
juanantonioIs Xubuntu lighter in ressources than W98SE?00:00
juanantonioI want to change another PC to *Ubuntu00:00
viddjuanantonio, i havent used that unsupported operating system in over 7 years....00:00
viddso i cant make an accurate comparison00:01
juanantoniobut I'm no very sure about the version to use00:01
viddjuanantonio, xubuntu is the lightest of the "official" *buntu's00:01
juanantonioMmm, you think a PIII will handle it with 384 Mb RAM?00:01
viddthats more then several of my systems00:02
juanantonioI've two old systems, one running 800 and the other 500, will both of them?00:03
vidd800 and 500 what?00:03
viddi dont see why not00:04
viddthey may not be setting any ground-speed records....but they will funtion00:04
juanantonioSo, the thing is that I have the 500-PC for unloading with eMule under W98SE00:04
viddyou may want to consider installing the cli-only and adding lxde instead of xfce00:05
juanantonioand one month ago more or less, an error about drivers occurred. I have no idea about how to solve it, and as I have migrated from Vista 32 to Kubuntu 64 in this PC, I thought of doing the same thing in this00:06
viddlxde is included in the official repo's...but its lighter then xbuntu-desktop00:06
juanantonioLxde is a kind of graphical environment but lighter than Xubuntu?00:07
vidddrive errors usually mean "damaged hard-drives"00:07
viddjuanantonio, yes http://lxde.org00:07
juanantonioOk. So, when I install Xubuntu, I choose lxde instead of Xfce00:08
viddjuanantonio, no00:08
viddyou install the cli-only from the alt cd00:08
xubuserHello People.00:09
juanantonioHello, man00:09
juanantonioSo, I install Xfce00:09
juanantonioand then change00:09
viddthen...instad of adding xubuntu (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop) you add lxde (sudo apt-get install lxde)00:09
xubuserI can't ping another machine on the network. It's a windows machine.00:09
viddjuanantonio, no....00:10
dcolishhey vidd have you seen pub GNU/Linux or ubuntulite?00:10
viddyou install the cli only00:10
viddthis gives you just the command line00:10
juanantonioCli only means text?00:10
viddonce its installed you install the desktop environment00:10
viddthe command to install the lxde desktop environment is sudo apt-get install lxde00:11
viddjuanantonio, yes...cli means only text00:11
juanantonioAnd I will have the official Ubuntu repos00:12
viddyou will only have a text-only environment until lxde gets finished installing....00:12
viddthen you reboot and you have a graphical environment00:12
viddyou may need to add additional applications once lxde is installed....00:12
viddlike a web browser and mail client, and what ever other apps you want00:13
dcolishvidd: juanantonio might want to check out ubuntulite00:13
vidddcolish, then educate him =]00:13
juanantonioDo you think it is a good idea to try with this before this PC is dead?00:14
dcolishwell its what you're describing, but already packaged as an official Ubuntu derivative00:14
viddxubuser, what does ipconfig on the winblows box say the ip addess is?00:14
juanantonioUnofficial, I would say00:14
xubuservidd: hmmm.... rnning arp on it. arp see sit. ip: .12200:15
vidddcolish, im recommending what is already in the official repos...not adding any extra repos00:15
juanantonioThank you very much, I will have a look at lxde.org00:15
viddxubuser, arp?00:15
viddxubuser, can the windows box ping the linux box?00:16
xubuservidd: arp address resolution protocol or something.00:16
xubuservidd: yeah windows ping linux fine.00:16
dcolishvidd: understood. the ubuntulite does have a full community, launchpad etc00:16
viddxubuser, can the linux box ping the gateway?00:16
dcolishbesides juanantonio seems to know all about it so i've got nothing more to say00:17
xubuservidd: gateway? router?00:17
juanantonioWhat is ubuntutitle?00:17
xubuserit can ping router.00:17
viddxubuser, then you probably have a firewall issue on the windows box00:18
xubuservidd: turning it on and off again. :)00:19
viddxubuser, windows (especially xp and vista) usually have a firewall program riunning that will not reply incoming pings00:19
viddxubuser, any luck?00:21
juanantonioSo I do not have to download anything from lxde page00:21
viddjuanantonio, no...its all in the repo's00:21
viddbut you might also want to check out ubuntulight00:22
viddjuanantonio, dcolish has the info on it00:22
* vidd will not assist with that...they have thier own support00:23
* vidd is off for dinner00:23
juanantonioIn the Xubuntu CD is everything to install, but I have to choose text, and then I say to install lxde, have I understood everything?00:23
* vidd is back00:29
juanantoniovidd, I had a look at ubuntu lite also00:34
xubuservidd: was the firewall. :) thanks.00:35
viddxubuser, of couse it was =]00:35
xubuservidd: now, I don't have to get up to change the video playing. :)00:36
xubuservnc. :)00:36
juanantoniobut I think it is better to try with Xubuntu CD with lxde as you told me, I suppose it will run as fast as it can00:36
viddxubuser, why not have linux doing the video playing?00:37
viddjuanantonio, is it the desktop cd or the alt cd?00:37
xubuservidd: it's on the main computer with windows that run all the other stuff that doesn't run on linux. And it has the flat screen.00:37
* vidd would be evicting windows from THAT machine!00:38
juanantonioI think it is the desktop CD, let me see00:38
viddjuanantonio, if it is, its the wrong cd to do as i said00:38
juanantonioi386 32bits00:38
xubuserwell, there's stuff that won't run on linux that must be run on that box.00:39
viddjuanantonio, ok....live or alt?00:39
xubuserI do dualboot that box into gentoo. :)00:39
viddxubuser, i'd qemu windows onto the linux install00:40
xubuseroh on qemu is too slow even with teh kernel patch for speed.00:40
viddxubuser, any virtual machine00:40
xubuseryeah virtual machines are slow. I need more than 1G of ram for running qemu successfully. I use qemu for testing out new distros.... but not serious work.00:41
vidd*sigh* 4 more hours of data back-up before this system gets labotomized00:41
xubusersome thick client apps that run better. Plus all the music recording stuff that only works on windows. that linux doesn't have an alternative for ... yet.00:42
viddwine dont help?00:42
xubuserwine help. for many realtime music recording apps, you need direct access and fast speed. :)00:43
xubuserbut linux has come a long way from back then when I first used it. Now 60-7000:43
xubuser60-70% of the stuff has linux alternatives.00:44
=== R1coch3t is now known as R1cochet
* vidd dont do music at all00:44
xubuserhehe, music stuff plus some other stuff that runs better on windows. other than that hehe linux is nice00:45
juanantonio_I fell00:46
xubuserthis xubuntu new look is really nice.00:46
* vidd has 8 linux machines and one windows machine (dual-booting) 00:46
viddthe windows box is strictly for gaming00:47
juanantonio_I think it is desktop, vidd. If I insert the CD in the unit I will know?00:47
viddif its not a video game, its not on the windows box00:47
xubuseroh yeah plus the game that I play that is windows only. :)00:47
xubuserhehe, I like windows. I like both. :)00:47
viddjuanantonio_, you will know because you will get a desktop environment when it boots00:48
juanantonio_I haven't the other PC in this house00:49
viddif you tell me what the first menu option is, i can tell you if its a live or alt cd00:49
NecrosanWindows < Mac OS X00:52
juanantonio_No idea, sorry00:53
=== juanantonio_ is now known as juanantonio
deus_DAMNIt ubuntu in intrepid still havent fixed the crash for multicore machines01:31
NecrosanUbunu is a work in progress01:35
Necrosanit will never be done.. or working properly for that matter01:35
Necrosanbut when it does work right, you get to feel awesome about not spending $$ on useless trash01:35
xubuserok, after installing adobe-flashplugin, the FF3 pages don't show flash stuff.01:40
viddELHN, hello01:50
ELHNDo you mind if a ask question or two?01:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:51
ELHNoh, my bad01:51
ELHNAnyways, I'm using compiz fusion for desktop effects, but I can't use any xfce themes because it say that compiz is my window manager, so what would be the problem here?01:52
viddELHN,  that is the issue01:55
viddxfce themes work with xfce, not compiz01:55
ELHNSo no desktop effects if I want to use a xfwm4 theme?01:56
viddyu need to set up desktop effects with xfce or use compiz themes01:58
ELHNkillall compiz compiz.real01:59
viddim sure there is some way to make xfce themes work in compiz, but i dont know how01:59
Necrosanmade a cool new aim screen name02:03
Necrosan"Id Kill You Easily"02:03
