
LinuxownsuHello world00:11
LinuxownsuWho thinks GNOME'S the best ? 00:12
Mez!best | Linuxownsu 00:14
ubottuLinuxownsu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:14
Mez!idle | Linuxownsu 00:14
ubottuLinuxownsu: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:14
LinuxownsuKk thanks 00:14
LinuxownsuI was asking for features comparisions but google drowning me in results00:15
LinuxownsuCiao amigos 00:16
Mez@mark Linuxownsu Nice hostmask... and trollish behaviour00:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:19
spreeback, sorry, i am having problems with ubuntu, hence the need to get back in #ubuntu00:20
spreei already apologized etc LjL said i just had to wait a few days its been a few days00:20
Mezspree: what nick were you using...00:21
spreea lot of nicks.00:22
spreethats why i was banned00:22
Mezspree: the one that got you banned?00:22
Mez(original ban)00:22
spreei don't remember it probably had the word faggot in it i was mocking somebody in another channel and forgot i was in #ubuntu00:22
spreeive been bad i know better now sorry and i've been waiting a few days. i understand i broke the rules and won't do it anymore.00:23
spreei have read the TOS from the ubottu bot as told to00:23
spree<Gary> spree: how sure can people be that if you were allowed back in you would not behave like you did the last time?  <-- well i've done everything people in this channel have told me to do, why would i spend all this effort on getting back in to get banned again for a few lines of text00:26
ikoniaspree: what about your behaviour in offtopic ?00:38
ikoniaand you where not banned in #ubuntu just because of your name, but for being rude and offensive and making what you considered rude and offensive jokes, with very adult content00:39
spreeikonia, i honestly don't even remember 00:39
ikoniawhat is the difference between sarah palin's mouth and sarah palin's vagina?00:40
ikoniadoes that ring a bell ?00:40
spreeoh that...00:40
spreeyes it does00:40
spreesorry about that00:40
ikoniaright.....what was that all about in #ubuntu ?00:40
ikoniawhy did you do it ?00:40
spreebecause i was drunk and it was election night?00:40
spreei know it wasn't appropriate00:40
ikoniahow about this I farted, its yeasty pungent scent took me aback with its succulent sulfur and rotting meat stench00:41
spreei regret doing it00:41
ikoniaso after you where banned in the first channel you went and caused issues in other channels00:41
ikoniaspree: well, I'm afraid that is the price of being banned in my view, you don't get the support you want when you want it00:42
spreelook you're just crucifying me here i've already apologized00:42
spreeand i've been banned for approaching 2 weeks00:42
spreeif i wasn't serious i wouldn't be talking to you00:42
ikoniaspree: 9 days00:43
spreewe're on week 200:43
ikoniaright, I don't have confidence personally that this wasn't a one off, so I suggest you wait for ljl to return 00:44
mneptok"i was drunk" is certainly behavior that's likely to re-occur01:13
mneptokyou can only prevent behavior you actually control01:13
LjLspree - yet another nickname uh01:25
LjLi don't know... is it just me who have an instinctive feeling again people who come here to "appeal" with a different nickname every time01:25
LjL@mark #Ubuntu-ops spree This is "PipFAGGOT", I did tell him to check back in a few days, but the logs are worrying.01:26
ubottuError: Not in that channel01:26
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops spree This is "PipFAGGOT", I did tell him to check back in a few days, but the logs are worrying.01:26
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:26
ubottuIn #kubuntu, notriddle said: !chsh is the command used to CHange the login SHell.02:26
geniiGood evening, morning, or afternoon02:26
geniiNot to be confused with csh ...02:27
* nalioth likes cash02:42
geniiMost people do ...02:43
jdongbut does cash support suspending jobs?02:43
jussi01anyone here in Texas? ie. somewhere not too far from san antonio?02:43
* jussi01 slaps jdong02:44
