
benbloommerrill__: I'm looking into it.00:00
benbloommerrill__: is that a usb? or a pci card?00:03
wallabeeahh..  i installed a couple of packages and the icon works again00:05
benbloomwell merrill__, I don't know if this helps, but here'00:08
benblooms what i found on google http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/debian-ubuntu-linux-configure-pinnacle-pctv-tuner.html I have to step away now. wish i could be more help merrill__,00:08
binMonkeyhi, guys.00:21
binMonkeyhow can i tell if i'm using alsa for sound?  i'm trying to run a program that uses alsa only.00:22
starenkahi all00:24
starenkastarenka, the old bugger again, recognize?00:24
starenkacan anyone tell me, where to set partition used for swsusp?00:24
OxDeadC0destarenka please paste the output from blkid  and cat /etc/fstab to pastebin00:28
dragoonhey guys00:28
dragooni got a problem when i try to put my web cam on its dosen't do anything00:28
Schuenemannhey, the sound suddenly stopped. Is there anything I could do to restore it, besides rebooting?00:28
Schuenemannany command to unlock something, maybe00:28
OxDeadC0deSchuenemann do you use pulseaudio?00:29
SchuenemannOxDeadC0de, what's that?00:29
starenkaOxDeadC0de: swap is /dev/sda3 - been changing hdds (and they are partitioned different way) and therefore the hibernation doesnt work...00:29
OxDeadC0destarenka that's not what I asked00:29
OxDeadC0deSchuenemann never mind00:29
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:29
starenkaOxDeadC0de: i know, but in fact you dont need this info... (imo)... ok lemme dump00:30
Schuenemannlike ALSA?00:30
dragoonsomeone can help me plz00:30
OxDeadC0deno, it works in conjunction with alsa, adds another layer - it really kicks butt tho00:30
SchuenemannI don't think I use  that00:30
SchuenemannOxDeadC0de, isn't there a command to restart the sound server?00:31
starenkaOxDeadC0de: http://pastebin.com/d6b4e126c00:32
OxDeadC0deSchuenemann if it's pulseaudio, just run pulseaudio & in a terminal, since it's probably not, run sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload00:32
starenkaOxDeadC0de: any hint on using blkid ?00:32
OxDeadC0destarenka and output from blkid? (just type blkid)00:32
OxDeadC0deinto a terminal00:32
starenkadoesnt output anything00:32
SchuenemannOxDeadC0de, I tried that, it says Error opening PCM device hw 0: Device or resource is busy00:32
starenkathat's why i ask how to use it  OxDead00:33
Schuenemannfailed to load module module-alsa-sink00:33
OxDeadC0destarenka that's the problem, dunno how to set them someone else here might tho, but your problem put in "IT terms" is: My partitions don't have UUID's, how do I set them? ^^ (you need them for /etc/grub/menu.lst , and fstab, maybe more)00:35
OxDeadC0destarenka: The hibernate system relies on a UUID to exist for the swap partition, which, obviously, you don't have for some unknown reason00:35
mrg_5 seconds after logging in and seeing the desktop, kde freezes and is only fixed if i remove my .kde folder... but then a couple days later it happens again... anyone know what could be causing this or how i could troubleshoot the problem pls?00:35
starenkaOxDeadC0de: been changing hdds so i wrote grub menu and fstab from scratch myself = no UIDs ;) thanx for hints00:36
OxDeadC0degl starenka :D00:36
mrg_where can i read about the structure of the .kde folder please?00:37
binMonkeycan anyone tell how to check if i'm using alsa?  i have no listing for it in settings.00:40
OxDeadC0demrg_ ls ~/.kde00:41
mrg_OxDeadC0de: thnx but i'm already going through the contents, i just have no clue where anything worth fixing/removing is located to try to fix things.  the docs for the kde config files and things of the sort would be great, but can't find em...00:43
cuznt!alsa | binMonkey00:44
ubottubinMonkey: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:44
starenkaOxDeadC0de: well i found out how to get to know the uuid of partition, what next? i thought that would be some line i can change in /etc/suspend.conf but i dont have such a file :(00:48
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OxDeadC0destarenka: my fstab looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70746/ , and menu.lst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/70747/  I really don't know if more is needed00:51
dragoonwhy update is so long to do ?00:52
starenkaOxDeadC0de: yes i got it, but i think the problem is that i still have the old partition set as a place where hibernation data is stored. where are read is set in grubs' menu.lst00:53
starenkaand i dont know where to change it00:54
OxDeadC0destarenka: Check /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh and /etc/acpi/resume.sh00:59
starenkagotcha     DEVICE="/dev/disk/by-uuid/`awk -F= '{print $3}' </etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume`"01:01
wallabeehow can i change splash screens?? everytime i go to:  system settings--> appearance---> splash screens---> get new splash screens   i can install themes here but when i return to the spash screen menu they aren't listed but going back to get new splash screens it shows chosen splash screens as installed!01:08
wallabeei have 8.10 by the way01:09
DarkriftXwhen using apt to install eggdrop, where do the default config files etc go?01:10
OxDeadC0dein case anyone is interested, we solved david0287's audio problems with making sure he's a member of the audio group, checking permissions on audio /dev files, apt-get purge alsa-base && apt-get install alsa-base01:10
DarkriftXi found the binary, but nothign else01:10
OxDeadC0dewallabee: sounds like a cache issue, do they show up if you close out the system settings program? or if you logout and back in again?01:11
wallabeeOxDeadCOde:  I thought the same so i logged out and back in and still same although it does show the new themes still "installed" under get new splash screens01:12
OxDeadC0dewallabee: Check launchpad and kde's bugzilla, it may have been reported already01:13
snarksterany news on kopete getting irc anytime soon?01:13
starenkaOxDeadC0de: you made my day, m8... works like a charm now01:13
OxDeadC0degrats starenka :D01:14
wallabeeOxDeadC0de: how can i check bugzilla?01:14
OxDeadC0dehmm wallabee: I did it back in 4.1.2 and it worked fine, and just did it again in 4.1.3 and it works for me :/01:14
OxDeadC0dewallabee: bugs.kde.org and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu01:15
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor
OxDeadC0deDont you hate that answer "Well gee, it works for me.."01:15
starenkaOxDeadC0de: NONO, big thanx to you01:16
OxDeadC0deglad to be of help starenka :)01:16
wallabeeHehe.. well it is definately frustrating to say the least01:16
mahihow do i setup a lamp setup on my new kubuntu real quick? I can't find mysql or apache in my adept either01:17
starenkanite all01:17
OxDeadC0degnight ^^01:17
mahianybody running LAMP on a new kubuntu 8.10??01:18
starenkamahi: sudo tasksel01:19
starenkaselect "lamp server"01:19
OxDeadC0demahi: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server mysql-client for those two01:19
OxDeadC0detasksel is awesome, never seen that before01:20
starenkaOxDeadC0de: don't wanna argue, but the lamp server thing from tasksel is better - you also get phpmyadmin etc etc01:20
mahistarenka: where do I select this "lamp server" of which you speak?01:20
starenkatype "sudo tasksel" into konsole01:20
starenkathan use arrows and space or enter01:20
starenkause ur heart, mate ;)01:21
mahiMy heart is now open, thank you01:22
mahishould I tick most of them, I would like to have mail too01:22
mahitasksel: aptitude failed (100)  :(01:22
starenkayou sure you run as root?01:23
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:23
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information01:23
starenkamahi: you can select the same as in tasksel in synaptic01:24
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Eldy
starenkamahi: gotta go (2:25am here) - you can try google translate from czech to english http://wiki.ubuntu.cz/Apache%20s%20MySQL%20a%20PHP good luck01:25
=== cuznt is now known as cuzbuntu
mahiit's installing, I love you!01:25
EldyAlguém aí fala pt_BR?01:26
dragoonhow cani put on my webcam whit kopete to windows live messenger ?01:27
Eldythe webcam is connected?01:27
EldyOr better, works? With camorama,, for example?01:28
mahistarenka: it's installing but hasn't passed 0% yet, is that cause it's fetching the files?01:28
starenkashould be01:29
Eldydragon, I'm talking with you, are u there?01:29
starenkais it donwloading?01:29
mahiI can't tell?01:29
starenkatake a screenshot01:29
starenkamahi: out for a smoke. brb... stay tuned :)01:30
Agent_bobpeople.... they put smoke in their lungs, and let smoke out of electronic parts....01:30
mahiaha it's cool. It just asked me for my mysql root pass, so all looks good01:31
mahido you know if it's hard to install cpanel and phpmyadmin?01:31
EldyI don't like kde, but this kde 4 it's very beautyfull01:31
Agent_bobEldy what DE do you like ?01:31
EldyI use gnome, in ubuntu01:32
Eldybut, at the moment01:32
dragoonEldy:  when i go in kopete all work i see my face on webcam config but when i do send my webcam nothing happen01:32
EldyI'm using Kubuntu 8.10 in livecd01:32
Eldycause, perhaps, problems in your web connection01:33
binMonkeyhi, guys.01:34
Eldydo u have the camorama, cheese ou camstream installing?01:34
dragoonEldy:  how can i cure that ?01:34
binMonkeyeverytime i run aptitude update it pegs out my cpu.  is this normal?01:34
dragoonnothing installlike that i just got kubuntu 8.10 kde 401:34
Eldyfirst, answer me, please.01:35
Agent_bobbinMonkey for just a moment while it hashes the databases yes.01:35
dragoonno program install01:35
Eldydo you use in livecd too?01:35
dragoonlivecd yes01:35
binMonkeyAgent_bob: mine is pegging for about two minutes.  is that ok?01:36
mahianyone using cpanel on kubuntu 8.10??01:36
dragoonbecause i got bored with the dvd to put alway dvd in the drive01:36
Agent_bobbinMonkey that sounds too long,   unless you are using an 8038601:36
Eldyinstall camorama and test his webcam01:36
Eldysudo apt-get install camorama01:36
dragooniim on updatenow and update like to take a years to install01:36
dragoonyep thanks01:37
Eldyif works, it's because his webcam is supported by kernel01:37
binMonkeyAgent_bob: lol.  it's a sempron 3000, slow but still not that slow.01:37
dragooni install kubuntu on my xps 173001:38
starenkamahi: still here? any progress?01:38
Agent_bobmy p1 takes about 20 ~ 30 seconds to hash all.   so you should definitely be less time than that.01:38
Eldywait a moment, please, i'm going to bath01:38
mahiyeah man, php 5 just installing, at about 55%01:38
Agent_bobbinMonkey  ^01:38
mahiyou ever use cpanel?01:38
starenkamahi: for what?01:38
dennisterhey guys, i'm in dependency hell here with a new install, 'sudo apt-get -f install' isn't working, and neither is 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'01:39
mahiadministering sites on your server?01:39
LuMy taskbar is missing and I'm annoyed by the widget, is there a way to restore my taskbar?01:39
dennisterwhich cache do i need to clear again?01:39
genii-aroundmahi: I prefer ISPConfig01:39
binMonkeyit just popped up my update manager and under htop i think there's an update daemon running that's taking all the cpu.01:39
starenkamahi: no. i use my machine for development...01:39
binMonkeyAgent_bob it just popped up my update manager and under htop i think there's an update daemon running that's taking all the cpu.01:40
dennistergenii-around: hi there :)01:40
mahigenii-around: does it have a similar setup with gui's etc?01:40
genii-aroundHi dennister01:40
genii-aroundmahi: Yes. But there is no package in the repos for it currently01:40
dennisterdo u know which cache i'm to clear to get rid of this dependency hell? i'm still in cli, haven't been able to get xorg or kubuntu-desktop isntalled yet01:41
dennisterand there's one hell of a lot of packages that are broken01:41
mahistarenka: I do too but I want to set up a local mirror of all my sites so want accounts to be similar to my external servers01:41
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:41
Eldysorry, guys, but I get it go now, night for all ;)01:41
dennistergenii-around: ty :) knew i could count on you01:41
genii-arounddennister: Maybe try what the bot suggests above01:41
Agent_bobdennister maybe,  sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/* /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* ;sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade -f01:41
genii-arounddennister: What Agent_bob suggests can't hurt either01:42
Agent_bobcoffee genii-around ?01:42
DarkriftXanyone here ever isntalled eggdrop from apt?01:42
* Agent_bob buys genii-around a coffee01:43
starenkamahi: dunno i just set up apache document_root to my path and then use directories for projects.. with sane programming and htacces really no problem01:43
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Thanks muchly :)01:43
Agent_bobDarkriftX poll ?   and yes i have.01:43
starenkamahi: = i dont use vhosts etc...01:43
DarkriftXi cant find any of the files except the executable01:43
DarkriftXwhere are the modules folder, default conf and stuff?01:43
LuMy taskbar is missing and I'm annoyed by the widget, is there a way to restore my taskbar?01:43
Agent_bobDarkriftX  dpkg -L eggdrop | less01:44
DarkriftXahh, thx01:44
dennistergenii-around: yes, what the bot suggested didn't work, so Agent_bob's suggestion is next01:44
starenkamahi: gotta sleep... work 2morrow. cya and gl01:45
Agent_bobstarenka is so le3t01:45
mahistarenka I usualy run vertrigo on my vista for local stuff so am not too sure what Im doing01:45
Agent_bobmahi he/she is already gone before i said that.01:45
Agent_bobheh.   true is 0  and false is 1    :)))01:46
Agent_bobterminal     true :echo $?  ;false ;echo $? # hehhe01:47
Agent_boband if anyone copies and pastes that they will notice that i accadently put a colen in place of a simi-colen in the first break.01:49
Agent_bobdennister any luck ???01:50
dennisterAgent_bob: nope :(01:50
Agent_bobwhat error message ?01:50
dennisternone... i even tried to get list of files in those partial directories (both paths) and got no results01:51
Agent_bobdennister hmmm have pastebinit installed ?01:52
dennisterAgent_bob: not that I know of01:52
Agent_bobdpkg -L pastebinit01:52
dennisterbut inope, not installed, and obviously i can't install anything until dependency hell is taken care of...locks removed01:53
szrhawaiineed some help on adept manager01:54
Agent_bobdennister ok lets see if we can find what is hanging you out to dry.    sudo dpkg --configure -a | less 2>&101:54
dennisterAgent_bob: a lot of packages, I'm afraid, scrolls by so fast i can't even see them all01:55
szrhawaiiit says database locked-adept manager01:55
Agent_bobdennister if you know anything about the "less" filter, you know that you can use /string to search forward and ?string to search backwards.     look for "error"01:55
szrhawaiithen i press yes to resolve issue and it closes on me01:55
szrhawaiihow do i fix01:55
szrhawaiineed to get in adept manager01:56
dennisterwhen I tried to fix probs earlier by descending into dependency hell there were some probs with libraries, and no 'so' parts01:56
dennisterAgent_bob: i'm afraid i know nothing about the 'less' filter01:56
szrhawaiiso can anyone help me01:56
szrhawaiimy package manager is frozen01:56
Agent_bobit's ok.  just use the dirrection keys. dennister01:57
szrhawaiii tred rebooting nothing happens it stays the same01:57
szrhawaiilocked out01:57
Agent_bob!aptcrashfix | szrhawaii01:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aptcrashfix01:57
Agent_bob!adeptcrashfix | szrhawaii01:57
ubottuszrhawaii: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:57
szrhawaiiwhere do i find that01:57
Agent_bob                              ^01:57
szrhawaiiin terminal01:57
szrhawaiiopened terminal01:58
szrhawaiinow what do i put01:58
Agent_bob                              ^01:58
genii-aroundDon't put the «01:59
dennisterAgent_bob: all i got from using direction keys was libgphoto2-2 and network-manager, although I know that's holding up just about everything else, too01:59
Agent_bobdennister no "error" message at all?01:59
szrhawaiiis that in terminal shell or can i find that in the root02:00
Agent_bobgenii-around can you help szrhawaii,  i'm too short fused today.02:00
dennisterAgent_bob: not that I could descipher or put in here...isn't there a way to simply remove the lock on the package manager so I can reinstall/purge/ etc?02:00
genii-aroundszrhawaii: In the program called Konsole, the intention is to type: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a02:01
genii-aroundszrhawaii: And then to hit enter02:01
szrhawaiiyeah its asking for a password02:01
szrhawaiii dont know what it is02:02
genii-aroundszrhawaii: Good, put in your usual password02:02
genii-aroundszrhawaii: And then to hit enter02:02
Agent_bobdennister without seeing any "error" message i don't know what you are fighting against.  so i can't answer that.   i gave you three commands that "should" help with most broken package deps...02:02
szrhawaiii tried but it freezes me after the 3rd key02:02
szrhawaiiand tells me wrong password02:02
Agent_bobdennister and you said it "didn't"  so i need more information,02:02
genii-aroundszrhawaii: When you are typing in your password, you will not see any text appearing02:03
Agent_bobdennister let start with this.   sudo aptitude install -f  # what error does that yeld if any ?02:03
dennisterAgent_bob: and i'd love to give it to you, but don't know how...not with the results (?) i got from using the arrown keys02:03
genii-aroundszrhawaii: This is normal.02:03
szrhawaiiok its on02:03
szrhawaiiit says processing triggers02:04
Agent_bobdennister oh i didn't mention, to exit the "less" filter use Q02:04
szrhawaiiit says ldconfig deferred processing now taking place02:04
szrhawaiinow what do i do02:04
genii-aroundszrhawaii: When it comes back to just $         then close the terminal. Your package manager should work afterwards02:04
szrhawaiithanks it worked02:05
Agent_bobthanks genii-around     one at a time is all i can handle today.02:05
genii-aroundszrhawaii: You're welcome02:05
dennisterAgent_bob: that's ok, I figured that out :)02:05
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Heh, I understand02:05
szrhawaiioh one more wuestion02:05
szrhawaiiwhat files should i download for plasmoids or the plasma theme02:06
szrhawaiiany recommendations02:06
dennisterbut here's some data...when I typed in 'sudo dpkg --configure libgraphviz4' the result was an error in loading shared libraries" libtdl.so.3: cannot open shared objecty file: no such file or directory02:07
szrhawaiialso does anyone recommend them or do they upload slow or make my comp slow02:07
genii-aroundszrhawaii: The default list which comes standard is found here, with some screenshots and descriptions http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/Plasmoids02:07
szrhawaiimy adept manager froze again02:08
ubuntu_I'm using the liveCD for Kubuntu 8.10 and it looks great, but there seems to be one glitch.  About every 9-10 seconds the entire screen seems to blink as if it's refreshing.  it's very annoying and i was wondering if it is because i'm using the livecd or if this is an issue with 8.1002:08
dennisterAgent_bob: does that help you with more information?02:08
genii-aroundszrhawaii: Let it run until finished, even if it apears not to be doing anything02:08
Agent_bobdennister maybe,    ok.  lets try this from a different angle.    give me a sec.02:09
szrhawaiiits good02:09
