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gnomefreakwgrant: thanks for the help last night, changing version worked. However i had to retry all of them a bunch of times due to build systems chroot failed a bunch of times on all packages. it was due to kernel version lower than the one needed.07:59
wgrantgnomefreak: Right, that's normal for Jaunty at this point.08:04
wgrantThings do break - that's why you're not meant to run it on your own machine just yet.08:05
gnomefreakah ok08:05
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: henninge
gnomefreakit wasnt my fasult though it was the buildd on PPA that gave chroot errors jaunty here is running fine as main and chroot08:06
wgrantChroot errors are never your fault.08:06
gnomefreakah ok08:08
wgrantThat could probably be described better.08:09
wgrantI wonder if there's documentation on all of those statuses.08:09
Hobbseedon't think so08:12
Hobbseealthough I think there was talk about getting some documentation written.08:13
Hobbseeages ago08:13
wgrantMaybe we can steal stuff from the dev wiki once more of it is public.08:14
Hobbseethat might be cool08:17
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wgrantIs being a Chinese autoresponder that doesn't set a charset enough to get kicked off launchpad-users?09:21
* mrevell looks09:23
wgrantThey're not sent to the list itself.09:23
wgrantBut you might have one from your email not too long ago.09:23
mrevellwgrant: Oh right. Wanna PM me the sender's email addr?09:24
wgrantIn fact, it's a plaintext message followed by an HTML one, in the same part, without a charset, with content-type text/plain. Smart.09:24
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savvasusing launchpad's PPA, does anyone know if I copy the built binaries from intrepid to hardy, will they work properly?12:07
gesersavvas: have you checked if the dependencies are available in hardy?12:08
bigjoolssavvas: depends on the binaries12:08
geserbecause even if it works you might not be able to install them12:09
savvasit's for secret maryo chronicles, 1.6 version: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive12:09
savvasI think they have the same package dependencies12:09
savvaslet me check12:09
savvasthanks btw :)12:09
savvaswell, it looks ok, I'll try it on a virtual machine later12:13
savvasgeser, bigjools: in case it doesn't work, is there a way to use the already upload .orig.tar.gz, but make a build for hardy? (sorry for the highlight)12:20
gesersavvas: I guess only uploading a new .diff.gz (with the matching .dsc) targeting hardy should work12:24
savvasok, I'll give it a try afterwards, thanks!12:25
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* henninge -> lunch12:38
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mrevellhey wgrant, still around?13:54
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kikomrevell, remind me who the user is that does the import of +text bug renderings periodically?14:39
mrevellkiko: Hmm, I don't know, I'm afraid.14:40
awilkinsAre there any plans for wiki features in LP?14:40
kikoawilkins, plans but no dates :-/14:41
awilkinsDoes that include trac-style integration of the wiki processor into all the other modules like issue descriptions?14:41
awilkinsOr is that something planned for a later date? ;-)14:42
awilkinskiko: I'm currently reviewing collaboration systems for my employer ; we've got at least three bespoke special-purpose issue trackers that I want to kill off and replace with a cusomization of something14:43
kikoawilkins, it would include trac-like intergration, yeah -- you'd be able to use a subset of wikitext more generically.14:44
awilkinskiko: Robert Collins may have sent you a mail about me ("The UK NHS wants us")14:44
kikoawilkins, I know, I am getting to your email in my inbox!14:44
awilkinskiko: Heh, backlog city14:44
kikoawilkins, 433 unread14:44
kikotravelling kills me14:44
awilkinskiko: I'm told that SFEE is one of the options on the table because a contracted project is using it... I've not so far been able to actually download it, our web proxies are being especially awful this week14:45
awilkinsI have my doubts about being able to poke it's soft underbelly to see how it ticks though14:45
kikoawilkins, you'd really be crazy to use SFEE instead of Launchpad, though I guess it depends on whether you really need a self-hosted solution or not.14:46
awilkinsI know it's PHP but the demo is a VM and I bet it's an encrypted FS or something14:46
awilkinskiko: I'm not sure we can justify not self-hosting14:46
awilkinskiko: I;m sure there would be a contingent that would find it politically unacceptable14:47
kikoawilkins, same contingent that uses salesforce for tracking contacts? :)14:47
kikoawilkins, or google for searching through enterprise content?14:48
awilkinsI doubt it, this is a government agency ; I think salesforce would be a bit "advanced"14:48
kikoawilkins, or plaxo for managing business cards?14:48
kikomaybe. I just used those examples to point out that people actually do use stuff that's "out there"..14:48
