
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:10
outlaw686Hey, I am having problems setting up wireless, I had this card working before I formatted my computer and upgraded to 8.10. the wireless utility did now work before either. I tried going into the console and typed "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid<myessid> key <my128bitkey>. It seemed to associate with the access point as I was able to get signal strength and link quality to show.00:12
outlaw686but when I go into if config the interface doesnt show00:12
Odd-rationaleoutlaw686: did you do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" ?00:14
outlaw686yea i tried that the card came up and showed in ifconfig, but I only got an inet 6 address when I tried to ping my router I got connection cannot be established00:15
outlaw686when i reset the computer it dissapeared00:15
outlaw686it says the link encap is ethernet could that have anything to do with it?00:18
outlaw686and is the hardware address the same thing as the MAC or is it completly different?00:19
Odd-rationaleyes, hardware address is MAC address..00:20
outlaw686yea the address is wrong too...00:20
outlaw686there no ethernet adaptor on this machine, there is a dialup adaptor00:21
outlaw686I'm sure I never changed the mac address and that I have the address in my router but I'm gonna turn of MAC filtering and see what happens00:22
R1cochettrying to connect BT keyboard and mouse in 8.10 but i keep getting: sudo: hidd: command not found00:25
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup00:37
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:38
MUTUHi, I downloaded the ISO file of xubuntu and need to install it on a laptop that has no CD-ROM. I need to get the files onto a USB pen and make it bootable. Is there an easy way to do this?00:52
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:53
MUTUcheers for the pointers00:54
MUTUUNetbootin rules :D it does all the work for me :D01:02
MUTUthanks zoredache01:02
MUTUnext time i'll try to look for things the easier way first :D01:03
exmachinawtf's the name of the terminal in xubuntu?01:43
karenanyone around that can help?01:52
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
atarinoxHi can anyone recommend an alternative to Rhythmbox for an audio player? I like how the media library is setup by default, but that's about where my affection for RB ends.02:13
buzz__atarinox, amarok? (kde though i know)02:33
atarinoxbuzz__, amarok is kde only?02:40
buzz__well. no. you can run it on xubuntu sure02:40
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org05:06
martin_does anyone know how to browse networked drive graphically?05:09
buzz__well, you can mount it with smbmount and then browse from thunar.. or install some gnome stuff like gnome-commander05:18
buzz__of course, im assuming you mean windows networking. nfs you can mount with nfs-client05:18
martin_okay thanks!05:29
R1cochethow do i install a 32bit proggy in 64amd?05:37
martin_thanks buzz, smbmount worked great! Cheers!05:39
jbbarnesRunning Xubuntu 8.10. Can someone tell me how to install Ooo 3.0? apt-get only offers 2.4, Thanks.06:57
privet_jbbarnes: you need add a 3rd party source for that06:58
privet_jbbarnes: add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main"07:00
privet_just without the quotes07:00
jbbarnesGreat. I will try that. Thanks.07:02
L_ryuzakiis there any way to increase the speed of xubuntu?07:24
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: upgrade hardware... :P07:24
L_ryuzakifreezes when i try to do update manager T.T07:25
L_ryuzakimisread big time07:25
L_ryuzakiI have like No money until my birthday07:25
L_ryuzakiwhich i'm spending it on games07:26
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: well the best way around that is to just use the terminal... sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:26
Odd-rationaleapt-get is a lot faster than all the gui update-manager...07:26
L_ryuzakiwell terminal like slows my comp(yeah my computer pretty much sucks)07:26
L_ryuzakilike right now if i try to go to another web page, i will need to restart my comp, and all i have running is chatzilla and youtube07:27
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: specs?07:27
L_ryuzakiunno how to get to em07:27
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: processor speed, ram, etc...07:27
L_ryuzakii don't know how to see that07:27
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: uname -a07:28
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: and: free -m07:28
jbbarnesprivet_ : Thanks. O00 3.0 installed. How could I have figured out what to add to my sources.list? I didn't even know where to look.07:28
paul___ok, so, i added aircrack with the package manager, but im not sure where to go to run it, or the command in terminal, any suggestions? its not in any list under Applications07:31
Odd-rationalepaul___: it is best to find a tutorial online on how to use aircrack...07:33
Odd-rationalepaul___: also see the manpage: man aircrack-ng07:33
paul___aye, ok07:34
Odd-rationalepaul___: and, be responsible.07:34
paul___dont worry, i do, thank you07:34
=== L_ryuzaki_ is now known as L_ryuzaki
L_ryuzakiwhen i did the uname -a i copied and now it won't let me paste it07:42
Odd-rationaleL_ryuzaki: try highlighting, then middle clicking?07:44
L_ryuzaki2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux07:44
L_ryuzakithere we go07:44
Odd-rationaleand what about free -m ?07:45
L_ryuzakieh can't manage to get terminal to do much, it slows my computer to much07:46
L_ryuzakiI think I am just going to format my XO07:47
L_ryuzakiMy comp can't handle xubuntu that well07:47
L_ryuzakithanks for helping07:49
L_ryuzakiSorry i can't do much on my slow computer07:49
Odd-rationalek. np07:50
privet_what application do I use to manage my 3G PCMCIA card?08:21
privet_this is on 8.1008:21
MUTUGood morning! I bet no one can help me this time :P10:27
MUTUlast night i set up my new laptop with xubuntu and i managed to connect to the wireless network10:28
MUTUthis morning it refuses to conenct10:28
MUTUit keeps popping up the window to input the password, with the password already filled in10:28
MUTUcould it be that the laptop became conscious that i hate laptops?10:29
yeryryheh.. you got further than me.. I "upgraded" to 8.10 and now have no wifi at all and no working network config program..10:30
MUTUthanks for the solidarety10:33
abechi all, i've have upgraded from xubunt 8.04 to 8.10 but now it didin't work. it load all well until it arrive to start X. have anyone the same prolem?10:39
yeryryabec: What happens?10:40
abecblak screen10:40
abecand the cpu stops woking, i cant switch to other consoles10:41
yeryryoh, then different to what I had at one point..10:42
abecthe only thing that i an suppose is that when during the installation, asked me if i want to change the menu.lst file i choosed to mantain the old configuration10:43
abeccan it be?10:44
yeryryI would hope something like that wouldn't make it die completely.. but I have no idea really heh10:44
abecwhat is your problem with nvidia?10:44
yeryryI had black screen, and other times warnings about drivers and only getting low resolution, but I could still switch to other consoles ok10:45
yeryryI fixed it eventually by removing a second Device entry from xorg.conf..10:46
abecwhere is the configuration file for X?10:52
abecumh....it isn't there in my system10:53
abecwhereis command give me the same answer10:54
abechow can i switch to the text line mode boot during the sturtup?11:08
yeryryok, reinstalling networkmanager didn't fix it..11:17
yeryryno idea.. I guess there's a key you press/hold down during boot to get that.. dunno what though11:17
LeAstraleyeryry, Have you tried using Wicd instead of NM ?11:18
LeAstraleabec, You should be able to push a key to entet the grub menu at some point during boot and then select fallback11:18
yeryryno.. should I?11:19
LeAstraleyeryry, In some cases it works out alot better than nm11:19
LeAstraleI think you should try it :)11:19
yeryryumm.. whats the package name?11:20
LeAstralewicd afaik11:20
abecumh....sorry leAstrale but what do you mean with "select fallback"?11:20
LeAstraleabec, I can't remember the exact name ubuntu uses for it. Its "fallback" on arch11:20
LeAstraleabec, It should be the 2. option in the grub menu'11:21
LeAstraleyeryry, http://wicd.sourceforge.net/11:21
LeAstraleyeryry, Im just gonna try to install it myself. Might drop from here. so brb11:21
yeryryoh its not a ubuntu-provided thing?11:22
LeAstraleyeryry, not exactly. they have their own repo for it11:23
LeAstraleThere should be installation instructions :)11:23
yeryrywell I can configure stuff myself from command line.. its just 8.04 had a working network config gui, so its a bit annoying that 8.10 doesn't for me..11:24
LeAstraleyeryry, Times change.. 8.04 --> 8.10 my Netgear wg111v3 USB wifi dongle worked out of the box :)11:24
LeAstraleIt didn't in 8.0411:24
yeryryif I manage to get madwifi to install, I might have a look at wicd..11:25
LeAstraleyeryry, I have no experience with madwifi. but wicd has proved its worth to me on Kubuntu quite some times11:26
yeryryI think I'll try it then11:26
yeryrynot only my wifi but my wired network stopped working right after I upgraded.. so..11:26
LeAstrale:O That sucks11:27
