
uvirtbotNew bug: #297012 in bacula (universe) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.2-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29701200:41
mncvnHi.................... someone from viet nam???01:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #297025 in samba (main) "smbclient 3.2.3 does not handle the -N option consistently with past versions." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29702502:02
e-jatwhere can i refer to migrate AD to ldap ?05:01
osmosishows the stability of intrepid server so far? kvm?05:55
coltonDoes ubuntu server have a graphical user interface?05:58
ropetincolton: Yup,  you just have to install it05:58
ropetinWhichever one you'd like05:58
coltonOk. So what's the biggest difference between server, and non-server?05:59
coltonDoes it come preinstalled with php, mysql, etc.?05:59
ropetinIf you select the appropriate option during install yes05:59
ropetinOtherwise it's just an 'apt-get' away05:59
coltonSo, im having trouble installing an operating system on my computer. When it loads up, from the disc, it says" press enter to continue with the installation, however, when I press enter nothign happens. . .06:01
ropetinWhich O/S?06:01
coltonDebian. but it doesn't matter if it' s vista or ubuntu server, same problem.06:02
ropetinHW issues?06:03
coltonA while back my keyboard stopped working, I had to change the usb slot it went into and, well, for some reason I think that might be affecting my connection with the computer.06:03
coltonCould it be that my key board will only communicate with one of the slots on my motherboard when an OS is not installed, but then, when the OS gets control, it is capable of using any usb port?06:04
dantalizingcolton: lamp server install is one of the options when you install ubuntu server...otherwise those things (php, mysql) would be added manually06:14
colin_hi im trying to setup a server to manage clients accounts what should i use06:51
kaushalI have installed Nagios2 on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux OS09:27
kaushalusing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nagios209:27
kaushalI cannot see any services.cfg and hosts.cfg under /etc/nagios2/ directory09:27
kaushalwhere can i find it ???09:27
kaushalhads, are you referring to me09:28
_rubenkaushal: you'll probably have to populate those files yourself09:31
\shgrmpf...why the heck is smtpguard still depending on libdb4.3 when the b-d is already on libdb-dev and the package in general already knew about bdb 4.609:47
pitiHi. I have a running mail server : postfix, doecot, with virtual domains and users (so admin via postfixadmin). Now I'd like to add mailman to the stuff. How the connections between each services must be to have a well working environement ?09:48
pitiI mean I don't want to break everything doing that, should I try adding it to the exisiting mail stuff, or should I do that on another server ?09:50
soren\sh: What makes you say the b-d is on libdb-dev?09:51
\shsoren: well...funny...1.1.3-3 just reached jaunty (with the change to libdb-dev and bdb 4.6) I wonder why the bug was opened in march...the package reached debian in september and why nobody requested UVE sync exception...anyway, jaunty sync was on 2008-11-05 the same goes for bdb 4.7 but smtpguard was just faster with the build thej bdb 4.7 the fourth dimension is time...:(09:55
sorenpiti: Integrating mailman with your existing setup is a delicate process. It's very difficult to guide you based on the information you've given.09:56
pitisoren: so I should put it on another system, if I son't want to break the existing one ?09:58
\shoh wow...09:58
sorenpiti: As I said: It's very hard to guide you based on the information you've given. Knowing that you use postfix and dovecot and have setup virtual domains doesn't reveal much about *how* you've done all of that. What I recommend is for you to consult the mailman documentation.09:59
sorenit outlines how to integrate with postfix quite well.10:00
sorenAnd then you need to make an educated judgment as to whether it will interfere with your existing setup in a bad way.10:00
pitisoren: but I may give more informations if needed. I tried consulting the mailman doc, but it was something obsure for me10:00
sorenThe safe choice, of course, is to install it on a different machine. If you're competent enough, that's just not necessary.10:00
pitiI did it two days ago, but I encountered a trouble: the web interface is ok, I used some of the commands I found in /var/lib/mailman/bin , but the list_admins commands doesn't show me anyone.10:05
