
binarymutantdoes debian/compat not support versions like 5.0.38, only numbers like 5?00:12
NCommanderbinarymutant, it just takes the whole number00:12
binarymutantthanks :)00:12
persiaNo, it does support 5.0.3800:14
persiaOnce can do "debhelper (>=5.0.38)" and expect it to work.00:14
* persia runs out of time, and will process more applications later.00:15
binarymutantthanks persia for catching that :) I found the info on http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy00:16
directhexkickass, i made boycottnovell front page00:22
wgrantdirecthex: Is that 'kickass' as in 'I can no longer live'?00:22
binarymutantdirecthex, which post?00:24
directhexwgrant, no, as in "i am filled with delight at being considered enough of a threat to truth and freedom by some guy who pushes a non-free maths package to warrant a frontpage mention on his blog of lies"00:24
directhexbinarymutant, http://boycottnovell.com/2008/11/15/monument-of-mono/00:24
wgrantdirecthex: Hahaha.00:24
binarymutantwatching the rms answer right now00:25
directhexwgrant, i'm trying to decide whether to comment on his heavily moderated comments or not00:25
directhexactually, this is my second time. the first was after i submitted my moonlight ITP00:26
directhex( http://boycottnovell.com/2008/10/07/microsoft-influence-in-novell/ )00:27
binarymutantI only know of 1 app that uses mono anyways...00:27
directhexbinarymutant, two in the base ubuntu-desktop install. tomboy && f-spot00:28
directhexbinarymutant, some others which seem popular, e.g. gnome-do and banshee00:28
binarymutantdidn't know f-spot used it too, but I don't use it00:28
binarymutantI do like tomboy though :)00:28
directhex:o HATER OF FREEDOM!00:29
binarymutantthis doesn't have anything to do with Greg Kroah-Hartman's keynote does it, directhex00:30
directhexnot specifically, no00:30
* hyperair used to use tomboy, but it took up precious panel space so scrapped it 00:31
wgrantHas everybody read http://www.happyassassin.net/2008/10/28/why-i-dont-like-canonical/?00:32
directhexskim-read and paraphrased. that's even better these days00:35
binarymutantidk, Mandrake killed itself imho00:36
csilkwgrant, It reads like a rant about he doesn't like the fact Ubuntu has exceled past other distor's (especially mandrake) in an "unfair" manner.00:36
wgrantcsilk: Yes...00:37
csilkjust been outside, my fingers are so cold i cant even fell the keyboard never mind type -_-00:37
csilkYeah, he's just hating on Shuttleworth for being rich and providing an obscene amount of cash.00:37
binarymutantit's an anti-FLOSS rant00:39
csilkThird comment down sums up my opinion, I'd of included more profanity though00:40
directhexbinarymutant, mandrake indeed committed seppuku00:40
binarymutantdirecthex, yeah I used to love them before they merged with that other company00:41
directhexbinarymutant, connectiva, was it?00:41
binarymutantsomething like that00:41
binarymutantI wonder if drakconf is called drivaconf now00:42
directhexi dunno. i was never happy with mandrake as a distro00:42
binarymutantit was a great newbie distro at the time, mandrake 900:42
directhexi never really got into Linux until around 2001, 2002. it was hard to justify given how much better BeOS was as an 'alternative OS'00:46
binarymutantnever touched beos, have you used the new one? I forgot what it's called00:47
directhexnah. haiku is still working on being where beos was a decade ago00:55
directhexwhich is a shame. beos had a lot of plus points00:55
directhexthe 10 second boot times, the never-dropping-a-frame-under-load media abilities00:55
directhexthe simple ui00:55
binarymutantdirecthex, d00d what about 5-sec boot w/ linux?01:17
directhexbinarymutant, this was out of the box, not via massive hax01:18
binarymutantthat's pretty cool, only x86 arch?01:18
binarymutantvery cool, I'll have to check it out later thanks for the info directhex01:23
directhexbinarymutant, beos was ppc and x8601:23
hyperairwhat's the difference between AC_CONFIG_FILES([files]) followed by AC_OUTPUT and just AC_OUTPUT([files])?02:06
binarymutantif anyone has any time on their hands I would appreciate some critiques of my package, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=charm . Thanks :)04:28
YasumotoHey guys, if anyone has a chance to see what we need to do to get this fix uploaded, I'd appreciate it: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomecanvas/+bug/27231605:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272316 in libgnomecanvas "[regression, intrepid] redraw problems, patches from fedora" [Low,Confirmed]05:36
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devfilfta: are you working on amsn merge?09:46
bmmIf anybody is willing to comment, I'm online to reply to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=metalink . Thanks in advance!10:00
NCommanderbmm, you reference a non-existant manpage in metalink.manpages10:10
