
HobbseeRiddell: you around?00:12
HobbseeAnd other kubuntu UDS'y type people?00:12
Hobbseeseele: this is the friendly reminder about specs, specs, and more specs!00:19
seeleHobbsee: we've got a meeting tomorrow to discuss UDS stuff00:19
seelewe've got a whole page of to-be-specs :)00:19
Hobbseeseele: right.  Can you make sure they land on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty/, have a person to talk about them, and get proposed for the meeting, by thursday please?00:20
seelehmm.. i can try00:20
Hobbseeseele: the later it gets, the less people get an opportuntiy to subscribe, and the likely higher number of clashes there will be.00:21
Hobbseeseele: i don't think it matters if they're placeholder specs particularly, either.00:21
Hobbseeas long as people can kinda see what they are, subscribe to them if they're interested, etc.00:25
Hobbseeseele: oops.  Apparently they can't be completely placehodler specs.  They need to contain a reasonable amount of information in them.00:34
Hobbseealthough more bits can be added later00:34
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
ryanakcato whoever is running the meeting tomorrow: I'll probably be ~20 minutes late (school, etc)... could you please keep my agenda item 'till the end... and if the meeting lasts under 20 minutes / finishes before I get here, oh well, my item can be pushed back / I can take care of it in here some other time... :)02:31
ScottKRats.  I got rescheduled for some $WORK stuff tomorrow, so I won't make the meeting.02:42
Hobbseenixternal: poor, poor man.03:09
Hobbseenixternal: so is that what the friday thing will be for - pennance for those who did use kde, and switched.03:09
ScottKFriday thing?03:10
HobbseeScottK: nixternal and i are on crew duty for the friday of UDS03:11
* Hobbsee got like...4...mentions in this blog post. wow.03:11
DaSkreechwhich post?03:12
bfrogwas there patching done to plasma by any chance?03:23
bfrogits broken in kubuntu03:24
DaSkreechbfrog: yes there was Small patches03:24
bfrogwell... you see... plasma only shows up on one screen, where as with archlinux (basically plain kde4) it seemed to work just dandy so I can only assume...03:25
bfrogwhere should I file a bug at?03:26
bfroger I bet I can find it, lemme search03:26
* DaSkreech likes bfrog03:27
bfrogare the patches listed on launchpad?03:27
DaSkreechnixternal: Yeah I could see that flood coming :) Does anyone read your blog who isnt on Linux?03:40
bfrogwoo hoo04:42
bfrogall problems solved with kde from backports (kde 4.1.3)04:42
bfrogI filed a bug though, should I add a comment there about this?04:42
ScottKbfrog: Yes.04:52
bfrogawesome, well kubuntu just won me for 8.10. 6 months feels like forever with free software, so much awesomeness in so little time :-)04:54
bfroghad to switch to arch for awhile there04:54
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=== MM3ZUN is now known as seaLne
seelehmm.. this is going to be a long meeting today12:47
seelewow the bug list gets lots of mail12:58
apacheloggerHobbsee: get kdelibs5 from the kubuntu-experimental ppa and check whether KDE 4 apps still work properly in a gnome session13:11
apacheloggerryanakca: I would assume Riddell runs the meeting, I just take care that the meeting isn't too short :P13:12
apacheloggerseele: I guess that indicates we have a buggy product13:12
seeleapachelogger: most of them are replies, not new bugs :)13:13
apacheloggerseele: I guess that indicates we have a buggy product but do something about it ;-)13:14
apacheloggerwhy the havok does our gem install to /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin ... and why is that thing not on $PATH14:00
Riddellyou'd need to ask debian-ruby people14:03
Riddellbut if it's anything like python-support then it'll make symlinks from the right places14:04
apacheloggerdoes not14:05
* apachelogger makes a funny face and installs a non-crippled gem14:05
apacheloggerin fact, dpkg should be replaced by gem, it's better on the memory anyway :P14:06
rgreeningRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuFilesharing - this ever get implemented?14:07
rgreeningIf not, we should re-propose for Jaunty14:07
apacheloggerwhy would anyone use webdav?14:11
* apachelogger thinks we should use sftp, and sftp only14:11
rgreeningapachelogger: WevDev isn't the point here, its file sharing which appears to be missing in Intrepid.14:12
apacheloggerthere is a lot of more important stuff missing in Intrepid :P14:12
rgreeningwhich tells me the spec wasn't implemented and should be re-proposed14:12
apacheloggerfilesharing ain't worth anything if you can't even configure your network connection14:12
rgreeningsharing is important for the desktop.14:13
apacheloggerNightrose: did you try nuking your .amarok-nightly?14:15
Riddellrgreening: no it didn't14:15
rgreeningRiddell: I added to the specs for Jaunty... perhaps we'll be able to for this sprint14:17
Nightroseapachelogger: not tried that yet since the last update - will do14:17
Nightroseapachelogger: OMG!!!!14:21
Nightrosei have sound again14:21
* Nightrose jumps and hugs apachelogger14:21