viddNecrosan, offtopic is over there ------->02:04
Necrosanwhere's there?02:04
Necrosanoh. meh.02:04
ELHNIt also only works with gtk themes02:06
ELHNno wfwm4 themes02:07
viddso convert your theme into GTK02:07
juanantonioVidd, I have restarted my PC, I got graphic ISO CD02:07
ELHNAnd how would I do that?02:08
viddELHN, again....i dont know02:08
juanantonioSee you later02:09
ELHNwell, I guess I'll do emarlad02:15
viddjuanantonio, that didnt take long =]02:15
Robotech_MasterI need a little help, if people here wouldn't mind. I'm running xubuntu 8.10 on my old Toshiba Satellite laptop. And ever since I did an apt-get dist-upgrade today, when I reboot the status bars (top and bottom) on my window manager don't come up.02:33
Robotech_MasterWhich means I can't do things like log into wireless.02:33
viddRobotech_Master, can you get a terminal open?02:34
Robotech_MasterYeah, luckily it still remembers I had one open in my last session and pops it up.02:34
Robotech_Master(And I could ctrl-F1 if it didn't. :P )02:34
viddRobotech_Master, then you simply need to type xfce4-panel02:35
viddsave the session when you log out...you should be good to go02:36
Robotech_MasterHey, great, that opens it right up.02:36
Robotech_MasterWho'da thunk the fix could be so simple. Thanks, that helps a lot.02:40
atarinoxcan anybody recommend a good audio player, something where I can customize the media library. I like ot have separate windows for artists, albums, and tracks...so i can select the artist, see all their albums in a separate panel, then select an album and see the tracks from that in another03:17
Ultraputzhah :-)03:17
Ultraputzi'm checking out songbird right now, preparing to abandon banshee (which i would have previously recommended)03:18
atarinoxso amarok or xmms wouldnt work?03:18
Ultraputzboth have a lot of people who appreciate them as "itunes replacements"03:18
atarinoxwell winamp was perfect for my needs in windows...so if i could just find a decent replacement03:19
Ultraputzthen you probably want one of the two you mentioned03:19
atarinoxall i care about is media library and some decent audio quality/plugins03:19
Ultraputzthey're cited by people as being "winamp-like"03:19
Ultraputzaudio quality is more about your drivers and low-level setup than the player03:20
atarinoxah hmmm03:20
Ultraputzsame as with a pc03:20
atarinoxso whatre the advantages of banshee, songbird, etc?03:20
Ultraputzwinamp sounds great on a really nice card, and sounds like crap coming out of your laptop's built in speaker03:20
Ultraputzthey're itunes replacements, in that, the cover the major bases: podcatching, library management, burning (banshee for sure) etc.03:21
Ultraputzbanshee has eq with presets, etc.03:21
atarinoxah ok03:22
Ultraputzif you really dig simplicity over any of that, check out quod libet03:23
atarinoxive heard of that one too03:26
atarinoxi like simplicity as long as it's easy to setup03:26
atarinoxi remember trying foobar awhile ago, which was way too involved for me03:26
Ultraputzeverything i've tried has been a matter of  install and go.03:27
Ultraputznothing's been difficult.03:27
Ultraputzfeedback on songbird: nicest interface i've seen, but kind of fat and slow (uses mozilla xul as backend)03:29
atarinoxyeah im trying to avoid any bloat03:30
atarinoxwhat about banshee...why wouldnt you recommend that?03:30
Ultraputzi'm having a problem for which i cannot get a solution. the answer from the banshee folks was "upgrade to the development version."03:30
AngryParsleythere is a bug with my soundcard in alsa 1.0.17 that was fixed in 18. is there some way I can install alsa 1.0.18 in intrepid?04:01
AngryParsleyI've got linux-backports-modules-intrepid-generic and linux-backports-modules-2.6.27-7-generic installed, but that's just drivers and modules :/04:02
AngryParsleyalthough it did have a driver that fixed my wifi card04:02
AngryParsleyNecrosan: you mean I'll have to install it by hand?04:03
coldhakbrasero isn't detecting my dvd-rws, but I can read dvds. how do I tell if it's just  brasero, or something else?04:27
coldhakmaybe i don't have burning drivers?04:28
coldhakit is a proper dvd-rw drive, I can burn on windows.04:28
TheSheepcoldhak: are you in the cdrom group?04:31
coldhakuh...i dunno04:32
TheSheepcheck in system->users and groups04:32
