
=== matt_c is now known as screaming_kid
=== screaming_kid is now known as matt_c
NCommanderpersia, good $TIME09:46
persiaJust settling in.  You have a pastebin?09:50
NCommanderpersia, a pastebin?09:53
* NCommander is regoing through every package, and the only ones left so far are cario-clock (in progress), and fbreader which we talked about earlier09:54
NCommanderevience and bluez-gnome have hildon modifications, but when they were merged in Intrepid, people dropped their patches :-/09:54
persiaNot precisely.  I'm not sure about evince, but the patch for bluez-gnome was cleaned up, made non-arch-specific, tested for MID, UMPC, and Desktop (on a 30" screen even), and sent upstream for review.09:57
NCommanderRight I saw that09:58
* NCommander was expecting a lot more packages in mid with lpia tweaks ...09:59
persiaSo how can I help you?09:59
persiaI thought there were bunches, but you think there aren't?09:59
NCommanderI opened the mid seed09:59
NCommanderAnd I simply downloaded everything that wasn't a library09:59
persiaheh.  That's the first part of my script :)10:00
NCommanderAh, so there is more10:00
NCommanderBut at least this is enough to get ubuntu-mid usable as a baseline on non-lpia10:00
* NCommander sees if his packages have left NEW yet10:00
persiaWell, my script is to pull the non-libraries from the gutsy, hardy, and intrepid seeds (not yet updated for jaunty), unpack, and grep lpia in all occurrances of debian/rules.10:01
NCommanderoooh handy10:02
NCommanderThat's a great way to find lpia10:02
persiaThey will probably be flushed on Monday.  You still want me to download and process the script tonight?10:02
NCommanderBut sometimes the LPIA modifications are just in control10:02
persiaWell, my script isn't perfect, but also running find against debian/control with the relevant exec isn't terribly complicated :)10:02
NCommanderIts up to you, I know which ones I have already touched, so its just a matter of doing it10:03
persiaProbably get some false positives for arch-specific packages, but those are quick to review.10:03
NCommanderI don't think lpia has any arch specific packages10:03
NCommanderaside from its kernel10:03
persiaOK.  I'll run it and we'll see.  Since it's source-based, and you've already fixed a bunch of sources, those oughtn't show up.10:03
NCommanderOh, very cool10:03
persiaxserver-xorg.input-synaptics is an example of an arch-specific package built on lpia.10:04
NCommanderSo that one we just need to change to be not arch-all, right?10:04
NCommanderer arch lpia10:04
persiaNo.  We want it on lpia.10:04
persiaThat's one of the false positives I referenced when talking about adding debian/control checking to the script.10:04
persiaOtherwise my touchpad doesn't work, which would annoy me.10:05
persiaRemember that arch-specific packages can cover multiple architectures.10:05
persiaFor instance, wine is i386, amd64, and lpia.  It doesn't work on other arches (and probably can't easily work)10:06
persiaWell, presumably, it's possible to branch wine to work on alpha, ia64, and powerpc, if people have windows binaries for those architectures, but it's probably not worth it.10:06
NCommanderACtually, I use wine to cross-compile Windows binaries to PowerPC10:07
persiaWell, yes, but you're clearly mad, so it's not relevant for the general use case :)10:07
NCommanderMe and my multiple personalities disagree withy ou!10:09
persiaAll of them?  No internal dissent on this issue?  Everyone agree's you're perfectly balanced?10:09
NCommanderYes :-)10:12
persiaWell, I'm glad some good could come of this then :)10:12
NCommanderconfigure thinks my build environment isn't sane :-P10:12
NCommanderI dunno if I should laugh or cry about that10:12
persialaughing is preferred.  Pavlovian reinforcement and all that.10:13
NCommanderpersia, cario-clock split out10:17
* NCommander finds it funny/sad every hildon package is CDBS based10:18
persiaActually, most of them aren't.10:18
persiaThey use CDBS for simple-patchsys, but don't include debhelper.mk.10:18