apacheloggerNightrose: can you dump a mail to the list?14:22
Nightrosewill do14:22
Nightrosethx to you :)14:22
apacheloggerYour membership in motu is about to expire14:24
* apachelogger really feels the love14:24
jjessewow i dont understand why i read kubuntu-users sometimes crazy people there14:24
apacheloggerwoohoo, aaron also gave his ok on policykit-kde in 4.2 \o/14:25
apacheloggerjjesse: what's new on that list?14:26
jjessethe fail of kde14:26
jjessehow kde is now dead according to a blog plost14:26
apacheloggerKDE was dead ever since they stopped releasing new KDE 2 versions14:26
JontheEchidnaya nobody takes those noobers seriously anymore14:27
JontheEchidnaKDE 2.5.98 was TEH SHITZ14:27
apacheloggerpre release14:27
JontheEchidnaya that is bcuz tehy totaly fracked up 2.6.014:28
apacheloggernabble is the suck today14:28
apacheloggerclaydoh: is kubuntu-users on the agenda for today?14:28
JontheEchidnablack = vista... mumblemumblemumble totally unusable.....14:30
JontheEchidnanothing I Hvaen't seen before14:30
apacheloggerThe System Settings application is nice, but it is a far cry from the features of KControl.14:30
JontheEchidnas/hvaen't haven't14:30
apacheloggerthat statement is so horribly horrible I am crying right now14:30
apacheloggerthe only thing systemsettings can not do is chaning the icon size of the modules14:31
jjesseis there a meeting today?14:31
apacheloggerSecondly, the developers who wrote the application should know their code, and if they know their code then they know where all the bugs are.14:32
apachelogger<= dying14:32
apacheloggerthat statement has kind of a bug, he doesn't know what he writes it appears ;-)14:32
jjesseat what time is the meeting?14:33
apacheloggerjjesse: topic!14:33
jjesseapachelogger: topic doesn't show up well in this web based client i'm using today to get around a clients firewall14:33
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:33
apacheloggerNo, I didn't file any bug reports because that's simply not my job.14:33
apacheloggerjjesse: 20 utc14:34
* JontheEchidna cries14:34
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Next Meeting: 2008-11-18 20:00 UTC https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
* apachelogger has no idea what master Riddell changed14:34
apacheloggerquassel should use parse topic changes with diff :D14:34
Riddellapachelogger: ubuntu.com -> kubuntu.org, down with the brown14:34
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: s/ubuntu.com/kubuntu.org14:34
JontheEchidnawell if you're logged in you can have your wiki theme set to kubuntu globally14:35
apacheloggerah brown vs. drunk14:35
apacheloggerI can only assume that the reason KDE4 was rushed out the door was that the KDE project had an influx of amateur developers who didn't quite understand software development and how their work would affect their users.14:36
apacheloggerKDE should have a non-ranters clause in the license14:36
JontheEchidnabetter yet, make it a eula14:36
apacheloggerthen again the question arises, what was there before.. the buggy application or the users who clamed the application is buggy14:37
apacheloggerThe one thing you don't want to do is force your users to abandon your software and migrate to another project, but this is exactly what I've seen happening since KDE4 was released.14:38
apacheloggerI am wondering how he saw that14:38
apacheloggerwe are deploying that product and barely noticed anything like this within the last months14:38
apacheloggerhm, that wasn't worth the time really14:40
jjesseapachelogger: are those quotes from the blog or from kubuntut-users/14:46
rgreeningok, who moved the spec while I was editing it... lol14:51
jjessei did14:52
jjessecause i dont like you14:52
rgreeninghah.. no cab for you.14:52
claydohapachelogger: re: kubuntu-users sure14:54
* claydoh forgot the meeting was today14:54
* apachelogger should blog about KDE @ Dexter14:54
claydohapachelogger: +1 :)14:57
Riddellrgreening: I moved the page14:57
Riddellrgreening: although it should have warned me if you were editing it14:58
Riddellrgreening: KubuntuJauntySpecs14:58
Nightroseapachelogger: ok i take that back14:59
Nightroseapachelogger: i only seem to be able to play songs from magnatune14:59
Nightrosethis is super weird14:59
rgreeningRiddell: yeah, I thought I accidentally erased everything as when I saved it returned a blank page... almost lost my mind :)14:59
apacheloggerNightrose: that is weird indeed15:01
apacheloggerNightrose: please get a console dump and a strace if you have time15:01
Nightroseok will try15:01
* NCommander hit kde4libs with something hard15:03
apacheloggersomeone call the police!15:04
Riddellkde4libs only just compiled15:04
Nightroseapachelogger: http://lydiapintscher.de/tmp/phonon.txt15:06
apacheloggerRiddell: 8.04 doesn't ask for upgrade to 8.10 by default, does it?15:09
Riddellapachelogger: nope15:09
Riddellor even at all15:10
Riddellyou didn't upgrade adept with the hardy-updates version15:10
