
NCommanderhey emgent00:07
emgenthey NCommander00:07
NCommanderemgent, what be up?00:07
emgenti saw your private message about utu00:07
emgentone moment :)00:08
* NCommander eyes #4 on the list00:11
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
kirklandanyone familiar with inoticoming?01:51
kirklandis it possible to watch an nfs-mounted directory?01:52
james_wif you get "warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments" for a printf(foo); call then the fix is printf("%s", foo); isn't it?02:21
james_wI mean, the two printfs are equivalent, correct?02:21
ByrnisonI think so.02:21
ByrnisonThe latter will not do formatting if foo has %'s.02:22
ByrnisonBut that's the point.02:22
james_wbut formatting would require subsequent arguments wouldn't it?02:23
james_wok, thanks02:25
ByrnisonThe warning is there because printf(foo); is dangerous if foo is a user-inputted string. It would probably crash the program if there were %'s in the string. There are worse things that could happen, though.02:25
phirestalker I am trying to compile a program but it is giving a version mismatch error on libtool. I have libtool 2.2.4 but the program may be expecting the old 1.5, what can I do?02:49
phirestalkerthat didn't work I have tried libtoolize and libtoolize --force, I have also tried aclocal to rebuild aclocal.m4 as the error suggests but nothing works02:54
phirestalkerthey developers say they have got it to compile on the same version of linux I have Ubuntu 8.10, so I guess it is something about my system02:55
NCommanderScottK, feel like sponsoring an upload?03:05
phirestalkerwhat files besides ltmain.sh have commands or directives that pertain to libtool that I may need to update to match ltmain.sh?03:06
NCommanderphirestalker, what package is it?03:08
phirestalkerit is oreka from oreka.sourceforge.com03:09
NCommander(usually you can get away with libtoolize --force --install --verbose in the source code folder)03:09
phirestalkerthe only complaint seems to be about install-sh: libtoolize: `/usr/share/libtool/config/install-sh' is serial 2006.12.25.00, greater than 0 in `./install-sh'03:11
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stefanlsdAnyone with a WP installation that gets the WP update announcement that can test something for me?06:25
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thinkgnuhow can i make a changelog ? is there any tool to create a standard changeLog ?08:32
thinkgnuit seems i should ask my question in #ubuntu-motu !08:33
thinkgnuor not !?08:34
legreffierjust write yours in the standard08:38
legreffierit's pretty trivial...08:39
thinkgnui do that already :)08:40
legreffierthere's an emacs helper dpkg-dev-el08:46
legreffierit has a changelog mode08:46
legreffiermight help08:46
Hobbseelegreffier: thinkgnu dch (dch -i is also useful)08:54
legreffierit's not in my ubuntu :/08:58
legreffier(using hardy currently)08:58
thinkgnu_me too ! :P08:58
thinkgnu_legreffier: it seems you need ubuntu-dev-tools09:01
legreffierapt-cache search dch didn't show the way, thanks09:06
thinkgnu_np ;)09:07
=== thinkgnu_ is now known as thinkgnu
thinkgnuHobbsee:  it seems what i want , thanks.09:13
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directhexman, still with the a1? o_o10:04
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deufraihi there, is it the right place to ask for advice about packaging for ubuntu ?11:29
cjwatsondeufrai: #ubuntu-motu is more used to doing mentoring work11:30
deufraicjwatson: thank you11:30
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open, MoM running | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
cjwatsondirecthex: ^-11:32
ograso how am i supposed to handle a patch in a quilt package that needs an autoreconf run ?11:37
ograafaik quilt requires me to add all touched files to the patch, how would i know which these were ?11:37
* ogra curses quilt once again11:38
=== Michiel__ is now known as Eghie
