
visik7but if a replay fail due to a conflict there is no replay continue like rebase00:03
jelmervisik7, yes, you can use "bzr rebase-continue"00:04
jelmerah, no00:04
jelmeryou can commit and run "bzr replay" again though from the point where it aborted00:04
visik7nevermind seems it's working00:05
visik7ok I think is ok00:05
visik7now I need to clean it up branching again ?00:06
igcpoolie: I'd like to rename the (about to be released) diffinternals plugin to crosscheck. Is that ok with you?00:06
poolieigc, that sounds better to me00:06
igcpoolie: cool. me too.00:07
jelmervisik7, yeah, branch it to a different location00:08
jelmervisik7, (replay wasn't really designed for this sort of thing)00:08
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visik7jelmer: I see anyway it worked so, thanks for the help and hope soon we will have something like git-filter-branch00:27
jelmervisik7, cool00:33
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p_mashocan anyone give me a helping hand.. bit confused as used to svn and cvs(spits).......00:38
visik7good night thank you again jelmer00:38
jelmerp_masho, hi00:39
p_mashohi jelmer.. late at night here in wales.. and got this zim on my ubuntu box - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Epardus-cpan/zim/pyzim/00:41
p_mashoso I been hacking away... and have already modified and not creaed a branch...00:41
p_mashoI'm looking for 1) - equivelent of svn copy foo.x bar.x ?00:42
jelmerp_masho, copying a branch or a file/directory ?00:43
jelmerp_masho, to copy a branch, use "bzr branch <old-branch> <new-branch>"00:43
jelmerto copy a file, simple copy it using cp and then add it00:43
p_mashoOk. advice.. am used to svn.. so be gentle.. please00:44
p_mashoI go this branch bzr branch lp:~pardus-cpan/zim/pyzim = /home/zim/pyzim on my machine00:44
p_mashoso I hacked that a bit and got a diff file.....00:45
jelmerp_masho, what are you trying to copy? a file?00:45
p_mashoWhat I want to know is how I can create a new "version" on my machine copying all the mods I got00:45
p_mashoand then restore the master branch to tha release from launchpad...00:46
p_mashosorrry if this sounds confusing...00:46
p_mashoSuppose the question really is.. first ..00:47
jelmersorry, phone..00:47
p_mashoHow do I branch off the mods I already done and restore the "main/HEAD" to main repos00:47
lifelessp_masho: to make a new branch, 'bzr branch'00:48
lifelessp_masho: e.g. 'bzr branch . ../new-branch'00:48
lifelessp_masho: if you haven't committed your changes, do so first00:48
lifelessp_masho: I don't know what you mean about the main repos, you haven't altered the mainline afaict00:49
p_mashothats the problem (as sv user) I made changes to head...00:49
lifelessyou have?00:50
* Sidnei is away: I'm busy01:01
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* igc lunch, etc. - bbl01:23
jelmerpoolie1, hi01:34
poolie1hi jelmer02:37
poolie1spiv, thanks for that note!02:37
spivpoolie1: you're welcome :)02:49
* spiv -> lunch03:14
pooliespiv, still here?03:16
poolieto build on that mail, i'd like to get a page like the smart push analysis, that for each scenario says what operations we _should_ be doing03:17
pooliein other words: we have a list of what is done at the moment and we have some vectors we can apply to them but i'd like to see where the expected endpoint is too03:20
Peng_Yay. "bzr heads" + ack + sed + bash == easy upgrade from subtrees to rich-roots.03:25
Peng_"bzr upgrade' would've been even easier, of course. Whinewhine.03:25
jelmersince lifeless doesn't appear to be here...03:26
jelmerPeng_: "Patches welcome" :-)03:26
* Peng_ cries03:26
Peng_Wait, I was upgrading a copy of bzr-svn, so I can blame you for putting me in this situation in the first place! :P03:27
* Peng_ hides03:27
beunoPeng_, recursive-upgrade?03:27
Peng_That was actually pretty painless. :)03:27
Peng_beuno: ?03:27
beunoI know jelmer doesn't want you to know about it03:27
beunobut he wrote a plugin03:27
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jelmerPeng, subtrees is more than just a version string03:28
jelmerPeng, the inventory format is also different afaik03:29
Peng_jelmer: So? I don't care. I just want to be able to convert my repos easily. I can live with it burning some extra CPU.03:29
* Peng_ gets grumpy when thinking about this. :P03:30
jelmerPeng_: I wasn't sure what you were doing exactly, but just editing .bzr/repository-format isn't sufficient03:30
Peng_jelmer: Yeah, I know. I didn't do that.03:30
jelmerOk, I'll shut up then :-)03:30
Peng_I used "bzr heads" to grab all of the heads, created a new repo and a branch, and used "bzr pull --overwrite -r revid:..." to copy all of the revisions into it.03:31
Peng_And...let's see...frozenset(bzrlib.branch.open_containing('.')[0].repository.all_revision_ids()) to verify it went well. :)03:33
poolielifeless: can you point me to a mail about dev3 making some loggerhead pages much faster?03:34
lifelesspoolie: no, there isn't one03:39
lifelesspoolie: there is a branch with a merge request in LP that makes lh compatible with bb-core03:39
lifelesspoolie: and its --development4 that works for lh, fwiw03:40
beunolifeless, about that, I didn't quite understand what you meant03:41
beunoit breaks with the current bzr03:41
beunowhat is it that I'm missing?03:41
lifelessbeuno: works for me03:41
* beuno tests again03:41
beunolifeless, hrm, it seems to as well now for me...03:42
beunoI'll run the tests and merge03:42
lifelessbeuno: :P03:45
poolielifeless: but it has been measured to make some pages faster? the diff display, i'd presume?03:45
beunolifeless, so I had a b0rked copy of bzr?03:45
lifelesspoolie: unscientifically yes03:45
lifelesspoolie: revision display for instance03:46
beunolifeless, merged. Thanks for the patch03:47
beuno101  branches owned by 24  people and 1  team, 75  commits by 12  people in the last month03:48
beuno^  Loggerhead03:48
* beuno dances03:48
lifelessbeuno: no probs03:51
hydrapheetzHm, tempting to write a bazaar branch browser django app, but laziness D:03:51
lifelessreuse loggerhead?03:56
hydrapheetzI should try that.03:57
* beuno thinks "loggerheadlib" and looks at thumper 03:58
thumperwhy me?04:00
thumperbeuno: JFDI04:00
beunothumper, sure sure, and world peace, and all that04:00
beunothere are some interesting opportunities to work on that04:01
beunolike re-writing the log FILE bit which leaks billions of litres of memory04:01
beunomaybe during UDS04:04
beunolifeless, poolie, will you guys be at UDS?04:04
beunoah!  you are!04:06
* beuno starts ploting on how to take advantage of their presence04:07
AfCMemory being measured in terms of three dimensional volume. Neat.04:07
thumperAfC: if you squeeze memory enough, you can get liquid out04:12
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Peng_Hm..what do btree indexes do for Loggerhead?04:59
pooliethey should make it faster04:59
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poolielifeless: do you know if brisbane-core with vila's changes is now passing all tests, or not quite?05:27
lifelesspoolie: its either close or all passing05:28
lifelesswhich isn't really helpful, sorry05:28
poolieit's approximately helpful :)05:28
lifelesshe made all the intertree ones pass; I don't know about the entire test set though05:29
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poolieme either05:30
Peng_No, it's not all passing.05:47
Peng_Um, there were 6 errors and 5 failures total, in test_merge, test_pack_repository and test_repository.05:53
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pooliePeng_: thanks!06:05
poolieyou should fix them :)06:05
Peng_What would be the use of upgrading bzr.dev to the 1.6 format?06:42
Peng_Does doing "bzr branch --stacked" require the source branch to support stacking?06:42
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abentley1Peng_: No, but default stacking policies, which Launchpad uses, require that.06:54
vilahi alla07:00
vila?? Hi all :)07:00
Peng_...What are default stacking policies, exactly? "bzr branch" will stack by default?07:01
vilapoolie: I think it's "quite close" if merged with a recent bzr.dev, but the failing ones are still a bit hard to fix (I can dig to more precise if you will)07:01
vilapoolie: I think it's "quite close" if merged with a recent bzr.dev, but the failing ones are still a bit hard to fix (I can dig to be more precise if you will)07:02
jmlPeng_: bzr push will.07:02
jmlPeng_: tbh, I haven't tried branch.07:02
Peng_...http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/ needs that?07:05
* spiv finishes for the day07:08
spivabentley1: I don't have time to give your remoterepo stacking fix a proper review atm, but at a glance it looks good07:12
spivabentley1: if it hasn't already had a review by the time I start tomorrow I'll certainly review it then.07:12
abentley1spiv: Cool07:12
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pooliehi abentley!07:16
abentleypoolie: hi!07:16
lifelessI'm on leave now ;), I may drop by and chat when playing with pet projects, but I'll be focusing on relaxing and zoning out mainly :)07:22
abentleylifeless: have fun.07:32
Peng_lifeless: I know I'm saying this just after you left, but what are you planning to do about group_size in bzr-search?07:54
lifelessPeng_: right now? nothin08:03
lifelessabentley: tanks08:04
Peng_Heh, okay.08:05
igcnight all08:29
Peng_Good night.08:31
Peng_I think I may have just figured out the cause of my weird Loggerhead issues: a simple typo. That's what I get for not reading the error messages well?08:33
Peng_Oh, no, the typo is new, I think.08:35
lifelessjml: right, one less TUIT; testresources now sorts properly08:40
Peng_Hm...what's the right way to get a patch into Loggerhead? Usually I just bug someone on IRC. :P08:40
lifelesspush a branch to lp08:41
lifelessfile a merge request in lp08:41
mwhudsonman i wish i could just click a button to land that branch08:48
Peng_Hi. :)08:48
Peng_See? Bugging people on IRC is more efficient. :P08:48
mwhudsonPeng_: merged, ta08:53
mwhudsonand ooh, the merge proposal is automatically marked merged :)08:53
Peng_Thanks. :)08:54
mwhudsonPeng_: do you want to join ~loggerhead-team?08:55
Peng_mwhudson: Meaning I could push to the trunk without needing to go through you?08:58
Peng_Or just to have a neat badge?08:58
mwhudsonthe former08:58
mwhudson(i don't think ~loggerhead-team has a badge...)08:59
Peng_No badge? That's no fun. :P08:59
mwhudsoni guess we'd also want you to commit to being happy to assign (c) Canonical on your work08:59
Peng_I dunno. I don't contribute enough code to be a major review burden. If I ever contributed something large, I'd want it to be reviewed anyway, and my small things aren't really high-priority.09:01
lifelessmwhudson: I wouldn't tie the things together; surely a committment to stay under the paragraph limit when pushing (until a cc assignment is done) is enough09:09
lifelessmwhudson: can always uncommit after all09:09
mwhudsonlifeless: true09:10
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Peng_Honestly, I dislike copyright assignments, but I never contribute anything large enough to be worth caring about the rights of anyway. :P09:17
Peng_(That doesn't mean I'd be unwilling to sign one.)09:17
Peng_Then I get to the part where I'm not even an adult, so I don't know if I legally *can* sign one, and then I decide to put it off and go watch TV. :\09:19
lifelessPeng_: adult is a state of mind09:22
Peng_So when I turn 18, I still won't be an adult? Damn. :(09:24
mwhudsoni don't _think_ there's an age thing with copyright is there?  maybe there is09:33
Peng_I don't think so either, but copyright assignments are legal document thingies, right? so there might be one there.09:35
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Peng_lifeless: FYI, I let a "bzr index" of bzr.dev with a group_size of 50 run to completion. It took 54.5 minutes. :D But it peaked at only about 115 MB of RAM. :)12:45
Peng_lifeless: Also FYI, group_size = 100 took 33:00.01 and used 122 MB of RAM.13:37
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rockyhey... i understand what the push and pull branches that a remembered are, but what is the "submit" branch?13:59
Peng_rocky: For "bzr send".13:59
rockyso the first time i pull in merge info from a particular source branch, it gets remembered as the "submit" branch?14:00
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lamontbzrlib/_dirstate_helpers_c.c:7704: warning: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules15:51
lamontshame on bzrlib15:51
lamont(one of many, grabbed at random)15:51
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Peng_lamont: Shame on Pyrex.16:10
