
Kobazheh, k00:00
epperfullermd: Just a question to check that I've understood correctly how bazaar works:00:09
epperIn svn, when you've to implement a new complex feature you usually create a branch, commit partial changes to it (updating the branch periodically)... And then merge it into the trunk again.00:10
epperIn bazaar a working copy is in fact a branch... So you just create your workingcopy ("local" branch), make your changes and then commit them into the trunk with the full history00:11
epperRight? I think that this is the key of the two systems... Am I right'00:11
bob2you can do that.  you could also create a branch next to the public "trunk" and work in that, so people can see your changes as they happen (or as you push).00:12
freewilly1you can also use looms instead of branches, afaik00:14
freewilly1I still haven't played with that00:15
bob2the key difference is that branches can be anywhere, rather than just all together in some central repository00:15
freewilly1although they can share a repository for efficiency sake ;)00:16
fullermdWell, looms are (IMO) more aimed at the case where you have a larger number of layers.00:18
epperlooms... googling... I never saw this word in the svn world :)00:19
fullermdsvn 1.5 has (AIUI) much better merge tracking than previous versions, so using branches like that probably works better there now.  But the branches all still have to be in one single repository.00:19
fullermdWell, that's becaues it doesn't exist in the svn world.  Or anywhere else, for that matter   :p00:20
fullermdIt's a method for automating some of the housekeeping involved when you have a stack of branches, for implementing layers of features.00:21
epperah, ok... Because I've not found any usefull information00:21
fullermde.g., you have an "upstream" branch, based on which you have a "feature1" branch to add feature1, based on which you have a "feature2" branch that takes everything from feature1 and adds feature2 on top, based on which you have a 'feature3' branch that needs feature2 and adds feature3 on top, based on which...00:21
fullermdAs opposed to doing all the above in a "allmyfeatures" branch.  It lets you keep them separate, even though each builds on the other.00:22
fullermdYou could do the same thing with just having N branches, but loom automates a bit of the bookwork in keeping them stacked and synced.00:22
epper... in bazaar... When you worked on you working copy (that's a branch) with your commits (aka push?)... And than you commit your final work to the main repository... Do all the changeset get transferred to the main repository too?00:22
epperGood, I thought so... But I needed a confirm ;)00:23
fullermdIn bzr, you'd do that by merging [the changes in] your local branch into the trunk.00:24
fullermdSo the answer is "yes, but your phrasing doesn't really fit what you do with bzr"   :)00:24
* fullermd waves at igc.00:25
epperfullermd: Yeah, I'm not comfortable with bazaar words yet... :D I'm steel a svn supporter for now ;)00:25
igchi fullermd00:26
fullermdepper: Oh, don't worry about THAT; we've got re-education camps to solve that problem...00:26
fullermdThe first step, really, is to work at thinking in terms of branches, rather than repositories.  In SVN, the repo is a sharp boundary for a lot of things; in bzr, it doesn't affect much of anything conceptually.00:27
fullermdConversely, in bzr, a branch if a boundary from inside, and a unit from outside, whereas in svn, it's a weird construct of a conventional subpart of a repository.  Wacky.00:28
epperYes, but I think that this way of handling branches would be usefull adding new complex features and removing all the not-so-stable commits that I could find very often in SVN repositories every day.00:31
fullermdOf course, that also means that in svn you can branch a file within a branch, then branch the branch with a branched file in the branch, and then branch the two branches, one a branch of the other, both with a branch of the file in the branch...00:31
epperLost in branches00:31
