
akuma55what is the command to del00:16
andolakuma55: To delete a file? rm00:18
akuma55yeah andol00:18
LoveGuruis there anyhelp with " grsecurity " or any tutorial which one can help me out with install/configuration. thanks.00:19
akuma55LoveGuru, is it like fwknop00:21
LoveGuruakuma55: sorry didn't know anythg about "fwknop" well grsecurity i believe is for secure kernel00:22
akuma55to secure it?00:23
akuma55or pen it00:23
LoveGurusecure it00:25
akuma55andol do you know?00:25
andolakuma55: Thought I already gave you the answer :) it is rm00:26
akuma55LoveGuru, ill try it if it work ill make a tut00:26
andolandol: rm filename00:26
andolhmm..not sure why I addressed that to myself :)00:26
akuma55oh sorry00:26
andolakuma55: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/basic-commands/C/00:28
KnifaWhen I ssh into my 8.10 server, I see a little system information usage printout. How is that done?00:32
KnifaI looked in the ssh config and in pam.d but I couldn't find it at all.00:32
ScottKLoveGuru: I'm not familiar with grsecurity, but I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with the security measures already built into Ubuntu's kernel and the overall system before adding potentially incompatible 3rd party tools.00:43
ScottKLoveGuru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam has links to some of the relevant information.00:45
LoveGuruScottK: thanks was not here :)01:33
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jmarsdenWhat is the package name in Intrepid that adds mod_security (for apache2) ?05:06
ropetinapt-cache search mod_security05:08
ropetinWhat does that give you?05:08
jmarsdenNothing, that's why I am asking :-)05:09
ropetinHehhe, OK05:09
jmarsdenLooks like it used to be called libapache2-mod-security in earlier releases, but... something seems to have changed in Intrepid05:11
ropetinYeah, I couldn't find it at all05:11
jmarsdenGoogle searches show howtos for older distro versions, none yet for Intrepid... hmm.  And it is not in /etc/apache2/mods-available/ by default, I checked there also.05:12
keesjmarsden: Debian (and Ubuntu) removed mod-security from the archives: http://packages.qa.debian.org/liba/libapache-mod-security.html05:20
uvirtbotDebian bug 313615 in libapache-mod-security "License conflict makes binary undistributable" [Grave,Open]05:21
jmarsdenAh, thanks.  Sad, but that explains it.05:21
keesyeah.  if the upstream could be convinced to relicense, that'd be nice.  :P05:21
jmarsdenHmm, apparently the Apache2 licence is officially GPLv3 comptible, but not GPLv2 compatible...05:24
jmarsdenUpstream already fixed the license!  http://blog.modsecurity.org/2008/06/modsecurity-lic.html05:26
jmarsdenI wonder how hard it would be for me to package it? :-)05:27
keesjmarsden: should be pretty easy -- just grab the old packaging.  :)  http://packages.qa.debian.org/liba/libapache-mod-security.html05:28
chimpWhen setting up a mail server (postfix), is there a way to have to accept emails for $user@......   without $user existing on the system. I don't really want to clutter the server up with lots of users09:27
lukehasnonamebug #25536809:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 255368 in ebox "ebox: Depends: libapache-authcookie-perl but it is not installable " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25536809:38
lukehasnonameSo what's happening with this bug? Is the lib going to be added, or is ebox going to be modified to not depend on that lib?09:41
jmarsdenchimp: Sure there is.  Virtual users are your friend.  Try man 5 virtual or read most guides on setting up Postfix10:01
jmarsdenchimp: For lots of users, yu might want to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixCompleteVirtualMailSystemHowto10:06
jmarsdenchimp: No problem10:13
Carroarmato0Hi, I'm setting up a server using Quota's,  but when  entering the command  'quotacheck -avugm'   I get a message saying that although the kernel has support for journaled quota's, it's not enabled. How can I change that?14:05
lucabecchettihi boys, i create a repository in /home/svn/repos and all work fine, form more computers i con checkout the repos, now i go to my webroot from console and in /var/www/proj i checkout a repository with users test, then i create a post-commit script, but i recevie this error, svn: Can't open file '/var/www/proj/.svn/lock': Permission denied, if i use sudo all it's ok, i use ubuntu server, some idea?????15:03
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lucabecchettiok, i delete all, now i have a repository correctly created, and i need to create a working copy in apache2 root15:13
lucabecchettihow can i do???15:13
lucabecchettinobody can help me?15:23
frithi want to create an catch all alias, is this possible?15:27
frith*: user15:27
arpui do an update from 8.04 to 8.10 with sudo do-release-upgrade15:36
arpuat the beginning the programm say i have to start liloconf ?15:36
arpui think i use grub but in the menu list now 8.10 kernel is shown15:37
arpuiam afraid to restart the server :-/15:37
fritharpu, well just install a bootloader to start with15:38
frithi would just put on grub15:38
arpuhi frith i think grub is installed from 8.0415:38
frithwell it shouldn't simply vanish15:38
frithyou might want to manually reinstall it if you are worried15:39
arpuhow can i do this15:39
