
Dr_willisI just keep a terminal open on the 2nd monitor. :)00:00
Dr_willisno need to pop one down00:00
ptlDr_willis: do you know any conky script that could replace my gkrellm?00:00
Dr_willisdepeneds on what you want it to do.00:00
ptlbe used as a panel, stay fixed and always visible on the right, be thin and show all current data00:01
ptlmost widgets are too fat for me00:01
Dr_williswell of course.. but what 'data'00:01
courtjesterghow do i edit my permissions to edited this folder in root00:01
ptlcpu, processes, network, disk, swap and so on. Nothing out of the ordinary.00:01
Dr_willisyou can custamize conky to show most anything.  like that.00:01
Dr_willisconkly web site has dozens of examples00:02
courtjestergthink i am set as some kind of user instead of admin00:02
binMonkeythere's a thread in the ubuntu forums with hundreds of conkys and their scripts.00:02
Dr_willisoops conlky00:02
ptlmy problem with conky is not showing the data. Is showing the data in a thin panel widget.00:02
Dr_willisCould always track down some windowmaker warf applets. :)00:03
ptlcould never do that with it...00:03
Dr_willisbut oh wait.. kde4 dosetn have that warf-applet feature any more00:03
Dr_willishaving  'readable' info in a real think conky layout would be the hard part...00:03
Dr_willissince it only does 'bar' graphs and text basically.00:04
binMonkeyptl: look here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&highlight=conky00:04
ptlhaven't thought of it, but windowmaker is also too old, and I am looking to replace gkrellm because I want something more integrated (besides the irritating moving bug, I want real transparency and such things)00:04
Dr_willisthe kde4 way would be to make plasmids for it all00:04
ptlI know00:04
ptlcouldn't find one00:05
ptlonly fat plasmids00:05
ptlwhich are not panels either00:05
ptlthere are some awesome monitors, but they are screen-hungry00:05
Dr_willishtop in a terminal. :) what more do ya need.00:06
ptlnot thing00:06
ptlI mean00:06
ptlnot thin00:06
ptland not a panel00:06
Dr_willis'oh the humanity of it all!' :)00:07
ptlotherwise I would use it -- or not, because being a text application, does not have graphs that are more intuitive, faster to see what's happening00:07
courtjestergok in login manager is system the super userr /admin of the os in users tab?00:07
courtjestergi see i am not marked as anything nor has nothing have applied00:07
courtjestergthere is even a user called root00:08
HappySmileMancourtjesterg: "root" is like superadmin on Linux distros00:15
ptlDr_willis: I recalled why I don't use conky.00:15
* Dr_willis recalls why he dosent use gkrellm00:15
ptlDr_willis: It doesn't have settings for being a panel. Ok, I could get a workaround by using wmctrl or the KDE window management to always make it a panel. Ugly, but it would work, I guess. But it also does not support real transparency.00:16
ptlI would not struggle with text-mode configuration files if it's not really worth it00:16
* Dr_willis dosent give a bean about 'real' transparency00:16
Dr_willis :)00:17
ptlgkrellm doesn't have it00:17
courtjestergok when trying to edit my sources.list file to take that url out so i can use adept it says i do not have permission00:19
courtjestergwhen trying to save need to save it and edit it00:19
Dr_willisYou used 'sudo nano ' ?00:20
maxbaldwinwhat editor are you using, courtjesterg00:20
courtjestergit opens in kate00:20
Dr_willisYOU open it.. dont just double click...00:20
maxbaldwinsudo kate /etc/.../sources.lst00:20
* Dr_willis scoffs at double clicking..00:20
maxbaldwinsudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list00:20
maxbaldwinI think00:20
Dr_williskdesudo kate /path/to/whatever00:21
Dr_willisor use a console based editor00:21
Dr_willissudo nano /path/to/whatever00:21
maxbaldwinyeah, kdesudo for graphical applications.00:21
Dr_willisor use some other editor00:21
* mister-tea likes kate00:22
* Dr_willis uses geany00:22
courtjesterghow can i edit my permissions to edit the root folders this is my computer and i installed this os so why am i not allowed to edit the file?00:23
* ptl apt-cache search geany00:23
* mister-tea when in terminal uses nano00:23
* ptl when in terminal uses vim00:23
* ptl thinks there are too many options for lightweight syntax-highlighting text processors on GNU/Linux00:24
courtjestergthis is where i have to go00:24
courtjestergE: Type 'git://git.kitenet.net/aliengit://git.kitenet.net/alien00:24
courtjestergi need to delete that line on 4600:24
courtjestergin root ect/apt/sources.list00:25
courtjestergand i can't resave the file once i try and delet it00:25
mister-teause nanoin terminal and read the man pages that will tell you how to save your changes00:26
courtjestergi am not used to the terminal nor know any commands for it00:26
courtjestergi came from xp i used to mess with the stuff when i was a young kid00:27
courtjestergwith command lines in 9500:27
mister-teadr willis gave you the commands above00:27
mister-teaif you want to learn more about commands there is a built in tutor thingy in konqueror00:28
OxDeadC0decourtjesterg as security so people can't break your system except you, you need root permissions to change anything but personal files (Otherwise it's a "bug")00:29
OxDeadC0decourtjesterg prefix "sudo" to any command to gain root privileges for that command00:29
Dr_willishasent this been shown by example like.. 10 times now. :)00:30
mister-teaterminal can be your  friend :-)00:30
ptlcourtjesterg: but did you use sudo/kdesudo? You probably can't save because you are not root. Or maybe it's the permissions...00:31
mister-teaif you want to do the edit with a gui (kate) open kate from terminal kdesudo kate00:31
Dr_willisroot should be able to save  even with the wrong permissions00:31
ptlnot if the file belongs to other user00:32
OxDeadC0deptl root can edit any file no matter what user owns it, that's why it's root00:32
josehola alguien me puede ayudar00:32
Dr_willissudo nano /dev/urandom00:32
Dr_willisedit that! :P00:32
ptlOxDeadC0de: I know and that's the problem (probably). he's not editting it as root00:32
* mister-tea doubts he understands root00:32
ptlDr_willis: lol00:32
ptl!es | jose00:33
ubottujose: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:33
ubuntuhi all00:33
OxDeadC0de!hi | ubuntu00:33
ubottuubuntu: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:33
ubuntuthank ;)00:34
ptl!hot_teen_sex | ptl00:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hot_teen_sex00:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:34
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:34
ubuntu!hot_teen_sex | ptl00:34
courtjestergok how do i save this options justify, writeout, readfile00:34
mister-teame/ wonders if he could just comment the line out00:35
courtjestergi am in the terminal i went to where i need to be and deleted the line of code on line 46 so now what do i do to save this work?00:35
Dr_williscourtjesterg,  what editor did you use?00:35
courtjestergi am in the terminal kconsole00:36
ubuntuyour computer whitch cpu have?00:36
Dr_williscourtjesterg,  that disent tell us what editor....00:36
OxDeadC0deif nano, ^=control, ^X  is exit, exit will save. If vim exit insert mode, :wq to write and quit. If kate or gedit, save it like normal00:36
Dr_willis if you  used nano - its some control  combo.. see any help/tips at the bottom?00:37
courtjestergi deleted the line in the terminal when i looked it up00:37
courtjestergyeah nano00:37
courtjestergnone say save00:37
Dr_willissome days its like pupping teeth. :)00:37
Dr_willis'write' = save00:37
mister-teacontrol x00:37
OxDeadC0deI just told him, he ignored it00:37
Dr_williswrite out.. i think it says..00:37
ubuntumy processor have 900 mz..00:37
Dr_willisctrl-h = HELP :)00:37
ubuntuat me?00:38
mister-teaubuntu:  do you have a question?00:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:39
courtjestergthis isn't working00:41
notriddleJust out of curiosity, does anybody know if it is safe to suspend a system while you are connected to IRC?00:42
maxbaldwinnotriddle: yes. the worst that can happen is someone says your name.00:43
courtjestergit saved just not inthe format i wanted it too now me wonders how i delete that file lol00:43
notriddlemaxbaldwin: Okay. Thanks.00:43
* notriddle supposes that he should set himself to away before he suspends.00:44
mister-teare edit it00:44
maxbaldwinnotriddle: sure, that'd work.00:44
notriddlemaxbaldwin: Any way to set Konversation to away automatically? Perhaps a script in /etc/acpi/suspend.d and /etc/acpi/resume.d?00:45
maxbaldwinnotriddle: not that I know of. CTRL + Shit + A00:46
Dr_willisHmm.. if you disconnect..  you are not away... you are.. err.. gone. :)00:46
* notriddle wonders whether there's a better channel to ask this on, even though distribution-specific stuff is involved.00:46
maxbaldwinoh crap... CTRL + *Shift* + A00:46
maxbaldwinthat's better. :D00:46
* notriddle grins.00:47
mister-teayeah the other one is dirty00:47
maxbaldwinnotriddle: maybe #kde4 ?00:47
* notriddle supposes it was a typo.00:47
ptlnotriddle: you'd be disconnected anyway00:47
* mister-tea pictures a crappy keyboard00:47
notriddlemaxbaldwin: Nope. I'm using KDE3 Konversation.00:47
ubuntume too00:47
ptlso I don't think setting to autoaway would do anything useful00:47
maxbaldwinnotriddle: kde4 here, dunno.00:47
Dr_willisYou would be away befor you get disconnected. :)00:48
notriddlemaxbaldwin: Huh? I'm using Intrepid and I have a KDE3 Konversation. It's one of the only KDE3 application I have.00:48
notriddleDr_willis: I'll be disconnected if I suspend?00:49
Dr_willisnotriddle,  of course...00:49
ptlunless, of course, you use something as a bouncer00:49
tauc1961alguien en español00:49
notriddleDr_willis: Okay. That's what I wondered.00:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:49
ptlnotriddle: you don't think you'd be magically connected to the internet and processing IRC while your computer is off, do you?00:49
Dr_willis the irc server will somw how  knwo you are suspended? :) not going to happen.00:49
* mister-tea picture a big guy with tattoos00:49
maxbaldwinnotriddle: maybe use Lock instead of suspend00:49
Dr_willis'pause' :)00:50
notriddleptl: Nope, I didn't. I just wondered whether I'd properly disconnect or be away. I didn't want some undefined result (perhaps accidentally crashing the server.00:50
=== everaldo_ is now known as arcanjoebc
ptlnotriddle: I see. I was just kidding, hope you didn't take offense. :)00:51
Dr_willisas far as the server sees.. you quit replying to pings/responses. and thus 'hung up/disconnected'00:51
Dr_willissame as any other serverice/connectiosn to that suspending machine.00:52
notriddleDr_willis: But my IRC client doesn't know that. That's one of the things I worried about (Konversation expecting to still be connected).00:52
Dr_willisHibernate/suspend can reallyu confuse a LOT of applications...00:52
ptlnotriddle: if you want to have IRC presence with your computer turned off, though, you can use bnc on a server00:52
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* notriddle doesn't need that.00:53
notriddleDr_willis: Should I just test it and hope Konversation doesn't crash?00:53
Dr_willisIt wont crash.. it will be disconnected..00:54
* notriddle doesn't expect it to do worse, though there are ways it could.00:54
Dr_willisit might try to auto-reconnect/rejoin the channels00:54
paulktest it notriddle00:54
* notriddle is suspended.00:55
noaXesswow .. now upgraded..and eg. can't run konsole, dolphin... KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/konsole00:55
* notriddle just un-suspended.00:56
notriddleDr_willis: it seems to have re-connected.00:57
Dr_willisnotriddle,  no it dident.. :) we dont see you..00:57
noaXessany idea, why kde4 alwayys look in /usr/lib/kde4/bin?.. cause this was the path in the 8.04 kde4 remix00:57
notriddleDr_willis: I assume you're joking. Did I suspend for too short, and never get disconnected?00:58
Dr_willissounds like somthing dident get upgraded right. :)00:58
Dr_willisnotriddle,  i never notic3d.. i have most of those messages disabled00:58
noaXessDr_willis: ok.. what?00:58
mister-teamessage said suspended the un suspended00:58
=== OxDeadC0de_ is now known as OxDeadC0de
notriddlenoaXess: It seems like your upgrade didn't go smoothly. You are using a shortcut that references Konsole by full path (they moved it).00:59
noaXessok.. thanks.. but whats the trick to fix it?01:00
noaXessi do a alt+f2 and run konsole01:00
notriddlenoaXess: Okay. Try /usr/bin/konsole (no, it won't be permanent).01:00
OxDeadC0decan I make macros with konversation, like something that will automatically send /nick when my other nick finally times out?01:01
noaXessnotriddle: and now?01:01
Dr_willisor use the nickserv ghost command. :)01:01
notriddle0xDeadC0de: It should be able to do that in particular already.01:01
notriddlenoaXess: Does it work?01:02
notriddlenoaXess: Okay, let's see where /usr/lib/kde4 is being referenced. First, try running kmenuedit from Konsole.01:03
OxDeadC0denotriddle where's the option set? In identities? (Didn't see it anywhere in configure konver)01:04
noaXessnotriddle: aha.. i see what you mean.. cause u had the 8.04 kde4 remix, all the kde4 apps referenced to /usr/lib/kde4/bin..01:04
notriddlenoaXess: Yep. In Intrepid, they moved KDE4 from /usr/lib/kde4 to /usr. You have gunk lying around referencing /usr/lib/kde4.01:05
noaXessnotriddle: how can i correct it?.. is there any way?01:05
notriddlenoaXess: That depends on where it is. I need to know, did you customize your application menu (yes, KRunner does use it somewhat).01:06
noaXessnotriddle: yes i did..01:06
noaXessi moved all kde4 apps in a kde4 folder01:06
notriddlenoaXess: Then there's your problem. Pull open kmenuedit and it should be relatively obvious how to fix it.01:07
* notriddle is suspending.01:07
noaXessnotriddle: is there a way to create the default kde4 menu?01:07
noaXessall the rest i can do i manually01:07
noaXessrestore system menu01:10
fatstuffhelllo does this work01:11
fatstuffanyone home01:11
maxbaldwinfatstuff: Yes. but you aren't here now.01:14
ubuntuciao a tutti01:17
ubuntuwhat language is?01:17
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:17
szalwell, what do you expect? ;)01:17
ubuntu<ubottu>  you're a funny guys01:19
mister-teaubottu is a bot01:19
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.01:19
szalI wonder who added the remark to right-click on the channel name to enter the channel..  I guess that's highly client-specific..01:19
ubuntuhhaahah figure..01:20
PSiL0anyone have the dustbin package for cairo-dock?01:20
PSiL0I installed it (and the plugins package) on kubuntu 8.10, and I don't see any applets01:21
ubuntuubottu is a bot very colt01:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:21
ubuntuubottu is a bot very intelligent01:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:21
ubuntuubottu is a bot very good01:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:22
ubuntuubottu is funny01:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is funny01:22
szalubuntu: if you want to mess around w/ the bot, please do so in private message (a.k.a. query)01:22
ubuntuok sorry01:22
Spreadsheetso i got some non free drivers for broadcom and now i dont see anything for wireless01:28
ptlhope you're not excel01:28
SpreadsheetOO.O is default on kubuntu01:28
szalgood night folks01:29
ilhamhello. is there GUI app to make photo slide to dvd/vcd01:30
courtjestergyou mean to tell me all of you didn't know how t login as root when you know how to use nano?01:30
courtjestergnow i can delete and edit files with root permissions01:30
OxDeadC0decourtjesterg no we didn't tell you that, or imply that, we all know how to do it, but you do not need to login as root to use root, and it's better not to for security reasons01:31
courtjestergyeah but i need to edit and delte files in root still need to delete files01:32
ubuntutell me01:32
courtjestergthat is so much easier then have to find how to delete files in nano01:32
courtjestergin root01:32
Spreadsheettheres a person called Ubuntu ?01:32
OxDeadC0decourtjesterg use sudo01:32
OxDeadC0deif you don't understand sudo, look it up01:32
courtjestergok so what is the command to delete files in the root folders01:33
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)01:33
OxDeadC0derm is the command to remove files01:33
OxDeadC0desudo rm runs rm as root via isudo, sudo works with every single command01:33
=== john is now known as a_non_mouse
ilham hello. is there GUI app to make photo slide to dvd/vcd01:35
Spreadsheetcan anyone help me?01:36
Spreadsheeti got the broadcom driver but it doesnt work01:36
Spreadsheeti go to the network place and nothing shows up for wireless01:36
OxDeadC0deSpreadsheet which one, ndiswrapper+windows driver, or b43?01:36
courtjestergi get it now why root shouldn't be unlocked01:37
OxDeadC0dei use ndis/windows driver, it's faster, supports more of the cards features, and has less "little" problems (Scales speed less often, when it's scaled it stops transfering data for a second, very bad for real time audio streaming for example)01:37
noaXessi have an link in my autostart folder that points to: ~/.kde/env/gtk-qt-engine.rc.sh01:38
noaXessis that normal?01:38
Spreadsheeton xubuntu and debian b43 worked fine01:38
mister-teagotta love those factoids :-)01:38
marco_my notebook uses a 965GM as a video card, can I configure my monitor's default brightness when I start X?01:39
JontheEchidnanoaXess: yes01:39
mister-teaSpreadsheet:  I used it with ubuntu but it was trouble01:39
OxDeadC0deb43 works for me too, dunno why it won't for you on 8.10 (I assume), but i stream audio a lot and can't stand it stuttering every minute01:40
noaXessJontheEchidna: whats about that?01:40
Spreadsheeti dont really stream audio01:40
JontheEchidnagtk-qt-engine, the theming engine for GTK app in KDE01:40
OxDeadC0deit will also affect bittorrent transfers, downloads, etc01:40
Spreadsheeti torrented kubuntu fine too... on the b43 comp01:40
OxDeadC0dedidn't say it wont work, it will, fine for most people, but it will affect them01:41
mister-teathere's a how to for the b43 in the wiki01:41
OxDeadC0deand b43 doesn't support low power mode yet01:41
basyhi, i have 2 separated disk partitions : [ / ]  and [ /home]. My root partition is going to be full soon because i install too stuff.... Are there any dirs like /tmp which i can clear ?01:44
Spreadsheetuhh wheres the package manager...01:46
ptlbasy: that's what LVM is for, you should have installed right away with LVM01:47
contrastGreets, everyone...01:47
contrastAnyone on Intrepid know a fix for the bug that causes the style to reset to Oxygen at every login?01:47
noaXessis kpilot gone from kde4.1.3?01:48
ptlis there such a bug?01:48
ptlMine works without reverting back to Oxygen01:48
ptlcontrast: KDE 4.1.3? Have you upgraded yet?01:48
Spreadsheetwheres the package manager?01:48
ptladept is the name01:49
contrastptl: yeah, i'm on 4.1.301:50
Spreadsheetthat looks like a add/remove software thing01:50
contrastsometimes it even resets to oxygen in the middle of a session. >=(01:50
contrastSpreadsheet: Adept Manager (under System)01:50
Spreadsheethow do i make it a actual package manager, like synaptic or something01:50
binMonkeyhi, guys.01:51
contrastAdept 2.0 is a big improvement, but Synaptic still feels a lot more efficient01:51
contrast!hi | binMonkey01:51
ubottubinMonkey: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:51
rgreeningSpreadsheet: adept --help is your friend01:52
binMonkeyare there tests i can run to see which is faster, fwcutter or ndiswrapper?01:52
snarksteranyone know why when i do lsb_release i dont get any information?01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpilot01:54
rgreeningsnarkster: cause lsb_release by itself is equivalent to lsb_release -v. Try running lsb_release --help and try other options01:54
snarksteroh duh thank you01:55
=== patricio is now known as Guest16279
rgreeninglsb_release -a01:55
noaXessdoes anybody know where's kpilot?01:55
contrastnoaXess: according to "apt-cache search kpilot," it's not in the repos01:56
noaXesscontrast: :(01:56
contrastone sec...01:56
noaXesssnarkster: LOL01:57
snarkster<shrug> there was alot showing so I figured give you the site01:57
Dragnslcr!info kpilot01:57
ubottuPackage kpilot does not exist in intrepid01:57
mister-teanoaXess: it doesnt appear to be included in ibex01:58
noaXessi see.. bad news..01:58
noaXessok.. it's 03:00 in the morning.. and i need some sleep ;)..01:59
noaXesssee ya later..01:59
binMonkeyare there tests i can run to see which is faster, fwcutter or ndiswrapper?02:01
* notriddle just un-suspended02:08
notriddleDr_willis: Okay. I just returned from suspend. It seems like Konversation spent some time thinking it was still online before it properly reconnected. I'll disconnect before I suspend from now on.02:09
willi_ballenthinhow can i install the bleeding edge development versions of the kde packages?02:10
paulknotriddle> thanks for testing suspend02:10
notriddlepaulk: You're welcome.02:11
Spreadsheethow do i use adept?02:12
Spreadsheeti cant find the package list02:12
notriddlewilli_ballenthin: You could use Project Neon, though unfortunately they name their packages oddly.02:12
willi_ballenthinnotriddle: thanks, i think i had kdelibs installed from there02:12
willi_ballenthinbut i was looking for kdevelop4 and whatnot, and wasnt sure it was there02:13
willi_ballenthinill look again02:13
notriddleSpreadsheet: In Adept Manager or Adept Installer (Menu->System->Adept Manager or Menu->Add/Remove programs).02:13
notriddlewilli_ballenthin: I don't think kdevelop is.02:13
Spreadsheeti dont see that02:14
Spreadsheeti see Adept, View, and Help02:14
willi_ballenthini suppose i coudl just spend a night checking out the entire subversion tree and compiling02:14
willi_ballenthinjust wondered if there was an easier way02:14
willi_ballenthinthanks thouh02:14
notriddleSpreadsheet: In KMenu->Adept Installer Add/Remove software, the software list is easy to find and use.02:15
paulkspreadsheet> Applications Add/Remove software02:15
Spreadsheeti see02:16
Spreadsheethmm i cant find irssi...02:17
notriddlewilli_ballenthin: The subversion list is pretty well-organized. If you just want to use KDevelop, that should be all you need to check out.02:17
willi_ballenthinnotriddle: thanks again, ill try that02:18
Spreadsheetnor can i find things like zsh...02:18
Spreadsheeti can find yakuake though...02:18
notriddleSpreadsheet: Perhaps you can use Adept Manager (Applications->System->Adept Manager - Package Manager). Adept Installer only lists some of the categorized packages meant to be listed there.02:18
Spreadsheeti see02:19
notriddleSpreadsheet: To get a list, click the box next to State (State: [ ])02:21
notriddleSpreadsheet: Oops, that gives installed packages. Click it again and then choose the one next to it.02:22
* notriddle feels embarrased, though that is pretty bad interface design, I must say ;)02:22
Spreadsheetso i got zsh using apt-get ;)02:23
Spreadsheetlast question: how do you set default shells?02:24
notriddleSpreadsheet: :P It's pretty bad when the CLI is easier than the GUI :)02:24
notriddleSpreadsheet: That's done with chsh.02:24
keokiHi... has anyone has ubuntu installed on a Thinkpad R40?02:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chsh02:25
keokiI'm trying to look for a driver that can allow to use the s-video output02:25
notriddle!chsh is the command used to CHange the login SHell.02:26
notriddlekeoki: What video card do you have?02:26
* notriddle will look it up if keoki doesn't know.02:27
keokiit's an ATI Radeon Mobile something02:28
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:29
keokithanks... I am on that now02:31
notriddlekeoki: Your welcome (though ubottu helps me not have to remember the link ;).02:32
notriddleubuntu: hi.02:33
ubuntuhi notriddle :)02:34
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keokiHi again!! :p I just got into the ATI web site and downloaded the propietary drivers... now my question is... how I do Install it :p02:49
paulkwhat benefit is the Plasma Dashboard?02:50
geniikeoki: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installing_the_restricted_drivers_manually02:50
ubuntuwhat's the plasma dashboard?02:50
keokithe name of the file is ati-driver-installer-8-11-x-86.x-86_64.run02:50
keokithanks... I'll ask again if I get stuck :)02:52
erickque tal02:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:54
erickwhere are from02:54
notriddlekeoki: Why can't you use the package (K Menu->(Applications->?)->02:54
notriddlekeoki: Why can't you use the package (K Menu->(Applications->?)->System->Hardware Drivers?02:55
geniierick: We are from everywhere02:55
ubuntu<- from mars, just visting02:56
ericki from to mexico02:56
erickand yyou02:56
