
xivulonhi thorwill12:59
xivulonwanted to thank you "in person" for the logo and artwork12:59
xivulonI am really pleased with tham :)13:00
thorwilxivulon: you're welcome :D13:01
xivulonIf you have other ideas on the web/app design, just ping me13:05
thorwilwill do in that case :)13:06
robstamay i ask what Project Kyūdō is, like, in one sentence?14:39
kwwiiit is an attempt at optimizing the artwork process with the intent of thereby creating pretty things :-)14:43
kwwiithorwil can probably offer a better answer14:43
robstayou mean so that ubuntu will no more be the distro with the ugliest default looks of the big 3? :P14:44
* robsta ducks14:44
robstajust kidding14:46
* thorwil is reasonably satisfied with the one sentence answer15:08
robstaso it's a process, not a style15:09
* robsta was looking for mockups15:09
thorwilrobsta: a bit farther down the road kyudo could benefit from technical expertise, not to forget implementors ;)15:11
thorwilrobsta: are you subscribed to the ubuntu-art list?15:11
robstano, but i'm reading the archives every now and then15:11
robstaanyway, not following what you mean by the above statement15:12
thorwilrobsta: we have very few artists, even fewer people who actually touched a theme and virtually no coders here15:13
robstai'd be happy to work with you in areas where our interests intersect15:14
thorwilit's not always clear what is technically possible, what could become possible in reasonable time or what belongs into dreamland :)15:15
thorwilrobsta: cool :)15:15
robstaif you have technical questions just post to gnome-themes-list, that's what it's for15:16
robsta(or stop by in #gnome-art, where dreams are turned into nightmar^H^H^H reality)15:21
kwwiiif anyone has my ppa in their sources.list check the community-themes package that is coming down the pipes soon and let me know how it works15:54
kwwiispecificaly, the dust theme15:54
robstahey kwwii15:55
kwwiihi robsta15:57
robstakwwii: fyi, good progress here, you can start designing themes15:58
thorwilrobsta: so, what are your interests, actually? :)15:58
robstathorwil: css theming for gtk15:59
kwwiirobsta: cool, I'll get the latest stuff and check it out16:00
thorwilrobsta: but that surely is a means to a goal?16:00
kwwiifor now I am getting a falafel ;-)16:00
robstakwwii: just not yet, but you can start _designing_16:00
kwwiiI have quite a bit of design ready16:01
robstakwwii, awesome16:01
robstathorwil, i'm not a designer, so the best i can do is giving them the means to reach the goal16:02
thorwilrobsta: so part of your motivation is a feeling that current offerings are not good enough?16:03
thorwilgood :)16:04
thorwilrobsta: i have been working on other stuff and need to get back to kyudo. part of what i'm planning is a call for per-widget mockups. per-widget to free the mind from having an eye on consistency right away16:07
thorwilof course, so far i failed at getting anyone to contribute anything, with the exception of a bit of input on the text :}16:08
robstait's very hard to judge a theme from per-widget mockus16:12
thorwilthere is no theme with per-widget mockups ;)16:12
thorwilooh, nubuntu has an awesome logo: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/19437980/nubuntu_devel_192x192.png17:41
thorwilit features lock-heads!17:41
thorwilnand: hi! do you already know http://jldugger.livejournal.com/21851.html ?17:49
nandthorwil: thanks, I have indeed answered on the comments17:50
nandI gave a sample of votes, but I'm quite skeptic at the expected results...17:50
ethana2I suppose this may be a tad offtopic...  but anyone in here use any wacom products?23:16
ethana2...the bamboo is looking tempting, but I don't know if it's actually as easy/fun to use as it looks23:17
ethana2I don't want to blow $80 on something that's not fairly amazing to use23:17
ethana2ah, digipro23:33
ethana2It'd be nice to get the drivers for this into jaunty..23:34

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