dennisterAgent_bob: also, oneof the earliest problem files I saw was libgphoto2-2, and when i type in 'sudo dpkg --cofnigure libgphoto2-2 i get a post-installation script returned error exit status 12702:09
szrhawaiii just shut it down02:09
szrhawaiiiam gonna restart to reboot the system02:10
genii-arounddennister: This happens when for instance the post install script says "start the app" when it's already running or so02:10
dennistergenii-around: well, i originally saw it while I still had that pc in the other room...now it's behind me and i'm still getting it02:11
dennisterso it couldn't have been already running when I saw it in this room after the shutdown02:11
genii-arounddennister: Try using dpkg-reconfigure   instead of dpkg --configure      if the app already exists (or partially exists)02:12
Sir_CaptainI'm using the liveCD for Kubuntu 8.10 and it looks great, but there seems to be one glitch.  About every 9-10 seconds the entire screen seems to blink as if it's refreshing.  it's very annoying and i was wondering if it is because i'm using the livecd or if this is an issue with 8.1002:12
szrhawaiido plasmoids take up  a  lot of space02:12
Dr_willisszrhawaii,  depends on the plasmoid.. but i doubt if they do02:13
dennistergenii-around: ok, tried it with libgphoto2-2, and only error message i got was that it's "broken or not fully installed"....duh, i knew that :)02:13
Dr_willis!info plasmoid-weather02:13
ubottuplasmoid-weather (source: plasmoid-weather): A weather display plasmoid for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 2434 kB, installed size 3424 kB02:13
genii-arounddennister: So remove with purge, then reinstall it02:14
dennisteri tried that, too, before coming into the channel...no joy02:14
Agent_bobdennister  as root.    apt-get install --reinstall `COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep ^ii | cut -d' ' -f3`02:15
Agent_bobdennister see if that will run02:15
Agent_bobwalk fly swim or crawl02:15
dennistergenii-around: wait, this time it worked; purged libgphoto2-2, it took quite a bit of other files with it, and now my list of broken packages is smaller :)02:16
Agent_boboh,  you are making progress,  i'll wait.02:16
dennisterok, i'm gonna continue purging, writing down what i'm purging to reinstall them02:17
Agent_bobdennister also one can use,  dpkg --configure -a --force-all    # but that's pretty heavy handed.02:17
szrhawaiithe thing called kwin-styleserenity is that any good02:17
Agent_bobszrhawaii emacs is better than vim02:18
BluesKajlooking for a decent record app for transfering vinyl to digital/wav. Audacity and gramofile are unstable on my pc. They lockup and become unresponsive ..dunno why .02:18
Agent_bobi mean don't start a plasmoid war in here.02:18
szrhawaiiim looking for a decent one02:19
szrhawaiicause i did that kwin one and it didnt work02:19
Agent_bobszrhawaii but it's all up to you, not us, as to whether or not you will like something,    try it and see.02:19
Agent_bobhowdy tony__02:19
szrhawaiiyeah do you recommend a specific file to download off of adept manager02:20
dennisterhurrah!! only 3 purges and lots of packages removed, so I have now been able to install something else, just to make sure lock is removed02:20
tony__quelqu'un parle francais ?02:20
szrhawaiiim always willing to try different programs02:20
Agent_bobszrhawaii nope.  and that was the whole point of my last three posts to y.02:20
BluesKaj!fr | tony__02:20
ubottutony__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr02:20
Sir_Captainis anybody able to help with my screen flickering problem?  the hardware is fine as i don't have the problem while booting.02:20
szrhawaiiyou know how many come up when i type in emacs02:21
tony__ok thx02:21
Agent_bobszrhawaii heh.  emacs is an editor and an operating system and...   but it's not a plasmoid that i know of.02:21
szrhawaiihow do i configure it to work goo02:22
=== tony__ is now known as tony_93
* Agent_bob head-desk02:22
DragnslcrThe only thing preventing emacs from being a great operating system is the lack of a decent text editor02:23
Agent_bobdennister all fixed ?02:23
dennisterAgent_bob: nope, not quite...the real culprit seems to be libgphoto2-2...simply will NOT install properly, and lots of toehr apps depend on it02:24
BluesKajhey dennister ...running Intrepid ?02:25
dennisterit's the post-installation script returning error code 127 because it can't find ligphoto2_port.so.002:25
Agent_bobdennister ok does it yeld an error message /02:25
Agent_bobseems i timmed that wrong.02:25
dennisterBluesKaj: not on your life! :) did try it, but I'll wait until they get soem of the bugs out, thank you02:25
dennisterAgent_bob: yes, ur timing is off :)...error message ^^02:26
szrhawaiioh i got a good question ive been trying to figure out02:26
szrhawaiihow do you make a sphere or cylinder for compiz fusion rather than a square02:27
Agent_bobdennister does find /lib /usr -iname libgphoto* | grep .so      return anything ?02:27
szrhawaiiis there a specific file i need or something02:27
genii-aroundszrhawaii: It doesn't have yet any ability like that02:27
BluesKajdennister:  wise move ..too late for me ...i'm stuck with it :(02:27
szrhawaiibut i see other people making spheres on theres02:27
szrhawaiiusing the background manipulation02:27
szrhawaiiin mac they have that option02:28
szrhawaiifor tiger02:28
genii-aroundszrhawaii: There are some cube addons which may do this. As for where they are or how to install them, no idea02:28
Dr_willisAs if the cube wasent enough eye candy. :)02:29
Dr_willisWe need a Dodechahadron!02:29
szrhawaiii know it has to do with the background editing but i tried this one guys instructions but it didnt work i thought maybe i was missing a file or something to do it02:29
dennisterAgent_bob: i'm waiting for results...02:29
Agent_bobDr_willis have you never read "the eye is not full of seeing and the ear is not full of hearing"  you can never have "enough" eyecandy02:30
Agent_bobdennister k    it shouldn't take too long.  but it is searching the hdd02:30
szrhawaiioh do you guess know the file name for where i can change my openoffice ssplash theme02:30
genii-aroundszrhawaii: The channel to ask in would be  #compiz-fusion02:30
szrhawaiii have the splash i want i forgot the file name02:30
dennisterAgent_bob: yes, 2 results, both in /usr/lib directories...there's libgphoto2.so.2 and libgphoto2.so.2.3.002:30
szrhawaiithanks genii02:31
Agent_bobdennister and that's not the file name that the error message was about ?02:31
dennisterAgent_bob: nope, the error message was about looking for libgphoto2_port,so,0, which we've now confirmed doesn't exist02:32
Agent_bobdennister ok.   check the package manager for the file name     apt-cache search libgphoto2_port02:32
dennisterAgent_bob: got no results, just my prompt again02:33
Agent_bob!info libgphoto2_port hardy02:34
ubottuPackage libgphoto2_port does not exist in hardy02:34
Agent_bob!info libgphoto2-port hardy02:34
ubottuPackage libgphoto2-port does not exist in hardy02:34
tony_93have a good night02:34
Agent_bobso why is that being a dependancy....     ;/02:34
dennisterbeats me, heheheh02:35
genii-aroundDo you have some repo like -proposed enabled?02:35
dennistergenii-around: nope, definitely not02:35
Agent_bobthat is hardy,  right ?02:36
dennisternot even backports, and yes, hardy...8.04.102:36
genii-around!info libgphoto2-port002:36
dennisterbrand new installation, which is why i haven't even gotten a gui yet02:36
ubottulibgphoto2-port0 (source: libgphoto2): gphoto2 digital camera port library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 95 kB, installed size 620 kB02:36
genii-around!info libgphoto2-port0 hardy02:36
szrhawaiibut then the other one says 1:07.402:36
ubottulibgphoto2-port0 (source: libgphoto2): gphoto2 digital camera port library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.0-8ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 92 kB, installed size 572 kB02:36
* genii-around sips02:37
Agent_bobdennister install that   ^02:37
dennisterokie doke02:37
Agent_bobIn component main02:37
Agent_bobaptitude or apt should have drawn that in,   that looks like a dependancy that is misconfigured in the database    i.e. package bug.02:38
QContinueumif I enable desktop effects, do i need to restart X for it to take effect?02:39
Agent_bobyou're the QContinueum, don't you know ?02:39
genii-aroundQContinueum: Not usually02:40
Agent_bobQContinueum as far as i know.  you don't, but it wont hurt to try it.02:40
sjdurfeyhow well does dual-monitor support in 8.10 perform and how easy is it to set it up?02:40
QContinueumAgent_bob: different spelling... they're always getting our mail mixed up02:40
genii-aroundQContinueum: As for spelling I believe it's no e in continuum02:40
QContinueumgenii-around: exactly02:41
* Agent_bob can't spell foo02:41
* genii-around can barely spell bar02:41
Agent_boband despiZes spelling/grammer nazis02:41
ShiraHow do I upgrade to intrepid?02:42
ShiraI'm on hoary02:42
Agent_bob!upgrade | Shira you install clean.02:43
ubottuShira you install clean.: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:43
Agent_bobShira upgrade from hoary is no longer supported.02:43
Agent_bobhoary is no longer supported.02:43
dennisterAgent_bob: ok, tried installing gphoto2, same issues, then purged, then tried installing libgphoto2-port0, result was that I was told I already had the newest version instaled...02:43
sjdurfeyhow well does dual-monitor support in 8.10 perform and how easy is it to set it up?02:44
dragoonoups sorry02:44
dragoonkde 4 *02:44
Agent_bobdennister add    --reinstall02:44
Shirawas upgrading from hoary to intrepid EVER supported?02:44
bazhangShira, no.02:44
bazhangShira, hoary is long end of life02:44
Agent_bobShira upgrading from hoary was supported while hoary was supported.02:44
bazhang!eol > Shira02:45
ubottuShira, please see my private message02:45
Shiragot it02:45
Agent_bobactually the installer in hoary had a few querks/bugs   but other than that, it was a pretty usable release.02:46
ShiraI'm guessing any further discussion of hoary is uber off-topic now?02:47
Agent_bobShira kinda.  but i'm usually OT anyway   ;/02:47
Shirawell, I guess that's sorta good news02:47
Shirameans that I couldn't have "missed" an upgrade window that never existed in the first place02:48
ShiraI was wondering why "dist-upgrade" never worked...02:48
Shirafor a sec I thought my hoary install was borked because it just...sat there while I.I. was rolling out02:48
Agent_bobthat's why.   it was not implimented in that release02:48
Shirawell thanks for the info.02:49
Agent_bobwelcome.    and one can dl the ii iso and clean install at any point.02:49
dennisterAgent_bob: still no joy, i'm afraid...even purging libgphoto2-port0 and libgphoto2-2, then installing libgphoto2-port0 works fine, bug same errors pop up when i try to install libgphoto2-2...error message now talks about a '/usr/lib/int-camera list: error while loading shared libraries: libexif.so.12 doesn't exist, apparently02:50
Agent_bobQ.  what do linux users do?02:50
Agent_bobA. they install software.02:50
dennisterlol@ Agent_bob02:50
ShiraI'm waiting for the shipit CD02:51
dennister*/usr/lib/print-camera list02:51
Agent_bobdennister i heard that 10 years ago when i was new to linux...02:51
paulo_oie alguem ae??02:52
dennisterhehehah...been just over 2 years here...02:52
dennisterthis is nuts...i don't even own a friggin camera...but it's holding all of kubuntu, xubuntu, and everything else up02:53
Agent_bobdennister lets try the reinstall command i posted way up there ^02:53
Agent_bobi'll repost it.02:53
ShiraDoes anyone besides my RL buddies think LVM sucks?02:53
dennistergood :)...was wondering which one02:54
Agent_bobdennister  as root.    apt-get install --reinstall `COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep ^ii | cut -d' ' -f3`02:54
=== juna is now known as albuntu
genii-arounddennister: apt-cache depends libgphoto2-2       shows these as dependencies:  adduser libc6 libexif12 libgphoto2-port0 libjpeg62 libltdl302:56
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Interestingly it shows gphoto2 as both a Conflicts and a Suggests02:57
Agent_bobgenii-around but there are too many odd ball errors comming up.   that has to be a package bug.02:57
genii-aroundAgent_bob: I'm thinking similar. Why would it suggest a package which it also says conflicts for example02:58
dennisterAgent_bob: tried your rather-long command and was told apt couldn't find the pagage 'colums''02:58
genii-arounddennister: put an "n"02:58
Agent_bobexactly  and why would it remove a dot so file and then depend on it.02:58
dennisteri hyad doulbe-checked my typing in terminal, but not here :)02:59
Agent_bobdennister backtic not front tic02:59
Dr_willisthis is when theuse of $() comes in handy02:59
Agent_bobcase sensitive02:59
Dr_willis'wheres the ` key!' :)  (heard asked befor)03:00
Dr_willisThe what? whats a | !! :)03:00
Dr_willis'Linux - using all those keys you never knew what they were for!'03:00
Dr_willis'Anykey? where the Anykey!'03:01
Dr_willisMy Fave = 'im typing in my password but its not showing anything!'03:01
genii-arounddennister: Can you pastebin result of:   apt-cache policy adduser libc6 libexif12 libgphoto2-port0 libjpeg62 libltdl303:01
Dr_willisHad to explain that to quite a few people...03:01
dennisterAgent_bob: k, so ichanged allthe 's to backtics, and got same errors i've already received...will try the libexif file03:01
dennisterok, was able to install pastebinit this time around, so will try03:03
genii-arounddennister: In that case:   apt-cache policy adduser libc6 libexif12 libgphoto2-port0 libjpeg62 libltdl3  | pastebinit03:04
genii-aroundHockey, AFK03:05
szrhawaiican anyone help me with this03:07
szrhawaiiim trying to update my compiz using my repositories03:07
szrhawaiihow do i do that03:07
szrhawaiii got a website where the links are would i plug them into the third party url link thing03:08
szrhawaiior is there a easier way03:08
Agent_bobyou need gpm too03:08
Agent_bobdennister that url is borked03:08
szrhawaiiwrong person03:08
Agent_bob!info gpm hardy03:09
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 373 kB, installed size 708 kB03:09
Agent_boblets you copy and paste from console   &03:09
dragoonhey guys03:09
genii-arounddennister: "Unknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted"03:09
dennisterAgent_bob: well that's what terminal gave me as the url for the paste03:09
ShiraI got directiosn for upgrading to intrepid.03:09
Agent_bobgenii-around the url is bogus.   http://pastebin/  <<<03:10
dragoon i got a xps 1730 integrate webcam how can i configure it in kubuntu03:10
Agent_bobdennister if so the package pastebinit is bug'd03:10
dennistergenii-around: ok, try these numbers: f6d2ec4b803:10
Agent_bobdennister http://pastebin/  <<< not a domain03:11
dennisterif that doesn't work either the pastebinit package is  buggy03:11
genii-aroundWeird. Both those no good03:11
Agent_bobgenii-around dennister    http://pastebin/  <<< not a domain03:11
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Yes I caught that first few times :)03:11
dennistergenii-around: Agent_bob: be back in 5 minutes...need to go outside for a cancer stick03:12
genii-aroundAgent_bob: However here it redirects to the actual www.pastebin.com03:12
Agent_bobgenii-around but that's not what pastebinit uses is it ?03:12
Agent_bobgenii-around it uses paste.ubuntu.com   no?03:13
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Mine uses pastebin.com03:13
genii-around(by default)03:13
Agent_bobhmmm interesting.    investigating.03:14
Ashexis there any way to just, you know, put a folder shortcut on the menu bar?03:15
dragoon i got a xps 1730 integrate webcam how can i configure it in kubuntu03:15
genii-aroundAgent_bob: Her paste is now valid03:15
bluecoppergood evening03:15
genii-aroundAgent_bob: http://pastebin.com/f6d2ec4b803:15
Agent_bobpastebinit-0.9 does use pastebin.com03:15
dragoonhello anyone ?03:16
bluecopperi have a e-systems 4213 laptop that i installed kubuntu on for a student but the desktop is quite large. i checked the desktop resolution and the highest  is 800x60003:16
bluecopperi'm assuming that i need aditional drivers but how do i do that?03:16
bluecopperi dont get any prompt to install restricted drivers03:17
Ashexah ha! figured it out03:17
dennistergenii-around: could you take bluecopper's problem on while Agent_bob helps me with this dependency probem?03:18
benbloombluecopper: what's your video device?03:18
genii-arounddennister: Someone's on it :)03:18
bluecopperi'm actually trying to find it03:18
bluecopperbut i cant seem to find any specs online for this laptop03:18
dennisterok, what about dragoon's problem?03:18
benbloombluecopper: $ lspci | grep Video03:19
benbloomnope dennister, I'm useless03:20
dennister<sigh> maybe I should just reinstall, but not with the mini.iso this time if new packages are causing probs03:20
Agent_bobdennister    COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f-3 | pastebinit03:20
bluecopperi get no output03:21
=== eric is now known as Guest67528
benbloombluecopper: do lspci | grep VGA in terminal03:23
dennisterAgent_bob: tried what you suggested, but there wasn't a first backtic so now i'm in an editor i can't get out of03:23
bluecopperSIS 771/671 PCIE03:23
joe-coderthis is probably a complex matter, but is there a way to get all applications to store their settings in a subfolder of my home folder?03:24
joe-coderwithout changing my home folder itself.03:24
bluecopperbenbloom: rev 1003:25
Agent_bobdennister i'll rewrite the command i posted earlier, for you.03:25
dennisterAgent_bob: don't bother03:26
dennisteri tried just usin the arrow keys to get the command...didn't work and i can't be more specific right now03:26
Agent_bobdennister  sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep ^ii | cut -d" " -f3)     # but maybe you can tell what all the chars are with it typed that way.03:27
benbloomthat's the whole line bluecopper?03:27
bluecopperoh u wanted it all ok hold on03:28
bluecopper01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Sytems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)03:29
benbloombluecopper: can you copy and paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to pastebin.com03:29
dennisterAgent_bob: i keep being told that cut needs an argument03:29
Agent_bobok.    dpkg -l | grep ^ii03:30
Agent_bobdoes that output anything ?03:30
Sir_Captaini'm not sure what kind of video card i have, is there something i can type in a terminal to find that out?03:31
dennisterok, new error message: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend coreutils for debianutils, probably a dependency cycle03:31
Agent_bobdennister i'm finished playing with that thing.   use this command at your own descretion.    sudo dpkg --configure --force-all -a03:32
bluecopperbenbloom: i'll be posting it as "student"03:32
dennisterAgent_bob: got lots of results, scrolled by so fast i couldn't catch half of it03:32
Agent_bobdennister i'm finished playing with that thing.   use this command at your own descretion.    sudo dpkg --configure --force-all -a03:32
Agent_bobor not at all.03:32
Agent_bobread what --force  does in   man dpkg   before you run it.03:33
dennisterAgent_bob: already did it, was ready to reinstall from a cdrom instead of this mini.iso anyway...i'm done trying to solve this problem, too...fed up03:34
Agent_bobthen run that and see if it fixes it03:34
dennistersometimes it's faster to simply reinstall than try to fix installation and dependency hell03:34
* Agent_bob finds that --force-all kinda casts hell into the lake of fire.03:35
studentbenbloom: http://pastebin.com/m15d0f7bd03:35