persiaIt's a convention adopted for historical reasons within MID, now mostly irrelevant (but not worth adjusting)10:19
NCommanderpersia, I mean most the applications that use hildon are CDBS10:22
NCommanderEvery once I've split out was  CDBS based package10:22
persiaOdd.  Most of the ones I remember looking at used debhelper 5 and CDBS's simple-patchsys.10:23
persiaThen again, I like CDBS, so maybe I just didn't notice much.10:23
NCommanderpersia, strange. cario-clock has a hildon patch, but the resulting binaries don't end up linked against hildon O__o;10:25
persiaI suspect it's not actually a hildon patch.10:26
persiaThe term "hildon patch" and the use of "--enable-hildon" ended up getting used for a fair number of non-hildon-specific things.10:26
NCommander"--enable-hildon" if lpia10:26
NCommanderBut the resulting binaries were identical ....10:27
persiaYeah.  That doesn't mean what you think it means.10:27
persiaFor the same historical reasons previously mentioned "--enable-hildon" was generally used for making things MID friendly, even when it wasn't actually using hildon.10:27
NCommanderfair enough10:28
NCommandermcasadevall@blacksteel:~/src/lpia/cairo-clock-0.3.3/debian$ diff cairo-clock cairo-clock-hildon10:28
NCommanderCommon subdirectories: cairo-clock/DEBIAN and cairo-clock-hildon/DEBIAN10:28
NCommanderCommon subdirectories: cairo-clock/usr and cairo-clock-hildon/usr10:28
NCommander(I know the cairo-clock-hildon folder is properly getting build w/ --enable-hildon)10:28
NCommanderany ideas?10:29
persiaI probably broke it when I tried to merge in the collection of outstanding changes I found laying about.10:32
persiaHave you checked what --enable-hildon actually does?10:33
NCommanderIt turns on -DHILDON10:36
NCommanderscratch that10:37
persiaAnd what does that do?10:37
NCommanderIt wasn't getting turned on10:37
* NCommander is looking at the autotools magic10:37
NCommanderThe automagic is broken10:38
persia(You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike)10:38
* NCommander works out the necessary voodoo to fix10:42
NCommanderpersia, woo, fixed10:56
persiaThanks.  That's my mistake, and as you can see from the changelog, not exactly recent.10:57
NCommanderIts fine10:57
NCommanderIt was easily to overlook, if I didn't actually use ldd to check the dependencies, I would have missed it myself10:57
persiaAll I did was run the result in MID.  Since it looked OK, I went with it.10:58
* NCommander kicks his MID image11:00
NCommanderWe need jaunty based ones so I don't need to recompile on intrepid11:00
persiaWell, we're getting close to Alpha 1, which is when the first test images start, usually.11:02
persiaIf you want you could try debian-cd, but I'm going to wait to see what happens, personally.11:02
NCommanderWe need to get an updated ubuntu-mid metapackage11:02
NCommanderOr the image will be miserably broken11:02
NCommanderpersia, I can't test cairo clock, its complaining I don't have an accelerated envionment :-11:03
persiaYeah, well.  I used to have one of those.11:04
NCommanderI'm just going to confirm everything links together and upload and hope for the best11:04
persiaThe drivers died early in the intrepid cycle, and my hardware requires binary blobs, for which the vendor has yet to produce a working driver for Intrepid.11:04
NCommanderCould not load "/usr/share/cairo-clock/glade/cairo-clock-ume.glade"!11:05
NCommanderMaybe cairo-clock-hildon should depend on whatever in MID provides that11:05
persiaThat's not a video driver issue.11:05
NCommanderNo, regular cairo clock doesn't work11:05
NCommander"This clock will not function properly without compiz"11:06
persiaAnything under /usr/share/cairo-clock/ should be provided by cairo-clock.  You might have to change a pathname?11:06
* NCommander takes a closer look11:07
NCommanderOh, I see11:07
NCommandercairo-clock-ume.glade is provided, but isn't installed :-P11:07
NCommander(no one caught that because the hildon patch didn't actually apply11:07
StevenKNCommander: I've got a (painful) patch for contacts, so no touching.11:13
NCommanderStevenK, too late11:13