epperBut probably staying here only analyzing bazaar without trying it will not reveal other intresting uses of its featuers... sure of that00:33
epperThanks again fullermd, now I've a better view of bazaar... Maybe better than subvesion one day ;)00:36
epperIt's time to go to sleep here, thanks... and good bye ;)00:36
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thumperpoolie: did you know that the nightly ppa isn't updating?01:40
pooliethumper: i did not01:43
pooliestatik runs it01:43
thumperyeah, I have pinged statik but no answer yet01:44
statikthumper: i lost my hard drive in the computer that was running the nightly bzr sourcepackage builds, i've moved things to a slicehost machine and just haven't finished. i'll finish now02:36
thumperstatik: thanks02:36
thumperstatik: I'd also like to talk to you about LP reviews if you have a few minutes02:36
statikthumper: np. funny, this is the first time i've signed onto freenode in a long time02:36
thumperstatik: you have been missed :)02:37
statikthanks man, i will try to connect to freenode more02:37
statikthumper: give me 10 minutes to finish this, then i we can talk code reviews02:37
thumperstatik: ack02:38
halsteadhopefully easy question: is there a way to show all logs relating to any file/directory in a tree of directories?03:15
statikpoolie, thumper: nightly bzr package build seems to be safely back in cron, and packages should hit the PPA in 15 minutes or so03:18
halstead'bzr diff directory' does show the differences in all files in directory 'bzr log directory' only shows logs from when the directory itself was altered. Can I make bzr log behave like bzr diff?03:27
halsteadAh I guess I found the answer: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2008q3/046146.html03:31
freewilly1:( indeed03:53
rockyhm, are the milestones not being updated on https://launchpad.net/bzr  ?03:53
beunorocky, they look like the are03:55
rockylooks pretty bare   https://launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/1.9.103:56
beunorocky, 1.9.1 hasn't been released yet03:56
rockyoh i thought it had03:56
rockywhich branch is active dev happening on now?03:57
rockyjust lp:bzr?  when will that get branched as 1.10 ?03:57
thumperrocky: normally when 1.10 goes into release candidate03:58
dstaneki merged changes from a svn working copy to my bzr branch with the the svn plugin - they are showing up as pending merges - what does that mean?04:01
rockydstanek: you still need to do a bzr commit to your local branch04:01
dstanekah i c04:02
dstanekrocky: yep thanks,that was it04:02
rockythumper: does everything that goes into bzr go through a blueprint first?04:05
thumperrocky: most go through bugs04:06
thumperrocky: but certainly not all04:06
rockyblueprints are mostly about more sweeping changes?04:07
thumperrocky: I'm not sure how much the blueprint feature is used04:07
thumperfor bzr04:07
* rocky is trying to understand bzr and it's use in and for launchapd04:07
rockythumper: this looks like it's being neglected (which would support your comment)  ...  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bzr/+spec/0.10-release-process04:07
thumperrocky: if you want to talk about launchpad, we could go to #launchpad04:07
rockywell, this is about how bzr uses launchpad ... so i dunno where i should talk ;)04:07
thumperI think bzr uses bugs more than blueprints04:08
rockyis there a non-automated roadmap someplace i could look at?04:09
rockyi just realized i was mistaking 0.10 for 1.1004:12
poolierocky: what kind of question specifically?04:15
rockyi just want to see what's planned for the next major release of bzr04:17
pooliethe best place to look is here: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/release-notes/NEWS.html04:22
Peng_beuno: Sorry, but I have no idea how Google found the broken URL.04:56
pooliespiv, still around, want to talk before I finish up?06:15
vilaGood morning all07:01
elmooh hai07:14
elmowhy haz bzr log not to be having useful (i.e. portable) revision identifiers even with -v?07:14
AfCelmo: the argument --show-ids is what you want.07:18