bmmNCommander: ok, I'm looking into that... thanks!10:13
NCommanderFrom first glance it seems ok, but ATM I'm just waking up, so I'll do a more indept review later10:14
bmmNCommander: np10:14
bmmNCommander: the mapage is generated by the build rule (see grep sgml rules )10:15
NCommanderI didn't catch that10:15
bmmHappens if you are just waking up ;)10:16
bmmGood morning btw10:16
NCommanderWell, at first glance, nothing is jumping out at me10:16
Laibschgood morning.  I am trying to help with getting OOo3 into good shape for ubuntu.  I use my PPA to compile it.  calc has already done it for Intrepid and now I want to see if it can be done for hardy10:16
NCommanderbmm, it's an extreme nitpick, but I would put a linebreak in the control file, between the two seperate paragraphs10:17
LaibschThere are a number of build-time deps that need to be backported to hardy.  What I did so far is an iteration of "prepare sources, upload, wait for dependency error, backport, retry".  Isn't there a faster way to check for build-time dependencies that cannot be satisfied?10:18
bmmNCommander: done, I've added "\n  .\n" between the two paragraphs.10:18
bmmLaibsch: pbuilder might be faster?10:19
NCommanderno, thats not how you do it10:19
NCommanderbmm, here, let me post how10:19
Laibschbmm: You mean pbuilder locally?10:19
NCommanderbmm, http://pastebin.ca/125753710:20
bmmLaibsch: yes. But I'm a still a beginner :)10:20
NCommanderIn the description, to do a linespace, its a space, then a period10:20
bmmNCommander: haha, that's what I meant: a return, a space, a dot and another return :D10:20
Laibschbmm: There is a problem with the number of packages I already backported.  I don't think they will be considered by the build.10:20
Laibschbmm: plus, I am afraid, the build will likely overwhelm my machine10:21
Laibschit is a very small and old one10:21
NCommanderbmm, its just a style thing, but its easier to read in synaptic when its not WALL OF TEXT10:21
bmmNCommander: I agree, it looks better. If you want me to do the new upload let me know, otherwise I'm going to wait a few minutes so I can collect some more comments.10:22
NCommanderbmm, sure, no issue10:23
bmmLaibsch: you can probably get a list of packages and versions somewhere and check them using "grep", by hand. Or check every package at packages.ubuntu.com (again, by hand)10:23
LaibschI just read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Using packages from other distributions10:59
Laibsch(anchor broken)10:59
LaibschGiven an orig.tar, dsc and diff.gz file, what is the fastest way to arrive at a .changes file (which I think is necessary for upload with dput)?11:00
slytherinLaibsch: dpkg-source -x *.dsc then go into the folder and do debuild -s -Sa11:02
LaibschOK, that is basically what I do now11:02
yalokidirecthex: you mean you have neighborlee hang around on ubuntu channels now ? (wrt comment on my blog)11:02
LaibschI thought there was something faster, not involving unpacking11:03
Laibschslytherin: I think dpkg-buildpackage instead of debuild is already a bit faster11:03
slytherinLaibsch: never used it.11:03
slytherinpersia: there?11:22
persiaslytherin, partially11:22
slytherinpersia: need one advice. As I said I planned to package jmeter. But I am stuck at a point where one commons library needs update. I made update in pkg-java svn and asked for sponsorship. I have not received any response.11:24
slytherinShould I work on this in jaunty then? And later port packages to Debian?11:24
persiaslytherin, Given the Lenny freeze, you're probably stuck.  Toss an Ubuntu revision on REVU, and request a sync when your Debian upload happens.11:24
persiaWere Debian not frozen, that wouldn't be my advice, but it's probably the fastest path right now.11:25
persiaUse Vcs-* pointing at alioth just to make things clear.11:25
chrisccoulsonping DktrKranz11:27
slytherinI will start working with a modified chroot with this updated library. So by the time I finish the jmeter package I hope lenny will be out of door.11:27
persiaslytherin, That works.  Use the alternate plan if you get stuck.11:28
persiachrisccoulson, It's *always* better to provide context with a ping.  It's often useful to just ask questions in case someone else has an answer.11:29
chrisccoulsonno problem;) i wanted to speak about bug 294260 actually11:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294260 in hwinfo "Please merge hwinfo 15.3-1 (universe) from Debian Unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29426011:30
chrisccoulsonhe asked if we needed the ubuntu change, which fixed a FTBFS on i38611:30
chrisccoulsonwe still need the change (i just tried it again)11:30
persiachrisccoulson, For that sort of thing, best to comment in the bug, verify the status, and make sure the sponsors are subscribed.11:30
chrisccoulsonok, i'll do that. i just thought it might be quicker on here;)11:31
