
thorwilrsc-: hi, how is it going?11:52
rsc-sup fellas.15:25
* _MMA_ waves15:50
thorwilrsc-: i vaguely recall that you wanted to meditate about what i wrote about the means to deliver the message ;)15:52
rsc-oh yeah, any developments on kyudo?15:55
thorwilrsc-: no, delayed for work for wubi, mudlet and another attempt at a logo for lumiera :}15:56
thorwilplus i have been runing the experiment: how long until someone asks me ... but just now decided to cancel it ;)15:57
rsc-i got a chance to talk to Troy, he was working on something for Lumiera too15:59
thorwilrsc-: see http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/11/16/mudlet-3/15:59
_MMA_Troy needs to get his queer but back in here.15:59
=== sepheebear is now known as Sepheebear

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