
CarlFKinstalled jaunty, boot, dmesg, see stackdump: http://dpaste.com/91033/00:00
CarlFKhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/287392 looks the same - should I 'me too' it or anything?00:03
desrthi.  has any consideration been given to providing a linux-image-amd64 package for i386 arch?08:16
desrti just manually downloaded and dpkg --force-architecture'd a amd64 kernel onto my 32bit install and everything seems quite fine08:16
desrteven the initramfs generated properly (something that surprised me since it's now a weird mix of 32bit utilities and 64bit kernel modules)08:17
desrtok.  i've filed a bug about it.09:13
sorendesrt: That certainly would have made the few i386->amd64 upgrades I've done much easier.13:08
sorenamitk: Do you happen to know if the armel kernel will support the NSLU2? Wikipedia says it has a 266 MHz ARM Intel XScale IXP420 CPU.13:12
NCommandersoren, it will once we have a kernel configuration that supports it13:23
sorenNCommander: No shit? The kernel will support it once it supports it? :p13:28
NCommandersoren, I mean once we add a ipx420 varient to the ARMel kernel13:28
NCommanderthe armel distribution itself is compatible (XScale has the necessary instruction support)13:28
sorenYeah, I know. Mine already runs Debian.13:29
NCommandersoren, Debian targets a different ARM instruction set13:31
amitksoren: yes it will14:23
=== thegodfa1her is now known as fabbione
CarlFK#0  0xb808c430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()16:38
CarlFKNo symbol table info available.16:38
CarlFKcan I get debug symbols for the kernel?16:39
lagawhen i "apt-get source linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic", i end up with a source tree that builds 2.6.24-22.18:03
lagais that intentional?18:04
fransmanlaga:  maybe 2.6.24-22 goes from your $release_name-security18:10
Xtreme_GreatCan someone tell me where the build directory inside /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r` is?20:25
Xtreme_GreatI'm trying to make rt73 driver and facing problems...20:26
Xtreme_GreatI posted the problem #ubuntu and got no response... You are the kernel... Please help.20:27
Xtreme_GreatI even checked ubuntuforums for the solution... But nothing worked... And all were incomplete too20:27
amitkXtreme_Great: run 'uname -r' on the command line21:32
amitkand then use that output to look in the correct direction /usr/src/linux-headers-<outpu>21:32
Xtreme_Greatamitk: I already did that... It's 2.6.24-21-rt21:37
Xtreme_GreatI meant that I can't find the build directory in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-21-rt21:37
amitkXtreme_Great: you need to install the linux-headers package21:38
amitkXtreme_Great: and you will probably find it in /lib/modules/<kernelver>/build21:40
Xtreme_GreatThat build directory is empty...21:44
Xtreme_GreatI mean the one in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build21:44

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