persiaCan be if it's worth discussing something.11:31
persiaWhen you've confirmed a question, and it's clearly ready for upload, it rarely makes a difference.11:32
persiaSo, the general rule is, when there's a need for interaction, come here.  When it's clear-cut, and just needs processing, the bug is probably better (because it doesn't rely on who is around)11:32
chrisccoulsoni'll bear that in mind11:33
DktrKranzchrisccoulson, pong11:39
chrisccoulsonyou've probably seen the conversation above ;)11:40
DktrKranzoh, hwinfo11:40
chrisccoulsonthats the one11:40
chrisccoulsonit still fails to build on i386 without the ubuntu change11:40
DktrKranz"which fixed a FTBFS on i386", I test-built it on amd64, so I overlooked the change11:41
* DktrKranz fires up i386 pbuilder11:41
chrisccoulsonthats ok;)11:41
DktrKranzthanks for catching up11:42
slytherinpersia: your ack needed, bug 29853511:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298535 in javassist "Please sync javassist 1:3.8.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29853511:43
persiaslytherin, I've a fairly steep queue right now, which is why I answered "partially" earlier.  I'll try to hit it in the next 3-4 hours.  If I miss, I'll try again later, but you might also want to poke others.11:45
slytherinpersia: Oh. No hurry. Take all the time you want.11:45
bmmNCommander: I've gone ahead and done a new upload with the extra line between the paragraphs. If you found anything else, let me know or post a comment on REVU. Thanks!11:47
* NCommander nods11:48
mok0azeem: ping12:06
StevenHarperUKhi - will my bug get backported : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt/+bug/293903 or is something not set right12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293903 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,Fix released]12:08
DktrKranzchrisccoulson: sponsored, thanks (and sorry for the noise)12:26
chrisccoulsonthats ok:) thanks12:27
azeemmok0: pong12:44
azeemmok0: oh, nevermind, probably12:45
mok0azeem: yes :-)12:45
mok0azeem: just sent you an email this very minute12:45
binarymutantif anyone has any time on their hands I would appreciate some critiques of my package, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=charm . Thanks :)12:52
slytherinbinarymutant: what is the package about?12:53
binarymutantslytherin, its a livejournal client for the terminal/console12:58
devfilwhy revu doesn't recognize me as MOTU?13:00
persiadevfil, because the permissions bit is odd.  Let me see if I can force it, or if that's still broken.13:01
persiadevfil, Did you register an email address at REVU?  If so, which?13:01
devfilpersia: d.filoni@techemail.com if I remember right13:02
persiadevfil, I don't think I can do anything, sorry.  The alter_user.py file is gone.  There's still an alter_user.pyc, but I'm not sure it's going to work cleanly.13:05
persiaCould a REVU Hacker please explain how to resolve permissions issues for MOTU?  This is the second case where I can't fix it, and the first is still unresolved.13:05
devfilpersia: so I can't advocate upload, right?13:05
persiadevfil, For now.  Which package?  I'll ack it as a workaround.13:06
slytherindevfil: better ask NCommander or RainCT to fix permissions for you.13:07
devfilNCommander, RainCT: --^13:08
persiaslytherin, No, the REVU Admins *should* be able to do it.  Better to ask them to fix the scripts so we can.13:10
slytherinpersia: in any case you will need to wake them. :-)13:10
persiaslytherin, I doubt either are asleep at this hour.  A couple of the REVU hackers might be sleeping, but it should be day in both those places.13:12
slytherinhow many revu hackers do we have?13:13
* RainCT reads the log13:13
devfilpersia: thanks13:13
persiaslytherin, I think five or six.  Check LP for details.13:13
persiaRainCT, Problem is that devfil can't advocate, and alter_user.py has been deleted, so I can't fix it.13:14
persiaRainCT, As nice as it would be to do proper tracking based on team membership, it would be great if it could be overridden cleanly from the CLI.13:14
directhexdid someone say CLI?13:15
directhexoh, wait, not THAT CLI13:15
* RainCT hits directhex with a stinkin fish13:16
directhexRainCT, i'm plotting how to get a boycottnovell hat-trick. i just need to be called out as a destroyer of freedom one more time13:16
* NCommander smashs directhex with a mono bomb13:16
slytherinis it ok to keep source name same of a package as what upstream tarballs are and name binary package as what is is popularly known? ex. source as jakarta-jmeter and binary as jmeter.13:17
directhexslytherin, yes!13:17
directhexslytherin, life is easier for everyone if the source package is called what upstream calls it13:18
persiaAnd life is also easier for everyone if the binary package is named what everyone calls it.13:20