sorenogra: What I've done on a few occasions is to do all the patching I wanted, dpkg-buildpackage -S, run debdiff between the previous version and this one, filterdiff -x '*debian/*'.. That's usually the stuff that ought to be in the quilt patch... So I pipe it to a file and quilt import that, and "patch -R -p1" it on the dev tree. Presto.12:20
ogralots of work induced by a silly patch system :)12:20
sorenIt sounds bad, yes.12:20
ograbut right, that would indeed work12:20
sorenYou get used to it, though :)12:20
sorenHave fun! :)12:21
ograwell, i ry to stay away from quilt, but wanted to see whats up with rpm (keeps alien from armel)12:21
ograrpm itself is weirdly packages though12:21
ograsoren, thanks for the hint12:22
sorenQuilt is growing on me, actually. It's very good when patches need to be refreshed.12:22
sorenogra: sure thing.12:22
* soren wanders off again12:22
ograright, but in cases like the above i would just liked dpatch or even cdbs-edit-patch12:22
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directhexcjwatson, yay! of course, now someone needs to ack the mono upload. where's pitti hiding...15:16
persiadirecthex, NEW or upload?15:19
persiadirecthex, Reason being that most of the archive admins won't NEW stuff they upload, so if it needs both, you might do better to find a non-archive-admin uploader.15:20
directhexpersia, name names. the longer this takes, the more painful it is for everybody15:21
persiadirecthex, See, it's not about names.  It's about teams.15:22
persiaI think you already subscribed ubuntu-main-sponsors.  From there, someone ought get it.15:22
persiaMentioning the bug and asking generally for an upload is one way to escalate, but doing that too much tends to bother people.15:22
persiaAsking each of the main sponsors individually is very likely to bother people.15:23
persiaMy main recommendation is that if you are going to poke specific individuals, it might be fastest to not poke the archive-admins until the new package split is waiting in NEW, just because of the multistep process involved.15:23
persia(and launchpad does have a list of main sponsors, if you're *really* curious)15:24
directhexpersia, it's not my intention to be more obnoxious than my natural baseline level, i'm just a bit fed up with queues at the moment - especially on a package which experience says a lot of people don't want to be associated with. the last thing i want to see is a release turn up halfway through a package transition, gnat-style15:30
Siliciumhi there15:31
Siliciumiam searching for the gnome-volume-control maintainer15:31
directhexin my defence, pitti IS in u-m-s, and has been helpful in the past when i've needed merges and updates to get pushed through15:31
directhexSilicium, Ubuntu Desktop Team <ubuntu-desktop@lists.ubuntu.com>15:32
Siliciumok i will try15:32
Siliciumso maybe anoyne know that bug15:33
persiadirecthex, Sorry if I came off wrong: I don't mean to attack you: it's just that because I know you're doing a source split, and because the set of archive-admins is smaller than the set of main sponsors, I thought you'd be faster with another.15:33
Siliciumgnome setting "detachable menubars" was set, and the menubar of gnome-volume-control has been detached, and now it coulnt be attached again, the app faults with the following msg:15:34
SiliciumBonobo:ERROR:(bonobo-dock-item.c:1342):bonobo_dock_item_get_child: code should not be reached15:34
Siliciumi think i should directly contact the gnome-dev ml15:34
directhexpersia, s'okay. what with ubuntu-motu@lists and boycottnovell.com, i assume a baseline level of attack at all times :p15:35
persiadirecthex, I can see that.15:35
azeemSilicium: file a bug, rather15:35
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maxb_I've just had usb-creator hang, and I think it's because I was using a USB stick that turns out to be preformatted *without* an MBR: i.e. /dev/sdb is a vfat FS, *not* /dev/sdb1 !16:29
directhexmaxb_, i've lost track of whether you're meant to do that or not, in general. i know i've had devices which looked at me funny for not doing what they expected16:38
persiamaxb_, If you can recreate with it formatted that way, and the same key works with partitions, please file a bug.  usb-creator is expecting partitions, but it's not supposed to hang.16:39