LeAstraleI've never had issues with ethernet except for on the EEE box..11:27
LeAstraleabec, You found the option I was talking about?11:28
yeryryit doesn't retain settings between reboots, so I have to do commands each time when I start.. but maybe thats just networkmanager being dumb..11:28
yeryryabec: right right at the start of the boot, it'll say something about grub.. press whatever it says then..11:29
abecthat is easy11:29
abecbut i haven't understood where i can find thath opption11:30
LeAstraleyeryry, Have you added you WPA/WEP key to the keychain?11:30
LeAstraleabec, You have 4-5 seconds at boot where you can push any button to enter the grub boot menu11:30
abecin the grub i can only select to start the system on normal way or in rescue mode, and the resue mode didn'help me11:30
* yeryry was talking about wired then.. haven't got anywhere with wifi yet11:30
LeAstraleFrom within there you can choose rescue mode11:31
LeAstralerescue mode = cli only logged in as root11:31
abecok i know11:31
abecand i tried it before coming in this channel but it diden't help me11:31
abeci tried to fix automatically evrithing that it proposed to me, bu nothing11:32
LeAstraleNow Im on wicd11:33
LeAstraleabec, Wasn't that what you we're searrching for? :S11:33
abecno, i what that whn the system is booting i can read everything it do, i don't want to see the banner with xubuntu logo11:35
abec(sorry form my bad english:P)11:36
LeAstraleenter rescue mode and reconfigure xorg-server11:36
LeAstraleLet me just look up the commands11:36
LeAstraleYour system boots fine you just don't want the Xubuntu splash?11:37
LeAstraledpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is the command for reconfiguring resolutions and so on :)11:37
abecno, my system boot fine until it start x, i suppose, becouse before entering in graphical desktop i have only a black screen and i can't do anythin11:38
abeci can't switch to the ttys11:38
abecor reboot the system with the keyboard11:39
abecthis after i have upgraded from 8.04 to 8.1011:39
yeryrydoh.. I should have looked.. I've got intel wifi card installed, not atheros.. no wonder madwifi won't work lol.. but hrm I don't remember doing that..11:40
yeryrybut why did it work ok in 8.04 but not 8.10.. hmm11:40
abecthe only supposition is that thi problem comes becouse i answered that i want to mantain the old menu,lst when the upgrading progrma asked me11:40
abeccan it be that there is something new in the menu,lst?11:42
LeAstraleyeryry, Good one there ;)11:43
LeAstraleIntel works OOTB for me with 4965 on a Dell latitude D630 using Intrepid RC11:43
LeAstraleabec, Try reconfiguring the xserver liek i proposed. I gotta move location11:43
LeAstralebe back in 20 mins or so11:43
LeAstraleadios for now11:44
martin_does anyone know if there is a way I can drag menu items to the desktop?11:52
mutu310i'm on the verge of uninstalling xubuntu. damn bugs :@11:59
martin_what do you find is buggy mutu310?11:59
mutu310yesterday i set it up12:00
mutu310set up wifi12:00
mutu310to connect, you have to click connect and the password pops up12:00
mutu310and around 5th time it worked12:00
mutu310today it just won't connect12:00
mutu310been trying for hours12:00
mutu310moreover it keeps forgetting settings12:00
martin_and it doesn't remember your password?12:00
mutu310and i have to reinput them12:00
mutu310no i put it in, correctly, and it pops up again and re-asks m12:01
yeryrymutu310: maybe you should try that wicd tha LeAstrale recommended..12:01
mutu310i set manual network ip settings on my wired connection and it keeps forgetting them each time12:01
martin_I found that debian did that, very annoying! I wish I could help12:01
mutu310and the worst thing is this12:01
mutu310most of the times i'm reinputting the wifi details12:01
mutu310i put in everything and the pass etc12:02
mutu310then i try to connect to it12:02
mutu310and the window shows me the basic details12:02
mutu310but the password field is blank12:02
mutu310(so it would have forgotten it)12:02
mutu310and everything is greyed out12:02
mutu310except for the cancel button12:02
mutu310yeryry: i'll try, if i can manage to get it to connect wired at least12:03
martin_well xfce4 on ubuntu uses gnomes network manager, perhaps it has something to do with gnome keyring thingy!12:03
mutu310perhaps it would be a good idea to "upgrade" to Ubuntu?12:04
mutu310could it be less buggy perhaps?12:04
martin_does it show in Passwords and Encrypted key under accessories?12:04
yeryrygreat.. now apt-get autoremove removed my running kernel image..12:04
martin_I find gnome ubuntu's know too annoying and it install stuff I don't need, and xfce4 i find okay, except icon management12:06
martin_yeryry have you just installed updates?12:06
martin_and apt auto-removed running kernel? Strange! I think it might have just said it did12:10
yeryryI think it did.. it was saying stuff about grub and vmlinux12:10
martin_I say this because, on a newly installed xubuntu system, I did updates, it said there were kernel updates, but it was the exact same kernel as i'm running12:10
yeryrybut I reinstalled it to make sure12:10
martin_unless you specifically installed a different kernel, when you clean up apt etc it should have any bad effects on your system, I don't think!12:12
martin_I myself would have left it alone and not reinstalled it and rebooted to see what happens12:13
yeryryThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:12:13
yeryry  fakeroot libhyphen0 linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic dkms libwps-0.1-112:13
martin_what does uname -a give you?12:13
yeryrythat version12:14
martin_yeah I had the same thing with kernel updates, it appentely installed a new kernel, the same one I already running, strange, it never effected anything mind12:14
yeryryaha, my friend google found my wifi answer12:16
yeryryneeded to install linux-firmware package..12:16
martin_and it worked?12:17
martin_stores passwords etc?12:17
yeryryheh haven't tried that yet12:17
yeryrybut eth1 showing now which is better than before12:18
yeryryok.. uninstalling that useless networkmanager and going to try wicd12:26
mutu310yeryry: I installed wicd now as you told me, but before i even use it... is it possible to have it on the panel at the top?12:26
mutu310cos if i right click and do "add", i don't see it listed12:26
yeryryheh no idea, I've not used it yet..12:26
yeryryit was LeAstrale who was recommending it, and he vanished..12:26
=== R1coch3t is now known as R1cochet
mutu310wicd doesn't work for me12:41
yeryry3hm.. installed wicd.. it detects my interfaces and finds wifi networks.. better than networkmanager..12:42
yeryry3but when I try to connect wifi, it keeps trying but nothing happens, and wired network disconnects..12:42
mutu310i'm gonna try ubuntu12:43
yeryry3mutu310: after rebooting after installing wicd I did get an icon for it in system try12:45
mutu310let me try a reboot12:45
mutu310but for me12:45
mutu310i put in the SSID12:45
mutu310and it just doesn't see the wireless network at all12:46
yeryry3does it show any other networks?12:46
mutu310the other was seeing mine and my neighbour's12:46
mutu310this sees nothing at all12:46
martin_mutu have you tried wifi radar?12:46
yeryry3it uninstalled wifi radar for me when I installed wicd..12:47
mutu310yeah me too12:47
mutu310it uninstalled 3 or 4 things which i don't remember what they were12:47
mutu310so i basically need to format again12:47
wormsxullawhy format?12:48
wormsxullaif you uninstall wicd, the network manager will be back12:49
mutu310i will try installing ubuntu maybe all the problems i have will go away12:49
wormsxulladoes any of the network managers see networks?12:49
mutu310the default one did12:50
mutu310yesterday it was working fine and connecting even after reboots12:50
wormsxullabut you can't connect?12:50
mutu310then i go to sleep12:50
mutu310wake up12:50
martin_if you have network manager installed it will be same as ubuntu, xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce4,12:50
mutu310and it refuses to connect12:50
martin_and xubuntu uses ubuntu's network manager12:50
mutu310it keeps telling me no wireless networks found12:51
martin_what wifi card do you have?12:51
mutu310i'm using WPA Personal12:51
mutu310don't know, i'm using a laptop12:51
wormsxullai had the same problems, and in fact it looks like the wifi card is *very* sensitive to the antenna position12:51
yeryrylol.. weird12:52
yeryryit shows my network in the list..12:52
martin_does lspci -nn and paste the results12:52
yeryrywhen I try to connect, it seems to set the right ssid and key, but doesn't associate12:52
mutu310i went downstairs in the same room12:52
yeryryand wired network stops....12:52
yeryryseems it kills my whole lan..12:52
mutu310i'm on my PC now martin_, and you wouldn't like it if i could paste either12:53
mutu310cos there's a whole page12:53
wormsxullapastebin.com !12:53
mutu310ah wait i found the wifi one12:54
wormsxullayeryry: ;p12:54
mutu310Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0013] (rev 01)12:55
martin_wait a sec12:55
martin_what xubuntu are you using?12:57
martin_I can seem to find any relevent information on the net, but I think that card show natively been supported by the ath5k driver that comes with ubuntu13:00
yeryryyou need to install backports whatever for that13:00
