
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftachromium is messing iup with zlib and libpng symbols, like mozilla, i can't use the system ones, at least not without further tweaks00:22
tonyyarussoUgh.  I still have no idea why KompoZer is so horribly broken in 8.10 compared to previous releases.00:27
ftaisn't KompoZer dead ?00:31
tonyyarussowell, I haven't heard much from the dev in a long time, so perhaps, but until 9.10 it's the best we have.00:33
asacfta: isnt that just a define?00:34
asacthats at least easy to switch then in theory00:35
ftazlib: symbols are remapped to MOZ_Z_xx for libpng00:35
ftalibpng: problem with undefined references to lots of webkit_png_* symbols00:35
asacin chrome?00:35
asacok so they copied the mozilla code ;)00:35
ftayes, parts of it00:36
asacshouldnt that be solved in webkit package already?00:36
asacor is png shipped in chrome itself and not  by webkit?00:37
asaccool ;)00:37
asacin theory they ship their own widget thing right?00:38
asacfta: did you sponsor gnomefreaks extensions yet?00:38
asacjust remember that he said a had a bunch ready ;O)00:38
ftahm, no, i don't remember him asking me anything00:38
asacyour patch=?00:40
asacsubmit it ;)00:40
ftai will, it's not complete yet00:41
ftawell, maybe it is, but my build is still in progress00:42
asacbug 2847900:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28479 in firefox "firefox32 for amd64 => support 32-bit plugins on amd64" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2847900:50
asacthey want a firefox3200:50
ftaasac, my notes so far: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Chromium00:55
ftanot much00:55
mconnorasac: where's the intrepid patches list?01:02
ftamconnor, what for ?01:02
mconnorhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.intrepid/changes is not easy to follow01:02
mconnorfta: you know, so I can yell at you guys again01:03
mconnoror something01:03
mconnorremember, I hate freedom and everything01:03
fta1.9.1/3.1 are now in there yet, you have to use the branches01:05
mconnors'ok, I just need to have a baseline01:05
mconnorfta: thanks01:05
ftamconnor, all those named bzXXX_ are supposed to be upstreamed01:06
ftaone day01:06
mconnoryou have jemalloc disabled?01:07
ftahm, i don't think so01:08
mconnorthat patch kinda makes it look that way01:08
mconnoranyway, I should do this after I finish reviewing blockers01:09
ftai have it in 3.1 for sure, i'm spamed with zillions of /tmp/jemalloc.XXXX files01:09
fta$ lsof -p 9989 | grep -c /tmp/jemalloc01:10
ftadeleted but still opened so this is vicious01:11
mconnornever heard of that01:11
ftafirefox-3 9989  fta  DEL    REG        8,1          35160076 /tmp/jemalloc.EfHUUh01:12
ftafirefox-3 9989  fta  DEL    REG        8,1          35160073 /tmp/jemalloc.32yXGC01:12
ftafirefox-3 9989  fta  DEL    REG        8,1          35160071 /tmp/jemalloc.sWt2vX01:12
ftamaybe a leaked filehandle or something01:13
mconnorlook for an upstream bug?01:13
mconnorI doubt its just you01:13
mconnoralso, http://patches.ubuntu.com/by-release/extracted/ubuntu/f/firefox-3.0/3.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2/ubuntu_no_app_updates.patch01:13
mconnorwhy not just set the pref and be done with it?01:13
mconnorand that, uh, doesn't change the pref?01:14
ftanot my patch01:15
mconnorthis is not going to go quickly, is it?01:17
mconnorok, I'll do it tomorrow01:18
mconnorwhere I can yell at asac directly01:18
mconnor(this is the overdue approval round for branding stuff, its so much cleaner than Fx2!)01:18
asacmconnor: i am on holiday ;)01:19
asacmconnor: the drop patch isnt applied. you have to look at the series file01:19
mconnorasac: where is the series file?01:20
asacmconnor: the pref isnt for app updates isnt enough ... users must not enable app updates01:20
mconnorasac: so lock the pref01:20
mconnorthat should work just fine01:20
asacmconnor: lock prefs is something that admins have to use01:20
asacwe used that in the past01:20
mconnorwhy do you think that's true?01:21
asacbecause you can only have one lock file?01:21
asaci think we have developed a patch that allows you to do locks in all pref files ... but the app updates patch probably predates that01:22
asacpristine behaviour is that you can configure one general.config.filename ... and in that file you can have lockPref01:23
asacmconnor: the series file in only in the branch or package source ... in debian/patches directory.01:23
asacthere also are all the patches so you dont need to switch to the patches.ubuntu.com site and just can navigate there.01:24
mconnorlink me please?01:24
asacmconnor: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.intrepid/files01:25
asacthere you can navigate the tree01:25
asacgo to debian/patches/01:25
mconnorasac: hmm01:27
mconnorwhat's the branding stuff?01:27