dokocjwatson, Riddell: is there a reason not to enable mono in P-a-s? just seen that kde4bindings does ftbfs on lpia (NCommander mentioned that)16:56
NCommanderScratch that16:57
NCommanderSOmeone added lpia support a few commits back16:57
* NCommander hasn't recently checked the file16:57
NCommanderSomeone needs to change the build-dependences on kde4bindings then16:57
directhexNCommander, they do anyway.16:58
directhexNCommander, kde4bindings is affected by the 2.0 transition16:59
NCommanderoh yay16:59
directhexNCommander, it has no rdepends though AFAIK, so it ought to be possible to make those changes pretty much immediately, ignoring the "wait for apps to transition first" rule. once mono 2.0 lands17:00
NCommanderdirecthex, kde4bindings are libraries :-P17:01
NCommanderIts depressing though if nothing uses them17:01
directhexNCommander, the cli bindings are pretty new17:01
directhexNCommander, meebey, who as well as being the main mono packager is upstream on an irc client called smuxi, was considering playing with them to make a kde frontend as well as gtk17:01
NCommanderah cool17:02
NCommanderJust keep me apprised, if you need a sponsor, ping me17:02
directhexNCommander, really though, i don't know what more i can do to keep people informed about this, other than mass-filing 90 odd bugs on packages :/17:02
NCommanderThe changes are non-trivial (more than changing a build-dep, and bumping the changelog)17:03
NCommanderIt will be slow going17:03
directhexNCommander, some packages are worse tha others. let me take a peek at kdebindings for you. not like i have much else to do at this moment in time17:04
NCommanderkde4bindings :-)17:04
NCommander(kdebindings is another package ;-))17:05
directhexyes yes i know. it's kdebindings on debian17:05
directhexdirecthex@mortos:~$ monodis --assemblyref /usr/lib/cli/qyoto-4.3/qt-dotnet.dll | grep -B1 corlib17:05
directhex1: Version=
directhexNCommander, good news, that means there's no additional testing needed, nor any reason to delay the transition, as it's already building against clr 2.017:06
NCommandersomeone just needs to attempt the merge17:06
directhexi.e. the only changes are the build-dep, and making sure it uses 'csc' instead of 'gmcs' when building17:07
directhexof course, it's blocked on mono 2.0 itself, but it means it should be a *relatively* stress-free one17:07
dokodirecthex: does it make sense to start with mono before we have a base kde4 built?17:08
NCommanderdoko, w.r.t. to KDE, a new version going up on monday, so aside from the base libraries, I'm going to wait for that to land before running around fixing stuff17:09
directhexdoko, other than kde4bindings (and i don't know how important that package is), it should be pretty unrelated. all mono apps in ubuntu are gtk-based17:09
directhexdoko, as long as the appropriate parties understand that kde4bindings will FTBFS until it's been transitioned, once mono 2.0 lands, then i don't want to tell people how to do their jobs nor insist they alter their workflow17:12
dokodirecthex: ahh, ok I'll stay out of the loop then.17:13
dokodirecthex: does openoffice build with mono-2.0?17:14
directhexdoko, i;ll check that for you17:14
dokothat would be nice17:14
* NCommander wonders if OOo will explode17:15
directhexdoko, OOo looks like it'll be rather less simple than kde4bindings17:16
dokodirecthex: because I would like to get OOo on armel first built ... if it doesn't work with mono-2.017:17
directhexdoko, okay, looking at it, you're only attempting to build the mono bindings on [i386 amd64 ia64 lpia sparc]17:18
dokoI know ...17:18
directhexdoko, i can let you in on how to make it not ftbfs on other platforms, but please, it still needs to be transitioned17:19
dokobut it doesn't help if the binary-indep packages cannot be built on the i386 buildd17:19
directhexdoko, 's/mono-2.0-devel/mono-devel/' will fix FTBFS, but please, those libs really need to be built against the 2.0 runtime (currently it seems OOo builds three 1.0 libs, and a 2.0 lib - all four should be 2.0)17:21