lamontonly 104 occurances of type-punned in the log :-(16:11
Peng_lamont: There are generally fewer warnings with newer versions of Pyrex.16:11
lamontyeah, that's building 1.9 on hardy16:12
Peng_But I don't remember ever seeing "type-punned".16:12
lamontgoogle will tell you what gcc really means there.16:12
lamont"ZOMG this might not do what you want in some strange corner-case"16:12
lamontor something like that16:12
jdongit's a clever feature, not a bug (tm)16:14
lamontjdong: DENIED16:14
Kinnisonthe warning is completely valid16:33
Kinnisonjust compile -fno-strict-aliasing if you don't want it16:33
darkness51Hola a todos, como les va?16:56
darkness51tengo una duda, cuales son los comandos para usar bzr en forma distribuida16:56
Kinnisondarkness51: ingles?16:57
Jc2kmorning thumper_laptop16:59
darkness51Kinnison: i am understand english, but i don't write fine17:03
darkness51what command use form distribute work17:04
Kinnisondarkness51: 'bzr push' can be used to upload your branch to another location. E.g. bzr push sftp://my-fileserver/home/me/projects/mything17:05
darkness51what is the use of bzr pull??17:08
KinnisonThe 'pull' command lets you fetch changes from a remote branch into your local one. E.g. Pretend I have a project 'proj' and I work on my laptop and my desktop. I have a server and I keep a branch on there for synchronising.17:10
KinnisonI make a change on my desktop and push it to the server with 'bzr push'17:10
KinnisonThen on my laptop I can do 'bzr pull' to get the change onto my laptop17:10
KinnisonNaturally this requires you to tell it the location of the server first time. After that it will remember for itself.17:11
darkness51ok, thank's Kinnison17:13
elmotuna 17:13 ~/scratch % bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk/17:14
elmoYou have not informed bzr of your launchpad login. If you are attempting a17:14
elmowrite operation and it fails, run "bzr launchpad-login YOUR_ID" and try again.17:14
elmocan't it tell? :-P17:14
fullermdWell, not with the brain of a tuna   :p17:15
Odd_BlokeMy Launchpad login isn't the same as my local login.17:15
beunoOdd_Bloke, maybe you need to set it in .ssh/config17:18
beunoHost bazaar.launchpad.net17:18
beunoUser Odd_Bloke17:18
beunoor whaeva'17:18
elmoOdd_Bloke: I meant, can't it tell if it's a write operation17:18
Odd_Blokeelmo: Ah, I see.17:18
Odd_BlokeNot easily, IIRC. :)17:18
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james_wnot with the current layering17:19
jammorning vila17:30
jammorning #bzr17:30
jammarkh: what are you still doing up? :)17:30
jamelmo: We can know that "bzr branch" is a readonly operation. I believe the problem is that people often do a readonly operation, and then shortly thereafter do a write operation which fails, but we have lost the info about the LP url they used to get the branch.17:32
jamThe most common one is:17:32
jam"bzr co lp:foo"17:32
jamcd foo17:32
jambzr commit -m "this will fail, because of something about HTTP"17:32
vilajam: morning jam, evening jam (jetlag making me falling asleep again :-/)17:33
jamvila: sorry to hear that. I do believe I had a harder time coming home than I did going to Sydney17:34
jamI'm not sure if it is heading East17:34
jamor if it is coming home to a baby with an ear-infection17:34
jammy guess is the latter17:35
abentleyOdd_Bloke: if you're using bzr 1.9, you don't need to configure ssh.  At most, you need to launchpad-login again, but any lp: lookup will do that for you.17:35
vilababy's ear-infections are bad for dad's sleep for sure :-/17:35
abentleyelmo: And no, it can't tell.  We don't "open for write" or "open for read".  We just open, and after that we're dealing with real URLs.17:36
vilajetlag seems better than last week though, but I have a lot of sleep to catch up since I almost *not* sleep from Saturday morning to Monday morning (including the full day in Singapore as an added bonus for delayed flight :)17:37
* elmo trollingly proposes rich-rich-root which records the original lp: url17:37
elmoabentley/jam: fair enough :-p17:37
jamabentley: then again, that may change in the future. We are looking at having a Branch.open_or_create_locked() which would allow us to know that we will be writing to it.17:39