RainCTand life would be even easier for everyone if LP redirected from launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<binary> to launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<source> :P13:21
directhexyay for an easy life!13:21
persiaRainCT, Has that bug been filed yet?13:23
persiaRainCT, Also, what happens when multiple source packages provide the same binary package (yes, this happens, especially if you're not inspecting versions)13:23
RainCTshow a page asking which source package you mean?13:24
directhexdoko, do you still want sole maintainership of ironpython? there's been a new upstream for 3 months, and mandatory changes due to a mono packaging transition are due within a month or two13:24
dokodirecthex: feel free to prepare an upload for jaunty13:25
directhexwell, experimental13:26
dokowhy do you ask in ubuntu-motu?13:27
directhexbecause i noticed you were *in* ubuntu-motu, mainly. it's full of interesting people13:27
directhexmaking as much of mono as syncable as possible is one of my goals for jaunty, so all work goes into debian first & foremost13:29
RainCTSo, who else is a MOTU but hasn't Reviewer status on REVU, beside devfil?14:00
RainCTdevfil: you have it now :)14:01
devfilRainCT: thanks :)14:01
persiaRainCT, Thank you.14:02
RainCTnp :)14:06
erle-is one of you motus working on a signed backport solution for openoffice3?14:27
erle-(i would do it but i can't sign)14:27
* persia wishes that the backports team actually regularly idled in the #ubuntu-backports channel14:28
joaopintohow is the debian import process, all the .orig.tar.gzs are imported and the current ubuntu diff is applied ?14:29
sebnerpersia: a license header is necessary in every sourcefile right?14:29
persiasebner, Not in autogenerated source files, even if it's autogenerated at packaging time rather than build time.14:29
sebnerjoaopinto: AFAIK we take all of debian. orig.tar.gz, dsc and diff14:29
sebnerpersia: sorry, I mean source files like *.c ...14:30
RainCTs/AFAIK// :)14:30
persiajoaopinto, No.  Packages unchanged from Debian are imported wholesale.  Packages changed from Debian are listed as merge candidates.14:30
joaopintosebner, so, I do you keep track of changes that were maded on ubuntu ?14:30
persiajoaopinto, patches.ubuntu.com does that.14:30
sebnerRainCT: ?!14:30
joaopintopersia, what does it do ?14:31
RainCTsebner: that you are right :P14:31
RainCTjoaopinto: keep diffs against Debian for all files modified in Ubuntu which have "ubuntuX" in the version name14:31
persiajoaopinto, Tracks all patches in Ubuntu as compared to Debian.14:31
persiaRainCT, No, for all packages modified in Ubuntu.14:31
persia(and technically, for all packages not modified in Ubuntu, but those are all null, so it's moot)14:32
sebnerrexbron: heh =)14:32
joaopintobut, thats from a past import right ? or is it from the current ubuntu dev version ?14:32
joaopintoit keep differences for which stage of the process ?14:32
sebnerpersia: is it bad when I made all in all 3 comments on REVU? I commented, found something more, commented, found something more .. or should I delete all of them and make 1 big comment?14:33
persiajoaopinto, It's from each available version.14:33
sebnerRainCT: \o/14:33
persiasebner, Doesn't really matter.  I tend to leave big comments.14:33
RainCTpersia: wasn't packages with "buildX" showing up there a bug, which was recently fixed?14:33
sebnerpersia: kay. /me is still wondering about the qualtiy differences of uploaded packages to REVU14:33
persiaRainCT, I wouldn't consider that a bug given the diffs I've seen in "buildX", and I don't know if it was "fixed".14:34
persiasebner, Hrm?  What do you mean?14:34
joaopintohow is patches.ubuntu.com used ? You get a new tarball/diff from Debian, it's built, then who checks for patches that were done on the previous ubuntu package and need to be added ?14:34
RainCTpersia: I think Debian complained about them showing up on their QA page14:34
RainCTlet me check..14:34
sebnerpersia: Well some of the uploaded packages are generally OK, but the one I actually reviewed (very quick review) was in such a bad autogenerated state and FTBFS besides -.-14:35
persiaRainCT, That's not surprising.  Maybe it's just not exported in the same place?  I know every diff between every set of versions is ultimately available somewhere in that system.14:35
persiasebner, They are intensely variable.  Some good, some bad.  Depends on the uploader.14:35
RainCTpersia: uhm, I guess that it was about those being listed in the PATCHES file then14:36
persiasebner, The point is that we only want good packages, so even MOTU submit packages there.  By this system of peer review, only good packages should reach the archive.14:36
sebnerpersia: I just did a very quick review, if you are bored you can join if you want ;-D14:36