coldhaksays i have privs for everything04:34
coldhaki don't see a "cdrom" group though04:35
coldhakI can read from it though, so i don't think that'd be it04:35
coldhakhmm, might be my perms. sudo brasero detects correctly04:36
coldhakit might be that, I don't appear to have a cdrom group04:38
TheSheepwhat does ls -al /dev/cdrom show?04:38
coldhaklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-11-05 12:00 /dev/cdrom -> scd004:39
Hikefucoldhak, try install dvd+rwtools05:29
coldhakalready the newest version05:31
coldhaklooks like i was wrong about sudo detecting correctly05:32
coldhakEmpty (0 Free for Data DVD+R: "cdrom0")05:33
coldhakdetects a normal cd-r just fine05:44
coldhakle failure :(05:45
Guits_I tried to install xubuntu on usbdrv ...cannot get it right  is it supposed to be booting into live cd menu what do i do next06:22
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
coldhak<.< disgraceful, I'll have to boot to windows to burn a dvd09:10
R1cochetis there a way to get a dvd to play in xubuntu?09:31
R1cochetdvd movie09:31
ncfi1013_how can i get the opengl screensavers to work with nvidia-glx-96 graphics driver for the nvidia geforce 6100 graphics card? they have been installed but they are not working. the graphics driver works. the graphics card works. the opengl screensavers dont work.09:35
R1cochetncfi1013_: will they work in preview?09:36
ncfi1013_the opengl screensavers do work in test mode09:37
ncfi1013_im sorry do NOT work in test mode09:37
R1cochethmm then i dont know09:38
ncfi1013_what is acceleration?09:38
R1cocheti dunno09:38
ncfi1013_because i asked the same question somewhere else and they asked me if acceleration turned on for me09:39
R1cocheti would image it would be in the nvidia control panel09:40
ncfi1013_where would i find the nvidia control panel09:41
R1cochetif u have it installed09:42
ncfi1013_nvidia xserver settings?09:42
ncfi1013_i didn't see acceleration. does that mean it is not installed?09:47
R1cochetncfi1013_: i have no idea §orry man09:53
R1cochetwhen i had probs with the screensaver i had to add gnome-screensaver to autostarted apps09:54
gabkdllyR1cochet: chances are your dvds are encrypted.09:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:59
R1cochetgabkdlly: Thank ¥ou =)10:06
iMaxhow do I mount a floppy if I do not have a /dev/fd0?10:52
iMaxprobably the question needs to be: why do I not have a /dev/fd0?10:53
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
frestoI cant get the nvidia driver to work no matter what i do. I did as i always do and just install the nvidia-glx-new package, set nvidia as the driver in xorg.conf and reboot. But nope.11:21
frestobut i end up in vesa land11:22
gabkdllyiMax: sounds like a bug.  is it perhaps living in /dev/ as an hd* or sd* device?11:26
gabkdllyiMax: if you are sure that your floppy drive is not broke, you should probably file a bug on launchpad11:27
frestoIm going to try an older kernel11:28
iMaxgabkdlly: where would I be able to check what dev link points to the floppy?11:30
iMaxgabkdlly: yes it worked when I had xp installed on that machine before11:30
mibdoes anyone know why my X looks like this: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/7/4/107702/Photos/2008-11-12-114350_1024x768_scrot.png or this: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/7/4/107702/Photos/2008-11-02-124147_1024x768_scrot.png11:57
rajneeshhow can you mount windows partition12:15
rajneeshhow can you mount windows partition12:17
rajneeshcan any one help me12:18
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:25
ablomenoh.. gone12:25
ridoohi all12:26
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:27
gabkdllyiMax: you might look at the output of dmesg.  For example: dmesg | grep Floppy13:15
=== anon is now known as bloodboy
nitrospectidei am considering setting up a xubuntu box for a fileserver... can anyone recommend a robust, easy to set up and use backup app that will do scheduled incrementals to an external usb drive? (ie please no command line or apps requiring fidgety setups)14:40
TheSheepnitrospectide: cron+rsync is the generally recognized stanard, unfortunatelly it's command line, so no14:44
ablomennitrospectide, i'd take the time to learn cron and tar (and like TheSheep said rsync, if you want to backup (to) other pc's), it just requires a bit of reading and after that you have a solution thats solid as can be14:48
