
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh|away
pittihey calc, good luck with that07:55
pittiI'm just getting an ordinary cold, but terribly sore throat07:55
huatsmorning everyone08:25
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seb128james_w: hi, do you still get bug #173212?12:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 173212 in gnome-media "mixer applet cannot be unmuted in new session" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17321212:53
james_wI did two months ago12:54
james_wI can test again if you like12:54
james_wI guess it's more an alsa problem12:54
seb128james_w: I think the bug is misassigned12:54
seb128right, but it's not clear exactly what your issue is12:55
seb128you say that the mixer and applet don't show the same volumes for the same channel?12:55
james_wthe issues is that a new session changes the behaviour12:55
seb128but that's specific to the applet?12:55
james_wI'm not sure12:55
seb128or alsamixer show issues too?12:55
seb128it would be interesting to know if the alsa settings changes12:56
seb128or if that's just the applet which shows a wrong status12:56
seb128there is no hurry to try, don't close your session only for that12:57
seb128I'm just trying to clean the needinfo bugs12:57
seb128the fact that this one is hardware specific seems to suggest a driver or alsa issue rather than an applet one12:57
seb128we lack somebody knowing about the audio stack triaging those bugs12:58
mvoember_: hello! I'm looking at the brasero update right now, thanks for working on this! what is the rational for dropping "-+X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=brasero" - is this now done automatically by something?12:59
mvoseb128: do we have something that sets the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain automatically now (or is there something that makes it obsolete?)13:03
seb128mvo: gnome.mk when using cdbs does13:03
seb128mvo: but that's not new13:03
seb128mvo: otherwise you have to do it in the rules13:04
mvoI rarely use gnome.mk I guess this is why I haven't noticed13:04
seb128mvo: cdbs hater ;-)13:04
seb128mvo: in fact langpack.mk does it, so you can include that rather than gnome.mk but GNOME packages usually use the gnome one for schemas registration, etc13:05
* mvo nods13:05
mvoember_: thanks, seb128 figured it out for me :)13:06
james_wseb128: confirmed.13:10
james_wseb128: when in a session I can mute, which leaves the volume level at e.g. 50% and sets the mute flag13:10
james_wseb128: when I restart my session it comes back muted, but with the volume set to 0%, and not having the mute flag set13:11
seb128you mean the applet has a mute icon?13:11
james_wseb128: alsamixer just shows a pulseaudio device, do you know how I can debug that side of this further13:11
seb128what does alsamixer shows?13:12
james_wthe applet has a mute icon, but the checkbox in the context menu is un-checked13:12
seb128well the applet displays a mute icon when volume = 013:12
james_wif you scroll to 0% in the applet then it gets the mute icon13:12
seb128try pavucontrol?13:12
seb128what does the gnome mixer displays if you double click on the applet icon for example?13:13
seb128just to be clear there13:13
seb128- you have some volume set13:13
seb128- right click on the applet, select the mute option there13:13
seb128- the applet is showing the volume as muted, what does the mixer display as volume then?13:14
james_wthe same value as before selecting mute13:14
seb128- then you restart your session and the volume is 0 rather than using the mute toggle13:14
seb128it seems that the volume is changing between sessions then13:14
james_wso my complaint is that it is not consistent.13:14
seb128something is switching mute and volume to volume = 013:15
james_wpavucontrol isn't showing anything useful13:15
seb128I guess you will have the same issue without having an applet configured13:15
james_wthe gnome mixer is showing volume = 0 and not muted, as you would expect13:15
seb128ok, I don't know enough about pulseaudio and alsa to give you useful hints there13:15
james_wI agree, but I don't know how to confirm that13:16
seb128you would not expect that13:16
seb128you would expect the volume to be what it was during the previous session13:16
james_wyeah, I mean I expect that given what the applet is showing13:16