dokodirecthex: a bug report including a patch would be fine, hint, hint ;)17:22
dokocalc: ^^^17:22
directhexdoko, i'll start on an apt-get source. it might be done by tomorrow17:22
directhexwhat build system does OOo use?17:27
directhexhm, i need a faster archive17:34
directhexoh bugger, forgot to change my mirror on this install17:34
Xsss4hellhowto unbind the "Menu" key on the right side near the STRG key from gnome-terminal17:47
directhexa 100 meg diff.gz is officially insane17:54
hyperairdirecthex: where did you get that?17:59
directhexhyperair, OOo18:03
hyperairgood grief18:03
madduckso i have this 8.04 system here that can't be upgraded to 8.1018:26
madduckupdate-manager tells me 8.10 is available, so i click on it, see the README, click on upgrade, and then it just exits18:27
madduckit prints to the console:18:28
madduckextracting 'intrepid.tar.gz'18:28
madduckauthenticate 'intrepid.tar.gz' against 'intrepid.tar.gz.gpg'18:28
madduckand then just exits18:28
kirklandmadduck: possibly related to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/245219 ?18:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 245219 in ubuntu "Ubuntu archive server returning incorrect content-encoding" [Undecided,New]18:30
kirklandmadduck: ie, are you behind some sort of a proxy?18:31
madduckno, it works when I run do-release-upgrade by hand18:31
madducki just didn't know about that.18:31
madduckyes, a transparent http proxy18:32
madduckactually, do-release upgrade does an apt-get update with hardy, not intrepid18:32
madduckaha, now it's coming int...18:32
madduckanyway, works for me now, sorry for the noise.18:32
kirklandmadduck: not that this conversation has to take place now, but I'm working on merging mdadm again for ubuntu, and i'm curious if you're interested in getting this package somewhat closer to being 'in sync'18:35
kirklandmadduck: i did some work to improve booting on degraded devices for intrepid, which may or may not be of interest to you18:36
madduckkirkland: absolutely. I am talking to doug kirkland @redhat too about merging18:43
madduckkirkland: i saw your work. I would love to make use of most of it, but I have not found the time to wade through the entire huge patch18:44
madduckI do want to convert mdadm to quilt soon18:44
kirklandmadduck: that would be nice ;-)18:44
madduckbased on a topgit repo18:44
kirklandmadduck: or git would be even better18:44
madduckdon't you have to use launchpad?18:44
kirklandmadduck: i'm happy to help work through the diff with you at some point18:45
madduckkirkland: if i added quilt to mdadm post-lenny, would you be prepared to split the changes into quilt patches?18:45
kirklandmadduck: when's "post-lenny"?18:45
madduckkirkland: when it's ready. ;)18:45
kirklandmadduck: (trick question)  :-)18:46
madduckkirkland: I am happy to do so earlier if I find the time, targetting experimental18:46
kirklandmadduck: sure, i think quilt would be a big improvement18:46
madduckIt shouldn't even be a lot of work, but it is still time that's needed18:46
madduckand i am about 160% loaded these days18:46
kirklandmadduck: i'm certainly most familiar with the boot-degraded changes;  i'd have to do some research about the rest of the changes ubuntu carries on mdadm18:47
kirklandmadduck: understood.18:47
kirklandmadduck: i got a little burnt out with users complaining about RAID 24x7, so i was happy to step away from RAID for a little while :-)18:47
madduckkirkland: would you send me an email to madduck@d.o so I get your details?18:47
kirklandmadduck: you bet.18:47
kirklandmadduck: i'm happy to work through Debian BTS, but looking at the size of the mdadm debian/ubuntu diff, it might take a few irc conversations to peel through everything18:48
madducksweet. maybe i can find the time to give you an update on the cooperation with doug and maybe some time, ubuntu, fedora, redhat, and debian will all build their mdadm packages from the same repo.18:48
kirklandmadduck: remarkable ... Red Hat has a "Doug Kirkland" working on RAID?18:48
madduckkirkland: yeah, and as I said, I am very pressed for time up until around May.18:48