apacheloggerNCommander: there ain't is no patch @ bug 29916415:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299164 in kde4libs "Can't compile against libsolid in intrepid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29916415:29
NCommanderapachelogger, I deleted it because my patch introduced a worse bug15:29
* NCommander is very close to a much better solution :-)15:29
apacheloggerI see15:30
NCommanderI'm backporting some of the cmake module code for 4.1.73 that removed KDEDependenciesInternal15:30
apacheloggersounds like regression testing fun :P15:31
NCommanderregression testing is how I found my patch was bad :-P15:31
apacheloggerRiddell: if I am reading the fridge events page correctly ubuntu-meeting should be available for a very long time15:33
apacheloggerNCommander: you know, of all the stuff we backported only the preview thingies for the taskbar turned out to be of sufficient quality :P15:34
NCommanderapachelogger, I'm ONLY backporting cmake build code15:34
Riddellapachelogger: quick get nixternal to book it15:34
NCommanderThe worse I do is break building stuff, and I'm testing my backported patch to make sure that doesn't happen15:34
apacheloggernixternal: go book #ubuntu-meeting for 20 UTC - 3 UTC :P15:34
nixternalroger that15:35
apacheloggeror maybe make that 0 UTC15:35
apacheloggerotherwise I will be uber tired tomorrow ;-)15:35
JontheEchidna7 hours for a meeting is a bit much :P15:36
nixternalhrmm, someone removed my login stuff w/o even talking to me15:36
apacheloggerdid you look at the agenda?15:36
apacheloggeronly for the last item I could use 3 hours of discussion :P15:36
apacheloggernixternal: maybe it's like the launchpad funnies, where your motu membership can actually run out15:37
apacheloggerah! my boss is going home. I am going home. \o/ home15:37
nixternalapachelogger: never got any notification of it15:38
apacheloggernixternal: maybe it got cought as spam?15:38
nixternalnope, I am still on the team15:39
apacheloggerso you are important on paper, but in fact you are not?15:39
* apachelogger is confused an half way out the office15:40
Riddellwhat's kdpkg?15:40
Riddellto whoever added that to the Jaunty wiki page ^^15:40
rgreeningsounds like an apacheloggerism15:41
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Next Meeting: 2008-11-18 20:00 UTC https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntySpecs | Merges! http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
jjesseis that a new word?15:42
nixternalhaha, I am able to edit the fridge, stupid OpenID crap15:43
Riddellapachelogger: going to e-mail out a reminder?15:54
seeleargh.. did the time change on the other side of the world?16:01
Riddellseele: at the end of october it did16:02
Riddelldesktop meeting in #ubuntu-desktop16:02
seeleoooh, the desktop meetings moved back to thursday?16:03
seelei thought they were tuesday16:03
seele13:00 utc?  ick that is early16:03
Riddellseele: it's tuesday today16:03
seeleRiddell: right, but i thought the desktop meetings were moved to tuesday.. the calendar says thursday at 13:0016:04
Riddellseele: it's on now16:05
Riddellwhich calendar?16:05
seeleRiddell: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event16:06
* seele cries.. so confused16:06
Riddellthat's what we're discussing16:06
seeleheh.. nope.  that looks like server team16:08
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Riddellseele: #ubuntu-desktop16:13
seeleRiddell: oh, heh.  thanks16:14
* seele updates her calendar 16:15
litbhello guys16:15
litband gals16:15
litbmy classmate is trying to get going with amarok 2 SVN16:15
litband he installed kde devel packages for his ubuntu16:15
litbbut then the cmake file is telling him he needs the mysql-embedded16:15
litbdo you guys know what package he needs?16:15
Nightroselitb: apt-get build-dep amarok-kde4 after adding the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa will give him all he needs16:16
litbthanks guys16:18
Nightrose<- not a guy ;-)16:18
Nightrosebut you're welcome nontheless16:18
litbim sorry :/16:20
litbyou've one free slap round16:20
Nightroselitb: you might need to delet the cmake cache after installing it16:21
Nightroseit didn't find it for me otherwise16:21
litboh ok. i'll tell him that16:21
litbthanks gals16:21
rgreeningwho's a pythonista here? I got a quick question16:27
Riddellrgreening: what's up?16:29
rgreeningRiddell: writing a app and need to have cmdline args mutually exclusive. If user enters two options which are exclusive, I want it to kick back to the app's help.16:30
RiddellKCmdLineArgs can probably do that, it can do most things16:30
rgreeningRiddell: So, I can make a call to that and exit gracefully with the help showing16:31
rgreeningRiddell: I'm attempting my first full python app (writing a KDE FE to ufw for a lark... if it's useful for Kubuntu, all the better).16:32
Riddellrgreening: if it's a KDE app you have no choice but to use KCmdLineArgs, look at the docs on api.kde.org to work out what it can do for you16:32
rgreeningRiddell: ty16:33
Riddellrgreening: you can see it in use in qt-language-selector for example16:34
JontheEchidnaif you want to code your own command line args you can bypass kcmdlineargs by giving it a fake sys.argv16:38
