
bucket529Could somebody please change bug 246506 from 'undecided' to 'wishlist'?00:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246506 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ngspice" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24650600:56
nhandlerbucket529: It is already wishlist00:58
bdmurraynhandler: sorry I got it w/o saying anything00:58
nhandlerbdmurray: No problem.00:59
bucket529bdmurray, nhandler: Thanks.00:59
bucket529Could somebody please change bug 271351 from 'undecided' to 'wishlist'? (It's 'Incomplete' because I asked the submitter if he plans to submit his PPA package to REVU)01:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271351 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] R4Calc" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27135101:14
nhandlerbucket529: Done01:21
dholbachgood morning06:14
* persia hunts for Jignesh Borad06:14
Hobbseebug 506:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5 in rosetta "Plone Placeless Translation Service metadata missing from po files" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/506:21
arpiHi I have installed 8.10 with wubi strangely DVD playback, rhythmbox visualization and totem visualisation are all jerky. (I have all the necessary codecs for dvd) Has anybody ideas?06:54
nelleryarpi: #ubuntu for support please06:56
smoothtexanhey everyone07:00
persiahey smoothtexan.07:00
smoothtexani need some help with bug 27534507:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275345 in linux "[intrepid] mmcblk0 detection is broken - fdisk -l no longer shows it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27534507:00
smoothtexanhey thats cool07:01
persiaHmm.  I get a mount for /dev/mmcblk01p1 locally.07:01
smoothtexanyeah it mounts it, but if you  do a fdisk -l it doesnt show up for whatever reason07:02
smoothtexanoh wait07:02
persiaAh, I see.07:02
persiaAnnoying that.07:02
smoothtexanyeah...therefore you cant use gparted to partition it07:03
smoothtexanwhich is crap when you trying to get ext3 on it07:03
smoothtexananyways, there have been several people confirm the bug in the ticket, so what is the next step?07:04
persiaNeed to track down the specific problem.07:07
persiaWhy isn't it available.07:07
smoothtexanok...i was hoping to hand it off to someone, because i have no idea what to do...07:08
persiaI'm wondering if it's because the storage adaptor is inside the SD card, rather than being fixed.07:08
smoothtexanwell, the ticket shows that there are a bunch of other people having the same problem, so i dont think that is just my card if thats what you're saying07:12
persiaNo, it's the architecture of it.07:12
persiaSee, an SD slot is like a PCI slot.07:12
persiaWhen you insert a storage card, it's like inserting a SATA card which is already attached to a drive.07:13
persiaWhat I'm wondering is if the kernel doesn't handle hotplug of storage interfaces well.07:13
smoothtexanthe last guy who commented said that it worked hardy07:14
smoothtexanbut not in gutsy07:14
smoothtexani mean07:14
persiaYou wouldn't see this for USB, because USB storage has special quirks.  You also wouldn't see it for SATA or PATA or SCSI, because very few people have real hotplug interfaces for those, or regularly try to use them.07:14
smoothtexanim going to make a post in the forums and see what happens07:16
persiaGood idea.  It just needs someone with understanding of the internals, and the right hardware to track it down.  If it's working in hardy but not intrepid, it's worth adding the "regression" tag.07:17
smoothtexancool, thanks for your help man, i throw a regression tag on it and post in the forums07:19
persiaThere's also a wiki page about handling kernel bugs.07:20
persiasmoothtexan, You might try following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies to make sure the right team is notified, which may help.07:22
smoothtexanok...so you think it a kernel bug then...07:22
smoothtexani didn07:22
smoothtexani didnt think it was because it was working in hardy under the same kernel...but i really dont know much about it07:23
persiahardy and intrepid have different kernel versions.07:24
smoothtexanwell there you go07:24
smoothtexansee i told you07:25
persia2.6.24 vs. 2.6.2707:25
persiaIf kernelspace is known fine, the kernel team can probably kick it to the right userspace program.07:25
smoothtexanhow do i add a tag to a ticket...sorry im new to the whole bug tracking process07:26
persiaThere should be a pencil icon to "edit description/tags" near the top.07:27
smoothtexangot it07:29
thekorngood morning08:09
Hobbseehey thekorn!08:09
thekornhi Hobbsee!08:09
