
DaveDixonIII have a problem00:11
boerniIch habe hier in Virtualbox xubuntu installiert. Ich hab am Gastsystem einen UMTS Stick und eine DSL16k leitung. xubuntu soll in der vm nur über die UMTS leitung laufen. wie stell ich das am besten an? das hostsystem ist gentoo linux00:20
DaveDixonIIboerni: 00:22
DaveDixonIIIch nicht sprechen Deutsch00:22
boernigerman xubuntu support channel avaiable?00:25
DaveDixonIIthere is #ubuntu-de00:25
L_Ryuzakihi piju01:11
IcomeyI'm trying to share a folder with my roommates Windows XP computer, and I don't know where to start01:34
zmjjmzMuch quieter :)02:29
zmjjmzAnyone know how to get a Broadcom 4306 working in Intrepid?02:30
zmjjmzNvm, google helped me02:45
thekanclubdoes anyone know how to mount windows partition03:28
* DaveDixonII is sleeping. do not disturb.03:44
kidsI just switched from Kubuntu to Xubuntu. I have a storage hard drive that is a Sata drive and I can't seem to access it. Any suggestions.04:17
kidsIs anyone in Xubuntu to help?04:19
abhishekATI drivers ftl... :(04:19
abhishekI'm having trouble getting ATi drivers for my radeon 2600m04:20
abhishekmy screen looks like a tv getting bad reception.. :\04:21
kidsI'm not sure about that. I'm trying to get xubuntu to recognize my SATA drive.04:21
abhishekI'm not sure which is worse...04:21
abhishekIt worked before when I had Ubuntu 8.04 on Wubi04:21
abhishekbut if I install the restricted driver that Xubuntu gives me, the login screen doesn't even show up... just a black screen.04:22
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kidsAnyone know how to get shockwave player plugin into firefox?05:10
engbyrewI have a question about desktop environments...05:40
engbyrewIf I load KDE on an Xubuntu machine, how do I switch to the KDE?05:41
engbyrewCan I set it up to ask me which desktop to load upon boot-up?05:42
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=== DCPorn is now known as DCPom
afner03is there anybody outthere?07:23
afner03I have a question... who knows which is the default username and password for xubuntuś live cd07:24
=== coldhak__ is now known as Coldhak
hhh2hi do u know a linux gui xfce/gnome irc client ?10:52
hhh2not xchat10:52
hhh2now i try tinyirc but there are no colors10:52
hhh2and it's in terminal10:56
hhh2from synaptic11:01
PsiTraxhey guys11:03
PsiTraxim struggling with vnc for running x-session11:03
PsiTraxbut X could not load the libvnc.so because of dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libvnc.so: undefined symbol: NumCurrentSelections11:03
PsiTraxgoogl knows only a bug report, can i use tightvnc for this too?11:04
pedritoHello. I am a new Linux user. I have successfully installed Xubuntu in an IBM Thinkpad600. However the only hardware that was not recognized was the audio card (CS4239). I have found this page to how to configure the card but I fell a bitt loss. Here is the link to the page http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/CS423912:28
pedritoHow can I  install the Linux ALSA driver for the CS4239 card?12:29
ubdxfce thinks that i have 2 screens how do i fix this12:35
abechi all, i have a java process thath sucks me costantly around 30% of the memory, anyone know how can i see what is it doing?12:59
abecoh ok i think i found it, it is working for azureus....13:01
TheSheepNecrosan: go to #xubuntu-offtopic13:02
TheSheeppedrito: try the command: sudo modprobe snd-cs423613:05
pedritoTheSheep: Hi.13:06
pedritoTheSheep: the module is not installed. I found information how to install the module13:06
abecother question: how is thath possile that there isn't  the program "mail" on xubuntu?13:06
pedritoTheSheep: @ the http://www.alsa-project.org site13:07
abecneither in apt13:07
TheSheepabec: because it's a desktop distribution, not server?13:07
TheSheepabec: you can install it13:07
TheSheeppedrito: ok13:07
pedritoTheSheep: I am currently installing the drivers following the on site instructions13:07
TheSheeppedrito: good luck13:08
pedritoTheSheep: Thanks a lot for the attention :)13:08
TheSheepabec: it's in mailutils packagae13:08
abecdoes that mean that i have to add some repo?13:12
TheSheepabec: no, you just have to install the mailutils package13:15
abecTheSheep: ah ok, thanks:)13:17
pedritoTheSheep: Errors found on the installation of snd-cs4236 (the driver module compatible with cs4239)13:53
pedritoTheSheep: When I run "sudo modprobe snd-cs4236" the terminal opens a virtual keyboard, and when I close such window the terminal shows the following information:/usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 6: the: command not found13:55
pedrito/usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `)'13:55
pedrito/usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: `turned off)'13:55
pedritoFATAL: Error running install command for snd_cs423613:55
pedritoTheSheep: the compiler shows erros during the ALSA-utils module compilation13:56
pedritoTheSheep: I followed the instructions shown in the site: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-cs423613:58
pedritosomeone with experience with compilation of ALSA drivers?14:17
viddpedrito, the drivers built into the kernel dont work?14:23
pedritovidd: the module is not recognized automatically and is also not found in the distribution14:29
pedritovidd: I when to the ALSA project site and found there the instructions for installation14:29
pedritovidd: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-cs423614:30
pedritovidd: However at the moment of alsa-utils installation I get many errors14:30
pedrito When I run "sudo modprobe snd-cs4236" the terminal opens a virtual keyboard, and when I close such window the terminal shows the following information:/usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 6: the: command not found<pedrito> /usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `)'<pedrito> /usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: `turned off)<pedrito> FATAL: Error running install command for snd_cs423614:31
pedritovidd:  When I run "sudo modprobe snd-cs4236" the terminal opens a virtual keyboard, and when I close such window the terminal shows the following information:/usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 6: the: command not found<pedrito> /usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: syntax error near unexpected token `)'<pedrito> /usr/local/sbin/soundcard-on: line 18: `turned off)<pedrito> FATAL: Error running install command for snd_cs423614:31
viddpedrito, i can read14:31
pedritovidd: sorry again :(14:32
viddplease pastebin the errors you get when you try to compile14:32
vidd!pastebin | pedrito14:32
ubottupedrito: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:32
pedritovidd: how I can do that? How can I capture the result of "sudo ./configure ; sudo make ; sudo make install" ?14:34
viddpedrito, you dont make as root14:35
viddthat is what likely caused your issue14:35
vinnlvidd, you also don't configure as root, right? Only "make install"14:35
pedritovidd: ok I will try to do that without sudo. I will let you know14:36
viddvinnl, its been a LONG time since i compiled from sourse14:36
vinnlvidd, yeah, here as well14:36
viddpedrito, only sudo the make install14:36
vinnlBut I suppose configure just checks whether your system can handle it, while make install. well, installs it system-wide :)14:36
pedritovidd: thanks14:36
vinnlThough I don't suppose sudo ./configure and sudo make should cause problems14:37
viddand if you sudo make...then only root can use it14:37
viddi know it causes some kind of compile error that make install cant overcome14:39
pedritovidd: I got the result... I got many errors. How can send you the result of pastebin?14:40
viddpedrito, are you in a windowed environment?14:40
pedritovidd: xfce14:40
pedritovidd: my terminal emulator is mrxvt14:41
viddIDK how to copy from that terminal emulator14:41
viddbut you need to be able to copy its output14:42
vinnlSelect, right click, copy?14:42
viddand if removing all the stuff you did b4 and recompiling correctly does not fix the issue, i dont know what will14:42
pedritovidd: vinnl: yes I know that... can I past all that here in the irc?14:42
vinnlpedrito, no, paste it at the pastebin then post the link here14:43
viddpedrito, absolutely NOT!14:43
pedritovidd: ok I got it.14:43
viddhence why i said "PASTEBIN14:43
pedritovidd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/72889/14:43
vidd!pastebin | pedrito14:43
ubottupedrito: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:43
pedritovinnl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/72889/14:43