martin_did atheros open source a driver that supported those cards?13:01
martin_do this lsmod | grep ath13:01
mutu310you gonna laugh at me13:03
mutu310how do i copy and paste from terminal from a laptop?13:04
mutu310i have no wheel mouse to click13:04
mutu310ah both at once lol13:04
martin_highlight the the output, edit > copy13:04
martin_you have a working trackpad right?13:05
yeryrynot my day... now my other windows box is refusing to boot -.-13:06
martin_did you install madwifi drivers?13:09
mutusudo apt-get install madwifi?13:09
yeryrythat ath_pci is madwifi..13:10
martin_i'll explain in a sex13:10
mutu310how can i get rid of wicd and get everything back as it was pls? :P13:11
mutu310cos _at least_ before it was detecting networks13:11
yeryryheh.. vista uses grub.. odd13:11
wormsxullauninstall it via synaptic?13:11
martin_apt-get remove wicd then apt-get install network-manager13:12
mutu310wicd removed about 3-4 packages tho not just network-manager13:14
mutu310installed wifi-radar now13:16
martin_actually I don't think wifi radar works with WPA, well it didn't when I tried it on debian13:17
martin_i don't know if ubuntu has an updated version or not13:17
mutu310i can't add the network manager to the panel13:20
yeryryit should be in the system tray13:21
yeryryfor me, it wasn't really, it was a 2-pixel wide or so grey part I could click on in the middle of the tray box....13:21
mutu310martin_: bingo *shy*13:23
mutu310lemme go near wifi modem, brb13:26
floatinghmm installed debian, but this somehow feels laggy or non-responsive compared to xubuntu13:30
floatinggnome or something13:30
mutu310i give up with this. gonna format and put in ubuntu, and if that doesn't work either, i will throw in debian13:33
martin_gnome is more sluggy, but I find gnome on debian faster than ubuntu13:33
mutu310so you think i should just install debian, martin_?13:34
martin_that depend, if you go for stable, it is very old13:35
martin_wifi probably wouldn't work13:35
mutu310ah k13:35
martin_I think you should compile madwifi drivers13:35
martin_I had problems with another distro once, wifi card was seen but wouldn't work, I used madwifi drivers and they seems very stable and never disconnected or anything13:38
mutu310only problem is i don't know what that means and i don't have the time to do it. if this fails i will probably install XP13:38
mutu310i'm a newbie on linux13:38
martin_this is what I did, I have atheros wifi card13:38
mutu310what I hate about Linux is that when you have a problem, it takes such a long time to fix it unless you're experienced13:39
martin_as I don't have a nvidia or amd graphics card, I removed linux-restricted-drivers, apt-got build-essential - downloaded and did make, sudo make install the madwifi drivers13:40
mutu310i have ati13:40
mutu310onboard ati radeon13:40
martin_I probably wouldn't remove restricted modules then, but having said, how did you install the ati card?13:41
PsiTraxcan anyone help me to create shares? the buttons in the "Shard Folders" are disabled?13:41
mutu310it's onboard and it got detected automatically13:41
mutu310didn't install any drivers at all13:41
martin_psitrax click unlock button13:41
PsiTraxits also disabled13:42
martin_do you not compiz etc?13:42
martin_did you follow the install smb etc before hand? PsiTrax?13:43
PsiTraxhe asks me to install samba and did it13:43
PsiTraxi dont touched any confg file13:44
martin_umm, logout and then back in again13:44
PsiTraxi set a smb passwort for my user with smbpasswd13:44
* mutu310 gonna format and put in ubuntu13:45
martin_okay, good luck mutu13:45
mutu310UNetbootin is a star :)13:46
mutu310and thank God I found it, because this laptop does not have a CD-ROM13:46
martin_PsiTrax, do you just want to connect to a windows share?13:46
mutu310go figure that... stupid HP :)13:46
PsiTraxno i want to share some folders13:46
PsiTraxi currently rebooting the machin13:46
PsiTraxbutton still locked13:48
PsiTraxuh man, im in an vnc-session13:50
PsiTraxdirect on the pc it works13:50
martin_try this sudo  shares-admin13:50
* yeryry gave up on gui network config.. good old /etc/network/interfaces worked much better13:51
PsiTraxi think ill look to my vnc installation again13:52
PsiTraxso long, thanks a log guys13:52
mutu310martin_: with the Live 'CD', I'm trying to set up the wifi, but it tells me "choose password for default keyring"... do i put in anything or the wifi key?13:53
martin_remember it though13:53
martin_mutu310 by default I have never got ubuntu to work with my atheros card which is a AR242x, it says it recognises it in hardware drivers and is in use, but never works I always have to install madwifi13:57
mutu310woohoo i managed13:58
mutu310trial and error but it worked13:58
mutu310guess it's better than nothing13:58
mutu310install now, bitch! :D14:00
martin_mutu, how come you tried xubuntu first?14:00
mutu310because it's more lightweight14:00
martin_do you have an oldish laptop then?14:01
mutu3101.8GHz, 993MB of available RAM14:01
mutu310just one last noobish question martin_...14:02
mutu310since i have xubuntu already, i want to use the whole hard disk14:02
martin_ubuntu should be fine! I have a relatively new laptop, but I want everything to be speedy14:03
mutu310do i use guided - use entire disk?14:03
mutu310or does that not create a swap drive?14:03
martin_if you only want xubuntu installed and nothing else14:03
mutu310and nothing else14:03
martin_sorry! yeah, swap will be automatically created14:04
mutu310ah ok so use entire disk it is then14:04
mutu310ubuntu looks so much nicer to xubuntu :)14:04
martin_i think the opposite14:04
mutu310everyone with his own opinion14:04
mutu310is there a way that you can sudo apt-get without having to put in the password?14:05
martin_no, unless you su to root14:06
martin_or sign in as root, not recommend though14:06
martin_su root, enter password, everything from then on, you can do without entering password, but remember after you finish exit back14:07
gabkdllycan't one add apt-get to the sudoers file?14:07
martin_i guess so14:07
martin_i don't know14:07
mutu310i feel like doing to su root on startup >:)14:07
martin_what user is associated with apt-get?14:07
martin_is apt-get associated with?14:08
mutu310dunno i created a login mutu14:08
mutu310with a password14:08
mutu310and leaving everything default14:08
martin_sounds good to me14:09
martin_everything should be fine!14:09
gabkdlly%admin ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get14:09
gabkdllyalso, man visudo14:09
martin_thanks for the tip14:09
mutu310mmm how would that be in newbie language?14:10
martin_shouldn't there be brackets somewhere in that line?14:10
mutu310please :P14:10
martin_edit /etc/sudoers file as root14:10
gabkdllyas root, run visudo14:10
gabkdllysudo visudo14:11
gabkdllythen add the line %admin All... from  above14:11
martin_is that the correct layout gabkdlly?14:11
martin_no brackets?14:12
* vidd would highly recommend against it though14:12
mutu310how do i do things "as root"? :S i'd be logged in as mutu but it doesn't allow me to set a root password14:12
martin_sudo execute things as root14:12
viddmutu310, to "run as root" type "sudo" befor the command14:12
mutu310ah cheers14:12
martin_i think is stands for Super User DO?14:13
martin_is that correct?14:13
viddmartin_, that is what i have heard as well....and "su"="Switch User"14:13
martin_either or I guess14:14
gabkdllymartin_: your needs for brackets or braces depends on what you want to do.  My line allows any administrator to run apt-get without entering a password.14:14
martin_okay, thanks14:14
gabkdllyof course, there are good reasons for protecting such commands with a password14:15
mutu310SUDO stands for "super user do" according to Yahoo! answers14:15
mutu310yeah yeah security bla bla :P14:15
martin_thanks mutu14:15
viddmartin_, and if you want more users to have access to admin rights, you can edit /etc/shadow14:15
martin_oh okay, thanks14:16
gabkdllythere is also a gui for giving users admin rights14:16
mutu310thing is, if i installed the OS that the vast majority of people would have installed, it would still have less security than this with the password disabled :)14:16
viddshadow is the wrong file....that is for fixing password issues14:16
martin_it looked rather complicated with all those numbers,14:17
viddthe correct file is /etc/group14:17
gabkdllyApplications -> System -> Users and Groups14:17
viddgabkdlly, sure...if you dont want to understand how the system works14:18
viddmutu310, enabling apt-get without the password is ok...for the most part....but making it possible for all admin users to not have to enter passwords for any sudo command is just as dangerous as installing the operating system from that Redmond company14:19
viddacually...its MORE dangerous....14:19
martin_if your not a programmer, or sys admin, does it matter if you know how the system works? I want and need to for both of the aforementioned circumstances, but I was just wondering?14:20
mutu310vidd: why is it more dangerous?14:20
mutu310only i will be the user14:20
mutu310it's my laptop14:20
viddmartin_, since you want to disable security features...its a good idea to know what your messing with so when you break it, you can fix it14:21
viddmutu310, because it opens the door to root kits....14:21
martin_but for the average joe, does it really matter if there is gui tool to do such things?14:21