Riddellbut there shouldn't be a need  unless the args are being processed elsewhere like in some of our cross-desktop apps, kcmdlineargs is usually the most helpful way16:38
rgreeningRiddell: usage and usageError are what I was looking for. :)16:39
JontheEchidnayeah, it is sort of a hack ;-)16:39
apachelogger<3 hacks16:40
apacheloggerI need someone to throw work at me16:41
apacheloggerright now16:41
* JontheEchidna throws malone at apachelogger16:42
* apachelogger could get his once working, but now again broken kmail running again16:43
Riddellanyone want to test the new KOffice 2 beta?  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu intrepid main16:43
* apachelogger updates cache16:44
apacheloggerAfter this operation, 35.4MB of additional disk space will be used.16:45
Riddellapachelogger: which operation is that?16:45
apacheloggerinstall koffice-kde416:45
Riddellthat's not as bad as I'd expect16:45
apacheloggerif I would do that with openoffice it would look more like 300MB ;-)16:45
Riddellthe source is 86MB16:46
apacheloggerRiddell: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/krita-data-kde4_1%3a1.9.98.2-0ubuntu3~intrepid2_all.deb (--unpack):16:46
apachelogger trying to overwrite `/usr/share/kde4/services/kritarulerassistanttool.desktop', which is also in package krita-kde416:46
apachelogger  krita-kde4: Depends: krita-data-kde4 (>= 1: but 1: is to be installed16:46
* apachelogger uses force ;-)16:47
apacheloggerhm that is weird16:47
Riddellkrita-data-kde4_1.9.98.2-0ubuntu3~intrepid2_all.deb exists16:47
apacheloggeryeah, stupid apt-get just refused to upgrade16:48
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/73904/16:48
Riddellit's in kword-data-kde416:48
apacheloggerit's installed16:49
apacheloggerRiddell: rebuilding sycoca doesn't help either16:49
apacheloggersmarter: salut16:50
smarterapachelogger: hallo, wie geht's dir?16:50
apacheloggerthat is bloody perfect german16:50
apacheloggersmarter: Riddell broke my koffice ;-)16:51
smarteroh noes16:51
* smarter always found the UI of kword2 confusing16:51
apacheloggerRiddell: krita works, kspread and kpresenter don't16:51
apacheloggersmarter: word processor UIs are always confusing, actually I don't see why I would need a UI at all16:52
smarterLaTeX  ftw :p16:52
apacheloggerkate ftw16:52
vvinetbutterflies ftw16:53
apacheloggerubernice mail on the list \o/16:53
smarteryup :)16:53
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe it's the findservicebydesktoppath patch in kde4libs16:55
apacheloggeras I understand it the change is incomplete anyway16:55
claydohre: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963695 so I take it noboby working on that ever contacted any devs for hints, tips, advice :(16:56
* claydoh is a little upset by that16:56
smarterthis stuff is just plain crazy16:57
Riddellkword and kpresenter work fine here16:57
apacheloggerclaydoh: if that dood did I would have locked him in a closet16:57
Riddellclaydoh: no, it's pretty impolite16:57
apacheloggeradding a 7 epoch is so uber dumb it still gives me the crepps16:57
apachelogger-p +e16:57
claydohwell i wouldn't have sent him to a :) he's mean16:57
claydohwell they forget that its a community16:58
claydohexcept when they need to gripe16:59
smarterhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6153716&postcount=88 << that's scary16:59
smarter"I've had to do so much fiddling with the build environment that I doubt this will work. I want a place to upload the binaries (and source) that I have already built, tested, in some cases modified, and verified."16:59
NCommanderapachelogger, I'm getting close to having the libsolid patch done I hope, I need to do some more tests however :-/16:59
smarterhe modified binary packages? Oo16:59
* Riddell hugs NCommander 16:59
smarterNCommander: what are you patching? :)17:00
apachelogger~order cookie for NCommander17:00
* kubotu slides one of world's finest cookies down the bar to NCommander.17:00
NCommanderRiddell, I did do a fairly large lobotomy of the cmake rules to fix it however17:00
NCommander(the patch itself is fairly small)17:00
NCommandersmarter, the reason why we can't link against against libsolid17:00
NCommandersuch as adept17:00
* smarter had no idea we had that issue17:01
NCommandersmarter, are you running intrepid?17:01
NCommandercheck out /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/KDELibsDependenciesInternal.cmake17:01
NCommanderAnd its lovely hardcoded paths17:01
NCommander(search for /build/buildd)17:01
smarterhmm, nothing like that here17:02
NCommanderyou ned to have the package installed from intrepid-updates17:02
NCommander(its not in jaunty)17:03
* smarter has backports/updates/updates-testing/experimental/... :P17:03
smarterNCommander: what's exactly the package?17:03
NCommandersmarter, kdelibs-dev17:03
NCommandersmarter, oh, you don't have the file?17:03
smarterI have the file17:03
NCommanderLook in the libsolid line17:04
