
fryguy19:21:59       beli| Uplink: ask your external masterbrain......google00:21
genii-aroundThat guy is annoying00:21
genii-aroundI get the feeling he's going to pop in everytime someone suggests to a user to google something00:22
PiciI just invited him, so hopefully he pops in sooner than that.00:22
jdongjeez did we give him trouble for JFGI or something? is he trying to be a smartass?00:23
genii-aroundHe got a talking-to earlier about sending users off to pages he had just googled but had nothing to do with actual issue00:24
genii-aroundI think something like xammp install when someone wanted LAMP or so00:25
genii-aroundPici: I'm contemplating spuriously recommending to him to use his google-fu, then watch him come here to quote me and leave.... ;)00:49
genii-aroundPici: I frankly think he lies about the problem he supposedly has audio-wise01:08
Picigenii-around: I haven't been watching, I thought he had an aTI issiue01:08
genii-aroundMaybe his problem keeps changing depending upon his whim (is my suspicion)01:09
genii-aroundInteresting. "kubuntu-members-kde4" sounds intriguing02:15
naliothin what context?02:29
genii-aroundnalioth: In the sense that it's a distribution according to the bot02:31
genii-around!info somepackagename somedist02:31
ubottusomedist is not a valid distribution ['intrepid', 'medibuntu', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'feisty-backports', 'dapper', 'feisty']02:31
FlannelI guess that'd be the PPA02:32
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.03:45
=== genii-around is now known as genii
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:46
mneptokYou are now female.03:46
* mneptok perks up03:47
geniimneptok: No. http://hwcmembersgallery.katink.net/albums/userpics/normal_P1010019.JPG03:48
geniiAlthough I am somewhat more clean-shaven today03:49
mneptokcan i sleep in your beard during the cold Quebec winter?03:49
mneptokplease? so ... cold ....03:49
geniiHehe, sure. I'll mail it to you03:49
tritiumgenii: is that a Unix beard?03:50
mneptoktritium: if you can pipe its output to your back and shoulders, not only is it Unix, but also Italian.03:51
geniitritium: Not particularly. Although that night I WAS working on a FreeBSD problem (and the box behind is, yes, <shudder> running XP before anyone asks)03:51
* mneptok pats his vintage Mac Quadra 605 running OpenBSD03:52
mneptokmakes a nice monitor stand here at the office :)03:52
geniiThe machine on left btw is running headless Debian Sarge03:52
mneptokthat sounds like a GI Joe model name03:53
geniiYes, the one nasty sister rips head out of for retaliation of beheading the Barbies....03:53
mneptok"Walkie talkie accessory not for use with this model"03:54
geniimneptok: You're pleasantly twisted :)03:54
Flannelubottu: tell BrantlyM about away04:01
mneptokgenii: O:)04:07
nickrudgenii, it's nice to see some grey in someone else's hair here ;)04:10
geniinickrud: Yes, I'm old and decrepit :)04:11
* mneptok too04:11
nickrudmneptok, I think you were born old (and twisted, the jury's still out on pleasant ;)04:12
* genii hands out coffee to the old fogeys club04:12
mneptoknickrud: the year was nineteen-dikkety-three ...04:12
nickrudunanimous opinion on entertaining though04:12
mneptok"entertaining" in that "ooo! slow down! car accident!" kinda way.04:13
nickrudah, a true example04:14
nickruda better one might be: "Marge, the kid's eating the dog poop again"04:17
mneptokPETA and the ASPCA have i asked i refrain from self-analogies referencing animals04:29
nickrudfascist killjoys04:30
=== genii-around is now known as genii
mneptokdown there they're rounding a posse to ride.04:58
genii"down there" ?04:59
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
Tm_Tgenii: you dont want to know05:43
geniiProbably not05:45
nickrudreminds me of the movies where the pretty young girl just *has* to open the door05:46
ubottuStevenK called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()06:28
Daviey!ops | ^06:30
ubottu^: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:30
ubottuDaviey called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (^)06:30
