememeemeee: why would yo uwant to do that?20:28
moodedThRixXx, no you could also say it to your computer and wait.20:28
=== gonadsAndStrife is now known as haptiK
Slartgrendal_prime: it does.. most of the stuff in xorg.conf is autodetected.. or should be at least20:29
grendal_primeya this blows...install went ok but im having to use the vesa driver20:29
jmarsdenmemeemeee: If the program is ssh, there is the -f options... is that what you mean?20:29
vegombreidarkvertex: bluetooth is enabled there .. i can see the bluetooth icon too .. it finds my headset .. but it crashes then .. i need to know how to restart that bluetooth service and then reconnect to my headset ..20:29
grendal_primeit instaleld the drivers for it..but x never got configured for it20:29
ThRixXxmooded, now it says : Cant open display :120:30
darkvertexvegombrei: What does hcitool dev says? Follow it with hcitool scan20:30
moodedThRixXx, maybe lets start the other way round.. what are you actually trying to do ?20:30
memeemeeeI want to make an alias to make sudo rsync but It can take time. want to be asked passwords but have the heavy lifting to take place in the bg grendal_prime20:31
ThRixXxtrying to run a game via. wine in a separate window20:31
nat2610hey, I did I don't know what while I was modifying my display on a fresh install of ubuntu and now I xorg is reading the xorg.conf.failsafe instead of xorg.conf How do I go back to that ?20:32
balachmarHi I think I may have found a bug. Currently Xorg on my other box is completely eating one core. And the system is unusable. I can however ssh into it.20:32
vegombreidarkvertex: i did the hcitool scan and then connect to mac address .. it doesnt connect i get a host has shut down msg20:32
balachmarAny idea on how to get the system going again?20:32
bullet234What the hell is wrong with my sound card realtek ALC662 ? The sound is buzzy20:32
trueboskoWhat's a bitmap font that comes pre-installed on most linux machines (and looks decent) ?20:33
ThRixXxmooded, trying to run a game via. wine in a separate window.20:33
fizbitbalachmar, I had that, it was caused by Flash 9, I haven't seen it in Flash 1020:33
Slartbullet234: it's an onboard soundcard? drivers are new/untested/buggy? interference from other stuff in the computer?20:33
balachmarfizbit: so it is firefox related?20:33
fizbitbut not sure if it is the same issue from such a small glance20:33
jmarsdenmemeemeee: Do sudo make rsync and then use ctrl-Z and then bg %1 to background the task after it has asked you for the pw?20:33
moodedThRixXx, ok.. and you have two monitors ? or why do you use :1 ?20:33
grendal_primememeemeee:  look into some sort of task scheduler. Im sure there is one for each of the desktops out that...(im assuming that you are running this on a workstion)20:34
Slartbullet234: oh.. and you might want to watch the language.. the admins are pretty strict when it comes to profanity20:34
bullet234Slart,  it's a fresh install. The sound card is onboard.20:34
balachmarfizbit: I just killed -15 firefox and it is still frozen20:34
darkvertexvegombrei: did you try to connect with hcitool cc?20:35
bullet234Slart, no problem, but it is kinds stressful ...20:35
memeemeeeyes jmarsden I could do that. just wondering if there is a way to have bg surface when an input is required instead of stopping20:35
fizbitbalachmar, I could never get it to stop without a hard reset20:35
stz184HCI authentication request failed: Input/output error20:35
stz184my bluetooth stoped working :(20:35
balachmarfizbit: ok and you updated flash yourself?20:35
cyberixIn some previous version of Ubuntu I double clickked on a gnumeric file and it suggested I should install gnumeric.20:36
Slartbullet234: I've never seen a solution to noisy output from soundcards.. my onboard cards works nicely in linux but hisses and crackles in windows.never been able to change it20:36
fizbitbalachmar, after upgrading to Flash 10, I haven't had it happen since. But if you already have Flash 10 it could be something else20:36
cyberixWhy doesn't this work anymore?20:36
jmarsdenmemeemeee: That woudl be very confusing... one minute you're typing away in a text editor, the next youf ind that what you are typing is going to a background task loking for a pw.... I don't think that would work very well :)20:36
dimehi.. i installed from the 386 cd instead of the x86_64 cd.. and now uname shows 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Tue Nov 4 19:33:20 UTC 2008 i68620:36
dimehow can i use the x86_64 kernel instead?20:36
Slartdime: reinstall20:36
dimeany other way?20:36
jmarsdendime: Basically, you can't.  Easiest way ahead is to reinstall from the correct CD20:36
Slartdime: not that I know of20:37
dimehrmm ok20:37
dimeif i basically make a copy of my .wine folder, will that pretty much keep everything?20:37
bullet234Slart, yesterday I had Vista running, and i had the same problem, but the manufacturer website had the solution. It is written on a page that i have to look for 3rd party websites for the linux support :|20:37
aldur1!"bot raid20:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bot raid20:37
aldur1!bot raid20:37
memeemeeei suppose you're right jmarsden. point taken20:38
Pici!raid | aldur120:38
ubottualdur1: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:38
jmarsdendime: define "everything"?  if you have a separate /home partition you can easily keep that20:38
quark64i think i will go on the french server it would be less difficult for me :p20:38
qowaodo any of you know the cisco vpn client pls? i wanna specify a profile but i cannot!!!!!!!!!!!!20:38
Slartbullet234: I would buy a cheap soundblaster card.. (not x-fi.. an audigy one).. or something else that's well supported20:38
dimeehhh.. i guess it'll be alright20:38
memeemeeewhat's the command to reload the .bashrc without exiting and logging back in?20:39
Slartdime: I think so20:39
jmarsdenmemeemeee: . ~/.bashrc20:39
bullet234Slart, what is this the one i need? http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false20:39
dimeoh.. one more thing20:39
dimeatm, it seems my system shows 3.2 gigs of ram when i have 420:39
MinosDisanyone know if its possible to add links to the Places menu?20:39
itrebaldid ubuntu upgrade to libcpp6?20:39
dimewill it show 4 when i switch from i686 to x86_64?20:40
Slartbullet234: I have no idea... never had a realtek card20:40
=== Paddy_EIRE is now known as Uber_Jeebus
darkvertexvegombrei: The docs are a bit old but you may get help from this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213731 and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSkype20:40
Bupsssguys, i came into this image http://willwill100.deviantart.com/art/Interpid-Ibex-Mockup-Part-3-93585184 and i thought if it's possible to create a login screen like this, instead of the usual boring boxes20:40
Johan-UbuntuNewbhow to unpack *.rar in ubuntu?20:40
Slartdime: yes20:40
jmarsdendime: 32bit addressing limitation.  You'll see all 4 in 64bit Ubuntu.20:40
Pici!rar | Johan-UbuntuNewb20:40
ubottuJohan-UbuntuNewb: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free20:40
bullet234Slart, it seams nobody around here had nothing to do with this. Nobody on the forums....20:40
grendal_primedamn...how do i config for 128 megs of ram in xorg.conf via dri...hmmmm20:40
shane2peruwhat is the recommended way of getting ATI drivers installed?20:40
=== Uber_Jeebus is now known as Paddy_EIRE
SlartBupsss: should be possible.. it might be very difficult and take a lot of work but possible.. yes20:41
shane2perudirectly from the ati website?  or using envy20:41
md22i wonder why my co workers hate linux so much when alot of stuff can be automated using it without paying a dime20:41
shane2peruI have heard of both, but wonder which is best.20:41
NotADJIs there a way to make evolution sort mail by threads? For long Mailing lists?20:41
BupsssSlart, that's interesing... do you know where to find some documentation?20:41
Slartmd22: no operating system is free.. unless your time has no value..20:41
hiltonIn Synaptic, I find 'kgrubeditor', which says it is the KDE 4 version of QGRUBEditor. But nowhere in the list can I find 'qgrubeditor'.20:41
jmarsdengrendal_prime: VideoRam 128MB (I think!)20:42
Koordinhi, i want to use the terminal of kate but he recognise me as the root ; how can i leave the 'su mode' ? i've already tried exit or C^ D20:42
SlartBupsss: nope.. sorry20:42
NotADJKoordin: Type exit20:42
NotADJIT should work20:42
Baekgui want to install ubuntu but i keep on getting errors20:42
NotADJUnless you are logged in as root.20:42
NotADJBaekgu: Such as?20:43
Johan-UbuntuNewbhow ti unpack *.r0120:43
qowaohey what i need is this: an alias that is like a little shell script. in fact i want two commands to execute. tried "foo | floo" but didnt work since floo got foo's output as argument what i dont want. any ingenious ideas?20:43
KoordinNotADJ: i've said that i've already tried exit, this does not work ; and i'm not logged as root20:43
NotADJKoordin: That is rather odd.20:44
Piciqowao: foo ; floo20:44
Slartqowao: foo;foo20:44
ste^wiican any1 help me with a NFS problem ?20:44
Baekguthe help me boot from disk simply says windows cannot access specified device path or file but doesnt say what it cant access20:44
zsquarepluscJohan-UbuntuNewb: search for unrar20:44
jmarsdenhilton: That's because kgrubeditor is the current product, qgrubeditor was discontinued...20:44
qowaothats possible in linux?20:44
NotADJqowao: Which?20:45
Baekgu(I am running xp)20:45
hiltonCan I use Kgrub under Gnome?>20:45
jmarsdenKoordin: what does the command     id  output?20:45
NotADJhilton: Yes20:45
qowaoNotADJ: using ;20:45
KoordinNotADJ: jmarsden : i'm not logged as a root, but i launched kate as a root, because i want kate to be oppened as a root ; but i don't want the terminal which is within it to be launched as a root one20:45
NotADJKoordin: You have to kill kate.20:45
Slartqowao: I think the man page for bash has that info and more20:45
kadukMy ubuntu fucked up20:45
kadukwhen I plug in memory stick20:46
Pici!language | kaduk20:46
ubottukaduk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:46
kadukcpu goes 100%20:46
kadukand nautilus freez20:46
moodedKoordin, guess you must configure that in kate itself if possible...20:46
jmarsdenKoordin: Why do you need Kate to be opned as root then?  if not to run terminal sessions as root?20:46
moodedKoordin, guess it wont drop privileges for the shell on its own..20:46
md22Slart:yeah time aint free. i guess they are more familiar with windows. but seriously to me coding in linux is much more straight forward than in windows20:46
kadukAnother bug ?/20:46
memeemeeethanks jmarsden20:46
kadukany help?20:46
hiltonWhat does it mean when a window (such as Firefox) fades into grayscale? I'm talking the entire window, contents, everything.20:46
NotADJhilton: It has froze20:46
ste^wiii'm getting 'Nov 10 21:31:26 ubuntu mountd[18257]: Caught signal 15, un-registering and exiting.20:46
ste^wiiNov 10 21:31:27 ubuntu nfsd[18572]: nfssvc: Setting version failed: errno 16 (Device or resource busy)' using NFS..20:46
drz4007can anybody help me please?20:46
NotADJdrz4007: With what?20:47
Koordinjmarsden: so i can save with ctrl+s wherever i want without any problem20:47
ste^wiiwhat am i doing wrong ??20:47
bombshelter13If I have one Ubuntu machine with the packages I want installed, and a second which is a fresh installation, what is the easiest way to get all the packages installed on the first machine installed on the second?20:47
hiltonNotADJ: What if it's still responsive but grayed?20:47
nat2610I fucked up a xorg.conf file and now xorg is loading xorg.config.failover .... how do I get xorg to load again the default file ?20:47
shane2peru!language | nat261020:47
ubottunat2610: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:47
NotADJhilton: I honestly don't know.20:47
kadukcan someone help me with stupid Ubuntu?20:47
NotADJnat2610: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg iirc20:47
Slartmd22: I have to agree.. but still I hate having to spend hours to get something simple like a label printer working (like I had to do today..) Can't really blame linux for it but it's still annoying20:48
hilton'fucked up' isn't bad language, shane2peru. It's even in the dictionary.20:48
=== d0nets is now known as d0netsFN
NotADJkaduk: Ubuntu isn't stupid20:48
jmarsdenKoordin: Sounds like somewhat muddled thinking to me.  You could try (in the terminal session) doing  su - myusername to get yourself a bash session as yourself?20:48
bombshelter13Hikefu: bad words can be in the dictionary too.20:48
kadukNotADJ, ok but buggy20:48
`r0otmy error in this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/70148/ it's panel error.20:48
md22Slart:well yeah stuff like that is annoying20:48
fizbithilton, is it your compiz settings perhaps?20:48
mooded!ask | kaduk20:48
ubottukaduk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:48
fizbithilton, is it your compiz settings perhaps?20:48
Baekguis it possible to run ubuntu as boot disk with a windows xp computer20:48
kadukmooded, when I plug in memory stick20:48
Koordinjmarsden: for the command you told me : Unknown id: out20:48
kadukmooded, nautilus goes mad20:48
jmarsdenKoordin: No, just type the command    id20:49
kadukmooded, I get 100% usage and windows is freezed20:49
kadukmooded, 100% cpu usage20:49
jmarsdenIt will probably say you are root, now I understand better what you are doing.20:49
NotADJkaduk: Report a bug, then.20:49
Koordinjmarsden: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)20:49
moodedkaduk, hmm.. yea - guess NotADJ is right ,)20:49
jmarsdenKoordin: So try    su - koordin  # or whatever your username is20:49
`r0otany help please ?20:49
jmarsdenThat will get you a non-root shell in there... is that what you need?20:49
Slartkaduk: try finding out what process is running amok.. ssh from another computer, try having a terminal open.. whatever20:50
kadukSlart, ?20:50
kadukSlart, its nautilus20:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:50
kadukSlart, this is what top shows, when I plug in memory stick nautilus goes mad20:50
Koordinjmarsden: thank you very much that was exactly what i needed : )20:50
jmarsdenKoordin: Cool, no problem20:50
Slartkaduk: nothing in the logs?20:51
kadukSlart, nothing20:51
kadukSlart, let me check more than kern.log20:51
Slartkaduk: what file system on that stick? ntfs? fat32?20:51
kadukSlart, fat3220:51
kadukSlart, and it was working before20:51
kadukSlart, I did not do any upgrade20:51
Pyles17My wireless worked for a while after installing the iwlwifi driver for my Intel 3945ABG card. now the card doesn't even show up in "lshw -C network".  Any ideas?20:51
zsquareplusckaduk: file on the stick? one of the thumbnailers may have a problem with one of the files20:52
`r0otdid any try to help me please!20:52
kadukzsquareplusc, thanks20:52
kadukzsquareplusc, an I turn off thumbnails for memory stick/.20:52
paul68!patience| `r0ot20:52
Slart`r0ot: repeat your question if you don't get an answer.. just make sure you don't repeat to often.. once every 5 minutes or so is enough20:52
ubottu`r0ot: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:52
hoelkwhy the hell do i have a process called "sudo" that uses 66% cpu of my dual core amd64 ?20:52
paul68!ask| `r0ot20:53
ubottu`r0ot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:53
Slart`r0ot: but just saying "anyone?" or "pretty pretty please help me" usually doesn't work20:53
bombshelter13If I have one Ubuntu machine with the packages I want installed, and a second which is a fresh installation, what is the easiest way to get all the packages installed on the first machine installed on the second?20:53
NotADJhoelk: YOu are running a child process as root.20:53
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:53
trueboskoWhat's a bitmap font that comes pre-installed on most linux machines (and looks decent) ?20:53
hoelkNot: it was apparently the sudo aptitude update thing20:53
bombshelter13Slack:  thanks!20:53
hoelkand it somehow didnt stop20:53
zsquareplusckaduk: maybe in the preferences if the window opens up automatically. if you have an open nautilus to view the stick, you can select the view in advance too20:54
hoelkalso i once had ktorrent using 1,6gb ram20:54
hiltonIs it possible or safe to set a home directory to a network location? If so, what happens if the network location isn't there?20:55
n8tuserthere is no  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.24/   for the 8.10 ? am trying to download nfs-modules20:55
FoeNyxHello, I have a problem with kde4 applications : they start but take 100% cpu and are not displayed on screen. Does someone knows how to solve that problem ?20:55
zsquarepluschilton: yes if it is NFS. it will freeze when the server is not available... natsy..20:55
Slarthilton: I think that's the way unix usually does it20:55
n8tuserhilton it does not work if not there, google for how nfs use to work if network is not available20:55
Pyles17My wireless worked for a while after installing the iwlwifi driver for my Intel 3945ABG card. now the card doesn't even show up in "lshw -C network".  Any ideas?20:56
n8tuserPyles17-> see if sudo lshal  would show it20:56
lwizardlhow do i edit a pdf file on ubuntu?20:57