ShentinoDid I say I was upgrading from hoary?03:36
dennisterAgent_bob: well, it didn't fix anything, still having same problems with libgphoto2-2, and all the guis, both gnome and kde, depend on it03:36
ShentinoIf so, sorry.  I meant hardy03:36
dennisterAgent_bob: thanks for trying, anyway...at least we did try to rescue the installation03:37
dennistergave it the old college try...03:37
dragoonwhat programe03:38
benbloombluecopper: I feel bad. I'm not probably going to be much help and I have to go eat dinner. so I will be a minute. you may want to ask around if anyone can help you in the mean time. if not, I'll be back in a half hour... sorry again :/03:38
dragooni can use for webcam ?03:38
studentoh ok then03:38
genii-aroundwifi card overheated, on backup now03:39
dennisternow it's almost 11 here and i'm gonna try and get some rest...tried to build this server on the weekend, with a never-used mobo, and it kept freezing before I could get any OS installed, so thought the mobo was defective...solved that problem (cpu was overheating, bad heatsink) and now it's just software...03:39
=== jerzy is now known as jerzy_
jerzy_tengo una duda03:40
jerzy_acerca de ubuntu03:40
dennistergood night folks :-)03:40
jerzy_no puedo compilar songbird03:40
jerzy_i cant install songbird03:41
jerzy_how can i do it?03:41
bluecoppercan anyone help me with a resolution prob am having with an e-systems 4213 laptop with a SIS 771/671 PCIE video card?03:41
ShentinoGracias por usar ingles.03:41
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:41
Agent_bob!upgrade > Shentino03:41
ubottuShentino, please see my private message03:41
genii-arounddragoon: The webcam on Dell 1420,1520 and 1730 has vendor:device of 05a9:2640 for webcam which is OmniVision OV2640. This uses module called uvcvideo03:44
genii-aroundBah they left now03:44
* genii-around sips03:44
=== genii-around is now known as genii
bilickiI am having a problem browsing into my hotmail account03:48
bilickianyone else?03:48
bilickiusing firefox / konqueror / seamonkey03:48
DragnslcrA problem other than it being Hotmail?03:50
* Dragnslcr runs03:50
Shentinoif you want to switch, don't forget to forward from your old email to your new email03:51
bilickigmail is my primary email anyway03:51
bilickibut, still, why can I not access hotmail?03:52
ShentinoI can help you03:52
Shentinobut please take it to PM as it's off topic03:52
DragnslcrThat's a rather vague description03:52
bluecopperhey my adept not showing me the available packages03:52
Shentinounless you're having trouble only on ubuntu instead of everwhere03:52
bilickiit's only on kubuntu03:53
DragnslcrIt could be anything from entering the wrong password, to DNS resolution issues, to underpants gnomes03:53
ctwHi! Can anybody here tell me how I can set up kgpg to work on two different machines. I generated a keypair on one and uploaded the public key to a key server. Now I want to use that same identity on a different machine (I already loaded and signed a few keys on the 1st machine and ideally would like to transfer all that to the other)03:53
OpenSorceJust noticed that the "96" Nvidia driver has been released for 8.10. The 173 driver seems to be working fine so far....would using the 96 driver be an upgrade?03:53
bilickiin windows, it works fine03:53
bilickihere is a better description: when i try to log into my hotmail account, the browser displays a white page, and times out03:56
bilickikonqueror can't even get to the signin page03:56
Shentinothat's more diagnostic :)03:56
DragnslcrSounds like a DNS issue03:56
Shentinodid you try other browsers?03:57
Shentinoand do you have any error messages?03:57
OpenSorceI had a similar issue in a lesser distro. It cleared up when I disabled ipv6....03:57
Shentinolesser distro :P03:57
OpenSorce*cough* suckdriva *cough*03:58
bilickii used to be able to get onto the login page with seamonkey, FF and konquror... now I can only get there with FF03:58
bilickiand, facebook is also not perforing very well03:58
dragoonwhy my linux said no webcam installed ?03:58
bilickisometimes, it works, sometimes it doesn't03:58
dragoonhow can i install it03:58
geniidragoon: The webcam on Dell 1420,1520 and 1730 has vendor:device of 05a9:2640 for webcam which is OmniVision OV2640. This uses module called uvcvideo03:59
dragoonhow can i install it03:59
geniidragoon: echo "uvcvideo" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules04:00
geniidragoon: This should make it load each boot04:01
dragoonso i reboot04:01
geniidragoon: For one-time:     sudo modprobe uvcvideo04:01
bilickialso, another thing i noticed: when i am upgrading my system, the download speeds are quite low: about 50 kb/s, whereas my internet connection can support at least 300kb/s... this is from ca.archive.ubuntu.com04:01
geniidragoon: Rarely need reboot in Linux :)04:01
dragoonso can i try it now ?04:03
geniidragoon: When module is loaded, you should see after that there is now a device:   /dev/video      or possibly  /dev/video0   or /dev/video1           ... use this in applications when asked what to use for camera04:03
geniidragoon: Sure04:03
* OpenSorce looks at the 700+ day uptime of his Slack box and says "Reboot? People still do that?!?"04:03
geniiOpenSorce: Exactly04:03
dragoonyouthink that should work in kopete04:04
OpenSorceOf course, I use IceWM on that box and run most everything from xterm :-P04:04
OpenSorceSeems like a kde upgrade might need a reboot04:05
dragoonwhen i open camorama its said could not connect to video device /dev/vedeo004:05
dragoongenii:  not work :(04:07
geniidragoon: Please put in pastebin result of command:       dmesg | tail04:07
ShentinoIs 1G of ram good enough for intrepid?04:07
OpenSorcedragoon, /dev/video0 maybe?04:08
ctwI just found the solution: copying the .gnupg directory04:08
dragoongenii:  its what he said yes04:08
OpenSorceShentino, it's what I have, it works great04:08
dragoonOpenSorce:  yes04:08
geniidragoon: Please as I said, put into the pastebin result of:    dmesg |  tail              ...this will tell us what it thinks when the module gets loaded04:09
OpenSorcedragoon, I've only been half listening.....have you already done "lsusb" to see if the system sees the camera?04:09
dragoonOpenSorce:  i don't think so04:10
dragoonOpenSorce:  where is that :04:10
dragoonand genii pastebin where04:10
OpenSorcedragoon, nvm....go with what genii is telling you04:11
OpenSorcegenii, sry :-)04:11
dragoonok genii what sit is pastebin04:11
genii!paste | dragoon04:11
ubottudragoon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:11
dragoonok thanks04:11
benbloomI have an interesting problem. I installed vlc and vlc-nox (I think apt installed it automatically) but there is no vlc-nox in my $PATH I can't seem to run it04:12
geniibenbloom: It should just be vlc   ... the -nox means without the X server04:13
benbloomi know. can't get it to run without X. works on my laptop (ubuntu/hardy) but not my desktop (kubuntu/hardy)04:14
dragoongenii:  ok genii webcam the title04:14
geniidragoon: You need to give the web address like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/abcdefghi04:16
geniiSo we can look at it04:16
geniidragoon: Reading04:17
geniidragoon: Please do:  sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo && sudo modprobe uvcvideo       ...and then again do the pastebin of:  dmesg | tail04:19
joe-codercan someone help me mount a samba share?04:20
joe-codersudo mount -t cifs -o username=Guest // /media/server04:20
joe-coderthat command hangs and never finishes04:20
geniidragoon: Reading04:21
ShentinoIs there a good way to list all the "dependency apex"'s?04:21
Shentinoas in...any package that is not needed by another?04:21
ShentinoI've got some "try once" packages and I'd like to find them04:22
dragoongenii: i think hes left :(04:26
=== genii-around is now known as genii
ShentinoWill intrepid have a convenient upgrade function to go to jaunty?04:34
geniidragoon: Apologies, I am getting disconnected today often04:35
geniidragoon: The "uvcvideo: Failed to query (135) UVC control 1 (unit 0) : -110 (exp. 26)."   error seems relevant here. Googling shows me it is an issue of usbaudio and uvcvideo issues. The usbaudio driver needs loading previous to the uvcvideo04:36
geniiReference: http://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/linux-uvc-devel/2007-September/002171.html04:36
condondo I have to install something to install software with 'deb'?04:37
dragoonits work now04:38
dragooni don't know why04:38
geniidragoon: So, to open the file /etc/modules like:   alt-f2 kdesudo kate /etc/modules                and then to insert:     usbaudio           ..on a line by itself BEFORE uvcvideo04:38
geniidragoon: Likely it works now because we unloaded and reloaded the uvcvideo04:38
dragoonyou sure04:38
dragoonso i can stay like that ?04:38
geniidragoon: The details are in the website I gave, dry reading but informative :)04:39
dragoonlol thanks04:39
condonAnyone know how to install w/ deb?04:39
geniidragoon: If you change nothing right now in /etc/modules     after next boot no cam again04:39
dragoongenii:  eally04:40
dragoonso what i need to do04:40
geniicondon: If yoyu have somefile.deb   install it by:      sudo dpkg -i somefile.deb04:40
geniidragoon: I just told you!04:40
geniidragoon: So, to open the file /etc/modules like:   alt-f2 kdesudo kate /etc/modules                and then to insert:     usbaudio           ..on a line by itself BEFORE uvcvideo04:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esperanza04:41
condondeb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu hardy cairo-dock04:41
condonwhat about that?04:41
condonjust get "bash: deb: command not found"04:41
dragoonam on 8.1004:42
geniicondon: echo "deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu hardy cairo-dock" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list                then: sudo apt-get update04:42
dragoonalt+f2 make a windows i wrote what you said and enter not working04:42
geniidragoon: From Konsole you can also do:    sudo nano /etc/modules04:43
condonthanks a lot man04:43
geniidragoon: Then make the edit as described, put:   usbaudio       BEFORE uvcvideo line. Then  ctrl-x to exit. Put Y to save. Then Enter to confirm same name of /etc/modules04:44
geniicondon: You're welcome04:44
dragoonso like usbaudio04:44
geniicondon: After that you'll be able to install it04:44
geniidragoon: Exactly. Each on it's own line, with uvcvideo    being the last one, underneath of usbaudio04:45
geniiNot on same line04:45
dragoonok what command for sauvegard04:45
dragoonyep to save04:46
geniiAh, "safeguard" or so en anglais04:47
dragoonsorry for my french word04:47
dragoonso its supose to be alt + s04:47
dragoonsave and quit right ?04:47
geniidragoon: To exit:   ctrl-x04:47
geniidragoon: To save: Y04:48
geniidragoon: To confirm save name: Enter04:48
dragoony is syntaxe04:48
genii"Y" is just shor for "Yes"04:49
geniiPErhaps if your nano is French then O for "Oui"04:49
geniiAlthough that is a guess on my part04:49
dragoonallright done04:50
geniidragoon: Perhaps reboot and see if it survives working after that.04:50
dragoonright now ?04:50
dragooni brb04:50
geniiSure, I'll stary here04:51
geniiAnd I'll drink some coffee to cut down on typos....04:51
* genii sips04:53
dragoongenii:  thanks a lot04:56
dragoonhe hava a bluetooth on kubuntu ?04:56
geniidragoon: You'04:56
geniidragoon: You're welcome     rather :)04:56
dragoongenii:  do you know if am abble to send like windows my cellular file on blutooth04:57
geniidragoon: Yes, but right now I am very tired and unable to assist in this04:57
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
isaacj87hey all, I'm going to install kde4-nightly packages. Do I have to remove kde 4.1.3 before doing so?05:08
jomadsUbuntu 1st timer..05:08
jomadslooks like it's just you an me isaacj8705:09
isaacj87jomads: haha. how's it going then?05:09
jomadsNot too bad05:10
isaacj87jomads: do you help with something?05:10
jomadsInstalled easily05:10
jomadsjust want to set up a password when turning on05:10
jomadspassword for another user works05:10
jomadsI mean... when I boot up ubuntu it just logs in and that's not good. anyone can get in05:11
jomadsAI have tried to05:11
jomadsI've tried to get the login screenn to appear, but no luck05:11
isaacj87jomads: what did you try?05:11
jomadskde4-nightly packages05:12
jomadswhat is that for May I ask?05:12
jomadsUsers and Groups05:12
isaacj87jomads: The devs put together packages KDE 4 trunk for people to try. and they're called ked4-nightly05:12
jomadsI see05:13
jomadsI'm also looking for firestarter05:13
jomadsin users and groups05:13
jomadsi clicked on properties05:14
jomadsselected password by hand05:14
isaacj87jomads: try this for me then. Go into "System Settings" go to the "Advanced" tab and click on "Login Manager"05:14
jomadswhere   is the SYSTEM SETTINGS?05:16
gravity1187need some help with kontact can't seem to get gpg signing working05:16
gravity1187need some help with kontact can't seem to get gpg signing working05:18
jomadsANYONE out there05:21
jomadswhere can I find SYSTEM SETTINGS?  TIA05:21
gravity1187doesn't appear so05:21
ayarthat's cool! i'm new here...05:29
chomaanyone here who can help with upgrade woes ?05:30
genii!es | ana05:38
ubottuana: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:38
isaacj87Man, I just tried kde-nightly...KDE 4.2 is going to kick major butt.05:44
emmaisaacj87: oh yeah?05:44
Tm_Tisaacj87: just if you knew... (;)05:44
emmaisaacj87: does that mean that an update will come for the rest of us soonish?05:44
Tm_Temma: no05:44
emmaoh okay05:44
Tm_T4.2 release will be done around new year05:44
isaacj87Tm_T: Everything is smooth and polished05:45
emmaOh well that's not soonish but it's pretty soon :)05:45
Tm_Tisaacj87: not as much it will be05:45
isaacj87Tm_T: Really? Wow05:45
emmawhat would be ideal is if someone could figure out a way to use a qt-firefox05:45
isaacj87emma: Trust me, it'll be worth the wait :)05:45
emmacool :)05:45
Tm_Temma: I'm not a fan of Firefox so for me that's not a big deal05:46
isaacj87Tm_T: Does the kde-nightly packages conflict with any of the 4.1.3 packages?05:46
isaacj87Tm_T: I read somewhere that I had to remove KDE 4.1 before trying it. I didn't however05:46
Tm_Tisaacj87: no idea, I don't deal with daily stuff05:46
emmaTm_T: what do you use as your regular browser?05:47
Tm_Temma: Konqueror05:47
emmaTm_T: Konqueror just doesn't seem to work on every page.05:47
Tm_Temma: for me it's fine and those irregular issues I solve with Firefox05:47
isaacj87emma: True, but it's a lot lighter than firefox...I guess it's just a trade-off :/05:48
Tm_Temma: some pages work better with Konqueror than Firefox so it's two-way deal05:48
* Tm_T builds her own KDE4, just the way she wants05:48
isaacj87Tm_T: So you're not running KDE trunk?05:48
Tm_Tisaacj87: I am05:48
emmaTm_T: it's getting better though from what I can tell.05:49
isaacj87Tm_T: You just don't follow the nightly builds?05:49
Tm_Tisaacj87: no, I'm ahead of daily builds05:49
emmaTm_T is probably one of the guys who writes the builds05:49
isaacj87Tm_T: Oh, how do you keep up to date with the bleeding edge stuff?05:49
Tm_Tisaacj87: by building more than daily (:)05:50
isaacj87Tm_T: Jeez! How long does it take to build?05:50
isaacj87Tm_T: Couple hours I imagine?05:50
Tm_Tfrom 15 minutes to 12 hours, depends05:50
Tm_Tusually it's done fast, and in background so doesn't bother me05:51
Kurapikahay algun canal en español05:51
Tm_T!es | Kurapika05:51
ubottuKurapika: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:51
isaacj87emma: In any case, when I tried out the daily builds, Kwin is super smooth. Plasma has these new handles that animate nicely and it's very polished feeling. The systray corrupted icons problem is dealt with quite nicely and everything doesn't feel so clunky.05:53
emmaI have ATi so no problems with icons.05:54
emmaI wish i could get the fglrx to work though. Every time I enable it,  my monitor protests with an error that says something like, 'resolution frequency too high' and the only way to get past that is to go to a tty and dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:56
joe_does anyone know where i can get this PyMusique.deb ???05:57
joe_i have tried alot of places on the net and i can NOT seem to be able to install it onto my computer05:58
isaacj87joe_: As far as I know, it wouldn't make a difference if you could find it. It's obsolete and doesn't work05:58
joe_why not?05:58
isaacj87joe_: I'm guessing you're trying to access the itunes store?05:58
chomaanyone know how I can recover froma blank KDE 4.1 screen ? was working untill i did a suspend and resumeon my laptop. this worked with KDE 3.5.x05:58
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joe_ok then if i can't from what u r tell'n me what other program can i use that is alot likee itunes???05:59
isaacj87joe_: yeah, Apple has made sure the only client that can access their store is itunes. I like to use the Amazon MP3 downloader. It's Linux native and DRM free06:00
isaacj87joe_: http://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/help/amd.html/ref=sv_dmusic_306:00
Guest13624alguien habla español??06:00
isaacj87es! | Guest1362406:00
emmaGuest13624: #kubuntu-es06:00
isaacj87!es | Guest1362406:00
ubottuGuest13624: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:00
joe_kool thnk ^_^06:00
emmade nada06:01
jtellolunahola a todos06:01
anton_hii emma06:01
anton_asl lz06:01
jtellolunatengo una duda ojala  este en el lugar indicado si no agradeceria  me  ubicaran06:01
isaacj87joe_: Yup, no problem. :) Just download the Ubuntu package. It still works. I use it in Intrepid. Cool stuff!06:01
Guest13624cual es la duda?06:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:02
jtellolunaacabo de instalar  linux06:02
jtellolunaokok grax06:02
jtellolunay pss tengo la duda  de como abrir06:02
genii!es > jtelloluna06:02
ubottujtelloluna, please see my private message06:02
jtellolunaarchivos .docx en openoffice?06:02
joe_what is a really good/great program for linux that is alot like itunes???06:02
emmajoe_: frostwire06:03
geniianton_: This is the Kubuntu support channel. "asl" is not appropriate here06:03
emmajoe_: and it's better than itunes because you don't have to pay for the songs.06:03
anton_i am a newbie06:03
anton_thx genii06:03
geniianton_: No worries :)06:03
anton_would u be my new friend06:04
joe_i don't wanna use fostwire, srry i don't like it i did use it before and it was just trouble for me, srry to say06:04
emmajoe_: okay. hm.06:04
emmajoe_: what kind of trouble do you have with frostwire?06:04
geniianton_: Everyone is my friend unless they behave badly06:04
anton_ok i see06:04
joe_i don't like limewire and that's what it is06:04
emmajoe_: maybe look around on last.fm, they have a lot of opensource music.06:04
emmayeah but it's limewire without any spyware or bloat.06:05
chomaanyone know how I can recover froma blank KDE 4.1 screen ? was working untill i did a suspend and resumeon my laptop. this worked with KDE 3.5.x06:05
anton_genii: so what's i should type if wanna ask about the originality?06:05
joe_ok i'll try that and how can i keep my computer secure enough to where i wouldn't have to worry if someone was or is in my computer???06:05
emmajoe_: your computer is already that secure since you use linux, I think. Don't tell anyone your password.06:06
emmajoe_: you can go to your amarok and in the options enable the last.fm plugin too.06:06
joe_lol  i do NOT tell anyone my password lol06:06
geniijtelloluna: Solamente la lengua inglesa aquí satisface. si no /j #ubuntu-es06:07
joe_got it06:07