frithits more worrying you don't know how, its fair simple however15:40
arpufrith:  hmm but this is a simple update why this dies not work ?15:42
arpui do an update-grub15:44
arpui hope this works now ?15:44
frithdid the dist upgrade work?15:44
arpuyes i do an do-release-upgrade15:45
frithwell if you look in /boot/grub/menu.lst15:46
frithyou will see some kernels15:46
frithmake sure they exists15:46
arpuyes now after update-grub the new kernel is in there15:46
frithand it exists in /boot?15:46
frithi would manually rub grub15:46
frithif i was paranoid15:47
friththe problem is you don't sound too sure if you are using lilo or grub at boot time15:47
arpui have no lilo in /boot15:47
frithdpkg -l | grep lilo15:51
fritharpu, lilo is in /etc15:51
arpuii  lilo                                  1:22.8-4ubuntu1               LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can loa15:51
frithok so it is installed15:51
frithso someone has been playing15:51
arpui have no lilo.conf15:52
frithlike i said, to make yourself confident that it will reboot just run grub again15:52
arpuupdate-grub ?15:53
frithroot (hd0)15:53
frithboot (hd0,1)15:54
frithdepends how the system is configured15:54
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arpuhmm my fstab lokks strange15:55
arpuproc /proc proc defaults 0 015:55
arpunone /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 015:55
arpu/dev/sda1 none swap sw 0 015:55
arpu/dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults,relatime 0 015:55
arpuno UIDS ?15:55
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frithdo you have /dev/sda ?16:02
arpuyes sda  sda1  sda216:04
frithyou should be fine16:05
frithhmmm, what should i use for a webmail client?16:06
arpuboot (hd0,1)16:10
arpuStarting up ...16:10
arpuError 8: Kernel must be loaded before booting16:10
NCommanderarpu, sounds like grub decided to go bleck16:11
arpuNCommander: sorry i do not understand16:12
NCommanderarpu, it sounds like your grub configuration went and self-destructed16:12
arpuwhat can i do ?16:13
NCommanderarpu, grab a Ubuntu server CD (or an Ubuntu Desktop alternate CD), type rescue at the prompt, then try to reinstall the bootloader16:16
arpuNCommander: this server is in an server house16:16
arpui can not use a cd :D16:16
arpuanyone can hep ?16:21
fritharpu, i guess you didn't see if you could install grub?17:02
arpui think it is installed17:02
frithso when the server starts up you get a grub boot menu? or press esc17:03
arpui only have a remote ssh account17:05
arpuand i am afraid of reboot the server17:05
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Guest30588installing ubuntu server 8.10 on new server. server won't boot off the main SCSI hardrive. GRUB says that the device does not exist by UUID.17:24
david_trebaczi have reinstalled from the CD several times and reformated pertions. Each time I get stuck at this point.17:26
david_trebacznew to IRC -I'm aslo guest30588 -sorry17:28
david_trebaczMy system is using and Adaptec onboard SCSI controller AIC-7902, but I'm not trying to do anything with redundant disks at this point. Just get a booted ubuntu server system.17:30
david_trebaczActual error message by grub is: Gave up on waiting for root device. ALERT! dev/disk/by-uuid/ disk ID here does not exist. Dropping to shell. I'm now sitting at a busybox shell prompt.17:36
arpudavid_trebacz: maybe i have the same problem17:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 278176 in mdadm "Intrepid ubuntu server won't boot RAID1" [Undecided,New]17:37
ssd7i think that is the same problem too17:38
ssd7there seem to be some work arounds in there17:40
ssd7about using rootdelay= as a boot option17:41
david_trebaczBrilliant! by typing exit the server did boot allow it to boot. At least now I have an operating system.17:41
jmarsdendavid_trebacz: If you wait a couple of minutes and then type     exit    at the ... good :-)17:41
david_trebaczI'll read the bug report further to see if I can contrbute more information -thanks!17:42
ScottKdavid_trebacz: See http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810#Boot%20failures%20on%20systems%20with%20Intel%20D945%20motherboards17:49
yann2ahm, i got a openssh-server: cant be installed because of a dependancy...  openssh-client 1.4.7p1.8ubuntu1 (openssh-client 1/4/7p1.8ubuntu2 is to be installed)19:20
yann2but no  1.4.7p1.8ubuntu2 in main...19:20
yann2(ubuntu hardy x86 freshly installed)19:21
yann2works by removing openssh-client and then install openssh-server again.. but is definitely broken by default.. never seen this bug before :(19:22
ScottKYou should be installing 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 for Hardy.19:23
ScottKyann2: That one is in both hardy-security and hardy-updates.19:24
ScottKyann2: I'd suggest checking to make sure you have the security updates repository enabled.19:24
yann2oh -updates and -security, that must be what i am missing19:24
yann2sorry for the noise19:24
ScottKyann2: No problem.  You do want those.19:24
frithhi i am looking for mod-security for apache22:05
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XiXaQI'm going to setup an ldap/nfs system for centralized users. The guides I read all mention the use of automount. Is there any disadvantage to having /home mounted from nfs all the time?23:59

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