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lifelessI wonder if 'https://edge.launchpad.net/+search?field.text=launchpad' is worth a bug report :P00:10
swegnerWhenever I install package version from my own PPA, I am prompted with a "this package cannot be authenticated" warning. Is there a signature file I can add to Software Sources to avoid this warning?00:12
lifelessthere is a bug open on this00:14
swegnergotcha-- thanks00:14
lifelessbug 12510300:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125103 in soyuz "ppa archives are not signed" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12510300:16
swegnerahh, thanks, was just searching for it.00:16
lifelessare there docs on using launchpad apis?00:31
jmlyes. lots.00:32
jmlI've even emailed the URL to you :)00:32
jmllifeless: https://help.launchpad.net/API is a good starting place.00:33
lifelessjml: I was google searching etc, utter fail00:33
Hobbseewho are the bug launchpad guys now?00:42
Hobbseeor do nominations fall into someone else's territory?00:42
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jmlHobbsee: not sure.00:45
* Hobbsee discovered an interesting bug there yesterday.00:45
HobbseeYou can have a simultaneously approved & declined nomination, and once you get to that point, can't either de-approve it, or de-decline it.00:46
jmltwo cheers for state machines00:47
Hobbseeactually, maybe you can de-approve it, but i've forgotten how one tries to do that.00:47
Hobbseeand LP oopses if you try to de-decline it.00:47
jmlHobbsee: well, file a bug *somewhere*, and if it's in the wrong place, it's not that hard for someone who knows better to change it.00:47
Hobbseethat's true00:48
* jml quite likes that trait of Launchpad's00:48
spivYes, making mistakes cheap to correct is a good thing.00:48
Hobbseei look forward to when it works for project/distro-type-mistakes :)00:48
Hobbseealthough it does for questions now00:49
spmspiv: remind me to show you how "cheap" some of those mistakes are to correct from our perspective... ;-)00:50
spivspm: buying you a beer is still pretty cheap ;)00:50
spmspiv: LOl. especially when I don't drink beer and would just give it straight back. :-P00:51
lifelessspm: spirits?00:51
spmlifeless: coke, fanta, OJ et al00:51
lifelessharder to downcast00:51
lifelessbut it is doable00:51
spm"buy you a slab of coffee" just doesn't have the same... ring to it00:52
spivspm: that's great, because I get a favour done *and* I get a beer :)00:52
* spm goes to install anti-spiv filter....00:52
spivA "case of coffee" doesn't sound much better.00:52
spmindeed - totally OT - spiv - how goes the mo?00:53
jmlFirst there will be logs, then there will be cake.00:53
spivWell!  I'll post another update pic to the mospace thingy tonight.00:53
spivI'm looking more like a spiv each day.00:53
* spm has horrified visions of spiv doing a full Boonie mo....00:54
spivI'm can't look at a mirror without thinking I look ridiculous, but happily I don't generally look at myself in mirrors all that much.00:54
spivI think you need special Tasmanian genes to achieve a full, luxurious Boonie mo.00:55
spmhmm. jml?00:55
jmlspm: buying you a beer isn't all that useful, so perhaps cake can be the substitute.00:56
spmjml: no, the line spiv gave: "<spiv> I think you need special Tasmanian genes to achieve a full, luxurious Boonie mo."00:56
jmloh, I have no Tasmanian genes.00:56
spmA poor assumption on my part then. Apologies.00:57
RAOFYou don't pick them up just by passing through :)00:57
jmla mere decade isn't quite enough to become Tasmanian.00:57
RAOFCertainly not genetically so :P00:57
spmheh.I can relate. 18 years in canberra and still consider myself a Qlder. :-)00:58
jmlQueenslanders are funny like that.00:58
jmlactually, I think a disproportionate number of Canonical .au folk are originally from QLD.00:59
spm"parochial" is the word....00:59
Hobbseethey must need to hire some more southerners to balance that trend.00:59
jmlwell, most of us live in NSW :)01:00
jmlor geometrically inside, in spm's case.01:00
spmHobbsee! You missed the perfect line! "You only need a sole southerner to balance X qlder's. Simply better doncha know."01:00
spmjml: No. Comment. :-P01:01
Hobbseespm: haha01:02
spivjml: You could say he only ACTs like a NSW resident.  *ba dum tish*01:02
spmdamn. MUST put that anti-spiv filter on.....01:02
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macoi can't submit bugs.  i'm using https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+filebug  I've had on edge where a +filebug won't do anything when I hit the Continue button, but I tried +filebug-advanced (which has always worked for me on edge) and tried disabling redirection and not using edge, and whatever I try, the Sumit and Continue buttons just don't do anything01:25
macoactually, it looks like the launchpad greasemonkey scripts...01:26
macofalse alarm01:26
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enurienhy everybody07:45
enuriendo anyone know, where can I find MrKanister?07:46
mtaylorkiko: morning... you around?07:58
mtayloror any other PPA people - I've got a very odd build error on x86 that doesn't happen on 64bit - except it's not anything that makes sense as to why it's only happening on x8607:59
mtaylorso I thought it _might_ possibly be a PPA bug?07:59
wgrantIt could be a race.08:00
Hobbseemtaylor: what arch:all packages are you building there?08:00
wgrantNote how it removes debian/tmp a few lines before it fails to copy something into it...08:01
persiaThat, or as it's in Java bindings, perhaps related to arch:all vs. arch:any08:01
wgrantThat too.08:01
wgrantDoes it happen on lpia?08:02
mtaylorHobbsee: arch: all is just libprotobuf-java and python-protobuf08:02
Hobbseesorry, i meant to ask about arch:any, iirc.08:02
mtaylornope. lpia builds fine08:03
mtaylorHobbsee: any: libprotobuf0 libprotobuf-dev  and protobuf-compiler (which has the problem file)08:03
mtayloroh, and I re-did the build and got the same error :(08:04
mtaylorseriously though - what's up with the interleaved dh_clean during the install?08:05
Hobbsee+install: install-indep install-arch08:08
Hobbsee+dh_clean -k -i08:08
Hobbsee+dh_installdirs -i08:08
Hobbseeprobably because you didn't put dh_clean last, no?08:08
Hobbsee(which would explain why it only happens on i386)08:09
wgrantdh_clean -k isn't dh_clean at all.08:09
Hobbseemtaylor: my guess would be that you'd find switching them worked.08:09
Hobbseeoh, isn't it?08:09
wgrantNo, confusingly enough,08:10
wgrant       -k, --keep08:10
wgrant           This causes dh_prep(1) to be run instead of dh_clean, for backwards compatibility.08:10
mtaylorthat sounds like a wonderful flag08:10
Hobbseebut it removes debian/tmp.08:10
Hobbseedh_prep is a debhelper program that performs some file cleanups in08:10
Hobbsee       preparation for building a package. (This is what dh_clean -k used to08:10
Hobbsee       do.)  It removes the package build directories, debian/tmp, and some08:10
Hobbsee       temp files that are generated during the build. Putting this at the08:10
Hobbsee       start of the build process makes the build process idempotent.08:10
Hobbseewhich will cause the build to blow up08:10
* Hobbsee looks up what the hell idempotent is08:11
wgrantSo binary-indep depends on stuff installed in binary-arch, or something?08:11
mtaylorthat'll teach me to try to adapt someone else's packaging08:11
jameshHobbsee: it means doing it twice is the same as doing it once08:11
Hobbseeah, right.08:11
mtaylorhow about I take dh_clean -k -i out of the install rules08:12
jameshnot quite the same as "side effect free", since it can have side effects as long as they don't affect output for subsequent calls08:12
mtaylorand instead stick it up in configure or something08:12
Hobbseeerr, doesn't clean get run after all the installs?08:13
mtaylordoes it?08:14
persiaWhy would it be run?08:14
Hobbseewell, as in, rather than before the installs actually get run.08:14
persia(unless it's in debian/rules, it probably doesn't happen (ignoring include directives)08:14
Hobbseepersia: as in, at all?08:15
persiaHobbsee, Right.  There's a call to debian/rules clean at the beginning of the build, but that doesn't guarantee anything specific.08:15
* Hobbsee tries to remember how this all works08:18
Hobbseeoh, i thought that got automatically called at hte end, or something.08:19
mtaylorHobbsee: wgrant: took out the dh_clean -k  - all worked fine08:35
Hobbseemtaylor: you're welcome :)08:36
SpunkMeYeRhi all08:51
SpunkMeYeRanybody here ever try install nav?08:51
* Hobbsee thinks you want #ubuntu08:53
pygiSpunkMeYeR, what does this channel has with NAV?08:56
pygihi Hobbsee08:56
SpunkMeYeRbecause i see this website https://launchpad.net/nav08:58
SpunkMeYeRso i'm in wrong channel?08:58
pygiyup yup :)08:59
pygiit's just being developed on Launchpad08:59
pygiSpunkMeYeR, #nav08:59
SpunkMeYeRthanks pygi, but i already try that <-- no body can help :(09:00
Hobbseehey pygi09:01
Hobbseeoh, right09:01
* Hobbsee assumed nav was an ubuntu package or something09:01
pygiHobbsee, long time no see :)09:01
Hobbseepygi: indeed!09:01
pygiHobbsee, I assumed it was that Microsoft thingy :)09:01
pygiwell, it's more known then this thingy xD09:02
pygiSpunkMeYeR, heh09:02
pygiSpunkMeYeR, well, I guess wait there, devs might come sooner or later :)09:04
SpunkMeYeRyup.. maybe they are busy or something :)09:04
StFShello, I'm wondering whether launchpad is a "service" type of thing only or whether it's possible (easy) for me to set up my own instance of launchpad? I know there is a project for the launchpad code (on launchpad) but I haven't found much documentation about how to deploy it in my own infrastructure.10:12
mwhudsonit's a service type thing10:13
StFSok, thanks10:14
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wB3Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.  -- http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/trunk/files12:33
spivwB3: try again, sometimes loggerhead (the software for browsing inside bzr branches) is a bit slow.12:35
wB3ok, up12:35
wB3thank you12:35
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volandGood day to you all. Could anyone help me to setup my ppa?12:45
bigjoolsvoland: how can I help?12:47
cprovvoland: sure, did you follow https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA ?12:47
volandi cannot upload my packages using dput13:02
volandi've recived e-mail titled "rejected"13:03
volandand yes, i followed url above13:03
Hobbseedid it say why?13:04
volandyes, it says: Rejected:13:05
volandUnable to find distroseries: interpid13:05
volandFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.13:05
Hobbseevoland: well, that should be fairly obvious.   you've mispelt 'intrepid'13:05
Hobbseein debian/changelog13:05
Hobbseefortunately, it's simple to fix!13:07
volandoh Lord! Thank you very much. By the way, in my profile in Launchpad it said that my ppa is for jaunty13:07
volandcan i change it to 'intrepid'13:07
Hobbseeit will automatically change to intrepid when you upload something for intrepid13:07
volandthank you again13:08
Hobbseeyou're welcome!13:08
volandnow it says: Section 'office' is not valid13:17
volandwhich section shoul i use for office application?13:18
persiavoland, From what do you get that message?13:20
persiaThe reject mail from the PPA?13:20
volandit was e-mailed to me after dput upload13:21
volandsection 'offie' is in debian/control13:21
cprovvoland: 'office' is not a valid intrepid section. The fact that we don't publish the valid sections for a distroseries in LP is a bug13:22
persiaInteresting.  That might be a bug.  It might mean you have to use something listed in debian-policy.  I'm not sure if PPAs follow the same policy, but it's likely they do: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections13:22
volandso what shoul i do? leave it blank?13:23
cprovpersia: do you know if there is a easy way to list them all using dpkg/apt ?13:23
persiacprov, I don't.  How do you determine if they are valid?13:23
* persia checks how lintian does it13:23
cprovvoland: if you omit Section:  it will default to 'misc'13:24
volandi'll take a try13:25
cprovpersia: it's a manually defined collection in LP. I was thinking more like 'Mr dpkg, return all unique sections in my archive index cache, please.'13:25
volandthank you13:25
persiacprov, It's hardcoded in lintian, so I'm guessing there's no easy way to extract it from dpkg.13:27
cprovpersia: okay, a stronger reason to list them in LP, I guess.13:27
persiacprov, Hrm.  I don't think dpkg can do that, but it shouldn't be hard to extract from a set of Packages files.13:27
persiaOn the other hand, you probably don't want a section becoming valid just because a stray package got in somehow.13:28
persiaDebian hardcodes to enforce policy control by ftp-masters.  For Ubuntu, the equivalent is roughly archive-admins.  If you made it settable, they'd probably be the group that would want to be able to adjust it.13:28
volandso there is no page in LP where theese sections listed?13:29
cprovpersia: yes, good point.13:29
persiavoland, No, which is the bug.13:29
volandsad :(13:29
persiacprov, Especially if LP ever grows even more distribution-neutral (I think all the imported distros have the same Section policy currently), this could be important.13:30
cprovfile a bug, I don't remember of seen it before.13:30
persiavoland, Do you want to file the bug, or shall I?13:30
persiacprov, Which component?  Soyuz?13:30
volandpersia, I'm afraid I have no such expirience to decribe it :) so please do it13:31
cprovpersia: yes, please.13:31
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volandpersia, sorry for mispell13:33
volandanother one question from ppa newbie :) how can i add my deb into ppa?13:35
cprovvoland: golden question13:35
cprovvoland: you don't .. PPA is a build service, you upload sources and it will build the binaries for you.13:36
voland:) it's a miracle! :) i'm dumbest person in the world :)13:37
cprovvoland: does it make sense ?13:37
cprovvoland: no worries, it's a very common doubt, people don't believe in such a coolest service when they first see it ;)13:38
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cprovpersia: great bug report, thank you.13:54
persiacprov, Thanks for the feedback :)13:55