ajmitchand most ops can't help in there06:31
FlannelUnfortunately not06:31
nickrudI'm useless, but it seems dead at the moment. Dropped in and out06:31
Flannelnickrud: Some guy spammed... like 50 lines in some other language06:31
Flannelnickrud: anlmal, that is.06:32
nickrudis just now, again06:32
FlannelOh, and here we go again06:32
* Hobbsee wave06:33
nickrudlovely lady!06:33
Hobbseeanlmal is continuing to be a SOB.06:33
Hobbseewonder how I block ctcp's06:34
HobbseeAh, good to see limcore's trying to create trouble again, too.06:36
Flannelubottu: tell |Chrizz|AFK about afk06:36
Hobbseehmm, the ctcp's stopped06:36
* genii sips06:53
elkbuntuHobbsee, orly? where?06:56
Hobbseeelkbuntu: pm06:57
Hobbseehe's gone now, it seems.06:59
Tm_Thmh, I hope I don't have to poke st affers soon08:20
elkbuntufor what?08:25
elkbuntuk stuff?08:25
Tm_Tsome racism and stuff08:27
Tm_Tin non-ubuntu channels though but anyway08:28
Tm_Tah, K-lined already (once)08:29
zirodayYou might want to watch Craig_Whitnall11:48
zirodayhe's completely offtopic in #ubuntu and is veering towards saying something inappropriate11:49
zirodayor giving bad advice11:49
Tm_Tanyone taking?11:49
zirodayHobbsee: thanks :)11:50
Tm_Tgood, so I can go to see my wife, she's waiting our first to come out any day now11:50
LjLoooh abortd12:51
LjLthe memories12:51
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers12:57
LjL!no vmware is <reply> VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware12:57
ubottuI'll remember that LjL12:57
LjLfeisty is eol12:58
jribplease write a factoid about dividing #ubuntu12:58
Picijrib: I was just thinking of it12:58
LjLjrib: someone's proposed that again?12:58
LjLhow boring12:58
LjLBrantlyM claims his Hardy default x-chat causes him noisy away messages in #ubuntu. he must have something weird installed, because my x-chat definitely doesn't do that13:15
LjLany clue where to look? i'm not familiar with x-chat13:16
LjLnevermind, he found it himself, i think.13:16
ikoniabe aware El_gato_xD is online (he was the virus_bot guy) and is trying to get back into channels to invite people to his new bot channel 13:25
LjLikonia: how do you know he's trying to get back?13:26
ikoniaLjL he's inviting me to his channel like 100 times, and messaging me asking how to get back, and saying oh, he's already in13:27
ikoniaI'll re-phrase that, he's giving the impression of trying to get in13:28
LjLikonia: he's also online as spider4801413:30
ikoniathats his "mate" who shares the same wirless router13:31
ikoniahe uses it as a threat to stop you banning him (bad call)13:31
Tm_Tikonia: LjL: shouldn't he have some K-love?14:57
ikoniafor me yes14:57
ikoniathe virus_bot scam he was trying to do was enough to remove14:57
Tm_TIMO it's enough to K-line on sight -tag for him14:58
LjLthat's not up to me.15:17
Tm_TI know15:17
Tm_Tjust kinda asking opinion15:17
LjLmy answer to that would be "yes" more often than freenode would like.15:26
ikoniahe's attempting to black mail me now saying he'll only stop messaging me nad inviting me to his channel if I let him back into #ubuntu15:32
ikoniaI'll just pass it to freenode now15:32
ikonianalioth: PriceChild SportChick christel give me a nudge when your free please15:36
ikoniaor any otehr staff member that I missed15:37
LjLikonia: !staff15:37
ikoniaseemed a bit over the top, I'm not in any hurry, however I'm aware I've just highlighted people which is the same effect, so doh15:38
LjLPici: it's *certainly* a bad idea to install it, but doesn't that mean we should reopen +115:52
PiciLjL: Get out of my brain15:52
naliothikonia: nudge15:53
ikoniavorian picked it up15:53
ikoniathank you though15:53
ikonianalioth: the virus_bot guy is back15:53
naliothikonia: noted16:03
ikoniavorian was on the job, thanks vorian16:03
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA16:06
LjL!no jaunty is <reply> Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA - Jaunty doesn't even really exist yet, but join #ubuntu+1 for help and discussion.16:07
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:07
PiciLjL: The forums have opened their Jaunty subforum, for the crazies that want to try it now, it sort of makes sense for us to open the channel too.16:08