Nibbler2.6.24-19-generic supports my wlan (iwl3945), 2.6.24-16-generic has these virtualbox-ose-modules stuff..... but not vice versa. what can be done to resolv this? any ideas?20:57
NotADJlwizardl: PDFs are generally non-editable20:58
NotADJ!pdf > nox-Hand20:58
ubottunox-Hand, please see my private message20:58
JasonWoofhow do I get rid of this &*F@(#$@# avahi thing?20:58
NotADJ!pdf > NotADJ20:58
JasonWoofit keeps &*(@$@#ing up my networking20:58
ubottuNotADJ, please see my private message20:58
zsquarepluscNibbler: compile one or the other drivers for oyur kernel. you can install the non ose virtual box for example. it installs/compiles kernel drivers automatically20:58
JasonWoofI did sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop20:58
`r0otI post my errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/70148/ it's panel error, so how i can fix it and i try make new user and it's work, but i need fix that user it's main one :( ?20:58
paul68!language |jasonwoof20:58
ubottujasonwoof: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:58
lwizardlNotADJ, i just need to remove a hover link on a page20:59
dystopiahe said nothing bad...20:59
JasonWoofsorry, I didn't realize than ascii symbols were naughty.20:59
memeemeee:D JasonWoof20:59
qowaohey cant i just create shortcuts on the desktop that runs several commands?20:59
Nibblerzsquareplusc: i'd like to have an apt-managed linux, and no compiled-on-my-own stuff... but ose  free virtualbox sounds like an option, performance isnt that critical tome20:59
\3TATUKPeople should be able to say what ever the fuck they want to.21:00
SlartJasonWoof: haven't you played nethack.. ascii symbols are the worst kind =)21:00
n8tuserqowao-> its called a script21:00
jmarsdenlwizardl: Maybe try sudo apt-get install pdfedit21:00
JasonWoofthere is no ethernet cord plugged into eth0, but something keeps making eth0:avahi which screws with my local network21:00
qowaon8tuser: could i place those on the desktop and just click em?21:00
qowaon8tuser: with a nice icon21:00
NotADJ!language > \3TATUK21:00
ubottu\3TATUK, please see my private message21:00
JasonWoofSlart: not enough to know which symbols are the scariest :)21:00
n8tuserqowao-> let the app-launcher take care of it21:00
spolvidHow can I get GRUB to recognize my keyboard?21:00
zsquarepluscNibbler: there are deb packages available for the other virtualbaox. but maybe the scripts that compile the driver are also included in the ose package too21:00
jmarsdenJasonWoof: does    sudo /sbin/ifdown eth0        solve this?21:00
\3TATUK!language > NotADJ21:00
ubottuNotADJ, please see my private message21:00
Pyles17\3tatuk: you can say whatever you want to in chat rooms that aren't for everyone21:00
spolvidIt just sits there right now.21:00
JasonWoofmy solution before was to disable my ethernet in the bios, but that seems a little extreme, and is not available to me with my computer on21:01
NotADJ\3TATUK: Thank you :D21:01
JasonWoofjmarsden: nope, tried that21:01
lwizardljmarsden, thanks didn't know about that app21:01
armandospolvid: probably a bios setting to enable usb keyboard support21:01
JasonWoofjmarsden: well, I did sudo ifconfig eth0 down, which I assume is the same thing. trying yours...21:01
ompaul!ops | trolling \3TATUK21:01
ubottutrolling \3TATUK: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:01
=== ascott is now known as ascott_afk
spolvidarmando: I'm on a Mac though, so I'm pretty sure I have EFI instead.21:01
n8tuserthere is no  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.24/   for the 8.10 ? am trying to download nfs-modules, can someone confirm please?21:01
qowaohmm n8tuser where is this app launcher21:01
\3TATUK!ops ompaul / NotADJ !ubottu spamming21:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:01
koopsdude cant open hotmail on firefox 3.0.3 on hardy....!!! whats goin on??21:01
Myrtti\3TATUK: are you done trolling soon?21:02
armandospolvid: hm not sure then21:02
darkvertexvegombrei: sorry had a network problem21:02
=== dtrask is now known as dtrask_away
koopscan someone help me?21:02
NotADJ!ask | koops21:02
ubottukoops: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:02
Slartkoops: try changing the client id string.. whatever it's called.. see if it lets you in21:03
spolvidarmando: Well, that's remarkably unhelpful.21:03
axionHello everyone21:03
=== muerr_ is now known as jtimberman
koopsSlart, k where?21:03
armandospolvid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57569221:03
Slartkoops: hang on.. there's a addon for it..21:03
n8tuserqowao-> on a terminal type   alacarte  then click on new item21:03
Nibblerzsquareplusc: well, i'll try then....21:03
vegombreii need help connecting my bluetooth headset to my pc ..21:03
koopsSlart, k... thanks21:03
paul68Myrtti once a parrot always a partot :-)21:03
axionI am having problems with Intrepid Ibex.....21:04
Pyles17axion: yeah, me too21:04
Slartkoops: here it is.. pretend to be something microsofty.. IE7 or something and see if it works https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5921:04
axionon this laptop, unless I boot with the option noacpi21:04
NotADJ!ask axion21:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask axion21:04
nat2610How do I get xorg to load again xorg.conf and not xorg.conf.failover ?21:04
NotADJ!ask | axion21:04
ubottuaxion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
`r0otany help with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/70148/21:04
axionI never acked to ask a question..21:05
axionI stated a fact ;-P21:05
axionbut anyhow..21:05
n8tuseraxion-> perhaps without that option, the settings are incompatible so you got to have it to make it work21:05
NotADJaxion: I know, twas a mistake21:05
joebodoaxion state you question on one line21:05
spolvidarmando: That doesn't help me. I'm on a Mac Mini, not a MacBook, and I'm running the latest firmware.21:05
axionthe laptop freezes on any stock kernel compiled for Intrepid Ibex upon reading the first files ..21:05
memeemeee!return | axion21:06
ubottuaxion: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:06
axionuntil I press any key.. such as alt or control and both and keep them depressed..21:06
koopsstill cant use it!21:06
qowaothx n8tuser21:06
axionthen it boots on, but it stops as soon as I release the keys21:06
koopsdont know why cant access hotmail, no one with the same problem?21:06
kadukWhat is used in ubuntu to generate thumbnails ?21:06
kadukby nautilus?21:06
drz4007problem!!  i updated ubuntu and now i cant load windows. they reboot just before  the user  screen. anybody?21:06
villeHi guys! I have a question.. im sitting @ my laptop using my wlan in my room... I just wonder my router is like 10 meters away and the wireless says 90 % connection: Ok here is my " problem " I have 8/1mb connection but on my laptop its only 2,5 is this usual?21:06
Slartkoops: I'll give it a try.. if my old account still works21:06
DBOkaduk, there is a thumbnailer as part of gnome's base libs21:07
axionOk.. but the problem is ver long and complicated to keep to one line21:07
nat2610How do I get xorg to load again xorg.conf and not xorg.conf.failover ?  ( I don't want to reset the content of xorg.conf but reset the path of the file loaded by Xorg)21:07
n8tuserville-> what is 8/1  2,5 ?21:07
joebodo!grub | drz400721:07
ubottudrz4007: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:07
kadukDBO, do You know which lib exacly ?21:07
kadukDBO, maybe I will upgrade it21:07
koopsSlart, thanks again...21:07
drz4007i have grub i think21:07
Slartkoops: works for me.. I have to allow some sites in noscript.. but other than that it works21:08
DBOkaduk, i think its somewhere in libgnomedesktop or libgnome...21:08
Bupssshi, i'm modifing a gdm theme, is there a way to test it without log out?21:08
vegombreiville: yes21:08
DBOkaduk, its being replaced by a dbus lib eventually21:08
villevegombrei: ok :/21:08
drz4007i can choose between the  os21:08
koopsSlart, try if u can type anything when u want to write an emal21:08
n8tusernat2610-> try    X -config xorg.conf21:08
=== moksha is now known as m0ksha
mdc154I followed the Ubuntu HowTo on IPtables, and applied the file to my interfaces and the firewall works.  But now that I have added a line to iptables, how do I get the service to restart without rebooting the server?21:09
n8tuserBupsss-> dont know if  xrefresh  will21:09
axionin a nutshell... unless I use noacpi on as a kernel option the system freezes up upon reading the first files from the harddisk. The only way to get it to respond is by pressin a key EG: Alt or Control. Then it continues booting until the key(s) are released.21:09
nat2610n8tuser, no ... Server is already active for display 021:09
n8tusernat2610-> then you need to restart gdm  /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:10
Slartkoops: hmm.. nope.. can write the to address and the subject.. but not the body of the mail.. annoying21:10
spolvidarmando: Do you think I could use elilo instead?21:10
fragalotHi, http://omploader.org/vd3Rw/Screenshot.png <-- any ideas on fixing this? (power history)21:10
nat2610n8tuser, is that gonna be different from ctrl + alt + delete ?21:10
n8tuserthere is no  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.24/   for the 8.10 ? am trying to download nfs-modules, can someone confirm please?21:10
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`r0otdid any one know how to fix the panel ?21:10
n8tusernat2610-> nope21:10
nat2610n8tuser, already did  ... didn't work21:11
n8tusernat2610-> your xorg.conf maybe faulty so it would not try to run it21:11
armandospolvid: I don't think it's a boot manager issue I think it has to do with how bootcamp handles keyboard input at a bios level21:11
zsquareplusc`r0ot: its a good idea to ask from time to time again. but please repeat the question/problem too.21:11
koopsSlart, any ideas whats goin on? it says to go to the download area of firefox.com but... im still with lastest firefox21:11
axionanyone else having that problem with a p4-m ?21:11
nat2610n8tuser, I already reset it ... this one is valid but no attempt are made to read it ...21:11
nat2610actually I copied the failsafe so I m sure at 100% this one should be reded21:12
n8tusernat2610-> then go to init level 1 then back to level 2 - 521:12
nat2610yeah let's try21:12
spolvidarmando: What do you think I should do then?21:12
Pyles17n8tuser: sudo lshal didn't show my wireless card either21:12
c0ntrolHello, how do I go about getting a package into ubuntu's repository ?21:13
`r0otI have error in my main user panle so i can't use the desktop and the error posted in this link http://paste.ubuntu.com/70148/21:13
axionPyles17, what ]problem do you have?21:13
n8tuserPyles17-> then a good driver for it is not loaded21:13
Slartkoops: well.. you'll have to ask microsoft what it's all about..I doubt they will answer though21:13
axionoops sorry..21:13
armandospol: google bootcamp and grub issues21:13
armandothat have to do with keyboard input21:13
m0kkihi, has anyone had any luck with wireless N and ubuntu? all i get is wireless G 54 Mb/s21:13
koopsSlart, could it be some microsoft problem?21:14
Pyles17n8tuser: ok, i thought i had the right one because it was working. and it at least showed up before21:14
c0re_hello. i badly need help with grub.21:14
Pyles17axion: my wireless card won't show up all the sudden21:14
axionwhat model/brand ?21:14
`r0oti got the 2 message at login in the same time.21:14
DIFH-icerooti need a good (and free) program like "xmlspy" for linux, any ideas?21:14
Slartkoops: could be.. or firefox.. hard to tell21:15
aleksander_mc0re_: what's the problem?21:15
Pyles17axion: Intel Pro/wireless 3945ABG. I got the driver and it worked, but now it doesn't21:15
koopsSlart, k, thank you very muc21:15
c0ntrolDIFH-iceroot: tcpdump is great for everything imho21:15
axiondifh-iceroot try searching for projects on Freshmeat.. and then install with the ubuntu installer21:15
|MUSE|I want my terminal to change it colour profile when I run different programs. How do I do this?21:15
c0re_aleksander_m, i was trying to install http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20885521:15
Slartkoops: you're welcome21:15
c0re_aleksander_m, gfxboot loader...21:16
axiongo check your updates Pyles17 maybe you have to retrograde21:16
DIFH-icerootc0ntrol: tcpdump? what?21:16
n8tuserDIFH-iceroot-> xmlspy as the xml validator?21:16
DIFH-icerootn8tuser: yes21:16
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j0nrhey all... can i run the nautilus audio convert script from command line to recursively find all m4a in many directories and convert?21:16
axionPyles17,  go check your updates Pyles17 maybe you have to retrograde21:16
thiefnessnvidia-settings won't keep my settings, even when i use sudo or gksu, why is this?21:16
spolvidarmando: Right now when I try to load Ubuntu, all I get is a flashing underscore in the upper left corner. I'm assuming this is GRUB? I don't really know what I'm doing :P21:16
Pyles17axion: i'll try that21:16
`r0otcan i post my errors message in the chn ?21:17
n8tuserDIFH-iceroot-> do a    apt-cache search  xml   and see if any tools shows up21:17
aleksander_mc0re_ : and?21:17
Pyles17axion: i'm a newb, where do i check my updates?21:17
axionspolvid, are you booting from cd/dvd?21:17
DIFH-icerootn8tuser: the i would not ask here if i had found a good one21:17
zsquareplusc`r0ot: do you find errors in /var/log/syslog regarding bonobo?21:17
spolvidaxion: Currently, yes.21:17
n8tuserDIFH-iceroot-> we dont know all the answer, drop the attitude please21:17
mooded`r0ot, use pastebin.com to paste error messages21:18
zsquarepluscmooded: he did21:18
`r0otzsquareplusc: i don't this so but i can open it if u want that21:18
c0re_aleksander_m, Error 15: File not found21:18
j0nr can i run the nautilus audio convert script from command line to recursively find all m4a in many directories and convert?21:18
axionspolvid, the start screen is the grub one21:18
j0nror similar?21:18
c0re_aleksander_m: Error 15: File not found, Error 15: File not found21:18
moodedzsquareplusc, ah k ,)21:18
`r0otmooded: it's in http://paste.ubuntu.com/70148/21:18
NotADJj0nr: You'd use a find script and convert the .pls21:19
axionspolvid, there you can change command line options and select to boot in safe-mode21:19
Pyles17ActionParsnip: you helped me with my wireless recently. it worked for a while and now it doesn't21:19
|MUSE|I want my terminal-session to change its colour profile when I run a particular program. How do I do this?21:19
j0nrNotADJ: .pls??21:19
spolvidaxion: Is this in menu.lst?21:19
ActionParsnipPyles17: strange21:19
zsquareplusc`r0ot: there is a view for system messages in the system->admin menu21:19
axionspolvid, do you get a console or windows ?21:20
spolvidaxion: When?21:20
axionspolvid, anytime21:20
thiefnesswhen i run the nvidia x server settings (nvidia-settings) it will not keep my settings and enable my second monitor, how do i do it so that it will keep my settings?21:20
`r0otzsquareplusc: I can't use the desktop :(21:20
c0re_i badly need help with grub...21:20
spolvidaxion: When I try to boot Ubuntu off the disc?21:21
deus_im in the process of setting up the partitioning here and i wonder21:21
Pyles17ActionParsnip: lol yeah. i installed the driver, and now it doesn't even show up as being there. It still works in windows though21:21
deus_is the boot flag nesescary?21:21
`r0otonly i have see the desktop image and the 2 errors messages21:21
ackehey what am i doing wrong? im putting " 'test'>>logfile" in a file named 'testprint'. and then i do chmod a+x testprint, and ./testprint. but it doesnt print test to the logfile???21:21
ActionParsnipPyles17: you using ndiswrapper?21:21
axionspolvid,  in the past till now have you ever gotton the ubuntu desktop to display ?21:21
aleksander_mc0re_: I guess you didn't write the appropriate device name in your grub.list21:21
deus_and if it is should the boot flag go to the boot partition or the / partition?21:21
spolvidaxion: Only booting off the CD.21:21
zsquareplusc`r0ot: but you have a GUI runing? then you could open a terminal or use alt+f2 and run gnome-system-log21:22
Pyles17ActionParsnip: no, i downloaded the iwlwifi driver from Intel21:22
c0re_aleksander_m, what should i write there?21:22
n8tuseracke-> is test a script?21:22
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:22
zsquareplusc`r0ot: otherwise you can look at the files with less /var/log/syslog etc21:22
`r0otok i will21:22
erUSULaxion: echo "test" >> logfile21:22
axionspolvid, so and then you have installed of the boot disk and the installed system doesn't seen to work ?21:22
ActionParsnipPyles17: maybe it needs recompiling, or you could try ndiswrapper21:22
acken8tuser: no test is a string21:22
Pyles17ActionParsnip: and then put the micro code in /lib/firmware21:23
spolvidaxion: Yes.21:23
rblstmy the default printer in OpenOffice is not the same as in CUPS in Hardy, why?21:23
matthewI could have used that how to recover grub two years ago lol21:23
Pyles17ActionParsnip: with ndiswrapper i can't find the .inf file for the driver21:23
PromilleHey guys. Trying to get the NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.08-pkg1 to work but it says; no precompiled kernel interface was found. anyone who can help me?21:23
ackeerUSUL: thx that did the trick21:23
