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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Nov 13:00: Desktop Team | 21 Nov 20:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 25 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 25 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team
MootBotMeeting started at 06:00. The chair is davidm.12:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:00
davidmStevenK, persia ogra lool you all about?12:00
Hobbseethey all snuck off to the pub, apparently.12:00
* ogra looks up half ducked behind a chair ... 12:00
* StevenK waves12:01
davidmian_brasil are you here?12:01
* ogra feels bad about being such a slacker with the reports 12:01
ograsorry to all ...12:01
davidmOK, I don't really expect lool this morning as he is traveling and in a tough location to join in today12:02
* persia digs about for the agenda12:04
davidmOK on the agenda for today we have : davidm to add session for UDS on "Discussion on hardware support status for devices roundtable."12:04
persiaOops.  Sorry for stealing that one.12:05
davidm which is complete, I did it and persia did it. ;-)12:05
davidmwell it's very well done.12:05
* persia still needs to upload the "Complete Specification"12:05
davidmthe second item is also done: persia to write a spec for UDS on using a display manager for MID12:05
davidmpersia, I added that to the schedule for UDS12:06
davidmthat was all the prior actions12:06
davidmfor new business:12:06
davidm[topic] new business12:07
MootBotNew Topic:  new business12:07
davidm[topic] Spec Review: anyone have any specs they want for Jaunty that aren't on the jaunty schedule?12:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Spec Review: anyone have any specs they want for Jaunty that aren't on the jaunty schedule?12:07
davidmbrought to us by persia :-)12:07
persiahttps://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty/+specs is the current list.  Check and make sure.12:07
persiaThere's a bunch of recommendations on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/IntrepidPlusOneSpecSuggestions that I didn't see there.12:08
persiamissing ones seem mostly to be lool and ian_brasil, but neither seems to be here today.12:09
ograisnt mid-screen-rotation rather about general bugfixing ?12:09
ograthe gnome resolution dialog already has the UI bits for that12:10
persiaNot intended that way (although I also have to upload more description).  It's because there doesn't seem to be a good app for that, and screen rotation is something I expect to just work on a MID.12:10
persiaMaybe we just need to include that in MID: that's the point of the session.12:11
ograso you want a non gnome specific app ?12:11
davidmplease target blueprints to ubuntu-mobile if they are for the mobile track12:11
persiadavidm, As a project?12:12
davidm[link] https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty/+specs12:12
persiadavidm, Why that, rather than "ubuntu"?12:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty/+specs12:12
davidm[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/IntrepidPlusOneSpecSuggestions12:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/IntrepidPlusOneSpecSuggestions12:12
davidmpersia,  makes it quite easy to see what they are for?12:12
ograwell, that has to hapen at registration afaik12:13
* persia wishes harder for a general cleanup of the blueprints interface12:13
ograi dont think you can change it post registration12:13
ograhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gfxboot-like-menu-for-mobile-images would be one12:13
davidmAh, well new ones then and I'll retarget the old ones12:14
persiaNo.  That part of LP has aged for a bit.12:14
persiadavidm, Not sure if you can, but good luck.12:14
davidmI can, just did for one12:14
davidmYep works for me :-)12:15
davidmjust changed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gfxboot-like-menu-for-mobile-images to ubuntu-mobile12:15
StevenKAh, that reminds me.12:16
davidmbut new ones would be nicer that way, much harder to miss12:16
ograpriority for that one is unset now btw12:16
StevenKdavidm: gfxboot-like-menu-for-mobile-images and mid-jaunty-boot-menu is the same. Set mid-jaunty-boot-menu to Obselete or something similar12:16
ogra(was "high"12:17
persiaIt was Obsolete last I saw, although it ought get rejected from the sprint schedule.12:17
* davidm grunps but fixed gfxboot-like-menu-for-mobile-images12:18
persiaHuh?  It swiched back?12:18
* davidm will make mid-jaunty-boot-menu obsolete 12:18
ogralooks fine to me now12:18
davidmOK done12:20
davidmanyway do we have anymore business on the topic?12:20
ograwe should also make sure we subscribe to the ones we want to go to btw12:21
ograits important for the scheduler12:21
ogra(at least it was in the past, it tries to resolve conflicts if possible)12:21
persiaMore than anything, I just wanted to highlight things.  The people who I wanted to highlight them to are not present, so we can move on.12:21
