[02:23] Can someone clean up ubuntu-es please? There is a flooder. [02:25] LjL, elkbuntu: Around? ^^ [02:25] i cant do anything to help, sorry [02:25] at least, i dont think [02:26] elkbuntu: ack, I assumed that the irccouncil had access there, doesnt look like it. [02:27] effie_jayx just took care of it [02:27] It is being taken care of now. Thanks. [02:27] :) [02:28] yep [02:28] he struck as i entered [02:28] <[NikO]> uBOTu-fr have autoban feature with flood and repeat detection [02:29] the main channels do too [02:29] with the floodbots [04:37] hello all [04:38] LjL, ping [04:38] anyone around? [04:39] hola [04:39] hello [04:48] sorry to cry wolf, just to ask on what to do [04:48] #ubuntu-es seems a mess and it is basically bad IRC admin [04:49] I am one of the ops, but policies are comanded in a team and the teams seems very disfunctional [04:49] all the people have very different ideas of what we want from the channel [05:58] effie_jayx, is that the cause of the flooding today? [05:59] not the cause [05:59] the lack of active ops [05:59] flooding happens everyday [05:59] :( [05:59] the fact that there are no good ops to herd the crowds there... leads to flodding [06:00] somehting must be done [06:00] I mean, #ubuntu-es must be a central point for all spanish speaing locos [06:00] it is were we give support [06:00] it is the equivalent of #ubuntu but in spanish [06:01] agreed on both counts. [06:01] it is redundant to give support in each and every spanish loco irc channel [06:01] has there been a meeting of the ops of the channel? [06:01] last one last year [06:02] thing is .. PELICANO [06:02] the guy is so overprotective over his role [06:02] and I am honest here. I admit I haven't been that active myself [06:03] but there are issues that scale to the point of ops contradicting eachother [06:03] elkbuntu, a meeting you suggest... I say yes. but it has to be a meeting iwth members of the ubuntu-irc team as well [06:04] pelicano is not easily convinced that we need new ops. [06:04] and LjL knows of what I speak [06:05] then ljl and jpds are probably your best bet as representatives. [06:05] elkbuntu, great, I shall arrange for this to happen then [06:07] elkbuntu, btw the name changed... it is santiago javier [06:47] effie_jayx, heh [11:15] <[NikO]> effie_jayx: perhaps, if needed ubotu-fr can join and activate flood/repeat protection, that will help for the lack of active ops [12:20] [NikO], that would be usefull [12:21] <[NikO]> ok [12:23] <[NikO]> bot will need a OiA flag [12:23] [NikO], OiA?, sorry I am not IRC bot literate [12:24] <[NikO]> /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-es add uBOTu-fr +OiA [12:25] <[NikO]> i thinks [12:25] ufff [12:30] [NikO], I might have to wait for the founder of the channel for him to give it access [12:30] <[NikO]> ok, bot is in, when it s done, just kick him [12:31] [NikO], when it's done? [12:31] <[NikO]> when access change [12:32] ok [19:20] Anybody around? [19:21] What's up? [19:21] heya MTecknology [19:21] jussi01: hi [19:22] I'm taking over the Ubuntu SD LoCo Team and wanna make sure I'm doing the channel right. I've been using it a while and the guy before me used it but now that I've taken over the team, it's starting to have activity. [19:22] I was hoping somebody could make sure I'm handling things appropriately so I don't tick anyone off [19:22] SD? [19:22] PriceChild: is your man :D [19:22] south dakota [19:23] ahh [19:23] so -us-sd ? [19:23] yup [19:25] I imagine I'm handling things pretty well, but I figure if I wanna someday be important, I should start by doing things correctly. [19:25] PriceChild: ?? [19:26] wow, i know a lotta people in here... [19:27] in here that I know... ** [19:27] Looks fine to me. [19:28] PriceChild: What did you even look at? [19:28] Just that you're not doing anything silly and unnecessary like always opped, tis nice to have freenode/staff on flags etc. [19:29] PriceChild: I wanted to give myself +R on the channel too but I wasn't able to. I thought +f gave me that ability [19:30] +f lets you grant flags you have yourself. [19:30] oh [19:30] MTecknology: this is a good resource: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/CreatingChannels [19:30] so I pretty much need to either get +F or get all flags? [19:31] I was also curious if atoponce should be there or not [19:31] I'm trying to remember whether there's a reason you should have +R or not. [19:31] I'm guessing that's just another standard irc user [19:31] MTecknology: there's no harm in leaving him there is there? [19:32] I assume he gave you the access you currently have. [19:32] probably not [19:32] no [19:32] djennewe [19:32] I've never met atoponce [19:33] PriceChild: should I maybe add *!