jamelmo: And yes, we've discussed recording the original lp: url rather than its redirection17:39
jamvila: ouch on the extra day. I at least managed ~4 hrs of sleep on the plane, and I arrived home at 9pm, which is a great time to reset your internal clock and go straight to bed :)17:40
vilajam: well, I did sleep well last night, so hopefully I will too this night and be ok tomorrow :)17:44
jamSo did you manage to get out of the Airport in Singapore, or was it just 24-hours of airport-chair pain?17:44
mthaddonhi folks, I'm getting the following error from config manager - "bzrlib.errors.TagsNotSupported: Tags not supported by BzrBranch5('file:///blah/blah/blah); you may be able to use bzr upgrade." using bzr 1.6.1 - should I "bzr upgrade" that directory?17:55
jammthaddon: It sounds like you have a remote source with a newer format than the local source.17:55
jamAnd the remote source also has tags included.17:56
jam(which we are failing to fetch)17:56
jamI would recommend upgrading to whatever the remote format has.17:56
jam(You can upgrade even further, but the safe bet is to just stay in step)17:56
mthaddonjam, how to I verify the remote format version - bzr info?17:56
jamI'm not sure about how CM works, but perhaps just deleting the branch will recreate it at the right format.17:56
jambzr info URL should work, IIRC17:57
beunoif it's a remote branch, just with http to get the proper format17:57
beunobzr+ssh always says nonsense17:57
Peng_You could use nosmart+bzr+ssh to get the real info.17:59
mthaddonbzr info bzr+ssh says "Standalone branch (format: unnamed)", bzr info nosmart+bzr+ssh says "Standalone branch (format: pack-0.92)"18:05
Peng_mthaddon: Run "bzr upgrade" in your local branch then.18:06
vilajam: well, the airport-chair pain was in Brisbane where they announced 1-hour delay... 7 times :-)18:06
mthaddonPeng_, that seems to have fixed it - thx18:07
jamvila: what airline?18:07
jamand yeah, ouch18:07
jamif they told you in advance it was going to be 7 hours, you could have at least done something18:07
jamI guess you at least weren't already *on* the plane18:07
vilawhen we finally got to Singapore, the connecting flights were long gone so they transfered us to an hotel and re-book the same flights only 24h later18:08
jamThere was something about JetBlue in the states doing that18:08
vilaQuantas from Brisbane18:08
jamQuote: News broke last week that passengers on Jet Blue flights were subjected to 10 hour delays inside the plane, while on the runway.18:08
tetha_ouch, thats even worse than my regular train delays18:08
jamIt was a big deal, as they didn't even have food for the passengers, etc.18:08
jamSince they are budget flights18:09
vilaThe hotel were nice, but I was so sleep deprived already that I only half enjoyed the sight-seeing in Singapore :-)18:09
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vilaQuantas did pretty well, giving vouchers in Brisbane for refreshments and so on, the hotel was nice too (even if I ended up in a smoking *level*, ha ha the irony)18:10
tetha_oops, now I did it. my proof for tomorrows algorithm class finally brake apart18:10
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jelmerjam, What happened to your "This week in Bazaar" posts?19:40
lamalexanyone experience with LP here19:44
lamalexnm, i'll go to #launchpad19:44
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jelmercrap, I just realized I'm halfway through reimplementing Subversion in Python..20:21
LarstiQjelmer: ai20:24
fullermdA painful realization, to be sure.20:24
fullermd'course, you could always reimplement half of git in python to recover  :p20:25
dobeyor you could just fix bugs in bzr and make it fast20:25
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jmllifeless: sweet20:57
jmllifeless: does it solve the TSP or what?20:58
jmlbzr alias upll="pull"20:59
* LarstiQ has bpvl aliased20:59
thumperLarstiQ: to what?21:03
LarstiQthumper: bzr pull -v | less21:04
mwhudsonjelmer: because writing libsvn bindings is too painful?21:04
thumperjelmer: how is the bzr-git work going?21:05
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jelmerthumper: Pretty good; I'm working on two things at the moment - getting more familiar with git's pack format to be able to implement that for bzr-git and factoring out code that is shared by bzr-svn and bzr-git21:36