emmawell (k)ubuntu disables the root account and that's what hackers are after, and they don't know your user name, so they won't be able to get you. Plus I think kubuntu comes with all outbound ports closed by default.06:07
geniianton_: This channel is for asking about solutions to problems you may be having with the operating system of Kubuntu. For casual conversation, the better place to talk is the channel of #kubuntu-offtopic06:08
emmagenii: you are a very serious fellow.06:08
geniiemma: I work at it :)06:08
chomahey genii I am using Kubutu and have an issue - can you help ?06:09
geniichoma: Possibly. Please state the nature of your Kubuntu emergency06:09
=== CYREX is now known as pepe
=== pepe is now known as pepex123
geniichoma: ?06:12
* genii sips his coffee06:12
chomahey genii was on the other screen - deleted files in /var/tmp/kdecache06:12
chomaand now i can view my desktop again :)06:12
geniichoma: That sounds good. So the issue then would be?06:12
chomasuspend and resume used to work with KDE 3.506:13
chomanow i get a blank screen06:13
chomacant launch any kde app06:13
chomano menu, only kmix and knotes for some reasons06:13
geniichoma: I'm still on 3.5 so not likely much help here06:13
chomai just upgraded to 8.1006:13
chomacan i downgrade or do i need to do a resinstall ?06:14
chomato get kde 3.5 ?06:14
geniichoma: Perhaps search bug reports of Launchpad for the issue06:14
y0ul053could have them both installed side by side, so yeah a downgrade is possible06:14
geniichoma: There was a workaround for 3.5 on 8.10 but the links now are broken for it. So for now I'd have to say there is no downgrade option excet reinstall of 8.04 for instance06:15
y0ul053wouldn't you just install kde-core or whatever package it is for 3.5?  Then just choose which one you'd like on the login screen06:15
geniichoma: You may still have the Hardy kernel available from grub screen to boot into06:16
chomai do06:16
=== pepex123 is now known as CYREX
geniiy0ul053: You might think so. But it doesn't work like this. kde4 now is default and usurps the ~/.kde     and so on06:16
chomai'll try that06:17
chomahopefully dist upgrade didnt remove kde 3.5 packages06:17
joe_once i save a tarz file how do i install it so i can open up the program and stuff???06:17
geniijoe_: First to ask:  did you download a tarball of something that is already available to install from package manager06:18
joe_i download the last.fm that can connect to my media player and i would like to install it but i don't know how to???06:19
geniijoe_: You should likely examine the page from where you downloaded it for instructions on where it gets expanded to. For the expanding part: tar -xvzf  filename.tar.gz06:20
joe_is the file name06:21
genii!info lastfm06:21
ubottulastfm (source: lastfm): a music player for Last.fm personalized radio. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 1655 kB, installed size 4872 kB06:21
y0ul053speaking of last.fm, check out Ampache06:22
y0ul053!info ampache06:22
ubottuampache (source: ampache): web-based audio file management system. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 1347 kB, installed size 7024 kB06:22
joe_yes i got it from last.fm06:22
geniijoe_: See above. lastfm is in the repositories and you can use the package manager to install it06:22
y0ul053sudo or apt06:23
joe_i'm srry i don't know the command lines yet for ubuntu06:23
geniijoe_: Open Adept, make sure that all repositories are enabled in it. Then use the search part and put in: lastfm06:23
joe_ive been use'n it now for almost a month and i still don't know them06:23
y0ul053there's also .... yeah ^^06:23
geniiy0ul053: :)06:24
geniiy0ul053: He'll need somehow universe enabled06:24
y0ul053ah yeh06:24
joe_got it, thnx06:24
joe_if i have any problem's i'll let ya know06:24
geniijoe_: np06:24
joe_ok it's installing rite now06:25
joe_and it's done06:26
geniijoe_: So much simpler, yes?06:26
joe_now i'm gonna see if it worked or not06:26
y0ul053always search adept before trying to install from source, been down that road plenty of times, it sucks ;p06:27
joe_got it and it's up and running  ^_^06:27
geniiHmm. Apparently choma could not articulate his problem06:28
y0ul053guess not06:28
geniijoe_: Congrats :) Always check Adept first for the application you want, if not found there THEN pursue other ways of installing06:28
joe_^_^  got it, thnx for the help  ^_^06:29
geniijoe_: Anytime, and enjoy lastfm :)06:29
y0ul053*sigh* fixing mp3 tags is tedious06:29
joe_will do but if i want a song from lastfm how do i put it onto my mp3 player???06:30
geniijoe_: Not sure on that06:30
y0ul053can't download from there.  If you use firefox, go install the greasemonkey addon.  there's a script to add download links to the charts page on userscripts.org06:30
y0ul053there're a few other scripts for last.fm floating around there too06:31
geniiI used to use jackd to capture stream from audio input but it's a pain to set up06:32
RandyCaliforniaI'm Batman :FD06:44
apparlehow to mount the FAT partitions automatically06:45
geniiRandyCalifornia: So you have some issue regarding running Kubuntu on the bat-computer to ask about? ;)06:45
geniiapparle: To make an entry for the drive or partition in the /etc/fstab   with options you like for allow of read/write or so on06:46
apparlegenii: I am unable to understand the option, what should about dmast umask etc.......06:49
geniiapparle: I no longer use any Windows filesystems so rusty on the options you'd likely need. 1 minute06:50
geniiapparle: Likely something like whats in here probably: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44232106:52
CoontactMY point is that niggers overwhelmingly commit more crimes (especially violent) crimes than any other group.07:07
CoontactWant proof? I thought you would never ask:07:07
dwidmannHi there07:14
piratashi vsem07:27
pirataskto nibud' mojet pomo4? u menya kubuntu i ya ishu soksifikator... )07:27
piratasky ky ))07:28
piratassomebody hear me ?07:29
ActionParsnipyeah, wassup man?07:30
piratashi, can u help me ?))07:30
piratasi installed kubuntu, and searching for soft... i need to using socks.....)07:31
piratasi need it for using socks 507:31
goldmetaliwlist wlan0 scan ; will show me my receive signal level. how to find out my transmit signal level?07:35
ActionParsnipgoldmetal: its considered bad netiquette to ask in multiple rooms07:36
ActionParsnipinstall an app like wifi-radar07:36
goldmetalit's a tough question07:37
geniiNot really07:37
* y0ul053 agrees07:39
beberleii have a question, i upgraded to the latest kubuntu version (intreprid) and had Mac Style menus in a seperate "panel" on the top in kde3.507:40
beberleinow kde4 does not know anything about that07:40
beberleiand i lost the ability to search trough the "File, Edit..." menu bar of kde programs07:40
beberleiany way of reverting this?07:41
geniibeberlei: As for the Mac Style it does not seem available yet in kde4 but someone may be working on it. Some extensive posts on the subject here http://forum.kde.org/showthread.php?tid=1001907:45
beberleiwhat is strange is that kde4 seems to have remembered not to show a menubar on each window, but there is no option (or i dont find it) where to enable menubars in windows again07:47
Waldo_Woah, KDE 3 has a universal menu bar available?07:47
beberleiyou can enable it in system settings anywhere07:48
Waldo_Found it. Super crazy awesome! =o07:50
czarnyjest tu ktoś z Polski?07:50
czarnykurde nie ma tu nikogo?07:51
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:51
czarnygenii witaj07:51
Waldo_The universal menu bar isn't as universal as I'd hope =|07:58
genii"universal" anythings are usually disappointing07:59
Waldo_It's pretty universal on a Mac. Of course, it's also the only option on a Mac, so it's not surprising...07:59
zhuulHello guys, I am looking for network tools which list me applications, traffic and bandwich. Someone know some good tools?08:11
geniiping netstat whois finger lsof08:17
geniitop as well08:17
zhuulthank you I will take a look ;)08:18
ltghespHi. I am having trouble with my eth0. I use dhcp and often get no ip.08:19
ltghespI just had an IP and then it stopped working (still had an IP in the 10.90 range but could not ping gateway). When I run dhclient eth0 it however requests an IP with an IP in the 192.168 range. any suggestions?08:21
corinthIs there a way to install the KDE 4.2 dev in Kubunty 8.10?08:29
=== alexei is now known as GreenPeace
corinthHow do I get Dolphin to remember window size?08:40
corinthIs there a way to install the KDE 4.2 dev in Kubuntu 8.10?08:53
drempelsHi, why does installing firefox depend on synaptic package manager?08:55
ncfi1013how can i get the open gl screensavers to work with nvidia-glx-96 graphics driver for nvidia geforce 6100 graphics card? they have been installed but they are not working.08:57
SkEmOok time to sleep kkthxbye!09:02
corinthdrempels: Just a guess: firefox is a gtk application, so it probably depends on the ubunt desktop (basic), and would then defend on synaptic09:03
level1hi, I get an error when clicknig on a file in the panel... "KDEInit could not launch dolphin"09:05
level1and dolphin doesn't start09:05
drempelscorinth: right, I'd like firefox but don't really want the whole of gnome too!09:05
drempelscorinth: thanks09:05
corinthdrempels: Really, you won't notice it. It's just the base files. You're not really getting much at all.09:06
=== Kimahri is now known as Tidus
drempelscorinth: yeah, i suppose, just didn't want  to confuse the user of this machine with two package manager options09:06
corinthdrempels: You could always just remove it from the menu :P09:07
drempelscorinth: I can always delete it from the menu09:07
drempelscorinth: haha yeah, cheers09:07
drempelscorinth: does flash work with konqueror?09:07
corinthdrempels: Yes, but the html rendering is so perfect it's not forgiving. Sites like digg.com are pretty screwed up.09:08
drempelscorinth: thanks, what is the standard Kubuntu way to install flash?09:08
corinthDepends on the browser, drempels09:09
drempelscorinth: thanks, what is the standard Kubuntu way to install flash?09:09
drempelscorinth: sorry... thanks09:10
corinthdrempels: I'm not sure. In my experience, the flash plugin is usually there. Could be because of my installing  flash flash for firefox, though09:10
drempelscorinth: ok, cool09:11
corinthIs there a way to install the KDE 4.2 dev in Kubuntu 8.10?09:14
Tm_Tcorinth: yes09:14
Tm_Tcorinth: like to build yourself or use readymade packages?09:14
corinthTm_T: I mean, without compiling it?09:14
Tm_Tthen use neon09:14
corinthI'm not THAT fluent yet, lol.09:15
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE for more09:15
corinthI knew about neon's amarok builds, but not the KDE 4 trunk09:15
corinthDoes it install alongside 4.1.2, or over it?09:15
Tm_Tcorinth: no idea09:16
ptlI want to raise a formal protest.09:23
ncfi1013how can i get the opengl screensavers to work with nvidia-glx-96 graphics driver for the nvidia geforce 6100 graphics card? they have been installed but they are not working. the graphics driver works. the graphics card works. the opengl screensavers dont work.09:28
ptlncfi1013: is acceleration turned on for you?09:35
ncfi1013what is it and where do i find it?09:35
rlangi've got an udev related question: I want to create a symlink to a nic (like eth0) instead of renaming it. but the udev rule KERNEL=="eth0" SYSFS{adress}=="00:e0:XX:XX:XX:XX" NAME="eth0" SYMLINK+="alan0" doesn't do the trick09:44
IcyPolecathiya - anyone know why the restricted driver manager under intrepid doesn't install the ATI fglrx driver?10:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:29
=== klas3b is now known as cumulus007
EyesKillerHi, I hope somebody of you are java-developer/eclipse-user. I want to install eclipse with 'aptitude install eclipse'. But aptitude want to install gcj too. I want to use sun-java only. :/ How can I do that?10:36
ActionParsnip!info gcj10:37
ubottugcj (source: gcc-defaults (1.74ubuntu2)): The GNU Java compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 48 kB10:37
ActionParsnipits 48k, id just install it10:37
ActionParsnipEyesKiller: if its a dependancy then you have to install it10:38
EyesKillerIf it's only 48k then its no problem, but it want to install eclipse-gcj, eclipse-*-gcj and so on. :(10:39
EyesKillerAs I said I already installed sun-java.10:39
scomarJ #kubuntu-devel10:39
EyesKillerOk, then I'll try in #kubuntu-devel, thank you all.10:40
stdinEyesKiller: use "aptitude --without-recommends install ..."10:41
stdin#kubuntu-devel has nothing to do with eclipse btw10:42
ActionParsnipstdin: maybe the guys can recommend10:42
EyesKillerOh... great. I didn't know about --without-recommends. :) Thank you very much!10:43
EyesKillerIt's much smaller (about 350MB!).10:43
stdinaptitude always installs recommends by default, and I think apt-get does now too. so --without-recommends is useful10:44
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stdinin fact ^ that is the reason firefox installs some gnome stuff. the packager refuses to accept that the gnome packages are not required for a "full firefox experience"10:45
EyesKillerstdin: Good to know, since some recommended packages is annoying for me.10:45
EyesKillerI'll continue working. Thank you a lot!10:47
stdinnp :)10:48
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ghostcubequestion why isnt the adept update tool working i done two updates now it kills always itself10:55
ghostcubefrom 8.04 to 8.1010:55
ghostcubethe end is doing an commandline update10:55
SlimeyPeteyou're using adept to upgrade to 8.10? Why not upgrade-manager?10:56
ghostcubeeh sorry i mean the way on kubuntu.org :)10:56
SlimeyPeteor is that what you mean10:56
ghostcubeit starts inside adept so i mentioned it10:57
SlimeyPeteah, I see10:57
ActionParsnipghostcube: i did cli upgrade, went great10:57
ghostcubeActionParsnip: hmmm two times here not :|10:58
IcyPolecatok different question - how can I identify my video card model from the command line?10:58
ActionParsnipghostcube: try sudo apt-get clean first10:58
ghostcubei get in trouble and i dont know what caused it maybe this could be cause i have running compiz when update was running10:58
ghostcubeActionParsnip: sure10:58
ActionParsnipIcyPolecat: lspci | grep -i vga10:58
IcyPolecatActionParsnip: thanks.10:59
ghostcubeActionParsnip: i did some things on the second machine to avoid the same probs but no luck here heh10:59
ghostcubei mean the upüdate on cmd works then the upgrade tool begins then dpkg can bring it to the end but what could this be any ideas10:59
IcyPolecatNow, anyone got any idea how to get dual head working with that card as I can't install the ATI driver (apparently under Intrepid is doesn't support the newer version of Xserver)10:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:59
ghostcubeActionParsnip: thx will have a look11:00
ActionParsnipghostcube: you doing this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)11:01
ghostcubemoment pls damn firefox upgrade lol11:01
ActionParsnipjust damn firefox here11:02
ghostcubeah ActionParsnip i always didi it by the update manager then i tried the way on kubuntu and this isnt working heh update-manager always worked fine i thought maybe the update tool getting by adept makes any script changes or so cause of kde411:03
ActionParsnipghostcube: i just use cli for pretty much everything excpt chat, browse and cd burning11:04
ghostcubeActionParsnip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu this isnt working11:05
ghostcubethx i will use the mthod of u next time and tell u if it worked fine11:06
ActionParsnipghostcube: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core; kdesudo kate /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades11:07
ActionParsnipghostcube: change Prompt=lts to Prompt=normal11:07
ghostcubeActionParsnip: yeah i have this i do this on my server images always i just wanted to give adept a chance lol11:07
ActionParsnipghostcube: sudo do-release-upgrade11:07
ActionParsnipghostcube: no need for a gui11:08
badassany new ports planned for the ps3?11:09
fyrzenhello! I was wondering if I could get s/o's opinion on this problem i'm having w/ the LiveCD11:09
fyrzenit won't boot into the graphical environment, it gives me a pink/black screen11:09
[ITA]mitticoooociao qualcuno conosce un programma tipo mouse commander, (registra i click del mouse) per la kubuntu?11:12
Tm_Tit | [ITA]mitticoooo11:13
ghostcube!it | [ITA]mitticoooo11:13
ubottu[ITA]mitticoooo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:13
[ITA]mitticoooosorry dindn't know11:14
ghostcubeno prob heh11:14
[ITA]mitticooooi try in english11:14
[ITA]mitticoooosomeone knows the name of a software that simple register "mouse clicks"?11:15
[ITA]mitticoooofor kubuntu?11:15
ptltcha tcha BOOM11:16
[ITA]mitticoooosomeone knows the name of a software that simple register "mouse clicks"? mouse cursor click position11:20
ActionParsnip[ITA]mitticoooo: xev11:23
ActionParsnip[ITA]mitticoooo: you'll have to grep and awk like crazy11:23
[ITA]mitticoooodon't understand last sentence but thx the same11:24
ActionParsnip[ITA]mitticoooo: http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/mouse.html11:26
ActionParsnip[ITA]mitticoooo: some decent python scripts there11:26
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ptlI want to file a complaint.11:42
traitcan anybody help me configuring my wlan rt2860sta in intrepid?!11:43
ptldid you use knetworkmanager?11:44
ptlDo you know your settings?11:44
jooketrying kubuntu...sound works but music doesnt :/11:44
traitwich settings?11:44
traitjooke: do you have mp3-support?11:44
ptllike essid, authentication type (WEP, WPA, WPA2), password and so on11:44
traitof course :)11:45
ActionParsnipptl: i know my settings11:45
jookedont know, i have opensuse too and everything works on there11:45
ptltrait: so, did you popup knetworkmanager from the tray, added a new wlan, and tried to connect to it?11:46
traithow to add?11:46
traitedit connections, and so on?11:46
ActionParsniptrait: use a wifi manager OR manually edit /etc/network/interfaces (not both)11:46
traitof course11:47
ActionParsniptrait: if you use wpa you'll need to install and configure the wap supplicant11:47
jookei had to mess with the sound though in suse, just don't know how to mess with the sound in kubuntu11:47
traitmy interfaces:11:47
traitauto lo11:47
traitiface lo inet loopback11:47
traitjooke: which ubuntu do you use?11:48
jookeold one11:48
traitpc too slow?11:49
ptltrait: Alt-F2, knetworkmanager, right-click on it, add wlan11:49
Tm_Ttrait: slowness isn't reason to use old version11:50
jookei had to save my computer - didn't boot and windows didn't work and suse didn't either but kubuntu cd did11:50
ptl/etc/network/interfaces doesn't work in 8.10 anymore as far as I know, only networkmanager/knetwormanager11:50
traitlet me restart..11:51
trait2 minutes..11:51
IcyPolecathi all, me again. Ok am now totally lost. I'm trying to configure dual head output from an ATI card. I can't use the FGLRX driver as it hangs the machine. I have both screens configured in my Xorg.conf but am still getting now joy. Any ideas Where to look?11:52
ActionParsnipptl: works here. i dont use silly gui apps11:52
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ptltrait: did it work?11:54
traitnetworkmanager doesn show the wlan11:55
traitmodprobe rt2860sta ?11:55
ptlI dunno, it should be automatic11:55
mdaparteola a todos11:56
traitmaybe i should reinstall it manually11:56
mdaparte*hello everybody (sorry)11:56
ptlwhat do you mean?11:57
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traiti used the dkms for eeepc11:58
traitbut do not have an eeepc11:58
ngompolanis there any body wanna be my friend?11:58