davidmit is, very important so please subscribe this week12:21
ograi.e. i want to be in all the bootspeed ones ...12:22
ograso i subbed to them12:22
davidm[topic] Alpha 1 images: Do we need to do anything for Alpha 1 testing, or shall we defer image testing until Alpha 2?12:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Alpha 1 images: Do we need to do anything for Alpha 1 testing, or shall we defer image testing until Alpha 2?12:22
davidmStevenK, do we have Alpha 1 images or is Image creation broken right now?12:22
persiaSo, last I heard, our images didn't quite work, and the installer wasn't quite ready.12:23
* ogra votes for the latter12:23
persiaIn the Foundations meeting, there was talk about making Alpha 1 d-i only (alternate CDs), but I don't remember the conclusion.  If this happens, we're straight out.12:23
davidmSeem to have lost StevenK12:24
StevenKI'm here12:25
StevenKRight, image creation needs a little more work12:25
StevenKSo, defer12:25
persiaOK.  That's the end of my items then :)12:26
davidmyep, on to general status from each of us12:27
davidm[Status] StevenK12:27
davidm[topic] Status StevenK12:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Status StevenK12:27
* davidm can barely type this morning12:28
davidmStevenK, any news?12:28
StevenKI have been working on image creation, and am nearly completed12:29
davidmStevenK, Do you have any merges?12:30
StevenKYes. I need to keep looking at them.12:30
davidmStevenK, anything else?12:31
* davidm thinks the string to OZ must be wet.12:31
StevenKSorry, it's been a long day and I'm extremly tired12:32
StevenKNot that I can think of12:32
davidm[topic] status ogra?12:33
MootBotNew Topic:  status ogra?12:33
ogra* spec regitration12:33
ogra* ending merges: moodle12:33
ogra*pending even12:33
ograapart from that i'm doing ARM 12-14h/day since monday12:34
ogranothing else mobile related12:34
davidmthanks ogra :-)12:34
davidm[topic] status persia?12:34
MootBotNew Topic:  status persia?12:34
persiaStill need to merge matchbox-keyboard, and complete/upload spec descriptions for the raft of registered specs.12:35
ograwikipages with SpecTemplate are enough12:35
ograyou can flesh it out later12:35
persiaIt may come to that, but I hope to have a bit more.12:36
ograwell, copy paste the description :)12:36
ograyou will write them only after UDS anyway12:36
ograbut having the wikipage for the gobby notes helps durign discussion12:37
davidmpersia, anything else?12:37
persiaWell, the goal is to have a couple use cases, etc. documented in the next couple days.12:37
persiaNo, that's it for me.12:37
davidmOK thanks12:37
davidm[topic] status davidm12:37
MootBotNew Topic:  status davidm12:37
davidmI've been working on UDS, getting blueprints set and working the schedule.  Also working on recruiting as we have 5 open positions currently.12:38
davidmAlso have been working on things related to ARM with the rest of my time12:39
davidmAnd meetings continue to eat my time ;-/12:40
davidmAnyway that is the long and short of it.12:40
davidm[topic] new business - opens12:41
MootBotNew Topic:  new business - opens12:41
davidmI don't see anything else on the agenda12:41
davidmdoes anyone have anything?12:41
davidmor I'm happy to close the meeting early12:41
* lool reads backlog and waves12:41
davidmhi lool12:42
ograhey lool12:42
* persia wants to subscribe to lool's specs12:42
Hobbseedavidm: seeing as you appear to be short on people at the moment, what do you most need done?12:42
loolI wanted to tell you folks that I wanted to register my specs yesterday evening, but crashed to bed and will to do during the day today12:42
davidmlool, thanks12:42
ograHobbsee, he needs someone to go to all the meetings for him :P12:43
loolHobbsee: You mean on any topic?  There's so much to be done12:43
davidmHobbsee, we are shorthanded for folks with ARM skills and folks that know how to write commercial style test plans and automate QA testing12:43
Hobbseelool: I had no specific topic in mind12:43
davidmthere is a lot to be done12:44
loolHobbsee: One thing which is hard to do and requires help from everybody is to save boot time12:44
loolAnother similar cross-package effort is the boot beautification12:44
* persia would most like to see the test cases for MID and UMPC cleaned up12:44
loolBasically, we want systems to boot very fast and nicely12:44
loolAnd we're far from that12:44
loolOne way could be upstart, there are some other ways12:44
StevenKSure, but we should discuss that at UDS first12:45
loolI think we could slim down mobile boots futher12:45
ogradrop initramfs :)12:45
loolYeah, this is all UDS stuff12:45
persiaWell, except the test cases.  Just something based on intrepid would be a *great* start.12:45
loolI wanted to hint at these two topics because I know Hobbsee wont show up next week with "What's next?"" ;)12:45
loolIt's probably a two cycles effort to see some large improvement in these areas12:45