viddpedrito, what is the permissions and owner of the ./config file?14:45
vinnlvidd, ah, he's not in his home directory...14:45
vinnlSo I suppose he'd need to do it as root :P14:45
viddbut he CAN'T do it as root14:45
pedritovidd: -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 575938 2008-11-12 11:04 configure14:46
viddhe needs to get the directory into his home directory, chown it to himself, and run it14:46
viddprobably needs to chmod it to 777 too14:46
pedritovidd: so I need to move the /usr/src/alsa to ~/pmsalves/   ?14:47
pedritovidd: to do all the compilation from source from my home user directory?14:48
kidsAny idea why I can't get my SATA drive to be found in Xubuntu?14:48
pedritovidd: I followed the instructions stated on the ALSA project site...  :(14:49
pedritovidd: I will try again everything again.14:50
viddpedrito, when you do the ./config, the make and the make install.....15:00
vidddo them one at atime15:00
viddif you mash them together like ya did before, your error logs will be harder to read and trace15:01
pedritovidd: ok ...15:06
pedritovidd: here is the result of make install as root. ./configure and make as normal user http://paste.ubuntu.com/72900/15:07
viddkids, is it an internal or external drive? and was it there when you installed?15:08
viddpedrito, you see those .ko files that the command cant find?15:11
pedritovidd: yes I see...15:12
pedritovidd: it appears to be the problem... however I have no idea how to solve that...15:13
viddfind where they are on your system and put them into your /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/kernel/sound/acore folder15:14
viddhellow slow-motion15:14
pedritovidd: thanks for the tip15:14
slow-motionhi vidd15:15
slow-motioncan listen also plays webradios that use *.pls files?15:19
viddevery release they add more worthless trash to the default install15:20
viddhow many media playes do they think we need?15:20
viddslow-motion, dunno about listen....but libxine1-plugin and libxine-ffmpeg will let firefox and gxine play them15:22
viddi think that god-awful tavasty gstreamer has a package that will let totem play it too15:23
slow-motion <vidd> how many media playes do they think we need? < one for tv (default install of course) would be nice *veg*15:23
slow-motionyes i played them with totem before "listen"15:23
viddslow-motion, how many computers have tv cards?15:23
vinnlslow-motion, have you seen Mythbuntu? :)15:24
viddyou want that crap, you go get myth15:24
slow-motioni used totem for dvb-t15:24
slow-motionmuch handmade stuff and a playlist with the stations15:25
* vidd has always used xine-based stuff...cuzz it works and is light15:25
viddgstreamer takes half of what xine has and M$-sizes it15:26
slow-motionmplayer was xine too?15:26
vidddunno...i use gxine front-end15:27
* vidd picked up the mantle for xine-over-gstreamer back in breezy.....15:28
viddthey may have made significant improvements to gstreamer since then...but i dont care....xine has always done what i needed it to15:29
slow-motioni need to get dvbt running again15:30
* vidd thinks the devels need to realize that "hey....there is still room left on the live cd" is no excuse to add more apps that do the same thing15:30
slow-motionand i case of this distri they get payed15:31
slow-motioni think15:31
viddi never heard of transmissions until i had to track it down and purge it in HH, and i never heard of listen until you asked about it (and i realize i have to cut that out too)15:32
vinnlvidd, there was no alternative to Transmission installed already15:33
vinnlAnd Totem is supposed to be a movie player, listen an audio player15:33
viddvinnl, and there is still no compelling reason for it to be on the default install either15:34
vinnlvidd, how about that people use it?15:34
viddtotem is a media player...music, movies, tv, dvds, etc15:34
vinnlYeah but they label it as "Movie" player, and it's not really designed to manage your music collection, is it?15:34
viddvinnl, its in the repos....so its mindless to add15:34
slow-motionsome time ago i played dvds with totem. even with the dvd menue15:35
vinnlvidd, Xfce is in the repos15:35
vinnlslow-motion, nice, it can do that already? :)15:35
slow-motionyes i think i got it running. but dont remember how15:35
viddvinnl, you darn well that xfce is a hefty collection of apps15:36