naliothjussi01: <ahem>02:44
jussi01nalioth: I know you are in texas, but how far from san antonio?02:44
naliothjussi01: just a couple hundred miles02:46
naliothnot far at all02:46
jdongheh I've heard that everything is bigger in texas, but distance scales?02:47
geniiAs the Jackelopes stride02:47
* nalioth is a retired trucker. 300 miles is a pre-breakfast jaunt02:47
* nalioth has driven to SA and Austin just to eat out before02:48
geniiFreightliner, Peterbilt, Mac ?02:48
geniiI like Peterbilts02:49
naliothgenii: that's Mack, sonny  :P02:49
jussi01Kenworth :D02:50
geniinalioth: :)02:51
geniiSomehow Texans and pitbulls just seem to go together...02:51
geniiThough it may be a bulldog on them, I forget atm02:52
jribi hate driving02:54
jussi01nalioth: do you see my pms?02:56
naliothjussi01: i will if i look02:57
* nalioth has "real life", you know02:57
jussi01nalioth: you are freenode staff, you dont have real life...02:57
mneptokjussi01: incorrect. for staff, "real life" is "that place the servers are hosted"03:15
elkbuntuyou mean IRC isn't real?03:21
geniielkbuntu: Apparently not03:26
* elkbuntu goes to rethink life, the universe and everything.03:27
elkbuntuhrm, might go out for pudding though, that will count for 'leaving the house this weekend'03:27
geniiI get to actually go out on Monday03:28
elkbuntudoes that involve pudding?03:28
geniiNo, hockey03:29
geniiThe McDonalds there may sell pudding of some kind, i don't know03:35
naliothMcDonalds? pudding?03:38
* nalioth pinches genii and checks his awareness03:38
elkbuntuhehe, no i'm going to an actual cafe, i go there most weekends for pudding.03:39
geniinalioth: I'm awake, I'm awake!03:39
naliothgenii: no doubt, but are you aware of what reality you are currently inhabiting?03:39
geniiA non-pudding based one?03:39
naliothI dread to think what McDonalds would sell for pudding03:40
geniiActually me too03:41
geniiThats why I'll probably have the (extremely overpriced) beer instead03:42
jussi01@now houston03:44
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: houston - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp803:44
geniiPoor Houston03:44
genii@now Toronto03:44
ubottuCurrent time in America/Toronto: November 14 2008, 22:44:41 - Next meeting: Americas Regional Board in 2 days03:44
mneptokhehehe. jdong, the east coast kid. :)03:51
mneptok"OMG 200 miles that's like going to Jupiter!!!!"03:51
jdongmneptok: lol I love driving distances too, though I have no professional background doing so :)03:51
jdongmneptok: I just do it whenever I feel the winters are too cold.03:52
mneptokjdong: where are you from originally?03:52
jdongwe love cars over there03:52
mneptoki've heard that03:52
mneptoki'm from Hartfod, CT. i remember people talking about "driving all the way to Boston just for a weekend"03:53
mneptokuhh ... it's a 90 minute drive.03:53
mneptokwhen we lived in OR i used to drive 5 hours each way for a weekend visiting friends. people from the east coast acted like i was driving to Chile.03:54
geniiThat fryguy is giving iffy advice in #ubuntu again03:54
geniinvm it was me03:56
bazhangvery very chatty03:57
Flannelyou mean matthias ;)03:59
Flannelno, he doesn't seem chatty04:00
bazhangno I mean matthew04:01
bazhangthe one who said 'why do you want blue teeth' on a request for bluetooth04:01
GoatzWhy does netyire's nick seem framiler? Was s/he not banned in ubuntu-ot?04:01
=== Goatz is now known as BigUrsis
FlannelBigUrsis: Not that I'm aware04:04
geniibt says no04:04
BigUrsishrumm, thanks anyways.04:04
Flannelanyone with -ot?04:08
mneptokFlannel: haven't been watching04:09
mneptokfryguy is really beginning to annoy.04:14
* mneptok goes AFK for a smoke and chill-out04:15
bazhangs/beginning/getting more *ing/04:16
bazhangnot sure how re-directing to #winehq = rtfm04:33
bazhangbut man bash, and just google it are not04:33
bazhangholymoo (holycow ) in #kubuntu06:12
bazhang holycow (n=biteme@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net) has joined #kubuntu06:12
