
oldmanvcs-import keeps failing on sourceforge svn import00:19
oldmanknown bug?00:19
oldmanI wondered if it might be related to this00:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 120992 in launchpad-cscvs "use persistent svn_ra sessions and reconnect on failure" [High,In progress]00:21
Rocket2DMnIf not already done, can a LP admin please disable this user's account, they spammed bugs (similar to what i saw a few days ago) - rutadeevacuacion02:03
jmlRocket2DMn: I don't think there are any LP admins around at the moment. You should ask a question on Launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion02:06
Rocket2DMnI've closed the spam bugs, we had something like this a few days ago occur, by the time i showed up to close the bugs, the user was already banned02:07
jmlwell, my point is that if you want to be certain that an LP admin sees your request, the best thing to do is ask a question at that URL.02:10
* jml goes away for lunch.02:11
Rocket2DMnthanks jml , ill see if i get a response in here for now02:11
PrivateVoidI am getting an error when I try to change my name on launchpad because I have used my identifier... it says I can continue by hitting save again, but that just gives me the error again02:15
wgrantjml: Argh, that account has been disabled by spm at least twice already.02:19
wgrantAnd his other account which has been disabled a couple of times is back too.02:20
wgrantCan somebody please fix LP to make account death less temporary!?02:20
PrivateVoidI am getting an error when I try to change my name on launchpad because I have used my identifier... it says I can continue by hitting save again, but that just gives me the error again02:20
Rocket2DMnwgrant, are you talking to me?02:20
wgrantRocket2DMn: I'm referring to the account you mentioned, but was talking to jml.02:21
Rocket2DMnah ok, just making sure it was the same02:21
Rocket2DMnhas the account been re-banned?02:21
wgrantNot AFAICT.02:21
wgrantIt is a weekend.02:21
wgrantI fail to see how LP can be so useless at killing accounts.02:22
Rocket2DMndoes LP suport openid? or is that just the wiki?02:22
wgrantLP is a provider, but not a consumer.02:22
PrivateVoidwgrant any idea how to kill a 'link' from LP to a consumer of openID02:26
PrivateVoidit is stopping me from changing my LP name02:26
PrivateVoidwhich Rocket2DMn has suggested I do02:26
wgrantPrivateVoid: Ah, you meant that kind of identifier. I'm not sure if you can.02:26
wgrantPrivateVoid: Ask a question at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion02:27
PrivateVoidso there is no way to change the LP name?02:27
wgrantYou could do whatever you wanted with it until 3 days ago, I suspect.02:27
wgrantLet me try on staging.02:27
Rocket2DMnPrivateVoid, i didnt suggest it, someone else did02:28
PrivateVoidnhandler then... sorry Rocket2DMn02:28
Rocket2DMnlove you too PV02:29
wgrantPrivateVoid: It works for me on staging if I click save after getting the warning.02:30
PrivateVoidhow do I use staging?02:30
wgrantI just found the problem.02:31
PrivateVoidis that edge?02:31
wgrantstaging and edge are separate.02:31
wgrantstaging runs on a copy of the DB that is erased nightly.02:31
wgrantSo it's no good.02:31
wgrantHave you tried changing it on edge?02:31
wgrantThat revision has a DB patch, so it might well not even be on edge.02:32
wgrantThere's an RC fix for this bug, which should have been rolled out yesterday, but that rollout has been delayed by a couple of days...02:32
PrivateVoidI will wait then...02:32
PrivateVoidnot an issue02:32
PrivateVoidor perhaps I will go Milton02:32
PrivateVoidand burn the building down02:33
* PrivateVoid laughs02:33
james_wHi, please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~rutadeevacuacion04:44
james_wthey reported a bunch of nonsense bugs04:44
james_wand they just made bug 137526 private, with apparently no reason04:45
ubottuBug 137526 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/137526 is private04:45
james_wmy guess is that they are testing the API, but not in a very sensible way04:45
Rocket2DMnjames_w, i reversed the private setting04:52
james_wRocket2DMn: I wasn't going to do that, as I wasn't entirely sure it was wrong04:52
Rocket2DMnthat person is a spammer04:52
Rocket2DMnapparently did stuff to some other bugs, too, ill go reverse the changes04:53
Ryan52Rocket2DMn, thanks.04:53
Rocket2DMnapparently they are having problems keeping users banned, its not sticking04:54
Rocket2DMngotta go close more of his bugs, too04:55
