
Mip5Okay - well, I'm striking out. I've used gpxe to make the bootable floppies, and they work great. Novice that I am, I can't figure out a way to make get something from bin/gpxe.??? that I can cat or dd to the hda1.00:00
FinalphaseIs this where I go to advance my knowledge05:28
HedgeMageFinalphase: that depends on what you want to learn about, I suppose :)05:28
FinalphaseWell I got the basics (I think)05:29
HedgeMageFinalphase: but if you are in the wrong place, we will try to help you find the right one.05:29
FinalphaseI wanna learn more05:29
FinalphaseAny idea =P?05:30
FinalphaseWhats Edubuntu anyways, I thought it was (Education)Ubuntu05:31
sbalneavThat's what it is.05:32
Finalphaseoh haha05:32
sbalneavUbuntu for use in an educational environment.05:32
Finalphaselike School and other crap amongst that =)?05:32
HedgeMageFinalphase: school, home with kids/students, educational clubs, preschool, everything05:33
FinalphaseWhats a good program like limewire for linux05:33
FinalphaseWhat do I want then05:33
LaserJocksbalneav: hi!05:33
FinalphaseI want like programming / hacking (Shhhh) lol05:33
sbalneavLaserJock: Heya!05:33
HedgeMageI don't know what limewire is, but if you think hacking is something to Shh about, I think you have the wrong idea05:34
FinalphaseLimewire = Ultimate music downloading program for Windows05:34
HedgeMageFinalphase: Hacking isn't what the media tells you it is (computer crime) -- the term hacking means delving into things, learning systems and making them do new things.05:35
sbalneavRhythmbox has a jamendo plugin where you can download Copylefted music.05:35
LaserJockI think Finalphase is looking for like a P2P/bitorrent app05:35
FinalphaseWell yeah that's what I want =P05:35
FinalphaseHedgemage: That is exactly what I want to do05:35
HedgeMageFinalphase: A good example is the rig that let the Apollo 13 crew make a square filter fit a round hole so they could have air to breathe.05:35
HedgeMageFinalphase: it's doing what a system isn't meant to (and may be for good or evil)05:36
LaserJocksbalneav: how's it going?05:36
sbalneavas well, there are several P2P torrent based programs.  I beleive Ubuntu comes configured by default with Transmission.05:36
sbalneavLaserJock: Good! I just got back from the LTSP hackfest in Maine.  We got a ton of new features in LTSP.05:37
FinalphaseWell I have a question, how can I make my VNCServer viewable from a windows computer if its hosted on linux? I know how to port forward and use sites like dyndns.org to get around my router but how could I access it from say, a school computer05:37
LaserJocksbalneav: very nice05:37
sbalneavAs well, I need to talk to you at some point about packaging the newer LTSP manual.05:37
LaserJocksbalneav: oh??05:37
LaserJocksbalneav: in what form is it?05:38
sbalneavDocbook, of course :)05:38
sbalneavIt's the updated LTSP manual, I've been working on it for a few weeks now.05:38
LaserJockI thought you were gonna give me a challenge ;-)05:38
sbalneavNo, I'm an old Fart, I like easy. :)05:38
sbalneavFinalphase: You'd need a vnc viewer for Windows, I'd expect.05:39
HedgeMageFinalphase: Yes you can, but I don't know because I've never tried -- I haven't run a Win box since 2001, and I haven't used Win on my main computer since 199805:39
HedgeMage*don't know how05:39
LaserJockFinalphase: I would suggest talking to an IT admin at your school, they should have good knowledge of your specific situation05:41
FinalphaseSorry I did something lol05:43
FinalphaseWhen I go vncviewer -fullscreen ubuntu:105:43
HedgeMagebbiab, looking for a late-night snack05:43
Finalphasehow do I get back05:43
Finalphaseout of fullscreen05:43
sbalneavNight all, heading to bed.05:44
FinalphaseBye bye05:44
highvoltageI blame Alanis Morissette for this: http://www.myextralife.com/?p=1012106:52
jsgotangcowhy is that truck burning?06:55
highvoltageno idea. but that's what you get for painting flames on your truck :)07:19
FinalphaseAnybody on that knows some good VNC knowledge pst08:10
Finalphase I did sudo sh jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin and it gave me a jre1.6.0_10 folder, what do  I do with it now?10:12
bassie_hi all10:19
bassie_got a small problem with ltsp X configuration. I've got a normal Ubuntu in which i installed ltsp5. X detected the screen depth and resolution wrong so i modified /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf and adjusted the screen depth and resolution, and rebuild the client10:21
bassie_this worked for 95% of my clients. Now i have only a couple of clients that boot with a resolution of 800x600. these are special cases with a beamer or a different screen.10:22
LaserJocksbalneav: around?17:09
sbalneavYes I am!17:10
LaserJockawesome, so am I as luck would have it ;-)17:10
sbalneavAlthough, the more weight I loose, the less around I am.17:11
sbalneavhere or /msg?17:11
highvoltagesbalneav: hehe17:37
LaserJockhighvoltage: you see my book meme post?17:37
highvoltageLaserJock: nope... opening liferea...17:37
highvoltagesbalneav: btw, I think local apps in intrepid is made of pure awesome17:37
LaserJockI'm pretty proud of myself17:37
highvoltagewow, and to think that I was going to say "feed reader"17:39
highvoltageLaserJock: well done.17:39
LaserJockhighvoltage: stevenk, ajmitch, and wgrant were complaining in #ubuntu-motu last night about people spamming them with meme posts17:41
sbalneavYeah, I got the ball rolling last year, and stgraber, gadi, and Warren carried it over the finish line.17:41
highvoltageLaserJock: I don't like this meme either. It's not really a meme to begin with. more like tag-blogging17:49
highvoltageLaserJock: my closest book is Fight Club17:50
highvoltageLaserJock: do you know how dangerous the page 56 is in Fight Club!?17:50
LaserJockhighvoltage: haven't a clue17:50
highvoltageLaserJock: are you familiar with the story?17:50
LaserJocknever seen the movie nor read the book17:50
highvoltageLaserJock: well, it's really good.17:51
highvoltagesentence 5 on that page just says "This?"17:51
highvoltageLaserJock: but I'll post you a picture of it in pvt, then you can see what comes just before and after :)17:51
RidehAnyone have a particular thinclient manufacturer to recommend? purchases will be in quantities of 2518:01
highvoltageRideh: which country?18:05
highvoltagewell, then you have lots of options. All the HP's I've seen work quite well with Linux and LTSP, although I've seen many generic, cheaper ones that work just as good18:06
highvoltagewhatever you buy, make sure that the video card that's included work well. try to find a distributor that will be able to give you a demo model first18:07
Ridehsure, and yea was planning to do that18:08
highvoltageit might also be worth while asking in #ltsp18:08
Ridehthanks i'll try that as well18:08
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