seb128and the mute flag to be set13:16
seb128ok, anyway doesn't look like a gnome-applets bug13:16
james_wI agree13:16
seb128maybe you can reassign to alsa-lib rather and try to ask to crimsum when he's around if he has an idea about the issue13:17
seb128you can also try to uninstall pulseaudio and see if you still get the issue when using alsa directly13:17
seb128you opened this bug before the pulseaudio time I think13:17
seb128reassing to alsa-lib and let them deal with the bug13:18
james_wthanks seb12813:25
james_wI updated the bug report to be more clear about the behaviour13:25
seb128james_w: thank you for testing and updating the bug ;-)13:25
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asacseb128: installed xul yet? please go for it and let me know if ephy still crashes on shutdown14:01
seb128asac: not yet, I will let you know, they fixed something which seems similar to the issue?14:02
asacseb128: just the comment from debian ;)14:03
asacseb128: hmmm .... do you use REVU and get acks from two MOTUs for new packages :-P ?14:10
seb128asac: lol, good one!14:10
asacwell. i am looking through wiki14:10
seb128asac: no, I use my upload power and get one ack from pitti when it's in NEW ;-)14:10
asacthats breach of policy isnt it?14:11
seb128what policy?14:11
seb128that's a MOTU thing14:11
asacwhat does that mean?14:11
seb128I'm not a MOTU ;-)14:11
asaccore-devs dont need taht?14:12
pittiseb128: you are14:12
asacthis just came up because MOTUs want mozilla packages to go through REVU ... which is completely senseless imo14:12
seb128well, let's say I've enough to do without bothering using revu, etc14:12
seb128so maybe I'm abusing my power there dunno14:12
asacbecause no MOTU ever reviewed any mozilla package14:12
seb128but I really don't feel doing extra paper work only to be compliant to some MOTU policy on the topic14:12
asacseb128: i feel the same. but just ignoring it cant be right ;)14:13
asacwe need to fix that policy then i think14:13
pittiI thought that revu thing would only apply for non-MOTUs14:13
asacpitti: apparenlty thats not the case.14:14
pittii. e. folks who start learning packaging have to get two MOTU acks (or, likely, some iterations of fixing) before uploading to NEW?14:14
asacpersia said that everything has to go through REVU14:14
asacfor NEW packages14:14
pittihm, that's news to me, too14:14
asacpitti: i think REVU is for non-MOTUs ... and new-packages14:14
asacpitti: well. policy is that you need two ACKs if you want to upload a new package14:14
asacREVU is just the standard procedure14:15
asacpitti: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages14:15
pittiasac: oh, good to know14:15
seb128what define a policy and who approve what is official policy?14:16
asacpitti: my personal feeling is that this policy cannot be valid for packages that MOTU team doesnt care for14:16
seb128ie is that wiki page something official or something MOTU decided in a unilateral way?14:16
asacfor instance: mozillateam packages -> MOTU never touch those14:16
pittiasac: well core-dev is a subset of MOTU14:16
asacseb128: i am not sure what the policy process is14:17
asacfrom what i understand motu council can just release policies on their own14:17
seb128and that stands for universe imho14:17
seb128well I'm not sure why a MOTU should have to go through REVU review either14:18
asacas a matter of fact most packages go into universe first14:18
seb128somebody who knows about packaging should be able to just do it and upload14:18
asaci agree14:18
seb128right, but that's creating paper work, slowness and extra work for no good reason14:18
asacright. and fta's experience with REVU is that you never get two acks there14:19
seb128let's move that to #ubuntu-devel maybe rather?14:19
asacthe first will happen quickly ... the second never happens and you have to run around poking folks14:19
seb128or wait for dholbach reply?14:19
asacseb128: lets wait for dholbach14:20
seb128well, REVU is similar to sponsoring14:20
asacseb128: and then discuss this properly14:20
asacwhen i have the cycles too14:20
seb128lot of items, not enough manpower, extra delais14:20
asaci am about to run ;)14:20
asaci think archive admin review should be enough for those that have upload rights14:20
asacif archive admins say that there is too much garbage then they are supposed to push for a pre-review14:21