NCommanderStevenK, what does your patch do?11:13
StevenKAdds a contacts-hildon package11:14
NCommanderit wasn't that painful ...11:14
StevenKSure it was, it involved CDBS11:14
NCommanderNo ...11:14
NCommanderLet me see the rules you came up w/ and what I came up with11:14
NCommanderStevenK, if you want to can clear the package in NEW, and then accept the merge for the seed changes :-)11:15
NCommanderI think our patches are nearly identical11:16
StevenKDo you add -DMAEMO_CHANGES into the autoconfage?11:17
* persia is suddenly glad that perl is not the default language for debian/rules11:17
StevenKIf you don't, then it isn't hildonized11:17
NCommanderStevenK, I added it via make11:17
NCommander        $(MAKE) -C $(CURDIR)/debian/build-hildon CFLAGS='-g -O2 -g -Wall -O2 -DMAEMO_CHANGES'11:17
* NCommander saved himself some trouble11:17
NCommanderI tested it on a MID image to confirm my changes work and checked w/ ldd11:18
StevenKPersonally, I prefer doing it via autoconf11:19
StevenKIt was a two-line patch to something we're patching anyway11:20
NCommanderStevenK, if you want to clobber my upload, go ahead11:20
StevenKThat involves caring. And I finished this work like a week ago, but just never had time to grab persia or someone else and say "Is this crack?"11:22
persiaIt's pre-DIF.  We like crack.11:23
persiaWell, decent quality crack at least.  A bad cut is bad no matter how you look at it.11:24
NCommanderStevenK, sorry about that. I didn't know :-/11:25
persiaAnyway, which is the better patch?11:26
persiaIf the better patch is StevenK's, it ought be pushed anyway.11:26
NCommanderMine didn't require the recreation of an autotools fudge11:26
persiaHistory is just a changelog entry.11:26
NCommanderAnd autotools patches are a headache either way11:26
persiaIsn't there already an autoconf patch?11:27
NCommanderpersia, it patches configure directly11:27
NCommanderNot extactly the best patch ever created11:27
NCommanderscratch that11:27
NCommanderIts just one giant patch with hildon, autotools, and autoreconf mixed together11:28
* NCommander blecks11:28
* persia restarts the source pull script, realising that the apt-cache is kinda out-of-date11:30
NCommanderpersia, as soon as I finish testing cairo clock, I'll upload11:30
* NCommander is just waiting on pbuilder ATM11:30
NCommanderIs it by design we include OOo on mid images?11:35
* persia enjoys the power of &. Changes download speed from the archive by a factor of about 10.11:35
persiaNCommander, It's a side effect of how treb works.  If you know a way to provide an OOo reader without OOo, it would be interesting.11:36
NCommanderWe need something the equivalent of of Word Reader for Windows11:36
persiaWell, sorta, but yes.11:37
persiatreb has roughly the right interface, but it's not exactly implemented in a space-efficient way.11:37
NCommanderIt would require going into treb's source and figuring out what fat to remove11:37
NCommanderEwww :-P11:38
persiaIt's just debian/control :)11:38
NCommanderOOo 2.x is a giant blob of fat11:38
NCommanderIt would actually require modifications to the beast11:38
persiaOK.  Local mirror of seeded packages updated.  Time for find.11:38
ograwe might be able to just steal mojo's right away11:38
* NCommander thinks we should relax treb to a recommendation :-P11:39
NCommanderJust so I can install it on something that doesn't have a gigabyte free11:39
ograoh, echan :)11:39
NCommanderpersia, ok, cairo clock works on a MID image11:39
ogradefine "works" 11:39
ogradoes the munite hand actually move ? 11:39
NCommanderThe preferences panel is properly hildonized11:39
* ogra has never seen cairo clock actually work11:40
NCommanderYOu need acceleration for it to actually work it seems11:40
ograwell, i have accelleration on the Q1 11:40
ograbut that doesnt make the hands move :)11:40
persiaAnd it still doesn't work?  Hrm.11:40
NCommanderIt works on my desktop11:40
ograright, only talking abut mobile 11:41
NCommanderogra, the hildon patch wasn't applied11:41
NCommanderDue to a bug in the autotools script11:41