xteejxHey guys :) Can someone set bug 296671 to confirmed for me please, someone else has found the same bug. Thanks09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296671 in orca "[intrepid] orca does not remember saved settings - always opens on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29667109:38
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
persiaWell, say something interesting then, and people will awaken11:28
mok0zzzz... what?11:29
persiaSee :)11:29
persiaDunno.  Which bug are you working on?11:29
persiaPersonally, I was glad to see the submitter of bug #159905 come back and say it was fixed in intrepid.11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159905 in koffice "Kword makes characters disappear in Japanese text" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15990511:30
mok0Oh, I'm working on a whole bunch of bugs associated with torque11:30
persiaBut then, I'm mostly catching up on mail now, rather than chasing bugs.  Lots of this is bugmail, but that's incidental.11:30
persiaCool!  Package-specific review is always fun.11:31
mok0There's pride in it too... I maintain the package :-)11:32
mok0... and I want my bug counts to be zero...11:32
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
DarkKnighthey i always wanted to know how i can learn the coding and fix bugs to improve launchpad....can anyone tell me where to start from12:14
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix is one place that covers some of that.12:15
persiaMy suggestion would be to find a bug, and try to track down what causes it by reading the code.12:15
persiaYou'll learn a lot about the language by trying to read it, and it's often more fun to start with investigation than to learn how to write "Hello World".12:16
DarkKnightpersia; okk...ya i just started that resently; i wanted 2 start understanding how each code could work for the system12:17
DarkKnightpersia; there r different files in different directories...which i dont even know....do i have to go through something like system administration??12:32
persiaDarkKnight, I'm in a meeting now, but if you've a specific bug, and a specific package, I can spend some time looking at it with you in a while (maybe 45 minutes).12:33
persiaGenerally there's a Makefile or setup.py or something that explains how the source code is converted into the program, which can help you track things down.12:33
DarkKnightpersia; yes i do have a bug...but i m not specifying that i want 2 learn how to fix only my bug...i just wanted to explore into this....12:34
DarkKnightpersia; and not only that I read somewhere that if we have to get into the development team; we have to fix bugs12:35
persiaDarkKnight, Right.  I think it's best to learn by doing, so if you've an example, we can look at that, and you can use that same procedure on the next one.12:35
DarkKnightpersia; my bug is at  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/29900712:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299007 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[945G] A screen resolution problem of obtaining 1024x768" [Undecided,Incomplete]12:35
DarkKnightpersia; my bug is posted at  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/29900712:36
persiaOK.  When I'm free, we can look at it.  Download the source in advance.12:37
persiaDarkKnight, Sorry.  Took longer than I expected.  I'm grabbing the source now.  You still have time?13:37
DarkKnightpersia; ya13:59
persiaDarkKnight, Unfortunately, I've another meeting just starting in a few seconds (Thursdays are meeting days for me).13:59
DarkKnightpersia; no probs;;14:00
BUGabundois this depency prob interessing to any one ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/74770/14:00
DarkKnightpersia; shall we meet on saturday or sunday14:00
persiaDarkKnight, Saturday probably works for me.  Depending on your timezone, Sunday might not.14:00
DarkKnightpersia; wat's ur country14:01
persiaDarkKnight, I'm in UTC+914:03
DarkKnightmine is GMT+5:3014:05
persiaIn that case, Saturday, or Sunday evening works for me.14:06
DarkKnightwats UTC.......14:07
angusthefuzzGMT=UTC=Coordinated Universal Time14:16
nhandlerangusthefuzz: Isn't that only true for part of the year?14:16
persianhandler, No, it's true about once every 9 years.  The rest of the time GMT can differ from UTC by almost a second.14:17
angusthefuzznhandler: not according to wiki?14:17
angusthefuzzto quote: "For most common and legal-trade purposes, the fractional second difference between UTC and UT (GMT) is inconsequentially small, so UTC is often called GMT"14:19
DarkKnightpersia; so i think u r in the eastern asia;14:19
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
nhandlerangusthefuzz: Ok, I thought they had a larger difference between them for part of the year.14:21
krychekgeez: bug 30029814:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300298 in fortunes-pl "Holocaust "Jokes" in fortunes package" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30029814:27