naliothis he being disruptive?06:13
Flannel@bansearch holycow06:13
ubottuMatch: *!*@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net by bazhang in #ubuntu on Nov 09 2008 08:20:47 (ID: 6575)06:13
ubottuMatch: holycow!?=*@*.vf.shawcable.net by Myrtti in #ubuntu-ops on Aug 18 2008 09:10:50 (ID: 3640)06:14
ubottuMatch: *!*@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net by jussi01 in #kubuntu-kde4 on Aug 21 2008 07:16:44 (ID: 3764)06:14
bazhangless than usual06:14
Flanneljust banned places06:14
FlannelWhat an odd question06:16
bazhangflaccid> hmm this seems like another pathetic ubuntu release. time to start submitting bugs. cyas06:21
bazhanga budding limcore06:21
FlannelI was going to pardon him from having to endure it any longer, but he left.06:21
DrDerekcould I have someone take notice to offtopic.06:27
bazhangguess its a different standard for !ot in #kubuntu06:27
DrDerekuser Stasshole has been harassing me and using my name 06:27
FlannelDrDerek: Thanks for the headsup06:28
DrDerekHe's been also using my old user names LordKagar, and Kagar to try and get me in trouble06:28
DrDerekbut yeah, that's all.06:28
FlannelAnyone who has ops in -ot awake?06:29
FlannelStasshole could use a kick06:29
bazhangand a ban.06:29
FlannelI wouldn't disagree with a ban either.  but definately a kick.06:30
bazhangthanks tritium 06:31
FlannelDrDerek: They haven't been in -ot06:31
tritiumSure.  Thanks for letting me know06:31
DrDerekyeah, not yet, but in some other channels I was in.06:32
DrDerekhe was using my old users.06:32
DrDerekbut again, thanks.06:32
bazhang<holycow> i need to stop drinking06:40
bazhangdont know if that counts as disruptive or not.06:40
bazhangany !trigger to him will just unleash invective on his part06:40
elkbuntulemonade + ginger beer + vodka = nom.08:11
FlannelHow do you nom on a liquid?08:11
elkbuntuthlurp then08:12
elkbuntuok, now i need a Finn to tell me how to internet from a phone. as in.. how do i find the mac address of this thing so i can register it with my router08:13
elkbuntunevermind, founded it08:18
* elkbuntu prods Myrtti gently08:34
elkbuntuis it wakeup time in finland yet?08:34
Flannelelkbuntu: Its a saturday08:36
* jussi01 is awake...08:37
elkbuntuyes, but you're on the same continent as me08:37
elkbuntuor, aren't you?08:37
jussi01yes, i am..08:38
* jussi01 wonders why you need a person from the other side fo the world-....08:39
Flanneljussi01: Because only the Finns know about little phone things.08:39
Flanneland also, emacs.08:39
jussi01Flannel: Ive picked up some while ive been there ;)08:40
Flanneljussi01: Perhaps all Finnish people have six fingers on each hand then?  So they can not only type faster on tiny phones, but also utilize all eight metakeys.08:41
elkbuntujussi01, which irc client should i get then?08:43
jussi01elkbuntu: putty + irssi :D08:43
jussi01elkbuntu: which phone is it?08:43
elkbuntui'm being told jmirc from others08:44
jussi01elkbuntu: well seriously, putty + irssi works great for me08:45
elkbuntubut i dont want CLI.08:46
jussi01but mriggi is not bad 08:46
elkbuntuAt least these problems are in 0.4.4:   * /msg is still broken for some reason08:47
elkbuntujussi01, btw, guess who has decided to lurk in -au* again :(08:53
Flanneloh, oh!  oh!  I know!09:01
FlannelLooks like we'll need some oppage in -ot if things continue09:11
elkbuntuikonia, please help me use this thing...09:13
Flannelelkbuntu: Its easy, its a phone.  Dial numbers, hit the green button, talk ;)09:13
jussi01/slap Flannel09:13
* Flannel has a phone that makes phone calls.09:14
Flannelreceives them too!09:14
jussi01anyway, Im off for a shower...09:14
FlannelThanks Gary09:20
Garywhy do people feel the need to talk about their willies on a open source irc network?09:21
elkbuntuthat worked better10:02
elkbuntuGary, because they *are* willies10:02
Garynow, that got my mind wandering... :p10:03
FlannelNot nearly as much fun when he isn't in the room.10:09
Flannelalright.  Up in six hours, time for bed.10:12
elkbuntua whole six?10:31