ograhmm, bt it starts fine on the hildon desktop 11:41
ograi would expect it to not even start 11:41
NCommanderIt appears11:41
NCommanderand the hands move!11:42
ograwhat it does for me is that it drwas the clock fine, and you see actual movement of the hand11:42
NCommander(I turned on the second and and its moving, so it the minute)11:42
NCommanderOk, it works!11:42
ograbut it never manages to actually move really ... it just jumps back and forth by a pixel11:42
ograplease leave it running for some minutes 11:43
* NCommander watches the second and minute hands move11:43
ografor me it perfectly emulates an alarmclock with low battery :)11:43
ograoh, you have a hand for the seconds ? ok, i never got that11:44
NCommanderso far so good11:44
NCommanderogra, oh, I turned that on in the preferences11:44
NCommander(the hildon patch fixes the preferences)11:44
ograright, i never got preferences 11:44
ograso it was actually the missing patch11:44
NCommanderWell, no11:44
NCommanderThe last uploader broke the autotools rules11:44
NCommanderI only caught that because I was checking with ldd to make sure the split package was linking against hildon11:45
NCommanderso the -DUSE_HILDON rule never kicked in11:45
NCommanderogra, can I upload now :-)11:46
ogra sure11:46
persiaSo I've run the script.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/72833/ shows packages that match "lpia" in debian/rules, and are likely candidates for investigation from my current sources.11:46
ogradont bothe me :)11:46
ograits the time of cycle where everyone should just upload ... we can fix stuff later :)11:46
persiaI'll investigate the control ones, and try to weed out false positives.11:46
NCommanderI think your script is dated, I fixed galculator11:46
NCommanderunless its checking in the changelog11:47
NCommandercheese and contacts also ahve been fixed11:47
persiaMy apt-cache downloaded galculator-1.3.111:47
* ogra finds it really unfortunate that galculator needs that .desktop patch11:47
persiaAnd I just updated it.  Maybe something's out of date?11:47
ograsuch a waste of bytes11:47
NCommanderI just pulled it from the jaunty source11:47
NCommanderits up to date11:47
NCommanderevince doesn't have a working hildon patch ATM11:48
NCommanderI'd like someone to review fbreader with me11:48
ograevince should get even more than a hidlon patch11:48
NCommanderI'm hestiant at touching either grub or usplash :-P11:48
ograthere is a grab and drag patch *somewhere* that should be added11:48
ograso it behaves like midbrowser11:49
NCommanderogra, evience doesn't have a hildon patch since Intrepid Alpha 311:49
* NCommander knows that first hand since I disabled it :-P11:49
ograyeah, because we stopped using it i think11:49
NCommanderogra, no, because GTK+hildon+evience broke stuff ;-)11:49
ogra*if* we use it, the g&d one should be added as well11:50
* NCommander remembers when he did that merge with seb12811:50
NCommanderI personally would like to see Mozilla be removed with something less fat11:50
* NCommander nitpicks :-P11:50
ograwebkit isnt so much smaller11:51
ograwhat would you use ? dillo ? 11:51
NCommanderMidori is a fairly small webbrowser (its webkit based, but its fairly cruft free)11:51
NCommanderNot sure if its fully production ready yet, but 1.0 has been quite stable11:51
ograbut doesnt get as much developer attention in ubuntu as xul does11:52
NCommanderBut its not XUL :-)11:52
persiaI'm not sure why it's out of date.  Here's the rough and dirty script if you've the bandwidth to replicate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/72835/11:52
ograwe have a huge xulrunner tea we can poke for fixes, that somewhat justifies using xulrunner11:52
ograif we'd use midori we were on our own11:53
NCommanderpersia, your not checking against jaunty?11:53
NCommanderogra, I'm used to embedded environments where 16MB of space was considered a luxery :-P11:53
persiaNCommander, RIght.  See this is why this is a bad time to run the script :)11:54
ograi think that time is over nowadays 11:54
persiaJust ignore anything you know to be fixed.11:54