volandi've uploaded files to LP, but build fails: checking for pkg-config... no14:09
volandchecking for PACKAGE... configure: error: The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old.  Make sure it14:09
volandis in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full14:09
volandpath to pkg-config.14:09
volandbut it works on my machine14:10
persiavoland, Check your Build-Depends.  Your local environment is probably dirty.14:13
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volandpersia, and where i can check them14:18
volandsorry for dusturbing you14:19
persiavoland, It's in debian/control.14:19
persiaAlso, while this is a great channel to discuss issues with a PPA, it's not really a great channel to learn packaging.14:20
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volandpersia, sorry :)14:28
persiavoland, It's not a big issue, it's just that it distracts the LP developers.  I'd recommend setting up a local sbuild if you want to investigate things in depth: saves uploading and trying to decode the output.14:30
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Odd_BlokeIs there a publically-accessible roadmap for Launchpad becoming free software?15:48
kikoOdd_Bloke, not yet, but I think it will be publicized in december.15:54
kikothat's my plan15:54
Odd_Blokekiko: OK, that's pretty cool.  Thanks. :)16:01
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beunoHobbsee, kirkland, https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/13920217:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 139202 in bzr ""Could not acquire lock" error doesn't tell you how to fix it" [Medium,Fix released]17:18
kirklandbeuno: awesome ;-)17:19
kirklandbeuno: works for me ;-)17:19
beunofantastic, that's just waiting there to roll out to production17:19
beunoso it's out of my hands now17:20
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tgm4883_laptopI received a rejected email when uploading a package to my PPA.  The email stated the reason was "Unable to find distroseries: hardy intrepid".  According to debian-policy http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-dpkgchangelog  I should be able to have a space separated list of distributions in my changelog.  My changelog line looks like "mythnettv-gui (1.0~bzr32-0ubuntu1) hardy intrepid; urgency=low"  Is th18:25
tgm4883_laptopere a reason Soyuz doesn't allow this?18:25
beunotgm4883_laptop, I don't think you can do that with PPAs18:26
beunoyou probably have to upload twice to different series18:26
tgm4883_laptopyes I can see that, but my question is why?18:26
tgm4883_laptopwas there a conscious reason for Soyuz to not allow that or was it an overlook of debian-policy?18:27
* beuno pokes cprov-lunch or bigjools 18:27
beunokiko, ^  do you know?18:27
vvinettgm4883_laptop: from what I've seen, you must upload it to a single distro18:55
vvinetthen from launchpad you can copy it to other distros18:55
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cprov-lunchtgm4883_laptop: simple answer is: because it's not implemented.20:00
cprov-lunchtgm4883_laptop: see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/23506420:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 235064 in soyuz "Implement multi-release support for packages" [Undecided,New]20:01
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hunk4thssorry ,  in launchpad i public my projects ??20:59
hunk4thsprojects in PHP20:59
jmlabentley: should I take over the topic now?21:51
abentleyjml: Please do.21:51
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: - jml
ftai'm still suffering from several "FATAL: kernel too old" with my ppa :( any progress on that?22:19
CarlFKlp.net is an Open ID provider, right ?22:19
cprov-lunchfta: no, sorry.22:19
thumperCarlFK: AFAIK22:20
CarlFKhttps://launchpad.net/~carl-personnelware  thats 'me' - so what do I put in http://www.ustream.tv/login-signup  "Open ID Login"  ?22:20
CarlFKhmm.. maybe I have to create an account there first.  i am still confused by OID things22:22
jmlCarlFK: your user page on edge should have an openid url. not sure about launchpad.net -- lemme check22:26
CarlFKjml: what is  "on edge" ?22:26
jmlCarlFK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~carl-personnelware22:27
jmlCarlFK: it's a version of Launchpad for beta testers.22:27
jmlCarlFK: but, I can see my openid login on https://launchpad.net/~jml22:27
jmlCarlFK: on other websites that support openid, I've just pasted it in on the registration form22:28
CarlFKyou pasted  https://launchpad.net/~jml ?22:29
jmlCarlFK: no, there's a URL that's displayed on that page, next to a label saying "OpenID login"22:29
jmlCarlFK: if you can't see it, it might be an "only for beta testers" thing -- in which case, would you like to be a beta tester?22:30