traitand i don't know how the driver is configured11:58
traitngompolan: for doing what?11:58
ngompolantrait: share 'bout linux11:59
traitby being naked?11:59
ngompolantrait:want u?12:00
traiti only wanted to find out if you want12:01
ngompolanwhat's ur email?12:01
traitptl: how do i restart network without restarting pc?12:02
ActionParsnipptl: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:03
ngompolantrait: u're liar12:03
traityou rumbled me, ngompolan12:04
traitno wlan found in networkmanager12:05
traithow to check if the driver is loaded?12:05
traitiwconfig doesn say anything12:06
traitbut there is something called pan0 which i've never seen before in hardy eg.12:06
ActionParsniptrait: lshw -C network12:06
traitUNCLAIMED ?!12:07
jookewaitwait so like...i went looking on the internet...and 6.06 is like reaaaaally old like comparable with some kind of...windows...?12:07
traithow to claim it?12:07
colin_who can help with dialupadmin12:08
ActionParsniptrait: unclaimed == no driver12:08
ActionParsniptrait: try sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools12:08
traitok, done install, ActionParsnip12:08
traitjooke: what do you mean?12:08
traitor want? :)12:09
jookei should format my kubuntu6?12:09
jookei'm gonna format it i think...12:10
ActionParsniptrait: restart the network again12:10
jookewell...bye xxx12:11
traitstill unclaimed , ActionParsnip12:11
rajneeshhow can you mount windows partition12:12
ActionParsniptrait: sudo apt-get install linux-restriced<press tab> ( i cant remember the exact name)12:12
rajneeshhow can you mount windows partition, actionparsnip12:13
traitstill installed, ActionParsnip12:13
traitrajneesh: fat32 or ntfs?12:14
ActionParsnip!mount | rajneesh12:14
ubotturajneesh: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter12:14
traitmaybe modprobe rt2860sta helps, ActionParsnip ?12:15
traitor restarting? because i think the driver needs to be integrated into the kernel, doesn't it?12:16
ActionParsniptrait: sudo modprobe rt2860sta12:16
traitnow scanning :)12:17
traithow to auto-modprobe on start?12:17
ActionParsniptrait: gksudo gedit /etc/modules12:18
ActionParsniptrait: write its name at the end of that file and press enter at the end of the line12:18
ActionParsniptrait: save and exit12:18
ActionParsniptrait: if you run lshw -C network you will find its now claimed ;)12:19
traiti've got kde, but ok, use nano :)12:19
traityes, i find it claimed12:19
traitand now: how to connect to networkmanager?12:20
traitwhat should i write at the end of the file modprobe rt... or only rt... ?12:20
ActionParsniptrait: just the module name12:21
robin0800What do madwifi-tools do?12:22
ActionParsniprobin0800: it can install drivers for some wifi cards12:22
ActionParsniptrait: scan for wirless APs12:22
traitiwlist scan?12:23
traitra0       No scan results12:23
robin0800ActionParsnip: and used how?12:23
ActionParsniprobin0800: it installs modules which can be probed in, if your system needs it the relevant driver will be used12:23
ActionParsniptrait: try in knetwork manager12:24
ActionParsniptrait: i think only root can scan12:24
traitdoesn'T work12:24
traiti think its strange, that the prgramm knetworkmanager is declared as kde312:25
ActionParsniptrait: can you pastebin the output of lshw -C network12:25
kopertonhi repository from lauchpad?12:26
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:27
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ActionParsniptrait: ok try this: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old12:28
ActionParsniptrait: then reboot12:28
koperton!repository | koperton12:28
ubottukoperton, please see my private message12:28
traithope to see you in 2 minutes :)12:29
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ActionParsniptrait: you can always rename back12:30
kopertonguys mine friend says kde4 is not usable , he said knetwork doesn't start and problem like that i know there was a lauchpad repository for kde412:32
kopertonanyone knows where i can get them ?12:32
kopertoni am on kde3 and so i don't know very well the problem12:33
ActionParsnipkoperton: orks fine here, i use fluxbox instead of kwinthough12:36
kopertonActionParsnip: but are you using official repository12:41
ActionParsnipkoperton: its all I use12:41
kopertonActionParsnip: could  you paste your source.list ?12:42
BadRobotcould someone help me to install Koffice 2 on Ubuntu 8.04?12:43
ActionParsnipkoperton: http://pastebin.com/f37e3d40312:43
kopertonActionParsnip: thank y12:45
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kushoui wanna know how-to open an HD automatically at boot13:03
Dr_willisdefine/clarify 'open'13:03
kushouis it possible ?13:03
Dr_willissince your use of open is vague.. :)13:03
kushousorry for my bad english13:03
kushoui mean read my music on my HD extern13:04
Dr_willisYou could setup external hard drives/filesystems to be automatically 'mounted'  by using the proper entry in the fstab file.13:05
Dr_willisOr they can get mounted when you first access them.13:05
kushoui need to type my password and after with amarok i can read my songs13:05
kushouhum ok i try something13:06
Dr_willisThats because theres no fstab entry for them.13:06
Dr_willisthose are being automounted by  'hal' i think...  as you access them..13:06
kushouthanks Dr_willis, i reboot13:08
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tony_what's up ?13:13
Dr_willisGoofing off.. :)13:14
tony_i have a problem to use aircrack ... arf13:14
gravity1187getting some error messages with kmail and pgp signing13:15
jobeanyone got a wacom tablet working on 8.10?13:15
tony_if i put airodump-ng --write test wlan013:16
tony_i have this message13:16
tony_ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy13:16
tony_ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,13:16
tony_ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead.  Make13:16
tony_sure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start wlan0 <#>'13:16
tony_Sysfs injection support was not found either.13:16
tony_what can i do to fix it ?13:17
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kollathere.. 3.5.10 on intrepid, works fine, as normal13:17
gravity1187getting some error messages with kmail and pgp signing13:18
tony_93nobody can help me ?13:21
traitcan anybody look at lshw -C network ( http://pastebin.com/m4274e634 ) and look why knetworkmanager doesn't work? - manager finds ra0 but not the wpa-network13:25
marco_Waht is the italian ubuntu channel?13:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:31
marco_How is?13:31
bazhangtony_93, /j #aircrack13:31
tony_93ok thx bazhang13:34
tony_93salut romain13:36
romain_j'ai un probleme de carte craph13:36
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:37
kalluhey guys .. is picard working normally in kubuntu8.10 for you ?13:41
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jobewacom on 8.10 - ??13:41
jonasbethow is everyone?13:42
jonasbetdoes anyone know how to reinstall an aplicantion13:43
jonasbetlike smplayer?13:43
Dr_willisWhy do you need to?13:44
Dr_willisthe pacakge system has a reinstall option.13:44
Dr_willisreinstalling an app will NOT NOT NOT reset the users settings... if they are the issue13:44
Dr_willisUninstalling with the PURGE option, and reinstalling an app will restore the default settings/files for tha app. at least it should.13:45
fernando_hello a todos13:45
jonasbethow can i uninstall it?13:46
jonasbeti am so new with ubuntu13:46
Dr_willisThe package manager  is the tool to learn to use.13:47
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto13:47
Dr_willisor use synaptic, or apt-get for the command line packageing tools/method13:47
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)13:47
Dr_willisthey are all frontends to the packging system. :)13:47
jonasbetpackinging system13:48
jonasbetit sound good13:48
jonasbeti will try13:48
jonasbetwith synaptic13:48
Dr_willisIf you have synaptic installed.. I perfer synaptic to adept13:48
jonasbeti select unistall ?13:49
jonasbeti cant select it13:50
traitcan anybody look at lshw -C network ( http://pastebin.com/m4274e634 ) and look why knetworkmanager doesn't work? - manager finds ra0 but not the wpa-network13:50
Dr_willisYou must run the package manager as the root user.13:51
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)13:51
jonasbeti did it13:51
jonasbetright mouse bottom13:52
=== nathanael is now known as naschil
Dr_williswhy are you even 'reinstalling'  the program?13:52
jonasbetnot so difficult13:52
jonasbetbecause i have white screen13:52
jonasbeti do not know why13:52
jonasbetwhen i use it all player13:52
jonasbetmake the same mistake until reboot13:52
C0p3rn1cpff mythtv destroyed my kde :(13:52
C0p3rn1cmythtv added me to the mythtv user group and now is my kde unresponsive if i login13:53
C0p3rn1cI just installed kubuntu 8.10 yesterday pff13:54
naschilI'm just trying to compile plasmoids and am getting a load of errors about qt libraries eg error: QtCore/QDate : No such file or directory13:56
naschildoes anyone know off the top of their head what I need to install to get the Qt headers13:57
naschil(there is no qt-dev ) package13:57
Dr_willisadding a user to a group would not make a system unresponsive...  the mythtv backend running.. might.13:58
C0p3rn1cDr_willis: ok I'll stop the backend14:01
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JampiterI need a help... how do I add sources to apt-get again? :)14:04
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:04
C0p3rn1cDr_willis: still unresponsive14:04
Dr_willisC0p3rn1c,  prove its mythtv causing the slow down I guess.. check htop/top output..14:04
JampiterThanks Dr_willis14:05
Dr_willisOf course  MythTV also installed some other services.  but those shoudent matter much either.14:05
C0p3rn1cDr_willis: i checked, none of the processes consume to much, my kde or x just freezes14:05
C0p3rn1conly my mouse pointer still works14:05
Dr_willisSounds like my Normal experience with KDE4 :(14:05
Dr_willisI would disable all fancy gfx settings/effects and see if it helps.14:06
C0p3rn1cI think I'll just go back to ubuntu again14:06
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Dr_willisInstall Ubuntu-desktop, logout.. go to gnome...14:08
C0p3rn1cor maybe ubuntu ultimate edition :)14:09
C0p3rn1c2.0 is ouit14:09
C0p3rn1cnever tried it before but it sounds great lol14:10
Dr_willisI dont see much use for Ubuntu Ultimate edition14:10
Dr_willisor a lot of the other variants14:10
C0p3rn1cthey just add some neat stuff14:11
Dr_willisThey should have their own repos, and  let you easially add it to the normal *buntus :) (some do this)  no need for their own disrto14:11
Dr_willisSome of them are sort of crossing the 'legal' boundries that Ubuntu is very very carfull to avoide. :)14:11
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:12
Dr_williszeb,  what are you expecting in a list?14:12
glade88where can I install kde 4.2 (alpha) from? :)14:14
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE for more14:14
cuzbuntucan i sudo unmount /media/cdrom1 w/ konsole?14:15
OxDeadC0de_amarok4 kind of sucks, doesn't add ogg's to the collection list, it plays them fine but won't add to collection14:15
OxDeadC0de_;P other than that.. it rules14:15
glade88JontheEchidna: thank you! :)14:15
traitcan anybody look at lshw -C network ( http://pastebin.com/m4274e634 ) and look why knetworkmanager doesn't work? - manager finds ra0 but not the wpa-network14:16
Dr_williscuzbuntu,  i do all the time.14:16
Dr_williscuzbuntu,  i also use the 'eject' command :)14:16
cuzbuntui fig'd sudo unmount14:17
cuzbuntuthanks br14:17
Dr_willistheres no N in umount14:18
glade88JontheEchidna: he might want to change it to an intrepid repo source in http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE and the other link :)14:18
naschilwhere can I find the qt headers in ubuntu?14:20
JontheEchidna!info libqt4-dev14:22
ubottulibqt4-dev (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 5571 kB, installed size 26988 kB14:22
naschilthx , but I've got that installed14:23
JontheEchidnawell, those are the headers14:23
naschilim getting QtCore/QDate: No such file or directory when trying to compile a plasmoid14:24
naschilthanks, though14:24
OxDeadC0de_anyone here use b43 drivers? Have you found a way to get rid of the network "hickups"? i run real time audio over wifi so I notice any performance loss, and with b43 I get pauses in audio every ~30 seconds-2 minutes, doesn't happen with ndiswrapper so i'm sure it's in b4314:25
OxDeadC0de_also, the network "hickups" i speak of occur as b43 is scaling back the connection speed (it happens a lot for me 15 feet away from my router through 1 paper thin wall and 1 floor)14:26
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naschilI've pasted my build errors to the pastebin14:27
naschilthere are quite a few :)14:27
naschiltry using the ndiswrapper driver OxDeadC0de_14:29
kollasomone put http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ in topic :P14:29
naschilinstead of the b43 if that works for you14:29
osccanyone can verify thunderbird addon page is down?14:29
OxDeadC0de_naschil I'm using it now, but ndiswrapper steadily maintains a slower connection to my router than b43, b43 just scales back a lot causing hickups14:29
naschilI have problems with a broadcom card myself, as it is not shown by lscpi, but I have found the ndiswrapper driver gives better preformance usually14:30
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OxDeadC0de_performance kind of sucks tho with ndis, I can get 500kbps from the same sources that I get 700+ kbps in windows, tho that could be a number of things14:31
naschilkolla , why do you want kde 3.5?14:31
naschildo you have 32 bit or 64 bit OxDeadC0de_14:31
OxDeadC0de_64 but I'm running 32-bit mode14:32
naschilsame here14:32
OxDeadC0de_maybe when I get more than 4gb of ram to stick in this thing i'll go grab 64-bit lin ;)14:32
OxDeadC0de_Wb genii!14:33
Dr_willisive had bvery good luck so far with 64bit. :) no real issues that i am aware of.14:33
C0p3rn1cme 214:33
C0p3rn1c64 bit rocks14:33
OxDeadC0de_I used 64-bit fedora before, had no problems, well, real problems, except with flash player (which has since been resolved) - but I compile lots of software and was sick of maintaining 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions of the same libs14:33
OxDeadC0de_and sick of all the extra system flags or configure strings I'd have to figure out14:34
naschilive used 64bit gentoo, but then I switched back to ubuntu, and i didn't want to download both 32 and 64 bit cds at 20kb/s, so I decided to use 32 it14:35
naschilOxDeadC0de_, which b43 driver are you using?14:35
OxDeadC0de_naschil whichever one is installed by jockey14:36
OxDeadC0de_yeah that's the one14:36
=== ADREAL is now known as ADREAL-away
naschilwhich wireless card?14:36
OxDeadC0de_Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)14:37
kollanaschil: because it works14:37
naschilkollo : kde4 works as well14:37
naschili meant : kolla: kde4 works as well14:37
kollanot really14:37
kollathere are just so many things that dont work, is broken or just not possible with kde414:37
naschili dunno, haven't really used kde3 a lot, but what I like about kde4 is that plasma lets compiz draw seperate wallpapers on each cube side14:38
kollathe 4.1.3 fixed many things, but there's still heaploads of stuff not working14:38
OxDeadC0de_naschil I use that too, it's bad ass huh :P14:38
kollawell, I couldnt care less about the plasmafluff, I want working keybindings, icons on my desktop, configurable panels etc etc14:39
naschilkde 4.2 will have very configurable panels14:39
kollayeah sure, but that's next year14:40
OxDeadC0de_what u mean, the panels are configurable, there are icons on the desktop, and keybindings work great for me14:40
kollaalso I like to tell konsole how big it shall be14:40
kolladont grasp why they removed "size" from settings14:40
OxDeadC0de_probably a bug appeared in it and they removed it in time for the release14:41
kollaalso the panels in kde4 takes way to much space14:41
OxDeadC0de_resize them?14:41
kollacannot resize them to 24 pixel hights without breaking icons, system tray, clock etc14:41
nitrospectidei am considering setting up a kubuntu box for a fileserver... can anyone recommend a robust, easy to set up and use backup app that will do scheduled incrementals to an external usb drive? (ie please no command line or apps requiring fidgety setups)14:41
kollathere's also no way to set the colour of the panels without messing with themes14:42
kollawhatever the point of that is14:42
kollaone cannot set gradients/hue etc on the desktop background (even though one can set it for the kdm background)14:43
kolla(I have scripts that change my desktop hue based on alarm level of our surveillance system)14:44
GonenHey guys,14:46
GonenI am using kubuntu version 8.04 and kde 3.5.14:46
GonenYesterday I changed the resolution to 1024 x 768 ,14:46
Goneneverything was OK , but after I reboot my computer , all the fonts became very small (in the Internet , in pidgin and more)14:46
Gonenhere are some examples.14:46
GonenAnyone know what to do?14:46
naschilOxDeadC0de_  what you said about broadcom drivers seems strange to me, as the ndiswrapper driver seems to have been much faster than the bcm43 one14:46
kollaand konversation as a kde3 app misbehaved alot under kde4 - colours all wrong, complaining about missing kio-ldap (for addressbook), clicking on urls brought up firefox instead of konq, clicking on url in about window didnt work at all14:46
OxDeadC0de_well yay amarok4 fixed itself, now adds oggs to the collection, the amarok4-nightly tho crashes quickly after startup.. luckily I got the other version from the other repo wherever that is14:47
naschilOxDeadC0de_ try starting a thread on ubuntuforums for the driver problem14:47
OxDeadC0de_naschil: eh I'll just stick with ndiswrapper and try b43 again in about 1 year :P14:48
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok414:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok214:48
OxDeadC0de_i love that about linux, if it doesn't work right(tm) now, it will.. eventually.. usually..14:49
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kollaand I can go on.. all icon sets seem broken except for the default one (kde-button becomes an arrow), likewice for mouse themes (swapped corner pointers)14:50
kollatranslation is largely missing14:50
OxDeadC0de_Gonen that's an awesome firefox theme, your text doesn't look to small for me, but if you want it bigger, try k menu/system settings/appearance/fonts14:51
kollanorwenglish is funny for a while, but not so long14:51
OxDeadC0de_wth is norwenglish?14:51
naschilwell, I haven't used kde3 really, kolla, but kde4 seems to working quite well for me14:52
kollamixed norwegian and english?14:52
naschilI guess that for some people kde4 is better, and for others kde3 works better14:52
BluesKajyup, kde4 is not for elcheapo onboard graphics14:53
kollaor people who actualyl care about functionality14:53
Dr_willisIm finding kde4 sluggish on my 8800gtxsss14:53
kollahttp://dot.kde.org/1225379191/1225397878/kde41.png  :)14:53
OxDeadC0de_lol, I care a ton about functionality, and kde4 does everything i need14:53
OxDeadC0de_and if it doesn't, I don't complain, I open up a text editor and make a new program to do whatever I need it to do14:54
kollaOxDeadC0de_: really, somehow I find it hard to believe you :)14:54
Dr_willisHmmm.  of course you do.. it does what you need.. thus it has functionality for you...14:54
Dr_williskde4 dosent work how 'i' like to work. :) and ive had other little issues with it. so im using gnome for now14:54