asacat least if archive admins dont ask for it, there is no reason for such a policy14:21
seb128well, somebody who has upload rights should be able to produce a mostly correct package14:21
ember_sorry mvo i wasn't here, and thanks for sponsoring.14:36
ember_seb128: when you have time can you renew me on desktop-bugs team14:36
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seb128the team is an open one you can do that on launchpad directly14:37
emberwhere? i was able to renew bugteam but not desktop-bugs14:37
seb128not sure of the url but your subscription details should let you renew it14:38
seb128or you might need to wait until expiration14:38
seb128the team is an open one for sure and you don't need an admin approval, not sure about the launchpad interface, you can ask on #launchpad if that's not clear14:39
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seb128fta: hey, did you read my comments about the cairo update the other day?15:40
* pitti rings the desktop team meeting bell16:00
calcoh yea this should be updated on fridge bueno can do it apparently if we ask him16:00
pittibryce, Riddell, Keybuk, ArneGoetje: there?16:00
pittiasac is on holiday16:01
pitticalc: as our US representative, could you ring bryce?16:02
pittithat's actually the first topic16:03
* calc looking up his number now16:03
pittiI'll talk to beuno to get the desktop team meeting on the fridge16:03
pittiseb128 noticed that there wasn't a team meeting reminder16:03
pittido you guys actually want to get one every week? or woudl having the meeting in evo be enough for you, and we avoid cronspam?16:03
seb128having it in e-d-s would be enough imho16:04
seb128which is not the case right now16:04
Keybukpitti: I briefly talked to persia about it, apparently the meeting can't go on the fridge, because we don't use #ubuntu-meeting16:04
Riddellan e-mail the day before to remind about activity I find nice16:04
calche didn't answer the phone16:05
pitticalc: ok, thanks for trying16:05
Riddellthere's nothing channel specific about fridge events, it's for all events16:05
KeybukRiddell: apparently the #ubuntu-meeting bot gets confused16:05
Riddellthat's the bot's problem16:05
pittiok, I'll continue to send the reminders for now16:06
pittiACTION: pitti to continue to send out meeting reminder emails and ask beuno to get it on the fridge16:06
seb128Keybuk: the calendar can have non meeting events too no? we don't specifically need that to be set as a meeting slot there16:06
Keybukdunno :)16:07
Riddell"Desktop Team Meeting" is on fridge, but for wrong day16:07
pittibefore we come to the main topic: two weeks ago we went through the intrepid-updates bugs16:07
seb128well, milestones are on the calendar16:07
pittiit would really be good to get them sorted by UDS, since at UDS and afterwards we'll all have jaunty in our heads16:07
pittiare there any blockers, or bugs which turned out to be complicated?16:07
Riddellthe cmake/kde4libs/adept breakage is a bit strange16:08
pittiRiddell: the kde4libs SRU broke builds?16:08
RiddellNCommander is being great and working on it though16:08
pittiso shold that block -updates migration of kde4libs? (the bug is verified otherwise)16:09
Riddellyes, for now16:09
Riddellit'll likely need a patch to kde4libs to fix16:09
pittiRiddell: noted16:09
pittiall others are fine with their intrepid-updates bugs?16:09
seb128GNOME 2.24.2 tarballs due next week16:10
pittioh, fun16:10
seb128but I don't think we will try to do all the updates since that's not a lts16:10
pittiright, I agree; it actually was a special exception for hardy16:10
seb128the evo stack will likely get an another round of updates though16:10
pittiso we'll only do updates to major bug fixes then?16:10
pittiwhich reminds me, Riddell, is the new kde microrelease in -proposed?16:11
Riddellpitti: no, I got distracted by merges16:11
Riddellpitti: I wasn't clear, does it need one bug for every package?16:11
Riddellor just one meta-bug?16:11
pittiRiddell: yes, one representative for each package would be good, to track verification and migration16:11
pittisome uploads already have an LP #16:11
pittiso we only need one for packages which don't fix any LP bug in their changelog16:12
pittiok, then let's get to UDS preps16:12
pittiKeybuk: any initial words?16:12
pittilast week I asked you to think about what you would like to work on during jaunty16:13