erUSUL!nvidia | Promille21:23
n8tuseracke-> why would you think   test >> logfile       would do anything ?21:23
ubottuPromille: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:23
axionspolvid, upon turning on the system do you get the boot-selection of the press esc message ?21:23
Koordinhow can i "ls" files only and not directories ?21:23
fosco_Promille: use nvidia deb package21:23
matthewpromille have you tried envyng21:23
erUSULKoordin: find . -type f21:24
c0re_aleksander_m, do you know how do i fix it or not?21:24
Koordinthanks erUSUL21:24
axionerUSUL, it's not a loggin problem .. upon pressing alt or ctrl the system boots nicely..21:24
Promillewow many answer.. i did it as it said i should at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto but i havent found any deb, no21:24
Promillewhere is that21:24
vegombreihow do i sync my bluetooth headset with ubuntu ?? it shows up as a device but when i connect to it21:24
axionerUSUL, it would seen like a kernel clock driver problem21:24
n8tuserthere is no  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.24/   for the 8.10 ? am trying to download nfs-modules, can someone confirm please?21:25
spolvidaxion: All I can see is the flashing underscore in the upper left. I can't type or input in anyway, so I need to manually hit the power button to restart.21:25
acken8tuser: i thought the pipe would be enough :O21:25
matthewpromille install nvidia drivers with envyng21:25
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?21:25
matthewsudo apt-get install envyng21:25
rblstmy the default printer in OpenOffice is not the same as what is set in CUPS in 8.04, why?21:25
`r0otzsquareplusc: I try but i find more command and i don't know how i can do it :(21:25
fosco_Promille: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-173 (matthew solution is good also)21:25
ackeso if i put a file (a+x) in the cron.daily directory, will it be automatically run each day?21:25
axionspolvid, upon turning on the system you don't get the grub menu ?21:25
Promillematthew: the problem is that im not installing the recommended nvidia-driver, but for my new nvidia 9800gtx which there arent any "tested" drivers for ubuntu out yet21:26
koopsfor those who cant write on hotmail you have to chage general.user.vendor on about:config and erase Ubuntu there... mother ·$%·$% microsoft21:26
n8tuseracke-> do a manual test of the script before putting it in cron21:26
Promilleok.. thanks for help guys. ill try it out.. your amazing, love this community :)21:26
mattheware you using 8.10 or 8.0421:26
spolvidaxion: No.21:26
Promillematthew: 8.1021:26
matthewhave you tried envyng ?21:26
Promilleno, i will do it now.. brb21:26
axionspolvid, you need to boot of the dvd/cd and go to the command line..21:27
spolvidaxion: I'm chainloading from rEFIt, if that helps.21:27
matthewit is a nice program that is what I use to install my drivers for my laptop21:27
acken8tuser: thx thats a really good idea. how would i make sure its executed at the time i specified in the script? i did run the command before adding it to the script though. think they are okay21:27
spolvidaxion: I'm booting off the CD now.21:27
matthewI wish 177 driver was available for 8.0421:27
acken8tuser: would the script be run each day, no other references needed? it only need to be in the dir?21:27
n8tuseracke it should21:28
fosco_Promille: 177 driver should do the trick for 980021:28
acken8tuser: gr8 thx21:28
Promillefosco_: ok, thanks21:28
spolvidaxion: What now?21:29
vaadoowhere can i get help with a bug in 8.10?21:29
ActionParsnipPyles17: go to manufacturers site for the usb or pci card or whatever and download from there21:29
shane2peruok, any bzflag players out there?21:29
Promillefosco_: so the right command is then; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 ?21:29
Pyles17ActionParsnip: k21:29
fosco_Promille: yes21:29
axionspolvid, mount the root partition on which you installed ubuntu.. and : sudo grub-instal /dev/(your bootable hdd device) --root-directory=(wherever your hdd root partion is mounted)21:29
erUSULPromille: system>Admin>Hardware Drivers should do the Right Thing (tm)21:30
matthewPromille envyng will get all the files you need to get the driver working correctly21:30
shane2perumy computer has high resolution 1800 x 1280 and I can't seem to get bzflag working21:30
matthewand all the extras21:30
shane2peruI use the window flag, and that works, but it is small!21:30
sintis it possible that "showimg" disappeared in ubuntu??21:30
Promilleok, downloading it now.. seems like its only out for 8.0421:30
axionsudo grub-install /dev/(your bootable hdd device) --root-directory=(wherever your hdd root partion is mounted)21:30
axionthat's for spolvid21:30
binarymutantanyone have a toshiba portage?21:30
matthewyou have to enable universe and multiverse21:30
`r0othow i can dispaly gnome-system-log ?21:31
matthewsudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:31
vaadooany easy way to go back to hardy from ibex?21:31
Promillefosco_: unfortunately that was the driver i allreay used, didnt work how it was suppose to =/21:31
mooded`r0ot, system->system management (or whatever its called) -> system protocol21:31
matthewvaadoo I just did a clean install lol21:32
Pyles17ActionParsnip: i just reinstalled the driver, restarting now21:32
pHro_where can I find info on how to tweak ubutnu 8.10 to increase performance?21:32
matthew8.04 is LTS you know21:32
jmarsden`r0ot: run the gnome-system-log program21:32
vaadooif i reinstall hardy, will there be 2 options on boot menu?21:32
vaadooi dont' have any important data, how can i completely remove and reinstall?21:33
sintok i've found out! showimg disappeared! can anyone tell me a usefull and fast imageviewer? please not f-spot!21:33
matthew2 options for what ?21:33
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?21:33
jmarsdenvaadoo: No, it will wipe out your Intrepid install21:33
matthewjust install 8.04 and use the entire drive21:33
vaadoo1 to boot into ibex, 2nd to boot into hardy21:33
fosco_vaadoo: if instaled in the same partition you'll see only one kernel21:33
zsquarepluscsint: gqview21:33
erUSULsint: gthumb21:33
vaadoooh ok21:33
spolvidaxion: Ok, so I should be able to boot now?21:33
matthewthat is what I did I didn't like 8.1021:33
roy_hobbsHey, I tried to create a simple cron job but it's not working "12,36  *   *   *   *    touch /home/matt/Desktop/file_$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S)"21:33
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roy_hobbsIt's in my person crontab, and yes I restarted cron21:34
vaadoowhenever i try to increase/decrease the volume while playing an audio file, i lose keyboard functionality21:34
vaadooand i have to log off to fix it21:34
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matthewthat sucks21:34
jmarsdenroy_hobbs: % signs are special on crontab entries...21:34
matthewI stick with the lts releases21:34
Promillematthew: wow its huge! 180mb or something21:34
matthewpromille try it it is worth it21:34
roy_hobbscan i escape them?21:34
sintthanks folks! i'll check them out :)21:34
matthewit has compiz and all that stuff21:34
matthewscreen savers21:35
jmarsdenroy_hobbs: Yes, with \ .  See man 5 crontab21:35
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`r0otevry thing is ok :( and the other user run ok but i can't use the panle for main user :(21:35
axionspolvid, try it..21:35
Promillematthew: yeah looks nice.. but does it support beta-drivers too? i mean does it search for the beta-drivers?21:35
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?21:35
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?.21:35
spolvidaxion: OK....21:35
matthewnot sure21:35
matthewI always use what is stable21:36
matthewstable is nice21:36
Promillematthew: ok, but thank you alot.. i think ill find it out from here.. ;) thanks a bunch21:36
matthewthere is a gtk and qt version too21:36
roy_hobbsnice, it started working immediately, thanks jmarsden21:36
vaadooi set up networking fine with vista & ubuntu, but couldn't set up between 2 ubuntu machines21:36
gavifolks, is there anyone with a little bit of expirence with vhcs?21:36
zsquareplusc`r0ot: last resort, delete the hidden (dot) files in your home folder. this will make you loose all your settings and start again with defaults. maybe backup them first (or rename)21:36
Pr0xityhow can i see the users on a channel?21:36
vaadoowhat am i missing?21:36
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matthewvaadoo what are you talking about21:37
`r0otzsquareplusc: i ahe two users the main one have the errors in gnome-panel and number two run fine, so i post my errors message, but i don't know how to fix it ?21:37
hawkSMRconfused newbie here... :)  I can't open a .doc file in Open Office - it says "Access to /media/WD Passport/myfolder/mydoc.doc was denied - how can I get permission?21:37
vaadoomathhew, i set up desktop ubuntu with vista laptop21:37
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?.21:37
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?.21:37
vegombreihow do i sync my bluetooth headset with ubuntu ?? it shows up as a device but when i connect to it it says host shut down21:37
vaadooi can see the shares and aceess them21:37
_Zeus_`r0ot: when removing hidden files, be careful NOT TO USE rm .*21:37
`r0otall of them :O ?21:37
vaadooi also have a ubuntu partition on the laptop, but when i am in ubuntu, i don't see any shares21:37
matthewvaadoo I wiped out my vista lol21:38
WDCHey hey. I just reinstalled Ubuntu and had a full backup of my /home foler. How can I sert permissions so that I can use the files on this new install?21:38
matthewhawk right click and make the file read and writable to you21:38
Pr0xityhow can i see the users on a channel?21:38
vaadoomy vista works perfectly with ubuntu21:38
vaadoobut not ubuntu to ubunto21:38
WDCvaadoo: So does mine21:38
matthewmine does to gone21:38
chilli0hey all how do i make a python script run on shut down?.21:38
erUSULWDC: just change the files' owneraand group to your user21:38
zsquareplusc`r0ot: yes, i saw your pasteed message, i dont knwo how to fix that. but as you say an other use is fine, it indicates that its a users settings problem. so removing the settings files should help21:38
WDCerUSUL: Not that easy. chmod won't work21:38
WDCerUSUL: and hey21:38
erUSULWDC: chown21:39
chilli0does anyone know how to make a script work on shut down?21:39
WDCerUSUL: orly21:39
erUSULWDC: sudo chouwn -R $USER:$USER21:39
_Zeus_erUSUL: in hindsight, you should have tared it, but too late now.  You will need to set +x permissions on directories, for one21:39
Slartchilli0: since you've already googled for this and searched the forums you've already seen this thread.. but just in case.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43634621:39
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vaadoodo i have enable nfs manually?21:39
`r0otzsquareplusc: all of them or .conf and ,gnome only ?21:39
erUSUL_Zeus_: talk to WDC21:39
_Zeus_WDC: when i did that, all the folders were unreadable due to not having +x21:40
zsquarepluscchilli0: you can install scripts in /etc/init.d and the rc?.d folders (using update-rc.d) that are run on start or stop21:40
zsquareplusc`r0ot: i dont know. maybe all the .gnome folders21:40
vegombreihow do i sync my bluetooth headset with ubuntu ?? it shows up as a device but when i connect to it it says host shut down21:40
victamowerhi, every time I install updates of some kind my keyboard breaks - I can t type apostrophes, they come up like diacritics (lines over the letters)21:40
victamowerhow do I permanently fix this?21:40
hawkSMRmatthew: in Permissions, says owner=root, so I can't change them - but all permissions are already set to read/write anyway21:40
WDC_Zeus_: I want david to own /home/david what's the command21:41
WDCI can't figure it out21:41
mindrapeLOL Slart21:41
chilli0so if i want to make them run when i shut down how would i do that? may i see an example?21:41
mindframe-should compiz work with intel 945GM chipsets?21:41
_Zeus_WDC: sudo chown -R david:david /home/david21:41
n8tuserchilli0-> put it in /etc/rc6.d21:41
mneptokvictamower: use the US keyboard layout, not US International21:41
Neulinghi guys i have installed Windows on my first hard disk and ubuntu on my external Drive but i cannot boot from my external Drive seems Bios cannot do this how can i chane that?21:41
zeta-Hi, just upgraded to 8.10 -- But my system has started randomly locking-up solid and blinking capslock & scrolllock21:41
zeta-Is this known issue?  Is it to do with disabled restricted packages?21:41
victamowermnep: I m using USA21:41
kyleLF help with grphics drivers and xserve (i think)21:41
matthewhawk do sudo nautilus then in root go to the file and change it to you21:41
erUSULWDC: i already told you sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/david21:41
hawkSMRthanks matthew21:41
WDCerUSUL: I know. I just didn't connect the dots with the $user. My bad21:41
mindrapeNeuling - you should probably get a motherboard that can support it.  Or write your own BIOS update and flash it.21:41
chilli0n8tuser:  so if i put my python script in there it will run it on shutdown?21:41
osirisdoes anyone know anything about the load_cycle_count issue? i dont want to hdparm -255 my drive as the temperature get's too high21:42
WDC_Zeus_: chown: cannot access `/home/david/.gvfs': Permission denied21:42
victamowermnep: how do I reconfigure X so it doesn revert to international each time?21:42
n8tuserchilli0-> test it and see..read some of the scripts there, those that start with K21:42
_Zeus_WDC: ignore that, you can never touch that21:42
chilli0why k?21:42
Neulingmindrape: oh ok but i think i am not able tp write a BIOS update21:42
WDC_Zeus_: But, nothing else works either21:42
`r0otok now how i can delete user from command line ?21:43
mindrapechilli0: we don't hold hands here.  If you would like somebody to hold your hand get a significant other.  If you want people to point you in the right direction you're in the right place and plenty of fingers have pointed for you already.21:43
_Zeus_WDC: all the . folders do hat?21:43
kylei have a feeling i'm in over my head lol21:43
WDC_Zeus_: Lock file '/home/david/.TrueCrypt-lock-david' has incorrect permissions.21:43
chilli0mindrape:  i have been told about 3 things and i dont get what they mean21:43
_Zeus_WDC: is the folder encrypted?21:43
rhalffhm, my interfaces file contains, auto lo, iface lo inet loopback. nothing more, where is eth0 defined ?21:43
WDC_Zeus_: No21:43
kylecan anyone point the direction to drivers for an intel x3100?21:43
WDC_Zeus_: It's from an old install though21:43
rblstmy the default printer in OpenOffice is not the same as what is set in CUPS in 8.04, why?21:44
kyle<looks for fingures>21:44
matthewlook in synaptic kyle21:44
n8tuserrblst-> change it, so it will be the same21:44
erUSULrhalff: ubuntu uses networ manager by default but you can add the interfaces to the file if you want to21:44
Flannelkyle: They're almost certainly installed by default21:44
victamowermneptok: how do I permanently set my keyboard type to US?  It keeps reverting to US International21:44
spolvidaxion: Thar didn't work.21:44
kyleis it a whisper when it's red?21:44
erUSULrhalff: System>Preferences>Network Settings in 8.1021:44
yonixternal: what up, dookie?21:45
erUSULvictamower: System>Preferences>Keuboard?21:45
rblstn8tuser: change it where? if i change it in CUPS, it doesn't affect the setting in OO.o21:45
rhalfferUSUL,  the network manager is mostly graphical and not meant for a server I guess ? or can I also expect the server edition to define it's interfaces elsewhere21:45
noaxihmm spolvid21:45
`r0otzsquareplusc: it's the same :(21:45
victamowererUSUL: I ve tried that in the past, it doesn t stick when some kind of updates are applied21:45
mindrapechilli0: well do you know what run levels are?  If not go google that.  You seem to be asking questions about things you dont understand.  If you aren't sure how shutdown processes work research that first instead of jumping to "I want to run scripts when my computer shuts down".  Instead ask "How does a shutdown process work?"21:45
spolvidnoaxi: What do you think?21:45
kadukhow to mount new partition in ubuntu as home direcotry?21:45
erUSULrhalff: no for a server the interfaces file is the way to go afaics21:45
kaduklooks like fstab is unstandard21:45
victamowererSUL: the GNOME setting is fine, it s the setting in xorg.conf that gets overwritten21:46
=== noaxi is now known as axion
Slartkaduk: unstandard? because it uses uuids ?21:46
mkdigital hi! can someone tell me how to change the screen resolution in xubuntu? i got an acer aspire one and only 800x600, should be 1024x60021:46
erUSULvictamower: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#X.Org%20Input%20Devices21:46
=== axion is now known as noaxi
zsquareplusc`r0ot: there are a lot more folders with settings. move the others too.21:46
chilli0mindrape:  i just want some1 to show me how to make my script on shut down21:46
rhalfferUSUL, ok good :)21:46
n8tuserrblst-> in OpenOffice21:46
Inf_lappyI'm having this bizarre bug in X. i'm using a trackpad and sometimes it starts to act as if i'm constantly moving the pointer down- or upwards. right now it's basically a game of whack-a-mole if i want to click on things21:47