Hobbseelool: well, i won't show up to your meeting at all next week, as i'll have an exam the morning after, iirc ;)12:46
loolHobbsee: Good excuse12:46
loolHobbsee: We'll hunt you down12:46
Hobbseeoh dear.12:46
looldown to the exam room12:46
lool"What about my boot time"12:46
Hobbseeit would be much easier if you just waited till UDS...12:46
StevenKThen she'll ask us to help with the paper12:46
loolHobbsee: You're coming to UDS I guess, we should discuss this over there12:46
HobbseeStevenK: excellent idea!12:46
Hobbseelool: true12:47
Hobbseedavidm: quick!  This is your chance to end the meeting! ;)12:47
* persia likes short meetings12:47
davidmian_brasil,  ian_brasil_ do you have any specs you are planning to register for this jaunty?12:47
ograhe has one proposal on the wikipage ...12:47
davidmHobbsee, I'm trying ;-)12:48
persiaHe also pointed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UMEGuide/ApplicationDevelopment/GPSEnabledWebApplication12:48
davidmI heard a rumor he had some more he was interested in12:48
persia(which probably belongs on wiki.ubuntu.com rather than help.ubuntu.com, but that's a side issue)12:49
ograpersia, i'd like to package maemo mapper12:49
davidmbut since there is no comments I'll say:12:49
persiaogra, Please do.12:49
davidmclosing meeting going once...........................................................12:49
ograyeah, need to find a clean upstream :)12:49
davidmendmeeting going twice...................12:50
Hobbseeand gone!12:50
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:51.12:51
davidmI always get that wrong12:51
davidmThanks everyone12:51
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Nov 20:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 25 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 25 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Desktop Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Nov 20:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 25 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 25 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 26 Nov 22:00: Platform Team
persiaWho's here for the Java meeting?14:00
MootBotMeeting started at 08:02. The chair is persia.14:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:02
persia[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting14:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting14:02
persiaJust as a reminder, adding specific items to the meeting agenda might interest others, for wider discussion.14:02
persia[TOPIC] RoadMap14:03
MootBotNew Topic:  RoadMap14:03
persiarobilad is missing, so we'll skip that.14:03
persiaslytherin, MoveToUniverse14:03
slytheringoing on fine. These days Debian is in freeze, so not many packages are moving to universe.14:04
persiaAre we caught up with Debian now?14:04
slytherinI am working on some merges/syncs and will propose move to universe where appropriate14:04
slytherinwe are not yet cause up completely.14:04
persiaOK.  Anything else on this?14:04
persiaKoon, Maven14:05
Koonsomeone (Ludovic Claude) started up an implementation14:05
KoonHe is a Java guy, so I'll be helping him with debian packaging14:05
persiaIs he on IRC?  Maybe he'd like to join the meetings?14:06
KoonHe should "fix" the spec as soon as he has the tools running14:06
KoonI proposed him to come, but I suspect it's occuring at work hours for him14:06
Koongiven the time his email are sent :)14:06
slytherinKoon: how hard do you think it will be for him to put packages in java team ppa?14:06
persiaUsing the PPA like that might be a handy way to stage stuff.14:07
Koonslytherin: I'll be pushing him to do that... will be easier for me to fix the debian part14:07
slytherinKoon: I am interested to help as well.14:07
Koonin parallel, I intend to start the basic packaging effort described in the spe14:08
Koonspec, even14:08
Koonso as to have a few model packages that we can replicate to novice packagers14:08
Koonso all in all it's in good shape, and I'm happy to have some Java guy fixing the tools spec14:09
persiaExcellent news.  Jaunty is a reasonable target for this?14:09
Koonpersia: yes, that's the goal.14:10
persiaAnything else on Maven?14:10
persiaOK.  Next, slytherin added "Kill Sun Java 5 in Jaunty" to the Roadmap.  That raises two questions.14:11
persiaFirst how do we want to add new items to the roadmap.  Is this the right procedure, or should we raise them in a meeting first?14:11
KoonI'd say we should present the ideas as a meeting item first.14:12
persiaslytherin, What's your opinion about that?14:12
Koonand roadmap should consist of discussed/somewhat-approved items14:12
slytherinpersia: I am fine with either way.14:13
* Koon updates the status of Maven on the roadmap14:13
slytherinI just had this on my mind for some time so I added it before I would forget.14:13
persiaI'm also fine with either way, so since there's only one of us who has a preference, let's go with putting things on the agenda first, and the Roadmap afterwards.  I'll just pretend that this is an agenda item for today to save hassle.14:14