pitilist_lists already shows me the three list I did to test, but I'm not able to admin them...10:06
pitiand if I use the wbeinterface to create or admin the lists, I have an error saying I'm not allowed to create new lists...10:07
sorendunno. I've never created new lists from the web. I always do it from the command line.10:11
olyanyone recommend a reliable app for backing up a ubuntu server ?10:33
olyshould i use rsync ideally i would like notifications when the backups are complete or error10:33
ascentbacula, if you want a capable but big beast :)10:34
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:34
olyand if its relevant it will be backed up to a samba share which gets stored on a tape from there10:35
olyokay will check out those links10:35
rjuneis there a "blessed" interface for working with ldap?14:14
sommerrjune: ldap-utils14:14
sommerrjune: I've used ldapscripts and smbldaptools as well14:14
sommerfor gui tools you might check out phpldapadmin and luma14:15
\shwe should get the apache directory eclipse plugin into ubuntu ;)14:16
sommerthat's not a bad idea14:18
* sommer puts that on things to look into list14:18
\shsommer: it's one of the nicest ldap frontends I saw till today...14:18
ScottKAnyone interested in getting clamav 0.94.1 back into Dapper/Gutsy/Hardy, have a look: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav  Need testing.14:26
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rjuneLuma? I'll look into that, thanks sommer14:37
rjuneI've been using GOsa, which is nice. but needs love14:37
mvohi, a quick question: can xen use blockdevice in the qemu/kvm qcow2 format? i.e. when using libvirt, can I just create a xen instance and attach a qcow2 file to it?16:12
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jmedinamvo: propably the latest version16:16
jmedinato find it out, you better read your xen documentation16:16
jmedinaI know this year the xen team added a patch for qcow2 images16:17
mvothanks jmedina16:17
jmedinabut I dont remember to which version, probably 3.316:25
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alonswartzare there any RubyOnRails developers in the room? I would like to get your thoughts on how you setup a rails development/production server (apt vs. gems)16:29
alonswartzAre there any debian/ubuntu guys in the room? I would like to get your thoughts on how you setup a rails development/production server (apt vs. gems)16:37
alonswartzoops! sorry for the double post....16:38
\shhmm...for a xen server...should I install linux-image-virtual?16:42
jmedina\sh: not sure16:45
jmedinaI always install ubuntu-xen-server16:47
jmedinaalonswartz: you can ask in the ubuntu server mailing list16:48
jmedinaI remember there was someone preparing a rails enviroment for intrepid16:48
\shjmedina: yes...I did..but somehow I'm not sure on intrepid..I'm missing a kernel16:48
jmedina\sh: I have not used intrepid, for server virtualization I prefer to attach to the stable (LTS) releases16:49
\shjmedina: my other servers are hardy, sure..but I was in an adventure mood yesterday evening ;)16:50
jmedinaeven for my destkop16:50
jmedina\sh: xen 3.3?16:50
jmedinathe green edition :D16:51
\shhmm...if this is right (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963625) I need to downgrade to hardy ,-)16:53
\shanyhow going home for now16:54
jmedina\sh: why?16:56
zoopsterIn intrepid, trying to run vmbuilder based on the docs I receive an error on device-mapper - incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.27... anyone know what I am doing wrong? this was an upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 and install of vmbuilder afterwards17:01
BitTormenthi, i'm having memory problems on my shared hosting server17:15
BitTormenti was wondering if there are any sysadmin that could have a look at the stats and see if I have a right to complain the company17:15
BitTormenti know this isn't related to ubuntu-server directly, but thought you might be able to lend a hand17:16
leonelScottK:  will clamav 94.1 make into intrepid ???17:17
ScottKleonel: I think so.17:17
ScottKThat was the original plan.17:17
leonelso we must search for clamav  cves or bugs  for 94.0 ?? or go  to 94.1 ?17:19
leonelthis for intrepid ?17:19
jmedinaBitTorment: you have plenty of memory17:19
jmedinaI mean, your system17:19
lifestreamBitTorment, check your scripts and see if they might be causing trouble. if not, and you still thing  the server is no good, it might be time for you to get a vps17:20
BitTormentjmedina, it's a shared node, so that is shared over serveral server instances17:20