kirklandmadduck: and Canonical has a "Dustin Kirkland"  :-)18:48
kirklandmadduck: fair enough18:49
madduckDoug Ledford18:49
kirkland<madduck> kirkland: absolutely. I am talking to doug kirkland @redhat too about merging18:49
madduckfreudian slip i know18:49
madduckdo you read pkg-mdadm-devel?18:49
kirklandmadduck: i haven't, to date.  i certainly can subscribe.18:50
madduckwell, might be useful if you track mdadm for Ubuntu...18:50
madduckthere's also pkg-mdadm-commits18:51
kirklandmadduck: well, i haven't been really "tracking mdadm for Ubuntu" ...  but I did decide to fix booting degraded RAID for Ubuntu, which put me deep into mdadm, initramfstools, and grub18:52
madducklovely world, ey?18:52
madduckin a sentence or less, what is booting degraded RAID?18:52
kirklandmadduck: and i have a priority of trying to simplify the mdadm diff betwix debian/ubuntu, per request by jcastro18:52
madducki mean, mdadm on Debian can boot degraded raids, no?18:52
madduckkirkland: awesome. hug jcastro from me. now it seems like i owe him another beer. :)18:53
kirklandmadduck: i'm not sure ... this might be a result of Debian/Ubuntu forkage18:53
kirklandmadduck: he's been on us about syncing back up, in a good way ;-)18:53
madduckthat's great news.18:53
madduckyou do know about http://vcs-pkg.org, yes?18:53
kirklandmadduck: so when a RAID becomes degraded (loses a disk) in Ubuntu, on the next boot, the mdadm --assemble with be tried a number of times (3 minutes in Hardy, 30 seconds in Intrepid), waiting for all the disks to spin up18:54
kirklandmadduck: in Hardy, when that timer expires, if disks are missing, the user gets dropped to an initramfs shell18:54
kirklandmadduck: the work i've done in Intrepid (and backported to hardy) includes:18:55
kirklandmadduck: a debconf question "Do you want to boot if your RAID becomes degraded?"  (more or less the question)18:55
madduckdamnit, i have to help my mother. i'll be back later to read this, ok? sorry about that. keep writing.18:55
kirklandmadduck: (sorry, not less than 1 sentence --  not possible :-)18:55
kirklandmadduck: the answer to that question is written to a file in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm, which get's added to the initramfs18:56
kirklandmadduck: and in the initramfs, if the wait for all disks to spin up expires, the BOOT_DEGRADED value is read from file18:57
kirklandmadduck: if it's "true" or "yes" or whatever, the system RAID is assembled in degraded mode, and the system boots18:57
kirklandmadduck: if it's "false" or "no" or undefined, a message will be displayed, informing the user that a new RAID degrade event has been detected; do you want to boot on a degraded RAID [y/N]:18:58
kirklandmadduck: after 15s, "N" is assumed, and the system drops to an initramfs (busybox) shell, which is the legacy ubuntu behavior18:59
kirklandmadduck: dpkg-reconfigure mdadm can be used to change the value of your BOOT_DEGRADED selection18:59
kirklandmadduck: and we've added that debconf question to the debian-installer/partman if you're installing onto a RAID19:00
kirklandmadduck: beyond that, i also made some changes to grub (and grub-installer), to write the bootloader to each disk in an array19:00
kirklandmadduck: perhaps the most "compressed" patches for this functionality are the ones attached to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/29088519:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 290885 in initramfs-tools "SRU: Backport of Boot Degraded RAID functionality from Intrepid to Hardy" [Wishlist,Fix committed]19:03
kirklandmadduck: that was the "backport" of the functionality, as contained as possible, to Hardy19:03
kirklandmadduck: the mdadm portion is http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19438493/mdadm.290885.debdiff19:04
kirklandmadduck: most of which is PO/translation noise19:04
kirklandmadduck: pruning out the i18n distractions, the functional patch looks more like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/75724/19:07