smarterSET("solid_LIB_DEPENDS" "general;/usr/lib/libQtCore.so;general;/usr/lib/libQtDBus.so;general;/usr/lib/libQtXml.so;general;/usr/lib/libQtGui.so;general;/usr/lib/libQtCore.so;general;kdecore;") ?17:04
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, I ran the wrong kbuildsycoca4 ;-) still I think kword should invoke a rescan if it can't find the part17:04
smarterii  kdelibs5-dev                               4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid5~ppa1             development files for the KDE 4 core librari17:04
NCommanderThere's your reason17:04
NCommanderIt was fixed pass 4.1.217:04
smarteroh, okay17:05
smarterso you backported the fix?17:05
NCommanderI backported the fix from jaunty17:05
* NCommander wonders if the 4.1.3 fix would be cleaner17:05
* apachelogger is getting confused17:05
apacheloggerNCommander: most likely17:05
NCommanderWhere's that PPA?17:05
NCommanderI'll redo my magic17:05
apacheloggerplus 4.1.3 is still targetting -updates, so ultimately the issue would be fixed by then17:06
RiddellI'm about to file the bugs needed to get 4.1.3 into -updates17:07
apacheloggerRiddell: do you have a script for that?17:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll try to get one for 4.1.417:08
* apachelogger doubts he can do anymore magic today17:08
NCommanderIf we're going to put 4.1.3 into updates17:09
NCommanderThen maybe its just worth waiting for that to go through17:09
NCommandersince it already has the necessary bugfix17:09
apacheloggerthat is what I was trying to indicate when I mentioned that .3 is has -updates as target ;-)17:09
RiddellNCommander: so 4.1.3 should magically fix this?17:09
NCommanderOnce 4.1.3 hits proposed, we can test adept to see if the issue is corrected17:09
NCommanderor is it already in proposed?17:10
Riddellnot yet17:10
NCommanderWOrks for me17:10
NCommanderThe same code I backported from 4.1.73 is in 4.1.317:10
Riddellok, I'll file bugs, see if pitti's happy with a move to -proposed then we'll check adept again17:10
apacheloggersmarter: that bespin thingy is almost an accessibility theme ;-)17:11
NCommanderWell, bug resolved17:11
NCommanderEven if it took a weird way to fix it17:11
smarterapachelogger: hmm, it's not supposed to :P warum sagst du das?17:11
apacheloggersmarter: black'n'white and that is all I see17:12
apacheloggergoes very well with mono ;-)17:12
smartersupposed to be the überglossy stuff17:12
apacheloggerthe überglossy stuff is disturbing the accessibility17:12
apacheloggeractually, IMHO the überglossy stuff disturbs the usibility as well17:12
smarteryes, but bespin is überglossy, screenshot of what you get?17:13
apacheloggeroh dear, never start krita-kde4 with full debug output17:13
apacheloggeropenGL will eat your prompt17:13
apacheloggersomething g and l17:15
apacheloggerRiddell: kdebugdialog - turn everything on - start krita17:15
apacheloggersmarter: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot186.png17:16
apacheloggersmarter: if the scrollbar was black...17:16
smarteryes, that's not really glossy but most of the screenshot is the white dolphin background, dialog windows zum Beispiel are a lot glossier iirc, buttons too17:18
smarterthere's a bespin kwin dec too that you might want to check out17:18
apacheloggersmarter: dialog windows are black, so if it wasn't for the glossy they would be super destincted from normal windows17:18
apacheloggerwhich is an accessibility advantage IMO17:18
apacheloggersmarter: I am running neon right now, my 4.1 is using bespin for kwin17:19
smarteroh :)17:19
smarterone of the cool thing of Bespin is that it's superconfigurable17:20
apacheloggerRiddell: koffice working well17:20
apacheloggersmarter: lipstik was superconfigurable17:20
apacheloggersmarter: and didn't look half bad :P so it was better than bespin is17:21
* smarter thinks that polyester > lipstik :]17:21
apacheloggerpolyester looked like crap though :P17:21
smarterno :o17:21
NCommanderRiddell, I need your archive administration powers!17:22
smarterthe kubuntu 7.10 theme rocked17:22
* apachelogger really thinks oxygen is the first style that got decent defaults17:22
RiddellNCommander: what's up?17:24
NCommanderRiddell, can you accept svk into updates? It has an SRU ack, and two verifications.17:24
RiddellNCommander: bug no?17:25
NCommanderRiddell, 28279317:25
NCommanderbug #28279317:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282793 in svk "Unsatisfied dependencies in SVK" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28279317:26
apacheloggerRiddell: thoughts about bug 289592 ?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289592 in kde4libs "Unknown media types in /usr/share/mime/packages/kde.xml" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28959217:33
* apachelogger would rather not read yet another spec ;-)17:33
Riddelluri/ doesn't sound like a mimetype17:38
RiddellI doubt it's actually a problem though17:38
apachelogger~wp uri mimetype17:39
kubotuno results found for mimetype17:39
apachelogger~wp mimetype17:40
kubotuResults for mimetype: 1. MIME: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME | 2. Internet media type: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type | 3. MediaWici:Mimetype - Wicipedia: http://cy.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWici:Mimetype17:40