DrDerekMy suspicion is that epiclulz in offtopic is 'Stasshole' again, just using the mibbit to hide his address10:52
bazhangany one with rights in #kubuntu may wish to check a (nick)10:58
bazhang* [a] (n=a@ a11:00
bazhang@bansearch thomasd11:33
ubottuNo matches found for thomasd!n=thomas@ip-62-235-154-67.dsl.scarlet.be in any channel11:33
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)12:33
bazhang[twisti], you need to change your ident12:46
bazhang[twisti], please dont idle here.12:47
[twisti]why dont you want me to idle here ?12:47
bazhangcheck the topic12:47
[twisti]oh, my bad12:48
[twisti]i wanted to go to #ubuntu12:48
[twisti]i dont know how i landed here12:48
bazhangyou are banned with that ident12:48
[twisti]ah, i see12:48
bazhang@mark [twisti]12:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:49
Garybazhang: that link posted would not have been suitable for #ubuntu either12:51
bazhangGary, certainly not12:51
elkbuntukids these days...13:01
bazhangthat is one really awful link13:02
* jrib does not click13:09
Myrttielkbuntu: with e71 putty and irssi is nice, I use irssi-proxy and mirggi on my n9513:42
Myrttielkbuntu: and though I physically live in Finland, I've emotionally lived in UK for quite some time, so13:43
elkbuntuyou're a fin through and through.13:44
* Myrtti goes to nom rye bread and make coffee13:45
ikonia elkbuntu how you getting on with it ?14:13
elkbuntucant find a decent ubuntu-ish theme for it :(14:13
ikoniamy first two days with it where slow/frustrating14:13
ikoniaelkbuntu: yes, I want a nice "theme" too14:13
ikoniastill on the defaults14:13
ikoniaelkbuntu: found any good apps yet14:20
elkbuntuother than putty and jmirc, nope14:20
ikoniaI'm fighting to get tom tom on there14:20
elkbuntuas in the gps thing?14:21
ikoniacan these things only take an 8gb memory card ?14:22
Myrtti16 is the biggest I've heard14:23
ikoniaI'm aware of 16GB cards, but I thought these could only take 814:23
elkbuntuthe max often is determined by the maximum possible at the time of specification writing.14:24
elkbuntuso, you'd not know until you tried14:24
ikoniaI need to take mine in to get "flashed" as the nokia branded firmware is about 9 months old !14:24
MyrttiI can try to make something in Virtualbox as a theme14:24
ikoniaMyrtti: explain ?14:25
Myrttiikonia: if you have vmwared windows, you can flash it yourself14:25
Myrttivirtualboxed windows can't do it14:25
ikoniamy only concern is the vodafone application for mail 14:25
MyrttiI've tried14:25
ikoniaI assume I don't need a Vodafone firmware to run it14:25
ikoniabut I can't find any info 14:25
Myrttibut as for the themes14:26
MyrttiI used to do my themes on ownskin.com14:26
Myrttibut I'm not that happy with it anymore14:26
Myrttithey seem to install some apps into the phone that I'm not totally comfortable with14:26
elkbuntusuch as?14:34
Myrttisuch as I don't know what they do.14:35
elkbuntuanyway, bedtime14:40
Myrtti[16:42] ~~~Crapstains  [n=Crapstai@WS-ESR2-74-215-39-112.fuse.net] has  joined #ubuntu14:42
elky_e71filo1234 can we help?14:52
ikoniawell, just grabbed a nice green theme, all looks well,however it has one bug in that when someone calls me they have not changed the font from white, so the white box with the callers name in is just blank white15:10
jussi01ikonia: elkbuntu http://www.mmcforums.net/theme/4208/simply-ubuntu-mobile-theme.html15:13
jussi01dunno if it works on your widescreens tho15:14
ikonianot a fan of the big ubuntu logo15:15
elky_e71i agree with ikonia15:16
ikoniayou clearly have good tast ;)15:17
elky_e71i should probably sleep rather than irc in bed too 15:17
ikoniasleep is over-rated15:17
elky_e71it is 2:2015:18
ikoniano no, go to bed15:18
elky_e71i am in bed. So is the phone15:19
ikoniaelkbuntu: have you figured out how to turn the welcome tone off yet ?15:19
ikoniaelkbuntu: http://www.symbianthemes.us/nokia_e71/15:21
ubottumdddddd called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:44
Myrttithat was random15:45
ikoniaI think I know.....15:58
ikonia@bansearch neil15:58
