
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
=== Timrit_away is now known as Timrit
cobb28i have been working on this problem for a few hours, i'd love some help if someone is around, i don't want to go back top vista media center hehe04:37
cobb28i have a i have a TH-50PZ80U plasma tv connected via hdmi right now and i need help with my xorg.conf please, the desktop is too big currently by an inch or so on the screen, i cannot figure out what to put in my xorg.conf04:38
cobb28i have tried a couple different modelines but nothing seems to change....currently in my nvidia settings it shows my resolution is 1920x1080 @ 50hz if that helps..04:39
=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_zZz
camelreefgood morning from Scotland06:47
rhpot1991_laptophey camelreef06:48
* camelreef is aka Nico on LP06:48
camelreefhello rhpot1991_laptop06:49
camelreefI'm planning on testing the recent mythexport today06:49
camelreefI read you PM06:49
rhpot1991_laptopyep I know :)06:50
rhpot1991_laptoplet me know how it goes06:50
camelreefquick Question: are the daily builds for -fixes coming back for Intrepid?06:50
rhpot1991_laptopyes, at some point06:51
camelreefok, I'll keep watching the web site06:51
camelreefnot that anything is broken on my system, it's working fine06:51
* camelreef is excited by the NVIDIA VDPAU stuff06:52
camelreefthis has been a great month, between VDPAU and blu-ray closer to be artificially "opened"06:53
camelreefthe future of HD on Linux is bright06:53
rhpot1991_laptopcamelreef: in due time06:58
camelreefthe important part is movement06:59
camelreefand there is movement06:59
camelreefthen its only a matter of time06:59
camelreefrhpot1991_laptop, you seem to be active around the iPod stuff too06:59
camelreefor am I mistaken?07:00
rhpot1991_laptopcamelreef: like?07:00
rhpot1991_laptopthats kinda where mythexport started from07:01
camelreefI'm looking for a PPA with an SNV snapshot of libgpod07:01
* camelreef knows it's not the right channel07:01
rhpot1991_laptopcamelreef: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgpod&searchon=names&suite=intrepid&section=all07:04
rhpot1991_laptopnone of those new enough?07:05
creolHEY ALL NEW PROB... worked perfect last night, tonight all LIVE TV amd recorded TV playback is fast with chipmonk audio. Even recorded TV that was normal last night is playing back fast. I tried "time stretch" but that just sounds like a chipmonk talking slowly. Any suggestions?07:08
creolFYI Video playback is fine07:09
creolanother FYI the playback pictur appears a little fast as well.07:10
camelreefrhpot1991, none, orry07:23
creolokay i fixed my own problem via a post i found via google. Apparently the setting in playback "Use video as timebase" can cause tv playback to be fast. Thanks anyway... time to get back to Smallville07:29
rhpot1991camelreef: I'd guess you could try checking for versions of amarok or programs that use it on launchpad, might be quicker to just deal with it yourself though07:31
rhpot1991camelreef: care if I ask why you need it?07:31
rhpot1991camelreef: I gotta get to bed, good luck :)07:38
camelreefrhpot1991, updated support for photos on Touch and support for Gen4 Nano07:38
camelreefthanks rhpot199107:38
superm1suppport for photos on touch?07:44
superm1i'm assuming only on jailbroken touch though07:45
camelreefphotos on Touch07:48
camelreefjailbroken 1.1.407:48
camelreefmusic and movies are fine, but photos are broken07:48
camelreefand fixed in a more recent snapshot07:48
camelreefartwork support is also not working on current release for Gen4 Nano07:49
camelreefalso fixed in SVN07:49
camelreefI'm fine with recompiling source packages against a newer libgpod lib07:49
camelreefbut packaging from scratch, a library, on top of that, is a bit beyond my current capabilities07:50
camelreefI've tried07:50
camelreefnot too hard, I have to say07:50
camelreefbut I am amazed to see that no dev scratched the same itch07:51
camelreefI'd rather not compile from source and do a make install07:51
camelreefI'm a strong believer in package management07:51
camelreefoh, and Hi superm1, btw :o)07:52
superm1well if there is a newer libgpod in jaunty, you can use prevu07:53
superm1hi camelreef07:53
superm1but actually its the same version as intrepid: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgpod07:53
superm1so your next best thing is to check debian, and if nothing newer there, add the debian/ directory to an extracted new tarball07:54
superm1and try to build it07:54
camelreefUbuntu has the latest libgpod release, but it is quite old07:54
camelreefsame for Debian07:54
superm1oh, well go get upstream to do another release :)07:56
camelreefI tried that07:58
camelreefI even asked if they could do like mplayer and include a debian dir so that we could build snapshots easily07:58
camelreeflemme try the debian dir stealing method you proposed07:58
superm1you might want to bump the changelog too08:01
superm1dch -i08:01
superm1will do the trick for you08:01
superm1what'd they say about doing another release?08:02
camelreefdid the changelog, by hand08:07