LjLPici: are you saying that if jdong does something foolish, then we should do the same? we'd already be doomed that way.16:08
Tm_TLjL: why speaking in future tense (?)16:11
LjLTm_T: also true16:11
ikoniaPici crazy / silly people who think that a bigger version number = better even at this point16:12
Tm_Tikonia: but that's true!16:12
ikoniaI'm running 9.10 now ;)16:12
Tm_T(atleast with KDE4 that is, in here)16:12
ikoniaKiller Kangeroo16:12
jdongBIGGER BETTER :)16:31
ubottuIn ubottu, salohcin said: kde4 is KDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.316:33
salohcinJust made an adjustment16:34
ikoniato what ?16:34
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde416:34
ikoniaI thought it was kust #kubuntu now ?16:34
ikoniathey had been merged16:34
salohcinThat's why I made an adjustment :)16:34
ikoniano problem16:35
ikoniaoh it's not adjusted16:35
salohcinNot yet I was waiting on it to be approved in here16:35
ikoniasalohcin there is no support channel info in your updated16:35
Pici!kde4 =~ s/-kde4//16:36
ubottuI'll remember that Pici16:36
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu16:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome316:40
ikoniasalohcin: anything else you need ?16:40
salohcinPici: THat's incorrect16:40
salohcin4.1.3 is the latest16:40
ikoniasalohcin: within ubuntu ?16:40
salohcinPart of the change I made16:41
salohcinNew KDE every month16:41
ikoniaHmmm in backports16:41
salohcinYes The article points that out16:41
ikonialets see if my editor access is working then16:42
ikonia!kde =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.316:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ikonia said: !kde =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.316:42
ikoniajussi01: get off the plane and fix it16:42
Tm_Tsure it's his fault?16:43
vorian4.1.3 is in backports 16:43
ikoniadoes it need the trailing / like sed ?16:43
Tm_Tikonia: try16:43
ikonia!kde =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:43
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ikonia said: !kde =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:43
ikoniaTm_T: can I point at jussi01 now16:43
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde416:43
ikoniaahhh it was kde416:44
Tm_Tubottu: kde4 ~= s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:44
ikoniacan I point at myseldf16:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Tm_T said: ubottu: kde4 ~= s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:44
ikoniacan I point at myself16:44
ikoniaTm_T: can we point at jussi01  now16:44
Tm_Tikonia: you can me too16:44
Tm_Tikonia: no, I used different syntax16:44
Tm_Tubottu: kde4 =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Tm_T said: ubottu: kde4 =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:44
ikoniaTm_T: I know I'm picking on him as it was him who borked my access when he implimented teh access plugin stuff16:44
ikoniaadin plugin I think16:45
ikoniaadmin even16:45
Tm_Tubottu: login16:45
ubottuuse @login16:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:45
Tm_Tubottu: kde4 =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:45
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T16:45
ikoniaI was logged in It hink16:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:45
Tm_TI wasn't16:45
ikonialets see if I am now16:46
ikonia!kde4 =~ s/4.1.3/4.1.2/16:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ikonia said: !kde4 =~ s/4.1.3/4.1.2/16:46
ikoniaI thought so 16:46
ikoniafactoid fixed though16:47
ikoniasalohcin: happy ?16:47
ubottuKDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu16:49
Tm_Tubottu: kde4 =~ s/4.1.2/4.1.3/16:49
ubottuI'll remember that Tm_T16:49
ubottuKDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu16:49
salohcinCan I do that when I'm editing it to send here?16:49
ikoniait sends it here 16:50
salohcinNeat thatnks16:50
* Pici facepalms19:01
Picistdin, jussi01: Whenever either of you have some free time (as in this definitely isnt a priority) can you add jaunty to !info and set it as the default release in #ubuntu+1.  Thanks!19:12
LjLPici: i think you forgot "make it join #ubuntu+1"19:14
PiciLjL: I just realized that19:14
ikoniaam I being wrong in saying no to helping PEter in #ubuntu install spaying softwar eon his bosses machine19:21
Picispaying? 19:22
PiciOh, spying19:22
ikoniasorry - on a train, bad lag19:22
PriceChildWhat's with the random characters?19:22
Piciikonia: From the way he is describing things, I'd say its okay to say no.19:22
PiciDoesn't sound legit to me.19:22
* PriceChild imagines a spaying laptop19:22
ikoniaPici: ?19:22
ikoniaPici: sorry that was meant for PriceChild 19:23
PiciPriceChild: ouch19:23
Piciikonia: "spaying" is another term for neutering pets19:23
PriceChildthe only reason i know what that word means is because of itchy and scratchy19:23
ikoniayes yes I know19:23
ikoniaI had my cat spayed19:23
stdinubottu: join #ubuntu+119:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #ubuntu+119:24
PriceChildubottu: join #ubuntu+119:24
PiciIt did already19:24
PriceChildwow I have super powers :D19:24
PriceChildoh ok :(19:24
PiciYou may have super powers too19:24
PriceChildubottu: part #ubuntu+119:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about part #ubuntu+119:24
PriceChildwoo I do :D19:25
PriceChildubottu: join #ubuntu+119:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #ubuntu+119:25
stdinok, it's set to jaunty in +1 now19:27
PiciHopefully no one uses i19:27
stdinI know there's at least one person that does19:28
* jpds watches PeterBoy19:30
ikoniabad lag there sorry pici I was going to remove him but my connection died19:31
Piciikonia: no worries19:31
ikoniapeter bye back as a34lkj2348dsf31119:34
ikoniaI assume someone has an eye on #ubuntuforums19:36
PiciHe didn't have anything to contribute19:37
ikoniano buts back19:37
ikoniano but he's back19:38
ikoniaas a34lkj2348dsf31119:38
Picias a34lkj2348dsf31119:38
ikoniaand all of a sudden he "knows stuff"19:38
ikoniawhich proves how bad he was trolling before19:38
ikoniaplus his name also backs it up19:38
PriceChildI've completely forgotten what I was just doing.19:42
ikoniaspaying a cat ?19:46
PriceChild< PriceChild> faria_khan: You've installed it, want to know if it works, but don' know what it does?19:57
PriceChildI'm confused.19:58
Pici<?cw-brad> topyli | as i herd theres a debian thing that jaunty was going to use20:03
LjLPici: meh, only about 25000 packages20:12
PriceChild< erUSUL> PriceChild: FYI « echo 'APT::Install-Recommends "0";' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/70debconf » adapted from  http://debianalwaysmore.blogspot.com/2008/05/apt-get-install-without-recommends.html20:16
LjLah uhm judging from -ot, cw-brad must not be just an idiot, but a troll...20:17
PriceChildHaven't looked at that yet. but don't think we have a factoid and if its sane (i believe so?) then maybe..?20:17
LjLPriceChild: it's relatively sane, until a couple releases ago recommends weren't being pulled by default to begin with20:18
LjLPriceChild: however, why would one do that20:18
LjLPriceChild: when one has aptitude --without-recommends20:19
PriceChildI can just imagine people would like to stick to apt-get. meh just an idea.20:20
LjLPriceChild: possibly. but there's a but, being that since recommends are brought in by default, a few important-but-not-vital dependencies have been moved to recommends20:22
LjLso it's probably generally speaking a bad idea, although not a *terrible* idea, to avoid isntalling them by default20:23
LjLfor instance, ubuntu-desktop only brings in network-manager and its friends as recommends20:23
LjLaptitude lets you avoid installing them selectively, which is probably better in most cases20:24
PriceChildit just struck me because i remember a recent blog post about firefox bringing in a ridiculous amount of packages in kubuntu20:24
LjLPriceChild: was discussing that with someone yesterday, and eventually it seemed to be because of ubufox, which is indeed a recommends20:25
LjL(not because of firefox-whatever-gnome-support, which is merely a suggests)20:25
Flannelthe recommends vs suggests issue isn't a fun one, thats for sure.20:35