pittiso I propose everyone gives a quick overview about their intentions16:13
pittipersonally I'd like to concentrate on fixing bugs, robustifying the apport retracers, and working on CD size16:14
KeybukI think it'd be worth going through each person to get a list of spec ideas firmed up16:14
seb128what pitti said + GNOME 2.26 ;-)16:14
pittiArneGoetje: ?16:15
ArneGoetjeI have enough on my plate: basically continue to work on my usual stuff... fonts, language-selector, font-selector, plus a new item: ibus (a candidate to replace scim)16:15
Keybukyou've registered a spec about ibus16:16
Keybukare there any others you'd want for UDS?16:16
pittiArneGoetje: does ibus need UDS discussion, or is it a "just do it" thihng?16:16
ArneGoetjeneeds UDS discussion16:16
pittiah, ok16:16
ArneGoetjeKeybuk: no thanks :) as I said, I have enough on my plate16:16
Keybukdo you think language-selector or font-selector could warrant a discussion?16:16
Keybukespecially since we have new UI and Desktop-interested people?16:17
ArneGoetjeI will probably discuss with mpt about GUI rework and additional features for language-selector.16:17
pittiArneGoetje: please register a spec for this then, so that it can be scheduled16:17
ArneGoetjefont-selector: I'm looking forward to finally get hold of Keith Packard... need to prod him for more info about fontconfig.16:18
Keybuksounds like they're both worth scheduling an hour for, then16:18
ArneGoetjepitti: will do16:18
mptmm, additional features16:18
pittiArneGoetje: thanks; please propose it for the uds-jaunty meeting, so that it stands out from the noise16:18
ArneGoetjepitti: ok16:19
pittiok, thanks16:19
calcget release exception and OOo 3.1 in, get OOo languages switched to Pootle/Rosetta, get OOo split builds working.16:19
Keybukwhich of those are worth a UDS discussion?16:19
Keybuksounds like the pootle/rosetta one could be?16:20
calci need to talk to doko and rosetta people about that one yes16:20
calcthe release exception i just need to ask for it from the release team i guess, not sure if we need a meeting for that one16:20
pitticalc: agreed, but the pootle one does warrant one, I think16:21
calci will create a blueprint for it16:21
pitti@all: please nominate them for uds-jaunty16:22
pittiRiddell: what are your plans?16:22
Keybuk(and the plans of the Kubuntu Kommunity)16:23
Keybukerr, I swear I didn't do that deliberately16:23
pittiof Kourse16:23
Riddellpitti: listed here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuJauntySpecs16:23
Riddellpitti: summaried as make Kubuntu with KDE 4 good enough for the whingers on the kubuntu-users mailing list :)16:24
Riddellpitti: we have a meeting tonight to discuss them more, then I'll register the specs in LP16:24
pittiRiddell: nicely prepared!16:24
pittiok, that's everyone except bryce16:25
pittiACTION: pitti to talk to bryce about jaunty plans16:25
Keybuk(and asac, but he's on leave)16:25
pittiso it seems to be a cleanup cycle for GNOME and KDE, and in general16:25
kwwiiso I am officialy not on the team anymore, right?16:26
pittikwwii: sorry, wasn't aware that you were lurking; feel free to introduce your plans as well :)16:26
kwwiipitti: actually, I don't think I am part of the team anymore...wasn't being nasty :-)16:27
pittiok, please make sure to register your specs, preferably by the end of the week16:29
pittiand let's finish that intrepid thing, so that we have our heads free for jaunty16:30
pittiI cleared my intrepid-updates bug list, so if anyone needs a hand for his', please give me a ping16:30
pittioh, one thing16:31
pittiDebianImportFreeze is December 25, which means in practice that we have this, next, and one week after UDS for finishing merges16:31
pittiokay, I feel alone now, so let's wrap up :)16:32
* seb128 hugs pitti16:32
* calc hugs everyone while... not getting them sick ;-)16:33
seb128oh, I intend to start on GNOME 2.25 for GNOME 2.25.216:33
seb128ie, the week before uds16:33
seb128I don't think we have a real need to hurry on pushing 2.25.1, there is not a lot of users on jaunty yet16:33
seb128and I prefer to use the time to do cleaning16:33
Keybukkwwii: *hugs*16:33
pittiseb128: sounds fine16:34
seb128pitti: ok, good, let's do some good cleaning before starting on new crack ;-)16:35
pittiyeah, and for jaunty too :)16:36
pittiI appreciate having some time to work on bugs16:36