paulkubuntu> There is an Icon on the panel next to volume control, when I click it Konversation disapears and at the top of the screen it says plasma dashboard02:56
geniierick: I am from Canada. Do you have a Kubuntu problem you need help with?02:57
keokiuh...maybe because is a Propietary Driver :)02:57
keokiI already tried the application installer :)02:57
ericki want now is update to kubuntu 8.4 self02:58
keokiis Kubuntu and Ubuntu the same?02:59
erickno diferent kubuntu is beter02:59
geniikeoki: Underneath they use the same03:00
erickwork with tow plataform03:00
keokiIC... it's just a friend installed ubuntu some time ago... and wanted (desperately) to try it out03:00
keokiso now I have half my disk with XP and the other half with Ubuntu03:00
keokiand really I am starting to get the hang of it03:01
paulkKubuntu uses KDE GUI Ubuntu uses Gnome GUI03:01
geniikeoki: They can: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop               if they want to install the kubuntu part of it03:01
keokiand only the graphic interface will be affected?03:02
geniikeoki: When you have both Gnome and KDE installed, the menus can be confusing because they have all the items from both.03:02
keokiI just better stick with one then...03:03
geniiIf you have both and just want one see !puregnome or !purekde03:04
paulkhave both with dual boot03:04
geniiYes, you could have separate partitions as well03:04
geniiThis is how I test 8.10 for instance although I am normally in 8.0403:05
notriddlekeoki: There is no real difference, except that their interface is set up differently.03:05
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde403:05
ubottugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.03:05
* notriddle knows KDE provides a development platform, too.03:06
notriddleAnd for good measure...03:06
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:06
keokiI am just amateur... so what you guys recommend... I know you have your preferences but which one everyone agrees?03:06
geniiWell, keep in mind this is #kubuntu and not #ubuntu so we are slanted for KDE ... ;)03:07
notriddlekeoki: This is a bit biased, since people on #kubuntu probably use Kubuntu, and of course will recommend it. As my own example, I recommend Kubuntu to others.03:07
keokiok... then after I finish installing the ATI drivers I can give a try.03:07
keokiThanks everyone03:07
notriddlekeoki: I recommend that, since they both provide a livecd, try them both...03:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.03:07
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radamsIs there a way to make widgets ONLY show when I press ctrl F12 to bring up the dashboard?03:14
notriddleradams: Aaron (aseigo) described a method before. I'll look it up.03:17
radamsnotriddle: tyvm03:17
notriddleradams: Here you go: http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/09/howto-decoupling-dashboard-from-desktop.html.03:19
Spreadsheet_i enabled desktop effects and now i cant see anything...03:19
Spreadsheet_im in a virtual term now03:19
radamsnotriddle: great! thanks03:19
Reed_SolomonSpreadsheet, either compiz isn't working with your system, or you have enabled the new desktop effects feature "confusion distortion"03:20
Reed_Solomonbut the latter is made up, so..03:20
Spreadsheet_its not compiz i think03:20
Spreadsheet_i was using Kubuntu, i think its KWin03:20
Spreadsheet_and i dont have the driver :O03:20
Reed_Solomonid try rebooting and using the last known working setup03:20
radamsnotriddle: what does "zoom out on the desktop" mean? I'm new to KDE 4...03:20
Reed_Solomonwhats that called.. failsafe?03:21
Reed_Solomonanyways id give that a shot03:21
keokiI need to reebot... brb03:22
administradoralguien de chile??03:22
notriddleradams: Uh, oh. I forgot that they changed it in Kubuntu.03:22
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:23
radamsnotriddle: :( Yeah, I'm reading a guide right now that tells me I should see this in the cashew, and I don't03:23
notriddleradams: I'm looking for another way.03:24
radamsnotriddle: thanks. I'll keep poking around too03:25
notriddleradams: In .kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc, copy all the sections labeled [Containments][1], replacing the 1 with your favorite number that isn't already used.03:26
notriddleradams: This should make a new activity, AFAIK.03:27
radamsnotriddle: ok. why did they remove the add a new activity feature, btw? seems odd to take that out...03:27
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Spreadsheetim on another comp now03:29
Spreadsheeti restarted03:29
Spreadsheetand now its nothing03:29
Spreadsheetis there a config file somewhere i can edit?03:29
notriddleradams: They considered it still only half-complete.03:29
notriddleradams: From here, you should be able to follow the guide.03:30
notriddleSpreadsheet: Explain.03:32
Spreadsheetso i went to desktop effects and enabled them, then it crashed (it was basically black, the desktop)03:33
Spreadsheetand i rebooted, now theres no wireless (probably because it needs the desktop or something) and it is still black in the desktop03:33
ilham_is there gui for conver photo to video03:33
notriddleSpreadsheet: Yep. In .kde/share/config/kwinrc, under the section labeled Compositing, set enabled to false.03:34
Spreadsheet.kde in home folder?03:34
notriddleSpreadsheet: Yep.03:35
notriddleSpreadsheet: In ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc.03:35
Spreadsheeti think itll work03:36
LaserJockI've got what I'd think would be a fairly simple question. In gnome I could use seahorse, gnome-keyring to save my ssh key passphrase. I can't seem to find a KDE equivalent. Any help?03:36
ubottukwallet is a subsystem that provides a convenient and secure way to manage all your passwords. More information is available at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/kwallet03:37
notriddlegenii: Note: Do you know of a way to use it with ssh?03:38
* notriddle thinks that is cool.03:39
radamsnotriddle: that didn't work. furthermore, I have noticed that kde never remembers my widget changes: it keeps basically restoring the defaults each reboot. has anyone seen that happen?03:48
notriddleradams: Oops. I hope you backed up your settings... or did it do that before.03:50
radamsnotriddle: it has done it since I installed03:50
radamsnotriddle: this is a test machine, so I don't care if I have to trash it to fix it, but I'd like my widgets to work :(03:50
notriddleradams: Make sure to close plasma (kquitapp plasma) before tweaking.03:50
radamsnotriddle: I did03:50
notriddleradams: Okay. I really don't know and was just getting ready for bed. You may be able to find someone to ask (though they may not like you for requiring it be done completely from the config file).03:52
Dracarigot a quick question. durring Install of Kubuntu. i was never prompted to set an Root password, what would be the defaulted root password on an install via the "install on windows" option?03:59
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:00
geniiDracari: (K)ubuntu does not have a root password04:00
Dracaritrying to use the Patched Nvida Drivers (180.06) and a friends telling me how but having to do it from a Text console not from within KDE04:01
wolfjbis there a way to use strigi in konqueror? how do I take advantage of Nepomuk? Where can I read about it? thanks04:01
Dracariohh i see i nee dto do this while in a Console (be whiel in kde or at a Text Console login ( Sudo [putwhatsneeded here ]) lol i guess as they say "GIYF"04:04
geniiDracari: No, you need to do console login from kdm login04:05
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paulkquestion> how do you get back to desktop environment from the console04:12
wolfjbpaulk: alt-f704:13
Guest39139alguien habla español??04:13
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QContinueumhay un channel para espanol, yo no se que es, lo siento.04:15
QContinueum #kubuntu-es04:16
QContinueumpara espanol04:16
alanCan someone help me?04:16
QContinueumsomeone somwhere can, whether or not we can is another question. which also depends on the problem you're having... so why don't you just tell us and see if anyone knows?04:17
alanWell i can't seem to listen to any of my music,the Correct codecs are installed but when i press PLAY,i don't hear anything.04:18
alanHold on04:21
alani found what the problem was04:21
mrg_where exactly do i set kdm to startup automatically when booting up pls?  it's selected in runlevels 2-5 but it doesn't start on boot...04:23
binMonkeyare there tests i can run to see which is faster, fwcutter or ndiswrapper?04:26
wolfjbmrg_: there should be a symlink in one of your runlevels (probably all of them) that says S30kdm, , then check /etc/event.d/rc-default to find which runlevel is the default one04:27
rcin spanish??04:31
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Guest24321Iam install KDE fron ubuntu04:32
Guest24321iam install via apt-get kubuntu-desktop04:32
tinbinMonkey: ndiswrapper is just that, a wrapper04:32
QContinueum#kubuntu-es is para espanol04:32
Guest24321but in KDE iam not have administrate rights04:32
tinthat's an extra step to take on every network operation04:33
binMonkeytin: i don't understand.04:33
courtjesterglooking for a gcc resporator for adept been to the site but sv and such its confusing to know what they are actually talking about and wether i might screw up my addept again does anyone have the link for gcc to put in adept?04:34
tinbinMonkey: fwcutter grabs the firmware from the device so the driver can use it04:34
mrg_wolfjb: i can't tell what the default is from my config file.. but i've set it from 2-5 for good measure and still nothing.  someone told me to check for a setting for a default login manager that may be overriding this setting?04:34
tinjust because the firmware can't be distibuted with the drivers04:35
courtjestergalso does anyone know where i can get red hats package manager from04:35
binMonkeytin: so there should be no difference between the two?04:35
tinwhere ndiswrapper puts a layer around the windows driver so the linux kernel can talk to it04:35
wolfjbmrg_: that would be found in /etc/X11/default-display-manager04:35
courtjestergtrying to build alien so i can covert some files04:35
tinthat extra layer is going to take cpu cycles04:35
tinand time (and memory)04:35
tinin other words, use fwcutter if you can04:36
binMonkeytin: oooooook.  so ndiswrapper might use more resources but it could also be faster?04:36
binMonkeyit seems faster to me.04:37
tinif the native driver is really bad, perhaps it might be04:37
mrg_wolfjb: you sure know you way around all these configs. thanks :) i'll try restarting in a bit to test it out.  btw, have another question, if you don't mind..04:37
tinbut those extra resources that ndiswrapper uses include cpu time for the extra layers04:38
wolfjbmrg_: don't mind at all04:38
mrg_wolfjb: the icons in the system tray on my main panel have a white square background behind that is totally killing my bar's mojo... how can i fix that (i'm pretty sure that wasn't a problem before)04:39
tinthere may be no speed difference at cpu idle, but say with a game going, and decoding a complex movie from a file share04:39
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:39
martydas opposed to an 'alien package' du-dum-chshhhhh04:40
courtjestergis there another way  to convert cause i've grabiing info and files download to just convert this file04:40
wolfjbmrg_: hmm... not sure, they have to have transparent backgrounds...04:40
mrg_wolfjb: not all of the icons actually.. but the ones that do have the white background (that shouldn't) = speaker, clipboard, network, and HPprinter icons04:40
courtjestergwant to convert rpm to dep04:40
binMonkeytin: ok.  what if i buy a wireless card?  i can set my laptop up to ignore my builtin card and use the pcmcia or usb wireless, right?04:41
wolfjbmrg_: yeah, mine are black, bzr is white, kinda annoying04:41
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:41
tini suppose04:41
mr---t-hmmm same factoid04:41
wolfjbmrg_: maybe change your icon theme? don't really know on that one04:41
tini had a builtin ethernet and a pci wireless in one machine, and it worked fine both on wired and the wireless04:42
tineven worked with both going04:42
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:42
mr---t-what's the package?04:42
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper04:42
tinbut i think the wireless card's driver sucked and did a lot in cpu, because i couldn't even run remote X apps over a 54 Mbps connection04:43
binMonkeytin: were yours broadcoms?04:43
tinthe wireless is04:43
tinthe wired was i dunno04:43
courtjestergyeah this has been the whole point trying to install java dev with beans and i can't its an ml.sh file04:43
tinwired was nvidia in this case04:43
binMonkeyand you did well with fwcutter.  hmmm.  my 4318 seems to hate fwcutter.04:44
courtjestergso went to install another jaave with is an rpm04:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about courtjesterg04:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:45
mr---t-courtjesterg: so what's the problem?04:45
courtjestergi went to sun site to download java dev with beans included with the runtimes and everything04:46
courtjestergall i got was a limux-ml.sh file that opens in kate04:46
mr---t-you can't do it that way04:46
courtjestergso i dunno what to do with this file04:46
courtjestergso i went to another site with java thinking i can just install but it was rpm file and another was a .bin file04:47
courtjestergmaybe the sun site could over write04:47
mr---t-the wiki link you listed above is quite complete on the subject04:47
courtjestergbeen trying to build alien so i can covert rpm to deb files04:48
mr---t-what's wrong with using ubuntu java04:48
courtjestergbut i need to res link for adept to either directly dl redhate package manager and also gcc res for adept04:49
courtjestergits not a dev and doesn't have beans04:49
courtjestergdevelopers kit with beans included04:50
courtjestergand the runtime libary04:50
courtjestergalso the fact i still need gcc so i can do compileing04:50
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:51
binMonkeytin: would ndiswrapper show up in htop?  would it be called ndiswrapper?04:54
tinno idea, i only used it for a bit once04:55
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)04:55
courtjesterg!package managers04:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:56
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:56
courtjestergits been years since i used irc actually04:57
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tolietpaper04:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about faust04:58
courtjesterg!bill gates04:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates04:58
courtjestergccome on04:58
courtjesterg!pamela anderson lee04:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:59
courtjestergok back to work04:59
binMonkey!birthin' no babies!05:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:01
MinusSevenA program is only as smart as the person who programs it05:01
courtjesterg!font bug05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about font bug05:02
courtjesterg!196 drivers nivida05:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:02
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:03
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msexpand05:04
courtjesterg!qt 405:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qt 405:04
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:04
courtjestergpassword is sudo i bet you05:05
courtjestergi know it is05:05
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code05:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech05:07
wolfjbanyone use strigi successfully in intrepid?05:07
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)05:07
wolfjbdolphin doesn't find any files when I check the box indicating to use indexs05:07
wolfjband strigi:/ in knoqueror doesn't work (unknown protocol)05:08
wolfjbchecking the plugin in the run-command tool finds things, but clicking on them gives 'bad/malformed url' error05:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about knoqueror05:08
courtjestergwhat scanning for plug in in tthe k browser05:09
mrg_wolfjb: sry had to go tend to something... thanks for your help before.  good night.05:13
courtjestergnotice when seqarching found i can actually download alien but the alien site has a newer version05:13
courtjesterggcc even hasa  new version also\05:14
heatoHello,  I am working on hardy trying to enable dual monitors with multi head card.  The comp boots with both mon working but I loose one at the login.  I can configure the second in the invidia x server settings window under "system" but when I try to save the settings and merge the file [ /etc/x11/xorg.conf] I get an "unable to create" message.  Ihave 3 backup files in the folder and have tried to delete them but no luck!  Any suggestions!05:15
courtjestergheato you can't delete them caause they are in your root folder you don't have permission05:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl05:27
bdizzlehey, where would I go for help on OpenOffice?05:36
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 1k05:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k05:44
courtjesterg!k development05:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about k development05:45
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde405:45
courtjestergit is so funny how synaptic has more stuff then adept for download why is it?05:47
bdizzleI'm trying to write a paper that requires the page number in the top right hand corner of each page, except the title page05:48
bdizzleI've figured out how to put in a header and page number, as usual05:48
bdizzlebut I cannot figure out how to get it to skip that first page and start page #1 on the actual #2 page05:48
courtjestergnow thats interesting when was the last time i wrote a paper thats a novel05:48
WhefAnyone here think they can help me install Java for Firefox on my Kubuntu partition?05:49
courtjestergthink people should make it a habit after you get done with a book make a book report05:49
courtjestergthats easy either dowload from site or use adept\05:49
WhefWhat's the adept thing called?05:50
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto05:50
WhefI already know how to use adept.05:50
condonAnybody got the know-how, time and patience to help me get xvidcap working?05:50
WhefI meant what's the package called?05:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xvidcap05:50
courtjestergwhast xvidcap?05:50
condonGuess that's a no :)05:51
courtjestergjust type in java or type in firefox the sun plugin works with firefox05:51
condonIt's a program to record your screen05:51
courtjestergi usually scroll down after i type in something and read everything to understand in every catorgorie05:51
WhefThere are like a million different packages for Java.05:52
courtjestergohh i believe you already have that in you desktop effects advace05:52
bdizzleany advice on OOo Writer?05:52
courtjestergyou just need to assign a keyboard shortcut05:52
condonbdizzle, what about?05:52
WhefAnyone know what Adept packages I need in order to get Java working properly on applets in Firefox>?05:53
bdizzleI'm trying to figure out how to modify the header so that it skips the first page05:53
bdizzleessentially, the first page is the title page with no header, the rest of it has a header with my last name and the page number, starting with "1" on the "second" page05:53
courtjestergin desktop settings enable effect all effects tab go to misc05:54
condonah, good question.05:54
courtjestergdesktop settings are in system setting i've had so much fun in there with the snow05:55
WhefUmmm... Can anyone help me now? I tried installing Java and all I get is a big grey squar.05:55
bdizzleany ideas?05:55
condonplaying in oo now05:55
WhefNow every time a Java applet comes up Firefox crashes...05:56
courtjestergu like flip switch05:56
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courtjestergtry installing flash05:57
condonbdizzle, I don't see anything that would compensate for what you're looking for, though that doesn't mean it's not capable, just that I'm not :)05:57
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:57
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper05:57
condonBest I could say is if you're printing the project, make two documents, your tittle page, then the document itself.  just print them seperately.05:57
condonI understand that does little good if you're publishing online or submitting online05:58
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:58
condonOnly other means I can see is to manually number them, then it really sucks if you edit and change the document by so much as a single line05:58
mot__hey, anybody else having a problem with newer dvds crashing your media programs when you try to play them?05:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:59
mot__something about newer dvds having a different encryption05:59
condonnot so far anyway06:00
mot__i just encountered my first dvd which apparently has new encryption06:00
mot__that libdvdnav can't handle06:00
condonno update to libdvdnav?06:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cd/rewrite06:00
condonhm.  What's the movie?06:00
PSiL0hmmm, regarding firefox, has anyone managed to open their downloaded file in dolphin from ff's downloads menu?06:00
mot__condon: leatherheads06:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdburner06:00
mot__very new.06:00
mot__courtjesterg, stop.06:00
mot__courtjesterg, seriously, if you don't know the answer to a very specific question don't just query the bot, the spam is annoying.06:01
courtjestergu was trying to answer my question06:01
condonPSiL0 - the little box that shows all your recent downloads?06:01
PSiL0condon: yup06:01
courtjestergmy cdburner still doesn't read cd's for some odd reason06:01
WhefLovely time to run out of disk space.06:01
WhefLOVELY. TIME.06:01
courtjestergsense i installed the os06:01
condonI haven't been able to.  I just open the containing directory from  the menu and navigate to it.06:02
WhefAnyone know how I can partition some space off from my C:\ drive and put it onto my Linux partition while on Linux?06:02
PSiL0condon: same here... :(06:02
PSiL0I tried some of the tips offered from the ubuntu forum to no avail06:03
* PSiL0 is missing some of his right click action06:03
WhefAnyone know how I can partition some space off from my C:\ drive and put it onto my Linux partition while on Linux?06:03
bdizzlenow I have it as every other page working06:03
martyd@Whef, can't you install gparted and resize things?06:03
mot__Whef, nope, you have to boot into windows to do that safely06:04
mot__not safely06:04
martydif your C drive is NTFS you might be out of luck06:04
condonlol, it's numbering every other page?06:04
WhefYeah umm, about that. I can't run Windows anymore due to the fact my RAM died on me so I can only get on my Kubuntu partition 'cause it uses less RAM.06:04
martydor it will be complicated. (go into windows, shrink C: , get back into linux,enlarge it06:04
PSiL0yeah, best to boot back up into windows, defrag, then shrink06:04
PSiL0what martyd just said06:04
PSiL0well, RAM is so cheap these days, heh06:05
martyddoes windows support resizing natively? i've never been able to do it from the Admin panel06:05
condonomg, you're not kidding06:05
martydalways had to use partitionmagic06:05
WhefWindows Vista does.06:05
martydah ok06:05
WhefBut I can't DUE TO:06:05
PSiL0computermanagement->disk management06:05
WhefYeah umm, about that. I can't run Windows anymore due to the fact my RAM died on me so I can only get on my Kubuntu partition 'cause it uses less RAM.06:05
condonmy first computer was $100 per meg of ram...good ol' days06:05
PSiL0right click city..06:05
martydhmmm can partitionmagic make a bootdisk? or book to a livecd with gparted on it?06:06
PSiL0my first computer had 1MB of ram (286 AT) and we liked it!06:06
WhefAnyone know how to fix it when Adept crashes during installing a program and then when you boot it back up it says it's already in use so you say try to automatically fix it and then it crashes when doing that?06:06
martydlol, i had 32MB....yungun06:06
condonI loved our first PC :) even though it was outdated 3 months later, couldn't play a single game coming out on the market (started off at 38606:06
condonw/ 4 megs of ram and a 4x cdrom06:06
condonWolfenstein was the shisnit06:07
PSiL0hey, so long as my 286 could play monkey islands 1 & 2, I was happy06:07
WhefYour computers will never beat the guy who has Linux on his watch.06:07
condonCommander Keen baby06:07
condonAnd Duke Nukem before he went 3-d06:07