Rocket2DMnwhat a stupid thing to have to do04:55
Rocket2DMnOK the user rutadeevacuacion@msn.com really needs to be banned, the spam bugs are coming full speed05:02
* Hobbsee wonders if that srot of thing happens on weekends.05:04
Hobbseeespecially with their apparent lack of success during the week05:04
Rocket2DMnok, well im finished closing those stupid bugs, im going to bed05:05
Rocket2DMnif somebody wants to check up on him, close the garbage bugs (the first 2 listsings are legit, i reversed his changes)05:05
Rocket2DMngotta be in bugcontrol since tho, since the bugs are private05:05
Rocket2DMnbleh english, thats why i need to go to bed, have fun05:06
wgrantjames_w: spm has already disabled both of his accounts twice.05:10
wgrantAnd it's a weekend, so it's not likely to happen again soon.05:10
Hobbseesounds like they need a more effective bug spray05:10
wgrantUnless spm_ is bad and is sitting at his computer.05:10
wgrantIt would probably be a good idea to go through the notification logs and revert every action either of his accounts have performed over the last week... there's quite a few.05:12
HobbseeI presume they can do that themselves?05:13
wgrant'they' being LOSAs? I'd hope so.05:13
Hobbseeyes, sorry05:14
wgrantAlthough given that they can't stop dead accounts from becoming undead, I have my doubts.05:15
wgrantI mean, what the fsck is with that? How does an account that has been doubly killed come back again!?05:15
Hobbseeregister a new account with the same email?05:16
wgrantThe account was still there.05:16
wgrantWith the email and username.05:16
wgrantJust deactivated.05:16
wgrantSomehow they manage to reactivate it.05:17
* Hobbsee expects there's a launchpad bug with reactivations.05:17
Hobbseestaging doesn't do mail, does it?05:18
beuno_spm_, herb, ^05:19
wgrantHobbsee: No.05:19
beuno_kiko_, ^05:19
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
beunooff to bed now!05:19
* wgrant suspects somebody will need to use the magic of screen and a while loop.05:19
wgrantNight beuno.05:19
Hobbseeoh, i think i know what's happened.05:23
* Hobbsee wonders if the LOSA deactivations are the same as normal deactivations05:24
Hobbseeor end up behaving the same way.05:26
wgrantHobbsee: You mean you think somebody can just claim them?05:30
Hobbseewgrant: no, you have to get an email back to the same account to reactivate them.05:30
Hobbseebut that's simple, if you own the account in question.05:30
wgrantI'm unfortunately not too well versed in having my account banned.05:31
Hobbseelaunchpad supports reactivating a normal account, if you've closed it.  I expect that it doesn't show up differently to a LOSA closing someone's account.05:31
Hobbseewgrant: i created a test account, then deactivated it.  Then reactivated it.05:31
Hobbseeif you try logging in with the credentials, it tells you to hit "forgot your password" because it's a deactivated account, to reactivate it.05:32
wgrantMaybe they could win by removing or altering the email address on the account. But then I guess that just lets them reregister.05:32
Hobbseeit sends you an email, you click the link, it says "welcome back"05:32
* Hobbsee wonders if 'banned' just means deactivated - or if it's supposed to be something else, but isn't.05:33
wgrantI don't quite know.05:33
Hobbseei didn't think we've actually been able to deactivate our own accounts for that long05:33
wgrantBug #gbcw has been closed for 15 months now.05:34
* Hobbsee notes that a buildd building a private build is not deactivated, incidently ,too.05:35
wgrantHobbsee: Give it a couple of days...05:35
wgrantOh, you're in your test account?05:35
wgrantyes, I thought that a little odd.05:35
Hobbseei wasn't willing to try all the above with my normal account.  sheesh ;)05:36
Hobbseei don't trust LP *quite* that much.05:36
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zonderbroodjehi there, any launchpad admins online?08:44
* Hobbsee blinks.11:06
* Hobbsee found a bug....11:06
spivHobbsee: a bug?  In software?  Never!11:06
Hobbseespiv: heh11:06
Hobbseespiv: points for making private builds private.  Negative points for then making the entire history of whichever buildd that is building the private build also private.11:07
Hobbseewhat's weirder is that this was working earlier, even while it was building something private.11:09
Hobbseehttps://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/artigas/+history == now 403'd.11:09
spivHobbsee: not for me, but I'm probably part of some special team.11:10