seb128me too16:37
brycesorry, I'm onsite in Lexington and was helping an engineer with an X bug16:38
seb128hey bryce16:39
pittihi bryce16:40
pittibryce: can you please give a quick intro about what you are planning to work on in jaunty?16:41
bryceregarding specs, there are a few that ubuntu-x community members are taking the lead on (config tools, etc.) which I'll be assisting on16:41
bryceI've also posted one for switching -ati from XAA to EXA16:41
brycethat should be pretty straightforward; mostly just testing and following up on bugs16:41
brycetesting = stability + performance testing16:42
brycealso I plan to do more work on my ongoing Xorg testing spec.  Make XSmoke, and the historical drivers page16:42
bryceaside from that probably won't have much time remaining - OEM X bugs are consuming most of my time these days16:42
bryceI do want to put a lot of time into getting distro X bugs closed as I'm having good momentum with upstream at getting fixes, so am glad bug fixing is a focus.  I hope I'll have enough time to work on that.16:44
pittibryce: ok, so maintenance, cleanup, and better testing?16:44
bryceright, and enhancing tools for configuration and troubleshooting16:45
pittigreat, seems everyone is focusing on that in jaunty, so far I didn't hear about major new structural changes16:45
pitti(of which we had quite a lot in hardy, for example)16:45
pittijaunty should have been an ideal LTS cycle :-P16:45
seb128we picked the bad cycle for hardy16:45
brycethe one pending  X structural change is kernel modesetting; not sure how much we want to push that.  Sounds like it's still fairly experimental.16:45
seb128s/hardy/the lts16:45
pittibryce: ok, thanks for the intro; can you please make sure that the things you want to discuss with others have a blueprint registered, and proposed it for uds-jaunty?16:46
brycepitti: yes, all have blueprints registered at this point16:46
pittibryce: right, KMS sounds worth discussing16:46
bryceI'll make sure they're proposed16:46
pittibryce: cheers16:46
Keybukbryce: are the ones you've posted suggested for uds-jaunty?16:49
KeybukI can't find them in the proposed list16:49
seb128pitti: btw is the multimedia stack a platform or a desktop team land?16:49
bryceKeybuk: not yet; I'm doing that presently16:49
seb128I really think we should do something to address the audio stack being outdated and buggy16:49
Keybukbryce: *resists the urge to bring the previous #ubuntu-devel topic in here*16:49
pittiseb128: as in gstreamer (desktop) or alsa (platform)?16:50
seb128pitti: as in pulseaudio16:50
pittipulseaudio actually sounds desktopish, but since Luke handles it, it's platform16:50
seb128pitti: or totem and rhythmbox16:51
seb128not working correctly due to it16:51
bryceKeybuk: done.16:51
seb128pitti: "handle", the list of bugs doesn't seem really triaged, the version is outdated, sound effects are not working due to oudated libcanberra, etc16:51
bryceKeybuk: a few don't really need full discussion sessions for them.16:52
seb128pitti: would be really nice to put some extra ressources to solve that16:52
pittiyes, full ack16:52
Keybukbryce: x.org conf options editor - is that separate to alberto's spec?16:53
rlaagerpitti, seb128: If the "replacing Pidgin with Empathy" thing comes up again, I'd really like to find a way (i.e. figure out the design and get some code written) to ensure that users can have their libpurple (Pidgin, et al.) IM logs automatically read by Empathy. I think that's the most important "data" that an IM client has given that buddy lists are generally stored on the server.16:54
bryceKeybuk: nope it's one of the items alberto is working on16:55
rlaagerpitti: I'm obviously not going to propose having that discussion at UDS, but you thought it might come up. If it does, I'd definitely want to be involved.16:55
bryceKeybuk: that's actually a part-2 from a spec we discussed last UDS16:55
Keybukis already proposed16:55
pittirlaager: personally I'm not planning it for jaunty either, since I'd really like to let people work on bug fixing16:55
rlaagerpitti: Ok. I like bug fixing. That's what I want to focus on, but I'm not on any Ubuntu teams officially.16:56
calcrlaager: merged users (across protocols) is somewhat useful as well and is only stored in libpurple16:56