PSiL0firing up scummvm makes me all nostalgic..06:07
WhefHmmm... I wonder if you could hack an iPhone and get Linux on it... that would be awesome.06:07
WhefAnyone know how to fix it when Adept crashes during installing a program and then when you boot it back up it says it's already in use so you say try to automatically fix it and then it crashes when doing that?06:08
condonI'm sure of it Whef06:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kinyarwanda06:08
PSiL0you can try to kill it using ctrl-esc06:08
PSiL0stoopid bot06:09
WhefI'm forever in your debt.06:09
PSiL0hey, I found out about it today playing with it06:09
condonYeah, except with linux, when you kill something, usually it dies06:09
* PSiL0 is a reformed windoze dude06:09
WhefUhh, psilo, it says permission denied, how do I run it as root?06:09
PSiL0I was learning csh back during the days of navigating aroudn the web using lynx06:10
PSiL0shit, I remember visiting yahoo's standford page using lynx back in those days06:10
WhefLOL. That reminds me, Yahoo is soooo screwed.06:10
WhefI always hated Yahoo anyways...06:10
WhefThey should have taken Microsofts' offer.06:11
bdizzlehah! I think I got it06:11
PSiL0sad to see what it became... actually, I used that line for that company far too many times to remember06:11
holycowanything that impedes ms is a win imho06:11
holycowyahoo isn't over tho06:11
holycowyou guys are writing it off based on a few nonsense article snippets06:11
holycowthe fact is all internet companies are overvalued06:12
holycowespecially google06:12
PSiL0heh, I kind of wished ms bought yahoo.. just adding more water to a sinking ship06:12
WhefNah, I hate the entire layout of Yahoo. Also, Yahoo answers are a joke. An abused joke.06:12
PSiL0whef.... sudo?06:12
holycowthey have enough money and clout to really do some interesting stuff out there.  for example google has proven it self to be outstandingly bad at bringing out products worth using06:12
holycowno one uses gtalk, few use gmail and the rest no one gives a shit about06:13
Whef@Psilo, how do you sudo a button combination? (Ctrl + Esc)06:13
PSiL0google is your friend06:13
holycowi think yahoo has an opportunity to really do some interesting stuff simply because ms and google clearly cannot do everything well06:13
WhefWell, I have to say you sure are talking crap about Google when they've accomplished FAR more than Yahoo.06:13
=== root is now known as Guest73958
PSiL0you can get the PID# from ctrl-esc06:14
holycowall google has ever made money off of is adsense on their search engine06:14
holycownot a single one of their other products does anything for them06:14
PSiL0wow, what a round about way of quiting a program06:14
holycowthey are all engineers experiments at the expense of shareholders06:14
Whef@PSILO, what's the run command for the task manager thing?06:14
holycowi like experiments and i like freeloading06:14
WhefYeah, but holycow clearly their focus isn't on these otherthings.06:15
PSiL0you mean system monitor?06:15
WhefBesides, I love GMail. And GTalk, thank you very much.06:15
martydi think he does06:15
holycowbut thats not to say google has a clue about how to market and pull products together.  their whole gmail+google docs is such a boondogle i'm astounded no one has written anything on this06:15
Whef@psilo, yes.06:15
holycowWhef: thats what i mean, thats not their skill06:15
holycowi'm thinking that yahoo has some space to play there06:15
holycowits not over yet06:15
martydi use gmail and googledocs is great for all my university projects because of the collaboration06:15
holycowmartyd: you are a single person06:15
martydand it exports to doc, pdf, odt etc06:15
martydi'm in multiple groups lol06:16
martydof people who use it :P06:16
PSiL0ummm, dunno... it is under K->system if that means anything to you..06:16
holycowi run i.t. for a good number of companies06:16
PSiL0I just started using kubuntu this week06:16
holycowi can tell you exactly how many of them liked their google docs or cal experience06:16
holycowexactly zero06:16
holycowthey all went back to exchange of all things06:16
PSiL0although, working around the unix shell is kind of like riding a bike... It is all coming back to me..06:16
holycoweven though they all hate exchange06:16
martydbecause they think computers exist to run MS Office :P06:17
holycowdon't get me wrong, i like google, but lets give yahoo a bit of breathing room06:17
PSiL0the same info can be had from ctrl-esc06:17
holycowmartyd, well you can respond to it like a first year cs student, or you can look at like the clients:  all of them hated the experience because the experience of using all of those tools sucked06:17
WhefBut honestly holycow (dude, are you a Hindu or what? Because they believe if you die the best thing you can come back as is a sacrade cow), do you think it was a wise decision for Yahoo to turn up that offer from Microsoft?06:18
holycowgoogle are the good guys, but they aren't marketing people clearly.  yahoo has lots of opportunity there06:18
PSiL0whef: ksysguard %U06:18
holycowi'd say the answer depend on how long term you look06:18
holycowwithin the next five years, yeah take the money and run06:18
holycowlook 5 years and beyond06:19
martydlive.yahoo.com and answers.yahoo.com is all yahoo has going for them now06:19
holycowi think yahoo can do a lot of damage06:19
=== rc is now known as Guest98297
holycowactually no06:19
holycowyahoo has their advertising network going for them that makes a good chunk of cash06:19
WhefEven at that they can't maintain answeres.yahoo.com because it's constantly being abused.06:19
holycowneither live nor answers makes any money06:19
holycowthose are just interesting projects people like06:19
condonso sudo ksysguard06:19
martydthen why do i see ads? :(06:19
holycowwell okay good point :)06:20
martydwhat do you think they'll develop/create going forward?06:20
condonWhef, have you gotten your adept stopped?06:21
Whef@Condon, no, I'm still struggling, last time this was a bitch to fix >:|06:21
PSiL0yeah, do what condon said06:21
martyd@whef, what have you tried?06:22
holycowwell i don't know.  but then, no one saw google comming in 2k06:22
Whefsudo ksysguard?06:22
holycownot even microsoft saw that you can make that much money on a search engine06:22
condonWhef, from terminal, type "sudo killall adept" then enter password06:22
WhefIs that what you said?06:22
condonor yes, sudo ksysguard may work06:22
Whefsudo ksysguard didn't work, and when I put in "sudo killall adept" it said "adept: no process killed".06:23
WhefYet it still says "Database Locked - Adept Manager" thing when launching Adept.06:23
condonand typeing sudo adept from terminal won't open up a usable session?06:23
WhefMaybe I just need to restart my computer?06:24
holycowbtw... high five on the ctrl /esc bit06:24
martydthat should almost certainly help06:25
holycowthats just priceless i didn't know that06:25
PSiL0I rarely use adept anymore.... I use either apt-get or synaptics06:25
condonhold on 1 sec Whef06:25
WhefOkay, thanks.06:25
holycowthe adept fellow worked hard on the kde4 port06:25
holycowgive him a bit of credit :)06:25
PSiL0holycow:  I think I was banging on keys when I stumbled across it...06:25
holycowit will get better, but yes synaptic is really quite a piece of work06:25
holycowPSiL0: lol awesome06:25
WhefAdept is a God send after you're done mangling withWindows.06:26
PSiL0true story :)06:26
holycowWhef: lol06:26
Whef... And don't even get me started on Macs...06:26
PSiL0whef: then synaptics is the big bang, you'll soon see the truth06:26
WhefI won't believe it until I see it ;)06:27
holycowheh, well shoot me, but i finally had to get a mac usb full keyboard06:27
holycowi got tired of those damned chinese made pos kboards06:27
WhefI would litterally shoot you if I saw you walking down on the street.06:27
holycowevery single one has a random key moved around for no particular reason06:27
PSiL0so, you got a branded made-in-china keyboard instead?06:27
WhefPSILO: LOL, good one.06:28
holycowPSiL0: but one designed by people that can actually read and write english06:28
holycowand people that actually know how to use frickin catia properly06:28
WhefI thought the native Mac language was "Dumbass" or "I'm full of shit"...? I'm lost.06:28
holycowand not end up with a 4 inch bezel, 400 extra buttons and 63 led's on it.06:28
PSiL0hmm, apple must pay their sweatshop workers double then ;)06:29
holycowprobably less06:29
Whef... What's wrong with 63 LEDS?!06:29
holycowtheir simplified designs cost less to make actually06:29
martyd64 is a power of 206:29
holycowhehe Whef06:29
WhefHave you guys seen that $1000+ keyboard that has an LCD screen behind every key and you can program them for different applications?06:29
holycowblinken keyboard indeed06:29
holycowyeah ... i hear the keystrokes are way heave because each button is litterally an lcd06:30
holycowactually darned hard to use06:30
martydwell they're oleds06:30
WhefYeah, but let's face it, it's bad ass.06:30
martydnot lcds06:30
holycowthats what i've read anyway, who knows.  nifty idea conceptually06:30
WhefI would totally just buy it so I could say "Yeah, I have a $1000+ keyboard"06:30
holycowmartyd: oh right06:30
martydholycow, i agree. i read a review saying the whole thing was novel but mediocre overall06:31
Whefcondon: Have you found anything yet?06:31
holycowso while the keyboard layout is proper on this mac keyboard, i litterally went through 6 kbs last week to finally give up and buy this... apple has done something incredibly stupid with this design06:32
holycowthey built in a usb hub into the frickin kb and use that as a permanent leg stand on the kb06:32
WhefWhy the fuck don't you just buy one off Newegg?!06:32
holycow*smacks head*06:32
Whef... LOL.06:32
WhefThat sounds like something only APPLE could come up with.06:32
holycowso the kb is on a permanent angled incline, so now i haveto machine away that part06:33
holycowoh well but at least i can now type without having my06:33
holycow|\ keys moved around and such06:33
holycowWhef: dude, you got it right06:33
holycowits absolutely some design dweeb going 'wouldn't it be great if' ...06:33
WhefIt's what's his face... the Bill Gates equivilent for Apple06:34
WhefCrap, I forget his name06:34
WhefFar from it.06:34
martydoh steve jobs lol06:34
WhefIt's probably Steve Jobs daughter's ideas that go into that designing.06:34
martydpft they never have to work06:34
condonWhef - In terminal type                    ps -A | grep "adept"06:35
condonlet me know if gives any results06:35
Whefcondon: It didn't have any results in the terminal, but on the Adept Manager I got the same error :\06:36
condonYeah, I'd say your best bet is to reboot.  There's nothing running but it's still hung06:36
WhefI'll probably be bake06:36
WhefIf I remember how to get to this channel...06:36
Whef*poof* and he's gone.06:37
condonshould be default in konversation if you're on kubuntu :)06:37
martydit's default for me and i'm in gnome :s06:37
holycowsudo apt-gert remove --purge brain?06:38
holycowi need to stop drinking06:38
condonlol, na06:39
JediatNighthi all06:39
condonnot at all.  Just don't forget to reinstall once purged06:39
condonhi jedia06:39
martydrm alcohol -i06:39
JediatNighthey condon06:39
holycowmartyd: hehe06:39
WhefSo that didn't work.06:41
WhefI still get the same Adept error.06:41
condonsudo apt-get remove adept :)06:41
Whef... Lol.06:41
WhefHow will I get it back?06:41
condonsudo apt-get install adept06:41
courtjestergodd i am looking in synaptic manager right now for nvidia i have the 177 installed it said this must be default!!06:41
Whef... so you can use adept to reget adept?!06:41
courtjestergi should be using 9606:42
condonPlease don't try06:42
courtjestergbut haaas the font bug06:42
courtjestergmy x seerver isn't up either06:42
Whefcondon: We have a problem.06:42
Whefecholink1833: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:42
WhefWhy did it default to echolink...06:43
condonwhat's 'dpkg --configure -a' report?06:43
WhefI thought you were the smart one >.<"06:43
condonlol, never claimed to be.  What does it sayu when you 'dpkg --configure -a'?06:43
WhefGot it06:44
WhefIhad to do that then remove adept06:44
bazhangWhef, run that command with sudo06:44
condonah, unlock it?06:44
bazhangWhef, what error are you getting exactly with adept06:44
condonsudo killall adept apt apt-get -906:45
condontry that if all else...nevermind :)06:45
condonhow'd you fix it?06:45
WhefNo idea.06:45
WhefIt came as quick as it went.06:45
condonI love that06:45
WhefAnd went as quick as it came.06:45
condonIf only my divorce were like that06:45
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:46
WhefWell, obviously condon's wife was a Ubuntu computer.06:46
WhefAnd he remarried to a Kubuntu.06:46
WhefTherefor it's ontopic.06:46
bazhangplease take chit chat to #kubuntu-offtopic06:46
bazhangWhef, no.06:47
WhefHahahha, that was great. "Whef, no." Okay, I'll stop now, until I reach my next problem...which won't be long.06:47
condonxtoffmpeg.c add_video_stream(): video codec not found06:48
condonbazhang, any ideas here?06:48
condonor anyone else?06:48
bazhangcondon, what are you trying to do06:48
condonusing xvidcap06:48
WhefNext problem: Whenever I load a Java applet on a website Firefox crashes.06:49
condoncan only capture in mpeg1 - and ONLY when my cursor is over the menu for xvidcap06:49
bazhangWhef, which site or sites06:49
condonif the cursor isn't over the menu, nothing is captured.  Trying to capture full screen like all those nice kubuntu videos on youtube to show my cousin while he needs linux06:49
WhefWell actually I was just testing it on the RuneScape one because I know for a fact that uses Java.06:50
bazhangcondon, you are trying to do a screencast? you may wish to try some others06:50
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.06:50
WhefLet me ask this: What adept packages are needed in order to get Java web applets to work?06:51
WhefThat's it?06:52
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper06:52
bazhangthe extras package will install the java plugin in your browser06:53
WhefSweet! Well then f all this other stuff06:53
bazhangusing konqueror?06:53
WhefI'll report back once I have all the other stuff uninstalled and test this.06:53
WhefI'm using Firefox.06:53
WhefDoes that make a difference?06:54
bazhangthat'll do it then06:54
bazhangkonq sometimes has troubles06:54
WhefSo apparently I can't download anything more.06:56
WhefDue to the fact that I'm OUT OF DISK SPACE06:57
condoneh, you don't want windows, just format it06:57
WhefI've formatted it.06:57
condonand still can't access it?06:57
WhefI can.06:57
WhefBut It's not on my Lunix partition.06:58
WhefSo Adept isn't going to use it.06:58
condoncan't bounce some music or video files over to it to make room for adept to install?06:58
WhefI don't have any music or video files >.>06:58
WhefBasically all I have are Adept packages.06:59
JediatNightany ops here?06:59
WhefWhat's the best way to move 5GB's of space from a completely formatted C:\ drive to a Linux partition?06:59
JediatNightWhef: which OS are you running?07:00
WhefRight now? Linux.07:00
JediatNightKubuntu can access NTFS or FAT32 partitions07:00
WhefYeah, it's an NTFS.07:00
JediatNightwhy can you use Dolphin to access the files ?07:01
WhefBecause Adept won't use the space on my C:\ drive.07:01
WhefIs there any program for Linux to resize/redistribute Partitions?07:02
JediatNightare you  moving data from an NTFS partition to an ext3 or ext2 partition assuming that is your linux partition ?07:02
WhefI'm not moving data, I'm just moving 5GBs of free space over to my ext3 Linux partition.07:03
WhefAnd the 5gigs is coming from NTFS, yes.07:03
PSiL0I had the case of the mysteriously shrinking /root this morning07:03
PSiL0turns out to be hefty log files at /var/log07:03
WhefI wish that was my case. I could use the extra space.07:03
PSiL0or /var/logs07:03
PSiL0you can type: sudo apt-get autoclean07:04
JediatNighti could see an NTFS partiton with Dolphin , the file manager07:04
PSiL0sudo apt-get autoremoval07:04
PSiL0sudo apt-get clean07:04
JediatNightand you can copy the data with it07:04
PSiL0to remove old/unused packages from the install process07:04
WhefPsilo: Neither of those commands worked.07:05
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:05
PSiL0did you check to see if there are any huge log files in /var/log?07:05
PSiL0I had to remove three today, each totalling over 1G07:05
woody86Would there be any differences between the way Kubuntu and Ubuntu work that would make one better to run on a 64bit dual-core AMD?07:06
JediatNightWhef: can you do the same?07:06
PSiL0okay back to the movie07:06
WhefJediatNight: Yes, I can SEE my C:\ drive except that that doesn't help because I need to install Adept packages.07:06
JediatNightWhef: what has adept got to do with moving or copying data?07:07
hitmanWillywoody86: nah, all the plumbing's identical07:07
WhefJediatNight: I need more space on my Linux partition in order to be able to install more Adept packages.07:07
woody86hitmanWilly, ok, thats what I figured, thanks :)07:08
hitmanWillywoody86: np man07:08
sjdurfey anyway to remove duplicate entries from the listings in Amarok when there is only one copy of the file present?07:10
Whef*sigh* Be right back... restarting computer.07:10
courtjestergwhen in nvidia server settings where do you save the config file to ?07:11
courtjestergffor .nvidia-settings-rc07:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver07:12
courtjesterg!x server07:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x server07:12
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine07:14
WhefAH YES07:19
WhefTHANK GOD07:19
condonAnyone versed at all with VirtualBox?07:20
JediatNightWhef: are you in wa?07:20
condonI can't capture my mouse, doesn't seem to recognize usb mice?07:20
courtjestergno serriously where does everyone save there x sever config files?07:20
courtjestergfrom x server07:21
courtjestergits a simple question that many should have the answer too oh aare people running directx on wine? ;/07:22
WhefI swear, God has the most fucked up sense of humor ever.07:23
WhefRight as I was about to send the message "I GOT IT TO WORK"07:23
WhefMy computer froze07:23
WhefWith that message07:23
WhefStill on my screen, in the text box, not sent.07:23
condoncourt, you figure out how to run directx on wine, I'd love to know the solution, especially if you're using a seperate nvidia geforce graphics card.07:23
courtjesterglol i don't want to but have heard of it07:24
condonWas trying to run COD World at War - Only issue I ran into was my incompetence to linux/running directx07:25
=== noskcaj is now known as jackson
WhefAlright, guys. I fixed the Java problem.07:26
condongreat man07:26
condonlittle time, sweat, frustration :) But all worth it in the end07:26
WhefIn order to poreply install Java first undo all the things you've already tried, uninstall all of it. Then what you have to do is get onto Adept Manager and install kubuntu-restricted-extras, boot up in Firefox and it should work.07:27
WhefGranted this is pretty buggy, and the sound keeps skipping but I don't need sound anyways so meh.07:27
WhefThe game runs smooth.07:27
condonI know on mine, even videos get kinda shady at times, have to reload youtube pages a couple times to get anything but a gray square where the video should be.  A reboot usually fixes it for a while.07:29
gpon kubuntu laptop when i am running on battery it  doesnt give me any warning when its out of battery07:31
gpjust closes down07:31
gpits so frustation07:31
gpwhy o why07:32
gpon kubuntu laptop when i am running on battery it  doesnt give me any warning when its out of battery07:45
gpjust closes down07:45
gpits so frustation07:45
gpwhy o why07:45
gpwhy o why07:45
gpwhy o why07:45
gpwhy o why07:45
gpwhy o why07:45
hittingpilotHello, I have a switch disabled in kmix, and it's not under the channel list.....07:45
gphittingpilot: try alamixer from console07:45
gpon kubuntu laptop when i am running on battery it  doesnt give me any warning when its out of battery07:46
gpjust closes down07:46
gpwhy o why07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:46
hittingpilotgp: no such luck07:46
gpcalling huston07:46
gpon kubuntu laptop when i am running on battery it  doesnt give me any warning when its out of battery07:50
gpwhy kubuntu is not giving warning when out of battery07:50
gpjust closes down07:50
gpcalling huston07:50
gpwhy o why07:50
gpwhy o why07:50
gpwhy o why07:50
gpwhy o why07:50
gpanybody living07:50
hittingpilotgp: that is quite annoying07:51
ubunturosgp: I guess, not many are aware of what the problem could actually be07:51
ubunturosgp: this probably has to do something with acpid07:52
hittingpilotI have a switch disabled in kmix, and it's not under the channel list.....07:53
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience07:54
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:03
hittingpilotI'm sorry it's just frustrating..... it works fine in gnome... but when I installed into KDE I can't find that one little switch...08:07
QContinueumso post in the forums08:08
condondoes anyone in here run intrepid and know how to get a freaking mouse working in virtualbox?08:09
condonBeen trolling forums and can't make anything work.08:10
noaXessis there a way to get back the taskicons?.. cause sometimes they are not painted correctly08:20
noaXessexampe now, the kdewallet icon is black but it's running..08:21
woody86how can I get the proper screen resolution to work, when its not listed in the options?08:22
noaXesswoody86: i thin yo have to edit /etx/X11/xorg.conf to get more resolutoin options08:22
noaXess!xorg | woody8608:22
ubottuwoody86: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:22
woody86noaXess, thanks :)08:23
noaXess.. i edit my keyboard shortcuts.. in kde3 i had a lot.. but i know not all of dem work in kde4.. but.. how to recover standard keyboard sc's in kde4? cause eg. for KDE Menu Editor for the same action there are over 10 entries...08:24
Neremori've a problem with wine08:33
NeremorI would like to run a .NET based program using wine, but i get the following error message:08:33
NeremorThe assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/home/jonathan/.wine/drive_c/Programme/ImoConnect/).08:34
Neremorand wine is telling me something about microsoft visual basic ver ;) one line above08:34
JohnFluxNeremor: #wine maybe?08:40
Neremorwine is an invite only channel08:42
Neremoroh sorry08:43
MilitantPotatoWould I be able to put KDE 3.5 on Intrepid?09:14
jsunioI'm lost. Can anybody help me find the internet?09:45
jsunioI bought something called Vista and I'm trying to find the internet on it.09:45
fishnchipssyou must follow the 'yellow brick road'09:46
jsunioI think the internet has sports.09:46
elwoodhi all09:48
jsunioHello. Welcome to #kubuntu.09:48
fishnchipsssports cars ?? sports coats ??09:48
elwoodthere is a way to get kde 4.2 on intrepid without building from sources?09:48
jsunioTo ask for a list of commands, type "help commands"09:49
dwidmannMilitantPotato: no.09:51
jsuniothings are complicated09:51
dwidmannMilitantPotato: unless you want to compile it09:51
jsunioDon't spend time on it unless you're going to check it in.09:52
dwidmannelwood: maybe it'll be possible after the first beta09:52
elwooddwidmann: ok, is still and alpha? and do you know about amarok or digikam? the -kde4 pack disappear from my repo!09:53
dwidmannelwood: amarok is at beta 2 or 3 and there are packages for it ... it won't have feature parity with version 1.4 until version 2.2 or so09:54
dwidmannelwood: digikam is in the works but there aren't any packages for it yet09:54
elwoodthank you dwidmann09:55
dwidmannelwood: with regards to -kde4, in intrepid, kde3 has been removed almost completely ... so what once was, for example, konsole-kde4, is now just konsole ... also, they're all in /usr/bin now.09:55
elwoodoh well, i should imagine this09:56
ThomasDcan anyone tell me how I can get a list of all upgradable backages with apt-get10:04
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jsunioCould you do auto upgrade then copy paste?10:09
bazhangThomasD, you want to update your system via the command line?10:16
bazhangThomasD, sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get upgrade10:17
=== adam is now known as Guest4510
ThomasDnop, I only want a list of the upgradable packages10:17
noaXessis there a way to complete restore the default keyboard shortcut's in kde4?10:17
ThomasDthen I want to upgrade the packages I want10:17
noaXessis there an config file to restore?10:17
ThomasDnoaXess: #kde  ;-)10:18
noaXessThomasD: :)10:18
jsuniohelp apt-get ?10:18
noaXess!apt-get | jsunio10:18
ubottujsunio: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:18
ThomasDread through it already jsunio10:18