kirklandmadduck: that patch is dependent on an initramfs-tools patch, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19438280/initramfs-tools.290885.debdiff , which provides a "mount root failure" framework whereby hooks can be defined and executed19:10
kirklandmadduck: all in all, udev will likely be the biggest hurdle19:18
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
directhexcalc, ping19:39
calcdirecthex: hi20:14
calcdirecthex: whats up?20:14
directhexcalc, i wanted to ask when debian/control is rebuild on OOo20:14
directhexseems it's when i hoped, so only debian/rules needs patching20:14
directhexwhich means.....20:14
directhexdirecthex@mortos:/tmp$ diffstat openoffice.org-2.4.1_mono2.0transition.diff20:14
directhex rules |    7 +++----20:14
directhex 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)20:14
directhexin THEORY that's correct & valid20:15
calcdebian/control gets rebuilt when you run debian/rules control20:15
calcyea i uploaded a new version of OOo 3.0 to the ppa last night waiting on doko to do some testing20:16
calci'm on vacation/holiday all next week20:16
directhexcalc, well, i hope this section of debian/rules hasn't changed in 3.0 :/20:16
calcbut i could do a new upload if needed20:16
calcdirecthex: if it has it should be simple enough for me to port20:16
calcdirecthex: you can email it to me at ccheney@u.c20:17
directhexcalc, yeah, i reckon you can handle things like20:17
directhex-MONO_MINVER= (>= 1.2.3)20:17
directhex+MONO_MINVER= (>= 2.0)20:17
calcyea :)20:17
directhexcalc, OOo appears to have the build system from hell, but underneath it all, it smells like autofoo. and the transition with autofoo is pretty simple as long as you know the AC_PATH_PROGs to override20:19
calcyea OOo is very confusing in that it has two different configures20:20
directhexno, OOo is confusing as it seems to have three different patches for adding mono to the build20:21
directhexmono-build.diff, mono-build-m14.diff, mono-build-m15.diff20:21
calcoh heh, yea it has many different confusing bits :\20:22
calcthere are no apparent mono patches for 3.0 not sure if they were integrated or not20:22
calcat least none named *mono* under ooo-build/patches/dev300/20:23
directhexcalc, anyway, i'll mail you this patch, but please be aware that i've neither tested it (partly because i don't like mucking with 'pristine' pbuilders, partly because i only just wrote it and don't have the 600ghz needed to have been able to test it by now), and it can't be applied until mono 2 is in jaunty20:23
calcdirecthex: ok no problem20:23
directhexcalc, i want to keep my transition wiki page updated. shall i assign OOo to you or me on it, to show that work is being done?20:24
calcleave it as yourself but i will look into as i get time, i will be on vacation most of the rest of the year though (other than during UDS)20:25
directhexcalc, who else should i speak to r.e. OOo/mono issues (or who should be speaking to me?)20:25
calci think there is a week after UDS that i will be around, so i could look at it then if i am not too slammed with other work20:26
calcdirecthex: maybe doko, but he will probably be away a lot as well20:26
NCommanderCan a core developer give-back k3b on armel21:16
directhexevenin' NCommander!21:17
* NCommander preparing for his company's turkey party21:17
directhexyay, turkey21:18
NCommanderFree boozie21:22
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
* NCommander is going to discover if balmer's peak exists21:23
geserdo I resolve this correctly to http://xkcd.com/323/?21:24
RainCTawalton__: oh, hi :)21:48
RainCTawalton__: wouldn't it be better if your patch (nautilus scripts) also looked for deleted and modified files?21:51
directhexgeser, yes, you do21:51
ianm_anyone know of software for head tracking using a laptop camera?22:00
RainCTianm_: me not, but tell me if you find out ;P22:01
ianm_RainCT: oh you'll hear about it... you already package my screenruler app ;)22:07
* directhex wonders who's about this evening22:12
* RainCT is to stupid to parse directhex's sentence :P22:14
Mithrandiryo, directhex22:15
directhexMithrandir! long time, no see. man, how long is it since i loitered in #debian-amd64?22:16