BitTormentlifestream, it is a vps - which is why i dont think this should be happening17:20
jmedinaBitTorment:  but, that problems?17:21
BitTormentyou can see that my top process is only using 38mb17:21
BitTormentand only 28mb is available to the whole server17:21
jmedina+/- cache and buffers17:21
BitTormentthe +/- cache and buffers are unfortunately not for my processes17:23
jmedinasometimes I prefer to use memstat17:23
jmedinalike this17:23
BitTormentmy main concern is the amount of swap being used17:24
BitTormenti think that is causing the slowness on serving requests17:24
BitTormentbut am I correct in thinking that my processes aren't the problem? -- my most memory hungry process is using only 38mb17:26
BitTorment(top is sorted by memory usage there)17:27
ascentjmedina: nice app! never knew it existed :)17:27
fevelI would like to set up an authenticated proxy using ubuntu server, Is there any documents that I could read about the subject?18:23
krautfevel: just search for squid18:32
krautdo you mean web proxy?18:32
Faust-Cdoes the 64bit version lack any software?18:53
rrittenhouseDoes anyone know why i can't seem to get write permissions when i mount a server via sftp using Connect To Server in gnome... connecting as www-data with using public key auth.  and the folder  has read/write access to the folder?18:53
Faust-Ccompared to 32bit18:53
rrittenhouseFaust-C: I can tell you first hand using it for a desktop is iffy if you have to use a lot of flash :P18:54
Faust-Cim referring to server18:54
Faust-Cdesktop i would use 3218:54
rrittenhouseFaust-C: I'm not sure. I have a 64bit machine with 8gb of ram but flash was so bad I opted to use only 4gb of it. In relation to server I believe you can go check the package repos online if your looking for a specific package. Aside from that I'm not sure what varies off the top of my head. Anyone else?18:55
arrrghhhis there a way for rm to show progress?  i replaced cp with gcp (rsync) and now i'd like some visual feedback with rm as well...19:21
jmarsden|workarrrghhh: rm -v looks appropriate?19:27
arrrghhhjmarsden, that works19:28
arrrghhhmaybe i should've read the man page lol.  i figured it was like mv and cp, no actual progress.19:28
jmarsden|workarrrghhh: I thin cp -v would work too, instead of replacing cp :-)19:28
arrrghhhit does... but not really.  it gives me the progress of what file it's on... but not what that file's progress is19:40
arrrghhhplus rsync is a much better way to do it as it won't copy anything that's already there.19:40
LoveGuruHI, i m running Ubuntu Server i installed LAMP on it.. i want to know its installed correctly and working or not .. could someone help me with that?19:42
ScottKleonel: I've gone through and pulled out what I think are the security related changes from earlier releases that we missed.  I'm currently having some hard drive trouble here.  If I mail the patches (they are commits from the clamav svn) to you, could you look and see about assembling them into an update?19:51
leonelScottK:  send it  I check that19:52
ScottKleonel: To what address?19:52
ScottKPM it to me if you don't want it logged.19:53
corelisthi, any one have had any experience around fibre optice netwokrs with ubuntu-server? i am asked to run a gateway with linux, my choise is gonna be ubuntu, and first issue seems to be driver for pci media converters!20:00
mattwalstonfromjPost install for ltsp-standalone failed when restarting dhcpd.  I checked log, no mention, attempted to run in foreground as root and get the following message: Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied.  My system is running on 8.10.  Any ideas?20:06
ScottKmattwalstonfromj: Does /var/run/dhcp exist?20:07
mattwalstonfromjScottK: No20:07
mattwalstonfromjScottK: I can touch the file and delete it.  Also no dhcpd process are running.20:07
ScottKIt sounds like a bug in an init script as generally the pid file should be at /var/run/$PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.pid, but it should work OK there.20:08
ScottKNot sure what to do though.20:10
nijabamattwalstonfromj: did you try to put AppArmor in complain mode?20:11
ScottKGood thought.20:11
* ScottK is trying to hunt down the ltsp maintainer.20:12
stgraberhey there20:12
mattwalstonfromjnijaba: just resolved... apparently init script uses /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf if present instead of my /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf20:13
ScottKmattwalstonfromj: ^^ stgraber is the Ubuntu ltsp maintainer20:13
nijabaScottK: ogra it is, right?20:13
stgrabermattwalstonfromj: that's right, you should use /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf20:14