*@ubuntu/member/* +votiA [19:34] <[NikO]> .. [19:35] maybe not those flags, but +V maybe? [19:35] <[NikO]> no [19:35] ok [19:35] <[NikO]> http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml [19:35] [NikO]: I was looking at the link jussi01 gave me :P [19:35] * jussi01 slaps MTecknology [19:35] :P [19:35] ? [19:36] jussi01: did I get you in trouble? :P [19:36] MTecknology: no... lol it was a playful slap [19:36] so was my joke ;) [19:36] MTecknology: you forgot the :P [19:37] oh - I got up Friday morning - 4hr sleep since then [19:37] lol [19:39] PriceChild: so - conduct this channel similar to every other ubuntu channel and all will be good? [19:40] oh - only one person can have +F, right? [19:40] yep, there's a channel guidelines page on the wiki, can't link it to you to it though sorry [19:41] PriceChild: so since I'm taking over the thing completely, +F is probably a good idea? [19:41] is it required? [19:42] is there a reason its a good idea? [19:42] I mean if I want to manage who is on the access list? [19:42] You don't need +F for that. [19:43] then I need to have every flag? [19:43] so I can grant/remove them from others? [19:44] err - I have them already, don't I? [19:44] I Don't think that's true. /msg chanserv help flags [19:45] don't think which part is true? [19:45] you need +F [19:46] and if he gives me +F, then he loses it? [19:46] Four people may hold +F. [19:47] oh - ok [19:47] How many people hold it for -offtopic? [19:47] now I'm just curious [19:48] MTecknology: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-offtopic list [19:48] oh - i had it in my head that an access list was privlidged [19:50] access list is *normally* viewable by all, wheras +A is required for flags. [19:50] oh [19:51] well - someday maybe I'll get the privledge of being on that list [19:51] for now I get to practice with a live channel :P [19:51] * jussi01 blacklists MTecknology's nick... [19:51] :P [19:52] hey - at least I never asked for it [19:52] I am starting to consider applying though [19:52] dont... [19:52] no? [19:52] applying for ops gets you nowhere... :D [19:53] eh - am I still here? [19:53] yes [19:53] no, not ops [19:53] member [19:53] oh... [19:53] go on then!! [19:53] :D [19:53] :P [19:54] (oops) [19:54] I honestly doubt I'll ever be an op anywhere other than -us-sd [19:54] why? [19:54] we should know I guess :) [19:55] MTecknology: what makes you think that? [19:55] idk - I just don't think I've ever given much to prove I'd be a useful op [19:56] unless the LoCo proves something or trying to help in #u, but in my head that only helps me have a chance at member, not ops [19:56] MTecknology: relax... :D [19:56] huh? [19:56] I wasn't freaking out [19:57] or was i? [19:57] MTecknology: thing is, IMHO, the people selected to be ops are usually the ones who can be relied upon to have a level head, consistently. ;) [19:57] dang, I'm too tired to be able to answer that :P [19:58] hehe [19:58] MTecknology: you heard of this wonderful thing called, errr... sleep???? [19:58] I think the only time my head isn't level is when I'm really really bored, tired, and irritated. All at the same time. [19:59] but those times I usually close irc, pound through what's ticking me off, and not fall asleep thinking about it [19:59] like friday night [20:00] On the bright side though, dang I like how our wiki and website look. [20:00] MTecknology, go to bed... now... you are beginning to ramble :D [20:00] sorry [20:00] You should hear me when I'm trying to talk now [20:01] I can't go to sleep just yet though, I'm occupied in something else [20:03] jussi01: I'm thinking about bugging stdin and seeing if he wants to write more code to create a second database for factoids though. One that's filled with constants and one that has changes. So that changing a constant factoid, puts a new entry in the changing db and the bot looks at that one first. [20:09] MTecknology: what would be the benefit of that? [20:10] jussi01: sync up w/ the public factoids database and then add my own to it [20:10] MTecknology: I can assure you he doesnt want to write more code atm though, I already have him doing several thiongs :D [20:10] or whoever is using it. But he has more important things going on with that code by a long shot [20:10] eh - yup [20:13] * jussi01 goes to make breakfast... [20:13] jussi01: I'm probably just going to need to keep a script to modify the factoid changes. Perhaps I can handle writing the code for that and hand it to stdin to see if it's useful [20:14] at least then I'll have sone something useful with my life :P [20:14] anyway - sorry to flood the channel with useless crap - g'night [20:14] day... w/e === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw