
ftathere's no soname00:00
ftaapparently, the shared lib magic from scons is still far from libtool00:01
asacfta: we should really encode the tag in changelog for new upstream revisions00:01
ftadidn't I ?00:01
ftai thought i did...00:02
asacfta: nss.head?00:02
asacdont see it00:02
asacjust the version. but hard to guess without version scheme00:02
asacbut we are bad about that for other branches to i guess00:02
ftaat least in nspr.head00:02
asacack. can confirm that  its in nspr.head00:04
asacok so just a glitch ;)00:04
ftathe great fear of having nspr/nss diverged in xul trunk was unfounded. they are in sync, i think i can go back to system lib in trunk00:06
ftawe should also revisit the in-source libjpeg00:06
ftaand we must update system sqlite, ours is old now00:07
rzrasac: task #1 ready : https://code.launchpad.net/~rzr/firefox-extensions/flashblock.ubuntu/+merge/172700:07
asacfta: well. i dont mind about system libs or not. i just think that nss will move ahead once they have RTM00:19
asacrzr: next time please create the new upstream changelog when doing the merge00:20
ftain practice, they bump nss and nspr in branch and trunk at the same time00:20
asace.g. in revision 11 you could have created new UNRELEASED changelog entry with just00:20
asac* new upstream release (...)00:20
asacfta: how about ffox 2?00:20
ftai don't know, i don't monitor it00:21
asacwas that migrated to latest 3.12 ?00:21
* asac looks00:21
asacfta: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla1.8/source/client.mk#26100:21
asacso that means that they will move ahead ;)00:21
asacsooner or later ;)00:22
ftaix:~/bzr/build-area/chromium-v8-$ scons library=shared sample PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=debian/tmp install00:22
ftascons: Reading SConscript files ...00:22
ftascons: done reading SConscript files.00:22
ftascons: Building targets ...00:22
ftascons: Nothing to be done for `sample'.00:22
ftaInstall file: "libv8.so" as "debian/tmp/usr/lib/libv8.so"00:22
ftascons: done building targets.00:22
ftadouble shot of \o/00:22
asacgood ;)00:22
asacrzr: why the orig rule=?00:22
ftabut they can't do shared and static in on shot..00:23
asacrzr: we dont want to produce orig.tar.gz, but produce an updated .upstream branch00:23
rzrthis help to generate the upstream tarball for debian00:23
rzri try to merge it as best as possible00:23
rzris it annoying ?00:24
asacrzr: why use  a different orig for debian than for ubuntu?00:25
asace.g. both can be generated from branches00:25
asacrzr: problem is that people see that and use that for ubuntu00:26
asaci am sure ;)00:26
asacand then things become messy00:26
rzrit's troll time :)00:26
asace.g. we get uploads with bzr00:26
rzranyway I can remove this part if needed00:27
asacrzr: is README.source relevant if you have the get-orig-source code?00:27
rzrREADME seems mandatory00:28
rzrsince the user will know where his software come from00:29
asacrzr: yeah. but the content should be correct. it should read: "to build orig.tar.gz run ./debian/rules get-orig-source "00:29
rzrIt's in policy IICR00:29
asaccurrent content looks like it duplicates the content in debian/rules ... at best00:30
rzrI am not sure, policy ask to put address of the upstream tarball00:30
rzram i right ?00:30
rzrand debian/rules is not installed on user system00:30
ftaasac, http://www.scons.org/wiki/SconsVsOtherBuildTools00:31
rzrI'll remove get-orig-source if you want00:31
rzrnot README.source :)00:31
rzror you have to kill me :)00:31
asacrzr: keep get-orig-source .... and add how to use debian/rules to reproduce current orig.tar.gz in a first paragraph00:32
asacand keep the full explanation in a 2nd paragraph: "how to get the upstream source manually"00:32
rzrthis will fail tests00:32
rzrdesert island test  etc ...00:33
asacnot sure what you mean00:33
asacthe full instruction will still be in00:33
rzrnot in the deb file00:33
asacjust add a 1st instruction00:33
rzrin the patch file00:33
rzrin other words00:33
asacrzr: read what i wrote00:34
asactwo paragraphs:00:34
rzrthe upstream source will not visible from : /usr/share/doc/flashblock00:34
asac1st. how to use get-orig-source00:34
asac2nd. how to do it manually00:34
asac2nd == what you currently have00:34
rzrit's ok for me00:34
asacbut imo the desert island test is about licenses00:35
asacand not about orig ;)00:35
asacif you are on a desert island you wont be able to access upstream repos anyway ;)00:35
asacso the only source you might have is the orig.tar.gz on a source CD/DVD00:35
rzrno but I can write a book and put a reference to him00:35
rzrand rely on the fact that policy ask this to be mentionned in copyright file00:36
asacnot sure i understnad ;)00:37
rzrwell it's late :)00:37
asacbut dont mind ... if you add the 1st paragraph ... and also a hint about upstream branch ;)00:37
asacthats ok00:37
rzrok perfect00:37
rzrupstream branch ? ubuntu one I guess, using bzr-buildpackage i guess ?00:38
rzrdebian guys will hate me :)00:38
asacrzr: later things will be released to debian from there too00:39
asacmozilla-devscripts will go up00:39
asacand then there is no reason not to directly upload there00:39
asacrzr: no not how to build from branch ... instruuction how to update .upstream tree00:39
rzron LP right ? if some ubuntu+debian DD can sponsor FB to debian this will be perfect for me00:40
rzrelse any reference to LP or ubuntu will make me loosing my time to the debian guys...00:41
rzroh well,00:42
asacok keep it out of that then.00:50
asacbut i think it should be in00:50
asacbut until -devscripts is in debian its not really needed to name it00:50
rzris the branch name correct ?00:53
rzrbecause I am the owner not a motu ou core developper00:53
asacrzr: thats ok. use the code.launchpad.net url instead00:55
asac(so yuo can directly navigate using browser)00:55
rzrok this is safer00:55
asacrzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~rzr/firefox-extensions/flashblock.upstream00:55
rzrI thought about only : https://code.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions00:58
rzrsince it can move00:58
rzrif I'm killed by a debian integrist or ubuntu terrorist00:58
rzrasac: let me wish you a good night and thanks for your explanations I appreciated01:06
rzrbtw, the branch is ready01:06
=== rzr is now known as rZr
asacrZr: the upstream version is wrong01:13
asacwhere did you get that from?01:13
asacthat should be 1.3.11a01:14
rZrthere is a bug01:14
rZrthere are 2 files01:14
rZrinstall.rdf and install.js01:14
asacyes. install.rdf should match01:14
rZrit doesnt01:15
rZri used install.js instead01:15
rZrshould this be reported upstream ?01:15
rZr        <em:version>1.3.11.a</em:version>01:15
asacrZr: yes. please ask "ted" on irc.mozilla.org01:17
asacmaybe do that tomorrow01:17
asaccommented that on the merge01:19
asacdpkg-shlibdeps: warning: couldn't find library libxpcom.so needed by debian/firefox-3.0/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.4/components/libbrowserdirprovider.so (its RPATH is '').01:46
asacfta: ^^ ;)01:46
asacwhats that?01:46
asacdid we always have that=01:46
asacmaybe local xulrunner dir01:47
asacits ok01:48
ftayes, for ages, maybe forever01:48
asacwas confused by libxpcom.so for amoment01:49
asacforgot that its not wrapped into libxul.so01:49
ftai have no idea of how to teach scons to do the libfoo.so -> libfoo.so.X.Y.Z01:50
ftaor to use a soname02:00
asacfta: soname is usually just ldflag02:00
ftayes but i don't call ld myself02:01
ftahm, maybe i can pass a flag somewhere02:01
asacAt the moment we're lacking at SO-NAMING support in our scons environment. Sorry about that .. the implementation of SO-NAMING support in our scons env is planned. I don't recommend to package 0.30 yet .. it's only interesting for developers and advanced testing and maybe for packagers which need some time to get familiar with scons.02:03
asacenv.SharedLibrary ('target', sources, RPATH = "/usr/lib", SHLINKFLAGS = env['SHLINKFLAGS'] + ' -Wl,-soname=$TARGET')02:04
ftathanks, i'll have a look02:05
asaci have the feeling that it really lacks support for it02:08
asacthere is just: SHLIBSUFFIX02:08
asaccannot see that it does magic from soname or seomthing and creates the appropriate links02:08
asaci think we should add SHLIBVERSION02:08
asacor something02:08
asacappaned that to SHLIBSUFFIX02:09
asacand create the appropriate links02:09
ftai think the author of scons is in the #chromium channel, i'll ask him next week02:10
ftahow should i name the v8 package ? chromium-v8 / chromium-v8-dev ? libv8 / libv8-dev ?02:10
asacfta: do we have a chromium-v8 project?02:11
asaci still think we hsould have one02:11
ftanot yet, i'm not ready to push any of the branches02:11
asacthen ship stuff in chromium-v8 source and produce libv8*02:11
ftanot libv8-0 ? or something like that?02:12
asacnot sure02:13
asacbut including a version should be ok02:13
ftanext step will be to teach chromium how to use system v802:22
ftaasac, well, 1st attempt (still without the soname stuff): http://paste.ubuntu.com/72660/02:24
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/72662/02:27
asacfta: ok. do you gen-symbols?02:29
asacto track symbols02:30
asacof lib02:30
ftano, not yet02:30
ftai should try to upstream my patches asap02:31
ftai feel this one will be tricky02:31
fta"To work with the V8 code you need to download and build the development branch. Active development of V8 takes place on a branch, branches/bleeding_edge, from which we push "green" versions that have passed all tests to trunk/ every week or so. "02:47
ftainteresting, trunk is not HEAD :)02:47
asacyeah ... but trunk is most likely what is wanted for HEAD packaging :-P02:51
ftayes, i have not plan to package "bleeding_edge" but this is mandatory to create patches against it to upstream them02:53
asacif its once a week the diff shouldnt be that massive usually02:56
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY
ftagen-symbols is impossible without soname03:20
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/NEqexh24.html11:46
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/twPPKg34.html <- this one better12:15
asacmy IRC system just hang14:15
asacit hung up over night and didnt work until i plugged in a monitor and rebooted. all fine14:16
asaclets hope that this isnt the beginning of the end14:17
asacThe Matrix Runs on Windows -> Ubuntu ;)14:17
asacso obviously if there was any ping or such ... dont expect an answer :)14:20
* directhex pings asac 14:21
asacarmin76: SIGBUS14:49
asacplease reproduce14:49
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: November 16 2008, 15:05:05 - Next meeting: Americas Regional Board in 1 day15:05
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/NEqexh24.html15:11
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/twPPKg34.html <- this one better15:11
asacarmin76: thats the unpatched crash15:11
asacarmin76: now we need to get the other ;)(15:11
asacthe first one is new15:12
armin76the first one is when starting with a fresh profile15:12
asacarmin76: first one is probably useless because of corrupt stack15:12
armin76the second is with an used profile, because gdb-6.8 doesn't seem to want to run it when creating the profile, dunno why15:14
asac_the_bumberi'll be king16:49
asacasac_the_bumber: found the issue?16:53
asac_the_bumberi just built with debian's patch16:54
ftain ff3.1, all my rss/atom prefs changed to preview in Shiretoko :( useless17:13
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-project ... feels weird to see chromium maintained by a mozilla team..17:19
ftaa chromium team would look nicer17:32
sebnerfta: a chromium team with ubuntu mozilla team guys? ^^17:35
ftaa restricted team, like mozillateam, ie, with write access to branches17:43
ftaasac, 1st branch: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-v8/chromium-v8.head17:48
rZrasac: upstream is about to fix the typo , I'll update it then and tell you when to merge my branch17:51
ftahttp://www.labnol.org/internet/google-chrome-logo-design-inspiration/4414/ :)17:57
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/O7dgMn96.html <- with the patch18:00
asacarmin76: please post the patched nsUrlClassifierDBService.cpp18:24
armin76asac:  http://rafb.net/p/PrTIvx80.html18:25
asacarmin76: imo that means that the compiler is right when it spits out warnings for nsTArray18:27
asacwhich we ignore ;)18:27
armin76no u18:31
asacarmin76: can you please build the classifier cpp file with -Walign-cast ?18:36
asace.g. in build tree just remove the .o and so on and manually invoke the g++ line18:36
armin76let me build it18:39
asacwow. armel is really slow ;)18:46
asacxul is already building more than 2 hours18:46
asacand is in layout/18:46
armin76mozilla-firefox- Fri Aug 11 08:35:17 2006: 13 hours, 39 minutes, 30 seconds18:49
armin76mozilla-firefox- Wed Jan 17 06:11:48 2007: 14 hours, 36 minutes, 42 seconds18:49
armin76mozilla-firefox- Wed Jul 25 08:32:50 2007: 18 hours, 12 minutes, 30 seconds18:49
asacarmin76: where is that?18:49
armin76thats on a netwinder, 233mhz 128mb18:49
asacon your system?18:49
asacwell. i think this one has 500 or so ;)18:49
asacnot sure18:49
ftayosh, enough of gimp for today, https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-v818:50
armin76xulrunner- Thu Sep 25 18:31:18 2008: 3 hours, 15 minutes, 0 seconds <- with distcc18:50
asacfta: so you took over team ownership ;)18:51
sebnerasac: how are your holidays going? ^^18:51
ftaasac, so far yes, noone else worked on this18:51
asacfta: thats ok. just thought mt was team owner before18:51
asacbut dont care much18:51
asacsebner: too much holiday ;)18:52
asacisnt good18:52
ftaasac, it was weird to have a mozilla team owner of a competitive project18:52
asacfta: well ;)18:52
asacfta: but retroactively restricting team ownership isnt the best way either ;)18:53
sebnerasac: I thought so :P btw, you forgot to comment :P bad boy. however, not necessary anymore18:53
asacsebner: comment?18:53
sebnerasac: on my application ;)18:54
ftaasac, well, what are non active members good for in a team? i see tons of users joining teams just to collect logos18:54
asacfta: just a point that when you bump people better ask ;)18:55
sebnerasac: MOTU application. but as I said. not necessary anymore18:55
[reed]fta: chromium-team should take over https://launchpad.net/googlechrome18:58
asacfta: so do we need to go for individual ownership for everything mozillateam owned now?18:59
fta[reed], well, this page should be removed instead18:59
ftaasac, ? eh?18:59
[reed]fta: true, dunno how to delete it, though!19:00
[reed]asac: remember, mozilla-related sessions at the latter half of UDS week, please!19:01
[reed]considering I only get to MV on Tuesday afternoon ;)19:01
ftaasac, i just created a new team because chromium is not a mozilla project, no other reason, if you want to join, you're welcome, after all you're canonical so you can join everything19:01
asacfta: didn't know that canonical entitles to join everything ;)19:01
sebnerasac: bah :P19:03
[reed]fta: I agree that mozillateam shouldn't own Chromium19:03
asac[reed]: thats not the question ;)19:03
sebnermighty asac shouldn't be scared :P19:03
asacthere isnt much a question as of now ;)19:03
fta[reed], it's done using questions.. Question #5156019:07
ftaQuestion 5156019:08
ftaanswer 5156019:08
ftai think i won't do openkomodo, it's another xul engine with tons of patches19:12
asacyou should really take over debian bug 49770119:12
ubottuDebian bug 497701 in libv8 "RFP: libv8 -- Google V8 JavaScript Engine" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49770119:12
asacotherwise there will be duplication of effort19:12
ftayou already know i'm no longer interested by debian19:13
asacstill if debian does a package it doesnt make sense to maintain it independently here19:14
asacfta: you will end up in a situation where you have rdepends on debian package getting synched here19:14
asacand then you are not free anymore, but become dominated by what debian folks do to your package in debian19:14
ftai don't understand why we always have to work with them but don't give a damn about our work, this is not fair19:14
asacbecause we still sync a lot of other work from them19:15
fta-but+but they19:15
asacfta: right. but it saves a lot of work19:15
asacfta: you need to first upload. then you can upload without being a DD19:16
asacand the syncs get back here19:16
asacfta: also you can circumvent all the REVU stuff ;)19:16
asacjust push it to debian and see how it gets here automatically ;)19:17
armin76asac: it doesn't give any warning19:20
asacarmin76: with -Wcast-align ?19:21
armin76asac: err, wait19:22
armin76asac: http://rafb.net/p/lsgB8a46.html19:23
asacarmin76: why is there a reinterpret cast in 2027 at all=19:28
armin76thats from debian's patch19:30
asacFinished:   2 minutes ago  (took 3 hours 50 minutes)20:11
asac^^ armin7620:11
armin76asac: omgs!20:12
armin76well, it just took 4 hours20:13
sebnerarmel, hihi20:23
ftaarmel      7573 builds waiting in queue21:23
asacyeah. now that xul is there things can lift off21:24
ftawith ~1h per package, that's still one year21:24
asacnah ;)21:31
asac1h is too much21:31
asacaverage is 4min ;)21:31
ftai can no longer build ff3.1 in jaunty/ppa :(21:33
ftaFATAL: kernel too old21:33
ftaboom http://paste.ubuntu.com/73091/22:14
ftadamn; https://edge.launchpad.net/v822:33

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