
kfxhi all, is there a reason ubuntu-mobile uses devilspie instead of the "maximize" setting in the put plugin for compiz?00:40
persiaMostly to offer compatibility for people like me who can't run compiz, I think.00:41
persiaMight be other reasons though.00:41
kfxmakes sense00:42
ograyes, devilspie works with both WMs00:42
kfxit confused me because it defaults to compiz but then re-implemens some plugin functionality with devilspie :)00:42
Hobbseeyay, devilspie!00:42
Hobbseeogra: did you fix rss-glx yesterday?00:42
ograHobbsee, no, other packages came in my way00:43
ograits some issue with the location of config.sub/.guess/ltmain.sh00:43
Hobbseeogra: yes, i was looking into it last night.  Mind if i steal it from you?00:43
ograno biggie i guess 00:43
ogranot at all !00:43
Hobbseeogra: i'll come begging for help, if required?  :P00:44
Hobbseecool :)00:44
* Hobbsee doesn't really know what she's doing, from a libtool, etc, perspective, but sees that it does require a merge as well.00:44
ograah, yeah, i didnt even bother to look at the merge list, only tried to fix all FTBFS on arm with the quickest hacks possible00:46
ogra90% of the package will be updated anyway00:46
Hobbseethat's true00:47
NCommanderHobbsee, what merge?01:33
* NCommander would be glad to teach01:33
HobbseeNCommander: rss-glx.  ahven't looked at it yet01:33
HobbseeNCommander: give me time :)01:33
Hobbseeas in, i may be able to figure it out myself01:36
charlespaxWill there be any new mid or umpc images released for the jaunty alpha?03:14
charlespaxIs this the right place to discuss the lpia images or is just mid and umpc?03:39
playyadoko, have you tried bootstrapping with cdebootstrap?03:46
playyait always says : E: Unknown suite jaunty03:46
Ze_Is anybody familiar with setting up HAL for serial touch screens? (or serial devices)07:07
=== doko_ is now known as doko
playyagood morning everyone07:08
Ze_morning (well afternoon in oz)07:42
NCommanderdavidm, you floating around?17:33
davidmOn calls right now sorry17:33
davidmI've been on 3 hours of calls so far without break17:34
NCommanderdavidm, no issues, ping me when your free17:34
davidmOk going to finish call (55 minutes left, one more 30 minute call then lunch so about 2 hours at least. 17:35
theidealistHello anyone, new to ubuntu-mobile, was wondering if anyone in the chat now had a good sense of the UMPC boot process.  I've got a custom compile of qemu I'm trying to run it on.  I'm wondering what root and/or boot params I need to pass it (a grub menu.lst file would be great).  My qemu is booting with coreboot and FILO as the bootloader.  I've managed to get other distros to boot but am having problem with the mobile (UMPC, not MID) img.  Any 18:05
juliuxhey ogra are you around?20:15
NCommanderdavidm, still on call?20:46
davidmAlmost off20:50
davidmNCommander, I am off the phone with no further calls scheduled so how may I help you?20:53
theidealistHello anyone, new to ubuntu-mobile, was wondering if anyone in the chat now had a good sense of the UMPC boot process.  I've got a custom compile of qemu I'm trying to run it on.  I'm wondering what root and/or boot params I need to pass it (a grub menu.lst file would be great).  My qemu is booting with coreboot and FILO as the bootloader.  I've managed to get other distros to boot but am having problem with the mobile (UMPC, not MID) img.  A21:07
theidealistI am able to get into a busybox ash shell in the initramfs21:09

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