viddand compromised linux boxes are usually the generals of bot-net armies14:21
viddmartin_, you are setting your system up in a manner that is NOT FOR THE AVERAGE JOE14:22
martin_vidd, if someone did get a root kit on a personal laptop, at what cost would it to be to reinstall ubuntu? is so quick and assuming you back up your data only takes afew minutes14:22
viddso ...yeah...i should think its important for you to understand what your doing14:23
martin_vidd, not really! I use sudo when doing admin14:23
martin_work on my personal computer14:23
viddmartin_, and how long will it take you to realize that your laptop is commanding thousands of zombied windows machines?14:23
martin_okay, good point14:24
martin_how likely do you think that is going to happen, assuming you use your computer for web browsing, email etc and regularly do updates?14:25
viddsecurity is every user's responsibility14:25
viddmartin_, extremely likely.....14:26
viddi recommend that you install a root kit hunter application (such as rkhunter) and run daily checks14:26
martin_what would one have to do on a linux box to likely become infected?14:27
viddconnect to the internet14:27
viddwith compromised security protocols14:27
martin_assuming a securtity hole was found on, how long before an update comes along and ubunut is nagging you update?14:28
* vidd could easily post a banner ad on thousands of websites that was scripted to run a wget command and sudo install the mallicias code14:29
viddyou dont get prompted for the password...so you have no idea you got took14:29
mutu310how extremely likely?14:30
martin_yeah but adding apt-get to sudoers files isn't really going to up your whole system at risk is it?14:30
viddmutu310, the more services your machine has available, and the longer it is connected to the internet, and how crippled the security is all add up14:30
mutu310no but it saves me time to put in a 12 character password once every 30 mins14:31
martin_i do understand your point, but linux is very secure, regularly updated, and for home users not running any services, there not much security risk14:31
viddmartin_, would you engage in unprotected procreative activities with a known aids carrier even if there was only a 1-in-100k chance of getting infected yourself?14:34
mutu310depends on the girl14:34
martin_umm, no!14:34
viddmartin_, exactly my point14:35
mutu310not even if she was angelina jolie?14:35
martin_I am myself, I see a computer as a tool14:35
viddmartin_, so do the bot-net collectors14:35
viddand your machine is worth 100 M$ machines14:36
viddmartin_, all im saying is that since you are taking away a level of security....put another layer in14:37
viddget a root kit hunter app14:37
martin_I did at your recommendation!14:37
viddand know how your system works so that you can notice when a change happens14:38
vidd(at least, notice it sooner)14:38
martin_I have two warnings, for /usr/sbin/tcpd & /usr/sbin/unhide-linux26 for which it installed14:38
* vidd gets off his soapbox and puts it back under the table14:39
nikolamHI! help.ubuntu.come is gone crazy14:39
viddnikolam, whats wrong?14:39
nikolamI think that search don`t give search results14:39
nikolamI searched for eeepc in community contributed and all documentation14:40
nikolamNothing shows14:40
martin_my result vidd14:40
martin_System checks summary14:40
martin_File properties checks...14:40
martin_    Files checked: 12814:40
martin_    Suspect files: 214:40
martin_Rootkit checks...14:40
nikolamAlso it looks weird.14:40
martin_    Rootkits checked : 10914:40
martin_    Possible rootkits: 014:40
martin_Applications checks...14:40
martin_    Applications checked: 314:40
martin_    Suspect applications: 014:40
mutu310martin_: with ubuntu, the wifi is working just perfectly, first time, no probs at all :D14:40
vidd!patebin | martin_14:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patebin14:40
vidd!pastebin | martin_14:40
ubottumartin_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:40
martin_well done mutu14:40
nikolammartin use pastebin.ubuntu.com14:40
viddmartin_, so look at those 2 suspect files...and make sure they are kosher]14:41
martin_I apologise every!14:41
martin_will do, thanks14:41
nikolamvidd, You see too, that something is wrong with help.ubuntu.com ?14:42
martin_nikolam, it works!14:42
viddnikolam, im looking14:42
martin_it goes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSecurityTools14:42
viddnikolam, no issues for me either14:43
martin_sorry, no it doesn't, my mistake14:43
martin_but it works14:43
nikolamvidd try to Search for something on community page14:44
nikolamsearch don`t work14:44
viddi went to help.ubuntu.com....typed into the search box, then clicked the communities link....works just fine14:45
martin_after search, it does display weird, but it works14:45
stevenwhello all i have a slight problem14:45
nikolamit does not work here14:45
nikolamvidd, What you were searching for?14:45
martin_it uses google search14:45
viddnikolam, i searched for eeepc14:45
nikolamIt stopped working after start using google search14:46
stevenwi am trying to re-install xubuntu on a low-spec system14:46
nikolamI am NOT allowing google java script.14:46
stevenwa gateway solo 450 to be exact14:46
viddstevenw, what method are you using?14:46
stevenweverythig runs perfectly14:46
viddnikolam, then NO WONDER it dont work14:46
stevenwbut if i don't touch computer for about 15 minutes the screen blanks14:46
stevenwwhen i wiggle the mouse14:47
stevenwi get the cursor14:47
nikolammartin_, That is the problem, they started using google search for no reason..14:47
stevenwbut no desktop :(14:47
stevenwi used alternate install 8.0414:47
stevenwwent beautifully14:47
viddstevenw, the hybernate function is messed up....14:47
martin_and is that a problem? nikolam?14:47
stevenwi know14:47
nikolamvidd, Is VERY stupid thing to use Google search inside OS documentation Page..14:47
nikolammartin_, YES that IS the problem14:48
stevenwi always disabe hibernate and suspend since about 7.1014:48
nikolamI don`t want to allow Gogle JS on my browser. Period.14:48
viddstevenw, log into your power settings and turn off hybernation in both ac and battery14:48
martin_why? if it works?14:48
martin_looks rather crappy I admit14:48
viddnikolam, dont gripe at me about it...gripe at the documentation team14:49
stevenwis that command line?14:49
nikolammartin_,  1. It is not proper way for privacy 2. It looks ugly with google 3. it depends on google14:49
stevenwin my power management in system tray14:49
stevenwi don't see anything14:49
stevenwi have all sliders set to DO NOTHING14:49
nikolamOk, I will post very angry bug report about this s*14:49
stevenwnot even blank screen14:49
martin_yeah, maybe, I never though about like that!14:49
viddstevenw, do you have xscreensaver still installed?14:50
martin_good point, why are they using google, probably for better result!!??14:50
stevenwof course!14:50
viddstevenw, 8.04 uses gnome-screensaver.....14:50
stevenwi removed it!14:50
stevenwi like x better14:50
martin_most people search for a problem on google anyway, but I understand your point entirely nikolam14:50
viddpick the one you want, and uninstall the other...issue resolved14:50
nikolammartin_, I don`t want to argue with you about using google in internal Ubuntu documentation page. It is just WRONG thing to do.14:51
nikolammartin_, Thank you for understanding.14:51
viddstevenw, in the Power Management Preferences tool....14:52
viddthere are 3 tabs14:52
viddcheck both the AC tab and the Battery tab14:52
stevenwi don't see that14:53
viddand if this does not fix you up, try(for troubleshhoting purposes) removing xscreensaver, and reinstalling gnome-screensaver14:53
stevenwit did14:54
stevenwscreensaver and lock works14:54
viddstevenw, the panel app is for gnome-screensaver...not xscreensaver14:54
stevenwokay i went to menu settings screensaver14:54
stevenwnot menu settigs setings manager14:54
hhh2how can i upgrade firefox and epiphany in xubuntu?14:54
viddits not the screen saver....its power managemenbt14:55
stevenwi just see14:55
martin_I would has a guess they're probably upgrading internal system and using google temporarily14:55
HabsaK<-- downloaded Ubuntu, ran too sluggishly now downloading Xubuntu, hopefully will run alot better14:55
stevenwdisplay modes and advanced14:55
viddhhh2, udate to what? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install [app1] [app2] did not work?14:55
stevenwunder advanced14:55
jeromeganyone running xubuntu on amd64 here ?14:56
viddstevenw, this is your issue..... your system is going into hybernate, and its not coming out correctly14:57
stevenwwhere would it be?14:57
stevenwhow can i completely disable that?14:57
stevenwi never touch the button14:57
HabsaKnot yet jeromeg but in about 6 hours will be :-)14:57
viddyou don have the tools built into the basic install, so i dont know where else to look to help you fix this14:57
stevenwit's not listed in the power preferences14:57
stevenwokay thanks!14:57
floatinganyone have any idea why xrandr doesnt recognize my television that is plugged in s-video on a fresh debian install, but on xubuntu it does ?14:57
martin_probably different kernel14:58
viddfloating, because debian default install does not configure the s-videa driver for your display card?14:58
