
drguildocan somebody please confirm for me that 204536 and 219605 are the same bug?00:02
persiabugs #204536 and #21960500:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204536 in alsa-utils "sound volume always resets to 100% after reboot" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20453600:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219605 in paconfig "Sound is always at full volume" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21960500:03
persiadrguildo, They aren't the same bug.  They desscribe the 100% problem for two different methods of adjusting volume.00:04
drguildoisn't the volume set and read from one place?00:06
drguildoi.e. alsa00:06
drguildoi'm sure you're right and i'm missing something but i'm just trying to understand what it is00:07
persiadrguildo, The volume can be set in hardware, in alsa (master, front, PCM, etc.), in pulse, and in each application.00:13
persiaRecommendation by audio experts is to set everything but hardware to maximum for best reproduction.00:13
persiaSince not all hardware has accessible switches, this doesn't work for some people (plus some people like to mix with different levels from different software).00:13
drguildopersia, thanks for the clarification00:15
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bucket529bug 59102 is a typo. The package appears to be maintained by core-dev. A patch went upstream, and their tracker shows it was accepted. But it stopped getting updated in Debian, so Hardy -before the patch- is the last version in Ubuntu. Should this be marked 'Fix Committed' since upstream accepted the patch, or 'Invalid' (Wontfix) since a new version with the patch seems quite unlikely?03:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59102 in gnome-power-manager "gnome-session-save --kill will not exec (dup-of: 57872)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5910203:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 57872 in gnome-power-manager "regression: pressing power button no longer brings up logout dialog" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5787203:32
bucket529Correction: bug 5901203:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59012 in evms "Typos in evms strings (dapper)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5901203:33
bucket529Aha. Debian removed them because upstream withered. Ubuntu SRU seems unlikely because they don't affect the stability of the program. So Invalid it is.03:43
hggdhbucket529, I think evms is not even packaged anymore03:44
bucket529hggdh: Apparently not.03:44
hggdhlast package was on Hardy03:44
hggdhthen it was dropped03:44
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mr-russcan somebody with privilege mark #63141 as triaged.  It's as good as it's going to get, including patches and links to patches.  Thanks.09:49
persiabug #6314110:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 63141 in php5 "PHP (cli) exits with a segfault if pg_connect() called." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6314110:28
persiamr-russ, Which tasks should be "Triaged"?10:34
mr-russpersia: all, they are all the same bug.  caused by the postgresql fault.10:46
mr-russI would have thought they should all be marked as triaged, but maybe just the postgresql one.10:46
mr-russwhat's the policy on triage in this type of case, where a bug presents in one package, but the root cause is in another?10:46
mr-russin the case, the bug presents in php, but is caused by postgresql client libraries.10:49
persiaAs long as the cause is understood in both affected packages, triage is fine.10:50
mr-russI hope I've explained it well enough along the way then :)10:50
persiaFor different classes of bugs, that manifests differently, so sometimes it's only one task that is triaged, and sometimes all of them.10:51
persiaLooks like it's manifesting in moodle as well, but we don't need more tasks.10:51
mr-russah, I understand.  In this case it's known for all cases.10:51
persia(moodle because of php because of postgresql)10:52
persiaMarked "Triaged".  Only other thing that might be worth doing is opening a Debian bug on postgresql and attaching an adjusted patch, and linking it, or submitting the postgresql patch upstream, depending on your motivation level.10:54
mr-russand I had to beat the pg developers around a bit to accept responsibility.10:55
mr-russMy debain bug skill level is basically 0.10:56
persiaOh, right.  Looking more carefully, the patch is already upstream.  Cool.10:56
persia(meaning in postgresql trunk)10:56
mr-russthanks persia.  I'm off for the night.  bye.11:16
chrisccoulsonanyone have any idea where bug 298628 shoud be? nautilus or sshfs?11:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298628 in ubuntu "[8.10 regression] nautilus and sshfs : volumes are detected as 0 bytes-free" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29862811:52
chrisccoulsoni can confirm the bug exists but i don't know which package is at fault really11:52