kubotu[1] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia17:40
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=== santiago-pgsql is now known as santiago-ve
apacheloggerRiddell: it appears to be a KDE specific fake mimetype17:43
apacheloggerjust like all and fonts17:43
claydohI supposed that, in some way, Kubuntu Team should contact Madscientist to organize the fusion of KDE3 in Kubuntu Intrepid, maybe in backports mode or in ppa.17:44
claydohI've read around that many Kubuntu users will appreciate the possibility to have both KDE at the moment.17:44
claydohoops sorry for the big paste17:44
claydoh_I_ suggested this loong ago17:45
* claydoh 's blood pressure is way to high today to get all worked up :(17:46
claydohtoo late though17:46
apachelogger~order tranquilizer17:47
* kubotu slides tranquilizer down the bar to apachelogger17:47
apachelogger~order tranquillizer17:47
* kubotu slides tranquillizer down the bar to apachelogger17:47
apacheloggerkubotu: screw you!17:48
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't understand why update-mime-database outputs a warning about the uri mimetypes but not about the other fakes17:49
apacheloggerechidnaman: bug 289822 needs forwarding I gues17:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289822 in kde4libs "[intrepid] Dolpin Crash by browsing smb share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28982217:54
RiddellNCommander: done18:02
^seelenn^ryanakca: Pinnnnn18:50
^seelenn^Did you take a look at the branch I put up last night?18:51
* seele waves to Artemis_Fowl 19:00
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: ping19:00
* Artemis_Fowl waves back to seele19:00
Artemis_Fowlseele: how's it going?19:07
nixternalso we have a meeting in like 45 minutes right?19:14
seeleArtemis_Fowl: very good, except work is a bit busy so i havent had much time for fun stuff19:17
seelealthough my 14:00 meeting ended up being shorter than expected19:17
Riddellthat's to make up for the kubuntu meeting :)19:19
seeleyeah, but now i feel bad.  i asked for it to get moved back an hour, and here i am waiting for the meeting to happen in 40 minutes19:20
Artemis_Fowldamn. apachelogger doesn't seem to be around and I have to go in a while19:24
Artemis_Fowlcould I ask someone else for LP stuff?19:24
apacheloggerArby: yo19:24
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: hey19:25
apacheloggerwatching tv right now19:25
Arbyapachelogger: hi, just re-reading my wiki page to see what I wrote19:25
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: ah ok19:26
Arbydid you mean me, or did you mean Artemis_Fowl?19:26
apacheloggerArby: claim you are the special-kind-of-entertainment-movie star that usually helps with getting +1s :P19:26
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: well, what's up19:26
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: got a small question19:26
Arbyin between getting lost in printer config19:27
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: Kgrubeditor will be moved into kdeadmin after KDE 4.219:27
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: and its SourceForge SVN repo will be abandoned19:27
Artemis_Fowlapachelogger: should I remove the LP copy?19:28
apacheloggerArtemis_Fowl: you can, it doesn't really matter though19:28
apacheloggeryou probably should get rid of the bzr import if you created one19:29
Artemis_Fowly that was what I meant19:29
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaha, the meeting is going to be an hour earlier than I thought19:47
JontheEchidnastoopid daylight savings...19:47
seeleJontheEchidna: hmm?19:51
seeleJontheEchidna: we're -5 now :)19:51
JontheEchidnayeah, I thought we were stil -6 now :P19:51
Riddell** Kubuntu Meeting in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting19:54
NCommanderRiddell, can I get a backport from you?19:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298785 in intrepid-backports "please backport lirc and mythbuntu-lirc-generator to Ubuntu intrepid" [Wishlist,In progress]19:55
seeleJontheEchidna: what time zone are you in?19:55
kubotuJontheEchidna: America - New York - Tue Nov 18 14:55 EST19:55
seelewhere do you get -6? it is usually -5 or -4?19:55
jjesseest is -5 or -4 i thought19:56
NCommanderJontheEchidna, where in Eastern are you?19:56
JontheEchidnaNew Hampshire19:56
JontheEchidnaseele: -6 during daylight savings, since the rest of the world doesn't observe it19:57
NCommanderJontheEchidna, your not that far from me (relative to other Ubuntu developers)19:57
JontheEchidnahmm, I thought it was 5 and 6 but I guess it's 4 and 619:57
JontheEchidna*4 and 519:57
RiddellNCommander: poke me after the meeting?19:58
jjesseNCommander: where are you located at?19:59
* jjesse is in michigan19:59
NCommanderRochester, NY19:59
Riddellseele: poke into #ubuntu-meeting20:01
Riddellmeeting time!20:01
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Riddellyuriy about?20:09