ScottKnijaba: stgraber now.20:14
stgrabernijaba: ogra is too busy with ubuntu mobile, I'm doing LTSP now20:14
nijabastgraber: congratulations20:14
ogranijaba, i'm just the upload bitch until stgraber gets upload rights20:14
ograthen i will concetrate on upstream work only wrt ltsp20:14
stgraberogra: btw, don't forget to answer that mail to motu-council :)20:15
mattwalstonfromjstgraber: i just moved it to dhcpd.conf to .dist and it worked... fyi, this was a distribution upgrade20:15
ograits way easier to develop on it if you dont have the release schedule sitting in your back20:15
ograstgraber, will do soon, sorry got a massively busy day20:15
stgraberogra: yeah, and for me release schedule matches our own customer update schedule so quite easy to do both actually :)20:16
stgraberogra: btw, I have the latest ltsp and ldm in my PPA, they seem to work, just some fixes and packaging work to do before I get something to upload to Jaunty20:16
ograperfect !20:16
arrrghhhwhat is the _best_ way to get files off of an ubuntu server to a windows machine?  i already have nfs setup on the ubuntu server.21:18
sommerarrrghhh: probably samba, but you could also use winscp... if you have ssh setup on the ubuntu machine21:19
arrrghhhyea winscp is moving at 1200k..21:19
arrrghhhon a local network i figured it should be a _little_ faster than that...21:19
sommerheh, so would I21:19
sommeryou could also setup an ftp connection from one to the other21:20
arrrghhh9gb is going to take 2 hrs to transfer lol21:20
arrrghhhwell vsftp is runnin on the srever21:20
sommerI've found that xcopy is usually the fastest way to move files in windows21:21
jmedinasamba is preconfigured in ubuntu21:21
arrrghhhyea i should probably work with samba21:21
sommerso if you setup samba and map a drive it should be faster21:21
jmedinato share the homes for the users21:21
arrrghhhwhat do you mean "preconfigured"?21:21
jmedinaand automatically create samba accounts for all the locan users in /etc/passwd21:22
arrrghhhjmedina, so what do i have to do to get samba working?  i don't see anything available on the windows client.21:25
arrrghhhdoes rsync follow bind mounts?22:05
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arrrghhhanyone know how to rsync /home?22:22
lukehasnonamersync -avh /home/ /backupdir/22:24
andolarrrghhh: Not sure on bind mounts, but how hard is it for you to test it yourself? :)22:30
arrrghhhi don't have permissions i guess22:30
andollukehasnoname: I belive you actually mean rsync -avH? :)22:31
andolarrrghhh: yes, rsync works in a bind mount.22:34
arrrghhhi want it to ignore bind mounts.22:35
arrrghhhis that possible?22:35
andolarrrghhh: -x will do that for you22:37
arrrghhhreally now sweet22:37
arrrghhhoh of course  --one-file-system22:38
andolarrrghhh: Actually, I might have been wrong about that :) sorry22:38
arrrghhhi guess i could test out some --exclude rules22:39
lukehasnonameexclude bugs me because it doesn't work the way it says... the syntax in the instructions is ambiguous at best22:40
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arrrghhhwhat would be the best way to backup my /home partition?22:52
arrrghhhsince it's on a separate parition i figured it would be easy to backup...22:52
andolarrrghhh: That very much depends on what you want to accomplish, what you have in it, where you want to back it up to, etc22:53
arrrghhhi mainly want everything, but stick to the /home partition, i don't want it to follow the bind mounts i have in place.  i'd like it to backup from my desktop to my NAS server.22:54
arrrghhhi seem to be having extra trouble since it is the /home and permissions etc.22:55
cgilloglyquestion: anyone know why GVFS makes files read-only when i connect to a server using www-data, but when i connect to another server (using root because of the retarded previous admin) it doesn't do that ... the permissions on the dir and files i'm trying to edit from are correct, 755 & 644 (dir / file)23:02
cgilloglyfyi, i'm using hardy for the server and ibex for the client connecting23:02
fromportthis is probably better channel to ask this:  after a forced reboot (poweroutage) my ubuntu server cannot find any LVM partitions anymore. anybody has some hints/tricks ?23:45
maw_I need help with "time" / "timezones". I set my timezone to be ETC/GMT-723:53
maw_however, on reboot my time changes into the future to exactly the time of "GMT+7"23:53
maw_the hwclock is set to the correct GMT-7 time, but when the OS reboots it is showing GMT+7 time..23:54

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