stevenwanyone know how to get the full list of screensavers in xscreensavers?14:58
floatingvidd i see. i guess i have to look into that14:59
viddfloating, =]14:59
viddfloating, it is most likely that the driver debian is using is not as up-to-speed as the xubuntu one15:00
viddtry using sid in debian15:00
viddinstead of etch15:00
vidd*buntu usually prefer to "borrow" from there as it is more "cutting-edge"15:01
jeromegI'm the maintainer of xfce4-screenshooter and I need somebody to do a quick test build on amd6415:01
jeromegbefore releasing 1.4.015:01
mutu310how do you get ubuntu to remember network settings?15:02
mutu310i restarted and it lost everything15:02
HabsaK7hrs 49mins remaining for me if the worst comes to the worst jeromeg15:02
jeromegok HabsaK, thanks15:02
martin_does anyone know of a program like ubuntu-tweak that works in xubunut?15:05
viddmutu310, the live cd? or are you installed?15:05
floatingvidd ok. want to help how to use that driver too ?15:05
viddmartin_, ubuntu-tweek doesnt work?15:05
viddfloating, that is definantly outside my pay-grade =]15:06
martin_no, it tests to see what gnome version is running and as gnome is installed it doesn't start15:06
floatingok :~)15:06
viddxubuntu uses hal to auto-select drivers and configure them....debian still uses custom xorg.conf files (unless im mistaken)15:07
viddfloating, ^^^^15:07
jeromegvidd: afaik, xorg detects drivers, not hal15:07
viddjeromeg, you are mistaken15:07
viddhal tell xorg what you have15:08
floatinghmm i see15:08
viddjeromeg, just install a cli system, add slim, openbox, and xorg.....15:08
viddyou will have no keyboard or mouse on reboot.....15:08
viddadd hal, and everything works15:09
viddfloating, is hal installed on your deb?15:10
jeromegI thought that this was built in in the last xorg versions15:10
viddjeromeg, listening to what hal says is built in15:10
viddyou dont have hal, you get generic stuff...and no keyboard or mouse15:11
viddat least in *buntu 8.1015:11
* vidd thinks we need to make xorg depend on hal15:11
jeromeghttp://wiki.x.org/wiki/XInputHotplug tells you are right15:12
jeromegtahnks for the info15:12
viddjeromeg, test it out...you'll like it =]15:12
jeromegdon't have time to upgrade for now ;)15:13
* vidd found this out by trial and error =]15:13
jeromegin fact xorg does not depend on hal for this15:14
jeromegit just uses dbus signals15:14
jeromegand hal is one of the providers15:14
jeromegbut hal is not a hardcoded dep15:14
viddjeromeg, *buntu uses hal, debian uses dbus15:15
viddthis is why xubuntu gets the guy's stuff working, and debian does not15:15
jeromegdbus itself does not do anything15:15
jeromegI think debian just did not build the hotplugging stuff15:16
jeromegI think it's only available in experimental15:16
viddhotplug....thats the app i was thinking =]15:16
* vidd appologies15:16
jeromegnp :)15:16
martin_what's the easiest way to copy menu shoutcuts to the desktop, I know this sounds lame, but in gnome I could just drag them, and in xfce I can't15:17
viddmartin_, you want to drag'n'drop the app...15:17
viddopen your file manager....15:17
martin_well just a link really15:18
viddmost apps are found in /usr/shar15:18
martin_is their a directory for xfce4 that contains .desktop files that make up the menus?15:20
jeromegmost of them should be here15:20
martin_thanks, i'll try that15:20
martin_you happen to know wine generates links and where it puts them for the menu's do you?15:22
viddmartin_, look in your .wine folder15:25
martin_I have, when I install a windows app, wine automatically generates a menu item for it with the associated icon for the app, in gnome I could drag that from the menu onto the desktop or panel, but in xfce it cant drag them, somwhere it must generate a .desktop file, but I can't it!15:28
mutu310DAMN! my wifi stopped working again. it seems after you apply updates, it stops working :@15:28
mutu310before updates it worked on both xubuntu and ubuntu (including ubuntu livecd), and both xubuntu and ubuntu stopped woking after updates15:29
mutu310oh wait15:30
mutu310i'll eat my words15:30
mutu310somehow it managed now15:30
martin_mutu, so wifi is all good?15:33
mutu310not working reliably15:33
mutu310or maybe i don't understand how it works15:33
mutu310i expect it that when i switch on the laptop, if it's in range, it connects, but it does not apparently.15:34
martin_it should do! my one does15:34
mutu310when i rebooted it even lost my wired network direct ip settings15:35
mutu310i don't know how to get it to save those15:35
viddmutu310, i gave up on network manager in ubuntu....i replaced it with wicd15:36
martin_are you using dhcp?15:37
mutu310martin_: no15:37
mutu310vidd: wicd doesn't even recognise ANY network15:37
viddmutu310, you COULD add the info to your /etc/network/interfaces15:38
mutu310i did, but it still didn't find it15:38
mutu310it kept telling me no wireless networks are available15:38
viddmutu310, then maybe the wireless network isnt available15:38
mutu310network manager at least connects, using trial and error15:38
mutu310and sees 2 networks, mine and my neighbour15:38
viddmutu310, i dont use it...so i have no idea15:39
viddbut wicd never let me down15:39
martin_I would say your best bet is to use dhcp15:39
killerbytethe bars at the top of the screen and bottom are gone and wont come back for me15:40
killerbytei rebooted a few times now15:40
viddkillerbyte, can you get a terminal open?15:40
killerbytedoes anybody know how to get them back?15:40
viddkillerbyte, can you get a terminal open?15:40
killerbyteill try create a launcher15:41
killerbytethanks vidd15:41
martin_killerbyte, try this alt+f2 - then gnome-terminal15:41
martin_then type gnome-panel, i think15:41
martin_did you save your session after killing them?15:41
killerbyteok thank you15:41
viddgnome-panel is for ubuntu15:41
killerbytei dont know if theyre saved15:42
martin_sorry i meant xfce4-panel15:42
killerbytei tried new session also though at login screen15:42
viddkillerbyte, check the "save session" when you log out15:42
mutu310martin_: i'd like to be able to use DHCP, but I don't want to risk trying to enable it15:42
killerbyteit came back15:43
martin_try this if one xubuntu, alt+f2 - xfce4-terminal, xfce4-panel15:43
killerbytethank you very much vidd and martin_15:43
killerbytexfce4-panel worked15:43
mutu310last time I tried, myself and 2 other network admins spent hours trying to get it to work, including having to flash the firmware a few times15:43
viddkillerbyte, check the "save session" when you log out15:43
killerbytevidd, that was always ticked15:43
mutu310it made me hate dhcp15:43
viddkillerbyte, and that is why rebooting never fixed it15:44
martin_killerbyte, did you kill xfce4-panel, in a previous session?15:44
killerbytevidd, ok i wonder why it went away though15:44
viddthe panels crashed, you logged out, saving the session with panels closed....and lived happily never after =]15:45
killerbytemartin_, no i never wanted to kill it15:45
martin_must of crash like vidd said15:45
killerbytei did try a new session though i thouhgt15:46
viddkillerbyte, you probably did an update....15:46
viddand that crashed the panels15:46
martin_mutu, enable dhcp on your router via ethernet and wireless should work and connect then, there is no point in having static ip address on a wireless connection15:46
killerbytei did i think but that was at the start of this session15:46
killerbytelike hours ago15:47
viddthe default session gets written with panels down...end of story15:47
killerbytevidd, ok15:47
killerbytethanks very much anyway15:47
viddkillerbyte, if you have no customization....you could delete all stored sessions15:47
viddalso, you might want to check out your .conf files15:48
killerbytevidd, how can i do that?15:48
killerbytewill it help stop something like that happening again or something?15:49
viddopen your home directory, view hidden files, on there they are15:49
viddkillerbyte, it might not stop it from happening....but can help you to fix it15:49
* vidd keeps a back-up of his defualt /home directory, so he can transplat it to multiple machines15:50
viddcustom menu, panels etc15:51
martin_vidd, do you know how I could get a shortcut for a wine app that is listed in the panel menu to the desktop?15:51
killerbytei dont see the stored sessions in my home directory15:51
killerbytei dont know what theyre called though15:51
viddkillerbyte, its in the ./cache folder (i think)15:52
viddmartin_, i dont create a virus breeding gound on my linux amchine, so i would not be able to assist15:52
killerbyteis it safe to delete all the files in .cache/sessions?]15:53
martin_vidd, I only use one windows app because I bought it and it works well on under wine!15:54
viddkillerbyte, yes....they will be auto recreated next time they are needed15:54
killerbytealso another slight problem15:54
mutu310Anyone have any idea how i can get the weather thingy that you can add to xubuntu's panel (which shows a forecast and a lot of details) and put it instead of the crap one there is for Ubuntu?15:54
viddmutu310, install xfce4-goodies15:54
killerbytewhen i close the terminal in which i run xfce4-panel the panels go away15:55
martin_mutu is now on ubuntu, arent you mutu?15:55
viddkillerbyte, hehe15:55
killerbytevidd, great ill delete them so15:55
viddok....you emptied the ./cache/sessions?15:55