`r0otzsquareplusc: plese names :$21:47
dirtbagIs the ext3 filesystem the best one to use with ubuntu?21:47
erUSULdirtbag: short answer: yes21:47
kyle!whisper dirtbag whisper test21:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:47
Flannelkyle: No, its just addressed to you.21:47
n8tuserchilli0-> to learn scripting, please do a tutorial on bash scripting21:47
noaxispolvid: when runnign the grub command it gave you a list of kernels it found ?21:47
Neulingmindrape: but a dual Boot is however possible or not?21:47
Flannel!prefix | kyle21:47
ubottukyle: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:47
spolvidnoaxi: grub-install?21:47
victamowerI ll see if dpkg-reconfigure console-setup worked21:47
chilli0n8tuser:  i know scripting , not bash thoe why cant some1 just tell me how to do it?21:48
hawkSMRmatthew:  no dice, I run nautilus and go into permissions on the file, but everytime I choose smr as owner it just stays a second then changes itself back to root21:48
spolvidnoaxi: I don't remember.21:48
hawkSMRalso, I get the same error if I try to open it as root21:48
noaxitry it again21:48
zsquareplusc`r0ot: nope i dont start telling random names.. maybe mkdir ~/backup; mv -r .* ~/backup21:48
kyle!whisper flannel o interesting, as for what yous aid about the drivers. my friend is my go to guy about all this and he had to leave but he said they weren't already installed21:48
dirtbagOk thanks.21:48
xjrnis there a x86 comompat amd64 package to run old static x86 bins  under X ?21:48
spolvidnoaxi: What's the syntax again?21:48
n8tuserchilli0-> alright, do this, visit /etc/rc6.d and pick one thats like K20dir*   look at how that script is done21:48
mindrapechilli0: and we are saying go research how runlevels work and the init scripts for each...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=436346  this link was pasted previously and has the EXACT answer you need.21:48
rhalfferUSUL,  I was about to add a bridge in the interfaces file, but if there is a qui option to do this I would like to use it, but I can't see such an option in the GUI21:48
Flannelkyle: No !whisper, just "Flannel, blah blah blah" and you can usually tab complete the nick.21:48
`r0otok i will try21:48
kadukSlart, yes21:49
Flannelkyle: what version of Ubuntu are you using?21:49
noaxitry grub-install -help or man grub-install and try to figure it out21:49
kadukSlack, some strange numbers that are not for human21:49
xjrnis there a x86-compat amd64 package  even21:49
erUSULxjrn: ia32-libs ?21:49
kyleflannel: 8.121:49
Neulingmindrape: but a dual Boot is however possible or not?21:49
kadukSlack, normaly fstab has its man page and is not saved in binary format so user can modifie it21:49
vegombreihow do i sync my bluetooth headset with ubuntu ?? it shows up as a device but when i connect to it it says host shut down21:49
Slart!uuid | kaduk21:49
ubottukaduk: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:49
mindrapeNeuling - I dont believe so, no.21:50
_cbHow could I do the following? 1.- Give end users the ability to save program and settings (not data) to a bootable CD with a single click. 2.- Give end users the ability to restore program and settings (not data) from a bootable cd with a single click. Am assuming I can script taring appropriate folders. Not sure what to do about Grub or how to script the bootale cd.Any ideas?21:50
Flannelkyle: 8.10, alright.  Open up synaptic, and verify that you have xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed21:50
Flannel!synaptic | kyle21:50
ubottukyle: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto21:50
mindrape_cb - let me do your college assignment for you... hold on while I generate a simple 3 line script that accomplishes all of that for you.21:51
Flannel_cb: Settings are data, there isn't really a distinction made between them.21:51
King_BobHi guys , ive got a raid drive set up as a mirror with ubuntu  installed on it which id like to format as a blank drive , how do i go about doing this as i cant make any head way with Partition editor21:51
Neulingmindrape: but why? means even if Bios doesnt recognize my external Drive this should work however on my hard disk or?21:51
gavagaiI installed rar and unrar but still can't get extraction to work.  What do I need to do to unpack rar archives?21:51
BULLE_gavagai: unrar21:51
_cbFlanel I know data what I meant is not the /home folder. I would restore that from backup21:51
mindrapeNeuling - well you can try booting off the primary drive and then using the bootloader there to get to it... but I don't think it's going to be successful still based on my magic 8 ball.21:51
mindrapegavagai - man unrar21:51
BULLE_gavagai: and dont use the free version, thats called unrar-free21:51
kyleFlannel, are you refering to syste>admin>software sources?21:52
BULLE_gavagai: or something along those lines, the free oversion doesnt work well at all21:52
gavagaimindrape, i want to use the GUI21:52
Flannelkyle: No, synaptic package manager.21:52
zsquarepluscgavagai: please provide error messages. i'm not good at telepathy21:52
BULLE_gavagai: does unrar evne come with a gui ?21:52
Flannelkyle: that page steps you through its usage, including invocation21:52
mindrapehe is probably using xarchive or something and gave the link to unrar to it?21:52
Koordinhi, i want to delete all the files which are in my current folder and which are numbers : what is wrong with that ? "find . -iregex ^[0-9]+$ -maxdepth 0 | rm"21:52
erUSULBULLE_: file-roller the archive manager of gnome will work with rar fiels iff you install rar/unrar21:53
gavagaiBULLE_, i googled this and it said if you install unrar it would make the default file extracter work with rar21:53
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:53
tallmttI am setting up a laptop for sale - I had to do post install configuration to get wireless working.  Is there a way to make it OEM (User sets up username/password on boot) now?21:53
kyleFlannel, ok let me check this out21:53
_cbWhat I want to do is give non-technical users PC's with Ubuntu and provide them with a real easy way to recover program and settings. Would use a different mechanism for the home folder21:53
Neulingmindrape:could be true :( i tried it before and it didnt work i thought that i would have done something wrong21:53
spolvidnoaxi: what would the kernels look like?21:53
Flanneltallmtt: Did you install the OEM version?21:53
_cbmindrape I wish I was in college ;)21:54
tallmttFlannel: No, I did not21:54
Neulingmindrape:Are a lot of Windows programs working under Wine so i will use Wine instead21:54
King_Bobany ideas?21:54
zsquarepluscKoordin: you cant pipe (|) to rm. you need to use -exec21:54
zleaphow do I rotate the images for the stickers at http://ubuntu.ec/su/drupal5/21:54
zleapi tried in gimp it rotated but cut what was the top and bottom off21:54
zsquarepluscKoordin: and i'd test with echo instead of rm..21:54
giacomo_c1my gnome session comes up with a black screen and my gconf-editor is blank, how can i fix these things since i upgraded to 8.10?21:55
Koordinzsquareplusc: ok thanks21:55
Flanneltallmtt: You'll want to do that.  I believe both CDs (alternate and desktop) give you the ability to set up an OEM system (but if the desktop one doesn't, I can verify that the alternate CD does).  Then you log in with a temporary "oem" user to set it all up, and then once that's done, you run a script.  At next boot, it prompts for username/password/etc.21:55
cables_maloanyone here good with firestarter/21:55
Neulinganyone knows a program with which i can rotate video clips?21:55
gigatwoAnyone willing to help me get my usb headset to work in pulse? It works fine with Sound recorder and nothing else.21:55
cables_maloi cant get any computer to get a DHCP addy21:55
giacomo_c1what do you want to know cable?21:55
noaxiupdate-grub should tell you what kernels iti si installing21:55
zsquarepluscFlannel: rhe desktop also has a note about OEM installs when you boot :-)21:55
tallmttFlannel: There's no way I can run a script, or just type in the commands (maybe from a livecd) at this point?21:56
cables_maloi set up firestarter on my eth0 and it said it is working and nothing gets and address21:56
gavagaiSo if I have to use the CLI, that's fine, but how do I figure out the path to the windows share containing the rar archive?  I'm looking at it in nautilus right now and in propreties it says the location is smb://computername.  how do i get there in the terminal?21:56
Slartcables_malo: I think firestarter by default just drops all packages21:56
zsquarepluscgavagai: oh. those smb urls are probably not supported by unrar. copy the files first21:56
erUSULgavagai: yopu do not have to use the cli to unrar a file21:56
Koordinzsquareplusc: and my regexp is correct ? i know this is the php syntax21:56
cables_malois there some known issue with sharing internet with ubuntu 7.10?21:56
WoodsDoghow does the 64 bit of ibex hold up? any significant reasons not to use 64 bit?21:56
gavagaizsquareplusc, thanks21:56
cables_malodrops all packages?21:57
zsquarepluscgavagai: or manually mount using samba. but copying is easier to explain ;-)21:57
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php21:57
Slartcables_malo: you might have to configure firstarter.. or uninstall it totally (and reset the firewall rules)21:57
mindframe-should compiz work with intel 945GM chipsets?21:57
giacomo_c1DON'T UPGRADE TO 8.1021:57
giacomo_c1it sux21:57
FloodBot1giacomo_c1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
mindrapegiacomo_c1: too late.  I love it.21:57
spolvidnoaxi: It says it couldn't find a GRUB directory.21:57
grobda24Why would I have port 443 open for https ?21:57
erUSULgiacomo_c1: the place for opinion is #ubuntu-offtopic not here21:57
giacomo_c1if i could only get gnome fixed, im sure i would love it too21:57
Slartgiacomo_c1: sounds like software I'd pay good money for.. but alas.. it doesn't21:57
mindrapegrobda24: because that is the port it uses?21:57
zsquarepluscKoordin: i'n not fluent in find regexp syntax. however it looked not bad21:57
gigatwoMy headset only works in sound recorder (through pulse audio, I believe) How do I get it to work on everything else?21:57
giacomo_c13 responses, that was funny21:57
mindrapesuccessful troll is successful21:58
mariza92me ajudein nao consigo instalar o ubuntu21:58
giacomo_c1gigatwo: did you look anywhere on the ubuntuforums?21:58
Slart!it | mariza9221:58
ubottumariza92: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:58
erUSUL!pt | mariza9221:58
kyleis there a command to see the list of rules? i dont' want to break them21:58
ubottumariza92: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/21:58
noaxispolvid: you should tell update-grub where you mounted your root directory.21:58
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:58
mariza92eu so falo portugues21:59
vegombreiActionParsnip: hi21:59
Slartkyle: just behave.. don't be rude, nasty or smell weird21:59
noaxispolvid: it's time for to sign off.. got to work tomorrow..21:59
gavagaiOk i'm copying the archive over and will try to unrar it, thanks.  It never in a thousand years would have occured to me that unrar will puke if the archive is on a samba share...21:59
cables_malois there a known issue? i have red the forums for hours on this one, i installed dhcp, and firestarter thinks it is working21:59
gigatwoI did, but I can't seem to find a thread more specific to my situation. The ones that I did find were somewhat helpful, and got me to the point that I'm at right now.21:59
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:59
yoActionParsnip:  ninja, please!21:59
osirisdoes anyone know anything about the load_cycle_count issue? i dont want to hdparm -255 my drive as the temperature get's too high21:59
kyleslart ty lol21:59
spolvidnoaxi ok21:59
giacomo_c1gigatwo: what kinda headset is it?21:59
gigatwoone sec21:59
RobertTablesHi guys, this is probably a fairly straightforward question, Im accessing a samba share from WinXP to Hardy - at the moment I have to reference it by IP, How can I reference it by hostname?22:00
ActionParsnipyo: sup?22:00
erUSULmariza92: se so falas portugues e mellor que entres no canle #ubuntu-pt. Escribe "/j #ubuntu-pt" no teu cliente irc22:00
Slartosiris: haven't heard any new reports about it for quite a while.. might be fixed22:00
mindrapeosiris - you mean this?  http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+load_cycle_count+hdparm&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=22:00
giacomo_c1gigatwo: when i set up my logitech, i had to use alsa drivers22:00
yoActionParsnip: I can't call it.22:00
vegombreiActionParsnip: hey can you help me sync my bluetooth headset with ubuntu , .. it shows up when i hciscan but when i try to connect it kinda crashes22:00
galanohello everybody22:00
gavagaihi, dr. nick22:00
RobertTablesfyi, I have put my workgroup in the smb.conf, anything else required?22:00
osirisSlart: It definatley is not fixed22:00
SlartRobertTables: take a look at nmdb, or setup proper dns22:00
gigatwooh, okay22:00
osirismindrape: I have read nearly everything out there, and im not applying the ugly fix due to HD Temps22:01
RobertTablesSlart, I thought it was possible to do through setting up samba?22:01
gigatwoI'll fool around some more with the settings22:01
=== _cb is now known as _cb_afk
SlartRobertTables: nmdb is a part of samba22:01
ActionParsnipvegombrei: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21373122:01
mariza92como faço para baixar o msn para o ubuntu]22:02
dirtbaggiacomo_c1: Is there a big difference betwen 8.04 and 8.10?22:02
mindrapeif you'd like to know the differences between versions of Ubuntu go to the main site... they have a Whats New section in the release documentation.22:02
zsquarepluscSlart: do you mean nmbd?22:02
Andreicawhy firestarter consumes so much resources?22:02
giacomo_c1dirtbag: it depends on your system, my upgrade killed gnome22:03
erUSULmariza92: Aplicacions>Internet>Pidgin pode conectarse o Msn tamen podes instalar o program amsn ou o emesene22:03
ActionParsnipAndreica: you dont run it all the time, just to configure22:03
Alanz_Well Actually Firestarter doesn't takes much resources on mine22:03
n8tuserAndreica-> how did you figure that out?22:03
erUSULAndreica: eye candy22:03
=== d0netsFN is now known as d0nets
Slartzsquareplusc: nmdb/nmbd.. can't really remember what it's called22:03
mariza92maiis demora pra entrar pooor ai22:03
gavagaiw00t.  yes rar DOES work with a gui.22:03
zsquarepluscSlart: :-)  (the d is for daemon and most of the times at the end of the name ;-)22:04
=== d0nets is now known as d0netsFN
lobosquehello. how do i discover where a program was installed?22:04
Slartzsquareplusc: ah.. I was thinking db as in database..well22:04
erUSULlobosque: dpkg -L package22:04
zsquareplusclobosque: in synaptics select a package and choose properties-> files22:04
PriceChildlobosque: linux does things a little differently. Programs are stored in lots of different places. Documentation in one place, binaries in another etc. erUSUL's command will get you started though.22:04
Slartlobosque: usually they are installed a little all over the place.. some files here , some files there.. but do what erusul told you.. it will tell you where all the file went22:05
=== magcius is now known as LRonHubbard
PriceChildSlart: echo?22:05
giacomo_c1dirtbag: are you rho?22:05
SlartPriceChild: well.. it's easier than coming up with something of my own =)22:05
mindrapehi Nibbler22:05
kyleFlannel, ok so i'm trying to figure out why you sent me to synoptic and i'm coming up blank22:05
Martiinidoes anyone know .. why i cannot copy text exactly what it looks like in code box on ubuntuforums .. it doesnt copy spaces nor line breaks when i copy text from "code" box on ubuntuforums22:06
mariza92Nao da pra falar portugues nao ???22:06
=== freedom is now known as riegersn
tCzernhi, I am using 64 Studio which is Debian based but the Debian channel wouldn't want to help me, even with general questions. How about you?22:06
dirtbagI checked main page , but kinda confused. Why do they have 2 versions, LTS and 8.10? Is 8.10 more of a beta?22:06
dirtbaggiacomo_c1: rho?22:06
mindrapemariza92: #ubuntu-pt22:06
tCzerntrying to verify the install of a package with sudo, not sure how to do this22:07
erUSULmariza92: non; pra falar portugues debes ir a outra sala. Escribe "/j #ubuntu-pt" no teu cliente irc (sen as comillas)22:07
SlarttCzern: bring cookies and you can ask whatever you want22:07
tCzernk, cookies for everyone22:07
erUSUL!lts | dirtbag22:07
ubottudirtbag: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.22:07
splighi there22:07
magentaris there a way to manage different "power profiles" in intrepid? like "save battery" or "full performance"?22:07
ActionParsniptCzern: dpkg -l | less22:07
SlarttCzern: I think I've heard of an app that does that.. or you could just reinstall the package22:07
spligsomebody with realtek 8187 and aircrack?22:07
carpeliami'm confused - both vi and vim seem to be symbolic links that eventually point to /usr/bin/vim.tiny, but they're not the same program - how does that work?22:08
WDCWhen trying to start Trucrypt, I get this:22:08
WDCLock file '/home/david/.TrueCrypt-lock-david' has incorrect permissions.22:08