kikoit'll be hard to find a group producing a tool that is as eager to provide you with a good solution as launchpad, though.14:49
awilkinsWe do have atrociously bad internal solution14:49
awilkinskiko: I like LP, but I think it would need extending for our needs ; we'd probably need to put in some bridges to existing systems and support for different classes of issue with different workflows14:50
awilkinskiko: I think the same thing is probably true of anything we adopt14:51
awilkinsWhen I get home I may actually be able to get a full download of this accursed SFEE VM.14:51
awilkinsThis allegedly has custom workflow14:51
kikoawilkins, it does depend on how custom you need to be, but launchpad does offer APIs and machine-readable exports to make integration easy14:52
awilkinskiko: I do like the fact that it's probably one of the few "forges" which started life in the web 2.0 era.14:54
awilkinskiko: This makes me more optimistic about the modularity of its internal design14:54
awilkinskiko: And using it has been a pleasant experience so far.14:55
kikoawilkins, that's cool to hear. if you want me to help you pitch it internally then we can try -- just keeping in mind that the non-self-hosted meme is a hard battle :)14:55
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Aron_kiko: ping15:14
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savvasfor PPA, does the original .changes filename have to be used as 'smc_1.6-1.0_source.changes' or can I rename it to 'smc_1.6-1.0_hardy.changes' ?15:17
cprovsavvas: they have to end up with '_source.changes'15:20
cprovsavvas: why would you rename it, genchanges uses this convention.15:21
thekornhi, is it possible to get a list of all bugs which have been converted into a question?15:21
savvascprov: I've uploaded an intrepid build, and I want to rebuild it for hardy15:22
savvascprov: so.. I just use dput -f to upload the source.changes again, but for hardy this time?15:22
cprovsavvas: rebuilds require a new source version.15:23
cprovsavvas: you will have to build a new source.15:23
savvascprov: and re-upload smc_1.6_orig.tar.gz ?15:24
savvas* smc_1.6.orig.tar.gz15:24
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cprovsavvas: no, the orig.tar.gz is already there you don't need to upload it again15:46
cprovsavvas: build the source with `debuild -S` only15:46
savvasok I'll try15:47
savvasthanks cprov :)15:52
cprovsavvas: you're welcome.15:56
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BjornTthekorn: no, it's not easy to get a list of the converted questions. is this a one-time thing, or would you need this info regurarly?16:13
simmerzhi. i created a PPA before signing the code of conduct, but I now can't see where to activate it.16:17
simmerzanyone have any ideas?16:21
persiaWhoever is responsible for debdiffs being two clicks away from the uploaded packages list: thank you very much.  I've a related feature request that closed bugs be clickable from the short-form publishing history.  Is that a bug against Malone?16:22
persiaOr against Soyuz?16:23
mrevellsimmerz: Have you tried https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+archive16:23
savvashandy shortcut16:25
* savvas takes notes16:25
simmerzmrevell: yes. that page comes up. gives me deb and deb-src lines16:26
simmerzbut I get a 404 clicking on the deb location16:26
mrevellsimmerz: Have you uploaded anything yet?16:27
bigjoolsyou need to upload something before the archive is created16:28
simmerzmrevell: just have about 5 mins ago. so hopefully that'll build and go in?16:28
mrevellsimmerz: Should do. Give it a few minutes.16:29
mrevellsimmerz: to an hour16:29
simmerz:) thanks.16:29
simmerzoh. rejected16:30
simmerzdebuild -S -sa has apparently decided that the distribution is unstable and the error is that it couldn't find "unstable"16:33
simmerzhttps://launchpad.net/~tom+launchpad-initforthe/+archive :)16:41
tgm4883_laptopis there a way to clean out some cruft from a projects code section?  Seems we have some old cruft listed here that doesn't belong to us  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu16:46
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beunotgm4883_laptop, for the branches you own, you can go to the branch's page and click on the red icon next to the title to delete it16:53
tgm4883_laptopbeuno, yea, but what about the branches that we dont'?16:54
tgm4883_laptopwe don't know this guy16:54
beunotgm4883_laptop, those are owned by other people, so you can't delete them16:54
tgm4883_laptopok, is there a reason for someone being able to do this then ^16:55
beunotgm4883_laptop, actually, your comment makes me think we may want to distinguish "official" branhces from random branhces16:55
beunotgm4883_laptop, yes, free software!16:55
tgm4883_laptopcause if there is a good reason for that i can get over it being there16:55
beunoanyone can push branches16:55
tgm4883_laptopI'm just a little OCD and like things clean16:56
beunotgm4883_laptop, if the project's branches where highlighted, would that work for you?16:56
beunotgm4883_laptop, feel like filing a bug for it?   I think it's a good idea, and I'll talk to the right people to make it happen16:57