joaopintobasically I am trying to figure, if, by default, packages will come from Debian and may be available for the next release without guarantee that the ubuntu fixes (from the previous release) were applied14:36
persiaRainCT, That makes more sense to me.14:36
sebnerpersia: sure and that's good how it is14:36
persiajoaopinto, No.14:36
persiajoaopinto, Well, yes, but that only happens if someone manually decides to drop the diff.14:36
joaopintoso, there is an automated process to ensure that ? Where does the packages.ubuntu.com come in play ?14:37
persiaNowhere at all.14:37
RainCTpersia: OK, it's that bug 195070 (and excluding buildX is mentioned in the comments)14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195070 in merge-o-matic "Don't export patches if only the changelog changed" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19507014:37
persiaIt's not generally reliable from a development perspective, although it can sometimes be useful.14:37
joaopintoyou have, debian-package-a.orig, debian-package-a.diff, when does the ubuntu-package.diff get merged ?14:38
persiaRainCT, That's MoM, which is (slightly) different than patches.14:38
persiajoaopinto, Ideally, between archive open and DIF.14:38
RainCTpersia: patches.ubuntu.com is created by MoM, iirc14:38
persiaRainCT, Other way around.  MoM relies on patches.ubuntu.com resources as input.14:39
sebnerRainCT: DaD ftw! :P14:39
joaopintois there some flow designed somewhere ?14:39
RainCTpersia: read the description of bug 18895514:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188955 in merge-o-matic "Don't export patches for simple rebuild" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18895514:39
RainCTanyway, /me goes to finish homework14:42
joaopintopersia, the merging/syncing description does not describe the description with the debian import14:42
* persia is baffled and suspects conflation14:42
joaopintois debian import a mass sync ?14:42
persiaFor unchanged packages, yes.14:43
binarymutantif anyone has any time on their hands I would appreciate a review of my package, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=charm . Thanks :)14:44
joaopintoand for changed packages, do they keep unavailable until someone decides if to merge/sync ?14:45
persiaNot unavailable, but unchanged.14:46
sebnerpersia: OK, now I make 1 big comment. I just don't want to make a 4th comment for a missing manpage xD14:47
joaopintoso, by default a package which was changed in debian is is synced ?14:48
persiaIf it wasn't changed in Ubuntu.14:49
persiaOr rather, if Ubuntu has a previous version synced from Debian.14:49
persiaThere are a couple classes of exception, but they really aren't very important.14:50
persia(blacklists, rebuilds, etc.)14:50
joaopintobut what if the package was changed on ubuntu, who selectes to do the merge or sync ?14:51
persiaany interested party.  For the first few weeks, it's usually left to the last uploader.  If they don't do it, someone else usually does it.14:51
persiaPersonally, I think we're about two weeks away from that crossover point, but it's sorta loose, and it might well wait until after UDS.14:52
joaopintomeanwhile what is the contents of the archive ? The imported package from debian ?14:52
persiaThe current package in Ubuntu.14:52
persiaNo sync means no upload means no change.14:52
StevenHarperUK hi - will my bug get backported : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt/+bug/293903 or is something not set right15:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293903 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:00
slytherinStevenHarperUK: Why have you attached .diff.gz? You should attach debdiff.15:01
StevenHarperUKI was told to attach them by a MOUT15:01
StevenHarperUKslytherin: so do I have to make a debdiff now: for the 2 backports?15:02
slytherinStevenHarperUK: If it was told by some MOTU then leave it as it is unless he tells you otherwise.15:03
StevenHarperUKok Ill leave it : otherwise should it get processed15:03
StevenHarperUKslytherin: can any motu here process the package for backport or is it a seperate team15:06
slytherinStevenHarperUK: it has to be first evaluated by MOTU SRUteam which is already subscribed to the bug.15:06
StevenHarperUKslytherin: Great - ill wait for a message from one of them then: ta15:09
persiaErr, SRU != backport15:10
StevenHarperUKpersia: hi - nice to see you, is mine SRU or a backport then : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt/+bug/29390315:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293903 in easycrypt "Candidate revision easycrypt_0.2.3.0-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:11
persiaStevenHarperUK, That's debateable.  Once it gets into Jaunty, poke the SRU team to answer the question.15:13
StevenHarperUKpersia: it is in jaunty - how do I poke them15:14
StevenHarperUKpersia: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easycrypt15:14