kyleoff to pool leagues, thank you for the help22:08
fitztrevHow can I hide my ipod icon on the gnome desktop?  It's there whever my ipod is plugged in22:08
zsquareplusccarpeliam: a programm may look at argv[0] and see how it was launched and then change behaviour22:08
RobertTablesSlart, Is what your talking about hostname, is it in the smb.conf?22:08
SlarttCzern: take a look at debsums, sounds promising22:09
erUSULcarpeliam: symbolink links can contain program options iirc22:09
zsquareplusccarpeliam: argv beeing the list of command line arguments. the 1st one is the command itself22:09
mindframe-should compiz work with intel 945GM chipsets?  when I enable desktop effects it goes and searches for a driver and then says it can not enable22:09
NeulingWDC: try with Sudo22:09
zsquarepluscerUSUL: that is new to me, tell me more :-)22:09
NeulingWDC: sudo Truecrypt22:09
WDCNeuling: kk22:09
ActionParsnipWDC: sudo chown david ~/.TrueCrypt-lock-david22:09
dirtbagerUSUL: I knew what lts stood for , just not sure why 8.10 isnt part of it.22:10
SlartRobertTables: it's been a long time since I bothered with samba and nmbd.. perhaps take a look at the samba site.. nmbd is a service that translates network names to ip's.. pretty much like dns but for a lan afaik22:10
erUSULzsquareplusc: well "if i recall correctly" is the key part may be wrong22:10
WDCNeuling: ActionParsnip: Doesn't work22:10
ActionParsnipWDC: does the file exist?22:10
zsquarepluscerUSUL: :-)22:10
erUSULdirtbag: 8.10 is not lts so it is only supported 18 months iirc22:10
rblstn8tuser: i may be completely lame, but i don't see such an option in OO22:10
WDCActionParsnip: Pretty sure. It installed from a .deb. Sudo truecrypt works22:10
mintsoupDoes anyone have any experience running nvidia drivers on top of an 8800gt?  How good is the linux support of this card?22:10
Slartmintsoup: I have an 8800gtx, it's not really the same but close.. it works nicely btw22:11
mindrapehi p0a22:11
tallmttI see "oem-config" is in the repositories - will it work to reset the install to oem?22:11
dirtbagerUSUL: Oh I see. Thanks for the clarification.22:11
carpeliami'm assuming 8.10 isn't LTS because it's not rock-solid stable, but i'd assume that about any distro that's not LTS, i don't know anything about 8.10 specifically22:11
ActionParsnipWDC: can you give the output of ls -l ~/..TrueCrypt-lock-david22:11
mintsoupSlart: does video playback work properly when you have compiz enabled?22:11
Slartmintsoup: yup, even hd material plays nicely22:12
jtimbermancarpeliam: 8.04 is the latest LTS release.22:12
PriceChildtallmtt: no, it just deletes the temporary user and makes sure that when it reboots, it gives a setup for the new 'real' user22:12
p0aI'm trying to install firefox 3. I download it from the official website, I run the binary located in ./firefox/firefox and I get the error message that I have GTK+ 2.8 and firefox 3 needs >= 2.10. Is there any way to upgrade GTK+ with apt-get?-22:12
mintsoupSlart: hooray.. now just to convince my vista-loving roommate to swap his 8800gt for my hd4850..22:12
WDCActionParsnip: ActionParsnip Apparently there is no file22:12
rblst n8tuser: i though cups config was system-wide and OO takes that, too22:12
DIFH-icerootp0a: just use apt-get22:12
mindrapecarpeliam: dont take my word for it... http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes22:12
dr4k3erver irc.got2think.org22:12
p0aDIFH-iceroot: how?22:12
DIFH-icerootp0a: sudo apt-get install firefox22:13
Slartmintsoup: large amounts of alcohol usually simplifies the negotiation process =)22:13
jtimbermanp0a what version of ubuntu are you using? 3.0(beta) came with Hardy and 3.0 ships with Intrepid22:13
mintsoupSlart: thanks for the advice22:13
p0ajtimberman: intrepid?22:13
Slartmintsoup: but I thought ati was getting better?22:13
jtimbermanIntrepid Ibex, 8.1022:13
DIFH-icerootp0a: or sudo apt-get install firefox3  dont know the name of the (meta)paket22:13
ActionParsnipWDC: try copying the one from /root to your home folder then change its permissions and ownership to david for full access22:13
p0ajtimberman: I'm using 6.0622:13
ActionParsnipWDC: does the app need root privs to run?22:13
mintsoupSlart, ati still has tons of problems with various apps in combination, especially with compiz22:14
WDCActionParsnip: I have no idea. I just installed it22:14
reconndoes somebody use "GMail Notify" here? What is the unit of the "Check Intervall"?22:14
SlartRobertTables: here's a page from the samba site about name resolution.. http://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch07.html22:14
Slart mintsoup22:14
ActionParsnipWDC: id read yup on what you have just installed22:14
p0aany ideas?22:14
p0aapt-cache search gtk+ returns a lot of results22:14
Bupsssdoes anybody knows how to change the size of the avatar in the login screen?22:14
WDCActionParsnip: lol22:14
WDCActionParsnip: So what do I need to do22:14
Slartmintsoup: hmm.. to bad.. well.. perhaps next year22:15
WDCActionParsnip: Again, sorry22:15
BusMasterI just upgraded from hardy to interpid on my amd64 setup and my system has slowed down a *lot*..booting takes time, even after booting, normal operations take too much time. The mouse also feels slow and jerky..how should I fix this? google didn't provide any solutions22:15
zambai need a command to grep for a line in a file, and if it's found, remove the line before and after..22:15
mindrapep0a - your best bet, knowing you are on 6.06, is to look for a repository where they made it work with your older libraries.  Google is your best bet.22:15
zamba.. and the line found22:15
mintsoupSlart; yeah.. maybe, but I wish i had remembered my previous experience w/ ati when purchasing this computer.. somehow slipped my mind22:15
jtimbermanp0a sorry i'm not much help, i just upgraded my 6.06 box to 8.10 the other day.22:15
jtimbermanand its a server anyway so no firefox22:15
WDCActionParsnip: Well, reagrdless22:15
mindrapep0a - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84748422:15
ActionParsnipWDC: try: sudo cp /root/.TrueCrypt-lock-david ~/ && sudo chown david ~/.TrueCrypt-lock-david && sudo chmod 733 ~/.TrueCrypt-lock-david22:15
WDCActionParsnip: I have no access to /home/david. I had a backup of the /home folder from my old Ubuntu install22:16
ActionParsnipWDC: it may need root to run like alien does. If its a GUI app use gksudo22:16
mindrapep0a - your best bet is to just upgrade to the next LTS version.22:16
ActionParsnipWDC: then change ~/ to wherever your profile is stored22:16
LjLzamba: "grep" won't do that, you'll need "sed" for that. i don't really know how that would be done though, ask in #sed22:16
reconndoes somebody use "GMail Notify" here? What is the unit of the "Check Intervall"?22:16
ActionParsnipWDC: make sure you can write to your own home directory22:16
zambaLjL: thanks :)22:16
ActionParsnipreconn: set it to 100 and experiment22:17
WDCActionParsnip: how do I do that!22:17
jtimbermanLjL or perl :)22:17
jtimbermanWDC: "ls -ld ~"22:18
ActionParsnipWDC: well wherever your home stuffs are with all you folders starting with .22:18
WDCActionParsnip: I understand now22:18
scuniziActionParsnip, WDC might run into the same issue I had (and still haven't fixed).. if his current user id is different from the old one he'll have permission issues..22:18
WDCActionParsnip: But, I can't do anyting in my home folder22:18
WDCscunizi: on both installs it was 'david'. No different22:18
reconndoes somebody use "GMail Notify" here? What is the unit of the "Check Intervall"?22:19
scuniziWDC, there is a number associated with the install.. if you are the only one using the computer it's typically 1000.. on my setup I had a user id of 1000 on one machine and 1001 on another with the same user name.22:19
MTecknologyreconn: what's it set to by defautl/22:19
jtimbermanWDC: the user name is merely a human mnemonic. the OS uses a number (uid) to represent permissions.22:19
WDCscunizi: So how do I fix it? I have NO permissions to my home folder22:20
rand0mabohey everyone... quick question -.. my optical USB mouse just randomly stopped working in ubuntu.. any idea what the problem could be, or how to fix it (without having to reboot) ?22:20
reconnMTecknology  20.00022:20
DIFH-icerootrand0mabo: try another usb-port22:20
reconndoes somebody use "GMail Notify" here? What is the unit of the "Check Intervall"? the standard is set to 20000.22:20
zleaprand0mabo: try cleaning it22:20
jtimbermanWDC: ensure you are logged in under your UID, then run "sudo chown $USER ~$USER"22:20
MTecknology!repeat > reconn22:20
ubottureconn, please see my private message22:20
tallmttPriceChild: (I asked the question re: oem-config) - How can I delete the only non-root user on the computer and have a setup for a new "real" user on next boot without re-installing OEM?22:21
rand0maboDIFH-iceroot,  and zleap it's not the physical port as I never have this issue when running windows. (I have a dual-booted system)22:21
scuniziWDC, I'll let jtimberman do it22:21
MTecknologyreconn: milliseconds*22:21
=== kane__ is now known as kane77
DIFH-icerootrand0mabo: i had the same problem but with windows and not ubuntu, another port was working,  sorry dont know the reason22:21
MTecknologyreconn: I assume you read through the man page first?22:21
mindrapetallmtt - you can boot into single user mode and it will let you become root.22:21
WDCIt's still not working22:22
mindrapeWDC - what is the username?22:22
mindrapeyou realize $USER is a variable and not a literal, right?22:22
WDCmindrape: david22:22
zleapi was thinking it could have picked some dirt up from somewhere,22:22
zleapeven a small bit in the wrong place can cause issues sometimes22:22
mindrapeWDC - cd /home         chown david.david /home/david22:22
rand0mabois there like a USB device manager for ubuntu?   I have a laptop with 4 power USB powers, and I use a USB keyboard and mouse... wondering if i could someone managed those devices???22:23
mindrapemake sure you sudo on that actually.  :)22:23
tallmttmindrape: Great!  So if I delete the user, and user's home directory - that setup will automatically run?22:23
zleapnot sure22:23
WDCWEll, it still doesn't work22:23
MTecknologymindrape: cd; chown -R david:david ~       <- better??22:23
mindrapetallmtt - no...22:23
mindrapeMTecknology: indeed... but still missing sudo.  :P22:23
koopswhats wrong with microsoft? they didnt let me write emails on hotmail just because in about:config general.useragent.vendor i had Ubuntu!22:23
vockUsing Ubuntu 8.04, and wondering for lack of a better word, how to edit/add applications to the "start" menu?22:23
rand0maboalso - after unplugging and plugging back in both the keyboard and/or mouse - neither of them work, as if there's no plug-n-play monitor???22:23
rand0mabonot sure if im making sense22:23
p0akoops: what error did you get22:24
MTecknologyWDC: cd; sudo chown -R david:david ~22:24
WDCmindrape: chown: changing ownership of `/home/david/.gvfs': Function not implemented22:24
p0awhta do you mean what is wrong with microsoft it's a company and ubuntu/firefox are competitors, there's many things exclusively to their OS/web browser22:24
MTecknologyWDC: don't worry about that22:24
WDCMTecknology: same thing22:24
ActionParsnipsorry pidgin died22:24
ActionParsnipdid someone say something to me22:24
MTecknologyWDC: .gvfs is a special case - ignore it22:24
WDCMTecknology: Awesome thanks22:25
WDCStuff works now22:25
ActionParsnipWDC: you got a goal?22:25
WDCActionParsnip: hmm?22:25
xGERMxDoes anyone know how to find your computer name in 8.10?22:25
koopsp0a, i "was" getting some error saying that i had to update my firefox to the last version... and if i continued it didnt let me write emails, so i had to change general.useragent.vendor to anything else but ubuntu, if not i couldnt write emails, the web page look ok and everything but when i went to new email, the boddy just didnt appear22:26
MTecknologyxGERMx: hostname22:26
Andreicacan anybody try to enter on this address http://host-static-92-114-135-168.moldtelecom.md/. And if you will see anything, tell me22:26
ActionParsnipWDC: with the file you need in ~/22:26
xGERMxhow about without using the command line22:26
WDCActionParsnip: ah. yes. I can create files now without a Permssion error22:26
shovimy webcam is upside down! what to do?22:26
MTecknologyAndreica: no - can't be done that way22:26
WDCshovi: put it right side up22:26
xGERMxI'm writing a blog post abt network shares without using the CLI22:26
mikebotIs anyone here using the electricsheep screensaver in 8.10?22:27
ambush276anoyn help22:27
ambush276i got all the classpath and C++ and java stuff worked out22:27
Andreicai installed apache, and i wanted to test it22:27
ambush276but i need help badly with this error22:27
koopsp0a, the stupids microsoft geeks wont let you use hotmail properly unless you change that to say anyother word but ubuntu22:27
ActionParsnipAndreica: no good22:27
FloodBot1ambush276: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:27
shoviwhy is my webcam image upside down?? >> laptop22:27
=== punto_ is now known as punto
lol_udiedThank you22:27
angusthefuzzshovi: was it correct side up before?22:28
MTecknologyxGERMx: any other easy questions?22:28
lol_udiedok can someone please help me with a SERIOUS problem?22:28
xGERMxyou didn't answer the first one22:28
shoviangusthefuzz, its just upside down idk22:28
Macanyone here?22:28
AnzaI am still on Hardy Heron, could I upgrade without having to do backups? just upgrade from the site? or from where?22:28
xGERMxI need to know how to do it w/o using the CLI22:28
ActionParsnipAndreica: doesnt work with either22:28
Machello again22:29
ActionParsnipAnza: always backup with something so large a system change22:29
Macits my first time here22:29
ActionParsnip!upgrade | Anza22:29
ubottuAnza: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:29
MTecknologyAnza: always backup - it just feels so good - ya, you can upgrade your system w/o a clean install22:29
phoenixzAt the risk of having my b@lls chpped off here.. What is the general opinion about ultimatix?22:29
lol_udiedSomehow I have made my Windows Partition Inactive and can not boot into Windows. how can I make it active again from Recovery Console or Grub Terminal?22:30
freeatlastHi - I setup this install of Hardy Heron on a 17" Hyundai LCD - Set up computer at someone else's that is a Northgate 17' regular monitor - I can't see the "X" to quit FireFox - Any idea's ?? Tried different resolutions - but did not change - Running Nvidia video card ? ?22:30
MacAnyone can help me with a problem on my ubuntu 8.10?22:30
phoenixzI remember Automatix being a rampant disaster.. But Ultimatix is same deal?22:30
ActionParsnip!grub | lol_udied22:30
_786soulMac: What is your problem?22:30
ubottulol_udied: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:30
ubottuUltamatix is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu.  Use of this software may cause damage to your Ubuntu install.  Do not suggest its use in this channel. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/99905.html and !automatix for more info.22:30
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:30
Anzaok, I will make the backups and then upgrade, whats is new in the new ubuntu?22:30
ActionParsniplol_udied: you need to add the windows boot stuffs to grub22:30
MTecknology!patience > _786soul22:30
ubottu_786soul, please see my private message22:30
MattP2Hey, I am trying to set up a wifi network on a secure network.  TO do this, I want to authenticate with an ubuntu based desktop, then I am using a usb -> ethernet converter to run the internet into the linksys router.  I just got the desktop to log on to the network, but am having no success in getting ubuntu to push the internet through to the router.  Anyone willing to give me a hand?  Thanks a ton!22:30
Maci can't configure my wireless network that uses TKIP22:30
ActionParsnipAnza: intrepid22:30
lol_udiedActionparsnip how?22:31
Macon network-manager i don't see TKIP22:31
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
KnomeDEwhere are gtk theme files located?22:31
MTecknologyMac: you want to make a good secure router basically?22:31
ActionParsniplol_udied: you need to find out which disk windows is installed on then add its data to /boot/grub/menu.lst22:32
Macno. I want to acess a network on my faculty22:32
MTecknologyMac: I'm not understanding you22:32
MacI will try to be more specific22:32
MacI'm new on linux22:32
Maci have on my faculty a wireless network that uses TKIP as encryption22:33
MTecknologyMac: do you mean facility?22:33
lol_udiedActionParsnip - I uninstalled linux, but I still get the Dual-Boot for windows and Linux, so linux is no longer on my computer but the grub terminal is still there. I did fixboot and fixmbr in the windows recovery console. and I cant reboot because I think i typed in something in the GRUB terminal that made my C drive inactive22:33
ChousukeMac: tkip? hopefully with AES.22:34
MacWPA (EAP)22:34
MTecknologylol_udied: fixmbr replaces the boot record - grub will no longer exist there22:34
ActionParsniplol_udied: oh i see, if you do not want grub to show and dont have linux installed its not a ubuntu issue. I'd ask in ##windows as they can tell you how to rewrite the windows boot sector22:34