asacmconnor: we provide that for downstreams and oems that need a different branding (on a packaging level)01:30
mconnormmm, so you can package up another branding jar without having to rebuild the package, I assume?01:33
asacmconnor: right ... so what we do is have firefox-3.0-branding package ... if you install that you get all firefox ... if you install abrowser-3.0-branding ... everything uses the example "alternative" branding01:33
asacmconnor: its ment to be the answer to the critique:01:35
asac"mozilla provides a simple configure switch to use your own branding ... what do you do for packages?"01:35
asacbut we are still learning on this, so its definitly not perfect yet.01:36
mconnorasac: yeah01:36
ftamconnor, here is the content of the firefox-3.0-branding package: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70260/01:36
asacbut we are searching for better way then just providing iceweasel or something01:36
mconnorI mean, I think there's a nicer way to do that01:36
asaci appreciate any feedback01:36
mconnorfta: I can entirely predict that01:36
ftawhich is a good thing i assume :)01:37
mconnorI'm the one who added the /unofficial directory so people could see how easy it was to have alternate branding :)01:37
ftawe had to split browser.jar though01:37
ftathat should be "upstreamable" :)01:38
asacwelll ...01:39
ftathe split should not hurt01:39
asacjust like i said, we are still somewhat learning how to do this best for all the eventual cases01:39
ftathat sub jar and the icons could also be regrouped in a branding directory, that would help too01:40
asacbut keeping the branding in a separate chrome jar is probably part of the final solution ... though not 100% sure. maybe it can be better supported in a different way01:40
mconnorI thought we kept stuff in a separate jar already01:41
asacmconnor: nope ... browser.jar01:41
asacand some stuff directly in APP/GRE dir01:41
mconnorall of the things I don't think enough about :-/01:42
asacwell. its understood that alternate branding is probably not a core feature ;)01:43
mconnoron a product level, no01:43
mconnoron a code level, it kinda is01:43
mconnorit has been for a very long time, really01:44
asacmconnor: there are also other minor issues, like the user-agent string01:44
asacmconnor: some might want to use their own product in that id01:44
asacmconnor: but most probably want to keep firefox in order to be not locked out of some sites01:44
mconnorthat should just work, aiui01:44
asacmconnor: i think it encodes the appname01:44
asacduring build01:44
mconnorI think I remember where, even01:44
mconnorwe're trying to teach the world to sniff Gecko versions01:45
asacyeah ;)01:45
asacbut the world is not enough :)01:45
asacmconnor: how about a campaign: "randomize your user agent parts" ;) ... and then complain to websites01:46
asachard to guess how to best teach MS to make hotmail work01:46
asacthey even stop providing full service if ubuntu is properly encoded01:47
mconnorthat's just them being dicks ;)01:48
asaci wouldnt be shocked if they looked through the navigator.plugins array and downgrade their service when they find an openoffice doc plugin installed ;)01:49
gnomefreaki really hate "at"05:58
gnomefreakok firegpg is set for intrepid in my PPA i am gonna rebuild all of them with target jaunty tonight or tomorrow06:23
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gnomefreakfta: support for Jaunty isnt in PPAs yet, they say they uploaded but PPAs are not showing them anywhere.06:58
asacgnomefreak: ok thanks10:41
asacgnomefreak: if there are things to upload and i am not here, ask fta too ;)10:41
armin76asac: gentoo bug 23411010:47
ubottuBug 234110 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/234110 is private10:47
armin76any clue why it would hang?10:47
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 234110 in Applications "www-client/mozilla-firefox-3.0* USE=xulrunner - hangs on first start" [Normal,New]10:47
asachmm gentoo still has no cert ;)?10:52
armin76it has a cacert one10:52
armin76brb, kernel upgrade, have a look and let me know :)10:53
asackernel upgrades appear to take ages on gentoo ;)12:22
asactell armin that i don't know ... only thing i could imagine is either cruft in the pkglibdir, a missing .autoreg or i dont know ;)12:47
asacok off for a while again ;)12:52
sebnerasac: gentoo .. :P12:58
sebnerasac: hf12:58
ftadh_strip debug symbol extraction: ignored packages:13:13
ftaobjcopy:./usr/lib/chrome/stiAjXMz[.debug_loc]: No space left on device13:13
[reed]sheesh, travel plans are going to be the death of me17:33
[reed]fta: finalizing UDS travel and such, as I finally got approval from one of my professors to move an exam :(17:40
fta[reed], i need to finish mine too. i totally forgot17:41
ftaa matter of direct flight more expensive than alternatives through 2 or more hops17:43