stdinwe made a bug report about ff depending on ubufox, apparently no one cares because it don't affect gnome users20:35
PriceChildwho isn't an ubuntu user?20:36
PriceChild*gnome user20:36
stdinanyone who wants to use firefox in KDE20:36
stdinor that doesn't have gnome (only GTK)20:37
Flannelcw-brad in ot20:40
PiciPriceChild: I would have waited if I saw your reply sooner20:41
PriceChildno worries20:41
FlannelHe's back, so if you want that chat, you can still have it20:41
PriceChildI'm thinking faria_khan is being naughty..20:41
LjLprepare for cw ban20:47
FlannelLjL: what immediately preceeded that?20:50
PiciI had sent him the !guidelines from ubottu too20:50
LjLFlannel, he had done the rm thing in -ot first, then in +120:50
LjLi already knew he was a troll anyway20:50
PriceChildi do like !danger20:51
LjLhe had been an idiot in #ubuntu, even though he just appeared like a clueless person there - but kinda way too clueless to be real20:51
FlannelPriceChild: it's rather handy20:51
LjL[21:51:11] <cw-brad> hey can u un ban me i just idle in channel20:51
PriceChildhave hardly used it, just like the factoid20:51
FlannelPriceChild: any factoid that includes "danger will robinson" is OK in my book20:52
LjLnote also how he just changed nickname...20:52
LjL[21:52:03] <cw-brad> nvm ill just talk to my step dad who is CEO of ubuntu ill see you tommorrow20:52
* LjL chuckles. kinda.20:52
LjL[21:52:34] <LjL> if you want to appeal your ban, you need to talk to the ops in #ubuntu-ops20:52
LjLi thought you might have wanted some fun20:52
LjL[21:52:57] <cw-brad> na [21:53:00] <cw-brad> im good [21:53:10] <cw-brad> thans for the ip20:54
LjLip? bah.20:54
LjLhello cw-brad, how may we help you?20:54
cw-bradyou cant20:55
cw-bradsomeone els please20:55
LjLoh, ok. i'll wander off then.20:55
Flannelcw-brad: How can we help you?20:55
cw-bradPM me20:55
Flannelcw-brad: If you have operator related issues, you're welcome to discuss them here in the channel.  We don't conduct business in queries.20:55
cw-bradpersonel information will be send only trought PM20:57
Flannelcw-brad: alright, well, if you can find an op who will talk to you about it in a query, you're welcome to.  Most business happens here.  Accountability and all.20:58
cw-bradok thanks for your ip mark will be calling you20:58
FlannelSince when do telephones run off of IPs?20:59
PiciSince Mark's alleged stepson lives in Jacksonville, Florida?20:59
PriceChildi think he means another mark?20:59
PriceChildHe ignored my PM anyway.20:59
Picinot sabdfl?20:59
FlannelPriceChild: Not mark, "Ubuntus CEO"21:00
Flannelor, thats how he referenced, that is.21:00
PiciWho is..?21:00
FlannelPici: sabdfl21:00
PiciFlannel: Didn't I just say that?21:01
PiciAnyway, I will return later21:01
FlannelPici: Yes21:01
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops cw-brad21:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:01
LjLi believe a netsplit is incoming21:25
PriceChildservices seem to be lagging21:26
LjLand not just services21:26
LjLhere it comes21:27
PriceChildWe're looking into it.21:28
jdongthat's what she said?21:28
jdongack PriceChild why did you have to go in between us like that?21:28
LjLhmmm this was several different splits21:31
jdongok that one I can't turn into an innuendo.21:32
LjLjdong: try asking mc44, maybe he can21:32
genii-aroundThat was an interesting global notice21:34
LjLseen the global notice, informed the ops on the split servers.21:34
PriceChildumode +w21:35
LjLservices are on card21:35
LjLwhich is the server with about the least people on21:35
LjL(6 people in #ubuntu)21:35
ikoniawas Fujisan the trouble maker guy ?21:45
=== SportChick is now known as Guest40333
PiciYuck, bad irssi.21:46
=== jrib is now known as Guest51470
jdongso much for netsplit detection.21:46
ajmitchmy eyes21:47
PriceChildYou'll live.21:47
PriceChild(that's me speaking personally, not as freenode! :P)21:47
naliothjdong: if all were on one side, what's to detect?21:48
naliothjdong: this was a biggy21:48
jdongI guess so21:49
LjLPriceChild: you say that because you weren't on their side of the netsplit ;)21:49