Mithrandirlong enough I have to look at another machine's irc logs. :-P22:17
Mithrandirhow's life?22:17
directhexgood, good! looking after a LOT of kit these days22:18
directhexworking on mono packaging in my spare time, it seems22:18
Mithrandiryeah, I've noticed you asking about bits and pieces22:18
Mithrandirkit> any fun, or just much of it?22:18
directhexMithrandir, ehm... a 128-box xeon cluster, a 128-box opteron cluster, a new 66-blade SGI cluster, and a 256-core itanium SGI box22:20
cjwatsonNCommander: k3b given back22:20
cjwatsondirecthex: ok, so what needs to go first?22:21
cjwatsondirecthex: mono itself?22:21
Mithrandirdirecthex: wow.22:22
directhexcjwatson, yes, that's the important one22:22
cjwatsondirecthex: is http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19799395/mono_2.0.1.orig.tar.gz definitely bitwise-identical to what will end up in Debian?22:22
directhexah. hm. let me triple-check that22:22
NCommanderhey cjwatson22:24
NCommandercjwatson, I dunno if you caught the conversation between me and doko, but I'm going to hold off any more KDE-core FTBFS fixes until Monday when Beta 1 gets uploaded22:24
* RainCT feels ignored by directhex *g*22:24
directhexRainCT, sorry22:25
cjwatsonNCommander: yeah, I saw, thanks22:26
RainCTdirecthex: heh just joking ;)22:26
directhexcjwatson, it seems not. shite. hold on...22:28
ianm_RainCT or others, is it hard to make a PPA .deb of a C app that uses a version of the liblo library that isn't in the repos yet? (0.25)22:33
Mithrandirianm_: it requires the liblo package to be uploaded to the PPA too22:33
ianm_Mithrandir: would that interfere with enduser systems at all?22:34
Mithrandirianm_: the newer version would obviously be installed on the user's system.22:34
Mithrandirassuming it works fine, that's not a problem22:34
ianm_two versions of the same library installed is ok?22:35
Mithrandirif the soname is different, yes.22:37
cjwatsondirecthex: there's at least one Ubuntu change missing here22:38
cjwatson+     + libmono-mozilla0.2-cil: Drop libgluezilla to Suggests, it is in universe22:38
cjwatson+       and pulls in the old xulrunner.22:38
ianm_RainCT: there's also this http://code.google.com/p/ehci/22:39
directhexcjwatson, gluezilla no longer needs xul 1.8. i'll file a MIR22:39
cjwatsonah yes, so it doesn't22:40
cjwatsondirecthex: what about the doc directory symlinking?22:41
directhexcjwatson, the patch for it is badly written and will never be accepted in debian. given the multi-meg savings elsewhere, i don't see it as a good reason to merge instead of syncing, for the sake of tens of k22:42
cjwatsonI think it was more like 1.8MB, as it happens, though less compressed22:45
cjwatsonbut I'm OK with that rationale given that the number of binary packages is shrinking (isn't it?)22:46
directhexthe number produced is *increasing*. the number needed for tomboy/f-spot is decreasing by about 50%22:47
cjwatsonoh, hmm22:47
cjwatsonI suppose it's more the latter we care about22:48
cjwatsonas written the patch goes to more work than it needs to, certainly (I think it came from an implementation in cdbs); I would suggest that you should consider the idea (not necessarily the specific implementation) in Debian anyway, since symlinking documentation directories to a common base package is a perfectly reasonable thing to do there too22:49
directhexyes, i'll add it to the TODO22:50
RainCTianm_: thanks :)22:50
cjwatsondirecthex: ta22:50
RainCTianm_: btw, have you tried out touchlib/tbeta?22:51
directhexcjwatson, i don't think me or meebey realised the little issue w/ gzip reproducibility. i'm asking him to upload a copy of what will be uploaded to debian.22:56
cjwatsonoh, upstream only releases bz2, I see22:56
directhexi wonder if the debian archive will properly handle bz2 any time soon22:58
cjwatsonshould do with dpkg-source v322:58
cjwatsoniirc, anyway22:59
NCommanderdirecthex, Debian has handled bzr2 for ages23:00
NCommanderI think they even handle lzma23:01
directhexNCommander, *all* of it? iirc some of the toolchain has gaps23:01
cjwatsonNCommander: not as orig.tar compression methods23:01