martin_try adding && after the command killerbyte15:55
mutu310martin_: yes.15:55
viddmartin_, no...we trying something else....15:56
viddkillerbyte, they gone?15:56
mutu310martin_ and vidd: I am on Ubuntu. Do i still apt-get install xfce-goodies?15:56
killerbyteyes theyre gone now15:57
martin_i don't know whether you can use them under gnome?15:57
martin_killerbyte, in terminal add && after xfce4-panel15:57
mutu310i'll try to find something generic then15:58
viddkillerbyte, now open terminal15:58
martin_sorry! just one &, then panel wont disappear after you close terminal15:58
killerbytemartin_, lets wait to see what vidd says15:59
viddsudo /etc/ini.d/gdm restart will close your desktop and restart it without saving anything15:59
=== wormsxulla__ is now known as wormsxulla
viddlet me know if this brings the panels when you log in16:00
viddmartin_, we want him to have the panels without having to save the session16:00
HabsaKwhoop whoop 6hrs45mins remaining16:00
killerbyteok i assume ill get disconnected from irc then16:00
killerbyteill do that now16:00
viddthis way he can "open new session" in the future without issue16:00
viddhe needs his system to know that the panels need to be there16:01
martin_oh okay, sorry! if you get the panels up, save session, log out, back in, and then don't save session, they will remain! I think!16:01
killerbytesudo: /etc/ini.d/gdm: command not found16:01
martin_you miss the t16:01
viddsorry....my keyboard socks!16:02
martin_use tab to autocomplete16:02
viddmartin_, if the panels come up, it makes no difference, because he deleted all sessions16:03
viddhe can save or not-save at his lesure16:03
AkariChanhi guys16:03
AkariChanquestion: how do i enable more than 2 desktops in xfce with compiz enabled?16:03
viddAkariChan, in xfce or in combiz? they are different desktop environments16:04
martin_when he logs back in after deleting the sessions, if he get the panels up, saves session, they will remain16:04
AkariChanvidd: compiz is the enhancement, xfce is differnet?16:05
viddmartin_, if they come up, and he DOESNT save sessions, they will still come up too16:05
AkariChanit's like gnome + compiz, instead i am running xfce + compiz16:05
martin_that's probably because he delete the sessions, then it will default back i assume16:05
viddAkariChan, no....gnome is a desktop environment, KDE is a desktop environment, xfce4 is a desktop environment, compiz is a desktop environment16:05
AkariChancompiz is a desktop environment? i never knew that :|16:06
AkariChanI thought it was an eye-candy enhancement16:06
AkariChanright now i am running xfce + "compiz --replace"16:06
martin_compiz is a compositing window manager16:07
AkariChandoes that mean, i can run compiz as an xsession?16:07
viddAkariChan, ok...enjoy (i know nothing about combiz....my ssytems cant handle it)16:07
martin_you can AkariChan16:07
AkariChanah. i shall try that.16:07
* vidd is off to smoke16:08
killerbyteit seems to be working well now16:11
martin_did you delete the sessions in the end?16:11
martin_did you save the session after getting the panels up?16:12
killerbytei did that when you told me to16:12
martin_did it work?16:12
killerbytei dont want to burden you with a lot of problems but theres 1 other big problem with my computer16:13
killerbyteit wont power off16:13
killerbyteby itself16:13
martin_what do you mean?16:13
killerbytei have to cut the power physically16:13
martin_how are you attempting to shut it down?16:13
killerbyteit says system halted and i think the hard drives actually stop16:13
killerbytenormal shutdown16:14
killerbytesudo shutdown now also16:14
killerbyterestart works no problem16:14
mutu310i wonder if so many people are having problems with network manager, how come they're not fixed?16:14
martin_try poweroff16:14
mutu310i still can't connect :(16:14
martin_sudo poweroff16:14
killerbytei think theres problem with acpi / apm16:15
martin_mutu even with dhcp?16:15
mutu310martin_: can't set DHCP16:15
martin_how come?16:15
killerbyteill try sudo poweroff and come back here then16:15
mutu310martin_: i'd like to be able to use DHCP, but I don't want to risk trying to enable it. last time I tried, myself and 2 other network admins spent hours trying to get it to work, including having to flash the firmware a few times16:15
martin_what router are you using16:16
mutu310doesn't matter, even step by step instructions i found don't work16:16
mutu310it keeps putting the DHCP on a different ip range16:16
mutu310and i set it to use my ip range16:17
mutu310and i do save16:17
mutu310and it doesn't save16:17
mutu310and the IP range it chooses is random16:17
martin_why do you want a specif ip range?16:18
martin_and what's your setup?16:18
mutu310well they need to have an ip range for the assigned IPs16:19
mutu310but it refuses to give out IPs on the range of the modem's IP16:19
martin_is this not a home internet connection?16:20
mutu310it is16:20
martin_what country are you in?16:20
martin_okay, how do you connect, dsl, cable?16:20
martin_I know where Malta, btw!16:21
martin_I live in the UK16:21
mutu310i'm trying again now16:23
mutu310but it demands a lease time16:23
mutu310i want it unlimited :S16:23
martin_and you have a router connected to your adsl line, right?16:23
viddmutu310, is your dsl modem set up as a bridge?16:23
mutu310i have a wireless modem which acts as a router16:23
martin_the lease time will automatically renew in dhcp16:24
mutu310but it doesn't allow me to leave the lease time field blank16:24
viddmutu310, you CANT have unlimited lease time....16:24
mutu310Lease time16:24
mutu310The maximum time a client is allowed to use the address.16:24
viddso set it to 99999916:24
mutu310what happens after your lease time is up?16:24
mutu310you're no longer connected?16:25
viddit reregisters16:25
martin_no you cant have a unlimited lease time, but they automatically new themselves16:25
mutu310what's the point of lease time?16:25
mutu310I mean why would you want to lose your IP?16:25
killerbytemartin_, ends up same as normal shutdown16:25
viddkillerbyte, how old is your system?16:26
killerbytefreezes at last splash screen16:26
killerbyte99 / 2000 motherboard i think16:26
martin_killer are you using an AT or ATX machine?16:26
viddmutu310, do you have more then one machine connected to your router?16:27
killerbyteit gives a warning acpi: bios age (1997) fails cutoff age (2000)16:27
killerbytemartin_, i dont know16:27
martin_disable acpi16:27
killerbytewhats the difference?16:27
mutu310wow actually DHCP is working now lol16:28
killerbytemartin_, i think it disables it itself16:28
mutu310but wifi still can't connect16:28
martin_at are phycial connections ATX are switched16:28
killerbyteit also says acpi=force is required to enable acpi16:28
killerbytemartin_, i dont know what connections you are talking about though16:29
mutu310wow wifi worked now16:29
mutu310lemme reboot16:29
martin_when you power on your computer, what is the switch like?16:29
viddmutu310, what is the gateway IP?16:30
viddmutu310, then you have a private ip for your internal machines16:30
viddyou would want to set the following info:16:31
martin_what I am saying killer is, you might have to physically turn the machine off because off it age, on windows, it might leave a message saying it is now save to turn off your computer!16:31
killerbytemartin_, this computer has been able to automatically turn off before16:32
viddgateway =, netmask = [your internal network's netmask...usuall], address = [static IP on your internal network]16:32
martin_killer when you boot, hit esc when on grub, go down to the kernel bit and type acpi=force16:32
mutu310vidd i set those, dhcp is working16:32
killerbytelast time i was using windows though it was giving me that message though16:32
martin_you might have to press e to edit the line!16:33
killerbytebut it didnt always16:33
mutu310it's just it's not reliable when switching on, doesn't always connect to wifi16:33
mutu310now at least it worked with the 2nd try16:33
viddmutu310, what did you set the static ip address to?16:33
martin_yeah you have a AT machine, you will have to physically switch it off!16:33
killerbytemartin_, ok ill try that16:33
mutu310i am using dhcp now vidd16:33
mutu310and from the modem i locked the server lease ;)16:33
viddmutu310, i understand that...when you set static ip what did you assign16:34
killerbytemartin_, i didnt have to physically switch it off before though16:34
viddand what is the current DHCP address?16:34
martin_killer, ATX machines are electronically switched! AT aren't16:34
mutu31010.0.0.50 or
killerbytethere are power management options in my bios16:34
killerbyteapm, acpi and apm/acpi16:34
viddmutu310, the reason it didnt work is because you set the machine's static IP address insde the DHCP range16:35
killerbytei have tried them all16:35
martin_it wont make a difference, you will have to turn it off yourself16:35
killerbytemartin_, do you know what is the most likely to work and how to try get it working?16:35
viddmutu310, at least...that is my theory16:35
mutu310vidd: no i didn't16:35
killerbytemartin_, how was it able to switch off by itself before?16:35
mutu310just switch dhcp on16:35
mutu310and set it from to
viddmutu310, what is the router's dhcp range for wired and wireless?16:36
mutu31010.0.0.50 to
viddwhat was it before?16:36
martin_"last time i was using windows though it was giving me that message though" that means its AT, that means physically needing to be switch"16:36
mutu310no dhcp was set before16:36
killerbytemartin_, it didnt always give me that message in windows16:37
viddmutu310, ok...now that the router is set to assign IP's, you can now set up static IP's16:37
viddjust make sure that you set the static's outside the dhcp range16:37
mutu310i'm not going to do that16:37
martin_umm, well then, I don't really know! wiki AT or ATX to find out more!16:37
mutu310vidd: i set the modem to always assign the same IP to the mac address16:37
killerbytemartin_, ok16:38
viddmutu310, since it was not configured to assign DHCP addresses, it was not set up to allow anything to connect16:38
mutu310vidd: so it works a bit like static IP, but no settings are needed in the OS16:38
mutu310every restart, i lose the wired connection settings and it goes back to dhcp16:39
mutu310so i will keep on using dhcp16:39
viddmutu310, good luck16:39
mutu310since it works now :)16:39
mutu310why does it lose wired settings though?16:39
martin_killer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATX#Power_supply16:40
viddmutu310, i set the static ip's in /etc/networking/interfaces16:40
mutu310it's like... during that session i can see the settings there, so it saves them somewhere, but after i reboot they are lost. why does it not save them to the place it reads at startup?16:40
viddthis way, the settings are there, weather im in GUI or CLI16:41
viddmutu310, what is the setting in your network interfaces for eth[assigned number for wired connection]16:42
mutu310setting of what?16:42
viddfor your network interfaces16:43
mutu310i'm on eth016:44
martin_mutu, how are things going? I was trying to help killerbyte!16:45
mutu310martin_: everything seems fine i believe, i'll just pop downstairs because last reboot it connected on the 2nd try not the first with dhcp16:46
mutu310but could be with the poor reception i have here16:46
viddmutu310, that is where you would set up the static info for youtr eth016:46
viddstatic ip settings require address, netmask and gateway16:47
viddif you like, i can pastebin a smaple16:47
viddmutu310, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/72423/16:50
mutu310just won't connect now16:53
mutu310went right next to modem16:54
mutu310from what i see, it only connects randomly16:54
martin_if that be the case, it's probably a driver issue16:55
viddmutu310, what app are you using to control your network on the 'puter?16:55
mutu310i have windows xp16:55
mutu310ah you mean on the laptop16:56
mutu310network manager16:56
viddthe computer running linux...what application is controlling your network connections?16:57
viddwhat version of *buntu you using? 8.04 or 8.10?16:57
viddwhat does lspci say your wifi card is?16:58
mutu310Atheros AR5001X+16:58
viddthat does not look like the output of lspci =\16:59
mutu310it seems I have the same problem as this guy17:00
mutu310ok hold on17:00
mutu310Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. Atheros AR5001X+ Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0013] (rev 01)17:01
viddmuch better =]17:01
viddmutu310, did you set up madwifi?17:02
mutu310uh oh, seems i'm not the only one:17:02
mutu310one guy said: "Switching my router from chanel 4 to chanel 12 solved my problem..."17:03
mutu310mine has channel auto17:04
mutu310should i change that?17:04
viddmutu310, cant hurt any17:04
viddmutu310, did you install madwifi?17:04
mutu310vidd: no17:04
viddgood....did you install ndiswrapper?17:05
mutu310vidd: not unless it is installed by default17:06
viddok...so that rules out those causes17:06
mutu310channel 12 still doesn't work17:06
mutu310will try them all manually17:06
viddmutu310, set it back to auto17:06
mutu310but what is the channel? will it affect windows boxes connecting?17:06
viddmutu310, it might17:07
vidddo you have encryption turned on for your wifi?17:07
viddcan you turn it off for a bit?17:08
viddand what kind of encryption do you have?17:08
viddmutu310, before you disable encryption, can you pastebin your /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log?17:09
mutu310can't quite pastebin with no network :S17:12
mutu310oh let me go wired17:12
PsiTraxcan i config my tightvnc that a session starts NOT a new xfce but connects to the existing one?17:14
viddmutu310, from reading the log, your wifi is not broadcasting its MAC17:14
mutu310if i go in the gui interface17:15
mutu310mac address is empty17:15
mutu310but the tooltip says This option locks this connection to the network device specified by the MAC address entered here.17:16
viddmutu310, the successful connections is when the MAC address is posted....but the failed attempts is when the system is trying to force a connection to an iterface with no MAC address17:16
mutu310so what is wrong?17:17
viddis your wifi router set to not broadcast its essid?17:17
mutu310not sure, possibly17:18
viddmutu310, can you assign the connection by mac address instead of essid?17:18
mutu310i confirm that the wifi router is set to not broadcast the ssid17:19
viddmutu310, tell it to broadcast17:20
mutu310then i lose another layer of security :P17:20
viddwhat good is security if you cant use it either?17:20
viddbesides...this is for troubleshooting...not permanent17:21
mutu310set to broadcast, still not working17:21
mutu310did you look at http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=df5ac6be425193a71118e05fe4764768&t=96337917:22
viddmutu310, ....you need to sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart17:22
viddmutu310, yes...i read that17:23
mutu310i restarted17:24
mutu310still nothing17:24
vidddid you run the command i gave you?17:24
mutu310that's what i meant by restarted17:25
viddpastebin iwconfig17:26
viddmutu310, does your laptop have a on/off button for the wifi card?17:27
mutu310well it has a button on the top just above f6, normal multimedia buttons17:27
mutu310which doesn't seem to do anything17:28
mutu310and one on the battery at the bottom which i dunno what it is17:28
vidddo you have a wifi light?17:28
mutu310has 4 green lights next to it which light up for like 3 secs after i press that button17:28
mutu310with the indicators by charge and battery i have a blue one for wifi17:29
mutu310when it's not on it's flashing17:29
viddand is there a button below that light?17:29
viddwhat is the pastebin link for iwcong?17:30
mutu310u think this might work for me?17:30
mutu310or shall i not risk it17:30
viddmutu310, pastebin the output of lsmod |grep ath17:32
mutu310iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/72443/17:33
mutu310other command http://paste.ubuntu.com/72444/17:34
viddmutu310, did you edit that output for iwconfig?17:35
viddok....your wifi card is trying to assosciate with "Nickname" instaed of your wifi17:35
viddmutu310, but to answer your other question.....17:36
viddyes....that link with the backports will probably fix you right up[17:37
viddit would appear that 8.10 is assigning a madwifi driver instead of the working driver17:37
viddand since we KNOW the madwifi driver for your card is worthless, this is most likely your issue17:37
mutu310ok let me try then17:38
viddmutu310, someone else will need to help you with STEP 417:41
* vidd must sign out for lunch break17:41
mutu310ok vidd thanks dude17:41
viddwork dont like us sitting at the desks durning breaks and lunch =\17:42
mutu310WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO that fix worked17:52
viddmutu310, cool17:57
mutu310basically it was not using the proper drivers but the madwifi ones17:57
vidd!info gnump3d18:02
ubottuPackage gnump3d does not exist in intrepid18:02
mutu310i can't believe it... problems started again18:03
viddmutu310, did you blacklist the madwifi driver?18:12
mutu310i did disable18:12
mutu310now, somehow, it won't find any networks18:12
mutu310and the blue LED is off18:12
viddmutu310, "sudo modprobe ath5k18:13
viddcan anyone recommend a server-side media streamer?18:15
mutu310vidd: i think it was a reception problem, possibly18:17
mutu310perhaps the new drivers don't have such a good reception, could that be possible?18:18
mutu310as soon as i sit down her18:19
mutu310it dies18:19
mutu310even though it sees around 23% reception18:21
mutu310it's probably cos it's such an old driver18:33
mutu310it _should_ be using madwifi18:33
faulihi everybody18:57
blurbbhow can i update firefox from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 in xubuntu ?18:59
blurbbthere isn't from synaptic18:59
viddblurbb, compile from source or find a .deb for it19:00
blurbbi can't find a .deb19:00
viddthen compile from source19:00
blurbbdon't know how to do19:00
viddfollow the step-by-step instructions included in the source package you download19:01
faulihoi vidd :)19:02
blurbbalways errors and mistakes when compile19:02
viddblurbb, what "omg! i HAVE to have this!!!!" feature is in the 0.4 that is missing in the 0.3?19:03
blurbbresolved bugs19:05
blurbband also epiphany 2.2 to 2.419:06
viddblurbb, the exact same way...find a deb or compile from source19:06
viddif they are not in the repo's, those are your only other options (or do without)19:07
blurbbeven not in getdeb.net19:07
blurbbyes i'll live without19:07
vidddid you install all the required tools for compiling from source?19:07
blurbbnow i'm from windows xp pro sp319:08
blurbband have firefox updated with 2 clics19:08
vidddid you do the "make" as root?19:08
viddso you ignored the step-by-step instructions19:08
viddno wonder it failed19:09
blurbbare always 'make - sudo make - install'19:09
blurbbor similar19:09
viddno...make, make-install sudo install19:09
vidd(i'm not sure if make-install is or is not done as root)19:10
viddbut i KNOW make cannot be done as root19:10
blurbbwith opera u can find immediately a .deb file from its homepage19:11
viddblurbb, did you even bother to google?19:14
vidddid you find the page i posted?19:15
viddand it didnt help you?>19:16
viddso it did help you?19:18
blurbbchown -R u+w /home/username/firefox19:18
blurbbchmod -R uog-w /home/username/firefox19:18
viddblurbb, ???????19:19
blurbbi don't know if it will works19:19
viddwell...if you google "firefox 3.0.4 deb" the first link is a thread about this subject....19:20
viddread that thead to get pointed to the page link i posted19:20
viddand if it dont work...contact them...not us19:21
blurbbwhen will be available in synaptic?19:22
viddit probably wont19:22
viddJJ will mostlikely have 3.119:22
blurbbwho is JJ?19:22
blurbbah next release19:22
viddjj= Juanty [something]....the next release of *buntu19:23
blurbbbut this is lts19:23
blurbbxubuntu hardy19:23
viddi would recomend that you look into compiling from source..... and quit complaining that windows will let you install viruses and spyware faster then linux will19:24
viddblurbb, just because it has long term support does not mean that they are going to add new software to it all the time19:25
viddthe support....LTS and normal is SECURITY updates19:25
viddmaybe bugfixes19:25
viddyou want the latest and greates....get the l;atest and greatest19:26
NecrosanJaunty Jaundice19:26
viddits released every 6 months19:26
viddNecrosan, i really dont care =]19:27
viddNecrosan, they are naming them after african animals...not after diseases19:27
viddNecrosan, thought i would miss the refernce?19:28
* vidd is off to smoke19:28
Necrosananythings possible19:29
blurbbis dangerous update from 8.04 to 8.10!19:32
viddblurbb, then dont cry you dont have the latest and greatest software available19:33
blurbbdo u know a famouse site where i can find many .deb files ?19:33
viddblurbb, i dont bother with looking for debs19:34
viddif it aint in the repo's, its not stable enough for my stsems19:34
blurbbi don't think so19:40
blurbbi have many programs insalled from getdeb.net19:40
blurbband are stable19:40
viddthen again....i never have any issues making .debs from the sources19:40
blurbbcan u give make a .deb file from firefox 3.0.4 sources?19:41
viddthe only app i use that is not in the repo's is wicd....because the network manager *buntu uses is [contents edeted to "Not to my liking"]19:41
viddblurbb, can I? absolutely.....will I....not likely19:42
viddif i do, ill post it to my website19:42
viddand ill post a link to it here19:43
vinnl*Why* are the best applications also hardest to package... :(19:44
blurbbi search a program for see attenuation noise margin of connection adsl carrier?19:44
blurbbi search a program for see attenuation noise margin of connection adsl carrier19:44
blurbbin xubuntu19:44
blurbbfirefox is really worse19:45
blurbbi use k-meleon epiphany opera19:45
blurbband firefox but only for downthemall extension19:45
blurbbi have installed connection manager19:49
blurbbi have uninstalled connection manager*19:49
blurbbwhich program can i use?19:55
blurbbconnection manager is not compatible with my modem drivers19:55
blurbbi have an adsl usb modem19:55
viddi hate having to "autoremove --purge half the crap that gets auto-installed with the install-recommends being enabled!20:17
K-ZAlgun canal de xubuntu que sea en españñol?20:32
Odd-rationale!es | K-Z20:32
ubottuK-Z: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:32
owen1how to install only the minimum packages when using aptitude install?21:21
viddowen1, you want none of the -reccommends?21:21
owen1vidd: what does recommends means? what if i don't install them?21:22
viddbasiclly... you have 3 types of assosiation....depends, recommends and suggests21:22
vidddepends = "wont work without"21:23
viddrecommends = "works well with"21:23
viddsuggests = "might want to try this too"21:23
owen1vidd: what do u prefer+21:24
viddsince 8.10 default set-up gives you depends and recommends.....21:24
* vidd changed his systems to "depends only"21:24
owen1vidd: what does works well with means? sorry if it's a stupid question..21:24
viddyou want firefox....21:25
viddit must have xorg and a bunch of other files.....21:25
owen1vidd: sure21:25
viddit "works well with" ubufox, and some other files....21:26
viddbut if you dont have them, it will still work21:26
owen1vidd: ubofox is another app? what is it?21:26
viddthe suggests might include "sun-java6-plugin, and other files21:26
owen1vidd: so just because java6-plugin works with firefox it will install it as well?!21:27
viddowen1, ubufox sets your home page to ubuntu.com, and some other ubuntu-related "tweeks" to firefox21:27
viddowen1, no...that is a possible suggest21:28
viddhave you ever looked into sysnaptic?21:28
owen1vidd: sorry. u said suggests.21:28
owen1vidd: don't use gnome/kde so i can't look at synaptic.21:29
viddowen1, if you have xorg, you can have synaptic21:29
viddbut...i digress21:29
viddi would recommend that you use apt-get instead of aptitude21:30
owen1vidd: really? that's the opposite of what i thought!21:30
owen1vidd: i heard that aptitude takes better care of the dependencies.21:30
viddi only suggest this because it is easier to control apt then aptitude21:30
viddreally? aptitude is a front-end for apt-get21:31
viddbut i digress.....21:31
viddyou have a *buntu cli only install?21:32
owen1vidd: true21:32
owen1vidd: with dwm21:32
owen1vidd: dynamic window manager21:32
owen1vidd: vim, rtorrent, hpodder, feh, mplayer,21:33
viddowen1, wich...if you KNOW what you want to install...is not needed21:33
owen1vidd: aptitude is not needed if u know what u want?21:33
viddowen1, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/72548/21:34
viddowen1, sure...the only good it does (that i can see) is it lets you view all the packages that are available21:35
viddowen1, i do not wish to debate the virtues of apt-get over/under aptitude21:36
owen1vidd: too bad.. sound like a good discussion to me.21:36
viddi posted instructions to let you use apt-get to install just the package with depends21:37
* vidd is adding a media server to one of his systems21:37
owen1vidd: but i am not sure about 'recommends'. what if sometimes they offer important files? is there a way to know what are the depends/recommends/suggests ?21:38
viddyes....apt-get shows this information (dont know about aptitude)21:39
owen1vidd: got it. it's time to do man apt-get..21:39
viddyou will get "will also install x, y, z" and "recommends a,b,c" as well as "suggests 1,2,3"21:40
owen1vidd: when u say 'you get' what do u mean? by following your instructions or is there an argument to apt-get command?21:42
viddthe information is displayed21:43
viddif there are more then one file to be installed, there will be an opertunity for you to not install21:43
owen1vidd: nice. aptitude didn't have it.21:43
viddowen1, if you do "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" it will show you all the 700+ apps it will want to install and give you the choice to Y [install] enter [install] or N [abort]21:45
viddplus tab-complete works nicely with apt-get21:46
vidd(again, not sure with aptitude)21:46
owen1vidd: yes. i see it now. so what if i don't want the suggested? how to tell apt-get to get only the depends?21:46
viddthe suggested will never be installed.....21:47
viddand if you do not want the "recommends" follow the instructions i posted b421:47
owen1vidd: sorry, i meant the recommended.21:47
viddowen1, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/72548/21:47
viddowen1, do you see the "recommended" when you did apt-get install [package]? or just the suggested?21:48
owen1vidd: so all i need is to create a file?21:49
viddowen1, yes...then apt-get update21:49
owen1vidd: only suggested21:49
viddthen follow thos instructions21:50
viddas i said b4...i do not know how it will effect aptitude....but i dont use it =]21:50
owen1vidd: got it21:50
owen1vidd: in aptitude u can do this  --without-recommends  (i am reading in aptitude man)21:55
viddowen1, then use aptitude21:55
owen1vidd: will do.21:55
viddas i said...i dont use it...21:55
philippe_Hello. I have just installed Xubuntu but I can't do my updates. I think it is because it don't ask my password when I start the update manager?? any help will be appreciated22:19
billeniumHow do i install xubuntu?22:41
billeniumwhile i have kubuntu installed.22:42
xubuserHello People.22:48
xubuserdoes any one know if Urban Terror is available in aptitude?22:48
xubuseror rather in software repos.22:48
vocal9How can i add the mediabuntu repositories??23:33
Odd-rationale!medibuntu | vocal923:34
ubottuvocal9: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:34
vocal9i cant dl them myself?23:35
Odd-rationalevocal9: read the wiki page... it tells you how to just download the .deb you want..23:35
vocal9Is the latest xubuntu considered hardy heron ?23:39
hhh2intrepid ibex23:39

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