
GuiriHi guys. Should python-crypto be added as an install package to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TorrentFlux? It's not a dependency yet torrentflux errors when crypto is enabled in bittornado unless this package is installed.01:30
GuiriI found the fix on the torrentflux forum when the error popped up on my system01:30
j1mcmorning, jjesse15:07
jjessemorning j1mc15:09
jjessehow are you?15:09
j1mchey - i'm ok, you?  (sorry for the delay - i was afk)15:35
j1mcjjesse: how is the spec going with help.kubuntu.org?15:37
jjessej1mc: I have had no response15:46
jjessefurnance repair man is hear trying to restore heat15:46
j1mcgood luck w/ the furnace!15:47
jjessethanks will probablly have to buy a new furnance soon which sucks15:48
j1mcnoooo - that sucks.  $$$$15:48
jjesseyeah it does suck16:10
jjessebut there is a nice hole where carbon monoxide could leak out and with a newborn not going to have that happen16:10
jjesseanyways now that he's gone time for the day to start16:10
j1mcjjesse: right... well, have a good day.  :)16:11
jjessej1mc: i would welcome thoughts on the spec, havent had any feedback16:14
j1mcjjesse: will do.16:15
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_

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