AfC(assuming "revid"s are what you are looking for, but you _rarely_ need them)07:18
elmoAfC: it's what I'm looking for - I was put off by the "internal use" in the --help output07:32
elmoAfC: how else should I specify the revision I'm talking about with someone who has the same history, but not the same tree, so revnos don't match?07:33
AfCif you have a copy of the branch the revnos will be the same up to the point of divergence.07:33
elmoI don't quite now what I have vs what barry has.  it's launchpad, so pqm managed if that makes a difference.  all I know is that he has the same history, so I could specify the revid and it worked for him, but his revnos were completely divergent07:34
elmosorry, same history probably isn't accurate in VCS speak07:35
elmoI mean, he has at least all the changes I have, I guess07:35
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lukselmo: if you have a shared mainline, anything on the mainline can be considered stable07:42
vilaelmo: revid are globally unique identifiers, so you can use them across different branches, if "he" doesn't have "your" revid, "he" misses part of "your" history07:42
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AfCelmo: also, after you've cloned his branch, doing `bzr missing --line ../path/to/his/branch` can be very useful.07:43
elmoright, sorry for wasting your time07:46
elmoapparently barry did have the revno after all, and I'm just a muppet (too) and didn't notice him saying so (later)07:46
AfCHooray for the Muppets!07:49
SteveApoolie: ping10:04
awilkinsI seem to be having a problem with authentication.conf ; it's not being read at all as far as I can mak eout.13:40
awilkinsHold on, test a little more I wil13:40
awilkinsOk, I'm trying a pull from a smart http server, it's throwing back a 401, and bazaar is just stopping there.13:43
awilkinsIt's not even trying to access authentication.conf (confirmed by using a filesystem debugger)13:44
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fullermdawilkins: At one point, http wouldn't even try auth unless the username were given in the URL.  Maybe that's still the case?14:04
awilkinsfullermd: The documentation says otherwise, but I'll try it14:04
awilkinsYes, it reads the file and uses the password14:05
awilkinsWell, that's just NAUGHTY, not doing what the docs say.14:07
awilkinsLooks like _SharedConnection() needs to try matching authentication.conf in transport/_init_14:12
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alumHi, is trigger plug-in included into bzr? I saw https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2006q1/007285.html, but it seem to be a little bit obsolete.15:50
jamalum: I haven't heard anything about trigger since that 2006 thread15:58
alumjam: I'll appreciate it in main bzr. Is there any plans?16:08
jamalum: as I haven't heard of it for 2 (almost 3) years, nobody seems to be pushing to get it included.16:09
jamIf you are interested, you could put together a patch for it16:09
jamand we would review it like everything else16:09
jampersonally, I find the functionality fits very well as a plugin16:09
jamI'm willing to be persuaded as to why it should be a core feature, though.16:10
gotgenesI need to create a copy of a file, but there's no bzr copy command. What should I use instead?16:15
awilkinscp file new-file16:16
awilkinsbzr add new-file16:16
gotgenesbut will the revision history follow the copied file?16:16
gotgenesThat's unfortunate16:16
beunogotgenes, bzr manages renames, but not copies16:16
awilkinsBut there is no feature that will make it, alas.16:16
awilkinsWhy do you need to copy the file?16:17
gotgenesIt's my CV16:17
awilkins(just to get a better idea of what alternatives may be pertinent)16:17
gotgenesI need to pare it down to a resume16:17
awilkinsWould a "resume" branch of the main "CV" branch be more useful?16:17
gotgenesMmm, let me think.16:18
awilkinsThen changes to CV could be merged to "resume" (but you'd probably get a reasonably ;arge conflict set)16:18
gotgenesprobably would get a large conflict set16:18
awilkinsCurriculum Vitae16:18