jsunioHow about -s (simulation)?10:19
ThomasDthats a good one jsunio10:22
jsuniooh wow was that really it?10:23
jsunioapt-get --help10:24
ahi, how do i tell ubuntu NOT to hide any file names like .txt ?10:32
UnderWraps_I don't think you have to10:32
ahave to?10:33
ado you see any files without an extension (.txt?)?10:33
dwidmanna: a lot of the time ... files are simply named without an extension in linux ... is that the case here?10:34
jsunioAha, what file browser are you using!!10:34
adwidmann no10:34
awindows does the same thing, if a prgram recognises your file it removes the extensiion from view, can be a nightmare10:35
jsunioI use konquerer and I can see file .ext10:35
dwidmannSame here with Dolphin10:36
ai have text files here no extension10:36
atherefore if i saved stuff i edited as to be opened in txt i couldnt see later what had what extension an if i forgot i'd be boosled10:37
jsunioI think it would be based on what program you are using to view the files.10:37
jsunioThe OS itself doesnt have any settings like that (right?)10:37
ai think its based on windows10:37
* dr_willis missed the problem10:37
jsunioBased on windows??10:37
jsunioPlease explain10:38
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dr_willisLinux   does not need any file extensions. :)   but  the ones that are normally uised are basially the standard ones ysed by windows10:38
dr_willistext files do not need .txt :)10:38
adr_willis : it may handy to spot the difference between md3 and md4 and md510:38
dwidmannwith regards to "a: a lot of the time ... files are simply named without an extension in linux ... is that the case here?", if you don't explicitly give one, it won't have one. See also whqat dr_willis just said10:38
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adr_willis: where once it was mP3 mP410:38
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ano dwidmann the actual real opne10:39
dr_willisextensions like tha thelp the user.. :) not the OS. mainly10:39
jsunioUser Input Error10:39
adr_willis, but removing them from sight doesnt help at all10:39
jsunioWhat kind of computer are you using?10:40
adr_willis, at least not if you cannot make them visible10:40
* dr_willis recalls having to teach several windows users that just changing a file name from .bmp to .jpg does NOT convert the file to jpg.10:40
aalbeit a lot tidier if the ext doesnt interest you10:40
jsunioOh I found it. There is a button on the outside of the computer that enables file extensions10:41
a!action knocks dr_willis on the head and waves a .ink and a .txt in front of him10:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:41
a\action starts to pull the hair out10:42
ahey why mine doesnt work10:42
=== ariel_ is now known as M35SP
jsunioHey a, what program are you using to VIEW the files?10:42
dwidmanna: user error10:42
dwidmann/me blah blah blah10:43
ajsunio, this is the thinking i am fighting against, plain old ubuntu to VIEW the extention if that was nessecary10:43
jsunioWhere is the file located, desktop or not desktop?10:43
dwidmannjsunio: you still haven't mentioned which programs this is pertaining to10:44
ajsunio, this is of no matter10:44
dwidmannerm, meant a10:44
ajsunio, lets say text based documents10:44
awhere is the .txt then?10:44
jsunioI understand that.10:44
a@dwidmann sorry10:44
aor anyone10:45
aits nioce to hide the ext but also to see it10:45
jsunioWhat program are you using10:45
ain the "properties" at least mebbe10:45
jsuniowhat program are you using10:45
ajsunio, i was using blender on windows10:45
aand other stuff10:45
jsunioCall Microsoft tech support10:46
ajsunio, i have the same problem on the ubuntu10:46
jsunioWhat program are you using on ubuntu10:46
jsunioI knew you were a windows spy!10:47
aok jsunio, i have a shortcut to a wine program, no extention10:48
BauldersI have real problems with my wifi on amd64 intrepid, I think since 2.6.27-8. I have tried 2 usb wifi dongles and my pci card - all webpages are taking 5 mins to load10:48
jsunioWine is like drinking through your nose10:48
jsunioTry renaming the file from shortcut to shortcut.txt10:49
ano thats like saying "dont press this button"10:49
jsunioIt's interesting, but it tastes like boogers.10:49
aif it hasnt slowed you down it wont stop you10:50
aon windows, for instance, sometimes changing the extention on a "recognised" file doesnt work and you might get file.ink.txt10:50
ai havent seen so far in ubuntu but the exts are hidden completely10:51
jsunioOh maybe, I havent actually found any files yet10:51
asee that file on the wall...10:51
jsunioDoes making a new file work?10:52
apossibly but i dont want to make a new file every time i forget what extention the old files had10:53
jsunioBe sure to give all your files names when you make them10:53
JampiterHi, I have a tiny problem with KDE4.. not really a problem, more of an irritance10:53
bjaimesHOLA A TODOS10:53
JampiterFor some reason, the start-up sound doesn't play. I've checked in 'Notifications' and it's set to play.. is there a way to make it work?10:54
jsunioDoes other sound work?10:54
JampiterIt plays the log off sounds jsunio10:55
JampiterAnd other system sounds10:55
jsunioIt must be the order in which the sound "module" gets loaded into memory or something?10:56
JampiterSeems like it. How do I change the order?10:56
jsunioTry rewriting the kernel completely and see if that works.10:56
acan i sing a song?10:57
jsunioThere might be an easier way which I don't know of10:57
aO'er low, ly prison walls,10:57
ai heard a young girl call,10:57
bazhanga not here10:57
a"Michael, they are takin' you away....",10:58
bazhang!offtopic | a10:58
ubottua: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:58
a"for you stole the bursars corn,"10:58
a"so the bairns might see the morn'",10:58
ait's so lonely round the feilds of Athenry10:58
aLow, lie, the fields of Athenry10:59
jsunioUnderstandable though, because this channel is more lively10:59
SarosetWhy does this make me think of a drunken hobo with a guitar playing for tips?10:59
awhere once, we watched, the small freebirds fly,10:59
aour love was on the wing,10:59
awe had faith and songs to sing,10:59
jsunioIf a tree falls in the forest10:59
ait's so loonely round the fileds,10:59
bazhanga stop10:59
aof Athenry.10:59
bjaimeshola a todo @s11:06
concernedcitizenis there a bug with the print queue11:07
concernedcitizeneverytime I try to print a document, it prints out the first few pages and then stop11:07
concernedcitizenand in my queue, it puts there as 'stopped'11:07
jsunioPrinting doesnt even work on my printer11:10
jsunioI once got it to make a sound by trying random drivers11:11
noaXesshav intrepid but amarok 1.4 instead of 2.x is installed.. what need i remove/install that i have amarok 2?11:13
jsunioYou could try installing a 2nd operating system?11:16
concernedcitizenI have windows VM11:17
concernedcitizenbut that wouldn't help because it still uses my host OS's printer11:18
jsunioHow about live drive of a different distro?11:20
ThomasDconcernedcitizen: if you use your printer in windows vm it will use the windows drivers11:21
ThomasDconcernedcitizen: vmware or virtualbox? I only have experience with virtualbox11:22
noaXessi want have amarok 2 on my intrepid kde4.. but in adept i find just amarok 1.4.. but amarok 2 should be available for intrepid kde4 right?11:23
dwidmannThomasD: there are certainly other possibilities ... xen, kvm, qemu ....11:23
ThomasDdwidmann: yeah I know, but those aren't as widly used11:23
ThomasDconcernedcitizen: so when you print from your VM you still get same bug?11:24
dwidmannThomasD: ubuntu certainly seems to push kvm very hard, but I think it's only for server-ish stuff.11:24
ThomasDdwidmann: are we talkin about server here? no didn't think so11:25
woody86so what's the whole point of having the "Desktop Box" thing rather than just having the icons appear on the desktop like they always do?11:27
woody86in KDE 4*11:27
concernedcitizengiving it a shot now11:29
concernedcitizenThomasD:  there's no printer in my VM11:32
ThomasDconcernedcitizen: usb printer?11:33
concernedcitizenusb devices under devices shows nothing11:35
bazhangconcernedcitizen, is this virtualbox-ose11:41
bjaimeshola a tod "s11:41
jsunioHow about dmesg | tail11:41
bazhang!es | bjaimes11:41
ubottubjaimes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:41
concernedcitizenbazhang: no11:43
concernedcitizeni'm using the one grabbed off sun11:43
bazhangconcernedcitizen, which printer? and have you tried printing from pdf11:47
Kalidarneh is kubuntu LSB compliant?11:48
Kalidarnie version 8.1011:48
Kalidarni assume it follows the same compliancy as ubuntu11:49
concernedcitizensamsung ml-161011:49
judgenAnyone know why my systray is all black and strange?11:49
dr_willisits depressed?11:53
judgendr_willis: Might be =P12:03
ThomasDconcernedcitizen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=845901 or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox to get usb working12:04
woody86how can I change the default screen brightness in Kubuntu? The settings don't carry over from gnome-power-manager12:08
ahi, i have been having difficulty creating a shortcut, any advice?12:10
ai tried "make link" but it doesnt runthe program12:11
dr_willisHeh - i dont use kde4 enough to even asnswer you a.12:14
dr_williskde4 twiddled with a lot of 'basic' operations12:14
ai have the gnome one i think myself but i dont know the difference, my chat opens kubuntu by default dr_willis12:15
dr_willisgnome - create launchter in the desktop menus, or just drag/drop  an icon from the menus to the panel/desktop12:16
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awhere is this create lancher dr_willis?12:16
dr_willisIn the gnome menus, on the desktopp.. if you are using gnome...12:17
jonahhey guys struggling to find openoffice 3 debs for amd64? how come kubuntu doesn't have oo3 yet? does anyone know any repos or anywhere i can get it?12:17
acan't find it dr_willis12:18
dr_willisare you usign gnome? or KDE.. thats the big wuestion12:18
dr_willisif using GNOME you can just drag an icon from the menus to the desktop12:18
dr_willisjonah,  they exist. and last i heard.. they are buggy12:18
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noaXessamarok2 should be in the repos for intrepid right?12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok212:26
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok12:26
noaXesscan't find amaro fpr intrepid12:28
noaXessany idea? i read on kubuntus page that amarok2 beta 3 has been released and packages are available for Kubuntu 8.10, the Intrepid Ibex.. but can't find packages12:34
noaXessok.. need to go..12:35
noaXesssee ya later..12:35
hphi everybody12:36
bazhang!cn | hp12:37
ubottuhp: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:37
hp i see12:38
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k0nd0rhi..could anyone tell me how can i read .pdf ?12:52
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)12:52
k0nd0rpdf.... adobe acrobat reader?:P12:52
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bazhang!find pdf12:54
bazhang!info kpdf12:55
ubottuPackage kpdf does not exist in intrepid12:55
dr_willisIt think envince has replaced it.. or that other app12:56
bazhangodd; apt-cache search shows kpdf12:57
bazhangk0nd0r, try apt-cache search kpdf12:58
digk0nd0r: no kpdf in your machine?12:58
k0nd0rwhere is it?:P12:58
digtype kpdf in terminal?12:59
k0nd0ri got one .pdf and i am trying to open it..let me c if it has a program12:59
k0nd0rkpdf command not found12:59
bazhangtry in package manager or apt-cache search kpdf12:59
bentob0xanybody has a link on how to make your Kubuntu install the leanest possible?13:00
bazhangbentob0x, use the minimal installer13:00
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD13:00
bentob0xthat looks goodo bazhang, thank you13:03
bentob0xbut can you choose KDE?13:03
panszin intrepid you should use okular instead of kpdf13:07
panszkpdf has got a new name: okular13:07
bazhangbentob0x, you can choose whatever you want13:10
digI think okular is based on kpdf?13:10
k0nd0ris there any good editor for writing C programs? i use pico but i dont like it...one that has color in the commands?13:17
ThomasDk0nd0r: check out kdevelop13:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop13:18
bazhang!info kdevelop13:18
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9130 kB, installed size 28020 kB13:18
panszkdecn.org 官方是否有类似“加入我们”之类的连接?13:18
bazhang!cn | pansz13:18
ubottupansz: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:18
panszsorry I've posted on the wrong channel13:19
k0nd0rthanx thomasD13:19
k0nd0ris there another? running from bash shell? so that i use the commands to compile etc13:20
k0nd0rsudo apt-get install kdevelop ?13:21
ThomasDyou can also use kate as editor it has a built in console, so you can compile from commandline in your text editor ;-)13:23
ThomasDk0nd0r: ;-)13:24
ThomasDk0nd0r: and it also has colors in the code ;-)13:24
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:28
athlonkaempferFrage - ich nutze Kubuntu 8.04, das letzte KDE Update auf 4.13 wurde mir nicht angeboten, kommt das noch?13:29
athlonkaempferoder bleibt das 8.10 vorbehalten?13:29
ThomasD!de | athlonkaempfer13:29
ubottuathlonkaempfer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:29
bazhangathlonkaempfer, english here please13:29
athlonkaempferups, i was in kubuntu-de, false tab13:30
jonasbetdoes anyone know how to mount an external hard disck?13:34
ThomasDplug in and have fun ^^13:35
jonasbetit does work13:35
ThomasDjonasbet: so whats the problem?13:35
jonasbetunclean shutdown failed to mount13:36
jonasbetthat the error message13:36
ThomasDjonasbet: commandline $ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/disk13:36
ThomasDwhats the filesystem on the disk?13:36
ThomasDext3, fat32, ntfs?13:36
ThomasDcould be you need to run a fsck13:37
ThomasDbut i don't know if linux does that for ntfs13:37
jonasbetwhat is that?13:38
ThomasDfilesystem check13:38
jonasbetto check the hard disk?13:38
ThomasDit's a command line application13:38
jonasbeti think the problem could be that it is also a media player13:38
jonasbetand it coulb be in player mode13:39
ThomasDwere you able to mount it before?13:39
jonasbeti have been using linux only one week13:39
ThomasDyeah well euhm13:39
jonasbeti will do it on windowns13:39
jonasbetit is a long way to quit microsoft13:40
jonasbetthanks thomasd13:40
diogohey everyone, I'm using kubuntu 8.10 and I'd like to know if it is possible to have a second panel on the desktop?13:48
antoranzHi, guys!14:10
antoranzamarok doesn't want to start on my intrepid box14:10
ThomasDantoranz: start it from commandline and give output14:12
antoranzsure.... give me a second14:12
RainCTWhy is kooka no longer available in Intrepid?14:14
antoranzSome stuff, and then........ Amarok: [Loader] Amarok is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong?14:15
ThomasDantoranz: check #amarok ;-)14:16
bentob0xthe ram of my laptop is 256, will I choose 512 as swap or a bit more?14:19
bentob0xknowing that I have a 10Gb HD14:19
bentob0x768 maybe?14:20
ThomasD512 should be sufficient14:20
antoranzwell... thanks anyway. :-)14:21
bentob0xI entered 512 but it's written 509 now14:21
bentob0xI know there is the 1024 bytes for 1 K etc14:21
ThomasDdoen't raly mather14:21
bentob0xbut shouldn't it be a bit more?14:21
pustiuhi people ? did sombody know whai is happening with video drivers for nvidia in ubuntu because the broweser is closing14:24
pustiujust if i install nvidia driver from envy , i have problems14:26
pustiuin you tube for exampla i can"t see in the full screen , jsut in little screen14:27
finswimmerhello, i have a Medion MD 95500. but my laptop shuts not down automatically. my other md95500 with gentoo shuts down. so i think it is a kernel issue. what can i do?14:27
pustiufinswimmer: u must install md manualy14:28
finswimmerpustiu: but when there is an automatic kernel update it will be overwritten?14:29
pustiui did see today , somthing , check list of laptops for linux14:33
ActionParsnip1hey all14:33
notriddleActionParsnip1: Hi.14:33
ActionParsnip1i have opera lovingly installed and it kicks ass over firefox14:33
ActionParsnip1is it possible to make websites think im running firefox14:33
notriddleActionParsnip1: I don't know. Ask on #opera14:34
ActionParsnip1like when it checks what browser i am running14:34
maxbaldwinhello, howitzermod_14:36
pustiufinswimmer: i don"t know whre to find iit right now , i"m very sleapy , maybe if u keep searching a lsit of laptops for linux ?14:36
pustiuu will find somthing very intersting , and all data taht u need , i do"nt remember the web page , but u can write at search list of compatible laptops to run linux14:37
pustiuor somthing like that14:37
maxbaldwinhello abbie.14:44
abbiei'm trying to clone my monitor with tv -but tv output comes out in black and white14:44
notriddleabbie: Perhaps it's set that way (System Settings->Display).14:44
howitzermod_umm sorry to interject but im completely new and need help using pygame so i am asking here as there is noone on the pygame irc14:45
abbiei cant see tv output in display - i've used nvidia settings - i have an old geforce4  mx460 and using nvidia-glx96 . is that the correct one?14:46
notriddlehowitzermod_: There are still more appropriate channels (maybe #python?).14:47
howitzermod_ook thank you for directing me14:48
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=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Werenerdhey all - does anyone know how to download a program ad all dependencies so that I can take it to a computer with no internet access?14:52
emmaIt really angers me that when I intalled firefox it installed all these gnome programs.14:52
emmawhy would installing firefox install synaptic?14:52
Werenerdemma - did it maybe install ubuntu-desktop?14:52
emmaIt's outrageous! I wanted to use Kubuntu!14:53
Werenerdlook in adept with the installed flag for ubuntu-desktop14:53
emmaWerenerd: just about! When you install firefox on Kubuntu it installs a TON of GNOME libs and programs!14:54
notriddleemma: Try apt-get install --no-install-recommends firefox, instead of apt-get install firefox.14:54
emmaThat's surely a bug. Someone who has high access in the K/Ubuntu community please do something!14:54
WerenerdI have firefox, but that is the only gtk app it installed. Libraries yes, but not apps14:54
emmanotriddle: can that be done even now after I've already installed firefox?14:54
emmaHow do we clean out all the GNOME libs?14:55
notriddleemma: Uninstall it, run apt-get autoremove, then do it.14:55
notriddleemma: apt-get autoremove should do it.14:55
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
stdinemma: do what notriddle said, then "sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install firefox". see https://launchpad.net/bugs/29240314:58
nadong max payne? it should run perfectly, but all i get/j #xorg14:59
abbieWerenerd: if you did apt-get clean - apt-get install <program> - tar -cvxf /var/cache/apt/archives - that would have all15:00
froduntuI know probably this is not the channel where to seek help with this15:02
froduntubut I've got a problem15:02
froduntulogin into ubuntu15:02
froduntukde is working though15:02
froduntuit says to check .xsession-errors15:03
notriddlefrodunto: So you installed ubuntu-desktop on Kubuntu, and GNOME isn't starting, but KDE is?15:03
froduntuthat is correct15:03
froduntukde is loaded15:03
froduntuI checked the file .xsession-errors15:04
froduntuI have a copy of it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/72373/15:04
=== usuario is now known as usuario_
froduntuhi usuario_15:06
froduntutry not to use caps, because it seems as if you were yelling15:07
froduntunotriddle: any ideas?15:08
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notriddlefroduntu: It looks like you don't have PulseAudio.15:12
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions15:12
KovertI can not access my floppy cqan some one help?15:12
froduntunotriddle: thanks15:12
froduntuI'll try installing PulseAudio15:13
Kovertany one here ever see a floppy?15:13
froduntuKovert: what do you mean?15:14
notriddleKovert: Yep, though the system I'm using doesn't have one.15:14
KovertI cant seem to mount it and see it15:14
KovertI need to move soem fat files on it15:14
froduntuhm...  are you sure the floppy is good?15:14
notriddleKovert: Do you know the device your floppy is on?15:14
froduntuit could be damaged15:14
froduntuyou could try a dd_rescue on the floppy15:14
Kovertstandard 8.1015:15
=== EvilDaemon is now known as maxbaldwin
froduntuI don't know what device number is your floppy but you can do15:15
KovertI think it is a mount issue15:15
froduntusomethink like15:15
froduntudd_rescue /dev/fd0 ~/Desktop/floppy.backup.dd15:15
notriddleKovert: What device is your floppy on, and what happends when you try to mount it?15:15
froduntuthen do the opposite with a fresh new floppy15:15
yasiris ubuntu15:16
Kovertlooks like "/dev/fd15:16
froduntudd_rescue ~/Desktop/floppy.backup.dd /dev/fd015:16
yasirhi group15:16
Kovertdont need the resque yet15:16
Kovertjuts need to access15:16
Kovertit is a new floppy15:16
froduntuKovert: I understand15:16
notriddleKovert: Okay. What happens when you try to mount it?15:16
yasirI from turkey15:16
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.15:16
Kovertnothing I think i am mounting it wrong15:17
Kovert"/dev/fd /mnt/fd"15:17
notriddleKovert: Run mount /dev/fd /mnt. Any output?15:17
Kovertor /media/fd15:17
yasirthank you ubottu15:17
Kovert"/proc/7888/fd is not a block device15:18
froduntuyeah, make sure you have the fd folder waiting for it wherever you are mounting15:18
ubottuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone15:18
* notriddle should have thought of ubottu before as having the answer.15:19
Kovertwill try thabks15:19
froduntunotriddle: do you think it is the floppy ? (I think it is the floppy that went south)15:19
froduntuthat is why I was suggesting the dd dump15:19
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Kovertno entry in fstab at all!15:20
Kovertfor the floppy15:20
notriddlefroduntu: That depends. Does Ubuntu know how to mount the floppy automatically (I didn't think that would work because the system would have to poll the disk).15:20
=== bernard__ is now known as bernyfox
Kovertok changed the fstab15:21
froduntuI'm new to Linux for the most part.. I work all day long fixing Micro$oft stuff15:21
Koverthow do i reload it15:21
Hydrogenyou just lost any hope you ever have of being cool15:22
Hydrogenby saying micro$oft15:22
notriddleKovert: Okay. Just run mount /dev/fd0.15:22
emmastdin notriddle  okay15:22
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications15:22
bernyfoxhelp please) I need russian channel15:22
froduntuHydrogen: I'm not hoping to be cool15:22
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:22
froduntuI just am15:22
Hydrogenhow about respected...15:22
Kovertspecial device /dev/fd0 does not exist15:23
Kovertok later I am closer15:23
froduntuHydrogen: I recomend Tao-Te-King15:23
notriddleKovert: Try /dev/fd instead of /dev/fd0.15:23
froduntuyeah, sorry Kovertthat was my bad15:23
emmastdin, notriddle , firefox is a metapackage15:24
Kovertcan't find /dev/fd in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:24
stdinemma: ok, firefox-3.015:24
froduntuKovert: are you multibooting?15:24
Koverthehe not yet15:24
KovertI think i have to change fstab slightly15:25
froduntuKovert: has this floppy drive worked?15:25
notriddleKovert: Replace /dev/fd0 with /dev/fd (the info seems to be old).15:25
Kovertjuts did15:25
notriddleKovert: And does mount /dev/fd work?15:25
Kovertmount: /proc/8152/fd is not a block device15:25
* notriddle thinks Kovert meant "just did".15:26
froduntuKovert: excuse the stupidity of my question but, again15:26
Koverthe did ! :-)15:26
froduntuhas this drive worked?15:26
emmalocate gnome still finds a lot of stuff with gnome in it15:26
emmais there just a lot of files on kubuntu with the word gnome in it?15:26
notriddleKovert: Is /dev/fd a symlink to /proc/8152/fd?15:26
Kovertdont know15:26
notriddleemma: No. They really are GNOME stuff, I think.15:26
froduntuemma: you might have programs that belong to the gnome project15:27
emmafroduntu: I hope not.15:27
Kovertwell i give up for now15:27
froduntuemma: why?15:27
Kovertnotriddle: thanks anyway15:27
Werenerdsorry all - kids got me. Back now15:27
emmafroduntu: don't we want our kubuntu to be pure?15:27
froduntuemma: no15:28
notriddleKovert: You're welcome.15:28
notriddleKovert: Do you need the floppy?15:28
froduntuemma: there are programs from gnome that we all use on a regular basis15:28
froduntuwell not all15:28
emmaSome people feel that it makes no difference if you have gnome libs on kubuntu and others feel it is not good.15:28