camelreefremoved the debian/patched and debian/patches content too08:07
camelreefno word from them on a new release08:07
camelreefjust a quick comment about trying to release a bit before the major distros release, but no follow-up08:08
camelreefso far building OK08:08
camelreefspoke too quick08:09
camelreeffailed on dpkg-gensymbols for pyhton-gpod08:10
camelreefah no, for libgpod2-nogtk08:11
camelreefdpkg-gensymbols -c4 -Pdebian/libgpod3-nogtk -plibgpod3-nogtk08:14
camelreefdpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: see diff output below08:14
camelreefdpkg-gensymbols: warning: some symbols disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below08:14
camelreefdpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libgpod3-nogtk/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/libgpod3-nogtk.symbols08:14
camelreefso close....08:14
* camelreef is manually fixing his libgpod.symbols and libgpod-nogtk.symbols files, what a hack09:03
* camelreef has built his libgpod SVN packages !09:10
cannsooo iam thinking of finaly take the plunge and go HD, i got a p4 3ghz backend / frontend and and a diskless SD frontend in my bed room today, i got this amdx2 4400 with 2gb ram and a 7900 gts pci-e  collecting dusts and the plan is to make it a diskless FE for HD. you guys think that will be enouh for 1080p ?09:34
cannohh i got 100mbit network at home, but it will get upgraded to 1gbit in the near future09:35
camelreef1 Gbps will be needed09:47
camelreefI would wait a tiny bit, though09:47
camelreefNVIDIA's VDPAU is coming for full HD hardware accelleration09:48
camelreefyou will probably need to change your video card for a more recent one09:48
camelreef$30 and fanless is available with the right circuitry09:48
camelreefthen any CPU will be fine for 1080p09:49
camelreefsuperm1, now that the symbols stuff is "probably fixed" I have internal dependency issues. libgpod common depends on libgpod3-nogtk only and not on libgpo3-nogtk or libgpod309:53
canncamelreef: alright thank you for your suggestions =)10:47
hadsYou don't need GigE10:48
cannyeah i know i dont *need* it but it wouldnt hurt either =) and i can tell my wife its needed, that way i get another toy \o/10:50
AkhILHi. I can't get data from my card reader browsed by myth video browser. How I can get usb disks automounted and displayer in video gallery? CD/DVD works well for me12:23
=== Timrit_zZz is now known as Timrit
=== thoroth is now known as rolando
msaulWas directed from #mythtv-users to #mythtv developpers regarding nvidia driver issue, was wondering if I could chat with someone to provide info for suggestion or provide data for developpers to fix issue...15:09
msaulRunning mythbuntu 8.10 with hp HVR1600 video capture card and Nvidia GEForce 7600 GSOC graphics card15:09
msaulWhen using restricted driver for Nvidia (version 96 or 173 or 177) upon bootup, get "failed to initialize nvidia graphics device PCI:1:0:0 and only allows to go into low graphics mode15:10
msaulI CAN watch TV in low graphics mode (after getting Capture utility to finally recognize HP HVR 1600 and then going back in to have it detect it for MPEG. BUT, when trying to view EPG (program guide) I can see it briefly, but flickers on and off making it unusable.15:10
msaulWhen running in su nvidia-xconfig and rebooting, may bring up better graphics, but does not recognize HP HRV1600.15:10
msaulI don't know if anyone can help or redirect me to appropriate place...15:10
superm1camelreef, modify debian/control and you should be able to resolve it16:11
=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_away
heyheyheyhey all anytone tryed mythrecipe?21:02
foxbuntuheyheyhey, last I heard it didnt really work21:15
jphillipI tried it once upon a time and it was more designed for .19 and didn't play well with .2x IIRC21:19
heyheyheythey say it for .2121:21
foxbuntuheyheyhey, give it a shot then21:21
heyheyheyit don't tell ya how to install it21:22
heyheyheyMythRecipe  Confirmed to work with MythTV 0.2121:22
heyheyheyis 8.10 any better then 8.04?21:47
lagait's 0.06 better21:48
heyheyheyi mean for bugs? or what is different21:48
foxbuntuheyheyhey, its much worse21:48
foxbuntuer wait21:48
foxbuntuer wait21:48
foxbuntuwhat do I know?21:49
foxbuntulaga, I left that one open for you21:49
heyheyheywell i just don't wanta mess up my system if i upgrade21:49
foxbuntuheyheyhey, you run the risk of that, but there are a few new features and many bug fixes in Intrepid21:50
heyheyheyokay thanks i will not upgrade lol21:50
spoky99hi all22:08
spoky99Someone know how to make work the program guide?22:08
spoky99I install it into one computer and work fine, but in other.. It don't work22:09
spoky99I fount the grubtv file into the root directory, i copy it into the folder .mythtv  into the home of the user22:10
spoky99but... I don't see any program description into the guide :(22:11
camelreefsuperm1, I'm not sure I  know how to resolve that. Googling will probably help resolve my current limitation22:48
=== Timrit_away is now known as Timrit
=== Timrit is now known as Timrit_away

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