awilkinsCommonly used UK (Europe) term for what 'mercans call "Resume"16:19
gotgenesawilkins: I suppose I'm probably not going to merge the two ever, being practical and forward thinking.16:19
awilkinsI'm presuming it's even in a format that merges well :-)16:19
NfNitLoopHuh, yeah, I've never heard it called that here.16:19
gotgenesawilkins: LaTeX16:19
awilkinsThat would count :-)16:20
awilkinsYou in the molecular biology field then?16:20
gotgenesawilkins: Yeah16:20
gotgeneswell, bioinformatics16:20
alumjam: From my point of view it could be very interested, because I wit it I can automatically re-create source package after commit. This is something I need. Or it can send me notification e-mail with changes.16:20
gotgenesbut I started in molec. bio.16:20
awilkinsI got turned down for a bioinformatics research post once :-)16:20
gotgenesawilkins: Where? Hopefully not here.16:21
awilkinsManchester Uni16:21
jamalum: I would look closely at the post-branch-tip-changed plugin hook, or bzr-email16:21
gotgenesawilkins: Ah, yeah, they have a big outfit there.16:21
jambut it depends on what level you want to be implementing your custom work, I guess16:21
awilkinsI didn't have enough propellor-headed C for them16:21
awilkinsLoong tme ago16:22
gotgenesThey probably have more money now16:22
gotgenesIt seems demand doesn't go down.16:22
awilkinsDoes LaTeX support the means to hide bits of your CV by applying anything like a stylesheet?16:22
gotgenesToo much data.16:22
gotgenesawilkins: I think it does actually.16:22
gotgenesThat's how Beamer works at least.16:23
awilkinsI don't use mine enough to do this, but I always think about writing it in XML and using XSLT on it16:23
gotgenesBut it's not something I know how to do at the moment and being pragmatic, I should at least get it done now, then go back and do it "right" when time's on my side.16:23
alumjam: Thanks, I'll look at it16:23
jamawilkins: well, considering that Tex is Turing complete (IIRC) I'm pretty sure you could do lots of things with it16:23
awilkinsAnyway ; anyone want to comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/30034716:24
gotgenesYeah, I have no idea what the best format to do it in would be.16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300347 in bzr "HTTP transport does not use authentication.conf unless you supply a user name." [Undecided,New]16:24
jamalum: I also seem to remember a plugin that extended plugin hooks to allow it to run shell scripts16:24
jamvila: ^^ bug 300347 seems right up your allye16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300347 in bzr "HTTP transport does not use authentication.conf unless you supply a user name." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30034716:24
awilkinsThought vila was the man for this one16:24
jamwell he did write the authentication.conf support16:25
awilkinsHe seems to be the go-to guy for anything transport related16:25
vilaat first read that sounds really strange... do you use the pycurl or the urllib based http client ?16:26
awilkinspycurl causes worse problems for me16:27
awilkins(my other problem is proxy settings - neither of them understand PAC scripts and it seems to be impossible to use environment variables to tell them to NOT use a proxy)16:29
awilkinsThey take the default IE settings and fail. :-(16:30
Kobazis it more worser16:30
jamawilkins: isn't there a "none_proxy" or something equivalent16:32
jamto explicitly list hosts that shouldn't be proxied16:32
awilkinsjam: Hmm, I'll look through the urllib source16:33
awilkinsjam: I was looking for values of HTTP_PROXY like "DIRECT" (which is what PAC scripts return)16:33
awilkins(magic values)16:33
vilaawilkins: PROXY env vars *are* magic (as in never specified and implemented in gazillion different ways by all browers and their sister)16:35
jamlooking at urllib.py16:35
jamI see it has code to read the magic registry entries on windows16:35
awilkinsvila: I got that feeling but I'm only looking for magic that works with Bazaar :-)16:35
vilawhich python version are you using ?16:36