froduntubut most of us15:28
notriddleemma: What type of stuff does locate list?15:28
emmafroduntu: like what?15:28
froduntu(I use it on a daily basis)15:29
notriddlefroduntu: I don't.15:29
froduntunotriddle: that is ok15:29
emmajust to name a few.15:29
notriddleemma: When you run "apt-get autoremove", does it offer to remove anything?15:29
stdinemma: "dpkg -l|grep gnome" see what's installed and what gets removed when you try to remove them15:30
* notriddle thinks I should've added sudo.15:30
* notriddle thinks he should've added sudo.15:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)15:31
notriddleemma: Of course, stuff in your home directory (~/.gnome2) can probably just be rm'ed.15:31
emmahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/72396/  this is from dpkg -l | grep gnome15:31
stdinemma: so you only have gnome-keyring, libgnome-keyring0 and libpam-gnome-keyring installed there15:32
emmaI wonder why they would have made Firefox install GNOME libs. I always thought that Firefox was DE agnostic.15:32
emmaI need to tell people that Firefox has decided to be a GNOME app.15:33
stdinemma: read the bug link I gave you, it explains it more15:33
notriddleemma: Try uninstalling some of them (one-by-one), to see what goes with them. Some of them (keyring, for example) shouldn't be needed by firefox (though probably ubufox).15:33
froduntunotriddle, you were right on the money with pulseaudio15:33
froduntuapparently my profile relied on it for the audio part of the theme15:34
emmacan i sudo aptitude purge *gnome*15:34
froduntuthanks much15:34
notriddleemma: You could, though that may take away stuff you do use.15:35
Daiis there a solution for the problem : "can't write any email on hotmail with last firefox and last (k)ubuntu ?"15:35
notriddleDai: Do you expect Microsoft to play fairly w/Linux ;).15:35
* notriddle is being bitterly sarcastic.15:36
WerenerdOK guys, I want to download Super Maryo Chronicles and all dependencies from this computer and trnafer them to another computer without internet access. How do I do that?15:36
emmastdin: thank you for posting a link to this bug15:36
Dainotriddle: they will not turn their back to a whole community, they would lose too much clients15:36
notriddleDai: More seriously, I don't know.15:36
* notriddle doesn't use firefox, or hotmail.15:36
emmastdin: reading through the comments in this bug makes me think that the person named Alexander Sack is responsible for this and is a tremendously arrogant person.15:37
emmaI will be speaking to that person as soon as I can.15:37
Dainotriddle: what do you use ?15:37
WerenerdDai: unfortunately notriddle is correct. Hotmail is not supported under any email clients other than Live now I believe.15:37
* notriddle uses Konqueror, KMail, and GMail.15:37
stdinemma: that's basically the feeling of the whole Kubuntu team15:37
WerenerdDai: Turn on email forwarding in hotmail and forward it to a gmail account. That is what I do.15:37
landonisHi all *waves* Could someone please advise me on a bug I have come across that seems to be caused by the xorg server using up all processor time when having any opengl program open and moving the mouse.. if left alone the system recovers temporarily so I can kill the process but it is effectively crippling the use of a lot of programs.. some similar bug reports say it has been fixed in later versions so is there a good rep15:38
landonisository for upgrading xorg past 1.7.3?15:38
DaiWerenerd: on windows you can connect with firefox that makes no problem15:38
WerenerdDai: wait, I just reread what you said. you can't get into the web based hotmail with firefox? I thought you were saying thunderbird for some reason15:38
Werenerdhold on, let me check my hotmail account.15:38
DaiWerenerd: i can access it ; but i can't write email, the textfield is greyed15:39
Dai(and i think we can use thunderbird for hotmail, with the webmail/hotmail plug-in=15:39
froduntuI can use hotmail15:40
froduntuwith no problem in firefox15:40
notriddleDai: Why do you need to use the web-based interface?15:40
WerenerdDai: wow... they really changed this website in the past few years.15:40
froduntudo you have the Adobe-flash player installed?15:40
Werenerddai: i see your problem. I am having it too.15:41
WerenerdDai: do you have NoScript installed?15:41
Dainotriddle: because i can't use thunderbird (i don't know why)15:42
notriddleDai: Thunderbird doesn't work. You are using Kubuntu, try Kontact.15:42
Daiok i'll try15:42
Werenerdnotriddle: I wouldn't use Kontact15:42
ActionParsnip1Dai: you could try renaming .mozilla-thunderbird then rerun it15:43
Werenerddamn thing doesn't get along with KNetworkmanager15:43
notriddleWerenerd: The advice was given to Dai, and Kontact work for me(tm) (using GMail).15:43
DaiWerenerd: Extensions : Dictionnaire Hunspell (français) ; Plugins  : several plugins but no Noscript15:44
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DaiWerenerd: the problem is not coming from Firefox as i can't with Konqueror either15:44
WerenerdDai: remember, you will need to forward that hotmail account to somewhere else and retreive it from that account. Hotmail needs precommands and they change frequently15:45
WerenerdDai: you got the warning telling you to upgrade to a different browser right?15:45
notriddleDai: http://fedoranews.org/mediawiki/index.php/How_to_check_Hotmail_with_KMail15:46
DaiWerenerd: yes, on both firefox and konqueror15:46
* notriddle wonders if they've added a POP3 or IMAP interface since this guide. He hopes they did.15:46
ActionParsnip1Dai: im trying to masquerade my opera15:46
WerenerdDai: try changing your browser identification to IE on XP in Konqueror.15:47
DaiWerenerd: how ?15:47
DaiActionParsnip1: you're trying what ?15:47
* notriddle just noticed that guide was Fedora-specific. Looking some more.15:47
froduntufor those that can't go into hotmail http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96325215:47
Dainotriddle: kontact = kmail ?15:47
ActionParsnip1Dai: to make my opera appear as IE / firefox15:48
ActionParsnip1Dai: as stupid sites check browser15:48
DaiActionParsnip1: ok, but if you make you opera appear as firefox, it won't help as it is not working with firefox either15:49
notriddleDai: Yep. KMail is the mail part of Kontact.15:49
WerenerdDai: my mistake, I thought Konqi did the browser identification like Opera. Stick with that. Kontact is the fullblown PIM and Kmail is just email. Kontact gives you a RSS, calendar, email, task, ... and so on15:49
Werenerdanyways, can some one help me with my question?15:49
WerenerdOK guys, I want to download Super Maryo Chronicles and all dependencies from this computer and trnafer them to another computer without internet access. How do I do that?15:49
ActionParsnip1Dai: hmmm, whats the site?15:50
notriddleDai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=519460 seems better.15:51
thompahello, I would like to upgrade Amarok to beta and following instructions there is no package available?15:51
DaiActionParsnip1: which site ?15:51
DaSkreechDai: Kmail = Sub portion of kontact15:51
Dainotriddle: thanks15:51
DaiDaSkreech: yes thanks15:51
ArkoldThosanyone having problems using a cdrom reader on kubuntu (works great with dvds, but with audio cds nothing happens)15:52
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok15:52
ArkoldThoskde doesn't detect it, but i am able to use it from vlc...15:52
WerenerdDaSkreech: how you been man, been a while15:52
DaSkreechapt-get install the package and note the dependents then pull them out of /var/cache/apt/archives15:52
DaSkreechWerenerd: I'm good an very sleepy15:53
WerenerdDaSkreech: then just add the CD as a repository on the offline computer?15:53
thompaanyone upgraded to amarok beta?15:53
ActionParsnip1thompa: looks like you'll be compiling it15:53
DaSkreechArkoldThos: if you open konqueor or dolphin and type audiocd:/ in the Location bar what do you get ?15:53
notriddlethompa: There's Project Neon.15:53
DaSkreechnope just aptget it15:53
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE for more15:53
thompaActionParsnip1: ok, is the package gone?15:53
DaSkreechThe local cache is checked before anything15:54
ArkoldThosaw, was putting cdrom:/ mine mistake, lets see what itshows..15:54
ActionParsnip1thompa: gone? I think amarok are only giving the current frozen source15:54
ArkoldThosDaSkreech: nothing15:54
ArkoldThosNEON doesn't output sound for now!15:54
DaSkreechArkoldThos: Boooo15:54
ArkoldThosso i don't recommend to use it :)15:54
judgenHow do i increase the kde4 window snapping threashold, and how do i  make konqueror use doubleclick instead of singleclick?15:54
WerenerdDaSkreech: the local cache on the offline PC wouldn't have the CD in .... oh... you mean just copy the packages over!15:54
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ArkoldThosappeared :D15:54
ArkoldThosthanks DaSkreech15:55
WerenerdDaSkreech: I was making this way too hard15:55
DaSkreechWerenerd: Duh :)15:55
=== Guest15215 is now known as mcasadevall
ArkoldThoswas quite wierd that device notifier and dolphin doesn't told me to mount it15:55
DaSkreechArkoldThos: See you just need to scae your computer every now and again :)15:55
ArkoldThosyea :/15:55
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
DaSkreechskare even15:56
ArkoldThosthanks =)15:56
thompaActionParsnip1: added this repo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main15:58
emmaEven with sudo aptitude -R install firefox (same as apt-get --no-install-recommends install firefox) you get the following errors when startinf firefox in terminal: (firefox:6241): Gtk-WARNING **: libbonoboui-2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:58
thompaaccording to kubuntu web site. So I guess thats wrong15:58
emmathompa: that looks like an interesting repo what do you get from it?15:59
thompamain page15:59
DaSkreechNCommander: Moin15:59
DaSkreechthompa: 4.1.3 ?16:00
WerenerdDaSkreech: wow, the whole /var/cache/apt/archives folder is <500MB. I'll just copy it all on a CD16:00
ubuntuhi there, I'm just trying to get grub back and am in the live cd... however nothing works... I enter correct hardisks and partitions for the boot partition yet it refuses to install16:00
thompafollowing main web site instructions16:00
thompathere is no file16:00
judgenYay ive finally gotten kde4 to behave the way i want. http://judgen.googlepages.com/Screenshot-kde4.jpeg16:00
DaSkreechWerenerd: You can do an apt-get autoclean to get rid of useless packages16:00
DaSkreechIt will remove duplicate packages when one has a higher version than the other16:01
DaSkreech!grub  | ubuntu16:01
ubottuubuntu: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:01
WerenerdDaSkreech: you are just a fountain of knowledge. Thanks man, I appreciate the help16:01
ubuntuDaSkreech: that's where I am yet it does not work16:01
DaSkreechWerenerd: a Broken pipe at least16:01
DaSkreechubuntu: Error?16:02
Werenerdlol, I like that better than a fountain16:02
thompaits here http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu/pool/main/a/amarok-kde4/16:02
ubuntuDaSkreech: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/72409/16:03
thompabut adding this deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main does not work re the main web page16:03
ActionParsnip1thompa: then use wget <deb file>16:03
DaSkreechthompa: poke someone in #kubuntu-devel16:03
ubuntuDaSkreech: I even mounted /dev/sdd4 as /boot to see if stage1 is there... and it is16:04
thompaActionParsnip1: I got it thanks16:04
thompathought i was doing something wrong, i guess its the link16:04
ActionParsnip1thompa: id just wait til its official release, less problems16:05
DaSkreechin 4 years16:05
thompaActionParsnip1: i would like to play files on my other box on home network16:06
Daii've tried User Agent Switcher but now i can't even go to the page to write a new message16:06
DaSkreechActionParsnip1: He's trying to use it so that you have less problems16:06
Daii think i'll just write my mails on the 'mobile' version16:06
ActionParsnip1thompa: do you mean the same files, or control amarok remotely?16:06
DaSkreechthompa: CAn't amarok 1.4 do that now?16:06
ubuntuDaSkreech: you got any idea why this is not working?16:06
thompaActionParsnip1: was using rythmbox and it wont do it16:06
DaSkreechubuntu: No idea what you are doing.16:06
DaSkreechOh wait16:06
DaSkreechpastebin :-D16:07
ubuntuDaSkreech: I gave you the pastebin16:07
thompaDaSkreech: im going to try it again16:07
ActionParsnip1thompa: if you want to control amarok remotely and have the sound come out of the amarok box's sound card you can instalL XUL remote16:07
ubuntuDaSkreech: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/72409/16:07
ActionParsnip1thompa: controlling it REQUIRES firefox based browsers16:07
thompaActionParsnip1: thats interesting ill try that16:07
ActionParsnip1thompa: is that what you wanted to be able to do?16:07
thompaActionParsnip1: can i add a netwrok directory through my wirless and play those tunes16:08
ActionParsnip1thompa: if you can ping the ip yuo can do it16:08
thompaActionParsnip1: i got a bunch of mps on one box and i can open and play them on the laptop but not add the folder16:08
ActionParsnip1thompa: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2363016:08
ActionParsnip1thompa: its a script you add to amarok16:09
thompaActionParsnip1: that sounds good16:09
ubuntuDaSkreech: IMHO it looks alright... sdd2 --> (hd3,1)  everything else grub won't even accept16:09
ActionParsnip1thompa: oh if you wanna just access the same files, you could share the folder then mount it16:09
thompaActionParsnip1: thats were I had some trouble16:10
ubuntuj #ubuntuforums16:10
ActionParsnip1thompa: then read some samba tutorials16:10
DaSkreechjudgen: Nice16:11
judgenDaSkreech: thanks16:11
DaSkreechubuntu: you mounted the drive and it's fine ?16:12
ubuntuDaSkreech: hmmm, I think I have solved the mystery...16:12
DaSkreechwhich is?16:12
sourcemakerI have a urgent problem with VPN... I am connected with a windows VPN server... but the application i am using is blocked (kernel martian source error...)16:13
ubuntuDaSkreech: in the live cd I just run: sudo apt-get install grub and it downloaded a few things...16:13
thompaActionParsnip1: I think the remote is better, but I know rythmbox will not play samba configured folders so I am trying amarok, thanks again16:13
DaSkreechubuntu: Oh dear16:13
sourcemakerKERNEL ERROR: martian source and ll header) !!16:14
ubuntuDaSkreech: now it run fine :)16:14
ubunturebooting now ;)16:14
DaSkreechwhich Cd is that?16:14
ubuntuDaSkreech: I think it's kubuntu 8.04 64bit...16:15
DaSkreechjudgen: What's the name of that theme?16:15
ubuntuDaSkreech: what's the name to find what kubuntu version you're running? something with lsb16:15
DaSkreechlsb_release -a16:16
ubuntuDaSkreech: kubuntu 8.04 hardy (probably beta version)16:16
DaSkreechright ok16:16
ubuntuI don't recall having been require to apt-get grub first with another desktop cd16:17
DaSkreechMe either16:18
ubuntuI'll reboot now... thx for helping16:18
judgenDaSkreech: Oxygen16:22
DaSkreechjudgen: Thanks16:22
piquadratHi! I'd like not to use gtk-qt4, therefore I created a custom .gtkrc-2.0 file. But on every login, a file gtkrc-2.0-kde4 is created, which overrules my customized settings. GTK2-Apps only respect my settings after I delete that file. What program or service could be responsible for this reappearing .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 thingy?16:24
judgenDaSkreech: is there a way to see if fsaa works in kde4's compositing?16:25
judgeni think i cn see it but i dont know.16:25
judgenI dont know but i dont think compiz comes even close to the speed and responsiveness to kde4* compositing.16:26
judgenbut resizing windows over here is behaving silly. Like it has ticks or ADHD16:27
|DarkSmoke|if i get a source from apt of program16:27
|DarkSmoke|with sudo apt-get source x16:27
|DarkSmoke|will it compile in a deb package?16:28
judgenit should compile it to a deb package.. yes. As long as you have the build tools ofcourse.16:28
|DarkSmoke|judgen: how do you do it16:29
|DarkSmoke|i remember when i got the official kernel source once, there was some script in the debian/ folder16:29
judgenrofl google has been surpassed in web hits by both flickr and youtube. That cant be right.16:29
aomegax4Hi, I have kubuntu 8.04. I have a ext3 partition, so when I open Dolphin I see it but when I mount it I haven't permission to write16:30
aomegax4how can I do?16:31
ActionParsnip1aomegax4: what command are you mounting with?16:31
aomegax4nothing...by Dolphin it mounts itself16:32
aomegax4(kde 4)16:32
ArkoldThosaomegax4: probably you need to fsck16:34
AyabaraI run kubuntu 8.10 on a laptop with nvidia graphics, and I still think it's a little slow. do I have to tweak something to make it more responsive?16:34
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: are you fully updated?16:34
AyabaraActionParsnip1: I believe so.16:35
aomegax4what can I do?16:35
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade16:35
AyabaraActionParsnip1: I mean. I _am_ fully upgraded :-)16:35
aomegax4<ArkoldThos> what must I do?16:37
ArkoldThoscheck if your partition isn't damaged16:37
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: what card you got?16:39
AyabaraActionParsnip1: 8600M GT16:39
Ayabaramake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/build/buildd/kde4libs-4.1.2/obj-i486-linux-gnu/lib/libkdecore.so', needed by `lib/libkipi.so.5.0.0'.  Stop. <- anyone got an idea what's wrong/missing?16:40
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: may help http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?p=4749516:41
axiomHaving an odd sound issue, startup and shutdown sounds work fine, but all other sounds do not work16:41
axiomIf I run "sudo alsa force-reload" sound comes back, but it sounds awful16:41
axiomkmix seems to have no effect on any of this, is there something else I should be using?16:42
AyabaraActionParsnip1: thanks, I'll try it out. What's weird is that for me Compiz-Fusion in Gnome is fast, but Kde is slow16:44
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: kwin you mean16:45
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: compiz runs with kde, kwin runs with kde16:45
ActionParsnip1Ayabara: kde is the desktop, kwin is the default window manager16:45
AyabaraActionParsnip1: I know, I just express myself badly :)16:46
ActionParsnip1just an fyi :D16:46
snarksteris this the right channel for 4.1.2 discussion?16:46
DaSkreechsnarkster: that would be #kde unless it's directly kubuntu related16:46
snarksterok well im not sure so here goes.. Is there anyway to get around notifier and automount  a cd?16:47
snarksterhmm guess not16:50
ActionParsnip1snarkster: so you wanna disable automount?16:51
snarksterno i want automount to work..16:52
snarksterI dont want to have to click openwith dolphin everytime to get it to mount16:53
maxi__no runing google earth16:54
snarksterso i put in a cd.. device notifier tells me there is a new cd, but DOES not automount it16:54
ActionParsnip1snarkster: set media options maybe, is there no "remember my option"16:54
snarksterwhere to find media options?16:54
snarksterActionParsnip1: where do i find media options? Ive been thru system settings and havent noticed anything with that wording16:57
ActionParsnip1no idea man, i dont use kwin16:58
snarksterbut your in the kubuntu channel? haha thats cool16:58
ActionParsnip1but id imagine thats it, is there no option to remember the choice ?16:59
snarksternot that ive seen16:59
snarksterok well google searches dont show much either, guess this is the new way things are going to be.17:00
snarksterwith that said Im off to D217:00
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DarkriftXum..... i update everytime i see there are updates, but right now there are 906 updates17:17
DarkriftXthat seems a little odd that every part of my system was updated while i slept :S17:17
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: wow crazy17:17
DarkriftXi mean that there are updates to everything all in one day17:17
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: what data size is it?17:17
DarkriftX768mb dl. 213 isntalled17:18
DarkriftXxserver, xorg, x11...... going backwards its the whole system17:18
DarkriftXseems liek a distupgrade17:19
ActionParsnip1yikes, does a bit17:19
navidhey guys17:19
ActionParsnip1hi navid17:20
navidi'm a beginner17:20
navidi needed to know how can i instal firefox on my kde17:20
navidi have the tar.bz file17:21
* DarkriftX took the plunge17:21
DarkriftXwait, everything is downloading from debian unstable :S17:21
DarkriftXtaht doesnt look normal17:21
navidanybody can help me?17:21
DarkriftXnavid, in a command prompt17:22
ActionParsnip1navid: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.017:22
DarkriftXsudo apt-get install firefox-3.017:23
ActionParsnip1navid: you dont need to manually download stuff much17:23
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ThomasHCya navid Just use Adept17:23
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navidok is that all?17:23
ThomasHCIt's easy17:23
ActionParsnip1yep thats all17:24
navidok thanks17:24
ActionParsnip1navid: almost all software you'll install is in repos17:24
navidi don't know how to thank you?17:24
ThomasHCAnd if it isn't, it's in another repo17:24
DarkriftXack, installing emdebian for a project i had added debian unstable to my repos17:25
ActionParsnip1navid: just be cool17:25
navidif i had the gz file so what should i do?17:26
DarkriftXdelete it17:26
DarkriftXok.... you can frame it17:27
DarkriftXyour first downloaded but useless gz file17:27
ThomasHCYou don't need17:27
ThomasHCit at ALL17:27
ActionParsnip1navid: you can install from source by compiling it17:27
ActionParsnip1navid: as a newb id stick to repos and learn the OS17:27
ThomasHCand besides17:27
ThomasHCeven vets wont compile firefox17:27
DarkriftXsource is overrated17:27
ThomasHCthat takes FOREVER17:27
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: its fun17:27
DarkriftXno its not lol17:28
ThomasHCnot until you do firefox and the kernel17:28
DarkriftXi avoid compiling when i can17:28
ActionParsnip1DarkriftX: depends on your idea of fun17:28
DarkriftXim always having to compile stuff for my mobile devices17:28
* ActionParsnip1 uses gentoo17:28
DarkriftXi have debian on a handheld i ahve to compile for17:28
* ThomasHC used gentoo, but the speed from compiling is balanced by the time of compiling17:29
navidok thank you again and im leaving17:30
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: do it overnight, no time lost17:30
emmawhat is the default application in kubuntu that's sort of like totem, for opening online streams or mms:// ?17:31
ActionParsnip1emma: totem is default player but you can install mplayer or any other media player17:32
emmaoh is totem not a gnome app?17:32
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:32
ActionParsnip1!info totem17:32
ubottutotem (source: totem): A simple media player for the GNOME desktop (dummy package). In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 244 kB, installed size 292 kB17:32
Rioting_pacifistmy screen goes crazy when i resume from a suspend to ram (both x and cli) (vbesave is set to 2345)17:33
emmacan't install totem on kubuntu17:33
ThomasHCActionParsnip1: What if I need an app really quick?17:33
emma!info kplayer17:33
ubottukplayer (source: kplayer): A KDE media player based on MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7-0.1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 721 kB, installed size 2276 kB17:33
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: ive never been in that situation personally, ive no idea17:33
ThomasHCGentoo has sort of fell apart though17:34
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: i cant evn imagine a situation where a software install was time critical17:34
Rioting_pacifistemma: kaffine is the equivilent to totembut kmplayer is a good alternative that handels most streams17:34
Rioting_pacifistemma: you can also install totem anyway17:34
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: how does it fall apart?17:34
emmaRioting_pacifist: very cool, thank you, and thank you ActionParsnip1 as well for looking into it.17:34
ActionParsnip1emma: np17:34
emmaRioting_pacifist: no i wouldn't want to install a GNOME app on my Kubuntu.17:35
ThomasHCActionParsnip1: the dev team17:35
emmaIt's nothing personal. I used vanilla Ubuntu from the start, and did not like to put KDE apps on it either.17:35
Rioting_pacifistemma: with the gtk-qt engine installed gnome apps look ok.17:36
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: ive not noticed, my updates still come down and its running pretty solidly17:36
ActionParsnip1ThomasHC: thats all i see17:36