krychekholocaust jokes..14:27
jjessedon't cry i didn't mean to scare you :)14:51
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox
* persia suspects a new scaring tactic is required. The bugs may have come to expect "Boo" and know that means it's feeding time.14:53
bucket529seb128: In bug 280325, who is your final comment meant for?15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280325 in evolution "it is impossible to create a filter based on address, ecause it is impossible to select a folder to move filtered messages to" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28032515:36
seb128bucket529: whoever reported the bug15:39
bucket529seb128: That makes more sense, thanks.15:39
seb128bucket529: having several issues listed through the comment doesn't make the bug easier to read or work on15:40
seb128bucket529: I try to focus on the bug initially described usually, if there is an another issue that should be a new bug15:40
bucket529seb128: That's why I asked.15:41
seb128bucket529: I've added a new comment to clarify15:42
bucket529seb128: Say, that's much clearer.15:43
seb128I've be cleaning quite some bugs and tried to be quick but right the previous one was not really clear ;-)15:44
thekorncalc, hi, where should user report bugs against the openoffice3 PPA package?17:40
thekorndoes ~openoffice-pkgs have a ML for this or something?17:40
calcthekorn: report via regular way, using Help->Report a Bug, so it gets all the apport information18:07
bdmurraycalc: then they'll be mixed in with the other openoffice bugs right?18:10
beDrungbdmurray: ping18:12
=== beDrung is now known as bdrung
bdrungi wrote you yesterday that my membership in ubuntu-bugcontrol expires, but lp was down18:13
bdmurraybdrung: right, thanks for the reminder18:16
thekorncalc, ok, but how do I indicate that this bug is related to the PPA package and not the one in the ubuntu repos18:22
angusthefuzz(sorry, wrong window)18:23
bdrungbdmurray: thx18:24
bdmurraybdrung: thank you for helping out!18:27
calcbdmurray: yea but 3.0 is going into jaunty asap anyway so its not too big of an issue18:29
calcthekorn: you can add [ppa] to the beginning of the report if you want, but the apport information also helps to make that somewhat obvious at least18:30
calcthekorn: actually adding something like [ppa] at the beginning of the subject line would be helpful18:30
* calc is trying to get jaunty working enough to even compile OOo18:30
calcseems to be in a lot of churn still18:30
thekorncalc, thank you18:50
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
linkmaster03is it really supposed to take 18 days for anyone to respond to my bug report on launchpad20:58
hggdhlinkmaster03, it may -- we depend heavily on free contributors20:59
hggdhwhat bug is it?20:59
linkmaster03i know everyone is volunteers i'm grateful, just wondering: 29272820:59
hggdhbug 29272820:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292728 in ubuntu "Switching to TTY from GNOME goes back to GNOME" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29272820:59
linkmaster03someone marked it as new then i've had no activity since then21:00
hggdhit is automatically masked as new when you file it21:00
linkmaster03i thought it started at undecided21:01
hggdhon bugzilla, yes, not on launchpad21:01
hggdhbut yes, I can confirm it21:01
linkmaster03so should i just keep waiting?21:02
hggdhyes... I will confirm it, but I am not sure of what additional data may be required.21:02
hggdhI am not sure it should be assigned to the Canonical kernel team though21:03
linkmaster03i couldn't find a gnome team21:03
linkmaster03ok unassigned21:03
linkmaster03thanks for confirming21:04
hggdhit is better in this case to leave it unassigned... also, we have to find a package for it21:04
linkmaster03yeah i didn't have a clue as where to find the package21:04
linkmaster03since it was in the intrepid upgrade with tons of updates21:04
RAOFhggdh, linkmaster03: I seem to remember that behaivour previously was due to a consolekit bug.21:10
hggdhRAOF, I will reassign it to consolekit, then, thanks. A regression?21:11
RAOFI think so.  Searching the consolekit bugs will likely net you either a fix released bug or an open duplicate with the same behaviour.21:12
hggdhwill look, thanks21:13
hggdhyay, bingo. bug 27196221:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271962 in consolekit "VT-switching from X returns you to X the first time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27196221:14
hggdhwill set as a duplicate -- linkmaster03, that's for you21:14
linkmaster03hggdh: thanks!21:17
hggdhwelcome, linkmaster03 . Sometimes we need a bit of a shove ;-)21:17

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