vinnlvidd, OK, then Firefox is in the reps.15:36
vinnlslow-motion, you probably used Xine as backend :P15:36
viddvinnl, a web browser has been a standard componant of OS's since 9415:37
vinnlvidd, yeah, so? Why does that make it a valid component? People didn't do BitTorrent in '9815:37
vinnlBut they do now15:38
viddvinnl, you expect ppl to get assistance from google searches15:38
vinnlvidd, so what about Abiword then?15:38
viddwithout some kind of browser out of the box, you get no google searches15:39
viddvinnl, another piece of bloat15:39
viddxfce comes with mousepad15:39
vinnlvidd, OK, so Firefox is the only useful application on Xubuntu?15:39
vinnlSo why do you need Mousepad? You can Google on how to install a text editor, right?15:39
viddmousepad, thunar15:39
vinnlOr on how to install Thunderbird15:39
slow-motioni dont know why there are so many default games15:40
viddslow-motion, its all one package15:40
viddit was an "all or none" thing15:41
slow-motionthat new audio recorder is a nice idea. but listen can be removed15:41
viddand why is there no default IRC client?15:42
viddand dont start that crap about "pidgin is for IRC"15:42
vinnlSo now IRC is used more often than BitTorrent?15:42
slow-motioni preefer dosbox and a good java interface to play games15:42
vinnl(Xchat is in Intrepid btw)15:42
viddlets see....how do you get support?15:42
slow-motionxchat is nice as a default client15:42
pedritovidd: Sorry to interrupt our discussions. New problems now on alsa-utils... here is the output of "make" http://paste.ubuntu.com/72910/15:42
vinnlThat doesn't mean more people need it15:43
viddwe get support with email, web pages, and irc15:43
vinnlI'm not saying you shouldn't include an IRC client, I'm saying if you include that, why not include a BitTorrent client?15:43
vinnlXubuntu doesn't aim to "provide a full package that allows you to get support for that package"15:44
vinnlIt aims to "provide a usable desktop"15:44
vinnl(in short :P)15:44
viddvinnl, im not really that apposed to a bit torrent client...i  am apposed to so many different types of the same thing15:44
vinnlvidd, well, you could only argue that Listen has a little bit overlap with Totem, but Xubuntu does a good job otherwise15:45
viddthere is a remote desktop viewer installed by defualt?15:46
viddand how many ppl need that?15:46
vinnlHow is that overlap?15:47
viddvinnl, differnt group of gripes15:47
pedritovidd: I have to go offline. I will try to find the solution later during the week. Thanks for your supervision and teaching.15:51
karen|How can i get my pointer to move faster?  it's really difficult to navigate with the touchpad when it moves slowly16:08
vinnlkaren|, in the Settings Manager, open the Mouse settings16:09
vinnlYou can then increase the acceleration16:09
karen|oh snap16:10
karen|i would have never found that16:10
karen|thank you SO MUCH16:10
vinnlYou're welcome :)16:10
vinnlThe Settings Manager is a good start whenever you want to configure stuff ;-)16:11
karen|i see this now, i was afraid that I'd have to do stuff in the terminal16:11
karen|(i'm totally new to linux)16:11
TheSheepkaren|: you can also install the gsynaptics-mcs-plugin package and have the settings for your touchpad in the settings manager then16:11
vinnlHeh, you almost never have to do that if you don't want to :)16:11
karen|see, Sheep, that's what I had read online16:11
karen|and it wanted me to activate something with the terminal16:12
karen|and i was so lost :(16:12
TheSheepkaren|: you can do it with synaptics, no need for terminal :)16:12
karen|the internet lies to me then16:12
vinnlkaren|, often, when you read documentation online, it tells you to do stuff in the terminal even if you can do it without16:12
vinnlkaren|, also, make sure the documentation doesn't just apply to "linux", but to "xubuntu" or at least "ubuntu" :)16:12
TheSheepbecause it's easier to describe 'type this' than 'find the icon that looks kinda like a very sick cactus, and click on it'16:13
karen|oh yea, i made sure of that16:13
karen|lol very sick cactus16:13
vinnlTheSheep, a sick cactus? xD16:13
viddkaren|, its easier for the user to copy/paste from web page to terminal16:13
karen|i just need to get used to the terminal16:13
karen|damn windows has me brainwashed :P16:13