LjLjdong: what did the netsplit detection do?21:49
PriceChildLjL: most nicks came back individually.21:49
jdongLjL: spam my screen with a page of rejoins21:49
PriceChildwell not most, but many21:50
LjLjdong: ah, so like all other clients that people use.21:50
jdongLjL: yup21:50
jdongwhat's up with the Guest###### naming scheme, btw?21:50
PriceChildjdong: /msg nickserv help set enforce21:51
LjLwhich is now default, i believe21:51
PriceChildWow is it?21:51
jdongPriceChild: neat.21:51
LjLPriceChild: for new nicks with the new services, i suspect so, although i never actually tested21:51
LjLdon't kick Guest51470 by the way21:51
PriceChildI don't think it is.. *triple checks*21:51
naliothnickserv enforce is 'opt in'21:53
naliothit is not default in any way21:53
LjLi based my assumption on the fact i see so many people being forced to change nicks21:53
LjLwhile i didn't notice so many nick collisions with the old services21:53
PriceChildits not nick collisions, and its a new feature with atheme that theia didn't have21:54
naliothand the split has messed up folks' auto identify on connect  stuff21:55
LjLno, *now* it's not nick collisions21:55
LjLbut the equivalent feature in the old services was if i'm not very mistaken21:55
PriceChildthat's still available in atheme (ghosting?)21:56
naliothyes, we still have nick collisions21:56
PriceChildthere is also a non-automatic individual "force nick change" by way of 'release' i believe.21:56
LjLPriceChild: yes you surely can ghost, but i think "enforce" in the old services resulted in you being just killed (with a nick collision message) if you didn't change your nick in time21:57
LjLthe italian guys have made me do a modification to their floodbots, to send messages to "guests" asking them to change their nick, and then explaining how to register21:57
PriceChildI don't believe there was 'enforce' in theia?21:57
PriceChildi'm probably wrong21:58
LjLPriceChild: i think there was something akin. of course i might be mistaken, no way to check now.21:58
* PriceChild compiles, installs and links hyperion and theia21:58
PriceChildSee you in a few days..21:58
naliothPriceChild: the old services did not have it enabled, no21:58
LjLnot *enabled*? ah, so perhaps i was just seeing the command being listed in HELP21:59
naliothyes, there were lots of commands listed in the help that were not actually available21:59
PiciLF|KDE: How can we help you today?22:19
LjL[23:19:49] --> cw-brad has joined this channel (n=cw-brad@ (##unavailable) i don't think i forwarded him there22:20
LjLso he must be banned from somewhere else i suppose22:20
PiciNot much of a surprise.22:20
PiciWhat a coincidence.  I just ran into an issue with dpkg recommends.23:14
PiciI wanted to install bzr on a headless box, apt wanted to install x11.23:14
LF|KDEack! sorry again guys, im still getting used to irssi client and it once again loaded 2 clones in #Ubuntu :(23:33
LF|KDEim trying :)23:33
FlannelLF|KDE: Have you seen http://quadpoint.org/articles/irssi ?   It's a pretty decent guide for getting sorted with irssi and screen.23:34
LF|KDEnot yet, ill check it out thanks :)23:34
FlannelLF|KDE: any operator related issues we can help you with today?23:34
LF|KDEnope im good sorry again guys23:35
Pici@bansearch lf|kde23:35
ubottuMatch: *!*@c-98-224-119-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net!#ubuntu-ops by jrib in #ubuntu on Oct 29 2008 03:47:23 (ID: 6011)23:35
Picihe'll be back I guess.23:35
FlannelExcept LF|irssi is in #u right now.  Not sure how that works.23:36
mneptokCR|LF is in ##windows23:44
* mneptok cracks himself up23:45
* Myrtti gets the tape23:56
MyrttiI don't really want to participate to the book meme23:57
Myrttido I have to?23:57
naliothMyrtti: are you a sheep, to follow the crowd?23:57
Myrtti"What command does this keystroke sequence run? C-h c describe-key-briefly"23:57
PiciMyrtti: Nah, its kind of stupid23:57
MyrttiUNIX Text Processing, GNU Emacs Pocket Reference by Debra Cameron23:58
MyrttiVi Editor Pocket Reference was about as close too though23:59
Myrttinext one would have been Finnish haiku poetry23:59

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