^Onix|DJ^hello someone can help me?22:34
MTecknology!windows > lol_udied22:34
ubottulol_udied, please see my private message22:34
lol_udiedok thanks22:35
MattP2Hey, I am trying to set up a wifi network on a secure network.  TO do this, I want to authenticate with an ubuntu based desktop, then I am using a usb -> ethernet converter to run the internet into the linksys router.  I just got the desktop to log on to the network, but am having no success in getting ubuntu to push the internet through to the router.  Anyone willing to give me a hand?  Thanks a ton!22:35
ActionParsnip!ask | ^Onix|DJ^22:35
MTecknology!ask > ^Onix|DJ^22:35
ubottu^Onix|DJ^, please see my private message22:35
^Onix|DJ^someone can help me22:35
ubottu^Onix|DJ^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:35
Macbut the authentication should be TKIP22:35
^Onix|DJ^i have22:35
xGERMxI'll ask once again, does anyone know how to show your computer name without using the command line? Thank you.22:35
lol_udiedMtecknology what do you mean by !windows22:35
^Onix|DJ^ubunu 8.04 with powerpc mac a old mac22:35
Maci already look on the web but i can't find the solution22:35
MTecknologylol_udied: did you read the pmn?22:35
^Onix|DJ^and firefox and opera22:35
irinihelp how i configure xorg.conf22:35
^Onix|DJ^but i cant intall flash player22:35
MacI use Ubuntu 8.1022:35
MTecknology!enter | ^Onix|DJ^22:35
^Onix|DJ^to firefox22:35
ubottu^Onix|DJ^: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:35
MattP2xgermx: Not that I've heard of22:35
irinihelp how i configure xorg.conf!!!!22:36
ActionParsnipMattP2: 1) can you ping your router. 2) can you ping 3) can you ping www.bmezine.com22:36
jmarsdenxGERMx: Log out, and it is sdisplayed by GDM, isn't it?22:36
^Onix|DJ^ok sorry22:36
irinihelp how i configure xorg.conf!!!!22:36
MTecknologyirini: If you need to ask like that, you shouldn't be messing with it22:36
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: are you runing 64bit ubuntu?22:36
MattP2How do I ping in ubuntu action?22:36
MTecknology!repease | irini22:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repease22:36
irinii just want 2 know how i edit it22:36
^Onix|DJ^now i thinks is 3222:36
MacAnyone can tell me a place on the web where i can find the solution?22:36
MTecknologyirini: with a text editor22:37
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: uname -a22:37
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: do yuo see i686 or x86_64?22:37
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: in the output, it will be one or the other22:37
^Onix|DJ^Linux macbox 2.6.24-21-powerpc #1 Tue Oct 21 23:11:37 UTC 2008 ppc GNU/Linux22:37
xGERMxThanks everyone, but I think this is just a missing piece in 8.10 as it was accessible in 4.0422:37
ActionParsnip!flash | ^Onix|DJ^22:38
ubottu^Onix|DJ^: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:38
^Onix|DJ^i have this ........ Linux macbox 2.6.24-21-powerpc #1 Tue Oct 21 23:11:37 UTC 2008 ppc GNU/Linux22:38
eddVRSirini: you can use nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:38
MTecknologyxGERMx: what's the question?22:38
MacNo one can help me?22:38
tux9778is there any docs for  d/l for hardy?22:38
MTecknologyeddVRS: that was asking for it - now questions come in (why is it not working)22:38
MTecknologytux9778: go to the ubuntu website22:39
MTecknologytux9778: there's a link that says download22:39
jack_ya quelqun?22:39
RobertTablesCan anyone help, i want to be able to refer to my ubuntu box by its hostname instead of IP from a windows machine, is there much to this?22:39
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Flash,%20Flash%20video%20and%20Gnash22:39
eddVRSMTecknology: lol22:39
ActionParsnip^Onix|DJ^: if you run Mac OS you will get flash just fine22:39
emilienneed help reinstalling ubuntu while keeping home folder how i do it ?22:39
jack_boris merhend22:39
LjL!fr | jack_22:40
tux9778mtechnology is that for the cd i just want the docs i allready have hardy installed22:40
ubottujack_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:40
Andreicait was because of my firewall, now i't OK22:40
Macits a hard question i think22:40
jack_no problem for speaking english22:40
ActionParsnipemilien: run your backup and reinstall as normal, then restore the data. You could partition your drive to have /home on a separate partition22:40
eddVRSanyone using irssi? how do I PM?22:40
amdpoxeddVRS, does /query username work?22:40
ActionParsnipeddVRS: man irssi22:40
MTecknologyemilien: you can't now - but when you first partitioned the drive you could have put /home on a different partition and you wouldn't have to worry abou tit22:40
MTecknology!interpid | tux977822:40
ubottutux9778: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents - Party in #ubuntu-release-party22:40
MTecknologytux9778: what kind of docs are you looking for?22:41
MacHow can i configure a wireless network with TKIP?22:41
dykmnserver irc.krey.net22:41
tux9778the hardy guide to d/l22:41
xGERMxwho asked me what my question was before I got dropped off just a few seconds ago?22:41
^Onix|DJ^no i have running ubuntu in mac pc powermac is a old imac22:41
ActionParsnipMattP2: same as any OS, ping <thing>22:41
MTecknology!Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features:  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents - Party in #ubuntu-release-party22:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:41
MTecknology!intrepid is <reply>Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features:  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810 - Please use !torrents22:41
emilienso i copy contents of /home folder , re-install as normal , with gpart make nother driver for home ?22:42
emilienim confused22:42
^Onix|DJ^no i have running ubuntu in mac pc powermac is a old imac22:42
MacOk thank anyway22:42
ActionParsnipemilien: when you reinstall, wipe the drive clean and create 3 partitions, /swp / and /home22:42
MacI see that no one can help me on my issue22:42
ActionParsnipemilien: you should have a backup plan anyway22:42
xGERMxMac use a program other than Network Manager22:43
RobertTablesCmon guys! :-) I have an ubuntu box setup and I can browse/write to it from windows by using the \\ipaddress, Is there a way that I can refer to it by its \\hostname ??22:43
MacxGERMx: WICD?22:43
xGERMxgive it a try22:43
emilienActionParsnip:  ok good idea but does this not mean /home seize will be limtied ?22:43
MacxGERMx: i already try it....don't work :(22:44
xGERMxMac: wifi radar?22:44
MacxGERMx: i will try wifi-radar22:44
irinihelp me22:44
MacxGERMx: one second22:44
irinican someone help me22:44
xGERMxRobertTables: I'm asking almost the same question22:44
iriniwho is best in linux?22:45
jmarsdenRobertTables: Yes, you need the name lookup used by the windows box to know about the name of your Ubunut box...22:45
eddVRSamdpox: yes it(/ query) does work, thanks22:45
gavagaiI have succeeded in installing TVAnts.  I can get it to find channels.  But I can't get mplayer or vlc to open the feeds.  Anyone have success with this?22:45
irinihow i configure Xorg22:45
ActionParsnipemilien: you could symlink to a folder in / if you need more space22:45
iriniwith the terminal22:45
jmarsdenRobertTables: You can edit the hosts file in windows to do that, or get DNS working if you haev a local DNS server, or... lots of possibilities... all depends on your network.22:45
ActionParsnipirini: man xorg.conf22:45
thaunrealHi, im sitting on a laptop with a Integrated in Radeon XPress 1100 chipset, after i tried installing the new ati drivers, i cant play any video.. the video opens, and i get sound, but the picture is just black22:46
emilienActionParsnip:  i could do that after install ?22:46
irinibut when i want 2 save it it don't22:46
lakituhow do i backup partition tables, mbrs, & bootsectors (or ...) while they're good?22:46
xGERMxjmarsden: the real question is, how do we get the hostname in the first place (w/o using the command line)22:46
ActionParsnipemilien: yeah if you need more space22:46
jmarsdenDefine "get" ?  You typed it in at Ubuntu install time, right?22:46
RobertTablesjmarsden, I have samba up and running and added it to the workgroup etc, from windows when I look through my workgroup I can see a listing for the ubuntu host, but cant browse it... the only way I can access the shares is by referring to it by \\ip-address...22:46
emilienActionParsnip:  ok cross that bridge if or when i get there =)22:46
jmarsdenRobertTables: I can't do a full Samba browsing troubleshoot here, I'll go mad...22:47
ActionParsnipemilien: create a folder elsewhere and make appropriate permissions and ownerships, then symlink the folder so its easier to access22:47
Andreicai installed a theme, after it i changed to a default theme and now i cannot install again that theme. It shows me: Cannot move directory over directory22:47
joebodohow do i force a 32 bit repository into apt on amd64 ?22:47
Andreicawhat to do?22:47
xGERMxRoberttables: http://jngalloway.wordpress.com/2008/06/08/easy-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-no-editing-text-files/22:47
RobertTablesjmarsden, can it not be set in the smb.conf?22:47
xGERMxthat's the guide for 8.0422:48
jmarsdenRobertTables: Not-quite-working SMB browsing can be happening for many reasons...22:48
xGERMxshould work 95%22:48
joebodoAndreica you can try removing the theme directory from your .themes22:49
jmarsdenxGERMx: Would getting the hostname into a GUI (not text mode) editor work for you?  I can do that in Emacs? :-)22:49
King_BobHi i need a hand reformatting a sata drive22:49
Andreicait works, thank you22:49
xGERMxim writing the article for new ubuntu users22:49
bobbydI had a Windows VPN set up in Hardy that worked fine, it's now disappeared in Intrepid and when i add my details again, it doesn't connect22:50
RobertTablesjmarsden, i can read and write as i say by browsing by ipaddress.. I dont care about getting the SMB share into the worgroup in my network, i just want to get the name sorted so i can hit my ubuntu webserver/ping like: http://my-machine-name22:50
emilienActionParsnip:  for /home in partition menue i chose primary or logical ?22:50
xGERMxI want to do everything as simple as possible22:50
RobertTablesthanks xGERMx, ill take a look22:50
King_Bobim using Gparted and need to know what file system i need to format the drive in to use it as a slave , i cant seem to work it out!22:50
l7hi, does anyone have tips on how i should partition my drive for a new ubuntu install?  i want a seperate home partition, but i'm not sure how much space to allocate to the OS22:50
bobbydI've tried running /usr/lib/network-manager-pptp/nm-pptp-service explicitly and finding the error22:50
l7also, do i need a seperate swap directory or not?22:50
DIFH-icerootKing_Bob: normally ext322:50
xGERMxthe weird part is that in 8.04 finding the hostname was very east22:50
l7swap partition22:51
bobbydI just get: LCP terminated by peer (D^_>M-^B^@<M-Mt^@^@^BM-3)22:51
rblstif i change the default printer in CUPS, OpenOffice doesn't see it, how to make OO use CUPS settings?22:51
jmarsdenxGERMx: What did you do in 8.04 to get it?22:51
ActionParsnipemilien: primary22:51
DIFH-icerootl7: no, you can also use a swap file22:51
emilienActionParsnip:  ok thanks22:51
l7DIFH-iceroot: there's no perfomance hit to using a swap file?22:51
bobbydcan anyone help me get it connected or debug it more?22:51
DIFH-icerootl7: just use enough ram, this is best for performance22:51
joebodo!partition | l722:51
ubottul7: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:51
emilienActionParsnip:  location for the new partition begining or end , sorry for 20 questions =)22:52
l7DIFH-iceroot: ah okay, i'll give that a read, thanks22:52
ActionParsnipemilien: always select start22:52
DIFH-icerootl7: only if you use an extra hdd there is a better perfomance. there is no differen between spaw-partiotion and swap file on the same hdd22:52
MacxGERMx: i try wifi-radar and don't work22:53
joebodohow do i force a 32 bit repository into apt on amd64 ?22:53
King_BobDIFH-iceroot: Okay ive formated the drive and mounted to my desktop but dont have write permissions , how do i solve that ?22:54
joebodo(i do not have access to the actual deb)22:54
xGERMxThanks everyone! off to school.22:54
DIFH-icerootKing_Bob: mount rhe drive with "rw"22:54
MacxGermx: I try wifi-radar and don't work22:54
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DIFH-icerootread write22:55
DIFH-icerootKing_Bob: you are the owner of the partition? or is it root?22:55
fwaokdaI have tried about 5 "HowTo" articles on getting sirius internet radio to play in firefox with the latest ubuntu and I still can't get it to work.  Can someone help me?22:55
rblstif i change the default printer in CUPS, OpenOffice doesn't see it, how to make OO use CUPS settings?22:55
l7what are the GPG files and metalink file at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ for?22:56
l7i'm wondering how i can use GPG to verify the checksum22:56
l7though maybe doing md5 on the .iso is enough22:56
cappizhi, where is the networks interfaces stored?22:56
MacxGermx: I try wifi-radar and don't work22:57
cappizi cant see it in the /etc/network/interfaces anymore22:57
DIFH-icerootcappiz: /etc/network/interfaces22:57
n8tuserrblst when you go to file ->print settings  what printer is set there?22:57
cappizjust some auto lo22:57
jmarsdenl7: gpg --verify file.sig file22:57
XpistosJust wanted to drop by and say I love Ubuntu!!!22:57
MacxGermx: Could be a bug of WPA don't you agree?22:57
XpistosAnd today is my birthday22:57
mindrapeXpistos: age?22:58
cappizDIFH-iceroot, only entry for lo dere22:58
solarai tried to install a kernel that i compiled but get this message, anyone have any ideas? http://pastebin.com/m5f17568122:58
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jmarsdenMac: 14:54:28  xGERMx has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092417]")22:58
mindrapeXpistos - well word to the wise... make some friends and get closer w your neighbors in real life so when you turn 36 you can declare your happiness to them instead of a channel full of strangers on the interbutts....22:58
MacWPA2 don't have TKIP?22:58
rblstn8tuser: there are two printers attached, a hp and a samsung; the hp printer used to be the default, but i changed it to the samsung; yet OO still shows hp as the default printer22:58
XpistosOH, AND, I use my ssh connection to my linux box to tunnel and disregard my jobs internet filter22:59
Macjmarsden: thank you22:59
NekroJakubHow can I change the color of other people's statuses in Pidgin?22:59
XpistosI was just wasting time at work but now is time to go so See YAs!22:59
Macjmarsden: can you help me with a wireless issue?22:59
n8tuserrblst-> then why not change it on that printer settings? what is stopping you?22:59
goat_srvNekroJakub: ask in #pidgin22:59
mindrapeXpistos - you sure are... a shining example of somebody who follows company policies and standards and exhibits good ethical values.22:59
Macjmarsden: i appreciate if you do that!22:59
jmarsdenMac: I doubt it... wired LANs are more secure and usually faster... :-)  WHat specifically is the issue?23:00
n8tusersolara-> you dont install a kernel with dpkg -i   you just have an entry in your menu.lst and reboot from it23:01
rblstn8tuser: i'm sure it's a trivial problem, but i don't know how to get OO to change it23:01
gavagaiI have installed TVAnts.  I can connect to channels.  But I can't open streams in vlc or mplayer.  Anyone have success with this?23:01
solaran8tuser: I just followed the directions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile?action=recall&rev=61 , because the compilation generated debs, not just the kernel23:02
rblstn8tuser: could you explain in a bit more detail?23:02
RobertTablesjmarsden, what germ said didnt work anyway! , ah well..  back to google!23:02
codecowboyhi. i am having problems installing grub on my mbr from Ubuntu live CD. I either get file not found from the grub prompt or 'The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly'. ANy ideas?23:03
ferronicacan anyone help me regarding Microsoft wireless laser keyboard 6000 v.2.0 ?23:03
n8tuserrblst-> open your office writer then from menu file->printer settings  select the  default printer23:03
think_linuxhey guys...am i allowed to ask queestions about ettercap?23:03
NekroJakubI heard that I don't need a swap partition if I have 2GB RAM, is that true?23:03
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info23:04
noecksithello, i have a problem with gdm and logging users in, we use a ldap server which has usernames but no groups for our users, so when gdm tries to login it doesn't let it because there is no default group23:04
Mac_jmarsden: i have a wireless network on my university that uses WPA-PSK TKIP. I can not connect to it! Do you know how i can solve this? I'm using Ubuntu 8.1023:04
thiebaude2gb should be fast23:04
gavagaiNekroJakub, if it is a laptop you need swap to hibernate23:04
noecksitit works when logging in through the cli login utility but not through gdm23:04
SlartNekroJakub: unless you're going to use hibernating I don't think you really really need swap23:04
think_linuxhey guys...am i allowed to ask queestions about ettercap?23:04