james_wjelmer: I found git's pack format to be pretty clear when I looked, how are you finding it?21:40
jelmerjames_w, Yeah, it's quite simple21:44
jelmerbtw, I was thinking of renaming the python-git code you originally wrote to "Dulwich"21:46
jelmer(after the Monty Python sketch about a cocktail party there featuring a Mr and Mrs Git)21:46
james_wheh :-)21:46
thumperjelmer: have you talked with Jc2k about git and python?21:50
thumperjelmer: I think he did something...21:50
thumperjelmer: or perhaps he was working in C, I'm not entirely sure21:50
jelmerthumper, Yeah, we talked about it a bit during the summer21:50
* thumper nods21:50
jelmerthumper, That was indeed in C - based on the upstream git code21:50
thumperah ok21:51
eydaimonUnable to obtain lock chroot-14417232:///srv/bzr/ ... If you're sure that it's not being modified, use bzr break-lock chroot-14417232:///srv/bzr/.... $ bzr break-lock chroot-14417232:///srv/bzr/ ... bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "chroot-14417232:///srv/bzr/... that's not terribly useful21:52
eydaimonhow can I get it to break this lock?21:52
jelmereydaimon, I think the error message may be a bit clearer in newer versions of bzr21:52
jelmereydaimon, generally, you should be able to run "bzr break-lock" on the URL that was giving you problems21:52
abentleyjelmer: Really?  I thought it was still leaking underlying paths in the latest versions.21:53
eydaimonjelmer: but it says unsupported protocol for url21:53
eydaimonhow do I deal with that?21:53
jelmereydaimon, You should be able to run "bzr break-lock" on the URL you were trying to pull from/push to/branch from/etc21:53
abentleyeydaimon: You ignore the URL it specifies.  Use the normal URL for the branch.21:54
jelmerabentley, Sorry, I must be mistaken then21:54
jelmerISTR some patch for this going in21:54
eydaimonjelmer: thanks, that fixed it21:55
jelmereydaimon: You're welcome. Hopefully the URL in that error message will get fixed at some point.21:56
eydaimonthat's probably helpful :)21:56
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LethalmanI have commit A -> B locally, then pushed to the remote repository22:11
LethalmanI then uncommitted B and committed C22:12
Lethalmanwhen I push it says of course that branches diverge22:12
Lethalmanhow can I force to push A -> C?22:12
beuno_Lethalman, push --overwrite22:12
bob2push --overwrite22:12
bob2if you're sure22:12
Lethalmanyes i'm sure22:12
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bob2or merge from then push to22:13
Lethalmanthanks very much22:13
rockstarabentley, can you give me a rundown of the proper way to push a loom to launchpad?22:34
abentleyrockstar: the loom must be in format 6.  Then pushing it should work, but won't stack.22:39
rockstarabentley, I apparently forgot to record before I pushed.  So I deleted the pushed branch, recorded, and pushed again.22:41
rockstarBut when I pull from another system, the loom appears to only have one thread.22:41
abentleyrockstar: I'm the wrong guy to answer this, because I never push looms on purpose.22:42
rockstarabentley, :)22:42
jfroy|workjelmer: do I need to set some things up to run bzr-svn's unit tests?23:07
jfroy|workI'm getting failures across the board23:07
jelmerjfroy|work, no, just run "bzr selftest --starting-with=bzrlib.plugins.svn"23:07
jfroy|workjelmer: eh, it didn't even make it to the end :p23:12
jfroy|workOSError, "too many files open"23:12
jelmerI've never run the testsuite on Mac OS X, so I'm not sure how well it works there23:13
jfroy|workApparently it massively fails.23:13
jfroy|workHum, any known issues with Python 2.6?23:13
jelmeroh, yeah, python2.6 still has issues23:14
jelmersqlite3 has slightly different behaviour, for example23:14
jfroy|workI'll try to run the tests on 2.523:14
jelmerI'll be back in ~45 minutes23:15
=== sdboyer|class is now known as sdboyer
markhjam: you here and got a sec?23:24
=== jamesh_ is now known as jamesh
jfroy|workjelmer: sent you a merge bundle as the first parter of a workaround for my situation23:45
thropeis it possible to use local svn repo with bzr-svn23:58

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