ubottuMatch: %neil!*@* by Hobbsee in #ubuntu on Oct 14 2008 11:21:43 (ID: 5533)15:58
ikoniaI can't see the IP range that neil was using in that ban16:01
ubottuNo matches found for!*@* in any channel16:40
ikonia@bansearch Guest7398316:41
ubottuNo matches found for guest73983!n=eric@ in any channel16:41
bazhang#ubuntu+1 ?16:41
bazhangthat is odd16:41
bazhangand his last question in #ubuntu16:42
ikoniaI thought he may have been in +1 as he was banned from #u16:42
ikoniabut he wasn't16:42
bazhangnot yet.16:43
bazhang@mark krashero offtopic and language16:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:53
ikonia@mark Guest73983 threatening to ddos people / trolling16:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:54
ikonia16:54 <Guest73983> i am 20 something and i can DOS attak u now with your ip  address 16:55
ikonia16:54 <ikonia> ok, bye then16:55
ikoniaremoved him from ubuntu channels he was in16:56
ikoniadidn't see a value in allowing that sort of threat in any channel to harrass/distrupt others16:56
bazhangI fear this is not the last we see of him16:56
ikoniaI think it is16:57
Jack_SparrowHi gang, just a quick note to say hello.  Still swamped here with projects.  Hope all is well with everyone17:20
Myrttierr http://pastebin.com/f5421c60e17:20
* Myrtti facepalms17:21
MyrttiI forgot I've got home on the same partition with /17:21
Jack_SparrowBlame those rodent17:21
Myrttimyrtti@tikru:/home$ du -sh17:22
Myrttioh, my backups will fit nicely17:22
jribhey Jack_Sparrow17:23
Jack_SparrowHey Jrib17:23
Jack_SparrowI am stealing a few minutes from work to see how things are going17:24
Mezdamn spammers using my name17:37
ikoniawhere ?17:37
Mezbout an hour and 10 mins ago in #ubuntu (repeating the same question over and over)17:39
PriceChildWhy do you hilight on people using 'mez' inside theiro own nick?17:46
Mezit highlighted the responses to him.17:47
Mezand he showed up in my /lastlog mez17:47
ikoniaanother user with 2.6.25 kernel 18:18
ikoniaI still can't figure out where that is coming from 18:18
Pici!info linux-38618:18
ubottulinux-386 (source: linux-ports-meta): Complete Linux kernel on 386.. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB18:18
Piciikonia: ^^18:19
ikoniaPici: you found it18:19
Myrttiwhere and why?18:19
Piciikonia: I had found that the other day but didn't put it together with the 'random user' issue until now.18:20
ikoniaPici: good find !18:20
PiciI don't remember why I was looking either...18:20
PriceChilddoes the listing on grub change for whatever distro you have?18:27
PriceChild(\kubuntu glade88)18:27
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:15
MyrttiPici: plz?19:15
PiciMyrtti: hm?19:17
MyrttiPici: would this be ok: "please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and control you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude."19:18
Pici'ensure that' rahter19:19
Myrtti!no pm is <answer> Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:20
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti19:20
ubottupm is <answer> Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:20
Pici!no pm is <reply>  Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions  and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first,  some find it rude.19:20
ubottuI'll remember that Pici19:20
Myrtti!pm ~= s/  / /19:21
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti19:21
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions  and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first,  some find it rude.19:21
Myrtti!pm ~= s/  / /19:21
Pici!pm ~= s/  / /19:21
ubottuI'll remember that Pici19:21
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:22
PiciLooks good to me.19:22
ikonia!staff > pepelucho sex url spamming19:27
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)19:28
ubottuIn ubottu, DaSkreech said: Dolphin is the new Default file manager in KDE4 and hence default in Kubuntu from 8.10 forward. You can switch back to Konqueor if you like or you can use Dolphin as the file manager in Gnome or Xfce if. For those on KDE3 please see !d3lphin19:58