CarlFKthat's about all I do :)22:30
jmlCarlFK: :)22:30
jmlCarlFK: ok, I haven't done this before so give me a minute.22:30
CarlFKbeta beta...22:31
jmlCarlFK: ok. try reloading your LP home page.22:31
CarlFK"               Launchpad Beta Testers                 Joined       29 seconds ago     "22:32
CarlFKbut still no open id22:32
jmlnothing that says "id.launchpad.net"?22:33
CarlFKwait... im not logged into lp..22:33
CarlFKer,, not loged into edge...22:33
kikoCarlFK, jml: note that we're going with launchpad.net/~foo as the sekrit plan22:33
jmlkiko: cool.22:34
kikothe numbers thing just.. was too much for too little22:34
CarlFKOpenID login ... yay.22:34
CarlFKkiko: mum's the word22:35
Hobbseei wish launchpad would provide some information about not assigning bugs to big teams.22:42
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Hobbseeor at least, forbid certain teams being assigned to bugs, controllable by the drivers of each project.22:42
jmlHobbsee: the actual problem being unwanted bug mail?22:43
Hobbseejml: yes22:43
Hobbseejml: and the fact that it's useless to assign certain teams to bugs22:43
Hobbsee(unless they have a specific workflow that way)22:43
Hobbseebeuno: er, i think you meant that link for persia?22:44
jmlHobbsee: actually, I didn't even know you could assign bugs to teams :)22:45
Hobbseejml: oh, you can.  Including ones with 80 people :P22:45
Hobbseei think it's 80, anyway22:45
jmlHobbsee: who's assigning these bugs anyway?22:46
Hobbseejml: clueless users, i think.  The main case seems to be "look up the maintainer, file the bug, assign the bug to the maintainer"22:47
Hobbseeunfortunately, the maintainer is a team of ~80 people.22:47
Hobbseeas we do group maintainership22:47
jmlHobbsee: these are users who are forbidden from setting the priority, right?22:48
Hobbseejml: i expect so.  No one would manage to make it thru to -quality if they consistently made errors like that.22:48
jml(do you see where I'm going with this?)22:48
Hobbseeah.  Yes.22:48
Hobbseefor teams, or for assigning anyone?22:48
jmlWell, I'd start with assigning anyone, because it's a simpler idea.22:49
Hobbseewell, being able to assign an individual to a bug, as anyone, is useful.22:49
Hobbseea lot of -quality hopefuls do that, as they're taking responsibility to track down a bug22:49
Hobbseeso, i don't think it's overly helpful to drop that use case, even though it's simpler22:50
jmlassigning a bug to yourself is different from assigning it to someone else though22:50
Hobbseethat's true, but there are certainly use cases of "oh, file a bug on launchpad, and assign or subscribe me, please"22:50
Hobbseei don't think the annoyance factor for sending mail to one person is that high, either.  Usually they'll have had something to do with it, for the user to think of assigning them at all.22:51
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Hobbseeeither because they've modified it recently, or asked them to file it, or whatever22:51
Hobbseein which case, the assignment is likely to be valid - or they'll already receive the bug mail anyway22:51
Hobbsee(if they're subscribed to the project, for eg)22:51
Hobbsee55 active (ubuntu-core-dev) and 112 active (ubuntu-dev).  it's gone up!22:52
beunoHobbsee, I don't think so22:54
beunoit's the onw where you can copy n paste bug #22:54
Hobbseebeuno: right.  Then Ithink you got the wrong number, as ubottu agrees with me - it's a bug about bzr lock.22:54
Hobbseebeuno: but, cool :)22:54
beunoHobbsee, right, it's the first bug I had in my history  :)22:55
Hobbseeah :)22:55
Hobbseeno wonder i couldn't guess the context, then :P22:56
jmlHobbsee: I've filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/29925722:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299257 in malone "Too easy to spam a team by assigning a bug to them" [Undecided,New]22:56
Hobbseejml: ah, cool22:57
jmlHobbsee: it's *almost* a dupe.22:58
Hobbseejml: yes, almost.  It's two ways to go about solving the same problem.22:58
jmlHobbsee: well, "subscribe" and "assign" are different features and could arguably have different workflows.22:58
Hobbseejml: that's true22:59
Hobbseeand some teams are legitimately supposed to be subscribed.22:59
* Hobbsee isn't quite sure why ubuntu-dev, ubuntu-core-dev, etc, have no /dev/null mailing list, either.23:00
Hobbseejml: do you know what happened to fix it friday?23:03
jmlHobbsee: yes. it died.23:04
Hobbseejml: why?23:04
jmlHobbsee: quite a few reasons.23:05
jmlHobbsee: many of which require extensive narration to fully explain.23:05
jmlHobbsee: we need a thing *like* the old fix-it-friday though.23:06
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=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: - jml

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