cjwatsonwhich is the matter at hand23:01
NCommanderI was fairly sure this feature was properly implemented23:02
NCommanderIf not, well, I have a dak installation + source23:02
* NCommander queues the evil laugh23:02
cjwatsonit's rather easy to verify that it is not supported by Debian; you could for example search for files ending with .orig.tar.bz2 in a Debian mirror ...23:03
NCommandermy mistake23:04
NCommanderI was sure it was supported though :-/23:04
ianm_RainCT: not yet23:04
NCommandercjwatson, I thought I already admitted they are not supported ;-)23:06
cjwatsonjust some verification23:07
directhexcjwatson, shall i upload the new orig to the LP bug? wait, i need to re-do the dsc too don't i23:08
cjwatsondirecthex: don't worry about the dsc23:08
cjwatsondirecthex: either upload it there or give me a URL23:08
RainCTianm_: do you know if there's some .deb with OpenCV 1.1?23:13
ianm_RainCT: nope.  I got the same "Requested 'opencv >= 1.1.0' but version of OpenCV is 1.0.0"23:14
* RainCT sighs and installs CVS23:14
cjwatsondirecthex: hmm, does this have stuff stripped out of the tarball as well as simply changing the compression type?23:15
directhexcjwatson, no, not anymore. the +dfsg was previously due to some non-dfsg-free licenses on some code (a CC license, i forget which). it was relicensed to expat at meebey's request23:15
cjwatsondirecthex: meebey seems to have repacked the tar as well, though23:16
cjwatsonwhich seems a bit gratuitous?23:16
directhexyes, i've told him off about that. he'll be using bunzip2 | gzip in future23:16
directhexapparently it never used to be an issue, which is technically true...23:17
cjwatsonit's not an issue as such, it just makes it more effort to independently verify the status of divergence from upstream23:18
directhexif there's no +dfsg on it, assume it's just a workflow glitch by meebey23:19
cjwatson"independently verify" ;-)23:20
cjwatson(I've already checked myself23:20
madduckkirkland: why would a user not want to assemble a degraded array?23:32
madduckanyway i need to sleep. we'll talk again, thanks for the explanation! :)23:33
cjwatsondirecthex: mono uploaded23:37
cjwatsondirecthex: what else can/should be done in the first stage before that builds?23:37
cjwatsondirecthex: libgdiplus?23:38
directhexcjwatson, yes, please sync it23:38
directhexcjwatson, i know it's possible to use mismatched versions of some packages like libgdiplus, but i don't know if there are side-effects23:38
cjwatsondirecthex: do you want to keep bug 300133 open to track this, or shall I close it?23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300133 in mono "Mono 2.0.1 package (triggers major packaging transition, please read in full)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30013323:39
directhexcjwatson, close it - i'm tracking it on wiki.debian.org, and i don't want to crapflood people who aren't me by tracking 90 packages from one bug23:39
directhexcjwatson, thanks very much for your help23:40
cjwatsondirecthex: done23:41
cjwatsondirecthex: xsp/mod-mono/mono-debugger now or later?23:42
directhexcjwatson, is dep-wait a problem in the real archive?23:42
cjwatsonin what sense?23:42
directhexxsp can't build until 2.0 is there, i was under the impression uploading unbuildable source was frowned upon in debianland23:43
cjwatsonI'm not aware of that being a problem for either Debian or Ubuntu23:43
directhexreally? perhaps i'm just paranoid then23:44
cjwatsonnot a problem in Debian at any rate23:44
cjwatsonnot a problem in UBUNTU at any rate23:44
cjwatsondirecthex: same question for the .orig.tar.gz files in those three bugs, then23:45
directhexcjwatson, i've asked meebey to grab them and use them as his own23:45
cjwatsondirecthex: has he said yes? just want to avoid sync problems in the future23:45
directhexi'm double-checking23:46
cjwatsondirecthex: I think I need to go to bed though, maybe I should stop here and resume tomorrow23:47
directhexcjwatson, understood. i'll try and get monodoc ready by then - didn't get a chance tonight23:47

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