RainCTStevenHarperUK: ask in the bug and subscribe them15:15
StevenHarperUKRainCT: is this the right team? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~motu-sru15:16
RainCTStevenHarperUK: if the package is in universe/multiverse, yes15:16
StevenHarperUKRainCT: do I have to set the bug status to anything special15:18
StevenHarperUKRainCT: or the assignment of the bug?15:18
persiaThe bug is subscribed to the right parties.  Just wait.15:19
persiaThere's a queue, but they'll get to it at some point.15:19
RainCTStevenHarperUK: Don't assign anybody. It may be that the status should be New, but I don't remember for sure..15:19
persiaOnce you have an SRU ACK or NACK, either subscribe the sponsors team or retarget as a backport.15:19
StevenHarperUKpersia: sorry I assumed it would be quicker than 1 week that's all15:20
persiaStatus of "Fix Released" is not likely to gain much attention.15:20
persiaStevenHarperUK, Not enough people are chasing stable updates, so the queue is lagging.  Part of it is that the nominations system is a bit broken, which causes confusion.15:20
StevenHarperUKpersia: I rekon I set it to confirmed?15:21
persiaStevenHarperUK, That might help.  SRU would accept/reject the specific tasks, and maybe mark Jaunty Fix Released if it is.15:22
StevenHarperUKpersia: ok that's done, Ill wait another week now15:24
StevenHarperUKpersia: thanks for the help15:27
StevenHarperUKRainCT: thanks also15:27
StevenHarperUKslytherin: cheers also, also15:27
ftapersia, asac, yesterday, i discussed with asac about fennec, he asked me why you think fennec should go through revu, it's a mozilla-team package maintained in lp/bzr. why not just reviewing in lp ?16:03
=== sepheebear is now known as Sepheebear
persiafta, Well, as long as it gets two ACKs somewhere publically visible, doesn't really matter.  REVU is just the default place for such reviews.16:22
asacpersia: we should look into how better streamline such initial reviews around launchpad + bzr merges imo16:34
asacfor instance one could create an empty branch on launchpad and do a merge request ;)16:34
asacor just submit a branch in a needs-packaging bug ... and subscribe revu team or something?16:38
jimcooncatgouki, got a minute to pm me please?17:04
azeemmok0: btw, are you a Debian Maintainer?17:09
hyperairhttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=codelite <-- could someone review this for me please?17:40
handschuhhyperair: your changelog is to large17:45
handschuhhyperair: Initial release (LP: ....) + whay you made changes (pathcsystems) is sufficient17:46
azeemit's annoying that clicking on the .diff links on revu makes my browser want to download that file, rather than to view it17:52
devfilfta: are you working on amsn merge?17:58
RainCTazeem: do you know how to fix that? I added "AddType plain/text .diff" to mods-enabled/mime.conf but that didn't help17:59
ftadevfil, not at the moment, i'm on chromium. if you want to do it, feel free17:59
azeemsorry, no17:59
nhandlerazeem: Are you using firefox?18:00
devfilfta: thank you, how is going the work on chronium?18:00
azeemnhandler: epiphny18:00
nhandlerazeem: Well, I can't help you then. In firefox, there is an extension called 'Open in Browser'. It allows you to tell the browser to load the .diff file in firefox instead of downloading it18:01
azeemsounds useful18:01
nhandlerazeem: It is very useful. I use it to view the diffs on Launchpad as well18:01
RainCTazeem: if you know python you can write such an extension for epiphany yourself in like 10 minutes :P18:03
ftadevfil, so far, there's not much to see. the linux port is still far from ready upstream. i'm working with upstream to improve the build system and make it acceptable for us.18:03
hyperairhandschuh: i'm sorry, i don't really get what you mean18:04
RainCTepiphany rocks \o/  (well, it would if it remembered the open tabs when it's closed, had tab restoring with Ctrl+Alt+H and undo for forms like Fx :P)18:04
handschuhhyperair: wait ...18:05
sebnerRainCT: epiphany = gnome stuff = \o/ :P18:05
RainCTGNOME = don't start = \o/ :P18:06
sebnerRainCT: don't matter if it starts or not. Gome is always \o/ :P18:06
nhandlerhyperair: I am also almost done with my review of your package18:06
handschuhhyperair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/73001/ - dont create a new changelogentry on revu18:08
hyperairhandschuh: ah thanks18:26
hyperairnhandler: so how's it look?18:30
nhandlerhyperair: There are a few things you need to change. I'm building the package now. Then I'll send my comments18:30
nhandlerHey NCommander18:32
NCommanderhey nhandler18:33
hyperairnhandler: thanks. i've actually just uploaded a new version. just changes in the changelog, like handschuh said18:54
nhandlerhyperair: Well, the package is still building for me. I'll update my comments to apply to the newer version18:54