* vidd used to be afraid of the terminal when he first started16:14
* vinnl isn't afraid anymore, but really doesn't prefer it :P16:14
viddnow i complain when i have to do things in windows because i have to click 80 times instead of type seven words16:15
karen|i'm thinking of getting the xubuntu book, kinda take things from the beginning16:15
vinnlIs there a Xubuntu book?16:15
viddkaren|, just make sure its not from M$ press!16:15
vinnlkaren|, that's just the Desktop Guide, you can read that on your computer as well :)16:16
karen|i know, but i like to have things separate from the computer when I'm reading16:16
vinnlAh :)16:16
vinnlkaren|, though take note, this seems to be the Desktop Guide for Xubuntu 6.0616:16
karen|ah ha16:16
karen|ill do some more digging16:16
MUTUhi, I inserted an SD Card in my new laptop. How do I view its contents please?16:17
vinnlMUTU, it ought to show up on the left in the file browser16:17
MUTUit does not get mounted16:19
MUTUperhaps my sd card reader is not supported?16:19
vinnlI wouldn't know, I don't really know anything about SD cards16:21
vinnlIs it connected through USB?16:21
vinnlMUTU, if it is, you might try running the command "lsusb"... Don't ask me why, but it's worked for me in the past ;-)16:22
vinnlBut I'm off now, good luck :)16:23
viddMUTU, is your card reader internal or usb?16:26
karen|what's a good audio player for xubuntu?16:38
TheSheepit's the default in 8.1016:39
MUTUvidd internal16:41
MUTUpart of the laptop16:41
viddMUTU, does lspci show the device?16:42
TheSheepor lshw16:42
MUTU00:0b.0 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller (rev 20)16:43
MUTU00:0b.1 CardBus bridge: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711M1/MC1 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller (rev 20)16:43
MUTU00:0b.2 System peripheral: O2 Micro, Inc. OZ711Mx 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Accelerator16:43
vidd!pastebin |MU16:43
ubottuMU: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:43
vidd!pastebin | MUTU16:43
ubottuMUTU: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:43
the-ermI've got a really weird problem.  Maybe someone in here will know the answer.16:50
the-ermI can "od /dev/input/event2" from an ctrl+alt-f1 screen then press buttons on my remote and get output16:52
the-ermhowever if I press ctrl+alt+F7 and run the same command I get nothing.16:52
the-ermI wanted to write something that if input came from the remote, it would do something differently16:53
mutusorry about that17:00
mutudidn't realise my battery was on charge17:00
=== mutu is now known as MUTU
karen|is there a file system that both windows and xubuntu recognize?  cuz i'd like to have a partition (or external harddrive) where i can store files, but so both systems can open things17:17
viddkaren|, have gparted set up a partition with fat32 file system17:18
karen|gparted, hmm17:18
viddboth windows and linux can read and write without any17:18
karen|fat32, that can only have a certain amount of GB on it right?17:19
TheSheepwindows can read ext2/3 partitions with additional driver17:19
TheSheepkaren|: 4GB max file size17:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext217:19
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org17:19
* vidd recommends that you do not give your virus magnet the ability to read(and trash) your linux setup17:21
viddsetting up the partition  with fat 32 or ntfs is safest17:21
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:22
viddkaren|, is this for a dual boot system? or for multiple systems sharing an external drive?17:24
karen|dual boot17:24
karen|xubuntu actually hogged up more space than i wanted it to17:24
TheSheepkaren|: you can boot the livecd and resize the partition17:25
karen|i had assigned 38gb to windows and 15 to xubuntu.  there was about 55gb of unallocated space that i was going to partition later according to what i wanted/needed17:25
TheSheepkaren|: with parted17:25
viddwith a dual boot, i would definantly stay away from installing the driver that lets windows read/write to your linux partition17:25
karen|awesome, ill need to do that17:25
viddkaren|, if you had installed with wubi, you would already have your systems able to "talk" to each other17:26
karen|i figured keeping them separate was a good idea17:27