emmaRioting_pacifist: yeah. But I don't want to get all the cruft and start all the Gnome Processes.17:36
emmaRioting_pacifist: so often if you instlal one Gnome app you get half of the Gnome desktop.17:36
ActionParsnip1emma: yeah i keep mine pure too17:37
proteusguyUsing 8.10 trying to share folder from properties in KDE. Says I don't have file sharing installed but can't figure out which packages to install. Any ideas??17:44
ubsafderonce i start with kde after a few seconds kde doet respond to mouse click  i think it is link to compiz starting17:51
ubsafderhow can I trouble shoot that17:51
ubsafderi have gnome that works great17:52
ActionParsnip1ubsafder: switch back to kwin and see if its the same17:53
ubsafderwhat is it to kill X alt backspace ?17:55
ptljust filed two more bug reports :)17:56
ActionParsnip1ubsafder: its ctrl + alt + backspace17:56
ptlI wonder WHEN bug #1 from launchpad will be fixed. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/118:01
ActionParsnip1ptl: i dont see that as a bug,18:02
ahi, why does a file i download from the internet say i dont have permission to move it into a folder?18:03
aalso, why does the folder that i want to move it into say i am "not the owner" lol?18:03
dr_williswhich folder? what file/ who downloaded.. you could look and see who the 'owner' is of the file18:04
ait's the map folder of the game Tremulous18:04
ai am the owner of it i guess18:04
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: ls -l <file>18:05
dr_willisdont 'guess'  -  look and see.18:05
adr_willis: it says "root" is the owner18:05
dr_willisand if you are trying to copy it to a system directory.. well those are owned by root18:05
Machtinhey guys.18:05
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:05
afor me?18:05
dr_willissudo chown USERNAME.USERNAME  filetomakeownedbyouruser18:06
aoh i have gnome terminal18:06
dr_willisWhere username is your username, :)18:06
Machtinwhen i want to use my 8gbyte-usb-stick it doesn't work. it shows in dolphin, but when i click it.. there's that red window at the bottom telling me the error18:06
Machtinwhat can i do about that?18:06
dr_willisMachtin,  try mounting it manually, what filesystem is the thing?18:06
Machtinntfs, i guess18:07
dr_willisI would install/run the ntfs-config tool to enable  user support/read/writeing of external ntfs drives18:07
MachtinFailed to mount '/dev/sde1': Operation not supported18:08
MachtinMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:18:08
adr_willis, it is a folder i think i need to change the ownership, could you tel me the format to enter?18:08
Machtinwill try18:08
dr_willissudo chown USERNAME.USERNAME  FOLDERtomakeownedbyouruser18:09
dr_willisa you do not want to 'chown' system directories.. what directory are you trying to copy things to exactly?18:09
Machtinhm, ntfs-config doesn't see the stick.18:09
athe map folder of the game Tremulous18:09
ait is called Base18:09
dr_willisa , and the full path top this directory is?18:09
Machtinhow can i check which fs it is?18:09
dr_willisMachtin,  sudo fdisk -l18:09
Machtinhm, kay.18:10
Machtin/dev/sde1   *           1       48948     7831512    7  HPFS/NTFS18:10
adr_willis /usr/share/games/tremulous/base (i think)18:10
Machtinah :D18:10
Machtindr_willis: i ran ntfsfix and now it works :) thank you18:11
dr_willisa and thats a SYSTEM directory.. you MUST use the proper 'root' permissions to access that directory18:11
dr_willissudo cp whatever whever   , or similer commands.18:11
dr_willisor cheat and use some file manager as root.18:11
athe one you gave me worked, many thanks again dr_willis18:12
dr_williswhat one?18:12
asudo chown a.a /usr/share/games/tremulous/base18:13
ai wrote the file after that18:13
dr_willisthats exactly a BAD THING TO DO... as i mentioned18:13
dr_willisyou dont want to arbiatrly chown system directori to be owned by users.18:13
aits not going to run now?18:14
dr_willisNo idea.. proberly will.. for that one user..18:14
ai am the only user really18:14
aany guests will be monitiored xD18:14
dr_willisyou should learn why its not a good idea. and the proper way to copy those file4s to the directory18:14
ai could return it the same way no?18:14
dr_willisproberly wont matter.. but you shoule learn the proper way to do such tasks18:15
ai better go test it to make sure it works now18:15
dr_willistremulous makes me so dizzy i puke18:21
DaSkreechdr_willis: prepuke then play18:23
glade88hello.. can anyone can tell me what their grub entry text is for kubuntu 8.10 ?18:24
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:24
glade88PriceChild: no, I mean the text. does it say "ubuntu 8.10".. which it should not afaik18:25
PriceChildglade88: I don't see why there should be a difference..?18:26
PriceChildglade88: Kubuntu has separate grub setting up packages? :/18:26
glade88PriceChild: since its not ubuntu.. and xubuntu has Xubuntu 8.xx afaik18:26
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zir-rtI have some file with this � character, and I can not rename them, dolphin says the file doesn't exists, I have extracted them from a zip archive. How can I rename them?18:28
jsunio2 ideas: try konquerer, or try command line18:29
zir-rtjsunio: thanks, I will try with konqueror :)18:30
zir-rtjsunio: now I works, with mv and using \ for spaces, with mv "file name" doesn't work :)18:31
DaSkreechglade88: Just edit it18:32
DaSkreechzir-rt: use tab complete to get the file name18:32
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)18:33
glade88DaSkreech: I know I can do that. I am more concerned with the default configuration18:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about supergrub18:33
glade88DaSkreech: plus, what the Grub editor shows under systemsettings18:33
DaSkreechptl: Keep supplying patches :)18:33
zir-rtDaSkreech: Yes, Im using tab now :)18:33
glade88DaSkreech: why does it show the ubuntu logo but not the kubuntu one in grub editor anyway :/18:34
PSiL0anyone with an ati card and fglrx installed noticed how sometimes the screen refreshes a little slowly?18:35
radamsHow do I set a static IP in KDE 4? I tried "New Connection" > "Manual IP" and entered the right settings, but I still get DHCP even after restart. The connection is set to autoconnect...18:35
PSiL0Also, how avi files under mplayer, vlc, (or whatnot) are more inferior in ubuntu than windows?18:35
DaSkreechglade88: You have ubuntu installed?18:36
radamsPSiL0: inferior in what way?18:36
glade88DaSkreech: no18:36
PSiL0more pixelation18:36
glade88DaSkreech: and honestly, the ubuntu logo is a bit bothering among the blue-gray UI.. :)18:36
PSiL0scenes are a bit more choppy18:36
DaSkreechglade88: Dunno then what ever environment you are under when you install a kernel it gets that designation18:36
DaSkreechglade88: WHich ubuntu logo?18:36
PSiL0I think this may be down to the video refreshing slower in ubuntu than in windows...18:37
thomas__was ist18:37
glade88DaSkreech: the standard orange one18:37
radamsPSiL0: I haven't seen that, though I'm not using ATI...18:37
DaSkreechAh :)18:37
Neremorhello, i've a short question18:37
PSiL0I have the restricted package installed in kubuntu and cccp installed in windows18:37
glade88DaSkreech: do you have the kubuntu logo in the grub editor?18:37
Neremori want to make my own kdm theme18:37
glade88DaSkreech: ok18:37
Neremorcan i find a tutorial somewhere?18:37
DaSkreechNeremor: #kde18:37
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Neremori just thought about that kdm isn't kde18:38
DaSkreechglade88: If you rename it to Kubuntu you get the Kubuntu Logo18:38
PSiL0Yeah, I noticed that intrepid ibex removed alot of the options available from the xorg config18:38
DaSkreechNeremor: technically it's not but it a close relative18:39
DaSkreechPSiL0: that would be the Xorg folks18:39
thomas__was machts nir18:39
radams!german | thomas__18:40
ubottuthomas__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:40
Neremorok thanks :)18:40
PSiL0da: yeah, I thought so.. I just want to config my ati card, so that the video performance in kubuntu is equal to windows.... Right now it is at comparable18:41
DaSkreechPSiL0: and you just hit on the fun black art known as Xorg :)18:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:43
PSiL0Daskreech: And the fun dealing with a closed source driver no less!18:45
Koordinhi i have a weird problem ; when i try to uninstall tcl/tk8.4, apt-get uninstalls also ocaml ; and when tcl/tk8.4 is installed, this bring forth conflicts with tcl/tk8.5 and amsn does not work. so how can i do to remove tcl/tk8.4 without removing ocaml ?18:45
radamsHow do I set a static IP in KDE 4? I tried "New Connection" > "Manual IP" and entered the right settings, but I still get DHCP even after restart. The connection is set to autoconnect...18:45
auralfixatonhello al18:46
auralfixatonerr all18:46
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radams!hello | auralfixaton18:46
ubottuauralfixaton: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:46
auralfixatonthanks :)18:46
auralfixatonhas anyone had problems with the latest kernel update?18:46
radamsauralfixaton: what's your uname -r?18:47
DaSkreechradams: Read the release notes. Static IP using Knetworkmanager is broken for 8.1018:47
auralfixatoni had to go into the grub boot menu to select the older kernel to get my machine to boot18:47
radamsDaSkreech: didn't catch that, thanks. I'll do it up oldschool then18:47
DaSkreechglade88: Sweet playing with the grub editor is fun18:48
Koordinhi i have a weird problem ; when i try to uninstall tcl/tk8.4, apt-get uninstalls also ocaml ; and when tcl/tk8.4 is installed, this bring forth conflicts with tcl/tk8.5 and amsn does not work. so how can i do to remove tcl/tk8.4 without removing ocaml ?18:48
DaSkreechapt-get remove tcl/tk8.4 && apt-get install ocaml ?18:50
auralfixatonso i am the only one with an issue with the new kernel i take it?18:50
KoordinDaSkreech: this will reinstall tcl/tk8.418:50
DaSkreechAh umm18:50
* DaSkreech hides18:50
alan_Can someone help me?18:51
radams!ask | alan_18:51
ubottualan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:51
radamsauralfixaton: as I asked before, what's the output of uname -r?18:52
PSiL0found some info right here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide18:52
PSiL0might go tweaking soon18:52
radamsauralfixaton: that's not the latest kernel for Intrepid. Are you on Hardy?18:54
auralfixatonyes iirc18:55
auralfixatonhow do i tell?18:55
radamsauralfixaton: cat /etc/issue18:55
auralfixatonUbuntu 8.10 \n \l18:56
radamsauralfixaton: you're on intrepid then, but the current provided version is 2.6.27-7-generic18:58
radamsauralfixaton: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade18:58
auralfixatonmy machine won't boot with that kernel tho radams18:58
auralfixatoni have to select the older one18:59
radamsauralfixation: ls /boot/grub | grep -i 7-generic returns the kernel and associated files, correct?19:00
radamsauralfixaton: there ought to be 6 of them.19:00
auralfixatonthat command returns no results in the terminal19:01
radamsauralfixaton: can you put your ls /boot into pastebin? something is wrong here19:02
auralfixatonabi-2.6.24-19-generic             initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic19:02
auralfixatonabi-2.6.27-7-generic              memtest86+.bin19:02
auralfixatonconfig-2.6.24-19-generic          System.map-2.6.24-19-generic19:02
auralfixatonconfig-2.6.27-7-generic           System.map-2.6.27-7-generic19:03
auralfixatongrub                              vmcoreinfo-2.6.27-7-generic19:03
auralfixatoninitrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic      vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic19:03
auralfixatoninitrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic.bak  vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic19:03
auralfixatonoops that was big sorry all :(19:03
jonatasoi pessoal alguem fala portugues19:03
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radams!pastebin > auralfixaton19:04
ubottuauralfixaton, please see my private message19:04
radamsfor next time :)19:04
KR-datadoes DWL-G122 work out of the box on Kubuntu?19:05
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:06
radamsauralfixaton: ok, you do have the kernel there. now, we want to take a look at dmesg to see what happened last time you booted into that kernel. Can you post /var/log/dmesg.0 to pastebin?19:06
auralfixatonradams http://paste.ubuntu.com/72488/19:07
ptlDaSkreech: can't supply patches, I barely get time for my master degree and my job. I even had to dump my girlfriend to get time.19:07
KR-datahow do I find a wireless card for kubuntu?19:08
radamsauralfixaton: please see my last message. I need the output of /var/log/dmesg.0 (in pastebin)19:08
ptlKR-data: you mean, a wireless card that works?19:09
KR-dataptl, basically, yes19:09
radams!hardwarelist | KR-data19:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hardwarelist19:09
radamsKR-data: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport19:09
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:10
radamsThere it is19:10
ptlKR-data: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards19:10
KR-datathanks :)19:10
auralfixatonherego radams and thank you http://paste.ubuntu.com/72490/19:10
auralfixatonman i wish winblows had this level of hardware debugging19:13
auralfixatonmakes you realise just how out of date even vista is compared to linux19:13
radamsauralfixaton: hm, nothing here to show what the fatal was. what happens specifically when you start into the new kernel?19:15
DaSkreechptl: using Linux is considered a patch :)19:15
auralfixatonlet me look about a bit radams19:15
DaSkreechauralfixaton: Nope. It's just a distro with a different focus19:15
DaSkreechKeep people ignorant :)19:16
radamsmore like drive people insane... "the process 'asgjhkr.exe' could not be closed, because an error of type 0x00024515 ocurred"19:17
ThomasHCIf your gonna do that just say Application X has crashed19:17
DaSkreechI should write those down and e-mail them to Microsoft to find out if anyone knows what they mean19:17
radamsDaSkreech: surprisingly enough, they do. I have to support windows boxes daily, and have made many a call to MS Support. Which, if you're prepared to pay the mint it costs, is actually pretty stellar.19:18
auralfixatoni have heard that as well19:18
DaSkreechradams: Ever gave them one number slightly off to see if it would throw them?19:19
DaSkreechA what?19:19
auralfixatonwell i am gonna reboot into the non bootable kernel19:19
auralfixatonand paste the dmesg19:19
DaSkreechYour RSS feeder is having problems formatting a floppy?19:19
DaSkreechAre you sure?19:19
auralfixatonback in a sec19:20
DaSkreechLook I'm paying you. You fix it19:20
ptlDaSkreech: well, that's nice then, because I use linux all the time in my job and in my college. I don't give any chance for Windows to get into my nose.19:20
DaSkreechptl: Bug reports and evangalising also count as patches :)19:20
ptlI can't say how much I really really really really really really really really hate Microsoft and Windows.19:20
ptlDaSkreech: another hit then! :)19:20
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radamsDaSkreech: If it wasn't for the fact that they charge sometimes as much as $99 an hour, I would do all kinds of silly things.19:21
DaSkreechptl: Patch away my friend :)19:21
ptlI am watching the atheist experience below this yakuake transparent window. lol19:22
DaSkreechradams: Are you serious? Per hour?19:22
DaSkreechradams: Can't you just get support for the lifetime of a product?19:22
radamsDaSkreech: sometimes, depending on what customer and product they are supporting, yes19:22
radamsDaSkreech: you wish19:22
ptlUS$ 99 per hour is how much a hooker costs19:22
radamsDaSkreech: all ms phone support is per hour or paid per year19:22
ptlwell, similar products I guess19:22
radamsptl: depends on your part of town19:23
yuriydoes this mean we can have kubuntu mobile edition for nokias? http://idlethread.blogspot.com/2008/11/ubuntu-on-arm_14.html19:23
DaSkreechI suppose19:24
ptlyuriy: I don't think it'd be so easy. Porting for arm is the easy part, the hard part is getting all devices working, the GSM stack, wifi, accelerometer and so on19:24
DaSkreechyuriy: In short yes in long not likely19:25
radamsIt's a start, though19:25
killer_new install : Intrepid Ibex.. cannot change wallpaper19:25
radamskiller_: what happens when you try?19:26
killer_radams: I click "New Wallpaper" button and I get a big list19:26
killer_radams: but only a "close" button19:26
killer_radams: all images are showing with "Install" button next to them19:26
DaSkreechkiller_: Ha ha As in Get new Wallpapers?19:26
kubuntu__I am trying to install XP after a kubuntu 8.10 install19:27
DaSkreechkiller_: Those are pulling in new Wallpapers from the internet as they appear19:27
kubuntu__to change the partition i insert the live cd and it doesn't have a partition program19:27
DaSkreechkiller_: What you want is to close that and then in the middle of the dialog box is a drop down list19:27
killer_radams: DaSkreech:  "Picture" drop list from the main screen only shows one image.. the current one19:27
DaSkreechkiller_: that's where you change the wallpaper19:27
kubuntu__should i download ubuntu 8.0419:27
DaSkreechkiller_: You can install any that you like fro mthat dialog though19:28
killer_DaSkreech: I started there :)19:28
DaSkreechkubuntu__: Apt-get install gparted19:28
radamskubuntu__: qtparted if kubuntu live cd19:28
radamsand gparted is on the 8.10 gnome cd, under system --> administration --> partition editor19:28
kubuntu__DaSkreech: can you do this during a live cd session?19:29
radamskubuntu__: yes.19:29
kubuntu__I mean can you apt-get during a live cd session19:29
DaSkreechkubuntu__: Yes19:29
killer_DaSkreech: on the install list.. I click the install and it just changes to uninstall19:29
DaSkreechLinux is awesomer than you think19:29
radamsfurthermore, anything you apt-get will be installed when you install ubuntu/kubuntu, if you don't restart in between19:29
kubuntu__Thanks guys where does it get install to when you are running live session? that hard drive?19:29
DaSkreechkiller_: That's good it's installed now19:29
killer_DaSkreech: aaah.. it's a "one-click" install19:30
radamskubuntu__ the fake drive it made out of ram19:30
DaSkreechkiller_: If you close out and go to the drop down list (not the new wallpaper button) then you can choose it19:30
kubuntu__radams: thanks it seems gparted will not let me partition when I boot into my actual kubuntu, is that normal?19:30
DaSkreechkiller_: Found the wallpaper in the list?19:31
DaSkreechkubuntu__: yes if you are trying to resize the partition it's on19:31
kubuntu__Seems strange that it cannot resize then b/c partition magic can resize in windows19:32
killer_DaSkreech: yes thanks.. all that I installed are now in the list19:32
radamskubuntu__: partitioning or changing an active system drive is a recipe for disaster19:32
DaSkreechkiller_: Sweet eh?19:32
kubuntu__DaSkreech and radams: thanks for the quick help, I love the ubuntu community19:32
unkubuntu__: no partitioning program can resize the partition it's running from...19:32
DaSkreechkubuntu__: We love you :)19:32
ThomasHCun: actually yes19:32
radamskubuntu__: gparted can resize active system parts as well, but by default it won't let you19:33
unThomasHC: yea that new fs, brfs is it?19:33
radamsnp kubuntu__19:33
unThomasHC: oh?19:33
ThomasHCVIsta's partition tool can, and I think gparted can somehow19:33
DaSkreechun: lots of programs can do it. They just won't by default19:33
DaSkreechCause you'll do stupid stuff like delete the partiion the program is runing from19:33
kubuntu__do you all like the "widget" idea for the new kde.  I am not a fan yet?19:34
radamsor, it can fail, then the system fails19:34
unhmm... learn something everyday...19:34
ThomasHCand then go trolling on forums wondering why all your files are gone :p19:34
ThomasHCand your computer won;t boot lol19:34
kubuntu__I am going to reboot into my 8.10 live kubuntu cd and apt the gparted and then try a resize19:34
radamsThomasHC: there should be a "this user ran a system utility with override flags" tag on the forums19:34
DaSkreechkubuntu__: It needs some time to get legs but I think with TIME it will have very cool applications19:34
* DaSkreech makesa clock joke19:35
ThomasHCradams: Now that's a mouth full19:35
radamsDaSkreech: the problem is, there's only about 5 or 6000 clock widgets, and I never know what time it is :(19:35
* DaSkreech still wants a grandather clock plasmoid that bongs on the hour19:36
unthe new webkit browser plasmoid is sweet... they haven't got rotation down with it yet i don't think...19:36
ThomasHCun: webkit browser plasmoid?19:36
radamsok back to work. if auralfixation comes back around and still can't boot, tell him to try disconnecting his cd-rom drive19:36
unDaSkreech: that's a sweet idea, couldn't be that hard eh?19:36
unThomasHC: yea, you haven't seen it?19:36
ThomasHClink me19:37
* ThomasHC not usually a KDE user19:37
unummm... youtube it, i'm on a console only machine right now..19:37
DaSkreechun: it isn't it's a few lines of js and a audio file19:37
ThomasHClol un19:37
killer_DaSkreech: most of my panel settings are missing.. how do I get it to fit full screen side-2-side? I can center it.. and it has a 2 inch gap on both sides.. 22" LCD19:37
DaSkreechun: use w3m19:37
ThomasHCo wait nvm19:37
radamsun: stop being a wuss, you know damn well you could just use lynx --source and grep pipes to get him the URL! :P19:38
ThomasHCI thought you meant a browser widget lol19:38
DaSkreechThomasHC: He did19:38
ThomasHCn00b moment19:38
ThomasHCsomeone link me..lol19:38
DaSkreechIt's a full browser in a little itty bitty widget19:38
unradams: i know, but im compiling kde svn, and im kind of lagging... plus i can't see which youtube video i want from elinks or anything...19:38
DaSkreechhi tackat_19:39
tackat_ho DaSkreech19:42
DaSkreechtackat_: How goes?19:42
DaSkreechtackat_: Can I query plans for marble or are you busy?19:43
DaSkreechhi jono19:43
oscarI just purchased a new motherboard and case. i installled everything, formatted windows xp and installed ubuntu. Ubuntu is not detecting one of my hard drives but bios detects it. any suggestions19:43
DaSkreechoscar: doesn't come up in /dev ?19:44
oscar_sorry i exited19:45
oscar_power surge19:45
White_Pelicanit happens19:46
DaSkreechoscar: doesn't come up in /dev ?19:46
abdessamadhi all19:46
abdessamadi'm new in linux kubuntu19:47
ThomasHChello abdessamad, glad to hear!19:47
abdessamadhow can i install gnome ?19:47
unabdessamad: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:47
unabdessamad: log out > click sessions > pick gnome > log in19:47
DaSkreechoscar_: can you pastebin the output of ls /dev/sd* ?19:48
DaSkreech!paste | oscar_19:48
ubottuoscar_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)19:48
abdessamadthanks i'll try it19:48
DaSkreechoscar_: /dev is the directory that holds all of your hardware. If the linux kernel can see it then it's a file in /dev19:48
oscar_i ran the command in the terminal and got permission denied19:48
oscar_i ran /dev/sd*19:48
DaSkreechYour drives are all /dev/sd<something>19:49
DaSkreechoscar_: no "ls /dev/sd*"19:49
Ash-FoxHow do I reset the menus and file associations to default in Kubuntu intrepid. I've done numerous upgrades, moved from various distributions to another while keeping my home directory. Unfortuantely now it's become quite messy with lots of dead applications in menus, associatinos that don't work etc. I don't want to delete my KDE profile because there is a lot of things in KDE I wish to keep, from kopete, kmail settings and mail t19:50
ThomasHCcan someone link me to the mini web browser plasmoid? I can't find it19:52
DaSkreechabdessamad: install ubuntu-desktop19:52
DaSkreechThomasHC: it's in KDE 4.219:52
DaSkreechoscar_: ok type in mount and paste bin that19:53
unThomasHC: i have a myspace link for ya... myspace.com/hallowname check the blog for a youtube vid, it shows the webplasmoid...19:53
ThomasHCI've got KDE 4.1.319:53
unThomasHC: it won't run in 4.1.319:53
ThomasHCi want to downlaod it htough19:53
ThomasHChow do I get 4.2 on Kubuntu?19:53
unThomasHC: try kde-nightly19:53
DaSkreechThomasHC: Neon19:53
unThomasHC: it's buggy, but cool19:53
DaSkreechThomasHC: You can grab a Suse live CD and try it19:53
ThomasHCI think I'll wait lol19:54
ThomasHCjust getting used to KDE19:54
unThomasHC: easier to google 'intrepid neon' and add the repo...19:54
DaSkreechWhen 4.2 comes out in Jan you can install it on Kubuntu19:54
ThomasHCso, what are the major bugs?19:54
DaSkreechoscar_: Ok and when you open Dolphin you don't see it on the side bar?19:54
DaSkreechbug 1 | ThomasHC This one first19:55
DaSkreechbug #1 | ThomasHC This one first19:55