[reed]yeah, the proposed flight for me is pretty hoppy, too17:52
mconnorfta: 2 hops or two connections?21:29
mconnora-b-c is ok, a-b-c-d is pushing your luck :)21:30
[reed]I'm a-b-c-d21:31
[reed]where 'a' is my home airport, and 'd' is SFO21:31
ftai have a-b, a-b-c and a-b-c-d,21:32
ftaa = paris21:32
ftai have the choice for the connection(s), Toronto, Chicago/Frankfurt, Newark, Cinncinnati, Philadelphia, Detroit, ...21:34
ftamost are tests21:50
mconnor[reed]: your home airport is weird though21:51
[reed]mconnor: are you going to come to any part of UDS?21:51
mconnor[reed]: tbd21:51
mconnordepends on how today goes21:52
[reed]what's special about today?21:52
mconnorbecause today I'm looking at the intrepid patchset21:52
mconnorand if I find something that causes problems, I'm sure I'll get lynched21:52
ftabut intrepid is already out.. so why now?21:54
mconnorbecause we're actually going to have a formal trademark usage agreement, rather than just ad-hoc stuff21:55
mconnoralso, because we've always required that, even without contracts, as a prereq21:56
mconnorthat we haven't done it yet kinda sucks21:56
mconnorjust because the horse has left the barn doesn't mean you can't put the horse back in the barn, you just can't close the door and do any good21:56
* mconnor grumbles a little22:34
mconnorseeing stuff in a patches list for a bug that was resolved invalid a year ago is slightly frustrating22:35
mconnorespecially when the patch was rejected22:35
ftawhich one ?22:35
mconnorsee https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38690422:35
ubottuMozilla bug 386904 in Build Config "DIST_FILES and DIST_CHROME_FILES not implemented for install:: target in config/rules.mk" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]22:36
mconnorthe patch is wrong, and no longer needed in any case22:36
mconnorbad asac, no donut22:36
[reed]are you sure it's being used? there are patches in the repo that aren't used22:36
[reed]also, make sure to look at both firefox and xulrunner patches22:36
[reed]two different patch sets22:37
mconnorits in the series file22:37
mconnoralso, seriously, are you telling me how to do my job? :P22:37
mconnorthis isn't my first time at this here rodeo22:37
mconnorand I haven't looked at the xulrunner patches because, for the most part, I don't care22:38
[reed]no, just offering helpful suggestions in case you didn't know22:38
mconnor[reed]: see, that's what you _think_ you're doing... :P22:39
ftahm, we have that patch since trunk 2007070322:39
mconnorthat was before the upstream bug got filed22:42
mconnorand bsmedberg rejected the patch two weeks later22:42
[reed]mconnor: just checking actual patches or ubufox too?22:42
mconnorand it got left anyway22:42
mconnor[reed]: ubufox is tomorrow22:42
mconnoryay me22:42
mconnoryou're doing a bad job of being on sabbatical, btw22:43
ftamconnor, i think asac just forgot about it, no evil intention here22:43
mconnorfta: I'm not saying evil22:43
mconnorI'm saying "this is frustrating"22:43
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mconnorbecause he would have gotten mail explaining why that patch was wrong, and he did nothing about it22:44
mconnorfta: btw, where are the build configs stored?22:45
ftain debian/rules22:45
mconnorthat's so... elaborate22:47
mconnorwhy do you guys specify so many build flags explicitly?22:48
mconnoralso, why do you disable reporter?22:48
mconnoroh, you ship it with xulrunner22:49
mconnoroy, ok22:49
ftabecause we have apport pushing core dumps to launchpad, where they are retraced by a bot and published in a bug22:49
mconnornot crashreporter22:51
mconnorthough, really, I still wish you wouldn't do that22:51
mconnorbut that's a separate discussion about how to not have linux distros hiding their crash data from us22:51
ftawhat? crashreporter ?22:51
[reed]I don't think they're hiding it... just think that we need to integrate better22:52
ftawe had several discussions about that22:52
ftaincluding at the last uds22:52
mconnorhiding is pejorative22:52
mconnorI mean that we don't have a unified view of crashes22:53
mconnorbecause every distro does something different22:53
mconnorand we can't roll that up easily22:53
mconnorI also wish you guys ran unit tests22:57
ftait's not something our builders can do. we need dedicated boxes.23:01
ftai'm not canonical, but i think asac discussed that internally with the ubuntu QA team23:01
ftaunfortunately, nothing happened since23:02
mconnoryou have an hppa build?23:05
ftayes, but not officially supported23:07
ftai.e. best effort23:07
mconnorthere's a newer version of the patch in the bug23:08
ubottuMozilla bug 436133 in Networking: Cookies "Cookies build failure on hppa" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]23:08
mconnorwhich is on trunk already23:08
mconnorat least that was r+ ;)23:09