ferronicacan anyone help me regarding Microsoft wireless laser keyboard 6000 v.2.0 volume up and down key not working :(23:04
noecksitalso, if i create a group for a user it allows him to login, but that is inefficient since for each user we will have to make a group23:05
jmarsdenMac_: That's likely to be specific to the card (wireless chipset) you are using and its driver.23:05
rblstn8tuser: i can of course do that, but if i restart OO, it shows the old printer as default again23:05
jimmacdonaldOK seriously... Has anyone else had problems trying to make a USB Startup Drive while running the liveCD?23:05
NekroJakubgavagi: If it's a PC I don't need swap to hibernate?23:05
goat_srv!ask | think_linux23:05
ubottuthink_linux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:05
noecksitis there a way to add a user to a default group before gdm login like a cli one?23:05
jmarsdenMac_: Google for the chipset name and ubuntu and see if you find anything useful?23:05
goat_srvthink_linux: you may be told its offtopic, but i dont knoww about ettercap23:05
think_linuxgoat_srv, coz maybe i thought it was off topic23:05
Mac_jmarsden: it work very well on several wireless networks23:06
think_linuxgoat_srv, alright...i wont then23:06
Mac_jmarsden: but with TKIP don't work23:06
jmarsdenOK, so does the driver and related software you are using support TKIP?  Is it *supposed* to be able to do that?23:06
Mac_jmarsden: i already look on google and there is a lot of peole with the same problem23:06
jmarsdenMac_: Then most likely either there is a bug already filed in LaunchPad, or you should file one.23:07
goat_srvthink_linux: i'd try looking for a channel that focuses on ettercap23:07
Mac_jmarsden: i'm usinf the proprietary driver for my wireless card23:07
think_linuxgoat_srv, i went to ettercap ifficial channell....no one there lol23:07
jmarsdenMac_: Then the quick solution would probably be to buy a supported card intead... sad but true...23:07
gig I am trying to install mythbuntu....when it starts it goes to a screen that says busybox... initramfs buffer i/o error dev sr0.... and stops23:08
Mac_jmarsden: ok...thanks23:08
bobbydis there any way to *downgrade* network manager. My VPN used to work fine, but in the new version it's gone.23:08
Mac_jmarsden: i will try look more on google23:08
jmarsdengig: That may be a bad hardware (bad RAM?  Bad CD?) issue?  CAn you boot and run memtest86+ for a while with no errors?23:09
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codecowboyhi. i am having problems installing grub on my mbr from Ubuntu live CD. I either get file not found from the grub prompt or 'The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly'. ANy ideas?23:09
gigjmarsden: yep i can install an older version of mythbuntu 7.1023:10
jmarsdengig: Does the cd test for the newly burned one say the CD is OK?23:10
gavagaiShould a program running in wine have networking automagically?  I have Tvants running but can't get anything to stream.23:10
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:10
joebodo!grub | codecowboy23:10
ubottucodecowboy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:11
kuroI used dd to make a copy of my Ubuntu 8.10 partition to another partition on the same HD.  How do i add the new partition to Grub.  I transferred from sda4 to sda3 if that helps23:11
codecowboyjoebodo: thanks but i have tried all that and still getting the errors23:11
Double0I am having troubles with a PPTP vpn on intrepid.  It will connect, and I can SSH to remote servers via IP, but the SSH hangs frequently, and I get absolutely no DNS through the VPN.  Any ideas where to start looking?23:12
lakituhow do i backup partition tables, mbrs, & bootsectors (or ...) from linux, while they're good?23:12
joebodocodecowboy sorry but the bot knows more than me23:12
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Deadmodelakitu, i would just google search23:13
goat_srv!backup | lakitu23:13
ubottulakitu: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:13
lakituDeadmode, i was hoping someone with experience could recommend the best program23:13
FFEMTcJon windows i used free download manager.. now that im on linux, what is the best download manager that works like free download manger?23:13
joebodofirefox !23:13
goat_srv!cloning | lakitu23:14
ubottulakitu: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate23:14
jmarsdenlakitu: for just the boot sector, maybe just do   dd if=/dev/sda of=bootsector.img bs=512 count=123:14
owhHi all, running Intrepid I am trying to get x running on two screens. Under gutsy you could just add a section to /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a ServerLayout, but that no longer exists. How do I get two independent screens again? (My screens work, but there is much dead space - their sizes are different.)23:14
Deadmodelakitu, mmm i seee i don't blame you there.  I have no experience with backing up partitions sorry.23:14
jimmacdonaldOK seriously... Has anyone else had problems trying to make a USB Startup Drive while running the liveCD?23:14
owhlakitu: You can backup a partition with dd.23:14
kuroI used dd to make a copy of my Ubuntu 8.10 partition to another partition on the same HD.  How do i add the new partition to Grub.  I transferred from sda4 to sda3 if that helps23:15
goat_srvlakitu: i would look at that second section for cloning, but dd is your best option for backing up23:15
joebodoowh what vid card ?23:15
lakitugoat_srv, ok, thanks23:15
owhjoebodo: i91523:15
lakituowh: ok23:15
ferronicahow to run avermedia TVTUNER in ubuntu 8.04 to listen Radio ?23:15
owhlakitu: Something like : dd if=/dev/sda1 of=bob.img23:15
TLoveHello, I currently have a laptop that doesnt have a cd drive. I have put ubuntu on my desktop and i'd like to get it on my laptop. However im not sure if i can without gettig ahold of an external cd rom drive.23:16
TLoveIs there another way>23:16
owhTLove: Does it have a network connection?23:16
TLoveIm on it now23:16
zendoHi. I'm using 8.04, how can I prevent firefox 3 from starting in offline mode always?23:16
SpetsTLove, boot from USB?23:16
owhTLove: Then you could setup a PXE boot, or boot from USB as Spets suggests.23:16
TLoveumm, Im not sure, I'd think it might. If it does i think i can just boot from the usb right?23:17
owhjoebodo: That's an Intel 915 in case I wasn't clear.23:17
rblstif i change the default printer in CUPS, OpenOffice doesn't see it, how to make OO use CUPS settings?23:17
Deadmodelakitu, be sure to transfer that .img though otherwise it's completely useless keeping it on the same disk :P23:17
Havsaltwhat filesystem should i use for a disk shared with linux and windows. it's basicly just music and movies23:17
Deadmodelakitu,  :P defeats the purpose23:17
TLoveJust wondering, is there another way? cause i really dont want to go hunt for the jumpdrive i lost.23:17
jimmacdonaldI am haveing problems trying to make a USB Startup Drive while running the liveCD. I run the LiveCd, I am able to make the drive sucessfully (I get no errors). but when I try to boot from the thumbdrive I get an error "no OS found"23:17
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gavagaiDoes networking automatically work in wine or does it need to be configured?23:18
rblstHavsalt: NTFS, it works most of the time...23:18
DeadmodeHavsalt,  if its a large drive you can just use ntfs.  you can make linux read ntfs most of the time23:18
Spetsjimmacdonald: Are you sure thats the USB you are booting from23:18
owhTLove: As I said, a PXE boot, using TFTP, there are several instructions, basically you setup a PXE server and point your laptop at it. IIRC there is even a public PXE server out there.23:18
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Havsaltrbd, most of the time yes, i've noticed23:18
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zendoHi. I'm using 8.04, how can I prevent firefox 3 from starting in offline mode always?23:19
mcphailHavsalt: i go for ext these days. Windows ext2/3 drivers are ok23:19
HavsaltDeadmode and rblst, isnt there anything more stable?23:19
jmarsdenHavsalt: FAT32 maybe?23:19
owhzendo: You should be able to set it to online mode, then quit, then launch it again.23:19
kuroI used dd to make a copy of my Ubuntu 8.10 partition to another partition on the same HD.  How do i add the new partition to Grub.  I transferred from sda4 to sda3 if that helps23:19
zendoowh:  no that doesnt work for "years"23:19
rblstHavsalt: samba or nfs?23:20
zendoowh: never*23:20
owhkuro: The menu.1st file in /boot/{mumble}23:20
Havsaltjmarsden, if it's more stable i'll give it a go. what was the maximum filesize, or partiton size for FAT32?23:20
DeadmodeHavsalt, well fat32 i suppose....honestly i've been using ntfs for a long time to transfer back and forth.  If the computer that you transfer to is on the same network i would take serious consideration into samba23:20
owhzendo: I do not understand what you are saying.23:20
kuroowh: What do i need to enter23:20
Havsaltrblst, sorry, im a newbie. i think i use nfs now23:20
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DeadmodeHavsalt,  samba server is very very nice.  Would hate doing any kind of transfer with out it23:21
zendoowh: sorry.  What you have told me never worked with ff323:21
Deadmodeat least a transfer at my house :)23:21
HavsaltDeadmode, it's not network23:21
owhkuro: Have a look at the file, the HD(0,0) stuff is pointing to your partition. I cannot give you specifics, it's different for each OS and installation.23:21
jmarsdenHavsalt: I forget... it's smaller... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table or google for "FAT32 limits"23:21
goat_srvDeadmode: but samba has more overhead than nfs23:21
zendoowh: I set that and next time it still starts in offline mode23:21
owhzendo: Well, I'm running FF3 and it doesn't do that for me, so perhaps your profile is corrupt.23:22
goat_srvmore overhead == less bits per second23:22
Deadmodegoat_srv, oh i haven't used nfs yet23:22
zendoowh: can you explain me what and where? I really wouldnt like to lose all bookmarks and extensions, by deleting ~/.mozilla23:23
scunizizendo, just rename it23:23
zendoscunizi: rename what and where please?23:23
scunizizendo, mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup23:23
ElecMoHwkI'm having an SMTP issue when sending from my home Ubuntu server to a gmail account.  I get a 550 denied error, telling me I'm not authorized to send from users@mydomain.com ... is there anyway to fix this other than a reverse DNS entry?  My IP is dhcp from my cable provider so that is not possible.  Am I screwed for SMTP out?23:24
ardchoillezendo: before you rename it you can go into firefox bookmarks and export them to html, then import them in the new profile23:24
zendoscunizi: i tried that... but ok, i'll try it again23:24
scunizizendo, you can also export your bookmarks etc.. before hand and then import them later23:24
zendothanks guys I'll try that23:24
colton What's a good editor for HTML and PHP?23:25
scunizi!html | colton23:26
ubottucolton: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/23:26
Andreicaalmost at every second, firestarter shows me an event. what it signify? will anything happen id i will stop firewall?23:26
rblstif i change the default printer in CUPS, OpenOffice doesn't see it, how to make OO use CUPS settings?23:26
ardchoilleAndreica: it's probably showing you your irc connection and any web browser connections23:26
owhrblst: You need to quit OO.o23:27
gavagaiOO.o, I can't quit you.23:27
rblstowh: if i restart, it won't change23:27
owhrblst: It won't show the changes in CUPS until it launches again.23:27
kriwhat is the dafult config for mplayer after 'apt-get install' ?23:27
scunizirblst, quite and restart.. but the printer can also be accessed from File Print23:27
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:27
thomcHello. Why does ubuntu slow down so severely when I'm copying large amounts of data?23:28
lifesfHi, i need opinion (All 64bit): I installed Ubuntu Server 8.10; then desktop over it; am wondering if i can install Ubuntu Studio overtop of this23:28
scunizithomc, 'cause it's busy and you're probably doing it from the gui.. from terminal it's faster23:28
Andreicaso, if i will stop firewall, won't happen anything bad?23:28
rblstscunizi: i did that, i quit from OO and the launched it again, still no change23:28
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owhthomc: Is your drive encrypted?23:28
scunizirblst, so it prints from the previous default priner?23:28
thomcowh I'm using Intrepid; is /home encrypted by default? If so, then yes.23:29
rblstscunizi: exactly23:29
krican anyone check their dafult mplayer config please?!23:29
owhthomc: No, not unless you asked it to encrypt it.23:29
thomcowh no then23:29
owhkri, ask a question before you want us all to run around like headless chickens :-)23:29
lifesfWho thinks I can install ubuntu studio over ubuntu server+desktop without problem? (This being all 64bit)23:29
kriowh: i asked allready.23:30
scunizirblst, it might be because OO is remembering which printer you used last.. do a file/print change the printer to the one you want and print a page. then save the file.. next time it opens that should be the default printer then.23:30
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ElecMoHwkI'm having an SMTP issue when sending from my home Ubuntu server to a gmail account.  I get a 550 denied error, telling me I'm not authorized to send from users@mydomain.com ... is there anyway to fix this other than a reverse DNS entry?  My IP is dhcp from my cable provider so that is not possible.  Am I screwed for SMTP out?23:30
owhthomc: Perhaps you're running low on RAM and it's having to work hard at copying your files?23:30
krii have manually installed mplayer cause if i apt-get install it, it will remove lamemp3-dev etc. i need the deafult config that it use though... where do i find it?23:30
thomcowh I have 4GB and memory usage is 14%23:30
owhkri, if you install something manually, you're on your own.23:31
rblstscunizi: thanks, i'll try it when i have the chance, but i'm afraid it's not that simple :(23:31
kriowh: oh thats so nice and cind of you. cause its so hard to upload that config to random host site?23:31
koopsammmm, i only can run java apps like frostwire with sudo... any ideas??23:31
mcphailElecMoHwk: if your ip range is on the DUL some providers (e.g. hotmail) will block. Didn't know that gmail would block.23:31
owhthomc: You can add the System Monitor applet to your panel and show the various gauges, that will give you and idea.23:31
scunizirblst, go to localhost:631 if you haven't already and make sure the printer you want is marked default there as well.. that's the direct cups interface23:32
rblstscunizi: yes, i've checked that23:32
ardchoillethomc: If you're looking to monitor various things on you computer, you might want to try gkrellm, it's in the repos23:32
owhkri, your question relates to a custom install from an unspecified site. There is absolutely no relation to the application you're running and the one that is shipped with Ubuntu. I'm not being a smart-ass, the question is not answerable.23:32
ElecMoHwkmcphail: appears it's just not allowing mail from users at any domain that is not under the ip.  I can actually send an email from @charter.net and it goes through.  CEO@charter.net works, ironicly.23:33
kurohow do i find the UUID of a partition23:33
koopsnever mind.... dont know why i can do it23:33
thomcowh I've checked hardware usage, each core of my processor is only showing 5-10% usage, and, as I said, RAM and swap aren't being used heavily either23:33
owhthomc: Is IOWAIT high?23:33
rblstHavsalt: have you considered running your vindoze on a virtual machine in Ubuntu?23:33
scunizikuro, blkid23:34
scunizikuro, sudo blkid23:34
colton!html | colton23:34
ubottucolton, please see my private message23:34
Havsaltrblst, haven't thought of that. not sure how i do it23:34
mcphailElecMoHwk: perhaps you could try forwarding mail to your ISP's smtpd?23:34
{alejandro}so I am officially fed up with this pulseaudio business - I upgraded to Intrepid and lost my sound and I've tried most of the things I've seen on the forum like replacing sound with ESD - How do I make this thing work?23:34
RobertTablesCmon guys! :-) I have an ubuntu box setup and I can browse/write to it from windows by using the \\ipaddress, Is there a way that I can refer to it by its \\hostname ??23:34
scunizi!vbox | Havsalt23:34
ubottuHavsalt: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:34
rblst!virtualbox > Havsalt23:35
ubottuHavsalt, please see my private message23:35
thomcowh sorry, how do I find out IOWAIT?23:35
owhRobertTables: You could add the hostname to /etc/hosts23:35
owhthomc: The applet will show it.23:35
scuniziRobertTables, that's a windows question better answered in ##windows23:35
maxxist<-----   Luves VirtualBox23:35
jimmacdonaldSpets: sorry...walked away for a minute. yes. I am sure I am booting from the USB because it's a Dell and I can get to a boot menu from startup that allows me to pick the device I wish to boot from .23:35
gavagaiHow do i see my internal ip address in the terminal?  (like ipconfig on windoze)?23:35
owhscunizi: No, it's a known bug in Nautilus :)23:35
joebodogavagai ifconfig23:36