DaSkreechhi. just did an adjustment. It's kinda incomplete as it needs a Wiki page to show how to get back to konqueror or use Dolphin in Gnome or KDE19:59
DaSkreechAlso is !d3lphin simply a redirect to !dolphin?19:59
DaSkreechI'd like !d3lphin to keep it's current verbage20:00
ubottud3lphin is <alias> dolphin - added by Jucato on 2007-10-18 17:15:5720:01
DaSkreechDrat I forgot about that :)20:02
ubottuIn ubottu, DaSkreech said: !d3lphin is  D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:03
PiciI'm not a KDE person, I'd like for someone else who uses it to review it :)20:09
PriceChildA factoid about dolphin dealing only with konqueror?20:10
PriceChildwe dont need that factoid20:10
DaSkreechPriceChild: Yeah One of the most common questions about Dolphin is how to switch back to Konqueror20:10
PiciMaybe some sort of !replace<something> factoid?20:11
PriceChildstick it on !konqueror if wanted20:11
PriceChildDaSkreech: No, that's a question about kde or konqueror, not dolphin.20:11
DaSkreecha factoid talking about a non default option is a can of worms dont' you think?20:11
MyrttiI'm not sure I'm understanding a word said here20:12
DaSkreechHi Myrtti20:12
DaSkreechI knew I knew you from somewhere :)20:12
Myrttibut, I'm a XFCE/Gnome person, so ignore me20:12
* DaSkreech hugs20:12
PriceChildExcuse me?20:13
DaSkreechMyrtti: the default file manager was changed to Dolphin Some people would really prefer the old option20:13
PriceChildIf we only promoted "default", and discouraged "non default", then we wouldn't have any factoids, as we wouldn't support anybody to change anything.20:13
DaSkreechPriceChild: No I'm saying then you would have to have a !factoid for each of the valid options20:13
PriceChildI'm not saying don't have the factoid, I'm just suggesting that informatino should be in !konqueror, seen as that's what you want.20:13
DaSkreechWouldn't it make more sense to say how to change from the default and allow the user to make up thier mind?20:14
PriceChildYep no problem with that.20:14
PriceChildBut if someone wants to find out about dolphin, they don't want to hear about konqueror.20:14
DaSkreechI could reword to make it more generic but most people really want konqueror not nautilus of krusader or thunar etc20:14
DaSkreechWe have had a few people come in asking how to get Dolphin on Gnome/XFCE20:15
DaSkreechbut most of the comments on Dolphin have been nice most of the questions have been how do i get back Konqueror20:15
DaSkreechHence the original reason the factiod was made20:15
DaSkreechNow that KDE4 is shipping by default I thought I'd split the association between the KDE3 dolphin and the KDE4 dolphin factoid20:16
DaSkreechIf that makes sense to all here?20:17
DaSkreechActually let it stay for a bit I need to put up Wiki page to address all of this then it can link to it20:18
DaSkreechPriceChild: thanks for that suggestion though I'll keep that in mind (lack of a !konqueror factoid) :)20:19
LjLPriceChild, there's something you're missing i think20:24
ubottuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.20:24
LjLthe factoid is *already* there and *already* tells you how to get back to konqueror20:24
LjLin more detail than daskreech's proposal has20:25
PriceChildstill think the last part is in the wrong factoid :P20:25
LjLi don't like a factoid that tells "you can do this" without telling you how20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about filemanager20:26
DaSkreechLjL: Meeither that's why I want to build a wiki page that covers the three most popular questions about Dolphin20:26
DaSkreechEach DE has it's own way of doing default filemanagers20:27
DaSkreechBTW why doesn't !Gnome tell you how to install it?20:27
LjLDaSkreech: and that's why we have channge specific factoids20:27
LjLthere's one thing i don't quite know though20:27
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde420:27
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:27