slytherinRainCT: I hope plain/text is a typo, IMHO it should be text/plain19:27
hyperairnhandler: alright thanks19:36
slytherinhandschuh: Congratulations on first package in archive. :-)19:53
handschuhslytherin: thanks! Also for your help19:54
handschuhslytherin: I am preparing the next one right now19:54
slytherinhandschuh: will review tomorrow if I get time. Got to go now.19:54
handschuhslytherin: thanks! I will ping you then19:55
directhexwhich archive, debian or ubuntu?19:56
handschuhdirecthex: ubuntu, debian-day is tomorrow19:58
* sebner winks mok0 =)19:59
directhexsebner, kinky19:59
directhexhandschuh, well, once you do that, you get your own cool page on qa.debian.org19:59
sebnerdirecthex: lol :P you don't know the passion of ubuntu/motu :P bad debian guy20:00
directhexdebian guy? man, i'm an outcast wherever i go20:00
handschuhdirecthex: if I have some qq's about getting the packages into debian, can I directly ask you here?20:01
directhexhandschuh, there are a few people here who can help, not just me20:03
handschuhdirecthex: ok20:03
directhexe.g. i think slytherin is a debian person at heart20:03
slytherindirecthex: since when? I just have commit access to pkg-java svn.20:03
handschuhdirecthex: yes, but i need slytherins time to review my packages  :-)20:04
directhexslytherin, close enough20:05
slytherindirecthex: nah. I don't plan to become a DD.20:05
directhexslytherin, nor do i. too much politics20:06
directhexslytherin, i have convenient svn access to pkg-mono though20:06
slytherinhmm. got to go. office tomorrow.20:07
crimsunsuperm1: yes, about two years of bug reports and e-mails went into the "80%" selection20:14
crimsunsuperm1: for jaunty, we shouldn't be worrying about mixer levels in the initscript, which is being overhauled.  udev and alsactl init will be taking care of that.20:15
RainCTslomo: yep, text/plain. but doesn't work20:28
RainCTerr, sorry, that was for slytherin20:29
superm1crimsun, can you elaborate more on that?  on a codec by codec basis, defaults will be chosen?20:29
superm1or by a platform by platform basis?20:29
handschuhif i have a bds-licensed package, do i just have to point out to the location at debian/copyright ?20:45
=== geser_ is now known as geser
mok0sebner: missed your wink ;-)21:10
nhandlerhyperair: I finally got the package built and submitted my comments22:01
hyperairnhandler: wow that sure took long =p22:05
hyperairnhandler: thanks. i'll go look22:06
nhandlerhyperair: Sorry about that. I went out for a bit.22:06
handschuhIf I add additional files to the original package - where do I put them? in some special debian dir or under patches?22:06
nhandlerWhat type of files handschuh ?22:07
hyperairnhandler: wah that's a LOT of lintian stuff X_x22:07
handschuhnhandler: it is one build-file22:07
nhandlerhandschuh: In most cases, you will want to put them in the debian directory. That keeps them separate from the upstream source. It also makes it easy to modify the files in the future22:07
nhandlerhyperair: That is one reason I wanted to build the package before sending in my comments. I wanted to include the lintian warnings22:08
hyperairnhandler: well thanks =)22:09
nhandlerYou're welcome hyperair. Keep up the good work22:09
hyperairnhandler: i'm pretty sure it validated. are you sure it doesn't validate?22:09
hyperairdesktop file i mea22:09
handschuhnhandler: but the build-files' location is important - is there a method to automatically put it into the right location if its in the debian dir?22:09
hyperairit didn't validate to begin with, so i patched it22:09
nhandlerhyperair: Let me double check. It looked like you were adding an Encoding tag and some other stuff22:10
hyperairoh whoops22:10
hyperairyeah i just ran it by again22:10
hyperairalright now it validates22:11
hyperairnext step...22:11
handschuhnhandler: I got it, thanks  :-)22:12
hyperairnhandler: regarding executable-not-elf-or-script, what should i do? chmod everything in binary-install or something?22:13
nhandlerhyperair: What file is that for?22:13
hyperairnhandler: lintian errors22:13
hyperairwarnings i mean22:13
nhandlerYeah, but what file caused that warning?22:13
nhandlerOh yeah, most of those shouldn't be +x22:13
hyperairnhandler: so it's a bunch of chmods then?22:15
nhandlerYeah, most likely22:15
hyperairnhandler: what's "script-with-language-extension"?22:15
nhandlerIt doesn't like that you have a .sh extension for a script in /usr/bin.22:16
handschuhnhandler: can i simply add the file if I put the diff into debian/patches?22:16
nhandlerWhat does the diff do? Create the file? If so, then there is nothing to add22:17
handschuhnhandler: the diff creates the file22:17
handschuhnhandler: there is nothing to add?22:18
nhandlerThe diff will take care of adding the file22:18
handschuhnhandler: ok, great22:18
hyperairnhandler: so should i do some agressive patching? or are some lintian warnings worth ignoring?22:24