tgm4883_laptopyep, i'll file a bug about it16:57
tgm4883_laptopone question on bugs, then i'll leave16:57
beunotgm4883_laptop, thanks. Point me to the bug # afterwards16:57
beunosure, you can even stick around!16:57
tgm4883_laptopthanks ;)16:57
tgm4883_laptopbugs can be targeted to milestones, but as far as I can tell, once that milestone is reached you still have to manually change the bugs from "fix commited" to "fix released", is this the intent?16:58
beunoyes, although that is likely to change the in the future16:59
beunowhen you can say "this milestone is released"16:59
tgm4883_laptopthat will help a lot17:00
tgm4883_laptopok, one more question17:00
tgm4883_laptopsorry I lied17:00
tgm4883_laptopIs there currently a way (or should I file a blueprint), that would make a release notes page that automatically grabs fixed bugs, blueprints, etc and puts them on a single page?17:01
tgm4883_laptopIt would make release notes alot easier to make by auto grabbing everything that was targeted to a release.17:02
beunotgm4883_laptop, there isn't anything like that17:03
beunobut, file a bug for it as well, it sounds like something we want to have17:03
tgm4883_laptopit's a blueprint then ;)17:03
tgm4883_laptopbug or blueprint?17:03
kabotagehow come the bugs i filed got deleted? i filed two bugs and now its gone?17:03
henningekabotage: do you have a project or even bug number?17:04
beunotgm4883_laptop, bugs are better for us at the moment17:04
henningekabotage: what is your lp  user name?17:04
tgm4883_laptopbeuno, ok, will do17:05
kabotagei just reported a bug a couple of hours ago.17:05
tgm4883_laptopfrick, one more thing17:05
tgm4883_laptopman, these just keep coming to me17:05
beunotgm4883_laptop, keep them coming17:05
kabotagehenninge: its kabotage17:05
henningekabotage: and the project you filed the bug for?17:06
kabotagecrashes on kmix and dolphin17:07
tgm4883_laptopis the launchpad janitor broken?  Our project has marked that we want bugs that autoexpire to actually expire, but they stay around and never expire.  We have 25 bugs that can autoexpire, but wont.  We have this that was set to autoexpire 125 days ago https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/15161217:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 151612 in mythbuntu "Remote not supported" [Wishlist,Incomplete]17:07
beunotgm4883_laptop, it's currently disabled17:08
beunoit will be fixed soon17:08
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tgm4883_laptopbeuno, ok, thanks17:11
henningekabotage: hm, there must be some misunderstanding. There is no bug reported by you for dolphin.17:11
tgm4883_laptopdang it, one more17:12
henningekabotage: and bugs are never deleted.17:12
tgm4883_laptopbut this one isn't from me, but someone that hit our mailing list17:12
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henningekabotage: also there is no kmix project, only jackmix and jackmixer.17:12
henningekabotage: Maybe you didn't complete the report?17:13
tgm4883_laptopIs it possible to have launchpad remind people (when reporting a bug) to include the version number that they are using?  It would be fine if it were a text field that could be left blank, or just a reminder that goes into the reporting text box which the user could erase or leave as is...17:13
tgm4883_laptopbeuno, bug 29728717:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297287 in launchpad "Code section of projects should distinguish project branches from random branches" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29728717:14
beunotgm4883_laptop, very much appreciate dfor the bug17:14
beunotgm4883_laptop, there is something about that17:14
beunoallenap would know17:14
kabotagehenninge: how come? i just filed two and i can still see the summary title that i put.17:16
henningekabotage: what's the title?17:16
allenaptgm4883_laptop: For projects, project groups and distributions some bug reporting guidelines can be set.17:18
allenaptgm4883_laptop: These appear underneath the Further Information box when filing a bug.17:18
kabotagehenninge: The application KMix (kmix) crashed and caused the signal 6 (SIGABRT) and Dolphin Crashed While transferring files to Flash drive17:18
allenaptgm4883_laptop: I'm currently working on making them appear for packages in distributions too.17:18
tgm4883_laptopah I see now17:19
tgm4883_laptopquestion, would it be possible to have the bug report pre-filled with certain information?17:19
tgm4883_laptopIt can be generic info such as {what happened} {what was expected} etc17:20
tgm4883_laptopI can see this being beneficial across all projects17:20
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Not right now afaik. Do you mean, like a template in the Further Information box?17:20
henningekabotage: That is the bug title?17:21
henningekabotage: if you still see it on your screen, you should also still see the URL in the browser. Can you please give me that?17:22