persiaMight even be gvfs (although I'm not sure either)11:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm really not sure. i can still copy files to the fuse mount with the terminal, but it's just nautilus that fails11:57
chrisccoulsonso it's probably not a sshfs issue11:57
chrisccoulsoni can also copy files in to the mount using gvfs-copy, so it is probably just a nautilus problem then11:59
persiaWhat does df -k report?12:01
persiaMy weak understanding is that gvfs actually performs a mount of some sort, but I could well be mistaken.12:01
chrisccoulson1 second. just need to fire up my virtual machine again12:03
ogracan you make sure the user is running the proper 8.10 ssh version ?12:03
jribhi, I can't figure out how to unsubscribe from bugs for a certain package.  I click on my profile, bugs and then I've clicked everywhere (except the right place of course).  I'm on edge by the way12:03
ograthe fix that sshfs reports proper values works only with openssh >5.012:04
chrisccoulsonogra - i'll chck that on my system then, because i can recreate the bug12:04
ograi'm not sure, might even be that 5.1 is needed on both sides12:04
jribok, I had to go to the package page and look ask to *subscribe* in order to change settings so that I could unsusbscribe :)12:06
chrisccoulsonogra - i'm running 5.1 on both sides and i still see the incorrect free space reported12:07
ograits likely related to debian bug 46413812:08
ubottuDebian bug 464138 in sshfs "Reports incorrect filesystem size" [Unknown,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/46413812:08
ograbut it shouldnt report 0 bytes according to that12:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, it looks like it was fixed in 2.0-112:10
chrisccoulsonbut i'm running 2.0-212:11
chrisccoulsonvery strange. so, i'll assign it to sshfs for now if you agree?12:11
ograprobably also refer to the debian bug12:13
chrisccoulsoni'll do that. thanks12:13
ograit might be a regresseion between -1 and -212:13
Araneidae`apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` doesn't produce a working kubuntu (can't actually log in).  Is this a known problem?  (Haven't found it on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=kubuntu-desktop&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&14:57
Araneidaefield.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= yet, and launchpad is painfully slow.)14:57
AraneidaeOops.  SOrry about the crappy link, didn't realise it was quite so large and useless -- just a search link into launchpad ubuntu14:58
AraneidaeHmm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/26074415:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260744 in kubuntu-meta "no login possible after installing kubuntu-desktop" [Undecided,New]15:03
ToHellWithGAubuntu likes to set my wireless rate to 1Mbps15:28
ToHellWithGAi thought it was a problem with the chipset on my desktop, now it's doing the same thing to my laptop15:29
ToHellWithGAi have an ralink chipset using the rt2x00 series of modules on the desktop and an atheros chipset using the ath9k module15:31
ToHellWithGA*on the laptop15:31
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asacToHellWithGA: intrepid?16:32
asacToHellWithGA: did you try the backport modules?16:33
asacToHellWithGA: also ... how sure are you that its 1 mpbs16:35
asaccould be that its just displayed that way16:35
asacwhile you get full speed in practice16:35
* davidw is trying to figure out if something even is a bug:16:57
davidwCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/ g++-4.3 -o hm hm.cpp <- fails16:57
davidwCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/ g++-4.2 -o hm hm.cpp <- ok16:57
davidwhm.cpp is: #include <ext/hash_map> \n \n int main () { __gnu_cxx::hash_map<int, int> t; return 0; }16:58
davidwok... we'll see where that goes17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298774 in gcc-4.3 "CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH behaves differently with g++ 4.2 and g++ 4.3" [Undecided,New]17:23
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chrisccoulsonjames_w - are you there?18:21
mnemoi have a reproducible SEGV in rhythmbox that I would like to fix but I dont know what to do next... basically I can run the repro under gdb and this is what I see: http://rafb.net/p/SRqDMM84.html   whats the next step to analyze this? for example, how can I tell which variable caused the bad memory read or bad write?? if I knew that I could trace it back upwards in the stack, but I dont know how to see which variable read/write caused the SEGV19:36
wakeHi, there is a guy who has problems with his DVR. It can not read DVD-Rs after they have been burnt20:06
wakeis this a kernel bug?20:06
wakewhere should CD rom and DVR bugs be filed?20:09
mnemowake: what exactly is the problem with the CD ?20:11
wakeThere is a guy who has filed a bug saying his DVR does not recognise DVD-r after they have been burnt20:12