nitrospectideok. thanks14:52
ablomenor look here: http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+backup+gui&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a14:52
shane_hey anyone do the updates this morning15:03
SmileeeM1what is the difference between 8.10 alternative and 8.10 desktop15:20
ablomenSmileeeM1, the installer15:20
ablomenalternate cd is a text-based installer (which works about the same as the normal one) and the desktop version boots into a live cd and has a graphic installer15:21
SmileeeM1might try both cheers15:23
vargavindHello! I'm trying to add more keyboard layouts to X (so I can shortcut them), but everywhere I search for a solution all points me to the file xorg.conf. Though that is an empty file for me. (Intrepid.) Any suggestions?15:38
TheSheepvargavind: see the release notes for intrepid15:39
* vargavind checks (again)15:39
TheSheepvargavind: in particuler, search for xorg.conf15:39
vargavindAh, that one has more information than the one on the xubuntu.org site. Thanks for the link!15:41
juanantonioHello, is there vidd?16:17
viddjuanantonio, yes16:18
juanantonioHelo, thanks for everything yesterday16:18
juanantonioI burnt the ISO CD for xubuntu with graphical installation16:18
viddjuanantonio, sorry to hear that16:19
juanantoniovery little difference with Kubuntu when booting, by the way16:19
juanantonioAnd so?16:19
viddit will make it much more difficult to do as i said that way16:19
juanantonioI pressed a key and it told me the message Changing to mode only text16:20
viddwell...good luck..... you want the cli only install16:20
juanantonioCli only, no Mode only text16:21
viddjuanantonio, i never used the graphic installer....so i dont know16:22
viddi dont think you can install a cli only with it16:22
juanantonioOk, thanks. Only one question, if I install LXDE as you told me, can I install later if neccessary Xfce environment?16:23
viddyou can also install lxde environment after you install xfce16:24
juanantonioI think I'm going to try as you told me. Point one: alternate ISO CD burnt,16:24
viddif you will have internet access on that machine, get the mini iso16:25
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:25
* vidd likes the mini because it is one disk to install any *buntu16:26
juanantonioAh, buff, this is difficult, patience with me16:26
viddjuanantonio, the mini iso is <10MB16:26
viddand lets you install everything from the internet16:26
juanantonioSo what will i MAKE WITH THIS MINI-iso?16:27
juanantonioCapitals, sorry16:27
viddwhen it boots, you type "cli"16:27
juanantonioI will have to accep everything and then, LXDE install16:27
viddto get the choice of what versions you want, you would tytpe nothing and hit enter16:28
juanantonioI see, sorry16:28
viddjuanantonio, "accept everything" is just the cli16:28
juanantonioI hit enter16:28
viddjuanantonio, you want the cli16:29
juanantonioAnd then?16:29
viddif you do not type cli, you will be offered to add a desktop environment16:29
viddonce the install is complete, reboot and "sudo apt-get install lxde"16:30
juanantonioOk, sorry, it is a little time that I left impossible Vista 32, it is very clear, I suppose16:30
juanantoniowhen the install is complete, I will have the bash16:31
viddin bash, you type "sudo apt-get install lxde"16:31
juanantonioAnd this way I will have a very light desktop and all the Ubuntu repos16:32
viddonce that is done, you can reboot and you have a desktop environment16:32
viddjuanantonio, yes16:32
juanantonioit is a good idea, my friend. I am writing everything so as not to forget a simple thing16:32
viddi am about to do a fresh install on this machine.....so i will be back in about an hour16:33
viddif you can talk on one machine while installing on the other, i can walk you through it all16:33
juanantonioThank you for your time and patience with the new people in Linux16:33
viddjuanantonio, i was one of those new people once16:34
juanantonioI supposed so, man ;)16:34
juanantonioI am fed up with Windows, that is why I want to Linux all my machines16:35
viddi am about to switch to a different machine16:35
viddso i can do a fresh install on this one16:36
juanantonioI am going to download and burn in a CDRW the alt as you told me16:36
juanantonioOk, continue ;)16:36
viddjuanantonio, no internet access?16:36
viddif you have internet access, i recomend the mini16:37
juanantonioNo on the machine I want to install in this moment, I will move house16:37
juanantoniobut the pc already there waiting for me and the new one, huhuhu16:37
juanantoniolxde is on this CD, is that right?16:39
juanantoniovidd, sorry agian, lxde is in the alternate CD for Xubuntu 8.10, is that right?16:41
juanantonioOr will I need to download it appart?16:41
viddjuanantonio, it is in the repos.....16:41
viddso you will be able to install it once you have the cli installed16:42
juanantonioSo to run sudo and so on, I need to have internet16:42
viddjuanantonio, no16:43
viddthe repos are on the disk16:43
juanantoniosorry, I am burning this CD and leave you a little calmed ;)16:44
juanantoniobut thanks you very very much16:45
juanantonioI have all the things more or less clear16:45
viddhaving internet access will help, but isa not required16:45
juanantonioOk. Lxde is not visible through Kubuntu Adept, is that right?16:47
viddjuanantonio, on 8.10?16:48
viddjuanantonio, that is why16:49
viddjuanantonio, lxde is in the repos in 8.10....not 8.0416:49
juanantonioPerfect, I need to download Xubuntu alt 8.1016:50
juanantonioIs that right, vidd?16:54
juanantonioOk, thank you for everything, going to download it16:55
juanantonioI have broken W98SE in this PC, any special caution when installing this lxde Ubuntu when partitioning?17:03
viddyou can just wipe it out if it does not work17:05
juanantonioThe thing is that I need the files contained in it17:06
viddthen use that live cd you downloaded before to access those files and get them off that system17:08
juanantonioUhu, you mean format in Linux the hard drives?17:10
zoredachehe means back them up to somewhere else first17:10
juanantonioWill I be able to make this with Live CD Install?17:13
juanantonioI have two drives, the C. obviously is the boot, the D is FAT32 with no problems for Linux17:14
viddjuanantonio, is the data on the c drive or the d drive?17:18
juanantonioData are in both, but most of it are in D, in C there is Windows and some data17:21
viddjuanantonio, i would recommend that you get all the data to one location17:24
juanantonioHey, BitTorrent servers are wonderful17:24
juanantonioMmm, so you recommend me to send everything to D, and then I can smash W98SE17:25
viddjuanantonio, whatever disk you want to send it to is (mostly) irrelevant17:31
juanantonioD is bigger than C ;)17:33
viddjuanantonio, then dump the data onto c17:34
viddthen you might want to swap the drives so that d is the master and c is the salve....install linux on the largewr drive, and set the smaller drive as active, not to format and labled "windows" (or something similar) so that your system will see the drive and be able to access it after the install17:36
juanantonioUhu...and this way will I be able to enter Winows failsafe when neccessary?17:39
englishis xfce 4.2.3 in xubuntu 8.10?17:41
viddjuanantonio, well....actually, the idea is to rescue the data into the linux system, and then purge all traces of windows =]17:41
coldhakerm, wait....17:41
english30 October 200817:42
coldhak"Xubuntu 8.10, which brings a host of excellent improvements built on the rock solid Xfce 4.4.2" no17:42
viddso far as i know, is the latest version17:42
englishxfce 4.4.3 release17:42
viddenglish, if you want 4.2.3 you have to manually install it17:42
englishI have a mistake17:43
englishwas 4.4.317:43
englishCan I upgrade to xfce 4.4.3?17:44
viddnot via the repos17:44
englishand backports?17:45
juanantonioThank you vidd, that's a perfect idea17:45
viddenglish, if it was in the backports...it would be in the repos =\17:46
englishok thanks17:46
juanantonioHow would I purge w from C once I back all the data? Formatting in Linux type?17:54
viddjuanantonio, there are many ways to do so17:55
juanantonioOk, I will annoy with it once I back up all the data through Xubuntu Live CD ;)17:57
viddjuanantonio, is there no way to network your two computers together?17:58
viddjuanantonio, i ask because if you could, you can move all the data off the system entirely17:58
viddand then have the install set up the entire system17:59
juanantonioBuff, my friend, I have no the knowledges, hehehe, but besides, W98SE is very net unfriendly18:00
juanantonioI have two other PCs and never could, when I broght them there, connect them in a local net18:00
viddjuanantonio, this may be true...but *buntu is very net friendly =]18:00
juanantonioHehehe, yes. But I still don't know how to start making a net with Buntu18:01
juanantonioI think the application is Samba18:01
juanantonioand this is all I know about nets in Linux18:01
viddwhy can you not make cli-only on the alt cd anymore?18:20
zoredachevidd: you can if you go the expert route...  You could also do it if you simply provide the correct boot string18:24
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
zoredachevidd: the difference between a normal and a cli install is cli install has this included in the append at boot 'tasks=standard pkgsel/language-pack-patterns= pkgsel/install-language-support=false '18:27
TheSheep!hi | Jim_Fulner18:27
ubottuJim_Fulner: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!18:27
viddhello Jim_Fulner18:27
Jim_Fulnergreetings. i be new18:27
Jim_Fulnerso first things first what does NFO]This channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it). mean?18:28
viddwe need to get the cli-only option back on the alt cd18:28
zoredachevidd: I don't remeber it being on the alt cd for quite a while...  It is still on the mini.iso18:29
viddJim_Fulner, that your nick name is not registered and you should register it18:29
Jim_Fulnerso how do I do that?18:29
viddenter /motd as instructed for info18:29
Jim_Fulnerwhen I type that nothing happens18:30
viddit is displayed in the server channel....not the chat room channel18:30
viddzoredache, im at the boot: screen .... what should i type?18:35
zoredacheI believe simply typing 'linux tasks=standard' is enough.  But I am not certain18:36
juanantoniovidd, I will be able to do all the things once I have inserted the Live CD and then back up all my files18:37
=== Jim_Fulner is now known as DetroitLibertyPe
viddjuanantonio, once the data is backed up, you can install as normal18:38
juanantonioYes, I understood that. Thanks for everything, I have the CD burnt and everything clear in my mind18:40
viddwubi does not upgrade nicely =\18:53
juanantonioI return later, see you18:58
jochenhello, can anybody help me to setup wireless network ? are there any available user interfaces ?19:16
viddjochen, what kind of help do you need?19:16
vidddo you have a wireless router already set up?19:16
jochenyes. i am using fritzbox. It already worked, but after some updates it does not work. i am using linksys 54g card with b43 driver, xubuntu 8.10. In 8.04 i hag a network-manager gui with a list of my networkcards. but this gui is not available any more.19:20
viddjochen, ic.... i fragged the nm manager because of this and installed wicd instead19:21
viddim sure there is a way to use nm manager to reset up your network...but i dont know how19:23
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:41
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems19:41
deathtomei have an external usb hdd mounted but i have no write access19:52
deathtomewent through steps for mounting ntfs drives with ntfs-319:53
vidddeathtome, sudo chown -Rf [mountpoint]19:53
vidddeathtome, sudo chown -Rf [username:groupname] [mountpoint]19:54
deathtomevidd: when u say mount point u mean /media/.....19:54
viddthis may not work if it is ntfs19:54
lexauxGuys, has anyone noticed that xfce4-mixer manages sound level in a linear manner, not logarithmic, and thus 70% of its settings are unusable?19:56
zoredachedeathtome: when you mounted it with ntfs-3g did you mount it as yourself or root?  You'll want to mount it as yourself19:57
deathtomei did it as myself w/ ntfs tool19:59
deathtometried chown and still not working20:01
deathtomealso on permissions tab in properties says owner root20:03
deathtomeany other ideas?20:19
DetroitLibertyPeVERIFY REGISTER DetroitLibertyPe oivxcmckddps20:53
viddDetroitLibertyPe, thank you for posting your password20:54
zoredacheyou might want to try a different password20:54
DetroitLibertyPehurray for openess!20:54
zoredacheoh, and as a generaly rule it is much better to login before you join channels20:54
DetroitLibertyPewell if i had any idea what I was doing I'd do that20:55
viddi am no longer recommending any install method except the mini iso =\21:20
