
mconnorfta: so... http://people.mozilla.com/~mconnor/trademark-review/Ubuntu/Round%201/00:03
mconnordo you have more details on any of the xulrunner bzXXX bugs?00:03
mconnoror, really, [reed] ?00:03
mconnoralso, um, changing venkman's GUID makes me a little sad00:04
mconnorthat's not even user visible00:05
ftawell, it's because we install is in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions so it was nice to have a readable name in there00:09
ftabut it's not very important00:09
mconnorI mean, sure00:21
mconnorwhy isn't that upstream?00:21
mconnorwe changed DOMI at some point00:21
mconnorit just means that a) you could get two copies and b) anything doing any sort of dependency checking will either have to support both cases or it won't work in Ubuntu00:22
fta.. because we're not that good at pushing our patches just yet, but we have hope, we take our pills00:22
mconnoris there a bug?00:23
ftaprobably not, if we open a bug, we add the patch, here, it probably passed under the radar00:24
mconnorthere's a lot of stuff that should have bugs here00:24
mconnorthis is actually a little depressing00:25
ftawe are a small team with too many things to do, we desperately need help. it's not an excuse, more a fact00:26
asacmconnor: its my failure to allocate the appropriate time slots00:26
ftawe should probably do a monthly review00:27
asacand now i am on holiday ;)00:27
asacmconnor: but as promissed this is really a high prio thing for the beginning of jaunty cycle00:28
asace.g. right when i return from holiday00:28
ftaasac, when is that?00:29
asaci had a time slot before holiday, but then there came stupid legal stuff00:29
ftaasac, i mean, the end of your holidays00:29
asacfta: officially my first holiday this year ends end-of-next-week00:29
ftaasac, good for you :)00:30
asacfta: but now i have to do security update ...so i will probably take monday off too ;)00:30
asacmaybe i also have to do urgent SRU for NM while on holiday :(00:30
asacbut i think i shouldnt do that :)00:30
[reed]asac: everybody here at my school using 8.10 is complaining about 802.1x :(00:30
[reed]when are you going to push that?00:31
asac[reed]: does the package fix that for them too?00:31
[reed]and when are you going to fix the vpn stuff? you already found one bug :)00:31
asac[reed]: i think we only covered a corner case for those that have "slow" drivers00:31
[reed]it's a corner case00:31
asac[reed]: the SRU will go up at the same time00:31
[reed]but at least I can connect to 1x occasionally00:32
[reed]instead of never before00:32
asac[reed]: no i dont mean EAP in general, i mean what we fixed. there are a bunch of people in th ebugs that cannot connect at all00:32
asac[reed]: those are clearly driver bugs.00:32
asac[reed]: anyway. as it seems i will invest the half-day of work it requires to get this up tomorrow evening00:32
asacjust dont feel good with patches i have in my pocket and being on holiday :(00:33
mconnorasac: there's just so many of them, is it so hard to at least file bugs?00:40
asacmconnor: yes, we have to file bugs while doing things. those bzXXX shouldnt have existed in the first place.00:59
cwilluis ff3.1b1 packaged in any ppa's that you know of?02:28
armin76asac: did you had a look at the bug?09:42
fta2 * Source Package: xulrunner-1.913:00
fta2 * Version:
fta2 * Architecture: armel13:00
fta2 * State: Failed to build :(13:01
fta2but arch "armel" :)13:01
BUGabundofta hi13:36
BUGabundowhen do you plan to make Jauny builds of FF3.1 ?13:36
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081110 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Shiretoko/3.1b2pre ID:2008111014283913:36
BUGabundobut I'm already testing jaunty!13:37
gnomefreakBUGabundo: jaunty PPA's have only been working for a few days and the buildd's are also having issues, errors are due to chroot errors13:42
gnomefreakBUGabundo: your also not on the latest 3.1 version13:44