awilkinsjam: Yes, it does, it does a reasonable job of reading the IE proxy values, but they are a problem16:36
awilkinsvila: 2.516:36
jamthough it has both "getproxies_environment()" and "getproxies_registry()"16:36
jamfrom the look of it16:36
jamenv vars override the registry16:36
jamas long as they have something defined16:36
awilkinsjam: ENV overrides the resgitry, but I want NO proxy16:36
jamset http_proxy=''16:36
jamisn't enough to get that?16:37
jamI also see a "getproxy_bypass"16:37
awilkinsjam: Problem is that IT services force proxy settings on use via group policy - the server is available direct from both sides of the network so no proxy is required16:37
jamwhich looks at the ProxyEnable and ProxyOverride settings in the registry16:37
awilkinsAnd their proxy setting is a PAC script anyway, so Python can't use it16:38
awilkinsHmm, I've been setting the env variable from the shell, maybe I can set an empty value from the GUI16:38
vilaawilkins: use no_proxy=host:port16:38
jamProxyOverride seems like something worth exploring16:39
jamProxyOverride="host;<local>" seems like it might work16:40
vilaawilkins: did your patch fixes *your* problem ? Because it looks a lot like  code already in _urllib2_wrappers (in get_user_password)16:42
awilkinsvila: Yes, it fixes my specific problem ; I did peruse the code in _urllib2_wrappers before I wrote it16:43
awilkinsIt's all rather complicated, hence not sending a merge to the list.16:43
* vila scratching head16:44
* fullermd scratches vila's head too, for luck.16:45
vilaawilkins: you can use -Dauth to see which sections are accessed in auth.conf16:45
awilkinsWith and without patch?16:45
awilkinsWithout patch I'm afraid it never touched auth.conf16:45
vilaCan you try, without patch, with -Dauth and -Dhttp and send me the .bzr.log (sanitize appropriately depending of your auth scheme, etc)16:46
vilathen, some thing but *with* your patch16:47
vilabug #30005516:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300055 in bzr ""bzr log --forward FILE" crashes for revision range if first revision is not mainline" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30005516:48
awilkinsvila: I've attached a log to the bug at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19813229/auth-conf-http-log.zip16:58
awilkinsvila: Watching the file with a filesystem monitor, the process does not attempt to access auth.conf at all during the session.16:59
awilkinsAnd some combination of your "no proxy" tips PLUS me realizing that I'm a moron with the wrong IP in his hosts file has fixed my problem.17:07
awilkins(with proxies)17:08
awilkinsI shall have to clean it all up and see which tip is most effective for least effort17:08
Kobazanyone familiar with loggerhead?17:15
Kobaz  File "./start-loggerhead.py", line 3, in ?17:15
Kobaz    import pkg_resources17:15
Kobazi can't start the server17:15
jamdo you have the dependencies installed?17:16
Kobazwhich dependencies?17:17
Kobazthere's none noted in the docs17:17
vilaawilkins: thanks for the log, I'll look into fixing the bug asap, keep your patch if it suits you for the time being17:17
jambeuno: ^^ ?17:17
jamI don't remember the exact ones17:17
jambut simple-tal comes to mind17:17
NfNitLoopKobaz: looks like setuptools...17:17
NfNitLoop(aka: easy_install)17:17
beunoKobaz, we have noted them on the README17:18
beunoyou need python-paste and python-simpletal17:18
Kobaz# grep -i setuptools README.txt17:18
beunoIt's actually the first thing the readme says  ;)17:18
beunoright, READ the README17:19
beuno11 GETTING STARTED17:19
Kobazi did, there's nothing in there about deps17:19
beuno 12 ---------------17:19
beuno 1317:19
beuno 14 Loggerhead depends on.17:19
beuno 15 1) SimpleTAL for templating.17:19
beuno 16    on Ubuntu package `sudo apt-get install python-simpletal`17:19
beuno 17    or download from http://www.owlfish.com/software/simpleTAL/download.html17:19
beuno 18 2) Paste for the server. (You need version 1.2 or newer of Paste.).17:19
beuno 19    on Ubuntu package `sudo apt-get install python-paste`17:19