Hobbseespiv: likely, yes11:10
Hobbseespiv: you probably have a goose or something that lets you see it.11:10
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wgrantHobbsee: No, it's because you're a buildd-admin. It's the same reason you can see the private builders building things.11:33
wgrantYou can see that the builds exist, but you can't see them, so you die.11:33
wgrantus unprivileged people are actually more privileged here.11:34
FlimmHello, I've uploaded a modified ubuntu package to my ppa, it fixes a big, how should I report that on the bug report?12:52
FlimmA simple comment?12:52
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FlimmI guess I'll with a comment12:58
FlimmShould I change the status of the bug report to fix commited?12:59
Flimm"#Fix Committed is not to be used when a patch is attached to a bug " I guess not, then13:00
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savvasPPA question: If I want to provide three packages in different sections (devel, libs and libdevel), what section do I use for the source?14:38
savvashm.. more like a motu question I guess14:41
leefmcbeuno: (moving the discussion here): Does that super-tracker do anything else in terms of grouping bug reports, or anything? (Not that it needs to, just wondering). I recall reading about the ability for one project to submit a bug report and share it with another, in the case of plugin software this is very helpful. I'm just curious if more things like that exist, and in any way aided by the super-project idea.18:03
beunoleefmc, you can link a bug to 2 different projects18:08
beunoand track it's status seperatly18:08
beunowithout the need of a super-project at all18:08
leefmcbeuno: yea18:09
leefmcbeuno: But are there any more tricks like that for super-project .. projects?18:09
beunowell, I think super-projects are just for grouping currently18:10
beunoI don't think they inherit many things to their groupees18:10
leefmcbeuno: And on the same note, is there a better way to browse the super-project related projects? Ie, that list of bzr-plugins is rather long and unorganized, is there a page dedicated that lets you see activity, etc?18:10
leefmcbeuno: K18:10
beunoleefmc, not currently, BUT, we're actively working on improving the UI of Launchpad, so something like that will happen soon18:11
beunofeel encouraged to file bugs with the features that Launchpad lacks18:11
beunothat'll help it get implemented  ;)18:11
leefmcYea i'll be sure to do that, but for now the only thing that matters is what is there _now_, if you know what i mean hehe.18:12
leefmcIm happy with most of Launchpad, i just hope we use it hehe18:13
leefmcMy main problem in the past was the horribly slow servers heh18:13
leefmccurrently its nice and snappy, so i hope it stays that way.18:14
leefmcbeuno: Any idea why the servers were so slow in the past?18:14
beunoleefmc, it's a big project and growing fast, so "growing pains"18:14
beunoit should get faster as we go18:15
leefmcbeuno: Any idea what you would say is the next coming feature? Are you guys working on UI improvements first, or .. ?18:15
beunoleefmc, we're over 30 developers working on Launchpad, so a lot of features are coming down the pipe18:16
beunothere is a major focus on UI and speed improvements18:16
beunowhich I think will be the biggest things18:16
leefmcbeuno: K, thanks for all the questions :)18:17
leefmcwell.. answers, heh18:17
beunoleefmc, happy to help18:18
leefmcbeuno: Hopefully i'll get word this weekend which project host were going with.. waiting is driving me nuts. (Hes been on vacation for the past week :o)18:22
leefmcanyway, thanks again. Gatta jet for a bit, bbl18:23
geserwhich Ubuntu releases are supported in PPAs? does building for dapper with in a PPA?19:02
beunogeser, all supported releases20:00
beunodapper, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid, and, soon, jaunty20:00
james_wjaunty is enabled isn't it?20:01
james_wat least I thought I was uploading a jaunty in my PPA earlier20:01
beunojames_w, maybe recently?20:02
beunoah, it looks like we do20:04
* beuno learns something new today20:04
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NCommanderCan someone look at why the armel builders are ignoring P-a-s. i.e. https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/libx86/1.1+ds1-222:29
Hobbseeyeah, jaunty is there for ppa23:33
et3I'm having problems getting using bazaar23:38

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