gnomefreakfta: asac as i was saying before interupted by work. i have 4 extensions ready for jaunty anytime either have time. they are on my PPA (i finally got finished with firegpg bullshit13:46
BUGabundognomefreak: I'm using the latest available in the fta PPA13:54
gnomefreakand from the PPA's it looks like im the only one with jaunty packages at this time13:54
gnomefreakBUGabundo: no your not13:55
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy firefox-3.113:55
BUGabundo  Installed: 3.1~b2~hg20081110r21542+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta113:55
BUGabundo  Candidate: 3.1~b2~hg20081110r21542+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta113:55
BUGabundo  Version table:13:55
BUGabundo *** 3.1~b2~hg20081110r21542+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1 013:55
BUGabundo        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid/main Packages13:55
BUGabundo        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status13:55
gnomefreakBUGabundo: re read what you typed above13:55
BUGabundoits taken from FF it self13:55
gnomefreakBUGabundo: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US;  rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081110 Ubuntu/8.10  (intrepid) Shiretoko/3.1b2pre ID:2008111014283913:55
BUGabundomaybe it's a bug.. and it need updating?13:56
gnomefreakone sec13:56
gnomefreakyep it does13:56
BUGabundoMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081110 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Shiretoko/3.1b2pre ID:2008111014283913:56
gnomefreakBUGabundo: yes i posted yours above13:56
BUGabundoI know13:56
BUGabundoI just reposted to make sure13:57
gnomefreakBUGabundo: it needs to be updated but should have been with latest upload13:57
BUGabundoand checked about.... I was using Nigly tools export13:57
BUGabundoill bug it on LP13:57
BUGabundono ?13:57
gnomefreakits not in ubuntu repos bugs dont get filed on LP13:57
BUGabundoso against the PPA?13:58
gnomefreakBUGabundo: no tell us in here or on the mailing list13:58
BUGabundojust did13:58
gnomefreakwait for fta and let him know about it13:58
BUGabundoemailing then!13:58
BUGabundoubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com correct?13:59
* BUGabundo composing14:00
BUGabundoemail sent gnomefreak14:00
BUGabundoshouldn't PPA LP Bugs be used for this?14:01
gnomefreakfta asac the versions is my PPA are chatzilla ~jjv2 firegpg ~jjv1 linkwidgets ~jjv1 wizz-rss ~jjv214:01
gnomefreakBUGabundo: PPA package bugs do not get reported to LP14:01
gnomefreakuse the mailing list or in here.14:02
BUGabundoso that bug page should be disable!14:02
BUGabundoit may accumulate bugs that are not seen!14:02
BUGabundowrong link14:02
gnomefreakBUGabundo: what link?14:03
BUGabundogetting the correct one14:03
BUGabundonever mind14:04
BUGabundoI was confusing ppl with project14:04
gnomefreakand yet with all the work i did sound still dont frigging work14:04
gnomefreakber back while email loads14:05
gnomefreakand waiting for this kid to get tired of my pm14:05
gnomefreakBUGabundo: more i think about it help>about and about:about are handled by Mozilla.14:12
gnomefreakfta: anyway we can patch firefox to look at changelog upstream version during build or postinst14:12
gnomefreakalso why im reading emails 3.0.4 and are released14:14
gnomefreakha pango fix will be in xulrunner 1.9.1b1 now to find bug report on our end about this14:17
asaccwillu: look at fta ppa14:29
gnomefreakwe dont support pld linux do we?14:31
gnomefreakdamn it i wish he could forget my pm14:32
fta2gnomefreak, i will have a look at your extensions after work, ping me after 7pm UTC14:39
gnomefreakfta2: ok will try14:39
gnomefreakthanks fta214:39
fta2BUGabundo, the package is ready, i'm just waiting for beta 2. i see no point in pusing beta 1, it's old now14:39
gnomefreakasac: what does firefox use for spelling? hunspell?14:47
asacgnomefreak: are those extension versions in your branches too? did you ask for a merge (for those that have ~ubuntu-dev branches yet)?14:51
