[01:42] davidm: [01:42] hello bspencer [01:43] wow, what responsiveness [01:43] what's your timezone? [01:43] I think we're chatting tom. in some mtg. I saw a few canonical names on the list I didn't know [01:43] thought you could introduce me [01:43] I'n in central TZ US (texas) [01:43] maria and gerry [01:44] Happy to try to [01:44] are they on this list? [01:44] Which Maria? [01:44] Gerry is our Marketing gent [01:44] Bonn...something [01:44] ok. Gerry -- won't be asking hard questions [01:44] next... [01:44] ;) [01:45] Ah, Maria was the Intel point of contact, I think she is handing off to a new person. [01:45] ok. do you happen to know what engineering you might have attending? [01:46] i was going to chat a little with them beforehand to see if I could make sure I have their 2c ahead of time [01:46] Kevin Krafthefer I think will be on the call [01:46] and I might be for part of it. [01:46] new guy to canonical? [01:46] Yes [01:46] works for Matt Zimmerman (as I do) [01:46] ok. I'll ping him. [01:46] kind of technical busdev sort of [01:47] krafty is his nick [01:47] ok. not on #ubuntu [01:47] I have questions on M v2 as it were [01:47] I'm getting conflicting info [01:47] want to chat here or wait for tom? [01:48] ready [01:48] What ever works, I'm here for the next few minutes, I'm waiting for a call back from StevenK [01:48] what Q's do you have? === doko_ is now known as doko [07:51] morning [09:01] http://www.umpcportal.com/2008/11/arm-and-ubuntu-to-join-forces-in-the-netbook-world [10:39] hoooray !! [12:28] <\sh> ogra: hey ... can you lend me your eyes and hands for a moment? (check this log: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19592509/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-lpia.open-cobol_1.0-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz) [12:29] \sh, after the mobile meeting [12:29] <\sh> ogra: great...because I'm unable to see why it's happening (i386 just compiled) [12:53] \sh, hm [12:53] lpia is i686 [12:53] <\sh> ogra: yepp... [12:53] i wonder if thats the reason for the error [12:53] <\sh> ogra: that's why I don't see the error ,-) [12:54] <\sh> i386 / i686 should just be fine..amd64 is also fine [12:55] <\sh> ogra: looks like that I need to reactivate my lpia schroot ... [12:55] there is no build-dep that would have any lpia specific mods [12:57] <\sh> ogra: correct ;) [12:57] so my best guess is 586 vs 686 [12:57] <\sh> ogra: hmmm... [12:57] have you comparef the compiler options that get set ? [13:00] <\sh> yepp..are the same [13:00] <\sh> on i386 and lpia... [13:00] well then only 586 vs 686 is left [13:01] <\sh> well...if it would FTBFS on powerpc...i would be happier [13:01] its jaunty ... you still have 5 months to fix it ;) [13:02] <\sh> ogra: /dcc send me_mobile_devices_to_code_cobol_on ,-> i think this packages nobody will use on lpia archs anyway [13:03] pfft, you ignore all the netbook-mainframe programmers ? [13:03] :) [13:04] <\sh> ogra: oh damn...do 80year old cobol coders buy netbooks these days? ,-> [13:04] if the keyboards arent to tiny to see the keys for them ... who knows :) [15:22] what does DIF mean which happens in late january? [15:22] debian import freeze [15:23] auto syncing from debian gets stopped [15:23] ok thx [15:23] There's still a lot of importing that happens after that, but it mostly avoids core infrastructure bits or widely used libraries. [15:24] syncing still goes on, just not automatically === njpatel is now known as njpatel_away [20:28] * lool waves 'night === njpatel_away is now known as njpatel