kollaDr_willis: http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/  :)14:54
kollain case you want to mess up your intrepid14:55
JontheEchidnaactually el cheapo graphics cards work better than the hunky ones in some cases14:55
OxDeadC0de_kolla: I run 3 different n64 emulators in wine with dx9, vlc for dvd's, vim in yakuake for text editing, eclipse with java for IDE, openoffice for office crap, compiz for eye candy, amarok for music over pulseaudio, what more do I need?14:55
JontheEchidnaBefore nvidia fixed their drivers I was getting better performance than a GeForce 8 with my Geforce 414:55
kollaOxDeadC0de_: looks like you dont need a desktop at all :)14:56
OxDeadC0de_jontheEchinda don't you love those kinds of "fixes"14:56
scr1bblescan i apt-get the newest openoffice?14:56
JontheEchidnaI don't really care, since I don't have a GeForce 8 :P14:56
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OxDeadC0de_kolla really i don't, but just because I can I use kde4 with the lancelot menu with the favorites on my desktop background, a folder view on my background, cpu usage monitor, cpu frequency scaler, digital clock, systray, the recent devices applet, the task manager, and cairo-dock for sensor information applets on the compiz widget layer14:57
kollaI need a desktop that allows me to organize my files the way I want, that I can configure to suit my workflow, that behaves consistant and rather intuitive14:57
GonenOxDeadC0de_ : I put the all the fonts in k menu/system settings/appearance/fonts on 16.14:57
Gonenbut only the computer fonts changed (the fonts of the title bars , etc) the fonts in the programs are still very small..14:57
Dr_willisI got a Mixed Gnome + kde4 system here.. and im finding odd... issues with gnome and kde4 both sort of conflicting/shareing settings in ways i dont want. :)14:59
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis the only problem with that is having both qt and gtk libraries running at the same time, mucho overhead14:59
OxDeadC0de_otherwise it's really nice to use them both14:59
OxDeadC0de_I used the gnome panel in kde4 when intrepid first came out, to get back a couple applets I missed (sensor info and cpu frequency scaling mainly)15:00
OxDeadC0de_but it was annoying that I couldn't make the gnome panel autohide (I don't mean normal autohide, but rather stay closed with the arrow buttons on an edge corner of the screen)15:01
Dr_willisOxDeadC0de_,   never nioticed that.. :) try setting the default file manager under kde4 to be konqueror,,,, then log into gnome.. the gnome places menu - will now launch Konqueror.... I set it to use nautilus (or rox-filer) and then back to kde.. and KDE would then launch  nautilus, or rox-filer, or whatever i set in gnome....15:02
Dr_willisalso noticed kde and gnome auto-starting stuff that was set to run  in EITHER desktop.. i got 2 network managers going, gnome-do  under kde running,  and so forth..15:03
oldeonein kubuntu8.10 how can i edit the animations of windows15:03
JampiterHi, I have a problem with Kubuntu and KDE415:03
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis lol, sounds fun, I love it when things share settings sure, but sharing all settings sometimes just isn't right15:03
kollawhat's really annoying with kubuntu though is that ~/.kde is used, instead of ~/.kde415:03
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis I can help you fix that network manager one15:03
JontheEchidnaoldeone: System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop effects15:04
Tm_Tkolla: you can control that by yourself, I'm sure15:04
Dr_willisI  was exploring the kde autostart stuff. :)  i think i have it disabled..15:04
Dr_willis but kde is still trying to run gdesklets15:04
kollathis makes it completely impossible to have ~ on fileserver and move between kde3 and kde4 machines15:04
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis you didn't :P, open up /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop in whatever text editor with sudo, add the line:  OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;15:04
kollaTm_T: you're sure?15:04
JampiterI just installed KDE4, and now on the login screen (the default Kubuntu one) I can select it from the menu. It goes through it's loading screen, but the blue K does not appear but instead the screen goes black for a few moments before dumping me back on the login screen. What's going on and how can I remedy this?15:04
Tm_Tkolla: set your KDE4 to use different home, I'm sure15:04
kollaright, and that is done how?15:05
Tm_Tcannot remember exactly15:05
kollabut you're sure15:05
kollahow usefull15:05
Tm_Tit can be done, yes15:05
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis you may be able to solve the gdesklets problem the same way, add a line to a file in /etc/xdg/autostart ^^15:05
oldeonejontheEchidna: tq15:05
Tm_Thow, is not right in my mind15:05
Tm_Tand I afraid I don't have time to find out, kolla, sorry15:06
kollayou need to edit the startkde script15:06
oldeonewent there previously but didnt notice the advanced tab15:06
Tm_Tkolla: that's one way15:06
Dr_willisI did find a 'tweak ubuntu'  tool that has some autostart settings also. :) i wonder if its doing somthing similer.. on a per-user basis15:06
kollaseeems one can set KDEHOME variable15:07
kollaat least on kde-3.5.1015:07
Tm_Tkolla: similar is used in KDE415:07
OxDeadC0de_dr_willis no idea, but I know you can have a ~/.xsessionrc file to autolaunch stuff with x on a  per user basis15:08
Tm_Tkolla: if it's exactly same, thats then nogo15:08
Dr_willisOxDeadC0de_,  been doing that for ages. :) heh heh15:08
kollaso the trick is to sneak in KDEHOME=${HOME}/.kde4 somewhere on all intrepids15:08
OxDeadC0de_mad old-skool ;), I consider someone who even knows about that file pretty pro :P15:09
Tm_Tkolla: perhaps15:09
Dr_willisI thouhg it was just .Xsession  or .xinitrc :)15:09
Dr_willisi dont recall a .xsessionrc15:09
OxDeadC0de_I remember the day I used to launch window maker from it, and a couple other programs.. ok you're right, it's been years since I used either tho15:09
JampiterCan Anyone help?15:09
* Dr_willis points out the 'touch .hushlogin' tip to everyone.....15:09
OxDeadC0de_but who doesn't like the welcome  banner?15:10
Dr_willisWindowmaker is still very nioce in ways.. but ive had issues with it under the last few releases.. it would resize the warf icons down to be like 16x16 size.. not sure what happened.15:10
Dr_willisSilly 'Mint-Linux' even has a "fortune' in there.. and a customized gui tweaker tool to 'disable fortune Y/N (not reccomdnede)' tool... :)15:11
OxDeadC0de_I used it first, back in 98 on old slackware 3.5, then switched to blackbox for years, then gnome once I got a faster computer, and now kde within the past couple months ;)15:11
Dr_willisJampiter,   did you ask a question?15:11
* Dr_willis missed it if you did15:11
JampiterI just installed KDE4, and now on the login screen (the default Kubuntu one) I can select it from the menu. It goes through it's loading screen, but the blue K does not appear but instead the screen goes black for a few moments before dumping me back on the login screen. What's going on and how can I remedy this?15:11
Dr_willisor sles i dident know the answer the fiorst time. :)15:11
OxDeadC0de_jampiter: First check to make sure you have free space, login to a terminal (control+alt+f1), df -h15:12
Dr_willisYou are on Hardy? and just installed  kde4 on it?15:12
OxDeadC0de_jampiter second, if you have space, do sudo rm ~/.Xauthority15:12
JampiterWhat does that do?15:12
Dr_willisremoves a X lock type file that may be messing things up15:12
JampiterOk, i'll try that :)15:13
OxDeadC0de_once a day this same question pops up15:13
JampiterSo it's a known bug?15:14
OxDeadC0de_dunno if anyone's made a bug report yet but I've seen it a couple times already, two were upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, and you're 8.04 now, so that's a bit different.. one turned out to be a stale Xauthority with bad permissions on it, the other was the guy was completely out of hd space15:15
Dr_willisIve had similer issues ages ago with ATI fglrx driver.15:15
JampiterOh! I've booted it up and it's now got the KDE4 logon screen15:15
JampiterOh YES! It works! Thanks guys!15:16
OxDeadC0de_np glad it works ^^15:16
Tm_Thi jono15:16
OxDeadC0de_I think someone ought to make a lil program that reads the output of df -h and tells the user when they're out of hd space at xorg boot - one of the first things that should run, then if they're out of space pause xorg loading and display an error message15:18
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OxDeadC0de_er just df not df -h15:18
oldeonewhats the square box with the word desktop for on Kubuntu8.10?15:19
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: my guess: Virtual desktop switcher?15:19
oldeoneno, it is a large transparent square top left of screen15:20
oldeonei cant drag or move it15:20
oldeonedoesnt do anything15:21
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: Ohh, that's a folderview, it's your ~/home/Desktop folder15:21
OxDeadC0de_right click on the desktop, unlock widgets, then you can move it around15:21
oldeonegawd! u mean i can place files outside of the view?15:22
Koverthardware drivers gui clicking activate does nothing? 8.1015:23
OxDeadC0de_no I mean you can make desktop icons and put them inside the view, make the view bigger or smaller, move it around, no icons on the actual desktop tho15:23
OxDeadC0de_it's the basic replacement for the "desktop icon" age15:23
naschilits much more useful15:24
kollayou mean ~/Desktop?15:24
naschilas in folderview, you can have multiple folders opened in the desktop15:24
kollaoh yes15:24
OxDeadC0de_I already did :%s/~\/home\/Desktop/~\/Desktop ;)15:25
naschil%s ?15:25
kolla% is somewhat too much though15:25
OxDeadC0de_:%s/from/to - substitute command in vim15:25
kollano need to change all occurance all throughout the channel15:25
Kovertcan you activate the hardware drivers withwith out using the gui?15:27
karanhow do you extraxt a plugin from a .zar type of file15:27
kollapersonally I dont see the point in the folderview stuff, I much rather want to set up areas on the actual desktop for where to put the different types of icons15:27
kollaand get rid of the silly grid stuff15:28
oldeonevirtual desktop is a great idea! it can also filter files!15:28
OxDeadC0de_kolla: Try lancelot menu, you can put parts of it on the desktop15:28
oldeoneanyone knows what the plasma dashboard is for?15:29
karanhow do you extract a plugin from a .zar type of file15:29
kollaunzar? :)15:29
Kovertoldeone: ask a more specific question15:29
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: pretty sure that's the "hide all open windows" button (show desktop in win)15:30
Dr_willisI dont thinki ever got lancelot to actully work... :)15:31
OxDeadC0de_oh oldeone: press control+f12, it brings the dashboard up front (all the widgets you have on your desktop)15:31
OxDeadC0de_actually useful sometimes15:31
OxDeadC0de_I did apt-get install plasmoid-lancelot and it works for me15:31
oldeonewhen i hit the plasma widget(cant seem to find the name of the widget) all goes dim and I see the word plasma dashboard15:32
oldeoneyes, same result as the c+f1215:32
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: do you have widgets on your desktop?15:32
OxDeadC0de_like folderview, freq scaler, system monitor, anything like that?15:32
oldeoneyes, notes plasmoid15:32
* kolla is watching the lancelot video and doesnt quite grasp the concept15:33
OxDeadC0de_then that _should_ pop up front, if it's not, then something's broke somewhere15:33
naschilwhenever I try to compile a widget, I get errors like this : error: QtCore/QDate: No such file or directory15:33
naschilit seems I am missing some headers15:34
kollalooks like the point is to have icons flash by without clicking, or something :)15:34
OxDeadC0de_Kolla it's just like the k menu, except more intuative, and you can put parts like the "internet" section or (my favorite) "favorites" on the desktop15:34
kollawell, that doesnt help me much15:34
OxDeadC0de_naschil I have QDate in /usr/include/qt4/QTCore/QDate15:34
kollaI rarely use the menu at all anyhow15:34
karanusing terminal how do you extract .tar bz file15:35
OxDeadC0de_kolla it has an option for no clicking, don't need to use it though15:35
kollatar xjvf file.tar.bz15:35
OxDeadC0de_tar -xvjf file.tar.bz15:35
naschilI have QDate there as well, but gcc doesn't seem to find it15:36
kollawould be nice to see multiselect menues on linux at some point..15:36
kollaon a linux desktop that is15:36
OxDeadC0de_naschil try passing an include directory to configure to point to /usr/include/qt415:36
kollaas in.. select multiple entries from a menu without ever leaving the menu15:37
OxDeadC0de_multiseslect menus?15:37
naschilhow do I do that in cmake?15:37
OxDeadC0de_oh, well, you can have that functionality with lancelot, place a part of it on your dashboard.. then use that, it never closes :P15:37
kollanot very usefull15:37
kollagimp would really benefit from multiselect15:38
kollasince its menues are deep and cumbersome15:38
OxDeadC0de_naschil open up the CMakeLists.txt and add INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(/usr/lib/qt4) (INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES probably already exists so add the new directory to it)15:40
karani want install wine but this comes in the terminal window15:41
karankaran@karan-laptop:~/wine-1.1.6$ \./tools/wineinstall15:41
karanWine Installer v1.015:41
karanRunning configure...15:42
karanchecking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu15:42
OxDeadC0de_karan: Why not use the winehq repo?15:42
karanchecking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu15:42
karanchecking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes15:42
karanchecking for gcc... gcc -m3215:42
karanchecking for C compiler default output file name...15:42
karanconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables15:42
karanSee `config.log' for more details.15:42
karanConfigure failed, aborting install.15:42
OxDeadC0de_karan you need a 32-bit compiler to make wine, it doesn't support 64-bit yet15:42
karanwhere should i download it from15:42
OxDeadC0de_http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb .. if you're insistant on compiling your own, search synaptic15:43
Dr_willisuse the package manager.. :)15:44
Dr_williswinehq has fairly up to date wine packages for ubuntu - at least it used to.15:44
OxDeadC0de_it has 1.1.2 right now it seems15:44
OxDeadC0de_unless I'm using ubuntu's version15:44
oldeonewinehq and winetricks worked well for 7.1015:44
OxDeadC0de_ya I'm using the winehq repo, it's 1.1.215:45
OxDeadC0de_but they also seem to have 1.1.8 in there15:46
OxDeadC0de_I forget, how do i cleanup the .deb's apt downloaded?15:50
OxDeadC0de_nvr mind I love --help15:50
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:53
salohcinHas WPA changed any?15:54
salohcinThe Docs are for 6.1015:54
naschilthx OxDeadC0de_15:54
salohcinAre those still valid?15:55
oldeoneis there a system monitor widget? I cant find any15:56
OxDeadC0de_crap, I have a bit of a problem, I installed wine with apt-get a long time ago, it got stuck at version 1.1.2, now 1.1.8 is in there, so I go to synaptic and install 1.1.8 and find both 1.1.2 and 1.1.8 installed at the same time, and if I apt-get remove wine it only removes 1.1.815:56
OxDeadC0de_am I screwed? (Have to remove by hand or..?)15:57
geosHi! What's the default sound system in Intrepid?15:57
OxDeadC0de_geos in kubuntu it's alsa+arts, in gnome it's alsa+pulseaudio15:57
salohcingeos: phonon with gstreamer or xine . Your choice15:58
geosneed to configure twinkle in kubuntu15:58
salohcinAssuming you have KDE415:58
geosYes, I can choose between ALSA or OSS15:58
geosseems to be alsa...15:59
salohcinWould be by default15:59
naschilI still have a problem compiling plasmoids15:59
salohcinnaschil: What are you Compiling?16:00
geosI tried it but get no sound under twinkle16:00
OxDeadC0de_naschil let me guess, linking errors?16:00
naschilthe comic plasmoid16:00
OxDeadC0de_naschil you may want to add LIBRARY_DIRECTORIES(/usr/lib/qt4) too16:00
salohcinnaschil: It's in the Plasmoids package16:00
oldeonewhere can i find more plasmoid?16:00
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: www.kde-look.org16:00
naschilI know, but I want to make the background transparent, and I want to install more dataengines16:01
naschilUnknown CMake command "LIBRARY_DIRECTORIES".16:01
salohcinoldeone: There is a plasmoids package16:02
salohcin!info kdeplasma-addons16:03
ubottukdeplasma-addons (source: kdeplasma-addons): plasmoids for KDE 4 Plasma - main package. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 390 kB, installed size 1320 kB16:03
naschilyou can also get more plasmoids from kde trunk playground, but these are sometimes unstable and hard to compile oldeone16:03
naschilI managed to compile a lot of plasmoids in hardy, but in intrepid im getting problems16:04
salohcinnaschil: Comic should be in that package16:04
OxDeadC0de_naschil sorry it's link_directories16:04
salohcinoldeone: ^^^16:04
oldeoneerr...i did look at kde-look.org...still looking16:06
OxDeadC0de_oldeone: look at the plasmoids section, the binaries section has quite a few, the scripts you can get by right clicking on the desktop/add widgets/install new/download from internet16:06
BluesKajEureka !, finally  got the xorg.conf file edited properly to run 3D and DRI on ATI x200g onboard graphics (fglrx driver) ..it may also work for other Radeons ...don't ask me about compiz pls because I don't use it at this stage.16:06
naschili just realiesed I there were sill header errors16:07
salohcinBluesKaj: WHoot!16:07
salohcinbluecopper: How goes16:07
* verge-herbage was wondering if anyone has experienced a broken kpackag in intrepid16:09
teo_alguien puede que me ayude aqui con mis problemas con el kubuntu?16:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:09
BluesKajsalohcin: I suppose i should post it on pastebin ...no specific drivers for the monitor tho, just the generic 'configured monitor'16:10
verge-herbagedoes anyone know why kpackage doesn't show 'new' packages?16:10
naschilIm getting linker errors now16:13
naschilundefined reference to `Plasma::Applet::qt_metacast(char const*)' is the first error16:13
salohcinnaschil: are you   trying to compile trunk ?16:13
Tm_Tnaschil: what you are doing?16:14
naschilim trying to compile the comic plasmoid from kde svn, and am getting a bunch of errors16:14
salohcinnaschil: Any reason why you don't wnat to install the package ?16:14
oldeonekde-look.org have stuff but most i found are for superkaramba16:15
naschilyes, as I want to change the source a little to make the background transparent16:15
oldeonee.g. crystal monitor16:15
=== verge-herbage is now known as kpackage-less
OxDeadC0de_naschil you may want to check in #plasma on this server16:15
kpackage-lessdoes anyone know why kpackage doesn't show 'new' packages? Is it just me?16:15
naschilok thx, didnt know it existed :)16:17
OxDeadC0de_dunno I don't use kpackage, I use adept, synaptic, and gnome's update-manager (from time to time)16:17
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BananananaHow Kubuntu differs from a mosquito???16:17
noaXesshow many of you have upgraded to 8.10? is it usable for daily use?16:17
salohcinnoaXess: Grab a Live CD and decide16:18
kpackage-lessOxDeadC0de: thanks, me too, but the layout on kpackage is so much nicer, I wish it was working!16:18
OxDeadC0de_I use 8.10 daily, but I'm .. umm.. I've been using lin since 98 so I can solve any problems16:18
