=== asac_ is now known as asac [02:32] hello, I'm planning a car-computer, does ubuntu-umpc is suitable for this task? has anyone tried it? [02:35] There are a few people who have reported trying both ubuntu-mid and ubuntu-umpc for carputers. [02:35] Consensus seems to be that there are issues with all of the available GPS applications. [02:36] If you don't need GPS that much, the choice comes down to whether you want an app-switcher and menu, or just one app at a time and a grid interface. [02:36] In either case, there's a fair bit of customisation required to make it work well for a carpc. [02:36] persia: do you know what kind of issues, I have a lilliput touch screen, are there drivers available on the distro? [02:38] That I don't know. There's a live USB image though, so it's safe to try the basics without installing, if you can boot off USB. [02:38] I believe that only devices supported by the "evtouch" driver work out of the box, and that you may need to fuss around a bit to get anything else working, but don't know which category is correct for that device. [02:41] persia: thanks, I would like to help improve umpc for this task, maybe posting errors, or solutions, it's there a place to post? [02:42] launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug [02:43] Actually, it's almost always better to file bugs against specific packages, using something like ubuntu-bug, but that's *if* you know which package is affected. [02:43] If you get a good patch, and want someone to take a look, mention it here, and if someone's around, they'll look. [02:44] ok, thanks [07:43] morning [07:48] salut lool === doko_ is now known as doko === ogra_ is now known as ogra