gnomefreakasac: not yet, they are there but i have a few pushes to do that i havent gotten to yet. the pushes are just changing target distro14:52
gnomefreaklixul is corrupt?14:53
gnomefreaklibxul even14:53
gnomefreaklibxul0d to be exact14:53
asacgnomefreak: libxul doesnt exist forr real14:53
asacor does it?14:53
gnomefreakasac: bug 297644 and from this it does14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297644 in xulrunner "package libxul0d None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libxul0d.list] failed to install/upgrade: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29764414:54
gnomefreakthink i found a dupe of that too14:54
gnomefreaknope just broken packages14:54
asac!info libxul0d14:54
ubottulibxul0d (source: xulrunner): Gecko engine library. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 5593 kB, installed size 14644 kB14:55
sebnerasac: mighty asac you forgot to add a comment :P15:00
gnomefreaklame == 1.8 since we dont neeed it anymore. AFAIK firefox-2 was only thing that still needs it rest of packages are using 1.9 by Intrepid15:00
gnomefreakasac: is there a way to use bzr to list only last few commits not pushes? bzr log (something liek that15:09
asacgnomefreak: bzr log | less15:11
asacthen you can use arrow keys to go up and down ;)15:11
gnomefreakasac: IIRC you only have ~dev branches for firegpg maybe chatzilla no other ones15:13
gnomefreakill let you know when im done pushing changes so you can make them. let me know the ones you have ill propose a merge15:13
asacgnomefreak: yeah. when i am not here you can also ask fta for sponsorship and push to ~ubuntu-dev15:15
asacbut i will be in and out today15:15
gnomefreakok im done pushing now :) im looking through your branches to see if you have any of them15:16
gnomefreakyep firegpg is only one you have15:17
gnomefreakok proposed firegpg15:19
gnomefreakasac: fta2  when you get time ~dev branches need to be made for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox-extensions/chatzilla.ubuntu https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox-extensions/linkwidgets.ubuntu https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox-extensions/wizz-rss.ubuntu15:21
gnomefreakok im away for a few minutes my wrist is killing me but will be around if needed15:21
fta2BUGabundo, what is the problem with the version?15:26
fta23.1~b2~hg20081110r21542 corresponds to revision 21542 committed 2008/11/1015:27
fta2in "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv:1.9.1b2pre) Gecko/20081110 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Shiretoko/3.1b2pre ID:20081110142839", the ID is the build id, i.e. the build date15:28
fta2build date >= commit date15:28
gnomefreakfta2: i think the b2pre15:43
gnomefreaksince b2 is finial as i recall15:43
gnomefreakok im going to take a nap for 2 hours or so.15:45
fta2b2 is final ? really ?15:46
fta2[reed], ^^ ?15:46
[reed]it's not15:46
gnomefreakoh i thought it was15:46
gnomefreakwell atleast our version says it is15:46
gnomefreaklet me see if i still have email maybe i read it wrong15:47
fta2it's not there; http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/tags15:47
asacfta2: i think b1 is final ;)15:47
gnomefreakshit never mind it was 3.0.4115:47
asacfta2: so lesson learned: not only being behind cause user confusion ... but also being ahead ;)15:48
gnomefreakwtf my message was rejected15:48
gnomefreakasac: i cant propose a mege15:48
asacgnomefreak: i cant believe that15:48
asacgnomefreak: or #launchpad bug ;)?15:48
gnomefreakasac: asking in #lp15:49
asacgnomefreak: go to your branch and select "propose for merge" ... then select the ~ubuntu-dev branch15:49
asacthat worked for me15:49
gnomefreakRe: Proposed merge of ~gnomefreak/firefox-extensions/firegpg.ubuntu into ~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/firegpg.ubuntu15:49
gnomefreakJohn Vivirito <gnomefreak@gmail.com>15:49
gnomefreakThu, 13 Nov 2008 15:19:50 -000015:49
asacgnomefreak: whats the problem?15:49