DaSkreechStupid bot19:55
unThomasHC: nothin too bad... panel seems to forget it's placement... umm... web plasmoid doesn't rotate correctly...19:55
ThomasHCI'll wait until December I guess when it's more stable19:55
Ayabaraon hardy I used /usr/lib/kde4/lib as LD_LIBRARY_PATH. should I just use /usr/lib now?19:56
unThomasHC: good idea... i'll wait, about five more minutes for svn ;)19:56
DaSkreechThomasHC: My friend has it running as his work machine ... at work!!19:56
oscar_whats dolphin?19:56
DaSkreechoscar_: press alt+F2 then type dolphin19:56
unoscar_: file manager (view, browse, delete files)19:56
ThomasHCoscar_: file manager, think explorer on WIndows, finder on OS X19:56
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.19:56
oscar_i dont see it19:57
unAyabara: why do you have to manually set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?19:58
Ayabaraun: building digikam from source, but ... I'm followin a procedure from my hardy days. now I probably don't have to anymore...19:59
* Ayabara tries again19:59
DaSkreechoscar_: Ok where would you like the drive to go?20:00
unAyabara: yea kde4 moved to /usr/lib in intrepid20:01
Ayabaraun: ok. thanks20:02
* un passes a kidney stone... ugh20:02
DaSkreechoscar_: What's on the drives ?20:04
billeniumRight now i have ubuntu (gnome) and im pretty upset with it :P how do i install kubuntu when i have ubuntu?20:05
* un is off to help hoard the onslaught on #ubuntu newbs20:05
unbillenium: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:06
oscar_i think i got it20:06
Ayabaramake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/build/buildd/kde4libs-4.1.2/obj-i486-linux-gnu/lib/libkdecore.so', needed by `lib/libkipi.so.5.0.0'.20:06
oscar_i forgot that the drive was not partitioned :p20:06
oscar_im a idiot sometimes20:06
Ayabaraanyone got an idea what that could be?20:06
DaSkreechoscar_: That might help a lot :)20:06
unAyabara: your makefile has a issue with libkipi's rule...20:06
DaSkreechoscar_: install gparted and cut it up20:06
oscar_doing that now20:06
oscar_do i need to restart to see it in explorer?20:07
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DaSkreechoscar_: Which explorer?20:07
DaSkreechoscar_: No as soon as you partition and format it will pop up automatically20:07
DaSkreechSweetness :)20:08
oscar_hmm i dont see it20:08
DaSkreechoscar_: Did you format it?20:09
DaSkreechoscar_: ok pastebin ls /dev/sd* again20:09
DaSkreechoscar_: Though honestly all the ones that you had before were partitioned20:10
DaSkreechDon't know if they were formatted but they were partitioned20:10
DaSkreechThe paste mania20:17
oscar_my bad20:18
DaSkreechoscar_: do you know what you formatted it as?20:18
chairmanthis is ubuntu 8.10 support too right?20:19
DaSkreechFor some Ubuntu questions20:19
DaSkreechoscar_: sudo fdisk -l and pastebin it20:22
oscar_i tryed ext3 and fat3220:25
kallagenтут по русски говорят?20:25
kallagenсом пипл спик ин рашан ин зис ченэл?20:25
brainsailI can't find the klaptopdaemon entry in control center20:26
ptlI am recording via pulseaudio the "all your base are belong to us" song to use as a ringtone20:28
ptlrecording from youtube20:29
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:29
ptlthis pulseaudio stuff rocks20:29
DaSkreechdamn it20:29
DaSkreechoscar_: Ok lets do a quick test20:29
DaSkreechoscar_: Oh which drive is it?20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch20:29
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:29
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:30
chairmanWhat's up DaSkreech? i had to put off kubuntu 8.10 for ubuntu cuz it looks slick20:31
ThomasHChahah chairman20:32
DaSkreechoscar_: ok them paste this in the konsole "mkdir dadrive && sudo mount /dev/sda1 dadrive"20:32
DaSkreechchairman: Yeah Ubuntu really makes Gnome look good20:32
oscar_it detects it20:34
oscar_thanks daskreecj20:34
DaSkreechoscar_: You may want to read up on fstab once you know where you want it to go20:34
DaSkreech!fstab | oscar_20:34
ubottuoscar_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:34
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=== uuii_ is now known as uuii
oscar_i have one more question20:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:36
oscar_is there a way to switch from kde to gnome and vice versa while keeping your settings?20:36
LjL!gnome | oscar_20:36
ubottuoscar_: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.20:36
oscar_is there a way to install kde from gnome?20:37
noahI'm getting a "command not found" error when trying to enable zerconf server discovery, and I can't seem to get Kubuntu to connect manually for the life of it.  Might anyone know how to solve this?20:37
tdi_koscar_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:38
chairmanhey guys i got firestarter but how do i enable it. i'm @ the library using wi fi but when i'm home i plug it up via ethernet cable20:40
majnoonhow force disk check on next boot ??20:40
dr_willisi think you can do a 'sudo touch /fsck' or some otehr file name i forget... to do that.. but  i cant rember the exact name20:42
dr_willis touch /forcefsck20:42
dr_willisgoogle is our friend. :)20:42
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=== mr is now known as mrcheese
=== mrcheese is now known as blendroid
blendroidis there an exhaustive tutorial on connecting to a network in Kubuntu?  I've been trying for the past two days to hook up to my network (on a different computer, of course) under Kubuntu, and it just won't let me in.  I've tried enabling "zeroconf service discovery," but I get a "command not found" error.20:47
coreymon77blendroid: wifi?20:48
blendroidyeah, I've an actiontec router with Verizon fios, and a Linksys wireless adapter (which seems to work fine)20:49
DaSkreechoscar_: Yes easy20:49
coreymon77blendroid: what card?20:49
coreymon77blendroid: the router is irrelevant, what matters is the wifi card in your computer20:49
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DaSkreechoscar_: Before you login press alt+t20:49
coreymon77blendroid: do you know the exact model?20:49
blendroidumm, I don't think I have one.  I have a usb wireless adapter20:50
DaSkreechLjL: Lol good call on the rewording :)20:50
blendroidlemme get the details on it20:50
blendroidit's a Linksys WUSB54G ver.420:51
markithi, I've upgraded from hardy kde4 to ibex. I had problems because kdm package was not installed in the dist-upgrade process. But now after login screen, the screen becomes full of strange characters (in text mode) and can do nothing more20:52
markitany clue?20:52
coreymon77blendroid: and it works fine?20:52
SilentDismarkit: try a ctrl-alt-F1 after the system is booted, can you get to a prompt at least?20:53
coreymon77blendroid: okay then, open up a terminal window and type iwconfig20:54
coreymon77blendroid: pastebin the output20:54
markitSilentDis: no, I have to connect with ssh20:54
Princessj'ai un super mega gros probleme, avec mes fenetres et ca devient super dur20:54
blendroidyeah, the network shows up and everything, but when it's nearly connected to the network (or it seems so, according to the progress bar), it just stops an says I can't connectconnecting20:54
markitdaemon.log has some interesting lines, like:  kdm_greet[5554]: Cannot open default user face20:54
coreymon77!fr | Princess20:54
ubottuPrincess: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:54
SilentDismarkit: well, if you can get in via ssh, try a `sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop`20:54
coreymon77blendroid: thats because knetworkmanager is a piece of poop20:54
coreymon77blendroid: so unless you use wpa encryption, dont use it20:55
blendroidyeah, I kinda noticed :P20:55
markitSilentDis: urgh, was missing!!!20:55
blendroidI have WEP20:55
coreymon77blendroid: good20:55
coreymon77close down knetwork manager20:55
ArkoldThosany app to read guitar pro tabs?20:55
markitSilentDis: I've to say that the automatic upgrade is a real pain/failure/orror story20:55
SilentDismarkit: yes, but if the machine is online, it should be able to pull that package and get it setup for ya.  then, you should be able to reboot and get the standard prompt to login from kdm20:55
DaSkreechoscar_: to switch between KDE and GNOME when you are logging in press alt+T it will give you the choice20:55
SilentDismarkit: I had a little problem with kdm myself at first, did have to do a dpkg-reconfigure on it as well >.<20:56
markitSilentDis: yes, thanks, I'm alreading getting those packages. I belive it will work a little better now ;)20:56
blendroidcoreymon77: closed it down20:56
DaSkreechArkoldThos: Check http://kde-apps.org20:56
SilentDismarkit: I should have prefaced, that is for the kubuntu flavor, if you wanted gnome, it should be ubuntu-desktop you're looking for, but i figured since you're in #kubuntu and all... lol20:57
coreymon77blendroid: good, open up system settings20:57
coreymon77blendroid: network settings20:57
coreymon77blendroid: scroll down to admin mode and enter your pass20:57
Princessil me répond commande introuvable20:58
coreymon77Princess: english only20:58
DaSkreechPrincess: #ubuntu-fr20:58
markitSilentDis: oh, isn't Knome desktop? ;P20:58
SilentDismarkit: lawlsauce :D20:58
coreymon77blendroid: do you see any interfaces listed?20:59
blendroidcoreymon77: eth0 and wlan020:59
coreymon77blendroid: okay, you want wlan020:59
markitSilentDis: argh, same problem :(21:00
coreymon77blendroid: click on it, configure21:00
blendroidcoreymon77: got it21:00
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SilentDismarkit: hmm.  can't get to a term at all on that machine?21:00
DaSkreechoscar_: after you install gnome of course21:01
=== roozbeh_ is now known as roozbeh
chairmani can't play a vid on YouTube. how do i get the flash player?21:02
SilentDis!flash | chairman21:02
ubottuchairman: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:02
markitSilentDis: only ssh on it, but I'm looking at another (working) ibex pc, and has no kde-desktop. I seem to recall that kde4 has a new name for desktop packages21:03
coreymon77blendroid: put in all the stuff you need to put in21:03
blendroidcoreymon77: ok21:03
coreymon77blendroid: check the activate on startup box aswell21:03
blendroidcoreymon77: and I'm guessing the "automatic" choice isn't gonna help? (even though my network supports it) :P21:04
coreymon77blendroid: and you should most likely also have it on hexadecimal for the key21:04
coreymon77blendroid: and yes it actually should21:04
coreymon77blendroid: thats for ip21:04
SilentDismarkit: it is kubuntu-desktop, just verified on my machine.  try this:  `sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm` `sudo killall kdm`21:04
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
blendroidcoreymon77: oh, wow21:05
blendroidcoreymon77: entering stuff now...21:05
SilentDismarkit: you then should be able to pass a `sudo kdm start` to it from the ssh instance even, and the box should come to life21:05
markitSilentDis: sorry, yes, kubuntu-desktop. Is a metapackage, removing it does no harm21:05
coreymon77blendroid: dhcp should work fine, unless you want a static for a particular reason21:05
markitSilentDis: kdm starts good, it gives me the login screen. I can enter name + password. Is THEN that "crashes" that strange way21:06
SilentDismarkit: yep, kubuntu-desktop is the metapackage to get everything assoicated with a 'normal working' kubuntu install21:06
viniciuspthello for all !21:06
blendroidcoreymon77: yeah, I usually configure static ips for various games an things, but if I can even get it working at all I'll be happy21:06
coreymon77blendroid: lets start off with dhcp21:06
SilentDismarkit: ahhhh, i misunderstood.  sounds like the bulletproof x and driver settings are mucked.  it used to be a simple reconfigure of xserver-xorg, but i'm not so sure now, maybe someone else can shed light on it?21:07
coreymon77okay, so did you put the stuff in?21:07
markitSilentDis: kdebase-workspace is missing21:07
blendroidcoreymon77: ok, entered everything and clicked ok21:07
coreymon77blendroid: okay, go to the routes tab now21:07
blendroidcoreymon77: and sorry for my amazingly slow typing; my d key broken and is a pain to use21:07
coreymon77fill that in/make sure whats in there is correct21:08
viniciusptsomebody would know which software or script is responsible for creating the shortcuts in desktop and  /media ?21:08
blendroidcoreymon77: got it21:08
coreymon77blendroid: next tab21:08
coreymon77put in your dns (typically found on your routers status page)21:08
SilentDismarkit: how about this...  might be just a off-setting somewhere.  `mv ~/.kde ~/backup.kde` and try logging back in.  it'll reset everything in the way of kde settings21:08
serenityaseigo's first video stream for kde: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4511247 happy seeding21:08
blendroidcoreymon77: got it21:09
coreymon77everything done?21:09
blendroidcoreymon77: yeah21:09
markitSilentDis: I've tried with a brand new user, same problem. Let's see if kde-workplace was the problem21:09
blendroidcoreymon77: about the localhost and <computername> entries in that bottom list, should I change those?21:09
coreymon77blendroid: okay, click apply21:09
coreymon77blendroid: dont worry about those21:10
coreymon77click apply and hope for the best21:10
blendroidcoreymon77: applied21:10
takoskichi sa come funziona avidemux?21:10
markitSilentDis: the funny thing is that I just upgraded from "-kde4" to "kde" version 4, but a LOT of troubles have blocked me. I'm not a guru, but neither a newbie. Figure a clueless user what should think about it21:10
DaSkreechviniciuspt: hal I would suspect21:10
coreymon77blendroid: is it working?21:11
markitSilentDis: same again :(21:11
blendroidcoreymon77: hmm, doesn't seem to be working. :(  I'll try restarting, maybe21:11
coreymon77blendroid: wait, first21:11
snikkercan i move the kde4 dock to the top of the screen?21:11
coreymon77blendroid: do you have ethernet on that computer?21:11
SilentDismarkit: I'm not exactly guru status either, but i have to say, with a term in front of me i can at least diagnose most of my issues using man pages and the like :)21:11
blendroidcoreymon77: yeah, but the router is downstairs21:11
blendroidcoreymon77: so that's kinda shot21:11
markitI've the bad feeling that some desktop effects are enabled by default, and my video card can't handle them21:11
coreymon77cause that would really help21:12
blendroidcoreymon77: maybe it's time I've relocated :P21:12
coreymon77cause i would like something pastebined21:12
viniciusptsome shortcuts for SD cards are not being servant, have there that to mount they manually21:12
coreymon77blendroid: which is sorta hard without internet access21:12
coreymon77blendroid: desktop or laptop?21:13
viniciusptmy KDE is version 3.5.921:13
blendroidit's a rather large HP PAvillion21:13
SilentDismarkit: i'm trying to figure it out still, but i'm at a loss here, and running out of time, gotta go to work soon :P21:13
coreymon77blendroid: well then pick it up and move it over to the laptop21:13
blendroidif you're gonna be here for a while, I could try moving it downstairs and hooking up with an ethernet cable21:14
coreymon77its a laptop isnt it21:14
blendroidoh, no, it's a desktop21:14
DaSkreechsnikker: yes21:14
blendroidwhich is why it might take a while :P21:14
coreymon77thats odd, hp says that the pavillion line are notebooks21:15
blendroidcoreymon77:weird, I've never seen one21:15
snikkerDaSkreech: how can i do that?21:15
SilentDismarkit: aargh, i'm out of time, i'll pop in when i get home though to see what's up, i really hope one of our awesomesauce members here can help ya though, sorry :(21:15
coreymon77okay then, there goes that21:15
markitSilentDis: don't mind, thanks a lot for you help so far21:15
markitSilentDis: with google I'm sure I will solve21:16
blendroidcoreymon77: be right back21:16
blendroidcoreymon77:being summoned by family members21:16
coreymon77blendroid: can you copy something into a text file, transfer it to the computer you are using with internet and put it on pastebin for me?21:16
blendroidcoreymon77: back21:18
coreymon77see above21:18
blendroidcoreymon77: yeah, sure21:18
coreymon77pastebin the output of iwconfig in a terminal window21:18
DaSkreechsnikker: click the cashew on the right side of the panel and drag the resulting black bar to the top of the screen21:19
egonwRiddell: thanx again for your help yesterday on that max window problem; the solution was removing the .deb devilspie (just FYI)21:19
blendroidhow to I get to the command line or wherever I'm supposed to be?21:21
coreymon77open konsole21:21
coreymon77kmenu, system, konsole21:21
blendroidah, thanks21:21
DaSkreechalt+F2 -> konsole21:22
coreymon77guys, any way of using apt without an internet connection, because theres a package that i use that will help him, but he cant get internet access21:22
snikkerDaSkreech: but in this way i've got a dock bar very high, but i can't move the bar with the original size to the top of the screen...21:22
DaSkreechsnikker: I think just resize it back down21:23
egonwcoreymon77: put the .deb in a USB, copy, and use dpkg -i bla.deb21:23
sevenseekerI seem to be stuck in an apt-get look.  How do I get 'apt-get -f remove package*' to ignore other broken packages and just do it?21:23
egonwsevenseeker: you could try 'dpkg -r package'21:24
sevenseekeryes, although I used wildcards, is that the problem?21:24
egonwsevenseeker: mmm... never tried21:24
egonwsevenseeker: yeah, you could try without the wildcard21:25
DaSkreechsnikker: stays the same size here21:25
writher__Hey all, anyone happen to know if I run Windows inside of VMWare if the burning application being run on the VM Image will be able to use the burning capabilities of my blu ray burner?21:26
writher__Or will the VM Image just have some generic DVD-Rom drivers21:26
tacosarecoolHow do I open .bins without using a command line21:26
snikkerDaSkreech: i'm just tring but i'm unable to move it...21:27
coreymon77writher__: vmware will be able to use the capabilities afaik, so it probably depends on if the burning program supports it21:27
DaSkreechwrither__: If you allow passthrough but #vmware is a better chan21:27
writher__Ok thanks I'll check there guys.21:27
DaSkreechsnikker: When You click the cashew do you get a black bar with a button that says remove this panel?21:28
blendroidcoreymon77: ok, this should be it http://pastebin.com/m170c08021:28
snikkerDaSkreech: yes, i've got it21:29
DaSkreechsnikker: ok that bar (not the panel itself) drag to the top21:29
DaSkreechsnikker: It has a little resize handle don't drag that. Just grab anywhere in the bar and drag that to whateveer side you like21:30
snikkerDaSkreech: ok, great it work! thank you very much! :)21:30
DaSkreechhi chairman21:30
chairmanubuntu 8.10 iz tight so far but i want to make it better .how can iget the objectdock for the bottom?21:30
sevenseekeregonw: thank you, after running that a few times (it didn't catch all the deps the first few times) I am good now :) thanks again21:30
chairmanwhaat's good DaSkreech?21:30
egonwsevenseeker: happy I could help21:30
DaSkreechchairman: Linux development21:31
DaSkreechchairman: Gnome configuration can be sussed out in #ubuntu21:31
blendroidcoreymon77: did you get the link up there?21:31
oscari ran the sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop in terminal in gnome21:32
coreymon77brb, gotta go walk the dog21:32
blendroidhaha, ok21:32
oscarhow do i switch to kde21:32
tacosarecool sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:32
egonwoscar: which login daemon are you using? still gdm, or already kdm?21:32
tacosarecooldefault desktop environment is kdm21:32
oscari think gbm21:33
egonwoscar: kdm at least allows you to pick KDE as session21:33
tacosarecoolOh yeah21:33
tacosarecoolSelect session21:33
tacosarecoolAt login21:33
oscarshould i log out then try that?21:33
DaSkreechoscar: logout and there should be a select session button21:33
DaSkreechoscar: If not press alt+T21:33
oscaralright bbl21:33
DaSkreechthen choose what you like and login21:33
* DaSkreech uses failsafe21:33
DaSkreechYeah it starts nothing21:34
tacosarecoolHow do I open .bins without opening the command prompt21:34
DaSkreechtacosarecool: No clue21:34
coreymon77blendroid: or not21:34
tacosarecoolAlso .air's are being annoying because it's asking me for the root pass but it isn't doing it right21:34
coreymon77so, anyone know how i could get a hold of the kwifimanager .deb without apt?21:35
DaSkreechtacosarecool: precede them with a root elevation21:35
blendroidcoreymon77: how convient, mwahaha21:35
DaSkreechpackages.ubuntu.com ?21:35
coreymon77blendroid: its been delayed a bit21:35
=== costin is now known as Tupac_Shakur
DaSkreechhi oscar21:36
oscarway more visually pleasing21:36
DaSkreechOr Gnome?21:36
coreymon77blendroid: btw, what version is the computer running on?21:36
DaSkreechIt's default21:36
DaSkreechYou can make it look better :-D21:36
blendroidcoreymon77: how do I find that? I know I downloaded it less than a month ago, but I'm not sure whether it's the latest one21:37
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coreymon77blendroid: kde 3 or 4?21:38
blendroidumm, how might I find that? (sorry, you can tell I've just started with Linux)21:39
sourcemakermy system tray looks often ugly (seems to be a repaint problem) any solutions?21:39
DaSkreechblendroid: Welcome to Linux KDE and Kubuntu!!21:40
coreymon77blendroid: right click on the dock at the bottom go to help and then about kde21:40
coreymon77whats it say?21:40
blendroidRelease 3.5.921:41
Princessquelqu'un peu me donner le lien pour le ubuntu21:41
DaSkreech!fr | Princess21:41
ubottuPrincess: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:41
coreymon77okay, then you have hardy, good21:41
coreymon77DaSkreech: just to make sure, console command to check kubuntu version?21:41
blendroidcoreymon77: oh, good, I thought it meant I was a gonner :P21:42
egonwdpkg -l "kdebase*"21:42
coreymon77blendroid: this makes things easier21:42
egonwthat will give 4.1.2 for intrepid, 3.5.x for hardy21:42
DaSkreechlsb_release -a21:43
DaSkreechwait no21:43
DaSkreechthat's Distro version :-)21:43
egonwcoreymon77: kubuntu version, or kde version?21:43
coreymon77DaSkreech: thats what i wanted21:43
coreymon77blendroid: type lsb_release -a into konsole21:44
blendroidcoreymon77: ok21:44
coreymon77tell me that what it says for codename21:44
blendroidcoreymon77: hardy21:44
=== ThomasHC is now known as thomas[away]
* thomas[away] is away: Gone away for now21:45
tacosarecoolWhy is it that stickam worked properly under hardy but not intrepid21:45
coreymon77blendroid: do you have a usb key or something like that around?21:45
blendroidyou mean a flash drive?21:46
coreymon77blendroid: packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/kwifimanager/download21:47
coreymon77blendroid: go there, get the package on the computer you are on now21:47
coreymon77stick it onto the flash drive and then copy it from the flash drive to the linux box21:47
coreymon77so, guys, what do we do about dependencies for this package21:49
egonwcopy too21:49
coreymon77isnt there an easier way to do this?21:50
billytwowillyHi, how do I configure a printer in kde4?21:50
egonwblendroid: is that other machine connected to the machine you using for IRC?21:50
egonwor not at all?21:50
egonwor not connected at all?21:50
coreymon77egonw: the one he is using is not running linux21:51
blendroidno, it's not21:51
blendroidyeah, that too21:51
DaSkreechWhat's Stickman?21:51
blendroidso do I just put the file anywhere?21:51
coreymon77wait a minute21:51
DaSkreechbillytwowilly: Better to use Cups for right now21:51
egonwcoreymon77: intrepid live CD?21:51
coreymon77egonw: its a hardy package21:51
billytwowillyDaSkreech: ok, how do I use Cups?21:51
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows21:52
egonwcoreymon77: sure, but then he could use that machine as proxy21:52
billytwowillyoh cool. the printer automagically showed up.21:52
billytwowillyI turned it on and now it's in the printer options list when I want to print.21:52
coreymon77egonw: dont the cds have some sort of apt repo on them?21:52
egonwyes, think so21:52
DaSkreechbillytwowilly: :-D21:53
egonwwell... IIRC it's mostly just the dir structure21:53
egonwbut don21:53
egonwbut don't have the sources.list around21:53
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=== thomas[away] is now known as ThomasHC
* ThomasHC is back.21:55
lucaxhey there, can someone help me setup a hp pavilion multimedia keyboard?21:55
lucaxi cant find the way of doing this21:55
coreymon77egonw: okay, hers the deal, i want him to get the kwifimanager package, but the linux computer has no internet access21:56
egonwcoreymon77: are there so many deps that copying them via flash is not overseeable?21:56