Odd-rationalevidd: why's that?21:25
Odd-rationalee.g. i would not reccomend using the mini.iso over dialup... ;)21:26
Odd-rationalebut the good thing is, you do automaitcally get the latest version of packages...21:26
stwestonhow do I update the distro to 8.10?21:26
stwestonno ubottu?21:27
Odd-rationaleoh dear...21:27
viddOdd-rationale, cuzz its a pain in the @$$ to remove all the dsesktop stuff21:27
Odd-rationaleyeah, ubotu just left in the netsplit...21:27
Odd-rationalevidd: you can do a command line install from the alternative disk as well... in fact, that is probably the standard way...21:28
viddstweston, update-manager -d21:28
stwestonvidd: eh? what about WITH Server?21:28
viddOdd-rationale, PLEASE tell me how!21:28
Odd-rationalestweston: sudo do-release-upgrade ?21:28
stwestonOdd-rationale: okay. thanks21:28
viddstweston, you have cli only and want to upgrade?21:28
stwestonvidd: no. I have Xubuntu AND Server, and want to upgrade.21:29
stwestonon the same machine.21:29
Odd-rationalevidd: on when the cd boots up, you have to press f4 or f6 ( i forgot which one) for more options to choose to install command line install.21:29
viddOdd-rationale, did not see that option21:29
Odd-rationalevidd: you will see if you use the alternative 8.10 disk.21:30
viddOdd-rationale, only have .0421:30
Odd-rationalevidd: you have to press i think F4...21:30
Odd-rationalevidd: yeah, 8.04 is the same way.21:30
viddOdd-rationale, F4 gives only "Normal"21:31
Odd-rationalevidd: is this the alternative disk?21:31
Odd-rationaleor desktop?21:31
Odd-rationaleok. well, after you select a lagnuage, you have to press F4 to see a list of options...21:32
viddOdd-rationale, when i pressed f4 the only option was "Normal"21:34
Odd-rationalevidd: what about F6? or is that the kernel options menu?21:35
stwestonalso, where are USB devices located under Linux?21:36
stwestonunder dev?21:36
stwestoner... /dev?21:36
viddOdd-rationale, that is the kernel options21:36
Odd-rationalestweston: try "sudo fdisk -l"21:36
Odd-rationalelowercase L21:36
stwestonokay... why?21:36
stwestonwhazzit do?21:36
Odd-rationalestweston: lists all partitons21:37
Odd-rationalevidd: brb, let me try booting mine up...21:37
stwestonOdd-rationale: what am I supposed to look for?21:37
Odd-rationalevidd: k, mine shows it in the f4 menu... idk why your's doesnt....21:41
viddme either21:42
Odd-rationalestweston: you will see the /dev/ of all partitions...21:42
stwestonOdd-rationale: what about my USB device?21:42
stwestonI need that to install something, apparrently... kinda.21:42
Odd-rationalestweston: if it is connected, it should be listed... you should recognize it by it's size...21:42
Odd-rationalefor example, if you got a 4gb usd stick, you will see a heading like "Disk /dev/sdb: 4.0 GB... " etc21:43
Odd-rationalegtg... bbl21:44
viddhow do you manually set dns in this new nm?21:47
TheSheepvidd: sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf21:48
MarchaКто щас не занят?21:49
TheSheep!ru | Marcha21:50
ubottuMarcha: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:50
MarchaУ меня там бан21:50
MarchaУ меня там бан21:50
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..21:50
TheSheepno Ukraine :/21:51
MarchaНе может быть21:51
stwestonhi atarinox21:51
atarinoxI was wondering if somebody might help me with a slow internet problem21:52
TheSheepMarcha: we can't understand you, speak English please, or see the channels in other languages21:52
atarinoxi'm using a RT2500 card21:52
atarinoxand the default intrepid drivers21:52
MarchaТа иди ты21:52
=== juanantonio_ is now known as juanantonio
atarinoxMy wireless signal strength is consistently around 50%...and it takes ages to load web pages21:53
atarinoxOr...how can i go about installing a different driver?21:58
spowneyhow come when i use fdisk -l im getting cannot open /sda, /sdb, etc22:01
stwestonhave you done it with sudo?22:01
stwestonwell, have you?22:01
spowneysorry laughing at myself22:01
spowneyty for help22:01
stwestonno problem22:02
DetroitLibertyPedoes anybody know why when I edited my X11.config to allow the scroll buttons on my trackball to work, then Xubuntu would not shut down properly?22:29
DetroitLibertyPeso, nobody  on why getting my mouse to works makes the PC not shut down properly?23:19

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