gnomefreakMOTU <universe-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com>15:49
gnomefreakYour message was rejected15:49
asacgnomefreak: why do you answer by mail?15:50
asacgnomefreak: ah ok15:50
asacgnomefreak: well. thats ok15:50
gnomefreaki didnt15:50
asacgnomefreak: its just that universe-bugs apparently needs a subscription15:50
asacand auto rejects15:50
asacwhen you merge the mesasge goes to the branch team15:50
asacwhich apepars to be universe-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com for ubuntu-dev15:50
gnomefreakasac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox-extensions/firegpg.ubuntu/+merge/167115:53
gnomefreakasac: i should never get a reject15:53
asacgnomefreak: yeah. but minor issue i guess. better to know that your merge request wasnt mailed anywhere i guess15:54
asac[reed]: those at your uni that cant connect ... do they all run iwl chipsets? or some even atheros?15:55
[reed]not sure, will check...15:57
asac[reed]: would also be interesting to know what kind of AP that is (e.g. a, g, n)15:57
asaci found that iwl drivers have a bug with "n" networks and perform particularly bad on those15:57
asaccould even be that that bug is higher in the wifi stack and affect all drivers that are based on mac8021115:58
gnomefreakasac: why do merge requests go to mailing lists?15:59
gnomefreakits the ML that rejected me15:59
gnomefreakuniverse mailing list15:59
asacgnomefreak: they go to whatever is the default mail address for the user/team that owns the branches you ask a merge for16:00
asace.g. ~ubuntu-dev in our case16:00
gnomefreakuniverse-bugs-owner@lists.ubuntu.com to be exact. shouldnt LP be handled outside of the ML16:00
asacgnomefreak: not sure who set that up16:00
gnomefreakasac: i gave you merge page above16:01
asacgnomefreak: yeah16:01
asacgnomefreak: actually i got the "merge" request through email16:04
asacfor firegpg16:04
asacor did you bounce those to me?16:04
gnomefreaknot bounces i wouldnt think it was mailing list that rejected them16:04
gnomefreakim asking in ~motu to find out why mailing list has anything to do with it a reject to me is not needed if you get email about the merge16:05
gnomefreakasac: dont do that yet latest push isnt listed there16:05
gnomefreakits up to revo 1516:06
gnomefreakonly see 14 there16:06
gnomefreaknot sure if that is gonna affect merge16:06
fta2[reed], I just got my CDG-SFO/SFO-CVG-CDG confirmation, not that bad after all16:06
[reed]ah, cool16:07
[reed]I'm TUP-MEM-MSP-SFO (and visa-versa)16:07
* gnomefreak wonders what was wrong with the names fta2 and [reed] :(16:08
[reed]what's wrong?16:09
asac[reed]: TUP?16:09
[reed]Tupelo, MS16:10
[reed]my hometown (not college town)16:10
[reed]my exams end on Dec. 8th16:10
[reed]I back up my room and go home to Tupelo that night16:11
[reed]and then fly out early the next morning16:11
[reed]on the 9th16:11
fta2oh, not on the 6th/7th ?16:11
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
fta2[reed], waw, TUP-MEM is short16:12
fta2[reed], ~30 to 40min16:13
[reed]fta2: no, as I said, I have exams that I can't miss16:14
[reed]semester exams16:14
[reed]no choice16:14
[reed]it's either come late or fail all my classes ;)16:14
[reed]though, I am staying in MV for another week16:16
[reed]not going home until the 20th16:16
[reed]going to work at the office16:16
[reed]I'll change hotels on that Saturday (the 13th)16:17
[reed]to a much fancier hotel than the one we're staying at16:17
[reed]I've stayed at the one we're staying at16:17
[reed]internet connection is horrible16:17
fta2how was it ?16:17
[reed]rooms were ok16:18
asac[reed]: after all the events we had in the past, i think that we took extra care that there is good connection now16:18
[reed]asac: good connection at Google, sure16:18
fta2the web site claims internet access is excellent16:18
[reed]but what about the hotel? :)16:18
[reed]fta2: lies16:18
asac[reed]: heh ;) ... thats what i ment :)16:18
asacbut most likely they just failed again16:18