billytwowillyhmm, so it showed up as a printer but it won't print. jobs disapear as if completed from the document print status but nothing comes out of the printer..21:56
coreymon77egonw: on its own, no, but each of those packages has their own deps21:56
blendroidcoreymon77: I already have it on a flash drive, or at least whatever that download was21:57
egonwblendroid: should be a .deb file21:57
egonwblendroid: copy to linux machine, and type: dpkg -i foo.deb21:57
egonwblendroid: that will very possibly throw you back a list of missing dependencies...21:58
blendroidcoreymon77: ok21:58
egonwblendroid: but with a bit of luck not21:58
=== Janneman is now known as Evil_Empire
blendroidjust type that into a konsole?21:59
* egonw crosses fingers21:59
chairmandoes anyone know how can i get 8.10 to have a Mac Leopard21:59
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coreymon77egonw: hmm, help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository22:00
coreymon77this might help22:00
blendroidit says I need superuser privileges22:00
egonwah, yes22:00
Princesss'il vous plait pour aller sur ubuntu22:00
egonwsudo dpkg -i foo.deb22:00
coreymon77Princess: we told you, anglais seulement SVP22:01
blendroidegonw: hmm, no such file or directory22:02
RurouniJones!fr | Princess22:02
ubottuPrincess: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:02
coreymon77blendroid: foo is a generic name22:02
=== Guest79950 is now known as tyler
blendroidohhh, sorry22:02
coreymon77blendroid: your supposed to replace that with the name of the deb file you got from the usb key22:02
egonwblendroid: sorry about that22:02
coreymon77sorta like blah22:02
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blendroidgot it XD22:03
=== Guest52336 is now known as tyler_
blendroidit still says no such file, and I'm quite sure I typed the name correctly...22:05
blendroidand it's under documents22:05
woody86_anyone help me out? "Configuration file "/home/steve/.kde/share/config/kdesudorc" not writable."22:06
coreymon77egonw: i gotta go for a bit, can you take care of this?22:06
egonwblendroid: please try 'ls -al' from the same place you issued dpkg and the same file name22:07
mathiashey is there a working solution for macbook pro's alc889a with kubuntu 8.10? i tryed serval option's kombination in modprobe.d but nothing works , ... maybe is a luser exption :P but i need help22:07
egonwcoreymon77: yes, I'22:07
egonwcoreymon77: yes, I'll stay around to help blendroid22:07
oscarmy volume wont unmute22:07
Ash-FoxHow do I reset the menus and file associations to default in Kubuntu intrepid? I've done numerous upgrades, moved from various distributions to another while keeping my home directory. Unfortuantely now it's become quite messy with lots of dead applications in menus, associatinos that don't work etc. I don't want to delete my KDE profile because there is a lot of things in KDE I wish to keep, from kopete, kmail settings and mail t22:07
egonwoscar: had that too...22:08
serenityaseigo's first video stream for kde: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4511247 happy seeding22:09
oscarhow did u fix?22:09
egonwoscar: try: kmix applet -> right click -> show mixer window22:09
egonwthen hit the Mixer button22:09
oscarit was working in gnome22:09
blendroidegonw: still says no such file/directory... :S22:09
egonwin the window opened click Settings menu -> Configure channels and show all channels22:10
egonwoscar: one was muted for me22:10
egonwblendroid: is the flash drive mounted?22:10
blendroidegonw: yes22:10
egonwblendroid: and you copied it to /home/USERNAME/Documents ?22:11
egonwoscar: nope what?22:11
egonwoscar: or start kmix from konsole22:11
=== Evil_Empire is now known as Janneman
egonwoscar: and then go to Settings -> Conf channels22:12
oscarall of my channels are up22:12
egonwblendroid: ok type:22:12
egonwcd /home/USERNAME/Documents22:12
egonw(where USERNAME is replaced by your actual account name)22:12
oscarhold lemme22:12
oscarlemme try something22:12
woody86_why is my hard drive starting in read-only mode?22:12
egonwblendroid: then do they sudo dpkg -i foo.deb again22:13
egonwwithout any path22:13
egonwblendroid: you should be able to type the first two/three chars of the foo.deb file name and then hit TAB for tab completion...22:14
egonwwhich should complete the full file name22:14
blendroidgah! it seems to think that the documents folder doesn't exist either!!22:14
egonwok, then just try copying the foo.deb into the home folder /home/USERNAME22:15
blendroidegonw: got it22:15
blendroidegonw: issue the order again22:16
chairmanskreech u there?22:16
fish__hello everyone :) so how can I completely wipe out my kde nightlys with all the settings?22:19
fish__I tried sudo apt-get remove --purge kde-nightly22:19
fish__but after reinstallting it still doesn't work22:19
fish__I want to wipe all configs as well22:19
blendroidegonw: yay! it's doing something...22:19
blendroidegonw: ok, got a bunch of info22:19
* fish__ lost22:20
egonwblendroid: missing dependencies?22:20
blendroidegonw:  oh wait, no, it's still working22:20
chairmanany ideas?22:21
DarkriftXanyone know what kind of botis used in here?22:21
DarkriftXand does it read from a wiki?22:21
blendroidegonw: it says "setting up kwifimanager (4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1) ..." on the last line printed22:21
egonwthat sounds good22:21
egonwblendroid: you get returned to the command line prompt?22:22
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:22
egonwblendroid: if so, please verify the install with: dpkg -l kwifimanager22:22
egonwblendroid: that should give you "ii" before the packge name22:22
egonwfor installed and something else which I don't remember22:22
DarkriftXdr_willis, do yo know if the bot is eggdrop? if so is the script available?22:24
DarkriftXi didnt see much on there about the bot itself, just its replies22:25
DarkriftXahh, might have found it22:25
blendroidegonw: "error processing kwifimanager (-- install):" and a few other lines came up22:25
egonwblendroid: rigth... I guess missing dependencies22:27
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egonwblendroid: can you see which packages are missing?22:28
egonwblendroid: dpkg will report that...22:29
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blendroidegonw: one sec...22:29
courtjesterghey does nayone else notice even after you uninstall something ffrom adept say firefox there is still a firefox foler in home?22:29
courtjestergno answer?22:31
binMonkeyhey, guys.22:31
blendroidegonw: it just says "cannot access archive: no such file or directory" and then "errors were encountered while processing: kwifimanager"22:31
blendroidegonw:  or should I have put the entire filename again?22:31
courtjestergi wonder how many other folders that are made are still keeped in the system after uninstalling i noticed icetea plugin folder was still there as well even after uninstall22:31
binMonkeyi'm researching what wireless cards a out of the box ready and it all seems to come down to the chipset.  how do i know the chipset until i've gotten it home and can check it?22:32
courtjesterganyone know a application defrage the harddrives?22:32
egonwblendroid: yes, as in: sudo dpkg -i kwifimanager_3.5.9-0ubuntu1_i386.deb22:32
billeniumMy sound works on ubuntu but not kubuntu...22:33
billeniumHow do i get it to work?22:33
binMonkeycourtjesterg: apparently you don't have to defrag linux systems.  it's some kind of magic.22:33
courtjestergis there an application to defrafment the harddrives and put everything back in order or is this not needed in lunix?22:33
binMonkeylinux, i meant.22:34
coreymon77binMonkey: do you have a laptop or a desktop?22:35
binMonkeycoreymon77: it's a laptop.22:35
blendroidegonw: that brings up "(Reading database ... 89792 files and directories currently installed.)  /Preparing to replace kwifimanager 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (using foo.deb) ... /Unpacking replacement kwifimanager ... /Setting up kwifimanager (4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1) ...22:37
egonwthat's all?22:37
egonwblendroid: that looks fine22:37
egonwok, now type this:22:37
egonwdpkg -l kwifimanager22:37
egonwthat should give you a line with:22:37
egonwii kwifimanager 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 wireless lan manager for KDE22:38
* billenium dies22:38
egonwblendroid: the first to chars are important 'ii'... do you have those?22:38
binMonkeycan anyone help me with how to find out a wireless card's chipset before buyig it?22:38
coreymon77binMonkey: help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported22:39
billeniumDo i have to install drivers to get my sound working?22:39
coreymon77binMonkey: thats a good place to start, it will tell you what cards (instead of chipsets work ootb)22:39
billeniumbecause i don't think intel supports linux :(22:39
egonwbillenium: I have intel sound chip set, and listening to amarok now22:39
binMonkeycoreymon77: thanks.22:40
billeniumegonw: that doesn't help me.22:40
mahiwhats up with no screen savers in kubuntu 8.1022:40
billeniumbut thanks?22:40
egonwbillenium: well, was sort of: don't give up yet :)22:40
coreymon77mahi: screensavers have been obsoleted for years22:40
blendroidegonw: yep, there's an ii with information following it22:40
coreymon77mahi: ever since lcd screens came out, screensavers are no longer needed22:40
egonwblendroid: excellent... then you have kwifimanager now :)22:41
coreymon77egonw: nice one22:41
mahiyeah but i want to have something take over my screen with some kind of entertaining image when I am not using my machine22:41
egonwcoreymon77: I think I was lucky all the deps were already installed :)22:41
courtjestergquestion trying install the new sea monkey alpha version which isn't in adept now it says it would be in this directory to install sea monkey /usr/local/seamonkey) i don't even see the directory where it was already installed with adept22:41
coreymon77egonw: oh, then you were, big time22:41
blendroidegonw: so is there an app I should start up, or...?22:42
coreymon77blendroid: now, back to what we were doing22:42
coreymon77blendroid: yes, start it up22:42
blendroidok, it's open22:42
coreymon77blendroid: what does it say?22:42
egonwok, I'm out of here now... will do some eclipse-based app debugging22:42
blendroidegonw: thanks a lot! :)22:43
egonwblendroid: good luck with getting the wifi hooked up22:43
blendroidcoreymon77: one sec..22:43
ubottuSeamonkey, formerly known as "Mozilla Application Suite", is available at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/ with install instructions for ubuntu at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18601122:43
=== david is now known as Guest96176
blendroidcoreymon77: it says "no access point" "local ip unavailable" and "frequency 2.412 [1]"22:45
courtjestergadept doesn't even have the newest stable release of sea monkey22:45
coreymon77blendroid: so, go to scan for networks22:45
blendroidand a scan for networks brings up nothing22:45
courtjestergdoesn't even have the newest stable realease of firefox either22:45
Elonei am new to Linux ~ anyone can point me where should i look for video codec like divx, xvid, rmvb, mkv etc~22:46
blendroidyeah, "scan is complete but no networks were found"22:46
coreymon77settings, configuration editor, enter your pword22:46
courtjestergi downloaded adobe flash lastest version and adept said that they had the newest realse why is that? SO now i got two different flash plugins but the same version22:46
coreymon77blendroid: network name = essid, op mode=managed speed=auto22:47
coreymon77interface autodetect22:47
blendroidand I replace essid with the actual name, right?22:47
coreymon77essid=your network name22:48
coreymon77so ya22:48
coreymon77check the use encryption box and then click the configure button22:48
coreymon77key to use = key 1, crypto mode = open22:48
coreymon77key 1 = put in your wep key22:49
blendroidthen click ok?22:49
coreymon77open up configure again22:49
coreymon77is there wep 64-bit hex in green letters next to the key?22:49
coreymon77press ok22:50
blendroidgot it22:50
coreymon77check the load preset configuration on startup box, config to load = config 122:50
coreymon77then press apply22:50
blendroidgot it22:50
coreymon77press okay22:50
coreymon77now, settings, make sure stay in system tray on close is checked22:51
coreymon77has it connected to anything yet?22:52
blendroid"no networks were found" :,(22:53
coreymon77go to konsole and type iwlist wlan0 scan22:53
coreymon77see if your network shows up22:53
blendroidno scan results22:54
coreymon77well then clearly your card or your router isnt working22:54
blendroidthis is weird, cause it was showing up in KNetwork Manager or whatever the original program was22:54
coreymon77try opening it again22:54
jonatasola pessoal aguem fala portugues?????22:55
blendroidit shows up for KNM, but it still says no results in the konsole22:56
mahishould I be able to find kscreensaver in my adept?22:56
coreymon77try connecting now22:56
blendroidor in kwifimanager22:56
philip_speak anybody here german?22:57
coreymon77any luck?22:57
DrMrHorsefhghgfjg vhghfhthfgthgvh6tuyt6yut66 th r  6t t66t 67 t t6 6tygjyhjewr65 2ykuytefyaemvyajdcasmbjhmshbv,jsr22:57
blendroidit got to 71% and then cancelled22:57
philip_where i am?22:57
blendroidlike earlier22:57
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression22:58
blendroidoh wait!  it's showing up in kwifimanager now!22:59
coreymon77it is?22:59
* uga hopes DrMrHorse comes back soon to remove his pet monkey from the keyboard22:59
DrMrHorsebgnjmgv jnmvfjmngvfm,ngbv jn,gbfvjmfgbvjnkgbfvjn,gvjmn,bgvm,nb vnmgbvnjmtgvnm,tgfvj,ngvfnm,fvdm,nvgfdgnj,fgvmnfvmn,fdj,bfdshjrdkm.rdsgjewfiop5487954jkdfm ,cvzjkhdgzbjbc,lgdmjn,fvnk,vxnmb,fvjnh,dfjh6triuo65896uiytgnjkgfklgfhkmhnghbgcfk.mgfbrfghsdfghdzhjcvbvbn v gvdcghedghtyedbvedtyutyu4ryt7uetyutegbnhfdshggfyfghfghfghfhgghgffggdfgdgdsgdsgjdsgdsfghdsfghdfsgjdsgghdghsdfjhdjhgjsdfgdggdsjfjhvn,jgfjhyrhl/mytj/;mlp'k22:59
ugawill somebody do something about it?23:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild,  Pici or jussi01!23:00
blendroidit still says "local ip unavailable," but the connection speed is excellent23:00
coreymon77blendroid: good good!23:00
coreymon77this is progress23:01
blendroidcoreymon77: ^_^23:01
coreymon77is the internet working?23:01
bashbinthere is a program called "kbluetooth".   Question:  How can I tell this programm "kbluetooth"  what PIN it should use?   My CELL Phone asks me for the PIN,   but there is no option to tell kbluetooth the same PIN Code23:01
blendroidchecking again...23:01
blendroiddoesn't seem to be23:02
coreymon77okay, this is progress atleast23:02
coreymon77will knetwork still not connect?23:03
rosco_ydoes kubuntu have a gui for setting cron jobs?23:03
blendroidshall check23:03
rosco_yor does that need to be done from a command-line or editing a text file?23:03
ugarosco_y: yes, open systemsettings23:03
ugarosco_y: under advanced, there's "task scheduler"23:03
rosco_yuga: thanks :)23:03
ugaI never used this gui, but hope it works fine23:04
blendroidis it a problem that KNM only lists options for 40/128bit keys?  (mine apparently is 64bit)23:04
blendroidand it just failed again..23:05
coreymon77blendroid: okay, will konsole list show it now?23:05
rosco_yuga: I'm not finding the "task scheduler" -- if I'm not specifically using the kde4 shell, am I not using kubuntu?23:06
blendroidcoreymon77: no, and for some reason when I scan with kwifimanager it'll say there aren't any networks, even though it's registering on all those meters and things23:06
coreymon77does it say that it is connected to the network?23:07
starenkahi how can i switch jre's?23:07
ugarosco_y: uym... may it come from my own kde4 setup? you're using kde4, right?23:07
blendroidcoreymon77: yes, though the internet still won't work23:07
ugarosco_y: anyway, give me a second and I'll check where mine came from23:07
coreymon77odd, go back to network settings and try using a static23:08
blendroidcoreymon77: in the "status of active connection," everything shows up except the local ip23:08
rosco_yuga: I have kde4 installed, but I don't log into it because the panel-bar doesn't seem to span two monitors under kde4, or should I be able to do that?23:08
rosco_yI like kde4, but I miss having the panel span my monitors23:09
ugarosco_y: no, the panel doesn't span. But the feature I mentioned is from kde423:09
zibrah3edMy xserver instantly drops when i logon. Using parrallels with a virtual disk. anyone have a suggestion of how to fix this? kubuntu 8.1023:09
ugayou can have windows share both montiors but not panel to cover both afaik23:09
DaSkreechstarenka: sudo dpkg-reconfigure your jre23:09
starenkathx, alerady googled it :)23:09
rosco_yis there a command-line equivalent for opening the task-scheduler?23:09
DaSkreechrosco_y: top23:10
fish__thanks guys, laters23:10
DaSkreechrosco_y: Also see htop23:10
rosco_yDaSkreech: thanks :)23:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:10
ugarosco_y: try in a konsole... "kcmshell4 kcm_cron"23:10
levidoswhat's your opinion: should i store my music in my home folder or on another partition?23:10
starenkaDaSkreech: sudo update-alternatives --config java works also fine23:10
ugarosco_y: well, better with sudo23:10
DaSkreechrosco_y: when in top type ? for commands23:10
DaSkreechlevidos: How much do you have how tied are you to them and how much do you share with others?23:11
coreymon77zibrah3ed: parallels sucks, use fusion23:11
zibrah3edthanks corey i will take that into consideration. I appreciate your help23:11
levidos~ 120GB and i want sometimes to access them from a windows box23:12
coreymon77zibrah3ed: other than that, no clue :P23:12
blendroidcoreymon77: the local ip shows up now, though the internet still won't work23:12
blendroidcoreymon77: I'll make sure the other settings are correct23:12
blendroidcoreymon77: oh, the default gateway field seems to have magically cleared itself...23:13
DaSkreechlevidos: Shared partition with Windows then Stay out of the Home directory23:13
coreymon77that would do it23:13
zibrah3edcoreymon77: yes that is very helpful. never would have thought of that23:13
markitany video card that I can buy and install in a desktop, that gives 3D acceleration with Free Software drivers?23:13
coreymon77re-enter it, and press apply23:13
blendroidYESS!!! it's working!23:14
zibrah3ednvidia drivers have always worked for me. downside is the non opensource nature of the driver23:14
coreymon77blendroid: :)23:14
coreymon77blendroid: :D23:14
levidostnx DaSkreech23:15
blendroidhmm, yahoo came up (albeit in a weird fragmented sort of way), but blender.org isn't showing up...23:15
coreymon77what browser?23:15
coreymon77no, bad23:15
blendroidshould I get firefox?23:16
DaSkreechmarkit: Most Intel Most old nVidia and ATI23:16
coreymon77use fx23:16
markitDaSkreech: does intel provide pci-x boards I can buy?23:16
zibrah3edAnyone else have any input on help with xserver configuration on parallels for kubuntu 8.10?23:16
blendroidoh crap... the signal strength went all the way down, for some reason...23:16
DaSkreechmarkit: doubt it23:17
coreymon77blendroid: s**t happens, just wait it out23:17
markitDaSkreech: so NO boards, since old nvidia or ati are not available anymore in regular shops :(23:17
coreymon77what are yo getting the ss from, kwifi or knetwork?23:17
DaSkreechmarkit: For some definition of old23:17
coreymon77no worries23:18
coreymon77blendroid: do you know anything about apt yet?23:18
blendroidI'm not sure; I don't recognize the acronym23:18
coreymon77okay, then no23:18
bobosodoes anyone know of23:19
coreymon77apt is the easiest way of installing things23:19
coreymon77unlike with windows, you dont go to the site and download an installer usually23:19
coreymon77the best thing to do first is to check to see if apt has it23:19
blendroidwhere would apt be?23:20
blendroidjust type it in?23:20
coreymon77this is when you get to become more comfortable with commandline stuff23:20
coreymon77first thing you do is type sudo apt-get update23:20
DaSkreechblendroid: sudo apt-get install <programname>23:20
coreymon77DaSkreech: ya, thanks for stealing that23:21
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Anytime good chum23:21
coreymon77blendroid: so, after sudo apt-get update is done23:22
blendroidcoreymon77: ok, it's trying to us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com, and it says 0% at the left23:22
coreymon77blendroid: in order to get firefox, you would type sudo apt-get install firefox23:22
thompadoes anyone know if possible to have kde 3.5?23:22
DaSkreechthompa: Hmm?23:22
coreymon77blendroid: ya, it might take a while23:22
coreymon77blendroid: is your connection still up?23:23
blendroidand now it's just said "failed to fetch etc. etc. etc."23:23
DaSkreechmight take even longer if he doesn't have net23:23
blendroidI'm gonna try re-plugging in the adapter23:23
thompaDaSkreech: on intrepid I mean23:23
thompais kde 4 only option?23:23
coreymon77DaSkreech: we just got net working23:23
coreymon77blendroid: darnit23:24
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coreymon77we just got it working :P23:24
DaSkreechthompa: argh23:24
blendroidhmm.. it's saying there's no access point, as if someone messed up the router downstairs, but I'm still here, so...23:25
coreymon77blendroid: where does it say that?23:26
blendroidcoreymon77: in kwifimanager23:26
coreymon77in the active connection thing?23:26
DaSkreechEverything should be .....23:26
DaSkreechWe've lost him23:26
* DaSkreech falls to knees23:26
coreymon77blendroid: go check the settings again23:26
blendroidthey're all still there23:27
blendroidand I clicked apply again23:27
coreymon77in konsole23:27
coreymon77sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid foo key foo23:28
coreymon77and no, you do not replace essid with the name, you replace foo with the name23:28
coreymon77same with key23:29
dthackerrecommendations for kde3 based twitter client?23:29
coreymon77you do it?23:29
blendroidnot yet, typing now..23:29
DaSkreechdthacker: Kopete ?23:29
dthackerDaSkreech: didn't know kopete did that.  I'll take a look.23:30
DaSkreechI think twittershould have a jabber bot. You can add that to any jabber client23:30
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blendroidit says "error for wireless request 'set encode' (8B2A) : /invalid argument <networkname>23:33
blendroiddoh, I think I know what I did wrong...23:33
blendroidok, this time it worked23:34
coreymon77sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid asdfg key 1234523:34
blendroidwell, it didn't say anything, back, so I assume it worked23:34
blendroidand the connection seems to be back, though at a quite low mbit/s rate23:34
blendroidso should I go back to that update command?23:35
coreymon77ya, do the update again23:37
blendroidit claims to be connecting again23:38
coreymon77okay, check on konqueror if anything else is working23:38
kesnolcan anybody help me with a webcam?23:40
glucio123ciao a tutti23:40
blendroidcoreymon77: nope, internet won't work, but kwifimanager says I'm connected23:41
kesnolit is a sn9c102 webcam but is not supored by gspca23:41
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:41
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:41
coreymon77blendroid: im running out of ideas23:41
glucio123No problem, I can speak english as well23:41
kesnolI have added gspca to the blacklist and load manually the sn9c102 module23:42
kesnolbut what it needed in order to the module recognices the webcam and create a device?23:42
blendroidno problem, I've wasted quite enough of your day. :(  I think I might be able to fix it at this point, cause I think the only problem now is the connection speed23:43
coreymon77blendroid: sorry i couldnt get it fully working23:44
blendroidthanks a million for all of your help!  I don't know how average humans are expected to hook up their networks on Kubuntu :P23:44
coreymon77blendroid: get better cards23:45
blendroidwell, this is actually a quite good one, I think (I know it worked flowingly until I switched to Kubuntu)23:45
blendroidare there any linux-recommended cards?23:46
blendroidor a list somewhere?23:46
coreymon77blendroid: as you said, you are on a desktop correct?23:46
coreymon77then i know the perfect card23:47
coreymon77the one i am using23:47
coreymon77it works ootb23:47
coreymon77blendroid: that means out of the box, incase you didnt know23:48
coreymon77blendroid: airlink101 awlh 403023:48
blendroidoh, ok XD23:48
coreymon77best card i have ever had in my life23:48
blendroidthanks, I'll copy that down :)23:48
blendroidsee ya later, I guess (well, hopefully I won't have to, but you know what I mean XD)  and thanks again for the help!23:50

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