beuno 20    or use `easy_install Paste`17:19
Kobazwhich readme are you reading?17:19
beunoKobaz, where did you get loggerhead from?17:19
beunoI'd say, either get 1.6.117:20
beunoor trunk17:20
Kobazyeah, that is trunk17:20
Kobazwhich is why i downloaded it, thought it was the stabl17:20
beunoright, it's confusing17:21
beunolet me delete those...17:21
beunonow, get 1.6.1  :)17:21
vilabeuno: LOL17:21
Kobazheh, k17:21
beunoor branch from trunk, which is pretty close to a release  :)17:21
beunosorry about that Kobaz17:21
Kobaznow i see the dependencies17:22
Kobazis there a way i can use it to serve all repos automagically17:23
beunothis reminds me why we changed *everything*17:23
Kobazinstead of configuring each thinger seperatly or spawning a new daemon for each one17:23
beunoKobaz, sure, just run "serve-branches", and it will server anything in that dir17:23
Kobazoh okay17:24
Kobazso what was the reasons behind the design decision to make it an independent daemon rather than a series of web scripts and let apache handle the rest17:26
beunowell, we sort of inhertied the project, so a lot of the decisions came pre-made17:27
beunobut I think we wouldn't want people to need mod_python17:27
beunoand we really wanted loggerhead to be standalone17:27
beunoapache is an overkill in many cases17:28
beunoyou can still use apache though17:28
Kobazwell it's like... reinventing the wheel versus using an existing codebase17:28
beunoin what way?17:29
Kobazie: not having to worry about keeping track of client connections, etc17:29
beunoright, paste does that for us17:29
Kobazoff the home row17:29
Kobazah, okay17:29
Kobazit's working17:30
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Kobazis there a nice way to have the daemon write a log file17:34
Kobazinstead of dumping everything to stdout17:35
Kobazi can do a redirect to a file, but then you can't rotate the log file without restarting the daemon17:35
beunoit should log by default as well17:37
beunoand rotate logs17:37
Kobazwhere does it write the logs17:38
beunoKobaz, you can also do --log-folder=LOG_FOLDER17:39
Kobazthat's not in --help :P17:40
beunoit is here!17:40
beunonot 100% sure if maybe that wasn't released in 1.6.117:40
beunoso, again, I'd recommend branching trunk17:40
beunobzr branch lp:loggerhead17:40
Kobazoh, that's what you mean17:41
Kobazokay so.... i have the apache proxy going17:55
Kobazall my links point to
* Kobaz pokes beuno 17:58
* beuno pokes Kobaz back17:58
Kobazoh, you weren't here when i wrote17:59
Kobazokay so.... i have the apache proxy going17:59
Kobazall my links point to
beunodid you install python-pastedeploy?17:59
Kobazapparently not, installing it now18:00
Kobazthe links work now18:01
Kobazi have a https url18:01
Kobazand all the links are the right hostname, but http18:01
beunoyou may have to tinker with loggerhead itself to get it to work with http18:03
beunopatches welcome  :)18:03
Kobazso next question18:03
Kobaz    <Location /webbzr/>18:04
Kobaz        ProxyPass
Kobazthat setup18:04
Kobazdoesn't seem to work, and i get this:18:04
KobazFile does not exist: /home/web/bzr.local/static18:04
Kobazin my error logs18:05
Kobazif i do...18:05
Kobaz<Location />18:05
Kobazthen it works out18:05
Kobazoh wait, is static a dir in loggerhead18:05
Kobazi may need to alias that18:05
Kobazokay, aliasing it worked nicely18:09
Kobazbeuno: what chunk of code makes the links18:10
Kobazyour code isn't really commented, heh18:13
beunoKobaz, off the top of my head, apps/config.py or apps/branch.py18:14
beunoheh, well, again, it's partially because it was inherited18:15
Kobazyeah i'm looking at apps/branch.py18:15
Kobazi found the url function18:15
vilaKobaz: newcomers are the best comment writers ! I'm sure beuno will love your patches :)18:16
Kobazyeah but18:16
Kobazi've never written python in my life18:16
Kobazso this may be a little painful18:16
beunoKobaz, python is fun!18:17
vilaKobaz: for comments, python is quite simple and pretty much like bash: start with a '#' and add poetry :)18:17
Kobazi'm a c/c++/perl/php/bash/tcl/asm guy18:18
vilaKobaz: I was a perl guy for ~10 years before trying python, the transition is *not* painful, once you get rig of ';' and the sigils, things are even pretty fun18:21
LeoNerdYou just have to banish the very thought of "variables" out of your head.18:22
Kobazwhitespace dependency has always weirded me out18:22
LeoNerdAnd lose a whole load of other concepts while you're at it18:22
vilaKobaz: whitespace dependency worried me for a couple of days... until it just stopped worrying me leaving me confused about *why* I was worried ;-)18:26
LarstiQbeuno: can loggerhead and bzr branches live at the same location? (so that I can branch from the url of what I'm looking at in loggerhead)18:27
beunoLarstiQ, they can, yes. And, there's a bug open for displaying the "public location" on the web UI18:29
beunoif you're feeling hackery-ish  :)18:29
LarstiQmaybe tomorrow :)18:29
* LarstiQ is starting to get hungry, and should head home18:29
Kobazbzr push bzr+https://user:pass@bzr.local/bzr/repo/18:37
Kobazthat works fine18:37
Kobazbut then i do a "bzr push"18:37
KobazUsing saved push location: push bzr+https://user:pass@bzr.local/bzr/repo/18:37
Kobazbzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Invalid http response Unable to handle http code 401: Authorization Required18:37
Kobazit doesn't save the user/pass18:37
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Kobazso hmm, does noone know how to preserve the login to a repo?18:49
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Kobazanyone home19:09
thropehow long is bzr vis supposed to take? I just tried it on three small branches (latex document - 1 text file, ~25 revisions) and the cpu's been at 100% for 3 minutes19:12
thropemy bad - its apple x11 playing up not bzr19:14
luksthat's way too long, it should be faster19:14
thropeit only seems to show one branch at a time though (the last one on the command line)19:15
thropehow can I see the relations between them?19:16
* luks can't help with that19:16
luks(but I can recommend bzr qlog ;))19:16
thropeah much nicer19:17
Kobazdo de do19:18
Kobazwhen i do: bzr push bzr+https://user:pass@bzr.local/bzr/repo/19:18
Kobazit doesn't save user:pass in he branch.conf19:18
Kobazbeuno_: i fixed the url problem19:23
beuno_Kobaz, it a "submit a patch19:24
Kobazit's not really patched19:24
Kobaz    def get_history(self):19:25
Kobazin that function19:25
Kobaznot that one19:25
Kobaz    def url(self, *args, **kw):19:25
Kobazin that function19:25
Kobazin branch.py19:25
Kobazthere's: return request.construct_url(....19:25
Kobazi dont know where that function is, i can't find it in the source... so it's either a python builtin... or it's part of some lib19:26
Kobazthat auto puts a http:// on it19:26
Kobazand i can't find out how to make it not to that19:26
Kobazinstead of return request.contruct...19:26
Kobaz        return '/webbzr' + self._url_base + '/'.join(args) + '?' + qs19:26
Kobazmy root url is mysite/webbzr/19:26
Kobazi don't know how to get the current url in python, but19:26
Kobazthat works for me19:26
Kobazi dont even know how to print out data structures... so i just hard coded the bit... heh19:27
beuno_we probably need to find the rigth paste knob19:29
beuno_mwhudson knows about these things19:29
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
beunobut he's in new zealand, so it may take him a while to get coffee and pop in19:29
* mwhudson is here but not yet coffeed19:35
beunosee  :)19:35
Kobazokay so19:40
* Kobaz loads up gump19:40
Kobazbunches of suggestions...19:40
Kobaz"compare with another revision" in the /revision/ page... doesn't do anything19:54
beunoit's obscure19:55
Kobazand here's some suggestions for the /revision/ page19:55
beunoyou can then go to another revision19:55
beunoand click COMPARE THESE TWO19:55
beunoor something along those lines19:55
Kobazit should pop up a new window ore something19:55
Kobazand say, pick a new rev to compare to19:55
Kobazanyways... accept my file :P19:55
Kobazokay well19:56
Kobazyou don't have to accept it anymore, i put it up19:57
beunoaccept what?19:57