[reed]MoCo people stay at the Wild Palms all the time16:18
[reed]and they _always_ complain about the internet there16:18
[reed]it's really bad16:19
[reed]like, drop ssh sessions bad16:19
asactelnet ;)16:20
asacwe have 3G support now ;)16:22
asaci think i have the right to get a CDMA modem for testing while being in US16:23
asac[reed]: did you hear about any hard regressions yet?16:50
asacwrt yesterdays release16:50
cwilluasac, thanks16:50
[reed]asac: nothing so far16:50
asaccwillu: did you find it? its already ahead of b1 ... but i guess that shouldnt matter ;)16:50
asac[reed]: ok cool. i will wait 2 more hours and then instruct security team to push the bits16:51
cwilluasac, yep.  I've got a firefox session with > 200 tabs open, I have a suspicion that tracemonkey will improve the constant 15% firefox load from all the advert managers running crappy setInterval's16:52
asaccwillu: yeah :) ... try to enable javascript JIT16:53
asacnot sure if its on by default now16:53
cwilluit's not16:53
asacfta2: ? ^^16:53
asaccwillu: not even for content? ok. give it a try and let us know ;)16:53
cwillubut the keys exist, so it's straightforward to turn it on (well, easier than copy/pasting the name first :p)16:54
asacimo 200 tabs open is not really something firefox should encourage ;)16:54
asacbut well. apparently you are not the only one using it that way ;)16:54
cwilluI don't see why it's objectively a bad thing16:55
cwilluany more than, say, 200 running processes16:56
asaci think processes can be swapped better ;)16:56
BUGabundofta2 I thought we got nightlies on your PPA16:56
cwilluthat's a fault of firefox, not a fault in my use of it :p16:56
asaccwillu: i already admitted that there appear to be use.16:57
asaci would just expect that 80% of the 200 are "left-behind" things16:57
cwilluasac, that's good.  it means I don't have to beat you :p16:57
asacsimilar to all the garbage i regularly have to celan up16:57
asacon my drives16:57
cwilluI do a garbage collection every week or so, but there's surprisingly little16:57
asaccwillu: do you use flashblock at least?16:58
cwillulots of api doc, things I want to respond to, things I need to finish reading16:58
asacok otherwise i would have expected 100% and systemload of 200 ;)16:58
cwilluI prefer running flash in nswrapper so I can nice it, but flashblock is the easier solution16:58
BUGabundohi asac. how where the vacations?17:02
asacBUGabundo: i am still on holiday officially ... was forced to come back because of ffox release17:03
BUGabundoah ok! sorry to ear!17:04
* cwillu pokes asac with a stick17:04
cwilluasac, alternatively, is it a bad sign that I keep my firefox profile in a git repository? :p17:08
asaccwillu: interesting idea17:08
cwilluhaven't beat up on it enough to trust that commiting with firefox open actually grabs a complete and up-to-date image (or even a usable image)17:10
asaccwillu: ffox writes stuff on shutdown and sometimes in between17:14
asaccwillu: sou you should probably commit to git when ffox shuts down17:14
cwilluI don't shut firefox down very often :p17:14
asaccwillu: yeah. you could write an extension that flushses pref changes and commit then17:15
cwilluin theory, if the sqlite db wouldn't be corrupted by a hard reboot, the commit has a chance of being useful17:15
asacthere are other files that might cause more issues though17:15
asaccwillu: NFS home?17:15
asaccwillu: sqlite is supposed to do stuff in transactions so corruption should be unlikely17:16
cwillunope, local17:16
asaconly issues i know are NFS home17:16
asacwhere a cold reboot doesnt release a flock or something17:16
asac - but thats more a NFS issue17:16
cwilluthe issue being that git isn't atomic wrt to putting changes in the index file:  it could see an 'atomic' firefox sqlite commit as two distinct modifications, and commit one and not the other17:17
cwilluthere's also a possible problem with the fsync workaround17:17
cwillu(I run my fs in full logging mode, allowing one to disable the imo overly aggressive fsync'ing :p)17:18