LjLhow do you change your default file manager from inside *dolphin*, not konqueror?20:27
ubottugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.20:27
DaSkreechLjL: Let me try something and tell you  in a second20:28
LjLthe !gnome factoid is quite bad20:28
LjLif it were on wikipedia, it's be tagged "sounds like an ad"20:29
DaSkreechI've often thought so20:29
DaSkreechYeah but an ad with no way to buy it20:29
LjL!no gnome is <reply> GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.20:29
ubottuI'll remember that LjL20:29
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu (KDE 3), Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations". In Kubuntu (KDE 4), System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations20:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:30
LjL!no default is <reply> To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.20:30
ubottuI'll remember that LjL20:30
DaSkreechThat's sweet20:30
LjL!default-#kubuntu is <reply> To change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4)20:31
ubottuI'll remember that, LjL20:31
DaSkreechMyrtti: ping. How do you change file associations in Xfce ?20:31
LjLi suspect that in just about every DE, you can change the default filemanager by changing the association for the directory type20:32
LjLso that should probably be stuck to !default and that's it20:32
DaSkreechYep true I was going to change the !dolphin factoid to say "Change the inode association to konqueror in !default"20:33
ikoniadiscussing inode association seems over the top in a factoid20:33
DaSkreechikonia: Not when that's what people are asking for20:34
ikoniawho is ?20:34
LjLikonia: you don't have to know what an inode is, you just need to find where it says "inode/directory" in the dialog box...20:34
ikoniasurly that should be in an instruction page/link rather than in the factoid20:35
LjL!no default-#kubuntu is <reply> To change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4). To change your default file manager, change the "inode/directory" and "inode/system_directory" filetypes.20:35
ubottuI'll remember that LjL20:35
DaSkreechikonia: The default file manager in KDE was changed and people like the old one so they ask how to get it back20:35
ikoniaDaSkreech: where are they asking this ?20:36
LjLin #kubuntu of course20:36
DaSkreechin #kubuntu ?20:36
ikoniaI've not seen it, hence why I'm asking20:36
DaSkreechIt's gotten a lot less since the 7.10 days but cropped up again with KDE4 by default20:37
DaSkreech though Dolphin is >>> D3lphin20:37
LjLthe factoid !dolphin was Requested 237 times20:37
LjLthat's many.20:37
DaSkreechso people like it better20:38
DaSkreechStill I thought it wise to split the !dolphin and !d3lphin factoids since they are offically two products in the Ubuntu world now20:38
LjLdo they need to have a factoid in the first place?20:38
LjL!info dolphin20:38
ubottudolphin (source: kdebase): file manager for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 1180 kB, installed size 2296 kB20:39
LjL!info d3lphin20:39
ubottuPackage d3lphin does not exist in intrepid20:39
LjLthese tell what they are20:39
LjLaside from the fact that the latter isn't in intrepid20:39
DaSkreechyeah but people are still on hardy20:39
LjL!info d3lphin hardy20:39
ubottuPackage d3lphin does not exist in hardy20:39
LjLwhere the heck is it to begin with20:39
DaSkreechIt's colloquial 20:39
LjLthen they aren't two different products20:40
DaSkreechDolphin on KDE3 libs have far less functionality than the one on KDE4 libs20:40
LjLwell that goes for just about every KDE package20:40
LjL(one way... or the other)20:40
DaSkreech So much so people called them different names to make it clear which one they are talking about20:40
DaSkreechNo for the most part most are ports from KDE3 with some added fun20:40
LjLwell, the !d3lphin factoid was requested a solid 0 times20:41
LjLi don't see a need for it20:41
DaSkreechDolphin is a pure KDE4 app shoehorned into KDE320:41
DaSkreechyeah I guess not :0-20:41