wakethus, the disc can not be verified after a burn. although it works fine on other drives in his computer20:12
mnemohmm, not sure about that one.. maybe someone else knows..20:13
wakeok. thanks anyway :p20:13
ToHellWithGAasac: i know it fails to load regularly20:16
ToHellWithGAi did much better when ubuntu had no module20:16
ToHellWithGAat least at that point when i build madwifi from source the module loaded at every boot, worked, and worked with suspend/resume20:17
ToHellWithGAthe state of ubuntu on an intel 945 chipset macbook is terrible20:17
ToHellWithGAhardy worked great but for wireless and now intrepid is thoroughly broken20:18
ToHellWithGAasac: how would i determine if it is just reporting the incorrect speed?20:18
davidwToHellWithGA, wireless seems to be a pretty serious issue20:29
asacfeel free to rant here, but dont expect me to jump on that ;)20:41
ToHellWithGAi don't really20:43
ToHellWithGAi just wish i could figure out what was happening20:43
asacToHellWithGA: driver front is difficult. try the linux-backport-modules20:44
asacthats a package with top-notch wireless drivers20:44
ToHellWithGAi'll look into it20:44
ToHellWithGAthanks for the suggestion20:44
asacjust install it and see if things improve20:44
ToHellWithGAasac: on an unrelated note, i believe a bug i file was incorrectly marked as a duplicate20:44
asacToHellWithGA: which bug?20:45
ToHellWithGAi file a bug against the "systemsettings" package for having no useful controls when installed under gnome and it was marked as a duplicate of having no controls whatsoever20:45
ToHellWithGAi'll go get the number20:45
asacis that networking related?20:45
ToHellWithGAbug 29602320:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296023 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings under gnome is missing critical components (dup-of: 289368)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29602320:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289368 in kdebase-workspace "systemsettings has none option" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28936820:46
ToHellWithGAnot at all20:46
asaci am completely disconnected from kubuntu. cannot say whats going on ;)20:46
ToHellWithGAbecause gnome users run kde applications it is useful to install a kde control panel20:46
ToHellWithGAi only run gnome20:46
asacToHellWithGA: well. we dont want to install kde stuff in gnome20:47
asac(and we cannot technically)20:47
asacthat would be bloat for most users20:47
ToHellWithGAwhen i run k3b i like the mouse to behavie as i expect, single click to hilight, double click to open20:47
asacwhat kinders you to install the kde kontrol application?20:47
asacdoesnt that work?20:47
ToHellWithGAin the past, the "kcontrol" package handled mouse configuration20:47
ToHellWithGAkcontrol is gone20:47
ToHellWithGAthe new kde4 package doesn't have any mouse settings so i'm stuck on funkycrazyclick mode20:48
ToHellWithGAbummer, huh?20:48
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andresmujicait seems 5-a-day it's broken22:44
andresmujicaall the bugs i've sent22:45
andresmujicashown a 104 error message...22:45
nhandlerandresmujica: I just used the applet, it appeared to work22:45
nhandlerI would just wait a little bit and then try again later. Your connection might be having a problem22:46
andresmujicathat could be the cause..22:46
* Hobbsee wonders what error 104 actually is22:46
andresmujicawell one day without stats...22:46
andresmujicalet me try again22:46
andresmujicaunknown failure sending error bug #whatever22:47
andresmujicaerror code 10422:47
andresmujicahow can i sent it vua console?22:48
andresmujicai'm too used to the applet.. :)22:48
nhandlerandresmujica: 5-a-day --add BUGNUMBER22:48
andresmujicait shown a different error...22:54
nhandlerandresmujica: Try running 'bzr break-lock lp-46046992:///~andres-mujica/5-a-day-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock22:56
andresmujicabzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-46046992:///~andres-mujica/5-a-day-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock"23:01
lifelessnhandler: the url returned is garbage23:01
lifelessandresmujica: bzr break-lock lp:/~andres-mujica/5-a-day-data/main23:01
andresmujica bzr break-lock lp:/~andres-mujica/5-a-day-data/main23:02
andresmujicaBreak lock bzr+ssh://andres-mujica@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eandres-mujica/5-a-day-data/main/.bzr/branch/lock23:02
andresmujicaheld by andres-mujica@bazaar.launchpad.net on host crowberry [process #10538]23:02
andresmujicalocked 2 hours, 15 minutes ago? [y/n]: y23:02
andresmujicaupps.. sorry..23:03
andresmujicaok, GREAT!!23:04
andresmujicait's working now.23:04
andresmujicai've should asked before...23:04
andresmujicamaybe i've  suspended the laptop while sending a bug....23:04
andresmujicawhich packages is responsible for loading firmware when a device is plugged?  udev or hal?23:52
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