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Hobbseecan nominations for bugs be removed?05:58
Hobbseeas in, completely from the page?05:59
HobbseePlease explain the intrepid task list there?  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8874606:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88746 in linux "ehci_hcd module causes I/O errors in USB 2.0 devices" [High,Confirmed]06:01
Hobbseeso approving a task, hitting stop before it goes thru, and then declining a task will bring up a box for the task, as well as saying it's declined.  That's clever..06:04
HobbseeAnd now i think i just broke launcphad.06:09
Hobbsee40 seconds and counting...where's my oops?06:09
HobbseeError ID: OOPS-1051EC2806:09
Hobbseethere we are.06:09
HobbseeError ID: OOPS-1051EA2206:11
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soci registered a ssh key in launchpad, but bzr launchpad-login still says "The user soc has not registered any SSH keys with Launchpad."08:47
soccan someone help me?08:47
thumpersoc: what is your lp id?08:48
thumpersoc: https://launchpad.net/~soc shows that soc isn't a validated user08:51
socmhh, my home is ~soc-krg-nw, altough in the top right it only shows me soc08:54
thumpersoc: so what did you use for launchpad-login?08:55
socweird ...08:55
thumpersoc: use `bzr launchpad-login soc-krg-nw`08:55
socbzr launchpad-login soc-krg-nw works now ... i tried it before, but it said that this user didn't exist or something08:55
socok, it looks like it works ...08:55
thumpertypo maybe?08:55
socthanks :-)08:55
socthat could be ...08:56
socwhen i have question regarding packaging, what channel would be appropriate?08:56
thumperas in packing using launchpad for ubuntu?08:56
thumperor packaging in general08:57
socyes ...08:57
thumperhere is a good place, but I'm not a good person to answer :)08:57
soci don't really undertsand, how i can upload my source to launchpad to build it there08:57
thumpersoc: does it say anything at http://help.launchpad.net ?08:57
socit only suggests something with dput ... but i'm not really sure, it that does the same thing ...08:58
thumpersoc: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA08:58
socweird ... so even if i have my source code on launchpad, i have to upload the source ...08:59
thumpersoc: I know some of the theory, but I haven't used it myself08:59
thumpersoc: yes, right now the build process doesn't use branches itself09:00
thumpersoc: that work is underway09:00
* thumper goes to put the laptop down09:01
socah ok ...09:01
socthat explains a whole lot i didn't undertsand09:01
oojahDamn, I hate that.10:22
oojahAnyway, to distract your attention away from my mistake, I have a question.10:23
oojahI'm looking at PPAs and haven't been able to find any guidelines on how to specify versions for different distribution versions.10:24
oojahhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Versioning <- this suggests using myapp_1.0-2~ppa1 as the version.10:25
oojahCan I just put -intrepid -hardy or whatever on the end?10:25
mdkeoojah: the people in #ubuntu-motu are probably the best to answer your question10:42
persiaUsually people there send people here for PPA stuff, especially PPA versioning.10:44
persiaWhere PPAs match the archive, #ubuntu-motu is indeed a good resource.  Where it's not the same, it's not so much.10:44
mdkewell, it's likely to be better than here to explain the principles of versioning, on the basis that Launchpad developers don't work at the weekends10:45
persiaquite possibly.10:49
oojahOk, well I'm in no rush.10:52
oojahI'll pop over to #ubuntu-motu in a bit and see what they say. If not, then a response on Monday is no bother.10:53
persiaoojah, The quick answer is that there aren't any rules, other than that each newer release should have a newer version number according to dpkg compare-versions.10:55
persia(mind you, that's probably not directly helpful)10:55
oojahpersia: Yeah, that sounds about my understanding.10:57
oojahAh, there we go. I've found an answer from bigjools in answers.l.n so I reckon that'll be about as legit as I can get. The answer is to append ~intrepid1 ~hardy1.11:18
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BesnikHello all15:42
BesnikCould somebody give me a hint how to stop bounces@canonical.com sending me notices about strings I myself submitted?15:42
Besnik(related to Miro translation)15:43
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ftahow can i turn a project into a super project in lp?17:24
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TodoInTXEdwinGrubbs: want to setup another meetup?18:08
TodoInTXEdwinGrubbs:  I have a presentation on the event scheduler made.18:08
beunofta, just file a question requesting it18:13
ftabeuno, ok, i thought it was possible using the interface. thanks18:14
ftahm, i was about to file new questions to add some google bug trackers, but i see that bug 78395 already exists for that.. for ~2 years :(18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 78395 in malone "Support Google Code's issue tracker" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7839518:41
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ftahow do i get a project license reviewed?22:22
spmfta: Would suggest that asking via answers.launchpad.net would be appropriate22:41
ftaspm, ok, thanks. I should really stop asking questions here, the answer is always to file the question on lp ;)22:43
spmfta: nah, don't stop asking questions here; I'd suggest you're asking the deeper questions that require a more... considered answer than IRC and the vagaries of whomever is online at the time, will provide22:55
ftastatik, i just saw you created https://edge.launchpad.net/v8 a while ago. I've made so work in https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-v8, part of https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-project, so now there a dupe :(22:56
ftaspm, well, hmm, ok22:56
spmfta: I may not be able to help with the questions ;-)  - but the dupe projects I can. Did you want me to remove your dupe?22:58
ftaspm, well, i was thinking of removing the old one, mine as content associated to it23:00
ftaspm, problem is the old one have branches too, yet older ones23:00
spmfta: hmm. tricky.23:02
ftaasac wanted all the chromium related project to be named chromium-* so here i am.23:04
ftanow i'm unsure23:04
spmIMHO? Stick with what you've got for the time being then. You can always work out the details/differences at a later stage.23:07
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