handschuhhyperair: lintian has to be clean22:25
hyperairhandschuh: so.... aggressive patching then?22:26
handschuhhyperair: yes :-/22:27
hyperairi think i'll go bug the upstream developer again22:28
hyperairit's hard to patch non-autotools stuff22:28
handschuhhyperair: that seems to be the best way. But it is always usefull to be in contact with upstream22:28
handschuhnhandler: have you the time for a fast review at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=uiflite (the package is very small and basic)22:29
nhandlerhandschuh: I'll look it over in a minute. I just need to finish up a merge I'm working on22:30
handschuhnhandler: take your time! there is no need to hurry22:30
nhandlerhandschuh: Did I ever tell you how much I appreciate building these java packages ;) openjdk-6-jre-headless is 25 MB!22:38
sebnernhandler: I don't like java, guess why :P22:39
handschuhnhandler:  :-) sry about that22:40
nhandlerhandschuh: Don't worry about it. As long as the package eventually gets into the repositories, I'm fine22:40
nhandlerhandschuh: I didn't find much wrong with the package. Nice job22:50
handschuhnhandler: thanks!!22:50
nhandlerYou're welcome handschuh22:50
handschuhnhandler: you wrote "much" ... so you did find something wrong?22:53
handschuhnhandler: a now i see22:53
nhandlerSee what I mean handschuh? There were only minor issues. Nothing serious22:54
handschuhnhandler: yes, thanks. I just refreshed the page  :-)22:54
LaibschAnybody have an answer for https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/51583 ?23:11
LaibschI'm supposed to be able to upload unchanged sources to the PPA, but I don't see how that can be done since I usually don't have the GPG key for the latest entry in the changelog.23:12
RAOFLaibsch: You don't have to sign with the changelog's key.23:12
LaibschI know about -uc -us23:13
LaibschBut I don't think that is what you mean23:13
RAOFLaibsch: The '-k' option to dpkg-buildpackage/debuild allows you to use your own keyid, or you can debsign.23:13
* Laibsch studies man page23:13
LaibschOh, I see23:13
* RAOF has never signed anything with debsign, though.23:13
LaibschRAOF: Are you OK that I upload this chatlog as answer to answers.LP?23:14
RAOFYeah?  That's OK with me.23:14
Hobbseedebsign is useful.23:19
* Hobbsee suspect it's the signing part in dpkg-buildpackage, though23:20
binarymutantif anyone has any time on their hands I would appreciate a review of my package, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=charm . Thanks :)23:22
handschuhbinarymutant: have you ever looked at cdbs?23:26
handschuhbinarymutant: it could shorten your rules-file a lot23:27
binarymutanthandschuh, I have looked at it but thought that my rules file was already pretty short23:27
mok0binarymutant: lots of hyphen fixes needed in manpage23:31
binarymutantmok0, what do you mean/23:31
RAOFMy my!  grub2's picked up a fair few patches in Debian.23:32
mok0binarymutant: in nroff files, options need to be escaped like this: \-23:33
mok0binarymutant: you know how to do patches?23:34
binarymutantpatch -p1 ?23:34
mok0binarymutant: uhm, yes, but I mean how to use patches in packaging23:34
binarymutantmok0, so should I ditch upstream's man page and create my own?23:35
binarymutantI've never used dpatch23:35
mok0binarymutant: perhaps now is a good time to learn?23:36
mok0binarymutant: you don't ditch upstream manpage, you just patch it23:37
mok0binarymutant: so it gets fixed when the package is built23:38
binarymutantok thats cool23:39
binarymutantshould I send the patch back upstream?23:39
mok0binarymutant: if you want to be a good citizen :-)23:39
handschuhmok0: time for a short review? : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=uiflite   :-)23:40
mok0handschuh: I'm looking at binarymutant's package right now23:40
handschuhmok0: a ok sry23:40
binarymutantmok0, I do, I like this app23:40
mok0binarymutant: can you receive files via DCC?23:41
binarymutantmok0, uh no, can you email me?23:41
mok0binarymutant: pm me your email address23:42
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
RAOF_Oh dear.  Throttled internet is now!23:55
HobbseeRAOF_: oh?  why?23:56
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF__
=== RAOF__ is now known as RAOF_298
RAOF_298Hobbsee: Care of profligate downloading.23:57
HobbseeRAOF_298: oh.  right.23:57
Hobbseeon the 17th.  nasty.23:57
RAOF_298The anniversary is on the... 24th, I think.23:58
* RAOF_298 wonders quite how he downloaded so much.23:58
mok0handschuh: looks good23:58
RAOF_298Nothing says "fun" quite like pbuilder at 4000B/sec23:59
handschuhmok0: thanks. it seems that i learned a lot this weekend  :-)23:59
mok0handschuh: I can't test the package23:59
mok0handschuh: yes you did23:59
ajmitchRAOF_298: lucky you!23:59
* ajmitch quickly checks to see how much he's used23:59

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