ograthough i still have two old ipaqs in a box soemwhere :)11:54
ograi know what you mean11:54
NCommanderI'm disturbed grub has an lpia specific tweak11:54
persiaActually, that's just a comment.11:55
persiaIt's not an especially smart script :)11:55
persiaJust something to check stuff, and build quick lists for processing.11:55
NCommanderogra, can you merge my seed changes into the actual seed?11:56
persiaNCommander, Isn't it worth building the complete list first?11:56
NCommanderIf alpha 1 is around the corner, we'll have a really broken image if the seed is left the way it is11:56
persiaAlpha 1 is the 20th, I think.  Still a couple days.11:57
NCommanderFair enough11:57
ograi'll do seed work tomorrow anyway11:57
NCommanderANyway, who would like to look over fbreader11:57
* persia wonders if StevenK is still awake and might be willing11:57
* ogra doesnt want to do "normal" work on a sunday :)11:58
NCommanderpersia, I'm just not sure how to make the seed changes so the end result si desirable11:58
* NCommander doesn't want to blow something up11:58
persiaNCommander, Well, if you're changing something, swap the new package name for the old package name.11:58
NCommanderNo, I need to add a new dependency11:58
persiaYou oughtn't need a deep understanding of seeds for this stuff.11:58
NCommanderBut I'm not quite sure the dependency tree will work out11:59
persiaOh, I remember now.11:59
NCommanderfbreader depends on libzgui which depends on a backend11:59
NCommanderThe LPIA hack forces the dependency ont he backend on mameo11:59
ograand germinate wil take care for you :)11:59
ograas long as the package has the dep right11:59
persiaI'd recommend downloading mobile-meta, modifying update.cfg to point at your branch, and seeing what results you get.12:00
NCommanderFair enough12:00
* NCommander needs to get his day started12:00
persiaObviously that change doesn't belong in the repo, but it lets you test sample results of seeds.12:00
NCommanderpersia, right12:04
NCommanderpersia, we'll probably have everything de-lpiaified by today or tommorow \o/!12:04
persiaRight.  All the control.candidates that are not also rules.candidates are false-positives.12:06
persia(p.s. Don't look at gtreamer plugins as an example of how to handle architecture easily)12:06
persiaNCommander, I reran the script in an updated Jaunty environment.  The rules list is http://paste.ubuntu.com/72885/14:17
s0u][ighthello can i install ubuntu-mid-edition on a samsung omnia?16:34
s0u][ightcan anything running windows mobile run ubuntu mid edition?16:43
=== playya_ is now known as playya
s0u][ightno one able to answer the question? could ubuntu mid edition be installed on a samsung omnia?17:06
davidms0u][ight, currently the MID edition is targeted to the Intel Atom  CPU with the poulsbo video subsystem.  It likely will be lacking drivers for many devices as it was directly targeted to the Intel Crown Beach development platform.18:00
s0u][ightdavidm, it probably will never work on the samsung omnia right?18:01
davidmwhat is the CPU on that device?18:01
s0u][ighti don't know18:01
s0u][ightlemme look it up18:01
s0u][ight:s lag in my network18:03
davidmThere is an image of the MID that runs on the samsung Q1 Ultra but it lacks some drivers since the Q1 did not use the Atom chip, but it was the only platform we had that was portable for testing somethings on.18:03
s0u][ightdavidm, i think the q1 and omnia are totally different18:04
s0u][ightsince the price of the one is more expensive18:04
s0u][ightcan't even open google ;|18:04
s0u][ight-_-'  (love that emoticon)18:05
s0u][ightdavidm, irc works fine but i can't surf :| lol18:08
rlaagerPlease bear with me on this question. Are you guys using Hildon? I assume so. What IM client does Ubuntu mobile ship by default? I'm an upstream developer on Pidgin and there's a port of Pidgin for the N810 tablet that uses Hildon. Is that something Ubuntu Mobile would be interested in? If so, would it help to merge the pidgin-maemo code upstream?19:28

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