OxDeadC0de_kpackage-less I'll have to try it someday then, when it works ;)16:19
noaXesssalohcin:  i hae 8.04, kde3 and kde4.1.2 and i'm not shure to upgrade to 8.10, cause then i get kde4.1.316:19
salohcinnoaXess: No You get 4.1.216:19
salohcinYou have to enable 4.1.316:20
noaXesssalohcin: but it can't be done unde 8.04.. i think16:20
noaXesscause its in the backports of 8.1016:20
OxDeadC0de_I love amarok's automatic playlist generation16:20
Tm_Tnaschil: yw (;)16:20
salohcinnoaXess: I'm lost are you looking to get 4.1.3 or not ?16:20
noaXesssalohcin: yeha.. but this is only possible with 8.1016:21
salohcinnoaXess: Ah then. Are you linked to the plasma16:22
noaXesssalohcin: ?16:22
salohcinplasma cashew16:22
salohcinThat's patched out in 8.1016:22
oldeoneshould i install superkaramba to make additional widgets work?16:23
Tm_Tsalohcin: patched out?16:23
salohcinoldeone: If you like16:23
salohcinTm_T: Isn't it?16:23
Tm_Tsalohcin: IIRC no, but I might be wrong because I don't use packaged KDE16:23
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OxDeadC0de_erm, anyone want to help me debug this little issue? Background: I installed wine 1.1.2 from the winehq repos in 8.04, then upgraded to 8.10, wine stayed installed but didn't automatically upgrade anymore. I went to synaptic, wine wasn't even selected, so I clicked on it and installed it, now I have 1.1.8 intalled but I had 1.1.2 installed along side of it, so in order to resolve this since I cleaned apt, I downloaded the wine source and did16:25
OxDeadC0de_configure --prefix=/usr/local, make uninstall, now the 1.1.2 version is gone BUT when i type "wine" into the console, I get:bash: /usr/local/bin/wine: No such file or directory .. it should be /usr/bin/wine not local, it's not set in "alias".. where's this set so I can fix it? :P16:25
noaXessare ther some nvidia special settings for kde4?16:30
noaXessto get more power?16:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about powa16:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:31
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde416:31
noaXessis the channel kubuntu-kde4 offline?16:31
salohcinnoaXess: yes16:32
dustin_so I've been using Ubuntu standalone for about a week16:33
dustin_and I have the need to play games now so I was thinking of trying to install a copy of XP for games16:34
dustin_can you guys recommend a way to do it?16:34
dustin_(on an NTFS drive of course)16:34
salohcindustin_: install Windows Xp then follow !grub16:34
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:34
dustin_Windows won't hijack my MBR?16:34
OxDeadC0denever mind, reboot fixed it16:35
dustin_Ahh :D16:35
salohcindustin_: That's why youfollow the link that ubottu just gave you16:35
dustin_Sweet that's not so bad16:35
dustin_it's a shame I can't get my force feedback wheel to work under Linux16:36
dustin_I got TF2 working albeit in DX8.1 only but it's nice to know it works haha16:36
OxDeadC0dedustin_ Can you get it to work in dx9 if you use winetricks to install dx9?16:37
dustin_never tried it actually16:38
OxDeadC0deI like dx9 in wine, works fairly well16:39
Dr_Willis64ive never had much luck with it..16:40
Dr_Willis64not tried latelyhowever16:40
OxDeadC0detry it with the latest winetricks, installed perfectly for me16:40
Dr_Willis64i imagine a lot can depend on the game.16:40
OxDeadC0deand a recent version of wine, i installed it in wine version 1.1.2 - just upgraded to 1.1.8 (Wow that was a hassle upgrading ><, broken packages and all, and I did apt-get clear which removed the now non-existant package I had installed and had to ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make uninstall just to remove the old wine)16:41
dustin_lol I suck at this OS16:42
OxDeadC0debut it works for both versions16:42
salohcindustin_: :-) You'll get better16:42
dustin_if I try to use winetricks to install DX9 and I get a Permission Denied on the file to be downloaded16:43
dustin_I can do it manually? Just downhload it and tell winetricks to install /usr/wahtever/whatever.exe16:43
OxDeadC0dedustin_ Are you using the newest version of winetricks?16:44
dustin_yeah I just installed it16:45
OxDeadC0dedustin_ I just ran winetricks (latest version) with "winetricks" selected directx9 from the list, hit okay, and it's downloading it now.. it places it in ~/.winetrickscache/16:47
OxDeadC0debut you can do:16:48
OxDeadC0decd ~/.winetrickscache16:48
OxDeadC0deif it doesn't exist,  mkdir ~/.winetrickscache ; cd .winetrickscache16:48
OxDeadC0dethen wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/1/f/c1fb09b0-8a8b-45ba-8bb0-64f60bd23175/directx_jun2008_redist.exe , then winetricks, select dx9, it will use that one in the cache16:48
dustin_Ok :D16:49
dustin_permission denied!16:52
dustin_Ahh :d16:52
OxDeadC0deat what point does it give you permission denied?16:53
dustin_dustin@Dustin:~$ sh winetricks directx916:53
dustin_Setting Windows version to win2k16:53
dustin_winetricks: 1510: cannot create /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/set-winver.reg: Permission denied16:53
dustin_oops I should have done that in a group16:53
OxDeadC0detry mkdir /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/16:54
dustin_file exists16:54
dustin_maybe I have to change permissions?16:54
OxDeadC0dechown dustin:dustin /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/* && chmod u+rw /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/*16:55
Dr_willisYou are not running one app as root and others as auser?16:55
Dr_willisor as different users?16:55
dustin_just this one user16:55
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OxDeadC0deif it was a different user it would try ~/.wine , so it wouldn't use his home directory16:55
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dustin_man so weird I can't make a /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/* because permission denied  still16:57
OxDeadC0desudo chown dustin:dustin /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/ && sudo chmod u+rw /home/dustin/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/16:57
OxDeadC0dealso, make sure you arn't out of disk space again :P16:57
dustin_I have lots :D16:58
dustin_there we go16:58
dustin_that worked16:58
dustin_maybe I need to be using sudo for everything then?16:58
dustin_haha :D16:58
OxDeadC0dejust when you're modifying permissions or install/removing global packages or setting up global settings16:58
dustin_there itgoes16:59
=== Lirkkanen is now known as stu
dustin_installation failed hahaha :D16:59
Rioting_pacifistmy reiserfs partition /home is screwed , i cant lauch firefox because i donnt g16:59
OxDeadC0deonce it's installed it should "just work", (or not)16:59
OxDeadC0dewine --version16:59
=== stu is now known as Lirkkanen
Rioting_pacifisthave permision to acces /.gnome217:00
OxDeadC0derioting_pacifist chown user:user ~/.gnome2 -R17:00
OxDeadC0deer, sudo chown user:user ~/.gnome2 -R17:00
Rioting_pacifistjuan@Juan-Hardy:~$ sudo chown juan:juan ~/.gnome2 -R gives :chown: cannot access `/home/juan/.gnome2': Permission denied17:01
dustin_installation failed Hmm17:02
OxDeadC0dedustin_ let me guess, at  Executing wine regedit /home/deadc0de/.wine/drive_c/winetrickstmp/override-dll.reg  ?17:02
dustin_\windows\system32\DirectX\DX46ce.tmp\dxntunp.inf - [WINXP_MIGRATION]' failed17:02
dustin_from the directx log17:02
OxDeadC0deerm, it should be in win2k mode not winxp mode17:03
dustin_it seems to change me to Windows2K17:03
dustin_so that's right then17:03
OxDeadC0dewhere did it fail? I just installed it (again) via winetricks with 1.1.8 and it worked fine, try: sudo chown dustin:dustin ~/.wine -R && chmod u+rw ~/.wine -R17:04
OxDeadC0desudo before the chmod sry17:04
dustin_same problem17:05
dustin_maybe I'll redownload directx17:06
dustin_it says file may be corrupted in the log17:06
dustin_which doesn'tmean a whole lot17:06
dustin_wget http://download.microsoft.com/download/c/1/f/c1fb09b0-8a8b-45ba-8bb0-64f60bd23175/directx_jun2008_redist.exe17:06
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dustin_that's where I got it from17:06
dustin_should be fine :D17:06
OxDeadC0dedustin, do you have mono installed?17:07
dustin_I don't know what mono is sorry17:07
dustin_well besides the disease17:07
dustin_but I got shots as a child17:07
OxDeadC0deit's basically "a port" of .net 2.017:07
dustin_hmm ok what does it do17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono17:08
dustin_sounds like me17:09
dustin_ahh open source .net17:10
dustin_isn't it installed by default on Ubuntu?17:11
OxDeadC0dehmm I have a lot of mono packages installed for 2.0 and 1.017:14
Dis0hey all, i was wondering can i use emerald themes and still have the effects of kde4?17:16
dustin_installing 2.017:16
Tm_TDis0: no17:16
Dis0crap :(17:16
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blekbonsoir a toutes et tous17:16
Tm_Tblek: iltaa17:17
blekdesole mais j'ai un gros probleme une nouvelle distribution m'a ete propose j'ai voulu l'installe et depui kubuntu ne veux plus demarrer17:18
RurouniJones!fr | blek17:18
ubottublek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:18
blekok thank's17:19
RurouniJonesno problem, always helps to have advice in native language17:19
OxDeadC0dedis0 I use emerald themes and compiz for effects in kde417:19
dustin_bah I give up :D17:20
Dis0thanks OxDeadC0de, i think i ll do that17:22
Dis0but i wanted to keep the kde4 effects, since the kde4.2 is coming up17:22
Dis0is compiz working fine in kde4? my computer is not that new...17:23
dustin_hey OxDeadC0de thanks for the help by the way17:23
dustin_awesome :D17:23
OxDeadC0dehey dustin_ try http://wine-reviews.net/microsoft/directx-90c-march-2008-redistributable-on-linux-with-wine.html , and you can winetricks mono 2.0 and 1.0 btw, I also have corefonts, vc6redist, vcredist, dotnet11 dotnet20 dcom98 all installe17:24
OxDeadC0deDis0 compiz works for me just fine17:25
OxDeadC0deoh it's not mono you can install with winetricks, dur, it's actual .net ^^17:25
wilbertneed somehelp here with mobuntu17:25
dustin_ohh :D17:25
Tm_Twilbert: what is mobuntu?17:25
dustin_ok cheers17:26
wilbertwell ie heard there is a ubuntu interface designed for movile smart phones and im interested in that17:26
dustin_I'll be back a little later17:26
dustin_thanks for the help!17:26
OxDeadC0delater dustin_17:26
Tm_Twilbert: what help you need with it?17:26
wilbertknow if my phone packs up with the IOS17:27
Tm_Twilbert: if it's not Linux phone already, I'd say no17:27
wilbertit came with windows mobile in it.  but since its so popular for comercial usage you know.17:28
wilbertany guess of where i could catch some info bout it? Tm_t?17:29
Tm_Twilbert: chances are you cannot easily get Linux in it17:29
edi_99Hey guys, I'm having some problems with my lcd... seems like VCL, dragon and caffeine works ok, but when I watch something it's blinking constantly...what should I do?17:29
wilberti see17:29
Tm_Twilbert: google is best bet, I haven't seen any relevant page related to that17:29
wilbertil link ya if i find something Tm_T17:30
Tm_Twilbert: danke17:30
BluesKajedi_99: which graphics ?17:30
edi_99ati radeon hd something...17:31
Tm_Twilbert: yup, tells nothing really17:31
BluesKajedi_99:  pci or onboard ?17:32
edi_99BluesKaj: pci, I guess it's mounted in my laptop.. any way to check?17:33
wilbertExactly.. thatś why im asking im not sure if its oriwentes for tablets portables. laptops or smaller comps.. since smartphones are considered sometime computers ( since the have OS in them )17:33
BluesKajedi_99:  in the terminal : lspci | grep VGA17:33
wilbertLeveraging the MID17:33
wilbertMIDs typically have the following features and attributes:17:33
wilbert    * Small size/form factor17:34
wilbert    * 4 to 7 inch touch screen17:34
wilbert    * Physical and/or virtual keyboard17:34
wilbert    * Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, WiMAX17:34
wilbert    * 2GB to 8GB Flash or disk storage, 256MB+ memory/512MB+ recommended17:34
wilbert    * OpenGL 3D17:34
wilbert    * USB, camera, head phone jack, speakers, microphone17:34
cengoselamin aleyke vesseletü min kelek vebi eben güzelebek17:34
cengoselamin aleyke vesseletü min kelek vebi eben güzelebek17:34
cengoselam millet17:34
edi_99BluesKaj: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 95c217:34
wilbertthis is the other one i founsd Tm_T17:35
edi_99BluesKaj: It was working just fine untill, like, 10 min ago17:35
BluesKaj!cengo | tr17:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cengo17:35
BluesKaj!tr | cengo17:35
ubottucengo: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.17:35
BluesKajedi_99: did you update ?17:37
Dis0is compiz-fusion installed on kubuntu 8.10?17:38
BluesKajgotta go17:38
edi_99BluesKaj: yup17:38
edi_99BluesKaj: unfortunatelly17:38
OxDeadC0deDis0: sudo apt-get install compiz ccsm compiz-kde fusion-icon17:39
Dis0thanks OxDeadC0de :)17:39
edi_99BluesKaj: any way to fix this17:39
edi_99BluesKaj: please?17:43
Dis0cant find ccsm :/17:44
chairman_my adept 3.0 keep crashing .what's going on?17:45
OxDeadC0dedis0 sorry change the ccsm one to compizconfig-settings-manager17:46
OxDeadC0deedi99 you have a ATI MOBILITY /ATI RADEON HD 343017:47
OxDeadC0deedi99 are you using the ati drivers via the restricted hardware manager?17:47
edi_99OxDeadC0de: yes17:49
chairman_my sypnatics manager keeps getting errors too17:49
OxDeadC0deedi99 are you using compiz?17:49
edi_99OxDeadC0de: hmm..what is compiz?17:50
geoshi How can I change the shortcut for Krunner to <alt>+<space>?17:50
OxDeadC0deedi_99 it's the desktop cube and special fx17:50
edi_99OxDeadC0de: no17:51
edi_99OxDeadC0de: I don't use that17:54
OxDeadC0deedi_99 if you do: alt+shift+f12 does the "flashing" stop?17:54
chairman_anubis i need your help17:54
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OxDeadC0deedi_99 go kmenu/system settings/display - make sure desktop effects are off, try again17:56
edi_99OxDeadC0de: alt+shift+f12 does help17:57
edi_99OxDeadC0de: what does it do?17:57
OxDeadC0deedi_99 looks like you're having a problem with compositing then17:57
OxDeadC0deedi_99 it toggles compositing on and off17:57
anubischairman_: how come?17:57
edi_99OxDeadC0de: what does compositing actually do?17:58
anubiswhats a good program like paint in kubuntu?17:58
OxDeadC0deedi_99 http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/compositing.html17:59
OxDeadC0deanubis: the gimp17:59
edi_99OxDeadC0de: thanks17:59
anubisOxDeadC0de: is that the name of the program or you calling me a gimp?18:00
OxDeadC0deanubis: LoL, don't know you well enough to call you a gimp :P18:00
anubisOxDeadC0de: gimp is gnome?18:02
chairman_for some reason my adept keep crashing.when i bring it up and put in my password it crashes18:02
kottletthi! during the beta / rc phase of intrepid, whenever an application crashed, a popup allowed me to automatically send a bug report... this doesn't happen any more since some last update before the release - is this normal? :)18:02
OxDeadC0deanubis is it? always thought it was just gnu image manipulation program, does it depend on gnome stuff?18:04
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.18:05
Picikottlett: Yes, its normal.18:06
kottlettPici: what a pity... I liked that feature :o)18:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kgimp18:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kimp18:08
ptlanubis: GIMP was one of the very first gnome application, and GTK+, the main gnome library, actually means GIMP Toolkit.18:08
Picikottlett: apport is disabled when the release is.. uh, released.18:09
ptlanubis: it was the flagship application of Gnome18:09
sba61hi, will there be kde 4.2 beta packages available for kubuntu?18:09
ptlsba61: probably18:09
Picikottlett: There are ways to enable it though, take a look at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Apport18:09
sba61ptl: cool tnx18:09
ptlsba61: the big question is when! :)18:09
ptlsba61: I think it is certain that Ubuntu 9.04 will have KDE 4.2, since KDE 4.2 will go out in january and there are lots of time for testing.18:10
OxDeadC0deKde 4.2 is epxected to be released in January, so I'd expect around then there will be a repo or backport or something for it for 8.1018:10
kottlettPici: what is the attitude of the devs / maintainers - are these automatic reports welcome, in general?18:10
ptlOxDeadC0de: that too!18:10
sba61well 4.2 is certainly looking awesome :)18:11
Picikottlett: From what I beleive, they'd only like people who know what they're doing using apport after release time.  I'd think that someone who used it during pre-release would qualify there.18:12
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kottlettPici: sounds good :)18:13
ptl4.1.3 is already a big hit, I can't imagine how good 4.2 will be18:16
ptl4.1.3 is too buggy though18:16
ptlThe numbering is wrong. 4.1.3 should be 3.9.818:17
chairman_i still need help guys18:23
kottlettchairman_: did you try starting it from a shell? any output there?18:26
chairman_ok. where i go to start from a shell. do i go to terminal?18:27
chairman_the reason I asked is got TERMINAL open now18:28
janneHello! I have a problem with speaker-test. It stops when the first speaker18:29
anton_Hello. Does anyone know how to make the text under desktop icons dissapear? I want a clean-look =D18:29
jannesorry it stops with the first speaker and no sound is heard.18:29
chairman_ok i'm in shell now18:29
chairman_now what18:29
kottlettchairman_: try to start the application (what was ist? adept_manager?)18:30
chairman_i did package manager and a error keeps coming up18:32
jannehas someone stumbled on the same problem?18:32
courtjestergso i am messing with my desktop config interesting stuff and effects18:33
courtjestergnyone in here?18:33
anton_Does anyone know how to make the text under desktop icons dissapear?18:33
courtjestergohh it poped up18:33
courtjestergnow its gone now its back18:34
courtjestergnow your gone odd18:34
chairman_kottlett u there G/18:35
kottlettchairman_: from time to time ;) any useful error message?18:35
courtjestergalright when i type the names disappear of the peeps in the chat18:35
courtjestergthen they reappear18:35
figoiao a tutti non riesco a vedere i video sento solo l'audio come faccio ad aggiornare le librerie con i codec ? ? ?18:35
courtjestergodd its only in here i can't even read any of the options in file and ect18:36
courtjesterggraphics  question18:38
courtjestergi got 96 installed should i install up to 177?18:38
glkasleghow do I record voice in kubuntu? I've tried audacity - but it gives me (and has always given me) problems in Linux. Any suggestions?18:38
courtjesterganother question where is the meta key?18:38
chairman_all it said was' sudo apt-get update 'sudo apt-get install -f' and i did that and nothing happened18:38
chairman_and tht was on package manager18:39
courtjestergor is meta a term for keyboard shotcut?18:39
kopertonKde4recording plug in in kde4 ?18:41
chairman_how can i run adept18:48
technikkchairman_ from terminal18:48
anubisso yeah guys whats a good picture app for kde?18:49
chairman_what do i type tech?18:50
anubissomething of the paint in windows genre18:50
technikkanubis gimp and only gimp .... it`s the best app :)18:50
anubistechnikk: but gimp is gnome mate?18:50
anubissudo apt-get install gimp or what?18:51
technikkit`s working fine in KDE to18:51
technikkjes sudo apt-get install gimp18:51
anubisok but if its crap im haxoring your box18:51
technikkok my friend18:51
Lirkkanenanubis http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-introduction-whats-new.html18:53
edi_99hi guys is there any way to use itunes on kubuntu?18:53
anubisgimp is nice18:54
chairman_tech what do i type for adept 3.0?18:55