ryanakca^seelenn^: yes, I merged it in20:18
^seelenn^thank you, glad you got it20:18
^seelenn^I was wondering when you'd show up :)20:19
ryanakca^seelenn^: thank you :)20:19
^seelenn^you all ready to unleash? )20:19
yuriymeeting here?20:20
^seelenn^nope, #ubuntu-meeting20:20
ryanakcaSorry, missed the beginning, what's the current topic? bzr for packages?20:21
^seelenn^that's what i think it is anyways, I'm lost to be honest20:21
^seelenn^membership was given to Arby firstly, the other guy isn't there yet, now they are on bzr20:22
ryanakcaIf you want to skip to the next point first, feel free, please :)20:29
ryanakca(before going to the wiki one)20:30
* vorian very late20:46
doc__hi there21:04
Riddellhi doc__, we're all in a meeting in #ubuntu-meeting21:05
ryanakcaapachelogger: whenever you're ready... it isn't perfect... but it's better than zilch :)21:23
ryanakcaHmmm... To get your membership renewed... d'you have to go through the whole application process ?21:38
claydohNightrose: i will email you later21:44
Riddellsmarter: which part of France are you in?22:04
smartereast, just at the border with switzerland, geneva22:04
RiddellNightrose: hmm, not sure if you're on the way from France to Bad Pyrmont22:04
smarterhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~smarter/+editlocation ;)22:04
NightroseRiddell: depends on which part of france ;-)22:05
Nightrosebut yea22:05
Nightroseif you are around let me know - if not i will have to cope with it *sob*22:06
apacheloggerNightrose: I could come visit you22:06
* apachelogger calculates his next vacation22:07
apacheloggerNightrose: in only 15.48 years22:07
apacheloggerI am a busy man...22:07
Arbyapachelogger: I'm just composing an answer to that forum thread. could you give me a short list of the issues so I can give a proper explanation22:11
ArbyI understand that using a 7 epoch is bad22:11
Arbybut what are the consequences for joe user22:11
apacheloggerhe won't be able to upgrade to _anything_22:11
apacheloggernot yet, not ever, unless we end up with epoch 7, which is very unlikely to happen within the next 50 years or so22:12
Arbyso not even the underlying os would upgrade, because the dependency calculation would fail?22:12
Riddell(unless coolo starts packaging again:)22:12
ryanakcaseele: was this the article / research you were refering to earlier? http://hid.fidelity.com/q31998/column.htm22:12
Tm_TRiddell: xD22:12
JontheEchidnaso how did we get epoch up to 4?22:13
ArbyRiddell: I'm thinking about below desktop and whether they'd end up with a 9.04 os and a kde3 desktop22:13
smarterfirst packagers screwed up :p22:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: see comment above :)22:13
RiddellArby: upgrading to 9.04 will likely not work at all22:13
smarterArby: the stuff he said about modifying binary packages(looks in the meeting archives, I mentioned it) probably means he's not that good at packaging22:14
JontheEchidnahow do you screw up so that you must add an epoch?22:14
Tm_Tsmarter: not only that, I afraid22:14
Riddellby changing version number scheme22:14
smarterJontheEchidna: use svn rev as package number :p22:14
apacheloggerRiddell: :P22:14
apacheloggerpoor coolo22:14
Arbysmarter: I'm not even sure what he's talking about there22:14
smarterJontheEchidna: see the changelog on packages.debian.org, it's quiet fun :P22:14
Tm_TArby: prolly himself either22:14
smarterArby: what is sure is that he doesn't handle something right22:14
apacheloggerArby: upgrade probably won't work at all22:15
apacheloggerArby: if it does they will end up with a broken desktop22:15
Riddellfabo: you applied for membership?22:15
Arbyok, let me read the rest of the thread and try to compose something22:15
apacheloggerand manually downgrading KDE core is no fun at all... I was a suse user, I've been there22:15
Tm_Tapachelogger: until you saw the light, son22:16
apacheloggerliterally light, I had to do that on a TTY :P22:16
RiddellArby, txwikinger: membership approved, <lp-user>@kubuntu.org e-mail forwarding should be added in the next few days, you can add your blogs to planet any time22:17
apacheloggergood ol' yast at least had a CLI, with our fancy kubuntu gui stuffs you can't even repair your system :P22:17
JontheEchidna kdebase  (2:980710-1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low22:17
ArbyRiddell: thanks22:17
Tm_TJontheEchidna: =)22:17
Arbyof course that would mean I have to start writing a blog22:18
Tm_TArby: you have to22:18
Riddellwhat an excellent idea22:18
apacheloggerwe need more blue stuff on the ubuntu planet22:18
smarter'night people22:19
Tm_Tapachelogger: does that count me too?22:19
Tm_Tsmarter: good night, have hugs22:19
* smarter plans to start blogging a bit too22:20
apacheloggerTm_T: I don't have the knows22:20
Tm_Tso why Jono Bacon hasn't done our theme song yet?22:20
seeleryanakca: no, the research i was referring to came out of WSU's psych lab22:20
Tm_Tapachelogger: what knows?22:20
apacheloggerTm_T: I don't have the knows22:21
Tm_Tsorry, I have no idea what you're trying to say22:21
apacheloggerTm_T: I don't have the knows22:21