karen|oh anyway, speaking of windows and viruses17:28
karen|is there an antivirus that i need for xubuntu?17:28
viddheh....in order to have a viral infestation of your linux box....you have to find a virus that will run in linux, then download it, then make it executable, and finally run it as root17:31
karen|ah vidd, you make linux seem like heaven.  i like it.17:31
* knome is back17:32
knomehello everybody17:32
viddkaren|, you may want to look into getting a root kit hunter though17:32
* vidd recommends rkhunter17:32
vidda root kit is spyware for linux17:33
viddthey are less common, but more dangerous then spyware on windows17:33
vidda compromised linux machine is used as a general of the zombied windows soldiers of a bot-net17:34
viddas long as you practice good security techniques, you should have little issue with them17:34
karen|just out of curiosity, where do these things usually hide?  programs? web pages?17:35
viddusually on web pages, or from hackers directly attacking your machine17:36
karen|how do i install this :oOoO17:37
viddsudo apt-get install rkhunter17:38
viddor open up synaptic (since your still not used to the terminal) and you will find it17:38
karen|i gave the terminal a shot, it seems to be doing okay :O17:39
karen|i think...it finished17:39
viddits like the 7 or 8 hundreth program into the "r"s =]17:39
karen|i will learn the terminal, it is definitely easier and quicker17:40
viddplus the terminal has tab-complete....17:40
karen|what's that?! :D?17:40
TheSheepif you type something and press 'tab', it will complete it17:42
viddyou could type sud[tab]apt-g[tab]ins[tab]rkh[tab]17:42
viddand it would fill out the missing caracters17:42
TheSheepit's very fast17:42
viddnotice it puts the spaces in for you too17:43
viddand if you are not sure the package or command name but know the first one or two characters of it....17:44
viddyou can hit tab twice and it will show you all the choices17:44
vidd(eat your heart out, Billy!)17:45
karen|i think ill need to find a website with some terminal commands17:45
* vidd has a few systems that dont even have keyboards, mice or monitors (headless servers)17:48
vidd100% command-line over ssh17:49
karen|and what is it that you are serving with your servers17:54
viddftp, email, web pages17:55
karen|ah ha17:55
viddtorrent servers17:55
viddim working on a media server right now17:55
karen|cool :317:56
viddso all my movies and music are on one machine, and i can play them from any computer in the world via a web browser17:56
Freddy2how can i upgrade to intrepid? i've tried sudo aptitude dist-upgrade but "nothing" happens17:56
Freddy2and on the updates manager i can only see hardy as upgrading option17:57
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:57
viddFreddy2, sudo update-manager -d17:57
Freddy2still hardy at most17:58
vidddist-upgrade does nothing if you never update the sources17:58
viddFreddy2, what version are you currently on?17:59
Freddy2i need 2 jumps?17:59
viddFreddy2, ya cant jump past hardy17:59
Freddy2so.. that's it18:00
viddyou have to get hardy before you can upgrade to II18:00
viddsince hardy is LTS, you will be able to go directly from 8.04 to 10.418:01
viddyou can also go from DD to HH since its LTS to LTS18:01
viddheh...they will even need to support upgrading from 6.06 to 10.04 for servers18:03
viddand hopefully not a double-bounce to do it18:04
martin101did that information help you?18:37
farciarz84real problems with xubuntu18:52
farciarz84sombebody will helps me?18:53
farciarz84first of all x64 8.10 xubuntu I have18:54
farciarz84problem skype on my laptop18:54
farciarz84doesn;t work a microphone18:54
martin101I not on 64bit but I'll attempt to help18:54
Freddy2don't abuse with enter18:54
farciarz84check all option in skype and sound in my xubuntu preferences but nothing helps18:55
martin101does it work in sound recorder?18:55
farciarz84on windows/opensuse it wored good18:55
farciarz84i will check18:56
farciarz84internal mic, mic, and mic boost desn't18:58
farciarz84no sound level18:58
martin101are you sure it not muted in volume control?18:58
farciarz84there is no mute option - all source are full volume18:59
martin101under switches it the correct one device selected?18:59
martin101*is the19:00
farciarz84yes it is HDA intel #019:00