tgm4883_laptopno, more like when I file a bug I have the text area to say what happened.  This can be done two ways, either a) seperate text boxes for each part (what happened text box) (what was supposed to happen text box) or b)  Just have those words already in the single text box on seperate lines (what happened) (what was supposed to happen)17:22
tgm4883_laptopallenap, ^17:22
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Ah, okay, I think that's what I meant, I just didn't say it very well :)17:23
tgm4883_laptopah ok, yes.  I see now.  I thought you were still talking about just the guidelines17:24
tgm4883_laptopso yes, a template would rock17:24
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Some bug trackers - the KDE one comes to mind - have wizard-like bug filing processes which take this a step further. That would be quite cool for Launchpad, but a *lot* of work too, and would confuse the user experience.17:24
allenaptgm4883_laptop: But I think that would be easy (or possible) for a committed project to add by hosting it themselves and hooking into the Launchpad API.17:24
kabotagehenninge: its ok. i see that the bug has been marked as duplicate. thanks for replying though17:27
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Can you file a bug against malone for this? I can't promise we'll do it soon, but at least we won't forget about it :)17:27
allenaptgm4883_laptop: For the template idea I mean.17:27
tgm4883_laptopallenap, will do17:27
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Thanks!17:27
tgm4883_laptopbeuno, heres that other bug we talked about bug 29729117:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297291 in launchpad "Launchpad should auto generate a "release notes" page for each series that would autogather fixed bugs and implemented blueprints" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29729117:27
henningekabotage: I am still wondering that you report bugs in two applications with one report.17:28
tgm4883_laptopallenap, am I filing the bug against the person malone?17:28
tgm4883_laptopor just subscribing him17:28
allenaptgm4883_laptop: No, the malone project, https://edge.launchpad.net/malone/+filebug17:29
kabotagehenninge: sorry if i got you confused, but i filed it separately17:29
henningekabotage: ok, I am glad we got that sorted out, then ;-)17:33
tgm4883_laptopallenap, bug 29729417:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297294 in malone "Launchpad bugs should have a template in the further information box to assist bug reporters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29729417:34
kabotagehenninge: yea. thanks again.17:35
allenaptgm4883_laptop: Thanks, that's a good clear request.17:36
tgm4883_laptopI try to write good ones ;)17:37
beunotgm4883_laptop, thanks17:50
thekornBjornT: re list of converted questions: no, it's more a one time thing, today we found bug 297238 and I would like to know how many bugs/questions are affected18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297238 in malone "possible to change bug status / importance after it is converted to a question" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29723818:07
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BjornTthekorn: ok. according to my sql query, there are only two such bugs: bug 222569, bug 240637  (and bug 297006 on staging)18:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222569 in ubuntu "wireless connection is not possible" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22256918:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240637 in touchfreeze "[needs-packaging] touchfreeze" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24063718:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297006 in launchpad-bazaar "Remove the "New" status for branches." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29700618:31
BjornTthekorn: do you have any other example of such a bug?18:32
thekornBjornT: ok, cool, I think we have no others so far, bug 222569 was the one where we found this issue18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222569 in ubuntu "wireless connection is not possible" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22256918:33
thekornbdmurray: ^^ this are converted questions where the status of the bug is other than invalid18:34
thekornthanks BjornT !18:34
bdmurrayBjornT: I reported bug 29723818:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297238 in malone "possible to change bug status / importance after it is converted to a question" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29723818:36
bdmurrayBjornT: thanks for running query, could I see it for future use?18:36
BjornTbdmurray: https://pastebin.canonical.com/11096/18:39
stgraberwho broke the lpia PPA builders ? :)18:46
savvasprobably me18:50
savvasjust kidding :p18:51
savvaswhat's an lpia architecture by the way?18:51
savvashm.. ubuntu mobile arch?18:52
bdmurrayBjornT: thanks18:54
stgrabersavvas: yeah, Low Power on Intel Architecture19:05
stgraberit's one of the three archs the PPA build for19:06
savvashm.. strange that there's no wikipedia article about it19:07
savvas(thanks btw :) )19:07
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