apacheloggerthat was one loop22:21
Tm_Tapachelogger: your mind is more than one loop but ok22:21
apacheloggerloops are the fun22:23
^seelenn^ryanakca: Not sure if it's you I should mention this to but...22:31
Arbya further thought on the kde3 crack repository.22:32
^seelenn^bugs 297354 & 291495 are the same22:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297354 in kubuntu-website "faq's page graphic overlays text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29735422:32
ArbyAt what point is it no longer kubuntu?22:32
Tm_TArby: what you mean?22:32
Arbywell if they persist with this effort they are deviating further from what we officially support as being identified as kubuntu22:33
Arbyat what stage does a system diverge so much it becomes a derivative22:33
Tm_TArby: we cannot support something which isn't our doings22:34
ryanakcaArby: imho, Kubuntu stops being Kubuntu when you replace the Kubuntu KDE packages with another WM... then it becomes Ubuntu base + whatever WM you install22:34
Arbythat's exactly my point22:34
Tm_TArby: so, when any core part, in this case, even kdebase package alone is enough22:34
Arbyhmm, just musing is all22:35
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Riddellhow's this? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings/Minutes/2008-11-1822:49
JontheEchidnaRiddell: love the ending :P22:50
* ryanakca grins22:50
* ^seelenn^ boots VM22:53
^seelenn^icky Windows XP22:53
Arbyok folks, how about this as a response to the forum thread?22:57
Arbyif anybody wants to give any more technical insight into why things will break feel free22:58
ArbyRiddell: apachelogger anybody else ^^22:59
Riddell"We know there are people who still want KDE3." -> "We know there are people who still want KDE 3, but recemment they stick with 8.04 (Hardy) rather than use an untested and unsupported third party archive."22:59
Arby'untested and unsupported' is likely to bring on flames but I think that'll happen anyway23:01
Tm_TArby: but that's true23:01
ArbyI bet they'll claim it's supported23:01
ArbyTm_T: I agree23:01
ArbyI can just see what the response will be23:01
Tm_TArby: then all issues are supported by the claimers, I though wouldn't like to see that23:02
a|wenArby: link to forum post?23:02
Tm_Ttoo ugly to my eyes23:02
Arbya|wen: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96369523:02
NightroseArby: "of work required to maintain a usable KDE3 desktop is will increase" <- one "is" too much23:03
Nightrosesounds good to me otherwise23:04
a|wenthat's a long post23:05
Arbya|wen: the thread is 11 pages of crack23:05
Arbyand use of that repo stands a reasonable chance of causing the end of the world23:06
a|wenArby: yeah, just realized :/23:06
* Arby prepares the flameproof suit and goes to post23:07
rgreeninggj Arby23:08
a|wengo for it Arby ... and good luck might be the right words :)23:08
Arbyand it's done23:09
Arbyanbody got any marshmallows?23:09
* ^seelenn^ now wants some marshmallows23:10
Arbywhile I remember.23:11
ArbyJontheEchidna: is it worth trying to have a bugday on kdepim sometime soon?23:11
JontheEchidnaArby, ^seelenn^: http://www.homestarrunner.com/marshie.html23:11
JontheEchidnaI guess when we roll 4.2 out we'll be mass-closing kdepim bugs anway23:11
Arbyfair enough23:12
Arbywe can survey the damage after that23:12
jussi01_Morning all23:12
Arbyalthough strictly speaking that won't be til January will it23:13
jussi01_Is anyone having issues with the new fglrx driver that hit the repos a few days back? (I think its in proposed...)23:14
a|wenArby: isn't there a lot of 3.5.x bugs anyway, so a cleanup could be a good idea?23:14
Arbya|wen: yes there probably is23:15
jussi01_I have that it boots to 640x480 and then when I log in and go to system settings - display it goes to the correct resolution23:15
* ^seelenn^ goes to sleep23:16
Riddellnight ^seelenn^23:16
* jussi01_ waves to Riddell23:16
* a|wen lives happily without fglrx for his ati graphics card23:16
^seelenn^Riddell: Night night23:16
jussi01_a|wen: shush you ;P23:16
JontheEchidnajussi01_: known issue with the systemsettings module23:17
jussi01_JontheEchidna: workaround/fix?23:17
JontheEchidnaworkaround is... to open systemsettings...23:17
jussi01_there is also a problem with it doing weird stuff with focus - I run networkmanager gnome, and after Ive got the resolution back I click on it and the pop up box doesnt come up. (works fine with the bad res)23:20
seelehum.. work on system settings or presentation for tomorrow's lug meeting23:20
jussi01_seele: ad lib the presentation, work on system settings :D23:20
seelejussi01_: i promised them slides, but there probably wont be many of them anyway23:21
a|wenregarding kde 3.5 ... if anybody with SRU powers has time to have a look at bug 286905 it would be greatly appreciated23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286905 in kdepim "[SRU req.] kdepim stability fixes; calendar crashes when using google calendar [regression]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28690523:37

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