beunoI haven't seen that in years19:57
Kobazthe file i just tried to send you19:57
Kobazanyways... so19:58
Kobazit's not obvious which revisions you are comparing in the viewer19:58
Kobazso, it would be good to add two bits of text... one for each side, of which rev you're comparing19:58
beunoI know, there's a bug about that somewhere in bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead19:58
Kobazand then at the bottom... the prev/next seems backwards to me19:58
beunoand. you're not comparing as much as looking at the diff19:59
Kobazprevious goes to more recent in the history19:59
Kobazand next goes older in the history19:59
Kobazwell, yeah hmm19:59
Kobazbut it would be good to note, which rev it's going to jump to19:59
Kobazbecause prev/next are unintuitive19:59
beunoright, there's a bug about that too19:59
Kobazbut i mean... if you use it for more than 5 minutes, you would realize what it does20:00
beunoyou can file new ones :)20:00
beunoit takes us a bit, but eventually we fix them20:00
Kobazjust pointing some stuff out20:00
=== mw|food is now known as mw
tgunrI'm new to bzr and tried last night to use bzr get lp:bzr-svn and am getting an error about "Server does not understand Bazaar network protocol 3" Does the Launchpad server have an older version maybe?20:05
rockstartgunr, what version of bzr are you using?20:07
tgunrBazaar (bzr) 1.9 on Mac OS X 10.5.520:07
rockstartgunr, lemme try this out.20:09
rockstartgunr, I'm on 1.9 and it worked fine.20:09
tgunrI was looking for a way to find out what the lp server uses and maybe force bzr to use a different protocol. Is that even possible?20:10
tgunrhmm, on my side then20:10
tgunractuall, I get 2 more lines of errors20:11
tgunrServer does not understand Bazaar network protocol 2, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to avoid this.)20:11
tgunrbzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Server is not a Bazaar server: Received bad protocol version marker: "Not allowed to execute '/usr/local/bin/bzr serve --inet --directory=/ --allow-writes'.\r\n"20:11
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
Takwhat the hell: $ bzr status -S README20:53
Tak M  README20:53
TakC   Text conflict in README20:53
Takwtf not just: CM  README20:54
LarstiQprobably because noone like the short status format? ;P20:56
LarstiQtgunr: do you have a BZR_REMOTE_PATH set?20:56
Takit would be ever so helpful for reading the output programmatically20:57
LarstiQTak: I'm of the opinion that it's better to use something really intended for programmatic use.20:58
LarstiQTak: but I do think it makes sense to list CM20:59
Taksure, but bzrlib's not really an option for me20:59
TakI would really prefer to use it20:59
tgunrin fact i do!21:00
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
tgunris there a option to ignore the setting?21:00
LarstiQtgunr: unsetting it isn't feasible?21:01
tgunrjust awkward as I usually am working with my bzr server on another machine21:02
tgunrwhat is odd is that I had eralier did a bzr get  lp:~pilky/bazaarx/pilky which worked fine21:08
LarstiQtgunr: if it used http:// instead of bzr+ssh://, that would make sense21:14
tgunri presume the lp: would use the http: protocol, if so, why did it fail on the svn and not the other?21:18
LarstiQtgunr: lp: is either http:// or bzr+ssh://, depending on wether you have set launchpad-login21:19
tgunryes, the call was lp:bzr-svn21:20
LarstiQtgunr: if you can get the correct bzr in the path on your server, you wouldn't need to specify BZR_REMOTE_PATH21:20
LarstiQtgunr: do you have write access to the one, but not the other?21:20
tgunrI just installed it from the Mac OS X disk image and it puts it in /usr/local/bin21:22
thumpertak: file a bug :)21:28
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
=== TheMuso_ is now known as TheMuso
thumperpoolie: ping23:02
pooliehi thumper23:16
thumperhi poolie23:16
poolieabentley: hi, are you still here?23:16
thumperI just sent you an email23:16
abentleypoolie: Yes.23:16
pooliewant a call?23:17

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