PriceChildHey there. I'm thinking of changing a moderated team to a closed one. I'm wondering what will happen to the existing applicants. Will their applications just disappear, or will it let me continue going through them and approving/declining?20:34
beunoPriceChild, it will let you continue20:41
PriceChildbeuno: Thanks.20:42
lifelessspm: what rev of pqm is praesiodymiumiumium running21:12
spmlifeless: bzr revno is 173 - sound useful?21:13
spmps. praseomumble works for us :-)21:14
lifelessspm: I'm debugging a pqm issue for abentley; code wasn't lining up21:14
lifelesstrunk is on 18321:14
lifelessmthaddon_: here by chance?21:14
spmI believe he's at lunch atm21:15
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mthaddon_lifeless, here now - still need anything?21:25
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lifelessmthaddon_: no, but I wanted to ask how the ubunet pqm stuff turned out21:25
mthaddonlifeless, all looking fine, except that for some reason in the web UI it shows "processing x from other project" or something rather than the actual message21:26
lifelessmthaddon: the project prefix is wrong21:27
wgrantYou're not doing a very good job of keeping Ubunet quiet.21:33
teferihey guys, I have an awful problem with my new launchpad account and the old launchpad account I forgot I had21:52
teferinamely, I can't set my gpg key for the new account (adam-crossproduct) to the key that's still associated with the old account (teferi)21:52
teferiand I can't complete the merge of the two accounts because some of the email addresses on the old account are ones I don't have access to anymore21:53
teferi(presumably launchpad snaffled them from my gpg key)21:53
teferican someone help me out?21:53
wgrantteferi: Ask a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad, and a Launchpad admin should be able to help you out.21:56
wgrantParticularly if you have access to the old OpenPGP key, I suppose21:56
teferiI do21:56
teferiwell, question submitted, but wow is this a pain22:09
wgrantteferi: What is?22:11
teferiwgrant: getting my key associated with my account so that I can do an upload to my ppa of the software that I just spent three hours packaging22:11
wgrantIt's quite trivial if you don't have multiple accounts.22:12
teferiright, but I *forgot* that I *had* the old account22:12
teferiit was from YEARS ago22:12
xteejxCan I have a supervisor or account maintainer please?22:16
xteejxI am a triager for Ubuntu. Please direct your attention to bug 297388. Can we get this account banned?22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297388 in ubuntu "IT REALLY DID WORK FOR ME NOT HARD TO DO AT ALL" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29738822:16
xteejxA user is abusing the Launchpad system and the account needs banned before Launchpad is swarming with this "crap"22:17
xteejxI know... :)22:17
wgrantxteejx: File a ticket at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad22:17
xteejxI suppose it wouldn't be hard for someone with no brain hehe22:18
xteejxwgrant: Thanks22:18
wgrantErm, that bug is now OOPSing.22:28
flacosteMez: hi there22:50
spmwgrant: I was perhaps a tad too enthusiastic in my cleanup - either way - acct is disabled, and the comments removed23:20
teferispm: hey, can you help me out with my account/gpg key issue from above?23:21
wgrantspm: You removed the initial Message or something similarly destructive?23:21
spmteferi: not right atm - but sure23:21
rockstarwgrant, spm is enthusiastic about everything.  You should keep that in a mental note.23:21
spmrockstar: :-)23:21
teferispm: fantastic, thank you so much23:22
rockstarspm,  what issue are you having?23:22
spmrockstar: see #lp-code me/gmb23:22
wgrantrockstar: Sounds bad.23:22
rockstarspm, oh, I know what you did!  :)23:23
wgrantWhat did he do?23:23
spmwgrant: having raw db/sql access is not always a Good Thing(tm) :-)23:23
spmdrop database :-P23:24
wgrantTRUNCATE BugTask;23:24
wgrantTHat would fix most of our problems in Ubuntu.23:24
spmthat was a *joke* in case anything suspects otherwise! :-)23:24
rockstarspm, I just did a dd of lots of urandom onto one of my live and mounted drives just now. Everyone gets excited sometimes.23:25
spmrockstar: but did you *mean* to do that? ;-)23:27
rockstarspm, no, not at all.  But I can laugh because I have good backups.23:27
spmI still think my PB was taking out an entire floor of Cobol programmers from working for 3-4 hours. Mainframes - they allow such *spectacular* messes to be made.23:28
rockstarI thought it was writing to a USB flash drive.  I only noticed when the music I was listening to went away.  :)23:28
rockstarspm, I have a friend who worked at Wikimedia, and he said that they have a box which has the sole purpose of being the single point of failure.23:29
rockstarBreaking it is like a rite of passage for the sysadmins there.  :)23:29
spmrockstar: aye. +1 to that!23:30
teferiwell, when processing is centralized, so is failure, more or less by def'n23:34
teferiman, sure wish i'd remembered that that original account existed :/23:54

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