mconnordo all of these changes have launchpad numbers somewhere?23:10
mconnorand the convention is just old?23:10
mconnorer, new?23:10
ftalpxxxx mean there's a bug in launchpad23:11
mconnoryeah, and bz is bmo, but there's a bunch that have neither23:11
mconnorand I don't have good details on those if I can't look stuff up23:12
ftawell, those without lp or bz are explained somewhere in debian/changelog23:14
mconnorfta: except without actually being linked to the patch itself, in many cases23:24
mconnorreally, I should just give you guys a list and ask what's up23:25
ftayou should find a "add debian/patches/whatever" somewhere in debian/changelog, at least if it's from asac or me, we are really consistent about that23:26
ftabut a list of questions would be fine too23:27
mconnorwhat emails should I use?23:27
[reed]fta@ubuntu.com, asac@ubuntu.com, probably... and CC me if you want me watching/poking, too23:28
mconnorhttp://people.mozilla.com/~mconnor/trademark-review/Ubuntu/Round%201/ is basically what I'm doing23:29
mconnor(also, boy is omnioutliner nice for this)23:29
ftaftbfs-with-branding-dir is no longer needed, i thought i already removed it23:31
ftainstaller_shouldnt_copy_xulrunner got a r- from bs, the feature is needed but not that way23:32
ftainstaller_use_stdout_for_missing_files got a r+ from bs and landed in trunk23:33
fta[reed], do you have the bug # ?23:33
ftanspr_flags_by_pkg_config_hack is needed because we use system nspr and we don't have the nspr sources in the xul/ff tarballs23:34
ftamconnor, ^^23:34
mconnorw00t, awesome23:35
[reed]460911    nor  --  fta+bugzilla@sofaraway.org  RESO  FIXE  Linu    Make the installer complain about missing files on stdout23:35
[reed]460913 nor -- fta+bugzilla@sofaraway.org ASSI Linu Installer shouldn't copy xulrunner files into Firefox install directory23:35
[reed]460915 nor -- asac@jwsdot.com RESO INVA Linu Build problem when using --with-branding-dir23:35
[reed]460917 maj -- asac@jwsdot.com ASSI Linu New plugins only recognized after restarting Firefox23:35
ftadont_depend_on_nspr_sources, same thing23:35
fta(looks fine here)23:36
ftamozilla bug 46091123:36
ubottuMozilla bug 460911 in Installer: XPInstall Engine "Make the installer complain about missing files on stdout" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46091123:36
ftamozilla bug 46091323:36
ubottuMozilla bug 460913 in Build Config "Installer shouldn't copy xulrunner files into Firefox install directory" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46091323:36
ftamozilla bug 46091523:36
ubottuMozilla bug 460915 in General "Build problem when using --with-branding-dir" [Normal,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46091523:36
ftamozilla bug 46091723:36
ubottuMozilla bug 460917 in Plugin Finder Service "New plugins only recognized after restarting Firefox" [Major,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46091723:36
mconnorfta: I'm using irssi, it doesn't like some things23:36
ftaregarding 460913, i need to work in this, i have it in ff3.0/ff3.1/prism/fennec/xul-explorer/instantbird/bluegriffon23:39
ftathe new nvu from glazou23:40
ftai have experimental packages for all those23:41
mconnorfwiw, my goal here is to minimize the "special" patches distros end up with23:43
mconnorbecause really, other than maybe build config stuff, and some alternate bookmarks, I don't see why everything else can't just live in mozilla.org Hg23:44
ftai agree23:44
mconnorDave Townsend's comment in the plugin reload bug is apt23:45
mconnorin 46091723:46
ftapatch from asac, i don't know the details behind this one23:47
mconnorI mean, this is a process, not a binary decision23:49
mconnorI'm not, despite what some would think, trying to do bad things :)23:50
fta[reed], you guys should have a builder tracking the qt build, it doesn't even build23:50
ftamconnor, i'm sure you're not evil :)23:50
[reed]file a bug :)23:51
fta[reed], i have23:51
[reed]to get a qt build machine?23:51
ftanot, the build issue23:51
mconnorbuilders for new platforms are unlikely to happen until January or so23:52
mconnorwe're still working on getting builds on Mercurial fully automated23:52
mconnorand stabilizing our unit test infrastructure23:52
fta[reed], i just didn't have time to produce a patch so far23:52
ftamozilla bug 46387223:52
ubottuMozilla bug 463872 in GFX "Cairo-qpainter build is broken after latest cairo update" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46387223:52
ftait's not fixed23:53
mconnoralso, its qt23:54
mconnorso... meh ;)23:54
[reed]then reopen?23:54
ftai'm trying to have a build for both qt and gtk in the same (3.1) branch23:54
ftasome kde users are producing rogue packages23:55
mconnorrogue packages?23:57
mconnorusing unofficial branding, I hope!23:57

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