garyEhello anyone try backing up with norton ghost?23:36
RobertTablesowh, how do you mean?23:36
owhgavagai: ifconfig23:36
jimmacdonaldgavagal: do you know your interface name?23:36
rblst!virtualizer > Havsalt23:36
ubottuHavsalt, please see my private message23:36
gavagaijimmacdonald, wlan0 i believe23:36
Andreicain windows i typed shutdown -s -t 3600 to make my computer log off in a hour. How to do the same thing in ubuntu_23:36
{alejandro}here is my alsa-info.sh output http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=629ec524095378065f5f4eb101d939c0572c20f5 does anyone want to walk me through this?23:36
zenlunaticAndreica: try man sleep23:37
dave_hi, im trying to get ubuntu on a tablet pc, a toshiba portege m200,  it doesnt have a cd drive, ive tried USB, SD card, netboot, nothing will work23:37
Andreicaplease give me an example23:37
zenlunaticAndreica: its' going to be something like `sleep 100 $$ shutdown -h now23:37
n8tuserAndreica-> shutdown -h -t 360023:37
dave_i think i got the netboot settings wrong, does anyone know how to set up dhcpd.conf?23:37
owhRobertTables: I was going to tell you to open the Network Manager, but that seems to have changed. Dunno what the official way of adding a host is. Modifying /etc/hosts will work, but I'm not sure if that's the right way.23:37
unr3a1hey all23:37
unr3a1I had a quick question..23:38
owhdave_: The man page is exhaustive on the subject.23:38
gavagaioh man this is sweet tvants working on wine.  :)  if anyone else has this problem just keep manually adding channels.  searching for channels doesn't seem to work.23:38
unr3a1I upgraded to 8.10, and now I cannot pull for dhcp through the command line23:38
mcphailElecMoHwk: just tried sending to gmail from a different domain. Working fine. May be because I have static ip.23:38
benovicI've taken a bunch of .png screenshots with a simple script. now I want to get those files as a video file - what would you recommend, how to do that?23:38
Out_Coldhow do i split a tar.gz into manageable pieces?23:38
Kinghi anyone play TA Spring Poject23:38
unr3a1I do dhclient on my wlan0 card, and it will try to pull from  anyone know why this does this now?23:38
scuniziRobertTables, owh the easiest way to edit hosts from the gui is from System>Admin>network.. unlock then click the hosts tab23:38
zenlunaticunr3a1: what do you mean "pull"?23:38
thomcowh the applet shows harddisk usage between 15-30%, if that's what you meant. I can't see a value labelled IOWAIT23:38
RobertTablesowh, this is my /etc/hosts file: http://rafb.net/p/56PRdu56.html23:38
owhOut_Cold: Funnily enough, the spit command :)23:38
dave_wpi;d amypme recommend rpl as an easier choice ?23:38
Out_Coldthanks owh23:39
dave_would anyone23:39
owhthomc: It's a CPU state :)23:39
Out_Coldoh.. wait.. split?? or spit?23:39
jimmacdonaldgavagai: have you done a man on ifconfig?23:39
unr3a1it will query for the IP address if I do a dhclient.  before in 8.04, it queried the gateway of the router.23:39
ElecMoHwkmcphail: sorry for the delay in replies, I tried forwarding through my isp's SMTP server, and I get rejected as @mydomain != @charter.net.  While my IP is not static, it has been the same for 6+ months and is referenced in my dns directly without issue elsewhere.23:39
=== tonswin is now known as tonsofpcs
kurois there a command that will tell you the (HD X,Y) numbers for each partition23:39
owhdave_: The suggestion I gave you shows examples, has comments and describes in full detail how to do it, I don't know how to make it simpler.23:39
RobertTablesscunizi, And what do I add exactly?23:40
zendono, again ff3 starts in offline mode. Dunno if it's because of some extentsion or what23:40
jimmacdonaldSpet: ?23:40
zenlunatickuro: man du23:40
Randall1how do i check what drivers i have installed for graphics cards?23:40
zendoit's really bothering23:40
owhzendo: Start it in "safe mode" and see if it does it.23:40
unr3a1did you see my response, zenlunatic?23:40
RobertTablesowh, did you see the host file?23:40
zenlunaticunr3a1: no23:40
zendoowh: how should i start in safe mode?23:40
zenlunaticRandall1: maybe lspci23:41
KingI'd like to know too Randalli23:41
scuniziRobertTables, not sure.. just answered the question.. I haven't really been following the entire conversation.. but if I remember you're trying to reach the ubuntu box from a windows box.. still.. I don't know.. a learned babe in the woods here.23:41
zendoowh:  I guess you are saying to me about ff3 not linux23:41
owhzendo: firefox -safe-mode23:41
unr3a1zenlunatic:  it will query for an IP through dhclient.  in 8.04 it queried the gateway of the router.23:41
zendoowh: ok23:41
Havsaltrblst, that actually looks very interesting to me23:41
jonathoni know i can do this over my ip through my router and such, i have a set up with a shared folder where i put something in it and it shows up from any computer linked to only that shared folder. what i am asking is if there is a way i can do this over two dif ips. and two dif. os. one os x the other ubuntu.23:41
zendoowh: yes, still in offline mode23:41
owhscunizi: I don't have that panel in Intrepid :(23:41
mcphailElecMoHwk: looking at the headers on the received email in gmail, it appears they do perform a lookup on the "from" domain and try to match it to the sending ip. Suspect there is no easy solution23:42
thomcowh ok I got it (!), and yes IOWAIT is pretty much maxed out23:42
=== ging is now known as Ging
RobertTablesowh, what do I need to add to /etc/hosts to mkae it work?23:42
scuniziowh, let me load intrepid in vm and check.. brb23:42
mynousis there a way to tell if you nic is truelly operating as full duplex?23:42
owhRobertTables: Wait a mo for the answer from your other intrepid helper :)23:42
ElecMoHwkmcphail: my fears realized.  Looks like I need to colo and warm up my /24 again to get my domains mailing :( damnit.  Thanks for taking a look and giving me a second set of eyes.23:42
RobertTablesowh, Im on hardy :-)23:43
Kingne1 know why i have flashing black boxes while playing TA Spring Project23:43
rblstHavsalt: i myself use VirtualBox, tell me if you need any help setting it up23:43
ElecMoHwkFollow up question ... anyone know of any affordable co-location providers in the southern california area ?23:43
owhRobertTables: Well, do you have the panel that scunizi suggested?23:43
Randall1So when i open hardware drivers a driver is now available however there is a gray dot thing next to it saying "A different version of this driver is in use" and when i activate the 96 driver and restart it tells me that ubuntu must start in low-graphics mode?23:43
ElecMoHwk:) just incase.  rhetorical question I guess.  Thanks again McPhail sir.23:43
RobertTablesyes, but not sure what values..23:44
RobertTablesowh, yes, but not sure what values..23:44
Havsaltrblst, yes. think im gonna do a format here first, clean up every disk23:44
RobertTablesowh, static ip - hostname?23:44
=== vonguard__ is now known as PuppyCock
Po-masheya, i'm having some trouble getting my laptop internal bluetooth working. Can anyone help me?23:44
mcphailElecMoHwk: why not use a valid "reply-to" in your emails and send from your isp domain?23:44
scuniziowh, wow.. looks like vbox doesn't like 2 vm's running at the same time.. it went nuts when loading intrepid.. closed win and loading ibex now propertly23:45
owhRobertTables: Yup.23:45
ElecMoHwkQuestion: can anyone recommed a program for sharing a directory as an iTunes playlist off of an ubuntu box, so that windows boxes running iTunes can play from it?23:45
tCzernI just finished compiling a program, how can I find it in Gnome?23:45
owhscunizi: I've been using qemu - vbox needed way too many things installed :(23:45
RobertTablesowh, I dont understand, how will this enable windows to see it? and do i need to restart any services?23:45
SpaceCow567Request: needs help w/ gunroar pkg23:45
ElecMoHwkmcphail: because I do not want to email business contacts from username@charter.net ... I would like to send them from @mydomain.com23:45
kuroHow can i copy a partition to another of a smaller size23:46
owhRobertTables: Hold on, you are trying to get from Windows to Ubuntu, or from Ubuntu to Windows? I thought the latter...23:46
ElecMoHwkkuro: cp -R * ?23:46
RobertTablesnope, I can access my ubuntu box only by ip from windows, what I want to do is from windows be able to access it by hostname..23:47
owhRobertTables: Ahh.23:47
rblsttCzern: if you compile a program, it doesn't show up in gnome23:47
unr3a1so does anyone have any clue as to what may be causing the command line to be unable to connect to a wireless network?23:47
owhscunizi: You can stop looking, we're solving the wrong thing :)23:47
mcphailElecMoHwk: with regards to your new question, maybe gnump3d? Not sure if it integrates well with itunes23:47
owhRobertTables: Are there other servers on your network?23:47
scuniziowh, RobertTables looks like network manager aka "Network" in the Admin part is no installed.. ok.. got it.. yep .. Win to ubuntu23:48
thomcis there a way to reduce iowait?23:48
RobertTablesowh, so say fto access my webserver I can point broswer to http://myhostname instead of http://ipaddressofubuntubox23:48
qhartmanElecMoHwk: you can use a number of things for that. Rhythbox will do it, if you want something more server-y firefly is a good choice23:48
mindrapethomc - yes... type in yes yes23:48
RobertTablesowh, no other servers, small home setup23:48
kuroElecMoHwk: will that carry over everything and keep all the permissions23:48
NotDellI'm looking for Windows Server chatroom, anybody?23:48
RobertTablesowh scunizi , you get me?23:49
mindrapeNotDell: I think you'll be hard pressed to find Windows support on an opensource developers IRC network.23:49
ElecMoHwkkuro: no, it will put everything in permissions for the user copying the files.  Not sure how to preserve own/grp/perm, sorry.23:49
thomcmindrape ?23:49
Andreicawhen i'm listening music, pidgin don't sounds anything. how to correct it?23:49
SpaceCow567Requesting help for Gunroar Package23:49
ElecMoHwkqhartman: define server-y ... ubuntu box is cmd line only, no desktop so, it qualifies as a server, yes.23:49
Randall1So when i open hardware drivers a driver is now available however there is a gray dot thing next to it saying "A different version of this driver is in use" and when i activate the 96 driver and restart it tells me that ubuntu must start in low-graphics mode? anyone know how to fix this?23:49
kuroAny idea how to use dd to copy but set it to copy to a smaller partition23:49
kuroI used dd to copy and because it was bigger the file system became corrupt23:50
scuniziRobertTables, well two things.. if you also want access from outside the lan then look into dydns or a similar service.. be aware that your ISP probably blocks port 80 so you'll have to change that in apache2.  As for doing it from inside the lan.. you got me.. no idea.23:50
loveonfullunable to install midi buntu repos, gives me this error    E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:50
loveonfullE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:50
Bynwhelp! i just got home and moved my mouse to turn off my screensaver ... all i see is my wallpaper no panels or icons on the desktop (GNOME)23:51
mneptokloveonfull: is another process using it?23:51
NotDellmindrape: ##windows-server ;)23:51
owhloveonfull: You probably have synaptic, add/remove programmes, update manager running23:51
scuniziRobertTables, maybe changing the hosts table in windows to reflect your internal ip of the server and the port number with an alias of "whatever" you want23:51
lorenzohi, i have installed kde but i am still shown gnome icons when browsing folders. should i remove the gnome icons, or will that mess up my gnome session? thanks23:51
mcphailkuro: dd cannot shrink partitions. You _can_ pipe the output through gzip, though23:51
RobertTablesscunizi, two machines arebeside me :-) just want to refer to the ubuntu box by hostname instead of ip! :-)23:52
owhRobertTables: Well windows has a hosts file too :)23:52
_Zeus_does anyone know the options needed for mknod to recreate /dev/null?23:52
Andreicaloveonfull: are you using in this time any sinaptic? usually it happens when you are trying to use 2 synaptic in the same time23:52
rahdukecan someone help me please, since i've upgraded to 8.10 I can't access my USB drives (G1 phone and 8 gig USB thumbdriver)23:52
loveonfullI logged out and came back but still the same23:52
rahdukeUbuntu recognizes them but nautilus wont open them23:52
SpaceCow567Having trouble with Gunroar package, Help please?23:52
Andreicawhen i'm listening music, pidgin don't sounds anything. how to correct it?23:52
mrkrisHiya, having some issues with ffmpeg, trying to transcode an avi to flv, but I get an error that its an unsupported input format23:53
scuniziRobertTables, that's why I originally suggested ##windows because I think it's something you need to change in the windows setup to recognize the name and where it links to.. does that make sense to you owh or am I off base here?23:53
Randall1So when i open hardware drivers a driver is now available however there is a gray dot thing next to it saying "A different version of this driver is in use" and when i activate the 96 driver and restart it tells me that ubuntu must start in low-graphics mode?23:53
mneptok!repeat > Andreica23:53
ubottuAndreica, please see my private message23:53
owhRobertTables: scunizi, the real problem is that Windows isn't being populated properly by Samba, IIRC, there is a samba.conf setting to act as the browse master. You can then point windows at the IP of the machine to do WINS lookups and you can also tell windows to use the DNS to resolve windows names.23:53
DoYouKnowhow do I get the latest development version/sources for the linux kernel on ubuntu?23:54
SpaceCow567Requesting help with Gunroar package?23:54
RobertTablesowh, Where do you start with that!23:55
porter1Does anyone have an idea about why I can't change my DNS settings in intrepid with network-manager?23:55
owhRobertTables: I'd open up the Windows network properties and point the WINS server setting at the IP of your server and see what happens.23:55
porter1I'm getting the most ominous message when I try to.23:55
porter1And it seems as though others are having similar problems.23:56
Andreicawhen music is playing, pidgin don't sing anything. how to make it announce me when i receive a message and i'm listening to music?23:56
scienthow do i get the uuid of a partition again?23:56
BynwI've lost my desktop (GNOME) Ubuntu 8.10 ... only see my wallpaper no panels or icons23:56
scuniziowh, I wasn't aware he's just trying to share a folder or files.. he had mentioned server so I thought "wiki" , test web page etc..23:57
owhscunizi: Heh :)23:57
RobertTablesowh, Yayyyy! it works!23:57
lwizardlhas anyone here configured a Linux cash register (point of sale) setup?23:57
scientbynw, if it doesnt fix itsself you can kill pretty much everything you have open and restart your X with ctrl-alt-backspace23:57
owhRobertTables: Excellent.23:57
dasginganinjaHi, I'm having  troubles getting  my ATI radeon x850xt to work after I enable the fglrx driver via the hardware drivers.  I have to go into rescue mode and run xfix then resume boot to get it back to normal.  Can somebody help me get 3d enabled on my Intrepid(8.10) install?  I desperately need to program for my opengl class and cannot until this is fixed.  Thanks in advance!23:58
tCzernhow can I change from my desktop to the /usr directory?23:58
porter1Anyone have any idea if there are better replacements for network-manager? it is a total mess of a program.23:58
rahdukecan someone help me please, since i've upgraded to 8.10 I can't access my USB drives (G1 phone and 8 gig USB thumbdrive)23:58
mindrapeporter1 - I use the command line...23:58
dasginganinjatCzern:  cd /usr23:59
rahdukenoone here ever helps me23:59
xubuserHello Poeple23:59
rahdukeyou guys are a bunch of snobs23:59
Bynwscient, the keyboard doesnt seem to function but its connected ... only the mouse works (i see the pointer and can move it). anything i do on the keyboard doesnt do anything23:59
Randall1So when i open hardware drivers a driver is now available however there is a gray dot thing next to it saying "A different version of this driver is in use" and when i activate the 96 driver and restart it tells me that ubuntu must start in low-graphics mode?23:59
scientthats for lwizardl i have never used it or heard of it23:59
neetoporter1: I agree, nasty program. I use the command line as well.23:59
ironfroggy_is there any reason an init.d script has to be an sh script?23:59
tCzernhhm, tried that ... brb ..23:59
mindraperahduke: lol... uhmmmm.... do they show up in dmesg?23:59
rahdukei dont know what that is23:59
mindraperahduke - when you lspci do you see them?23:59
xubuseranybody know if XFCE compositor is in addition to X Server compositor? Or should we run both?23:59
mindraperahduke: pull up a commandline and type dmesg23:59
RobertTablesowh, 1 more question though.. you see  the smb.conf.. there are settings in there for WINS, see here: http://rafb.net/p/5OABrO21.html23:59
scientbynw, if you know whats causing it use ctrl-alt-f1 to get a terminal, but other wise use ctrl-alt-backspace23:59

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