LjLand i don't see a need for !dolphin, it should be in !default (right there if possible, or in a wiki page otherwise)20:41
LjL!no dolphin is <alias> default-#kubuntu20:42
ubottuI'll remember that LjL20:42
DaSkreechI'll work on  a wiki page but I don't have a problem with that as it solves the most greivous question about dolphin20:42
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4). To change your default file manager, change the "inode/directory" and "inode/system_directory" filetypes.20:43
LjLDaSkreech: just should confirm that the above works, both in 3 and 420:43
LjLi have 320:43
DaSkreechLjL: It does20:44
DaSkreechIn KDE4 there is an option to switch between Dolphin and Konqueror20:44
DaSkreechThey just need to be able to find it20:44
DaSkreechAlso for some reason post hardy there was no option to associate a directory with an app in Gnome20:45
DaSkreechI think that's solved now though20:45
DaSkreechright click on any directory -> properties -> open with -> new app20:46
MyrttiDaSkreech: "with great difficulty"21:35
* DaSkreech laughs21:35
DaSkreechnice answer21:35
MyrttiCongrats to a new daddy :-)21:40
* Myrtti huggles Tm_M 21:40
* ikonia nods to Tm_M 21:40
Tm_Mmy little princess21:40
ikoniaprettyest nun in the convent21:41
Tm_Mshe still has her own room though, plastic this time21:44
GaryTm_M: you are a new daddy?21:49
Tm_Manyway, have to sleep now, I am happy <321:50
GaryTm_M: woooot *congrats*21:50
Tm_Mbut really sleep21:50
* Myrtti tucks Tm_M in bed21:50
ikoniasigh fryguy again debating "su" and "sudo -i" in pm22:24
ikoniaalways a "disussion" with him22:24
PriceChildIf you don't want to talk to him, don't. You'll only come off annoyed to him. Pass him to someone else if you have to.22:26
ikoniaI can't be bothered with him22:27
jribSergiu: hi, how can we help you?22:28
PiciHe had a ban in the BT from #u+122:29
LjLand #ubuntu for that matter22:29
PiciI didn't see that one22:30
LjLremoved now22:30
PiciOr rather, bansearch didnt.22:30
ikoniaI'm out for th e night22:32
* ikonia is tired of being pm'd by fryguy with lectures22:32
LjLmeh just don't reply22:32
ikoniacan't be bothered anymore22:32
ikoniahe uses bsd so knows better 22:32
ikoniaevery 2 seconds pm with another "you should read the man page on blah, it verify's the sync rate of the flux capacitor, so therefore in a court of law, I would be deemed right"22:33
ikoniarather than just helping the user - he has to be technically right22:33
ikoniacan't be bothered, going to bed22:34
ikoniaI suggest someone keep an eye on him for futher great sudo su - advice - he's right you know ! its safe22:34
LjLyou don't have to have an excuse to go to bed...22:34
LjLanyway, sudo su *is* safe. it's just ugly22:34
ikoniaLjL: I disagree22:34
ikoniasame way I disagree about sudo -i for someone who has no idea22:35
ikoniasudo provides a layer of protection22:35
ikoniaughhh now you've got me going22:35
LjLoh of course, i was comparing to sudo -i22:35
PiciHm..  does DKMS solve the issue with restricted modules not being available for the -server kernel?22:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:42
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:42
PiciI knew that was coming22:42
LjLPici: me too, but i didn't stop it since it doesn't even really kill anyone anymore22:43
ubottucoreymon77 called the ops in #kubuntu ()23:00
Piciikonia: thanks23:02
ikoniacan't sleep23:02
ikoniano problem23:02
ikoniaPici: didn't want the ban lifted - he didn't want to mix with spoonfeeders and noobs23:05
ikoniajust fyi23:05
ikoniaI'll update bt23:05
ikoniaooh he's back as pici_spoonfeed23:05
Piciikonia: Where?23:06
ikonia23:05 -!- jaiFai is now known as Pici_Spoonfeed_P23:06
ikonia23:05 <Pici_Spoonfeed_P> ;)23:06
ikonia23:06 <ikonia> i don't find that funny23:06
ikoniaI'll end that conversation there then and let the ban stand for a while23:06
ikoniahe's back as his normal nick now23:07
* Pici rolls his eyes23:34
PiciDaSkreech: Can we help you with anything else today?23:39

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