ActionParsnipyo yo yo18:56
anubisLirkkanen: thx18:56
TimorekI have kubuntu 8.10 where in this distribution I can enter KDM theme manager?18:57
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:57
Lirkkanennp :-)18:57
TimorekAnybody can hellp me?18:58
chairman_i still need help w/adept?!18:59
Timorekwhere I can enter KDM theme manager?18:59
Timorekin kubuntu 8.10?19:00
Timoreksomebody can tell something?19:03
TimorekHello people this is officeal Kubuntu support...19:03
Timorekno kurde jak mi nie pomozecie to zrobie wam kupe na srodku pokoju19:04
Timorekale ja mam zainstalowane ;]19:04
chairman_good i need help in adept 3.0 and i need my desktop viewer back. how can i get these back?PLEASE19:04
Timorektylko nigdzie tego nie mam19:05
Timorekoto co jak wpisze kcontrol w konsoli19:05
Timorekbash: kcontrol: polecenie nieodnalezione19:06
Timorekco mam zrobic? : ]19:06
technikkchairman_ what is your version of kubuntu?19:06
technikkTimorek english please :/19:06
TimorekThat what's I'm get when I type in terminal kcontrol19:07
Timorek<Timorek> no kurde jak mi nie pomozecie to zrobie wam kupe na srodku pokoju19:07
Timorek[20:04] <technikk> Timorek19:07
Timorek[20:04] <technikk> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KDM+Theme+Manager?content=2212019:07
chairman_interpid ibex 8.10!19:07
technikkadept 3.0 is shiped with 8.10 version19:07
technikkand what is your problem with adept?19:09
technikkyou can`t start it ir what?19:09
courtjestergI GOT A KEYBOARD QUESTION19:09
chairman_i got it here but every time when i brring it up and type my PW  it crashes for some reason .it don't show up on the screen or nothing19:10
ActionParsnip!caps | courtjesterg19:10
ubottucourtjesterg: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:10
ActionParsnip!ask | courtjesterg19:10
ubottucourtjesterg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:10
courtjestergi went to the different layouts for keyboards wonder i got a logitech keyboard usually it would show when caps are enable and alot of shortcuts aren't working on the keyboard tryed all the different options none work19:10
technikkchairman_ try to reinstall adept19:11
courtjestergi got the logitech elite duo19:11
TimorekI don't have anywhere K control center even!!19:11
technikksudo apt-get install -f19:11
technikksudo apt-get update19:12
technikksudo apt-get install adept19:12
ActionParsniptechnikk: yuo can put commands on the same line and seperate with &&19:13
technikkit will install all adept apps & dependencies19:13
ActionParsniptechnikk: sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install adept19:13
technikkofcorse :)19:13
ActionParsnip&& means 'do next step if previous step passed'19:14
courtjesterganybody had troubles with there keyboard and getting all functions if so how did you do it?19:14
chairman_do i type tht together19:15
CarolinaSwampanyone upgraded to 8.10? if so, any issues?19:15
technikkdon`t type the first one19:15
courtjestergi swear this chat room is helpless for getting help if you need to do something no advice just do it your self19:15
technikkjust last two commands19:16
technikkchairman_ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install adept19:16
LirkkanenTimorek: Try "Alt-F2" and type "KControl"19:16
ActionParsnipCarolinaSwamp: was flawless here19:17
CarolinaSwampActionParsnip: glad to hear that - i have always had issues with my wireless card so im hesitant to switch19:17
extacywhere the hungary chanel? :D19:18
ActionParsnipCarolinaSwamp: what wifi do you have?19:18
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál19:18
CarolinaSwampActionParsnip: broadcom chipset on my HP dv9000 laptop19:18
ActionParsnipCarolinaSwamp: what does lspci say it is?19:18
chairman_all it says is; type 'software-properties-kdesoftware-properties-kde' is not known on line 65 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list19:19
CarolinaSwampBCM 431219:19
thomaswas ist19:20
chairman_with the letter E: in front19:20
CarolinaSwampActionParsnip: fwcutter didnt work in the past, and i always had to use ndiswrapper or some other workaround.  i'll do some research and see if they added support for 431219:20
ActionParsnipCarolinaSwamp: i'd check the compatibility, you could always run it in live environment to test19:21
CarolinaSwampActionParsnip: good idea, i'll try that19:22
ActionParsnipCarolinaSwamp: you may find the config gets carried over19:23
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chairman_ok guys . i got my destop viewer back but i still have this crash problem w/adept on ibex19:32
chairman_it don't want to come up when i type the PW and when i type those commands in terminal nothing happens\19:33
bipolarDoes anyone know if there is a backport of the sierra module to hardy? I've just received 3 at&t laptop connect cards that I need to get working and it seems I need an updated module.19:34
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ActionParsnipchairman_: sudo apt-get --purge remove adept && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install adept19:36
chairman_Action do i type ttht together or separate?19:37
ActionParsnipchairman_: thats the whole command19:38
ActionParsnipchairman_: please tab complete my name too so I know you are talking at me19:39
chairman_i'm typing it in now19:39
chairman_ActionParsnip command not found19:42
ActionParsnipchairman_: at what part19:43
chairman_at the beginning after chairman@ubuntu:~$ :19:45
ActionParsnipchairman_: sudo apt-get --purge remove adept19:47
courtjestergwith themes when installing new themes how do you do it? I don't even see an option besides you click install goes to unistall but then how do you get it to show up?19:47
Jason_COi have a hard drive in a USB drive tray attached to my kubuntu Intrepid comptuer -- how would i SECURELY erase and format the drive?19:48
=== sean is now known as Guest65394
ActionParsnipchairman_: did it remove?19:49
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ActionParsnipJason_CO: you can get disk scrubbers19:49
Jason_COan you suggest one?19:49
courtjestergnevermind fuguired it out19:49
ActionParsnipJason_CO: theres a few on the ultimate boot cd19:50
chairman_ActionParsnip ...No. it just says type software-properties-kdesoftware-properties-kde19:50
chairman_is not known on line 65 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list19:50
ActionParsnipJason_CO: http://ask.metafilter.com/106287/How-can-I-monitor-a-disc-rewrite-process-in-Ubuntu19:51
ActionParsnipJason_CO: you need to do it i live cd19:51
ActionParsnipchairman_: sudo apt-get -f install19:53
chairman_same thing19:55
ActionParsnipchairman_: can you give a pastebin of command and error19:55
toborHi all - does anyone know what PythonPath is supposed to be set to under Kubuntu?19:56
toboror failing that, whats the URL for the Kubuntu wiki, please ?19:57
ActionParsnipchairman_: if i can see the whole error itd be dead useful20:00
ActionParsnip!paste | chairman_20:00
ubottuchairman_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)20:00
=== afiestas is now known as afiestas_ofi_afk
chairman_did uget it20:05
edi_99hey guys... I have a laptop and integrated speakers....i hear sound if I have earphones plugged in, otherwise not. Alsa is all the way to the max20:17
edi_99what seems to be the problem?20:17
chairmanhey i got it saved on my kde crash aahndler\20:32
chairmanthe bug from adept20:33
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Coggzcan anyone help me with a vnc issue, i need to know how to forward it over a dynamic ip through a router20:36
sorush20how do I find out which version of kde I am using from the terminal ?20:37
Coggzsorush20: dpkg -l | grep 'kde' (i think)20:40
sorush20I'm using kubuntu 8.10, I have openoffice.org 2.4.1-11ubuntu2, I'm using kde 4.1.3, I have installed all the relevant packages. When I right clickn anywhere on the page in openoffice.org. writer the application crashes. Is there a similar bug out there can I do anything about it?20:40
Lokiasehello, can someone help me with the audio in amsn?20:46
Lokiasei need to install something it says20:46
luke_sorush20: did that command work?20:50
sorush20luke_: yes it did but I have to make the kde exact20:52
tmpsera  atutti20:56
genii-around!it | tmp20:57
ubottutmp: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:57
luke_can anyone help me vnc over a dynamic dns through a router?20:59
genii-aroundluke_: Get some dynamic dns service like dyndns  and then run a client for it on the machine behind the router. Then forward your vnc ports like 5800,5801 and 5900,5901 to the internal IP of that box, which should be always assigned the same IP by mac address from your router21:05
genii-aroundSome routers even themselves have the dyndns client, etc21:05
gersonalguien de latino america21:18
wanjasomebody from germany here?21:18
genii-around!es | gerson21:18
ubottugerson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:18
genii-aroundwanja: There is also a German channel21:19
wanjai dont know where21:19
wanjaand how to find21:19
wanjagenii may you tell me how to find?21:19
genii-around!de | wanja21:21
ubottuwanja: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:21
genii-aroundwanja: bitte21:21
plip78hi guys, does anyone know if the wubi can install KDE?21:26
genii-aroundplip78: Yes it can21:27
plip78cheers genii-around :) just dont want to muck up the partition i have lol21:29
plip78made a boo boo once lol21:29
plip78any ideas when mubi is on for release?21:29
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sedat__merhaba arkadaslar21:31
sedat__türk kim var  acep21:32
genii-around!tr | sedat__21:32
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genii-aroundsedat__:  /j #ubuntu-tr21:35
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Rioting_pacifistmy computer spends 10 seconds fscking every boot up (5 on / and 5 on /home i think (both reiser))! 1) can i change it to fsck both in parrallel, 2) can i use the CPU thats idle to do something usefull during this time, 3) why does it need 5 seconds to tell me the driver doesnt need checking21:54
=== luciano is now known as lucio123
m_tadeuis there a way to make kde3 apps look like kde4 in intrepid?22:06
ubuntu_can anyone help me with a floppy problem?22:07
ubuntu_just a few words please22:08
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azazylkanenas re paidia?22:09
azazylkanenas Ellinas?22:09
=== dad is now known as sburwood
jcfp!gr | azazyl22:10
ubottuazazyl: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:10
=== erwin is now known as erwin_
=== erwin_ is now known as erwin__
erwin__does anyone know how to define the window size in konsole 2.1 (kde 4.1.2 intrepid)?22:34
cuzbuntui would best define it as rectangle like22:38
erwin__thanks. hadn't thought of that.22:39
erwin__anyone else?22:40
* jackie4u waves hello22:44
ravhello. is it still possible to have KDE4 in parallel with KDE 3.5.10 in hardy?22:45
matt__ive been running ibex since alpha and its fully upgraded and adept still doesnt work22:45
matt__itll start to run and the fade out22:45
jackie4uin hardy u can run kde3.5 parallel with kde4 ... about ibex not sure22:47
ravmatt__: i didn't like adept in KDE4. I just went with trusted old aptitude22:47
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matt__yeah just wanted to try it outnall the hype n what not22:48
matt__i just got it to work lol22:49
ravmatt__: it's very counter-intuitive for my taste22:49
matt__i purge removed it22:49
matt__and reinstalled22:49
matt__and it worked lol22:49
ravif I install KDE4 in parallel with 3.5.10 in hardy, will kdm be replaced by the KDE4 version?22:50
cuzbuntuRandom Fortune: Linux: Where Don't We Want To Go Today? -- Submitted by Pancrazio De Mauro, paraphrasing some well-known sales talk22:51
wolfjbI may have a need to move to 64 bit from my current 32 bit install. Do I have to totally reinstall or is there a safe apt-get upgrade path to get me there?22:53
Kernelhmm my flash in firefox stops working after i leave firefox open for a while....i goto watch a video on youtube or something and the video just wont play...other times the video will play but the sound will just skip repeadetly22:57
Kernelis there anything i can do?.....i know flash and linux still suck together22:57
Rioting_pacifisthow to i get a boot log ive set bootlogd as a demon to start at runlevel s, but /var/log/boot is still empty22:57
Rioting_pacifistKernel: Ive heard that the latest pluginwrapper has a workaround for flash crashing, but i think if your on x86 it will bring more trouble than its worse, other than that toggling hardware accelleration helps22:59
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jack_hi, help pleas, how to kill KDE?23:03
bp44what do you mean by "kill KDE"?23:04
rickestjack_: ctrl-alt-backspace maybe23:04
jack_I need to stop it. Becose i have to update it. I have problem with update and i need shutdown KDE to unlock any files.23:04
dwidmann_I wonder if this has anything to do with it:23:05
jack_"ctrl-alt-backspace maybe" isnt it only reboot?23:05
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:05
jack_ok i go to try it thanks.23:06
courtjestergproblem dunno where it came from sure it has to do with this os, started yesterday when i had to even do a fresh reinstall of the os cause firestarter firewall dunno how clocked me from booting into the os? Maybe i should of did a recovery didn't think. Anyway after that my cd/rewrite drive started making funning noises and it disappeared from the bios menu when detecting ide drives, i cleared my cmos once it came back now its23:10
courtjesterggone again and doesn't even open up or light up anybody can give any insight into what is going on or how i can fix? Been trying to detect it in my bios.23:10
courtjestergi was getting an srst failed erro=16 for the longest time at boot23:12
courtjestergaand it would fail only option was to restart23:12
courtjestergbelieve the error was the cd/write23:12
ravcourtjesterg> firestarter usually locks up everything when you start it. it's not a good firewall manager IMHO23:12
ravcourtjesterg: locks every port, I mean23:13
courtjestergit said failed todetect device23:13
courtjestergyeah rav this was a restart i wasn't even int he os yet it suck lol23:13
courtjestergmaybe main consern is the rewrite able drive23:13
ravcourtjesterg: the firewall is enabled during boot23:14
courtjestergi wonder if i cleared my cmos again which is a pain in my butt to open the computer and switch the swtich of the pins back and forth23:14
courtjestergi am not using the firestarter as my firewall haven't choose a new one yet23:14
ravcourtjesterg: try a live cd, to see if it's really a hardware problem23:15
courtjestergnext question maybe this can help is there a program in the os that can detect hardare or maybe i do not have the drivers for it?23:15
courtjestergits not even lighting up23:16
courtjesterga live cd? the os is isntalled on my hardrive not booting from a live cd i took windows out all the way23:17
ravcourtjesterg: http://www.knoppix.net best hardware detection i've seen23:17
ravcourtjesterg: if you use a liveCD and it works, then you just have a broken installation and no hardware problems23:18
jcdcourtjesterg: Check that your bios does see the CD drive first. It it can't then your CD is certainly toasted ... Else you can try a live CD as hinted above.23:20
courtjestergalright thanks23:23
aleiteHello guys..23:26
aleiteDo you know where I can get a package of cmake 2.6.2? KDE trunk now needs it23:26
JontheEchidnaaleite: enable intrepid-backports23:27
aleiteJontheEchidna: Thanks!23:28
ReAp3ri need some help accessing an NTFS drive.. someone please PM//23:31
ReAp3rplease ?23:31
ravReAp3r: if it works, it should be on Storage Media. Click on it to mount it23:33
ReAp3rit comes up in dolphin but it wont access..23:33
ReAp3riv done it before on fedora23:33
ReAp3rthrough terminal23:33
ReAp3rmkdir /mnt/win23:33
ReAp3rmount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/win23:34
ReAp3retchowever in ubuntu now i cant seem to find dev name of NTFS drive23:34
ReAp3rnew to ubunti by the way .. Sorry23:34
ravReAp3r: hover the mouse over it on dolphin, the device should be on the info23:35
aleiteJontheEchidna: it didn't work... :-(23:35
aleitemade a apt-cache policy...23:35
aleiteonly shows cmake 2.6.0 from ubuntu's23:35
ReAp3rno joy.. just says Volume (ntfs)23:36
ravReAp3r: try 'df' on a console23:37
JontheEchidnaaleite: did you apt-get update?23:37
a_sorry testing the new irc have question but23:37
a_how do i install a program i downloaded anyone please?23:38
aleiteadded intrepid-backport main restricted multiverse universe23:38
a_a .run or a .tar,bz223:38
aleiteis something missing?23:38
ReAp3r*ntfs drive not shoowing up with the "df command23:38
a_any links?23:39
rava_: for simple install, get *.deb packages. if you download *.tar.bz or *.tar.gz, you probably have to compile the program23:39
a_hey i didnt make an acount on this Konversation irc thing is it showing or what?23:39
a_oh it is xD23:39
a_i didnt see .deb but they were all specific games this time any tutorials?23:40
ReAp3ra_: whats OS are you using ? and what is the file extention you want to install ?23:40
ReAp3rok, and the intall file ext ?23:40
a_.run and .tar.bz223:40
a_they were billed as "installers"23:41
a_i dunno command promts but i am smart if you tell me exactly (yeah tar and .run as well)23:41
ReAp3ryou can do it from terminal23:41
rava_: unpack the *.tar.bz2 there's probably instructions inside23:41
a_ok will do that thanks (see i am dum too xD)23:42
ubuntu_How can I restore the default rights of /home on my /dev/md0 mountet as /home?23:42
ReAp3rsudo tar -jxvf  file.tar.bz2 -C /dir23:42
rava_: i'd guess the *.run is a script to install, but that is just a guess23:42
ReAp3rrm file.tar.bz223:42
a_ohy no wait23:42
a_the .runs will only open with text or "other app"23:42
rava_: probably a shell script, then23:43
ReAp3r.run just ques it23:43
a_blank again23:43
* ubuntu_ needs the /home default rights :(23:43
ReAp3ryou shoiuld notice a substantial size difference23:43
ravubuntu_: you mean permissions?23:43
ubuntu_Yes! Sorry rav!23:44
ReAp3rsudo -s23:44
ubuntu_Of course the permissons!23:44
ReAp3rand pass for root23:44
a_queues it?23:44
ReAp3rthat sa pain with ubuntu23:44
ReAp3rno root shell23:44
a_ques it means hits it with a stick xD23:44
ReAp3r;) Tuche salesman23:44
a_go explain pls pls23:45
ReAp3rthe tar.bz2 file needs to be installed through terminal as far as i know with ubuntu23:45
a_whats that "terminal"? dos prompt or...?23:45
ReAp3ra_ - PM23:45
ravubuntu_: drwxr-xr-x for my /home23:46
yunoshhi. after upgrading to 8.10/kde 4.1/the new adept i can no longer see the changelog of packages, neither in synaptic. how do i get this back?23:48
ubuntu_rav? chmod drwxr-xr-x for my /home?23:48
ravyunosh: i gave up on adept, i stick to aptitude23:48
yunoshyeah, it's pretty much a step back. i23:48
ravubuntu_: why did the permissions get changed in the first place?23:49
yunoshand i didn't experience the developers as being helpful either23:49
ravyunosh: I saw potential on adept in kde 3.5.10. all gone for kde423:49
ubuntu_rav: I had problems with my raid /dev/md0 (mirror). I saved all data on F32 :( Now all permissons are lost... .23:50
yunoshi'm glad that i'm not the only one23:50
ravubuntu_: sudo chmod 755 /home23:54
ubuntu_drwxr-xr-x  = 755?23:55
ravubuntu_: yes23:56
ubuntu_Okay. Thank you rav, I#ll try it out.23:56
ravubuntu_: and for backups, i like to use tarballs. they preserve permissions23:57
ubuntu_Till yet I tried a lot! Also this combination I think.23:57
ubuntu_Ah! Cool rav! This what i didnt knowed :(.23:57

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