cwillu(aka, I cause my own headaches :p)17:18
cwillu3.1 is coming up right now, once it finishes loading all the tabs I'll turn on the jit and see how long it takes to crash :)17:19
cwilluoh, jit content is on now.  wasn't on 3.1b117:23
* cwillu turns on jit content for maximum grief :p17:23
cwillujit chrome, rather17:24
cwilluoh, is there a way to turn off that tab switching nonsense? :p17:28
thunderstruckfta: i wont be here in 40 minutes when you told me to remind you but the 4 extension uilt for jaunty in my ppa are ready to go. firegpg chatzilla linkwidgets and wizz-rss thanks ill be back tonight or tomorrow18:20
cwilluhmm... flashblock is ineffective in ff3.1b2pre19:45
ftahm, liferea is moving away from gecko, 1.6 will be based on webkit20:04
sebnerfta: and the hype goes on ...20:04
ftacrimsun, after a reboot on jaunty, no more sound.20:11
ftacrimsun, i was running jaunty before, but i didn't reboot since the upgrade from intrepid, until now20:12
ftacrimsun, what is pulse-session for?20:14
sebnerfta: hehehe, I had the same and reinstalled intrepid ;P20:15
ftai won't20:15
ftano sound with alsa either20:17
ftaAudio devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG ???20:20
ftahmm, now i have some sound20:24
ftait's the 6.1 config20:29
ftaeverything is sent to the front and the front volume was set to 020:35
rzr<cwillu> hmm... flashblock is ineffective in ff3.1b2pre21:05
rzrcrimsun: oopz21:05
rzrlet me check21:06
mconnorI really wish you guys filed bugs more often21:46
mconnorbecause some of this stuff should Just Work21:46
mconnorlike the one that disables the sw update UI21:47
mconnoryou're already not building the update code, so that UI just shouldn't be there at build time21:47
ftamaybe a problem with incremental changes over time, it makes patches become silently obsolete :P21:49
miikwhere i can get 3.0.4?21:51
miikwhen you put in repo?21:51
ftamiik, soon, it's ready, but i can't upload it, we need asac, currently on holidays21:54
miikoh, its a guy named asac21:55
ftayes :)21:55
miikwell, think if asac gets hit by a bus, then i cant get update?21:55
miikthere must be some way so we can get update even if people on vacation21:55
miikits like if i goto the hospital and people say "sorry, we cant take you, the doctor is on a vacation"21:56
miikor im drowning in the pool and the rescue guy goes "sorry, im on a coffee break"21:56
ftai understand, you're right, yet, i can't do anything about it. i'm not allowed to push in main21:57
ftathere's a preview in my ppa if you really want it, that's the best i can provide21:58
miikwell, you should tell the guy who is the boss, that you need like some solution to be able to handle stuff incase a guy goes on a vacation, goes missing or gets hit by a buss22:00
miikif ubuntu gonna be professional, you cant delay stuff cuz one guy is on a vacation22:00
miiki understand why companies dont want to use linux, when its so badly supported and people can go on vacation and then shit wont get done22:01
ftaasac, ^^ please don't get hit bus22:01
fta+by a22:01
miikwell i wouldnt want to run an interprise infrastucture then have a vunlerability in something, and then because the guy is on vacation i cant get updates, and we get hacked and loose millions22:02
directhexmiik, you know microsoft only post updates to their entierprise stuff  on a particular day of the week, right?22:02
miikyes :( on second tuesday each month :(22:02
miikthats just stupid, its true though22:03
miiki hope IBM, Red Hat, Novell does better22:03
rzrasac: gutten nacht22:48
rzrasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/flashblock.ubuntu/+merge/168322:53
=== rzr is now known as rZr
ftahow can i force an app using libxul-embedding to use xul 1.9 when I have both xul 1.9 and 1.9.1 installed ?23:15
fta[reed], mconnor, asac: ^^23:15
mconnorI have no clue, sorry23:16
mconnorI avoid such things :)23:16
ftaok, trying in #dev23:19

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