pittirlaager: but independently from that, I think that switch will be made in the distro worlds at *some* point, so talking about migration paths is always good, even if it lands in jaunty+n16:56
tedgIs there a session at UDS planed for talking about the new GDM?16:56
seb128rlaager: hi16:56
rlaagercalc: It was my understanding that Empathy didn't support meta-contacts/persons.16:56
calcrlaager: oh ok16:57
pittitedg: good point; can you please register one, so that we can review the missing features and see which ones we need to implement?16:57
bryceKeybuk: yep, screen-configuration-ui is essentially a part-3 to this, to expand on the xorg-options-editor functionality16:57
rlaagerseb128: Hello! Hopefully I'll be generating more patches for you instead of just a pile of bug reports. :)16:57
tedgpitti: Okay.16:57
Keybukbryce: ah16:57
Keybukwhich is part 1 ?16:57
Keybukwhich is part 2?16:57
seb128rlaager: quick comment about this gtk bug where you added a upstream change, we usually don't do too much backporting to non-lts if there is not a strong reason to do16:57
seb128rlaager: the stable updates are quite some work and the team is small so we try to reserve backports to annoying issues16:58
brycepart 1 is the little dialog enhancement to screen-display-properties which adds in Virtual options for dual-screen functionality - this is deployed already in Intrepid16:58
rlaagerseb128: Fair enough. What about for Jaunty? I'm not sure how much distro patching you like to do.16:58
Keybukok great16:58
KeybukI've put them in the right order in the schedule16:58
seb128rlaager: let's see when they will roll a new tarball, if they don't we will do backporting16:59
brycepart 2 is to expand that into a general purpose option editor.  part 3 is to expand that into a general purpose xorg.conf configuration tool.16:59
brycepart 2 is mostly done except for integration, so part 3 is maybe doable for jaunty, but needs discussion.16:59
rlaagerseb128: For what it's worth, I'm at basically 100% of my non-public data under ~/Private now and things seem to work well. I'd love to hear your thoughts on killing off ~/.recently-used (note, not .xbel) by finding and rooting out the EggRecent code from apps (at least Totem, I think).17:00
seb128that's a good idea but ideally something GNOME would do17:01
johanbrrlaager: Empathy git has some code for log migration. Haven't tried it, though.17:01
rlaagerjohanbr: I'll have to look at that.17:01
ArneGoetjeI guess we are finished with the meeting?17:09
pittibryce: oh, were you planning to do the acpi-support obsoletion, too? some of it can be fanned out to several people, but I think someone needs to coordinate it17:10
pittiArneGoetje: yes, a while ago17:11
ArneGoetjepitti: didn't notice since there is still discussion going on... :P17:11
* ArneGoetje -> bed17:11
pittiwell, it's #ubuntu-desktop :)17:11
pittiArneGoetje: sleep well17:11
brycepitti: unfortunately I likely won't have much time to help17:12
brycepitti: the OEM team is going to need a lot of X support going forward, and don't have a dedicated X guy (yet?)17:12
pittibryce: since you absorbed quite a lot of knowledge about acpi-support while you were debugging this stuff and doing the merge, would you mind giving a quick tutorial about it at UDS, so that others can help?17:12
brycesorry, I must run to another OEM thingee... bbia hour17:13
pittiso that we get a plan "what do we need to do to migrate to pm-utils"?17:13
brycepitti: be happy to participate in the session.  Don't know I really have that much wisdom to share but glad to braindump.17:13
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rlaagerThis might be something to discuss at UDS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/4030620:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40306 in ubuntu "Should have accessibility meta packages" [Wishlist,Fix released]20:03
rlaagerIt is, of course, not fixed (at least not from my point of view with bug #40334, which was marked as a duplicate of it).20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40334 in ubuntu-meta "Separate accessibility packages (dup-of: 40306)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4033420:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 40306 in ubuntu "Should have accessibility meta packages" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4030620:04

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