martin101is their another device list under the switches section?19:01
farciarz84laptop is 6910p core2duo bussiness line of hp19:01
farciarz84only default19:01
martin101does sound playback work?19:02
farciarz84yes it work good19:03
farciarz84have no ide19:04
martin101umm sounds stranges as it would appear your sound card is recognised.19:04
farciarz84idea, in ubuntu thre were some option like open system, alsa, pulse audio19:04
farciarz84and everything work poor as poor but worked19:05
farciarz84does xfce have some influence in sound ?19:06
martin101not really19:06
martin101i've just discovered my mic does work!19:06
farciarz84stragne becouse i need skype to my work19:07
farciarz84and becouse of that stupid thing i need to reinstall my system19:07
farciarz84as I see xfce works pretty good and I like it19:07
martin101oh no, my one does work!19:07
farciarz84what can I do ?19:08
TheSheepwasn't there some trick to get skype to work? I remember reading somethnig on the forums...19:09
martin101do you have the ICH8 Family of devices?19:09
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto19:09
martin101there's not point in trying to get skype to record if you can't in sound recorder yet19:10
TheSheepfarciarz84: maybe some of these hints will work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#4.%20ALSA%20Configuration19:11
farciarz84ok tnx guys I will try to read that all stuff19:11
TheSheep(Xubuntu still uses ALSA, not pulseaudio like Ubuntu)19:11
martin101does it really?19:12
martin101I found pulse audio on ubuntu to be rather buggy and was surprised when xubuntu didn't have such problems! maybe that's why19:14
farciarz84I like unix system but can't realise how to a mature distribution can not provide a good sound or graphic handler in common devices19:16
farciarz84shame on linux in that part of system19:17
viddfarciarz84, the device isnt "common" on servers....which is *nix largest base19:18
martin101linux has made great strides in the past few years!19:18
viddits not linux's fault OEM's dont pony up the source or release quality drivers19:19
martin101yeah I agree vidd19:20
BadHorsiehum, for some reason i have the root file system as read-only, dmesg reports no errors and at boot time i never saw the usual fsck message when something goes wrong and you have to remount rw...19:48
BadHorsieeven when i try sudo mount -n -o remount rw /; it remains as ro... also i noticed /etc/fstab contains all but one line commented... the only uncommented line refers to /media/cdrom0, whereas the sda4 device which is in my case the root file system is commented...19:49
faulihey, anyone able to help me with setting up teamspeak?19:59
viddfauli, what help do you need?20:00
faulii want to have music running while talking in teamspeak, but it doesnt work20:00
viddi dont understand20:00
faulii am able to talk in teamspeak, i also hear other people20:01
vidddo you want to hear the person talking to you or do you want to hear music?20:01
faulii want to hear music while being online in ts20:02
viddif they are coming in on the same channel, then one wins and the other doesnt20:02
TheSheepfauli: configure dmix20:02
viddfauli, are you looking for streaming audio, or like cd's and such?20:02
TheSheepfauli: it teamspeak uses alsa and not oss20:02
faulimom, gonna try20:02
viddand im off to smoke20:03
TheSheepfauli: if ts uses oss, then there is no way to do it other than getting an audio card with multiple channels20:03
TheSheepand even then I'm not sure20:03
faulihow do i configure dmix?20:03
* vidd thinks teamspeak uses oss20:04
TheSheepfauli: http://alsa.opensrc.org/home/w/org/opensrc/alsa/index.php?title=DmixPlugin#5._The_simple_approach:20:04
viddat least it did when i ran a server20:05
TheSheepoh, you could run it with aoss...20:05
TheSheepfauli: that page has lots of useful info20:05
faulihow can i run it with aoss?20:06
TheSheepfauli: scroll up on that page20:06
fauliomg :D thats complex20:08
owen1how to run adobe air app from the terminal?20:46
james30070i need help23:05
dissociativeI'm under xubuntu 8.10 livecd and I need to access the /home partition of another distro that is installed in the hdd but I can only access the user directories as root, is there a way to access the user directories as non root?23:58

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