persiaSo, Roadmap complete.14:14
persia[TOPIC] Kill Sun Java 5 in jaunty14:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Kill Sun Java 5 in jaunty14:14
persiaslytherin, Go14:14
slytherinAs of now, I have found only few packages with hard reverse-build-depends on sun-java5-jdk. So it is easy to kill that package.14:15
persiaI like the idea.14:15
persiaAny volunteers to coordinate it?14:15
slytherinsun-java5-jre is a bit tricky, as I couldn't find an easy way to find all the hard rdepends on it.14:15
persiaapt-cache rdepends on available architectures isn't sufficient?14:16
slytherinpersia: I am ready to co-ordinate it. Since I am keeping an eye on Debian packages moving to openjdk, it will be easy for me.14:16
Koonslytherin: by "killing it" you mean removing it ? Or just ensuring nothing hard-depends on it ?14:16
slytherinKoon: in the end, removing it.14:16
* persia would prefer removal, if possible.14:16
slytherinpersia: I will have to look for rdepends in a jaunty chroot. Anyway, I will find some time to list all such packages over weekend.14:17
KoonI think there may still be users running custom software that require a Sun 5 JVM...14:17
slytherinKoon: And why do you think Sun 6 JVM will not help them?14:18
persiaKoon, Stff that wouldn't work with Sun 6, and users that can't use Hardy or Intrepid for a while more?14:18
Koonthere are some proprietary/closed solutions that just don't let you choose (or are not certified with) JVMs14:19
Koonthat means those users will also have to install JVM by hand14:19
slytherinKoon: in that case user is still free to download 5 from SUn's website.14:19
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Koonslytherin: ok, just wanted to make sure that we were aware of this side-effect14:20
persiaKoon, The question is really how to serve the users best.  There's a lot of known bugs in Java 5 that will never be fixed.14:20
persiaGiven that Hardy is LTS, do you think there's a high chance that such users won't be able to migrate to 6 by the next LTS?14:21
handschuhthats true for sun java 6, too14:21
Koonpersia: I can see clearly the advantages of removing it :)14:21
persiaKoon, You've also clearly stated the advantages of keeping it.  Personally, I'd rather remove it sooner than later in a non-LTS, so in LTS+1 or LTS+2.  Removing it suddenly for LTS+3 or an LTS doesn't give users warning to migrate.14:23
persiaSo if we don't do it now, I think April 2011 is our next window of opportunity.14:23
Koonpersia: I'd say that should be spec-ed to make sure it gets the proper visibility and approvals14:25
persiaI'd agree with that.14:25
KoonI don't really mind either way -- it's just that there might be others with... partner interests that would.14:26
persiaslytherin, Would you mind creating a spec for that?  The migration is one thing, but the removal probably needs release notes and stuff.14:26
persiaslytherin, ?14:30
Koonin all cases we should fix the hard depends for the packages in the repository14:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Nov 20:00: Tunisian LoCo Team IRC | 25 Nov 16:00: Server Team | 25 Nov 17:00: Kernel Team | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 26 Nov 22:00: Platform Team | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team
persiaKoon, With that, I'll say it belongs on the Roadmap, for the work to be done (as we're in consensus on that part).14:30
Koonoh yes14:31
slytherinpersia: sorry, I was discussing something with a team mate.14:31
slytherinpersia: Is a spec required? or a page like MoveToUniverse is sufficient?14:32
persiaslytherin, For the migration, I think the wiki is fine.  For the removal, I'm inclined to agree with Koon that it's worth having a spec, and filing a release note.14:32
slytherinpersia: ok, I will do that.14:33
persiaslytherin, And put your name as the coordinator on the RoadMap.  As always, doesn't mean you need to do it, just that you need to make sure it gets done (which might mean doing it if you can't excite others).14:34
persiaOK.  That decided, let's move on.14:35
persia[TOPIC] Other business14:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Other business14:36
persiaI'll be unable to attend the next two meetings.  Would someone else be willing to volunteer to chair?14:36
* Koon checks his agenda14:37
slytherinI will have been unable to attend meetings lately. So I would not volunteer for this.14:37
persiaThe open slots are 27th November and 4th December14:37
Koonpersia: I can do it, if slytherin is not 100% sure to be able to join14:38
slytherinKoon: great14:38
persiaKoon, OK.  Although without slytherin or I, might be quick meetings :)14:38
persiaAnyone else have other business?14:38
persiaOK.  Anything else to #ubuntu-java then.14:40
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:40.14:40
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