
thorwilfinally decided to just announce my ibex horns wallpaper on the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99004013:58
thorwil_MMA_: isn't it amazing how succesful my Call to Action was? :}14:07
_MMA_Indeed. :P14:08
thorwil_MMA_: in light of the art-team mission statement, the conclusion should be to close the list/team ;)14:08
_MMA_It's been my major issue. Call it pessimistic but very few people want to work as a "team" around here. It's always the same few doing anything. :(14:09
thorwilstrange how coders seem to have way more luck in finding comrades14:10
thorwilmaybe not so strange, just a numbers thing14:10
_MMA_Sure. Or it's just harder to be artistically creative.14:11
_MMA_Sebastian has been doing alot on Breathe. He's getting things into the template and I'll be uploading as soon as he's done.14:12
_MMA_Last few emails have had little to no response so I'm just gonna start moving unilaterally.14:12
_MMA_Ill biab (food)14:14
thorwilas things are, work-on-a-breathe-icon always loses out to something else based on fun and payback considerations14:15
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=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
Nece228Hey sir Cimi21:05
Nece228Cimi: can i apply murrine rgba patch in ubuntu 8.10?21:05
CimiNece228, what do you mean?21:18
Nece228Cimi: well ive seen people who use murrine rgba21:19
CimiI don't raccomend using it21:19
Nece228Cimi: sure ill not use it, but i want to try it21:20
Cimitake a look at the rgba section of the murrine website21:20
Cimiapply plugins/patches21:20
Cimibe sure your video card supports blur with compiz or it will be totally unusable21:21
Nece228Cimi: i downloaded patch for epiphany21:21
Cimimake sure your theme has the rgba = TRUE option enabled in the gtkrc21:21
Nece228Cimi: but in /home/simas/.gnome2/epiphany theres no extensions folder21:21
Cimicreate the folder21:21
Nece228Cimi: so i created folder, copied files but i dont see anythink changed21:22
Nece228Cimi: oh, thanks, ill take a look21:22
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
Nece228Cimi: i enabled it but nothink changed21:24
Cimiare you running compiz?21:26
Cimiand restart eiphany21:26
Nece228Cimi: yeah21:27
Nece228Cimi: restarting many times21:27
Nece228Cimi: /home/simas/.gnome2/epiphany/extentions21:27
Nece228is my path correct?21:27
Nece228Cimi: nothink changed21:28
Nece228Cimi: whatever ill experiment tommorow, im very busy21:29
Nece228Cimi: bye21:29

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