
sorencjwatson: How much work would you estimate it would take to have the graphical d-i frontend that Debian is using for Lenny working with Ubuntu?13:54
cjwatsonsoren: not much, I was expecting to turn it on as part of the merge13:55
sorencjwatson: Oh, fantastic.13:55
cjwatsonit'll take up a bit more space of course13:56
sorencjwatson: What's the current exchange rate for "a bit" into megabytes?13:57
sorenJust an order of magnitude guess.13:57
cjwatsona few :-)13:58
cjwatsonactually it might balance out because I just realised there's a bunch of stuff duplicated between the installer seed and the installer initrd, and thus effectively appearing twice on images13:58
cjwatsonso if I sort that out we'll save a few megabytes again13:58
cjwatsonanyway that much is not a problem, I'm just curious about these conversations that have apparently been happening which seem to be wanting to go further?13:59
sorenI don't think anything concrete came up.13:59
cjwatsonok, nijaba was pretty vague14:00
sorenYes... If anything concrete did come up, I've forgotten.14:00
cjwatsonthe mutterings suggested that he wanted something prettier than more or less a straight conversion of the debconf questions to gtk14:00
cjwatsonmy preemptive advice is that this is actually quite hard :-)14:01
sorenI *may* have said something like "if we find something that we *really* can't do with debconf atm..." and then finished the sentence in some hand-wavy sort of way.14:01
cjwatsonwe might be able to do it for a very, very small number of questions (e.g. 1)14:01
* soren nods14:01
cjwatsonbasically the architecture involves writing custom frontend-specific plugins in C for specific questions that need better representations14:01
cjwatsonand then detecting those in the frontend-independent code and calling them as necessary14:02
sorenI understand.14:03

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